Flush mechanism. How does the flush mechanism work for different types of toilet cistern? The appearance of a leak between the tank and the toilet when flushing water

Many years ago one of most important inventions humanity has become a toilet. Today, every home must have such a design. To maintain this device, do preventive maintenance and repairs, you need to know the structure of the toilet well. It is manufactured in several types. This affects its design features.

The floor-mounted toilet is convenient and easy to install.

A wall-hung toilet is also called a wall-mounted toilet. This device may have a drain tank that is installed in a wall niche. Sometimes the tank is not installed. In addition, there are:

  • floor toilet;
  • compact toilets equipped with a cistern;
  • separate toilets;
  • attached;
  • Turkish;
  • Genoa bowl.

Compact devices

In Russia during the Soviet era, it was decided to make a toilet that would take up little space and be multifunctional. This is how compact toilets appeared. This design remains the most popular model today.

The toilet design is equipped with:

  • bowl;
  • flush cistern;
  • fittings.

This device is very easy to install in almost any apartment where the bathroom is small in size. This toilet belongs to the floor-standing class, in other words, it is attached directly to the floor. The entire load falls on the floor, which holds the weight of the device and the rider.

One of the disadvantages of such a device is the flush tank. It takes up a lot of space. At small sizes toilet, the user's feet sometimes touch the door.

It is very difficult to maintain such a device. To maintain hygiene, it is necessary to keep the bowl and tank clean. Cleaning such a system is a very labor-intensive task.

This design of the toilet requires keeping all communication lines, as well as the sewer outlet, clean. It must be said that monolithic toilets have begun to be produced today. For these devices, the body merges with the wall, all communications are hidden. To make a toilet similar type, engineers developed designs newest type. This model is different modern design and spectacular appearance.

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Wall hung toilets

Widespread in Europe hanging devices. In the last 10 years, such suspended structures have become very popular in our country.

The advantage of such a device is:

  • easy care;
  • high hygiene.

Due to the fact that the toilet bowl does not have a support, it has become very easy to clean the floor of such a toilet. The flush tank is hidden in the wall and is almost invisible. However, this design requires installation load-bearing frame, which must have a rigid metal frame.

The frame is fixed to the floor anchor bolts. For higher reliability, if possible, it is additionally attached to the wall. This design can withstand 400 kg.

A toilet is installed on the frame, together with cistern. The entire structure is lined plasterboard sheets. Only the toilet and the flush button remain visible.

Main parts of the toilet:

  1. Cistern.
  2. Bowl.
  3. Seat.

The main detail of the bowl is considered hydraulic valve. This is a crooked channel that is always filled with water. His work allows wastewater go down the drain. Such a siphon does not allow bad odors to pass through and blocks blockages.

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Hydraulic valve

The main principle of operation of this mechanism is the change in the parameters of atmospheric pressure, which is formed in the sewer system and riser. When the atmospheric pressure exceeds the sewer air pressure, the amount of liquid in the water seal begins to decrease, and a small part of it is sent to the riser.

The water seal inlet is almost always made in vertical plane, its exit is made at an angle of 90 ° or slightly inclined. If you do not use the water seal for a long time, the liquid may simply evaporate.

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The main task of this device is to supply water to clean the toilet bowl. When a tank is made, a variety of materials are used:

  • ceramics;
  • plastic;
  • cast iron;
  • stainless steel

The main parts of the cistern are:

  • pear;
  • valve;
  • craving;
  • float.

The bulb is made of ordinary rubber, the float is made of plastic materials, and non-ferrous metal, such as copper, is used for traction. When the water drains, the rubber bulb begins to rise. When the tank is empty, the bulb takes its original position, completely closing the drain hole.

The overflow is a cylinder equipped with a neck.

When the float valve breaks, excess water escapes through the overflow and ends up in the toilet. Sometimes the overflow design is made together with the pear, but most often it is made as a separate unit.

A long time ago, toilets were installed in houses with a separate, highly mounted cistern. These devices used a siphon release system. The negative side of this mechanism was its high noise level.

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Connecting communications

The water pipes and the tank are connected by rubber hoses with brass nuts equipped with O-rings. Plastic hoses with plastic nuts are very unreliable in operation. They can only be used as a temporary option.

The pipe to which it is connected cold water, is set depending on the type of tank. When supplying liquid from the side, it is attached to the side; when supplying water from below, it is attached to the bottom of the tank. It should be noted that when the liquid is supplied from the bottom, the noise level when the tank is filled is much lower. This option is much more beautiful and pleasant.

Compact toilets have holes on the side where the water supply is connected. One is closed with a plug attached to the tank of a very ordinary nut. If necessary, the float valve can be swapped and become a plug.

The most complex part of the flush tank is the float valve, made together with the float. There are several valve manufacturing options:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated.

Regardless of its design, its main task remains to automatically shut off the flow of water into the drain tank when the required level reaches a critical level.

Today, dual-mode devices are widespread. They make it possible to regulate the water flow in the flush tank. To remove the top cover in these designs, you must first remove the drain button.

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Drain system

When purchasing a toilet, you must first become familiar with the existing neck. The future design of the entire sewer system And normal operation toilet.

The neck can have several types:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • corner

The specialist who will install the toilet will tell you which model you need to purchase.

The main criterion will be installation. The main difficulty will be the laid communications.

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  • Kinds
  • Choice
  • Installation
  • Finishing
  • Repair
  • Installation
  • Device
  • Cleaning

Toilet device

The design of the toilet should be both comfortable (suitable for all family members in height) and easy to clean.

The ease of use of the toilet and all its components depends on the type of structure: flush complex, bowl shape, etc.

Each of these parameters will be described in more detail below.

Among the designs of toilets, the following features can be roughly distinguished:

  • toilet cistern flush mechanism;
  • toilet flushing complex;
  • release device;
  • toilet bowl design.

The mechanism of the flush cistern in the toilet design: general information

Scheme of the structure and connection of the toilet.

The functioning of the toilet cistern directly depends on the shut-off valves that are located inside it. The various types of construction of this element in the cistern largely influence the operating characteristics of the toilet.

Contains 2 main fittings:

  1. Responsible for collecting water into the drain tank (a complex for collecting water into the drain tank).
  2. Responsible for flushing water directly into the toilet (flush).

The fittings that are responsible for collecting water into the tank can be of 2 types:

  1. To collect water in the upper area of ​​the tank. A similar method of placing shut-off valves can be found in the cheapest domestic toilets. This option filling the tank creates a decent amount of noise.
  2. The fitting that draws water into the lower area of ​​the toilet flush tank. This tank filling complex can be found in the line of toilet bowls of both imported and domestic manufacture. This placement of shut-off valves creates much less noise.

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Materials for creating toilets

Today, toilets are made from a variety of materials: in addition to standard porcelain and earthenware types, there are steel, plastic, glass, cast iron and even gold. The main variations of sanitary ceramics are presented in the form of porcelain and earthenware, which are made from the same raw materials. The main difference between them is the ratio of different raw materials components and their processing technology, which leads to a variety of physical qualities manufactured materials.

Faience is familiar to many, since it was what was often produced during the Soviet era. On to the cons of this material It is worth mentioning a large percentage of porosity and significant water absorption (in the region of 9-12%). Due to this substance, it is usually covered with a layer of glaze on top, which not only performs a decorative function, but also provides the walls of the sink with protection from aggressive cleaning solutions. As a result - more effective cleaning when washed off. The service life of toilets made from earthenware is approximately 30 years.

Porcelain is created only from the best grades of clay. Thus, the material is more dense and less porous. Moreover, it practically does not absorb water (0.8%). High-quality porcelain products retain the smoothness of their glaze much longer, so it is much easier to maintain their cleanliness. It is porcelain that is given the greatest preference today. If used with sufficient care, porcelain products can serve their owners for about 50 years.

Structures created using other materials (glass, marble, wood, not to mention semi-precious and precious stones), it is almost impossible to find it on the world market in ordinary sale. These items are made specifically to order.

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Toilet flush device: operating features

The drainage structure is activated by pressing a special button or pulling the rod. The latter is found only in inexpensive domestic toilets.

The most common drain mechanism is a push-button one. This water release device is a button equipped with a lever, which is located in the structure of the toilet cistern. The button can be placed either on the toilet cistern lid or on the wall (in case hidden design tank).

The toilet flusher, which is activated by pressing a special button, can be of single- and dual-mode types.

The second case involves draining absolutely all the water from the tank. The first type of device, in turn, removes only half of the tank, thereby saving water.

A two-mode water drainage complex can also be represented by one button, where the amount of water released directly depends on the force of pressure on the button.

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Toilet flush complexes: classification

There are 2 flushing systems in the toilet: circular (shower) and horizontal (cascade).

The horizontal descent is classical system supplying water to the toilet bowl. In this case, the water washes the bowl in a continuous stream, but only one side of it.

This system is less expensive, unlike a shower flush, and stands out among others due to its long service life. Among the disadvantages of horizontal flushing, it is worth highlighting the low percentage of tightness, since the water flow does not cover the entire capacity of the bowl. As a result, it is necessary to perform more frequently. Besides everything else, horizontal type flushing wastes water.

A circular flush implies a uniform supply of water around the entire perimeter of the toilet structure. Moreover, the water jets can be directed either at an angle to the toilet rim or straight.

This toilet flusher is different from others minimum quantity noise, economical water consumption and excellent cleaning properties.

The downside of such toilets is their rather high cost compared to similar designs with a horizontal flush. In addition, the small diameter of the holes through which water is supplied increases the risk of deterioration in flush quality. This may happen due to high degree water hardness, which clogs these holes over time. Thus, if water of increased hardness is supplied to the apartment, you should choose either a large diameter of the holes in the toilet with a circular flush complex, or a horizontal flush type.

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Flushing the toilet into the sewer

Flushing the toilet directly depends on the location of the sewer pipe in the house.

Toilet production can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Oblique with an inclination of 30-45°.
  3. Horizontal release.

The latter can be found in houses modern layout(many houses from the post-perestroika period).

The sewer complex, equipped for toilets with vertical outlet, can mostly be found in apartments built in the first half of the twentieth century (Stalinist houses).

In houses built in the second half of the twentieth century (Brezhnevka and Khrushchevka), the sewer complex is specially designed for an oblique type of outlet.

Before purchasing a toilet, you should definitely clarify which sewer pipe outlet is present in the house.

Toilets with oblique and horizontal outlets are more universal designs, since they provide access to sewer risers in any position. To do this, you need to purchase specialized adapters. The vertical flush type allows you to place the toilet flush against the wall.

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Variations of toilet cisterns

The current classification of flush tanks is much more diverse than it was 20 years ago. In order not to get lost in such a wide variety, it would not be amiss to become a little familiar with similar plumbing fixtures and its variations.

According to the type of materials used, tanks can be:

  • metal (usually cast iron) are durable, but the external design is not highly aesthetic;
  • plastic (plastic) - the lightest among all others, very easy to install, but subject to mechanical damage;
  • ceramic ones are safe, easy to install, and have a huge range of different colors and shapes.

By type of release mechanism:

  1. Side ones - represent a chain (rope) equipped on the tank, which, in turn, is located at a small height from the toilet; The principle of operation of the drainage device in this case is as follows: the rope pulls the lever, and on the reverse arm the box with the gasket is raised slightly, and the water passes into the drainage pipe.
  2. Upper – head or button located on top of the lid in the central part; here water flows into the drain pipe only after pressing the necessary button or lifting the rod (rod); at the moment of pressing, the rubber bulb rises from the so-called saddle and lets the water flow through.

By type of release device:

  • mechanical - everything is controlled without user participation;
  • manual – the barrel valve opens at the owner’s request; at the same time, it is possible to control the volume of liquid that enters the tank.
  1. The tank can be located almost under the flow, connecting to the toilet through a long fitting. This option allows you to achieve maximum water pressure during the descent process, but outwardly it does not look very aesthetically pleasing given the current realities of design.
  2. The tank is attached directly to the toilet. The option is quite compact, suitable for a variety of repair work.
  3. The drainage container is built into the wall structure. This method makes it possible to free extra bed in the toilet room, and it looks very diligent and quite aesthetically pleasing. A significant disadvantage, however, is the complexity of installation and further repair work.

Availability of equipped toilet room– the most important guarantee of comfortable living in any apartment or house. In fact, no one can imagine their everyday life without such a device as. But how many of us know how its main component is structured and how it works? Awareness of these issues is useful for two reasons: firstly, knowledge of the features of the device simplifies its selection and purchase, and secondly, having an idea of ​​the “insides” of the equipment, it is easier to determine which part of the mechanism was deformed in the event of a unit failure. That is why below we propose to study the drain tank in detail with a video: the structure, the operating principles of the fittings and the differences between the models.

Design of the cistern

A standard tank consists of two mechanisms: filling; plum and overflow. In old and modern models the fittings are slightly different.

The filling mechanism includes two components:

  1. Valve – regulates the volume of water in the tank: ensures its supply and shut-off in a timely manner. In older models, the valve is located on the side of the body, and in new ones - in its lower part.
  2. Float - controls the position of the valve: float is lowered - the valve is open, float is raised - the valve is closed. Initially, the float functioned in a horizontal position, but in modern models it moves only in a vertical plane.

Thanks to the modernization of the design of the tanks, the filling mechanism has become several times more efficient: in the new models, the shut-off valves do not shut off the water gradually, but completely at the very end of the set, which guarantees the rapid flow of water into the container.

But the most serious improvement occurred with the drain and overflow mechanism. In old tanks under drainage system meant a rubber bulb that hermetically closed the outlet. It functioned as simply as possible: pull the chain or lift the lever - and water begins to flow into the drain. But modern mechanism is a complex reinforcement assembly that includes two main components:

  1. Overflow – protects the tank from overfilling: when the volume exceeds the maximum mark, liquid begins to flow into the toilet bowl.
  2. Drain – provides direct drainage of water when the tank release is pressed.

Advice. For ease of use and saving water, it is recommended to select a drain tank with two buttons: for complete and partial drainage.

Principles of operation of the tank

Most of Both old and modern tanks are fused structures. They work according to the following scheme.

Flushing water:

  • after clicking on trigger(button, lever, etc.) a special thrust is created, under the influence of which the float stops exerting pressure on the valve and the latter opens;
  • the drain into the overflow system is closed;
  • water from the tank is supplied to the toilet bowl for flushing.

Functioning of the drain

Filling the tank with water:

  • when the volume of water in the tank drops to the minimum level, the valve closes, the inlet valve opens and water begins to flow;
  • as the tank fills, the shut-off float rises and the flow of water decreases;
  • When the container is completely filled, the float closes the inlet valve and the water supply stops.

Important! In order for the float to function effectively, after installing the tank it must be adjusted and tested: an incorrect position of the float may result in the container not being able to fill with a sufficient volume of water.

  1. Pressing the trigger causes the siphon to open: through its corrugated tube, water enters the toilet bowl, flushing.
  2. After the siphon is empty, the tank float lowers and opens the inlet valve, through which water begins to flow into the drain tank.
  3. When the tank is completely filled, the float lowers and the inlet valve closes.

Types of cisterns

Drainage devices may have certain differences in design, operating principles, and appearance– in order to understand them, let’s consider the main criteria for classifying tanks.

Criterion #1: trigger type. There are two types of descents:

  • Push-button is the most modern and reliable solution. It is used in almost all closed cisterns of the new modification. The button can be located either on the lid or on the side of the drain device.
  • Suspended - chain or lever. Used primarily in hanging cisterns. The trigger mechanism is usually located on the side of the device body.

Push-button trigger

Criterion No. 2: placement. Most often, the cistern is installed flush with the toilet - such traditional models are attractive because they eliminate the need to connect a special outlet pipe from the cistern container to the toilet bowl. The second option - a wall-mounted hanging tank - is more complex in execution: you need to securely fix the device on the working surface and install additional incoming and outgoing pipes. But the hanging tank wins in terms of aesthetics - it can be disguised as a wall niche.

Criterion No. 3: material. Modern flush cisterns are manufactured mainly in two variations: earthenware - devices of a wide variety of shapes and colors, which have gained popularity due to advantageous combination relatively affordable price And High Quality; plastic - cheap models that are most often built into walls, which protects them from external influences.

As you can see, the familiar cistern turns out to be not such a simple device. Here are the main elements of the equipment, the principles of its operation and distinctive features different models- this information will help you both when choosing a tank and when diagnosing its malfunctions, so do not neglect them if you want nothing to threaten your domestic comfort.

How the toilet cistern works: video

Toilet cistern design: photo

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Plumbing equipment is subject to intense operating loads and often fails. When the toilet tank constantly leaks, it causes great losses due to excessive water consumption. It is not advisable to call specialists because the device fails, since repairs mostly involve adjusting the tank mechanism. But to understand how to fix a toilet, you first need to know how it works. Let's figure out how to independently repair a toilet cistern with a button.

Toilet device

The toilet includes the following elements:

  1. Toilet bowl connected to sewer pipe sealed cuff.
  2. Drainage tank with fittings that allow it to be filled with water and drained.

A water supply hose is connected to the tank. Depending on the design, it is connected from the side or from the bottom. The bowl and cistern are usually connected to each other using bolts and a seal.

Accessories components:

  • rod release mechanism with drain button;
  • a shut-off device (inlet valve) connected to a float;
  • rubber sealing gaskets.

How a toilet with a button works

A toilet tank with a button is a water seal that is filled with a portion of water, which is supplied to the bowl when the valve is opened. The flush is controlled by a button that needs to be pressed. At the same time, the valve opens and the water flows down under its own weight, washing the bowl. After the tank is released, the shut-off valve at the inlet opens, the tank is filled with the next portion to a certain level, regulated using a float. Access to the mechanism is provided by opening the top cover of the tank.

Preparation for repair

Before you can repair the toilet cistern, you need to open it. It is only accessible from the top if you remove the cover. In many modifications it is attached using a ring around the button. This ring must be pressed and turned counterclockwise. After prolonged use, the ring may not turn. Then a few drops of oil are applied to the attachment point. After the ring has turned, unscrew it, and then release the button from the plastic clothespins and remove the cover.

Do-it-yourself methods for repairing the tank mechanism

Through the upper hole in the tank the entire mechanism of the drain fittings is visible. It may have the following faults:

  1. The tank is constantly leaking.
  2. There is no water pressure at the inlet.
  3. Uncontrolled drain mechanism.

The causes of these malfunctions can be different, and the method in which the toilet cistern will be repaired depends on them.

  • The plug (bulb) does not fit tightly to the drain hole. To avoid this, you should purchase high quality plumbing fixtures. The possibility of repair can be checked by pressing the rod with slight force. If water does not flow, the plug can be slightly weighted with additional weight or the stem can be leveled. You also need to periodically clean the seal from rust and salts, due to which the seal is broken and liquid constantly flows into the bowl.
  • The regulator does not shut off the water supply. At the same time, the tank will never overfill, thanks to the presence of an overflow tube. The serviceability of each element of the device is checked: float, intake valve, fasteners, rod. The failed part is replaced or the float mount is simply tightened.
  • Leaking from the tank into the room. It may have a crack or the gasket seal may be broken. Special attention You should pay attention to the quality of the connection between the current tank and the bowl. It needs to be tightened, and if this does not help, the rubber gasket is changed. Another cause of a leak may be wear of the cuff at the junction of the bowl drain with the sewer pipe. The seal is replaced with a new one, having cleaned the connection of contaminants and treated the surfaces with sealant.
  • Weak pressure through the inlet valve. This usually happens if it becomes clogged. This can be prevented by cleaning or installing a filter in front of it.

Intake Valve Replacement

Before repairing the toilet, you should turn off the water supply valve. It is connected to the pipeline from the riser. Afterwards it unscrews flexible hose from the intake mechanism. It can be easily removed if the fastening is loosened. A new or repaired one is installed in its place. Assembly is carried out in reverse order. Plastic threads do not require sealing, and fluoroplastic tape is wound onto brass threads.

Replacing the drain valve

The main reason is the wear of the o-ring under the valve. To replace it, you need to remove the fittings and install a new gasket. Then reassemble in reverse order.

The water release button should always be used carefully and pressed without any sudden force.

Adjusting the water level in the tank

The water level can be easily adjusted with your own hands. To do this, the float is installed in a certain position.

The optimal level is considered to be when the water supply to the container has stopped, and a few centimeters remain to its upper edge.

The adjustment method depends on the design of the valve. The simplest one is bending a metal rod. If the float moves along a horizontal plastic guide, it is fixed using fastening elements in a certain position. With a vertical layout, it is moved with an adjusting screw.

When choosing the filling level, do not forget about the overflow tube. Its upper edge should be a couple of centimeters above the water level in the filled container. If it is located lower, water will constantly flow into the bowl through the overflow.

Tank Troubleshooting

The tank may leak water due to a crack in it. The same applies to the cup. In this case, the question of how to repair the flush tank or bowl does not arise: the entire toilet is usually replaced. A small crack V upper parts ceramic products can be sealed. To prevent it from spreading further and increasing water seepage, it is drilled at the ends and processed along the entire length sandpaper. The work is done carefully.

The surface is degreased and the gap is filled epoxy resin. After hardening, the seam is sanded.

Repair of a built-in tank (with installation)

It is more difficult to get to the tank mechanism installed behind a false wall. First of all, you should purchase a device that is highly reliable and rarely requires repairs. There should be inspection hatches in the wall through which you can get to the tank and replace the gaskets if the seal is broken. It is not possible to repair the drain fittings yourself due to the complexity of the design.

A coarse filter is installed in front of the hidden tank, which captures solid particles, which in most cases cause leaks.

How to choose the right plumbing fixtures?

When choosing a toilet, pay attention to the following.

  • Mounting method: monoblocks, compact and separate toilets. The choice is made taking into account the size of the room, design and labor intensity of servicing the tank.
  • Accessories. Most parts that have low strength and reliability are made of plastic.
  • The presence of positive reviews, a well-known manufacturer, a guarantee and a certificate.

Drain mechanism toilet cistern is the most important element the entire flushing device. But there are also malfunctions in its operation: sometimes water constantly flows from the drain, sometimes... The design, operation and features of setting up the drain mechanism will be written in this article.

The lower water supply in the toilet provides for connection main pipe below. Device cistern for a toilet, it is usually equipped with a button that acts on the shut-off valve of the mechanism through the rod. Containers for toilets with a button are arranged as follows:

  • Pear in one module with drain.
  • Traction.
  • Float.
  • Valve.

Connecting the pipe from below creates silent operation when pouring liquid, however, tanks with such fittings are more expensive. The mounted drain mechanism with lateral water supply is more simple option, and it's cheaper. A float with a sealed plastic reservoir is the most inexpensive and easy-to-adjust liquid flushing system.

Types of drainage mechanisms

To drain the water, we simply press or lift the button, and the sewage is flushed away automatically. Inside the tank, the liquid release mechanism comes into operation, the valve opens, and a stream of water from the tank rushes into the toilet.

The drain mechanism is activated in three ways:

  • By lifting the lever.
  • By pressing a button.
  • By pulling the chain (in wall mechanisms).

A common type of drain mechanism is a shut-off valve, which looks like a plunger. Under the mass of liquid, this toilet flush bulb fits tightly around the drain hole and closes it. After pressing the button and pressing the lever, the valve is slightly raised by the lever system and the liquid is released into the toilet.

An important factor is the direction of flow. There are products with direct (cascade) flushing and circular reverse flushing. In the first case, the liquid moves in one direction, enters the toilet bowl, but does not cover the entire lateral surface while creating noise.

In the second option for draining water - circular, the flow rushes in different directions and at different angles.

This flushing of sewage ensures that the inner surface of the toilet is cleaned by at least 95% without splashing or noise. However, it must be borne in mind that if the liquid has large deposits of lime or other salts, then small holes may become clogged and this will lead to a decrease in flushing efficiency.

Operating principle of dual-mode drain

To save water, the tanks are equipped with a double liquid reset button. They provide a two-mode flush mechanism for the toilet: one regular one - for releasing water in full (4, 6 or 8 l); the other is a reduced mode, designed to drain 2, 3 or 4 liters of liquid. This system reduces water consumption.

But at the same time, it is whimsical from the standpoint of customization and repair. This is due to the fact that this mechanism has an increased number of mating interacting parts, which means an increased risk of breakdown.

Main types of drainage equipment designs

They differ in the mechanisms for supplying and flushing liquid. Water drainage work is performed by automatic, push-button or lever type. Structurally, the insides of a toilet cistern look like this: a float, through a rod and a valve, controls the inlet, regulating the water supply. Thus it plays a role shut-off valve.

In this case, the liquid level depends on the height of the float, and it is adjusted on the rod by bending it or changing the position on the guide.

Lever mechanisms

They were the main plumbing models of the last century. Their operation was distinguished by the unpretentiousness of the device: the liquid was drained as long as the shut-off valve was held in place through the chain.

Then systems with siphon functioning were introduced, when the valve was closed automatically after drawing water.

But these types of mechanisms are distinguished by increased, unregulated fluid discharge and do not respond modern requirements aesthetics.

Drain button

Current tanks are equipped with push-button drain mechanisms. Basically, the buttons are located inside the lid of the tank for draining, and the mechanisms at the same time hold the locking valve automatically.

Their advantage, in addition to independent functioning, is the convenient setting of liquid supply. And products with two-button fittings for the drain tank drain the water completely or partially, depending on which button is pressed.

Automatic draining devices

Nowadays, plumbing fixtures with automatic drainage are increasingly being used in public places. An automatic toilet flushing device is controlled and provided by infrared sensor devices, in which programs are installed that operate according to a specific algorithm.

Tank drain shut-off valves operate using the principle of a refill valve opened by a float. Only in current drain mechanisms the float is adjusted using a vertical ruler, which makes it possible to close the hole both with the bottom and with the side supply of liquid.

On a note! Current filling devices Through an installed mechanism, water is drawn into the drain container faster than products with a rocker.

Adjusting fittings in drain tanks

First, let's look at how to adjust the water volume in a one-button flush system.

  1. First, turn off the water supply with the tap.
  2. Drain the liquid from the container.
  3. We remove from seat button, for which we simply unscrew it like a bolt.
  4. Remove the lid of the drain tank.
  5. We adjust the float, which is located on the right in the tank. It is connected to a small foot that changes the flow of liquid. This diaphragm valve contains a screw that adjusts the position of the rack to change the liquid level. If this bolt is unscrewed, the water level in the tank will increase and, conversely, if the adjusting screw is tightened several turns, less water will accumulate in the tank.
  6. After adjustment, do not forget to tighten the fastening nut. Adjustment can also be made using a plastic nut mounted on some models of drain tanks. Optimal and economical option the mechanism will be considered adjusted when the liquid does not reach the overflow hole by 2-3 cm.

After adjustment, you need to check the filling level of the tank, to do this, open the water and wait until its supply stops due to the valve, without allowing it to happen.

Important! When setting up, you don’t need to set too low level water, since its flow may not be enough for one-time use.

After making sure that the adjustment is correct, put the cover back in place and put the button back, tightening it by hand.

Adjusting the two-level drain

Such systems require adjustment of the maximum and minimum volume of water for the required drainage.

  • unscrew the button to reset the liquid (unscrew it by the rim of the button);
  • remove the lid from the tank;
  • for filing required quantity water in the float device, you need to unscrew or tighten the screw and move it up or down in relation to the overflow pipe - accordingly, the water level in the tank will be more or less.

Adjustment of the complete discharge of water is achieved through a damper: to increase the volume of water in the tank, the damper must be lowered, and vice versa, in order to lower the liquid level, the damper must be raised. Thus, the one-time discharge of water into the toilet increases or decreases.

Adjustment of old models

As a result, it is worth talking about setting up traditional mechanisms with water supply from the side of the tank. The design of the old type drain tank provides only adjustment of the shut-off valve. Its operation directly depends on the location of the float, which is raised or lowered.

This goal is easily achieved by bending a brass or steel rod into the desired position. If the rocker arm is plastic, then the water level in the toilet tank is regulated by moving the float along the guide rod, thereby changing the geometry of the lever.

Setting the overflow in old-style products was not provided, and if such a problem arose, it was necessary to change the entire mechanism, but this happened very rarely.

It is worth paying tribute to such flush tanks - they were very reliable, because some products lasted for half a century.


When choosing a toilet complete with a flush cistern, you need to take into account many parameters, including room area, price, aesthetic perception and the likelihood of adjusting the flush mechanism.

Since from proper installation and correct settings depends continuous operation the entire system, and therefore comfortable ease of use.