How much acrylic paint is needed per 1m2. Paint consumption per square meter (1m2)

Water-based paints are used very often because they are relatively inexpensive, environmentally and sanitary safe, and do not produce strong unpleasant odors. They also have a number of other advantages, but even such a perfect and convenient building material costs money. You need to carefully calculate the real need for it, so as not to overpay and not buy it additionally during the repair process.


The tonality of water-based paint changes quite flexibly, you just need to add color to it. Special additives avoid peeling, cracking and fading; the applied layer dries very quickly. Emulsion dye easily and comfortably applies to a variety of surfaces, even wallpaper; it is used for painting walls and ceilings.

This type of coating is necessary for both street and interior work Oh. The paint is formed by combining water with specially selected pigments. When the water evaporates, only substances “responsible” for color will remain on the surface. Ease of use, solid protective characteristics, excellent resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation - all this speaks in favor of water-based paint. Therefore, it is very important to calculate its quantity and accurately take into account all circumstances and factors.

The condition of the substrate (previous layer) is of great importance when calculating the actual need for paint. Any manufacturer always writes on the label and on the packaging how much coloring composition needs to be used to cover 1 square meter. m of surface. But all these figures refer only to ideal conditions, and with ordinary renovations in an apartment or house it is rarely possible to achieve the ideal.

Calculation technology

The consumption of water-based emulsion per 1 m2 is also determined by the hiding power of the paint: if this parameter is high, it is sometimes possible to completely cover the darker base with a couple of layers. But there are cases in which you have to paint three times or even more. When applying the first layer, 1 kg of paint can cover 4-5 m2, and when you paint for the second time, you can paint from 6 to 9 square meters with the same amount. m. Remember that rollers with long pile (as well as with any length of pile, made of foam rubber) slightly increase the cost of the paint mixture.

If you look at the tables showing the consumption of water-based paints different composition on thoroughly prepared surfaces, you get the following picture (consumption per layer per 1 square meter):

  • Silicate varieties - 400 and 350 g.
  • Polyvinyl acetate - 550 and 350 g.
  • Silicone – 300 and 150 g.
  • Acrylic – 250 and 150 g.
  • Latex – 600 and 400 g.

But it should be remembered that each manufacturer has its own recipe, technology, and the range of tolerances is also different. And although acrylic paint for interior work is unlikely to be more expensive than latex or polyvinyl acetate, the difference is 10-15% compared to table values quite likely.

Helpful Tips:

  • The hiding power of water-based paints is closely related to the microclimate in the room. Better conditions– air heating from 25 to 50 degrees, dryness in the room, relative air humidity maximum 80%. Pay attention to the porosity of the surface to be painted: the higher it is, the more paint you will have to use. It is advisable to use a spray gun whenever possible; it allows you to reduce the consumption of the paint mixture by 10% in comparison with a brush or rollers.

Consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2
How to find out the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2? How much composition will be required for interior work with wooden surface? How to reduce required amount paints? Useful recommendations.

Water-based paints are microscopic particles of polymers that are in an undissolved, suspended state in aquatic environment. Depending on the polymer base There are acrylic, silicate, latex, polyvinyl acetate and silicone water-based paints.

The paint is fire resistant and does not harm health because water is used as a solvent.

What determines the consumption of water-based paint?

These paints are used for both interior and exterior work, they suitable for painting: concrete, brick, plaster, wallpaper for painting. Each surface will have its own consumption.

For coloring textured plaster material required 10-20% more than for smooth. This is due to the fact that painting protruding elements will require additional material consumption.

Plays an important role in reducing paint consumption surface preparation for painting. If the surface is puttied and sanded, and a strengthening primer is applied, the material consumption will be significantly reduced.

For applying water emulsion It is not recommended to use brushes, in this case the paint consumption per square meter will be maximum. The ideal tool there will be a sprayer, here you can achieve optimal flow rate by adjusting the pressure and shape of the torch.

A roller and tray are often used. It is best to use for painting rough surfaces and stucco. roller with fur coat from long-haired materials. For smooth surfaces, a short-haired fiber coat is suitable.

When working with a roller, it is important to use correct technique coloring:

  1. The tray should be of such a size that the roller fits freely in it.
  2. The level of paint in the tray should be such that the roller does not submerge more than a quarter.
  3. When applying the coating, the roller must be pressed with the same force over the entire surface, then you will get a smooth coating without streaks or streaks.
  4. If the paint is thick, you can add water, but not more than 10%.
  5. You need to try to rub in the paint, do not dip the roller too often, then you will get a thin, smooth layer.
  6. No need to apply thick layer paint, hoping to get a opaque coating in one go. This can lead not only to overspending finishing material, but also to cracking of the coating.
  7. The surface should be finished in thin layers with intermediate drying for at least 2 hours. With high-quality surface preparation, 2 layers are usually sufficient.

You may be interested in learning about the consumption rates for plaster. Read here.

Consumption rates

The manufacturer always indicates the rate of paint consumption per 1 m2. Should be considered, that this norm is approximate.

This consumption is calculated to cover an ideal surface in ideal conditions qualified painters.

Water-based paint: consumption rates per 1 m2
Consumption rates for water-based paint for various surfaces in 1 and 2 layers of coloring. What affects paint consumption?

The consumption rates of any water-based paint per 1 m2 must be known to anyone who is planning to use this composition to decorate various surfaces. This will help you correctly calculate the required amount of material and avoid unnecessary financial costs. It is a mistake to think that everything can be prepared “by eye”. This leads to the fact that the quality of work decreases, and the time spent affects the overall mood.

Various types of material and their consumption

Before you go to a hardware store, you need to decide what type of material will be used. After all, the specific properties of water-based paint and its consumption largely depend on the composition.

Consumption of water-based paint of different types

Emulsion based on acrylic resin

Currently, this variety is considered the most popular. As the name implies, the main component is acrylic resin. Additionally, various additives are added, which are responsible for acquiring the desired properties by the composition.

The resulting coating has excellent performance qualities and is not afraid of mechanical stress and moisture. Therefore is in a great way processing of the façade of the building.

Acrylic emulsion has a standard consumption per 1 square meter: when applying the first layer - from 180 to 250 g, the second layer will require 150 g. This depends on the base material and application technology.

Silicone based emulsion

The main component of this paint is silicone. The peculiarity of this variety is that it creates a surface with excellent vapor permeability.

This paint can be used on the floor; it prevents the formation of fungus and mold. This is also an excellent solution for walls with numerous cracks no larger than two millimeters in size. Unlike the previous type, this a good option for interior work.

The first layer of silicone emulsion will require 300 grams per 1m2. For 2 layers with the same parameters - only 150 g.

Emulsions with added silicates

The material includes liquid glass. It is due to this that the surface is very resistant to various influences.

But even taking into account the long service life, which can be tens of years, the composition does not like high humidity. This limits its scope of use.

When applying the first layer, you will need 400 g, the second - from 300 to 350 g per square meter of surface.

Mineral based solution

This product contains slaked lime or cement. This material has proven itself to be exceptionally suitable for indoor work on concrete or brick surfaces.

The standard consumption rate of such water-based paint per 1 m2 is 550 and 350 grams for the first and second layers, respectively.

There is also a polyvinyl acetate emulsion on sale, which includes PVA glue. This composition is characterized by exceptional instability to any manifestations of humidity. For 1 square meter you will need almost the same amount as a mixture based on minerals.

On a note! Nowadays, paints are available in spray cans. They differ in that it is quite difficult to predict their consumption, even taking into account the standards specified by the manufacturer. In addition, such compositions have a strong chemical smell.

Dependence of paint consumption on other factors

All specified consumption rates are considered standard. Under certain circumstances, these figures may change. Therefore, you need to work with water emulsion carefully, taking into account various factors.

Much depends on the hiding power that each type of paint has. This feature affects how many layers will need to be made. Options applied in one or two layers are considered standard. It happens that work may require more time, but each subsequent layer will require less consumption. This largely depends on the surface. Wood and drywall will require more paint than concrete and brick.

The consumption of water-based paint largely depends on the material of the surface to be painted.

The consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 is affected by the following parameters:

  1. A tool that is used for work. A simple brush is considered the most economical. The roller has more consumption, but much depends on its attachment: long pile increases the amount required material almost 2 times. You can work quite quickly with a spray bottle, but calculating the mixture consumption can be very difficult, especially if you lack experience.
  2. Ambient temperature. High rates lead to higher consumption, because rapid evaporation of the water contained in the composition occurs. Low temperatures have the same effect, because the solution simply cannot adhere to the base.
  3. Humidity. It is quite difficult to carry out work in dry rooms; more paint will be required. This happens because the surface absorbs a lot of water.
  4. Proper execution preparatory procedures. The main thing is to apply putty if the surface has significant shortcomings, and mandatory priming (several layers).
  5. Application technology. It is this indicator that receives the least attention, although it is no less important.

Consumption rates for water-based paint per 1 m2
To determine the consumption rates of water-based paint per 1 m2, you need to take into account various factors. Of course, a lot depends on the material used.

If you decide to update the appearance of your home, the easiest option is to paint it. To perform this work efficiently, it is necessary to calculate the amount of paint, because some finish in 2 layers, others in 3 - a lot depends on the material and the surface being treated.

In our article today we will look in detail at how to correctly determine how much paint you will need, as well as how to apply it correctly.

What type of paint did you purchase?

To calculate the consumption of façade paint per 1 m2, you should first clarify what kind of paint will be used, as well as the degree of preparation of the surface itself.

This type of paint is based on water, the consistency of which contains a pigment that does not react with the liquid itself. After hitting the surface, the water gradually evaporates, but the pigment spreads over the surface of the wall, forming a colored film.

This paint is distinguished by its quality, which allows it to be used in any climatic zones and in all weather conditions. It can easily withstand aggressive influences ultraviolet rays, tolerates frost, and perfectly protects the structure of the material from moisture.

Facade country house It is customary to paint with water-based paint and in two layers. After applying the first layer, you must wait 1.5 hours, and only then apply the second layer. This time is required for complete evaporation of moisture.

It is based on drying oil, fillers and paint pigments. The consistency of the filler can be purchased additionally in the form of a paste in tubes, or be in a ready-made state. Please note that we recommend diluting thickly grated compounds first to make the paint easier to apply.

The level of consumption of such finishing material is determined by the chosen color, since if you do not apply a second layer of red, the facade will receive a pink tint. It all depends on the required shade, however average which experts recommend to focus on is 150 grams for every 1 m2.

A separate type of paint, in the manufacture of which alkyd resins are used. Immediately before application, the composition is diluted with kerosene, turpentine, drying oil - depending on the substance used, the consumption of paint required for finishing the facade also depends. You can add to the calculations the volume of special impurities and additives; they are very common and are often used to give colors additional saturation.

The peculiarity of paint is that it can not only give everything country house amazing appearance, but also reliably protect the entire surface from mold, fungi, and microorganisms. As practice shows, in this way you can significantly extend the life of the material and save on repair work.

A common type of paint used for finishing facades and exterior parts of the house. It is characterized by resistance to weather conditions, durability, and is easy to wash with standard household products, without fear of loss of color brightness over the years.

A characteristic feature of the composition is its versatility. It can be used for finishing chipboard, brick, and concrete. As for applying the paint composition to the surface itself, 2 layers will be enough to get the desired color. This is enough to fit within the required range.

However, if you decide to paint the surface to the maximum, then facade acrylic paint will be consumed in large volumes - at least 200 grams per 1 m2.

When renovating, it is advisable to correctly calculate the paint consumption per m2 and the entire room. If you buy little, you will have to spend time traveling to the store and the tone may differ. The extra one is also not needed, the money was spent, and the composition will disappear before you need to paint something again. Leading paint manufacturers, for example Tikkurila, Dulux, Tex, offer to determine required quantity finishing material upon purchase. There are electronic calculators for this.

On each jar with the composition of NC enamel, water-dispersion, mineral and other types, the coverage rates of one kg or liter per m2 of wall or floor are indicated. These numbers are for a smooth, hard horizontal plane with a good primer of 2 coats. How much material is needed in a particular case is determined taking into account a number of factors.

For convenience, we calculate the areas in meters

I am often asked how to calculate paint consumption in order to determine how much will be needed for a renovation. You should start by determining the surface area in m2 to be painted. You need to measure the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls from floor to ceiling. For floors and single-tier ceilings, it is enough to multiply the length by the width. All surface area calculations should be made in meters.

To determine the area of ​​the walls, you should consider:

On back side cans indicate paint consumption per square meter or how much wall and ceiling surface can be covered with 1 liter of material. On the front side of the container the volume is written in kg. Color pigments and most fillers are heavier than water. You need to determine how many kg are in 1 liter of composition. For NTs-132, PF-115, oil enamels, silicone and silicate - this coefficient is approximately 1.5. The weight of water-dispersion and water-based paint is less, approximately 1.4 kg in 1 liter.

Covering power depends on the base composition and additives

By calculating the area of ​​walls and other surfaces to be painted in m2, you can determine the paint consumption for the entire repair. This must be done specifically for the selected material. For example, Dulux and Tikkuril products are more expensive, but they are more economical to work with and apply whiter thin layer. Water-based formulations cover large area wall surfaces 1 kg of substance. NTs-132 and PF-115 create a durable film, but more of them are required per 1 m2.

The hiding power of the paint depends on the base. The table shows for comparison the average figures for the Dulux and Tikkuril formulations.

Paint consumption per 1 sq. m of surface depending on the texture and density of the composition
What is the paint consumption per 1 sq. m of surface? Covering power depends on the base. Table of material consumption rates for different surfaces. Tikkurila and Dulux paint.

When renovating an apartment or house on their own, homeowners try to save on consumables. It is better not to rely on the advice of consultants, but to be able to calculate the consumption of acrylic paints on your own. This is the only way to save money on your purchase paint and varnish materials, because any seller will want to sell as much product as possible, and therefore may exaggerate paint consumption.

To buy exactly the amount of paint material that you need for repairs, you will have to follow certain rules. In addition, correctly calculated consumption will avoid a shortage of material for work and the need to purchase additional paint in the future.

Normal consumption

Traditionally, consumption rates for acrylic enamel range from 170 to 200 grams per 1 m2. It should be borne in mind that for acrylic the amount of material is measured in grams, and not in milliliters, as for water-dispersion paint.

Standard standards apply only to work on smooth surfaces. That is, it could be a ceiling or walls covered finishing putty or an abrasive cloth with small particles. When working with rough, uneven surfaces, the consumption may be higher than usual.

Quantity calculation acrylic paint for wallpaper

If you want to paint acrylic agent non-woven wallpaper, then the average costs will be from 200 to 250 grams per 1 m2.

To make painting wallpaper more economical, you first need to choose the right roller. From the right choice The roller depends not only on the consumption of the product, but also on the texture.

For example, if you need to paint smooth surface wallpaper, then it is better to take a roller with short pile up to 5 mm long. For economical coloring textured surface You should take a roller with long pile (5-25 mm), which will help achieve uniform coloring.

To economically paint wallpaper with acrylic paint, you need to choose the right roller

Acrylic consumption when painting a facade

For economical and at the same time high-quality painting facade, you need to choose the right tool and pre-treat the surface. Depending on the texture of the facade, paint consumption can range from 180 to 200 grams per 1 m2. However, coloring decorative plaster may be more consumable and you will need 220-250 grams of material.

Consumption when using acrylic textured paint

If you want to carry out renovations using textured acrylic enamel, then the costs may be much higher than usual. Manufacturers indicate consumption rates on the label, which range from 1 kg to 1.2 kg per 1 m2.

However, for high-quality painting, you should not blindly rely on the numbers indicated on the can, since they are calculated taking into account working with an ideal surface. Therefore, ideally, it is better to purchase material with a certain reserve of about 5% more than usual. This is necessary to compensate for the unusual texture.

For interior painting and priming, the acrylic composition for the first layer is best diluted water based up to 5%. The time between coats of paint should not be less than 4 hours. To reduce consumption, experts recommend painting with an acrylic composition at a temperature of approximately +20 degrees against a background of normal humidity.

Using high-quality acrylic paint, you can get by with two layers of application.

Features of consumption of acrylic-based water-dispersion paint

This type of paint is actively used not only for interior decoration, but also for facade works. This product has a matte finish appearance and the presence of color pastes in the composition. The paint has a wide color scheme, which does not fade under the influence of bright sunlight.

For water-based paints on acrylic base Manufacturers usually indicate consumption of approximately 1 liter per 8 m2 of surface.

However, in practice, consumption is usually approximately 1 liter per 6-7 m2, that is, about 110 g per 1 m2. This is due to the fact that all rates are usually calculated for applying a thin layer under ideal conditions.

The method of applying paint also plays an important role. For example, the most economical way- This is the use of a spray gun. However, even so, you need to calculate the amount 5% more than ideal.

In addition, it should be noted that acrylic compositions are always applied to a clean and dry surface in several layers. If you use high-quality paint and varnish material, you can get by with two layers. When using cheaper compounds, you will have to paint in 3 layers. So, it's better not to buy cheap paintwork, since it may end up costing more.


When applying acrylic paint, you must clearly know the consumption rates in order to correctly calculate the amount of paint and varnish material. At the same time, due to economical application and use the right tool you can reduce the amount of dye required.

Acrylic paint consumption rates per square meter
When painting indoor surfaces and facade work, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of acrylic paints. This will save money and avoid buying excess paint material.


Oct 01, 2015

Before purchasing paints and varnishes, it is wise to calculate the required volume. Many people believe that they can simply rely on these labels. However, the consumption rate may depend not only on the type of enamel and its hiding power - oil, water-based, acrylic or alkyd enamel - but also on the base material. Let's look at how to correctly calculate the volume.

First, let's talk about general principles calculations, and then we’ll go through the types of coatings and surfaces.

Determining the coverage area

From the course school mathematics Everyone remembers that to determine the surface area you need to multiply its length by its width. For example, the length of the wall is 5 m, the height is 3 m. We get a wall area of ​​15 sq.m.

Similar calculations need to be made for all rooms and surfaces that you are going to paint - walls, ceilings, floors. For paints different color and the calculation, of course, needs to be done separately. For example, you can add up the areas of all ceilings that will be painted in White color and separately the areas of the walls that will be painted beige.

When implementing design ideas (a combination of a painted surface with wallpaper, etc.), the calculations become more complicated, but the principle remains the same - we calculate the area of ​​only the surface that is to be painted.

Calculating paint consumption

Having received information about the working area, look at the label. Branded products usually indicate hiding power and an indicator such as dry residue. Covering power is the ability of a material to cover the color of the base when applied uniformly in a single layer. Dry residue – those substances that will remain on the working surface after the enamel has dried. Usually it allows you to estimate the water and solvent content in the composition of paintwork materials ().

We calculate the approximate volume using the following formula:

(Having power/Dry residue)*100

If you need to paint a wall with an area of ​​15 sq.m., then with a material coverage of 120 g/m2 and a dry residue of 60%, the paint consumption per square meter will be equal to:

(120/60)*100 = 200 g/m2

We get the total consumption: 200*15= 3 kg.

It is also necessary to take into account the density of the composition. For example, the coating density is 1.4 g/cm 3 . To calculate paint consumption per square meter, divide the mass (3 kg) by the density (1.4 g/cm3) and get 2.1 liters. This means that you will need 2 cans of paint, 1 liter each.

Depending on the type of base surface and the properties of a particular coating, this figure can be +/-20%. For example, to paint a concrete, brick or plaster wall you will need 10-15% more paint than for wood or metal surfaces. To reduce material consumption, walls can be pre-treated with a primer.

Consumption rates for oil paint per 1 m2

On average, painting a surface in one layer requires 110-130 g. coverage per 1 square meter.

However, the consumption oil paint on wood and metal, as well as other surfaces, may differ significantly. However, the differences can be significant even when in different ways application, and in different climates.

For example, during exterior work, oil paint consumption will be lower in dry weather (than during interior work) and higher in rain and strong wind. In the latter case, the consumption of oil paint per square meter can be twice as high as for interior work.

Second point. Since wood absorbs more metal, the consumption of oil paint on wood will be greater than on metal. The difference can be up to 2 times.

In addition, the required amount of coating depends on its color. Yes, dark

You will need more enamel (black, brown, blue, green) per 1 m2 than light enamel (white, yellow, blue). In this case, the consumption of oil paint per 1 m 2 for non-ferrous metal will be higher than for galvanized iron or ferrous metal.

Finally, the brush always picks up more material, regardless of whether its bristles are natural or artificial. When using a roller, the oil paint consumption is 1 m2 less. A silicone-based roller is ideal for painting metal surfaces.

Consumption rate of water-based paint per 1 m2

The average value per square meter is 140-160 g. This applies to one layer. With a high coverage rate, it is enough to apply 2 layers. Lower quality paints may require 3 or more coats. So before you buy cheap enamel, you should think about it - you will spend more of it, and the labor costs will be more significant. So is your savings worth it?

The façade consumption per 1 m2 is usually higher than when painting walls and ceilings indoors. Because the this type The coating contains water; on the outside, especially in the wind, it evaporates faster than on the inside, and as a result of uneven drying, additional layers have to be applied.

The consumption of water-based paint for wallpaper will also be higher, since the paper has good absorbent properties.

The required volume may vary depending on the type of water-based paint. Check out the table. It shows the approximate volume.

Acrylic paint consumption rate

The average consumption of acrylic paint for interior work (painting ceilings and walls) is 130-200 g/m2. Painting the façade, especially in humid, windy weather, may require more material. On plastered walls, brick and concrete, the consumption of acrylic paint per m2 is greater than on wood or metal.

Alkyd paint consumption rate

The average is 150 g/m2. One liter is usually enough for 10 sq.m. However, these indicators may vary depending on what and in what proportions you dilute the composition - drying oil, kerosene or turpentine. Also, the consumption of alkyd enamel per 1m2 depends largely on the structure and porosity of the base surface. Yes, consumption alkyd paint for metal will be less than for wood or concrete.

The main thing to remember is that it is better to calculate everything in advance than to run around looking for it later. the desired shade or lament overpaying for extra material.

One of the most popular and inexpensive paints and varnishes on the market are water-based paints. These are environmentally friendly, harmless water-based paints that do not have a strong specific odor.

The color of water-based paint can be easily changed by adding color, and thanks to technological additives, the paint does not peel off, does not crack, does not fade and dries very quickly.

Typically, water-based emulsion is used for painting walls and ceilings; it fits perfectly on almost any surface, including some types of wallpaper, with the exception of glossy coatings, which should be removed. The consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 significantly depends on the quality of the previous layer. Manufacturers indicate the consumption rate on the packaging, but in practice these indicators vary greatly; on average, 1 kg of paint is enough for 7-10 square meters.
To avoid overuse of water-dispersed paint, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. Do not apply the paint in a thick layer; it is better to dilute it with water, add PVA glue and apply several thin layers.
  2. It is recommended to apply the next layer approximately an hour after the previous one has dried.
  3. Before applying water-based paint, so that it is less absorbed, the surface must be treated with a primer or special strengthening solutions.

The consumption of water-based emulsion per 1 m2 also depends on the hiding power of the paint; if this indicator is high, then 2 layers are enough even to completely paint over the darker previous coating. Sometimes it is necessary to apply paint 3 or more times. For the first layer, 1 liter of paint is enough for 4-5 square meters; for the 2nd layer, this amount can cover 6-9 square meters. When using a long-haired or foam roller, paint consumption increases.

Table of approximate consumption of water-based paint for a well-prepared surface:

It must be emphasized that paint consumption also depends on the manufacturer. Some water-based paints are so opaque that 1 kg of paint is enough for 15 square meters.

By creating a special microclimate during work, you can also significantly reduce consumption per 1 m2. Optimal temperature for applying paint from 25 to +50°C, the room must be dry, air humidity should not exceed 80%

In the process of any repair, the question arises of how much it should take consumables And how to calculate paint consumption? This especially applies to paint for painting rooms. Many may think this is simple. But as soon as it comes to calculations, many begin to get lost. You just need to follow certain rules when making calculations.

To calculate paint consumption, you can use paint consumption calculator.

Basis for paint calculations.

1. First, measure the length of the walls in the room using a tape measure, then calculate the perimeter using the formula. For example, the length of one wall is 4 meters, while the width is 3 meters. In this case, the perimeter will be: P=(3*2)+(4*2)=14 meters.

2. On next stage The height of the room or the height of the level to which the walls will be painted is measured. If the height is 2.5 meters, then the area is calculated as follows: S=2.5*14=35 square meters.

4. It is necessary to subtract the area of ​​door and window openings from the total area of ​​the room.

5. To calculate the amount of paint consumed, we use the standards indicated on the packaging. The calculation takes into account surface quality, surface preparation and material properties.

After the calculations have been completed, you just need to buy paint, mix it and start painting the room. If you need to paint decorative parts, windows, door leaves, then the calculations will become correspondingly more complicated, although they will be based on the simple rules listed above.

Rules for calculating paint.

  • Standard consumption for a certain type of paint;
  • Surface area to be painted.

How to calculate the area has already been written above, but the paint consumption is calculated as follows: you need to divide the area by standard flow rate. We will end up with a figure for the amount of paint that will need to be applied in one layer.

Paint consumption rates.

Before that how to calculate paint, you need to take into account the fact that the norm will vary depending on the surface being painted:

  • If metal is painted, then 14-16 square meters requires 1 liter of paint;
  • It takes 1 liter of paint to paint 16 square meters of fresh plaster;
  • If sanded wood is painted, then 1 liter of paint is used for 16 square meters;
  • It takes 1 liter of paint to paint 10 square meters of embossed wallpaper;
  • When painting 8-10 square meters of freshly cut wood, 1 liter of paint is used;
  • At 15-17 sq. meters of primed plaster takes 1 liter of paint.

The following factor must be taken into account: domestic producers Paint consumption is indicated in grams, not liters per 1 square meter. You also need to take into account that 1 kilogram of paint and 1 liter are different things, since water is lighter than paint and has a different volume.

The application rate is significantly influenced by the method of paint application. You can apply the paint with a spray gun, brush or roller.

Examples of paint consumption calculations.

As mentioned earlier, you must first calculate the total room area, then subtract the area of ​​the window and doorways. In our case, we need to paint one wall. The height of the wall is 3 meters and the width is 4 meters. The area of ​​such a wall will be 12 square meters. meters.

As a result, we will get the following results: the surface area for painting will be 10 square meters. Next you need to calculate the required amount of paint. For example, if a jar holds 2.5 liters, that should be enough to paint an area of ​​25 square meters, taking into account that 1 layer will be painted. If you need to paint the wall in 2 layers, you will only need 1 can.

Example No. 2: Painting tailored to windows and doors.

If there is a need to paint the floor, ceiling, doors, then the same formula is used as in example No. 1. Wherein total area The surface to be painted will consist of several components.

The areas of all walls, window sills, doors, ceilings, floors are calculated separately, which must then be added up. Next, you need to find the paint consumption indicated on the packaging and calculate how much paint is needed. If different types paints will be used for individual elements, the area is first calculated, and only then the consumption of each of them.

To calculate costs, you can use not only the data indicated on the packaging, area and surface properties. On paint consumption There are also additional factors that need to be taken into account.

Paint hiding power - This property is the ability to completely cover the previous layer with its own color. As this indicator increases, paint consumption also decreases. This indicator can be recalculated; to do this, you need to multiply the area of ​​​​the surface to be painted by the number of layers, and round the resulting amount up. You also need to take into account the quality of the surface, the method of applying paint and the degree of preparation.

It often happens that 2 layers of paint are not enough for high-quality and complete painting. In addition to this, you also need to take into account the following point: paint manufacturers The packages always indicate values ​​for prepared and smooth surfaces. Often after calculations it turns out that in fact there may not be enough paint. Due to this calculating paint consumption, you should add a small percentage to the resulting value.

Surfaces for painting.

If all factors are taken into account, then the calculations are quite simple. How better surface prepared for painting, the less paint consumption will be. When the wall is already painted in a brighter or dark color, and coloring will occur in light colors, then the consumption will increase significantly. In this case, there are 2 options.

  • The first way out is to get rid of the old coating, remove old paint, and prepare the surface for painting in light color;
  • The second way out is to increase the number of layers that will be applied to the surface.

It is worth noting that the second method is not as effective, since with increasing layers the paint will take much longer to dry, and its quality will deteriorate.

Does the application method affect paint consumption?

The most economical method is to apply paint with a special spray gun, with which the paint is sprayed. As a result, a neat thin film of paint remains on the surface.

The most wasteful application method is applying paint with a brush ( different thickness layers, drips, unevenness). The above factors increase consumption. Ideal option I will use paint rollers, they are accessible and inexpensive, easy to clean, and the paint is economical and goes on smoothly.