Snow guards are a modern system for ensuring safety and comfortable roof maintenance. Homemade snow guards for the roof with your own hands How to make snow guards

Lack of snow protection can lead not only to damage to roofing and drainage systems, but also to damage to passers-by and parked cars.

To avoid such trouble, you can install a special snow guard.

The design and installation of snow guards on the roof is not the same difficult process, as it seems at first glance, is accessible even to a beginner in the construction business.

In this article you will learn why snow guards are needed and how to properly install them on the roof of a private house.

A snow retainer is a special design that allows snow not to fall from the roof, that is, the snow does not come off in one layer. Only melt water will flow down. Many people believe that it is not necessary to install such snow clamps, but as practice has shown, this is important detail which should not be neglected.

There are two main functions of such an important roof structure:

  1. prevents sharp and sudden snow masses from falling off the roof itself;
  2. They hold the snow on the roof so that it melts there.

There are several types of such designs, and when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account several important factors:

  • direct angle of inclination of the slope;
  • how much precipitation (snow) will fall in the area;
  • what material is the roof made of?

There are two main types of this design:

  • type of snow retainer that allows snow to pass through;
  • the second type is impermeable to snow.

The choice of any of the proposed designs depends on personal motives, as well as on the factors mentioned above.

Snow retention in action

It is interesting that in different stores there are various names: snow blocking fences, snow barriers and so on. It is likely that the names characterize the functions of such installations.

For example, snow barriers keep all the snow on the roof (of any volume). And the snow will melt on your house in a natural way. The snow will not melt even in parts. Snow cutters - as the name suggests, this design allows you to divide a whole piece of snow cover into small pieces.

Some parts fall, others melt directly on the roof surface. The advantage of the design is that the snow does not fall in a continuous layer, which ensures safety for people and also does not damage the roofing.

Of course, snow guards come in different shapes, sizes, and materials of manufacture.. And before choosing, you should focus on how much snow should be retained.

Types of design, advantages

The most popular version of such designs is tubular type.

This unit is simple design from brackets into which two tubes of the same diameter, approximately 15-30 mm, are inserted.

In fact, this type can be considered universal and can be used on any material (wood, etc.).

And according to professionals, this type of design is considered the most effective. In addition, it can be installed on a roof that has been in use for a long time.

The bracket itself looks like a simple plate with “outlets” for pipes. Often its height is no more than 15 cm. It is attached to the pitched part using a special horizontal stick.

To do this, take special screws that can be attached to metal.


When installing this type of structure, it is necessary to install it along the line of the load-bearing wall. This is necessary so that the load is distributed evenly. The essence of the operation of such a device is the gradual passage of snow (snow will pass between the pipes).

This version of the snow retainer is popular and has received the status of the most promising installation. Also, the tubular structure must be installed exclusively along one line, the option of taking a running start is excluded. If the structure is the color of the roof, then it is almost invisible on the roof.

The process of installing such a system is quite simple:

  • mark the holes and drill them with a drill;
  • assemble the kit itself, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • the existing assembled bracket must be secured through the roof to the sheathing;
  • attach the lower part of the structure to the cornice ( at load-bearing wall level);
  • Now just connect the components by tightening the bolts.

Tubular type

One more good option salvation from improper snowfall - snow stops (hooks). From the name it is clear that in appearance such structures resemble hooks.

But they can't hold much snow Therefore, it is best to use them in cases where the roof will be cleaned on a regular basis. Often such hooks are mounted on.

Experts advise using this option as an auxiliary option to other, more reliable systems, in places where a lot of snow falls.

Snow retainer - hook

Lattice type snow guard. This type of construction is suitable in places where there is a large amount of snow, since special grille can withstand strong pressure. The snow is retained on the roof, and only melt water flows down.

Install them at a large angle. The efficiency of such an installation is affected by its height (grille height). The color of the grille can be matched to the color of the roof.

The maximum height reaches 20 cm.

Lattice type

The corner version of the snow guard is relevant where there is not much snow. Most often they are mounted on or, because the structure itself is made from these materials.

From the name it is obvious that externally, this type installation resembles a corner on which there are special fastenings for installation. It is not recommended to install on slopes above 30 degrees.

They are attached directly to the roof itself, you can arrange them randomly, or in one line.

Corner view

Some people prefer to use wooden log as a way to retain snow. The option is not very common. You can find it on different types of roofs, for example, on a shingle roof. It is attached to the roof on large hooks.

L Naturally, the size of the log affects its capabilities, that is, the larger it is, the more snow it can hold. To have the effect of such a design, it is worth attaching it at a distance of 2-3 cm from the roof.

This causes a small amount of snow to melt and flow down the drain, and most of the sediment remains on the roof and melts in its natural way.

Installing snow guards on the roof with your own hands

How to install snow guards on the roof? If you decide to install snow guards yourself, then you need to consider the type of roof and the amount of rainfall.

After that, buy what you need and begin the installation process itself.

In essence, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to know some rules for installing such a structure.

If you are building a house from scratch, or replacing the roof, immediately think about installing such structures. This will help you save time, effort and nerves.

The installation process itself does not take much time and does not require serious preparation.. It is enough to know a couple of rules and follow the existing algorithm of actions step by step.

Since metal tiles are the most common roofing option, it is worth considering the option of installation on just such a surface. Learn more about installing snow protection on metal tiles.


Its very design suggests that snow will slide down it very often, and its smooth surface cannot hold snow on its own. During the day it begins to melt and go flat, and this can lead to scratches on the surface of the metal tiles, which in turn will lead to corrosion and damage to the coating.

A roof of this type can accommodate different types of structures:

  • tubular;
  • lattice;
  • corner

Installation of tubular type snow guards:

  • first step - outline where exactly the snow retention system will be located;
  • costs enhance special additional bar;
  • an important stage of installation, assembly of the structure, but do not tighten the bolts;
  • We begin to fasten the roofing material, where it is necessary to make holes on top for the fastening itself. Such holes should be located only on the lower wave, the one adjacent to the sheathing itself;
  • Next comes attaching the structure to the slope using 8*60 mm bolts. Be sure to waterproof the holes using rubber pads. The very step between the bracket depends on two factors, the slope and length. For example, a step of 50 cm is quite enough, even for the most powerful structure;
  • The last step of installing the system is pipe insertion. Still have questions? Watch the video below.

Installation of a tubular snow guard

Mounting step

It is important to remember that the system must be mounted only above a load-bearing wall.

Installing a snow guard on other materials

Corrugated sheeting is another popular type of roofing. Like metal tiles, it has sensitivity to temperature changes.

It is critically necessary to install a snow guard on such a roof. Learn more about installing snow protection under corrugated sheets.

When the snow melts during the day and freezes in the evening, Ice flakes form which can scratch the material., and this will eventually lead to the fact that the galvanized coating deteriorates and scratches form in those places, as a result of which the material begins to rust.

If you choose such a roofing material, you can also use tubular or lattice snow retainers.

In fact, installing the structure on corrugated sheets is not a very complicated procedure, and almost no different from installation on metal tiles.

Installation of the structure on corrugated sheets:

  1. the fastening itself is carried out through the material;
  2. be sure to strengthen the sheathing;
  3. small holes for fastenings should be reinforced with rubber gaskets;
  4. installation of the structure should be carried out only on the lower part of the wave of material.

Installation of hooks

In cases where the structure is attached to an already finished coating roof, you should understand that you will have to disassemble it in order to strengthen the sheathing and it is logical to think about this in advance - during construction.

Installation using the example of various types of roofing

Hole marking

Useful video

Video instructions for installing a tubular snow guard:


An element such as a snow guard is necessary on the roof of any building, regardless of the style and location. Installing an additional element will allow your roof to maintain its strength and reliability, and will also help ensure the safety of others.

When choosing the right and high-quality design, carefully study what it is made of. Whatever type of snow guard you choose, it is not necessary to install it around the entire perimeter, since they can be correctly placed only in the right places on the roof.

It is enough to simply install them in the most dangerous places and this will ensure the efficient functioning of additional elements and at the same time save money spent on roofing equipment. Be careful when making a decision, consult with specialists and your choice will be fully justified.

In contact with

In snowy winters, not a single building can do without such protective structures as snow holders. The formation of a snow cap endangers not only the roofs of houses, but also people who pass below, next to the buildings. In order to protect residents and maintain the integrity of the roofing, it is necessary to install snow guards. In today's article we will learn: how to make snow protection with your own hands and what you need for this.

Types and types of snow retention structures

The types of snow guards are usually displayed like this:

1. This type is a structure that does not let snow through.

2. These are snow barriers that let snow through.

When choosing one or another snow retainer, it is important to take into account the type of roof for which it is intended, as well as the amount of precipitation typical for the area.

Today the market is rich in the choice of snow retention devices. Their main types are distributed as follows:

Above are the main types of snow guards, but there are many more combined species, invented individually by developers. No less common designs are called gear, polycarbonate, network. Each type has its own pros and cons that should be understood.

The advantages and disadvantages of each type are manifested in relation to the roofing material and the design of the device itself.

Corner or plate structures are noted for their simplicity, but their main disadvantage is fragility. They are not able to withstand a multi-ton mass of snow.

Lattice snow guards have good feedback due to the fact that they are designed for installation on any surface. They perfectly perform their safety function against snow avalanches leaving the roof. Besides. This type produced in various design solutions and also perfectly performs a decorative function. Fastening lattice structures requires special attention, since we are talking about human lives, it is not recommended to make and install them yourself.

Tubular snow guards are exactly the type that allows snow to pass through itself. Snow masses pass through them gradually, due to which an ice cap does not form on the roof. Tubular structures are designed for the most difficult cases.

Polycarbonate construction is considered a novelty among snow retention devices. Experts note low price, ease of operation, as well as the simplicity of such an invention. The advantages of polycarbonate snow guards also include their resistance to severe frosts, as well as impact resistance.

On the rooftops multi-storey buildings Mesh snow retainers are often used, which in their design are somewhat similar to lattice ones. Mesh structures are designed to neutralize wet snow, which is very difficult to remove, especially at altitude.

Serrated structures, or simply “teeth” as they are also called, perform the function of cutting snow rather than holding it back. Most often, “piece” snow retainers are used in combination with other types.

The purpose of the snow stopper design is to retain a small amount of snow cover.

It is worth remembering that the type of snow holder depends on how it is attached to the roof of a house, so you should be very careful when choosing it. Despite the complexity of some designs and rather difficult installation, snow guards can be built at home.

How to choose and calculate snow guards

Depending on the type of roofing, builders choose the type of snow retainer.

Mesh structures are suitable for roofing tiles. The most popular options for snow guards are tubular ones. They are installed, as a rule, on profiled sheets, metal and ceramic tiles. For soft roofs, it is recommended to use point snow stops. For standing seam roofs, tubular snow retainers are also a good option.

When choosing required design To retain snow, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of snow retainers. It is also important to ask for information about the amount of precipitation typical for your area before doing this.

Often home craftsmen look for answers to the question: how to correctly calculate required quantity snow guards? This process consists of several steps.

If all steps are performed correctly, then there will be no inconsistencies or problems during the final installation. So,

Step 4. Determine how many rows there should be in the future design.

Step 5. Calculate the total length of the structure.

Step 6. The calculations that determine the number of snow holders for a particular building are summed up.

Knowing the number of snow retention structures and the type of roofing material, you can start purchasing them, and for home craftsmen it is even more interesting to make them yourself.

Making snow guards with your own hands

How to make roof snow guards with your own hands interests many men. This is a job for attentive craftsmen, but it can also be done at home. In addition, you can approach the production of snow guards with a creative spirit and implement many variants of decorative ideas.

Before you begin installation, you must prepare all the necessary accessories for construction work, and also create a drawing of the future design. On initial stage It is important to carefully calculate the material.

For the production of snow guards with your own hands experienced craftsmen offer several master classes and advice for them.

  • The simplest DIY snow guard

To make the most budget snow guard we will need the following materials:

  • drill;
  • stainless steel (it is better to use a sheet with a polymer protective coating);
  • screws (long and short);
  • sheet bender, metal scissors.

Our homemade design will look like right triangle, the height of which will be approximately 7 cm, and the so-called hypotenuse of the product is 10 cm. Work with the sheet of stainless steel you need strictly metal scissors, or a special hacksaw. You should not use a grinder, as it can damage polymer coating. Based on the measurements taken, a sheet bender makes a blank for the future design, leaving space for holes that will be made using a drill. The corners should be installed correctly in a checkerboard pattern, and what is important, the location of the indents should be evenly spaced, on every second wave of the roofing.

The number of rows of snow retention depends on the length of the slope. If this figure does not reach 6 meters, then two rows of corners are enough.

  • DIY alternative to grid snow guard

This version of the snow retention structure is more complex and will require more effort and time from the master. For work you will need the following materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level;
  • welding;
  • metal pipes;
  • metal corner;
  • suspended supports.

It is better to take metal pipes of medium diameter. The installation of the structure consists of approximately the same steps as the previous one.

Similar to the first option, work must begin by drawing up a drawing. To manufacture the frame of the snow guard lattice, we use metal corner. All other components of the structure will be produced using a metal pipe.

Using a grinder, we cut out blanks for the future snow retention device. Rectangular corners and top part frames are connected to each other welding machine. It is important to ensure that even at the initial stage the structure has an even shape; for this we need a building level.

The number of manufactured gratings depends on the dimensions of the roof. When all the elements are ready, they are installed on special hanging supports.

  • DIY snow stops

It is much easier to make snow hooks yourself than other snow retainers. For the work process we need to prepare the following materials:

  • sheet steel;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • sheet bender;
  • self-tapping screws

To carry out the main work on the structure, it is necessary to make markings on a sheet of steel. Using a hacksaw, cut out the blanks and give them the appropriate shape. The disadvantage of such devices is that they must be secured before roofing work begins.

Installing snow guards with your own hands

Yokes or logs are installed on roofs as snow retainers, which occupy a worthy place among the best store structures. The log is secured to the roof using special hooks. Often a metal pipe is installed instead of a log.

What to pay attention to when installing snow guards with your own hands and how to carry out the installation correctly, we will consider in more detail below.

At the beginning of work, you need to make markings on the roof, note for yourself how it will be located protective structure. The fastening should be chosen relative to the roofing material, because with more soft coating you need to work more carefully. The mounting holes must be reinforced with specially designed gaskets, for example, made of rubber.

Experts in the manufacture and installation of snow retention structures recommend planning the installation of such devices during, or better yet, before the start of construction. The presence of devices for delaying snow cover requires procedures for maintaining the roof after installing snow retainers. To ensure that the roofing cover is not damaged by snow accumulation, water drainage systems, etc., are not clogged. You need to regularly clear the roof of snow.

When choosing a place to mount the snow guard, you must follow the following rules:

  • in places where installation is planned protective device it is necessary to strengthen the sheathing to which all elements are attached;
  • on large roof areas it is worth placing several rows of snow retention devices;
  • if the roof has a slope of more than 60 degrees, then there is no need to install devices such as snow guards.

When installing devices for such purposes, it is worth remembering that, along with their advantages, they also have a number of negative characteristics that are easy to provoke. incorrect installation, or an error in calculations. Neglecting the rules of roof care can result in a dent in the roof covering due to the accumulation of snow. It is worth following the rules for choosing snow guard models and consulting with professionals before working.

For more detailed information For making snow guards with your own hands, watch the video:

IN winter period at large quantities precipitation, layers of snow accumulate on the roofs, which brings a lot of inconvenience to home owners. The snow retention system is in the best possible way solving the problem. It prevents the formation of large snow caps and ice build-ups by removing them in a timely manner. Installing snow guards will not only ensure the complete safety of people, but will also protect the roof from damage caused by ice, which appears as a result of the constant melting and freezing of snow masses.

Just a few years ago, snow guards were not very popular among private developers and service organizations, but nowadays, in conditions of heavy workload of utility services that do not have time to remove snow from the roofs of houses in time, this system acts as their reliable assistant. With the advent of such devices, the number of injuries caused by collapses of snow and ice blocks has significantly decreased. Since the process of snow removal from the roof is controlled by a snow retention device, you do not have to worry about the roofing systems breaking down. Thus, as the weather gets warmer, gutters often fail due to icicles forming on them, and the coating is scratched and torn under the influence of impressive layers of ice. For the same reason, air conditioners installed on the facades of buildings also need constant repairs.

Snow guards protect people from falling large mass snow and ice and protect the roofing from severe wear and tear

Snow retainers are a system of devices that prevent large volumes of snow from falling off the roof by dividing the mass into small parts that are less dangerous when falling down.

Being quite easy-to-use devices, snow guards are equipped with a number of functions:

Like any structure, snow retention systems differ in shape, size, material, as well as the level of strength and functionality. The main criterion when choosing a device is the maximum volume of snow retained.

Tubular design

The tubular snow retainer is designed quite simply - two brackets with a pair of pipes with a diameter of no more than 30 mm attached between them. The height of the product reaches 15 cm. On each bracket, in addition to holes for pipes, there is a horizontal shelf, which is mounted on roof slope using several screws measuring 8x60 mm. By appearance the bracket may be different depending on which roofing material laid on the roof. Installation options should be selected for each system separately.

Tubular snow guards are best installed on roofs with a slope of up to 60 degrees.

The strength level of tubular snow guards depends on the distance between the down pipe and the roof surface, as well as the size of the gap between the pipes. The most stable system is considered to be one in which the value of the first parameter is no more than 3 cm, and the second - up to 10 cm.

Installation of tubular snow guards is advisable on roofs with an inclination angle of up to 60 degrees. This is due to the fact that snow layers exert great pressure on the surface, while a significant slope of the roof will provoke frequent movement of snow. If the angle of the roof structure exceeds 60 degrees, then precipitation will naturally roll off it on its own without snow retainers.

The main purpose of tubular snow retainers is to separate the entire mass of snow into small layers for their subsequent removal to the ground. Thanks to its sophisticated separation system and the ability to hold large volumes of snow, this device is the most reliable for use on residential buildings and industrial buildings.

Tubular snow guards can hold and separate large layers of snow

Tubular structures for retaining and removing snow can be installed on tiles, corrugated sheets, and any sheet and roll roofing. The structures are installed around the perimeter of the entire roof of the house in one row without gaps. It is not allowed to fasten the system in a chaotic manner. For significant volumes of snow, several rows of tubular systems can be installed 2–3 meters apart.

The bottom row of snow supports is installed so that the load-bearing wall is underneath it. To do this, it is enough to fix the system at a distance of 50 cm from the cornice. To save overall design roof and hide its additional element as much as possible, it is recommended to select snow guards in the same color as the roof covering. As for the material used in the production of products, galvanized steel is usually taken as the basis, and high-quality paint is used for decoration. The result is durable parts that can resist corrosion and other negative factors.

Lattice snow guards

This type of snow retainer is presented in the form of a vertical grid attached to holding brackets. All parts are made from durable galvanized steel and paint of various colors, so choosing a structure to match the roofing is not difficult. The only criterion that can change in the presented system is the height of the grating. The smallest specimens reach no more than 5 cm, the tallest - 20 cm. Depending on the size, the snow retainer can cope with different volumes of snow cover.

The lattice snow retainer can cope with different volumes of snow mass depending on its height

A powerful steel structure can hold a heavy block of snow with an ice crust on the roof, while only melt water will seep down. Installation of such devices is carried out on roofs with a strong slope for reliable retention large volume snow. The system is successfully used on roofs with any covering, the main thing is to choose the right fasteners.

Constant exposure to large thicknesses of snow and ice negatively affects the grille - it begins to sag and subsequently cannot fully perform its functions. Based on this, in regions where there is a large amount of precipitation in winter, it is recommended to install tubular snow guards. When purchasing a system, please pay attention Special attention on the quality of the parts themselves, for example, the brackets should be much more massive than the lattice part.

In addition to the standard lattice system, there is a modification in which longitudinal pipes are welded to the lattice to strengthen the support.

Lattice snow guards are installed on roofs with a large angle of inclination

Lattice products are mounted in one row along the entire roof eaves. If the slope is less than 5 meters, then only this system will be sufficient, with longer length You will need additional snow cutters of a different type.

Angle (plate) snow guards

Small layers of snow falling off the roof are not so dangerous, but they can also cause damage. To prevent them, it is recommended to use corner snow guards. Externally, the structure looks like a metal corner attached to the surface using shelves. Such a system will look good on metal coverings - metal tiles or corrugated sheets.

Since plate snow impellers are not designed to hold large volumes of snow, their height does not exceed 4–6 cm, while permissible slope the roof can be no more than 30 degrees. To avoid accidents due to snow drift, even with such restraints, the roof must be cleaned regularly.

Plate devices are fixed on top of the roofing in the upper waves of the corresponding material in a checkerboard pattern. The minimum number of rows is 2, the gap from one row to another is 50–100 cm.

Plate snow guards are attached along the waves of a metal sheet using roofing screws

Point (bar) snow retainers

Externally, such products resemble hooks and cannot be used as independent system protection against snow melting, but they are widely used as additional elements of a lattice or tubular system.

Soft roofing is the only covering that allows the installation of roof yoke retainers only. Conditioned this fact the fact that this type of coating has a granular coating that provides the surface with sufficient roughness. Small layers of snow are well retained on such a roof due to friction. The rope stops additionally support the snow mass and cut it into small layers.

Point stops can be installed as an independent snow retention system only on soft roofs

Fastening point devices is somewhat different from working with other structures in that it is carried out together with laying the roofing material in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 50–70 cm. A long plate with a welded triangular part is fixed on the frame sheathing, and then covered with a covering sheet. This installation system allows you to hide the installation sites of fasteners and prevents leaks.

The installation of snow guards should be done at the stage of installation of the roofing. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to mount the system not over the entire roof, but only over the locations of any objects: sidewalks, parking lots, attics or balconies. It should be taken into account that when it melts, the snow cap will not fall straight down, but with a deviation of 0.5–1.5 m from the roof, depending on its angle of inclination.

Regardless of the chosen system, it is important to ensure that the installation is not carried out on the eaves itself, but 50–80 cm higher from it. The eaves overhang should in no case be used as a basis for fastening, except when rafter legs are used to create it.

Installing snow-retaining devices on the cornice or very close to it will sooner or later lead to collapse roofing elements along with a layer of snow. Cornice parts are simply not designed for heavy loads.

The cost of a snow guard depends on its type, size and material from which it is made. Such a purchase can cost from 1.5 to several hundred dollars per product.

Installing snow guards slightly increases the overall cost of the roof, and their absence can cause significant damage

Corrugated sheeting, just like metal tiles, has a smooth surface that is sensitive to mechanical damage, so the need for snow retention devices on such a roof is beyond doubt. Otherwise, during melting, snow and ice will begin to move along the roof, thereby damaging the paint on the galvanized material, which inevitably leads to the appearance of rust.

The snow guard brackets are fastened in a wave

The best option for a roof with metal coating there will be installation of tubular, lattice or plate systems. The first two options are very popular.

Requirements for installing snow retention devices:

The snow retainer brackets are screwed to the sheathing along every second wave of the corrugated sheet.

When working with a ready-made roofing structure, it is recommended to disassemble it in those places where reinforcement of the sheathing is required.

Corner and point devices, being surface means of protection, do not require additional measures to strengthen the frame, and are attached directly to the roofing, but for reliability, the fastening element must be screwed into the wooden sheathing.

Video: do-it-yourself installation of snow guards on a roof made of corrugated sheets

Metal roofing, being one of the most common structures in construction, has smooth surface, on which snow layers cannot physically linger. The ability of the material to quickly heat up and cool down provokes constant melting of snow during the daytime and freezing in the evening and at night. Given these factors, it is simply impossible to refuse to install snow guards.

The roofs of residential buildings made of metal tiles, depending on the slope angle of the structure, can have a system of tubular, lattice and even plate snow barriers. The last option provides for a slight slope of the base; the other two systems, being the most durable and reliable, can be installed at the choice of the home owner.

Snow guards are also attached to metal tiles using rubber spacers.

Tubular and lattice snow retention devices are attached to the roofing according to the following scheme:

When assembling, it is important to make sure that the snow retention parts are located strictly above load-bearing beam. If the structure is assembled above the skylights, then the sheathing needs to be strengthened. Long slopes (more than 5.5 m) are equipped with at least two rows of devices. Some brackets are equipped with special elements that simplify the work; for example, having parts with special protrusions, you can do without reinforcing the sheathing.

Video: installation of snow cutters on metal tiles

Think about the need to install such modern design, as a snow retainer, follows already at the stage of building a house. What are the main factors that are important to consider:

  1. The fundamental point is the type of roof. Depending on the selected material for the roof, the option of the snow retention system is determined. If the house is with metal roof, for example, from corrugated sheets or metal tiles, then additional elements to it must be made of the same material. Excellent choice in this situation there will be a tubular system.
  2. An important parameter for selection will be the amount of precipitation falling in the region of residence over the entire winter.
  3. Despite the fact that most owners of private houses try to choose standard design roofs, the slope angle for each building can be different, and this must also be taken into account when choosing.

For greater reliability, different types of snow holders can be combined

When purchasing snow guards, experts recommend following three key points:

  1. Possibility of hermetically sealed fastening to the roof base.
  2. Match the maximum load level provided for the snow guard to the height of the snow cover in your region.
  3. Strength of parts and connections of the structure.

Each of the systems that allows you to protect people from large amounts of snow falling off the roof has its own characteristics, but there are several aspects that are characteristic of the installation of any of them. Before you begin, you must:

  1. In the places where snow impellers are planned to be placed, create an additional reinforcing frame for the sheathing.
  2. The very first row of the structure should be fastened no closer than 50 cm from the roof eaves.
  3. Pay attention to the correct location of the products - strictly parallel to the edge of the roof.

    Snow guards should be installed at a distance of at least half a meter from the eaves strictly parallel to the overhang line

  4. Choose the correct arrangement of snow retention devices: in a checkerboard pattern (hook, plate) or in one line (lattice, tubular).
  5. Calculate required amount snow guards: on large roofs It is advisable to install the system in several rows with a step of 40–50 cm for greater protection against sliding of the snow mass.

    If the roof is large and complex, it is necessary to install several rows of snow guards to ensure better snow shedding and protection of roof structural elements

On roofs with a slope of more than 60 degrees, snow practically does not stay, so installing snow guards will be ineffective.

When choosing snow guards, you need to take into account snow load. However, this is difficult to do, since it is impossible to determine in advance how much snow will fall in a given year. However, there is still a formula that allows you to do this approximately: Q = G*s, where G is the weight of snow per 1 m 2 of roof (this value can be found in a special table), s is a coefficient that depends on the slope of the roof (1 - slope less than 25 degrees, 0.7 - slope from 25 to 60 degrees).

Table: specific gravity of snow for different areas

On the map different colors areas with a certain level of snow cover are identified square meter area

Thus, when correct calculation snow retainers can be successfully used to prevent snow ice caps from falling off the roofs of buildings. Choose from existing varieties The most suitable system can be obtained by having an idea of ​​the roofing used, the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the size of the roof slope and its angle of inclination. Each individual model has its own rules for installation.

When deciding whether to install snow guards, you need to remember that in addition to the undoubted advantages, such designs also have disadvantages depending on the type:

  • plate snow retainers are not strong enough and are easily deformed if they are exposed to a large amount of snow, which they are not always able to hold;
  • snow stops or point snow stops may only be used on soft roofs with a slight slope, in addition, it is recommended to supplement them with other structures;
  • Tubular snow throws have open fasteners, which is why the tightness of the roofing may be compromised.

Despite the high practicality of snow-resistant products, it is necessary to promptly clear the snow and care for the roof surface in order to avoid shortening its service life. Remember that the constant load from a large volume of snow masses contributes to subsidence of the roofing covering, rafter system and the entire roof frame.

Many regions where the winter is quite snowy are faced with the problem of snow falling off the roofs of houses. Snow sliding from a great height is a great danger and can not only damage property, but also claim several lives.

To avoid this problem, it is enough to install a snow guard on the roof of the house. This design will allow snow to remain on the roof until it turns into water.
To install a snow guard on the roof, it is worth considering several factors: the angle of the roof, the material of the cover and the snowiness of the region.

Types of snow guards

There are two categories of snow retainers - snow cutters and snow barriers. The former are a barrier to snow and completely retain it until spring, while the latter seem to cut the layer of snow into small pieces so that the snow can safely melt off in small pieces.

Snow guards also differ in the material from which they are made.


This snow retainer is a structure made of vertical plates and pipes inserted between them. The plates are screwed to the roof using screws.

This snow guard can easily be installed on a roof with a large slope (up to 60◦).


It has a fairly simple design - these are brackets between which the grille is fixed. The entire snow retainer is almost always made of galvanized steel and can be painted, which will allow you to choose a snow retainer of the same color as the roof cover (if we are talking about metal tiles or corrugated sheets).

Such a snow retainer belongs to the category of a snow barrier, because it completely retains the snow until it melts.

But there is one drawback - if there is too much snow, the grate can bend and deform under the pressure of the formation.


This type of snow retainer is installed on matte tiles when there is little snow in the area.

Plate snow guards are made of the same color and material as the roof covering, which is very convenient and does not spoil general form building.

In numerous photos of roof snow guards you can see that the design consists of simple triangles made of metal. This type of snow retainer is usually used for roofs with a small angle of inclination (up to 30◦).


Such snow guards are usually used as an addition to tubular or lattice snow guards, as they retain minimal amount snow.

This type can only be installed when installing the roof, because it is attached under the roofing material.

Wooden log

The simplest and budget look snow retainers. Such a log is often installed on a wooden cover and secured with special fasteners.

Installing a snow guard

When a home owner decides to buy a snow guard, he immediately thinks about the question of how to install snow guards? There are several answers. It all depends on the covering material, the degree of roof slope, etc.

It is worth remembering that you cannot install snow guards near the eaves overhangs at a depth of less than 40 cm, as this will entail the eaves coming together with the snow.

Installation on a roof made of metal tilesInstallation of a snow guard on a roof made of of this material it happens like this (the sequence is indicated for a tubular snow retainer):

  • Mark the place where the snow guard will be attached
  • Strengthen the sheathing
  • Assemble the construction kit, but without securing it
  • Secure the roofing material and drill holes
  • Screw the brackets
  • Insert the tubes into the brackets

In addition to a tubular snow retainer, you can also install a lattice or plate snow retainer on a metal tile.

Installation on a corrugated roof

Just like for metal tiles, tubular, lattice and plate snow retainers can be used for corrugated roofing.

The installation of the structure is also practically the same, only lathing is not required for installation.

Installation on a seam roof

Installation differs in that the brackets are attached to the fold.

Installation on a seam roof:

  • Attach the clip to the fold
  • Drill 2-3 holes
  • Pin

Installation on soft roof

On this type of roof, a snow retainer can only be installed during roof installation. Either a point or tubular snow retainer is installed on such a roof.

Installation of a tubular snow retainer is the same as for corrugated sheeting or metal tiles.

The sequence of installing a point snow guard:

  • Outline the staggered arrangement
  • Place the mount under the cover
  • Secure with self-tapping screws

In any case, no matter what roof the snow holders are attached to, it is worth remembering that the roof, in any case, must be cleaned once a week, regardless of the amount of snow, or install a heating cable so that the snow immediately melts.

Photo of snow guards on the roof

Frosty winters and heavy snowfalls, which prevail in regions with harsh climates, subject roofing structures to additional tests. Under the influence of the load from a heavy snow mass, deformation of the rafter frame may occur. An avalanche of snow and pieces of ice falling from the roof causes damage to the roofing and can cause harm to human health and life. Installing special snow guards on the roof yourself helps prevent this phenomenon.

Design features and purpose

Snow guards are special devices, which hold the accumulated snow mass on the roof. Thanks to this, the snow avalanche does not roll down on the heads of passers-by, but lies on the roof until it warms up. Under the influence sun rays The snow melts and the resulting water flows down the drain. Small barriers or fences located along the edge of the roof overhang are used as snow retainers.

These structures are designed to perform the following functions:

  • Roofing protection. As a result of heating and cooling of the surface of the slope, ice forms, which leaves scratches when sliding along the roof. As a result, the roofing material loses its protective layer and rust forms in these places under the influence of water. In most cases, roofs covered with metal tiles and metal profiles suffer from this.
  • Prevents snow from falling from the roof onto passers-by, plants and equipment. The melting of the snow mass with pieces of ice present in it occurs at high speed. As a result, the surrounding area and everything on it is endangered.
  • Protection drainage system from external damage. The snow mass falling from the roof can cause damage to the gutters, since the brackets are not able to withstand the load from the huge snow mass.
  • Load distribution from snow cover. In regions where precipitation occurs in large quantities, it is very important to properly install snow guards. This helps protect rafter frame from excessive loads. Proper distribution of snow retainers along the slope does not retain the snow mass, but divides it into small parts. As a result, snow does not accumulate in one place, but lies evenly throughout the slope.

In addition, snow lying on the slope helps retain heat inside the house. Consequently, snow guards help save heating costs. This is especially important for roofing coverings with high thermal conductivity.

Types of snow retention elements

Design features roofs and climate characteristics in the region require the use different types snow retainers. To limit the melting of snow mass, devices are being developed that have different purposes and appearance.

Private developers, problem solving How to install snow guards on the roof, in most cases the following types are used:

  • Tubular devices consist of two tubes mounted in two rows on brackets. Structures of this type are installed on roofs where the slope has a slope of less than 60 0. The passage of the snow layer through the snow retainer tubes is accompanied by separation into plates small size, which reduces the degree of harm caused.
  • Snow guards in the form of a rectangular lattice are secured to the slope with metal corners or brackets. Snow sliding on the roof passes through the grilles of the device and is divided into pieces corresponding to the grid cell. Installation of snow guards on a roof of this type can be performed on roof slopes with a slope of no more than 60 0.
  • Plate structures for retaining snow are made in the form of plates, which are secured to the slope using metal corners. Snow does not pass through such devices, so their installation should be carried out on a slope whose slope does not exceed 30 0, and the roof has a strong rafter system.
  • Corner snow guards are sheets of metal bent at an angle and fixed to the roof. Installation of such elements is allowed on roofs made of metal profiles or metal tiles, provided that they have a slight slope. Such designs can be made with your own hands, but you should remember that they are not as effective as other snow retainers.
  • Yokes are hooks that are installed in a checkerboard pattern on roofs covered with roll materials or bitumen shingles. Such elements are available for self-production; it is enough to have a metal corner or sheet of metal on hand. The yokes are not designed to hold the snow mass, but to reduce the speed of its fall.

All of the above structures can be divided into two types: snow cutters and snow barriers. The first type includes elements that divide the falling snow cover into plates or pieces, that is, tubular and lattice snow retainers. The second type is designed to hold the snow mass on the roof until it melts. These include plate, corner structures and yokes.

How to make roof snow guards with your own hands

Installing ready-made, factory-made snow guards is a fairly expensive process. However self-production design helps save significant money. The most simple option is manufacturing corner snow guard with your own hands.

Completing the work requires a certain set of tools and materials:

  • Stainless steel with polymer coating.
  • Device for cutting metal.
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Sheet bending
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Cardboard for making a template.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • A drawing of corner-type snow retainers is made on a sheet of cardboard and transferred to metal.
  • Using a device for cutting metal, the workpiece is cut out according to the markings.
  • Using a sheet bender, the workpiece is given the desired shape so that the result is a corner with two fastening shelves, the height of which is approximately 20 cm.
  • On the fastening shelves, holes for self-tapping screws are drilled with a drill.
  • It is very important to know how to properly install snow guards on the roof. The elements are placed along the roof overhang above load-bearing walls so that the load on the rafter system is minimal. Lower mounting can cause damage to the rafters and in extreme cases can cause the roof to collapse.
  • Corner elements for retaining snow must be distributed along the slope in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. For a slope more than 6 meters long, three or more rows can be made.