How to clean the refrigerator inside and out. The procedure in this case is simple.

Not all household chemicals are suitable. Inside the unit is in contact with food products Therefore, aggressive chemicals should not be used. The outer walls and the door outside have another peculiarity: if the refrigerator is standing by the stove, drops of fat fall on it, which are then difficult to wash off. And washing with a hard sponge damages enamel or stainless steel surfaces. To get rid of dirt and all kinds of stains on the refrigerator, you can use gentle, but effective purchased and folk remedies.

It is advisable to wash each purchased item before the first use, especially the refrigerator, because it will contain food. It is not known in what conditions it was stored and transported until it got into the house. It can contain not only dust, but also industrial chemicals. Although the refrigerator looks clean on the outside, it has been through many hands that bacteria and germs may have left behind.

Before first use, it is enough to wash all parts of the refrigerator with soap and water, dishwashing detergent or soda solution. In the latter case, bred 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of soda in a liter of water and a sponge with this composition wipe all surfaces, drawers, shelves and grates. After washing, rinse everything with clean water and wipe dry with a rag or napkin. And only after the unit is completely dry, it can be connected to the outlet and lay out the products.

Clean new refrigerator using abrasive cleaners is not worth it. It has not yet had time to get dirty with household stains, and solid particles can leave scratches.

If you want to disinfect the shelves and the inside of the refrigerator, you can wipe them with alcohol wipes, which are sold in pharmacies, or a wipe moistened with vodka. An alternative to alcohol is vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

How and with what to wash the refrigerator?

Not all products are stored in the refrigerator in the package. Therefore, only non-toxic products should become assistants in washing. The most delicate way is to regularly and often wipe all shelves and walls with a damp sponge and wipe dry. Stains are rubbed with soap or soda. If they are not washed immediately, it is better to soak them with water than to use aggressive chemicals.

Outside, the refrigerator can be washed by any means: soap, soda, dishwashing detergent, special cleaning preparations. It is advisable to use a soft sponge so as not to leave scratches.

After washing, all plastic and enameled surfaces must be wiped dry. If you leave them wet, they may develop streaks and streaks. Microfiber cloths or non-woven wipes work best for wiping, while cotton and paper towels leave fibers behind.

Recently, such a novelty as (melamine eraser) has appeared in stores. She does great with different types pollution even without chemicals - it is enough to moisten it with water. The composition of the sponge includes foamed melamine resin and synthetic microfibers. They act as a mild abrasive, penetrating even the most small cracks and cleaning out dirt and grease.

The hostesses immediately took the novelty into service, but the doctors are wary of it. The effects of melamine on the body are not yet well understood. It is known that it does not cause allergic reactions, but the ingestion of small particles of material into the body is undesirable. They can accumulate in the kidneys and lead to kidney stones. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude any contact of the sponge with food, and wear rubber gloves during work. The refrigerator can only be cleaned with a melamine sponge from the outside.

A stainless steel refrigerator should only be cleaned with a soft cloth or sponge, even if it is heavily soiled. The hard side of the sponge and any abrasive products leave scratches. Even if at first they are invisible, appearance refrigerator will gradually deteriorate. The surface is wiped with a solution of vinegar or soda, then wiped dry paper towel and polish. It is necessary to determine the direction of the fibers and carry out movements along them: only left-right or up-down. Then the refrigerator will shine more, cracks will not appear on it. Any liquid oil (vegetable, mineral, baby) is suitable for polishing a stainless steel refrigerator. If you wipe the surface with a cloth with a few drops of oil, it will shine brighter. But the oil layer, even imperceptible to the touch, gets dirty faster, dirt sticks to it better.

An effective folk remedy for removing stains on the refrigerator is toothpaste. She is smeared small plot and leave for 5-10 minutes, and then rub the stain with a sponge or toothbrush. The paste contains an abrasive, but its particles are so small that they do not even damage tooth enamel.

How to remove different types of pollution?

Ordinary household dirt on the refrigerator is easily washed off with detergents, but some stains turn into a real problem. The most difficult thing is to get rid of drops of fat and soot, stickers and yellowness on the enamel and plastic parts of the refrigerator. This will require special tools.

Fat and soot

If the refrigerator is next to the stove, splashes of fat from the pan fall on it. Over time, they harden and absorb dirt. The cleaning method depends on how long ago the stains were left. It is advisable to wash off the fat immediately after cooking. If the drops have not had time to harden, they are washed off with soap and water, dishwashing detergent or soda. It is more difficult to clean the refrigerator when the fat has stuck for a long time and mixed with soot.

There are many grease removers available in stores. Housewives have proven themselves such brands as Anti-fat, Shumanit, Cillit Bang and the like. They are much more active than soda, but to remove chronic fat Still, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Dried fat on the refrigerator is first soaked warm water, soda or soapy water, then it will be easier to remove the drops. Should not be scrubbed greasy spots metal sponge - it is easy to leave scratches on enamel, especially on stainless steel. If u use mechanical way removal, you can gently scrape the refrigerator with a knife. You need to hold it at an acute angle to the surface, not scratching, but prying drops.

A grill is also suitable for removing stubborn stains and drops of fat. They are sprayed with pollution, left for 15 - 20 minutes, and then washed off with soap and water.


The plastic parts and the enamel of the refrigerator turn yellow either due to the formation of plaque or due to changes in the composition of the material (for example, due to sun rays). In the first case, normal washing with detergent or soda is suitable.

The stores sell special whitening sprays for plastic. They not only remove yellowness, but also protect the surface in the future, creating a film on it. You can also bleach an old refrigerator with folk remedies:

  1. Washing powder and soda in equal proportions. The mixture is diluted with water to a liquid consistency and left on the surface for at least 2 hours. Then the refrigerator is washed with clean water and wiped dry. This method is suitable for delicate color restoration.
  2. Chlorine bleach. The most efficient, but also the most time-consuming way. While plastic crates can simply be soaked in a bleach solution, vertical walls and this method will not work for the door. The bleach must be in contact with the surface for several hours: at least 2, and preferably 5-10, otherwise the result will not justify the effort. Walls can be plastered with napkins soaked in bleach and covered with cling film, securing it on top and pressing it tightly against the walls. Then the structure will not slide down, and the water will not evaporate. Chlorine smells strongly and emits toxic fumes, so ventilation must be taken care of during the entire processing.
  3. Stain remover for plastic. They can be found in the departments for auto chemicals or in hardware stores.
  4. Vinegar essence. Ordinary table vinegar has a slight whitening effect, but a concentration of 3% or 6% is too weak to remove old yellowness. Therefore, they take vinegar essence, which contains 70 - 80% acetic acid. You need to work with it with gloves, as such a concentrate leaves burns and irritation on the skin. The essence is wiped with yellowed areas, and then washed off. You don't need to leave it in the fridge for a long time.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. The whitening effect of pharmacy (3%) peroxide is weak, so wiping should be applied frequently and regularly. You can make a more saturated composition that will act more actively. To do this, take dry hydroperite and dilute it with water until completely dissolved. Hydroperit tablets are sold in pharmacies. Inexpensive hair lighteners contain hydroperite powder as one of the components. It is inserted in a separate package in the package and is also suitable for restoring the whiteness of the refrigerator after dissolving in water.


The door and side walls of the refrigerator are often decorated with stickers. Over time, their edges fray, and the homemade design gets boring. If the sticker is torn off, a sticky stain remains in its place, which is not easy to clean off.

The main task is to soften the dried glue, then it will be easier to lag behind the surface. Soak the stain with vinegar vegetable oil or alcohol and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. To prevent liquid from flowing down the door, a napkin is placed on top. After that, the stain is washed with a soapy sponge. To soften the glue, heating with a hairdryer is also suitable. jet warm air point at the stain and hold until the glue is heated. Then it can be easily removed with a piece of plastic, and wash the remnants of the stain. Stickers can be easily removed with acetone or other solvents. But it is better not to use them for the refrigerator - the enamel may be damaged.

It happens that the refrigerator doors are almost completely filled with stickers, cleaning them with improvised means is long and tiring. Then specially designed tools that are sold in hardware stores will come to the rescue. They thoroughly soften the glue, but it still has to be removed mechanically, although the process will be greatly simplified.


If there is an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, and there are no spoiled foods, mold may have appeared. is a fungus that thrives in damp environments without ventilation. It manifests itself as spots or plaque of black and dark gray. It must be dealt with immediately, as soon as the first signs are detected. Mold fungus is not only a household nuisance, but also a health hazard. If inhaled, it can cause allergic diseases.

Hardware stores sell mold-killing products, but they are not suitable for the refrigerator. As a rule, they contain chlorine compounds, and their contact with food products is unacceptable - chlorine is poisonous. Therefore, to combat mold in the refrigerator, it is better to use folk remedies:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water);
  • table vinegar;
  • essential oil of monarda or tea tree (a few drops in a quarter cup of water);
  • medical antifungal drugs.

Any agent is liberally applied to the mold colony. Then you need to wait half an hour or an hour for the fungus to die. The surface is washed with soap and water until no traces of mold remain. If they cannot be removed the first time, it is better not to rub with force, but to repeat the chemical treatment.

How to properly clean a freezer?

Before washing freezer, the thermostat must be set to zero, then disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply and wait until it is completely defrosted. It is not recommended to accelerate the process by heating: the temperature contrast has a negative effect on the plastic. It will not deteriorate instantly, but it will imperceptibly and gradually become covered with microcracks and turn yellow, which reduces the service life.

The freezer is wiped with a solution of soda (a teaspoon per liter of water), then the remnants of the product are washed off with clean water and wiped dry. After that, leave the refrigerator with the door open for at least half an hour. During this time, even the smallest particles of moisture will evaporate. The smaller it is, the longer the frost will not appear.

How to clean the inside of a refrigerator so that it pleases not only the eyes, but also the sense of smell? Smells and pollution follow us everywhere, and in a snow-white refrigerator with its transparent shelves and bright light bulbs, these negative aspects are visible better than anywhere else. But it is extremely important to process equipment not only for beauty, but also for disinfection. After all, the refrigerator stores various products that we consume ourselves and feed our children.

Basic rules for processing equipment

Basic processing rules refrigeration technology are familiar to everyone, but very often, due to lack of time, we neglect them, exposing the refrigerator to serious malfunctions in the future. It is clear that a busy work schedule or a nimble triplets in diapers introduces its own adjustments to planned cleanings. But for the good of the family and the kitchen unit, it is still necessary to outline a specific schedule for processing the refrigerator chambers:

  • the first thing you need to do is to arrange regular cleaning of equipment, then you will not have to suffer with either old stains or smells, and even more so with ice buildup;
  • the refrigerator from the inside must be processed in an empty state, you should not hastily shift all the products from shelf to shelf in order to quickly wipe the glossy shelves. When withdrawing products, you involuntarily pay attention to the appearance and expiration date, thereby protecting yourself and your equipment from pathogenic bacteria;
  • before washing, it is extremely important to disconnect the device from the mains, and it is advisable not only to turn the regulator to the “Off” position, but also to unplug the cord from the outlet;
  • absolutely all parts and other components of the refrigerator, which must be removed according to the instructions, must be pulled out. Thus, you will produce less time-consuming and better wet cleaning;
  • after the unit is prepared for water procedures, it is necessary to determine the type of cleaning. Washing with non-aggressive detergents is suitable for light soiling. Treatment with mild disinfectants is necessary for equipment with old traces of dirt or mold. Decontaminating specialized preparations or folk remedies are able to cope with the smell of a new refrigerator or other extraneous food odors;
  • items for processing equipment should be soft and non-abrasive, for example, foam sponges, porous washcloths, soft cotton fabrics, gauze cuts or special microfiber or cellulose wipes;
  • in the process of washing, try not to fill the refrigerator too much with water, a sponge moistened in the washing solution will be enough;
  • sealing gum experts highly recommend washing only with lukewarm water or a mild soapy solution. Various means containing acids, alkalis or chlorine, can render a soft part unusable ahead of time;
  • Special attention should be given to the drain hole. As necessary, it may have to be cleaned with a long cable with a soft cloth wound around the end;
  • If ice growths have formed in the freezer, in no case clean them off with sharp objects. Frost should melt naturally, in extreme cases, you can use silicone, plastic or wooden spatulas to clean snow in the freezer. Sometimes the defrosting process is accelerated by a fan, bowls with hot water or hair dryer;
  • a thoroughly washed apparatus should be thoroughly wiped dry and left in the open position for a short time;
  • after connecting to the network, the equipment is not immediately loaded with products, but is first allowed to catch up with the desired temperature;
  • Avoid placing soiled dishes in the refrigerator or freezer. Also, do not put wet food or bags in the freezer. And wipe off the fat or juice that accidentally dripped onto the shelf immediately;
  • without any doubts and regrets, throw away products that have expired or do not look as appetizing as before;
  • for refrigeration equipment, a product capable of absorbing all unnecessary odors has long been invented. This is a very useful item, especially considering that it can be replaced with ordinary baking soda placed in a box.

The optimal time interval between treatments should average one month. But, on the other hand, modern freezing technology does not need such frequent defrosting. Therefore, by immediately cleaning up traces of pollution and throwing out spoiled products, you can postpone cleaning for another month or two. Unless you have a two-compressor refrigerator, in which you can turn off the chambers separately from each other.

My fridge inside

In order to proceed directly to the process of washing the refrigerator inside, it is necessary to follow the initial points of the recommendations, namely: turn off the unit completely, remove food and remove all removable elements. Next, we will present you with a wide list of detergents, both store-bought and homemade, the choice of which is up to you. By the way, it is not always necessary to choose puzzled how to wash the refrigerator inside. Some methods easily perform the function of cleaning, disinfecting and eliminating unpleasant odors.

Cleaning products

Store-bought refrigerator cleaners fill supermarket shelves tightly. Here everyone will find a suitable scent for themselves, price category, as well as methods and areas of application. Many drugs are available in the form of sprays, which greatly facilitates the process of work. Among the production tools, the most popular can be distinguished: "Sano", a set of "Tophouse", "Luxus", "Sun Clean" and others. Such products are able to perform several functions at once, which they often do remarkably well: cleaning, disinfection and a rich smell.

Many, by the way, because of the last point and refuse to use such drugs. Indeed, the smell of such a substance very often resembles an air freshener, so you should think in advance whether you allow such smells in the refrigerator or not.

If you "like" more natural flavors, then we offer you a list of improvised materials that are in no way inferior to store-bought liquids.


Execution technique

Baking soda

Baking soda is a disinfectant powder with an excellent mild abrasive. In the household, it is used everywhere and everywhere, and inner part The refrigerator is no exception. Small grains are able to clean off stubborn and dried dirt.

To process the insides of the equipment, you should prepare a slurry of soda and plain water. This mixture should be smeared on all stains, streaks and other very dirty places, cover all smeared areas with a cloth and wait 20-30 minutes. After that, soda can be rubbed with a sponge or cloth and rinsed the entire surface.

If your equipment is not very dirty, and more preventive cleaning is required, then you can use a non-concentrated soda solution. Such a liquid can handle the refrigerator, both new and after defrosting. In order to obtain such a solution, you need to add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. l. powder and stir. Such water will perfectly cope with surface pollution and unnecessary odors.

Laundry soap or any other antibacterial

An excellent antibacterial product that can disinfect both the interior of the refrigerator and the sealing gum without harming the structure of the material. With a small amount of soap, make a weak soapy solution and wash absolutely all the details. AT rubber bands pay special attention to the folds, which most often contain a lot of dust. All removable parts can also be washed with this solution, including glass shelves, which then will need to be thoroughly rinsed with warm water so as not to leave streaks. After processing, the refrigerator inside is washed with plain water and wiped with a moisture-absorbing cloth.

Vinegar 9% table or lemon juice

Acetic acid added to warm water is able to cope with light pollution. But on the other hand, vinegar perfectly disinfects any surface and gives a fresh, natural smell. To obtain such a solution, table vinegar is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting liquid wipes all the internal compartments and parts of the equipment, as well as removable parts. If the bad odor is strong enough in plastic walls unit, then you should put a few cloth napkins soaked in the solution inside and leave for several hours.

Upon completion of the treatment of the refrigerator with vinegar water, it should be rinsed again and wiped, for example, with gauze, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

Alcohol ammonia

Ammonia is often used in cleaning and preventive purposes. When washing windows, it is added to water so that the glass shines even more. Stains on white clothes disappear with its application. And with its help we will get rid of old traces of food in the refrigerator, and at the same time bad smell and disinfect. Ammonium chloride is dissolved in hot or warm water in a ratio of 1: 7, cloths soaked in a solution are applied to problem areas and left for half an hour. After that, the stains will be washed off easily and simply, and you just have to completely rinse the refrigerator with a solution, and then several times with water. It should be remembered that when working with toxic substances, it is necessary to use rubber gloves and try not to inhale the vapors.

Another interesting way using ammonia and toothpaste will help remove yellow marks in the inside of the refrigerator. We have all seen yellowed plastic on old refrigerators, but, unfortunately, new appliances sometimes suffer the same fate. A slurry of paste, preferably white and powdered (not gel) and ammonia, will help eliminate this problem. The resulting mixture is applied to the yellowness and left for a while, and then washed thoroughly.

apple cider

We do not know who thought of washing the refrigerator with cider, but the result exceeded all expectations. In addition to the fact that this product is non-chemical and completely non-aggressive, it perfectly copes with several tasks at once. The drink washes well the internal walls of the refrigerator, and also removes odors.

You will need 1 tbsp. drink and 1 liter of warm or hot water to prepare the cleaning solution. The resulting liquid is treated with the internal elements of the technique, as well as those that you have removed. After cleaning, the unit is washed plain water and wipe dry thoroughly.

Very often, dishwashing detergents are used in the processing of the refrigerator. Indeed, this method is practiced, but it should be borne in mind that the detergent is quite concentrated. For good quality processing a few drops of such a remedy will be enough for a basin of water. If you add more, then with great difficulty it will be possible to get rid of divorces.

Ways to get rid of bad odor

There are many means and ways to remove unpleasant odors from the internal compartments of the refrigerator. But, first of all, we should mention the reasons for the appearance of such "flavors", with which we want to say goodbye as soon as possible. These are products that are not covered with lids, domes or cling film, stale fruits or vegetables, spilled liquids, and even a new unit.

The new refrigerator exudes a specific smell, like any other new appliance, but in this case I would like to get rid of the smells faster and, finally, fill the cells with various provisions. By the way, the “aroma” can also exude a hole for draining condensate. The drain tube is cleaned during the processing of refrigerating chambers.

Let's return to our natural flavors, which can help bring the unit into proper condition. Some of the tools we described above in the tools for processing the refrigerator inside:

  • first on the list - baking soda. It really leads the way as a disinfectant product that can also absorb odors. You can wash the unit with a soda solution, or you can put an open pack of powder in a working refrigerator. For several months, foreign odors will definitely not bother you (subject to proper care of food and equipment);
  • vinegar dissolved in water also perfectly removes the “odor”, they wash the equipment with it, but do not put it inside along with other products;
  • ammonia in solution is used only for processing. Due to its specific smell, the alcohol-treated unit is thoroughly washed several times;
  • activated carbon is suitable for a working refrigerator. Tablets can be placed in a box or saucer both whole and crushed for a while to absorb all odors;
  • ground coffee placed in a container will add a piquant flavor to your technique;
  • lemon juice is used as a detergent. But lemon peels and other citrus fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for extra flavor;
  • rye bread, cut into pieces, is placed on each shelf and stored with other products;
  • sugar or salt can also serve as a kind of absorbent. One of the substances is placed in a box and placed in far corner refrigerating chamber;
  • rice grains can be poured on a saucer and left in the unit for a long time;
  • fragrant and essential spices should be placed in a small container for those who love the smell of cinnamon, cloves, anise or rosemary;
  • a cut raw apple, onion or potato absorbs everything extraneous well enough. But such products should be used infrequently and stored for no more than 2-3 days.

It does not matter which methods and means you prefer, the main thing is to carry out prevention regularly. And with frequent cleaning, you don’t even have to use various flavoring agents. We hope that our advice will help to put your kitchen assistant in order, because the refrigerator is, after all, one of the main figures in the kitchen.

The refrigerator belongs to the mandatory and indispensable household appliances. It stores "dear to our stomach" products and cooked dishes, which, unfortunately, sometimes become sources of unpleasant odors inside refrigerators and freezers. It is not difficult to deal with such a problem if you know how to properly wash the refrigerator.

The smell appears not only from spoiled products: it is often present even in a new refrigerator and depends on the quality of the materials from which the device itself is made

Action algorithm


If every time you open the refrigerator door you feel a persistent “aroma”, then cosmetic wiping of the shelves and walls is indispensable. The refrigerator must be washed thoroughly and without haste. To do this, start with defrosting (it is usually scheduled 1-2 times a year). For information on how to properly defrost your specific refrigerator model, read the instructions for its operation or find and watch a video on the Internet.

All products in the refrigerator must be removed and reviewed, spoiled - discarded

First you need to disconnect the unit from the power supply and completely free the refrigerator and freezer (if it is inside) chambers. To preserve the stocks of frozen food, the contents of the freezer must be provided with reliable thermal insulation - put in a large basin and wrapped in newspapers, towels (separately) and covered with a thick blanket. So they will keep their temperature for 3-4 hours.

Remove all removable parts: shelves, trays, drawers, grids. Leave the chamber doors open and allow frost and ice deposits to melt at room temperature.

If the ice is frozen in a thick layer, do not forget to put a large dry rag under the refrigerator door that will absorb water and wring it out constantly.

The process of natural defrosting of the refrigerator can be slightly accelerated by placing a pot of hot water in it or blowing the interior with a hairdryer. But haste is not always appropriate, and often also dangerous, for example, if you try to pick out the ice in the freezer with a knife.

the washing up

Allow the refrigerator to defrost, and use this time to wash removed shelves and gratings.

Removable parts need to be allowed to warm up to room temperature. If you immediately lower them into hot water, plastic and glass may crack due to the temperature contrast.

It is more convenient to wash shelves and other removable elements in a large basin with warm water with the addition of dish detergent

Place all washed parts on a large towel so that water can drain from them, and be sure to wipe dry before reinstalling. While the main chamber is defrosting, start cleaning the refrigerator from the door.

On the door it is important to wipe well hard-to-reach places removable tray attachments

At regular care it is enough to wash the refrigerator simply with water or a weak solution of soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). In particularly dirty areas, you can add a little dishwashing detergent. It is better to wet the dried streaks or stains first, let them soak, and then wipe them off with a soft sponge.

In the same way, it is necessary to wash the refrigerator when it is completely defrosted. Be sure to remove the remains of cleaning and soapy detergents from all surfaces with a damp cloth soaked in clean water.


After you finish washing the refrigerator, you need to allow it to dry completely or thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.

After washing and drying the refrigerator chambers, reinstall all removed shelves and grates, wiping them dry

If water remains on the walls or shelves, it will freeze and turn into an ice crust. Before plugging in the refrigerator, do not forget to wipe all the seals around the perimeter of the door, paying particular attention to the folds. After returning everything to its place and closing the door, wash it from the outside with soapy water and wipe it with a dry cloth.

The standard scheme of defrosting and washing the refrigerator is not always sufficient to eliminate stubborn odors. Therefore, we will now consider how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

We have already mentioned soda solution, which is considered versatile and very effective in combating odors in the refrigerator. As an alternative, it is recommended to use:

  • fresh lemon or lemon juice. All internal surfaces are rubbed with half a cut lemon or a solution of juice in a concentration of 2-3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water;
  • table or natural vinegar in a 1:1 ratio with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide. It is usually used after the application of soap solutions;
  • ammonia diluted with water (1 tablespoon per 250 ml).

It is not necessary to wash off these compounds, it is enough to let the refrigerator ventilate for some time from the strong smells of vinegar or ammonia.

If traces and smell of mold appear, it is recommended to use chlorine-containing bleaches diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10

Some advise cleaning the refrigerator with toothpaste, which has a pleasant menthol flavor and effective cleaning properties.

Odor removal and aromatization

Do not use chemical air fresheners and fragrances in refrigerators. They are easy to replace with homemade improvised products that absorb unpleasant odors well and significantly improve the situation.

Dried bread absorbs odors and excess moisture from the refrigerator.

As absorbents that take away odors, you can put in the refrigerator:

  • a crust of dried black bread;
  • filler for cat litter from silica gel granules or zeolite;
  • several crushed activated charcoal tablets;
  • baking soda.

Arrange absorbents on a saucer or pour into any open container and place on a free shelf.

soda and Activated carbon It is advised to keep in the refrigerator constantly and replace every 2-3 months.

Flavors are also placed in open dishes:

  • sliced ​​lemon;
  • coffee beans;
  • sprigs of rosemary or bay leaves.

If washing and aromatization did not give the expected result, the cause of the unpleasant odor may be a clogged drain. A similar situation occurs quite often in non-freezing refrigerators, where water flows down the back wall. When it stagnates in the groove, a characteristic marsh aroma appears.

In addition, permanent persistent odor it can be an indicator of a malfunction in the operation of the device (for example, if the liquid has flowed into some hidden compartment or under the casing). In such cases, you first need to repair the refrigerator, and only then wash it.

We hope that our tips will help you. Share your experience in the comments.

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Expert in the field household and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). She got used to relying on common sense, worldly experience and female intuition.

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Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean the dirt from the surface acrylic bath, rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The habit of using sparingly washing machine may result in an unpleasant odour. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and deposits from the soleplate of an iron table salt. Pour on paper thick layer salt, heat the iron to maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

Knowing how to clean the refrigerator inside is the important information that every housewife should have. I won’t say that such a procedure can cause any difficulties, but it definitely requires some skills and a scrupulous attitude. If you don't want your refrigerator to become a concentration of germs and unpleasant odors, then you should definitely learn the three main steps to keeping this unit clean.

Step 1. Regular cleaning

So that the question of how to clean the refrigerator from fat arises as rarely as possible, try not to be lazy and keep the chamber constantly clean.

To do this, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Do not put dirty dishes on the shelves.
  2. Immediately send to the bin any product whose freshness you are not sure. Germs from spoiled vegetables can get onto still fresh food.
  3. Any even a small drop of fat or other liquid should be immediately wiped off with a clean sponge.
  4. At least once a week, wipe the door of the refrigerator compartment, because there are always hand marks on it.

Step 2. Basic rules and nuances of cleaning

With main points daily care behind the refrigerator compartment sorted out. Now I'll move on to nothing less milestone- general cleaning. It is very important here correct sequence, which I will discuss below.


Regardless of the model of your unit, its cleaning consists of the same sequential steps.

  1. The first thing you need before washing the refrigerator from yellowness is to unplug it from the mains.. The defrosting process must be carried out every few months - this important condition for any device model.

  1. Remove all food from the chamber. I want to note that when planning a general cleaning in the refrigerator for a certain day, try not to force it with perishable products. All food from the chamber should be placed in a cool place.
  2. Remove all existing shelves, containers and stands. They are washed separately. And this should be done only in warm water: from high temperatures plastic surfaces can simply burst.
    Never use hard sponges, scrapers or brushes! On the plastic parts they will leave scuffs and scratches.

  1. When washing the inside of the refrigerator, pay special attention to every ledge, corner or small detail.. At this stage, the housewife is faced with the question of which cleaning products to use in the process. I will elaborate on this point in the next section.
  2. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the outer walls of the refrigerator, ridding it of water splashes or fingerprints. How to get rid of larger stains - more on that below.

The average duration of the procedure for cleaning the refrigerator with your own hands (provided that it is not completely running) is a little less than an hour. This is enough to get rid of accumulated dirt and remove unpleasant odors.

How to wash

I, like many housewives, do not like purchased household chemicals, which are full of aggressive harmful substances. That is why I prefer simple, but time-tested folk remedies.

In this section, I will tell you how and how to wash the mold in the refrigerator (or other heavy pollution) without resorting to harmful chemicals.

  1. Hot soapy water. Laundry soap does an excellent job of cleaning the rubber seals in the refrigerator.
    It is only necessary:
    • grate a small piece of soap on a medium grater;
    • completely dissolve the resulting chips in hot water;
    • without waiting for the solution to cool, wipe with it all the folds and corners of the seals;
    • rinse them with clean water;
    • Wipe seals dry with a cloth.

  1. Baking soda is another home remedy that works great for cleaning.
    With it, the problem of how to wash an old refrigerator becomes easily resolved:
    • dilute a small amount of soda with water to the consistency of kefir;
    • dip a piece of gauze cloth into the resulting slurry;
    • attach the cloth to the dried and outdated stain and let it soak for about half an hour;
    • lightly rub the contaminated area, then rinse it with clean water;
    • wipe the treated area with a dry cloth.
  1. Do you know that apple cider- not only a delicious drink, but also an excellent remedy for washing old stains?
    Instructions for using it are simple:
    • dilute a glass of cider in a liter of warm water;
    • soak a sponge in the resulting liquid;
    • wash all surfaces in the refrigerator;
    • Rinse everything with clean water and wipe dry.

  1. Toothpaste, thanks to its mild abrasive properties, perfectly cleans surfaces without leaving scuffs and scratches on them.
    The correct use of this folk remedy should be as follows:
    • apply a small amount of paste on the sponge;
    • treat all surfaces in the refrigerator;
    • thoroughly rinse the remaining paste with enough water;
    • wipe the treated areas dry.

Getting rid of the smell

Eliminating grease stains is not the only thing that is important in the process of cleaning the refrigerator. Equally important is understanding how to clean the refrigerator from the smell that accumulates during food storage. My little table will help you understand this.

improvised tool Mode of application
Ammonia Ammonia is able to remove any unpleasant odor in the refrigerator.

For this it is enough:

  • moisten a gauze cloth in alcohol;
  • wipe all the shelves and surfaces in the chamber with it;
  • leave the refrigerator door open for a few hours (and even better all night) so that all odors disappear.
Vinegar If you are worried about how to clean the refrigerator from the smell of rotten meat, then you should not better fit table 9% vinegar.

You can apply it like this:

  • dilute vinegar with warm water in equal proportions;
  • rinse all surfaces of the refrigerator with the resulting solution;
  • Use a clean cloth to remove the remaining solution and wipe everything dry.
Coffee grounds Wipe the remaining coffee grounds on the shelves of the refrigerator, then gently and delicately remove the residue with a damp cloth. Not only does coffee grounds get rid of unpleasant odors, but it can also clean old stains.
Lemon juice It is enough just to wash the refrigerator with a cloth dipped in water, to which the juice of one lemon was previously added.

Step 3. Cleaning up the outside

Having polished the inside of the refrigerator compartment, housewives are still faced with the question of how to clean the refrigerator from the outside. In fact, things are much simpler here, because in this case there is no need to get rid of the smell or completely dried spots.

You can wash the outer part of the refrigerator walls with an ordinary soapy solution, which should then be carefully removed and wiped with a kitchen towel or dry cloth.

It is much more difficult to remove stickers pasted on the refrigerator.

But even here you can easily cope by applying a few proven methods.

  1. A regular sponge and hot water will help you get rid of paper labels. Before cleaning the stickers from the refrigerator, moisten them well and let them soak in moisture. After some time, you can start rubbing the paper with the rough side of the sponge, remembering to periodically moisten it in hot water.

  1. Labels on polymer base should be carefully pry with a kitchen or stationery knife. Then slowly and carefully pull the sticker diagonally, tearing it away from the surface. Residues can be removed with hot water, nail polish remover or other special products.
  2. Another great way to get rid of an annoying sticker is to heat it up with a hair dryer. After heating the label with a stream of hot air, rub it well with the rough side of the sponge.

Don't despair if it doesn't work the first time. A little patience and effort is the price of a perfectly clean door.


The refrigerator is one of the most used and used appliances in the home. That is why it is so important to monitor its cleanliness and properly clean this unit. Today I examined the main nuances of cleaning the refrigerator, you can get additional interesting information from the video in this article.

If you still have questions about the features of cleaning the refrigerator compartment, ask them all in the comments, I will be happy to answer each one.

What to do when a new refrigerator is brought into the house. You can’t just admire it, plug it into a socket and load it with all the products that are in the kitchen. The unit smells unpleasant inside of plastic, lubricants, stale air. He traveled a long way and picked up a lot of dust and germs along the way. How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell at home.

The problem of the new refrigerator - the smell of plastic inside

Outside, a homely piece of the Arctic is simply cleared of dust and dirt. You can use the existing product used for washing the outside of the stoves, washing machines and other equipment. Those containing chlorine and abrasive are not suitable. If there are no suitable substances in the house, we use others:

  • laundry soap solution;
  • soda;
  • detergent for dishes;
  • liquid detergent;
  • detergent for kitchen surfaces.

Soap needs to be crushed, then it will dissolve faster in water. Moisten the sponge, wring out lightly and wash the entire outer surface of the refrigerator and the tray. Care must be taken to ensure that water does not get under the back wall. Then wipe the surface with clean water and a dry cloth.

The rest of the tools are used in the same way. Soda must be wetted and then can be applied to a sponge and wiped. Liquid products breed at the rate of a canteen boat per liter of water.

It is best to wash the refrigerator with soapy water, dishwashing detergent or soda.

The outside of the unit is clean. How to wash the refrigerator inside and remove industrial odors. You can use a soap solution, but baking soda is better. It will remove the smell at the same time.

  1. Dissolve soda in warm water, a tablespoon without a slide per liter of water.
  2. Remove all shelves and trays, wipe them with a sponge dipped in the solution.
  3. Wipe down all shelves, walls, freezer and door.
  4. Make a weak solution of laundry soap - 10 g per liter, wipe all seals. Rinse them with clean water. Wipe with a dry cloth.

How to wash the inside of the refrigerator if there is a smell. Dissolve 50 ml of apple cider vinegar in 200 ml of water and wipe the walls with a cloth dipped in water and well wrung out. You can use juice squeezed from a lemon. Do not wipe rubber parts and seals with acidic compounds.

Let the equipment dry for a couple of hours with the door open and you can plug it in and load it with food.

The refrigerator should be defrosted and completely washed regularly, once every 2 to 3 months. Every week during cleaning, wipe the dust from the outside. Shelves inside should be cleaned of spilled and scattered products immediately. Once a week it is necessary to carry out an audit on the shelves and remove expired provisions.

Less often the question will arise how to wash the refrigerator to get rid of the smell if all food is stored in closed containers, especially those strong smell. Otherwise, pack them in a film or fold them into plastic bags.

It is necessary to regularly clean the drainage hole and pour water from the pan. It is the moisture that collects in them that provokes the development of the fungus and the smell of mold spreads through the chamber. Over time, pores appear in the air and can cause allergies or respiratory problems.

Store food in special containers, then the smell will appear less often

Expired foods contain a lot of harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is better to throw away the sponge that was used to wash the refrigerator inside. Wear rubber gloves on your hands.

Care is needed not only for beautiful view unit, it extends the life of the equipment and destroys the accumulation of harmful microbes.

Wiping regularly the dust from the equipment, over time, yellow stains can be found on it, sticky coating. Stickers lose their brightness with a howl and turn into gray dirty spots. The kids walked around strict ban and drew a sun or a portrait of the parents on the door with a marker.

First, the rear wall is cleaned of dust. It must be disconnected from the power supply and vacuumed or brushed off dust and cobwebs. After that, you can turn it on and continue washing the outside.

How to wash the refrigerator and return the original cleanliness. It's better to start with stickers. They most of all interfere with washing the surface of the equipment.

  1. The fixies in the cartoon did a great job with the stickers with the help of a hair dryer. Blow hot air at the sticker. When it is possible to separate one side, lift it up and let the hair dryer heat the gap under the sticker. So it will be faster.
  2. Roughly peel off stickers. Don't scratch the plastic doors. Wipe the remaining traces of glue with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil.

Use a hair dryer to peel off the stickers

Now you can wash the entire surface of the refrigerator with soapy water. The remaining yellow stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide mixed with 10 parts of water, a solution of vinegar. Do not use bleach. If the yellowness does not immediately go away, you must repeat it, wipe it with a napkin dipped in an acid solution and hold it.

The remaining traces of drawings are removed in several ways.

  1. An ordinary eraser that erases a pencil from paper will remove marker marks from the refrigerator. It is necessary to rub the dirty place and wash everything off with water.
  2. Vodka, and even better alcohol. After all, it is he who is the basis of the paint. Dense coarse cloth should be moistened with alcohol and the autograph of the young talent should be removed.
  3. simple toothpaste squeeze into a cup, add soda, mix. With this composition, use a sponge to remove the trace of the marker.
  4. Remained after the summer season sunscreen. Apply it to the dirt, wipe with a sponge. Remove residue with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Clean the outside of the refrigerator regularly

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell from the outside. Wipe the clean unit with a damp cloth, then dry. Empty the pan, wash it and put it back in place. The outside of the fridge is clean and odor free.

Over time, an unpleasant odor develops inside. These are not only expired products, but also microbes, mold. How to wash the refrigerator inside, where to start.

  1. Open the refrigerator and take out all the food. Prepare a large pot for stocking from the freezer. Put frozen provisions into it, wrapping it in advance with film and newspapers. The film will protect against leakage, newspapers will keep the cold. Food supplies will not defrost while you clean the refrigerator.
  2. Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. Defrost. Put the fan against the open door and turn it on at medium speed.
  3. Check everything you got. Throw away the bad. Wash dirty packages, most likely, they will also have to be sent to the bucket. In the refrigerator, things do not quickly gather dust.
  4. Pull out all shelves and trays. They need to be washed. The best optionDishwasher. Just don't put them in there cold. Let lie down and warm up to room temperature. You can soak in a bowl with a solution of soda, then wash with dishwashing detergent.
  5. Wash the walls and inside doors.

How to clean the refrigerator inside. Lots of options:

  • soap;
  • soda;
  • dish detergent;
  • any special purchased drug.

Wash the refrigerator with a solution or soap, walking over all surfaces, including the freezer, with a sponge. Rubber seals preferably only soap. Then everything should be wiped with a wet cloth and dried with a towel.

Use home remedies to combat bad breath

Yellow spots are washed off with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Solution 1:10 with water. Wet a coarse napkin made of linen or cotton, rub it, rinse with water. If the yellowness does not go away immediately, repeat or rub with toothpaste.

The refrigerator should dry out with the door open. After that, all shelves and containers are put in place. The unit is connected to the network and after 10 minutes it is loaded with products: clean, fresh, packaged.

How to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell. If you just need to wash the refrigerator from the smell, use a mixture of 9% and water in equal amounts. Spill some of the composition into the hole drainage system, the rest wipe the inner surface.

The smell of mold and spoiled food lingers for a long time. He just eats into the plastic walls. How to wash the refrigerator from the smell and kill the fungus. Vinegar does a great job with these tasks. Lemon juice and solution citric acid kills germs and refreshes the refrigerator. Do not wash rubber gaskets with acids. If necessary, rinse with clean water for a few minutes.

How to wash the refrigerator from the smell of spoiled food. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a glass of water. Wipe the shelves against the walls, leave to dry. Lemon will remove the smell of rot and fermentation, give the air a fresh aroma.

Lemon will help get rid of the smell of spoiled products

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell of spoiled fish and herring. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar and sea salt in a glass of water. Wipe down the freezer and the tray where they lay. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a dry towel.

How to wash the refrigerator inside from the smell of spoiled dairy products. Can be wiped with wet soda diluted in half with water apple cider vinegar after washing laundry soap or dish detergent.

How to wash the refrigerator from the smell of natural folk remedies.

  1. Soak wood ash. when it settles, use the water from above.
  2. Grind and make a soap nut detergent solution.
  3. Take the soap root, wash it and knead it, making it like a washcloth. Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.

  • place a saucer with zeolite cat litter mixture that has not been used by the animal;
  • cut an onion in half and it will crowd out the others with its smell;
  • decompose citrus peels;
  • wipe the walls with lemon;
  • cut fresh potatoes and arrange;
  • put pieces of dry rye bread;
  • put a container with crushed activated carbon;
  • put a cut lemon;
  • scatter coffee beans on the shelves.

Can cook natural flavor, which will simultaneously remove the musty smell. You have to cut the lemon in half. Remove the pulp from it, you can in tea or fruit salad. Inside put rye crackers, rice and soda. Place both halves with the filling on the shelves. Each hostess chooses her own means for cleaning the refrigerator.