The most dangerous cherry pests and effective control against them. Treatment of cherries in spring against diseases and pests

Cherry has become very widespread in home gardening. This crop is grown by both experienced and novice gardeners. Proper processing cherries in early spring from pests and diseases not only guarantees the health and full development of the fruit tree, but also allows you to obtain the highest, highest quality harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

Features of spring treatment against diseases

Despite the fact that most new and promising varieties have a fairly high resistance to damaging factors in the form of diseases and pests, prevention in early spring should not be neglected.

Cherry: care in spring (video)

Name of the disease External signs defeats Treatment and prevention
Coccomycosis Purple spots appear on the leaves and the fruits become deformed The first treatment for budding foliage with 3% Bordeaux mixture. The next treatment after flowering is 0.4% copper oxychloride or 0.1% Topsin-M solution. The last treatment is applied in the fall with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper oxychloride
Monilial burn The bark on the trunk and branches becomes covered with small spots, and the berries dry out and fall off. Before the leaves bloom, spray the soil crown with 3% Bordeaux mixture or 3% iron sulfate. Treatment after flowering with 1% Bordeaux mixture or preparations such as Phthalan, Kuprozan, Zineb or Captan
Anthracnose Dull, pinpoint spots form on the berries, growing into bumps and bulges Three-time treatment with Polyram before flowering, after flowering and a couple of weeks after the second spraying
Hole spot Purple-brownish spots with a border and through holes Before the leaves bloom, spray the crown and soil with 3% Bordeaux mixture or 3% iron sulfate. Treatment after flowering with 1% Bordeaux mixture or preparations such as Phthalan, Kuprozan, Zineb or Captan
Gum treatment Cracking of the bark with the appearance of a thick and sticky liquid of a whitish-amber color Preventive treatment with copper sulfate, whitewashing with lime, treating wounds with garden pitch or Petralatum. It is necessary not only to process the plants, but also to follow agricultural practices

Features of spring treatment against pests

To treat plants as efficiently as possible, you need to consider botanical features crops and use modern preparations that have proven themselves in home gardening.

Damage factor Signs of defeat Treatment and prevention
Aphid Standard manifestations on foliage, characteristic of all plants damaged by aphids Before the leaves bloom en masse, spray with Nitrafen or Oleocuprit, as well as treatment before the flowering stage with Karbofos, Metaphos or Phosfamide.
Fruit worms or cherry fly The pest eats the passages around the seed, which often causes rotting and falling of fruits before the full ripening phase Double treatment with Iskra, Aktara or Molniya preparations
Ringed silkworm The appearance of cobwebs and curled leaves on the branches Spraying before flowering with Karbofos, Metafos, Chlorofos or Zolon, as well as treatment before bud break with Nitrafen or Oleocuprit.
Slimy sawfly Pests scrape tissue from the upper side of the leaves, after which the leaves dry out Spraying the crown of fruit trees with any pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds

Scheme and rules for applying fertilizing

In the first season after planting, the plant will not require any fertilizing provided that the planting hole is properly filled with fertilizers. In the next three years, it is recommended to limit yourself to only spring fertilizing of cherries, using for this purpose:

  • infusion of mullein diluted with water at the rate of 1:3;
  • infusion of bird droppings diluted with water at the rate of 1:10.

At the stage of active fruiting of cherries, fertilization is required annually. At productive age, the plant needs a large amount of nutrition, which will allow it to obtain a high and high-quality harvest. For this purpose, about 10 kg of humus is added to the tree trunk circles with the addition of the following components:

  • 20-30 g of urea;
  • 50-60 g of simple superphosphate or 25-30 g of double superphosphate;
  • 18-20 g of potassium chloride or 180-200 g of wood ash.

For mature fruit plants, the organic matter rate should be doubled. Any application of fertilizers should be accompanied by abundant watering, which will reduce the risk of burning the plant’s root system and improve the absorption of nutrients.


Along with preventive measures, as well as feeding plants with fertilizers, fruit plantings require a whole range of work in the spring aimed at obtaining good yields. Very important role When growing cherries, proper spring pruning should be carried out, as a result of which there should be no dried out or diseased leaves on the tree, as well as frostbitten ones. winter period branches. In addition, spring pruning can be aimed at reducing crown height in order to improve the quality of care and facilitate harvesting.

How to trim cherries (video)

Great importance when growing fruit trees has timely cleaning of the site, which includes the removal of dry grass and debris, followed by digging up the soil in the tree trunk circles. Such work has a positive effect on the growth and development of trees, and also has a stimulating effect on the formation of high-quality and high yields.

Worm in cherry - serious problem which many gardeners face. The pest spoils the marketability and taste of fruits. There are several ways to combat it: following agricultural practices, using folk remedies or chemicals. Particular attention is paid preventive measures, helping to completely get rid of the pest.

Why are cherries wormy?

After harvesting cherries, you may find that there are small worms in the fruits white. Their length ranges from 1 to 7 mm depending on the stage of development. Worms are the larvae of the cherry fly; they feed on the pulp of the fruits of cherries, cherries, honeysuckle, and apricots.

The cherry fly is 3-5.3 mm long, has a black abdomen, and the front of the head and legs are yellow. The wings are transparent with pronounced stripes, the eyes are green. There are wide yellow stripes on the sides of the chest. From mid-May to July, the fly emerges from the cocoon. Mating occurs at temperatures above +18 °C. Insects are less active in warm and cloudy weather.

The cherry fly lays larvae in green or ripe fruits. The process takes no more than 4 minutes. The female's lifespan is about a month, during which she lays up to 150 eggs. The larva eats the pulp of the cherry and moves inside the berry to the seed. The development period ranges from 16 to 20 days.

Often the worm leaves the fruit before harvest. As a result, the cherry darkens, rots and falls off. The larva then moves into the soil, where it pupates and survives the winter. In the spring, new flies develop from the pupae, and the cycle repeats again.

Is it possible to eat wormy cherries?

If you don’t break the cherries, you may not even notice the worms in them. Usually, when larvae are discovered, the fruits are thrown away. Worms are safe for human health; they do not cause diseases or other problems in the body. If the fruits are fresh, you may not notice the change taste qualities. When a cherry tree has been hanging on the branches for a long time, this is reflected in its qualities. The taste of such berries deteriorates and bitter notes appear in it.

The main question that worries gardeners is what to do if the cherry fruits are wormy. A simple method will help save the harvest. The collected berries are dipped in 3 liters of water, where 3 tsp are dissolved. salt. First, the fruits are inspected and their tails are removed. This will allow the liquid to penetrate into the middle of the cherry faster.

Important! Soaking the crop is the only safe way, allowing you to get rid of worms and save appearance harvest.

To treat the harvest from worms, the fruits are dipped in salted water so that it completely covers them. It doesn’t have to be heated or cooled; liquid will do. room temperature. The container is left for half an hour. As a result, the worms will come out of the pulp and end up on the surface of the water. The cherries are placed in a colander and washed under running water. After this treatment, the fruits are consumed fresh, used for canning or freezing.

Fighting cherry fly on cherries

The main methods of combating wormy cherries involve spraying trees. It is important to choose the right time for treatment when cherry fly activity begins. In this case, the timing of crop ripening is taken into account.

When to spray cherries against cherry flies

Approximate time frame for treating cherries against cherry flies:

  • in early spring;
  • during the flowering period;
  • at the beginning of fruiting.

Treatment in early spring will help get rid of cherry fly pupae, from which worms later emerge. It is carried out after the snow melts and before the buds swell. If the timing of the first spraying is missed, it can be done during the flowering period and at the beginning of fruit ripening.

First, traps are used to identify cherry fly. IN garden store buy adhesive tape. However, you can make the bait yourself: mix 2 tbsp in one container. l. castor oil, 1 tbsp. l. rosin and honey (jam). The mixture is heated and stirred until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Then take a sheet of plywood or cardboard and paint it yellow. The resulting mass is applied on top. The honey attracts the cherry fly, and the sticky mixture prevents it from flying away and laying larvae in the cherry. It's better to make several traps and place them around the garden. If the number of flies on the plywood exceeds 20, then immediately begin spraying the cherries.

Attention! More often, worms appear in cherries of mid-late and late varieties. Early varieties manage to produce a harvest before the fly appears.

When using chemicals against worms, treatments are carried out no more than once every 2 weeks. All spraying is stopped 3 weeks before harvesting. It is better to choose a cloudy day when there is no rain and strong wind. It is possible to postpone processing to morning or evening. The main condition is the absence of direct sun rays, causing burns on cherry leaves and flowers.

How to treat cherries against cherry flies

Preparations for worms on cherries are called insecticides. These are substances whose action is aimed at destroying the pest. A solution consisting of water and the selected drug is prepared against the cherry fly. The concentration is selected according to the instructions.

Organophosphorus compounds (OP) are effective against worms in cherries. They are less dangerous for environment than chlorine-based substances. Advantages of FOS: high activity, impact on various insects, rapid decomposition in the soil, low consumption.

Effective chemicals for treating cherries in the spring against cherry flies and worms:

  • Detox. Means systemic action, which has a wide range of effects. Within an hour after spraying, the solution is not washed off by rain. Active substance Dimethoate is highly active at the initial stage; the death of cherry flies and worms occurs within 3 hours after treatment. The waiting period for the drug is 40 days, 2 treatments are performed during the season.
  • Fufanon Expert. The drug has the form of an aqueous emulsion. The active ingredient is malathion, which, when a cherry fly enters the body, is converted into toxins. The product is suitable for spraying cherries against worms during the growing season. 1200 liters of solution are required per 1 hectare. The period of validity is 20 days, 2 treatments per season are sufficient.
  • Cyperus. Suppresses the spread of many agricultural pests, including the cherry fly and its worm larvae. The active substance is cypermethrin, which has a contact and intestinal effect. As a result, paralysis occurs in adult insects and larvae. After spraying cherries against flies and worms, the solution remains on the treated surfaces for 20-30 days. The substance is not destroyed under the sun and when high temperatures, is not toxic to plants, however, it is dangerous for fish and bees.

Important! When interacting with drugs, take precautions: wear gloves, protective equipment for the organs of vision and breathing. Children and animals are removed from the treatment site.

How to treat cherries after flowering

To prevent worms from appearing in the fruits, a solution based on the following preparations is prepared for spraying cherries:

  • Novaktion. A drug based on malathion begins to act when a cherry fly enters the body. A solution containing 13 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water is prepared against worms in cherries. Leave 20 days between treatments.
  • Fufanon-Nova. The drug has the form of an aqueous emulsion. To rid cherries of worms, 11.5 ml of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water to obtain a working solution. Consumption per tree ranges from 2 to 5 liters, depending on its age and size. The active substance is malathion, which has intestinal and contact effects. The treatment is repeated no earlier than after 20 days. During the season, 2 sprays are enough against worms. The drug has low toxicity, quickly begins to act on insects, and is odorless. It is also used against aphids, sawflies, leaf beetles, moths, and scale insects.

Spraying cherries against worms without chemicals

Not all gardeners decide to use chemicals on their site. Then folk remedies come to the rescue. Their advantage is that they are harmless to humans and plants. The easiest way is to use traps. The pest is also repelled by strong odors.

How to protect cherries from cherry flies using traditional methods:

  • Sweet baits. The fly is attracted to sweet smells. To the cropped plastic bottle or another container pour a little beer, water with sugar or honey, compote. Baits are hung on tree branches. Usually 3-4 traps are enough for one cherry.
  • Herbal infusion. Solution with strong odor repels the fly, and it does not have time to lay the larva in the fruit. Such products are prepared on the basis of wormwood, tobacco dust, onion peel, garlic, pine branches. To make the solution stick better, add crushed soap.
  • Plants with a strong odor. Herbs with a strong smell will help fight flies and worms. Marigolds, tansy, mint, and calendula are planted under the tree.

Detailed instructions on how to get rid of worms in cherries are given in the video review:

How to protect cherries from worms

Following agricultural practices will help protect fruits from worms:

  • Timely harvesting. It is recommended to pick the fruits immediately after ripening. If berries remain on the tree, the risk of worms increases.
  • Destruction of fallen fruits. If a cherry tree falls to the ground, it becomes a food source for worms and other pests. It is recommended to remove the carrion and take it outside the site.
  • Fighting aphids and ants. During the life of these pests, a sweetish liquid is released, which attracts the cherry fly. If there are ants and aphids on the site, then the risk of worms appearing in cherries increases significantly. Therefore, it is important to combat all garden pests.
  • Digging up the soil. In late autumn, they dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle. This is how cherry fly pupae end up on the surface and die when cold weather sets in.


A worm in a cherry can cause serious damage to the crop and spoil the appearance and taste of the fruit. Particular attention is paid to the processing of varieties that ripen in late dates. If the pest has already appeared on the site, then resort to folk remedies or chemicals. Preventive treatments and adherence to agricultural practices will help protect the garden from cherry fly attacks.


Cherry, like others stone fruit plants, is susceptible to various diseases, the main pests being aphids and fungal diseases. Pay close attention to fighting them. Coccomycosis develops in rainy weather, the leaves turn brown and holes appear in them. At the first signs of illness, you should do a special spraying with the drug “Horus”, dilute 30 g of the product in 10 liters of water, add to the solution laundry soap until a rich foam is obtained and thoroughly treat the plants, paying attention inside leaves.

“Horus” will also help when a crop is infected with clasterosporiasis. The disease is manifested by the death of tissues, the fruits become ugly and dry out. Carry out the first spraying of the crown during butanization, the second when flowering ends. Excellent results are obtained with the drug “Skor” in the proportion of 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water.

An effective remedy for aphids is potassium sulphide, dilute Matchbox drug in a bucket of water and process. This solution is not only harmful to pests, but also beneficial to plants. If there is a heavy infestation of aphids, you cannot do without pesticides: dissolve “Inta-vir” or “Iskra” (1 tablet per bucket of water) and pollinate the plantings in the evening, in calm weather. Do the last spraying 20 days before the start of fruit harvest.

If the plantings are infected with cherry flies, water the tree trunks with insecticides. At least two treatments should be done. The first is done during the flight of the fly, this can be determined by the flowering of the acacia. Spray again after two weeks.

For prevention, cherries can be sprayed after flowering or at the end of harvesting. In April, during bud break, treat the plants with copper-containing preparations. This is Bordeaux liquid 1% - you can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself: 100 g copper sulfate dissolve in 5 liters of heated water, in parallel, in another container, dilute 100 g of slaked lime in 5 liters of water. Pour the vitriol solution into the milk of lime and use immediately. It is permissible to use the drugs “Kartotsid”, “Homitsin”, “Kuprozan” - use according to the instructions.

In May, after flowering, repeated spraying of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride is required. In the summer, you can treat the crown with a solution of iron sulfate; this will rid the cherries of pests and diseases and feed the plantings with microelements. In the autumn, before dropping leaves, water the trees and the soil under them with a solution of urea 500-700 g per 10 liters of water.

If depressions or pits appear on the ripened fruits of cherries or cherries, the berries darken and begin to fall off, the plant is under attack by the cherry fly. Fortunately, you can get rid of this scourge.

Features of the fight against cherry flies

They start with this little pest in early spring, when the snow melts and the soil dries out. The fact is that pupae (puparia) overwinter in the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm, so to get rid of the pest, it is recommended to dig up the soil and manually select the pupae (they are easy to spot: they are bright yellow and reach 4-5 mm in length ), and also apply soil insecticides. Particularly effective in this case are “Gromoboy”, “Medved-tox”, “Mruvko-Bayt” and “Prestige”; they are dissolved in water (the proportions are indicated in the instructions) and the soil around the affected plant is sprayed with the solution.

When the cherry tree has finished blooming, they carefully monitor the summer for flies emerging from puparia that have overwintered in the soil. To do this, build a cage-trap: a bottomless box is knocked down from boards (length - 1 m, width - 17-20 cm), one of the sides of which is covered with gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Next, the cage is installed near a tree that has been attacked by a cherry fly (the open side of the cage should be located near the ground). After this, trees of medium and late varieties are sprayed with pesticides: “Pyrethrum”, “Anabasine sulfate”, “Sodium silicofluoride”, “Paris green” or soap emulsion. But it should be remembered that the first spraying is carried out only when the ground is already sufficiently warmed up and the air temperature reaches +18°C.

Repeated spraying is carried out 13-15 days after the first procedure, but no later than 2 weeks before harvest. The following insecticides can be used to treat trees: “Karate”, “Lightning”, “Spark”, etc. It is important to alternate the drugs used (this will prevent the pest from becoming accustomed to the insecticides used).

Trees early varieties You cannot spray with pesticides.

After harvesting, you should remove all the carrion, for example, you can bury it half a meter deep. Such an event will prevent the appearance of new larvae in the soil and their pupation.

Along with cherry flies, it is recommended to fight cherry aphids, since it is its sweet secretions that the pest feeds on. Against aphids, you can use a decoction of wormwood or soap solution. Thus, the latter forms an airtight film under which the aphids suffocate.

Traditional methods of combating cherry flies

Instead of pesticides in the fight against this brown fly, you can use natural remedies. For example, take a pine branch, add water (3-4 l), bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The broth is filtered and cooled. This aromatic “cocktail” is sprayed on trees and the soil around them.
Decoctions made from onion peels, garlic and tobacco are effective in controlling the pest.

In addition, this pest does not like the smell of tobacco. Therefore, take 1 kg of fresh or 370-400 g of dry tobacco, pour 10 liters of boiling water and leave for 22-24 hours. Then the infusion is boiled for an hour, filtered and cooled. The finished product is diluted with water (ratio 1:2) and sprayed onto tree crowns and the surrounding soil.


  • 4 tips on how to deal with cherry flies

The fragrant and sweet berries of cherries push many gardeners to grow this tree on personal plot. At making the right choice and care, cherries can delight a bountiful harvest, which is good for canning and transportation.

You will need

  • - pruning shears
  • - saw
  • - container for preparing fertilizers
  • - shovel
  • - watering agent


Remember that cherries belong to the category of self-sterile plants. For its normal pollination, plant cherries nearby different varieties. Grafting with other varieties gives good results; the most effective pollinators in this case will be cuttings of varieties such as “Revna”, “Iput”, “Bryanskaya Rozovaya” and “Tyutchevka”.

To attract bees, spray the plant with honey solution. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve honey in 1 liter of water. The procedure is performed in the morning during the cherry blossom period.

​Similar articles​

​Fighting rot: cherries become infected with this disease only if its skin is damaged - by hail, a pest, or wind. Pathogens are everywhere. Damaged berries should be torn off. If there are a lot of them, then you need to start prevention in early spring.​

Cherry diseases and their treatment

- during harvesting, be careful to prevent mechanical damage to the berries.

Cherry diseases are divided into fungal and bacterial.

​The cut parts of the cherry tree, as well as last year’s foliage and debris that was brought in during the winter must be completely removed. The soil around the plant must be absolutely clean, in hard to reach places You can use a broom, otherwise everything can be assembled with a rake. If the bark of the trunk begins to peel off in some places, then it also needs to be removed. Everything collected around the plant must be burned.​

The scheme for pruning cherries in spring is as follows: it is necessary to leave 4-5 developed branches, removing the remaining growths and covering the wounds. The branches that remain should be located at a distance of ten centimeters from each other and face the different sides. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the correct formation of the crown. Shoots that go inside must be removed. It is necessary to prune a young tree carefully to avoid a reduction in yield in the future.​

​Spring whitewashing is done before the arrival of heat and the appearance of pests. It is best to do this in mid-March or early April. You should not whitewash trees in cloudy or rainy weather. Before whitewashing, it is necessary to inspect the trunk of the cherry tree, remove old bark and moss from it. You cannot use knives or brushes for this, so as not to damage the tree bark. Existing damage is covered with garden varnish, after which the trunk is whitened using a spray bottle or a wide brush.​

​Many gardeners are interested in the question of how to feed cherries in the spring to add strength to the tree and get a good harvest?​

- a large, gray-brown butterfly that lays eggs inside green fruits. The caterpillars hatched in the spring are red in color and have a body length of 1.5 cm. The result of the insect’s activity is a large number of spoiled fruits.​

- a bronze-green beetle about 1 cm long. It feeds on buds, leaves, buds and ovaries. Eggs are laid in fruit seeds. After some time, the hatched larvae gnaw through the fruit, after which it falls off.​

​To prevent the occurrence of white rot it is necessary throughout the entire summer period collect and destroy affected fruits. For prevention, spraying with Bordeaux mixture and fungicides is carried out. It is important to promptly identify cherry diseases and carry out treatment; this will help prevent infection of healthy individuals.​

Cherry pest control

​Cherry, like many others fruit crops, is affected by pests and diseases. However, strong healthy trees, receiving regular care, are damaged much less frequently.

​This disease is dangerous only for young cherry seedlings and when cuttings. It is extremely rare for a tree that bears fruit to become sick. This disease settles on young shoots. Because of this, the trees grow slowly. The leaves dry out. Nitrafen, iron and copper sulfate, and oleocuprite are used to treat trees and soil. It is imperative to spray the tree before flowering, and again after the cherry blossoms. To contain the disease in late autumn, it is advisable to whitewash the trunks.​

Fungal diseases of cherries

​When the plant is pruned and there is no debris around it, you need to whitewash the trunk. Be sure to treat existing wounds, as well as all cuts that you have made, with copper sulfate and paint these areas with paint. If this is not done, then pests or infection may appear in the wounds.​ ​Pruning of mature bush cherries is done in order to rejuvenate the tree and increase its yield. This procedure is carried out when fruiting decreases. The scheme for pruning cherries in the spring is as follows: reduce the number of branches and shorten them by a third or half the length of the shoot. In addition, it is necessary to remove skeletal and semi-skeletal branches, but not in the same year, so that the tree can bear fruit. You should not remove annual growth.​

​Such care of cherries in the spring is necessary for the proper formation of the tree, increasing productivity, and improving the taste of the berries. In addition, pruning provides additional protection for cherries from pests and prevents the spread of diseases. Cut off all dried branches, as well as those damaged by pests or diseases. For convenience, when harvesting, branches that grow too high are also pruned. In addition, dried bark is also removed.

The first fertilizing is done before flowering. It is effective to use ammonium nitrate or urea, which must be applied to the soil in liquid form. Spraying does not bring much benefit, since in this case the branches are treated, not the leaves, through which microelements are absorbed. When the first caterpillars appear, it is necessary to spray with benzophosphate or carbophosphate.

​For the fight, the drugs “Aktelik” and “Rovikurt” are used.​

Cherry pest control in spring

​When high humidity In hot weather, rust appears on the leaves. The upper side of the leaf plate becomes covered with spots resembling rust. Gradually the spots increase in size and the leaves begin to fall off. The tree weakens and does not tolerate severe frosts. Fruiting declines. When fighting rust, affected fallen leaves are collected and burned. To prevent the development of the disease, cherries are sprayed with copper chloride. Pests and diseases of cherries negatively affect the condition of the plant as a whole, reduce yields and often lead to death. They will help protect trees and get a good harvest in a timely manner Taken measures struggle.​

​Fight with powdery mildew. Drugs such as Strobi and Topaz help to get rid of this disease very well. Phytodoctor This disease is characterized by reddish spots that become brown over time. The part of the leaf that turns red dries out and falls off, resulting in the formation of holes. The development of this disease is facilitated by prolonged rains and heavy dew.​

Treating cherries against pests in spring

​When everything is in order with the cherry tree itself, you can start digging up the soil around it. Since the roots are located almost on the surface, this must be done with special care, without haste. At the same time not most of pest larvae will be dug up and some of them will die.​

The annual shoots of old tree cherries need to be slightly shortened. Such rejuvenation is necessary when skeletal branches become bare at the base and shoot growth slows down (less than 15 cm per year).​

Photo gallery: pests and diseases of cherries (click on the image to enlarge):

Cherry tree care in spring. Planting, feeding and pruning cherries

Cherry trees should be pruned at next year after planting, this ensures the correct formation of the crown and prevents its thickening.​

Cherry planting

​During the flowering period, fertilizing is carried out using the root method using nitrogen-containing compounds. You can also use green manure or chicken manure. In order not to harm the root system, you must try not to exaggerate the dose of chicken manure.​

To prevent diseases, cherries are treated against pests in the spring. The first work begins in April before the start of sap flow. In this way, insects hibernating on the tree are destroyed. Treating the soil and wood against fungus is also done before the buds open. To combat cherry pests in the spring, it is recommended to treat the trunk with copper sulfate and cover the cuts with garden varnish.​

​Leaf aphid​

Top dressing

​Cherry scab develops on the inside of leaves and fruits. It often affects young individuals. In May, dark spots appear on the leaves - spores of a fungus that spreads the infection. On the affected leaves, the edges turn brown and dry out. The fruits become insipid. In order to prevent the development of fungus, fallen leaves are burned outside the garden. At the first sign of scab, the plant is sprayed with cuprosan.

The most common disease of this crop is clusterosporiasis. Appears as holey spots on the leaves. It can affect individual parts of the tree or the entire bush. Clusterosporiosis is recognized by characteristic features. Light brown round spots appear on the leaves, which can reach up to 5 mm in diameter. Sometimes the spots are framed by a reddish border. After 7-14 days, the spots dry out and begin to crumble, thus forming numerous holes. This disease leads to leaf fall and death.​

A disease such as Cytosporosis affects tree trunks, shoots, and branches. Rarely - roots and fruits. This disease can very easily eradicate all young trees. In a tree that is sick, the wood is affected, becomes brittle, and a brown tint appears. The tree dies gradually. The shoots die first, followed by the uterine branch. The trees dry out in the spring.​

Cherry coccomycosis

Pest Control

​Each plant and cherries in this case are no exception need spring feeding. Even if you fertilized the soil where the plant was planted in the fall, spring feeding not prevent. It will not only give cherries strength to grow, it promotes good abundant flowering, which will accordingly lead to the formation of a good ovary and subsequent abundant fruiting.​

​When pruning old trees, you must remember that it is not recommended to get rid of a large number of branches at once; rejuvenation should be carried out in stages, over several years.​

Whitewashing the trunk

It is necessary to cut off all branches that grow inward.

​After the cherry blossoms, fertilizing is done with organic matter: manure, compost or special organic mixtures. This ensures a high-quality harvest.​

​How the most likely cherry diseases described above proceed can be seen in the photo below.​

Cherry pruning

​can be green or black. Appears on young leaves and growths. Numerous small larvae suck the juice from the tissues, thereby helping to slow down their growth. Leaves that have lost moisture curl into a tube.

Cherry pruning rules

  • ​The most common pests of this crop include cherry weevils, cherry sawflies, leaf aphids, hawthorn caterpillars, and plum moths.​
  • ​On fruits, the fungus is recognized by depressed, dark red spots. Over time, the spots grow and acquire a convex, rounded shape, and gum begins to flow out of them. The affected areas dry out to the bone. The affected shoots also become covered with round spots, which gradually lengthen and crack. Gum begins to flow out of the cracks.​
  • ​Fighting Cytosporosis: It should be remembered that the fungus can only appear if the tree is damaged. It is necessary to prune the tree carefully and correctly. Do not allow insects to damage the bark.​
  • ​In the fight against this disease, it is important not to let the disease progress. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to spray the trees with a special preparation Horus”, “Topaz” - following the instructions.. To prevent the drug from being washed off, it is necessary to add laundry soap. Lather well. Spraying must be carried out very carefully, please Special attention on the leaves from the inside of the cherry tree. Protective spraying should be carried out immediately after cherry blossoms or a couple of weeks after the final harvest. You can use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.(1%)​
  • ​Signs:​
  • ​Therefore, sprinkle a centimeter layer of humus and wood ash around the roots. Then immediately pour two buckets of water. You can also use nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, which are diluted in water and used for irrigation. As soon as the plant begins to bloom and two weeks after flowering, the cherries are fertilized again, using not only organic, but also mineral fertilizers.
  • ​Cherry is not capricious plant. But to receive good harvest necessary proper care for cherries in the spring, as well as throughout the year.​

Pruning a young tree

​Young shoots that appear on the trunk should be broken off in the summer or cut off in the spring of next year.​

Pruning a mature tree

Caring for cherries in the spring also includes the fight against pests and diseases that become more active at this time of year. Cherry aphids, cherry moths, weevils, and slimy sawflies can cause serious damage to your tree.​

​Planting a cherry tree is not difficult, but in order for the tree to grow strong, healthy and produce a rich harvest, it must be properly cared for. Caring for cherries in the spring is very important, and it consists of several stages that will ensure the correct development of the tree and an excellent harvest.​

In order to destroy aphids, cherries are sprayed with pesticides or tobacco infusion with the addition of soap.

​Cherry sawflies​

Cherry tree care in spring - Plant magic

Clusterosporiosis can also damage buds and flowers. Diseased buds turn black and flowers fall off. The fungus overwinters on the leaves and wounds of the tree. Conidiospores are not afraid of severe frosts. In spring they reappear on the surface and begin to actively reproduce. Wind, insects and prolonged rains contribute to their development. The yield of an infected crop decreases sharply.​


Cherry pruning and wound treatment

Clusterosporiosis is better known to amateur gardeners as hole spot. This disease almost completely affects the tree. This disease is characterized by the appearance of pale brown spots framed by a red line with a diameter of up to 6 mm. After two weeks, holes form in place of the spots. Then the leaves dry out and of course fall off. On fruit, this disease is characterized by depressed purple spots. In areas affected by the disease, the pulp dries to the bone. Condiospores overwinter in wounds and on leaves. In spring they appear on the surface of the bark. Their development is facilitated by rain, wind or insects. The tree weakens and gives a poor harvest.​

This disease is very harmful for cherries. Flowers dry up and fall off early Substantial part leaves, curl, rot and the fruits gradually dry out. Gray small growths appear on the surface of the fruit, which have a chaotic arrangement. Berries with mechanical damage are the first to be affected. Also, with the disease, a small brown spot may appear, which affects the entire berry within 7-9 days. Most of the berries fall off, and those remaining on the branches turn black and harden. Next spring, spores appear on such berries, which in turn infect the new crop.​

Cleaning around cherries

It is in the spring that most of its pests “awaken” along with the cherry. Therefore, immediately after the first buds appear, cherries can be sprayed with Azophos or Bordeaux mixture. The treatment will need to be repeated a little later in case some of the pests survive. Shortly before the cherry blossoms, it will be necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment of its crown and trunk.​


​Spring care of cherries is very important, because it determines not only what the harvest will be like in the fall, but also what the cherry orchard will become! Caring for cherries in spring is not difficult, but it requires some time, patience and care.​


The pruning procedure is carried out before the buds swell. Dry and damaged shoots are removed. After this, you need to cover each wound with garden varnish.​

Cherry feeding

The first treatment of cherries in spring is carried out at the end of March or beginning of April, until sap flow begins. In this way, all pests that survived the frost in the ground or in the tree are destroyed. In stores you can find many effective and safe means to control pests, the main thing is to follow the instructions so as not to harm the tree.​

​First of all, you need to decide on the place where the tree will grow. Cherry is demanding sunlight, so you need to choose a well-lit area on a hill, protected from the cold wind. The tree does not tolerate transplantation, so you need to approach the choice of a place for it with all responsibility.​

Prevention of pests and diseases

​Hawthorn caterpillar​

- most dangerous pests cherries. They completely destroy the surface of the leaf plate, leaving only veins. During periods of activity, a large number of leaves on the tree can be damaged, which negatively affects the yield and winter hardiness of the plant.​

Cherry diseases and their treatment (with photos) - Agro Portal

Cherry diseases and their treatment (with photos)

At the first signs of the disease, the infected parts of the tree are immediately removed and destroyed. For prevention, after flowering, the tree is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride. After 10 days, spraying is repeated.

Cherry diseases and their treatment

​Clasterosporiosis of cherries

Cherry moniliosis These are the simple treatments that spring cherry care consists of. If you do everything on time and correctly, you will provide yourself with a rich harvest! The plant will grow strong and healthy to your delight and to the envy of your neighbors!​


​Especially an important condition spring care The time of its implementation is considered to be the cherry. If some stages of care need to be performed almost immediately after the snow melts, as soon as the soil around the plant dries, then others can drag on for a long time - right up to May.

Bush varieties require pruning of branches whose length exceeds 50 cm. Cherries are treated in the spring to prevent fungal diseases using copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. The products are safe for both people and fetuses.​

Cherries are planted in April, before the buds open. Light loamy or medium loamy soil is preferable. To begin with, prepare a planting hole, the optimal depth of which is 40-45 cm, diameter - 50-60 cm. A peg is placed in the middle on which the tree will rest. In the center, an elevation is made of soil mixed with fertilizers (humus, superphosphate - 30-40 g, potassium chloride - 20-30 g and 1 kg of ash). The seedling is placed strictly vertically in the hole, covered with earth and compacted. You need to make a hole around the tree for watering and pour two or three buckets of heated water into it. The ground around the seedling is mulched with humus or sawdust.​

Eats buds and leaves. It overwinters in trees in nests that must be collected and destroyed. Control of these cherry pests is carried out in the spring before the buds open. The plant is sprayed with insecticides and biological products.​

To destroy sawflies, trichogramma, which is their natural enemy, is released in June and early July. Help in the fight chemicals"Piriton" and "Aktelik".​

Coccomycosis is a cherry disease known to many gardeners. This fungal disease affects leaves and fruits. Coccomycosis can be recognized by small bright or light reddish spots formed on leaf plate. White-pink round formations appear on the underside of the leaf - spores. Infected leaves turn yellow and fall off. The fungus tolerates winter well in diseased and fallen leaves. In the spring, during the flowering period, fungal spores become active. Coccomycosis reduces the winter hardiness of the plant and in some cases leads to its death. The fight against this pest involves annual prevention. Fallen leaves must be destroyed and the soil dug up in autumn and spring. An effective remedy Prevention of coccomycosis is to spray trees with copper chloride and Bordeaux mixture. Spraying is carried out in 3 stages. The first - during the formation of buds, the second - after flowering, the third - after harvesting.​

Cherries need a lot of sun, proximity to cherries or cherries of another variety, timely feeding and proper crown formation.

The landing site should be flat, level and high groundwater and protected from the piercing northern winds. Cherry does not like excess water at all, so lowlands and poorly aerated soils are not suitable for it.

This is a vigorous tree, so you need to plant cherries in such a way that the distance to the neighboring tree is at least 2 meters. Need a seedling immerse in a bucket of water for 6 hours. This is done so that the tree is saturated with moisture and regains its strength.

How to plant cherries

    • The branches of the seedling are shortened by one third.
    • The root system of the tree is highly developed, so we spare no effort in preparing the planting hole. A depth of 60 cm and a length of 80 cm would be ideal.
    • Pour 2-3 buckets of humus into the bottom, add half a kilogram of superphosphate and a kilogram of ash (can be replaced with potassium sulfate in the amount of 120 grams).
    • Mix everything thoroughly with the top fertile layer of soil.
    • Form a small hill and place the seedling on it.
    • Carefully straighten the roots and cover with soil.
    • It is necessary to plant cherries so that the root collar is not buried.
    • Water the tree and tie it to a stake.

Be careful with the dosage, since generous fertilizing of cherries can provoke too rapid growth of shoots, especially in the fall. It is better to feed cherries in spring with complex mineral fertilizers, and in the fall the cherries are fertilized with superphosphate and potassium (ash).


This vigorous tree requires annual restraining and formative pruning in the spring and sanitary pruning in the fall. Best form crowns for cherries- sparsely tiered. This is when the longest branches are at the bottom, and the shortest at the top. In this case, the central conductor rises above the crown by at least 20 cm.

Convenient for harvesting cupped crown. This kind of pruning of cherries is carried out by shortening the central conductor and the upper branches. This way, the height of the tree will be low and you can get the berries without a stepladder.

The disadvantage of this method of pruning cherries is that you need to ensure that the crown does not thicken, and leave only those shoots that deviate from the skeletal branch by 45 degrees or more.

Before the buds open, the branches are shortened by 1/3 of their length, and all shoots growing into the middle of the crown must be removed. The quality and quantity of the harvest decreases with low illumination of the branches. Therefore, pruning cherries in the spring is mandatory; we recommend carefully thinning out the crown.

Spring care

Early care of cherry trees in spring begins with pruning branches as described above. Followed by feed cherries with nitrogen fertilizers. The tree reacts well to carbamide (urea).

The granules are scattered at a distance of half a meter from the tree trunk and watered generously. You can do this before it rains. Every year, the distance from the trunk where fertilizers are applied increases by 30 cm.

Fertilizer dosage for cherries

  • 40 g per square meter for 1-3 year old trees.
  • 120-150 g per square meter for 4-5 year olds.
  • 150-200 g of urea + 200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium salt for 5-10 year old cherries.

Many diseases and pests can be eliminated if spray cherries in spring with urea and fungicides. Before the buds open, use urea (500 g per 10 liters of water). It will also help delay the flowering of cherries, which will preserve the future harvest during return frosts.

Before flowering, you need to treat the cherry with a fungicide, such as Horus. And after flowering - 1% Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions.

Caring for cherries in autumn

Autumn feeding of cherries - adding superphosphate granules for deep digging at the rate of 60 g per square meter of crown projection and 0.5 kg of ash.

Gives a good effect organic feeding. It is recommended to add humus simultaneously with superphosphate (20-30 kg per tree). Important! Fertilizers for cherries are applied just before the frost so as not to stimulate shoot growth!

Sanitary pruning of cherries in the fall involves removing all broken, weak and diseased branches. Branches with an angle of 45 degrees or less must also be removed. They will break under the weight of the berries, so we remove them immediately. The cuts should be covered with garden varnish or acrylic paint.

Pre-winter moisture-recharging watering of cherries in the fall is necessary to increase winter hardiness and productivity. IN October - early November 6-10 buckets of water are poured into the tree trunk circle so that the soil seeps moisture at least 50 cm.

After the leaves fall, be sure to spray the cherries and the tree trunk. 5% urea solution. A few days later - 3% Bordeaux mixture.

Rodent control: the cherry trunk is tied with spruce branches and burlap. Helps protect roots from freezing thick layer mulch in the tree trunk circle.

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