How to get rid of bugs in flour. Getting rid of flour bugs quickly and forever: proven methods How to deal with food bugs

First of all, you need to understand that if you have food in your kitchen, then bugs can appear in any case, no matter how hard you try to maintain order.

Cereals receive bugs while still in the warehouse.

There may be several sources of infection:

Note! Even one spotted bug is a reason to be wary and take treatment and prevention measures. Therefore, carefully monitor the condition of your kitchen and do not neglect processing cereals after purchasing them.

In addition, many bugs love animal food, so it is better to put it in the pantry or refrigerator.

Types of bugs

It is important to understand that depending on the type of new kitchen inhabitants you have, methods of dealing with them may vary significantly. And sometimes they are not needed at all: for example, small (less than one millimeter) white bugs that can occasionally be seen in the kitchen are ordinary wood bugs. They feed on dust from your furniture, are non-toxic and do not harm human health.

White bugs: not a very pleasant, but harmless neighborhood.

True, there is another side to this - they can serve as food for other bugs with more unpleasant behavior. Therefore, we recommend that you read the information below and try to determine who you are up against and what products you may have to throw away.

We define: Musty smell and holes cut into the grains.

The mealworm is much more dangerous for humans. Brown bug up to three millimeters in size has a mustache and powerful mandibles. You can find it in stocks of flour or potato starch, but there are also not too whimsical individuals for which any crumbly product will suit.

Not only destroys food, but also harms health.

It is noteworthy that they do not strive to completely eat even their favorite flour - as soon as it begins to smell unpleasant, the entire colony migrates to the next container.

Their danger lies in the fact that the waste products of the flour beetle are dangerous to humans and can cause serious poisoning.

We define: Products collect in lumps and acquire a damp smell.

The peculiarity of the bread grinder is its incredible gluttony. The four-millimeter bug is ready to eat any food that can be found in your kitchen cabinets: flour and pasta, cereals, beans, coffee, tea, nuts, dried fruits and even tobacco.

A small bug can drain all your supplies.

There is no particular harm from it, but a few bugs can ruin a significant amount of stock.

We define: They usually don’t hide much, so they are immediately visible.

It should be noted that some people prefer to classify food moths as bugs in the kitchen. This is fundamentally incorrect: moths are a completely different species and need to be dealt with using other methods. We wrote more about how to get rid of food moths in.

Are bugs in the kitchen dangerous?

It is difficult to unequivocally assess the harm from the presence of bugs in the kitchen for human health: if you do not eat them directly, they do not seem to be able to do much harm.

Eating such foods is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

On the other hand, the taste also leaves much to be desired: bugs give all products an unpleasant musty taste, as they eat away their core, leaving only the shell.

The bugs will have no chance of getting into the container.

So get yourself some beautiful ceramic, metal or glass containers. In them, food will be preserved much longer, and bugs will not be able to reach it. Unless, of course, you forget to close the lid.

The desire to stock up is a good thing. However, should they all be stored in the kitchen? For most cereals best place storage will be a refrigerator or even a freezer.

Bugs cannot tolerate low temperatures.

Low temperatures will not give the bugs the slightest chance to reproduce, and will not spoil the taste of the products.

Place the selected ingredient in fabric bags and place it on the shelves between containers with bulk products.

It is not at all necessary to pour it into food: we doubt that this will make rice or oatmeal tastier. But once a week, wiping the shelves with a weak vinegar solution won’t hurt: this way you will remove the eggs and larvae of bugs, preventing them from multiplying.

Vinegar will remove bugs, larvae, and eggs.

Important! Be sure to wipe the shelves dry after treatment if you don’t want to enjoy the aroma of vinegar for a couple more days.

Scent bomb to fight bugs.

Step 1: Where there might be bugs in the kitchen

If your kitchen is already infested, the first step is to identify the source of infestation. To do this, you will have to review all products.

Radical methods will not be required if you listen to our advice.

Consider the following nuances:

After inspection, you may or may not find an obvious source of infection. Radical way- throw away all food supplies, clean the kitchen and buy new ones. However, not everyone will like this approach: products are expensive, so throwing away absolutely everything is quite wasteful.

Note! You still have to get rid of obviously contaminated cereals and groceries, so throw them away without sparing.

If any product is in doubt, heat treat it. You have two options.

If you bake cereal in the oven, the bugs are guaranteed to die.

The first is the most gentle on the taste of the product. Just put the cereal in the freezer for a day and put it on minimum temperature. This will be enough for the bugs, larvae and eggs to die. Then carefully sort the grains and sift the flour through a fine sieve.

The second will take less time and is considered more effective: preheat the oven and pour the cereal onto a baking sheet. At a temperature of 50-60 degrees, keep it there for one hour.

However, reviews note that this method of fighting bugs has its drawbacks - the taste of the cereal will change slightly, and it will take longer to prepare. But you are guaranteed to receive crumbly porridge.

Be sure to sift the grains upon completion of cleaning work.

And yet, if you are not sure whether your products are clean, it is better to throw them away: it is much safer for your health to spend a couple of thousand rubles on restocking supplies than to later treat toxicological poisoning from frozen or baked remains of bugs.

Almost every housewife has encountered such a problem as the appearance of domestic bugs in the kitchen. Of course, it’s unpleasant, but this does not mean that you are a bad housewife.

Most often, such bugs appear in those kitchen cabinets in which you store food. Unfortunately, there are quite a few varieties of bugs that can ruin our lives and food.

We will look at the most common and tenacious ones, and also give advice on how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to save the cereal; you can only throw it away and do some general cleaning.

Bugs in the croup – Mukoed Suriname

The bug that most often appears in cereals is the Surinam mucoed (“Oryzaephilus surinamensis” lat.). Dark brown in color, sometimes even black, and 2-3.5 mm long.

It doesn't matter to them where they get divorced. So they appeared at your home, most likely from a store or market.

But it is not a fact that they appeared there on their own. They feel great in elevators or granaries.

Watch the video, here you can see bugs running around in semolina.

The bug lays eggs that can be seen with the naked eye. They, together with the grain, undergo primary processing.

And then, already packaged, they end up in our kitchen along with rice, pasta, semolina and other cereals. However, if you think that by throwing away only the bag of cereal in which you found this pest, you will get rid of it, then you are deeply mistaken.

This bug will not disdain not only all types of cereals, but also dried fruits, dry kvass, cookies, and crackers.

Mukoed Suriname

How to get rid of bugs in cereals

Defeating this little pest of mucous is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The fact is that they lay their eggs in any place and are completely unnoticeable.

You may not even see them on a bag of spoiled cereal, where, after you shake it out, they continue to multiply. An effective way to get rid of brown bugs not in the kitchen, but we will try to give you some tips.

You'll need

  • Disinfectant;
  • Glass jars with lids;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Muscat;
  • Garlic.


  1. All infected packages should be scanned. Even if there are not many bugs, you will have to throw away the cereal, since the eggs will still remain. Look at flour, unopened bags, crackers, and indeed all bread and cereal products. The favorite delicacy of these bugs is flour, so it is better to throw it away immediately.
  2. Rinse thoroughly hot water cabinets with vinegar or Domestos or any other disinfectant. For complete destruction, it is better to do this procedure several times. Cereals that have not been contaminated should be placed in plastic bags and put on the balcony or in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. After this time, making sure that no bugs have appeared, pour the cereal into a glass container with lids. How to get rid of kitchen bugs? We've almost got it done.

Advice! To avoid the appearance of larvae on the walls of the container, solid containers should be thoroughly washed at least once a month.

  1. Place in cabinets Bay leaf, peel the garlic and place it in the corners. Sprinkle nutmeg onto the adhesive plaster and also place it in the corners of the cabinet.

Prevention measures

Let's assume that you have destroyed the bugs and your cereals have been left in the cold for the allotted time.

How can we avoid such surprises in the future?

  • Make bags from canvas material. Boil them in a strong salt solution for 30 minutes. Let it also cool in the solution and only then squeeze out the bags. They should then be dried at room temperature, and iron with a hot iron. Bugs will no longer appear in bags treated with salt in this way.
  • You can also bring bugs from the store, so after you have bought the cereals, it is best to place them in the freezer for several days. It is better to store nuts and raisins in the refrigerator, and cereals in bags or glass jars. How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen is not as difficult a problem as it seems.


There is another type of harmful bugs that appear in the kitchen. They are called Grinders (“Anobiidae” in Latin). Their head is shaped like a hood. Their body color ranges from dark yellow to brown. There are two types: brownie and bread.

In our cities, as a rule, there is a bread grinder. It is smaller in size than the brownie and, in addition to wood, feeds on bread and crackers.

It can also lay eggs in books. Let's figure out how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen.

How to fight

  • Seal everything wooden slits– floor, window sill, cracks in kitchen furniture, in general, everything you find.
  • Seal the entire cereal hermetically. No bags, only dishes that are sealed tightly.
  • They love sweets and carbohydrates. It is better to put all dried fruits in the refrigerator.
  • Place borax on the shelves; you can buy it at the pharmacy. But spraying with various chemicals is not the best solution.

Advice! Temperature attack doesn't work. Bugs can live and reproduce at temperatures from minus 15 degrees to plus 50 degrees hot.

Takes ~3 minutes to read

Cereal dishes are among the most popular in the daily diet. Many housewives prefer to purchase cereals in large quantities in order to always be ready to prepare this or that dish. But such thriftiness can backfire if insects take up residence in the reserves. If bugs appear in the cereal, how to get rid of them will be a matter of first importance. How to deal with uninvited guests, and what to do to prevent their occurrence?

What bugs are found in food?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out exactly what insects can live in cereals. This will make it much easier to choose methods of struggle and assess the danger.

Among the most common “inhabitants” of cereal bags are:

  • Suriname mucoed - beetles are light-colored and have long horns.
  • Bread borer is one of the most common pests, small brown bugs.
  • Flour beetles are beetles with horns and a shell, but very small in size.
  • Red mucoed - they differ from the Surinamese mucoed by their red tint.
  • Rice weevils - from a distance they can be mistaken for ants.

Food moths can also settle in cereals. In this case, it is important to consider that she not only crawls in her rump, but can also fly around the kitchen.

How do insects get into cereals?

Most often, beetles appear in an apartment already with cereals. When you buy low-quality cereal, either loose or already packaged, insects or their eggs may already be there. If you buy cheap cereals from unreliable manufacturers, the risk of infection becomes much higher. To be sure that pests will not appear in your kitchen, it is better to give preference to well-known brands that value their reputation. Such products undergo repeated testing, and the conditions of their production exclude contamination.

Insects can also enter the kitchen along with dried fruits. If you buy them by weight at stalls or markets, you may receive a product with an additional weight in the form of bugs. They are especially common in goods from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The same applies to spices and other bulk goods offered by weight.

Effective methods of control

If flour bugs appear, how to get rid of them is important for all housewives. Most effective method to destroy any insects - this is “Dichlorvos”. Not the most harmless and safe to use, but it kills any insects with a 100% guarantee. But before processing, it is important to consider that the product will evaporate from the apartment for a couple of days, and during this time you will have to live somewhere else.

The procedure for poisoning beetles with Dichlorvos is as follows:

  • All things that can be accurately checked for the absence of bugs are inspected and removed from the premises.
  • Wipe cabinets, floors, baseboards.
  • Throw away all the cereals, wash the containers under them, as well as all the dishes.
  • Put on funds personal protection and treat the kitchen with Dichlorvos.

After the poison has disappeared, it is important to wash all surfaces in the kitchen thoroughly and ventilate the room. Returning to the apartment earlier than 12 hours after treatment can be dangerous.

If you don’t have the opportunity to move somewhere or are afraid to use toxic substances in the kitchen, there are less drastic ways to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals. Also, these methods are suitable for those who do not want to part with their reserves and lose money.

How to get rid of pests if there are bugs in the cereal? In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  • Sort all the grains and sift using a fine sieve.
  • Place bags of cereal in the freezer for several days or pour the cereal onto baking sheets and bake in the oven.
  • Use cereals as soon as possible, and when purchasing new ones, avoid contact with them to avoid infection.
  • The floor, cabinets, baseboards and other surfaces in the kitchen must be treated. If you do not want to use strong chemicals, you can use acetic acid solution, laundry soap, hot water. Can also be diluted in water boric acid.
  • It is very important to wash all the dishes thoroughly - bugs may remain in the cracks.

Once everything is in place, you can make traps for the bugs in case there are any left. Pour into bottle or jar caps vegetable oil and pour out the remains of the bugs you found. This will attract their relatives, and the oil with the insects drowned in it can simply be poured down the drain.

You can also place garlic and bay leaves on the shelves. Both of these plants repel bugs, although they are not 100% guaranteed.

How to prevent a new invasion?

Nothing can guarantee 100% protection of your home from the return of beetles. Even if the photo of the kitchen is sparklingly clean, it will not be a hindrance to bugs. Unlike cockroaches, these insects do not require dirt for normal functioning. The most important thing is attentiveness. The quality of purchased products should be approached with caution.

You should also pay attention to the jars in which you store cereals. The best choice for this glass jars with tight-fitting lids. Special jars can be purchased at the store. They will not help prevent infection, but they will prevent them from getting into other products. Bags and other packages containing spices should be secured with clothespins or paper clips.

It is recommended not to make too large purchases if you are not sure that you will have enough food until your next payday. It is better to save money to buy food, rather than the food itself. Fortunately, stores are open every day and we are not yet threatened with shortages. It is better to buy a few decent quality products than to buy huge bags of cheap food and throw away half because of pests.

Preventive treatment of bulk food products

Cereal processing is one of the the best ways prevent the appearance of bugs. To protect your kitchen, you can use heating or cooling. Bugs die at temperatures below minus 16 degrees or plus 50 degrees. To do this, you can put buckwheat or rice in the oven for half an hour. Spread it on the baking sheet in an even layer. Or put a bag of oatmeal or semolina in the freezer.

After this, the cereal is placed in a dry package, preferably tightly closed, but with ventilation. To ensure safety, dried fruits can be scalded with boiling water and dried. If bugs are found in any products, throw them away immediately.


Cereals are stored in a variety of containers - in polyethylene bags, metal boxes, glass or plastic jars, fabric bags. If the packaging is done correctly and has holes for ventilation, then it is not necessary to pour the cereal somewhere. An additional advantage is the reusable zipper on the bag.

Metal and glass containers can only be selected if they are equipped with a tight lid. Insects can enter the container through the gap between the wall and the lid. Cereal bags can be used by first boiling them in salt water.

Pest mixtures

Strong chemicals are not the best choice How to get rid of brown bugs in the kitchen, so it is better to give preference to simple and proven means.

Boric acid has a good effect against insects. It can be mixed with powdered sugar and flour. Insects will be attracted to flour and sweets, and boric acid will get rid of the problem.

Another common recipe is a mixture of sugar with yeast and borax. Equal amount The ingredients are ground until smooth and laid out on the shelves of the cabinets.

Previously, cereals were often stored in large bags, so there are a lot folk recipes recommending what to do if there are bugs in the cereal. Garlic cloves can be placed on shelves with cereals. You can’t cut it - it can start to rot and spoil the food. As the garlic dries, replace it with fresh one.

Prevention from pests and musty smell - hot pepper. You can also put a mixture of starch, salt, flour and bay leaf at the bottom of jars of cereal. Chestnuts and the zest of any citrus fruits will help remove food moths and midges.

Plastic or glass jars can be wrapped in foil - bugs do not like metal containers, so the risk of cereal contamination will be lower in such packaging.

If you find bugs in the kitchen, then we can assume that your food supplies such as flour and cereals are at risk.

It will not be possible to completely remove insects by ordinary sifting, since the eggs of the bugs are so small that they easily leak into the holes of the sieve.

Today you will learn how to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals quickly and without the use of harmful chemicals.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: types of insects

Types of kitchen pests

Bread borers, flour beetles, red flour beetles and food moths most often appear in the house.

Bread grinder

Bread borers are small flying bugs that are light brown in color. They reach 3 mm in size. These pests are attracted to dried bakery products, as well as coffee, tea, dried medicinal plants. They get into the apartment in bags with food and food purchased for pets.

Flour bug

You can also often see a flour bug in the kitchen cabinet. The length of the insect is about 4 mm. These red-brown pests are brought into the apartment in bags of flour or in bags of starch. It is easy for insects to penetrate into any boxes containing bulk products. They settle not only in wheat flour, but also in rye and rice flour, in rolled oats and semolina. Occasionally they can be seen in buckwheat, dried fruits and rice. flour bugs multiply quickly. They lay eggs in cereals, flour, and in crevices of tables and cabinets. Having hatched, the pests crawl around the house in search of suitable food.

Red mukoed

The red flour beetle is a 2.5 mm long bug. It enters the home with low-quality pet food. The insect prefers to feed on cereals, grains or spoiled flour, the moisture content of which exceeds 15%. If the pest does not find suitable food for itself, then it simply dies.

food moth

Food moths are another pest of flour and cereals in the kitchen. An adult insect has the appearance of a gray butterfly up to 10 mm long. It appears in products as a result of improper processing and storage. Moths also enter the kitchen through open windows or ventilation. It can often be seen in packages of pasta, tea, cocoa, and bags of dried fruits. On contaminated products you will find thin cobwebs and small yellow worms.

Many people are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen. The fact is that all kinds of fungi and bacteria settle in products damaged by insects, which can cause allergies and even poisoning.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen: control methods

If there are bugs in your kitchen, they need to be removed immediately.

1. If the degree of damage to food products is insignificant, then there is no need to rush to throw them away. In this case, the cereal should be sifted out using a sieve and heated in an oven at a temperature of 110°C.

2. Barn pests can also be destroyed by placing the cereal in which the insects have settled in the freezer for a day.

3. If you find bugs and larvae in beans or peas, you can get rid of them as follows. Pour salt water over the beans and leave for a few minutes. When the larvae and the insects themselves float to the surface, the water must be drained and the clean legumes dried.

4. It is better to throw away products that are severely damaged by pests, since eating them can cause irreparable harm to your health.

5. To forget about bugs in the table or kitchen cabinet, first of all you need to get rid of insect larvae and eggs. All cabinets should be emptied of food and wiped with a vinegar solution. For one liter of water, it is enough to take one tablespoon of liquid. The cracks of the drawers need to be filled with boiling water. Jars in which flour and cereals are stored should be washed thoroughly laundry soap and then pour hot water over it. If fabric bags were used to store food, then it will be suitable for processing them. brine. There is no need to rinse, then the bugs will not lay eggs in them again.

How to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals: folk remedies

Also to combat harmful insects can be used in the kitchen folk remedies:

1. Saves from flour bugs pyrethrum powder. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. You need to treat the cabinet shelves once a week until the pests are completely gone.

2. Kitchen insects cannot tolerate strong odors. Citrus peels, garlic, bay leaves and nutmeg will come to your aid. Place these products in the corners of your cabinets after cleaning.

3. Helps get rid of food moths fragrant lavender. You can use either a small bouquet of these fragrant flowers, wrapped in gauze, or essential oil lavender applied to cotton swabs.

4. In places where cereals and flour are stored, place cotton pads with aromatic oils of any of these plants: rosemary, geranium, cloves, basil or fir.

5. Sprigs of wormwood placed in kitchen cabinets will repel insects.

6. Insects will forget about your products if you place fresh leaves in the corners of the cabinets. walnut having a specific odor.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals using borax

Borax is a multifunctional product that is widely used in everyday life. With its help, you can not only perfectly clean the toilet, but also effectively fight mold, mice and kitchen bugs.

1. You can get rid of insects in the house by preparing balls according to a special recipe. According to the proven method, you will need the following ingredients:

Powdered sugar;

The millet needs to be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions and roll them into balls. Lockers must first be washed and disinfected. Place the prepared balls in the corners. We update them from time to time.

2. Another mixture also helps against insects. To prepare it you will need:

Dry yeast;

The components should be finely ground, poured onto pieces of paper and placed in those places in the kitchen where annoying insects have settled. Experience shows that after some time the pests will disappear.

These methods are not only effective, but also safe. Thus, compositions with borax are harmless to pets and people.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals: prevention

1. Maintain in kitchen tables and cabinets perfect cleanliness.

2. Use airtight containers to store cereals and flour.

3. Do not purchase products “in reserve”.

4. Check food supplies for insects from time to time.

5. You can also make canvas bags for storing food. Before use, they must be boiled for half an hour in a strong salt solution. Iron them when dry. Insects will no longer live in such bags.

6. Since pests are most often brought into the house from the store, after purchasing cereal, it is recommended to place it in the freezer for a day or heat it in the oven. Under the influence of temperatures, the larvae will die and will not be able to colonize the kitchen.

7. To avoid bugs from appearing in nuts and dried fruits, store them in the refrigerator.

8. Make sure that the kitchen area is regularly ventilated. Many insects cannot tolerate fresh air.

9. If you find insects or larvae in the cereals you purchased, it is best to throw the purchase away immediately. For this reason, do not potentially buy dangerous products at a reduced cost.

10. Ventilation holes in the apartment should be sealed with fine mesh in advance.

11. It is advisable to put a clove of garlic in a container with cereals. On taste qualities this will not affect the products in any way.

12. Make sure that the sink surface and tables in the kitchen are always dry, as insects need constant sources of water.

13. Don't leave it in the sink for too long. dirty dishes.

14. Hide the remaining food in the refrigerator.

15. Clean your kitchen regularly.

Insects in the kitchen are not a death sentence. Now you know how to get rid of annoying pests that encroach on food supplies. Using these simple tips, you will forever forget about such a scourge as kitchen bugs.

Even the most responsible housewife can encounter insects in her home. No one is immune from purchasing cereals or dried fruits infested with pests. If “uninvited guests” are not eliminated in time, they may even appear on the floor and walls. Find out how to deal with bugs in cereals and how to prevent them from appearing again.

Small black bugs in the kitchen can appear due to the dishonesty of manufacturers who did not process the cereal according to all the rules, and as a result of non-compliance with the storage conditions of the purchased product.

Even buying buckwheat or rice in a tightly closed package will not provide a complete guarantee of safety; such cereals can also be contaminated with insects

Bugs can “move” into a container with cereal from neighboring jars on the shelf. Tea, dried fruits, pasta, flour, spices - all this can serve as food for insects.

Main types of kitchen pests

  • Small flour beetles

Brown beetles up to 3.5 mm in size bear offspring 4 times a year. Any cereals, flour and starch can be infected with beetles. Khrushchaki make the product lumpy and unsuitable for food.

  • Red mukoeaters

Mills and bakeries are common habitats for these insects. Flour eaters end up in the kitchen along with stale flour. The female flour beetle lays eggs in the cracks between shelves and in the folds of packaging bags. The insect reproduces 2-3 times a year, its life expectancy is 3 years. In the photo below you can see beetles in flour - mucoeds.

  • Bread grinders

This pest is 2 to 4 mm long, light or dark brown can eat more varied. Its menu may include: cereals, tea, flour, crackers, cookies, nuts, dried fruits, medicinal plants. When there are too many bugs, they can even be seen on the walls. If you have insects in your kitchen, photos with names will help you identify them.

Pests thrive in humid and warm environments

If you find sticky lumps, cobwebs, cocoons or larvae in bulk products, you can talk about moths entering the kitchen. This is what they call flour and granary moths. The moth butterfly does not feed on cereals; it needs the bulk product to lay eggs.

As soon as the caterpillars emerge, they spread throughout the kitchen in search of a place to create a cocoon.

Moths can quickly “take over” the kitchen area. Therefore, start fighting the “enemy” as quickly as possible.

Important! When purchasing cereal, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product. If you have the slightest doubt, refrain from purchasing.

  • Pea weevil

The insect is very fond of beans, especially the white variety. The weevil climbs inside the grain, eating away everything nutrients.

To protect beans or peas from grains, dill seeds are placed in bags of legumes.

What are the dangers of contaminated products?

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to eat cereals after removing the beetles from them?” Experts do not recommend preparing dishes from products spoiled by pests. During their life, insects leave excrement and shells of larvae in them. In addition, the beetles eat the core of the grains, and the remaining part becomes bitter and acquires bad smell.

Important! After eating spoiled foods, allergic reactions and stomach upset may occur.

Ways to control insects

If small bugs appear in the kitchen, you will have to start a big cleaning and look through all the cabinets, drawers, bread bins and cereal containers. Even if you liquidate visible insects, the larvae they deposit may remain in the cracks.

In the warmth home premises bugs from contaminated product in short time spread all over the kitchen

  1. The cereal is heated in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 60°C, and then poured into tightly sealed jars. When the cereal is heated, the beetles will die, but the unpleasant musty smell will still remain in the cereal. In addition, during such processing, vitamins and proteins of the product are lost.
  2. Specialists in healthy eating It is recommended to leave a bag of buckwheat or rice in freezer for a few hours. If the cereal is infected with a pest, the insects will die, but the benefits will remain.
  3. To get rid of bugs in beans, soak the beans in salt water and then rinse with water several times. The spoiled grains will float to the surface and can be easily separated from the whole and undamaged grains.
  4. After identifying bugs kitchen cabinets wash with water and laundry soap, it has disinfectant properties. Then wipe the surfaces with a vinegar solution. The cracks and latches of cabinets can be doused with boiling water.

Tip: to kill pests in hard to reach places insecticides can be used (all food products must first be removed from the kitchen).

By keeping your kitchen tidy and clean, you can minimize the risk of insects.

If there are bugs in the kitchen, do not hesitate to get rid of obviously spoiled products - they will not bring any health benefits. Be sure to carry out a set of measures to disinfect cabinets and shelves.

Prevention methods

  • Do not buy too much cereal, do not store it in plastic or paper bags. A glass or plastic jar with an airtight lid is the most suitable option for storing bulk products.
  • Place a pod of dry hot pepper or a couple of cloves of unpeeled garlic in each container of cereal - beetles do not like such smells. Some housewives add crushed clove powder to the cereal and wash the cereal before cooking.

It makes sense to keep dried mushrooms, rose hips, and beans in a vacuum jar for food storage

  • Place a linen bag with salt and bay leaf at the bottom of the container. Salt exhibits disinfecting properties and absorbs moisture. You can also use dry lemon peel or chestnut - all this repels insects.
  • Food pests do not like metal objects. Place a piece of food foil or a regular metal spoon in jars of bulk products.
  • Wipe down your kitchen shelves with vinegar from time to time. Don’t forget to dry the washed cabinets.
  • Use sealable glass or plastic containers to store bulk products.

Advice. There are also folk remedies for insect pests. Mix boric acid, powdered sugar and flour in equal proportions. Place the product on the shelves of the closet and in the pantry.

Where and in what should cereals be stored?

One of the reasons for the appearance of brown bugs in the kitchen is a violation of the shelf life of cereals.

  • Buckwheat, rice and noodles by weight can be stored for six months, millet grains - 3 months, corn - 4 months.
  • Flour can be stored on the shelf for a year, oatmeal - 7 months. Long term Shelf life of polished basmati rice is 18 months.

Properly prepared porridge is not only tasty, but also healthy. This statement is true only for high-quality cereals that are not infested with pests.

  • Semolina is stored in wooden containers or fabric bags with drawstrings. A glass container is suitable for rice. Cereals It is best to store it in a jar in the refrigerator. Buckwheat is dried in a frying pan and stored in a metal container.
  • Nuts and dried fruits should be stored in the refrigerator, not on a cabinet shelf.
  • You can also store buckwheat or rice in a linen bag that must be tied. Before use, the bag should be dipped in boiling water with salt (5 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) and dried.

Important! Always throw away expired food items to prevent bugs from infesting your kitchen cabinets.

How to protect supplies from annoying insects

High humidity And heatoptimal conditions for the development of any insects. Within a few days, bugs may appear in pest-infested cereals or flour made from larvae. Therefore, if your house or apartment has a dry and cool pantry, it is best to store bulk products there.