What is sand concrete M300 and features of the building mixture

Sand concrete grade M300 is the most versatile ready-made cement-sand mixture of all those available for sale (one of the popular brands is described in the article). Representing an ordinary mortar for masonry and screed, it is successfully used both as high-strength plaster and as concrete. By introducing various additives, this material can be used as a basis for any cement composition needed at a construction site.

From TsPS, prepared manually, is characterized by the absence of shrinkage during hardening, characteristics guaranteed by the manufacturer. Making a solution that is pre-mixed in dry form is an order of magnitude easier than preparing the composition yourself from individual components. In addition, ready-mixed mixtures are less susceptible to caking and loss of strength over time than bagged cement. The advantages also include high plasticity, mobility, which facilitates work, and low water permeability.

The composition of high-quality sand concrete M300 includes:

  • Portland cement grade M500 - about 25% of weight;
  • fractionated sand, granite screenings, crushed stone chips 1-5 mm - about 75%;
  • mineral additives (plasticizers, antifreeze, hydrophobic, and so on), fiberglass - optional, depending on the purpose of the mixture and the required characteristics.

Typically, the composition includes filler of two fractions - coarse screenings or crumbs (4 - 8 mm), and medium-grained quartz sand (0.8 - 2 mm). This allows you to achieve maximum strength and shrinkage with minimal costs astringent. In cheaper materials, washed sand 1 - 5 mm is used.


1. Brand compressive strength - sand concrete must withstand a pressure of 30 MPa a month after hardening; testing takes place in the laboratory when setting up the dosing equipment. Availability in construction sand fine fractions and dust, the approximate nature of dosing, the use of compacted cement does not allow achieving the same guaranteed results when self-production DSP.

2. Maximum filler fraction - determines the main purpose of the mixture. Gravel 5 - 8 mm is taken at low tide reinforced concrete structures, slabs and blocks, screening 2 - 5 mm are used for screeding and production of concrete products (curbs, paving slabs, Euro fences). There are types with especially fine grains of filler, designed for decorative and plastering work.

3. Water permeability is practically zero; after strengthening, the remaining moisture in the material is less than 1%. Special additives help achieve even lower values ​​acceptable for underground and underwater structures.

4. Frost resistance - the number of freeze-thaw cycles before the onset of destructive processes. Approximately can be taken as the period of impeccable service in years in the central band and northern regions Russia. Typical parameters are F35-F50.

5. Water holding capacity - important characteristic for installation work. Great loss water solution leads to the formation of cracks and loss of strength. In high-quality mixtures, values ​​of 95% and higher are achieved.

6. Operating temperature range - the compositions are designed for installation at a temperature of 5 - 30 degrees, with winter options You can work effectively at 5 degrees below zero.

7. Setting time. From mixing to the start of the cement hydration process - 2 hours, but the value can vary within very wide limits under the influence of gypsum additives, low or high temperature, constant stirring.

Sand concrete consumption

Component ratio in concrete mixture selected in such a way that small filler particles evenly fill the space between large ones, therefore the density and consumption of material is slightly higher than for conventional DSP. In order to take into account costs at the planning stage, it is necessary to calculate the total volume of concrete poured depending on the type of work:

For casting reinforced concrete structures and monolithic walls standard geometric formulas are used without taking into account reinforcement.

  • Technological consumption rates are used for masonry.
  • For plastering and pouring floors, calculate total area the surface to be treated and the average thickness of the solution layer. The average distance from the base to the markings (beacons) is determined by measuring in several places along the entire plane.

On the packaging of the purchased mixture, costs are indicated in the format “sand concrete consumption per 1 m2, taking into account a layer thickness of 1 cm”, the usual values ​​are 18-22 kg. The consumption per 1 m3 of solution can be obtained by multiplying the specified characteristic by 100.

Where is it used?

The main purpose is to create a high-strength, wear-resistant floor screed for further use without additional coating. Its widespread use is for the restoration of partially crumbled or cracked reinforced concrete structures, the manufacture of concrete products, and paving slabs. DSP is suitable for masonry or plaster mortar, for this purpose, choose a type of material with no grains larger than 4 and 2 mm, respectively. It's easy to make from ready mixture expanded clay concrete or M200, adding expanded clay or crushed stone 1 to 1 (in volumes of dry material).

Precise guidance on the ratio of water and dry mixture, allowable working time and setting time is included with the product, and may vary depending on the composition. Average indicators are 1.5-2 liters of water per 10 kg, 1-2 hours to work with the solution, 1-2 days for hardening, a month to gain full strength. Excess water causes shrinkage, cracks and reduced performance.

Purchase costs

When trying to save on building materials, you need to consider the following factors:

1. The vast majority of brands of sand concrete are supplied exclusively in bags weighing 25 - 50 kg, rare offers of goods in MKR are unprofitable in price, and when purchasing nameless mixtures in bulk there are no guarantees of quality.

2. What more weight bag and the more inconvenient it is to unload, the cheaper the purchase will be. Cost savings can reach 10-20%.

3. By buying in bulk, you will be able to reduce costs by 5–15%, but do not forget that the shelf life of this material does not exceed six months. You will need a dry, spacious room for pallets.

4. When choosing a supplier, first of all you need to find out the delivery price - an unsuccessful warehouse location can increase total costs by 20 – 50%.

5. Before you buy a product that stands out for its particularly low price, you should read reviews and customer reviews. Perhaps he specifications are insufficient to perform the assigned tasks or do not correspond to the stated ones.

The cost of sand concrete M300 in Moscow excluding delivery:

Name of dry mixtureBag weight, kgCost of the bag, rublesPrice per ton, rubles
Stone Flower M30025 90 3600
40 120 3000
50 145 2900
LUIX M300 Roussean40 130 3250
Stock M300 Kreptsem30 100 3300
40 130 3250
50 155 3100
Sand concrete Etalon M30040 110 2750
TsPS Finstroy M30040 105 2620
25 70 2800
Rusean M30040 145 3620

For comparison: 1 ton of dry mixture prepared independently from granite screenings, cement and ordinary sand, will cost approximately 1500 - 1700 rubles.

The most reputable manufacturers in Russia are the Stone Flower plant and the Rusean company. Both suppliers have production in the Moscow region and warehouses with the possibility of rail and road delivery to any European city in Russia. The “Stone Flower” sand concrete is suitable for a thrifty customer with average needs, and the “Rusean” mixture is suitable for a demanding customer who is willing to pay a little extra for quality.

The building material sand concrete is a mixture consisting of Portland cement, sand (various grain fractions) and chemical additives. Typically, M300 sand concrete is used for pouring screeds and blind areas, concreting flights of stairs, fastening structures, pouring local foundations and sealing seams. In addition, sand concrete is used as a basis for mixing expanded clay concrete.

Basic composition of sand concrete grade M300

  • Portland cement grade M300, M400 or M500;
  • River washed and sifted sand with a grain fraction from 1.5 to 4 mm;
  • Granite chips (sometimes);
  • Dropout (sometimes);
  • Additives (sometimes).

Groups of sand concrete M300 depending on the purpose

  • Material with sand of fine grain fraction - from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. Area of ​​application: external plasters of all types, sealing masonry joints;
  • Material with sand of medium grain fraction - from 1.8 to 2.2 mm. Scope of application: production of paving slabs, curbs and eurofences; construction of self-leveling floors and screeds of all types;
  • Material with sand of a coarse grain fraction - from 2.5 to 4 mm. Area of ​​application: construction of foundations of various types.

Proportions of sand concrete M300 for preparation on your own

As already mentioned, the basis of dry sand concrete is sand of various grain fractions (up to 2/3 of the volume), the smaller part is Portland cement grade M300, M400 or M500. In this case, additives can be added or not added. For example, the recipe for sand concrete for floor screed is as follows: Portland cement M300 - 1 part, river sand large fraction – 2-3 parts. To mix the plaster mortar, the amount of sand is increased to 4-5 parts. Plasticizer – up to 2% of the solution volume.

In general, to prepare one ton of sand concrete you will need about 220-240 kg of Portland cement M300-M400 and 800 kg of filler (sand and crumbs, or just sand).

It should be noted that each manufacturer has its own own recipe preparation of sand concrete M300. Therefore, its exact composition may vary in terms of the type and amount of additives and additives.

What is sand concrete and how to work with it?

Almost every novice builder is faced with the question: “What is sand concrete, and is it worth using it?” Despite the fact that this substance has recently appeared on the market, it has managed to win the favor of many users. However, even now only a small number of consumers know about its positive and negative properties. The building mixture has found its application at almost all stages of construction. In this article we will try to give answers to all your questions.

According to GOST 25192-82, sand concrete is a super-strong anhydrous mixture that does not shrink and consists of cement filler and high-density fine sand with the possible addition of minerals. This mixture is gray in color and hardens instantly, which attracts a considerable number of specialists.

Sand concrete uses the highest quality and finest fraction of sand

Of course, the advantages of this mixture can safely be called the following:

  • High strength of the material. This mixture surprises with its reliability, which is one of its main positive properties.
  • Durability of the material. Sand concrete will serve you long years and will be as durable as in the first days.
  • Resistant to wear, various damage and loads. This is perhaps one of the key features of the building mixture, since the construction of any object provides, first of all, for comfortable operation.
  • Excellent density.
  • Instant hardening will allow you to avoid wasting time waiting for the mixture to harden.
  • Resistance of the mixture in all weather conditions. Rain, hail, snow, high humidity and any other temperature changes will not affect the quality of the material.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Significantly lightening the load on the ground and building structures.
  • Possibility of use for internal and external works without losing the above properties.
  • Easy to use. As a result, you can save significantly on materials and spend less money.
  • The ability to easily create a perfectly smooth surface if necessary. Construction work often involves different types surfaces for objects.
  • Low cost. This price of the mixture will make it accessible to buyers with different income levels. At the same time, everything positive properties are saved.

Sand concrete can be used both indoors and outdoors

Application area

In accordance with GOST 25192-82, sand concrete can be used in the most various types robot, starting with laying the foundation. The scope of use of the material is truly huge and includes a wide range of internal and external works.

According to many builders, this substance is the best for building concrete structures, as it has a super-strong structure.

It is used for buildings various types from residential buildings and apartments to huge construction complexes. The mixture has found its application in screeding floors, removing seams, creating smooth surfaces, installation work. Often the substance becomes the basis for pouring foundations. During emergency work, it simply has no equal due to its almost instant hardening, resistance to external factors, high strength material. In addition, the building mixture can be used for restoration, walking paths in the garden, and stairs of various configurations.

Quite often it is used for the production of paving slabs, curbs, etc. It happens that the mixture is even used for expanded clay concrete, and here its effectiveness is obvious.

For the highest quality results and long term service, it is first necessary to clean the working surface from dust, remaining paint and other contaminants, thereby preparing the surface on which the substance will be applied. It is imperative to repair all seams and cracks. Before applying the material, it is necessary to prime the surface or moisten it.

When applying sand concrete, do not forget to prime the surface or moisten it


And yet, what is sand concrete? Manufacturers are striving to use maximum quantity innovative solutions and new products in the field of construction. Compliance with proportions also plays an important role. If we ignore these factors, the quality of the material will inevitably deteriorate and, as a result, we will not get the desired result. In addition, if the proportions do not correspond to GOST, then the mixture itself becomes sensitive to temperature environment and begins to leak water.

As a rule, sand concrete is a dry mixture, but sometimes you can find ready-made prepackaged blocks.

The key component of the mixture is cement. Today you can find a variety of types, but if you want your structure to last long time, then you should opt for Portland cement. The components of the latter are gypsum and clinker. The first step is to crumble the clinker, and then gradually mix it with gypsum. The result is a highly reliable material with excellent characteristics.

Do not forget that sand concrete is a mixture of Portland cement and sand. The latter can often be coarse or fine-grained, and it is mined from river beds. Some manufacturers also add various minerals, improving the quality of the mixture. These are all kinds of anti-corrosion elements, plasticizers, granite chips, etc.

Most often, sand concrete is a dry mixture, but you can also find ready-made solutions mixtures

Turning to GOST, we will see that sand concrete can be divided into three types:

  • A material with a fine fraction, which has found its use for plastering, sealing joints and is famous for its high strength.
  • Material with a medium fraction (dimensions 2-2.2 mm) is used for screeding floors, making curbs and paving slabs
  • Material with a coarse fraction is used for pouring foundations, where the strength and durability of the structure is important.

Classification into such groups is determined by production conditions and occurs using special devices, so-called vibration installations, grids and other devices.

Having analyzed the factors described above and based on the approved GOST, we recommend using sand concrete as building material for internal and external work. You will certainly be surprised by the impeccable quality of the mixture. At the same time, it will be possible to save time and money, which is important in the current conditions. We hope that now you can answer the question: “What is sand concrete?”


When preparing sand concrete, follow our recommendations:

  • take purified water up to +20°C at the rate of 1.7 liters of water per 10 kg of material;
  • Gradually add the dry mixture to the water tank;
  • stir the solution until it becomes viscous and plastic;
  • leave the resulting mixture for 5-10 minutes and then apply to the surface.

Note: per 1 sq. m. it takes approximately 18-20 kg of dry mixture, the thickness of the coating is 10 mm.

Dry building mixtures are now in great demand in construction. Almost every process in this area is accompanied by the use of one of them. This adhesive mixtures, primers, plasters, putties, even paints.

Among them is sand concrete - a modern building mixture that does not shrink. Used to create high-strength floors. Wear-resistant.

Sand concrete is produced in a factory using high-quality mixers, dryers, and strain gauge dispensers. These devices measure required quantity constituent elements, mix them thoroughly, dry them, and pour them into craft bags. Gone are the manual mixing of components “by eye” and dirt at the work site.

Sand concrete is actively used in construction and repair. There are several varieties of it. Depending on the composition (quantity and grain size of sand) and purpose, it is labeled differently. Thus, the M150 mixture contains lime and is suitable for exterior work and plastering walls. Mix M200 - masonry. Sand concrete M300 is more suitable for floor screed.

Composition of sand concrete M300

  • Fine-crystalline river sand, fractions 1.5-3 mm.
  • Granotsev of the same sizes.
  • Portland cement.
  • Additives (plasticizers, modifiers) that increase the rate of hardening and resistance to frost.

Where is sand concrete used?


  • The viability of the prepared solution is 2 hours (at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius).
  • Strength - 300 kg per square centimeter.
  • Gains strength within 28 hours.
  • For 1 kg of mixture there is 0.2 liters of water. Mix twice with a mixer with a break of 10 minutes.


  • Sand concrete M300 "Finstroy" is intended for initial rough leveling of floors, eliminating seams between concrete slabs, for pouring the foundation. It is better to use in rooms with not very high humidity and small mechanical impacts on the floor surface. These are mainly residential premises and industrial construction. Fill with a layer of 10 to 15 mm. If you use reinforcing steel in your work, you can increase the layer thickness to 10 cm. The weight of the bag in which M300 sand concrete is sold is 50 kg. Price - 85-106 rub.
  • Sand concrete M300 BESTO consists of Portland cement, quartz sand, superplasticizer S-3. Used for floor screeds, paths, floors. It is also used in the manufacture of expanded clay. The price of the bag is 140 rubles.
  • Sand concrete M300 NOVAMIX is a very plastic type of mixture of such material as sand concrete M300. The price of the bag is 85-105 rubles.
  • Accelerated hardening sand concrete, bag price - 70-85 rubles.
  • Sand concrete M300 "Stone flower". Complete drying time is one day. The mixture can be used at temperatures from 35 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius. Maximum layer thickness - 10 cm, 15 mm - minimum thickness solution that M300 sand concrete can have. Consumption - 15-17 kg per square meter.
  • Sand concrete M300 Quick Beton ("fast concrete"). The name speaks for itself. Used for pouring durable conventional and heated floors, construction concrete walls. Has a good price/quality ratio. Shelf life - 6 months. Adhesion (ability to stick to a surface) - 0.3 mPa. The temperature range at which the products can be used is from 50 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees below zero.

Release form

Sold in bags as a dry mixture that can be easily prepared at the point of use. Typically the weight of the bag in which M300 sand concrete is sold is 50 kg. Bags weighing 40 kg and 25 kg are used when a small volume of the mixture is needed, or the bags are transported far away.

Advantages of sand concrete M300

  • Durable.
  • Hardens quickly.
  • Does not shrink.
  • Low temperature resistant.
  • Resistant to high humidity.
  • Fire resistant.
  • Waterproof.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Low price.


Sand concrete M300 is very popular among builders and people occasionally involved in construction and repair work.

From it they produce:

Sand concrete M300 is used by large construction companies, developers, owners of private houses, cottages and apartments. After all, in every building from time to time there is a need to carry out repairs, ongoing or urgent.


  • Antifreeze makes it possible to conduct construction works using sand concrete in frosts down to -15 degrees.
  • Superplasticizers help install self-leveling floors.

The filler fraction can be increased to 6 mm.

Method of use

First, preparatory work is underway.

The surface on which the sand cement solution will be applied must be thoroughly cleaned of any debris, remove greasy spots, seal holes and cracks.

Using a level, beacons are set that will allow you to level the solution and obtain a strictly horizontal surface.

The dry sand cement mixture is diluted with water. For one part of the mixture you need to take 5 parts of water. Mix with a mixer until a plastic, homogeneous mass is obtained.

The base must be moistened with water immediately before pouring.

The prepared solution is poured into the prepared surface between the beacons. Its quantity is determined so that it is convenient to work.

Complies with the rule. After 36 hours, tiles can be laid on the floor. It will dry completely in seven days.

Measures for quality drying

  • Avoid exposing the surface to sunlight for three days.
  • Protect from drafts during this time.
  • Periodically wet the surface with water.

Expansion joints

If the load on a concrete floor exceeds its strength, it collapses. Cracks also appear in the inner part when drying and under the influence of temperature changes. To ensure fewer cracks, you need to cut special seams, which are called expansion joints.

The floor area is divided by seams into squares or similar shapes. In long buildings, the seams are cut at a distance equal to the width of the screed. On sites that are more than three meters wide, you need to make a longitudinal seam in the center. Doors and outside corners also need seams to prevent cracks.

When making a screed over more than one day (in pieces), you need to make construction seams.

All seams are cut to a third of the width of the screed. In this case, the concrete will crack all the same, but it will do so under your guidance in the direction you set.

Security measures

When working with sand concrete mixture M300 you need:

  • use protective rubberized gloves;
  • cover the respiratory system with a respirator or bandage.

Preparing the surface for laying laminate

When renovating a bathroom, the floor is screeded with sand concrete. It is convenient to lay tiles on it. Having already made a screed larger than 3 mm, you will really feel the cost savings. In other cases, the “self-leveling floor” technology is used.

Let's say, by removing wooden floors, you decide to replace them with parquet board or laminate. To do this, you need to make a screed 15 centimeters thick. The technology is the same as described above.

The floor covering can be laid after seven days from the date of production of the screed.

Sand concrete M300: price

One cubic meter construction sand concrete M300 costs 3,380 rubles, masonry concrete - 3,720 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer, packaging and materials included. Typically the weight of the bag in which M300 sand concrete is sold is 50 kg. The price of one ranges from 70 to 140 rubles. With wholesale purchases it is much lower.

Of particular interest is M300 sand concrete, which is actively used for low-rise housing construction. It attracts with its environmental safety and its improved characteristics compared to other compounds.

If we take 25% of total weight Portland cement grade M500, plus 75% fractionated sand or granite screenings, or crushed stone chips, add a plasticizer, anti-corrosion, anti-freeze, hydrophobic components, you will get a universal mixture, which in structure is not much different from fine-grained dense concrete. And in terms of range of application, this composition has no analogues. One of the main features of this material is its ability not to shrink and at the same time to quickly dry and harden. It is also different:

  • high plasticity;
  • resistance to mechanical, harmful and other influences;
  • ability to tolerate moisture and precipitation;
  • successful resistance to corrosion;
  • attractive price.

The main technical characteristics of the M300 include the following indicators:

  • Extreme strength ensures resistance to loads of up to 300 kg/cm2.
  • In accordance with GOST, frost resistance is guaranteed by 50 cycles without changing the parameter.
  • The recommended temperature tolerance for using the solution starts from +5°C and ends at +25°C. But frost-resistant ingredients ensure the performance of M300 sand concrete even at –15°C.
  • This material is characterized by fairly reliable adhesion to the base, as indicated by the adhesion value of 4 kg/cm2.

Sand concrete grade M300 is actively used not only in low-rise housing construction. The scope of its application is not limited. It is used in any interior spaces, and for works of various nature:

  • in creating a wear-resistant floor in areas with characteristically high surface loads, for example, in garages;
  • for fixing blocks and slabs;
  • when performing installation and foundation work;
  • for concreting staircases;
  • for brickwork;
  • during production paving slabs and curb stones;
  • for filling the blind area.

According to experts, this sand concrete is easy to work with. It hardens quickly, after about 2 hours, and evenly covers the work surface. And this guarantees the absence of tears and peeling. In this case, the consumption required is small: per 1 cm of corporalization there is an average of 22 kg/m2.

For quality production results when working with this brand, you must follow professional recommendations:

  • When preparing the solution, use only cold water.
  • For 40 kg of mixture, 7.5 liters of liquid are required.
  • The best air temperature for pouring is 5-50°C. If it is below -10, then it will take more time than 3 hours to gain strength.
  • Guaranteed reliability is achieved when the surface to be treated with this material is pre-cleaned and slightly moistened.
  • The finished solution must be compacted, and the joints adjacent to the structures must be reinforced.
  • This brand is suitable for 1-1.5 cm bundles.

M300 sand concrete is characterized by a uniform distribution of small filler particles between large ones, hence the increased density, and therefore consumption, compared to conventional CFRP. The approximate amount of concrete depends on the type of work performed and the attached instructions for use. On average, 1 m3 will require 1.5–1.7 tons of mixture, or 30 50 kg bags, or 40 40 kg bags.

The consumption of sand concrete per 1 m2 is 18-20 kg of powder, but you also need to take into account the height of the screed. As a rule, the surface has unevenness. Therefore, for the average thickness, it is necessary to measure the most protruding part and determine how much it exceeds in height the other selected points. The largest deviation must be multiplied by 2 and thus will be known average consumption. When calculating the consumption of M300 on walls, you need to remember about filling the joints.

Areas of use

Depending on the fractions of bulk materials in M300 sand concrete, the properties change. If the powder has small fractions, up to 2 mm, then it has increased strength and stability of characteristics, and performs the tasks of cement-sand plaster. They close seams and are used for external finishing works.

Compositions with medium fractions, from 2 to 2.2 mm, are selected for the manufacture of curbs, walkways, and self-leveling floors. It is the graininess that causes good thermal insulation properties, therefore sand concrete is very popular as the basis for a variety of floor coverings. It is used as a self-leveling mixture, the cost of which is much lower than that of special solutions. And the ability not to shrink allows the M300 to be used in difficult soil conditions, when the soil is unstable and prone to instability.

Instant sand concrete hardens with high adhesion, which is why it is considered better than others for reconstruction and repair, since it is M300 that instantly bonds to a foreign surface. And after hardening General characteristics the structures are not inferior to the base material.

High strength and its technical characteristics allow it to be used in foundation work, especially when pouring a strip base, and where long-term functionality is required. Due to its excellent wear resistance, M300 sand concrete is used to concrete production sites under maximum load. industrial enterprises. It is used in the creation of reinforced concrete structures and as a basis in construction concrete stairs, and also as a reliable and durable putty for joints.

After hardening, it is perfectly processed and suitable for various finishing works for almost any material. With M300 there is no need for additional waterproofing. Its light weight allowed it to take a leading position in the construction of low-rise buildings and structures, especially in private housing construction when creating utility rooms. All work using this composition is significantly cheaper, and both foam concrete and brick are inferior in price.

Some nuances of the cost of sand concrete M300

This material can be bought almost anywhere. The manufacturer's brand and weight dictate the price. average cost A 40 kg bag of M-300 costs about plus or minus 100 rubles. If you make the traditional composition yourself with ordinary sand, cement and granite screenings, then it will cost 1500–1800 rubles per 1 ton of the mixture.

Sand concrete Stone Flower M300 and Rusean are considered one of the most popular and budget-friendly ones. The latter is valued for guaranteed high quality. Rusean is selected in such a way that its strength exceeds the standard M300: 30.4 MPa versus 30.0. The products of the Stone Flower plant suit the more economical buyer, which is clearly presented in the cost overview table by manufacturer.

Brand of mixture Bag weight, kg Price for 1 bag, rubles Price per ton, rubles
Stone flower M300 40 120 3000
50 145 2900
Sand concrete Rusean M300 40 145 3620
LUIX M300 Roussean 40 130 3250
Standard M300 40 110 2750

The prices shown are valid for central regions countries and do not include delivery costs, which in unfavorable circumstances can increase costs by 25 - 50%.