History of roller blinds. Roman curtains

– a unique invention that is popular all over the world. They are characterized by high versatility, the ability to be used in the most different rooms and an unusually simple design. The variety of style and design variations allows you to successfully combine these curtains with various interior solutions. And not only at home. They look great in offices, public buildings, administrative buildings and entertainment venues.

They have a long and extremely fascinating history of development, and their popularity today simply requires a closer and more thorough acquaintance with them.

History of appearance

Some kind of roller blinds first appeared during the times of Ancient Egypt. Papyrus successfully took on the role of fabric. It was made from reed stalks and was successfully used by the Egyptians for a variety of purposes.

For greater ease of use, a special system for raising/lowering curtains has been developed. The mechanism for drawing water from a well was taken as a basis, which underwent certain changes and was adapted to control roller blinds.

This discovery did not go unnoticed and later it was successfully used in Ancient Rome. But with certain improvements. We are talking about replacing papyrus with fabric. Her coloring in various colors and shades allowed us to diversify the design as much as possible and make it more attractive.

During the Middle Ages, the technology for producing roller blinds was lost and gradually they were replaced by ordinary scraps of fabric. They were used to close window and door openings. Compared to curtains, they had no folds, and when cleaning they were simply rolled up from above into a roller.

A new round of development

The situation changed in 1769. It was during that period that Edward Beren received a patent for the right to manufacture roller blinds. At the same time, their mass production began. Thanks to this in as soon as possible they spread throughout almost all of Europe.

Another surge in the popularity of roller blinds occurred in the 20s of the last century. At that time, Prohibition was in effect in the United States. It was thanks to these curtains that the owners of cafes and bars were able to literally hide their clients who were drinking alcoholic beverages from police officers walking down the street in literally a matter of moments.

Roller blinds are no less relevant today. The market offers various variations of them, which differ in fabric and design, style and control mechanism. But the high efficiency of roller blinds and their wide demand among consumers remains unchanged.

Roller blinds– an excellent format for decorating a window opening. They have high performance indicators, are completely easy to install, easy to use, offer a variety of options for every taste and do not create any problems in care and maintenance. All this makes them a truly indispensable and universal solution for the premises of the most different types and purpose.

Blinds today are gaining more and more popularity, surpassing curtains, curtains and drapes in practicality, ease of use and aesthetic appearance. However, few people think about who came up with the idea of ​​creating such a useful modern world inventions.

One of the existing legends says that blinds, translated as “jealousy,” are an invention of a hot-tempered Italian who could not come to terms with the fact that another man could see his beautiful wife through the window. The jealous man, day after day, tightly closed all the curtains in the house, but his wife became ill from the lack of daylight, and she wasted away before his eyes. And then the resourceful Italian attached thin plates made of wood to the windows, which from the outside created the appearance of a solid canvas and became the prototype of the well-known blinds. As a result, the room was filled with light, and passers-by were unable to see everything that was happening in the apartment.

There is another story that attributes the widespread use of blinds in Europe to none other than... French courtesans! Yes, it was these girls who came up with the idea to use this window decoration in order to awaken interest and passion in males. After all, through the shutters it is impossible to see who is in the room, but the “lattices on strings,” if pulled aside, revealed to men part of what was happening in the room, which fueled their desire. Thus, the novelty brought from overseas quickly became popular.

However, according to scientists, blinds were invented long before this, several thousand years ago. And they were invented by the Arabs, who placed several parallel wooden slats at an angle of 45 degrees, and only then borrowed by Europeans. The first blinds in history were unadjustable; they performed only two functions: they allowed entry into the room required quantity light and protected the people in it from outside attention. Later, blinds turned into decoration not only for windows, but also for doors, glass partitions. They ceased to be exclusively horizontal, and their vertical counterparts appeared.

In our country vertical blinds became known only in the 90s of the 20th century, but were immediately loved by housewives. Why? It's all about their practicality. In order to control the blinds, it is enough to touch only the slats with your hands - special control strips, as a result of which they themselves remain for a long time clean, which eliminates the constant need for washing and ironing. In addition, modern manufacturers provide a wide range of blinds, allowing them to be combined with any interior without compromising the aesthetics of the room.

The first roller blinds appeared in Ancient Egypt, they were made from papyrus, and their main function was protection from the scorching sun. Later, such curtains appeared in Babylon and France, in these countries they began to use them not only on windows, but also on doorways. The ancient Egyptians equipped roller blinds with a special lifting mechanism, after which they began to be used in Ancient Rome. The Romans made their own changes; they began to use beautiful textiles and dyes in the manufacture of curtains. In the Middle Ages, the technology for making curtains was lost. Then, when they tried to revive the manufacturing technology, the curtains became modern look and rolled up in rolls, hence their name. Now such curtains are used all over the world.

Roller blinds come in 2 types:

With an open system. This a budget option roller blinds, since the shaft on which the fabric is wound is not covered with any decorative box. Although the open design does not look so beautiful, it is practical and not expensive.
WITH closed system . Curtains with a closed system have a decorative box that covers a shaft with a wound fabric.

In addition to types, roller blinds are divided according to the control method.

Chain mechanism. This is the simplest and most common control method. Roller blinds have a cord (chain) installed on either side with which the curtain can be raised, lowered or fixed in a certain position. This manual mechanism will last a long time if used correctly and carefully.
Spring mechanism installed from the bottom up, with its help roller blinds can be fixed in a certain position. Using such a mechanism is easy, but it wears out quickly, since the spring stretches over time, and it will be difficult to fix the curtains.
Automatic mechanism. Roller blinds with an automatic mechanism are controlled using a remote control or a button. Of course, such wallpapers are the most convenient to use, but also one of the most expensive.

In many countries, roller blinds in the interior are considered one of the most important roles. The reason for such popularity is their many advantages. BA wide range of products allows you to choose curtains to suit any interior.The curtains do not lose their original appearance or fade, as they are impregnated with a special protective impregnation.Washing and cleaning curtains is very easy, since you only need to be armed to care for them soap solution and a rag.The materials used to produce curtains are safe for human health.
Against the general background of numerous advantages, there are not many disadvantages of roller blinds. Firstly, the mechanisms on inexpensive models may fail due to improper use, and this is an additional cost. Secondly, it is very difficult to choose roller blinds for plastic windows, despite them a large assortment and variety of colors. Thirdly, the fabric for some curtains is treated with special protective impregnations and because of this, they must be taken to the dry cleaner for washing.

Roller blinds can be selected not only for any interior, but also to satisfy any requests of the apartment owners.

Any home starts with the kitchen and living room. They have breakfast, lunch, dinner, receive guests and celebrate holidays there. The interior must be appropriate. Curtains on the windows play a huge role. They attract the eye, decorate the room, allow sunlight to penetrate, and hide imperfections. window frame and window sill, and perfectly complement the interior. These options are Roman blinds.

History of origin

Roman curtains for the kitchen came to us from the distant Roman Empire. You can guess the origin by the name itself. In those years, people already understood that such a device allowed them to hide from annoying people during the day. sun rays. When the sun went below the horizon, the curtains could be raised to let fresh, cool air into the room. Thousands of years have passed, but window decoration options have remained virtually unchanged. This is due to the fact that the curtains are very simply made, they are very comfortable and easy to use. Roman blinds are strict, laconic and neat.

For a long time the designer persuaded me to use this type of curtains for the kitchen windows. It seemed to me that it was not so attractive and cozy. I was very wrong, as they are easy and convenient to use. For me this is a great practical option.

Modern designers never cease to delight with a wide variety of Roman-type models. They differ in fabrics, colors and decorative elements. Today you can find any curtains according to your taste and color.

Varieties of Roman blinds

Today in a specialized store you can choose curtains for every taste. There are two types in the interior:

Classic options can be either transparent or not. They miss well sunlight. The lack of frills will allow window textiles to fit perfectly into almost any interior, even those made in Egyptian or french style.

Cascading textile products, in turn, have a more majestic and pompous appearance. They depict flowers, ornaments and traditional symbols. Suitable for rooms decorated in art deco or country style.

Product design

The curtains are quite simple design. They consist of a cornice onto which fabric is attached using special fasteners. The cornice is a wooden or plastic block. The fabric attached to the cornice is a curtain. The choice of fabric should be taken seriously. It's better to think about it in advance color scheme and choose decorative elements.

It is worth considering What are roll models? will not rise and fall without a lifting mechanism with a chain. The length of the chain may vary. It all depends on the length of the canvas and how much it will lower and rise. The lower part of the textile should be made heavier. Special fasteners or weights can help with this.

Advantages of roll options

As mentioned earlier, there are several varieties textile products. Roll options have a number of advantages:

The only drawback is the high price. To somehow reduce the cost, you can make the design yourself, this way your design will be unique. Some housewives, studying reviews, came to the conclusion that the cost of the model is quite justified, so they are ready to pay even a high price for them.

Fabrics used

Roll options are very popular. This is due to the fact that they look expensive and presentable.

When making Roman blinds A wide variety of fabrics are used. It can be velvet, brocade, tapestry, silk, satin. The main thing is that the fabric does not stretch and is sufficiently dense and durable, otherwise it will stretch and cease to please the eye.

Worth paying Special attention to the drawing. It should be chosen in accordance with the interior of the room. Do not give preference to too bright and large images. Textile window decorations should not stand out from the overall picture, they should correspond to it and harmoniously complement it.

Those who like to highlight individual parts of the interior can hang roll-type tulle with an original color and pattern on the windows. It could be a mint shade or even a photo curtain. But mostly, when looking at the catalogue, buyers first of all pay attention not to the huge city as a picture, but to the laconic striped version.

Other curtain styles

Roman blinds have been known since the first millennium, but they have become especially popular just now. In addition to Roman ones, Japanese, Romanesque and French versions with the use of accessories such as curtains or lambrequins are no less actively purchased.

Japanese interior

Japan is a country of harmony. Its culture and way of life combine sophistication, love of nature and bright colors. Curtains can be different colors- from bright to monotonous. Most often chosen transparent fabric with small flowers or other designs.

Japanese options are straight, even canvases arranged vertically. They can move along the eaves, allowing or blocking sunlight. These models are suitable for large windows on the entire wall. At the right time, you can simply push them in.

Romanesque models

Roman blinds are often confused with Roman blinds, classifying them as the same type. But Romanesque options are a completely different element of decor.

Romanesque curtains are distinguished by the fact that when they are raised, the fabric gathers in soft folds and forms noble waves. In the manufacture of such models, heavy fabrics in pastel colors are used. The main preference is given to environmentally friendly clean materials. Large ribbons, bows or tassels are used for decoration.

French curtains

France has always been associated with beauty, aristocracy and luxury. Appearance French curtains reminiscent of Romanesque ones, but the French versions are more graceful and half-loose. When making them, manufacturers usually choose satin or silk in pastel colors with small floral patterns.

I spent a very long time choosing curtains for myself. One day I accidentally walked into a store where there was maximum choice exactly roll options. To be honest, at first I was even confused, since each sample different styles I was amazed by its beauty. After listening to the saleswoman's advice, I decided to stop at French version and never regretted it. Perfect option for the kitchen and living room in loft style. I am very pleased!

French curtains in the interior are great for living rooms and large halls, creating a truly royal atmosphere. When choosing roller blinds in the French style, the living room will definitely not be left without attention.

Curtains play a huge role in creating the design of a room. They can hide the imperfections of the window, add new tones and shades to the room, fit harmoniously into the interior and introduce new colors into it. Roman blinds will fit into any interior. They will look great in the kitchen, living room, bedroom.

The word “pleated” arose in the 17th century and comes from French word plisse (pli), which translates as fold. This is a type of fabric processing using a press or steaming with an iron, in which smooth parallel folds appear on the material. The width of the stripes can vary from 5 millimeters to 5 centimeters.

But the history of pleated fabrics goes far into the past. Even in Ancient Egypt they were very popular. At first, the costumes of the pharaohs were sewn from pleated materials, and then the traditional clothes of the Egyptians, shenti, began to be trimmed with pleated fabrics. Subsequently, the success of pleated was achieved in China, Japan, Scotland and Azerbaijan. The material resembling an accordion has enough Long story. But it was not until 1907 that fabric processing was developed and patented. in a modern way.

Today, pleated fabrics are used to make clothing, jewelry, drapery materials, curtains, and much more. They received the same name sun protection systems with folded fabric. Pleated curtains are sun protection systems installed on windows. They consist of 2 cornices connected to each other by pleated fabric, through which rope cords pass.

INTEGRA PLISSE trademark FOROOM - products related to pleated curtains. The design of these systems is designed for installation on only rectangular window sashes, which are common in most modern premises. The ability to open pleated curtains in two directions and cover any part of the window, leaving, for example, only the top open, allowed the INTEGRA PLISSE system to earn enormous popularity among customers. Due to its wide distribution and versatility (only rectangular shape different sizes) INTEGRA PLISSE is a product of mass demand and has a uniquely low cost for this type of system. The price for pleated curtains TM FOROOM is the same for all official representatives throughout Russia.

All INTEGRA PLISSE systems are manufactured to order in a modern European-level automated production facility with an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters. Each product is tested by the quality control service, therefore the manufactured FOROOM pleated curtains have high degree execution.

Buyers of INTEGRA PLISSE systems always have the opportunity to select fabrics from a special catalog. In stock only best fabrics, which are extremely popular. For example, fabrics that imitate linen look great on the window and give the room a sophisticated look.

To buy pleated curtains for windows, all you need to know is required size and decide on the choice of fabric. On the convenient website you can try on the material you like online and see how INTEGRA PLISSE products will look on the window. To order pleated, you just need to make a purchase on the website or contact an official FOROOM representative.