Do-it-yourself paths in the country. DIY garden paths at low cost: interesting and easy-to-implement ideas for your site

Paths at the dacha connect all objects on the site: house, gate, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo, greenhouse, bathhouse, vegetable garden, shower. There is no way to do without them. In one area they can be made of various materials, have all sorts of configurations, but must necessarily fit into the overall appearance of the space. At your dacha, you can make paths with your own hands by first drawing up a plan.

Paths at the dacha connect all objects on the site: house, gate, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo, greenhouse, bathhouse, vegetable garden, shower

Designers recommend creating curved areas in small areas - this visually increases the area. Trees should not grow near paths, as their roots can damage the integrity of the surface. After drawing a diagram, estimate on the ground how convenient it will be to move from one object to another along the planned paths, so that later you don’t have the desire to redo everything. It's complicated. Paths even made from scrap materials, but well designed, give the area a neat, complete and cozy look.

First you need to decide on the coating. Most often it is made from paving slabs, concrete, stone, brick, wood, and pebbles. General requirement for all materials - strength, moisture and frost resistance. The surface should be non-slippery and easy to clean. To mark and prepare the soil for laying, you need following materials and tools:

  • pegs, cord;
  • boards;
  • shovel;
  • sand, crushed stone;
  • rammer;
  • level;
  • screwdriver

Determine the boundaries of the path by adding allowance to the formwork. Its width depends on the purpose. Usually, from the gate to the house it is made wide and continuous, but, for example, near the dog enclosure it can be narrow and intermittent. Pegs are placed along the marked edges and the string is pulled. Using a shovel, remove the turf to a depth of 10 cm, and level the bottom of the resulting trench. Straight lines of paths are limited by boards at the same level, securing them with stakes from the outside. The boards are screwed one to another using a screwdriver. Sand is poured into the trench and compacted. Its depth and height of the pillow depend on the selected covering material and technological features styling The coating can be hard or soft.

Hard tracks

Hard coatings include: paving slabs, concrete, clinker bricks, stone, wood.

Paving slabs are the most common option for paths on the site. The market offers many types, sizes, shapes and colors. There are plenty to choose from, including reasonable prices. Depending on the location, it can be laid on sand, crushed stone or mortar. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rule: the paths must be paved with a slight slope so that water flows from them freely.

The tiles are placed tightly, their position is leveled with a level and a rubber hammer, and sand is added if necessary. The quality of installation is controlled wooden block: If the tile is raised, it is planted by tapping on the block. It is correct to start laying from the curb. Having finished the work, the seams are covered with a mixture of sand and cement and watered. In order for the path to maintain its shape, it is limited by curbs, installing them on a liquid solution.

If it is intended to lay tiles on concrete, then after a cushion of sand and crushed stone is made, across the path at a distance of 1 m along the entire length, they are installed on the edge of the board to provide a compensation gap for temperature changes. They are leveled along the formwork, which should protrude 2-3 cm above ground level. To prevent concrete from sticking, the boards are treated machine oil or drying oil.

To make smooth turns, the formwork is made from wet plywood; it can be bent in any way you like. The constructed frame is poured with concrete: cement (M500), sand, crushed stone in a ratio of 1:4:6, add as much water as the mixture will take. To obtain a more plastic solution, a special plasticizer is used, you can use liquid soap. It is best to make the mass in a concrete mixer.

This is the most common option for paths on the site

A monolithic concrete path is inexpensive. It looks decorative if upper layer add dye and decorate it like a stone. The first layer of crushed stone is poured onto a prepared base 4 cm thick and a mesh with cells up to 20 cm is laid. When the solution hardens, a 3 cm layer of concrete without crushed stone with a small amount of water is applied on top of it, compacting it thoroughly. The surface is leveled and smoothed.

To decorate it like a stone, you can use bent reinforcement, applying a pattern to your taste. Usually along the edges of the path a pattern is made that imitates a small stone. To give the surface a characteristic porosity, you can treat it in places with a sponge. Until the concrete is fully matured, it must be protected from both sun and rain. The slower it matures, the stronger the coating.

Gallery: paths in the country (25 photos + video)

Forms for garden paths

You can make paths from decorative concrete by purchasing a special dry mixture and plastic or silicone mold with an image. Choose it with grooves that are small in depth and width, as dirt quickly accumulates in large gaps and the path loses its decorative effect. The shape pattern can consist of rhombuses, squares, fan-shaped rectangles, and all kinds of interlacing. Country paths made of decorative concrete look very stylish and cost no more than those laid with paving slabs. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • prepare the base as described above and cover it with a 10 cm layer of crushed stone;
  • poured cement mortar and smooth;
  • sprinkle with dry powder dye of the desired shade;
  • stamp the surface with forms, laying them close to each other and lightly compacting them;
  • after 3 days, wash the path with a brush dipped in a solution of hydrochloric acid;
  • cover acrylic varnish, which protects against negative impact and gives great attractiveness.

You can make paths from decorative concrete by purchasing a special dry mixture and a plastic or silicone mold with a pattern in the store.

Instead of a dye, you can use a hardener, which, in addition to the pigment that gives color, contains quartz sand. You can begin pressing when the concrete mixture does not stretch when your finger is applied to it.

Stone and wood

For wooden paths, larch is mainly used as the most moisture-resistant material. Solid decking is installed on piles of blocks 10-20 cm high terrace board with a pattern so that it is not slippery. The soil is leveled only under the blocks, placed on cushions of sand and gravel, isolating them from the ground and timber with roofing felt. First, they lay out the boards completely over the entire area of ​​the path and only then attach them.

Despite the fact that wood is inferior in strength to stone and concrete and rots, to create paths in the countryside in rustic style using tree cuts. Often logs left over from dismantling old buildings are used for this purpose.

The trunk is divided into stumps 15-40 cm thick, the top layer is sanded, the bark is removed and the part that will be underground is treated with an antifungal agent, after which it is laid on the prepared surface and leveled.

Paths can be built from stone. They look very harmonious. It is not recommended to use shell rock and limestone, as they are short-lived and also slippery. Most often they are laid on sand. Making such a path will be slow, since each stone should be inspected, choosing the smoothest side, which will be on the outside. Often they have to be filed down. Having laid 2-3 m, the completed section is fixed by filling the cracks between the stones with a liquid solution of cement and sand (1:3). It’s convenient to do this by using a kind of cone made from an empty bag with a corner cut off. Slabs for stone paths must be at least 4 cm thick.

For wooden paths, larch is mainly used, since it is the most moisture-resistant material

Original new material for coverings - decking, or garden parquet. It consists of small sections made from planks of hardwood trees. Garden parquet is laid on supports that are selected in height so as to smooth out differences in ground level. The basis for decking can be a sand and gravel cushion, concrete covering with drain or wooden joists. The water underneath should not stagnate. It is installed quickly and easily. At the end of the season, it is disassembled, washed, lubricated with special oil and stored in a dry room.


Garden paths, made with your own hands, always look unique and original. Their main advantage is that they do not require expensive materials and special knowledge, just a little imagination and hard work.

Required tools and materials

Sand Ceramic tile Electric mixers for construction

Construction, laying, pouring, arranging and decorating garden paths at the dacha with your own hands is a troublesome task, but quite interesting, especially if you have a rich imagination and a great desire to do something absolutely unique and inimitable to the envy of your neighbors. We advise you not to agonize over the question of how to lay out paths in your garden or dacha, but to take as a basis the material at hand, which may have been lying idle in your barn for a long time.

If you decide to create paths in the garden with your own hands, then you may have a question: “What is the best material for this?” Paving garden paths can be done in the most different ways, fortunately, modern construction stores today offer all types of installation materials in a huge assortment. You can make a covering for paths in the garden from paving slabs, clinker bricks or paving stones.

But you can choose more interesting and economical materials, such as pebbles or wood. By the way, from the remains of logs you can also make an original border for garden paths or with flowers. The main thing is not to be afraid to show all your imagination, be patient and be creative in creating a path for your garden.

If you value your time and at the same time want to get a beautiful and high-quality paved path, think about purchasing one like this.

Do not forget that at the end of the road in its lowest place during rains, water will accumulate, for which you need to organize the opportunity to escape and be absorbed into the soil.

To prevent excess water from stagnating, you need to make several longitudinal and transverse slopes on the path. Transverse slopes are made from its center on both sides, or from one edge in the direction from the house. Longitudinal slopes 1 cm high must be created every meter of the road.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to try to lay out only disks of the same diameter - wood circles of different sizes will help you create an intricate pattern. Spruce waste logs are considered the most durable and resistant for this purpose. The only thing you need to do is soak the saw cuts prepared for installation in the solution for a week copper sulfate. Thus, the road made from the remains of wood will last for decades. Yes, and rotten elements can always be removed and replaced with new pieces. It is best to lay this type of material on a sand bed.

Making garden paths with your own hands from multi-colored pebbles

Paths made of multi-colored pebbles always look very unusual and original. But before you lay a path in the garden from this inexpensive, but very durable and beautiful material, you will need to draw its diagram on paper, especially if you want to create a complex pattern or ornament where all the necessary colors will be marked.


Required Tools and materials

Bitumen mastictimberNailsnail pullerPlaned boardDrillStonePencilExpanded clayPickBrickBrushCuvetteJigsawShovelMaster OKHammerknifeHammerSandRouletteSelf-tapping screwsSquareExtensionLevelCementScrewdriverElectric planer



Paths in the garden are needed not only to get from one area of ​​the site to another without trampling the lawn. IN Lately when laying garden paths, aesthetic goals are pursued; fortunately, there are now more than enough materials for paving. Before you make a garden path with your own hands, you need to know how a garden path is constructed, what material can be used to make it, and how to lay it correctly.

Garden path is one of the most common decorative elements. Not only the overall appearance of the garden, but also the ease of use of all its corners depends on its correct location, because the path organizes and systematizes the space of the site on which the country house is located.

The art of paving in gardens and parks dates back to ancient times, when people began to emphasize the sophistication and splendor of palace buildings with park ensembles with many paths and paved areas. The compositions of the paths were made in the same style as the general architecture of the buildings, but taking into account natural features and the territory itself.

Look at the photo: Garden paths today remain a significant component of the landscape of any garden, being, in fact, its style-forming element.

How garden paths are arranged and their planning

When installing garden paths with your own hands, you need to start with a carefully thought-out plan - this is the key to success. When planning garden paths, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the configuration of paths and paths with bends and turns should generally correspond to the nature of the terrain of the site;
  • the track itself has a bright decorative effect and depending on the shape, pattern and type of coating, it can advantageously emphasize the features of the relief or, conversely, smooth out its shortcomings;
  • paths should unite other elements of the landscape (flower beds, ponds, etc.) and give the entire ensemble the appearance of a harmonious, complete composition;
  • the path should offer a view of the most spectacular decorative corners garden;
  • before making paths in the garden, remember that the path system should be closed and, if possible, not passing through the central lawn;
  • Paths in small gardens are best placed around the perimeter, and in this case, divide the lawn with a diagonal line;
  • When breaking paths, you should avoid forks that form sharp lawn corners;
  • the width of the garden path, made by yourself, must correspond to its purpose and the size of the garden;
  • pedestrian paths should be no narrower than 0.7 m.

Straight paths are more common in public parks and gardens when it is necessary to create a strictly defined perspective, although they are sometimes used in local area- if you need a shortcut to any garden structure: a well, a bathhouse, a gazebo. And curvilinear paths in the garden, arranged with your own hands, can visually expand the boundaries garden plot. But at the same time, they are not entirely comfortable, as they make movement difficult. Straight paths cutting through the surrounding space are also not always The best decision, in the future they will complicate the organization of picturesque green areas. Therefore, in modern landscape design When designing paths, a reasonable combination of strict geometric lines (straight lines, diagonals, circles) with picturesque curves is often used.

Paths and paths divide the garden plot into different zones and at the same time unite it into a single space. This is achieved not only correct location paths, but also using carefully selected materials for their paving.

How is a garden path constructed, and what can it be made of?

It is not enough to know how garden paths are constructed; you also need to have an idea about the materials for their construction. The entire variety of road surfaces can be divided into two main types. The main materials from which you can make a path in the garden can be hard (brick, paving stones, flagstone, a natural stone, concrete tiles, clinker) and soft ( granite screening, marble chips, gravel, pebbles, sand, herbal mixtures).

Currently, paving slabs are most widely used for constructing hard-surfaced garden paths. Depending on the design, the tiles may have different configurations, but in any case, the path laid out from it will look elegant and festive.

Clinker tiles are often used to lay garden paths with your own hands. Thanks to its high strength properties, it quickly took its rightful place in the market building materials.

To create paths in a stone garden, they often use concrete plates arbitrary configuration. But in any case, when choosing a material for covering paths, you should take into account the intensity of their use. Thus, for automobile access roads and parking areas only use hard coverings, for example, painted concrete, which is quite inexpensive and easy to install. But garden paths, recreation areas and patios are most often paved with tiles or natural stone.

For footpaths, both soft and hard surfaces are used, as well as various combinations of them, but the surface of paving slabs laid on sand or dry cement mixture, the most reliable and durable.

A thin layer of geotextile or plastic sheeting placed under the base of a walkway or patio area will significantly improve bearing capacity designs. It will prevent shrinkage of the base, and also prevent the germination of weeds and the washing out of sand laid under paving slabs. Geotextile or film sheets should be laid out with an overlap of at least 15 cm.

Look at the photo: for paths in the garden where children play, use soft coverings- from fine gravel, sand, grass or special mixtures.

Today, the range of materials for coating is so large that it is sometimes difficult to make right choice. It is important that the coating meets the following mandatory conditions:

  • all garden areas and paths should give the site stylistic unity and be paved with the same type of building material;
  • in large areas, a combination of several is allowed various coatings, but no more than 2-3 types.
  • the coating should not be slippery in wet weather.

Laying garden paths with your own hands: step-by-step diagram

Laying garden paths with your own hands is quite a responsible task, so it is better to proceed according to the following step-by-step scheme.

1. Using string and pegs driven into the ground, mark the outline of the future path on the ground.

2. Remove soil over the entire area of ​​the future structure to a depth of at least 150 mm.

3. Before making paths in the garden with your own hands, fill the resulting trench with a layer of crushed stone, gravel or pebbles. Level and compact the resulting stone “pillow”.

4. Proceed directly to covering the path. Most simple design has a gravel path. In addition, it has a big advantage - even during heavy rainfall, water seeps freely through layers of gravel into the soil without forming puddles. In fact, the gravel path consists of a curb, which simultaneously plays the role of formwork, and a backfill - gravel. To create such a path, install a curb along its contour. For its manufacture may be suitable, concrete blocks, large stones etc. Fill gravel at the level of the curb desired color and shape, level and compact it.

5. If you want to use paving slabs to cover the path, concrete stone or brick, they can be installed using the so-called non-rigid paving method - the covering material is laid out without mortar directly on the sand “cushion”. In this case, a layer of sand at least 50 mm thick is poured over the stone “pillow” described in paragraph 3 and thoroughly compacted.

6. To level the coating when laying garden paths on a compacted surface, add sand. Lay the path covering material on the sand “cushion” in accordance with the pattern you have chosen.

7. Compact the coating material into the sand with an industrial vibrator. It can be rented. If there is none, carefully tap the coating elements with a wooden or rubber mallet so that they are pressed into the sand without breaking.

8. According to the technology for constructing garden paths, you need to scatter sand over their surface and rub it with a brush into the seams between the covering elements.

9. If rigid fixation of the path covering material is required, a layer of concrete or concrete should be poured on top of the stone “cushion”. Before this, it will be necessary to construct the appropriate formwork.

10. Formwork rectilinear shape It won’t be difficult to make, but you’ll have to tinker with making a curved one. It can be constructed from wooden board 20-25 mm thick. Make cuts along its entire width (to the middle of the thickness) at a distance of 80-100 mm from each other, so that the boards are easier to bend to give the formwork the required shape. Drive pegs into the ground and nail boards to them, bending them smoothly. The boards can be replaced with strips of fibreboard (fibreboard) or sheet metal.

Sometimes, before making a garden path, you need to take care special tools. In order to obtain elements of the track covering material of the desired configuration and size, it is cut using an angle grinder (grinder) or chopped off by hitting a chisel with a sledgehammer.

11. Pour concrete or mortar between the formwork walls, level and compact it. Cover the surface until it is completely dry with plastic wrap (5-10 days). After this, the formwork can be removed.

12. Lay the track covering material on thin layer cement-sand mortar. Under coating elements large area it is applied with a trowel to the base in several places - in the corners and in the center.

13. Having laid all the elements of the path covering, fill the seams with a dry mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3. After this, pour water on the path from a watering can so that the mixture hardens faster and firmly fixes the elements of the coating material.

14. If you have large voids between the coating elements, fill them with liquid cement-sand mortar. It will be more convenient to do this using a trowel. After the solution hardens, it will reliably hold the coating elements.

15. Alternatively, the entire path can be concreted. In this case, you need to pour a layer of concrete on top of the stone “pillow”. required thickness, but not less than 50 mm. A curb can act as formwork. It should be borne in mind that temperature fluctuations cause concrete to contract and expand, and this can lead to cracking of the path surface. Therefore, before pouring concrete, divide the path into sections approximately 1000 mm long and insert it crosswise in these places wooden planks 10-12 mm thick. They must be at an angle of 90° to the formwork, even if it has a curved shape.

The track covering material can be of several types. For example, paving large slabs can be combined with the use of small elements - stones, bricks or concrete blocks.

This option will give you greater freedom in choosing the paving pattern and will give the path a more original look.

Look at the photo: DIY garden paths can decorate any area!

Many owners of urban residential real estate today have a dacha. IN country house you can relax on fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. At the same time, you can grow fruits and vegetables on the plot. However, in order to make it comfortable and convenient, the garden must be equipped. One of the main tasks is creating paths. In the absence of normal paths, it is difficult to move around the area. It is especially uncomfortable after rain. Next, we’ll look at how to make paths in the country.

General information

Before you build paths in your dacha with your own hands, you need to plan them. Properly designed paths will harmoniously fit into the landscape of the garden and give it a finished look. The paths should not be too winding or wide. It is most convenient to do them where the inhabitants of the garden are already accustomed to walking. To arrange the site, you can, of course, invite landscape designer. With its help you can get the garden of your dreams. But many today prefer to do the work themselves. Moreover, creating paths at the dacha with your own hands is not such a difficult task.


What can you use to create paths in your dacha with your own hands? The choice of materials is quite wide. Paths can be built from brick, gravel, and pebbles. Considered popular grass cover, crushed bark. There is a special tile for paths in the country. Many owners use a combination of materials. It's hard to say which is more popular. To a large extent, everything depends on general view garden One of the most simple options dacha paths are considered to be made of concrete.


Before you make paths in your dacha, you need to draw a design. The straight path will undoubtedly be the shortest path to the goal. However, if the area is not very large, then with the help of paths you can visually increase the space by making them slightly winding. In this case, their intersections at right angles should be excluded. If the site has rectangular beds and flower beds, you can change their shape, making the contours smoother. In this case, the winding paths will look organic. After planning, you need to decide on the material from which you will create the paths in your dacha with your own hands. As mentioned above, it is necessary to take into account the style of the entire garden.

Surface preparation

One of the most responsible and important moments in the process of creating paths in the garden is marking. After this, it is necessary to prepare the soil. When laying paths, it is necessary to follow the technology depending on the material that will be used. Otherwise, all the mistakes and shortcomings that are made at this stage will cause the subsequent destruction of the paths. Special meaning It has proper preparation grounds. To eliminate possible decorative defects, inconveniences and repairs of paths, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Using string and wooden pegs, the future contours of the paths are outlined.
  • Using a shovel, the turf is removed along the entire length and width of the path. This must be done as evenly as possible, following the intended outlines. If tiles are used for paths in the country, the depth of the trench should correspond to the thickness of the sand cushion on which the material will be laid. Moreover, it must be at least ten centimeters.
  • The sand cushion must be well leveled and compacted. You can add sand in the right places during the process.
  • The tiles are laid on the compacted pad. To make the material sit in the sand, lightly tap the surface with a mallet.

Work should be carried out using a level.

A natural stone

This material is known to be distinguished by its durability and strength. In addition, it has a wonderful appearance. Many garden owners decide to make paths from natural stone. The only requirement for the material is the presence of a flat plane on at least one side. Only then will it be convenient and safe to move along the path. Taking into account the unevenness on the opposite side, the trench should be made deeper than described above. In this case, it should be at least 20 cm. Half of this depth is filled with crushed stone, watered and compacted. A ten-centimeter layer of sand is laid on top, compacted and leveled again. Next, place the stones with a flat surface facing up. After all the material has been laid, it is sprinkled with sand, thus filling the voids between the elements. Then the surface should be swept and watered. If the gaps between the stones are not filled enough, this procedure must be repeated after 2-3 days.

Cuttings of fruit plantations

During sanitary cleaning in the garden, it becomes necessary to cut down old trees. However, there is no need to rush to convert them to firewood. From the saw cuts you can create original paths that will decorate the site. Wooden dacha paths look very attractive and fit organically into almost any landscape. At the first stage, thick branches and trunk are cut into circles, the thickness of which should be at least 10 cm. Before you start laying, the tree must be processed. For this you can use drying oil. The composition should be brought to a boil and the cut should be coated on each side. After the drying oil has dried, it is recommended to re-process it.

Features of the construction of paths from saw cuts

When covering paths in your dacha with this material, you need to take into account some nuances. In particular, arranging paths in this way has its own characteristics at the preparation stage. After laying the sand cushion, a plastic film is laid on top. The purpose of this layer is to prevent contact between the tree and the ground. This will prevent the material from rotting. The film is already laid on top wooden circles. This can be done in a variety of ways, as your imagination dictates. During the installation process, the evenness of the surface is checked with a level. The gaps between the circles can be filled with sand, crushed stone, wood chips, and gravel. It should be said that this type of path is more suitable for dry climates.

Paving stones

For a personal plot, this material is considered optimal. Paving stones are durable and reliable. She is not afraid of temperature changes or humidity. In addition, the material can withstand quite heavy loads. The installation work is carried out in several stages. A sand cushion is required. It is necessary to make a trench 20-25 centimeters deep under the paving stones. Sand is poured into it and compacted to the level. If the thickness of the paving stones is more than 60 mm, it will protrude above the surface. To give the path a finished look, borders should be made along its edges. Laying paving stones can be carried out according to various patterns. It is important to monitor the tightness of the elements to each other during the process. Defective tiles should not be laid, as they will not only spoil the appearance of the path, but will also become unusable over time. Taking this into account, you should purchase paving stones with a small margin.

How to fill paths in a dacha

Paths made using mortar are considered practical and strong. One disadvantage of such paths is their unpresentable appearance - they do not look as elegant as those built from paving stones or stone. The strength of a mortar path may vary. Everything here will depend on the composition concrete mixture. The higher the cement content in the solution, the stronger it is, accordingly. Compound durable concrete next: 3 parts crushed stone, 2 parts sand (coarse), 1 part cement. To make the path rise slightly above the surface, formwork is made from boards along the edges. Concrete path can be decorated. Pieces of glass and small stones are suitable for this. You can use tiles to make a mosaic out of it.

Classic version

Brick paths are often laid in dachas. As a rule, clinker is used. It is slightly more expensive than usual, but different high strength and durability. Combined paths using bricks of different shades look very attractive. The material can be laid on a mortar or sand cushion. In many cases, a border is installed around the edges. In this case, mortar must be used to lay bricks. Otherwise, the elements will move apart, and the path itself will quickly lose its appearance.


Winding paths are often built in areas. For them optimal material considered small pebbles or gravel. Such paths are built quickly enough and do not require large financial costs. However, such paths also have a drawback - they cannot withstand heavy loads. As in previous options, the base should be prepared before laying the material. If gravel is simply poured onto the soil, then over time it will spread to the sides. In addition, weeds will begin to grow on the path. Curbs will save the path from losing its appearance. To prevent weed germination, the area where the path will pass must be treated with a herbicide. In addition, it is recommended to lay agrofibre on the base or plastic film. Only after this can pebbles or gravel be added. Maintaining these paths is quite easy. It is necessary to periodically remove weeds if they appear and add new gravel.

Economical option

Plastic paths to the dacha are made from lattice flooring. Its weight is much less than that of mortar paths. At the same time, in terms of cost, plastic flooring is considered one of the most economical. In some cases, a geogrid is used when arranging paths. This material is made by soldering polyethylene. As in previous options, it is necessary to make a base for the paths. Plastic is moisture resistant and durable.

A practical and modern version of a path in the country

Rubber materials are becoming increasingly popular today. They produce both seamless and solid elements. This coating is ideal for an area next to a swimming pool or on a playground. Rubber tracks They are distinguished by their attractive appearance, practicality, softness and durability. The coating has a thickness of about 40 mm. The base can be crushed stone, soil or sand. It is worth noting that you do not need any equipment to lay the rubber material. The work can be done independently. No installation required either concrete screed. However, in any case, the base must first be leveled. This can be done using a dry mixture of 6 parts sand and 1 part cement. The seamless rubber coating can be given the required configuration using a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Combined options

Very often, when creating paths in the countryside, a combination of different materials is used. Often, combined paths are built not only to give them originality, but also to technical reasons. So, for example, along the edges of paths paved with paving stones, gravel fills are arranged. They act as drainage. If you do not provide backfill, during rain the water that will flow from the path will wash away the lawn. A combination of certain materials allows you to visually expand or shorten the path. When arranging paths in this case, it is necessary to take into account general style site - paths should fit harmoniously into the landscape.

A country house or dacha is a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. Of course, you have to work hard if you want your loved ones to be comfortable and have a pleasant time at personal plot. This is probably why the owners of such houses and cottages try to make even the paths in the garden original, using both improvised and specialized building materials.

Table of contents: -

In general, there are quite a lot of options for arranging paths on a personal plot, but before work on marking and the actual arrangement begins, it is necessary to decide on the material. Garden paths are considered the most popular:

  1. From stone - they use either processed material (pebbles, quartzite and others) or unprocessed material (limestone, slate, sandstone and others). Yes, natural stone will cost a pretty penny, but you can also use concrete paving stone - it is now produced in different forms and sizes. A path on a personal plot made of stone is resistant to climatic and physical influences and has a long service life.

  1. From clinker brick - this material will optimal solution for the arrangement of exclusively “pedestrian” zones on a personal plot. You can only lay small areas with clinker bricks and you need to know some of the features of the material in question:
  • high level Clinker bricks made by vibration pressing are distinguished by their wear resistance;
  • The clinker brick that was produced by vibration casting is distinguished by its decorative appearance.

Recently, water-repellent and high-strength clinker bricks have appeared on the building materials market - these are the qualities that make it optimal for laying out garden paths.

  1. Made of wood. This material is characterized by a high level of environmental friendliness and the ability to use original design solutions for landscaping a personal plot. Most often, wooden paths are guides to a specific, localized resting place. You can lay paths from pre-prepared fragments, you can use dies from a tree trunk - in any case, the selected material will need to be treated with specific solutions (antiseptic, protective from ultraviolet radiation and moisture).

In addition to the materials listed, you can use plastic flooring to arrange garden paths. This is the most modern material, which can be used for laying paths - you just need to lay the fragments of the flooring in a certain order and you will get a beautiful, bright, original design track. Many people doubt its reliability - plastic can hardly be called a wear-resistant material, but a damaged fragment can be replaced at any time. It is worth remembering only one rule for laying plastic fragments as a path on a personal plot - it is necessary to provide free space between the fragment itself and the ground/soil.

The easiest way is to say “I’ll make a path on my personal plot with my own hands” and decide on the material. What's next? It turns out that there are clear technologies for the process of arranging garden paths from various materials - they need to be studied before starting work.

Making a stone path

First you need to make markings and determine the exact location of the future path. Second step - calculation required quantity stones, for which they can simply be laid out at the site of the future path.

Note:This imitation of a finished path in the garden will help determine the required size/shape of each stone. The fact is that natural stone there is never an ideal shape - you have to “customize” it to fit right size and contour. This can be done with a regular grinder.

  1. Dig a trench along the contour of the future path to a depth of a spade bayonet - you should not throw away the removed turf, it can still be useful in landscaping work.
  2. Place a layer of small pebbles or crushed stone at the bottom of the resulting ditch - this will be a drainage cushion that needs to be compacted well.
  3. A layer of sand is poured onto the drainage layer, which is also carefully compacted.

Note:The thickness of the crushed stone/gravel layer should not exceed 15 cm, but it is enough to sprinkle sand in a layer of 5 cm.

  1. Prepared stones are laid out on a layer of sand - for a more dense “shrinkage” they are compacted with a rubber hammer.

The space between the laid stones can be filled with cement mortar prepared in standard proportions of cement and sand. The most convenient way to do this is with a special bag with a cut off corner or a stationary cone - it works according to the principle pastry syringe, squeezing out required quantity cement mortar and filling the empty space. Some people prefer not to bother with such an action - in this case, the tracks will have more natural look due to grass growing between the laid stones.

This method will ensure more reliable laying of stone on the path and will extend the life of the path. There is no need to change anything fundamentally in the scheme of work on designing a garden path made of stone; it is enough to just pour a 5-centimeter layer into the dug trench concrete mortar prepared according to the classic formula.

In this case, the prepared stones will be sunk into the not completely hardened solution, and the resulting space between the fragments of the path can be sealed with stones of a finer fraction. For reliability, stone tiles can be additionally secured with tile adhesive: in this case, you need to fill them in advance concrete base and let it dry completely.

With the advent of geotextile building materials on the market, the method of laying stone on a concrete base has faded into the background. Geotextiles serve as an excellent drainage material and are distinguished by for a long time service and easy to use. And if you decide to use this material for arranging a stone garden path, then consider the following points:

  • you still have to dig a trench, and you need to immediately compact its bottom thoroughly;
  • a geotextile fabric is applied to the resulting base so that the edges extend beyond the intended path by 20 cm on each side;
  • a layer (5-10 cm) of crushed stone is poured onto the laid canvas and compacted tightly;
  • The free ends of the geotextile fabric are laid overlapping on compacted crushed stone - a multi-layer drainage cushion is obtained.

And then again pour a layer of sand, compact it and lay the stone. The resulting cracks are not filled with cement mortar, but rubbed with dry cement - this is done with a broom, and the process can continue for 2 weeks until all the cracks are filled/compacted completely.

It seems that the technology for arranging a stone garden path is not difficult, but in fact, an inexperienced person will need a lot of time to carry out the process from start to finish. Be sure to consider important point– the garden path should be slightly higher than the surface of the ground (literally 3 cm). This will ensure that water drains away, which automatically extends the life of the stone.

Note:garden paths made of stone have one drawback - after getting wet they become slippery. Therefore, when choosing a material, be sure to watch for the presence of some roughness on the surface of the material. By the way, for this reason, marble is never used when arranging such structures on a personal plot.

Before you start arranging a brick path, make sure that it has sufficient strength - this material is considered fragile, so it is better to be on the safe side in advance. And then you need to work step by step:

  1. We break down/mark the path - this can be done using pegs and ropes.
  2. We dig a trench along the marked boundaries with a depth of a spade bayonet (25-30 cm).
  3. We install a stop-limiter along the dug trench - it will mark the boundaries of brick laying, and subsequently become a place for attaching curbs.
  4. We pour gravel or crushed stone into the space limited by the stops - we build drainage system 10-15 cm thick, then carefully compact the resulting layer. For getting excellent result Experts recommend lightly moistening the “cushion” with water.
  5. The next layer is sand, the thickness of which should not exceed 5 cm. The sand is also compacted well, and it is also better to spill it with a small amount of water.

Then we lay the clinker brick using the same technology as the stone - tapping, “settling” it into the sand with a rubber hammer. Please note that bricks can be placed close to each other, or they can be left between them small cracks and then fill them with small pebbles or crumbs of the same brick, or you can leave the cracks open - over time, grass will grow in them.

Note:Before you start laying the path itself with bricks, you need to install curbs - you simply place the brick “on the rubble”, filling the space left by the stops.

This best option arrangement of garden paths at low cost, because most often huge volumes of used logs are simply thrown away and burned! Of course, you will need to make some efforts and spend time, but nothing is simple. Let's start preparing the wooden elements:

Then the process of arranging the path itself begins.:

  • we mark the future path, dig a trench - its depth is determined individually and depends on the length of the prepared stumps;
  • the bottom of the trench is compacted, a layer of geotextile is laid on top;
  • the next layer is sand, which also needs to be thoroughly compacted;
  • prepared hemp is inserted into the sand (sometimes “screwed in”), a rubber hammer helps in this matter;
  • The gaps formed between the stumps can be filled with thick branches from the same log, pre-treated using the above technology.

Be sure, after installing all the stumps, the surface of the resulting path is covered with fine crushed stone/screenings - it will fill all the free spaces and give appearance the paths are more natural.

Note:many people prefer to paint in different colors already prepared stumps to make the path in the garden look more fun and “elegant”. This must be done before the process of laying the material in the prepared trench begins.

You can get acquainted with the technology of arranging a garden path made of wood by watching this video review: