The best brick barbecue oven with grill. How to make a barbecue out of brick with your own hands - step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos, what kind of brick you need, pros and cons

Many throughout working week We look forward to the weekend to go out of town for fishing, to meet with friends or family. Well, what vacation would be complete without cooking over an open fire or coals.

And to prepare them, you can quickly build devices like a barbecue, but still in modern world It is much more convenient to use stationary facilities: barbecue, grill and barbecue.

Especially if you have Vacation home and a small area.

Of course, you can also purchase portable devices, but if the owner is an experienced person in construction matters, then it will not be difficult for him to build his own creation.

As many have already guessed, our article will focus on one of these devices, namely the barbecue.

A little history

There are several options about the origin of the name. But the most truthful is the ancient Greek version, meaning “foreigner.” In our case, this word “barbarus” meant “barbarian”.

Perhaps the very method of cooking food over fires in caves by wild tribes of nomads created such associations. However, all this has successfully taken root in our area and everyone likes it to this day.

But what are the differences between barbecue, grill and barbecue?

A barbecue is a simple structure made of metal or brick, where coals are placed, and skewers or a grate for food are placed on top.

A grill is a structure made primarily of metal with a closing top. The principle of cooking food is the same as on the grill, only with the lid closed. The grill is equipped with a pipe to release smoke.

A barbecue is a brazier, something between a barbecue and a grill. And it is very reminiscent of wild conditions for roasting meat. Outwardly, it looks like a hearth, open on the front side.

Perhaps the device is not in the form of a hearth, but in the form of a rim around the grate for food, which does not immediately transmit heat to the sides. Varieties of roasting pans are shown in the barbecue photo.

As you can see, all these devices are very similar, and they can be easily converted into each other.

Easy BBQ creation

Anyone can easily create a brick barbecue with their own hands in just 10 minutes. This option for building a barbecue is similar to playing with cubes.

To set it up you need:

  • almost 100 pcs. bricks, depending on the height of the structure;
  • Metal sheet;
  • lattice.

The dimensions of the sheet and the grate should be almost the same, as they determine the size of the frying space.

The diagram of a simple brick barbecue shows in detail the principle of its structure and construction.


Step-by-step instructions on how to make a barbecue

Brick laying is carried out without the use of cement mortar:

  • First, prepare a flat and tightly compacted area, away from trees and dead wood, to avoid fires.
  • Then a circle of flat bricks is laid out on this site with 50 mm gaps between them to allow air to pass through. The diameter of the circle must correspond to the size of the sheet and grate so that they cover this well. The diagram shows that one row consists of 12 bricks.
  • Next, 4 more rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A sheet of metal 2-3 mm thick is placed on top of the fifth; firewood will burn on it, which will turn into coals.
  • The next step is to lay 2 more rows of bricks to form the so-called hearth. But in front you need to leave a gap free from bricks. This is a firebox where you need to throw firewood and stir up the coals.
  • Now you need to place a grate for frying food on the resulting well.
  • On top of the lattice we add 2 more brick rows in a circle, but without gaps. The side will fulfill the main idea of ​​the barbecue. If desired, you can leave a gap in the side so that you can turn the food over if necessary.

This roaster is a great option for the summer season.

But, if you are concerned about the integrity of the structure in your absence, the structure can be easily disassembled and placed in the pantry for storage. It won't be difficult to rebuild it.

How to make metal barbecues with your own hands from other materials

If the owner of the site knows how to work with metal, then he can create a portable barbecue using an old metal barrel or gas cylinder.

Detailed drawings for creating such barbecue designs can be found below or on similar Internet sites.

Solid brick barbecue construction

This option is most suitable for respectable owners of mansions and country villas with large adjacent areas who can afford to hire specialists and build a whole barbecue complex.


But simpler people can also afford stationary barbecues, but with smaller sizes.

Having construction skills and knowledge, you can make it yourself.


To determine the location you need to know some rules:

  • Given the rules fire safety, a brick barbecue can be arranged on the terrace or in the gazebo.
  • Do not have a barbecue near the house or as an extension, and absolutely not near garages and outbuildings, this is not fireproof.
  • For reasons of hygiene and convenience, do not place the barbecue near outdoor toilets and drainage pits.
  • The area for the barbecue should be well ventilated.
  • Do not place the barbecue near trees or other vegetation to avoid fire or damage to the plants.
  • When placing a barbecue in a gazebo, position the stove so that its pipe is not close to the roof rafters; optimally, it should be placed in the center.
  • Be sure to provide paths to and around the barbecue for convenience in case of bad weather.
  • Provide the barbecue area with water and electricity. But this is optional.
  • The decor of the barbecue area should fit into overall design plot.

For quick and high-quality construction of a barbecue area, you can resort to the help of highly qualified specialists, but this pleasure is not cheap.

Or you can, if you have golden hands and a great desire to build a barbecue with your own hands. Go for it and you will succeed!


DIY barbecue photo

Many people associate a country house with barbecuing or barbecuing. AND necessary element this process considered a barbecue. And the preparations meat dishes It will be doubly pleasant if the roasting pan for them is made with your own hands.

A barbecue grill on a summer cottage is the key to a successful barbecue holiday. For this reason, most summer residents want such a device for cooking on their territory. Some people prefer the store-bought version, but making one yourself always makes the owner of a country estate proud.

The smokehouse for cooking barbecue performs several functions simultaneously:

  • used to decorate the landscape;
  • is considered an important assistant when you need to feed many people at the same time, since a homemade invention has a larger surface area than a purchased version.

Besides the fact that the grill self made performs important functions and is characterized by: strength, less sensitivity to weather conditions and individual appearance.

In order to build such a device, just steam skillful hands and materials. Even someone who has no experience in this matter can cope with this task. On the Internet you can find many training videos that describe in detail each stage of production. In addition, there are many ready-made drawings from which you can build a high-quality barbecue yourself.


If you do not study the drawings for building a brick barbecue, the process of building it will be more problematic and complex. The finished diagrams describe in detail all the parameters of the future product:

  • height;
  • width;
  • the total area it will occupy.

For beginners, building a barbecue using drawings is much easier, since they show all the elements it contains.

There are cases when people want to build a summer complex, the basis of which will include a barbecue. They consist of a countertop, a place to store firewood, a firebox and other elements that can be useful in preparing food.

If the master already has experience in this matter, then he can independently develop a drawing based on existing ones. In this case, the scheme will be unique. It will become a decoration for a summer cottage or a country complex.

But there are general instructions, which must be adhered to in order to obtain as a result quality product. Step-by-step instructions are useful because they help you build the work process correctly. In this matter, it is very important to do everything one by one and on time.

Step-by-step instruction

On the first preparatory stage most important point is the choice of the place where the roasting pan will be placed for preparing barbecue. It is necessary that the place is chosen correctly and does not disturb others. To do this, it is recommended to listen to the following tips:

  • It is worth remembering that the structure is an object with an increased fire hazard. For this reason, it is better to place the grill away from the house, outbuildings and other objects that can easily catch fire.
  • The brazier should not be located far from the resting place, as this may cause some inconvenience. Ideally, it would be to place a barbecue near the gazebo where the holidays are held, or near the summer kitchen. To create more comfortable conditions you can build a wide canopy that will simultaneously cover the brick from the rain, and at the same time the benches and table will also be protected.
  • It is recommended to set up an area that was intended exclusively for the barbecue and all auxiliary equipment. It is not recommended to have flower beds or beds near this area. High temperatures can cause all the plants to disappear. You should consider how to conveniently approach this area, namely, make paths to it.
  • Should not be placed near a broiler garbage bins and the toilet area, since this will not look aesthetically pleasing.

The next stage is to select the material from which the barbecue grill will actually be constructed. In our case it is a brick. It is best that it is heat-resistant and does not collapse. Such material is fireclay brick. It is also known as “stove”.

In order for the structure to be strong, the masonry mortar must be made of clay and sand.


To ensure that the structure can be used for several decades, it is worth choosing high-quality bricks. This material is its basis. When quality material You can cook barbecue on the brazier for many years.

In order to outdoor grill was strong, it is worth paying attention to its foundation. That is, you need to prepare Construction Materials for its construction.

The following materials will be required for the foundation :

  • Crushed stone.
  • Stones.
  • Cement.
  • Plywood or boards (for formwork).
  • Sand.
  • Fittings.

Also, you need to purchase tools that will be needed during construction.

These include the following copies:

  • Bucket.
  • Shovel.
  • A trough for mixing cement (you can use a concrete mixer).
  • Master OK.
  • Circular saw.
  • Level.

It is recommended to develop a project for the construction of a barbecue. You can take a project that has already been developed by someone. In this case, the work will be easier. And also, it will help to calculate required quantity materials. A small supply is acceptable, but large surpluses are neither profitable nor useful.

On next stage the foundation is being poured. This stage is considered basic, since further construction depends on the foundation. The foundation is necessary only for a stationary type of barbecue. For a portable product, this process is not necessary. After the foundation has hardened and is ready for further work, brick laying is carried out.


Before starting to lay brick, it is recommended to water it with water. After 24 hours have passed, you can begin the process. You can also dip it in water for a few seconds just before laying it. This is done for the purpose of better adhesion to the clay.

The procedure for laying bricks should be carried out according to ready-made diagram. When you want to develop a diagram yourself, it is better to do it on a piece of paper in a box.

It is better to start laying bricks from the corner and move towards the central part. It is important to periodically check the grill with a level and plumb line. This will allow you to detect inaccuracies and correct them in the future.

After this, you need to start laying the central part of the product, namely the firebox.

It can be pre-cast from concrete, or it can be made from brick.

If the grill will also serve as a barbecue, then at this stage you need to decide where the grate will be installed. It is installed on reinforcement bars that are located in the walls of the product. In order to be able to change the levels of the grid, several protrusions can be made.

After this, wind walls and a smoke collector are constructed, which are attached to the columns and gradually decrease in diameter. Some schemes do not provide for the construction of a smoke isolation pipe.

As a result of this sequence of steps, you will get the simplest barbecue. To protect it from precipitation, you can install a metal canopy over it.

The final stage of building a barbecue is finishing and a canopy.

The canopy over the product is erected in order to prolong its operation. It can be done in two ways:

  • A canopy that exclusively covers the grill itself.
  • A canopy that covers the entire area intended for recreation.

In any case, sediment will not get into the fryer. From a design point of view, good option is a canopy over the barbecue.

In order to build a canopy over the entire building, you need to install special concrete bases. They can be made not only of concrete, but of metal or wood.


If selected wooden supports they need to be covered special means, which will make them heat-resistant. Or install them at a distance of 16 cm from the product.

As for the roof, it can be built from any material. A covering made of the same material as the roof of the house will fit into the overall composition.

Outdoor oven

An outdoor stove complements any country cottage area or a country house. It can perform the following functions:

  • Cooking.
  • Drying mushrooms or fruits.
  • Can be used for canning fresh air.

The design of the structure for this structure can be made to fit the interior country house. It can be done with one or several lesions. Can be done with or without doors. This is affected only by the project that was chosen for the construction of this device.

When building an outdoor stove, you need to be guided by the fact that it must meet the following requirements:

  • Practicality.
  • Safety.
  • Functionality.
  • Durability.
  • Low cost of construction (if your own work is expensive, then it will be more profitable to buy a ready-made option).

In the markets for materials for the construction of an outdoor stove a large number of, but you need to be guided by the fact that it must be of high quality.

For this you can use the following raw materials:

  • Fire-resistant brick and aerated concrete. These materials can withstand high temperatures.
  • Metal or cast iron. Most often, these raw materials are used to produce ready-made designs. Its price will not be small.

The choice of material must be approached carefully. Aerated concrete is cheaper, but a brick oven looks much more aesthetically pleasing.

An important issue is the choice of the main location of the outdoor stove. It’s good when the construction of a street product was envisaged at the beginning construction work around the house. If, however, the decision to build this structure was made later, then you need to be guided by the same rules as the construction of a barbecue.

This rest attribute is done in the following sequence:

  • Laying the foundation.
  • Laying the base of the furnace.
  • Chimney installation.
  • Installation of the walls of the gazebo in which the stove will stand, as well as equipment of the adjacent territory.

Outdoor stove cladding

As for the decor of an outdoor stove, there are a large number of options. The product can be finished using a special decorative plaster. It can also be lined. As decoration, you can use tiles of various designs and designs.

There are the following types of simple stove finishing:

  • Whitewashing and painting.
  • Plaster.


  • To reduce the roughness of the surface, you need to rub it with brick and then treat it with water.
  • We treat the surface with a primer.
  • We paint the building. It is better to choose it on an adhesive basis.
  • In the case of whitewashing, we skip the previous stage and use lime instead of paint. You can add salt to it. This will help achieve best result. To add a blue tint, a small amount of blue is added to the lime.
  • To ensure that the whitewash is of high quality and lasts a long time, ultramarine or ocher can be added to the lime on the surface.

The debate about who is the founder of barbecue continues to this day. In fact, almost every nation has a culture of cooking over an open fire or coals. Although the word barbecue itself has English origin and means open fire, the stoves on which food is cooked have a lot of varieties and design solutions.

Design selection

On constructive solution The oven is influenced by several factors. A barbecue area at the dacha can be set up with your own hands, but for this you need appropriate place. If the area is limited and you plan to fry meat according to big holidays, then it is quite enough to buy or make a metal one. This is the simplest and most affordable solution.

It is much more difficult to build a barbecue in a brick country house with your own hands, plus the cost of construction will be higher than in a portable version. But this design is more functional and durable. Also, do not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue, brick or stone ovens, with the right approach, can become a pearl in the design of your site.

As for stoves that are exotic for our country, such as the eastern tandoor, it is better to entrust the installation of such structures to professionals. The same can be said about the stove complex, when in addition to the barbecue with grill, it is planned to build a smoking compartment, wood stove with oven, washing department, table and firewood storage.

The video in this article shows how to make a simple barbecue.

Choosing a site for construction

Theoretically for the most simple barbecue or a grill, 1.5 m² is enough, but cooking over a fire is a special ritual and the surroundings accompanying this action must also be appropriate.

As a rule, a barbecue area in a dacha is set up with your own hands in places inaccessible to prying eyes. This can be a free-standing gazebo or a canopy, partially bordering the country houses.

Plan such a complex in far corner garden would not be the right decision. Of course, from a fire safety point of view this will be perfect option, but think about how many times you will have to cross the site while you prepare the feast, and then all this will still need to be cleaned up.

To ensure fire safety, a distance of about 5 m from the fire is sufficient. Most often, this place to relax is located under a canopy near the kitchen. With this approach, it is much easier to supply water from the house and discharge it into a drainage pit.

Important: the entire furnace complex is being built separately; it should not border on any outbuildings or residential buildings, as this is fraught with a fire.

When starting to build a brick barbecue at your dacha with your own hands, pay attention to studying the wind rose on your site. The stove is installed on the leeward side, because neither you nor your guests or neighbors will like breathing smoke from the fryer.

Undoubtedly, the central place in such a complex. But for convenience, it would be useful to equip a small storage for firewood, some compartments for dishes, a place to store skewers or grill grates. It would be nice to supply water and equip cutting table ik.

Let's talk about construction

When choosing a complex design, it is better to give preference to more open options. Closed spaces enough in the city and when you get out to the country, you want volume and closeness to nature. It should be noted right away that, without having construction experience, building a good indoor pavilion with your own hands is quite problematic. But itself brick barbecue you are quite capable.

Unlike the classic barbecue, the barbecue is a multifunctional structure. The hearth itself is practically no different from a barbecue; it also has rectangular shape and guides for skewers.

But above them, supports for grilling are mounted, sometimes with a spit; a smoking cabinet can be located above them; in addition, a stove and a number of accompanying compartments can be attached, starting with shelves for dishes and ending with a mini-bar. Of course, the number of compartments is selected individually. Such a structure cannot be called light and for its installation you need to lay a foundation.

Laying the foundation

After a worthy place has been chosen and a general sketch of the structure has already been sketched, you can begin laying the foundation. The length and width of the barbecue is calculated individually depending on the size of the firebox and the presence of accompanying structures.

Important: the foundation slab or block must exceed the dimensions of the brickwork, around the perimeter by half a brick.

Pawn load-bearing structure possible in 3 different ways.

Choose suitable way should be based on data on the composition of the soil, the presence of quicksand and the climate in the region.

  1. The fastest option is to use a ready-made reinforced concrete slab. For this, soil is selected, the depth is determined depending on the thickness of the slab. A 50 mm sand and gravel cushion is made at the bottom and after compaction a slab is laid. Although the option is quick, you will need a crane to lay the slab, plus there is a possibility of uneven shrinkage.

  1. The next option is also a variation slab foundation, but is considered more reliable. The point is that reinforced concrete slab is being established on site. To do this, a pit is made about 350 mm deep and a dense sand and gravel cushion is laid.
    After which the formwork is installed, reinforcement cage and concrete is poured. The solution is made with the proportions of concrete grades M200 - M300.
  2. But the most common and reliable is considered to be the usual one. strip foundation. Unlike the construction of houses, here it is done not along a closed contour, but according to the U-shaped principle. The laying is carried out to a depth of up to 50 cm. Next comes the standard instructions, 150 - 200 mm of sand and gravel filling, onto which a reinforced concrete base is poured.

Important: traditionally concrete gains design strength within 28 days.
But according to technology, in the first 10 days it needs to be moistened regularly, otherwise the monolith may crack.
Experts advise covering the foundation with plastic film until it gains strength.

Wall masonry

To build a barbecue at the dacha with your own hands, 2 types of bricks are used. The firebox and that part of the cladding that is in direct contact with high temperatures are lined with refractory bricks. This can be fireclay brick or solid, pre-burnt red brick.

The rest of the structure is made of facing bricks or any block material, even natural stone. We will consider brickwork, since its installation, in this case, requires less professional skills.

All bricks are soaked in water immediately before laying.

  • When the foundation has settled and gained strength, it should be checked for horizontalness, level. Deviations are eliminated due to the thickness of the mortar when laying the first 2 rows of the base. Before laying begins, the foundation is covered with waterproofing, this can be roofing felt or other rolled material.

Advice: after laying the first 2 rows and clear horizontal alignment, it is better to let the solution set for 3 to 4 days.
This is not necessary, but this will reduce the likelihood of the masonry becoming distorted in the future.

  • Traditionally, the height of the firebox is 0.7 - 1 m from the ground. After laying 2 rows of the base, another 5 rows of ordinary brick are laid on them. Next comes the firebox, so the brick must be fireproof. From this point on, it is recommended to lay reinforcing wire every 2 rows, preferably copper, but ordinary wire rod with a cross-section of 0.6 mm is also possible.
  • The next, butted row is laid crosswise with refractory bricks, so as to form an inner side. The bottom of the firebox will be based on it; it can be made of the same refractory brick, but it is faster and easier to use cast iron grates.
  • Next, the firebox itself is laid out of 2 rows of refractory bricks and the bonded row of masonry is repeated again. Skewers with meat will be placed on it. If it is difficult for you to lay the bonded rows, then for the guides under the skewers a wide metal strip 5–7 mm thick is suitable, which is laid between the rows, but in this case another row of ordinary masonry is added.
  • When the support for the skewers is ready, another row of bricks is laid, after which the stud level of the masonry is repeated again. It is designed to support the grid under the grill.
  • It was experimentally proven that for comfortable cooking, the firebox window should have dimensions of about 1 m in width and 70 cm in height. Another 2-3 levels are made above the opening and the pipe can be laid out.

Chimney and auxiliary structures

  • The dimensions of the smoke intake are calculated according to GOST standards, which state that per 1 m³ of the firebox there should be 960 cm² of pipe area, plus the height of the chimney, with such data it should be about 12 m. Do not be alarmed, the average volume of the firebox ranges from 0.125 - 0.14 m³, section the pipe for it will be 120 cm², which is 110x120 mm with a pipe height of one and a half meters.
  • The chimney cone can be purchased or welded from metal. But if you decide to lay it out of brick, then this should be done with a gradual narrowing. For the front and back walls, take a quarter of the width of the brick. For the side walls, take half the length of the block. This is how they are gradually brought to the desired section.
  • Among the people, the masonry of this kind of structures is done on the basis of clay-sand mortar. But we advise you to use a special fireclay composition for laying stoves. It is sold in dry ready-made form and there are instructions on each package. Cladding is traditionally laid on cement-sand mortar, best option This is sand concrete grade M300.

  • Once the firebox is ready, you can begin installing auxiliary structures and making it beautiful. As mentioned earlier, the top of the oven is lined with facing bricks, and at the same time the base for the sink and cutting table is erected. The masonry must be tied into a single structure.
  • Mounting stops washing bath The easiest way is to make it from a corner measuring 45 - 50 mm, laying it directly into the structure. A table or other horizontal surfaces can be mounted from facing bricks, laying it on metal corner. Or use asbestos cement slab, which is tiled for beauty.

The video in this article shows some of the subtleties in building a barbecue.


When you set up a barbecue area at your dacha with your own hands, the warmth of your hands remains in it, and for the rest of their lives your children and grandchildren will remember that it was you who did it. At every feast or simply watching the firewood burn, they will remember you with gratitude.

What could be better than relaxing outdoors with your family and friends? Cooking fish or meat allows you to have a pleasant time and have a delicious dinner. It is for such purposes that people buy collapsible barbecues or grills.

But relatively recently, some owners of private houses or cottages began to build brick or stone barbecues around which the whole family can gather. Also, thanks to materials such as natural stone or brick, the heat will be retained for a long time and the structure can even be used as a fireplace.

This article will tell you how to make a barbecue with your own hands, and we will also look at drawings, photos and even videos. In addition, for people who do not have the opportunity to make a stone or brick oven, excellent option There will be a barbecue made from scrap materials. But first, let's look at how to make a brick barbecue.

Brick BBQ

In order to build a brick barbecue you need to purchase some materials. To build a furnace you need to purchase fireproof and facing brick. Fireclay is ideal as a refractory brick. Thanks to the fact that the composition of this material there is a lot of clay included, it can easily withstand high temperatures. It is also very important that the brick is not too fragile and does not crumble. In addition to bricks, you need to buy clay from which the mortar will be made.

In order to prepare the solution, you need to purchase cement, red or refractory clay and sand. Cement and sand will be used to line the barbecue oven, and clay will be used to lay fire bricks.

Preparation of the solution

To build a barbecue, you definitely need a high-quality solution. Prepare regular cement mortar This is not possible, as high temperatures will cause the oven to crack and make it impossible to use. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a clay mixture.

Clay mortar is divided into two types - skinny and fatty. A thin solution will not work, as after firing it will crack or, even worse, spill out of the seams. But the fatty mixture has plasticity, thanks to which the solution will be evenly distributed over the entire plane of the brick.

Cooking process clay mortar for a barbecue oven proceeds as follows:

In order to understand whether the solution is of high quality or not, you need to scoop up a little of the mixture with a trowel or shovel. The solution should not stick to the shovel or leave behind too wet marks. A properly prepared solution should slowly slide off the shovel and not spread.

For a high-quality solution, you need to clean the sand from gravel or other debris. This work can be done using a sieve.

In order to give the solution greater strength, you need to add to the composition table salt. About 200 grams of salt are needed per bucket of solution.

Foundation for brick barbecue

The first thing you need to do to build a barbecue is to choose right place. Special attention fire safety should be taken into account. Trees or bushes should not grow near the stove.

Also, it is not recommended that the barbecue be located too close to the main buildings, bathhouse or utility block. Experts advise taking into account the direction of the wind so that it does not blow towards the main buildings. Also, during construction, it is necessary to think through everything in such a way that sparks are not carried by the wind to the neighbors. You can see the barbecue project in the video below.

Every dacha or country house, in addition to many worries and some unpleasant moments, also involves periodic cooking of barbecue. But to fry meat on coals correctly, you will need a high-quality grill. And you will learn below how to make brick barbecues with your own hands, their drawings and photos.

Preparatory work:
  • area zoning;
  • the best options for installing brick barbecues;
  • necessary materials;
  • the best drawings of brick barbecues.

DIY brick grill:
  • foundation installation;
  • beginning of masonry;
  • construction of the basement;
  • preparing the roasting pan and supports for the grate;
  • working surface;
  • tips for making a barbecue;
  • brick barbecues: drawings, photos, videos.

Basic preparatory work

Of course, a barbecue is not an ordinary structure, so its creation requires careful preparation. Starting from planning the area where the structure will be built, ending with such subtleties as the presence of running water, suitable countertops for convenience and even lighting. For this reason, first of all, you need to consider the preparatory stage.

  • Zoning of the area.

If you have already set yourself the goal of building a brick grill with your own hands, you should start searching best place for its construction. This is not a simple portable metal product that you can install anywhere; calculations and drawings play a huge role here.

Requirements for placement:

  • relatively flat area;
  • moving away from neighbors’ houses and places of rest in order to eliminate interference from smoke for normal life activities;
  • proximity to own dacha or home, in order to provide electricity, water or other necessary communications;
  • Availability small area to build a picnic area (this is a place where you could lay out cooked meat or leave food).

The best options for brick grills

An outdoor brick grill is a simple structure that does not stand out with any special tricks, for example, special ovens or barbecues. But be that as it may, they offer interesting options, which you can sell on a plot of land.

  • The simplest option involves constructing a small brick box in the hall, where coals will be added, and meat on skewers will be hung on top of it.
  • An excellent option would be the so-called island. It has a compartment for coals and a fire, and shelves will be placed on top: first a grill for meat, and then special stops that are used to hold skewers with shish kebab.
  • Another great option is not much different from the previous one. It has a work surface that is not on top of the grill or close to it. It is well suited as a stand or table for saucepans, knives and other utensils that will be needed while preparing for a picnic.

Necessary materials

In addition to the drawings themselves and photos of brick barbecues made by yourself, you can also use some devices. Here is a rough list of them:

  • slaked lime;
  • heat-resistant brick;
  • package of cement;
  • metal corners;
  • a bag of sand;
  • Red brick;
  • reinforcing mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • wire (to strengthen the brickwork);
  • tiles (if your project includes a countertop).

Surely you noticed that in the list necessary materials Varieties of bricks are offered. This is completely optional, but this way you can save money. All because to withstand high temperatures Only heat-resistant brick is capable. But, unfortunately, its price is far from small. Therefore, it is better to use red brick where the grill is not subject to strong heating or where there is no heating at all. Of course, you definitely won’t be able to save a lot of money on this, but it’s still nice.

DIY brick barbecues: drawings and photos

Naturally, without studying the drawings before construction it will be difficult. Therefore, our portal “Remontik” offers the most suitable schemes barbecue made of bricks or take advantage of a ready-made offer.

There is nothing wrong with what many people are planning to build street version barbecue, namely a summer complex. On it you can provide not just a place for firewood, but also a barbecue, a firebox with a door, a sink, a countertop and much more. And here is a great drawing for you.

If you are not satisfied with this option, then find great amount diagrams and drawings for every taste, since today the Internet is replete with hundreds different solutions, which craftsmen are happy to share.

Make a barbecue with your own hands from bricks

Most believe that a barbecue does not require a foundation, and it can be built in a dug pit, which is covered with crushed stone. This decision is fundamentally wrong, since a slight distortion of the soil will completely destroy the structure on which you worked so hard. Your money and time will be wasted. Therefore, the foundation is considered a mandatory point.

Step-by-step steps for installing a foundation

To create a reliable and solid foundation You need to perform the following operations:

  • First you need to choose a suitable place where the brick grill will be built. We have already noted above about its advantages of choice.
  • Square sizes with a side of 120 cm are perfect.
  • Using pegs and special string, place the selected area.
  • Take a shovel and dig a hole 25 cm deep.
  • Install the formwork.
  • Prepare the solution using a sand to cement ratio of 3 to 1.
  • Pour the solution into the hole.
It is important not to forget that the base must be reinforced. To do this, one of the following options is perfect for you:
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • reinforcement bars.

It is worth noting that if you choose a grid, you will have to lay it twice. Moreover, the first layer is placed when you have already filled the third part of the hole with the solution. Then the base needs to be filled by another third, laying another layer, after which the hole is completely filled with solution.

The rods should be laid in the middle of the base of the pit, after which they are completely filled with mortar. Once the foundation is poured, it must be given time to settle properly. Two weeks will not be enough for this.

Let's start laying bricks for the barbecue

In order for the grill to be quickly built, but at the same time turn out neat, you need to do a little fitting. Of course, arranging a brick grill is not an activity that needs to be done quickly, and therefore you will need a kind of fitting, which is done as follows:

  1. Bricks are taken and laid dry on the foundation.
  2. We carefully study and remember the results of the fitting.
  3. Such actions allow you to use whole blocks and halves of bricks during the construction of the barbecue.
  4. Of course, if you already have a prepared grating or pallet, their parameters should be taken into account when performing preliminary laying.
  5. Once you have laid out all the bricks, it is recommended to outline the line of masonry and fix it so that in the future you can follow it without going astray.

Before you start laying, you need to prepare the bricks. Not everyone knows that they are capable of absorbing moisture, which leads to poor structural strength. Therefore, the day before the start of construction, it is recommended to wet them well or even leave them in buckets of water overnight.

It is worth starting to build a barbecue when the bricks are dry on the outside, but contain moisture inside.

It's time to get down to business. Grab your bricks and mortar and start laying out the first row. Always make sure that the space between the bricks is well filled with mortar and the bricks are seated in the order that we noted earlier. Use a rubber mallet to hammer the bricks into the mortar.

Construction of the basement

Once you have built the first row, you can use it as a guide for subsequent rows of masonry. Moreover, the masonry should be done in a checkerboard pattern. It implies that each row will be shifted half a brick to the side. In this case, each row should begin from a corner.

It's no secret that during laying you will have to check the plane of the structure from time to time. To do this, use a level and plumb line. It is necessary to check at least once every two or three rows. If you do not do this, the likelihood of distortion will be too high.

Masonry on corner connections reinforced with metal wire.

Preparing the Dutch oven and rack supports

To ensure the reliability of the base of the grill, you need to prepare special fastenings. You can choose to use:

  • metal corners;
  • reinforcing bars.

Also provide for the presence of side gaps in the brickwork that will not be filled with mortar. They are used as a trench for air intake. It's no secret that you won't be able to light a fire with a regular supply of oxygen.

If we talk about the sheathing, then you can install it both on special metal rods and simple protrusions that are formed in brickwork. If you lay bricks across the wall and they protrude inner side Dutch oven, this will be a great place for the grid.

Working surface

We learned how to make a brick grill, but the work will not be finished here. We also need to arrange a work surface. Without it, it will be difficult for you during a holiday or picnic.

A high-quality countertop must meet the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • easy cleaning;
  • comfort;
  • weather resistance.

Make the tabletop so that it is on optimal height and was easy to use. Worry about her too appearance. It’s good if you use tiles for finishing it, which are intended for sidewalks or floors.

This surface will be different high strength, will not scratch and will be easy to wash without causing you any inconvenience.

As noted above, it would not be amiss to install a water supply and a stand near the barbecue. Thus, you will get rid of wasting time on frequent trips to the house to solve everyday problems. Of course, everything needs to be planned in advance, and water pipes It is recommended to remove it through the base of the grill.

Moreover, you can think about lighting in the area where the barbecue will be prepared. It often happens that you have to cook meat in the dark. Therefore, lighting will definitely not bother you.

Photos of brick grills

To summarize, it is worth considering different variants brick options, which you can create with your own hands, in photographs.

First of all, let's look at two such simple options, which are distinguished not only by their simplicity, accessible to everyone, but also by their high speed of construction.

Now we suggest looking at more advanced designs, which will require more time and effort. But they fully justify themselves, since this grill acts not only as a device for frying meat: barbecue and shashlik, but as a highlight and real pride of your yard.

Finally, here are a few more photos, which also show serious barbecues. One of these even acts as a real complex designed for cooking meat. This is the original summer cuisine, which is adapted only for cooking shish kebab and barbecue. Of course, building something like this with your own hands is a fairly energy- and resource-intensive process, but you will be proud of the created work of art for a long time.

We decided to complete the material by offering readers a useful video, because it is better to see once than to read ten times.

On it, a specialist clearly explains all the subtleties and nuances of planning and building a brick grill on his site. To do this, he will demonstrate the masonry, as well as the technology, on a special construction set with a reduced size.