Indoor yellow begonia. Indoor begonia - care and cultivation

Gardeners love it for its variety of leaf shapes and rich range of flower colors. Modern cultivated garden begonia is conventionally divided into two large groups: deciduous and flowering.

The world of begonia colors: popular types

Richness of leaves. Decorative deciduous begonia cannot boast spectacular flowers, its main pride is colorful, bright leaves unusual shape and various colors. The undisputed favorite of this group is royal begonia. with large leaves, the color of which smoothly flows from silver to reddish. Griffith's begonia with elegant leaves, purple Diadem, and strict and spectacular Cleopatra have original colors.

The luxury of flowers. Decorative flowering begonias are valued by gardeners for their unique beauty and variety of flowers. Here you can choose excellent varieties For garden design, which will delight you with flowering until the first frost - this is the compact ever-blooming begonia . At the time of flowering, it is a real living carpet from all sorts of shades.

But the most gorgeous flowers Tuberous begonias have large originals. When winter comes, they are freed from stems, roots, leaves, leaving only tubers and hibernating. Tuberous begonia is rich in the assortment of its flowers: double and smooth, similar to roses, carnations, peonies and camellias, dazzling white and crimson-scarlet, golden and salmon.

The tuberous begonia Odorata Whites is especially beautiful with the splendor of its snow-pink inflorescences. Low plants bloom large throughout the season, ruffled flowers, reminiscent of a lotus.

Do you like rain? What if it's a rain of flowers? The ampelous begonia looks exactly like a waterfall of gorgeous flowers. Its long, plastic stems are completely covered with magnificent inflorescences of various colors, do not lose strength in the shade, in the rain and in the sun.

Lighting. Flowering specimens will require bright light. In hot summers, to protect the plant from burns, lightly shade it. Decorative deciduous species do not need lighting; they will like partial shade.

Temperature. Provide your beauty with +21-23°C in summer and +15-18°C in winter.

Humidity. Having been born in a humid climate, the begonia flower does not change its habits. She needs high humidity. But it is not advisable to spray the flower - if moisture gets on the leaves, dark spots may appear.

Advice! Place the begonia on an inverted tray. Then place the structure on a larger pallet. Spread gravel around the circumference of a small tray and moisten it regularly. By evaporating, the water will create the necessary humidity for the flower.

Watering. Your favorite indoor begonia requires a lot of moisture, especially in the heat. Keep an eye on the soil - as soon as it dries 1-1.5 cm, water the plant with settled warm (+20° C) water. In winter, watering is reduced, and the tuberous forms generally go into hibernation and do not require water.

Feeding. From the moment of flowering, begonia needs to be fed once every 10-14 days. When choosing fertilizers, focus on the class of the plant:

  • Deciduous species need to improve leaf growth and eat nitrogen-containing supplements (Kemira: ½ sachet per 10 liters of water, Uniflor-growth: 5 ml per 2 liters of water, Agricola: 5 g per 2 liters of water).
  • Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers that stimulate flowering (Bud, Ovary, Pollen, Zdravii) are suitable for flowering varieties. Consumption 1-2 g per liter of water.

Comfort in the garden

Want to know how to care for begonias in the garden? The first thing to do for your favorite flower is place it on the north side of the site or in the shade of large trees. Caring for a garden begonia is practically no different from caring for a home flower.

Advice! When watering, try to water the begonia in the morning, before the heat sets in. Do not forget to loosen the soil immediately after watering.

At the onset of autumn (early October), nodules garden begonia dug up for wintering:

  • We cut off the stems of the begonia, leaving 3 cm of stumps.
  • We dry for 2-3 weeks.
  • We put the nodules in boxes and cover them with sand.

Plant pruning

Begonia needs to be pruned to rejuvenate it. This procedure is applied to plants that have leaves remaining in the upper region of the stem. The stem itself is cut off with a stump of 5-6 cm. The stem of the flower should be in a shaded place. Spray it with water several times a day. Soon the begonia will begin to sprout young shoots in the lower zone of the trunk from dormant buds. To create a beautiful shape side shoots pinched.

True fans of begonia appreciate not only its bright and lush flowering, but also unusual, beautifully colored asymmetrical decorative leaves. The perennial is native to tropical forests and subtropical regions of America, Asia and Africa.

Popular types of indoor begonia flower and photos

Today, about 900 species of begonia are known in the world and at least 2 thousand hybrids have been obtained. Crops to grow in room conditions conditionally divided into two large groups- deciduous and flowering. Decorative deciduous trees are distinguished by their original shape and color of leaves. Flowering begonia varieties are divided into groups of tuberous, evergreen and bushy, which require a dormant period. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types:

  • tuberous– has simple and double flowers of white, pink, yellow, bright red, orange colors. Petals can be two-colored or framed. Flower sizes range from 5 to 15 cm, shapes are similar to rose, carnation, peony;
  • everblooming- the most popular begonia from the bushy group. It is grown as a garden culture, and in room conditions. In the latter case, the plant is able to bloom all year round. It has glossy leaves of red and green shades, blooms small flowers of red, pink, white colors;
  • royal– decorative deciduous species is distinguished by large, up to 30 cm in length, leaves of heterogeneous color in dark green, brown, and red tones. The shapes of the leaf blades are heart-shaped or reminiscent of a snail's spiral;
  • ampelous– this subspecies of tuberous begonias is used in vertical gardening. Hanging garlands of shoots 25-50 cm long are strewn with many white, crimson, orange, yellow flowers, which bloom throughout the growing season;
  • elatior– this tuberous begonia hybrid is intended for cultivation exclusively at home. It has thin shoots of red shades that need support. Blooms in autumn winter period. Petals of white, yellow, red, orange tones. Glossy leaves round shape, flowers are about 5 cm in diameter.

Caring for indoor flowers at home

Begonia is demanding on lighting; it should be placed in a well-lit place

Home begonia is unpretentious in planting conditions and easy to care for. It does not need frequent transplants and grows at moderate temperatures. Its tropical character shows special requirements to air humidity. Some species have a dormant period after flowering.

Lighting and watering

A well-lit room suits begonias. Abundantly flowering varieties prefer diffused light. Decorative deciduous specimens develop better in partial shade. Good location flower pot there will be a window sill on the east or west window. During the winter months, it is recommended to provide additional artificial lighting.

Begonia is moisture-loving. For irrigation, soft, settled water is used, the excess is drained from the pan. Adhere to the following rules:

  • in summer, water generously twice a week;
  • in extreme heat, the soil is moistened daily;
  • from October the plant is watered as the top layer of soil dries;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum;
  • in March, the intensity of moisture gradually increases.

Tuberous species hibernate during the winter. During this period, they are placed in peat, and watering is completely excluded.

Air humidity

Never spray begonia as it can lead to illness

The tropical origin of the plant places increased demands on indoor air humidity. It is not recommended to spray begonia, as this causes it to hurt and spots appear on the leaves.

To satisfy the requirements of the flower, a special microclimate is created for it. For this:

  • the pot is placed on a saucer with wet peat;
  • Pebbles are poured into a tray of water and a flower is placed on it.

As water evaporates, it will provide necessary for the plant humidity level.

Optimal temperature for begonia

The plant does not like changes and prefers moderate temperatures. In summer it is advisable to keep the flower at +18...+20°C. In winter, the air temperature should not fall below +15°C.

Soil for begonias and fertilizers

After transplanting begonias, frequent and abundant watering is necessary.

Begonias require nutritious soil. It is made up of:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part black soil.

A layer of coarse river sand is placed at the bottom of the pot. Half the container is filled with leaf soil. The top is filled with a mixture of peat and black soil.

It is difficult to grow beautiful begonia without such an important component of care as fertilizer. Fertilizing is carried out no more than twice a month during the period of bud formation and intensive flowering. As a rule, this happens in spring and summer. For this purpose, complete mineral fertilizers are used.

How to replant correctly

Begonias are transplanted in early March once every two to three years. The need for this procedure is indicated by the roots that do not fit in the old pot. The new one is chosen 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

The begonia is carefully removed from the substrate, the roots are cleaned of any remaining soil. Place it in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour. After root system Check for rot or pests. Remove diseased areas down to healthy tissue.

A layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the new pot, and coarse sand is placed on top. The plant is placed in a container and the roots are carefully sprinkled soil mixture. After transplantation, the flower needs abundant watering.

Begonia flowering

Begonia blooms profusely and very brightly. To extend this period, at the very beginning of development they remove female flowers. When the grower's goal is high-quality tuber formation, new buds are removed in September. Then the plant will not waste energy on flowering.

When propagating by leaf cuttings, take a strong specimen

Begonias are planted with seeds and tubers and propagated vegetative way– cuttings of leaves and stems, dividing the bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method is used in spring summer period. Stem cutting for rooting it must be at least 7 cm long. Immediately after cutting, the planting material is planted in a moist substrate of sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1. The container with plantings is placed in a dark place. After 1-2 months the plant takes root.

For propagation by leaf cuttings, the strongest specimen is selected. The cuttings are buried in the ground so that the leaf does not touch the soil surface. Before rooting, containers with leaves are kept in a dark room.

Growing begonia from seeds

Propagation by seeds is carried out from December to March. The nutrient substrate for sowing is prepared from leaf soil, peat and sand. The seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil, lightly pressing into the ground. Shoots appear in 10-15 days.

Grown seedlings dive. Young plants are transplanted into separate pots with a lump of earth. In mid-summer, strong begonias may already bloom. By winter, a plant tuber forms. In autumn, the tubers are stored in sand or peat. Planting material kept at a temperature of +8…+10°С. In spring, the tubers are planted again in pots.

Caring for tubers after planting

How and when to plant tuberous begonia depends on when you expect to receive flowering plant. They begin planting in February and continue until June. For this:

  • the tuber is buried halfway into the ground;
  • leave in a cool, dark room;
  • water moderately for several weeks;
  • when the shoots sprout, the tuber is completely covered with earth, and the pot is transferred to a bright, warm place.

Diseases and pests of begonia and plant care during this period

Spider mites and aphids are the most frequent pests at begonia

Careless care and maintenance errors lead to the fact that the plant begins to get sick and drop leaves and buds. To understand the reasons for this condition, take a close look at the begonia:

  • if the tips of the leaves turn brown and begin to fall off, the flower does not have enough watering and air humidity;
  • pale sheet plate signals a lack of lighting;
  • Excess moisture at low temperatures leads to the formation of fungus. The affected foliage and shoots are removed, and the flower is treated with fungicides;
  • dry air and temperature fluctuations are a favorable environment for powdery mildew. She looks like white coating. To combat it, begonia is treated with a 1% aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur.

Memo to the florist

Begonia may not bloom for a number of reasons, from poor lighting to excess fertilizer.

In the process of growing begonias, unusual situations may arise and gardeners have additional questions about how to deal with them.

If begonia does not bloom, the reasons may lie in the following factors:

  • the plant does not have enough light;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • unsuitable temperature regime;
  • excess fertilizer;
  • watering with hard water;
  • lack of rest period;
  • drafts.

Change the conditions of detention and observe the pet. You may need to replant the flower in a fresh substrate. The lack of flowering may also indicate that it is time to rejuvenate the plant.

Why do begonia buds fall off immediately after they appear?

This phenomenon indicates a weakened state of the flower. It can be caused by improper watering and lack of minerals. This flower needs feeding.

Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

Begonia can purify the air

Begonia leaves are rich in phytoncides, thanks to which it has amazing properties purify and improve indoor air. With its help they fight pathogenic microorganisms. In particular, it is effective in the fight against staphylococcus.

It has been noted that the presence of begonia improves immunity, increases performance and relieves fatigue. It is recommended not only as a home plant, but also as an office plant, since the flower helps enhance mental activity.

The plant has the property of purifying the air from dust and absorbing toxic chemical compounds. Therefore, it is recommended to start begonia at home immediately after renovation.

It is believed that begonia can give its owner strength and determination.

Begonia is believed to help in achieving personal success. It contributes to the birth of new ideas, therefore it is useful for writers, journalists, and scientists.

Begonia is an Aries plant. The flower generously bestows energy, like all fire signs:

  • useful for Leos and Sagittarius, as it helps balance their energetic chaos;
  • Capricorns, Gemini, Libra - develop prudence;
  • Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - establish harmonious relationships.

The influence of begonia on other zodiac signs is neutral.

Energy and symbolism

Thanks to its strong energy, begonia can give strength and determination. It is necessary where pessimists live and there are frequent quarrels. It transforms negative energy into positive. It has a calming effect on irritable people and is a great mood lifter.

Begonia is a symbol of material well-being. She personifies purity and virtue. Seeing begonia in a dream means that a person has a negative program that needs to be cleansed from.

Healing properties of begonia

The plant is widely used in folk medicine. It is a good analgesic and antispasmodic and has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

An infusion of flowers is used to treat wounds and burns, irritation and ulcers. The juice from the leaves is used to relieve headaches. The root is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Begonia is grown to decorate a garden, park, square or apartment. When begonia blooms, it looks very pretty because of its abundant flowering, and is easy to care for. In order for the plant to continue flowering as long as possible, it is important to provide it with proper care. Amateur flower growers should know what begonia looks like, when it blooms, how it reproduces, and what care it needs.

Brief description of the plant

Begonia comes in different varieties, there are varieties herbaceous plant, not exceeding three centimeters, as well as shrubs with rather high branches.

Some begonia species have no stem or only one leaf. The foliage of the plant is green, with reverse side covered with a single color or with specks and patterns.

It blooms with bright flowers in different warm shades. The flowers resemble rose petals or carnations in appearance. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until autumn. Begonia indoor blooms longer than a plant growing outside. The home flowerpot blooms from May to late autumn.

According to decorative properties All types of begonias are divided into deciduous and flowering. Deciduous varieties are valued because they have beautiful colors and interesting foliage shapes. They bloom with small flowers, which are most often torn off.

Flowering begonias have petals of different shades, shapes and sizes.

According to the structure of the rhizomes, begonias are:

  • tuberous, which shed their upper part in the winter and hibernate;
  • rhizomatous, which form a good powerful root system. The shoots do not die off during the winter, but the plant needs rest;
  • plants whose root system grows superficially. In ever-flowering flowerpots, rhizomes develop quickly.

At home, flower growers grow royal, ampelous or elatior.

Royal begonias have large, patchy dark green, brown or red leaves. An ornamental deciduous plant can have leaves in the shape of a heart or a snail's spiral.

In ampelous begonia, the shoots hang down and bloom with white, yellow and other shades of flowers. Flowering occurs throughout the entire growth period.

Begonia elatior is grown only at home. It has thin red shoots that must be tied to a support. This variety blooms in autumn and blooms during the winter. Blooms in white, yellow, red, orange shades. The plant has glossy rounded leaves, 5 centimeters in diameter.

Features of plant care

In order for begonia to bloom profusely and for a long time, it is important to create the right conditions growing. With timely watering and feeding, a plant at home can delight the eye with flowering almost throughout the year. In addition, it needs protection from pests. If you neglect the rules of caring for a flower, it may suffer from rot or another dangerous disease.

Blooming begonia loves bright light. Therefore, it must be grown on windowsills with good lighting. In summer, it is recommended to shade the plant from direct sunlight. Because the sun can burn beautiful leaves and flowers in a flowerpot.

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Decorative deciduous begonia varieties grow and bloom best in diffused light. Therefore, they are grown on windowsills on the east or west side.

Temperature and humidity

The flower loves high humidity, but it cannot be sprayed with a spray bottle. If water gets on the foliage, it can cause brown spots to appear on them.

To prevent the begonia from being damaged by too dry air, it can be placed on a tray lowered into a bowl of expanded clay. It is the expanded clay that should be moistened so that when water evaporates from it, it provides the required percentage of humidity in the room for good growth and flowering of the flower.

In extreme summer heat, the plant needs abundant watering. But it is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan, as it can cause rotting of the roots. Water the flower with settled water. Watering is carried out when the soil has dried out.

In winter, watering is reduced. Tuberous varieties of begonias go dormant in winter, so they stop watering them altogether. Instead of watering, they are placed in a pot with peat.

As soon as the plant begins to bloom, you can start feeding it. Fertilize the flower once every two weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers can only be used for deciduous varieties, as they improve growth but reduce flowering.

Features of plant transplantation

Soil for planting begonias can be purchased at a special store. But if you wish, you can do it yourself:

  1. It is recommended to cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of sand, which will serve as drainage.
  2. Fill the pot halfway with leaf soil.
  3. Mix peat with black soil in equal proportions.
  4. Add the resulting mixture to the leaf soil.

With the right soil for the plant, it will grow actively and bloom profusely.

Begonia is replanted as needed, in early spring. If the entire pot is completely filled with the roots of the bush, they begin to poke out. In this case, it is already necessary to carry out a transplant.

Begonia transplant procedure:

  • Buy a little pot bigger size than the old container.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Clean the roots well from peat.
  • Place the begonia in water mixed with potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.
  • After a while, cut off the rotten parts of the roots.
  • When the roots are completely dry after drying, place the plant in a pot and cover with prepared soil.

After the transplant procedure, water the pot well and place it on a windowsill that does not receive much sun. Once the plant has acclimated to the new pot, it can be placed on permanent place growing. It will take one month for the begonia to fully take root in the new container.

Protection from diseases and pests

If you moisten the soil of a flower too much, it may suffer from powdery mildew or other fungal disease. In order to detect the disease in time and save the plant, you should carefully examine it from time to time, especially in the area of ​​the core of the bush and lower leaves. It is in these places that rot most often accumulates and powdery mildew starts. If rot is detected, reduce watering and remove the affected parts of the flower. This way, prevent the fungus from spreading throughout the plant.

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Begonia is propagated using leaf cuttings, stems, and dividing bushes. But in order for the plant to take root and bloom successfully in the allotted time, it is important to take into account its type and variety. Since some flowers are propagated only by dividing the bush, and some only by cuttings from leaves. To propagate a tuberous begonia variety, you need to purchase seeds or have tubers.

Propagation by cuttings

In spring or summer, begonia can be propagated using the cutting procedure:

  • From a healthy plant, cut a cutting 7 centimeters long.
  • Plant the cut stem in sand mixed with peat in a 3:1 ratio.
  • Place the container with the planting in a dark place.
  • After a couple of months, the plant will take root and begin to grow successfully.

To propagate begonia from leaf cuttings, choose a healthy, vigorous plant. Dig the cutting into the soil so that the leaf does not touch the top layer of soil. Until the leaf takes root, it is recommended to keep the container with it in a dark room.

Propagation by seeds

Begonia propagates by seeds from December to early March. The seeds are sown in an even layer in leaf soil mixed with peat and sand. When sowing, each seed should be lightly pressed into the soil. In two weeks the first shoots will begin to appear.

It is important to distribute the seedlings into different containers. After some time, young, strong plants are transplanted into separate pots with properly selected soil. If begonias are healthy and growing successfully, you can see them blooming already in mid-summer. Before winter, the plant tuber will be fully formed. In autumn, the tubers are buried in sand or peat for winter storage. Store at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees Celsius. In spring, the tubers are replanted in pots with updated soil.

The procedure for propagating begonias by tubers:

  1. In the fall, carefully remove the tubers from the soil.
  2. Trim the foliage.
  3. Clean the roots well from the soil.
  4. Carefully separate the tuber into pieces.
  5. Place the finished tuber particles in peat so that they do not dry out.
  6. After some time, transplant the tubers into pots with sandy soil and water them moderately.

It will take a long time for a tuberous begonia to germinate. The beginning of the germination process will be indicated by the emerging shoots and roots.

Problems during cultivation

It often happens that begonia does not want to bloom. This problem occurs when:

  • insufficient lighting;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • improper transplantation;
  • not timely fertilization;
  • absence of a rest period;
  • too dry air;
  • pest damage;
  • severe drying of the soil or watering with hard water.

In order for begonia to start blooming again, it is necessary to change the growing conditions.

Sometimes a begonia cannot bloom due to age or an incorrectly planted plant. If the shrub does not bloom, it may be a variety with decorative leaves. Decorative deciduous begonias have beautiful leaves of large or small sizes, with an exquisite shape and pattern. Often the stems of such plants are creeping, and the foliage rises high on elongated cuttings. Decorative deciduous begonias do not bloom, but there are varieties of this species that bloom very few small flowers.

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Some begonia varieties bloom only if 6 rings have formed on the main stem. Early flowering can only be achieved through the use of stimulants.

If you decide to grow begonia in a flowerbed, be sure to keep in mind that it does not tolerate frost. Therefore, plant in open ground or take pots to Fresh air recommended in April or May. It is recommended to grow the flower in a flower bed well lit by the sun. But you should protect it from drought. If the plant is planted in shade or partial shade, it will develop slowly and not bloom very profusely.

Flowering begonia grown in open ground, falls between June and September. If you have time to transplant the plant into a pot before the onset of frost and bring it into warm room, it will continue to bloom for another two to three months. Water street flower needed when upper layer the soil has become dry.

To decorate flower beds and borders, flower growers plant Illumination, Nonstop, Chanson. The Illumination variety is planted in balcony boxes and flowerpots, as it has weeping stems. The Nonstop variety has erect stems reaching a height of 20 centimeters. It blooms with large yellow flowers. The hanging variety Chanson has beautiful cascading double flowers reaching 6 centimeters in diameter.

Among all the variety of flowers on windowsills, begonia looks like a real queen. A plant with beautiful, abundant flowers began to be grown in our area about 200 years ago. But it was described much earlier - back in the 17th century. And this was done by the man in whose honor the flower was later named - Michel Begon. Today, begonia is grown not only on window sills and in greenhouses. Some varieties of plants tolerate winters well and can be grown in gardens and outdoor flower beds.

Begonia belongs to a genus that is considered one of the most numerous in the Begoniaceae family. In total, this genus includes approximately 1000 plants that grow in high mountain areas, as well as in tropical forests, and they are known to be characterized by high humidity.

Most plant species are found in South America. But there is this one beautiful flower and in Sri Lanka, India, the Himalayas, and the western part of the African continent.

Begonias are characterized by flowers of different sexes, which are zygomorphic, that is, they have irregular shape. The perianth usually has a bright color.

Tuberous begonia has large flowers, sometimes reaching 15 cm, and ever-flowering - small (2-3 cm). Begonia fruits are capsules that split at the seams and release very small orange-yellow seeds.

Today there is no single accepted classification of begonia. In the literature, plants are divided according to different qualities. Thus, some distinguish decorative flowering species and varieties, as well as decorative deciduous ones. Others divide begonias by their roots. Accordingly, begonias are tuberous, rhizomatous, and with superficial roots.

But we can highlight the most common types of plants that live both in rooms and greenhouses, and in gardens. They, in turn, are also divided into different varieties.


The species originates from the eastern side of India. This plant considered one of the most beautiful of its kind. On its basis, more than one decorative deciduous variety and other hybrids were bred.

Royal begonia has thickened rhizomes, and its leaves are large, smooth or slightly pubescent. Their shape is heart-shaped, has jagged, uneven edges, and is asymmetrical.

The outline of the leaves is decorated with a crimson stripe, or a red-violet, sometimes brown line. Some hybrids have almost black leaves with crimson spots. The flowers of the plant are inconspicuous and pink in color.

This type includes the following varieties: Silver Greenheart, Cartagena, Hallelujah, Evening Glow, etc.


A plant that has the shape of a small bush that grows up to 60 cm. Its shoots are erect when young, and when they reach maturity they become ampelous. The species is characterized by round leaves slightly pubescent along the edges, measuring about 6 cm.

The color of this species is not very varied - dark, sometimes light green, and there is a reddish tint.

Ever-blooming begonia can be double or simple. Her palette does not include many shades - pink, red and white. Size - up to 2.5 cm, inflorescences do not have a long life, prone to rapid fading, but are immediately replaced by others. With quality care and lighting, this begonia can also bloom in winter.

Main varieties: Bikola, Carmen, Gustav Knaake, Orania.


This type It is considered very bright, it can also be called profusely blooming. These plants are hybrids. They have long gained considerable popularity and are favorites of gardeners.

It grows up to 40 cm in height. The stem is fleshy and thick. The leaves are heart-shaped, their edges are jagged, and the size is about 8 cm. The leaves are glossy, smooth, and bright green on top.

And their inner side is lighter, matte. Flowers appear on fairly long peduncles, collected in inflorescences.

The most popular varieties: Louise, Rose, Renaissance, Piccora.

How to grow begonia Elatior: video


This species is more often seen on balconies, beautiful terraces or gardens. The shoots of the plant are drooping, they cascade down and have many flowers. These plants are planted in flowerpots, as well as hanging pots or baskets.

The species is represented by varieties with double flowers, there are also densely double and semi-double varieties. The palette includes yellow, pink, red and other colors, as well as various combinations of them. Flowers come in different sizes.

Varieties that are often found: Roxana, Gail, Katie, Christie.


This species is also quite popular, mostly due to its abundant and long-lasting flowering. The plant is a perennial, tuber-forming plant. Its flowers resemble camellias or roses. They come in pink, red, orange, purple and other shades. As for size, the species includes flowers from large to small, they can be double or simple.

How to plant tuberous begonia: video

Indoor begonia species are favorites among gardeners because they are unpretentious. Begonia does not require any complicated created conditions. It is also quite resistant to diseases and pests.

Caring for this plant will not cause much trouble. But still, he must be competent, otherwise the plant will disappear.

If you adhere to the temperature regime, watering and lighting rules, then the begonia will be well-groomed, neat and can always delight with its sophistication.

Windows that face west or east are most suitable for growing. As for temperature, +18 0 C is considered optimal, although begonia can tolerate warmer air well, especially in the summer months.

Since the plant comes from the tropics, it loves wet air. But spraying may cause unaesthetic appearance on begonia leaves. brown spots. Therefore, in winter, when the air dries out the heating, pots with this flower can be placed in trays with wet expanded clay.

It is important to remember that decorative begonias do not tolerate crowding. This must be taken into account when placing flowerpots. The plant needs ventilation, although it absolutely does not tolerate drafts. From them it fades, sheds leaves and flowers.

Begonia should be watered moderately, but carefully monitor the soil. Much more important is not watering, but sufficient air humidity. The plant requires more moisture in the summer heat. But it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the roots.

Settled water is best, but not cold - room temperature. Special attention should be turned to tuberous species. They do not need to be watered at all in winter.

Fertilizers need to be applied periodically to keep the begonia looking beautiful and healthy. For decorative flowering species, it is necessary to add useful substances from the moment the buds appear. Then - 2 times every 30 days. You can use a complex substance for flowering plants.

When the ovary is formed, you can add substances containing potassium and phosphorus (“Pollen”, “Ovary”). As for nitrogen fertilizers, they are needed only for decorative deciduous species.

Begonia loves a lot of light, especially flowering species. But in hot weather it is worth shading the plant so that it does not get burned. But decorative deciduous varieties prefer diffused light.

Majority flowering species Begonias produce flower stalks in the summer. Some continuously delight with their flowers - all year round. Tuberous plants sometimes bloom in autumn period, but such buds need to be cut off so that the plant does not become depleted. If you add it to irrigation water organic fertilizers, then the flowers will be more magnificent and attractive.

In general, begonias do not need to be shaped. However, if for some reason the plant has lost its beautiful appearance, it can be trimmed, leaving only 4-5 cm in height. After this, the lateral buds will grow, and new and more active growth will begin.

Replanting begonias is necessary if the flower needs a larger pot. This is not difficult to guess: the roots begin to hang out of the drain holes. But you need to transplant the flower correctly. This is done in early spring.

The soil can be taken from the store or prepared from peat, leaf soil, or black soil. Drainage can be made from simple sand. Immediately before transplanting, the plant is removed and cleared of soil.

Then the root system is dipped into a solution of potassium permanganate. When disinfection is complete, you need to cut off the roots that have died.

Immediately after transplanting, the plant should be watered more often. Young begonias tolerate the transplantation procedure quite easily. But mature ones have many fragile leaves and can suffer. Therefore, after reaching the age of three, begonias are often divided into parts when transplanted.

How to plant hanging begonia: video


There are several ways to propagate begonias. This is dividing the bush, cuttings and propagation by stems and seeds. Which method to choose often depends on the type of plant.


Thus, tuberous begonia can only reproduce by seeds or tubers. This species is propagated as follows. In spring, the tubers need to be removed and cut with a knife. Each particle must have at least one shoot or at least a bud, as well as its own roots. After treating the cuts with crushed coal, the tubers can be planted in pots.


To propagate begonia by seeds, they need to be placed in a container with sand and soil. With moderate watering, you can get young plants, but you will have to wait - this is a protracted, long process. Seeds germinate in warmth and under good light, the pots with them are covered with film until germination.

You can pick begonia after 3-4 leaves appear. After 50-60 days, the plants can be planted in separate pots. By the way, already in the first year, young begonia can bloom provided there is good lighting.


A very simple vegetative method of propagating begonias is cuttings. Cuttings are cut from the plant; they must have at least 3-4 leaves. All cuts should be treated with charcoal.

Pots with cuttings should be placed in a place where there is a lot of light and warmth, but no direct sunlight. It is important to provide moderate watering after the soil has dried 1-2 cm. Rooting is also carried out in water, where roots appear within about a month.


You can also propagate using begonia leaves. Both the leaf itself and part of it are used as cuttings.

  • In the first case, the main veins are cut on the underside.
  • With the same side it is placed in moistened sand (previously calcined) and secured.
  • The soil can only be moistened using a tray.
  • Roots will begin to grow from the cuts in about 2 months.

When the new plants gain strength and begin to grow, they can be transplanted into a separate pot with ready-made soil mixture.

How to rejuvenate indoor flowers. Propagation of begonia by cuttings: video

Begonia in the room may be attacked spider mite, aphid. They feed on the sap from the cells of the plant, causing it to lose its appearance and develop poorly.

A couple of treatments with Karbofos or Actellik with an interval of 7-10 days will help to destroy aphids.

But you can overcome ticks with the help of drugs such as Derris, Decis.

If the flower is affected by nematodes and has lost color, then it will have to be thrown away - unfortunately, it cannot be treated.

Begonia can suffer from gray rot, botrytis, powdery mildew. You can combat this with fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, Fundazol, etc.)

If the begonia has contracted some kind of viral or bacterial disease, for example, bacterial wilt, tomato blight, then it will no longer be possible to cure it - it will have to be destroyed.

If we summarize the rules for growing begonia in several points, we get the following list:

  • Good lighting;
  • Moderate watering, but high air humidity;
  • Warm indoor climate;
  • Timely feeding;
  • High quality transplant.

Compliance with all these rules will allow you to grow beautiful lush begonias at home. The plants will be healthy and can be propagated using the chosen method without any problems. As you can see, there is really nothing complicated in care. Begonias need a little attention and love.

Often people who grow begonia encounter the following problem: the plant’s buds fall off. It is difficult to clearly determine the cause of this condition. This behavior occurs due to various factors.

  • when begonia just needs to be fed.

To find out the probable cause, you need to find out the rules for caring for the plant and determine what you are doing wrong. Then it will be easier to understand everything and correct the situation, returning the flower to its beauty.

Poor leaf condition most often occurs due to insufficient quantity moisture. Moreover, it may not be watering, but air humidity.

  • Begonia comes from the tropics, so it needs warm air saturated with moisture.
  • Another reason is depletion of soil in the pot. If you haven't fed your plant in a while, then perhaps it's time to do so.
  • Also, sometimes pests appear in the soil. They infect the roots of the begonia, causing it to suffer and lose its beautiful appearance. In this case, you need to replace the soil by preparing a new substrate.
  • By the way, when replanting, you must wash the roots and soak them in potassium permanganate dissolved in water. Otherwise, you can move the pests to a new place.

Not many people know that begonia is not only a very beautiful flower, but also useful.

Scientists conducted research and were able to prove that this plant has antiallergic and antiseptic properties. Moreover, begonia helps heal wounds and relieve spasms.

It is rich in useful substances, including oxalic acid, phytoncides, organic acids and tannins. The properties of begonia to absorb chemicals have also been proven.

In addition, the plant can trap dust on its leaves and humidify the air in the room where it lives. You can place begonia near monitors and other household appliances. And all because this beautiful flower capable of reducing their electromagnetic radiation.

Different parts of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. For example, juice helps heal wounds and burns, ulcers, reduces pain in muscles and joints (as a compress), and helps with snake bites. But lung damage and stomach ulcers are treated with an infusion of begonia juice in alcohol.

This is such a beautiful and useful plant - home begonia.

The begonia flower has over 900 varieties and is widely distributed as indoor plant. Among them there are three-meter giants, and there are very small centimeter crumbs. This magnificent beauty is named in honor of the Governor of Haiti Begon, because the plant comes from the tropics.

Begonia species - diversity created by nature and people

Before deciding how to care for begonia at home, you need to decide what type of plant you like.
The main types of begonias are divided into two huge groups - flowering and deciduous, further classification is as follows:
Flowering varieties:

    • The tuberous begonia in the photo may be without leaves - they fall off from this plant, and a new generation grows from the tubers. Luxurious and abundant flowering, flowers 5-15 cm, of various shades, double or simple, two-color, with a border;

    • bushy, requiring a period of sleep. The most common type is the ever-flowering garden begonia (see photo), planting and caring for which is not difficult. The ever-blooming begonia pleases with its delicate flowers almost all year round, but it must be renewed by cuttings every 3 years, since the stems stretch out and become unattractive;

  • evergreen begonia.

Decorative deciduous varieties are characterized by beautiful leaves with interesting colors:

    • When you see the royal begonia in the photo, you will understand why it is the leader in the group of decorative deciduous plants. These are heart-shaped leaves with heterogeneous colors of green, brown and red tones;

    • spotted;

    • brindle;

    • Cleopatra;

  • Mason's begonia.

The ampelous begonia will attract attention even from the photo, planting and caring for it is the same as for other types of this plant. Ampelous begonia belongs to the tuberous family and is used in vertical gardening because it forms an attractive flower garland up to half a meter in length. When the plant is not in bloom, it produces attractive leaves.

Advice! Caring for the ampelous variety is simple - you should plant the plant in a pot with soil made of sand, humus and turf, and place it near a well-lit window.

The basic requirements of begonias are light, watering and humidity, temperature

In order for your plant to be as wonderful as the begonia in the photo, care at home should be provided according to the following recommendations:

  1. Lighting. It is better to place pots with begonias on south-east or south-west windows. The place should be bright, but without direct sun, because under sun rays Burns will appear on the tender leaves.
  2. Temperature. In order for you to enjoy photos of begonia flowers grown with your own hands, you need to know that the plant is heat-loving. In summer, the optimal temperature for it is 18-20°C, and in winter the thermometer should not fall below 18°C.
  3. Watering. Abundant regular watering is needed only in summer, when it is hot. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to moderate. Begonias do not like waterlogging, so they water only when the top layer of the substrate dries 1.5 cm. And it is better to use soft, pre-settled water.
  4. Humidity. Begonias cannot be sprayed because brown spots appear on the leaves. However, high humidity is very important for the plant, and therefore the containers are placed on a tray with wet moss.

Advice! You can also place vessels with water or wet expanded clay next to the plants.

Rules for transplanting begonias. Selection of soil and fertilizers

Care and cultivation of begonias require correct landing and regular replanting. For the plant to feel good, it will need good drainage, and the soil should be loose and light, but at the same time nutritious. The most commonly used mixture is the following:

  • leaf soil - 2 hours;
  • turf - 1 hour;
  • peat - 1 hour;
  • humus - 1 hour;
  • sand - 1/3 tsp.

If we are talking about planting young plants, you can use a soil mixture of leaf and peat soil in a 1:1 ratio.

Advice! Ready-made soil purchased in a store can be supplemented with crushed sphagnum moss yourself.

Young plants should be placed on sunny side, and leaves will quickly begin to appear. And after 1.5 months the first buds will appear and open beautiful flowers begonias as in the photo.

An adult plant should be replanted no more often than every two years, and a young plant should be replanted annually, in the spring. The pot should become cramped, and only then is the transplant carried out. An exception is if you bought begonia in a store - then replanting is advisable immediately, since during this operation you can assess the condition of the plant’s root system.

Important! Soil is not poured to the very top of the container, since begonia forms additional roots, and they should be covered with new soil.
From the moment the buds appear, the plant is fertilized. To do this, you need a universal complex fertilizer suitable for flowering indoor plants. The frequency of fertilizing is twice a month.

Begonia propagation methods

Begonias can be propagated by cuttings of stems and leaves, as well as by dividing the bush, and for the propagation of tuberous varieties, tubers or seeds collected after flowering are used. Most often propagated by cuttings in the spring:

  • you need to choose a strong and healthy leaf or cutting;
  • place it in a moistened mixture of sand and peat (proportion 3:1). Planted immediately to prevent the cut from drying out;
  • the container is taken to a dark place for 1.5 months until a new begonia is born.

Important! The leaf cuttings for propagating begonias must be at least 5 cm, and the stem cuttings must be at least 7 cm.

But for tuberous begonias, planting and care are somewhat different. To propagate a plant by tubers, you should provide proper storage tubers: they are placed in sand or peat in the fall and kept at a temperature of +8...10 ° C all winter, and in the spring they are planted in containers with suitable substrate and drainage. The tubers are only half-deep into the substrate. Next, the plant is provided with moderate watering. The tuber will germinate for several weeks, attach roots to the ground, and only then release shoots. As soon as the shoots appear, the required layer of soil is added on top of the tubers and the containers are transferred to the light. Already in mid-summer, the plants will be covered with flowers, and by winter they will form new baby tubers.

Possible difficulties when caring for begonia

Various consequences improper care at home you can see the evergreen begonia in the photo.

The most common troubles are:

  • the plant sheds buds and leaves - it lacks moisture;
  • if the leaves are too pale, then the plant does not have enough light;
  • when it is too wet and cold, begonias may develop gray mold- mold. Then all affected parts are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide;
  • Spider mites or aphids may settle in, which will draw juices from the plant. This begonia must be washed soap solution tobacco or chamomile, and also treated with an insecticide or preparations with pyrethrum.