Dried fruit compote for babies. At what age can you give the first compote?

At the age of six months, you can start giving your child self-prepared compote, because by this moment digestive system The baby is completely ready for such a drink. To prepare a tasty and healthy compote, you can choose absolutely any dried fruit: pears, apples, prunes, dried apricots. Compote can be either sweetened or without sugar or with the addition of fructose. The drink is prepared in a thermos, multicooker or traditional way.

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    How is compote useful for a child?

    Compote will diversify a child’s diet and enrich it with vitamins from the fruits from which it is prepared. It must be prepared without dyes or flavors, only from quality products. The best ingredients will be dried fruits that were harvested by hand.

    Fruits must be free from defects and not overripe. It is not recommended to use exotic species. Dried fruits should not have a pronounced color; they are not perfectly smooth and beautiful. To make the drink tasty, it can be sweetened with fructose.

    Compote will be useful for the child because it has the same properties as fruit juices:

    1. 1. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.
    2. 2. Saturates the growing body with vitamins that the child needs.
    3. 3. Increases immunity.
    4. 4. Helps cope with constipation.
    5. 5. Enriches the diet minerals, such as potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium.

    Classic compote recipe

    Dried apples are often used. It would be ideal to prepare the fruit yourself in the summer - cut it into small pieces and put it to dry in an oven turned on low heat and slightly open for 5 hours. You should choose apples from local varieties. The main gathering begins in August - at this time they are at their most a large number of vitamins Step by step recipe compote:

    1. 1. Soak dried garden apples in warm water for a short time.
    2. 2. Wash with cool water.
    3. 3. Pour one glass of dried apples with 5 glasses of cold water.
    4. 4. Let the water boil.
    5. 5. Turn off the heat as soon as the compote boils, let it brew for one hour. Don't forget to cover with a lid.

    Prune drink

    For normal operation intestines and prevent constipation, prunes are often used. When cooking it, it is necessary to add sugar, as the fruit can cause severe gas formation. Prunes have bactericidal properties, improve metabolic processes, and prevent vitamin deficiency. Sequence of preparation of prune compote:

    1. 1. Take 5-7 berries, wash them well, then cut them into 2 parts.
    2. 2. Bring 400 ml of water to a boil and pour in the prune halves.
    3. 3. Cook for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the beneficial properties will be lost.
    4. 4. Leave the finished compote covered for at least 30 minutes.
    5. 5. Strain the drink through a sieve.

    Recipes for nursing mothers - what can you cook that is healthy and tasty?

    Compote of dried apricots

    Dried apricots are high in potassium, which is responsible for brain activity and muscle function. It may seem that dry apricots are not as healthy as fresh ones, but this is not true. Compote from dried apricots has a positive effect on the child’s heart and also strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to the sucrose and fructose contained in dried apricots, there is no need to sweeten the drink.

    Dried apricots should be introduced into the diet carefully, because dried fruit can become a source of an allergic reaction.

    1. 1. Take 100 g of dried apricots, rinse.
    2. 2. Pour 1 liter of warm water over dried fruits for 30 minutes.
    3. 3. Pour boiling water into a thermos, add soaked dried apricots and leave to brew.

    Combination of dried fruits

    Compote of prunes, raisins, dried apricots and honey is not recommended for babies under 10 months. The recipe contains honey, which can cause very severe allergies, so parents should be careful. Sequence of compote preparation:

    1. 1. Rinse dried fruits and soak in water for 10 minutes to soften them.
    2. 2. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
    3. 3. Add one glass each of prunes, dried apricots and raisins to boiling water and simmer for half an hour.
    4. 4. Pass the finished drink through a sieve.
    5. 5. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey
    6. 6. Pour the compote into a jar and close the lid.
    7. 7. Leave for an hour to allow the drink to infuse.

    A delicious compote will be made from apples, prunes, dried apricots and pears. Before cooking, you need to prepare the ingredients. Wash all dried fruits under running water, pour over boiling water. Place each type separately in warm water for half an hour. Recipe.

(Age: 7 months and older)

Hello, dear readers of my site about and. It's so nice that it's summer outside. Summer is considered the season for compotes. I have been asked more than once before how to cook compote correctly, recently, I also received two comments with a similar question, so I decided today to write about compotes for children, I hope someone will find my selection of recipes and description of how to cook compote for a child useful, and what kind, when can a child be given compote.

Of course, compotes need to be prepared not only in the summer, but all year round. And just in the summer, in order to get drunk, you need to offer your child more than usual drinking water, but in the fall and winter, in order to resist colds, their role as sources of vitamins is even more important, and preference should be given to compotes, fruit drinks and juices. But for each age of the child there are features, let’s look at this in more detail. So, when can a child have compote?

From the age of seven months, a child can begin to introduce apple compote into his diet - from dried fruits, or fresh, green ones. From the end of June, when there is a new harvest of early apples, until mid-autumn, it is preferable to cook from fresh apples. From late autumn, winter and spring, it is preferable to cook from dried fruit apples, because... In fresh apples during storage, the content of vitamins decreases by this time. All this also applies to other fruits, dried fruits for older children. Of course, it’s great if you prepare dried fruit yourself in the summer, in an electric dryer, especially if you have your own garden. But I haven't done this yet. I buy it at the market, choose something that is “not attractive” in appearance, but of course without damage.

In the winter-spring period, it is also good to add frozen fruits to compotes and also make fruit drinks for older children.

Now, before you understand the norms of compote for children, you need to touch on drinking regime. I will describe everything in more detail in the section nutrition up to 1 year. Now I’m trying to describe this section, it’s taking a very long time. From the age of 6 months, a child who is completely on breastfeeding begins to be introduced to complementary foods and must be supplemented with clean water. drinking water. The norm for up to a year is 100 – 250 ml. Naturally, the compote will also be included here after you introduce it. In hot weather and during illness, the amount of drinking is slightly increased.

We introduce the child to compote, as with everything else, gradually, starting with one teaspoon and bringing it up to the age norm of seven months - 100 ml. Compote, like juice, is now not complementary food; they are introduced into the diet in parallel with complementary feeding dishes. Give the child compote after the main course (porridge, vegetables) twice a day, 50-70 g each. Juice is not administered to the child until the child gets used to the compote.

Then, as the child gets used to apple compote, you can gradually add a pear, as he gets used to it, prunes, etc. By 9 - 10 months you can already give 150 - 200 ml. By one year, the norm of compote is 200 - 250 ml. I write the norms for compote if you do not introduce juice to a child under one year old. If you give juice (preferably not earlier than 9 months), its norm is calculated as the number of months multiplied by 10, but in 1 year no more than 100 g, and accordingly we reduce the compote by this amount.

Over a year old, a child should receive compote depending on his activity, how much he jumps, runs, if the child likes it, he can drink practically, without limiting himself, but, of course, within reasonable limits, so that the child’s main diet does not suffer and, of course, sweeten it minimally , it is better to use raisins for sweetness. That is, after a year, and even more so a year and a half, there are no strict restrictions on the liquid you drink - compote and water. The same cannot be said about other drinks. The norm of juice in the second year of life is no more than 150 grams. in a day. After two years, no more than 200 g and this is the norm until adulthood. The norm for jelly is 100 - 150 grams and, of course, not every day. Compote can be given to children over one year old after meals, along with other drinks, and also in between meals along with clean bottled water. At night it is better not to accustom him to compote, but to give him water, if he is not already on breastfeeding.

I also wanted to clarify this point about the compote.

There is an opinion that food should not be washed down with water, that drinks mix with gastric juice, dilute it, and therefore interfere with the proper digestion of food.

In fact, studies by radiologists have shown that liquid drunk after a meal practically does not mix with gastric juice, but rather quickly leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum. But there is one peculiarity if you drink food cold water, then it leaves the stomach without really having time to be digested and, accordingly, without having time to be absorbed by the body. This is especially true for protein foods, which take much longer to digest.

That is, after eating, be sure to give the child a warm compote, preferably close to body temperature.

We have dealt with the questions of whether a child can have compote, when to give a child compote, now let’s find out how to cook compote for a child. I will address this issue in the following recipes:

  1. (Age: from 7 months)
  2. (Age: from 7 months)

Newborn babies constantly receive all kinds of useful substances, micro- and macroelements along with mother's milk. Every month, babies need even more nutrients, and the most in a suitable way provide him good nutrition and development is a compote for babies made from prunes.

Composition of prunes

Prunes themselves have a considerable amount of pectin and various types of pectin. They all give a mild laxative effect, so prune compote is ideal for constipation for babies. This food product also contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, saturated fatty acid and vitamins B and E, which have antioxidant properties.

How to choose the right product

Before you cook prune compote for your baby, you must choose the right main ingredient so as not to harm the baby.

As you know, prunes are produced from Vengerka (a variety of plums). The times when dried fruits were made in a natural way, hanging in the shade, have long passed. Today, people speed up this process by dipping the plum in a container of sonic soda. After this, cracks form on the peel, due to which the prunes dry out much faster. And to protect the product from pests, it is treated with sulfur dioxide.

Chemically processed foods look better than traditionally dried foods. Therefore, when choosing prunes, you should look for black matte fruits with a pit. The shine of plum, which buyers love so much, is achieved with the help of glycerin or fat of unknown origin, and this will not be beneficial for the baby. If prunes have a smoky taste, this means that they were treated with liquid smoke.

You should carefully select foods for babies. The packaging of truly worthy prunes that are not harmful to the health of the child must indicate that they have been dried in the traditional way and no chemicals were not used in its processing.


Depending on the preparation method, prune drinks are divided into categories:

  1. Decoction. The easiest way to prepare a drink for babies. The decoction is prepared over low heat: you should cook the dried fruits in boiling water for about 10 minutes. In total, for one glass of water you will need to take 3 fruits of each dried fruit, which must first be kept in cold water about 15 minutes. Before serving to the baby, the drink should be cooled to the required temperature.
  2. Infusion. A drink with an unsaturated taste contains a lot useful substances. As in the previous version, the fruits must be cooled in cold water, and then pour boiling water over them and wrap the container well. The drink in this state will cool for about 6 hours, after which it can be given to the baby immediately.
  3. Prune compote for babies. This drink is the most common because it contains maximum amount useful elements. But you should be careful with it, since this option can cause allergic reactions in the child due to great content Sahara. The most interesting recipe is a compote of prunes and dried apricots for babies: a couple of glasses of water, a tablespoon of sugar and five fruits of the main ingredients are mixed in a container and then sent to the fire. Boil the drink over low heat for about 15 minutes. This recipe is undoubtedly a favorite among all parents and children, but there are other options besides it. Get to know them and also beneficial properties compote can be below.

Benefits of compote

Among the most important advantages of the drink:

  1. It improves brain activity, so it is recommended to use it not only for children, but also for adults.
  2. Increases immunity, which is especially important in winter period of the year.
  3. Normalizes metabolism.
  4. Regulates intestinal microflora.
  5. Has a laxative effect.
  6. Improves appetite.


It is not advisable to consume prune compote for babies if you have diabetes mellitus, problems with diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcers, as well as individual intolerance to ingredients. There will be no noticeable deterioration from drinking a small amount of compote, but it is still not recommended to take risks. If you really want to, you should visit a doctor so that he can clarify whether this drink can be consumed and in what quantity.

At what age should you use compote?

Prunes can be given to children from about 4 months. First, these should be drinks without added sugar, and then prune compote - for a 6-month-old baby. If the baby is bottle-fed, then he can drink drinks made from dried fruits from 3 months to improve intestinal function.

Introduction to diet

You should start giving prune compote for babies in minimal portions: from one teaspoon to 100-150 ml per day. The baby may perceive new foods differently, so his reaction must be monitored carefully. Dried berries and fruits are not to the taste of even some adults, but they can use them forcefully if it is necessary for treatment, but an infant will not do this.

Doctors recommend giving babies a one-component prune compote for babies, the recipe for which is provided below. In this way, you can easily identify allergic reactions to ingredients and individual intolerances of the child. You can enhance the laxative effect with dried apricots or figs, but these components should also be introduced gradually and in small portions.

If the child does not want to drink a drink at all, then you should not force him. Perhaps he is simply not yet ready to consume components unknown to him, from which an incomprehensible odor emanates. Over time, he will still fall in love with compote and it will become his favorite treat. There is a sourness that is noticeable right away, but you can easily get rid of it by masking it with honey, syrup or some other dried fruit.

Compote for constipation

Young parents are accustomed to purchasing a variety of juices and cereals for their babies, but more experienced mothers know for sure that dried fruit compotes are the best for their children. With dried fruits, of course, there will be a little more trouble than with fresh ones, since it will take about half an hour to cook them, but still the effect of such drinks will exceed all expectations.

To prepare the simplest compote for your baby, you only need to take prunes and thoroughly clean them of dust and dirt: pour chilled water over the fruit, let it sit for about 15 minutes and drain the water. Thanks to this procedure, the debris will sink to the bottom of the container and the product can be safely used without fear for the baby’s health. Once the ingredients are ready, they need to be immersed in a pan of boiling water and cooked for about 25-30 minutes. Then you will need to drain the liquid into a separate clean container and give the compote to your baby from there.

A good option is compote of apples and prunes for an 8-9 month old baby, which is prepared using a thermos. The main ingredients are apples and prunes. They are cleaned in the same way as described above: in cold water. You need to put all the fruits in a thermos, pour exactly a glass of boiling water and leave it for a day. Then you need to pour the contents of the thermos into a separate container, add another glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.

From five months onwards, infants can be given compote made from prunes and dried apricots/raisins. The first ingredient must be cleaned and boiled for 20 minutes, and the rest do not need cooking, because they just need to be poured with boiling water. The infusion of dried apricots or raisins should be left for literally 5-10 minutes, and then combined with boiled prunes and left until the morning.

A universal recipe suitable for children, teenagers and adults is compote of cherries, prunes and black currants. At first glance, this combination may seem strange, but in the end, everyone will like this drink. To prepare, you will need to remove the stems from the berries and rinse thoroughly. The prunes should be cooked for about 25 minutes, and at this time the cherries and currants should be poured with hot syrup and allowed to soak for about 10 minutes. You will need to put this mass in a jar along with the prune decoction and add the syrup again, but this time cold. The drink should be infused for about 20 minutes, after which both adults and children can safely drink it.


Children who have weak immunity and other health problems are allowed to give about 5 ml of compote up to one year. The following rules will help cure your baby:

  • compote should be given in the first half of the day (before 13 hours), not during breastfeeding, but between them;
  • At first, you need to give your baby no more than half a teaspoon of the drink, and then gradually increase the dose to several spoons.

To get the desired effect, you should adhere to the optimal dose. Every parent should know how to cook prune compote for a baby correctly, so as not to harm his health, but only to relieve unnecessary problems. There is no need to force your child to drink a drink if he does not want to. It is quite possible that, for example, at 8-9 o’clock in the morning he will refuse sweet compote, and literally a couple of hours later he will be happy with such a delicacy.

Compote for babies is very easy to prepare. Pediatricians recommend administering it starting from six months, a teaspoon per day, in the first half. If the child does not gain weight, then it is recommended to introduce complementary foods from 4–5 months. And today we will tell you how to cook compote for babies.

It is necessary to introduce compote into your baby’s diet; it is a storehouse of nutrients. Yes, during the cooking process many of them evaporate, but most of them remain. Children of the first year of life often experience constipation, and compote of prunes and raisins copes well with them.

Not all children drink water willingly, but children’s bodies are prone to dehydration. For many mothers, compote comes to the rescue. It is harmless, so you can drink it while eating. The only rule is he must be room temperature.

So it turns out that it’s better to drink compote, because it:

  • helps strengthen children's immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • is an additional source of fluid.

How to cook compote correctly

Compote is a tasty drink rich in vitamins and microelements. It fights thirst very well. To cook compote for a baby, no special knowledge or effort is required. Take clean, filtered water and berries and fruits. The berries must be fully ripe, but not overripe, without obvious defects. The components of the compote should be chosen from your region, no exotic guests. The right decision apples will become green, they are less allergenic.

To make the drink tastier, it is better to cut the fruit into slices and place the berries whole. Before cooking, soak dried fruits in water for 15–20 minutes to remove dirt and debris. Cook the compote for 15–20 minutes, without adding sugar.

Cook compote from huge amount components:

  • fruits, green apples are preferable up to a year;
  • dried fruits;
  • raisins, prunes;
  • gooseberry;
  • black currant, etc.

To make the compote tastier and healthier, you need to remember three basic rules:

Rule one - when choosing fruits, berries and dried fruits, pay attention to appearance. Use whole, without stains, firm to the touch, dull in color. If they are bright and soft, then this indicates processing special means, prolonging storage.

Rule two - before cooking, the ingredients should be washed with running water, foreign parts (seeds, stalks) should be removed and filled with water for 15–30 minutes.

Rule three - when cooking, it is worth remembering that the ingredients increase in volume. Therefore, for 0.5 kg of fruit, take about 2 liters of water.

Compote recipes

  1. Green apple compote
    When starting to introduce compote into your baby's complementary foods, you should proceed from the time of year; if possible, it is better to choose fresh fruit. For the first time, take green apples. First, they are washed, pitted and divided into equal parts, filled with water and placed on the stove. After boiling, the compote should be removed, wrapped in a towel and left to steep for an hour. Do not leave it on the fire for a long time, as it will lose a large amount of nutrients. After an hour, the compote is ready to eat.
    If parents want to make the taste of the compote more pronounced, grind the apples in a blender. This will not enrich it with a large amount of vitamins; they are already left in the water. But he will receive the fiber necessary for children’s digestion.
    After the child’s body gets used to the apple drink, add pears to it. Only now it’s worth pouring twice as much water.
  2. Dried fruits compote
    At the end of winter, it is almost impossible to find fresh fruits that are still filled with vitamins. Dried fruits come to the rescue. It is better to choose dried fruits that have been dried naturally rather than in the oven. Dried fruit compote for babies will be tastier. When choosing dried fruits in a store, you should pay attention to their appearance: without defects, not bright and not soft to the touch. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly under running water.
    It is better to pour dried fruits into already boiling water; for one handful of fruit you need about 1 glass of liquid. The compote should be removed after 15 minutes. The first time it is better to cook compote from dried apples, later add pear, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.
    If you leave dried apricots and raisins to infuse overnight, you will get a tasty and healthy compote without cooking.
  3. Prune compote
    When a child is prone to constipation, he needs prune compote. For five fruits, take 1 liter of water. The prunes are cut in half and placed in already boiling water. Then do the same: cook for 15–20 minutes, turn it off and let it brew for 1–1.5 hours. The compote is ready.
  4. Raisin compote
    Excellent replacement dill water, it will become compote with raisins. A handful of raisins should be poured with a glass of water overnight. In the morning the drink is already ready.
  5. Rosehip compote
    Rose hips are rich in carotene, vitamin C, iron and potassium. To prepare the drink, take a tablespoon of pre-chopped rose hips and pour a glass of boiling water for 2-3 hours. When using fresh fruits, pour cold water over them overnight, and in the morning place them on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Then cool it and give the child something to drink.
  6. Blackcurrant compote
    Of all the variety of currants, black currant is beneficial for a growing small organism. Its components are better absorbed by the body and richer in nutritional components. Blackcurrant contains ascorbic acid, iodine, calcium and magnesium. Black currant is useful for colds.
    For 300 g of currants you need to take 2 liters of water. Initially, the berries are washed and destemmed, then filled with water and boiled for 20–25 minutes. Now the compote has cooled and is ready to eat. Add a spoonful of honey or fructose as a sweetener.

Compote is an important and healthy drink for children in their first year of life. With its help, the thirst of the most sophisticated little gourmet is quenched, and big choice ingredients will give it new flavor notes.

Apple compote is one of the most popular and healthy drinks for infants. breastfeeding. It improves the child’s appetite, regulates the functioning of his gastrointestinal tract, saturates the body with vitamin C, iron, iodine, carefully cleanses tooth enamel, and prevents the development of caries. You can cook apple compote all year round, due to the fact that they store well. You can also use dried apples (pure or with other dried fruits) to prepare the drink.

When can you start giving apple compotes?

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, until a child is one month old, it is better to feed and drink exclusively breast milk mother. The first food should appear in the diet of a healthy baby at six months, but drinks are more difficult. It is difficult to completely give up supplemental drinking. For example, during summer heat, illnesses of the newborn with fever or diarrhea. Pediatricians advise giving the baby only water until three months of age, then introducing fruit juices in small doses, and from six months of age to enrich the child’s diet with homemade compotes.

In order for a homemade drink to be as beneficial as possible for a child, it is worth giving preference green varieties apples and give up sugar (you can replace it with honey or fructose). The baby can only be given compote at room temperature. As new products are introduced into the baby’s menu, it is necessary to monitor the reaction to them. These fruits rarely cause allergies, but can provoke attacks of colic and changes in stool.

How to make compote from fresh apples

To prepare a drink from fresh apples at home, you need to choose ripe fruits and check them for wormholes. Only good fruits without signs of damage should be included in the composition.

Apple compote recipe

  1. Wash the fruits well, peel and remove seeds.
  2. Boil water (proportions depend on how rich the flavor you plan to get), add apple slices
  3. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes
  4. Turn off the burner and let the drink brew and cool for another 15-20 minutes
  5. Strain the composition. You can add a little honey to taste (if the child is not allergic to it)

You shouldn’t choose apples for your child’s compotes. foreign origin: they are often processed and can cause harm to the infant’s fragile body. With prolonged boiling, the taste of the finished drink will be more intense, but in this case there will be few useful substances left in it. You can add pear or apricots to the recipe for an older child. You should not cook compote from apples with grapes: these two products do not combine well with each other and can cause bloating in a baby, aggravation of colic, and indigestion.

How to make compote from dried apples

Dried apples can be used to make a drink no less tasty and healthy than fresh ones. Dried fruits are favored by the fact that they have a more gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract without causing irritation. For this reason, compotes made from dried apples can be consumed by people who are fresh they are contraindicated (for patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis). Apples are preserved dried most its rich vitamin composition, so this compote will also be useful for children.

Apple compote recipe (dried)

  1. Wash dried fruits well, remove damaged
  2. Soak dried fruits in water at room temperature for an hour (this will further clean the fruits and make them softer, so they will cook faster)
  3. Boil water, add the prepared ingredients into it and cook for 10-15 minutes
  4. Cool the uzvar. Add fructose if desired

If you decide to cook dried apple compote for your child for the first time, you should not add other ingredients to it. When the baby’s body gets used to the new drink, you can gradually add other dried fruits to it: raisins (will add sweetness), dried apricots, prunes.

You can also add honey to the recipe. It makes sense to give up sugar at least until the baby reaches one year (during this period, teeth are intensively formed, and sugar negatively affects the enamel). It is necessary to cook dried fruit compote over low heat, avoiding strong boiling. Because For drying, apples are most often not peeled; they should not be given to a child.

Compote of dried apples for babies - great choice for children who suffer from colic or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In winter, dried fruits are much more useful than fresh overseas delicacies that undergo multi-level processing. Making compote from dried apples is quite easy; it stores well in the refrigerator. Due to good combination with other dried fruits, the apple compote recipe can be constantly changed by experimenting with ingredients and proportions.