SNIP for installing gas equipment. Installation of gas boilers: requirements and necessary documents

If you don’t dream of autonomous gas heating with hot water supply, then every householder has probably seriously thought about it, both in a city apartment and in a private house. Only today it can reliably provide comfortable temperature in the house is cheaper than the central one. However, installation gas boiler Doing it yourself is a complex, responsible matter that requires a permit. Actually, taking it on yourself makes complete sense only if you have sufficient funds to purchase double-circuit boiler with boiler and complete set automation, and your home according to the specifications is suitable for installing a boiler.

The second case when you need a gas boiler is if you are not rich, but hot water there is no such thing in the house at all and is not expected. In this case, you need a simple budget single-circuit instantaneous hot water boiler that allows you to wash dishes and take a shower. A gas boiler is more expensive than an electric boiler, but taking into account the cost of installing a gas meter, at current rates it will pay for itself in a year and a half over the winter, depending on where you live. If, again, you can install it in your apartment, and you are not afraid of going through the authorities.

Two big differences

The boilers mentioned above are the extremes of a huge variety of models of gas water heating devices. They are the ones available for self-installation. Any other gas heating boiler requires professional work for installation. However, every cloud has a silver lining - specialized companies also take on the preparation of the premises and the preparation of documents. But why can you install only the “tips of scissors” yourself?

Simple water heater

The simplest boiler is really very simple: gas-burner, heat exchanger - that's all. It is enough to connect water and gas to it, vent the exhaust into the chimney - and you can use it. If the papers have already been completed; otherwise - an inevitable large fine.

Home boiler room

A double-circuit boiler with a boiler and full automation is so “smart” that installing it is as easy as the simplest one. Automation is important not only for simplicity: a complete system with a double thermostat and a microprocessor monitors the temperature in the house and outside, according to a given program, reduces heating to a minimum sanitary standard when no one is at home (for example, when everyone is at work). The gas consumption of such a boiler is 30-70% less than with manual or semi-automatic adjustment, and the savings are greater the more severe the weather.

But such a home boiler room has a serious drawback: if you find yourself in a zone natural disaster and the power supply is disrupted, the automation “stalls”, and the boiler goes into the mode of minimal heating of the room. Therefore, such a boiler requires additional expense on guaranteed power supply. It is not difficult to provide it yourself, see below.

Where you can and where you can’t install a gas boiler

The rules for installing a gas boiler provide the following requirements for installing a HEATING boiler, regardless of whether it also provides DHW or not:

  1. The boiler must be installed in a separate room - a furnace (boiler room) with an area of ​​at least 4 square meters. m., with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 m. The rules also state that the volume of the room must be at least 8 cubic meters. Based on this, you can find indications that a ceiling of 2 m is acceptable. This is incorrect. 8 cubic meters is the minimum free volume.
  2. The furnace room must have an opening window, and the width of the door (not the doorway) must be at least 0.8 m.
  3. Finishing the furnace with flammable materials and the presence of a false ceiling or false floor are unacceptable.
  4. The combustion chamber must be provided with an air flow through a through, non-closed vent with a cross-section of at least 8 per 1 kW of boiler power.

Note: 8 cubic meters free - with a boiler power of up to 30 kW. For power from 31 to 60 kW – 13.5 cubic meters; for power from 61 to 200 kW 15 cubic meters. For boilers with a closed combustion chamber, the volume of the combustion chamber is not standardized, but the dimensions must still be observed.

For any boilers, including wall-mounted hot water boilers, the following general standards must also be met:

  • The boiler exhaust must exit into a separate flue (often incorrectly called a chimney); using ventilation ducts for this is unacceptable - life-threatening combustion products can reach neighbors or other rooms.
  • The length of the horizontal part of the flue should not exceed 3 m within the combustion chamber and have no more than 3 rotation angles.
  • The flue outlet must be vertical and raised above the ridge of the roof or the highest point of the gable on flat roof not less than 1 m.
  • Since combustion products form chemically aggressive substances when cooling, the chimney must be made of heat- and chemically resistant solid materials. Use of layered materials, e.g. asbestos-cement pipes, permissible at a distance of at least 5 m from the edge of the boiler exhaust pipe.

When installing a wall-mounted hot water gas boiler in the kitchen, additional conditions must be met:

  • The height of the boiler suspension along the edge of the lowest pipe is not lower than the top of the sink spout, but not less than 800 mm from the floor.
  • The space under the boiler must be free.
  • A durable fireproof metal sheet 1x1 m should be laid on the floor under the boiler. Gas workers and firefighters do not recognize the strength of asbestos cement - it wears out, and the SES prohibits having anything containing asbestos in the house.
  • There should be no cavities in the room in which combustion products or an explosive gas mixture can accumulate.

If the boiler is used for heating, then the gas workers (who, by the way, are not very friendly with the heating network - it always owes them for gas) will also check the condition of the heating system in the apartment/house:

  • The slope of horizontal sections of pipes must be positive, but not more than 5 mm per linear meter by water flow.
  • An expansion tank and an air valve must be installed at the highest point of the system. It is useless to convince you that you will buy a “cool” boiler that has everything provided for: rules are rules.
  • State heating system should allow it to be pressurized under a pressure of 1.8 atm.

The requirements, as we see, are strict, but justified - gas is gas. Therefore, it is better not to think about a gas boiler, even a water heating one, if:

  • You live in a Khrushchev block or other apartment building without a main gas duct.
  • If you have a false ceiling in your kitchen that you don’t want to remove, or a permanent mezzanine. On a mezzanine with a bottom made of wood or fiberboard, which in principle can be removed, and then there will be no mezzanine, gas workers turn a blind eye.
  • If your apartment is not privatized, you can only rely on a hot water boiler: allocating a room for a furnace means redevelopment, which only the owner can do.

In all other cases, it is possible to install a hot water boiler in an apartment; wall heating is possible, but floor heating is very problematic.

In a private house, you can install any boiler: the rules do not require that the furnace be located directly in the house. If you make an extension to the house from the outside to serve as a furnace room, then the authorities will only have less reason to find fault. You can install a high-power floor-standing gas boiler in it to heat not only the mansion, but also the office premises.

For private middle class housing optimal solution– wall-mounted boiler; it does not require, as for a floor one, to install a brick or concrete tray with sides of half a meter. Installing a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house also avoids technical and organizational difficulties: a fireproof closet under the furnace can always be fenced off, at least in the attic.

Power supply

The automation of heating boilers consumes little electricity, but according to the rules, the boiler still requires a separate wiring branch with a 20 A automatic circuit breaker, just like a boiler. For backup power supply, any computer UPS is well suited. A kilowatt will “keep” the automation for half a day or a day. This is quite enough to take the necessary measures in case of an emergency.

About the gas duct

The cross-sectional area of ​​the house flue for it depends on the required boiler power (see below). At any power, the diameter of the flue must be at least 110 mm and not less than the diameter of the exhaust pipe. The dependence of the flue diameter on the boiler power is as follows:

  • up to 24 kW – 120 mm.
  • 30 kW – 130 mm.
  • 40 kW – 170 mm.
  • 60 kW – 190 mm
  • 80 kW – 220 mm.
  • 100 kW – 230 mm.

Boiler selection


It is obvious that the boiler power must be sufficient. But it should not be excessive, especially if the heat exchanger is cast iron. Drops of condensate from the flue cause hot cast iron to crack. There is another dangerous effect: Exhaust gas dew point temperature is approximately 56 degrees Celsius. If the water temperature in the heating return is lower, acidic condensate may form in the combustion chamber. What does this have to do with excess power? A boiler that is too powerful will quickly warm up the system and go into standby mode until it cools down. The thermal inertia of a powerful heat exchanger is high, and while it warms up again, acid dew may form.

With correctly selected boiler power, the temperature in the combustion chamber will be 80-90 degrees. The permissible difference in power is quite large, but if you install a 60 kW boiler in a medium-sized private house, then acid rain from the inside will quickly damage it.

The required boiler power for a specific room is determined thermotechnical calculation. It’s easier for residents of high-rise buildings: the data is available in the DEZ, the technical inventory bureau or the owner. In any case, you can use approximate data by calculating an intermediate value for yourself. Values maximum power are given for cases of minimum outside temperature of –25/-40 degrees:

  1. One-room apartment on the middle floors – 8/14 kW.
  2. Corner apartment 60 sq.m. total area on the top floor of the Khrushchev block - 20/28 kW.
  3. Private house 100 sq.m. common – 24/38 kW.


The purpose of the boiler is to accumulate hot water for domestic needs. If you look at the instructions for the boiler, the power will be indicated there as a fraction, for example - 10/22 kW. The first number is the heating power for average conditions; it determines gas consumption by 80%. The second power, maximum, is for quickly heating domestic water.

If the boiler is emptied, the boiler temporarily stops heating the heating (it does not have time to cool down) and heats at maximum domestic water. Gas consumption is, of course, maximum. If you take a little water from the boiler, then it will be heated in operating mode, without force majeure. Based on this, the capabilities of the boiler can be judged by its capacity:

  • 2-10 l – wash hands and wash dishes.
  • 30-50 l – take at a quick fix shower.
  • 100 l – wash thoroughly in the shower.
  • 150 liters or more - you can take a bath and connect a washing machine to the hot water supply.

Note: If you already have one, it is advisable to leave it by turning off its machine. It will make a good hot water accumulator, and if you have problems with a gas boiler, you can turn it on.

Video: expert opinion on choosing gas boilers

Documents for the boiler

Let's say you have equipped the furnace room in compliance with all requirements. Are we buying a boiler? It is too early. First of all, check if the previous gas papers have been lost, and bring them out into the light of day:

  1. Gas supply contract if the boiler is a heating boiler. Subconsumers can only install hot water boilers.
  2. All documents for gas meter. Any boiler cannot be installed without a meter. If it doesn’t exist yet, there’s nothing you can do, you need to install it and arrange it, but that’s a different topic.

Now you can buy a boiler. But, having bought it, it’s too early to install:

  • The BTI needs to make changes to the registration certificate of the house. For privatized apartments - through the organization operating the house. In the new plan, a closet under the boiler should be shown, and clearly marked: “Furnace room” or “Boiler room”.
  • Submit an application to the gas service for the project and specifications. The required documents also include a technical passport for the boiler, so it must already be purchased.
  • Install the boiler (see next section), except gas system. This can be done while the gas workers are preparing the project, if the premises are approved.
  • Call a specialist to do it gas pipework.
  • Submit an application to gas workers for commissioning.
  • Wait for the engineer to arrive gas service, he will check everything, draw up a conclusion on suitability and give permission to open the gas shut-off valve to the boiler.

Note: Gas workers are not supposed to give permission to private individuals to work on gas equipment. Therefore, to connect gas to the boiler, you will have to call a specialist or then “resolve the issue” with an inspector during commissioning. As a rule, the former is cheaper.

Boiler installation

It is unacceptable for the boiler body to be adjacent to any of the walls, so redo the fastenings of wall-mounted boilers, recess the boiler into a niche, etc. it is forbidden. After installing the boiler in place, its piping is done - connecting three systems: gas, hydraulic and electric. The gas connection should be done, as indicated, by a gas specialist, and last of all, when everything else is already connected.

You can do the electrical and hydraulic connections yourself. The main guiding document here is the instructions for the boiler. Typical scheme The boiler hydraulic system is shown in the figure. For any boiler, the following conditions must be strictly met:

  1. Water and hot gases in the boiler heat exchanger must flow countercurrently, otherwise it can simply explode with any automation. Therefore, it is extremely important not to confuse, either through negligence or for the sake of ease of installation, cold and hot pipes. After hydropiping, carefully inspect the entire system again, then rest for an hour and inspect it again.
  2. If antifreeze has been poured into the heating system, drain it completely and flush the system twice clean water. An admixture of antifreeze in the water entering the heat exchanger is also explosive.
  3. Do not neglect the “mud collectors” - coarse water filters. They must be located in lowest points systems. The accumulation of dirt between the thin fins of the heat exchanger also creates a dangerous situation, not to mention excessive gas consumption. At the beginning and at the end heating season drain the sediment through the mud traps, check their condition and, if necessary, flush the system.
  4. If the boiler has a built-in expansion tank and a deaeration system, remove the old expansion tank and turn off the old air valve tightly, having first checked its condition: air leakage will also create a dangerous situation.

Video: example of installing a wall-mounted gas boiler

Bottom line

Installation of a gas boiler is technically and organizationally complicated. You can independently install only the simplest hot water boilers or expensive, fully automated home boiler rooms. But connecting the boiler to the gas supply system (gas pipework) must still be carried out by a gas service specialist or a certified installation organization. Otherwise, it is prohibited by the rules for the installation and operation of household gas appliances.

At home, by definition, it should be warm. It can be provided with the most different ways. However, a prudent owner strives to do this as efficiently and economically as possible. Such options include installing a wall-mounted gas boiler. And this is quite justified, because gas heating very profitable, and the equipment is quite simple to operate and install.

If you also started thinking about purchasing a wall-mounted heating boiler, then be sure to read our material. In it we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about the operating principles of such equipment and the types of wall-mounted devices. We will also consider all the nuances of connecting such a system.

Installation and connection heating device depend on its type. Therefore, you need to understand exactly how the device works and which of its varieties you will be dealing with.

Boiler room requirements

Gas equipment belongs to the category of explosion and fire hazards. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the room in which it will be installed.

First of all, it must have natural light. In this case, for each cubic meter of room there should be at least 0.03 square meters. m of window opening without frame, that is, only glazing. The window must be equipped with a window.

The wall on which the gas boiler is installed must be finished with non-combustible materials

Another prerequisite is the presence of air volume, which can ensure a change in the air volume of the room within 3 times in one hour. In this way, gas pollution in the room can be minimized.

For heating devices whose power varies from 30 to 60 kW, you will need a combustion chamber with a volume of 13.5 cubic meters. m and above. If the heating device is to be placed in an apartment, it is usually installed in the kitchen.

This is possible if all the requirements of SNiPs are met. Important nuance: in this case the total thermal power from everyone in the kitchen heating devices should not be higher than 150 kW.

According to the standards for installing wall-mounted gas boilers to improve air exchange in kitchen door it is necessary to make a hole with an area of ​​at least 0.02 sq.m and cover it with a grill.

Requirements for the installation of gas heating equipment are regulated by SP-41-104-2000 and SNiP 42-01-2002. Compliance with installation standards guarantees safe operation

It is optimal that the materials used to decorate the room have a fire resistance time limit of at least 45 minutes. It is desirable that the layout of the premises prevents the rapid spread of flames to living rooms.

The gas boiler can only be secured to a solid base. Partitions made of plywood or plasterboard are not suitable for these purposes. The wall on which the heating device will be placed must be finished with fire-resistant materials.

If this is not the case, a non-combustible substrate is installed under the boiler. Minimum distance from the device to load-bearing structures are 0.5 m to the ceiling or walls and 0.8 m to the floor.

The photo shows one of the options for connecting a wall-mounted gas boiler

Step-by-step installation of equipment

Before installation, you need to unpack the new boiler and check the completeness of the delivery. Availability of parts is checked by operating instructions, which must be included with the device.

If any item is missing, please contact the supplier immediately. One more nuance. The boiler must have perfect appearance no dents, chips or signs of repairs. If this is not the case, you need to call the sellers.

It is important to make sure that the technical data specified in the technical data sheet of the heating device exactly matches those printed on the device itself. In addition, they must correspond to the numbers specified in the operating instructions for the device.

Immediately before starting installation, you need to flush the boiler pipes, which may contain various debris that got inside during the manufacture of the device and its transportation.

Installing a gas boiler involves connecting heating pipes, water supply and gas mains, as well as installing a chimney

It is also advisable to rinse and. After the preparation is completed, you can begin installation.

The specifics and procedure for its implementation are determined by the characteristics of the equipment: the number of circuits involved and the type of combustion chamber.

Most often, double-circuit appliances with a closed firebox are installed in houses. Let's take a closer look at the installation of just such a modification.

Stage #1 - preparing the wall mount

To secure gas boilers, a special bracket is used, which should be included in the delivery of the device. Reliable fasteners are used for mounting it on the wall. They should be selected according to the material from which the wall is made.

It is quite possible that those that the manufacturer packaged with the heating device will not be suitable. Then you will need to choose and purchase others.

The purpose of the bracket is to support the weight of the boiler and additional equipment, and also provide it with an even, clearly adjusted position without distortions.

To accurately mark the wall you can use paper stencil, which usually comes with the boiler. With its help, you can easily mark holes for fasteners.

Once this is done, the bracket is secured in place and the boiler is hung onto it.

Heating pipes are connected to the corresponding pipes gas equipment. You can determine their location from a photograph.

Stage #2 - connecting the heating system pipes

Depending on the type of heating system, and it can be or, the number of pipes connected to the boiler may vary. In any case, we start by removing the plugs from the device’s pipes.

To protect the boiler from the ingress of dirt particles from the heating line, it is recommended to install a mesh filter at the return inlet.

If the water in the system is hard or in other respects does not meet the requirements stated by the heating device manufacturer, you should take care of installing additional treatment equipment.

These could be, for example, polyphosphate dispensers. If this is not done, the device will quickly break down. All connections must be made in compliance with all rules and regulations.

Sealing is required. For this purpose, special sealants are used: traditional paint or tow, or modern thread sealants. In addition, experts recommend the mandatory installation of shut-off valves for supply and return.

This is necessary to facilitate repair of the boiler if it fails. In addition, the fittings will help prevent possible airing of the radiators.

A water filter is an element that must be installed when connecting a gas boiler to a water circuit

Stage #3 - connection to the water circuit

This work is almost the same as connecting heating pipes. The main difference is the taps used and the diameter of the pipes.

The cold water supply must be equipped with a filter, which will eliminate the possibility of contaminant particles entering the heating device. Otherwise the equipment will be damaged.

The taps used to isolate the boiler from the water supply must have detachable connections.

Such models are also called “American”. They significantly simplify installation, and in case of unforeseen situations, they make it possible to quickly replace a worn-out faucet.

It must be remembered that the pipes supplying cold water are located on the heating device on the left side relative to the center, and those supplying hot water are located on the right.

Stage #4 - connection to the gas main

This part of the work should only be carried out by a qualified specialist, since the cost of an error can be very high. In any case, upon completion of the connection, its correctness must be checked by a representative of the gas service. He will also conduct the first start-up of the equipment.

All operations when carrying out work independently must be performed with the utmost care. They start by connecting the branch of the gas main with the corresponding pipe on the boiler.

When connecting the boiler to the gas main for sealing threaded connection you can only use tow, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the required tightness

A special filter must be installed on the tap that cuts off the gas supply from the main line. Experts strongly recommend not to skimp on this detail.

A cheap, low-quality filter will not work for long, which can cause the gas boiler to fail. When setting up a connection Special attention it should be sealed.

You must understand that the weight of gas is much less than air, and if the connection is not tight enough, it will leak out of the pipeline. The consequences can be the most dire. Therefore, careful sealing is mandatory.

The main materials for sealing a threaded connection are paint and tow; the use of sealants such as fum tape is unacceptable.

A special flexible connection is installed after the filtration element. You need to know that using rubber hoses for its installation is strictly prohibited.

This is due to the fact that over time, the material from which the part is made dries out and becomes covered with cracks through which gas begins to leak. That's why optimal choice To make such a connection, use a corrugated hose.

Corrugated hose - a good choice to connect the device to the gas main. It is quite strong, durable and does not collapse under the influence of gas

For its manufacture, high-quality durable stainless steel is used. This is a very strong and durable material, particularly resistant to high humidity and adverse effects of gas.

The hose is secured to the heating device pipe using a union nut. In this case, a paranitic gasket must be used, which provides the necessary sealing of the connection.

Stage #5 - connecting to the electrical network

This operation is only necessary for appliances with a closed firebox that require electricity. It powers the fan that removes combustion products and the automation that controls the system.

Typically a standard three-wire connection diagram is used. Experts recommend connecting the boiler to the network only through a stabilizer, which will make it possible to avoid power surges and thereby extend the life of the boiler.

If you live in an area where there are frequent power outages, additionally
It is advisable to purchase a source uninterruptible power supply- this will protect the equipment from sudden jumps

Stage #6 - arrangement of the chimney outlet

The easiest way is to connect a heating device with a closed firebox to the chimney. For them, special coaxial pipes are used. IN apartment buildings the boiler must be connected to a collective chimney.

In individual buildings it is brought out to the street through the wall. The height of the pipe suspension in this case does not have special significance, since the necessary draft is created by the built-in fan.

Appliances with an open firebox must be connected to an individual chimney. The boiler is connected to it by a pipe of the required cross-section.

The material for its manufacture is selected so that the part is resistant to the effects of combustion products, high temperature and mechanical wear.

You can check the tightness of the gas pipe connections using a soap solution. A gas leak will manifest itself as bubbles

Before starting work, you need to make sure that there are no soot residues, installation debris, etc. in the chimney. When installing a chimney pipe, it should be positioned with a slight slope towards the gas boiler.

A vertical section of pipe is installed at the outlet of the device; its length before turning must be equal to at least two pipe diameters. The total length of the connection section to the chimney should be minimal.

Stage #7 - preparation for the first launch

Before the test run, the heating system is filled with water. The liquid is pumped until a pressure of 2 atmospheres is reached. Water is pumped in as slowly as possible to remove maximum amount air gathered inside.

In addition, the system is checked for leaks. All leaking connections must be sealed immediately.

To identify insufficiently tight connections on the gas main, you need to separate soap solution and lubricate all connections with it. Then watch.

Air bubbles will appear in poor quality areas. Any faults found should be corrected and re-checked. The first start-up of the equipment should be carried out only in the presence of a gas service representative.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video discusses in detail the regulatory requirements for the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers:

The video talks about the connection diagram wall-mounted boiler:

The video demonstrates the process of installing a wall-mounted boiler:

Installing a gas heating unit is a responsible and quite complex operation, the quality of which determines the safety of everyone living in the house. Therefore, representatives of gas services strongly do not recommend doing it yourself.

And heating device manufacturers insist on this. Therefore, even experienced home craftsmen are better off turning to professionals for help, which guarantees long-term and, most importantly, safe operation of the device.

Please leave your comments if you have questions about the topic of the article. Or maybe you yourself have had to deal with the installation of gas wall-mounted equipment and you have something to advise our readers?

Rules for installing gas boilers in Russian Federation strictly regulated. As, indeed, in other countries. No wonder, because negligence is unacceptable; gas equipment is potentially explosive and fire hazardous. Installation of gas boilers must be carried out with the participation of specialists.

Rules and regulations

The installation of a boiler in a private house must be carried out in strict accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP "Residential buildings".
  • SNiP “Gas supply” 2.04.08-87.
  • SNiP “Heating, ventilation, air conditioning” 2.04.05-91.

Modern gas boiler room - clean and tidy room

Dimensions and layout of the room

Installation of a gas boiler is possible in a separate furnace on the ground or first floor, in the kitchen. It is not allowed to enter the furnace room living rooms. The premises must satisfy following conditions:

  • The volume of the combustion chamber must be at least 7.5 m 3 in existing houses and over 15 m 3 in new ones. IN Lately Cascade systems with two or more boilers are increasingly being used in private homes. For each subsequent heating unit, the volume is prescribed to be increased by 6 m 3.
  • The floor area for one boiler is at least 4 m2.
  • Ceiling height from 2 meters and above.
  • The minimum width of the door to the furnace room or kitchen is 80 cm. Accordingly, the construction opening is no narrower than 90 cm. There must be a gap of at least 2.5 cm between the floor and the door ceiling.
  • In the room where it is planned to install the heating boiler there should be an opening window facing the street. Glazing area excluding frame - 0.3 m2 per square meter floor area, minimum 0.8 m2.

The furnace room of a private house can be located in non-residential premises basement or first floor, in the kitchen

Required utilities

Proper installation gas boilers is possible if the necessary communications are available in the boiler room. This is not counting the gas supply pipe with a tap and meter:

  • Power supply for boiler automation and pumps(if the heating unit is not energy-independent). For these purposes, a separate cable with a cross-section of at least 3 x 1.5 mm should be installed from the meter, protecting the line circuit breaker. Processing units of imported boilers are not designed for the unstable characteristics of domestic energy networks. Therefore, you need to connect the boiler through a stabilizer. Many equipment suppliers require the presence of a stabilizer prerequisite providing a guarantee. The equipment must be grounded, the ground loop must comply with regulatory requirements. Electric outlet should not be located closer than 10 cm from gas equipment. The lamp shades are closed.
  • Cold water for feeding and filling the system.
  • Sewerage. It is often forgotten about, which is wrong. Condensing boilers During operation, water vapor is deposited and condensate is formed in quite large quantities: in the season, up to a liter of water per kilowatt of boiler power per day. He is taken to general sewerage or a separate receiver. There are claims that this liquid is an acidic solution and should not be discharged into plastic sewer pipes and bioseptic tanks. This statement is true only for heating boilers using liquid fuel; the acid content in the condensate during gas combustion is negligible. It is recommended to install a drain in the floor of the boiler room: when the safety group is activated, quite a lot of water can enter the room. a large number of coolant.

Air flow and ventilation

The furnace room and kitchen must have a working natural ventilation. The hole is located 25 cm from the ceiling, the diameter of the ventilation shaft is 10 cm or more.

During operation of the boiler, large amounts of oxygen are required for fuel combustion. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure air flow in the room, otherwise the boiler will not develop the required power, or the flame may go out altogether. Air can be taken directly from the street, or from the corridor or non-residential adjacent premises. To ensure inflow from the street to external wall make a hole, it can be covered with a grill, the standard one is most convenient adjustable valve VTK.

If air comes from the house, the inflow is made in the door or partition. Its area is from 20 cm 2. If gas heating boilers are installed in a turbocharged version (air is supplied and gases are removed using a fan), you can use a coaxial (double) pipe instead of the usual chimney with its outlet to the street through the wall. It simultaneously carries out inflow and outflow. In this case, supply openings are not needed; in the furnace room it is enough to provide only natural ventilation.

If a cascade is installed, each boiler must have its own chimney


The design of the chimney directly depends on the type of boiler. As we have already noted, turbocharged boilers do not need chimneys at all; one coaxial or two separate pipes of small diameter are sufficient. Fire requirements for heating units of this type (especially condensing units) are low; the temperature of the exhaust gases in them is not much higher than room temperature. For some types of boilers, the pipes may generally be plastic.

Flue gas temperature of boilers with conventional atmospheric burner quite high, it is necessary to take into account here fire safety requirements. Devices familiar brick chimney from ceramic bricks not enough according to current standards. At a minimum, there should be a fire-resistant and chemical-resistant liner pipe inside it. High-alloy steel, ceramic or asbestos-cement pipes are used.

Rational option- installation of a chimney for a gas boiler with an insulated design. It could be a sandwich pipe made of of stainless steel, thermally insulated double ceramic, ceramic-concrete or ceramic-steel pipe. Enameled steel is also used. Insulated chimneys are not cheap, however, taking into account the fact that there is no need to build a brick pipe and a foundation for it, they are economically justified.

The height of the chimney head above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge and should not be less than indicated in the diagram

The diameter of the chimney should not be less than that indicated in the equipment passport. An approximately 25 kW boiler will require a chimney internal diameter 125 mm; 30 kW - 150 mm; 40 kW - 170 mm. The height of the chimney from the entry point to the exit point is at least 5 meters. The head should be half a meter or more higher than the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge is more than one and a half meters, this value is calculated. The correspondence of the chimney diameter cannot be neglected. If it is less than required, the fuel will not burn completely. As a result, it will form carbon monoxide, the boiler power will decrease and gas consumption will increase.

The installation standards for gas boilers require cleaning in the lower section of the chimney. For metal pipes Below the cleaning there is also a tube for draining condensate. A glass of liquid can drip from the chimney of a boiler with an atmospheric burner in a day or two.

If two or more heating units are installed in the furnace room, each boiler must have a separate chimney.

Video on installing a gas boiler in a private house

The boiler should be located as close to the chimney as possible. It is allowed to install a horizontal (slope of 2° or more) pipe from the boiler to the entrance to the chimney up to 2 meters long, but the smaller this section, the better the draft. Regarding the distance from the walls, the requirements for the installation of gas boilers depend on their type of finish (degree of flammability).

Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler on a partition or wall made of combustible materials is prohibited. Accordingly, installing a wall-mounted gas boiler as heating equipment on a wooden wall without additional measures is impossible. The boiler should not be hung on a fireproof wall or partition, not closer than 2 cm. You also need to set back at least 2 cm from the side wall, but more is better. As a rule, this distance is ensured by the mounting system of the boiler itself. It is allowed to install equipment on structures made of combustible materials, protected by plaster, ceramic tiles, metal sheet in combination with asbestos. The protection should protrude to the sides and down beyond the dimensions heating installation 10 cm or more and 70 cm up.

Wooden walls must be protected. Behind the sheet of metal there must be asbestos with a thickness of at least 3 mm

Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler is carried out maintaining the same distances from the walls; the floor must be made of non-combustible materials. Wooden floors should be protected with steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of 3 mm. The distance from the front panel of the heating device to the wall opposite is at least a meter. The values ​​prescribed by the standards must be supplemented by the parameters specified in the instructions for the boiler. For example, the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers is often regulated by manufacturers at 30-50, which is much higher than the minimum requirements.

Connecting the gas supply, test run and setting up complex automation must be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate approval

Installation of heating equipment requires special care, accuracy, and compliance with regulations. Do-it-yourself installation is possible, but only in the part that does not touch the gas. The connection and inspection of the gas supply must be carried out by a licensed specialist who will sign one of the many documents required to approve the gasification of the house.

To date gas boilers and columns are used everywhere both for heating water and for heating houses. For the most part, separate units are used for heating and hot water supply. single-circuit boilers or one single-circuit boiler and boiler indirect heating, which creates certain inconveniences in their placement. Therefore, in houses and apartments with low hot water consumption, the installation of double-circuit gas boilers, which combine water heating for both household needs and heating, is becoming increasingly popular. The installation of gas boilers is associated with a number of specific difficulties, related more to compliance with the norms and requirements for boilers than to the process of their installation.

The design of double-circuit gas boilers is essentially similar to the design of a conventional single-circuit boiler, where a gas burner heats a heat exchanger with a coolant. The main difference is the ability of double-circuit boilers to simultaneously heat water for heating the house and for household needs. This is achieved through the combined placement of pipes for heating and hot water supply in the heat exchanger.

At first glance, the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler looks like an ordinary coil with a radiator grille. But it is necessary to note the following: the coil of a double-circuit boiler is most often a combination of 2 in 1 pipes. Inside the main pipe through which water for heating flows, there is another one for hot water supply. It should be noted that there is one more important point. Water in such a double heat exchanger circulates in opposite directions in each of the circuits. This was done specifically to improve heat transfer and this must be taken into account when designing and connecting the water supply and heating system to a double-circuit boiler.

The presence of two heating circuits at once also affected the number of connected pipes. In contrast to the single-circuit one, where there were only three pipes, supplying and discharging water and one supplying gas. There are five such pipes in a double-circuit boiler. The diagram depicting a double-circuit gas boiler shows the following (from right to left):

  • pipe with incoming coolant for heating;
  • supply pipe for hot water supply;
  • gas supply pipe;
  • outgoing pipe hot water for water supply;
  • pipe with outgoing coolant for heating.

Important! Before using the above diagram when connecting your own boiler, carefully study the manual for it. It is quite possible that your boiler will be connected slightly differently. For example, both supply pipes are located with right side, and both are coming from the left.

It is also worth noting that today on the market you can find a double-circuit gas boiler, both wall-mounted and floor-standing. In addition to the installation method, the difference between them is that floor-mounted requires mandatory separate room- boiler room, while the wall-mounted one can be installed in the kitchen or in a place reserved for the boiler. We will look further at where and how to install gas heating boilers.

Standards and requirements for the installation of gas boilers

It should be noted right away that the installation and connection of a double-circuit gas boiler can only be carried out by specialized organizations that have permission and a license for this activity. Self-installation and connection is fraught with rather high fines. But still, you will have to do some work on preparing to connect the boiler and obtaining the necessary permits yourself.

The following recommendations and rules are excerpts from the main regulatory documents, such as SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems”, as well as SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”, Code of Design Rules autonomous systems heating supply SP-41-104-2000. In these regulatory documents describes in detail what can and cannot be done when installing gas equipment. We will consider the main most important requirements for installation of gas boilers.

1. The room where the gas boiler will be installed must be at least 4 m2 with ceilings not lower than 2.5 m;

2. The doorway in the room must be at least 80 cm wide;

3. The room must have a window opening. The window size is calculated based on the following requirements - for 10 m2 of area, a window with an area of ​​0.3 m2;

4. It is necessary to have high-quality ventilation in the room to ensure constant gas combustion. The hole area should be 8 cm2 per 1 kW of boiler power. This also applies to boilers with a closed combustion chamber, for which coaxial chimneys are used, combining the functions of removing combustion products and supplying air to the boiler;

5. The diameter of the chimney is selected according to the power of the boiler itself and is calculated using a special formula. In general, boilers from 30 kW to 40 kW are most often used for heating a house. Accordingly, chimneys with a diameter of 130 mm and 170 mm are installed;

6. The upper end of the chimney should protrude 50 cm above the roof ridge. If used coaxial chimney, then its outlet end should protrude from the air intake by at least 20 cm;

7. The gas pipeline in the house must be made of metal pipes. But to connect the boiler to the main line, you can use flexible corrugated pipes;

8. The boiler must be equipped with a special automatic current and thermal protection;

9. The room with the boiler must be equipped with a gas analyzer;

10. Installation of gas boilers in basements permitted only for private homes. For apartment buildings installation of gas boilers is permitted only in the kitchen or in specially designated boiler rooms;

11. Each boiler must be equipped with a gas meter;

12. The room must have a cold water pipeline;

13. In the room where the boiler will be installed, the walls must be leveled and plastered;

14. Boilers cannot be installed on combustible surfaces, in corridors, in the bathroom, in a dormitory, on a balcony, in rooms without windows or vents, in the basements of apartment buildings;

15. The boiler must be placed at least 15 cm from the wall. There should be a minimum of 20 cm from the top edge of the chimney to the ceiling. External part the chimney should protrude 30 cm from the wall of the house. Installation height mounted boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor, and a thermal insulation panel must be placed between the wall and the boiler.

Important! If the boiler is a double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber, then the presence of windows in the room is not necessary.

By observing these simple rules You can easily obtain permission to install a double-circuit boiler at home. Of course, it would not be amiss to become more familiar with SNiP, since the above rules are general and certain restrictions are possible for each specific case.

Coordination of installation with authorities

When installing double-circuit boilers, compliance with SNiPs is only a small part of the hassle that you have to face. The most time will be required to obtain the necessary permits and approval of installation. To obtain permission you must do the following:

1. To connect a private house or an apartment to the city gas supply, you must obtain technical conditions for connection. To do this, we write an application to the city gas service. The application must indicate the estimated volume of gas consumed per hour. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for your application to be processed. After which you will be given technical installation specifications.

2. Having received the technical conditions, it is necessary to develop a gas supply project. In essence, this is a diagram for installing a boiler, laying a gas pipeline and connection points. In a private house, this also includes a diagram for laying gas communications around the site. The project is developed in a specialized bureau by design engineers with a license for the design of gas communications. Contacts of companies performing design can be easily found in Gorgaz.

3. After creating and finalizing the project, it is sent to Gorgaz or another competent service (Raigaz, Oblgaz, Mingaz). Project approval may take from 1 week to 3 months. The approval period depends on the complexity of the project itself. Along with the project, it is also necessary to submit a number of related documents:

  • boiler technical certificate;
  • instructions for its use;
  • certificate of compliance with technical and sanitary requirements;
  • conclusions of the examination on the boiler’s compliance with all necessary requirements.

These documents are supplied with the boiler from the manufacturer, so it is important to check their availability when purchasing the boiler.

Of course, it is possible to reject the project. In this case, you should receive an official document with the refusal and reasons for the refusal, as well as a list of changes for the project. After making changes and resubmitting for approval, you will receive permission to install the boiler.

Installation of a double-circuit gas boiler

Having decided on the installation location of the double-circuit gas boiler, as well as connecting all communications from the hot water supply (hot water supply) and heating to it, you can begin installing the boiler itself. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that, regardless of whether it is a wall-mounted or floor-standing boiler, the same materials and components will be required for its installation and piping. Below is a general list of what is required for reliable operation:

  • Ball Valves;
  • coarse filter;
  • magnetic filter;
  • mesh filter;
  • gas filter;
  • sweeps;
  • flexible corrugated hose;
  • pressure gauge;
  • thermostat;
  • coaxial chimney;
  • safety valve 3 bar.

Important! The quantity and configuration of related materials depends on the connection diagram of the gas boiler.

A double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler can be installed in almost any room permitted for it. You can install it yourself, but the direct connection of gas equipment is carried out by a specialist who has the appropriate certificate to perform this type of work. Self-connection boiler will entail fines.

Connecting a double-circuit gas boiler begins with preparing the site for its installation. First of all, this concerns the supply of pipes for hot water and heating, as well as preparing the opening for the chimney and lining the wall with fireproof material. As soon as everything is ready, we begin installation of the boiler:

1. The first step is to flush the boiler pipe system to remove any dirt particles from the system that may have entered during the factory assembly of the boiler. Then we put the previously removed plugs on them.

2. The wall-mounted boiler is mounted on special strips that are included in the kit. The installation height of a wall-mounted boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor. We drill holes in the wall for the planks and secure them to the wall with self-tapping screws. For reliability, anchors can be used instead of self-tapping screws.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the horizon of the installed slats. Depends on correct placement the boiler itself. The slightest misalignment can lead to rapid failure of the boiler heating system.

3. Install the boiler on the mounting strips. Let's check how level it is. If necessary, we correct and fix it.

4. We find the incoming pipes and first attach ball valves to them, and then filters for coarse or fine cleaning water. This will allow, if necessary, to shut off the entire system for washing and cleaning the filters.

6. The next step is to install the squeegees. They are the ones that will connect the boiler with pipes from the hot water supply to the heating.

Important! We do not touch the gas supply pipe of the boiler. The installation of the meter, valves, as well as its connection and pressure testing will be carried out by a specialist from the gas company who has permission to carry out this type of work.

7. Let's move on to connecting the heating system. If you are connecting the boiler to an old system, you must first rinse it several times to remove scale and salts from it.

8. We connect the squeegee with the heating pipe connected to the boiler. If necessary, a circulation pump can be installed between the outlet and the pipe.

Important! We make sure that the arrows on the taps, drains and filters point in the direction of movement of water from the system to the boiler.

8. We complete the heating connection procedure by connecting the outgoing pipe from the boiler to the heating system. At the same time, we make sure that the direction of water movement on the fittings corresponds to the real one.

9. Connect the hot water supply. All work is essentially identical to connecting the heating, with the difference that instead of a coarse filter, a fine filter or magnetic filter is installed.

10. Attach the chimney to the boiler. To do this, a chimney pipe is inserted into the previously prepared hole and then connected through an elbow to the chimney fitting in the boiler itself.

Important! If you bought a boiler with open camera combustion, the chimney pipe must meet the following conditions:

  • the pipe must be made of metal resistant to acidic environments;
  • the chimney is installed above the ridge of the house;
  • a cleaning hatch must be installed in the chimney itself;
  • the chimney itself should consist of no more than three elbows;
  • parts of the chimney from the boiler to the exit to the street should not exceed 25 cm.

A double-circuit floor-standing gas boiler is also installed in the manner described. Key differences in installation floor boiler is to allocate a special room for the boiler, where fire protection is installed on the floor and walls. In addition, the boiler itself is not attached to the wall with brackets, but is most often fixed to the floor.

Upon completion of the installation of the double-circuit boiler, all that remains is to wait until it is connected to gas pipe and put it to work. This stage of boiler installation is carried out by a specialist from the gas company. It should be noted that if you have never performed this type of work before, it would be better to seek help from the experts. Of course, all the work will cost a pretty penny, but the safety and reliability of the connected boiler will also be much higher.

Gas is considered the most cost-effective way fuel in terms of efficiency. Even if there is no gas main line to the holiday village, many owners country houses They use gas tanks, which from an economic point of view is often more profitable than using other types of fuel. In any case, you need to know the rules for connecting a gas boiler in a private house, which strictly regulate all the nuances of installation and operation of the equipment.

A modern gas boiler with automation is a rather complex system, the installation and debugging of which requires specialized knowledge

Is it possible to install the equipment yourself?

In short, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house can be carried out by anyone, but commissioning of the equipment - acceptance and testing must be carried out by specialists from the gas service; connecting a gas boiler in a private house and operating it without their permission is impossible.

It is safest to entrust the installation of gas equipment to qualified representatives of a specialized organization. Only they can produce necessary work competently, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, and ensure safe operation of the equipment. In addition, a competent specialist always works under a contract, which specifies who carried out what work, when and what.

Main types of gas boilers

Manufacturers of gas equipment offer customers different types heating boilers running on blue fuel. They are designed for heating any area and, according to the type of installation, are divided into floor and wall.

The first of them are powerful, reliable and durable “flagship models”, designed for installation in houses with above-average square footage. There is only one general drawback of such models - they will have to be equipped with a separate room.

Wall-mounted gas boilers are an excellent alternative for a small private home: they do not require a separate room - such devices are compact and versatile. In addition, their installation does not require increased conditions To bearing capacity walls - you just need a layer of non-combustible material between the boiler and the base.

Requirements for the boiler room in the house

If the boiler output is more than 30 kW, then it must be installed in a separate room. All information on how to install a gas boiler in a private house is given in the SNiP standards, where there are clear requirements for the arrangement of a boiler room for heating equipment powered by fuel combustion.

You can place the boiler room in the attic, in the basement (basement) or simply in a separate room of the house. Mandatory requirement at the same time there is free passage into the room, sufficient illumination and the arrangement of a rigid base.

In addition, installing a gas boiler in a private house requires the following boiler room:

    volume not less than 13.5 m³ for boilers with a power of 30-60 kW and over 15 m³ for models with higher productivity;

    comfortable access to the equipment.

A properly designed boiler room for a private home

    In one hour ventilation should provide threefold air exchange;

    walls and ceilings made of non-flammable material;

Important! Heating boilers located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from flammable surfaces. And the partitions comply with the fire resistance standard RE1 45, that is, they must resist open fire within 45 minutes.

Requirements for a boiler room in a separate building

The advantages of a separate boiler room are increased safety, reduced noise levels and the ability to use the freed up space for other purposes. The disadvantage will be that the installation of the heating system will become more expensive, since it will be necessary to install an additional thermally insulated pipeline branch.

At the same time, such requirements to such boiler houses are the following:

    separate foundation;

    concrete boiler base;

    forced ventilation, which should provide three air exchanges within an hour;

    fulfillment of requirements regarding sizes boiler room;

    installation in one room is allowed no more than two heating devices;

    doors should open outwards to the street;

SNiP requirements for the external boiler room of a private house

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    wall surfaces and ceilings are made of non-flammable material;

    Availability transom windows for daylighting and emergency ventilation - the area of ​​the window opening must be suitable for the volume of the room (0.03 m2 per 1 m³);

    Availability chimney, if it is needed for the device being installed (for wall-mounted devices with a capacity of less than 30 kW, output is allowed coaxial pipe through the wall).

Also connected to the boiler sewage pipe so that water can be drained from the system when replacing it.

Basic requirements for smoke exhaust and ventilation ducts

The room where the gas boiler is located must meet the necessary requirements, and not only the width and length of the room is regulated according to the power of the equipment, but also the size to the ceiling, which must be at least 2 m.

It is mandatory to install in the boiler room ventilation duct, for this purpose a hole with a cross-section of at least 0.02 m 2 is provided.

The location of gas boilers corresponds to the installation conditions of the chimney. In this case, the parameters of the latter (height, channel area) in relation to the installed gas equipment must be strictly observed.

Size internal section The smoke outlet pipe is made the same or slightly larger than that of the device. According to NPB-98, inside the chimney opening the air flow speed should be 15-20 m/sec, and such draft can be ensured with a chimney pipe height of about 5 meters.

Important! Smoke must not be vented into a duct provided for ventilation. In boiler rooms that have a standard hood, air exchange should take place due to the incoming flow from outside the room and, partially, as a result of its penetration from adjacent rooms.

Gas appliance in a private home: requirements and main installation steps

To properly install the unit, you must first study the regulatory documentation and rules for performing this work. They talk about the features of installing gas appliances for the heating system.

Whatever type of boiler would have to be installed, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of certain norms and rules, such as:

    SNiP 41-01-2003 about heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

    SNiP 42-01-2002 about the gas distribution system.

    SNiP 21-01-97 about fire safety.

    SNiP 2.04.08-87 about the installation of boiler rooms.

The provisions of SNiP contain all the necessary information for installing and starting a gas boiler

In relation to these conditions, to install a gas boiler in the house, you must first obtain normative act, which gives permission to carry out work on connecting gas appliances. And to purchase specifications, you must submit an application to the local gas service, to which a response must be given within a month.

It is important to know! Specifications- this is an official permit to carry out installation work gas appliance. Unauthorized installation of a gas heater without specifications is illegal and unsafe for the homeowner.

Boiler installation

After development project documentation and receiving an act with permission to install a gas boiler, its installation is carried out, which is carried out in several stages:

    Preparation solid foundation . A concrete screed is poured onto the floor, or a sheet of metal is placed. The boiler must be installed strictly parallel to the floor.

    Chimney connection and checking traction.

    Accession heating system pipes. In this case, a fine filter must be installed, which is usually placed in the return pipeline in front of the boiler. And on both sides of the filter element there are ball valves.

    When installing a double-circuit gas boiler in a private house, it is necessary connect it to the water supply. It is advisable to insert the supply pipe from the top, and the exit pipe from the bottom.

    Connection to the gas pipeline. This can only be done by a gas service specialist.

Video description

The installation of a gas boiler is clearly shown in the video:

That's it necessary work completed. The exception is boilers with a closed combustion chamber. These devices are equipped with electronic control, and they are launched simultaneously with the filling of the system, since without creating a certain pressure in expansion tank, the boiler will not work.

Operating rules

For safe use of gas, the connection diagram for a gas boiler in a private house must be followed. In addition, the following must be fulfilled conditions:

    Behindstart operate the boiler only at normal humidity.

    Control technical condition gas service specialists at least once a year.

    Filter installation fine cleaning on the return pipeline of the heating system.

    Natural or artificial ventilation in the boiler room.

    Correspondence traction in the chimney pipe requirements (10-20 m/sec).

In the event of a leak, promptly report to the emergency gas service.

Video description

For information about the operating features of gas boilers, watch the video:


Preventive measures for routine inspection of gas boilers include the following: types of jobs:

    Checking taps external and internal gas pipelines (disassembly, application of lubricant).

    Inspection of thermostats on floor boilers.

    Flushing or replacement filter elements.

    Injector inspection, checking the tightness of the door, the operation of the igniter on floor-standing devices.

    Traction control in the chimney.

    Check in winter time naledi at the coaxial pipe of wall-mounted boilers.

All components that have been subject to wear during operation must be replaced.

On a note! After completion of the repair and before starting the heating system, the gas service worker checks the tightness of all connections in the line. Usually a soap solution is used for this.

A competent preventive inspection will not only increase the service life of the equipment in use, but will also reduce gas consumption.


At first glance, installing gas boilers in a private home is not the most difficult; the requirements for compliance with standards and safety regulations are high. Installation of a heating system with a gas boiler requires knowledge of the relevant norms and regulations, and the final check and connection should be carried out exclusively by gas service specialists. Trust the professionals and then the gas boiler will serve you faithfully and provide warmth and comfort in your home.