Salted play dough step by step recipe. How to make salted play dough? Benefits of manufacturing, recipes, product coating

From the age of 2-2.5 years, my daughter began to take a conscious interest in modeling salt dough and making various crafts. At the same time, I purchased wonderful and very interesting Play-doh sets. However, the jars that came with the kit were sorely lacking, so I had to look for an alternative. And it so happened that the purchased analogues did not satisfy me at all in terms of quality - some were too sticky, others were too hard, it was impossible to roll them out, others crumbled, etc... Of course, I was interested in the question of how to make salty dough for modeling for children with their own hands at home.

Without hesitation, I decided to knead the modeling dough from flour and salt, adding water to the desired consistency. The first experience was quite successful, however, I didn’t like that the next day you had to add flour and knead again) because either the salt took away the moisture, or some other chemistry happened and the dough became watery and sticky. Then I came across a recipe for a “custard” dough on fire; I had to mix the dry ingredients, add some water and heat it on the stove, stirring. 😌 Everything would be fine, the dough turned out very nice, but it’s a pot. 🙁🙁🙁 No matter how hard I tried to interfere, then I had to soak it and tediously wash it.
Therefore, I will save you from unnecessary hassle and write a recipe for salted modeling dough, which you will succeed 100%! ☺ I selected the proportions through a long trial and error method, but it was worth it!

So, let's go.)
I’ll say right away that for my recipe you will need a kitchen scale, if you don’t have one, you should think about buying it even for the dough, because their cost will pay off after 1-2 times of preparing it.

How to make salted play dough


  • Flour - 100 gr.
  • Extra salt - 25 gr.
  • Lemon acid- 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil- 1 tablespoon
  • Boiling water - 80 ml.
  • Food colors and flavors - for taste and color.

We find in kitchen utensils In a plastic salad bowl or bowl, as smooth inside as possible, mix the dry ingredients. I should note that I grind the salt in a coffee grinder - a pack at once, pour it into a jar with a lid and take it as needed.

100 grams of flour. I have the cheapest one 26 rub. for 2 kg!😯 From Magnit. Normal flour, by the way, white, no surprises. 😁

25 gr. salt. Grind in a coffee grinder, or Extra.

1 teaspoon citric acid.

Mix well.)

Put the kettle on to boil. Take a measuring cup and pour 80 ml cool boiling water

Add food coloring there. I have Creda. Bought at a confectionery store, I have already collected a small collection)). I’ll say right away that my child no longer tries to taste the mash, so I prefer store-bought food colorings, you can also buy them on Ozone, for example. The colors are saturated. For children, you can use natural juices from plants and vegetables. ☺

Add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the colored boiling water. This stage required, butter makes the dough soft, even a little tender, elastic.

Gradually add boiling water to the dry mixture of flour, salt and citric acid and immediately stir vigorously.

This is the lump you get immediately after combining the dry and liquid ingredients. You need to take it in your hands a little carefully, not forgetting that you kneaded it in boiling water. 😊 As you can see, it is slightly uneven, but this will not last long, because... it needs to be kneaded).

Sprinkle the table with flour (no more than a teaspoon), first knead the lump itself, and then knead it with your palm for about 1 minute. 🙂🤗

And here it is)) The dough from flour and salt for modeling is ready! It turned out to be 211 gr.

You can use it after it has cooled completely, but it is better the next day. The dough prepared in this way can be stored for up to 1 month in a closed container, but in our case it is used up within a few days or even hours. 😁

The dough turns out moderately soft, rolls out perfectly, and holds its shape. Very reminiscent of store-bought Play doh.

Now you know how to make salted play dough without leaving home. I hope everything works out! Creative success. 🎨

Even children in our country know the fairy tale about Kolobok and the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”. Stories about how the leader of the world proletariat made inkwells from bread are remembered by older people. A spineless person was compared to the softness of dough, and stale bread to the hardness of a stone.

In the Scandinavian countries, amulets (wreaths, horseshoes) were made from dough to protect the farmstead from demonic forces. In China, puppets were made from dough. With the advent of plasticine in everyday life, modeling from salt dough was undeservedly forgotten, but is now experiencing a rebirth.

Opportunity for self-expression through creation and creation and exercises in fine motor skills necessary for a person of any age, and most of all for children. The safety of the material for children to use, the availability and ease of making salted dough for modeling, and the “survivability” of crafts are undeniable.

“Mukosol, mukosolka, testoplasty, Arkhangelsk ceramics or bioceramics” are all modern names for ancient needlework, making handicrafts from salted flour. In order to captivate your child and try to “be like God” (who sculpted man) without leaving home, you need to know how to make salted modeling dough.

Preparation and ingredients

There are many recipes that differ in composition and proportions, some are intended for sculpting small particles, others for making large crafts, without flour, without starch, but all of them must contain salt.

The absence of salt makes the dough more porous and less strong. Obviously, our ancestors knew about this property of salt and added it to the dough not only for taste. You can experiment with other variations (proportions and methods of preparation, adding dyes and various components) in the future, when the first experience is gained.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for salted play dough consists of three ingredients:

  • 300g. salt;
  • 300g. flour;
  • 200g. water.

Flour and salt must be taken in equal proportions (1 to 1, by weight, not by volume!). A glass of salt weighs approximately 200g, a glass of flour 100g. Flour for the “classic” is white wheat flour, finely ground. It is advisable to take the finest salt, not iodized!

When using iodized salt, the dough will not be completely homogeneous; inclusions of foreign bodies will be visible. The water should be clean and as cold (ice) as possible. You can knead the dough in 2 ways:

  • dissolving the salt in water and then adding flour (in this case, flour of different humidity requires various quantities water);
  • After mixing salt and flour, add water little by little (if you follow the written standards, the dough will turn out to be very plastic).

The initial mixing process is done in a bowl. You can use a blender or mixer. After the formation of a homogeneous plastic lump, the dough continues to be kneaded by hand on the table. The finished mass should be plastic, but should not stick to your hands.


If the dough breaks, add water; if it sticks to your hands, add flour. It should be borne in mind that the amount of dough obtained will be considerable, so for the first experiment it is possible to simply reduce the proportions of all parts.

The dough made in this way can be used for modeling without cooling, or placed in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours. It would be more correct to place it there overnight, then after drying the material will break off less at the edges.

During the modeling process, you should pinch off pieces from the total mass and use them immediately, since in the air the dough quickly weathers (spoils) and becomes crusty. The shelf life of the material in the refrigerator ranges from a week to a month, depending on the preparation method, the tightness of the packaging and the temperature.

Other recipes

To make three-dimensional figures, the dough is prepared in the same way as in the classic recipe, only the amount of salt and flour will be 2k1. You will need:

  • Salt 400g;
  • Flour 200g;
  • Water 125ml.

This dough will be especially strong; it can be used to cover a frame made of aluminum foil in the manufacture of three-dimensional figures.

There is also a recipe for cooking with the opposite ratio, 2 parts flour to 1 part salt. You will need:

  • Salt 200g;
  • Flour 400g;
  • Water 125ml.

This recipe already uses boiling water. All the salt is poured into it and stirred. After brine cool to room temperature, add flour and prepare the dough. For achievement best result you can add 1 tbsp to the dough. glue (wallpaper or PVA) and 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Recipe with oil and dye

Colored salted modeling dough is made according to a different recipe with the addition of dyes either during the cooking process (large volume) or into separate pieces of the future composition (small parts). As you become more interested in the art of modeling, you will move on to other salt dough recipes.

Recipe with oil and dye. To prepare you will need ingredients:

  • Salt 250g;
  • Flour 150g;
  • 5 tbsp. sunflower oil which will improve the elasticity of the dough;
  • Water (the amount will depend on the amount of dye);
  • dye (you can use carrot, beet or cherry juice).

The cooking technology is the same as in the classic recipe.

Oil is added to the mixed salt and flour and water is gradually added. It should be remembered that you need to add a little juice to give the mixture color. The juices of cherries, currants (red or black), beets, carrots, corn, and spinach are used as dyes. You can add color to the dough using tea or cocoa. If necessary, you can add food coloring.

Recipe without starch with glycerin

Among the examples of crafts there are panels and products that will amaze with the abundance of small, mosaic details. In such things, a composition prepared according to the recipe “without starch, with glycerin” is used. The dough for such “jewelry” modeling is prepared from:

  • 200g salt;
  • 300g flour;
  • 4 tbsp. glycerin;
  • wallpaper glue or PVA 4 tbsp;
  • water 125-150ml.

The main ingredients are flour and salt, but there is a recipe that allows you to make play dough without flour. You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. starch;
  • 2st. baking soda;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water.

Mix starch with soda, pour in a small stream of water at room temperature and simmer over low heat. When a dense “ball” forms in the bowl, you need to turn off the stove, wait until the mass cools down and place it on a floured table. All that remains is to knead with your hands. Having no flour in its composition, this mass is excellent for modeling.

There is also a recipe that does not contain salt: mix 150g of flour with a glass of water and 2 cups of chopped oatmeal. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. vegetable oil. This dough “plasticine” is stored in a cool place for about a week. If it has absorbed moisture and droplets appear on the surface, you just need to roll it in flour and mash it.

Other test options

There is another option for preparing dough with glycerin and starch. Flour 300g, salt 150g, 1-2 tbsp. starch, 100-125 ml water.

There are recipes with the addition of natural creams:

  • salt 200g;
  • flour 200g;
  • water 125-150ml;
  • hand cream 1 tbsp.

Cream and oil are added so that during the drying process ready product not cracked.

It should be noted that preparing salted dough is impossible only from flour with impurities (pancake). Rye flour is used together with wheat flour for crafts. It will give a warm, rustic tone to the product. It is impossible to make salted dough from rye flour alone, as it will be very difficult to mold (tight).

Recipe for making rye flour:

  • wheat flour 300g;
  • rye flour 100g;
  • salt 400g;
  • water 250ml.

It should be borne in mind that the density of rye dough is greater, so it should be taken a little more during preparation in order to obtain the required volume. You can add another 1 tbsp to this composition. oil, which will enhance plasticity and prevent the mass from sticking to your hands.

Drying crafts

Modeling dough made from rye flour has one more nuance - drying crafts. First you need to air dry (0.5 cm thick for a week), then in the oven over low heat.

Drying crafts made from salt dough is carried out in 2 ways: in the air, this is the longest (about 2 weeks) and “gentle” drying, since there is less chance of cracks appearing. Every day the craft must be turned over to dry evenly on all sides.

Suitable for small and medium-sized products. Baking in the oven at temperatures up to 80°C. The finished craft is placed on baking foil and placed in the stove. The drying process lasts 1-2 hours (depending on the dimensions of the product).

Almost everyone who makes crafts from salt dough improvises in the creative process and adds their own components to the dough. A variety of components are added to the composition: glycerin for shine, wallpaper or PVA glue for strength, hand creams for plasticity.

Dough that contains less salt allows you to sculpt openwork details, but becomes less durable. With increased salt content it will become rougher and tougher. There is no universal recipe that suits everyone. Create, invent, try!

Making crafts from dough is a fun and exciting activity for the whole family. Preschoolers especially like to do this. There are several recipes for play dough.

Dough recipe for sculpting crafts


  1. Salt - 1 tbsp.
  2. Flour - 1 tbsp.
  3. Water - 1.2 tbsp.
  4. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  • Mix all the ingredients well, knead the dough and place it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • As a result, the resulting dough should not stick to your hands; if it does, add more flour to it; Also, the dough should not crumble - if it does, add more water.

How to make salted play dough and how to work with it?

The composition of salt dough for making crafts is simple. It has only 4 components: salt, flour, water and vegetable oil.

When you make a dough craft, dry it well. If your figurine does not dry well, it will most likely crack. Take your time!

A very fascinating type of needlework - bioceramics, in other words, sculpting from salt dough.

There are many compositions for its preparation.

Ingredients for the simplest recipe:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Water - 125 ml

Very plastic salt dough for filigree processing of products (small parts and figures up to 300 g):

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Potato starch - 100 g
  4. Water - 150 ml

Hard salt dough for large rough figures:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 400 g
  3. Water - 125 ml

For large items (plates or ceramic tiles):

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 400 g
  3. Water - 125 ml
  4. Wallpaper glue - 2 tbsp.

For particularly durable products:

  1. Salt - 1 cup
  2. Flour - 1 cup

Bustilate instead of water

With the use of boostilate, toys will not become damp, deformed, or break when dropped! You need to dry them over low heat in a half-open oven.

Dough for air drying rather than oven drying:

  1. Flour - 200 g
  2. Salt - 200 g
  3. Wallpaper glue - 2 tbsp.
  4. Water - 125 ml

Dough for waterproof, unbreakable products:

  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinyl glue - 1 tbsp.
  • Vaseline - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

The recipe for classic salt dough for sculpting figures is very simple. It turns out to be plastic, suitable for the manufacture of even very thin and elegant products. Get creative!

Using various natural materials for creativity in Lately has become increasingly popular. This is especially useful for children. So, let's look at a few recipes on how to make salted play dough.

How to make salted play dough: list of recipes

There are many recipes for salt dough, everyone finds one more suitable for themselves, with which it is pleasant and successful to work.

Recipe No. 1.

You should take:

  • four glasses of flour;
  • two glasses of fine salt;
  • two glasses of warm water.

If you want to prepare colored dough, then take the necessary paint, ink or gouache.

Knead the dough for about ten minutes, kneading it well. As a result, it should be soft and without cracks. It should not stick to your hands.

This dough should be kept in a closed container or polyethylene, because it dries quickly when exposed to air. You can start working with dough prepared in this way right away.

Recipe No. 2.

You should take:

  • two cups of flour;
  • one cup of salt;
  • two-thirds cup of water.

To prepare the dough for this recipe, you should take boiling water. You need to pour salt into it and wait until it dissolves.

After this, add all the flour to the salted water, pouring it in carefully and stirring constantly. The result should be a thick and fairly hard dough.

Recipe No. 3.

You should take:

  • two glasses of flour;
  • one glass of fine salt;
  • one glass of water.

Mix the salt with the flour, then slowly pour in the water and knead the dough until a plastic mass is obtained.

If the dough turns out to be dry, then you should add a little water, and if it’s runny, add flour and salt.

You need to knead the dough for ten or fifteen minutes in order for the result to be better.

Recipe No. 4.

You should take:

  • one hundred grams of wheat flour;
  • one hundred grams of rye flour;
  • 400 grams of salt;
  • one glass of water;
  • two tablespoons of wallpaper glue.

By adding rye flour to the dough, you change its color from white to a warm brown shade. But if you use only rye flour for the dough, it will turn out inelastic and hard. This is why wheat flour should be added.

To prepare the dough, mix flour, glue and fine salt. Then add water. The dough must be kneaded and kneaded well so that it does not tear or crumble during modeling.

Advantages and disadvantages of salted play dough over other materials

Of course, each material has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's consider those for salt dough.

  • you don’t need special funds to prepare it;
  • After it, it’s easy to wash your hands and work surface; it also leaves no traces;
  • there are recipes (prepared without glue) that are absolutely safe for children if they get into the mouth;
  • proper preparation of the dough is the key to ensuring that it sticks well and does not stick to your hands;
  • products made from it can be dried in the oven, or simply in the air;
  • the surface of the prepared dough product is well suited for painting with almost any paint;
  • When covering a finished and painted product with varnish, it is well preserved for many years.

If we talk about shortcomings, then there are actually none, except that the product takes a long time to dry. It is important to follow the technology when preparing it, otherwise the crafts simply won’t work out.

In order for the dough to turn out well, you should follow some tips:

  • You need to take fine salt for the dough, preferably “Extra”, but if there is none, then take regular salt and grind it in a coffee grinder;
  • to make the figures, use a baking sheet, then back side the product will turn out smooth;
  • Add water to the dough gradually, use only cold water (unless the recipe says otherwise);
  • if glue is used, it must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Transparent furniture or art varnishes should be used for fixing and protection;
  • It is not recommended to store the finished dough for more than three days;
  • To color the dough, you can also use natural dyes, for example, curry, nutmeg, instant coffee, cocoa powder, cinnamon, cumin (all in ground form);
  • After baking already painted products, their color changes.

What can be made from salt dough?

You can make almost anything from salt dough. Various Christmas tree figurines, refrigerator magnets, key rings or just items for decoration. Experienced master can make a full-fledged painting from this material!

To prepare the figures, you can use all available materials - from children's molds to various more professional tools. Various impressions are made while the dough has not yet dried. To connect the parts, use a wet brush.

After preparing the product, it must be dried. This can be done in the oven (as the professionals do) or on outdoors. The main thing is to wait until it dries completely.

The most important thing is that you can then play with dough products or they can simply stand as decoration. By following all stages of preparation, the product will be strong and durable. Creative success to you!!!

How? You haven't read yet:

All children, young and old, love to make various crafts with their own hands. For this purpose, you can use the traditional one, or you can replace it with an environmentally friendly plastic mass prepared independently. Modeling from dough is suitable for the little ones, because they try everything to their teeth, and it’s too early to give them purchased plasticine.

Children's play dough is completely harmless if it comes into contact with the baby's delicate skin and even if it gets into the mouth. After all, this recipe includes flour, water and salt - completely harmless products. The concentration of sodium chloride is so high that after trying a piece, the child will immediately lose interest in food and will use the plastic mass for its intended purpose.

Modeling from dough is very useful for the development of children. It is softer and more flexible compared to plasticine, and therefore the tactile sensations are also different. It is excellent when working with plastic mass, which in turn has a positive effect on the development of speech skills and more coordinated brain function.

How to make play dough?

Making homemade mass is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to maintain the correct proportions. Before preparing play dough for children, you need to decide what recipe to use. After all, there are several different methods.

Recipe 1

  1. Flour - two parts.
  2. Salt - one part.
  3. Water – ¾ cup.

Dissolve salt in cold water, then add flour and knead into a stiff, elastic dough. When it is sticky, add a little flour; if it is too tight and crumbles, add liquid.

Recipe 2

  1. Salt – 1 glass.
  2. Flour – 2 cups.
  3. Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon, or 50 grams of starch.
  4. Water - enough to make a soft but elastic dough.

Some people prefer oil, others prefer starch, but the meaning of their use is identical - these components give elasticity. Liquid should be added gradually in small portions.

Recipe 3

  1. Flour - one glass.
  2. Salt - half a tablespoon.
  3. Citric acid – two teaspoons.
  4. Water – half a glass or more.
  5. Vegetable oil - one tablespoon.
  6. Dyes.

The recipe for this modeling dough is for those who want to get bright figures. It is advisable to use food dyes, those used in the confectionery industry. Even more safe method– add natural ingredients like saffron, cocoa, instant coffee, brilliant greens, paprika.

Now you know how to make play dough - it's not difficult! Do not forget that for this you need to take only Extra salt, and not stone salt, even sifted. It makes the dough not of the same quality at all and has a gray tint.

The big advantage of homemade plasticine is that it can be stored for a very long time in the refrigerator, tightly wrapped in cellophane. Before starting work, the modeling dough needs to be softened room temperature about half an hour. During the creative process, do not forget that the mass dries quickly and use small pieces and keep the rest in a bag.