Using iron chelate and making it at home. Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation

For getting good harvests Plants must be provided not only with basic nutrients, but also with microelements. Iron, along with copper, zinc, boron, manganese, cobalt and molybdenum, is one of the seven most important. Iron chelate allows you to effectively feed plants with this element. What it is, how to use the drug and prepare it with your own hands will be discussed in the material.

Benefits of chelated mineral supplements

First of all, it is important to understand that nutrients are absorbed by plants only in a bioavailable form. Conventional mineral fertilizers ( see → ), often must undergo a series of transformations before they can begin to be absorbed by plants. In chelates, the substances are initially in a bioavailable state. Chelated fertilizers penetrate better into plant cells, due to which they are absorbed by 90%. Conventional mineral compounds are absorbed only by 40-70%.

Besides important advantage, chelated fertilizers have an impressive list of others:

  • do not have a phytotoxic effect;
  • do not affect soil acidity;
  • do not accumulate in the soil, causing salinization;
  • do not react chemically with other substances, forming undesirable compounds;
  • They dissolve perfectly in water and are well absorbed by roots and leaves.

Being an organ mineral fertilizers, chelates do not harm the ecological state of the site and can be used on any type of soil.

Iron chelate: characteristics and purpose

Externally, iron chelate is a dark red fine powder. The molecules of this substance are complexes formed by iron itself and a chelating agent. The latter can be various organic acids:

As can be seen from the table, different iron chelates exhibit different stability in the external environment. For example, an EDTA chelated product will work well in acidic soils, but will break down in carbonate soils. These nuances must be taken into account when purchasing.

The main purpose of iron chelate is the treatment of non-infectious chlorosis caused by a deficiency of this trace element.

The drug can also be used for prophylactic purposes. Tip #1

Signs of iron deficiency in plants

The most sensitive crops to a lack of iron in the soil are tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, apple trees, apricots, cherries, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, grapes and greenhouse vegetables. citrus plants. Their deficiency state is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the upper young leaves lose color, the lower old leaves remain green;
  • chlorotic areas of pale yellow, almost white color appear between the veins;
  • areas affected by chlorosis expand, capturing the entire interveinal space, leaving only the veins green.

The plant, being unable to carry out photosynthesis normally, slows down its growth and drops its flowers and ovaries. If new leaves appear on it, then when they unfold, they turn out to be chlorotic.

Non-infectious chlorosis in plants occurs because chlorophyll in cells ceases to be synthesized and is destroyed.

All the described signs are a signal for immediate feeding of plants with iron chelate.

Effect of iron chelate on plants Iron performs important role

  • in biochemical processes occurring in a plant cell:
  • participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll;
  • participates in electron transfer during photosynthesis;
  • participates in the construction of proteins that reduce nitrites and sulfates;

participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids. It follows that iron chelate can be used not only for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency chlorosis.

  • Treatment with this drug allows you to achieve the following goals:
  • increase photosynthetic activity and cellular respiration of plants growing in the shade; improve the condition of seedlings in the absence additional lighting
  • phytolamps;
  • normalize nitrogen metabolism in cells and improve the absorption of other mineral elements;

improve pollen quality, stimulate flowering and fruiting.

Thus, iron chelate indirectly affects the volume and quality of the crop.

Methods of using iron chelate

One of the advantages of iron chelate is that this drug is equally well absorbed through the roots and through the leaves. This property allows it to be used for fertilizing by any means. Most often, chelate solutions are used for foliar feeding. For this required quantity powder dissolves in water.

  • The concentration of the working solution is as follows: for feeding fruit trees
  • – 5 g per 5 liters of water;

You can spray plants with iron chelate throughout the growing season. However, the greatest effectiveness is observed when applied during the period of active growth - in late spring and the first half of summer. At this time, you need to do four foliar feedings with an interval of 2 weeks.

Equally useful is the delivery of iron chelate with irrigation water. The solution is made in the same way as for spraying, only its concentration in any case should be 5 g of chelate per 5 liters of water. For 1 m 2 of soil, when watering, you need to spend about 2 liters of working solution.

Important! If iron chelate treatment is carried out with medicinal purposes, you need to stop feeding only after the symptoms of chlorosis disappear. This can be done both on the leaf and at the root. If the growing leaves acquire a normal color, it means that the iron deficiency is corrected.

Manufacturers of iron chelate and prices for the drug

Iron chelate powder can be purchased from different manufacturers agrochemical products:

Manufacturer Chelating agent Allowable reaction of soil solution Price
NPP VIOST DTPA Acidic or neutral 20 rubles for 5 g
LLC "Electrochemistry" DTPA Acidic or neutral 22 rubles for 5 g
TPK Technoexport (Green Belt) Not specified Not specified 23 rubles per 10 g
"Agromaster" EDDHA Alkaline 4200 rubles for 5 kg
"Valagro" EDDHA Alkaline 1700 rubles per 1 kg
"Yugreaktiv" EDTA Sour 350 rubles per 1 kg
"Buy fertilizers" EDTA Sour 700 rubles per 1 kg

Iron chelate can also be produced in liquid form. In particular, it is included in the Hydroponics Kit Micro solution, which can be used not only for hydroponic growing plants, but also for watering the soil.

Making your own iron chelate

Considering that the consumption of iron chelate and working solution is quite high, and at least four treatments will be required to achieve the effect, this drug cannot be called cheap. Fortunately, iron can be easily chelated at home. For this purpose, substances that are available to any summer resident will do:

  • ascorbic or citric acid, apple cider vinegar;
  • inkstone.

These acids form unstable compounds with iron molecules, so homemade chelates should be prepared immediately before use.

If they are stored for a long time, the solutions age, change color, and iron precipitates. U citric acid There is important property , which will not only feed the plants with iron. In biochemistry there is such a thing as the Krebs cycle. This is the basis of plant cell metabolism, thanks to which it is supplied with energy. processes occurring in this case occur with the participation of citric acid.

To make iron chelate, you need to take powder iron sulfate and citric acid in a ratio of 1:1.5⊕ . For example, to prepare 1 liter of chelate solution

you will need 4 g of acid and 2.5 g of vitriol. First, the acid completely dissolves in water. Then vitriol is gradually mixed into the solution. The result is a liquid lemon color, which contains 0.5 g/l ferrous iron in the form of citrate.

If ascorbic acid is taken in tablets for chelation, it must be pure, without dyes and glucose.

The tablets are first ground into powder. A half-liter jar of water will require 10 g of ascorbic acid. After the acid has dissolved, 1 teaspoon of iron sulfate is added to the solution. Then everything is diluted with water - the final volume of liquid should be 3 liters. For the normal functioning of plants, various nutrients are required, with which they must be provided throughout the entire time with the only change in the quantity and frequency of application depending on the time of year. One of the most important such elements for plants is iron chelate, which provides reliable protection

from manifestations of chlorosis.

Article outline

Features of the drug The peculiarity of microfertilizer is that it is iron in chelated form. This allows it to be easily and completely absorbed by plants, providing good nutrition

for normal growth. Iron for plants serves as an intermediate element: it is not required as much as macroelements, but not as little as microelements. This makes iron chelate essential for plants. The lack of this element is easy to notice by appearance , this will be expressed as obvious signs

chlorosis. The disease develops against the background of impaired chlorophyll production in the leaves. Its main features are a light leaf blade and characteristic green veins on it.

The appearance of chlorosis occurs when there is an acute deficiency of iron in the soil or as a result of restrictions that have arisen on plants to absorb it in this form. To solve this problem, it is necessary to reconsider agricultural methods, as well as fertilize with iron chelate fertilizer.

Main signs of chlorosis

If at least some of these signs occur, it is necessary to take immediate action and treat chlorosis.

What you need to know about plant chlorosis

Iron is an active component for plant life; it is actively involved in metabolic processes, and is also one of the components of enzymes that ensure respiration and the formation of chlorophyll.

The main positive qualities of iron chelate

  1. Completely non-toxic.
  2. Simultaneous use with mineral fertilizers is allowed.
  3. It dissolves completely in water and is easily absorbed by plants.
  4. Not exposed to microorganisms.
  5. It has high transport activity and has high penetration through foliage.
  6. Simultaneous use with pesticides is possible.
  7. Versatility in use (used as foliar or root feeding).

An important feature of iron is its availability to plants. There is a misconception that rusty water (which can often be seen from a water tap) is also rich in iron. Yes, it is present there, but in this form it is completely insoluble and sometimes destructive for plants.

There may also be this option: if the soil contains chalk or dolomite, then even the available form of iron under such conditions turns into a completely useless composition for plants. As a result, there will be a lack of this element even if there is sufficient quantity in the soil.

The accessible form of iron can become inaccessible as a result of oxidation, which occurs when interacting with oxygen. After this, it is no longer possible to make the element accessible.

Features of using iron chelate for plants

For plants, of all microelements, it is iron that plays the leading role, since it guarantees the timeliness of chlorophyll biosynthesis, and is also a reliable shield against many diseases, and in particular chlorosis. For plants, the use of iron chelate plays an important role, as it promotes the full development, vegetation and activation of all necessary processes ensuring normal plant growth.

Regular use of fertilizer guarantees:

  • development of stable immunity of the plant to all kinds of negative phenomena external environment;
  • compensates for the lack of missing microelements, thereby creating resistance to diseases;
  • improves photosynthesis and plant respiration;
  • stimulates active growth and full development of plants;
  • eliminates iron deficiency;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • provides sufficient quantity chlorophyll in leaves.

The use of iron chelate is possible during root tillage, during drip irrigation, and it can also be used as foliar feeding plants. Maximum effect with obvious signs of iron deficiency in plants, it can be achieved by foliar treatment of diseased leaves.

It has been noticed that among the fruit trees that suffer the most from iron deficiency: peach, pear, plum, cherry, apple, citrus trees, and also in some cases grapes, provided that they are grown on carbonate or over-limed soils. Signs of the disease can be expressed in poor flowering, weak coloring of fruits, and low tree yields. Also, a deficiency of this element can significantly affect carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, corn, and raspberries.

Effect of the drug on indoor plants

Indoor plants especially need the active element of iron, since they have a limited space of land, in which the resulting lack of microelements can cause plant diseases and even their death. There are several types of indoor crops that react acutely to a lack of iron in the soil:

  • gardenias;
  • azaleas;
  • hydrangeas;
  • clerodendrum;
  • citrus crops.

Therefore, if there are any crops from the plants listed above in the house, you should know in advance that for their normal functioning they will require regular use of iron chelate for indoor plants. For this purpose, manufacturers produce specially small packaged fertilizers.

Application for indoor plants also includes preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of leaf chlorosis. Indoor crops containing iron in pots are noticeably different in their complete and rapid development, and they also develop stable immunity to chlorosis and various stresses. However, if a disease occurs in indoor plants, you can easily cope with it using iron chelate, but do not delay treatment.

How to use microfertilizer

In the treatment of chlorosis and as a preventive measure, iron chelate fertilizer is used in different proportions, time intervals and duration of use.

Instructions for using iron chelate for plants for preventive purposes

It is necessary to dissolve 5 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and spray the foliage generously with the resulting solution, apply the treatment at least 2 times, starting from the first appearance of the leaves and continuing throughout the growing season with an interval of 2 weeks. The last treatment should be carried out before flowering. The consumption rate of the resulting drug is 1 liter per 10 square meters. m.

Instructions for the use of microfertilizer in the treatment of chlorosis

Dissolve 5 g of the substance in 5 liters of water for fruit trees and 8 liters of water for any other crops, then spray the foliage generously and treat at least 4 times every 2 weeks. To enhance treatment, in case of severe chlorosis, root application of the drug can be done; for this purpose, dissolve 5 g of fertilizer per 5 liters of water and the consumption rate of the resulting drug is 2 liters per 1 sq. m. m.

When using the drug, you must follow general rules safety: when processing, wear gloves, a change of clothes, a hat, and also when spraying the drug - safety glasses and a gauze bandage.

  • In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water.
  • After finishing working with the solution, wash your face and hands with soap.
  • The fertilizer must be stored in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children. Shelf-life Unlimited. The storage temperature must be at least 0 degrees.

Iron chelate for strawberries - how to use

Making iron chelate at home

In the case when there is no drug at hand, and the plant needs to be saved, you can prepare iron chelate at home, but the resulting solution cannot be stored, so it should be used on the day of preparation.

  1. Option 1: You will need 1 liter of rainwater, in which you need to dissolve 4 g of citric acid, then add 2.5 g of iron sulfate. Stir the resulting solution until the color of the liquid is uniform. The solution is ready.
  2. Option 2: You will need 1 liter of rainwater, to which you need to add 10g of iron sulfate and 20g of ascorbic acid, mix everything thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

These above solutions can be used for both foliar spraying and root watering. But when using the drug, you must follow all recommendations in order to prevent excess iron in the soil (this is extremely rare).

Signs of excess iron in plants

  • stops overall growth plants;
  • leaf blades acquire a rich dark green color;
  • leaves begin to fall for no apparent reason;
  • black necrotic spots appear on the leaf blades;
  • The absorption of phosphorus and calcium becomes difficult, so signs of their deficiency appear.

Numerous positive reviews about iron chelate they prove that this drug really helps to get rid of the problems of chlorosis, and also helps to develop strong immunity of plants to all sorts of negative environmental factors, which guarantees full growth and healthy appearance of leaves.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Plants require a variety of beneficial microelements for normal growth. TO the most important means for vegetation, iron chelate is used. Its use is largely to prevent chlorosis. Throughout the life of plants, the need for the substance does not go away, but may change somewhat; accordingly, the dosage should be regulated and selected individually.

Features and positive qualities of iron chelate

Before considering iron chelate, you should learn more about iron, what it is. Iron is an active component; it is necessary for vegetation to live, as it acts as a stimulator of metabolic processes. It is also important for plants because it actively participates in the release of chlorophyll, and, accordingly, respiration.

What is the chelated form? Chelated iron is a Fe++ ion that is located inside a ligand shell consisting of large quantities organic acid residues. Citric acid is often used to achieve chelation. Due to the presence of the shell, foreign ions and molecules that can change the shape of Fe++ do not penetrate into the substance.

Iron chelate for plants

This microfertilizer is iron in chelated form, that is, a complex compound of iron ions with amino acids. This form of the substance is especially useful for plants, as it can be fully absorbed. The presence of the component provides high-quality nutrition for the healthy development of the plant. Its amount is somewhat smaller than macroelements, but exceeds various microelements. Due to the need for a large amount of the substance, chelated iron becomes indispensable for the gardener.

A deficiency of iron chelate will lead to a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the plant; it may be susceptible to chlorosis. A pathological change in the metabolic function of a plant is associated with a violation of chlorophyll synthesis in the foliage. The most characteristic manifestation is excessive lightness of the leaves and noticeable green veins on them.

Plants need iron in the chelated form of fertilizer, otherwise an acute deficiency of the substance develops, which leads to chlorosis. The problem is solved by feeding with chelate complexes.

You can determine that plants require iron chelate by the following characteristic features:

  • young leaves begin to turn yellow and green streaks characteristic of diseases appear;
  • leaf sizes decrease;
  • flowers, ovaries or foliage fall off without noticeable external reasons;
  • flowers grow, but have an irregular shape;
  • the growth of the rhizome system stops, and as the disease develops, it dies;
  • the development of greenery and tops stops;
  • The edges of the foliage have a curled shape.

Plant fertilizer microelement Iron Chelate

If the listed symptoms are detected, perhaps not all at once, it is worth treating the disease with the help of chelated fertilizers.

Iron chelate has many advantages:

  • absolutely non-toxic;
  • can be combined with other mineral-type preparations;
  • easily dissolves in water and leaves no sediment;
  • easily assimilated by all cultures;
  • resistant to harmful and beneficial microorganisms;
  • has high transportation rates; when it penetrates the foliage, it is quickly distributed throughout the entire stem and rhizome;
  • can be used together with pesticides;
  • universal, as it can be used for foliar and root feeding.

It is important to remember that if there is an excessive amount of chalk or dolomite impurities in the soil, iron can become completely useless, since it will not be absorbed by plants. In this condition of the soil, it will be extremely difficult for plants to cover the deficiency in iron chelate.

Chelated fertilizers can become unusable through the oxidation process, which is activated by a reaction with oxygen. It will be impossible to restore the component's usability after this.

Iron chelate treats plant chlorosis

Effect of the drug on indoor plants

Iron chelate for indoor species Plant management is especially important, since a small amount of soil often results in a deficiency of useful microcomponents. Due to lack various substances the flower gets sick and sometimes dies. Chelated fertilizers are especially important for the following plants:

  • citrus;
  • gardenias;
  • hydrangeas;
  • azaleas;
  • clerodendrums.

Chelate complexes are important for them, since deficiency acutely affects the condition of plants. Most flower growers know this feature of the listed varieties, and even before the onset of disease symptoms, they carry out regular feeding.

The instructions for use of the drug contain recommendations regarding preventive measures procedures for feeding plants with iron. With a sufficient amount of microelements, flowers and other plants are characterized by rapid development and high level natural immunity to stressful conditions and chlorosis. Even after the onset of the disease, the plant can be cured, but you cannot delay feeding, otherwise you may be late.

Iron chelate for indoor plants is very important

Application on various types of soils

Instructions for use and reviews indicate that fertilizers perform well in various types soils and climatic zones. For soil with an excess amount of carbon, such an additive is the only effective microfertilizer.

When comparing the effectiveness of the influence on different types of soil, the product is significantly superior to other types of microelements. The gap in performance between the compared groups reaches 200–1000%.

Applications of Iron Chelate for Plants

The use of iron chelate varies greatly depending on the expected effect and the reason for use. Depending on whether the drug is used for plant prevention or restoration, the dosage, fertilizer application interval and application period may differ.

For retail buyers the store sells fertilizer in small packages or you can prepare the product yourself


The drug should be diluted in a concentration of 5 g per bucket of water. After obtaining a homogeneous solution, spray the green part of the plant. It is recommended to carry out treatment at least 2 times. You can use the drug for the first time after throwing out the first leaf, and you should continue the procedure throughout the entire growing season. It is preferable to maintain an interval of 2 weeks between sprayings.

IN last time Treatment must be carried out even before the plant blooms. The consumption of the drug is 1 liter per 10 m2.

Microfertilizer Iron Chelate

To treat plant diseases, it is worth doubling the dosage to 5 g per 5 liters of water - the concentration is valid for all fruit trees. All other crops require the use of a solution of 5 g per 8 liters of water. After preparing the mixture, you should generously spray all the greenery of trees or plants.

Number of treatments 2 per month at regular intervals. To achieve a positive result, it is worth performing the procedure at least 4 times.

To enhance medicinal properties drugs required for advanced forms of chlorosis can be carried out root feeding. To top up, make a solution of 5 g per 5 liters of water and cover the ground with the substance; 2 liters of liquid are used per 1 m2.

The drug is relatively safe and practically incapable of causing harm to humans, but before use you should take care basic rules personal safety:

  • use rubber gloves before processing;
  • after spraying or topping up, be sure to wear a change of clothes;
  • You should wear protective gear on your head; a scarf, cap, etc. will do;
  • be sure to protect your vision and respiratory organs by wearing a gauze bandage and safety glasses - this is important when spraying the substance;
  • After finishing the procedure, you need to wash your hands, face and open areas skin using soap solution under running water;
  • If the substance gets on the mucous membranes, wash it immediately plain water from the tap.

To save useful properties The substance must be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children. Recommended temperature – from 0 °C. The storage duration is not limited provided the above conditions are met.

Treatment of chlorosis with iron chelate

Making iron chelate at home

Making fertilizer is possible with your own hands; this does not require special qualifications or special tools. At self-cooking you can save money significant part cost compared to purchasing a finished drug.

There are 2 main methods for preparing the drug yourself, and both require . You will have to buy it, but the cost of the product is significantly lower than ready-made fertilizer.

First way

To prepare iron chelate, you will need to buy ascorbic acid, it is sold in all pharmacies and is inexpensive. It is important to clarify the absence of glucose in the composition; a product with glucose will not be suitable for the task.

Cooking algorithm:

  • Prepare a solution of iron sulfate according to the instructions. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. vitriol per 500 ml of liquid.
  • Add 10 g of ascorbic acid to the prepared composition.
  • Add 3 liters of boiled water to the mixture. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, a ready-made solution is obtained.

The dosage of homemade iron chelate is approximately 0.5%. This concentration is optimal for spraying plants.

Making iron chelate at home

Second way

In this option, ascorbic acid will be replaced by a more accessible substance - citric acid, which is sold in most grocery stores. To prepare the working composition you should:

  • Prepare 3 liters of boiled water.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the jar. l. acids.
  • Then add 1 tsp. vitriol.
  • After thorough stirring, you should get a liquid with orange, it is already ready for use.

Properties of homemade chelated iron practically not inferior to purchased options, but storage of the substance is significantly reduced. Ferum is prone to oxidation and precipitation, rendering the liquid useless after a few days of waiting.

Methods of application

In the instructions for the substance there are 2 main ways to use the drug: foliar and root. Foliar spraying is predominantly used; this method is sufficient for most purposes. The use of root feeding is justified only in cases of advanced forms of chlorosis, when the concentration of the substance is insufficient.

Main methods:

  • foliar treatment is spraying the foliage of trees or plants using a spray bottle. For healthy plants, it is worth carrying out 2 treatment procedures for high-quality prevention. When chlorosis develops, the plant is coated with iron chelate 4 times. The first treatment is carried out after throwing out 1 leaf, then with exposure for 15–20 days. A concentration of 0.8% is suitable for fruit trees, and 0.4% for others;
  • For root feeding, a solution at a dosage of 0.8% is used. It is poured under the rhizome of the plant; it is better to prepare the holes so that the liquid does not spread. For 1 tree add 1-2 buckets, for 1 bush - 1-2 liters, for complete coverage - 4-5 liters are used per 100 m2.

Chelated iron is the key to high-quality plant development and protection against chlorosis. Making your own can save time and money. Due to its low cost, safety and ease of use, the product is well suited for beginning gardeners.

Iron chlorosis is a common plant disease. It is characterized by a violation of the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves. The leaf blade turns yellow, but the veins remain green. Almost everyone who gardens experiences this disease. What is chlorosis in plants, how to treat this disease?

The cause of iron chlorosis is a severe lack of iron, which may be insufficient in the soil. In addition, changes may occur in the plant itself, leading to a loss of the ability to absorb iron. To eliminate the disease, you should eliminate the mistakes made in the agricultural technology of growing the plant and feed it with iron.

Signs of chlorosis

Chlorosis is not a fatal disease; it can be easily cured if the characteristic symptoms are noticed in time.

A diseased crop can be easily identified by the following signs:

  • leaves decrease in size;
  • young leaves turn yellow, only the veins remain green;
  • the edges sheet plate curl up;
  • the shape of flowers and buds changes;
  • the development of the root system deteriorates;
  • the apical shoots dry out.

Reasons for development

If manifestations of chlorosis are noticed in time, the plant can be successfully treated. To do this, you need to know the causes of the disease, and they can be as follows:

  1. Insufficient amount of minerals and trace elements in the diet. Most often, the soil lacks iron, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, and lime.
  2. Infection caused by insects, fungal spores, various viruses and microorganisms.
  3. Damage to the root system, poor soil condition, lack of drainage and other germination defects.
  4. Hereditary chlorosis.

Types of disease

There are many types of leaf chlorosis, the difference of which is reflected in the lack of a certain element in the plant’s nutrition. To determine which microelement is missing, you should focus on external signs.

Plants susceptible to chlorosis

To the disadvantage nutrients All plants are susceptible. This applies to both domestic crops and those that grow on open ground, and even aquarium ones. But some plants are the most susceptible and, if emergency measures are not taken, may die from chlorosis.

Most prone to the disease:


To prevent plant disease, certain measures should be taken. This concerns proper preparation planting, optimal timely care of the crop. To exercise necessary measures, it is important to know the types of chlorosis. This disease occurs:

Garden tools should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a cloth moistened with alcohol..

To reduce the risk of chlorosis, you must:

  • choose the right substrate for plants. The soil must be permeable and light. ;
  • monitor the soil, pay attention to the acidity of the soil. A shift towards an alkaline environment greatly increases the risk of chlorosis. Alkalinization should not be allowed;
  • Water the plants periodically with acidified water. To do this, several grains of citric acid are dissolved in 1 liter of water.


If the plants are already sick with chlorosis, preventive measures will not be enough. Of course, you will have to change the soil and use it for watering acidified water, but in addition, it is necessary to add iron in chelated form to the diet. It is easily digestible and suitable even for sick plants.

The health of the plant is restored after application at the root and spraying with the following preparations:

Iron chelate can be sprayed on the leaves or applied to the soil. In the first case, the effect of the drug appears much faster. Useful material penetrate into the plant tissue within 24 hours. When watering, this only happens after three days.

In addition, for the treatment of non-infectious chlorosis, you can use not only ready-made drugs, but also those made independently. At the same time, for each species it is necessary to select individual fertilizers with a higher content of the substance necessary in this case.

To eliminate magnesium chlorosis, you should use drugs such as dolomite flour, potassium magnesium, magnesium sulfate, Mag-Bor. As improvised means Wood ash is recommended.

The lack of sulfur can be compensated for by special sulfur-containing fertilizers. Most often they are complex and contain, in addition to sulfur, other substances beneficial to plants: nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, etc.

Nitrogen deficiency is eliminated with mineral fertilizers based on nitrogen. They can be nitrate, ammonia, amide. The most popular are ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.

For feeding vegetable crops mainly used nitrate fertilizers, calcium and sodium nitrate.

To feed plants and replenish some mineral elements, You can use homemade compositions:

Homemade fertilizers, like ready-made ones, are used in small quantities with caution, carefully observing how the plant reacts to fertilizing.


A good remedy for iron deficiency in plants is ferovit. They are processed not only flowering plants, but also fruit crops, and also spray the seedlings.

This drug is used for foliar treatment. It is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for use of Ferovit for plants. Excess iron can lead to poor absorption of manganese and phosphorus. The concentrate is usually sold in small ampoules. You can also find iron chelate in powder form.

To prepare the spray, it is better to take boiled water. The alkali contained in hard water can react with iron. This will weaken the effect of the drug.

Plants should be sprayed in cloudy weather, taking into account the possibility of rain. Ferovit treatment should be carried out three times per season. In spring it will contribute to the formation of beautiful foliage, in summer it will maintain strength, and before hibernation will strengthen the immune system.

Homemade iron chelate

It's easy to make your own iron chelate at home in two traditional ways:

The shelf life of homemade iron chelate is 2 weeks.

One of the unconventional and very common methods of combating chlorosis at home is to bury rusty nails in a pot with a plant. The main thing here is the presence of rust.

It is always better to be proactive to prevent illness by timely feeding and quality care.

I take iron chelate in ampoules, liquid and dilute it in a 0.5-liter bottle, pour it into a spray bottle and treat the plants when there is no sun. Works quite effectively


I added vermiculite to the soil with microelements that kill chlorosis. In this case, the plant does not need to be replanted, just remove it upper layer soil and add soil with vermiculite. Ferovit, containing iron, is fed to the plant at the root. I personally used ferovit and was very pleased with the result.

I can tell from own experience How to treat passionflower. After applying a complex of fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, I noticed that the leaves on the plant began to curl. I poured a complex solution containing: manganese -4.2%, iron -8.14%; copper -0.5%; boron -1.6%, zinc -1.0%, cobalt -0.2%, molybdenum -0 ,1%. Improvements were noticeable within a day. The chlorotic spots on the leaves have practically disappeared and they have unfurled.

One of essential elements, necessary for the normal functioning of the body - iron. Girls and women of childbearing age especially need it due to monthly blood loss.

Until recently, it was argued that iron supplements should not be taken if there is no iron deficiency, because Increased iron intake can negatively affect health. However, the latest data is such that it is advisable for girls and women of childbearing age to take iron at least during menstruation, which is what my daughter and I do.

The chelated form of any mineral is the most bioavailable and absorbable, so I try to choose microelements in this form. In this preparation, iron is in the form of bisglycinate - a chelate compound with glycine, which is perfectly absorbed and does not cause side effects, for example, constipation.
I often recommend raw whole food iron supplemented with vegetables and fruits, such as from Garden of Life, but it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, such iron is a good alternative.

This drug contains the daily iron requirement for women - 18 mg. Take 1 capsule per day after meals. Capsules standard size- 2 cm; easy to swallow. Childproof lid.

Before we started taking iron, my daughter somehow had low hemoglobin - 111 g/l, and she drank this iron for a month. The next analysis showed 127 g/l. In addition, she noticed that her lethargy went away and her brain began to function better.
My tests (once a year) now standardly show hemoglobin from 128 to 133 g/l.

For those who need a higher dosage, iHerb has a product from Now with 36 mg of iron in 1 capsule.

It should be borne in mind that iron is better absorbed when the body has a sufficient amount of vitamins A and C and copper, but this does not mean that iron can be taken at the same time as multivitamins/minerals, because it has poor compatibility with vitamin E and B12, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and chromium. It is advisable to take iron separately, after another meal, for example, multivitamins/minerals after breakfast, iron after dinner. The main thing is that the above substances are present in the body normally.
Iron interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12, and the latter is often included in iron complexes in higher doses to compensate.

Properties of iron:
- is part of hemoglobin in red blood cells, erythrocytes, which are responsible for supplying oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body;
- strengthens the immune system;
- participates in the production of thyroid hormones;
- helps the absorption of B vitamins;
- participates in the construction of muscle tissue;
- regulates body temperature.

Signs of iron deficiency:
- pale skin;
- lethargy, fatigue;
- decreased memory and mental abilities;
- reduced immunity;
- restless legs syndrome;
- long healing of wounds;
- during pregnancy, the risk of abnormal fetal development and miscarriage increases;
- increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, etc.

In what cases can iron deficiency occur:
- blood loss during menstruation and from donors;
- increased physical and mental stress;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, incl. gastritis with low acidity, autoimmune intestinal diseases due to impaired iron absorption are the main cause of iron deficiency in men.

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