How to properly drill a hole in a wall with a drill. How to drill a concrete wall with a drill: as well as drilling with a hammer drill

When making renovations in an apartment or house, the question of drilling the wall always arises. Can be used different instruments depending on the purpose of the hole and the material from which the surface is made.

There are nuances when working with each tool, especially when drilling a wall. How to make the right hole correctly, and what recommendations should you follow?

Drilling holes in the wall correctly: general rules and recommendations for what to drill

In order to correctly drill a wall, you need to take into account the material from which it is made, based on this you need to select a tool.

  • When working, hold the tool correctly. For example, a drill should be held straight in your hands and enter the surface in a vertical direction;
  • for convenience, use an additional handle;
  • Depending on the surface material, select the necessary drills.

The material of the tool used to perform the work must be harder than the surface being drilled.

Tools for different surfaces:
  • concrete, stone, brick wall - use a carbide drill, usually a Pobedit one;
  • metal – metal drill;
  • tiles, ceramic tiles - special drills for these materials, sometimes they can be replaced with a drill for concrete with Pobedit surfacing;
  • Chipboard, wood - for holes smaller than 10-12 mm, a metal drill is suitable; for larger ones, special wood drills are used.

Tools for work

For work they use different tools, the main ones: drill, hammer drill, screwdriver. There are nuances to using each.


The tool is suitable when you need to make several holes. You can use a regular drill. When plunging a Pobedit drill into the body of the wall, sometimes you need to break the concrete with a punch that matches the diameter of the hole. This is necessary when the drill begins to get stuck in the surface, bumping into areas that are too dense. The process is quite labor-intensive.

For greater efficiency, you can use universal drills that have diamond coating. They are installed only on a conventional drill or on a tool where the vibration function is disabled.

For works large volume use an impact drill and drill bits with pobedit tips. They are designed for holes up to 12 mm. The drill is suitable for working with metal and concrete.

To prevent the tool from overheating, you need to periodically moisten the drill with cold water.


Hammer – universal tool. You can use it to make a hole in a wall made of wood, tiles and concrete.

The tool has several functions - drilling, hammer drilling and impact mode. To make a hole, you need to select the desired drill depending on the surface and carry out the work by selecting the mode.


A screwdriver is one of the most popular tools for repairs and construction work. With its help you can tighten and unscrew screws, drill wood, metal, chipboard, plywood, tiles, plywood, lightweight concrete.

Which nozzles to choose

A specific nozzle is used for each material:

  • concrete, brick, stone - drill with carbide insert or victorious;
  • tiles, glass - cone-shaped drills with diamond coating;
  • metal – spiral drill with a cylindrical cone;
  • wood, drywall - for holes of different diameters, drills are used: feather, ballerina, screw, saw bits for wood;
  • foam concrete - pobedit drills.

Is it possible to do without a drill and hammer drill?

Make a hole without a drill or hammer drill, but not in a concrete wall. To do this you will need a bolt or a punch.

A bolt is a pipe with teeth at the end. The punch has an end in the form of a chisel or a tetrahedron.

The working end of the tool is applied to the place where the hole will be. On the opposite side of it, you need to strike hard, rotating the tool after each turn.

How to drill without dust: options, the better

Construction work is always accompanied by dust and debris, but using some recommendations and tips, it can be significantly reduced:

  • During operation, the hammer drill leaves a slight dust, so that it does not fly around the room. Use it at the same time construction vacuum cleaner. Some brands of tools have a built-in vacuum cleaner, which makes the task easier;
  • using a drill, it is best to either make a jig on the end or a bag, or make an envelope under the hole so that the debris falls into it.

How to drill holes in a brick wall: choosing tools and attachments

To make a hole in a brick wall, a hammer drill with a drill or an impact drill are suitable; the latter is most often used. Its power must be at least 600 watts, minimal amount rpm from 2500 per minute. It is best to use a drill with continuously adjustable power and a quick clamp function.

Using the hammer drilling function, the drill becomes identical to a hammer drill. Increases speed and ease of operation. To make a hole in a brick wall you need to use the dynamic impact method. Without this, the drill will not be able to engage inner part bricks

The drills must be victorious. If through drilling is necessary, a drill is used

How to drill a load-bearing wall with a hammer drill in a panel house

In the majority panel houses The walls are made of concrete; to make a hole with a hammer drill, you need to use pobedit drills.

In addition to them, you can use special crowns. They have soldering around the circumference. When using them, you need to disable the hammer drill's impact function.

Specialists use diamond drilling, which requires powerful equipment and skills.

How to properly drill a reinforced concrete pipe with a hammer drill

When using an impact drill for reinforced concrete, you need to use the “perforator” mode and pobedit drills. First, the hole is made smaller, then larger. The drill needs to be cooled periodically.

Important! When working with concrete, you need to avoid hitting the reinforcement, otherwise the drill will break. Using a special device you can check where it is located.

How to make a hole in a concrete wall with a drill

Drill with a regular drill concrete wall difficult. You need to install victory drills and select low speeds. A dowel is inserted into the desired location to help the tool pierce the surface. Next, drilling should be alternated with striking the dowel.

The drill must be constantly cooled, otherwise it will burn.

If the drill does not have a speed control, then it will not be possible to make a hole.

How to make a hole in a concrete wall in an apartment with a drill

For a small hole, you can use a punch. Most conveniently, it can be made from a drill, 8 mm in diameter. The end is sharpened sharply. The drill is placed in the desired place, rotated, while simultaneously hitting it with a hammer. Wet the drill periodically to make it work longer.

When working with tools, you must follow safety rules and general recommendations:

How can I repair a large drilled wall?

You can seal unnecessary holes in the wall using a special construction mixture. It provides strength and durability. The composition must be selected depending on the area and type of defect.

Using putty, you can level the surface, including concrete. There are several types of putty:

  • cement - used in external and interior decoration, suitable for concrete. Durable and moisture resistant. It dries for a long time and often in a mesh pattern, which requires re-application;
  • gypsum - used in dry rooms, is not resistant to water and is afraid of temperature changes. Does not crack when applied, so you can immediately apply a thick layer;
  • acrylic – finishing. It needs to be applied in a thin layer, so it is suitable for small defects.

Neither mixture is used to seal through holes.

Polyurethane foam – universal material. There is one-component (used without preparation) and two-component (when used, a construction gun or mixer is used).

When applied, the foam increases in volume and fills the required space. It hardens and gives high-quality density. Deep holes can be sealed.

Suitable for eliminating large defects. It has good adhesion, is frost-resistant, strong and durable.

When you decide to make a hole, carefully read the rules and recommendations. Choose a tool, depending on the composition of the surface, and a drill. If you are not confident in your own skills, then entrust the work to specialists.

Useful video

Concrete is a very strong material with a heterogeneous structure, so it is quite difficult to drill. Today, the most common way to create technological holes in concrete is drilling with a hammer drill. This method allows you to create holes quickly and with good quality.

The difficulty of drilling holes in concrete is that it has very high strength and is therefore difficult to process. In addition, concrete surfaces are not uniform in composition. They may include metal reinforcement, crushed stone and other fillers, and this makes work very difficult. A hammer drill can cope with such work, which can drill holes with and without impact, as well as perform impacts without drilling.

With the help of a hammer drill you can carry out all types of repair and construction work involving solid materials. This tool is trusted for all work on concrete, brick or natural stone. Drill deep and wide holes, make channels for laying electrical wiring, chip ceramic tiles, remove plaster or punch masonry– all this can be done with a hammer drill.

The hardness of crushed stone inclusions in concrete is much higher than the hardness of other fractions

Such multifunctional tool how a hammer drill is able to make holes in concrete various sizes and for various purposes. This is especially often done in the process:

  • air conditioner suspensions;
  • furniture installation;
  • installation of plumbing;
  • electrical wiring devices;
  • carrying out finishing work.

Types of rotary hammers

Rotary hammers, like any electric tool, are divided into household and professional:

  • household hammer drills intended for home use. Basically, they are equipped with an SDS-plus cartridge and have a power of no more than 900 W. Equipment of this type is offered by: well-known companies, such as Bosch, Skil, Hundai, Black Decker, as well as domestic manufacturers Energomash, Kalibr, Interskol, Enkor, etc.;
  • professional hammer drills able to withstand fairly intense loads and work longer without interruption. They have better protection from vibrations. The most famous manufacturers in this segment are Bosch, Hitachi, Makita, Metalbo, Dewalt.

Depending on the number of operating modes, rotary hammers are divided into:

  • single-mode. These hammer drills are the simplest and work like an ordinary drill. With their help you can drill holes in wooden, plastic or metal surfaces;
  • dual-mode rotary hammers capable of drilling with impact. This mode is the main one for a hammer drill, therefore it is widely used when it is necessary to make blind or through holes in a concrete or brick wall. Impact drilling is also called drilling. The effectiveness of this process lies in the fact that the cutting tool installed in the hammer drill very quickly penetrates the solid base thanks to high strength blow. In order for a tool (crown or drill) to simultaneously rotate and perform an impact, it is usually made of very high quality materials;
  • three-mode rotary hammers can strike without rotating the spindle. This mode is also the main one and is called chiselling. In this case, the spindle makes only reciprocating movements. Using a hammer drill in chiselling mode, perform dismantling work, for example, removing old tiles, destroying beams, brickwork, chipping plaster, doing large holes for utilities, grooves for electrical wiring are made. The equipment used is chisels (chisels), which differ in purpose and shape. All types of these Supplies has one common property - the ability to use an impact to open the structure of the stone and then wedge it, thus destroying the hard surface.

Three-mode hammer drills are the most versatile, but their cost is also quite high.

Tool weight groups

There are three groups of rotary hammers depending on their weight:

  • light hammer drills. This group includes instruments weighing no more than 4 kg and power up to 800 W. The impact energy of such hammer drills rarely exceeds 3 J. This tool is intended for home use;
  • middle group rotary hammers weigh 4-8 kg. Their power is 800-1200 W, and the impact energy is approximately 10 J. Such hammer drills are professional equipment and can even work with reinforced concrete. Basically, they are used to work in two modes - drilling with impact and just impact;
  • to the heavy group include hammer drills weighing more than 8 kg, power from 1200 W and impact energy from 13 J. They are used to make breaks and holes in surfaces made of concrete and natural stone with a diameter of more than 40 mm.

Horizontal and vertical models

Rotary hammers have not only different specifications, but also the design. Some of them are similar to a regular drill because their motor is horizontal. This arrangement is the most convenient for drilling holes and allows you to perform work with very high precision. Most light-class rotary hammers have a horizontal layout.

For drilling holes large diameter and chiselling, rotary hammers with a vertically mounted engine are more suitable. Firstly, the tool turns out to be more compact. Secondly, a vertically mounted engine is cooled better. Almost all medium and heavy-duty rotary hammers have a body shape similar to the letter L. As a rule, horizontal models are chosen for those situations when it is necessary to drill holes, and vertical ones - when it is necessary to chisel.

Types of cartridges

There is one more difference between rotary hammers. This is a chuck type for mounting cutting tool. The chuck plays the role of a connecting link between the tool and the hammer drill. In order for work to be carried out efficiently, the clamping device must meet a number of requirements.

For example, a chisel or auger must be held securely in the chuck and can be tightened and released easily and safely. In this case, the drill must maximally absorb the highest torque and impact force that the hammer drill is capable of delivering. Its shank has for this purpose special design. The method of fastening the cutting tool in a hammer drill is designated as SDS (Special Direct System).

It must be taken into account that each fastening system has its own equipment:

  • SDS-plus. Torque is transmitted by two symmetrical long splines, and two oval grooves secure the shank in the chuck. The diameter of the shank is 10 mm. This system fastenings are used in hammer drills weighing up to 4 kg;
  • SDS-top. The system is based on the same principle as the previous one, but is used for tools with higher impact loads, which belong to the medium weight group. The shank diameter is 14 mm;
  • SDS-max. The torque in this fastening system is transmitted by three long asymmetrical splines. The shank with a diameter of 18 mm is fixed in the chuck with two oval grooves.

The SDS-max mounting system is designed for rotary hammers weighing more than 8 kg

Perforator device

Any hammer drill consists of two structural systems - electrical and mechanical. Components electrical system are the electric motor, operating mode switch and electronics, and the mechanical ones are crank mechanisms, gears and a tool holder. Both systems are enclosed in a housing, which can be plastic, metal or a combination.

A very important component of a hammer drill is the impact mechanism, which provides the main impact function of this tool. The impact mechanism can be electro-pneumatic or electro-mechanical. The first type is now used in most models of rotary hammers. The use of such a mechanism makes it possible to obtain high impact energy with minimal electric motor power.

The impact electro-pneumatic mechanism can be presented in two versions - with a swinging (“drunk”) bearing or with a crank mechanism. The first option is used mainly in light hammer drills, and the second - in medium and heavy ones.

When a hammer drill is operating, the rotational motion of the electric motor is converted by a crank mechanism into a reciprocating motion of the piston. The ram, under the influence of compression present in the cavity between it and the piston, accelerates and transfers its energy through the hammer to the working tool - drill, bit, chisel, etc.

Main technical characteristics

One of the main technical parameters hammer drill is the impact energy, measured in joules. The impact force of light models is no more than 1-2 J, and heavier hammer drills can work with an impact force of 8-15 J. The greater the impact force, the larger the diameter of the hole that can be obtained.

If this value is small, then the hammer drill does not work more efficiently than an impact drill. In this case, he will drill a hole, not punch it. As a result, the cutting tool will wear out quite quickly and you will have to forget about high productivity.

Beat frequency

A quantity called impact frequency indicates how many times in one minute the piston strikes the firing pin. The larger this value, the higher the hole drilling speed. The performance of a hammer drill depends on both impact energy and frequency. The most durable and efficient equipment combines both of these parameters harmoniously.

Spindle speed

Depending on the class of the hammer drill, the spindle rotation speed can range from 600 to 1500 rpm. As the productivity and power of the rotary hammer increase, the rotation speed decreases. This is due to the design features of this tool. For productive models, the diameter of the equipment can be quite large. A small-diameter drill has to rotate quickly, and a large-diameter drill has to rotate slowly, otherwise it will wear out very quickly.

Clogged spiral grooves can even jam the tool in the hole.

High speed rotary hammers have quite an impressive weight, which does not make it easier to use at all. In addition, in high-speed models, the spiral grooves designed to remove drilling waste from the work site wear out very quickly. Because of this, the device begins to heat up very much.

Rotary hammers can be equipped with the following additional functions:

  • gear shift mechanism. It will be useful when switching from drill to drill and back. After all, these tools work at different speeds;
  • drilling depth limiter. With its help, it is easy to determine whether the drill or drill has reached the required mark;
  • rotation speed stabilization spindle when load forces fluctuate;
  • soft start And special device for protection against overheating;
  • reverse shaft rotation. This function will be needed when the drill gets stuck in the hole being machined;
  • anti-vibration system, compensating for the shaking of the hammer drill when drilling, drilling or chiseling;
  • dust protection during work;
  • locking button, used to secure the hammer drill in operating mode.

As you can see, a rotary hammer has a number of advantages compared to other tools that perform similar tasks:

  • Firstly, this is the presence of a separate mechanism responsible for the impact. This mechanism gives the hammer the ability to implement three modes of operation, that is, it is capable of simply drilling, drilling with impact, and performing only impact action;
  • Secondly, hammer drills have SDS system for clamping equipment. Her design features provide reliable fixation of the equipment and its free movement. In addition, installing equipment into the SDS system does not require the use of additional tools, which significantly saves working time;
  • Thirdly, as a result of the first two advantages, the hammer drill is capable of drilling holes in materials that are quite difficult to process, for example, in concrete and natural stone.

Features of hammer drilling technology

Concrete structures are characterized by very high strength, reliability and durability, so their share in modern construction is constantly increasing. Along with this, we also have to solve the issue of effective drilling of concrete surfaces. Most often, a hammer drill is used for this purpose, which has a number of advantages over other tools, for example, an impact drill. A drill mounted in a hammer drill chuck bites into a concrete surface much easier and with less loss than a drill bit. Therefore, using a hammer drill, concrete is drilled much faster.

This result is achieved due to several factors. First of all, a hammer drill has more power than a drill. The rotary hammer drill makes translational movements with a greater amplitude than the drill bit of an impact drill. In addition, the hammer blows have greater force, so it drills into the wall easier and faster.

The rotation speed of the rotary hammer chuck is lower than that of a drill

Concrete is a durable material and not easy to drill. This is due to its structure and the fillers used. The tool used for drilling is forced to deal with dissimilar materials - metal reinforcement and crushed stone. They are the main obstacle in the way of a drill or auger, which can only overcome one of them. That is why drilling holes in concrete surfaces is performed with various tools.

The following are used as cutting tools:

  • drill;
  • borax;
  • crowns

A separate category consists of punches, which are hand tools and perform auxiliary functions. The punch is a long metal trihedron with a pointed end. It is used when the cutting tool rests on crushed stone present in concrete. In such a situation, a punch is inserted into the hole made and hit with a hammer to crush the “pebble.”


For drilling concrete, drills with a carbide or diamond-coated tip are used. With this tool you can make a hole of small diameter (no more than 14 mm).


They differ from drills in the shape of the shank. Drills are considered a disposable tool because they cannot be sharpened and are thrown away after their service life is exhausted. Their advantage is that they are able to remove concrete chips obtained during the drilling process. This tool is advisable to use when drilling holes of great depth, including through ones. Using a drill, you can drill holes with a diameter of 4 to 80 mm.

When drilling holes with a drill, the reinforcement poses a certain danger. As a rule, a drill immediately burns out after a direct hit on metal. If the tool passes tangentially to the reinforcement element, then it simply jams and further drilling becomes impossible. That's why For reinforced concrete It is more advisable to use diamond crowns.


Crowns are a segment metal pipe, at one end of which there are cutting elements very high strength, and on the other there is a shank for securing the tool in the hammer drill chuck. The cutting edges of the crowns can be in the form of carbide teeth, “welded” onto the metal or flat with diamond coating. This tool is used for drilling holes large diameters. With its help you can make holes in concrete with a diameter of 50-450 mm.

More versatile is drilling holes using diamond bits. Such crowns have wide cutting segments or a continuous cutting surface with diamond (corundum) abrasive. They are used for drilling reinforced concrete using a non-impact method, which protects load-bearing structural elements from vibrations. Diamond crowns have quite great resource work. For example, a crown with a diameter of 200 mm with high-quality diamond segments can process up to 20 linear meters concrete with a medium degree of reinforcement.

Serrated bits are usually used when processing concrete with a rotary hammer in hammer mode.

Drilling holes in concrete with a crown

After turning on the hammer drill, the crown begins to perform circular translational movements in the concrete and, as the working pressure increases, moves in the desired direction. During operation, the tool gets quite hot. To protect it from overheating, a cooling system is used.

There are two methods of drilling - dry and wet. In the latter case, the tool coolant is water. It must be supplied continuously and sufficient quantity. The required volume of water depends on the diameter of the crown and is usually indicated in the instructions. Excess given value makes it difficult to advance the tool, and the disadvantage leads to rapid wear of the cutting segments.

When dry drilling, the tool is cooled by air. Therefore, the crown must be periodically removed from the hole being machined to cool and check its performance. The advantage of the dry method is that drilling can be done anywhere, in structures of any shape and type. But dry drilling can only be done to shallow depths.

When drilling through holes, the drilled concrete remains inside the crown and is removed along with it. When a blind hole is made, the concrete remaining in the center of the drilled circle must be removed by chipping with a chisel or chisel. To speed up the drilling process, you can take out the crown after it has gone a little deeper into the concrete surface and make several holes of the required depth along the contour of the circle using a Pobedit drill, the diameter of which should be equal to the width of the crown segments. Then continue drilling with a crown.

Drilling reinforced concrete

Conventional drills are not suitable for drilling holes in reinforced concrete, since they simply cannot withstand high loads. The most effective way to drill reinforced concrete today is to use diamond tools. Using such a tool, you can make holes that correspond with a given diameter and depth with pinpoint accuracy.

The essence of the technology is that a tool with diamond cutting segments allows you to make holes of different diameters and depths without any damage. load-bearing elements buildings. This is precisely the main advantage of this drilling method compared, for example, with carbide drills or a jackhammer. When drilling diamond tool the walls do not experience vibrations, so their structure remains in its original form.

Among the advantages of diamond drilling it should be noted:

  • almost one hundred percent accuracy of shapes and sizes of holes;
  • absence large quantity dust and noise;
  • high speed of work;
  • possibility of using the tool in hard to reach places and in a wide variety of conditions.

The main technological stages of drilling holes with a hammer drill

Preparation of the workplace

The workplace, first of all, should be well lit and free from unnecessary objects and unauthorized persons. It is necessary to check whether an electrical cable or pipe is hidden in a wall or other work surface.. This can be done using a special detector.

The drilling site should be inspected for old contamination. If there are stains, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. Because outer layer concrete is usually looser than the internal one, then before starting drilling it is necessary to mark and expand the point of the future hole, that is, make a recess for the drill to enter so that it does not slip or go to the side.

If you plan to work outdoors, you should make sure that the extension cord used is suitable for outdoor use.

Preparing the cutting tool for work

When starting drilling, it is necessary to prepare the working tool. This preparation provides:

  • unscrewing and cleaning the cartridge;
  • applying special lubricant to the internal surfaces of the cartridge;
  • The cartridge prepared for work is installed and securely fixed.

Since drilling concrete is a long and difficult process, It is necessary to constantly ensure that the cutting tool does not overheat. A drill that heats up quickly or is very difficult to make its way through is most likely simply dull or improperly sharpened. Before starting work, be sure to inspect the drill and other tools used.

Before starting drilling, the operating mode is checked. The hammer drill is turned on and checked at idle. This lasts no more than one minute. When the hammer drill is operating, there should be no extraneous sounds or vibration. The appearance of smoke or a burning smell will indicate that the hammer drill is not working properly.

Drilling a hole

A drill or drill is placed at the location of the hole and the hammer is turned on. Work begins at low speed, and then gradually increases it.

During the drilling process, it is necessary to avoid distortion of the cutting tool. There is no pressure applied to the hammer drill. After the hole is filled with dust and concrete particles, the drill is removed and the hole is cleaned.

  • when drilling hard surfaces Lubricants and coolants should be used;
  • Before using a long drill, it is recommended to first drill with a shorter attachment;
  • in order to prevent the scattering of porous and loose materials, they should be processed in drilling mode;
  • after drilling 170-180 holes, the drill shank is cleaned of dust, wiped with a dry cloth and lubricated with grease;
  • when using a professional hammer drill, alternating periods are carried out continuous operation and rest (work time - 30 minutes, break - 10 minutes);
  • a break must be taken when the part of the housing at the location of the gearbox becomes very hot;
  • cooling the hammer drill by lowering it into water is strictly prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to increase the impact force of the hammer drill by increasing pressure on the surface being processed.

After completion of work, the hammer drill is turned off and cleaned. soft cloth. If necessary, use a cloth soaked in soapy water.

Must be cleaned from dust and dirt ventilation holes hammer drill

Security measures

Drilling concrete is a dusty, difficult and extremely responsible job. It carries, first of all, the risk of injury. In addition, drilling into walls can compromise their strength and integrity, and while drilling, you can stumble upon communications and damage them or even get an electric shock.

When carrying out work, you should wear protective equipment personal protection: respirator, glasses, earplugs, canvas gloves and special clothing. Work at a height of more than 1.5 m from the ground surface is work at height, therefore it is necessary to ensure that the worker reliable support in the form of scaffolding. Drilling into walls from a ladder or stepladder is strictly prohibited.

The hammer drill must be in good working order. Damage to the insulation of the supply cable is not allowed.. During the drilling process, the cable must be positioned so that it cannot be damaged in any way. There is also a significant danger hidden electrical wiring and distribution boxes walled up in the walls. Therefore, before starting drilling, it is necessary to carefully check the surface for the presence of current-carrying wires using an electromagnetic radiation detector.

Cost of concrete drilling services

The cost of drilling depends on the type of concrete, diameter, shape and required depth of the hole.

Estimated cost of drilling holes with a hammer drill:

Hole diameter, mm Cost of 1 cm of passage, rub.
in a foam concrete wall lightweight concrete made of reinforced concrete
up to 50 11 14 16
50-100 17 21 28
100-200 27 40 46
200-300 38 82 89
400 93 119 129


The main task of a hammer drill is hammer drilling and chiselling. To implement it, the hammer drill has a very reliable design allowing it to easily withstand prolonged shock loads. This tool has great strength blows, which allows you to perform work quickly and easily.

It should be noted that The scope of application of rotary hammers with horizontal and vertical engine positions differs slightly. Horizontal models are usually used at home. IN professional field They are used for intensive drilling of holes of small diameter and length. Due to their light weight, horizontal hammer drills can long time be used suspended, for example during installation suspended ceilings or installing doors.

Vertical hammer drills are used for gating and laying pipes. Tools of this class are quite expensive and are used exclusively for highly specialized tasks.

Practical tips for drilling concrete with reinforcement with a hammer drill are shown in the video:

The renovation process in an apartment includes a lot of work related to creating holes in the walls: a tool can be used for this various designs and power. Many craftsmen and those who are planning to carry out repairs on their own want to know how to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill and whether it is even possible. For such work, a hammer drill is usually used, but it is not always suitable for this; moreover, if you have to buy a tool, then its cost is much higher than that of a drill.

Features of choosing a tool

In most cases, it is better to use a hammer drill: it has increased power, is designed for punching hard surfaces, and allows you to make large-diameter holes. The use of the tool is inappropriate in the following cases:

  • the need to drill the wall to a depth of 10-12 mm;
  • working with, which crumbles when processed with a hammer drill;
  • the work requires making no more than 10-15 holes.

Before drilling a wall, it is important to choose the drill itself: it should not be impactless, since this type is ineffective when drilling concrete; the attachment and chuck almost immediately become unusable. The nozzles themselves must be victorious, designed for concrete works, tip - with carbide coating.

In some cases a good decision you will purchase a hammer drill: the device is more expensive than the classic model, but has increased power, which can be adjusted.

Which attachments to choose?

Before drilling a hole in a concrete wall, you need to select a nozzle of the appropriate design. The following types are used for work:

  1. Impact-type toothed bits designed for drilling. When working with concrete, it is recommended to use varieties made from individual soldering teeth, made from the most durable metal alloys. Many bits are equipped with SDS tails for installation in a drill with a keyless chuck. Drills are well suited for concrete walls, however, upon contact with metal they can begin to collapse, so before drilling into a reinforced concrete wall, you need to check that there is no reinforcement used for reinforcement at the work site.
  2. Diamond bits, which are designed for hammerless drilling of holes. Such nozzles are more modern; with their help, it is easier to make a hole in a concrete wall. The edge of the crowns has an abrasive structure and special cutouts; during production it is processed by spraying diamond chips or corundum. Before making a hole in the wall, you only need to select the desired length of the nozzle: in everyday life, varieties with a diameter of up to 100-120 mm are used, in professional work larger crowns are used. Distinctive feature is the ability to drill without the risk of damaging the fixture with fittings.
  3. KS-crowns, which have a cutting edge with crystalline diamond particles. Such nozzles are used for most solid walls, including drilling with them. concrete plates, external walls and stone structures.

Before drilling or partitioning, you need to make sure that wires or cables, if any, will not be touched during the work.

How to drill concrete with a drill?

Usually similar works are performed in the following cases:

  • rough finishing of premises;
  • installation of built-in furniture and appliances;
  • installation of wiring and plumbing when communications need to be concreted.

When using a Pobedit nozzle during work, it is necessary from time to time to use a metal punch, which is selected to match the size of the hole being formed. This tool allows the drill not to jam when the drill is deeply immersed: the punch is placed in the concrete and deepened with hammer blows to make a hole in the wall, destroying the seal.

This process is quite long; an alternative is to use diamond bits: a drill equipped with such attachments will not get stuck in concrete.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before drilling a hole in the wall, you need to install the desired nozzle, after making sure that the tool is in good working order and the drill is intact.
  2. Drilling concrete must be done carefully; when using low-power equipment, the duration of continuous operation of the drill should not be more than 10-12 minutes. If drilling takes a long time, you need to take breaks so that the device’s motor cools down.
  3. Once it has become clear to drill a concrete wall, it is also worth considering that for each new hole it is necessary to process the nozzle. You can moisten the surface with water to facilitate the procedure and protect the metal from deformation.

The whole process of work can be seen in the video:

If you encounter a stuck drill, do not remove it by force: this will lead to the device breaking off, resulting in the tip remaining in the concrete. You need to disconnect the nozzle, select a crown of reduced diameter and use it to pull out the stuck element.

Before deciding what to drill into concrete walls and starting work, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • if the hole diameter exceeds 12 mm and the depth is 10-11 cm, it is better to use a hammer drill or a hybrid device (drill-hammer);
  • if holes are made for plastic dowels, the depth should be larger size fastening element by 7-10 mm, since concrete dust and small particles of stone remain inside;
  • It is recommended to start work at low speeds so that the nozzle does not move due to increased torque, and the impact mode is turned on when the drill passes 2-4 mm in depth;
  • dust that appears during the drilling process can be removed with a vacuum cleaner; it is advisable to do this during the process, periodically stopping the drill and cleaning the hole from concrete particles;
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions during work: you need to wear gloves to eliminate the risk of the handle slipping and safety glasses to prevent crumbs from getting into your eyes and damaging the mucous membranes.

In most cases, a concrete wall is drilled with a hammer drill, without a drill. If, as part of the repair, you need to make no more than 15-20 holes or the wall is made of foam concrete, using a drill is optimal choice which will save time and money.

Before punching a hole, you need to make sure that there is no wiring in this place, and check whether the attachment is suitable for such work (the duration and efficiency of the work depends on what kind of drill the drill is equipped with). When deciding how to drill a wall, you should pay attention to pobedite bits: with such a drill using a drill, you can easily make a hole up to 10-12 cm deep.

Each of us has repeatedly faced the need to mount it on the walls. various items that add variety to the interior, create coziness, or simply remind you of the pleasant moments of life. Most often you have to attach lamps and sconces, paintings and photographs, mirrors and shelves to a concrete surface, install an air conditioner, or a TV. If in the case of a small painting or photograph you can get by by driving a nail into the wall, then when the question is about more massive and heavy objects, the question of drilling holes arises. In order to avoid misunderstandings when working with concrete, for example, drill breakage or dullness, it is worth correctly preparing the partition, choosing quality tool and select the correct drill.

Choosing a tool and working with it

When choosing a tool to drill a hole, you should understand that your work depends on it. A good drill carefully drills into a concrete wall or other required material, simplifies the drilling process, while a bad one will require a lot of time, may not cope with the task, or will complicate it. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a drill:

  • Is it possible to change the drilling speed? – this point is important, since correction of the speed mode will ensure accurate operation of the drill, helping it not to damage the surface.
  • Is it possible to hammer drill and adjust the depth? – impact drilling can be used on problem areas, softening them.
  • Is it possible to hold the drill with both hands? – a drill is not a light tool and therefore preference should be given to models that are equipped with handles.
  • Is the tool's power sufficient for your job?

Having decided on a drill, before starting work you need to get the hang of holding it. To do this, you should take the drill in one hand, like a pistol, and place the other hand on the handle of the tool (if it is not intended by the design, the hand is placed near the chuck). It is necessary to hold the drill in your hands strictly horizontally, so that the hole does not turn out distorted or at the wrong angle. Before turning on the drill, wait until it reaches temperature environment. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation. If you decide to rest while working, unplug the tool.

Surface preparation

It must be remembered that the wall is looser than the following layers.

Before you start drilling, you need to make sure that there are no wiring, pipes, electrical cables. A metal detector will help you cope with this task, as it reacts to non-ferrous metals, iron and steel.

If you ignore this condition, you may stumble upon the fittings, damage the drill, or cables/pipes that were hidden in the ceiling. If this area satisfies all the above requirements, then a point is marked on the wall, and then a small indentation is made in it at slow speed using a drill. It is also worth remembering that the surface of a concrete wall is looser than subsequent layers.

Drill selection

This point can rightfully be considered the main one, since the quality of work and the safety of the drill itself, as well as the accuracy of the work, depend on the correctly selected drill. Today there is a huge variety of drills on the market: for working on wood, metal, concrete. The latter are distinguished by a triangular tip. For a concrete surface, it is best to use a carbide drill, such as a Pobedit one. This type of drill crushes the material without tearing it, which is ideal option for concrete floors.

If, when drilling a wall, the drill does not go forward when it encounters a dense area, it is recommended to use a punch. Having inserted the punch into the hole, hit it with a hammer until it begins to move forward and softens the problem area. After this you can continue drilling.

It should be noted that without a punch, a hammer drill can easily cope with this kind of difficulty, but it makes holes that exceed 13 mm in diameter. If you want to use universal drills when drilling, you need to remember that they require cooling, vibration is turned off and are only suitable for a regular drill.

A little about the structure of the drill and installation of the drill

Drilling diagram for a concrete wall.

A classic drill consists of a power cable, a button, a capacitor wire, a reverse, brushes and springs, an armature, a stator, a gearbox and a chuck, bearings, a key and mounting screws. A correctly inserted drill improves the quality of drilling and can make it safer.

The first thing you should check when starting to work with a drill is whether there is any contamination on the drill itself. A rag will be an excellent assistant in cleaning drills. If the drill is loosely secured, there is a risk that it will fly out and injure the technician. Accordingly, it is necessary to immerse the drill as much as possible into the chuck (all the way!).

Under no circumstances try to “extend” the drill by incompletely immersing it in the chuck!

It is important to ensure that the drill in the tool is secured strictly along the axis. If this rule is not followed, drilling in concrete will be performed poorly, the shape of the hole may be unpredictable, and the cause of all these misunderstandings will be the elementary effect of drill beating.

Sooner or later, most people living in houses with concrete walls need to hang a cabinet, lamp, shelf or picture. At this point, the pressing question arises of how to drill through a concrete wall. It's no secret that every home master has encountered this problem at least once in his life, but not everyone knows how to solve it. Many bravely torture the drill and own strength, but not achieving the required result, they give up everything until the next attempt to make a hole in the wall. But the drill eventually breaks, and the shelves remain standing somewhere in the corner of the room or collecting dust in the pantry. But there are still options - you just need to know them and be able to use them.

Concrete structures are quite strong and difficult to drill. In addition, quite often drills come across crushed stone, which is part of the concrete mixture from which wall and ceiling slabs are formed.

Holes in concrete have to be made quite often, especially during the process:

  • finishing works;
  • furniture installation;
  • air conditioner suspensions;
  • additional electrical wiring device;
  • installation of plumbing.

There are two ways to solve the problem of holes in a concrete wall:

  • an impact drill, or better yet a hammer drill, with a Pobedit drill bit;
  • diamond drilling.

It is worth noting that ordinary drills It will not be possible to make a hole in a concrete wall, so before starting work you need to purchase drills with specially soldered plates made of high-strength pobedite alloy, which do an excellent job with concrete and brick. But for soft materials It is not recommended to use them, since pobedit drills do not cut them, but crumble them.

What will help the home handyman?

At home, when you need to make 2-3 holes in concrete, you can get by with a regular drill, without the impact function. To do this, it is necessary, as the Pobedit drill is immersed into the body of the wall, to break the concrete from time to time with a strong metal pin (punch) matching in size to the diameter of the hole. It is used when the drill begins to “stick” in the wall. At this moment, a steel punch is inserted into the hole and they begin to hit it with a hammer or sledgehammer, trying to crush areas that are too dense and punch the hole deeper. In this case, the pin is turned a little. Then the hammerless drill can start working again.

All the above steps are repeated one after another until the hole increases to the required depth. This method is quite labor-intensive and tedious, but quite acceptable for a couple of holes.

Alternatively, when drilling a hole in concrete, you can use universal diamond-coated drills. They are highly effective when working with metal, crushed stone and concrete. They can only be installed on a conventional electric drill, or on a tool with the vibration function disabled.

You need to work with the drill extremely carefully, otherwise it will fail too quickly. The advice that professionals give is that to avoid overheating of the drill, it should be moistened with cold water from time to time.

How to choose a tool?

For a larger volume of work, you need a hammer drill or drill with an impact function and drills with pobedite tips. The impact drill combines rotary and reciprocating motion, which helps it cope perfectly with lightweight concrete, and to the question of how to drill through a concrete wall, which is a load-bearing wall, there is a simple answer - the best assistant will be a hammer drill, the main purpose of which is to punch through concrete fences. There is one more difference:

  • an impact drill is designed to drill holes no more than 12 mm in diameter;
  • The hammer drill is capable of drilling large holes.

Reinforcement found in the body of a concrete wall should be drilled using metal drills.

What do you use to drill large holes?

Professionals who are constantly faced with the problem of drilling holes in concrete use special equipment, which includes:

  • powerful electric motor;
  • drilling drive;
  • diamond core drills of different diameters;
  • a guide post fixed to the base.

Diamond drilling allows you to make holes of large diameter - up to 40 cm. The process occurs quite quickly, efficiently, without unnecessary dust and noise. Water is automatically supplied to the drilling site, which simultaneously cools the diamond bit and washes away dust.