Zephyranthes white: flower care at home. Zephyranthes - delicate beauty from South America

Zephyranthes is a tender bulbous perennial. The genus belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. Many gardeners know it under the name “upstart”. This indoor plant- is not new in our country and many consider it too common. However modern varieties Zephyranthes will be of interest to exotic lovers. If you care for it properly, the flowering will be abundant and frequent, which will definitely appeal to fans of miniature flower beds on the windowsill.

Description of the plant

Zephyranthes is a flowering bulbous plant that carpets the tropical rainforests of Central and South America fragrant carpet. Flowers bloom during the rainy season, when the Zephyr wind begins to blow. Therefore, the name of the plant can be translated as “Zephyr flower.” It is also called indoor lily, “upstart” or house daffodil.

Root system Zephyranthes are small oblong or round bulbs up to 3.5 cm long. A small basal neck rises above the ground, from which a few leaf rosettes grow. Narrow, belt-shaped leaves of bright green color can reach a length of 20-35 cm. The width of the smooth glossy leaves is only 0.5-3 mm.

Flowering begins in April and can continue throughout the summer. A long peduncle with a single flower grows quite quickly from the center of the leaf rosette. The shape of the bud resembles a crocus. Six lanceolate petals with a pointed edge are wide open to the sides, the core is decorated with short bright yellow anthers. Flowers can be white, yellow or pink. The diameter of the flower is 4-8 cm. Each bud lasts only 1-3 days.

Types of indoor lilies

Among the 40 species of marshmallows that can be found in the natural environment, no more than 10-12 are grown in culture. The most common are the white-flowered zephyranthes.


Zephyranthes are propagated by sowing seeds and separating bulbous children. Seeds are sown immediately, as after just a few months they lose their viability. Planting is done in shallow boxes with a sand-peat mixture. The seeds are distributed in the ground in shallow holes, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. The soil is sprayed and covered. The greenhouse must be placed in a warm place with a temperature of about +22°C and ventilated daily. Young sprouts will appear in 13-20 days. Grown seedlings are planted in pots with soil for adult plants, several at a time. This makes it easier to get dense vegetation. Seedlings are expected to flower in 2-4 years.

Propagation by bulbs is considered more in a convenient way. Every year, 4-5 young children are formed near the older bulbs. It is enough in the spring, during replanting, to carefully separate the soil from the bulbs without damaging the roots, and plant them more freely. Adaptation period and special conditions contents are not needed in this case. Flowering is possible within a year after planting the children.


It is recommended to replant zephyranthes every 2-3 years, although some gardeners advise doing this every spring. The pot of marshmallows should be wide and not too deep. You can use rectangular flowerpots for the entire windowsill or several small containers. Some gardeners like to combine plants with different colors petals in one pot.

Zephyranthes needs good drainage system, because it does not tolerate stagnant water. The soil should be nutritious and light, with neutral or weak acidity. To prepare the soil mixture use:

  • sand;
  • leaf humus;
  • turf soil.

When transplanting, they try to remove most old earthen clod. After the procedure, reduce watering for several days and try not to move the pot.

Zephyranthes care

Caring for zephyranthes at home does not require much effort; the plant is considered unpretentious and is distinguished by its vitality. Upstarts love bright sun and long daylight hours. They are recommended to be placed on southwestern window sills and in bright rooms. In the summer, it is better to take the marshmallow flower out onto the balcony or into the garden.

The upstart prefers cool rooms, so when the air temperature exceeds +25°C it suffers from heat. To alleviate the condition of the flower, you need to ventilate the room more often. The optimal air temperature is +18…+22°C. In winter it is lowered to +14…16°C. Some varieties can withstand cold temperatures down to +5°C.

There are species of zephyranthes that require a period of rest after flowering. They shed their leaves, leaving only the bulbs. Store the pot with the plant in a cool, dark room for several months and only slightly moisten the soil.

Zephyranthes prefers wet air, but can adapt to drier atmospheres. To prevent the leaves from drying out, it is useful to occasionally spray the crown with a spray bottle.

You need to water the upstart very carefully, as the bulbs are susceptible to rot. Between waterings, the soil should dry out by a third, and excess water should be immediately poured out of the pan.

Difficulties in care

With excessive dampness and excessive watering, zephyranthes is susceptible to root rot. One of the signs of rotting bulbs is that the leaves turn yellow and dry out. In this case, you need to renew the soil, remove the infected parts of the plant and treat it with a fungicide.

Sometimes flower growers are faced with the fact that zephyranthes does not bloom. The reason may lie in the wrong selection of pot. If it is too large and deep, the plant will actively grow its root mass, and there will be no energy left for flowering.

Zephyr flower - this is what zephyranthes is called in its homeland, in Central America. In the tropics, this plant waits out drought by hiding its bulbs in the ground, and during the rainy season it produces leaves and blooms profusely. Is it possible to grow marshmallows at home - in an ordinary city apartment? This is quite possible if you follow simple rules flower care.

Description of zephyranthes

Zephyranthes is a tropical bulbous plant. Belongs to the Amaryllis family. Homeland - South and Central America. The name translates as “flower of the west wind.” IN different countries it is also called water lily, home daffodil, and rain flower. In Russia, it is nicknamed upstart due to the rapid appearance of flowers - the peduncles are crowned with flowers within 1–2 days after release.

Zephyranthes leaves are basal, narrow, up to 30–40 cm in length, the peduncle is 25–30 cm, it bears single crocus-shaped flowers with a diameter of 8–10 cm, pink, white, red, yellow color(depending on the variety). The bulbs are from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, round, covered in brown scales, poisonous, and therefore are not liked by pests. Several flower stalks grow from the bulb. There are about 90 species of marshmallows in nature, 10 are grown at home. The most common of them are Zephyranthes white and Zephyranthes grandiflora.

Video about a flower

Popular "house" varieties

  • Leaves are 45–50 cm long, funnel-shaped white flowers with a diameter of 6–8 cm. Blooms in July - October.
  • Leaves are 30–35 cm long, slightly wider in the middle, flowers are 7–9 cm in diameter, blooms in December - January.
  • Leaves are 20–40 cm long, peduncle 30–35 cm, flowers are pink, about 8–10 cm in diameter, stamens are orange color. Blooms in April - July. The bulbs are large - up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • Plant up to 20 cm tall, with shiny leaves and delicate pink flowers.
  • Zephyranthes powerful (powerful pinTo). This species has narrow leaves - up to 30 cm, peduncle - 20 cm. Diameter pink flowers- 6 cm.

Color variety in the photo

Zephyranthes white blooms in summer and autumn
Golden zephyranthes can please with flowers in winter
Zephyranthes rosea has delicate, medium-sized flowers.
Zephyranthes grandiflora is one of the popular varieties For home grown
Zephyranthes powerful also known as powerful kick

Seasonal growing conditions - table

Features of planting and transplanting

Replanting marshmallows is an annual procedure, carried out at the beginning of the dormant period, when the pot is filled with baby bulbs. However, you should not take a pot that is too spacious for planting the plant - it develops better in some cramped conditions. Step-by-step process:
  1. Be sure to fill one third of the pot with drainage (expanded clay or pebbles), which protects the flower from stagnation of water.
  2. Prepare the soil: humus, sand, turf soil, mixed in equal parts.
  3. Remove the main plant from the ground, carefully separate the daughter bulbs with a sharp knife, treat the sections with crushed charcoal so as not to rot.
  4. If the bulb has a short neck, it needs to be completely immersed in the ground; if it has a long neck, let it protrude slightly from the ground.
  5. You can plant 10–12 bulbs in one container, which will ensure beautiful and continuous flowering.
  6. After transplanting, you should water the flower very rarely, as the bulbs can rot from excess water.

If the newly purchased zephyranthes feels spacious in a pot, replanting is not required.

Plant care


Like everyone else tropical plants, zephyranthes needs a lot of light, and it can also tolerate direct sunlight. East and west windows are suitable for growing. In the summer, the upstart can be sent to the balcony. Some gardeners summer period Zephyranthes are planted in an open flowerbed at the dacha.

Temperature and watering

The optimal temperature for proper development of zephyranthes is +20...+26 °C. It's summer. In winter, depending on the species, zephyranthes sheds or leaves leaves. In the first case, it needs to be put in a dark and cool place with a temperature of +8...+14 °C (a basement or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable). The soil must be moistened occasionally to prevent the bulbs from drying out. When new leaves appear, the zephyranthes are put back.

If the plant does not shed its leaves, then it is left in a bright place, but it should still be cool (about +16 ° C). Watering is rarely done.

Winter time, when the flower does not grow, is called the dormant period. It begins in most upstart varieties in September - October and lasts at least 2 months, more often up to six months.

In summer, the flower is watered often and abundantly. The frequency and volume of water depend on the degree of drying of the soil. It should be remembered that zephyranthes does not tolerate waterlogging and especially stagnation of water. In addition to watering, spraying is needed - once every 2 days. Water for procedures is soft, standing for at least 6 hours.

Top dressing

Zephyranthes responds favorably to feeding. They need to be carried out once every 10 days during the active season - from the appearance of sprouts in the pot until the end of flowering. Suitable for this purpose are liquid flower fertilizers with a mineral complex (Merry Flower Girl, Kemira-Lux, Agricola). Organic fertilizers can also be used, but with caution (for example, unrotted manure will lead to rotting of the bulb). Many elements necessary for the plant are contained in ash. A nutrient solution can be prepared by adding 1 tbsp. spoon of ash in 1 liter of water.

Rules for fertilizing indoor flowers:

  • an excess of fertilizers for indoor plants is just as harmful as a deficiency;
  • plants absorb fertilizers well only during the active phase of growth and flowering;
  • V winter period fertilizing should be infrequent due to low natural light, which slows down the absorption of nutrients;
  • You should not fertilize in hot weather;
  • Do not allow the fertilizer solution to come into contact with the foliage;
  • for young flowers, the concentration of fertilizer should be weaker than for already rooted ones;
  • You can’t fertilize plants without thoroughly watering the soil; if you don’t do this, you can burn the roots.


From May to October, zephyranthes delights with flowers. They live only a few days, but since there are many flower stalks, the effect is created long flowering. After its end, the leaves die off and a dormant period begins. It's time to replant zephyranthes.

Rest period

In one of the autumn months, the plant’s growth stops, the leaves dry out and begin to fall off. A period of rest begins. Watering should be stopped at this time, and the pot should be placed in a dark, cool place (+8...+14 °C). The bulbs remain in the ground; dry leaves must be removed. Zephyranthes “hibernation” lasts about 3 months. When new young leaves appear, the plant is returned to normal conditions and care is resumed.

Flower growers' mistakes

If the plant develops slowly and does not please with flowers, then agricultural technology errors may have been made. To stimulate the growth of zephyranthes and make the upstart bloom, it is necessary to eliminate the mistakes made. Why is the plant sick?

Problems in caring for marshmallows and ways to solve them - table

Problem Cause Solution
The plant does not bloom Warm and humid winteringProvide other wintering conditions - with optimal temperature and watering.
Little lightMove to a brighter place.
Excess fertilizerStop feeding.
Deep landingReplant or dig up the soil around the bulb.
Pot too small for rootsTransplant the plant into a larger pot.
Bulb rotting Lots of water in the groundReduce watering and, if necessary, transplant the upstart into new soil.
Leaves become pale Little lightMove the flower pot to a bright place.
The plant dies Soil floodRemove the plant, wash the bulbs in warm water, replant, do not over-water.
Bulb rottingPull out the bulbs, dry them, plant them in a new pot, do not water them for several days.

Pest Control

Zephyranthes is quite resistant to pests, but under unfavorable conditions it can be attacked by insects.

Prevention and control of harmful insects - table

Pests Problems and signs Methods of prevention and control
Shchitovka Dark plaques are visible on the leaf blades. Leaves and flowers fade and dry out.Treat the leaves with a solution of Actellik.
Whitefly Small insect. The larvae settle on the inside sheet plate, suck out the juice of the plant. Leaves fall.
  1. Reduce watering.
  2. Spray with permethrin-containing preparations every 3 days.
  3. Use the drugs Decis, Actellik (according to the instructions).
Amaryllis mealybug whitish small insects affect the bulb. Damaged plants grow slower.
  1. Remove affected bulbs.
  2. Water with any insecticide.
  3. In the future, avoid over-watering.
Spider mite The pest entangles the leaves with cobwebs and the flowers dry out.
  1. In case of severe damage, wipe the leaves with 0.15% Actellik solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water).
  2. Wash the marshmallows soap solution, then wash the plant under a warm shower.
  3. Observe preventive measures - spraying (the tick does not like wet places).

Insect pests in the photo



The best way propagate marshmallow bulbs. They are formed in abundance in the main plant (up to 15 pieces). They are separated and planted in wide and low clay pots in the fall - during flower transplantation, following the same algorithm of actions.
Before planting, the bulbs can be soaked in a growth stimulator, for example, Epine.


There is another way of propagation - by seeds. However, this requires artificial pollination. If everything is successful, after 2 months the seeds will ripen in a fruit-box. They quickly lose their germination capacity, so planting should be started immediately.
  1. Prepare the same soil as for the bulbs, adding 1 part peat.
  2. Place the seeds on the ground, keeping an interval of 2 cm between them, lightly sprinkle with damp soil.
  3. Cover the pot with seeds with film and place in a shaded place with a temperature of about +22 °C.
  4. The soil must be moistened all the time.
  5. After 3–4 weeks, shoots will appear. Zephyranthes grown from seeds will bloom after 3–6 years.

Video about marshmallow seeds

Zephyranthes – perennial, common in South America and the West Indies. Prefers wet places, peat bogs, and swamps of tropical forests. The growing season occurs at the time when the wind begins to blow Zephyr - hence the official name of the plant; it is popularly called upstart, house daffodil, indoor or rain lily.

The plant belongs to the Amaryllis family. The root system of zephyranthes is bulbous. Basal leaf rosettes consist of belt-shaped leaves 20-35 cm long and about 3 mm wide. The color is bright green.

Flowering lasts from April until almost the end of summer. Flowers of white, pink, yellow color are located singly on a long peduncle. Petals in the amount of 6 pieces have a pointed shape. The core consists of yellow stamens of equal length. The diameter of the opened flower is 4-8 cm. After 1-3 days, the flower is replaced by a new one.

Planting and replanting zephyranthes at home

Growing from seeds

To get seeds yourself, you need to cross-pollinate. The seeds ripen in seed pods for 2 months. It is necessary to sow immediately after harvesting in bowls with amaryllis soil with the addition of 1 part of peat.

  • The seeding depth is 1 cm, maintain a distance of 2-3 cm between them.
  • Cover the crops with a bag or glass, place them in a dark place and maintain the air temperature within 25° C.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse and maintain soil moisture with regular spraying.
  • Expect germination within 20-25 days.
  • When the seeds germinate, the cover must be removed and the container placed in a bright place away from direct sunlight. sun rays.
  • In spring, plant the bulbs in separate pots. Plants grown from seeds will delight you with flowering for 3-4 years of life.

Transplantation of Zephyranthes babies

When doing this, separate the daughter bulbs. Separate the bulbs that have their own roots. You can plant about 10 bulbs in one bowl. Soil and care required are the same as for adult plants.

Types of marshmallows with photos and descriptions

IN natural environment There are about 90 plant species, and about 10 are cultivated. Let's consider the most popular of them.

At home, all types of marshmallows grow equally well, but on windowsills you can most often see the popular indoor varieties described below.

Zephyranthes snow-white or candida Zephyranthes candida

The diameter of the bulb is about 3 cm. The above-ground part reaches a height of 3 m. Flowering occurs in July-October. The diameter of the white corolla is 6 cm.

Golden Zephyranthes Zephyranthes aurea photo

Except indoor growing, the flower can be planted in open ground in the southern regions. The flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped. The diameter of the corolla is 8 cm. Flowering occurs in December-January.

Zephyranthes pink, pink or Lindley Zephyranthes rosea

Features purple-pink flowers. The corolla is about 7 cm in diameter.

Zephyranthes powerful Zephyranthes robusta

The bulb is 4 cm in diameter. The rest period clearly falls on September-November. Flowering: April-July. The long petals are pastel pink. The diameter of the corolla is 5-7 cm.

Zephyranthes versicolor

It has creamy white flowers with reddish edges. The bulb is covered on the outside with a dark film. Flowering occurs in January.

Zephyranthes atamasca

It has small ovoid bulbs with a diameter of 20 mm. The flowers are small and white. Blooms all spring.

Lemon zephyranthes Zephyranthes citrina

Medium sized bulb. The flowers are small with lemon-colored petals and bloom in winter.

Very popular among gardeners beautiful flowering plant. Caring for marshmallows at home is simple and does not require specific knowledge or requirements. The flower is not capricious, it responds gratefully to creation favorable conditions. How to grow it?

Bulbous perennial of the amaryllis family. Grows in humid tropical climates. Likes to settle in swamps and peat bogs. In warm areas it is cultivated as garden culture, V temperate climate mainly as a potted plant.

The flowers are wide open, crocus-shaped, of different colors. Look beautiful in groups consisting of different varieties. During the dormant period, the entire above-ground part dies off. The bulb remains in the ground. After resting, it again produces leaves and flower stalks.

Interesting! People often call the flower an upstart. The reason for this is not its absurd character, but the peculiarity of flowering. The peduncle grows very quickly. Literally a day after the appearance of the peduncle it blooms beautiful flower, similar to a lily.

Popular indoor varieties

Together with hybrid varieties, there are about 90 varieties. Many of them are grown in artificial conditions. Based on color, varieties and varieties can be divided into three groups.

With pink flowers:

With white flowers:

With yellow flowers:

Important! Contains toxic substances! Despite its toxicity, it is used as a remedy in alternative medicine. Most often used as an external remedy in the form of compresses. Considered effective for abscesses, hepatitis, cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis.

Rules and features of care

As a houseplant, zephyranthes does not cause problems for gardeners. It is unpretentious, blooms regularly, and does not require special attention. But a number of rules are recommended to be followed.

LightingPrefers absent-minded sunlight. A moderate amount of bright sun is beneficial. Grow on any window except the north side. In summer, if possible, they are transplanted into open ground. In free conditions, the bulb quickly gains mass. This subsequently affects the abundance of flowering.
TemperatureIn spring and summer, moderate warmth is maintained at 18-25°C. In winter, organize a rest period in a cool (10-12°C), shaded place.
WateringDuring the growing season, water moderately. The soil should be moist, but not soggy. Winter watering depends on the condition of the plant. If the leaves have not died off, continue to occasionally moisten the soil. If the above-ground part dies completely, the bulb is stored in dry soil.
HumidityThere are no special requirements for humidity levels. At low air humidity, periodic spraying will not harm.
FeedingTwice a month with liquid complex mineral fertilizers. They begin to be introduced when the leaves appear. Finish after flowering. Fertilizer dilution concentration is in accordance with the instructions.
The soilPlanted into the lungs nutritious soil mixtures. The recommended composition is turf, humus and sand. For better growth, phosphorus fertilizer is added to the soil mixture.
TransferBefore growth begins - annually or once every few years. Use wide, low pots. Several bulbs are planted in one container at a time. The necks of the bulbs are left above the surface of the soil.

Features of reproduction

They are propagated in two ways - by children or by growing from seeds. Vegetative method gives faster results.

  • Children. Near the main bulb, many small bulbs - children - are formed. They are separated even before the dormant period and immediately planted in separate pots, several at a time. Up to 12 bulbs can be planted in one pot at a time. The degree of penetration depends on the shape of the bulb. Bulbs with short necks are buried completely. For elongated bulbs, the neck is left on the surface. Care for them as for adult plants.
  • Seeds. Good way for growing new hybrid variety. You will have to wait a long time for flowering. Young plants from seedlings bloom only for 2-5 years, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Sow in spring in light soil. Keep under cover until germination. They dive at the stage of two true leaves.

Why doesn’t zephyranthes bloom and how to stimulate flowering? Sometimes the bulb can remain dormant for a long time. Possible reasons lack of flowering:

  1. The pot is too large. In spacious pots, the bulb gains mass, but is reluctant to form flower stalks. Transplant the flower into a tighter pot; do not separate the daughter bulbs for a while.
  2. Wrong location. In the shade or constant exposure to the sun, the plant rarely blooms.
  3. Excess fertilizer. Excessive fertilizing stimulates leaf growth but inhibits flowering.
  4. Excess moisture during the dormant period, severe deepening of the bulb.

Typical pests

Zephyranthes is a very grateful plant. On good care it responds abundantly, beautiful flowering. Suitable for growing in apartments and offices. In summer it decorates flower beds or a balcony.

Zephyranthes, or upstart flower, belongs to a genus of flowering plants in the Amaryllidaceae family. This genus includes just under a hundred species, many of which are cultivated in open ground, and only a small part belongs to the category of plants suitable for growing at home.

Botanical description of the rain lily

The Zephyranthes plant is native to the tropics and subtropics. located in North, Central and South America, as well as the central warm temperate regions of Argentina and Chile, the northern part of Patagonia and the territory of the West Indies. Quite often this exotic plant It is called “rain lily” or “zephyr flower”, due to the massive flowering during the rainy season.

Types and varieties

Zephyranthes is a bulbous herbaceous perennial and has characteristic belt-shaped leaves, and the flowers of this culture are similar to the flowers of the crocus, popular in our country. Depending on the species and varietal characteristics There are crops that have white, as well as pink and red petals. There are also varieties that have a yellow or golden hue. Flowering early, late or in the middle.

Name Bulb Leaves Flowers Bloom
Zephyranthes atamasca Ovoid, up to 20 mm in size, with a bark-covered neck Linear, narrow, no more than six per plant White, no more than 40 mm long, lanceolate Throughout the spring
Zephyranthes candida Round in shape, with a diameter of up to 30 mm and an average length of 50-60 mm Attractive, relatively large, 25-30 cm long Similar to crocus flowers, up to 60 mm long, whitish From mid-summer to second decade of autumn
Golden Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes aurea) No more than 30 mm in diameter, ovoid-round in shape Average length no more than 30 cm, linear type Yellow in color, funnel-shaped, widened in the middle part In winter
Zephyranthes grandiflora Linear type, grooved and narrow, no more than 25-30 cm long and a centimeter wide Reddish-pink in color, consisting of lanceolate petals From mid-spring to mid-summer.
Zephyranthes versicolor Oblong in shape, no more than 30 mm long Appear after flowers form and reach a length of 25-30 cm White, with availability on outside green-red petals Throughout January
Lemon zephyranthes (Zephyranthes citrina) Attractive, relatively medium in size With lemon-yellow petals, small in size. In winter
Powerful Robustus (Zephyranthes robustus) Oval shape, with a diameter ranging from 28–33 mm The peduncle and foliage of the plant are medium in height Pastel pink color, medium size
Zephyranthes rosea Medium in size, ovoid-round in shape Dark green color, with a glossy shiny surface Bright pink coloring on short peduncles From the last ten days of May to September
Zephyranthes lindleyana Large sizes, leveled, up to approximately 35-40 mm in diameter Decorative leaves appearance, wide, large Pale pink color, large size
Zephyranthes andersonii With a shortened neck, with a diameter of no more than 25-30 mm Linear type, grooved and relatively narrow Inner side The petals are orange-yellow, and the outer petals are dark purple. Throughout the summer
Zephyranthes tubispatha Almost regular and spherical shape, with a diameter of no more than 30 mm The leaves are decorative in appearance, not large, medium in size Bell-shaped, white or greenish on the outside, and whitish-lilac, mauve and pinkish-green on the inside. Long lasting, starting in mid-summer

Caring for marshmallows at home

Growing under conditions indoor floriculture is not difficult even for novice flower growers, which is due to the unpretentiousness and sufficient resistance of the decorative crop to the main unfavorable factors.

Photo gallery

How to plant zephyranthes (video)

Optimal growing conditions

The upstart flower is one of the very light-loving plants and tolerates exposure to direct sunlight. South-facing windows are best suited for placing a flower pot with decorative crops. Growing on western and eastern windows gives good results.

The optimal temperature indicators are 18-25 °C from spring to autumn. Starting from the first ten days of autumn, indoor flowers go into a dormant state, so proper care involves placing the plant in a room with a temperature range of 10-12°C.

Feeding and watering

During the active growing season, from spring to autumn, watering should be regular, as the top layer of soil substrate in the flower pot dries out. Water for irrigation must be settled, room temperature. In winter, plants need to be watered less frequently, using less water, which will prevent rotting.

Homemade marshmallows need to be fed three times a month during the growing season., with the use of complete mineral fertilizers. A good result is obtained by using standard ready-made fertilizers for indoor flowering crops for fertilizing, using less concentrated solutions.

Transplantation and propagation

As a rule, transplanting decorative indoor crops is done at the very beginning of spring. You can transplant several flower bulbs at once into one shallow and wide pot, at the bottom of which you need to make a drainage layer from broken bricks or expanded clay. Perfect time for planting Zephyranthes - in March. The flower pot should be spacious enough so that the plant can grow baby bulbs and produce abundant flowering.

When propagated by daughter bulbs, planting is carried out in nutritious soil composed of equal proportions of coarse sand, humus and turf land with the addition of phosphorus fertilizer. Transplantation and planting should be done as needed, placing the neck of the bulb above ground level. The Robustus species also reproduces very well by seed.. Propagated by baby bulbs, zephyranthes bloom in about the third or fourth year.

How to grow marshmallows at home (video)

Problems during cultivation

Most often, novice gardeners are interested in the reason why a houseplant turns yellow or why it does not bloom when the growing technology is followed. Too high can interfere with flowering temperature regime and increased soil moisture levels during the dormant stage. In addition, the reason why the above-ground parts of the plant turn yellow may be insufficient lighting or excess nutritional components.

It is also important to consider that waterlogging the soil causes the bulbs to rot. Proper care minimizes the risk of plant damage by diseases and pests, but poses a potential danger to ornamental crops spider mites, whitefly, scale insects and scale insects, for the fight against which it is recommended to use Actellik.

Growing marshmallows in open ground

Some varieties and types of zephyranthes can be planted and grown in flower beds in open ground conditions. However, it should be taken into account that such a heat-loving ornamental crop works well only in the southern regions of our country, where soil and climatic conditions are close to optimal indicators. The plant feels quite well in open ground conditions, subject to following conditions:

  • watering regularly, but not excessively, with well-heated and settled water at the root of the plant;
  • the soil must be not only fertile, but also breathable, and after watering, shallow and careful loosening is carried out;
  • fertilizing is especially important at the flowering stage and involves the use of complex mineral compositions;
  • to prevent disease or pest damage, you can carry out spring spraying insecto-fungicidal compositions.

With the onset of autumn, zephyranthes must be dug up at the same time as garden gladioli. The leaves of the ornamental crop should not be cut off immediately. It is best to let the foliage dry. Peeled and lightly dried onions garden plant until spring, it must be stored in clean and dry boxes at room temperature. Zephyranthes white after digging can be transplanted into flower pots, where plant growth will continue in room conditions throughout the winter on the window.
Use in garden decoration and combination with other plants

Zephyranthe is used quite rarely in garden decoration, which is due to the soil and climatic characteristics of most regions of our country. A perennial bulbous plant from the amaryllis family can be used in garden decoration, both in group and single decorative plantings.

Zephyranthes: care features (video)

Tall varieties and species look very impressive in combination with low-growing non-flowering annuals, as well as asters, pansies and low-growing zinnias. Low-growing zephyranthes can be used to frame tall flowering crops in flower beds and flower beds. Allowed to grow ornamental plant in container culture when decorating a terrace or veranda.