Liquid waterproofing materials for floors. Which materials are better

High-quality floor waterproofing will help make your home dry, warm and cozy. The modern construction market offers a huge variety of materials with which the floor can be protected from moisture. Liquid waterproofing agents that create a seamless, reliable coverage and penetrate even into hard-to-reach corners of rooms.

All moisture protective agents can be divided into 3 large groups: rolled, mastic and liquid materials. The latter option is becoming increasingly popular today due to the following advantages:

  1. Firstly, liquid formulations features high elasticity. This means that they can be used even in a newly built house; after the building shrinks, the moisture-proof layer will not be damaged. Due to its flexibility, the material is able to withstand significant water pressure, reaching 25 atmospheres.
  2. Liquid waterproofing for floors is not afraid groundwater, ultraviolet radiation and many other negative environmental factors.
  3. Such materials are environmentally friendly and can be safely used in residential areas.
  4. Unlike mastics, in the component composition liquid waterproofing there are no volatile substances that evaporate during the drying process and reduce the thickness of the moisture-protective layer.
  5. Working with such substances is much easier than with rolled and mastic analogues. Liquid compositions are easily applied to the surface and penetrate even into hard-to-reach areas: corners, seams, crevices, etc.
  6. Absolutely any type of base can be covered with such waterproofing. Moreover, the membrane layer will protect the structure not only from water and moisture, but also from corrosion and temperature fluctuations.
  7. The drying time of the materials is very short.
  8. Despite the fact that the price of liquid floor waterproofing is relatively high, the long service life of the coating will justify all the costs. In addition, you can apply the insulation yourself. Firstly, it is not at all difficult, and secondly, it will save on wages for hired workers.
  9. Liquid compositions can be used in any premises and in exterior finishing work.

Do-it-yourself liquid waterproofing of floors: types of materials and methods of applying them

Hot waterproofing

This type of work involves the use special materials, heated to high temperature. There are 2 types of hot insulation: asphalt-polymer and asphalt. Substances that are used in this case are bitumen, asphalt concrete or pitch. After hardening, the materials acquire good elasticity, strength, and bending resistance. The coating is durable and reliable, although it is not often found in apartments. Hot cast waterproofing is mostly used in private homes.

The work of applying hot bitumen to the base can be described in the following sequence:

  1. First, all debris, dust and other contaminants are removed from the floor.
  2. The surface is then carefully inspected for defects. Joints between slabs, cracks, crevices and other recesses must be sealed with sealants.
  3. The floor is left until it is completely dry. To speed up this process, they often resort to high-power heating devices, for example, they use infrared heaters or gas burners.
  4. The dried surface must be primed. For this purpose, hot bitumen is used, which is applied to the floor in a thin layer.
  5. If the waterproofing will cover only part of the room, work area separated from the rest of the area using formwork.
  6. When the preliminary work is completed, the selected material is heated to the desired temperature. As a rule, such information is indicated on the product packaging.
  7. Then the heated composition is poured onto the surface and distributed with a squeegee, forming an even layer.
  8. The hot composition is allowed to harden completely.
  9. If you need to make several layers, after the material has hardened, it is covered with another portion of hot bitumen and the surface is leveled in the same way with a squeegee.

Cold waterproofing

You can protect the floor from water and moisture using cold cast waterproofing. Materials used for carrying out similar works, can be divided into 2 main types: liquid glass and liquid rubber.

Liquid rubber is a material that is made on the basis of bitumen and includes various polymer additives. These additives give the finished coating greater elasticity, wear resistance, strength and durability. Calcium chloride is added to bitumen-polymer mixtures - it reduces the density of the substance and makes it possible to apply insulation by spraying. When adding calcium chloride to liquid rubber, it is first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, after which it is mixed with the other components.

You can work with liquid rubber only at a temperature of at least 3 °C and on a carefully prepared base. Since the material is available in different consistencies, there are several ways to apply it:

  1. The pouring method is considered the simplest and fastest. To implement it, you do not need special equipment, and when liquid rubber is poured onto the floor, it fills all the pores, crevices and cracks. The finished coating is even and smooth.
  2. Liquid rubber can be applied by spraying, but to implement this method you need to acquire special equipment. The coating created by spraying material onto the surface is of the highest quality, since the substance is fed under high pressure and fills even the smallest pores.
  3. Applying rubber using a coating method is the most affordable and common option. To waterproof the floor in this way, you should purchase a material with a paste consistency.

Let's consider the advantages of liquid rubber as a water-repellent agent:

  • this composition adheres well to any surface;
  • he is not afraid of the effects of aggressive chemicals;
  • the water-repellent layer is seamless, moisture will not seep through it anywhere;
  • Even old floors can be waterproofed with liquid rubber, they just need to be properly cleaned;
  • rubber has good elasticity, it is not afraid of shock loads and temperature changes;
  • it does not have a strong odor, is environmentally friendly, and is suitable for use in enclosed residential areas;
  • the material has a long service life.

The technology of waterproofing floors with liquid rubber can be described in the form of the following stages:

  1. First, the work surface needs to be prepared. To do this, the floor is leveled, cracks, chips, dents and other depressions in it are covered, and the protrusions are cut off and sanded. Then the base is cleaned of dust, dirt and debris.
  2. Then the surface is opened with a primer. To work with liquid rubber, it is better to use a primer similar in chemical composition to the waterproofing material. Such a product can be a polymer-bitumen solution, which will ensure good adhesion of the material to the floor. It is most convenient to apply the primer with a large brush or roller, after which it should be given time to dry completely.
  3. The next stage is coating the surface with liquid rubber. If waterproofing will be carried out by spraying, you need to acquire a compressor unit. Containers are connected to such a device, one of which contains a bitumen solution, and the other contains calcium chloride. During operation, both substances enter the compressor unit at the same time, which are sprayed onto the floor under high pressure and create a durable elastic film.
  4. If liquid rubber is applied bulk method, then simply pour it onto the prepared surface required quantity solution, and then level it with a squeegee. After this, they go over the floor with a needle roller to remove air bubbles from the thickness of the material.
  5. The substance hardens for about two days, when the floor is ready, you can begin laying the finishing materials.

When covering the floor with liquid rubber, it is advisable to also treat the lower part of the walls, water pipes and pipes.

Second remedy for cold waterproofing- This is liquid glass. In its consistency, the substance resembles the previous analogue, but the glass contains other components: soda, potassium or sodium silicate, as well as quartz sand. Waterproofing the floor liquid glass has a lot of advantages:

  1. This material has antiseptic properties, which means that fungi and mold will not grow in the room.
  2. The treated surface has excellent water-repellent characteristics. In addition, it turns out smooth and seamless.
  3. Another advantage of liquid glass is its antistatic properties.
  4. The material not only protects the floor from moisture and water, but also gives the concrete additional hardness and strength.
  5. Good adhesion and the ability to penetrate into the smallest pores of the base should also be considered among the advantages of this product.
  6. Liquid glass can be applied not only to concrete, but also to wood.
  7. Often, a waterproofing agent is added to liquid concrete to improve its water-repellent characteristics.
  8. The undeniable advantages of this material can be considered its affordable price and economical consumption.

Let's consider some of the disadvantages of liquid glass:

  1. A layer of such waterproofing requires mandatory arrangement decorative covering, otherwise the glass will break within 5 years.
  2. The material is not used for application to brickwork, because he spoils it from the inside.
  3. Glass is a fragile material that does not withstand impact loads well. This reason confirms the need for a finishing coating.
  4. You need to work with this product quickly, since the composition hardens in a matter of minutes.

Let us describe in detail the process of using liquid glass as a water-repellent material:

  1. Liquid glass is used in two ways: as an impregnation for already hardened concrete and as a component of fresh cement-sand mixture. In the first case, the consumption of the substance will be approximately 150-250 g/m². The glass is diluted with water to the desired consistency, after which it is applied to the surface in 3 layers. Thus, the composition penetrates into the pores of concrete to a depth of 10 cm and creates a waterproof layer.
  2. When adding the product to liquid concrete, it is added to the solution in a ratio of 1:8 or 1:10. Subsequently, concrete is used as a waterproofing agent, applying it to the floor using a coating method.

Penetrating waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing of the floor can be done using impregnating materials. They fill all the pores and holes on the working surface, penetrating into its thickness to a considerable depth. A floor treated in this way becomes durable and waterproof; cracks and efflorescence do not form on it.

The construction market offers consumers a wide variety of penetrating waterproofing products; we will consider one of them - the Penetron mixture. This product is a combination of cement, quartz sand and special chemical additives. Penetrating into the pores of concrete, Penetron crystallizes inside and creates waterproof barriers. The penetration depth of the substance reaches 50 cm, which is considered a very high indicator. Before applying the product, the floor is thoroughly moistened, and the better it is moistened, the faster and more active the crystallization process will occur.

"Penetron" is sold in the form of a powder with a homogeneous structure that does not contain impurities or lumps. Before use, this powder is diluted in water according to the instructions. The mixture is then applied to the surface and allowed to dry. “Penetron” begins to set 40 minutes after dissolving in water, and finally hardens after 3 hours. Start off finishing flooring can be done no earlier than 14 days after waterproofing the floor with this material.

The surface coated with such a product becomes stronger, acquires waterproof qualities and is not afraid of the effects of acidic and alkaline chemicals. Penetrating impregnation does not waterproof brick and masonry, as well as foam concrete and wood. Such compositions are applicable only for moisture protection of concrete foundations.

Waterproofing the floor- mandatory stage overhaul building, protecting the premises from moisture penetration. The use of specialized liquid solutions based on a combination of bitumen and polymers makes it possible to create elastic monolithic coatings that maintain constant strength over many years of operation. Due to the absence of any evaporation waterproofing the floor in the house can be performed indoors without danger to the performers of the work.

Floor waterproofing services

At the turn of the century, technology was developed treating the floor surface with liquid rubber, the essence of which boils down to applying a bitumen-polymer emulsion to the surface, which, when hardened, forms a membrane that is absolutely impenetrable to water due to its complete tightness.

Sprayed floor waterproofing

For waterproofing floors with liquid rubber indoors large area Compact and convenient Canadian spraying equipment is used. The floor must be leveled and primed before applying liquid rubber. The primer, in addition to ensuring better application of the main emulsion, provides filling of minor cracks and chips. After a short wait, the main layer of liquid rubber is applied.

In comparison with self-leveling and painting methods of coating, sprayed floor waterproofing It is characterized by ease of implementation and high productivity, which is especially important when processing large-sized surfaces. Mechanization of operations combined with guaranteed filling of irregularities and cracks allows the use of a universal method for processing smooth and curved surfaces.

Sprayable waterproofing concrete floor combines the advantages of special protective composition and universal technology for applying moisture-proof material. Proper execution operations is the key to successful treatment of floor surfaces. Advantages of sprayed waterproofing:

  • Simple application method;
  • Filling irregularities, seams and cracks;
  • Prompt hardening of the layer;
  • Formation of a seamless monolithic coating;
  • No need to warm up;
  • Environmental safety of the coating;
  • No toxic emissions;
  • Impermeability to water and steam;
  • Ideal coverage uniformity;
  • Resistance to intense hydrostatic loads;
  • Operational durability.

Waterproofing the floor with application of the composition by cold spray - practical and absolutely safe technological process. The use of standard technologies is associated with difficulties that arise when processing uneven bases. Sprayable waterproofing the floor in the house allows you to create an elastic coating that ideally fills any unevenness and cracks. Rapid formation of a seamless moisture-proof layer - major advantage spraying liquid rubber onto treated floor surfaces.

Surface preparation

Waterproofing concrete floor begins with preparing the base. After removing dirt and moisture, the surface is coated with a primer. One of the components is used for the primer bitumen-polymer waterproofing. Application of the emulsion without a hardener ensures the penetration of the material into the smallest pores and cracks of concrete with the formation of the thinnest bitumen-polymer film. For a high-quality result, it is necessary to prime all connections with the walls. The main layer is sprayed after the soil has completely dried.

Materials for waterproofing floors

Our company offers its clients to perform work only with high-quality Canadian-made emulsions.

For foundation waterproofing and floors, CreteSafe B-250 is recommended. In addition to protection against moisture, this material provides additional thermal insulation, which is very necessary on the first floors of buildings.

For additional insulation at fastening points building structures, seams, our company recommends using TrowelGrade B-400 waterproof sealant. Our price policy allows you to implement acceptable options for clients with any financial situation. There is a system of discounts and bonuses.

Working with our company, construction organizations and individuals receive:

  • high quality material, easy to use
  • perfect execution of work
  • advice and assistance from qualified specialists
  • convenient delivery and payment schemes.

The floor and walls must be protected carefully. Usage coating waterproofing will simplify the work and reduce time. Water will not be able to penetrate into wooden elements, and this will increase the period to repair work in the house. Which liquid waterproofing for floors and walls is more practical and economical will be discussed in this article. Readers will learn how to apply liquid insulation and what equipment is used for this.

Use liquid waterproofing to protect walls and floors wooden house more than 15 years. During this time, the materials showed themselves only with positive side. And the monolithic nature of the coating makes liquid material indispensable among other protective ones.
According to the application method, liquid insulation is divided into:

All methods refer to the cold method, so there is no need to use a burner or other heating equipment. This indicates the safety of application. The most effective method is spraying using special equipment.
Of course, the equipment is not cheap, but labor costs are significantly reduced. The workload of 3 people can easily be completed by 1 worker.

You can try to rent equipment from special tools rentals, but there it is only found in major cities. You can buy equipment for home treatment once, and the price for it will be worth all subsequent repairs.
Advantages of liquid waterproofing:

  1. The protective layer is elastic.
  2. Easy to close small cracks and cracks.
  3. Resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.
  4. Easily tolerates temperature changes and UV rays without losing its properties.
  5. When subjected to mechanical action, it restores its original shape by 95%.
  6. There is no need to use gas and cooking heating devices.
  7. 85% of the waterproofing sets within 1 hour.
  8. Guaranteed to last up to 25-30 years.

Types of liquid protection of floors and walls from water

There are several various types on a bitumen and bitumen-polymer basis with various additives. But rubber and glass received the most reviews. Let's take a closer look at them.

Liquid rubber to protect the elements of a wooden house

Liquid rubber is suitable for waterproofing walls and flooring, especially on the basement side. It has high hydro and sound insulation. The material has high adhesion to wood, and it is better to apply it using special equipment. Therefore, installation is mostly carried out by professionals. The owner only needs to determine the brand of material needed for a particular job.

You can buy these brands in 200 liter barrels. For example, liquid rubber Rapidflex, Technoprok.
There are varieties of liquid rubber that you can work with with a spatula or roller. These are applied by hand. You can buy these brands in 10 and 20 liter buckets, for example TechnoNIKOL or Slavyanka.

Liquid rubber is a bitumen emulsion diluted with water, so the material is environmentally friendly and does not have any foreign pungent odors.

Specifics of application to the floor

The floor can be treated with liquid rubber from the outside and inside. But it is worth considering that outer side treated with rubber will be black, so it is more advisable to use protection followed by a coating, such as laminate, linoleum or tile.

Liquid waterproofing for the floor with rubber is applied in one pass with a thickness of 1-2 mm. The surface is pre-cleaned of dust and leveled. If this is not done before waterproofing, then in the future the solidity of the surface will have to be disrupted. Material consumption will be 3-4 kg/m².

Application to walls

When treating the floor with rubber, it is necessary to waterproof part of the wall from the bottom by 20-30 cm. Such a scheme with rubber is especially necessary in bathrooms and kitchens, where the humidity is high and various leaks are possible. It is better to use Elastopaz or Elastomix brands for walls. The composition is applied manually, so you can waterproof the walls yourself. You can buy it in containers of 10 and 18 kg, consumption 3.5 kg per m2 of wall.

It is relevant to treat the walls with rubber in the basement and basement. Moreover, liquid rubber can be used both on internal and external walls. The material is applied at temperatures from +45 to -50 °C, so work can be performed at any time of the year.

More details on the treatment of the floor and part of the walls can be seen in the video:

Liquid glass to protect the elements of a wooden house

Liquid glass is a solution of water with potassium and sodium. Waterproofing is penetrating in its action. It does not create a film on the surface of walls and floors, but penetrates into the capillary system and hardens there. This creates a dense inner layer, which prevents moisture from penetrating into the wood. In addition to protective properties against water, the material has good antiseptic qualities. These properties are given to it by sodium silicate and potassium solution. Sodium crystallizes in wood and makes it resistant to moisture.

There are two types of such glass:

  1. Sodium.
  2. Potassium.

Sodium is capable of interacting with other mineral compounds. Waterproofing with liquid glass is used to treat basement walls, foundations and instead of antiseptics for wooden floors.

Potassium has greater crystallization and can withstand various mechanical damage. It is advisable to use this composition in wooden houses for treating walls and flooring.

Liquid glass technology

Before application, the glass composition must be diluted with water. To cover the floor and walls when treating a wooden house, you will need a little composition, since the consumption of liquid glass is a maximum of 300 g per m2.

Floor insulation in a wooden house

For guard cement screed when they build timber house you need to add liquid glass to concrete mixture in a ratio of 1x10. This coating is used for screeding basement floors, garages, and swimming pools.

If the floor is wooden, then the application technology is carried out using a brush or roller. The process is reminiscent of silicotization. When applied, the material quickly absorbs into the wood and creates a protective layer there. The floor can be treated inside the house and from the basement side. At the same time, do not forget about the logs, which also need to be impregnated with liquid glass before installation. The composition is applied to the floor in 3 layers.

Wall treatment

The technology for applying it to walls is little different from flooring using a brush and roller. For example, by covering the timber with liquid glass, you can seal small cracks after shrinkage, which will be difficult to caulk. It is convenient to cover walls not only in the house, but also in bathhouses and basements. Foundation walls are also often covered with a mixture of concrete and liquid glass.

Before applying to the walls, they must be leveled and, if this is an old structure, the paint or varnish must be removed. Then the surface is degreased with ordinary alcohol. For maximum deep penetration at 15-20 mm it is necessary to apply the composition in 2 layers. When treating walls from the street side, the work can be made easier by using a spray gun. It is not recommended to apply the material to the walls in this way inside. When applying liquid glass, be sure to use protective equipment: respirators, gloves and safety glasses.

Price for various liquid waterproofing

You can buy liquid waterproofing at any hardware store. The price of formulations depends on several factors:

  1. Brand, so TechnoNikol compositions are almost 2 times more expensive than Slavyanka.
  2. Volume, so the composition in a barrel costs 1 kg less than a 10 liter bucket.
  3. Party, all manufacturing companies offer to buy in bulk.
  4. The composition and various synthetic additives are not cheap and the price of waterproofing varies.
  5. Impregnating compounds are several times cheaper than liquid rubber.
  6. In an online store, the compounds are cheaper, since the seller does not have to overpay by hiring a large staff and renting retail space.
  7. You can buy cheaper waterproofing through advertisements; many people put up for sale the remains after building their house.
  8. Imported manufacturers offer to buy their compounds at an inflated price, since they fall on Russian market They are through several repurchase sites.

The average price for waterproofing is presented in the table:

For greater efficiency, the floors and walls of the basement and basement of the house can be coated with two compounds. First, liquid glass is applied to the cleaned surface and after it has completely dried, liquid rubber is sprayed. Such a cake made from liquid waterproofing is not afraid of even a flood.

For simple country house You can use cheap liquid glass, but for a private residential building it is better to use monolithic rubber.

Floor waterproofing with liquid rubber today is the most effective, environmentally friendly and economical way quickly and efficiently make a vapor-waterproof sound-absorbing coating.

All that remains is to choose the method of waterproofing and which brand of liquid rubber is best for your floor.

In both cases, the quality of the floor waterproofing can be checked by spilling. Pour water and leave for 48 hours - there should be no leakage.

The Technoprok company always has everything you need to independently apply the technology of liquid floor waterproofing in an apartment, in a country house or at a production facility (automated or manually).

If you want professionals to waterproof your floor, then the portfolio Russian companies, specializing in waterproofing work with liquid rubber, on the website in the “Works” section. The price for the entire range of works on waterproofing your floor is determined by the companies independently.

Bituminous floor waterproofing Price of work with liquid rubber

If you do the work yourself, then floor waterproofing price corresponds to the cost of liquid rubber. If you hire a third-party company, we add the price for the application work, and then the price for waterproofing the floor includes both the work and a markup on materials. You can save a little money if you buy the materials yourself and pay the contractor only for the work. But then we should not forget about the costs of delivering liquid rubber directly to the apartment or country house.

Floor waterproofing price liquid rubber is calculated using the formula:

(KKACH x PriceJR [rub/kg] + PriceRAB [rub/m2]) x Sfloor [m2]

  • Price ZhR - the price of liquid rubber (Technoprok, Rapidflex, Elastopaz or Elastomix) per 1 kg.
  • PriceRAB - the price of waterproofing the floor with liquid rubber per 1m2. This value depends on the region, on the volume of work, on the season, etc. In the 2014 season, on average in Russia it is 247 rubles.
  • Sfloor - floor area in m2.
  • KKACH is the quality coefficient of floor waterproofing, its value is from 3 to 6. The higher the value, the higher the quality - decide for yourself.

To find out the current prices for liquid rubber for waterproofing the floor in your home, i.e. determine the parameter ZhR Price, .

If, after calculation, you think that our prices for your apartment are expensive, then compare the alternative option using parameters such as:

  1. Does the material need to be heated during application? - Risk of fire.
  2. Do I need to level the floor before installing steam and waterproofing? — Add. work.
  3. Do I have to wait weeks or months for the smell to dissipate?
  4. What functional qualities are required from waterproofing the floor in your apartment?

If you want to save money, you can waterproof the bitumen floor with cheap solvent-based mastics (you don’t mind the workers who breathe in this), and then lay screed, tiles or laminate on top. After a month or more, the smell will remain. And then... open the floor, break the screed, change the waterproofing .

In 90% of cases, floor waterproofing is carried out inside residential, administrative or utility premises, i.e. where people will always be. Therefore, environmental issues come to the fore. And not every material whose smell can be tolerated on the street is suitable for interior work. For the purpose of waterproofing the floor in an apartment, private house or cottage, it is better to use environmentally friendly liquid rubber bitumen emulsions on water based.

Liquid bitumen waterproofing for large floor areas

In essence, liquid rubber is bitumen waterproofing gender, because All materials are dispersions of bitumen in water. These are either direct or reverse water-based bitumen-polymer emulsions, without solvents and volatile substances.

Let us repeat, “water-based” means that all such materials do not contain solvents, therefore there are no dangerous emissions, they are odorless.

Liquid rubbers Rapidflex and TECHNOPROC are direct water-based bitumen-polymer emulsions for automated two-component application.

The consistency is liquid. Rapidflex and Technoprok are supplied in 200 kg barrels. Consumption for floor waterproofing is from 3.5 to 4 kg/m. The material is applied in 1 pass only using special equipment for liquid rubber.

When it dries, it turns out seamless coating with high elasticity and adhesion to concrete surfaces. Such waterproofing of the apartment floor is also an effective interfloor vapor barrier.

Bitumen-polymer emulsions Rapidflex and Technoprok are recommended for use if you need to quickly waterproof floors over large areas: hundreds - thousands - tens of thousands of square meters ( industrial building, shopping centers, residential complexes, large cottages).

Waterproofing the apartment floor

If we are talking about waterproofing a floor over an area of ​​less than a hundred meters or several tens of meters or several meters, and the insulated surface is divided into several sections, then the work can be done manually, without installation. It will be cheaper than hiring a company or buying equipment. A striking example— waterproofing a bathroom with your own hands.

Liquid rubber Elastopaz is a water-based reverse bitumen-polymer emulsion for one-component manual application.

The consistency is like paste. ELASTOPAZ are supplied in 18kg buckets. Recommended consumption - from 3.5 kg/m2.

These compounds are excellent for waterproofing floors in the house, on a balcony, loggia or terrace. Convenient to use for waterproofing floors in an apartment, bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bathhouse, shower room, basement, etc.

To speed up drying, Elastopaz mastic should be applied in layers. For example, 4 kg/m2 is more correct to apply in 2 passes.

Waterproofing a floor in a private country house

As a rule, when it comes to waterproofing a floor in a country house, it concerns a relatively small area of ​​several tens of square meters.

Liquid rubber - universal material, which is both steam and sound and waterproofing. Vapor barrier is relevant if waterproofing the floor of the first floor, under which there is a basement. If the basement is damp, then the waterproofing of the floor of the 1st floor should not only not allow water to pass from above to bottom if it spills on the floor, but also protect against dampness from the basement, preventing steam from bottom to top.

Liquid bitumen floor waterproofing covers the base with a seamless, elastic, impervious carpet. The material is hygienically clean, dries quickly, completely odorless (floor waterproofing work can be carried out even in a residential apartment without evicting residents), no solvents are required, because All liquid rubbers are water-based.

Bitumen waterproofing of the floor in the house

Liquid rubber will allow you to obtain a seamless, monolithic waterproof membrane with excellent adhesion, which will ideally follow the topography of the floor. But it should be remembered that this is just waterproofing the floor, and not a finishing coating. Those. On top of a waterproof rubber blanket, as a rule, it is necessary to lay tiles, make a screed, lay boards, etc.

Liquid rubbers can be used to waterproof not only concrete base, which in most cases for modern construction is the floor (floor slab or screed). It is also possible to waterproof the floor in wooden house. For this “special case” it is necessary to take into account some features of the technology. It is not difficult and such solutions have long been developed at Technoprok.

If you raise the waterproofing layer by 150...200mm along the walls, you will get a waterproof rubber caisson that will never allow water to pass down.

Using special equipment, it is possible to actually perform waterproofing floors sprayed liquid rubber on an area of ​​up to 1000 m2 in just 8...10 hours, with the help of 3-4 people. If it is necessary to treat the floor on several square meters in the bathroom, on the balcony, in the garage, etc., then doing it manually will be easier, cheaper, and faster than hiring a company to install it.

Technoprok company materials provide quick waterproofing in combination with high quality, because a seamless waterproof fabric is formed with excellent adhesion to concrete or the base of a wooden house.

Wood (a universal and widely used building material) needs reliable and long-term protection. Conventional ones, which are mainly used for these purposes, are susceptible to cracking and peeling over time. Rubber paint for wood, which has recently appeared on the construction market, is free of these disadvantages due to its unique composition. High consumer and technical indicators contribute to its growing popularity, especially in individual construction.

Features of the composition

The term "rubber-based paint for wood" is not entirely correct in relation to this protective coating. Rather, it determines the properties and technical performance of a given product. In fact, the latter consists of:

  • acrylic - the main synthetic polymer binder that forms protective film on the treated surface;
  • latex, which is obtained chemically from artificial rubber (it is this that gives the coating super-elastic properties);
  • coalescent (for better film formation);
  • pigments that give the composition a certain color;
  • water as a solvent;
  • antifreeze, which significantly increases the frost resistance of the coating;
  • special additives and fillers that increase the resistance of the composition to aggressive environments (salts, alkalis, etc.);
  • antiseptic components that prevent the formation of fungi and mold.

Although almost all ingredients (with the exception of water) are produced through various chemical reactions, the final composition is absolutely environmentally friendly, safe for humans and environment and complies with all necessary standards and regulations.

Main characteristics

Rubber paints for wood are characterized by:

  • waterproof;
  • high resistance to daily and seasonal temperature changes;
  • good adhesion with all building materials made of wood (timber, plywood, boards, fiberboard, chipboard, and so on);
  • durability (guaranteed service life while maintaining the protective properties of the coating for up to 10 years or more);
  • high elasticity;
  • good vapor permeability (which has a beneficial effect on the “breathing” properties of wooden structures);
  • high mechanical strength and resistance to abrasion (especially rubber for wood);
  • increased anti-slip properties (which significantly increases safety when using, for example, stairs);
  • resistance to negative influence ultraviolet radiation (the coating does not change color for a very long time);
  • fairly economical consumption at high layer density (although this figure is higher than that of traditional analogues);
  • ease of application;
  • high drying speed;
  • possibility of application to cracked surfaces (without prior putty);
  • lack of odor;
  • simplicity further care using any household detergents.


It is unlikely that you will be able to find modern market high-tech and innovative building materials, at least one product that has no disadvantages. Likewise, rubber paint has them, although there are very few of them:

  • the treated surface will be matte (a glossy shine cannot be obtained due to the components included in the composition);
  • the price of such coatings is higher compared to standard (alkyd, acrylic or oil) compositions.

Application area

Rubber wood paint for exterior use is successfully used in landscaping protective coating:

  • external facades and technological building elements of supports, etc.) buildings for various purposes(from residential country house to the garage or shed);
  • fences and fences;
  • plank floors (on open terraces, gazebos and balconies);
  • elements of stairs (steps, railings, balusters and supporting structures);
  • decking and platforms designed for ease of use of artificial and natural reservoirs;

  • children's playgrounds and sandboxes;
  • hulls and elements of boats, boats and yachts.

Surface preparation

Naturally, the most optimal solution arranging a protective layer - applying rubber paint for wood outdoors on new or recently built buildings and structures. The pores of the building material are not yet clogged with dust, dirt or other foreign matter. Durability will only benefit from this.

Old surfaces planned for processing must first be thoroughly cleaned using a spatula or scraper, and then wire brush or a special attachment for an electric drill.

Application method

Almost all manufacturers of rubber paints for wood for outdoor use recommend following conditions carrying out work, the observance of which will ensure the preservation of the protective properties of the coating during the warranty period:

  • The ambient temperature should be in the range from +5° to +30°C (the interlayer and final drying time indicated on the packaging is usually for +20°C).
  • Humidity - do not exceed 80%.

For application you can use any painting tools: brushes, rollers, spray guns and other mechanical sprayers.

Before use, the paint must be mixed thoroughly. When using sufficiently large volumes, this procedure must be repeated periodically.

Since rubber paint for wood is usually applied in 2-3 layers, it is necessary to strictly observe the time interval between them recommended by the manufacturer.

Main manufacturers

Russian manufacturers of various paint and varnish products appreciated the advantages of the new protective coating and quite quickly mastered the development and production of such products. Rubber paints for wood are most widely represented on the construction market from Super Decor, Master Good, Balticolor, Rezolux, Dali, LKM USSR, Tekhnoprok.

Naturally, every trademark applies his individual “recipe” for production and technological features production. However, everyone strictly adheres to the requirements to ensure the safety of people and the environment.

Varieties and prices

The color range of compositions currently sold is quite diverse. Some manufacturers have the number of shades finished products reaches 20. From those who supply products in basic white or light gray, you can either order a specific shade from the catalog, or purchase tinting pigments separately and engage in independent “design creativity.” It all depends only on personal preferences and time, which is sometimes so lacking for aesthetic experiments.

Based on their purpose, such coatings can be divided into three main groups:

  • universal (for application to walls and other wooden structures various buildings);
  • increased wear resistance (for floors and;
  • highly specialized (for wooden means movement on water).

The price of such products depends on the area of ​​application, composition and manufacturer. Thus, a can (3 kg) of universal paint VD-AK-103 (base color) from Technoprok will cost 600-700 rubles. Approximately the same price for products from Dali. But, for example, the same amount of finished color products (for a similar purpose) from Super Decor (consumption 120-250 ml/m², complete hardening time - a week, technological break between layers - 1.5-3 hours) will cost 850- 950 rubles. Moreover, only imported components are used for its production (according to the manufacturer itself).

Products from German Remmers, Spanish Lepanto or Canadian Liquid Rubber will cost much more.

For wooden boats, boats and yachts

  • protection from the aggressive influence of salt water;
  • preventing the bottom from fouling with algae and microorganisms, which significantly reduce speed and increase fuel consumption;
  • increasing adhesion during operation in conditions of increased vibration.

Due to increased operational requirements, the price of such products is higher than their analogues for general construction use. Manufacturers producing such highly specialized products: Norwegian Star Maling, Russian Balticolor and LKM USSR, and American Overton’s and Totalboat.


Modern rubber paints for wood, reviews from users who have already used these products in practice are mostly positive, and fully correspond to the stated characteristics. Prerequisites that must be met:

  • when choosing, take into account the purpose of a specific product (for example, only for vertical surfaces, for the floor, or for boats);
  • when using, strictly follow all manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the packaging.