DIY installation of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. Do-it-yourself two-level plasterboard ceilings - installation and installation instructions How to make multi-level plasterboard ceilings

If the conversation turns to apartment renovation, plasterboard ceilings have become, perhaps, “the talk of the town” for the average citizen of our vast Motherland. Many people complain that this is a very expensive pleasure, but there is a real opportunity to save money - to make multi-level ceilings.

If you think that it is impossible to do this with your own hands, then you are very mistaken - stay with us, and you can do it!

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings? Do it yourself

To do suspended ceiling from plasterboard with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to study each individual design; by the way, one of such options is contained in the video clip on this page.

You just need to understand the principles of construction metal frame, as for flat ceiling, and for a ceiling with shaped elements, where the lines bend, and this must be done from a flat metal profile.

Ceiling markings for the first level frame

  • First of all, you must remember that regardless of the height of the ceilings in the room, the minimum depth of the first level frame can be at least 25 mm, since this is the thickness of the CD profile on which plasterboard sheets (GCR) are hung.

  • To mark, you will need a water level, and try to get one that is several meters longer than the diagonal of your ceiling.
    Make a mark in one of the corners indicating the lower level of the metal frame and, using your water level, transfer this mark to all corners of the room.

Advice. I would like to talk about the use of a water level under the ceiling.

If you need to place the marks too close to the ceiling, then the plastic level tubes will be a hindrance, so it is better to remove them altogether and use one tube.

Installation of a metal frame

  • For installation you will need at least two types metal profiles for drywall – CD and UD. In this case, take the UD and screw it to the marked wall, and the line should coincide with the bottom of the profile.
    Multi-tiered ceilings will thus receive a first level.
  • For installation, it is best to use a plastic dummy dowel, 6 mm in diameter, and a screw for it, 4-5 mm in diameter.
    The factory-installed dowel-screw package is not suitable, since due to the small diameter of the screw, the dowel does not fit well into the wall and can come out.

  • Now along the lines on the ceiling you need to install U-shaped suspensions or pawns. The distance between them should not exceed 50-60 cm.
  • The diameter requirements for the dowel-screw set remain the same as for the wall, but there is one caveat - since there are voids in concrete, the dowel usually falls into them, so you need a dowel with a flared sleeve or an impact dowel, but with a different , a thicker screw.

  • Now it's time to install the CD profiles. To do this, we cut them to the required length (5 mm shorter so that the CD does not bend when installed in the UD) and insert the CD into the UD under the already screwed hangers.

  • Multi-level plasterboard ceilings must be level, so to level the CD profiles under them you need to pull a thread, but sagging profiles will pull it back, so each CD should be pulled up with one hanger, tucking the ears under the profile.
    Fix the thread under the UD profiles, screwing it with self-tapping screws.

  • If you need to install CD profiles on a ceiling more than 4 m, then use connecting element for lengthening.
    You can also make such an element yourself - just insert a piece inside the profiles wooden block, and tighten from below with wood screws.

In order for the self-tapping screw for a plasterboard profile to be screwed in without problems, it must adhere well to the nozzle.

To do this, when buying self-tapping screws, ask the seller for attachment No. 2 and put on the self-tapping screw - if in a horizontal position and even slightly lower it does not fly off the cross, then everything is in order.

Installation of gypsum boards

Second level

  • We are considering a multi-level ceiling and for clarity we will resort to classic options with a circle in the middle.
    To do this, first of all, let's draw this circle on the ceiling.
    We screw a screw into the center and use a thin wire with a pencil tied at the end as the radial rod of the compass (a thread cannot be used, as it stretches).

  • At the level of the circle profile, we screw the UD profile to the wall and insert the CD profiles into them. In places where the CD is longer than 50 cm, we strengthen the profile with a suspension.

  • Cover the second level with drywall. The sheets need to be cut in a circle after they have already been screwed - this is much more accurate.
    In order to cover the vertical plane, cut out a strip of the required width and, after 5-7 cm, trim the paper on it from the convex side of the bend.
  • Don't forget to route the wires for the lights. If the ceiling design includes lamps in a vertical plane, then in these places you can make a pass when installing the profile.


Now you have an understanding of the basics for installing drywall on the ceiling, and you now know how to install a figured caisson, since you learned how to make a circle. Multi-tiered ceilings, which you can make with your own hands, can be the most different configurations, and there are more complex devices, but you already have the basic knowledge about installation.

During the renovation process, when choosing a design for any room, you definitely think about what the ceiling will be like. The interior of the ceiling can be anything, as well as the material from which you can realize your ideas. But the most successful and optimal is drywall. With its help, you can arrange a complex ceiling consisting of several levels.

Designers are especially pleased with gypsum board ceilings, which allow them to create unique masterpieces. Multi-level plasterboard ceilings can be installed in any design. This can be an arched shape, various canopies or symmetrical elements. Many options are available online and are easy to use. Or you can show your imagination and design your own design.

Features of installation of the structure

A positive characteristic of drywall is the ease of working with it. This allows you to install plasterboard ceilings of any complexity. Even for beginners this will not be much of a problem. There is a lot of room for experimentation here. But, nevertheless, installing multi-level plasterboard ceilings with your own hands requires studying some of the features of their installation:

  1. The basis of a plasterboard suspended ceiling is the frame. It is constructed from galvanized metal profiles. The peculiarity of arranging the frame is that when installing a multi-tiered ceiling it is necessary to use very a large number of parts that are placed at different heights.
  2. The next step is covering the frame with plasterboard elements. They are cut and adjusted to the appropriate sizes. These can be segments of different geometric shapes or strips for covering curved surfaces.
  3. The final stage is to putty the plasterboard surface of the ceiling and perform the final finishing.

Purchasing materials

For installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings First of all, you should decide on the materials. You must first calculate required quantity. To work you will need:

  • drywall. When purchasing gypsum sheets, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and the number of ceiling levels to be installed;
  • metal profile for suspended ceiling. With its help, a frame for a suspended ceiling is built. Plasterboard structures are attached to them;
  • starting metal profile, which is attached to the ceiling and walls, and then profiles are attached to it for sheathing with gypsum sheets. For the second and third levels, the starting profiles are attached using special hangers;
  • special hangers which are used for attaching profiles to the wall;
  • elements for connection, used to further increase the profile for cladding;
  • elements for crab connection. This element ensures fastening of profiles at right angles;
  • fasteners: “fleas”, self-tapping screws, dowels.

All these materials are used when installing a suspended ceiling. But after this, work is done to seal the seams and putty the ceiling.

To do this, you need to purchase a plastic reinforcing mesh, a primer, putty mixtures and finishing materials.

Preparing tools

In principle, it is not difficult to arrange a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. But this will require special tools that will greatly facilitate the work. These include common and simple tools found in almost every home. You need to prepare:

  • To facilitate fastening, a screwdriver is used. It is better if the attachment on it is magnetic;
  • hammer drill or hammer drill. Depends on the type of walls. For concrete walls It is better to use a hammer drill;
  • use a level to check vertical and horizontal lines;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • special construction knife for cutting plasterboard sheets;
  • hammer;
  • a roller with needles for creating punctures on gypsum sheets. This must be done to facilitate the process of bending plasterboard elements;
  • spatula for sealing seams and filling the ceiling surface.

In rooms that are quite high, it is better to use special shelving for work. In this case, you will not need to jump from stool to stool.

Preparing for work

Any work requires preliminary preparations. To equip a plasterboard suspended ceiling, you also need to complete a series of preparatory stages. This is what will ensure the quality of the work performed, and the result will delight you for many years.

Preparing the ceiling surface

The quality of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling depends not only on reliable fastening, but also how correctly the preparatory work was carried out ceiling surface. To do this you need:

  1. Completely release ceiling from various items: lamps, chandeliers, cornices, etc.
  2. Clear from old decoration. For example, from whitewash or paint, wallpaper or ceiling tiles.
  3. Repair any cracks or other defects. It is better to do this using quickly hardening mixtures.
  4. Treat the ceiling surface with a special antibacterial liquid to prevent the formation various types fungi.

With these measures it is possible to ensure optimal microclimate which will provide a longer service life ceiling structure.


The most important stage when installing hypocardboard ceilings, especially complex ones, is carrying out the correct markings. It is the exact marking that will ensure correct forms ceiling and a flat surface. To complete the marking steps, you must perform the following steps:

  • On the walls, using a level, we draw lines of all ceiling levels. For example, a three-level ceiling will have three parallel lines on the wall.

Important! The differences between ceiling levels must be of such a height that it is possible to easily place the lamps and carry out their unhindered installation.

To do this, lamps must be purchased in advance.

  • On next stage We mark parallel lines on the ceiling. The distance between the lines is about 60 cm. The starting profile, that is, the first level profile, will be attached to them in the future.
  • Next we apply the second level markings. Depending on the design, markings are applied to First level ceiling or on the ceiling.
  • Curvilinear markings, arcs or circles are applied using a cord or a special strip with holes. A screw is inserted into one of the holes, and a pencil into the second. Thus, we obtain a tool that replaces a compass.
  • We perform various complex markups using pre-prepared templates.

Installation of a multi-level ceiling

This section will discuss how to make a multi-level plasterboard ceiling yourself. This process consists of several stages: installation of the frame, covering with plasterboard and finishing the ceiling.

Let's look at the first two stages in more detail.

Frame installation

When starting the process of installing the frame, you should first draw up a diagram on paper. The most important elements and transitions should be marked on it. After this, we proceed directly to arranging the frame:

  1. Starting profiles are attached to the preliminary markings on the walls.
  2. Cords are stretched between the attached profiles, which will show the landmark of each level.
  3. Suspensions are attached to the ceiling. With their help, the profile guides will be fixed. To install them, the end parts are inserted into the starting profiles and then attached to the hangers along their entire length.
  4. In those places where the second level is planned, the main profile does not need to be attached. In the place where the border of the second level passes, a starting profile is attached to the ceiling. It is placed strictly along the border line.
  5. We insert parts of the main profile into the starting profile on the ceiling every 20–30 cm. Their length must correspond to the height of the given ceiling level.
  6. A starting profile similar in configuration to the one attached to the ceiling is attached to the lower ends of the main profile parts.
  7. We complete the installation by strengthening the structure with the main profiles, inserting them into the starting profiles and additionally securing them with suspensions on the ceiling.

Important! At the frame installation stage, it is necessary to lay all the necessary wiring for lighting.

Sheathing with plasterboard

At this stage, we cover the finished frame with plasterboard. It is impossible to do this work on your own, since you have to lift heavy sheets of drywall to a certain height. Therefore, we find ourselves a partner in advance.

  1. We apply markings to the drywall and use construction knife draw lines. After this, you need to carefully break the sheet.
  2. We make round holes on the parts that will attach the lamps.
  3. Next, we attach the sheets to the main profile using metal screws. The optimal length of the screws is 2.5 cm. The level of fastening of the screws is determined by the following characteristics: the head should be slightly below the surface of the sheet, but should not break through the cardboard. In this way, all horizontal planes are sutured.
  4. More difficult process– sheathing vertical planes, especially arcs. If you are sewing up curved vertical surfaces, it is better to do it in small pieces of plasterboard, and then carefully seal the seams.
  5. You can bend pieces of drywall using a needle putty knife. First, you need to walk it over the sheet, then use a spray bottle to moisten the part a little and, using gentle movements, try to bend it.

Important! You need to be careful not to over-hydrate. Since if there is excess moisture, the part may simply fall apart.

After completing the cladding, they move on to processing the seams and puttingtying it.


Many people think that arranging a multi-tiered ceiling with their own hands is an impossible task. But, if you carefully study the advice given in this article and adhere to all necessary instructions, then you can get a unique ceiling structure.

It is not difficult to assemble a multi-level plasterboard ceiling yourself. It is enough to have a little experience and perform all stages of installation sequentially. But you should immediately warn that the lower ceiling levels are marked on a leveled surface. Therefore, if the height of the ceiling in the room is not sufficient for leveling with plasterboard, you may have to leave it as top level the main ceiling, having first straightened it with plaster or putty.

Ceiling preparation

First, you need to start with the ceiling. If the panels were glued, they must be removed and the ceiling surface cleaned of traces of glue. If there was suspended ceiling, then it is disassembled, all fasteners and other elements are removed. if the ceiling base is initially crooked, it needs to be pre-assembled

Top level markup

Marking begins with horizontal markings. For this purpose it is used laser level. You can use water, but laser is more convenient and faster.

The device must be placed in the center of the room, turned on and wait until the beam calms down. Next, the laser is directed alternately to the corners of the room, and marks are made on each of the converging walls.

Using the resulting marks, horizontal lines are drawn using a paint cord. It is pulled tight between the corners, then pulled slightly away from the wall and released to make a pop. As a result, a clear mark remains on the wall. To obtain the basic horizontal line, this operation must be repeated on all walls.

Since the first level is leveling, it should be as close as possible to the main ceiling. To determine its location, it is necessary to find the lowest angle, for which the distance from the ceiling to the base horizontal is measured. Where it is smallest, there will be the desired angle.

Now, to get the first level ceiling line you need to:

  • set aside 4-5 cm from the ceiling in the found corner (the thickness of the PP profile plus a gap of 1-2 cm);
  • measure the distance from the base horizontal line to the mark made on the converging walls;
  • set aside this distance in the remaining corners;
  • connect the resulting marks by beating the lines with paint cord.

  • on the ceiling along long wall Marks are placed in increments of 400-600 mm. Marking should start from the shortest wall in the room;
  • markings are made on the second, parallel wall, starting from the same side as in the previous step;
  • As a result of connecting the marks, parallel lines are obtained along which points for fixing the suspensions are marked in increments of 700 mm.

Suspensions are installed perpendicular to the lines using.

When installing a multi-level ceiling, the step between the intermediate profiles of the frame of the first tier should not exceed 400 mm, since it will carry an additional load. In addition, this step makes it possible to install additional mortgages to secure the structure of the second tier.

The next step is installation ceiling profiles. They are inserted into the wall profile guides and attached to the hangers. To ensure that the bottom edges of all PP profiles are in the same horizontal plane, you can tighten the fishing line or use a rule strip. In this case, first intermediate profiles are set, which will act as beacon profiles. The remaining PP profiles are already aligned using them.

Stiffeners are attached with crabs perpendicular to the mounted profiles. A PP profile is also used for them. Stiffening ribs should be located at the site of the planned joints of drywall sheets. Necessary information,

At the same stage, profile inserts are installed under the second-level frame, since it cannot be attached directly to drywall. Mortgages are installed according to the drawing, in pre-designated locations.

At this point, the frame of the first tier is ready and can be covered with plasterboard sheets. In this case, there must be a frame element under each joint. By the way, from the GKL.

The video shows ways to bend a ceiling profile correctly

Installation of the second and subsequent levels

The required height is set off from the upper tier on the walls, and guide profiles are fixed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the plasterboard sheet.

According to the existing drawing, the contour of the lower level is marked on the sheets of plasterboard of the upper level. Pre-prepared blanks from the PN profile are attached along these lines. For straight sections - just segments of the required length. For curved ones, the profile must be trimmed and bent to the desired shape. Stiffening ribs are also installed between the guides.

Now the side walls of the second tier box are being made. To do this, strips of the required width are cut from plasterboard, taking into account the thickness of the plasterboard. These strips are fixed to an already installed contour. To their free edge with inside They are fastened with PN profile screws, which, in turn, are connected to wall guides with additional profiles.

Today, very often in apartments you can find multi-level plasterboard ceilings. This design is no longer a luxury. And having necessary tools, materials and desire, everything can be easily done with your own hands.
Multi-level ceilings made of plasterboard have a number of advantages:

  • create comfort;
  • with their help you can realize an original and stylish design;
  • increase the overall space;
  • allow you to change the geometry and shape of the room;
  • mask various defects of the rough ceiling;
  • allow you to disguise electrical wiring, ventilation and pipes;
  • provide space for visually delimiting the space of rooms into functional zones;
  • allow you to create original forms of lighting.

Such advantages place multi-level plasterboard ceilings much higher than other finishing options.

Due to the simplicity of the design, it is quite possible to make a multi-level ceiling from plasterboard with your own hands. The main thing is to decide on the design and study ways to implement installation quickly and efficiently.
There are the most various options device and installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings:

  • single-level;
  • simple two-level;
  • simple three-level;
  • complex or curly.

In addition to these options, the installation of plasterboard ceilings can take a wide variety of forms. It all depends on the designer’s imagination. The installation technology directly depends on the type of multi-level ceiling.
To decide on the type of plasterboard ceiling, you need to know the advantages of all design options.
Advantages of the single-level type:

  • Smooth surface;
  • installation of spotlights;
  • has the simplest installation;
  • slight lowering of the ceiling;
  • the frame is made from aluminum profiles or wooden beams;
  • basis for further customization of more complex designs;
  • lung device.

It will be easiest to make such a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands.
Simple two- and three-level types have the following advantages:

  • allow you to create a visual change in the space of the room;
  • make it possible to make a more original and unique ornament;
  • allow you to install multi-level lighting in different areas of the ceiling;
  • thanks to them, it is possible to visually divide the room into functional sectors.

Such multi-level gypsum plaster ceilings, in turn, come in the following varieties:

  • frame. They look like a box with one or two steps. These steps often have irregular shape. Installation is often carried out in boxes spotlights, and along the inner perimeter - LED backlight hidden type;
  • diagonal. Their device allows you to divide the ceiling in half using the second and third steps. Each level has a wavy shape. The division in half is carried out conditionally;
  • zonal. Using several levels, you can divide the space into zones. More significant and important area separated by a large level, and less significant ones by other steps.

Advantages of multi-level figured ceilings complex design:

  • allow the use of the most elaborate and original designs;
  • make it possible to organize unique lighting;
  • their manufacturing allows you to create unique design premises and completely change the accents of the room.

The choice should be made according to your financial capabilities, as well as based on the design of the entire room as a whole.

Carrying out preparatory work and necessary calculations

How to make a multi-level plasterboard ceiling? Initially, you need to do everything preparatory work, and only then proceed to the installation itself.
Preparatory work involves the following stages:

  • calculation necessary materials and their purchase;
  • decide on the design and purpose of the ceiling: zoning, changing the geometry of the room, etc.;
  • sketching the ceiling so that the structure fits perfectly into the room;
  • make markings and install guides using screws and dowels.

Drawing of the future design

Making a sketch is best done on special computer programs. Based on them, it is very easy to calculate the number of required plasterboard sheets, fasteners and guides, based on the perimeter of the ceiling itself and its individual elements. The more complex design, the more material will be used for its installation.

Installation of the frame

Finishing preparatory procedures You can begin direct installation of structures.
The frame has the form of galvanized cold-formed metal profiles, the size of which is not less than 0.5-0.8 mm. When installing a multi-level plasterboard floor, it is the frame design that determines the quality of all work and affects the strength and evenness of the surface.

Frame installation

Note! When manufacturing and installing the frame, be sure to use building level, especially when fastening the guides, since after installing the fastening it will no longer be possible to change the level of the structure.

Installation of the frame is carried out in the following steps:

  • assembling the structure and checking it for level;
  • fastening the structure using self-tapping screws and dowels. First we fasten the horizontal and then the vertical end parts - steps. This stage is carried out when creating complex multi-level floors;
  • straight elements should simply be attached evenly and correctly;
  • Curved and wavy elements should be attached very carefully. To do this, additional guides are mounted at each fastening site in order to accurately convey the required geometry;
  • wiring necessary to create a certain type of lighting.

Having made all the preparations, you can safely proceed to installation work.

Carrying out installation

After completing the installation of the structure, you can directly install the plasterboard sheets. For creating correct design According to the given drawing, the following steps should be followed:

  • cut the sheets into the required parts. For this they use electric jigsaw or a painting knife;
  • during the cutting process, it is necessary to take into account the placement of spotlights;
  • the resulting irregularities/roughness/notches should be removed with sandpaper;
  • After this, you can begin directly installing the cut parts. They are installed on self-tapping screws, which are specifically designed for this purpose;
  • the sheets should be joined carefully without disturbing the composition;
  • along the way installation work you need to immediately insert the lamps;
  • Use sandpaper to clean all joints and then putty.

Installation of plasterboard sheets

After the work has been completed, the structure is ready for painting.
As you can see, the installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings itself is not difficult. The main thing is to do everything smoothly and accurately.

Articles on the topic

Ceilings in the bathroom made of plasterboard, preparation and installation How to make semicircular structures on the ceiling, installation options

From the author: Hello, friends! Surely you have at least once thought that it would be great to find an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively radically transform your home. We would like to tell you about one of these methods. By assembling a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you can completely change the interior of the room, making it stylish and unusual. Drywall is ideal for realizing any, even the most daring ideas. And now first things first...

A little about the material

Before starting work, you will most likely be interested in familiarizing yourself with the basic properties of this finishing material, which make it so popular in the construction market. Drywall is sheets rectangular shape with a gypsum core, lined with cardboard on both sides.

From this material it is possible to create many decorative designs indoors - arches, niches, false walls, partitions, suspended ceiling structures. In addition, it is used to level ceilings and walls.

Properties for which plasterboard is valued:

  • environmental friendliness, thanks to which the use this building material possible even in children's rooms;
  • ease of processing and installation - gypsum boards are easy to give the desired shape, they can be easily sawed with a hacksaw, bent, or cut with an ordinary stationery knife;
  • is considered a “breathable” material, since it is capable of releasing moisture when the air in the room is excessively dry and, conversely, absorbing it if the humidity level in the room is high;
  • ability to absorb sounds;
  • low thermal conductivity - by insulating a room from the inside using gypsum plasterboard, you can reduce energy costs for heating it.

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-level ceiling structures

The options for decorating a room are endless. You can find on the Internet great amount photographs showing rooms with ceilings decorated with gypsum plasterboard. Installing them will allow you to appreciate the following advantages:

  • the ability to perfectly level the surface of the ceiling, hide its cracks and other defects;
  • visual expansion of the room space;
  • reliably hides all communications (telephone cables, electrical wiring, water supply pipes, ventilation) from prying eyes;
  • with the help of suspended ceiling structures you can change the geometry of the room, influence its height, and divide it into functional zones;
  • usage different types lighting in various areas of a multi-tiered gypsum board ceiling allows you to achieve a bizarre play of light and shadows, highlight one zone in the room or, conversely, distract attention from another;
  • plasterboard sheets are affordable, available in large assortment, giving you the opportunity to choose the appropriate option.

Before making multi-level ceilings, familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of plasterboard structures:

  • low moisture resistance - gypsum plasterboard structures do not tolerate moisture well, they will not be able to cope with large floods (for example, in the case of flooding by neighbors above);
  • creating a multi-tiered ceiling structure takes a lot of time;
  • installing such a ceiling is impossible alone due to its heavy weight, so you will need an assistant;
  • the use of multi-level ceiling structures is undesirable in rooms with low ceilings.

Preparatory work

Installation is carried out on a previously prepared surface. To do this you will need to do some preliminary work:

  • clean the ceiling from whitewash residues, old paint, wallpaper, etc.;
  • remove (if any) all fasteners from the ceiling that were previously used;
  • level the base ceiling tiles using plaster, putty, or, if the height of the room allows, using gypsum boards, which in this case will act as the first level of a multi-tiered ceiling.

Tools and materials

To make a multi-tiered ceiling structure from plasterboard sheets, you will need to stock up on the following tools:

  • building level;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • carpenter's square;
  • marking thread;
  • metal and rubber spatula;
  • rollers and brushes of various widths;
  • knife for cutting gypsum plasterboard;
  • metal scissors;
  • hammer drill;
  • screwdriver.

Necessary materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • profile (guide and ceiling);
  • connecting screws for profiles;
  • metal corner;
  • dye;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • screws and dowels.

This sample list what you will need to purchase before starting installation.