How to cut lilies. Lily propagation

14 Jul 2013

Lilies very popular perennial flowers, they can be found in the garden of almost every gardener. The most commonly grown lilies in Russia are from the group of Asian hybrids; they are the most unpretentious, winter-hardy and disease-resistant. Varieties of Asian lilies are most adapted to the climate of Russia, because they come from natural species of Siberian lilies - tiger lily, Daurian lily, etc., therefore they are most adapted to growing conditions and work well even with novice gardeners, subject to the basic rules of planting and caring for plants. The remaining groups of lilies, according to the international classification, require more careful care, selection of a place for planting bulbs and careful soil preparation.

A place to plant lilies.

When choosing a place to plant Asian, trumpet and oriental hybrid lilies, allocate sunny areas in the garden with protection from the wind. Curly lilies are grown only in partial shade. Plants thrive when their lower parts are in the shade and top part- inflorescence in the sun. So that the soil under the lilies is in the shade, does not overheat and does not dry out, others are planted nearby herbaceous plants- cornflower, hostas, daylily, bells, shading the surface of the earth.

In a flower garden, it is better to place lilies in small groups of 3-7 pieces among other perennial flowers, then the graceful flowers will stand out against the background of other plants, and at the same time harmonize perfectly with other flowers, creating a magnificent picture. After flowering, faded inflorescences are broken off so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flower garden.

It would be better if the place for growing lilies was slightly elevated, so that rain and melt water would not stagnate in the spring; with prolonged waterlogging, the plants are easily affected by diseases.

Soil preparation.

The soil for planting lilies is dug up as deep as possible to 30-40 cm, since the roots of the plants go deep. The soil should be well drained. In heavy clay soil when digging, add sand at a rate of 1 meter per square meter. Sandy soil is improved with peat. To increase fertility, add rotted compost or manure 1-2 buckets per sq.m. Since lilies are perennial flowers and grow in one place for 3-4 years before transplanting, additionally, when preparing the soil, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied (about 100 grams per sq.m.). When filling the soil during digging with organic and mineral fertilizers in the next 2-3 years the plants will not need additional feeding in summer. If the soil is poor, sandy and no fertilizers have been applied beforehand, then the plants are fed 2-3 times over the summer with complex mineral fertilizer.

Most lilies do not tolerate acidic soil, preferring slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soils, so after analysis, if necessary, the soil is additionally limed. To reduce soil acidity, you can add chalk (200-500 g) or wood ash (150-200 g per sq.m.).

Lily planting time

The best time for planting and replanting bulbs is the end of August - September, when the lilies have already bloomed. If you bought lily bulbs in the spring, they are planted in May. Late-blooming lilies - Oriental, Henry, etc., plant better in spring, as their bulbs continue to form in the fall. Asiatic lilies can tolerate replanting even in summer during budding or flowering, if the bulb is dug out with a clod of earth.

Asiatic lilies quickly grow daughter bulbs, forming a nest so that the plants do not thicken; they are replanted and divided after 3-4 years. Tubular and oriental lilies replanted after 4-5 years. Curly and American hybrids after 5-7 years.

Planting lily bulbs.

Before planting, lily bulbs are soaked for 30 minutes in a dark solution of potassium permanganate (5 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water). Lily scales and bulb roots dry out quickly, so the bulbs should not be dried out.

The planting depth of the bulb depends on its diameter. For adult large bulbs, dig holes or trenches 15-20 cm deep, for small ones 8-10 cm. A layer of clean sand is poured onto the bottom of the hole. Place the bulb on a sand bed, straighten the roots and fill the hole with soil.

The distance between planted bulbs should be 25-35 cm, depending on the height of the plants. It is better to cover the planted bulbs for the winter with dry leaves and spruce branches on top. In spring the cover is removed.

Caring for lilies usual: weeding, watering, loosening and fertilizing, if no fertilizers were added to the soil during planting.

Lilies should be watered regularly before and during flowering to ensure the soil is always moderately moist. Water lilies only at the root, avoiding moisture on the leaves, to reduce the risk of diseases and burns on the leaves.

The soil around the plants must be kept clean from weeds and in a loose state; to better retain moisture in the soil, its surface should be mulched.

Lily propagation.

The simplest method of propagating lilies is to divide the nests of bulbs when transplanting them after a few years. Dividing the nests is necessary for plants, since when the lilies thicken, the flowers become smaller or the plants stop blooming altogether. After planting, the divided bulbs will bloom within next year.

Some lilies form baby bulbs on the stem just above the main bulb. When transplanting, they are carefully separated from the stem and planted separately for growing. The plants will bloom in the second or third year.

There are lilies with the ability to form bulbs - stem bulbs in the axils of the leaves on the stem. The bulbs are collected at the end of summer, sometimes they fall off on their own and already have small roots; they are planted shallowly in the ground, buried 3-4 cm. For the winter, the planted bulbs must be covered. Bulb lilies will develop and bloom in 2-3 years.

More the hard way propagation of lilies by scales. Loose scales are easily separated; the rupture site must be treated with wood ash or a solution of potassium permanganate. The scales are planted in the ground, sticking them 5-6 cm into a sand cushion poured onto the bottom of a shallow trench. The scales are planted in the spring, and in the fall small bulbs form.

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  • ​Feeding of seedlings can begin 2 weeks after picking. For feeding, a flower fertilizer mixture is usually used at the rate of 20 g (one tablespoon) per bucket of water. Fertilizer watering is carried out once a week, after watering clean water. Seedlings are planted in the beds at a distance of 5-7 cm in a row and 25 cm row from row. The first feeding is done a month after planting in the ground, the second at the beginning of July and the third at the beginning of August. The feeding liquid is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of mullein infusion - 10 liters of water and 100 g of wood ash. After planting, it is recommended to mulch the seedlings with humus to prevent drying out. The soil must be kept moderately moist at all times and not allowed to dry out. In the first winter, the seedlings are covered with a layer of leaves, which will need to be removed as soon as the snow melts.​

Step 1

​It is highly advisable to add humus to the prepared hole, mix it lightly with the soil, lay the bulbs, carefully straightening the roots, then sprinkle them with the next portion of humus, mulch the top with soil and water well. The planting depth is standard - three bulb heights, the distance between plants is 20 cm for low varieties, 30-35 cm for tall lilies. Don't forget to mark the landing site.​

Step 2

​It should be shallow, but they should be completely covered with earth. This depth will be enough for their safe overwintering.​

Step 3

​For good strong bulbs, only the marginal scales should be removed and this should be done very carefully, pulling the scales down so as not to damage their base;​

Propagation of garden flowers: roses, irises, lilies

​There are simple

​Dig a hole and add a mound of earth to the bottom. Place the roots into the hole and carefully spread them over the mound. Planting depth - no more than 2-3 cm. Cover the roots with soil and compact with your hands - the planted plot should be firmly anchored in the soil.​

Rose propagation

​Select shoots that have already turned brown and woody at the base. Cut cuttings from them 5-8 cm long. In this case, the lower cut should be under the bud, and the upper cut should be half a centimeter above the bud. Try to make both cuts at an angle of 45 degrees. It’s good if each cutting has one (with 2 branches) or two internodes. Before rooting the finished cuttings, remove the lower branch and the upper leaves of the remaining branches, and then treat them with zircon: dilute one ampoule of fertilizer in 2 liters of water and place the cuttings in the resulting solution, immersing them to a depth of 2-3 cm. Leave for 15 hours.​

Preparation of cuttings

​This is the most effective method and applies to almost all lilies. The scales are removed throughout the season, but it is best to do this in spring or autumn when transplanting lilies.

​Part 1 - Storage and protection from diseases and pests of bulbous and corm crops​


The stem on which the flower will bloom is divided into cuttings with three to seven leaves, after which all leaves are removed, with the exception of the top one. Then each piece is dropped to the sinus top sheet in the sand.​

Lilies need to be replanted regularly, about once every three to four years.



​Should not be autumn planting discard bulbs that have sprouts; flowering of such bulbs will begin not next year, but the year after. This is explained by the fact that such young shoots on bulbs with “delayed” growth periods (as a rule, this occurs due to improper storage) will certainly die off in the first winter, but in due time, having overwintered the second winter, the lilies will certainly delight you with their flowering. ​

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Lily blossom

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​scales from purchased bulbs must be etched in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l) or in a solution of a special preparation;

​rules for growing lilies



​a mixture of coal and sulfur

​Part 2 - Digging and warming up the bulbs​

Top dressing

Leaf cuttings are done like this:

Reproduction of irises (video)

Lily propagation

​If you do not do this, then over time the bulb’s nest will grow, and problems will begin: the lily will not show its maximum capabilities in flowering and growth.​

​More about propagating lilies​


Lilies can grow in one place for up to five years; Asiatic lilies quickly form nests of bulbs, so they are planted earlier - after three years.

​, propagated in this way, begins in the third year.​


From time to time, the scales stored in the substrate should be checked for the presence of any fungal diseases or the appearance of mold on them;

​, making it easier to care for this plant, so you need to know and follow them. So let's talk first about in various ways propagation of lilies.​

If irises grow well after planting, then in the first year they do not need to be fed. In the future, the flowers must be fertilized with mineral fertilizers three times a year: at the beginning of growth, during the formation of buds and after flowering. Irises usually bloom in the second year after transplantation. Material about erythronium (dog fang) will be useful.

Lily propagation (video)

Lilies propagation methods, planting lilies | GREEN BLOG

​Plant the cuttings in pots directly or at a slight slope to a depth of 1-2 cm. Use a mixture of earth and sand as soil. Water the soil before planting.​

Lily bulb ​...​ During flowering, the leaves are separated from the top of the stem and buried halfway in the sand. After one to two months, tiny bulbs will appear at the base of the leaf.​

Propagation of lilies by dividing nests

And over time, flowering may stop altogether. ​Despite the fact that lilies seem so touchy, anyone can grow them. And their ability to reproduce different ways allows you to earn extra money if you wish.​​SUBSCRIBE TO THE GREEN BLOG NEWS​

How to propagate lilies by scales

​Seeds are formed after lilies bloom; ripened seeds can also be collected and used as planting material. It should be taken into account that the onset of flowering of plants will be later than when using other methods of propagation. This method requires certain skills; as a rule, it is used by breeders to obtain new varieties of lilies.​ You can store a bag of scales at room temperature, but it is better if it is in the refrigerator or on a cool windowsill, this will prevent premature formation of bulbs, which is highly undesirable; This is the easiest way to reproduce. Lily bulbs tend to grow overgrown with new young bulbs, so after three to four years, in the place of one planted bulb, a nest consisting of 5-6 bulbs is formed. Such nests should be divided and planted, observing the usual

​The most common and easiest way to propagate lilies is by dividing nests of bulbs. It is based on the fact that the bulb forms several new buds at once, giving rise to daughter bulbs. They are separated and transplanted to another place. As they grow, the separated bulbs form an independent root system.​

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Reproduction using baby bulbs

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​This method is resorted to in case of a shortage of planting material, which can be obtained by other methods described. As a rule, valuable specimens of lilies are propagated by cuttings. The deadline for the work is the beginning of budding. The selected stem is cut into cuttings about 8 cm long, the leaf closest to the bottom cut is removed and planted obliquely in light soil, deepening up to a couple of upper leaves. The plantings are shaded and watered regularly, but not abundantly.

  • In the spring, the formed bulbs can be planted together with the mother scale.

Lily propagation by bulbs

​rules for planting lily bulbs

To prevent the soil from drying out, spray the cuttings with water at room temperature every day. The first roots of the cuttings will appear in 14 days, and the plant takes root in 3-4 weeks.​​tassel​

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Propagation of lilies by seeds

With proper replanting, you can get at least six new bulbs from one bulb in four years.

Lily cuttings

​Baby bulbs​

Propagation of lilies by leaves

​How to propagate lilies by seeds.​ ​As in the previous version, to​​Such baby bulbs are formed on the underground part of the stem and at the base of the mother bulb. You can collect the babies from the stem without even digging up the plant itself. After harvesting, the children should be immediately planted in a temporary bed with light, nutritious soil for growing. The depth of planting the children in the soil is 4-5 cm. When a thin stalk forms on them (next year or the year after), the plantings are carefully transferred to a permanent place.

General rules for planting and replanting lilies

​(written about them below).​ ​Prune the lily stems very close to the soil surface. Then dig up the bulbs. To avoid damaging them, it is better to do this with a garden fork. Then clean the bulbs from the soil, remove all scales with spots and traces of rot. Trim the roots, leaving 10-15 cm. Disassemble large nests into bulbs. If they do not separate on their own, do so with a knife. Treat clean bulbs with roots for 20-30 minutes. in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or the drug "Maxim".​

Rake the soil, trying to disturb the roots as little as possible, remove the bulb and, lightly pressing on the scales, break out 5-6 outer scales from the bottom of the bulb. The broken area must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a mixture of crushed charcoal with sulfur. Then return the bulb to its original place and cover it with earth.​

​Part 15 - More about the propagation of lilies​

​If you are interested in increasing the number baby bulbs, then separate the flower buds, and then rake the stem a little with soil.​

​When to collect bulbs​

​Bud-bulbs​ Lilies reproduce in many ways: by seeds, by dividing bulbs, by daughter bulbs, by cuttings of leaves and scales, by axillary bulbs. The most effective way It is considered a seed plant, although this is a very troublesome and time-consuming task. When propagated by seeds, all types of lilies, with the exception of hybrid ones, mainly retain their maternal forms. This propagation is very popular because we receive healthy planting material that is already adapted to local conditions, and there is also the possibility of obtaining new hybrid forms. In order to obtain normal seedlings in the year of sowing from lilies, the seeds of which germinate slowly, we will use the method of the North American breeder J. de Graaff.​

How to propagate lilies by seeds

​propagation of lilies



Technique for sowing seeds and caring for seedlings.

​For more detailed information about roses, see the articles "Growing garden roses" and "Caring for roses in the garden."

Disinfect the scales with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat with a solution of heteroauxin. After processing the scales, dry them and dust them with a mixture of crushed coal and sulfur.​

​Part 16 - Lily: Oriental hybrids​

After the baby bulbs appear, bend the stem and cover it with soil up to half its length.

We propagate lilies

Bulbs formed on the stem and in the axils of the leaves

To do this, lily seeds are mixed with slightly damp peaty soil and placed in a glass jar, which must be closed with a lid and kept at room temperature. After 2-3 weeks, the seeds swell and small airy bulbs form. After you find the bulbs, the jar with the seeds is placed in the refrigerator for three months. After three months the bulbs are removed from glass jar and planted in pick boxes or on well-prepared beds. After a few days you will be able to see small leaves. If you start germinating seeds in January-February, then in May the lilies will already sprout normally.​

Leaves are used when it is necessary to propagate valuable plants. Its essence is as follows: from the upper part of the stem in the middle of the growing season, before flowering, you need to cut off the leaves with a small part of the stem and plant them obliquely, slightly deepening them, in prepared boxes with a light nutrient mixture. After about a month, roots form on the leaf cuttings, and small bulbs form in the axils of the leaves. Watering of plantings should be moderate; for the winter, seedling boxes are dug into the ground and insulated. Possible from seedling box transplant the rooted cuttings immediately into open ground for further growing.​

  • ​If the plant is not allowed to bloom, that is, the bud is removed, the lily bulb will become larger and, as a result, more daughter bulbs will form on such a bulb.
  • ​reproduction by scales​
  • It is better to plant prepared bulbs immediately, but if you need to wait, do not allow the roots to dry out. To do this, put the bulbs in boxes and sprinkle them with wet peat.​
  • When the scales are separated in the spring, they can be planted directly in open ground - every 5-6 cm, with row spacing of 20-25 cm, deepening them to 2/3 of the height. Mulch the soil with peat chips or humus, and shade the plantings. Do not allow the soil to dry out. In the fall, the small bulbs formed from the scales can be planted for growing. Author Valentina Dvortsova
  • ​Part 17 - Hyacinths and crocuses: what to do with the bulbs after forcing?​
  • ​For plants with supra-bulb roots (unicolor, bulbous, tiger, magnificent, regal, Dahurian, sulfur-yellow lilies), the stem must be pulled out or cut with a knife just above the bulb.​

​Many types of hybrids form bulbs on the stems. They are collected after flowering, when they begin to fall.

​Separation of bulbs when dividing their nests

Lily seeds, which sprout in the year of sowing, are soaked in water for 2-3 days. This significantly speeds up germination. When soaked, all empty (embryonic) seeds float to the top.​

​Preferred (but not required)​

Bulbs are formed in the axils of the leaves; this feature is not observed in all types of lilies. The larger and healthier the lily bulb and the plant itself, the larger the bulbs grow on the lily stem. In large bulbs, roots begin to form directly on the stems of the plant and thereby become completely ready for planting. After ripening, some bulbs fall to the ground, subsequently creating large colorful arrays of blooming lilies.​

​is not difficult. To do this, the selected scales are transferred to a damp, loose substrate, for example, moss (any moss, but preferably sphagnum), sawdust, peat and kept in a closed, CLEAN dark place. plastic bag(you can use garbage bags) for a period that lasts several autumn-winter months. At the end of this period, small roots grow at the base of the bulbs, and then small bulbs, which serve as material for propagation next spring.

​Part 18 - Planting tulips, daffodils and other bulbous plants​Then, in a shaded place or in special boxes, the stem with supra-bulb roots separated in the above manner is planted onto the plot, and the lower part of the stem is sprinkled with fertile soil to form larger children.​

Reproduction by scales


To sow lily seeds, an earthen mixture is used, which can be prepared by mixing 2 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of well-decomposed humus and 1 part of washed sand. Sowing is done in boxes in winter or in early spring and to the garden bed in late autumn, before winter.​

Deadline for planting and replanting (propagation) of lilies

​Planting is done in a temporary bed; you can use the space between adult lilies. In the first year after planting the bulbs, only one leaf forms on them, then a thin stem appears, this moment serves as a signal for transplanting the young shoots to a permanent place.

This flower cannot be called whimsical, but the lily is responsive to human care and attention, and having received it, it will respond to you with the splendor of its flowering. Believe me, this dialogue will definitely take place, and it will be wonderful.

There are simple rules for growing lilies, making it easier to care for this plant, so you need to know and follow them. So, let's first talk about the different ways to propagate lilies.

Propagation of lilies by dividing nests

This is the easiest way to reproduce. Lily bulbs tend to grow overgrown with new young bulbs, so after three to four years, in the place of one planted bulb, a nest consisting of 5-6 bulbs is formed. Such nests should be divided and planted, observing the usual rules for planting lily bulbs(they are described below).

How to propagate lilies by scales

Technology reproduction by scales not difficult. To do this, the selected scales are transferred to a damp, loose substrate, for example, moss (any moss, but preferably sphagnum), sawdust, peat and kept in a closed CLEAN dark plastic bag (garbage bags can be used) for a certain period, which lasts several autumn-winter months. At the end of this period, small roots grow at the base of the bulbs, and then small bulbs, which serve as material for propagation next spring.

Important :

  • scales for propagation can be removed from bulbs damaged during digging, as well as from bulbs that are unsuitable for planting for other reasons;
  • For good strong bulbs, only the marginal scales should be removed and this should be done very carefully, pulling the scales down so as not to damage their base;
  • scales from purchased bulbs must be etched in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 l) or in a solution of a special preparation;
  • from time to time, the scales stored in the substrate should be checked for the presence of any fungal diseases or the appearance of mold on them;
  • You can store a bag of scales at room temperature, but it is better if it is in the refrigerator or on a cool windowsill, this will prevent the premature formation of bulbs, which is highly undesirable;
  • in the spring, the formed bulbs can be planted together with the mother scale.

Reproduction using baby bulbs

Such baby bulbs are formed on the underground part of the stem and at the base of the mother bulb. You can collect the babies from the stem without even digging up the plant itself. After harvesting, the children should be immediately planted in a temporary bed with light, nutritious soil for growing. The depth of embedding the children in the soil is 4-5 cm. When a thin stalk forms on them (next year or the year after), the plantings are carefully transferred to a permanent place.

Important :

  • if the plant is not allowed to bloom, that is, the bud is removed, the lily bulb will become larger and, as a result, more daughter bulbs will form on such a bulb.

Lily propagation by bulbs

Bulbs are formed in the axils of the leaves; this feature is not observed in all types of lilies. The larger and healthier the lily bulb and the plant itself, the larger the bulbs grow on the lily stem. In large bulbs, roots begin to form directly on the stems of the plant and thereby become completely ready for planting. After ripening, some bulbs fall to the ground, subsequently creating large colorful arrays of blooming lilies.

Planting is done in a temporary bed; you can use the space between adult lilies. In the first year after planting the bulblets, only one leaf forms on them, then a thin stalk appears, this moment serves as a signal for transplanting the young shoots to a permanent place.

Planting bulbs it should be shallow, but at the same time they should be completely covered with earth. This depth will be enough for their safe overwintering.

Lilies blooming, propagated in this way, occurs in the third year.

Propagation of lilies by seeds

Seeds are formed after lilies bloom; ripened seeds can also be collected and used as planting material. It should be taken into account that the onset of flowering of plants will be later than when using other methods of propagation. This method requires certain skills; as a rule, it is used by breeders to obtain new varieties of lilies.

Lily cuttings

This method is resorted to in case of shortage of planting material, which can be obtained by other methods described. As a rule, valuable specimens of lilies are propagated by cuttings. The deadline for the work is the beginning of budding. The selected stem is cut into cuttings about 8 cm long, the leaf closest to the bottom cut is removed and planted obliquely in light soil, deepening up to a couple of upper leaves. The plantings are shaded and watered regularly, but not abundantly.

Propagation of lilies by leaves

As in the previous version, to propagation of lilies leaves are used when it is necessary to propagate valuable plants. Its essence is as follows: from the upper part of the stem in the middle of the growing season, before flowering, you need to cut off the leaves with a small part of the stem and plant them obliquely, slightly deepening them, in prepared boxes with a light nutrient mixture. After about a month, roots form on the leaf cuttings, and small bulbs form in the axils of the leaves. Watering of plantings should be moderate; for the winter, seedling boxes are dug into the ground and insulated. You can transplant rooted cuttings from a seedling box directly into open ground for further growing.

General rules for planting and replanting lilies

Preferred (but not required) period for planting and replanting (propagation) of lilies One should consider the time after the end of their growing season, when the plants have flowered and become stronger. IN different regions this period is not the same: in the North it is late summer–early autumn, in Middle lane- mid-autumn, and in the southern regions planting can be done until November.

Before planting, dead roots and scales must be removed, long roots must be cut to 5–10 cm. Then it is advisable to pickle the PURCHASED bulbs with a special preparation or solution of potassium permanganate.

It is very advisable to add humus to the prepared hole, lightly mix it with the soil, lay the bulbs, carefully straightening the roots, then sprinkle them with the next portion of humus, mulch the top with soil and water well. The planting depth is standard - three bulb heights, the distance between plants is 20 cm for low varieties, 30-35 cm for tall lilies. Don't forget to mark the landing site.

When planting in autumn, you should not discard bulbs that have sprouts; flowering of such bulbs will begin not next year, but the year after. This is explained by the fact that such young shoots on bulbs with “delayed” growth periods (as a rule, this occurs due to improper storage) will certainly die off in the first winter, but in due time, having overwintered the second winter, the lilies will certainly delight you with their flowering.

Lilies can grow in one place for up to five years; Asiatic lilies quickly form nests of bulbs, so they are planted earlier - after three years.

Lily, one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, lily family. And due to a huge amount various types, shades and shapes, this queen of the garden has become the favorite of many gardeners. The only thing that upsets true connoisseurs of the royal beauty is the annual purchase of planting material, which, by the way, is not cheap. Therefore, many experienced gardeners have adapted to the independent propagation of these plants, which is overwhelmingly successful, and one of such methods is the propagation of lilies by scales.

If a novice gardener liked a certain specimen garden queen, then you should not rush to buy the same species for breeding. You can get new bushes and create the perfect flowerbed of lilies in four ways: in effective ways, namely:

  1. propagation of lilies by scales;
  2. breeding lilies with bulbs;
  3. propagation of lilies by cuttings;
  4. propagation of lilies by seed method.

All these methods of propagating lilies have their own specific characteristics and are used in different situations. But at the same time, most importantly, regardless of the chosen breeding method, all of the methods described above make it possible to increase the collection of the garden queen. And what is important, the new plants will fully retain all the characteristics of the mother plant.

We propagate lilies by scales

Reproduction of lilies by scales is the simplest and most common method, due to which an increase in the number of plants will be successful. Moreover, this method can be used with all types of lilies. Yes and magnificent blooming flower can be obtained already in the second year after breeding with scales. It is worth noting that literally from one mother bulb, it turns out from 20 to 150 new young shoots.
As for the selection of the time for propagating lilies with scales, experienced flower growers claim that the division can be carried out at any time of the year, but autumn remains the most ideal. To do this, use purchased bulbs, or the material that was dug up before winter.

So, in order to propagate lilies by scales, you need to complete several steps, namely:

  • With the onset of autumn, the plant bulbs are dug up and washed thoroughly. warm water and then carefully inspected. The scales are separated from healthy bulbs, and all defective or diseased ones are removed;
  • The prepared scales are washed in warm water and immerse in a previously prepared weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes;
  • Soil is prepared for planting scales in it, for this they take equal parts forest moss, humus and black soil, then pre-dried scales are placed in this mixture;
  • The container containing the scales with soil is sealed with a bag on top and sent to a dark and warm place for a month. As a rule, after this period of time new bulbs will begin to appear;
  • When young bulbs are discovered, the container is transferred to a cool place and kept for another 1.5 months.
  • When the young bulbs undergo stratification, they begin to separate them. After this manipulation, they are first planted in a greenhouse, this time falls in February. And when May comes, the grown and strengthened roots are planted in a permanent place.
  • If the method of propagating lilies in the spring is chosen, then the young animals are immediately moved out into the garden, bypassing the greenhouse. As for caring for young plants, they are no different from adult flowers.

Propagation of the garden queen by scales will take a total of approximately two years from the moment of separation from the main plant until an adult full-fledged flower is obtained.

In order for your own bulbs to be well stored in the winter, they should be thoroughly washed under water, then dried and planted in damp sand, in which the bulb will be stored until spring.

Video “Reproduction of lilies by scales”

We propagate the garden queen with bulblets

Reproduction of lilies by bulbs, one more great way get new shoots for planting. The so-called bulbils are formed in the leaves, which makes it possible to increase the number of any lily varieties.

But at the same time, the success of this method of reproduction depends on many factors, namely:

  • how younger plant, the more planting material can be removed;
  • the more abundantly the lily blooms, the greater the chances of getting the desired bulbs;
  • some varieties directly depend on weather conditions; to be more precise, the higher the humidity, the more bulbs are formed. Therefore, when purchasing planting material, this issue should be clarified with a consultant;
  • if you resort to such manipulation as decapitation, you can get bulbs even from those plants that practically do not produce bulbs;
  • Bulbs form immediately after the plant has flowered. And after they ripen, they begin to fall off, and it is during this period that they should be collected.

Planting bulbs in the ground directly depends on the time of year. If it’s warm outside, the bulbs are immediately planted in the ground. Well, in the case when the cold season sets in, propagation of lilies in the fall is carried out in a container. After planting, young bulbs need special care, they should be regularly moistened and maintained at a stable temperature.

Video “Propagation of lilies by bubbles”

Propagating lilies by cuttings

This method of propagation by leaf (cuttings) is used when there are no seeds for planting or the garden queen does not have bulbs. For such purposes, leaves are selected from the top of the shoot and cut off. Then they are planted at an angle in pre-prepared containers, half filled with a mixture of soil and sand.
Further care of the cuttings requires regular moisturizing soil and storing planting material away from direct sunlight.

This method is successful as an alternative to scale breeding. Since this method does not require additional financial costs, and it does not require much effort.

Growing lilies from seeds

Often, novice flower growers are interested in the question of how to get beautiful plant Lily from seeds grown in this way. First of all, propagation by this method is suitable for fast-growing varieties. These are the types of garden queens that can give a large number of seed material.

Lily seeds

Planting seeds at home begins at the end of February. For such purposes, it is necessary to first prepare a tray with nutrient soil and plant lily seeds in it to a depth of 1 cm. After the seed is planted, the tray is sent to the windowsill, preferably on the southwest side.

In order to get seedlings, you need to create good conditions, namely:

  • for sprouts to germinate, you need to constantly support room temperature;
    sown seed, requires creation greenhouse conditions, so the tray with seedlings is covered with film;
  • as soon as the first shoots become visible, the room temperature is lowered to 13 degrees and maintained until the first leaf appears. Then you should increase the room temperature to 20ºC heat;
  • seedlings that have one or two leaves should be planted in a separate container with a depth of 10 cm;
  • In order for the seedlings to develop well, they should be watered with a spray bottle, otherwise the young shoots will die from excess moisture;
  • With the onset of the end of April, the seedlings begin to be hardened by taking them out into the air for an hour, and then gradually increasing the residence time of the sprouts.

When the time comes to plant young animals in open ground, each sprout is carefully inspected and if any weak flowers, they are left to grow in the greenhouse until next spring. And those that are stronger go to the flower garden for planting at the end of May, to delight the gardener.

Lilies do not tolerate direct rays of the sun, so when choosing a site for a garden queen, they try to choose exactly the place where there will be shade for the lady.

It is difficult to find an amateur gardener who would not grow a beautiful lily on his plot. But if a gardener is a beginner, then he often has a question about how to preserve lily bulbs before planting. In this case, recommendations from experienced flower growers such.

  • Before winter, the bulbs should be dug up and washed thoroughly in warm water. Then let it dip into a weak solution of potassium permanganate and hold for about an hour. When all necessary manipulations will be completed, each bulb is dried in the shade and sent to prepared boxes with wet sand, which are then lowered into the cellar for wintering.
  • The second, important issue is lily care and reproduction. As for the methods of reproduction, they were all given above, but as for care, experienced gardeners make the following recommendations.

Lily, despite her royal look, is actually not whimsical, the main thing for her is moderate watering and protection from direct sun rays. In such conditions, the flower will grow well and delight the grower. lush flowering. As for fertilizing, it should be applied twice a season, in the spring when planting, and before flowering. For these purposes, use humus or purchase the appropriate product at flower shops.

Lily is an incredibly beautiful plant, which also does not require special care. This flower is absolutely unpretentious to living conditions, but at the same time it is capable of pleasing the eye of every lover. garden flowers. Therefore, if a person has a desire to increase the number of garden queens, especially since out of the many ways to propagate lilies, you will definitely find yours, go for it and you will succeed.

Propagation of lilies by dividing nests of bulbs is the most popular and simplest vegetative method. It has been known for a long time and has proven itself well. The method of propagating lilies by dividing nests of bulbs is based on the fact that an adult mother bulb annually separates from itself daughter bulbs, which develop new roots and new stems.

A nest of bulbs is formed, which needs to be divided and replanted 3-4 years after planting the lilies, when 4-6 bulbs are formed in the nest.

The most optimal time for dividing nests and planting bulbs - a month after the end of lily flowering.

After lilies bloom, the plants are severely depleted, their bulbs lose weight, become loose, their scales become thinner, and wither. At least a month must pass after flowering for the bulb to gain strength - to become large, dense, and elastic. This process is influenced by heat, moisture, and nutrition. Within a month, plants regain their strength spent on growth and flowering.

And in the plant bulbs at this time there is an accumulation of nutrients and moisture, which will help the lily painlessly endure the division of nests and subsequent planting. Most of the main varieties of Asian lily hybrids are usually divided after 3-4 years, that is, when 4-6 full bulbs are formed in the plant’s nest, and Tubular hybrids should be propagated after 5-6 years.

How to propagate lilies by dividing nests of bulbs? Myself the process of propagating lilies by dividing nests of bulbs as follows:

The overgrown bush is carefully dug up, trying not to damage the bulbs and perennial bulbous roots: damage to the roots may be the reason that the lily may not bloom next year.

The nest of bulbs is laid on the ground, first the small children are carefully separated, then the large daughter bulbs, until several large bulbs with stems fused together remain. The number of bulbs should be equal to the number of stems.

The stems of lilies from green, healthy plants are cut off, leaving a stump, or carefully twisted, the roots are cleared of soil and the lily nest is carefully divided into separate bulbs with your hands. Then, using pruning shears, the dead roots are cut out, and healthy ones are trimmed to 15-20 cm.

Each bulb is carefully inspected to ensure that they are all healthy and suitable for propagation. Healthy lily bulbs have white or pink scales, without any spots.

Lily bulbs are sorted so that the planting material is uniform in size. Lily bulbs ready for planting are placed in a dark place and covered with a damp cloth, which is regularly moistened with water. Damaged bulbs, as well as bulbs with signs of rotting, are discarded.

If it’s a pity to throw away infected bulbs, then before planting you can pickle them in a 0.2-0.4% solution of the drug “Maxim” or its analogues, then dry and plant.

Separated children and small bulbs are planted in a bed with fertile light soil for growing: they are used in the process. Caring for plantings involves weeding, watering and fertilizing. After 2–4 years, the plants bloom.