How to plant bell peppers? Planting peppers according to the lunar calendar in a greenhouse and open ground. At what temperature and when can peppers be planted in open ground? What is the best way to plant peppers in the ground?

How to properly grow peppers in open ground and provide care? Sweet peppers are a southern crop and require warmth and humidity. In the middle zone, peppers are grown in open soil through seedlings and using greenhouses. To grow the desired crop, you need special care.

Pepper grows well in open ground in the middle zone

Soil preparation

Growing peppers in open ground requires proper preparation of the land.

Sweet peppers grow better in open ground in places with a mild climate and in areas where there is more sun and less wind. To protect from the wind, make a shield from plants or build a fence.

When growing peppers in open areas, it is important to understand after which crops it is more effective to grow peppers.

It is better to plant peppers in the place where cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, legumes, and table root vegetables grew. In places with a previous harvest of tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes, it is not recommended to plant peppers for three years, since diseases of these vegetables spread through the ground.

The soil allocated for pepper should be characterized by fertility that retains moisture. They begin to prepare the soil in the fall. When harvesting in the fall, you need to carefully collect the remains of the previous crop and dig up the ground. They also fertilize the soil, enriching it with the following substances (per 1 square meter):

  • superphosphate in a volume of 30-50 g;
  • wood ash - 50-80 g;
  • humus - from 5 to 10 kg.

In places where they have been fertilized with fresh manure, sweet peppers cannot be planted, since there is no need for organic fresh fertilizer. Too much nitrogen in the soil causes active growth of the vegetative parts of the pepper, and the ovary is poorly preserved, which affects the yield.

In the fall, the place where they plan to place the pepper is dug deep. In spring, the soil is loosened and fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The ground is slightly dug up and leveled before planting the seedlings.

Pumpkin is an excellent precursor for peppers

How to plant seedlings correctly?

Before planting, it is important to water the seedlings well so that the pepper does not wilt. Wilted pepper does not take root well, its growth is delayed, which leads to the fall of the first buds. So early harvest gets lost.

If the weather is hot, it is better to plant in the evening. In gloomy weather, morning disembarkation is recommended.

Prepare holes for planting and water. It is recommended to pour up to two liters of water into each hole (minimum liter), which should be heated in the sun. The seedlings are planted deeper than they were planted in pots, like seedlings. On the stem covered with soil, adventitious roots are formed that can nourish the plant.

Plant pepper seedlings in holes, ensuring sufficient watering

How to water bell peppers correctly?

Sweet pepper seedlings require special care.

In order for the seedling to take root faster, it is necessary to water the root every 2-3 days. One seedling consumes 1-2 liters of water. If the weather is hot, water every day. After seven days, the seedlings are checked and where the pepper died, a new sprout is planted from the reserve. Reduce the amount of watering. This is called "fine" watering. It is important not to harm the plants by excessive watering. How to determine the water requirement of a vegetable? If the plant darkens, this is a sign that water is needed. The plant should not be allowed to wither for a long time. If leaves wilt in the heat, this is not a reason to water.

When the fruits ripen, watering is done once every 5-6 days. In hot weather, water in the morning or evening hours.

Watering young peppers should be regular.

When to loosen the soil?

Sweet peppers grow comfortably in loosened soil. It should not be allowed to develop until an earthen crust appears.

What is the benefit of loosening the soil?

  • Improves air flow into the root.
  • The plant grows faster.
  • The functioning of microorganisms is stimulated.

By weeding the ground, there is a fight against weeds.

You should be aware of the slow growth of pepper in the first 10-14 days, because the rhizome is strengthened and there is no need to loosen the soil.

The first loosening of the soil is done after the first “fine” watering. The root system is located in the upper ball of the earth, so loosening will be shallow, at a level of 5-10 cm.

If the soil is heavy, the first time you can loosen the soil deeper, destroying the soil crust. This way the soil is better warmed up and ventilated.

Hilling is carried out during flowering.

Loosening the soil around peppers should be done regularly


Caring for pepper will not bring the desired harvest if you do not feed it.

It is good to fertilize the seedlings with nettle fertilizer. To do this, combine nettle with water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for two days. Last time feed the seedlings 2 days before planting, increasing the dosage of fertilizers with potassium (7 g per 1 liter of liquid).

At least three feedings are done per season. The first time during the first fluffing (after planting two weeks later). Fertilize with slurry made from manure, bird droppings, mixed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or wood ash.

Manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, bird droppings are diluted 1:10. It is good to alternate chicken afterbirth with nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per bucket of liquid).

It is effective to add 40-60 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride up to 20 g or wood ash in a volume of 150-200 g to a solution of organic fertilizer (manure, litter).

Mineral fertilizers are also used. To do this, you need to add the following substances to 10 liters of water:

  • ammonium nitrate - 15-20 g;
  • superphosphate - 40-60 g;
  • potassium chloride - 15-20 g.

This fertilizer is used for 8-10 seedlings.

During fruit formation, the need for pepper nutrition increases. At this stage, the third feeding is carried out. And the second time they feed at the beginning of fruiting with an increase in the dose of ammonium nitrate.

If the fruits of the crop ripen small, feed it a fourth time.

It is important to know that when caring for peppers, use fertilizers without chlorine or with a very small percentage. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. But there is a good replacement for potassium chloride - wood ash.

Superphosphate is one of the main fertilizers for peppers

How to protect peppers from frost?

Having planted peppers, you need to know how to protect the crop from frost and damage. Caring for crops during frost requires creativity.

Tents are built from scrap materials (pieces of wood, cardboard, fabric, etc.). They are made in the evening and removed in the morning. But when the cold snap lasts for a long time, it is advisable to use film.

Flowers and ovaries often fall off. All due to unfavorable temperatures for vegetables (low or very heat). Growth stops at +8-10 degrees. But if the heat is 30-35 degrees for several days, the buds also fall off.

The consequence of untimely watering is a lack of moisture. Dry soil also reduces crop growth.

Pepper should not be shaded. With insufficient lighting, especially during cold weather, flowers and ovaries also fall off.

Bell pepper flowers may fall off due to lack of sunny color

Features of caring for bell peppers

There are some subtleties of caring for peppers for better yield:

  1. It is imperative to stepchild the pepper - remove the side and bottom stepsons. But in hot and dry weather, stepsoning is not recommended. Leaves protect the soil from evaporation. To increase the yield, professionals suggest cutting off the central flower that grew from the first branch.
  2. During the growing season, long shoots are cut off several times so that there is no shading of other branches.
  3. Remove plant shoots below the main branch and internal branches. Pruning is carried out once every 10 days.
  4. Pollinating insects are beneficial for sweet peppers. They are attracted by spraying the plant during the flowering period with a sugar solution (100 g of sugar and 2 g of boric acid diluted in 1 liter hot water).
  5. By mulching peppers with rotted straw (up to a 10 cm layer), the frequency of watering will decrease.
  6. When caring, it is important to tie up the crop immediately after hilling and mulching.

Mulching peppers helps reduce the frequency of watering

Pest Control

Pepper is sensitive to diseases, so it requires special care.

But pepper suffers most from pests (cutworm, whitefly, aphids, Colorado beetle, mole cricket, slugs).

To prevent the plant from being damaged, pollination is carried out with wood ash (three times per season). You can fight aphids with a solution of serum and water (0.5 liters of serum per bucket of liquid). And sprinkle wood ash on top of the leaves.

By adopting all the tips, you can grow excellent harvest sweet pepper.

bell pepper

is one of the most common vegetables among domestic gardeners. It is actively planted both in open ground and in greenhouses. Caring for it cannot be called scrupulous, but some basic principles and agrotechnical features still need to be considered in more detail. By being prepared for the process of growing bell peppers at home, you can achieve visible results.

Land preparation

Very often it is the choice of the optimal land plot for planting bell peppers becomes a whole problem. Many farmers believe that a vegetable garden is also suitable for this purpose: the soil is regularly fertilized and is quite loose. However, there is one significant drawback. As a rule, a vegetable garden is an open area, the wind constantly blows there, and there is no way to protect the plants from it. Such conditions are considered not optimal in the case of bell peppers. Therefore, try to plant this vegetable crop in a place protected from strong drafts. In addition, it is very important that it is well lit.

Before planting bell peppers in open ground, you should carry out some soil preparation procedures. What exactly does a farmer need to do:

It is recommended to pay attention to one more nuance before you finally plant peppers in your garden. Let's say you want to breed several varieties of pepper at once. In this case, it is better to plant the sprouts further away from each other. The thing is that this agricultural crop can be pollinated during the ripening process. There is a risk that you will not get the result you expected. However, there is a way out of the situation. Divide your home plantation of several varieties of peppers with taller plants (corn, tomatoes or sunflowers). This way you can without special effort Grow several varieties of bell peppers in your garden at once.

Video “Growing and caring for peppers”

From the video you will learn how to properly grow and care for peppers.

Feeding seedlings

It is necessary to feed the pepper, but you need to clearly understand what kind of soil you are dealing with. Your choice of fertilizers should depend on its characteristics. Let's say you decide to plant peppers in a greenhouse and fill it with regular garden soil. In this case, be prepared for the fact that you will need to replenish the soil every 10 days. If you approached this issue more thoroughly, using a specially prepared earthen mixture for planting bell pepper seedlings in it, it will be sufficient to carry out no more than three stages of fertilization in the future.

How do experienced gardeners get out of this situation?

Many people prefer exclusively natural fertilizers. Between the rows of seedlings, shallow trenches are dug into which manure or bird droppings are poured. When can this type of procedure be carried out? It is advisable to do this after 2-3 leaves bloom on the sprouts. When the bell pepper seedlings grow noticeably, they need to be planted, and then the next stage of fertilizing the soil must be carried out. You can use either special complex mixtures, dry ash or compost tea.

Feeding after planting

You can endlessly decide on the optimal place to plant bell peppers. But your efforts to grow a bountiful pepper harvest don't have to end there. Particular attention should be paid to regularly feeding the soil with mineral fertilizers. Moreover, this must be done not just once, but during the development of the plant and the ripening of fruits. What kind of fertilizers are suitable for bell peppers, and in what proportions should they be added to the soil?

Among the variety of modern fertilizers, urea and phosphates are the most common for this agricultural crop. But that's not all.

Today, many summer residents use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for feeding purposes, as well as folk remedies(cow dung or bird droppings). It is best to feed peppers with natural mixtures.

For example, cow manure is recommended to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. As for bird droppings, the proportions here will be 1:12. These types of fertilizers are considered the most universal for bell peppers.

If you prefer to feed a vegetable plant as a disease prevention and in order to strengthen the vegetative part of the crop, you can safely use universal fertilizers. However, if for some reason you did not feed the soil in advance, or did so, but noticed certain deterioration in appearance bell pepper seedlings, you need to act immediately. First, identify the problem and then promptly fix it. For example, if your plant is not sufficiently saturated with nitrogen, over time the vegetative mass begins to turn yellow. In the case when burns appear on the edges of the leaves of seedlings, the cause in most cases is considered to be a deficiency of potassium in the soil. It happens that bell pepper bushes acquire a purple tint: this means that it is necessary to add phosphorus fertilizers to the substrate.

Stimulation of fruiting

To prevent such problems from occurring, it is worth supporting seedlings at all stages of their development. There are universal ones for this natural fertilizers, among which nettle tea stands out. How to cook it? It is necessary to chop the stems of this plant, and then fill some barrel or container with them (about 2/3). The greenery is filled with water. It is advisable to leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for effective fermentation. At the end of the process, which will take about a week, the solution is used to fertilize the soil, first diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:10. If you wish, you can feed the soil to obtain a more generous harvest of bell peppers using a high concentration of nettle solution. To do this, you need to add dandelion, woodlice, plantain and other herbal plants.

Stimulating fruiting is not a bad thing, but it is not advisable to overdo it. With excessively large volumes of fertilizers and too frequent fertilizing, the branched part of the bell pepper may become woody. In addition, sometimes you can get the opposite result: when the soil is oversaturated with fertilizers, the fruits grow almost empty inside, falling off long before the end of the ripening period.

Features of watering

Varieties of bell peppers for open ground do not require too much care. However, when it comes to hydration, mistakes in this matter are unacceptable, as they can cost you dearly. Interestingly, it is recommended to water pepper seedlings regularly; you should not let the soil dry out. But you shouldn’t create excessive dampness either.

What rules should you follow regarding watering peppers:

  • After planting seedlings in open ground, it is not advisable to water them immediately. It is necessary to give it a few days to adapt and only then carry out the first phase of watering. Next, try to maintain the established intervals until the seedlings begin to actively sprout;
  • As soon as the sprouts turn green, it is recommended to water them daily;
  • be sure to use warm and pre-settled water for watering - failure to follow such recommendations is fraught with the occurrence of diseases in the plant;
  • it is important that water does not fall directly on the pepper leaves;
  • There must be drainage at the bottom of the seedling container. Thus, excess moisture will evaporate in a timely manner.

Video “Growing peppers in a greenhouse”

From the video you will learn how to effectively grow peppers in a greenhouse.

bell pepper also called sweet, he's rich useful substances and vitamins, various colors, juicy and tasty.

Process growing sweet peppers has its own characteristics, since pepper is a heat-loving vegetable. To get a good harvest of peppers, you need to have knowledge and certain skills.

Let's consider growing bell peppers from seeds, from seedlings, care features when growing in open ground, pest and disease control, when to harvest.


- Video – Peppers, the secret of a rich harvest

Pepper trimming
Pests and diseases of bell pepper
Harvesting bell peppers
- Video – 10 MISTAKES when growing sweet peppers

Pepper is a plant of short daylight hours, and if the daylight hours are less than 12 hours, the pepper begins to bear fruit earlier.

It is not advisable to plant pepper seeds in open ground even in the southern regions, because you need to wait until the soil warms up; the pepper will begin to bear fruit later and not for long. Therefore, sweet peppers are mainly grown in seedlings.

Growing bell pepper seedlings

When growing seedlings at home, pepper seeds are sown in February, so that the plants have 90-100 days before transplanting into the ground. Pepper does not tolerate picking, so try to immediately sow the seeds in separate peat pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

There is no need to use large pots due to the slow development of the root system of peppers.

Soil for seedlings

A light and loose substrate consisting of humus mixed with 1 part earth and 1 part sand is suitable. Add 1 tbsp per 1 kg of substrate. l. wood ash.

Before sowing, treat the pepper seeds - soak the seeds in hot water + 50 degrees for 5 hours. Then place the seeds in a damp cloth for germination for 2-3 days, the room temperature should be + 20 degrees. After such pre-sowing preparation, seedlings appear the very next day after sowing.

Seeds sown in cups, water and cover plastic film or glass. Until seedlings emerge, keep the pots in a warm place with a temperature of + 22 degrees. After the shoots emerge, remove the film and transfer the seedlings to a room with a temperature of 26-28 degrees during the day and 10-15 degrees at night.

When caring for pepper seedlings, do not allow the soil to dry out, but we also do not recommend excessive watering.

Do the watering warm water+30 degrees, from cold water frail seedlings will grow, the plants may get sick. The air in the room should not be too dry, protect the plants from drafts and spray the plants.

In winter in February, seedlings require additional lighting so that daylight hours are from 7 am to 9 pm.

First feeding carried out in the phase of appearance of 2 true leaves with the following solution: dilute 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium fertilizers, 30 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Second feeding carried out 14 days after the first with mineral fertilizers in 2 times greater proportions than the first.

Third feeding carried out 2 days before planting seedlings in the ground. Increase the dose of potassium fertilizers in the solution to 70 g per 10 liters of water.

A few weeks before planting pepper seedlings, the plants are hardened off by placing them in fresh air for several hours. Make sure that the air temperature is not lower than +13 degrees, the seedlings may die.

Choosing a place to plant bell peppers

Select a plot in the garden where cucumbers, onions, pumpkins, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, and various green manures previously grew. Peppers do not grow well and bear fruit if planted in an area where potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, and peppers previously grew.

Pepper grows best in light soils. Prepare the area for planting in advance, in the fall add 50 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers per m2, dig deep. In spring upper layer soil, add 40 g of ammonium nitrate per m2 of plot.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, disinfect the soil with the following solution: dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water copper sulfate.

At the end of May, pepper seedlings are planted in open ground with a distance of 40x40 cm between plants. Seedlings are planted in a film greenhouse at the end of April.

Seedlings should be planted at the same depth as the plants grew in cups or boxes. Do not expose the roots, but also try not to dig in the root collar.

Pepper does not like cold soil, arrange for pepper raised beds, raised to 25 cm to get a good harvest of peppers.

Attention: peppers are susceptible to cross-pollination, so plant different varieties of peppers as far apart as possible or separate them using tall plantings of tomatoes, corn, and sunflowers.

Video - Peppers, the secret of a rich harvest

Caring for peppers in open ground

It is necessary to water, fertilize, garter and weed pepper plantings in a timely manner.

Feeding peppers in open ground

During the season, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 fertilizing with chicken manure diluted with 1 x 10 water. Alternate such foliar fertilizing, using spraying with nitrophoska (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

Potassium deficiency will lead to curling of the leaves and the appearance of a drying border. But pepper does not tolerate an abundance of potassium chloride.

At nitrogen deficiency pepper leaves become smaller and acquire a matte grayish tint. If there is excess nitrogen, flowers and ovaries are dropped.

Phosphorus deficiency– the leaves on the underside become deep purple, press against the plant stem and rise upward.

At magnesium deficiency the leaves become marbled in color.


Pepper care

Carry out stepsoning in hot and wet weather, deleting side shoots, especially the lower ones. And vice versa, when the weather is hot and dry, the peppers are not the stepsons, the leaves during this period protect the plants from evaporation of soil moisture.

Pepper trimming

During the growing season, the longest shoots are pruned, especially all shoots below the fork of the main stem are removed, as well as all branches going inside the plant. Perform pruning every 10 days and after harvesting the fruits.

To attract pollinating insects, spray the pepper plantings with a sugar or honey solution: 100 g of sugar, add 2 g of boric acid, dilute everything in a liter of hot water.

Mulching peppers with rotted straw (10 cm layer) will reduce the frequency of watering to once every 10 days.

Carry out gartering of plants in a timely manner; it is better to do this after hilling.

Pests and diseases of pepper

Pests such as slugs, armyworms, aphids, whiteflies, mole crickets and Colorado potato beetles can harm plants. It is necessary to pollinate peppers with wood ash 3 times per season.

Common diseases of sweet peppers– late blight, Septoria, macrosporiosis, blossom end rot, white rot, black leg.

In the fight against mole crickets, before planting in the ground, fill the planting holes with onion water (500 g onion peel infuse in 10 liters of water for 3 days).

If aphids are infested, treat the plants with a solution: dilute 1.5 liters of whey in 10 liters of water. After processing, crush with ash.

Harvesting bell peppers

When the peppers acquire the size and color appropriate for ripeness, begin harvesting by cutting off the vegetables with the stalk. Pepper ripening begins in early August and continues until the first frost.

Video - 10 MISTAKES when growing sweet peppers

Wishing you a great harvest of sweet peppers!

To obtain a good harvest of bell pepper, it is important to create the necessary conditions for it. High humidity and elevated temperature are the indicators that have a positive effect on this vegetable. But such a plant can be grown not only in warm regions. It is often found in vegetable gardens. In order for peppers to bear fruit, it is important to know how to plant peppers in open ground, what to put in the holes, and also what the distance should be when planting peppers in open ground, and how to properly care for sweet peppers in open ground.

Seed processing technology

Growing bell peppers in open ground begins with proper preparation seeds The technology for preparing bushes for planting involves calculating the timing, because sowing must be carried out so that by the required date the pepper is ready for planting in the ground.

There are several seed treatment techniques for successful conservation and improvement. planting material. With their help, you can increase guarantees for a successful harvest.

Interesting! If the seed is not processed, the seeds will sprout fourteen days after planting. When processed, the result will be visible on the third day.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which seeds are healthy. To do this, they need to be filled with a 3% solution of baking soda and water room temperature. After five minutes, healthy seeds will remain at the bottom of the vessel, and empty and unsuitable for planting will float on the surface. After checking, the seed is washed from salt and prepared for processing.

The seed is disinfected using various solutions. This could be Albit, Fitosporin, Alirin-B or Trichodermin. You can also use your grandmother’s recipe and treat the swollen pepper seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. 30 minutes will be enough for the treatment to produce results.

Drugs such as Ecogel, Novosil or Epin increase the plant’s immunity and accelerate its growth. They are used according to the instructions attached to them. To improve the effect, such drugs can be used after the sprouts have emerged.

In order to make the seeds strong and strong, special fertilizers are used that strengthen the seeds. To do this, just soak the seeds in diluted fertilizer for 12 hours.

Growing pepper seedlings

Seedlings are grown in the ground three months after sowing the seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare from February. It is important to complete all the necessary procedures before starting to seed. First of all, it is necessary to process and disinfect the seeds. They are then hardened and soaked. After this they are ready to disembark.

Sowing seeds

In order for the pepper to grow faster, you must first wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and hide them in a warm place for two days. After this, you can plant them in previously prepared soil (in boxes, pots or other containers). The distance between the peppers when planting in the ground should be 1.5 cm, after which the container is covered with glass or plastic film until the seedlings emerge.

Important! To plant bell peppers, you need light soil, which consists of sand, black soil and humus. Water the seedlings with water, which is infused for one day.

It is important to regularly add organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil. The first feeding occurs after the first leaves bloom on the seedlings.

Growing pepper seedlings

You can prepare soil at home using the following ingredients:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sawdust.

All components are mixed in a ratio of 2:4:1:1. Then ash and sand are added to the resulting soil, adhering to the following dosages: for one bucket three tablespoons of ash and 0.5 l river sand. The resulting consistency is poured with potassium permanganate.

There are two methods to grow bell peppers:

With the help of picking

It is important to pick on time so that the plant takes root better. As soon as the seeds germinate, the vegetable grower counts 20 days and makes a pick. Since the root of the pepper does not recover well, it is not touched, but other parts of the plant are used.

Without using picks

This technique is more common. You just need to move the seedlings from a smaller container to a larger one. Then root system does not hurt and the plant takes root faster.

Growing peppers on a windowsill

When growing bell peppers on a windowsill, you need to know several subtleties and nuances. First of all, you need to choose the right time for planting seeds. Since bell peppers at home often do not have enough heat and sufficient humidity, they will take longer to germinate. Therefore, it is recommended to plant seeds in late February - early March.

For normal plant growth, it needs to be provided with 12 hours of lighting. To do this, it is enough to keep the windows constantly clean, since dirty windows take away some of the light.

Don't forget about the humidity in the room. For bell pepper it should be 70%. To do this, install an air humidifier in the room. Of course, you can spray plants with a spray bottle, but a humidifier will be more rational and safe.

For planting seeds, two-hundred-gram cups are used, which are replaced by liter cups after one month has passed after planting.

Bell pepper, cultivation and care in open ground

The technology for growing peppers in open ground is similar to growing tomatoes. It is important to water the plant on time, feed it, shape it, and, if necessary, remove the stepsons. Don’t forget about protection from various pests and diseases.

It is necessary to water sweet peppers as soon as they are planted in open ground, then after five days. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil so that there is no hardened soil. The plant is fed three times per season. For this purpose, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are used.

Don't forget about protection from heat. To prevent pollen from losing its abilities, it is necessary to make screens that will darken the plant.

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Bell pepper grown in a barrel

You can also grow the crop in a barrel. To do this, you need to take a barrel and remove the bottom. In order for oxygen to enter the barrel, holes must be made in its walls, 1 cm in diameter at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Then the following components are laid out in layers: fading (layer thickness 10 cm), soil mixture (turf and ordinary soil, compost).

At the beginning of May, one pepper bush is planted and covered with film. After three hours, tear off all the lower leaves and fill the plant with 10 cm of soil mixture. After the plant grows, repeat the procedure. Do this until the barrel is completely filled with earth (this will be the beginning of June). Then the barrel can no longer be covered with film.

Features of agricultural technology

Agricultural technology for growing sweet peppers in open ground consists of the following processes:

  • Irrigation. Seedlings must be watered with settled water every day. You need to be careful not to overdo it with water.
  • Prevention. Periodically spray the plants with a spray bottle to maintain moisture.
  • Temperature. It should not exceed 22°C during the day and 15°C at night.
  • Feeding. To increase the immunity of pepper, it is necessary to feed it with minerals.

Principles of growing on site

Sweet pepper is a plant that requires care and attention. Therefore, an experienced gardener prepares everything in advance necessary tools to care for him. Outdoor care for sweet peppers consists of the following steps:

  • seedling preparation;
  • planting a plant in the ground;
  • watering;
  • feeding

Preparation of bushes

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they must be hardened off. To do this, the plant must be periodically exposed to the sun to adapt. Due to this, the pepper will be resistant to weather conditions and will be strong. Hardening begins two weeks before planting.

The process of planting plants in open soil

To get a good pepper harvest, you need to choose the right place for the beds. This area should not be exposed to direct wind currents, be sunny and protected from drafts. In the fall, it is important to prepare the necessary area for planting by first digging it up and fertilizing it. It is necessary to plant bell peppers in open ground by impregnating the soil with potassium and phosphorus substances.

When planting, it is important to remember that sweet peppers do not like direct sunlight and too hot air. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings are in the shade.

Depending on which variety is planted, a scheme for planting bell peppers in open ground is developed. The holes should be 35 cm apart from each other, and 45 cm between the rows. If two peppers are planted in the ground, then the distance increases to 60 cm.

There is also a square-cluster method of planting peppers. Its essence is that each hole has identical sides that do not exceed 60 cm.

Peppers are transplanted into the ground at the end of spring or early June, depending on weather conditions. It is recommended to do this on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, so that there is no direct rays of the sun on the ground.

Planting pepper in open ground begins with the seedlings first being watered and carefully, without damaging the root of the plant, removed from the container along with a lump of soil. At the same time, it is important to know at what depth it is necessary to plant pepper seedlings in the hole. The stem of the plant is placed underground up to its first lower leaves. After planting sweet peppers in open ground has been completed, it is recommended to insert pegs nearby to which they will be tied in the future.

Features of watering

Bell peppers do not require regular watering and moistening of the open ground. Initially, it must be watered during planting, then after 5 days and then once a week. Approximately one liter of water is needed for one pepper bush.

During flowering, water for irrigation should be about 20°C. Don’t forget to loosen the soil around the bush after each watering to prevent a crust from forming. To keep moisture longer, it is recommended to mulch bell peppers. Mulching peppers in open ground is done using rotted straw or grass.

Pepper feeding

It is necessary to fertilize the soil three times throughout the entire season. In order for plants to develop and grow normally, they need nitrogen. Therefore, the first feeding is preparations containing nitrogen. It is done 2 weeks after planting the bushes in the ground.

The next feeding is carried out during the flowering period of pepper. The plant needs potassium to form fruits. It is found in wood ash. And the last feeding occurs when the first fruit has formed. For this, potassium salt and superphosphate are used. Two teaspoons of each component are added to a bucket of water and the plants are watered with the resulting solution.

Possible diseases and pests and their control

The following pests can often be observed on pepper:

  • slugs;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • whitefly;
  • bear

These pests are collected by hand, and a solution of wood ash is used for aphids.

Popular diseases are:

  • Yellowing of leaves. This means the pepper is lacking nitrogen. For treatment, you need to add 1 teaspoon of urea to 10 liters of water and spray the bushes with the resulting solution.
  • Falling of the ovaries. A solution of boric acid will solve the problem (1 spoon per bucket of water).
  • Fruits develop poorly. Treated with superphosphate or wood ash.
  • Blackleg. Occurs from excess moisture.

Growing greenhouse peppers

Planting a crop in open ground under a film is considered the most convenient, as it brings the crop closer to normal conditions. Seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse in April. To do this, holes are made in the greenhouse, maintaining the correct distance.

Before planting seedlings, it is important to fertilize the hole. A solution based on chicken droppings or manure is perfect for this (half a glass of fertilizer per 10 liters of water). After planting, the bushes are watered at a rate of 1 liter per bush. And to support the plant, you can make a support from pegs, so that you can then tie the pepper to it.

Collection and storage

Bell peppers are harvested as the fruits ripen. Some vegetable growers may collect unripe fruits to remove the weight from the bush. This vegetable is used in many recipes, fried, stewed or baked. The fruits can be peeled and frozen or canned.

In order to receive fresh peppers until December, you can transplant the flowering bush along with the soil into any container and leave it on the windowsill in the house.

2017-01-16 Igor Novitsky

Sweet pepper is a rather whimsical plant, but this quality does not prevent hundreds of thousands of gardeners from annually collecting hundreds of kilograms of it from their gardens. amazing plant. In order for sweet peppers to be juicy, ripe and not susceptible to pests, you will have to study the features of planting, caring for, growing seedlings and their subsequent planting!

Growing peppers is quite a troublesome task. Nevertheless, this garden crop is considered one of the most popular. Of course, it opens up endless spaces for culinary fantasies! Juicy and aromatic sweet peppers can be added to salads, borscht, soups and sauces, stuffed, baked, pickled and used to prepare delicious vegetable stews!

Homeland of sweet pepper South America with its tropical climate. Today it is grown all over the world in a variety of climates. Here in Russia, we started growing peppers for culinary purposes only in the 19th century. Before this, it was used exclusively in medicine. It should be noted that the vitamin C content in this vegetable is higher than in oranges. In addition, its regular use improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Where to plant and how to care?

Pepper is extremely heat-loving and light-loving. A comfortable temperature for it is not lower than +20-25 °C.
Plant peppers on the south side of your garden so that other plants do not block it from the sun's rays.
Caring for peppers when grown in a greenhouse or open ground is as follows: proper watering, constant fertilizing, weeding and loosening. Pepper bushes should be watered as the top layer of soil dries out. However, you should not allow it to dry out completely; the plants may die. After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil.

How to grow seedlings?

Pepper is a late-ripening crop, so it is grown as seedlings. We sow seeds for seedlings in late February early March.

Before planting seeds, prepare the soil. If it was stored in a cold place, a few days before planting we bring it into the house so that it warms up well. First, a day before planting, we spill the soil with a pale pink solution of hot water and potassium permanganate. This is necessary for disinfection from harmful microflora, as well as final heating.

For better growth of pepper seedlings, mix ordinary soil from the garden with peat-based soil in a 1:1 ratio.
This will have a beneficial effect on the further development of plants. Add wood ash to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:15. Ash is an excellent source of potassium, which is so necessary for the full development of plants. Then we fill the seedling container with prepared soil and water it. In principle, you can plant seeds in ready-made purchased soil if you are not afraid of additional costs.

In a container where many plants will grow, we sow the seeds at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Then in the future there will be no need to pick seedlings. Sprinkle the seeds with soil and water again with warm water. To speed up germination, we create “ Greenhouse effect": cover our crops with film (an ordinary plastic bag will do).

Immediately after the shoots emerge, remove the film. Otherwise, the pepper sprouts will overgrow and be very weak. Containers with seedlings should be placed in a warm and bright place with an air temperature of at least +18-20 °C. We water the seedlings at intervals of 1-2 days so that the soil is always moist.

In the first days - always warm water with a temperature not lower than +25-30 ° C. It is best to water plants in the morning or evening. Before watering, periodically loosen the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm.

After our peppers have gotten a little stronger, we raise the air temperature to +22-27 °C. This will promote their better growth. Then, in the phase of formation of 3-4 main leaves, we maintain the following temperature: +22-25 °C sunny weather, +19-22 °C in cloudy weather, +16-18 °C at night.

During the growing period, seedlings will need to be fed 3 times.

We carry out the first fertilizing 2 weeks from the beginning of germination, when the plant has already formed 3-4 leaves. During this period, the pepper must be provided with nitrogen so that it can fully grow and develop. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of urea to 10 liters of water, stir and water our seedlings. Before watering, you can sprinkle the soil around the plants with ash.
We carry out the second feeding 2-3 weeks after the first, according to the same scheme.

We do the third feeding of seedlings 4 days before planting in the ground. Add 1 tablespoon of urea and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate to 10 liters of water.

Where to grow: in a greenhouse or in open ground?

We know that pepper is a heat-loving crop. Therefore, when grown in a greenhouse, you are guaranteed to get a higher yield than in open ground. Plant care is the same everywhere. But it is in the greenhouse that ideal conditions are created for pepper growth.

In spring or early summer, you should not rush to plant pepper seedlings on permanent place. This crop requires well-warmed soil and consistently warm weather. In addition, the threat of night frosts should completely pass. For areas with warm climates best time for planting pepper in open ground - late May - early June. For cold weather - mid or late June.

2 weeks before planting in open ground or a greenhouse, start hardening your peppers. What it is? In the first days we simply open the window. Then we take the seedlings out onto the balcony or veranda in a place where the plants will be protected from direct sunlight. If the temperature on the balcony or veranda at night does not drop below +14 °C, the seedlings feel quite comfortable. Then we don’t bring her into the house anymore.

We plant the seedlings according to the 30x30 pattern, carefully removing them from the glass so as not to damage the roots. Plant at the same depth as in the pot! Scheme 30x30: next to a separate bush there should not be another one close to it at a distance of less than 30 cm; Seedlings can be planted in a “line”, or in a checkerboard pattern.

It is customary to plant pepper seedlings in the beds after 50-70 days have passed since the emergence of seedlings. Each sprout by that time should have from 8 to 12 leaves and a height of about 20 cm, the presence of the first buds is allowed. Next we'll talk about when to plant pepper seedlings into open ground, looking at the weather conditions. We will also consider the rules for planting and the features of agricultural technology.

How to understand when to plant peppers in exhaust gas?

Pepper is extremely heat-loving, and even slight frosts can destroy it. If the plant freezes immediately after transplanting into open ground, it may stop growing and become seriously ill. In view of this experienced gardeners they are not in a hurry with this event, not wanting to take risks.

It is best to plant peppers in the second or third ten days of May. The gardener should set more specific dates depending on the region and weather conditions of the current season. In the central lane and more northern regions It’s better to focus on the end of the month or even the beginning of summer. A guarantee that the culture will not be lost is provided by compliance with three conditions:

  1. average air temperature - 15-17 °C;
  2. temperature of the top layer of soil - 10-12 °C;
  3. the beds are under temporary cover.

There is no need to rush into planting peppers in open ground.

Selecting and preparing a site for pepper

Pepper loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts. This should be taken into account when choosing suitable place. It is better to make the beds high. Like other vegetable crops, peppers should not be planted in one place for two years in a row, or where its close relatives grew: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes. But after beans, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin and root crops, it develops very well.

Naturally, the piece of land chosen for the beds needs to be dug up and enriched in the fall. organic fertilizer. It would also be a good idea to add potassium and phosphorus fertilizer. In the spring, gardeners can still add ammonium nitrate. Before planting peppers, it is advisable to disinfect the soil. For this purpose, a week before, it is watered with copper sulfate diluted in water (1 tbsp./10 l).

Pepper is heat-loving and does not like drafts

The addition of additional substances to the soil should be done depending on its condition and structure:

  • Rotted sawdust, manure and peat should be added to clay soil. Compound clay soil Coarse sand will also improve.
  • A fertilizer consisting of manure and turf or clay soil is suitable for peat soil.
  • Clay soil, peat and sawdust will help adjust the composition of the sandy bed.

Advice! A week before planting peppers, fertilized beds should be watered generously.

It is better to plant peppers on a cloudy day. The holes should be made so deep that the plants are immersed in them to the same depth as before. The distance between them in the row depends on the selected variety:

  • short - 40 cm;
  • tall - 60 cm;
  • bitter - 25 cm.

You can place two sprouts in one hole at once. In this case, the planting pattern should be 60x60 cm. If you plant several varieties of pepper in open ground, break out the beds for each separately and plant them between them tall tomatoes or sunflower. This way you will prevent cross-pollination, to which the crop is extremely susceptible. This is especially important in cases where sweet and bitter peppers are placed in the same area.

The distance between the holes when planting peppers in open ground is 40-60 cm

Planting process in detail

If you grew the seedlings yourself, before moving them into open ground, water them thoroughly so that you can then remove the whole earthen ball. It is useful to spray peppers before planting with a solution of the drug “Strela” - this will get rid of aphids in the future.

In sufficiently nutritious soil, simply water the hole and lower the pepper root into it. Otherwise, first add some rotted compost, ash and superphosphate, and only then water. Then roll over the lump or place the root of the sprout (if you bought it) in the hole and carefully cover it with soil. After this, mulch the ground.

Mulching the soil after planting peppers helps retain moisture and heat in the ground.

When planting varieties that will need staking, install a stake immediately after planting. Having completed the procedure, install the arcs and throw on the covering material. Until the weather completely returns to normal, it is better not to remove it.

Caring for peppers in open ground

The first days after planting, the seedlings will look as if they are sick. This is normal, because its root system was disturbed and the growth conditions were completely changed. It is very important to monitor watering at this time, since an abundance of water can easily cause rotting of the roots. The first week it is better to water a little every day.

Pepper seedlings adapt faster to new conditions if you regularly lightly loosen the soil at the roots. This will provide them with more oxygen, which will help them settle down. Properly applied fertilizing will also strengthen the plant. According to gardeners, pepper is especially responsive to the following types of fertilizers:

  • watering with a solution of chicken manure;
  • spraying with nitrophoska solution.

Pepper loves loosening and feeding

Gardeners advise planting pepper bushes in warm, humid weather. When it is hot and dry outside, additional leaves will create good shade, protecting the ground from drying out. Removing the flower at the first branch is believed to increase yield. You can protect peppers from many pests by spraying the bushes with an ash solution. You can also use whey against aphids.

Every gardener involved in growing this crop should know exactly how and when to plant pepper seedlings in open ground. The quality and quantity of the future harvest largely depends on this. Further care for the plant is also important, since pepper cannot be classified as an unpretentious crop. Only when the right approach you can count on success when growing.

Watch the video: Planting pepper seedlings in open ground

Pepper is one of the most capricious vegetable crops, and its harvest directly depends on compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques. The most important stage of vegetable cultivation is planting seedlings. It is important to know how, where and with what to plant this popular garden culture. To get maximum yield, it is important to figure out how to plant peppers in the ground.

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    When to plant seedlings?

    When choosing the time for sowing seedlings, it is necessary to calculate the timing so that by the time the pepper is planted in open ground, the average daily temperature is at least 15-16 degrees. The soil should warm up to 10-12 degrees. In the middle zone this happens around May 20-30. By this date, as a rule, the threat of frost, which can damage the planted plants, has passed.

    It is not advisable to plant peppers at an earlier date, since low temperature air and soil will cause stress to the plants. The growth of the vegetable will slow down, and at the same time the harvest will be delayed. Hypothermia during planting will certainly cause a decrease in crop yield.

    At the time of planting, seedlings should have 9-12 leaves. Early varieties at this stage the first buds are already forming. Unlike tomatoes, peppers can be planted during flowering. The optimal age of seedlings for placing them in open ground is 80-90 days. Plants that are less than 70 days old are too weak and adapt to external conditions with difficulties. The harvest from such seedlings will be received late and too small.

    Overgrown seedlings are also not suitable for planting. You can often find vegetable growers recommending that peppers should be sown in early February. But by the time such plants are ready to be planted in open ground, the air temperature is not high enough. As a result, plants age instead of entering the active fruiting stage.

    It is recommended to sow seedlings for growing in open ground no earlier than the beginning of March - late varieties, mid-March – early. With such sowing dates, the seedlings will be ideally prepared by the time favorable planting temperatures arrive.

    Hardening of seedlings

    In order for the pepper to successfully adapt to new growing conditions, the seedlings must be hardened off before being placed in open ground. Two weeks before planting, the boxes with seedlings are taken outside.

    In the first days, the seedlings' walk should last 2-3 hours. The location for installing the boxes is selected in such a way that the plants are not exposed to direct rays of the sun and the stems are not damaged by gusts of wind. Plants need to be placed under a canopy and protected from the windy side with some kind of device.

    Gradually, the time the boxes remain on fresh air increase. In the afternoon, the boxes are exposed to the sun. By the middle of the second week of hardening, the boxes with pepper are left outside all day and brought indoors at night. As an option, you can build a mini-greenhouse for seedlings using a film thrown over an arched frame. Then you won’t have to move the boxes outside and into the house. It will be enough to open the film from the end during the day and close it at night.

    IMPORTANT. If the seedlings are not accustomed to the sun's rays, in the first days after planting the peppers will burn and drop all the leaves they have formed. Have a good harvest cannot be obtained from such material.

    Site selection and preparation

    When choosing a place to plant pepper, you need to approach it wisely. This culture will not develop normally in the shade. The area under the pepper should be in the most illuminated place for the maximum part of the day.

    Second an important condition is wind protection. It is recommended to additionally protect the crop from drafts using an embankment next to the bed on the leeward side. You can plant peppers on the south side of the house, so it will receive maximum heat and sunlight, which means you will feel great.

    The soil for growing peppers should be slightly acidic, light and moisture-permeable. This vegetable cannot be planted in loam, where air access to the roots will be limited. The best predecessors pepper – carrots, onions, cucumbers. Peppers should not be placed in areas where they grew the previous year. Eggplants and tomatoes are also unacceptable as predecessors, as they are susceptible to the same diseases.

    The area for planting is prepared in the fall. When digging in the fall, a bucket of compost is added to one square. Half a bucket of sawdust and a glass of wood ash. During spring digging, an additional half bucket of humus or compost is added. Experienced gardeners advise drenching the area prepared for planting peppers with a solution of copper sulfate in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water. This amount of disinfecting solution is consumed for 1 square meter soil.

    It is advisable to form a bed for planting within 24 hours. This is necessary so that the soil settles slightly and becomes compacted, then the planted pepper will not be buried to an undesirable height. For peppers, it is recommended to make high beds, at least 25-30 centimeters. If you build a wooden or metal formwork, the soil can be raised to a height of 40-50 centimeters. This height will help place the root system of the capricious vegetable in warm soil. Low beds will expose the roots to the cold.

    IMPORTANT. It is impossible to plant seedlings of hot and sweet peppers next to each other, since this crop is prone to cross-pollination. Landings different types should be located at the maximum distance from each other. As a barrier between different varieties planting corn, sunflowers or tomatoes is effective for pepper. If you ignore this rule, all planted peppers will become bitter.

    Warm bed

    The main condition for obtaining a rich pepper harvest is warmth. This culture is especially demanding regarding the temperature in which the roots are located. The ideal conditions for the root system of peppers are a warm bed.

    To install it, a trench is dug 50-60 centimeters deep and 80-90 centimeters wide. To ensure the required height when laying layers, it is advisable to use a wooden or metal casing on the soil surface along the perimeter of the bed. A layer of sand of 10-12 centimeters is poured onto the bottom. To protect against rodents, the bottom is covered metal mesh. Then a few medium-sized branches are laid down for drainage.

    Straw or last year's tops of carrots, cucumbers, and beets are placed on the drainage layer. Alternatively, you can add foliage harvested in the fall. Rotted manure is added to this layer and everything is mixed. Most high temperature horse manure has a temperature of 60-70 degrees inside the soil for 1-1.5 months; cow manure is suitable for use. Pig and sheep manure is not recommended for use as biofuel.

    ATTENTION. Fresh manure should not be placed in the garden bed, as it will burn the roots of the plants.

    The warm layer needs to be shed with a biological product to accelerate the decomposition processes in it. The warming layer must be thoroughly compacted, and fertile soil 30-40 centimeters high should be poured onto it. This height is necessary so that the roots of the pepper are only in the soil and do not reach the insulation of the bed.

    The bed prepared in this way is watered hot water and cover with black film. The preparation procedure is carried out 7-8 days before the seedlings are planted. If you do everything right. The time for moving pepper seedlings into open ground is approaching 1-2 weeks. In addition, the roots located in such a biofuel bed receive additional nutrients for development. Pepper harvest on warm bed 25-30% more. Than with conventional cultivation.

    Landing technique

    How to plant peppers in open ground so that the seedlings quickly take root? The soil in boxes with seedlings is watered abundantly a day before the intended planting in the ground. This is necessary so that when removing from the box, the small roots of the pepper are not damaged. If the seedlings are grown in pots, there is no need for such watering.

    It is advisable to move peppers into open ground in the late afternoon, when the sun begins to set, or on a cloudy day. This will prevent unnecessary exposure of the plants to sunlight, and they will better tolerate transplantation. If you plant peppers in the very heat, they will wither and then take a long time to return to normal. 1-2 hours before removing the plants, water the soil in the boxes again. Then a large, sharp knife is used to cut between the rows to separate the roots that have grown together. To separate the soil with roots from the bottom and edges of the box, tap them with your palm.

    The planting pattern for pepper depends on the variety:

    • Low-growing varieties are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm in row spacing of 50-60 cm.
    • Tall varieties - 50-60 cm, row spacing 70 cm.
    • The distance between the pepper beds is 60-70 centimeters.

    Square-cluster planting is possible, with a side of squares 60x60. With this method, it is permissible to plant two plants in one hole. Square nest planting is recommended for early low-growing varieties and for hot and bitter peppers.

    For each plant, make a hole of such depth that the root system can fit in it. full height. Bending the roots upward or sideways is unacceptable. Each hole is spilled with warm, settled water at the rate of 2-3 liters. Then a handful of humus and a little wood ash are added to the soil.

    The bush is carefully removed from the box with part of the soil. There is no need to shake off the soil from the roots; on the contrary, you should try to ensure that the lump of soil is preserved as much as possible. The bush is placed in the center of the hole and the soil is added, lightly compacted. Pepper seedlings are buried in the ground to the same height at which they were in the seedling box. It is impossible to bury the stem of pepper too much, since, unlike tomatoes, it does not form additional roots and can rot.

    Peppers grown in cups are placed in a hole along with a lump of earth. The holes for such seedlings must be wider and deeper so that the lump of earth fits completely into them.

    After planting, the seedlings are watered and the soil is mulched with peat. For tall varieties, it is recommended to immediately install a garter peg next to the bush. It is placed in the ground at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the stem so as not to damage the roots.

    What to plant next?

    The desire to grow on your own plot maximum amount different cultures leads to the fact that the yield of each decreases. This is due to the fact that not all plants can get along with joint plantings. At the same time, there is a combination of crops that, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on plants.

    Plants are selected depending on growing conditions and similar requirements for soil composition. The ideal neighbors for peppers in this regard are tomatoes. They have similar care conditions, soil moisture and lighting requirements. Kohlrabi (but not other types of cabbage), carrots, and onions can be planted next to peppers. Such a neighborhood will not cause any conflicts.

    You should not plant beets or legumes next to peppers. These crops have different requirements for watering and soil composition, so they can interfere with each other.

    The pepper planted in the ground looks lethargic and painful for the first week. This phenomenon is associated with poor tolerance of moving plants to a new environment. The roots gradually master the new soil, and soon the plants take on the appearance appropriate to the crop. So that the seedlings quickly adapt to external environment, in the first days it needs to be shaded.

    The first watering of planted seedlings is carried out on the third or fourth day. Overmoistening the soil in the first days is not advisable, since the roots are not yet able to absorb water and may begin to rot. Two weeks after planting, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out.

    If the seedlings have reached a height of 20-25 centimeters, the crown is removed. This technique causes the growth of new side shoots, on which flowers and then fruits are formed.