DIY universal glue. Wood glue at home

Conducting redecorating do it yourself, sometimes you need a small amount of wallpaper glue.

There is no point in buying an expensive box that is not entirely useful in this situation.

You can prepare wallpaper paste from scrap materials, saving your family budget.

Let's look at how to make paste, classic recipes for homemade glue, its advantages and disadvantages.

Preparation methods and compositions

The density of dilution of the adhesive powder depends on the type of wallpaper; the heavier the canvas, the less water needs to be added

Not so long ago, our grandmothers and mothers glued all the wallpaper with paste, without using ready-made mixtures. It’s not difficult to do it yourself.

Eco-friendly glue, prepared at home, does not lose its position even today. By using it, you can be absolutely confident in the safety of the adhesive composition.

It may contain both starch and flour, or you can use only one product. Depending on the type of wallpaper, a solution of varying density is prepared.

If desired, the paste can be strengthened by adding a little PVA or wood glue to it. These additives will make ordinary paste more resistant to moisture.

Flour-based glue

Dissolve flour in cold water

How to make paste yourself? Classic recipe flour paste at home is easy to make. To prepare 1 liter of paste we need 200 g of flour.

To avoid unnecessary time and material costs, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • sift the flour through a fine sieve;
  • carefully dissolve the flour in a small amount cold water;
  • 1 liter of water must be boiled;
  • pour boiling water in a thin stream into the flour solution; put the mixture on low heat and bring to a boil with constant stirring;
  • remove from heat, let cool slightly and remove the resulting film;
  • strain the prepared mixture through a sieve.

The glue is ready to use. If the composition is very thick, simply dilute with water. Checking the consistency is very easy. The solution should drain from your fingers.

If, when you unclench, your fingers stick together slightly, then everything is done correctly.

It is better to use flour 1, not premium. A coarse mixture will provide better adhesion.

The glue should be prepared immediately before use; the composition does not last long. Within a day, its adhesive properties will greatly deteriorate.

Starch-based composition and mixed appearance

Pour the starch mixture in a thin stream into hot water

Starch-based glue at home is made in a similar way to the flour type. Proportions for its preparation: 1 to 10, i.e. to prepare 1 liter of paste you will need 100 g of potato or corn starch.

You can improve the composition by mixing flour and starch. This paste is prepared by brewing:

  • in a small bowl, mix 1 cup flour and 2 tablespoons starch;
  • boil 2.5 liters of water and leave on low heat;
  • when the water in the pan has boiled, pour cold water in a thin stream into the bowl with starch and flour and mix thoroughly;
  • Pour hot water into the resulting mixture, stirring constantly, let it boil and remove from heat;
  • After cooling, the composition must be strained. For more information about cooking, watch this video:

Many people believe that the paste must be boiled. This recipe does not require boiling the mixture, you just need to bring it to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Before pasting the walls, be sure to prepare the necessary and read the tips

Advantages of homemade glue

The shelf life of this glue is very short.

In addition to the obvious advantages of simplicity and economy of preparation, homemade wallpaper glue has many other advantages:

Excellent adhesionUsing paste, you can glue wallpaper to any type of surface, even if it is treated with drying oil or oil paint.
1 Safety and environmental friendlinessAll components of the paste are not only safe, they are actually edible. This glue can be safely used in children's rooms and bedrooms. It will not cause allergic reactions, does not emit harmful substances or unpleasant odors. Absolutely harmless if it comes into contact with the skin during operation.
2 VersatilitySuitable for use with any type of wallpaper with the exception of heavy types. Dried glue is not inferior in strength to industrial mixtures.
3 Easy to removeDespite its strength, wallpaper glued with paste can be easily removed from the wall, just wet the canvas.
4 Not aggressiveThe paste does not destroy the structure paper wallpaper, does not cause soaking, which reduces the risk of damage to the canvas when sticking to the wall.
5 Not noticeableThe paste solution has a slightly cloudy whitish color; it disappears when it dries. Once on the wallpaper, it leaves no traces.

Home-made paste also has disadvantages, which would be unfair not to mention. The main problem is the fear of water.

Do not use glue based on flour or starch in rooms with high humidity.

To make it more resistant to moisture, you can add PVA glue to the paste at the rate of 100 ml per 5 liters of finished glue. This composition can be used for paper wallpaper.

The paste has a very short time beneficial use, its shelf life is no more than 24 hours.

PVA glue will help you glue paper and plastic figures, wooden parts and repair various things needed on the farm. We will tell you how to make PVA glue yourself, and you will not need to run to the store for it during repairs. You can use homemade glue for gluing wallpaper in the house and as a surface primer before final finishing.

How to make PVA glue - what you need for it

Prepare the following ingredients to make glue:

  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • 100 g wheat flour. Sift the flour well before preparing the glue;
  • 4 g glycerin. Buy from a pharmacy;
  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol. They are also sold in pharmacies. You can replace it with technical alcohol, as a last resort;
  • 5 g photographic gelatin. Purchase from a store that sells camera supplies.

How to make PVA glue - preparation

The preparation of PVA glue can be divided into two stages - preparation and its direct production. Preparation involves soaking the gelatin:

  • pour distilled or plain water;
  • pour gelatin into the water;
  • leave to swell for a day.

If the jelly is too thick, dilute it hot water and mix well. Carry out the remaining manipulations on the second day.

How to make PVA glue - preparation process

Prepare two enamel pans in advance - one larger and the other smaller so that it fits into the first. You will cook in a water bath. After the gelatin swells, we begin preparing the glue:

  • pour distilled water into a smaller enamel bowl and place in another bowl for water bath on the stove;
  • Little by little add swollen gelatin and flour mixed with a small amount of ordinary water to distilled water. Make sure there are no lumps in the flour mixture;
  • bring the mixture to a boil. But there is no need to boil and stir constantly so that there are no lumps. The mixture should resemble homemade sour cream in thickness. Remove from the water bath after reaching the desired consistency;
  • Cool slightly and add alcohol and glycerin to the mixture in turn. Mix thoroughly to obtain a thick, homogeneous mass. Stirring time is up to 10 minutes; three stirrings with a spoon are not enough.

Cool the glue and use as intended.

After finishing preparing the glue, ventilate the room. Pour the cooled product into convenient suitable jars. Store the glue in a tight container with a closed lid, otherwise it will dry out. Before applying it to the surface, stir it well in the jar with a stick and then apply a small amount of glue. Initially prepare the surfaces to be bonded - degrease, remove old paint etc. Store the glue for no more than 6 months at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. With more low temperatures it can be stored for no more than two months.

You will need few materials to make homemade PVA glue, but making it is simple and quick. The most important thing is to observe all the above proportions of ingredients and constantly stir the adhesive mass during the cooking process.

In the process of completing many finishing works An essential component is glue. It is used to glue wallpaper, tiles, and is added to cement mortar. To save on purchasing glue, we suggest that you read the instructions on how to make glue yourself.

Functional features and chemical composition of the glue

Glue is a multicomponent composition based on compounds of organic or inorganic substances that easily glue materials of different origins, and in particular:

  • wooden,
  • leather,
  • fabric,
  • paper,
  • glass,
  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • ceramic,
  • rubber products.

The gluing process involves the formation of a strong bond between the adhesive on the two sides of the material to be bonded.

The chemical composition of the adhesive contains materials of artificial or synthetic, organic or inorganic origin. For example, the fairly popular silicone adhesive is based on compounds of elemental organics. To ensure that the consistency of the glue becomes liquid and is easily applied to the surface, it contains additives in the form of water and organic liquids.

Most sealants based on organic resins consist of water and are environmentally friendly.

Organic solvents are hydrocarbon substances of the aromatic or chlorinated type. Such solvents are quite affordable, easily evaporate, and non-toxic. The most common are gasoline, acetone or elite alcohol substance.

In order for the glue to become elastic, the presence of plasticizers is required. They act in the form of dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, triphenyl phosphate. To reduce glue shrinkage, increase its strength and at the same time reduce cost, fillers are used. It is recommended to use kaolin as a filler, quartz sand, sawdust and other components.

If the adhesive is based on thermoactive resins, special catalyst-type hardeners are required, which are sold separately from the adhesive. They are added to the glue immediately before use. Solutions of acids, amines or bases are used as hardeners. When the hardener begins to react with adhesives, polymers with a network structure are formed, which accompany a sharp increase in the adhesive bond before high or low temperatures.

The difference between catalysts and hardeners is that they are not able to enter into such reactions and do not accelerate the hardening process of the adhesive. Salt, peroxide, and acid are used as catalysts. The main requirement for using a catalyst is strict dosage. If the amount of catalyst is increased, the glue will practically not harden and the adhesive joint will remain weak.

Adhesives based on thermoactive resins are characterized by the introduction of catalysts, inhibitors or retarders to adjust the degree of hardening, to accelerate, slow down or stop the process of interaction between the accelerators and the main adhesive element.

To improve the pot life of adhesive based organic compounds, it is recommended to add antiseptics to them. Catalysts must be added to adhesives of polymer origin; they help increase their durability.

Main types of glue

According to the drying method, adhesives are divided into:

  • adhesives that are characterized by drying,
  • non-drying adhesives,
  • polymer compounds.

The first option, in turn, is divided into:

1. Let's start looking at the types of glue from the most popular PVA glue, which is an emulsion of polyvinylene and water, with a small amount of plasticizers and additives. The smell is practically not pronounced, it is used for gluing various substances.

There are these types of PVA glue:

  • household or wallpaper purpose- glues paper products, is used to decorate walls with wallpaper, looks like a white homogeneous mass, has a white or beige color, capable of defrosting and freezing six times;
  • stationery type - glues products made of paper, photo paper, cardboard, looks like a viscous liquid, color - white with a yellow tint, unstable to water and frost;
  • universal purpose - used for gluing wooden, paper, cardboard, leather, glass substances, is part of putty, primer, concrete mortar, has the appearance of a white, slightly yellowish viscous mass, characterized by the presence of six cycles of frost resistance;
  • PVA super glue glues wood, paper, glass, porcelain, leather, fabric, linoleum, tile products, frost-resistant;
  • PVA dispersion - appears in the form of an aqueous solution of polymers, which is stabilized with the help of a protective colloid, such as polyvinyl alcohol, has high adhesive ability, there are two types of dispersion: plasticized and unplasticized.

Scope of use of PVA glue:

  • as an additive to mortars;
  • in industrial establishments of textile, shoe, leather, printing origin;
  • in the manufacturing process of such products as: cigarettes, paints, industrial fabrics, household chemicals;
  • in the process of gluing paper, cardboard, and wooden parts.

Characteristics of PVA glue:

  • high level of frost resistance;
  • high adhesive ability;
  • environmental safety, non-toxicity, fire safety;
  • amenable to most organic solvents;
  • if you apply the glue thinly, it will be almost invisible after drying;
  • has no shrinkage.

2. Silicate glue is also called liquid glass, this material It is actively used both in everyday life and in industry, for gluing any parts.

Scope of use:

  • production of spraying for electrodes that are used in a welding machine;
  • V engineering industry for delicate connection of parts;
  • in the pulp or paper industry;
  • in ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry;
  • is an integral component of most washing powders.


  • fire safety,
  • water resistance,
  • frost resistance,
  • resistance to acid solutions.

3. Wood glue is used for gluing wood parts. There are three types:

  • tiled,
  • chips,
  • granular

In relation to the composition, glue is distinguished:

  • vile,
  • bone type.

The first is stronger than bone, characterized by a greenish tint. Bone glue is orange-brown in color. Wood glue involves boiling it. Chip adhesive is boiled immediately, and tile adhesive is pre-crushed.

4. Starch-based glue is called paste, its production is quite simple, you need to mix starch with water and heat it until it becomes glue. Best qualities has a glue based on corn starch, and the worst ones are potato starch. It is recommended to use it within 24 hours.

Materials that will be required in the process of making PVA glue:

  • half a liter of purified water,
  • 2.5 grams of photographic gelatin,
  • 2 grams of glycerin,
  • 50 grams of wheat flour,
  • 10 mg ethyl alcohol.

Pre-soak the gelatin for a day in water, it should swell. Gelatin must be photographic.

When the gelatin is ready to use, you need to build a water bath. To do this, take a pan of water and place it on the stove. Find a bowl that fits the diameter of the pan and place it on the surface so that it does not come into contact with the boiling water.

Place a mixture of water, flour and gelatin in a bowl and cook until it becomes thick like sour cream. This requires constant stirring. Remove the mixture from the heat and add alcohol and glycerin to it. Be sure to stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. When the glue has cooled, it is ready for use.

Before using it, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust. If there are pores on it, prime them first. Stir the glue before applying it to the surface. Then apply glue using a brush or roller and glue the two parts together.

This glue is used for a maximum of six months, at a temperature of at least +10 degrees.

How to make glue from flour yourself

Materials for work:

  • wheat or rye flour - 3 tablespoons,
  • purified water - 500 ml.

Flour glue is great for gluing paper products or wallpaper. Its production is a fairly quick process that will take no more than half an hour. Therefore, in a situation, for example, when you run out of wallpaper glue and the store is far away - excellent option There will be recommendations on how to make glue with your own hands.

Instructions for making flour paste:

  • Put the water on the fire and wait until it boils;
  • Separately, dilute the flour in a small amount of water;
  • pour the flour into boiling water and stir the liquid constantly;
  • wait until it boils and remove the glue from the stove;
  • wait for the glue to cool completely;
  • it is now ready to use.

The finished flour glue looks like thick jelly. As you can see in the answer to the question of how to make glue quickly, making this glue is the best option.

How to make glue from starch

The proportions of starch glue are the same as for flour glue:

  • for half a liter of water,
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch.

It is better to prepare glue in enamel or galvanized containers. Place a container of water on the fire and wait until it boils. Separately, dissolve the starch and pour it into the liquid. Wait until the glue boils and remove it from the heat.

The main advantage of starch glue is that it is more transparent and does not leave marks. It is recommended to use this glue completely without any residue, since over time it loses its abilities. To improve the quality of starch glue, it is recommended to add 50-100 grams of PVA glue to it.

If you add wood glue to this glue, it will do an excellent job of priming the walls before wallpapering.

How to make glue using acetone and old linoleum

This method makes it possible to prepare a universal adhesive material that has high level gluing.

To make glue at home using this method, first of all, you need to prepare the materials.

Linoleum should be cut into pieces measuring 3x3 cm. Then place it in a container that can be hermetically sealed. Take acetone, its amount should be twice the amount of linoleum. Pour acetone into a container with linoleum and place it in a place protected from direct contact. sun rays for twelve hours.

If, during this time, all the linoleum has managed to dissolve, use the glue for its intended purpose, otherwise, wait until the linoleum is completely dissolved.

Scope of use - gluing:

  • wooden,
  • porcelain,
  • metal,
  • leather parts.

How to make paper glue

If you are interested in origami, quilling or appliqué, it is ideal for gluing wooden parts this one will do glue recipe. It is based on the use of dextrin, which is also easy to prepare at home.

This requires:

  • take a few tablespoons of starch,
  • put it in a heat-resistant container,
  • heat gradually in the oven,
  • bring the temperature to 150 degrees,
  • leave for 90 minutes.

To prepare glue, you must have:

  • three tablespoons of dextrin,
  • five tablespoons of water,
  • one tablespoon of glycerin.

The first step is to mix dextrin with water. The mixture is heated until the dextrin is completely dissolved, requiring constant stirring. At the end of cooking, glycerin is added. After cooling, the glue is ready for use.

How to make titanium glue

To prepare such an adhesive, you will need the chemical substance vinia acetate copolymers. It is very difficult to get, so making such glue at home is quite difficult.

Let's consider the advantages and features of titanium glue of industrial origin:

  • appears to be a clear liquid
  • frost-resistant,
  • waterproof,
  • heat resistant,
  • used in the process of gluing ceiling tiles,
  • convenient to use.

Making your own wood glue

The process of preparing wood glue is simple, and allows you to make glue that can easily glue any wooden parts. But at the same time, this glue has its drawbacks:

  • fast shelf life,
  • presence of a disgusting, pungent odor.

Therefore, in the process of cooking it, a special mass is produced, which has a greater speed of shelf life. This mass is solid and is cut into pieces, which are boiled for their further use in the form of glue.

Let's look at the four most popular methods of making wood glue:

1. Take standard wood glue. Chop it and leave it in the water. Wait until it swells. When the mixture becomes soft, place it in a glass bottle. This is the name of the tank in which the melting process is carried out. Take a can and pour the liquid into it. Place it in a water bath, stirring constantly until the glue becomes liquid. For 360 grams of glue, take 475 grams of vodka and combine them. Then you should add 100 grams of powdered alum. This glue has water-repellent properties and is characterized by a high level of strength.

2. Dilute equal amounts of glue and purified water in a metal container. When the mixture thickens, put it in a mortar and grind. Pour the mixture into a plate and wait until it thickens completely. After cooling, this mass is cut into pieces and used in portions. For 350 grams of glue you should take 360 ​​grams of water and 180 grams of vodka. Bring all ingredients to a boil and use glue after cooling.

3. Prepare a water bath. For half a liter of water, take half a kilogram of glue and half a spoon of vinegar. Cook until the glue dissolves, then add half a liter of vodka.

4. For 250 grams of glue, take 250 grams of water, bring to thickening. At the end of cooking, add 250 grams of glycerin. Wait until the water evaporates. Place glue in the mold and use as needed. To use this glue you need to dilute it with water in a one to one ratio.

Video on how to make glue:

Purchased glue again did not meet your expectations? If you know how to make glue at home, then you will never again depend on the level of integrity of manufacturers. At any time you can cook with your own hands required quantity mass capable of gluing any surface.


Flour paste is suitable for gluing all types of paper and has proven itself when gluing all types of wallpaper. To make it, take 6 tablespoons of wheat flour for every liter of water. Stir the flour so that there are no lumps left in the mixture (the consistency should resemble liquid sour cream). Slowly pour the resulting solution into boiling water, stirring continuously with a spoon or wooden stick. Let the mixture boil a little and remove from the stove. As soon as the paste has cooled, you can work with it.


To create PVA glue, for each liter of distilled water you will need 100 g of flour, 20 ml of alcohol, 5 g of photographic gelatin, 4 g of glycerin. You can find photographic gelatin in photographic stores; everything else can be found in pharmacies. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for a day. Then you can start cooking.

Stir the flour with a small amount of cold water (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). In a water bath, heat the water to a boil, add gelatin to it and carefully pour in the flour and water mixture in a thin stream (do not forget to stir so that lumps do not form). Continue heating the resulting mixture, stirring continuously. Heat it to a boil, but do not boil. When the mass thickens and acquires White color, pour in alcohol and glycerin. As soon as the resulting mass becomes homogeneous, turn off the stove.

You can work with homemade PVA glue immediately after it has cooled. In order for your PVA to come out of high quality, it is very important to constantly stir the mass while it is on the fire. This will have to be done almost continuously for 10 minutes. This glue can be safely stored in a tightly closed container for up to six months.

Casein glue

This glue is used when gluing wood and leather. It is prepared in 2 stages:

  • Isolate casein from cottage cheese. To do this, soak the curd mass for 15-20 minutes in a soda solution (2 tablespoons of soda per liter of water), rinse and squeeze. Dry the resulting low-fat cottage cheese until hard and grind it using a coffee grinder. The result is dry casein.
  • Pour water little by little into a container with dry casein and be sure to stir. For 1 part casein, 2 parts water is required. After adding liquid, mix the resulting mass thoroughly. You will have to stir for about half an hour, but you can speed up this process if you take a mixer.

It is necessary to make casein glue immediately before starting to work with it. When the glue is ready, you can only work with it for the first 2-3 hours. It then hardens so much that it becomes unusable for further use.

Universal glue

This glue is capable of tightly joining metal, porcelain, leather, and wood. To prepare it you will need acetone and old linoleum(for 1 part linoleum you need 2 parts acetone). Cut the linoleum into small pieces, place them in a tightly closed container and fill with acetone. Close the container with a lid and set aside for 12 hours in a dark place. As soon as the pieces of linoleum are completely dissolved in acetone, the adhesive mass will be ready for use.

When the need arises to glue something together, PVA glue immediately comes to mind. Now every schoolchild or office worker has it and is truly an irreplaceable thing. It can be used to reliably assemble paper crafts, wooden or plastic toys.

Accidentally broke a glass or ceramic item? And this is where PVA comes in handy. If you don’t have time to run out and buy a ready-made solution, then making PVA glue at home is very simple. A simple composition, the absence of rare components - all this makes home cooking PVA is especially relevant.

What is PVA

The invention of chemists PVA stands for polyvinyl acetate. In a factory environment this is the main thing active substance, occupying 95% of the composition. The remaining 5% comes from various additives that provide the mixture with adhesive resistance and the required viscosity.

Glue is used not only for office work and creativity, but also in construction and repair. With its help you can prime the walls before finishing, wallpapering, improving adhesion when laying tiles and repairing furniture.

When does it make sense to make your own glue?

Despite the huge range of adhesive products in stores, some people prefer to use glue own production. Moreover, liquid of a certain thickness is prepared for different tasks.

What is better, buy ready-made adhesive or make it yourself? If glue is required for delicate or critical work, then it makes sense to turn to factory-made products. They are not very expensive - 1 kg can cost around 40-60 rubles. But often manufacturers proceed from savings and produce not the best product.

If you look at the photo of PVA glue, you can see that good glue does not contain lumps or foreign inclusions.

The color of the glue should be uniform - white or beige. Therefore, if there are doubts about the quality of the product, it is better to prepare PVA on your own.

Properties of homemade glue

The popularity of PVA glue can be explained by its unique characteristics, which set it apart from other materials with an adhesive effect:

Frost resistance of at least 4 cycles. The composition is not afraid of temperature changes and cold weather. It is worth mentioning that this is a feature of the paste already applied to the substrate. In the liquid state it is sensitive to negative temperatures and quickly loses all its qualities.

High adhesive activity. Standards governing industrial production PVA indicate that the tensile strength of glued joints is at least 550 N/m. With proper technology for preparing the product at home, this figure should not become less.

Safety at all stages homemade, as well as in use and storage. Due to the absence of harmful elements that irritate the skin, the glue is allowed to be used by children over 2 years old. If a small amount gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water.

When in contact with water or solvents such as acetone or benzene, the mass dissolves. This is very convenient if the glue has not been used for a long time and has thickened or the layer was applied incorrectly. But when introducing toxic diluents into the composition, you should be careful - PVA becomes hazardous to health.

Due to its properties, polyvinyl acetate emulsion, after drying, is insoluble in water and does not shrink. But it is possible to make PVA glue waterproof after hardening only when all proportions during preparation are observed.

The hardened compound is flexible and durable. They can fill installation gaps up to 2 mm wide.

What kind of PVA is there?

Few people know that there are several varieties of PVA, which determine the scope of their application. The purpose will be indicated by the letter indicated in the brand designation:

  • stationery (PVA-K), used for gluing cardboard and paper;
  • wallpaper or household (PVA-O), intended for construction purposes;
  • universal (PVA-MB) with a wide spectrum of action;
  • superglue (PVA-M) for gluing heavy workpieces (ceramic tiles, osb boards);
  • dispersive, characterized by rapid setting.

Ingredients for homemade PVA

The process of making PVA yourself can be roughly divided into 3 stages - purchasing the necessary ingredients, preliminary preparation components to work and the moment of cooking itself.

The minimum set from which you can make PVA glue with your own hands requires the following components:

  • purified distilled water - 0.5 l.
  • wheat flour – 50 g;
  • glycerin – 2 g;
  • ethyl alcohol – 10 ml (technical alcohol can be used);
  • photogelatine – 2.5 g.

Glycerin and alcohol can be purchased at a pharmacy, flour at a regular grocery store. Distilled water is offered in auto stores and manufactured goods stores.

The hardest part is finding photographic gelatin. To do this, you will need to visit photographic or photo printing stores.

Preparing to create glue

The preparatory stage includes dissolving photogelatin. The process is similar to what cooks use to make jelly or cream.

  • Pour distilled water into a 200 ml glass.
  • Place gelatin there.
  • Let it stand for 24 hours so that it swells well.

If the mixture turns out thick, you can dilute it with hot water. That's all - carry out the rest of the steps the next day.

Cooking PVA

Before preparing PVA, it is necessary to sift the flour well to eliminate debris and foreign particles. The glue is prepared using the “water bath” method. To do this, take two containers of different diameters: one should fit into the other.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make PVA glue

Pour plain water into a large saucepan and heat it on the stove. A smaller saucepan with distilled water is placed inside this vessel. The bottom of the small vessel should not touch the water in the first pan.

Add the gelatin prepared the day before into distilled water in small portions. In the same parts, place flour dissolved in a small amount of water into the solution. Stir constantly to avoid the formation of lumps.

Bring the contents of a small saucepan to a boil and turn off the stove. The finished contents should resemble sour cream in consistency.

Add glycerin and alcohol to the slightly cooled “broth”, stirring continuously until the mass is completely homogeneous.
Pour the finished product into a convenient container for use and storage.

PVA storage

Hand-brewed glue must be stored in a closed jar at a positive temperature of 10-15 degrees. within 6 months. But it is not always possible to provide such conditions, as a result of which the glue loses its functionality. In such cases, the question of how to make PVA glue thicker or thinner becomes very relevant.

Bringing glue back to life

Suitable for dilution only warm water, solvents negatively affect the properties of PVA. The quantity is determined by eye, and the composition is visually adjusted to the desired viscosity. Water is poured in in a thin stream with vigorous stirring. If the glue has become very thick, the crust and large suspensions are removed from its surface. And only then do they start diluting.

The opposite problem - thickening the glue - is even easier to solve. It is enough to leave very liquid glue with the lid slightly open. The water contained in the composition will evaporate and the product will become dense.

Photo of PVA glue at home