The better way to insulate the walls of a frame house. How to insulate the walls of a frame house from the inside with your own hands? Insulation for a frame house: selection criteria

Costs of building a frame house compared to concrete structures look more pragmatic, and the level of heat loss directly depends on the insulation filling the voids of the walls and floor. In addition, most materials simultaneously have other properties (fire resistance, noise insulation, moisture resistance, etc.).

The review presents the best insulation materials used in the construction of frame buildings for various purposes. The rating is based on the characteristics of this product and opinions professional builders, working with a certain group of insulation materials for more than one year. Feedback from owners was also taken into account, conveying invaluable experience in using a certain material over a long period of time.

The best mineral insulation for a frame house

5 Expanded clay

High environmental friendliness
Average price: 243 rub. (0.07 m³)
Rating (2019): 4.5

Lightweight porous clay granules are quite suitable for insulation, although they are in less demand (due to the high price) than mineral wool. Backfilling of frame walls, carried out using a special technique, is used much less frequently than insulation with expanded clay floors and ceilings. This is explained by the thermal conductivity of the material (no more than 0.14 W/m*K). To ensure better thermal insulation, a layer of 150 mm will be required, which is not entirely advisable.

Since this insulation has the ability to absorb moisture and is not very willing to part with it, the ineffectiveness of the installed vapor barrier materials significantly reduces thermal conductivity. The simple technology of application and low price of expanded clay attracts owners of frame houses who plan to assemble it themselves. Reviews from those who have already used this insulation note the need for the correct choice of density and fraction, on which, in turn, the performance characteristics of the material significantly depend.

4 Slag wool

Affordable price. High thermal insulation characteristics
Average price: 166 rub. (0.12 m³)
Rating (2019): 4.7

Having the best thermal insulation properties, slag wool is used to insulate walls, roofs and floors in frame buildings. Although the material cannot boast of environmental friendliness, it is very popular, which is largely determined by its special properties. The insulation is made from slag waste from metallurgy, it has a low cost, and at the same time, is practically not inferior in terms of thermal insulation characteristics to more expensive analogues. The light weight of the material and ease of cutting allow you to perform insulation work on any surface.

The hygroscopicity of this insulation is not an obstacle to its use for thermal insulation of a frame house - you just need to ensure high-quality vapor barrier. If all recommendations regarding the installation of slag wool are followed, it can last for quite a long period of time - 50 years, at least. Negative reviews indicate the presence on the market of a low-quality product, manufactured in violation of technology and in artisanal conditions. When purchasing this building material from a trusted supplier, you can rest assured that this insulation provides all the declared characteristics.

3 Foam glass

Durability. Lowest thermal conductivity
Average price: 2155 rub. (0.25 m³)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Judging by the reviews, foam glass has the best insulating and energy-saving properties. To insulate the walls of a frame house, they mainly choose block shape this material. Its use eliminates the need for an additional layer of vapor barrier, since this insulation has increased resistance to moisture. Among other things, foam glass demonstrates the best strength and durability indicators, which guarantees high level comfort in all weather conditions for 100 years.

When choosing this insulation for a home, owners are primarily guided by safety and thermal conductivity indicators, which foam glass has among the best. This material is non-flammable, absolutely environmentally friendly, biologically stable, and the heat retention coefficient is only 0.04 W/m*K. The only drawback many see is that the price is too high. However, owners when constructing new structures frame type More and more people are choosing this insulation.

2 Glass wool

The most popular insulation
Average price: 549 rub. (0.375 m³)
Rating (2019): 4.9

Glass wool is also widely used in construction. The choice of this insulation is primarily due to its affordable cost and the best technical characteristics that provide the necessary comfortable conditions accommodation. The only negative of this material, judging by the reviews, it is “prickly”, but if you follow the recommendations for use, all undesirable moments can be avoided. Glass wool is easily laid over the joists during the insulation process interfloor ceilings, and in frame walls it qualitatively fills all voids, leaving no room for heat loss.

The low thermal conductivity coefficient of this insulation guarantees maximum satisfaction of the requirements laid down in the concept of comfortable housing. When building a frame house, an important factor when choosing is the non-combustibility of materials, and one of the characteristics of glass wool is precisely its high fire resistance. At the same time, pests (rodents) and microorganisms are not able to survive in a space filled with this insulation. Considering the ability of glass wool to absorb moisture, you should take the installation of vapor and waterproofing very seriously - the service life of this material directly depends on the quality of this work.

1 Basalt wool

Better moisture resistance. Long service life
Average price: 890 rub. (0.576 m³)
Rating (2019): 5.0

It is considered one of the most popular insulation materials used in arranging a frame house. Its base consists of various rocks and rocks, including basalt. This material is characterized by increased strength and better fire resistance, which guarantees excellent fire safety. Basalt wool has low thermal conductivity, which minimizes losses and significantly reduces heating costs.

Since basalt wool is not able to absorb moisture, it is the best choice for filling the frame skeleton of a house. This material is very simple and easy to install, which is confirmed in their reviews by users who have carried out self-insulation walls and floors with stone wool. The environmental friendliness of the insulation, its biological and chemical stability, as well as the constancy of its original properties throughout its service life (at least 50 years) are also noted.

The best polymer insulation for a frame house

Modern insulation materials, although they have a number of advantages, are still less environmentally friendly compared to natural-based insulation materials, and also require additional expenses for the installation of forced ventilation systems.

5 Penofol

Unique reflective characteristics. High coefficient of thermal resistance
Average price: 400 rub. (9 m² with a thickness of 10 mm)
Rating (2019): 4.3

Rolled composite material has a high reflective effect and is used in frame houses mostly for insulation of ceilings and floors, and for thermal insulation of walls its use is only advisable in combination with another material (the same polystyrene or stone wool). At the same time, penofol also provides sound insulation and does not emit harmful substances and has a high coefficient of thermal resistance. In addition, this material is so easy to install that it does not cause any difficulties when installing it yourself.

In reviews, owners point out its practicality - with a small thickness, penofol significantly enhances the effectiveness of the insulation used with it due to the layer aluminum foil and polyethylene with bubbles of inert gas frozen in it, which does not conduct heat at all. The ability to reflect not only heat waves, but also radio signals, as well as some types of other radiation, is noted. Among the entire variety of materials for thermal insulation, only penofol has these properties, which, together with its reasonable price, only contributes to its popularity in the building materials market.

4 Polyurethane foam

Long service life. High material efficiency
Average price: 247 rub. (0.45 l)
Rating (2019): 4.5

Frame walls are filled with polyurethane foam by spraying, and if not for the high cost of the material, it would easily displace most of the insulation materials from the market. Good insulating properties, resistance to fire, pathogenic microorganisms, long term service life (at least 50 years) - these are just some of the advantages of this insulation.

Given the absolute resistance to moisture, insulation of the walls of a residential building should be carried out in parallel with the installation of ventilation systems. Unique thermal conductivity indicators (from 0.019 to 0.03 W/m*K) not only allow you to significantly save on heating the room in winter, but also prevent summer heat from entering the house. The best efficiency has been proven by many years of operating experience by owners from different regions. And judging by their reviews, this insulation is worth the money spent on its installation.

3 Penoizol

Best installation speed
Average price: 925 rub. (0.5 m³)
Rating (2019): 4.6

This material is one of the fastest insulation materials - with well-coordinated team work, the frame walls of a house, including interfloor ceilings, can easily be insulated within one day. The advantage of penoizol is that the monolith fills absolutely all cavities and, after hardening, acquires high thermal insulation properties, which will serve the owner for decades, since the material is located in the space between the walls and is completely protected from the influence of external factors.

Based on the reviews of the owners, even after five or more heating seasons that have passed since the installation of this insulation, there were no complaints related to the properties of penoizol. System artificial ventilation with such insulation it is a prerequisite for residential premises. Of course, adherence to the technology for producing carbamide insulation and the quality of raw materials play a huge role, but with strict implementation of the regulations, the result is invariably positive.

2 XPS (extruded polystyrene foam)

High material efficiency
Average price: 1250 rub. (5.6 m²)
Rating (2019): 4.8

XPS is most widely used as a material for insulating interfloor ceilings and the floor of the first floor. Its thermal conductivity allows you to effectively cut off the coming cold from the base of the building or the basement located under the residential floor. Its use in the attic part of the house is no less effective. The seams between the slabs are filled polyurethane foam, which makes the insulation layer monolithic.

Reviews from owners who used XPS as thermal insulation note the high efficiency of the material - slabs with a thickness of 50 mm are similar in their characteristics to 925 mm brickwork. Such performance indicators will not leave any owner indifferent, and the cost of this material (it is not the most affordable) against this background becomes a secondary matter. A supply and exhaust device is strongly recommended ventilation system. In its absence, the internal walls of the house will constantly become damp, since the material does not allow moisture to pass through at all.

1 Foam

The most popular insulation. Affordable price
Average price: 620 rub. (0.4 m³)
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the most convenient insulation materials to install is polystyrene foam, which also has all the characteristics necessary for high-quality thermal insulation. This material has the most affordable price and a number of operational advantages, so it is often used to insulate the frames of private houses. It does not absorb moisture and does not change its original shape over time. Contrary to popular belief, polystyrene foam is not susceptible to attacks by rodents, which is confirmed in their reviews by users who insulated the walls of their house several years ago and during the entire period of operation never found such damage to the insulation layer.

For optimal thermal insulation effect, you should follow all installation rules and take a responsible approach to choosing the manufacturer of this insulation. High-quality foam plastic must, among other things, meet fire safety requirements, for which it is treated with a special substance - a fire retardant. Depending on what will be insulated - the floor or walls of a frame house, you should choose types of foam plastic of different densities. Thermal insulation with foam chips is no less successful. It is simply poured into the cavity of the structure. This material is practically devoid of vapor permeability, so residential premises must be equipped effective system forced ventilation.

The best wood-chip insulation for a frame house

5 Sawdust

The best cost of insulation
Average price: 81 rub. (20 l)
Rating (2019): 4.5

This insulation has an obscenely affordable price, which is why many treat it with rather high irony. In addition, sawdust can act as an excellent habitat for both insects and field rodents, unless special antiseptic treatment of the material is carried out. The use of different francs or wood pellets (after special processing) gives a low percentage of shrinkage and a high density of insulation. In this case, the absence of impurities and the moisture level of the building material should be monitored before filling the voids of frame walls or floors with it.

Reviews from owners who have chosen this most affordable insulation note its high breathability, vapor permeability and low heat transfer, depending on many factors, including the degree of filling of voids and compaction, as well as the type of wood from which the sawdust is actually made.

4 Fiberboard

Withstands structural loads. The most durable
Average price: 1770 rub. (1.8 m² at 100 mm thickness)
Rating (2019): 4.7

This insulation is a universal building material, which, in addition to everything, provides good sound insulation properties and also easily maintains climatic balance in the room. Made from wood wool and Portland cement, this modern composite material got rid of the main drawback of environmentally friendly insulation materials – poor resistance to fire. A cubic meter of insulation weighs about 300 kg, which allows you to insulate not only the floor, but also frame walls.

Despite the not the best thermal conductivity coefficient (0.063 W/m*K), the demand for fiberboard is steadily growing, since its other characteristics look more advantageous in comparison with other materials in this category. Owner reviews also note the durability and wear resistance of fiberboard. Due to its high rigidity, it can easily withstand structural loads, which can significantly reduce the cost of constructing a frame house.

3 Cork agglomerate

Easy. The most fireproof material among natural insulation materials
Average price: 1120 rub. (3 m² with a thickness of 50 mm)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Technical cork, made from natural cork oak using resin from the same tree, is one of the highest quality and environmentally friendly insulation materials. Agglomerate sheets are available in different thicknesses (10, 25, 50 and 100 mm), which allows you to choose the most suitable mats for walls, floors or ceilings. Due to the relatively high cost of the material, it is used extremely rarely for insulation of frame buildings. It is mainly used to insulate flat roofs (while also serving as a finishing material) and floors.

Reviews from owners who preferred cork agglomerate (essentially a natural and environmentally friendly material) indicate high performance characteristics insulation - it practically does not burn, and rodents avoid it. In addition, cork has high sound-absorbing properties (used for finishing professional recording studios) and does not bear much load on the structure of the house - one cubic meter of agglomerate weighs no more than 130 kg. In addition, its thermal conductivity is 0.040 W/m*K, which beneficially complements all other advantages of the agglomerate.


Best modern insulation. Highest class of environmental safety
Average price: 2600 rub. (0.5m³)
Rating (2019): 4.8

A modern material for insulating walls, floors, and roofs of houses, including frame houses, is distinguished by excellent insulating properties and has a number of unsurpassed characteristics. Flaxan appeared relatively recently on the market, but has already become in demand among domestic developers of luxury housing. Unfortunately, its cost is such that not everyone can afford it. However, its use in residential premises most complies with environmental safety requirements - the Dutch research institute NIBE recognized it as the best insulation with top class environmental friendliness 1 “A”, because it has absolutely no negative impact on people living in the premises.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of a 100 mm thick jute-linen mat is 0.034 W/m*K, which makes this material quite a worthy insulation material for the walls and floors of frame buildings. Despite the fact that Flaxan belongs to highly flammable materials (category “G” 4), this does not at all affect its steadily growing demand. In addition, in addition to thermal protection of the house, this material provides, judging by reviews, a fairly good level of noise insulation, and also has a fairly decent service life without loss of its characteristics - at least 75 years.

1 Cellulose wool (ecowool)

Provides self-regulation of the internal climate. Best level thermal insulation and acoustic comfort
Average price: 579 rub. (15 kg)
Rating (2019): 5.0

Despite all its unpretentiousness (ecowool is made from recycled materials) and affordable cost, this insulation has one of the best thermal conductivity indicators - 0.042 W/m*K. It directly depends on the moisture that cellulose wool absorbs like a sponge. This material is applied by spraying a layer required thickness(this way the consumption is much more economical), and for frame structure is one of the most preferred materials - ease of installation, price of insulation and thermal insulation characteristics have a strong influence on the preference of domestic developers.

In a frame house, using ecowool, you can also insulate the floors located on the joists. The ability to easily absorb and release moisture creates a self-regulating microclimate in the premises, ideal for humans, especially those suffering from various allergic manifestations. Some reviews, in addition to this feature and low thermal conductivity, also note the excellent acoustic properties of ecowool. The insulation is capable of absorbing up to 63 dB of noise coming from outside, providing residents of such a house with the level of comfort of elite-class housing.

The main criterion for the quality of a house is its heat capacity, the ability to retain heat at winter temperatures Oh. What is the best way to insulate a frame house - expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, mineral wool, or perhaps expanded clay?

Types of insulation

The modern construction market offers so many insulating materials that it can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to make the right choice. Each manufacturer says that its material is the best and offers to use it in various buildings. Let's see what features various insulation materials. And which one is the best?

Foam insulation

Polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is the cheapest insulation option. This explains its popularity in various construction projects. When applied to a frame, foam is not always convenient. Its slabs are not compressed and are not installed tightly between frame posts. After installation, it is necessary to fill the cracks with foam. However, these disadvantages are compensated by the affordability of the heat-insulating material.

Foam between the posts.

The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is 0.041 – 0.051 W/(m*K), depending on the density. This means 10 cm foam insulation replace 20 cm of wood and 70 cm of brickwork. Such high characteristics are ensured by the structure of the material. The foam contains 98% air and only 2% polystyrene.

On a note

In terms of thermal conductivity, foam plastics have surpassed even mineral wool. This means that for the same winter temperatures you will need a smaller thickness of foam than mineral wool.

The structure of the foam consists of individual cells, the walls of which are made of polystyrene (the same 2% of the material), and the internal cavity is filled with air. Based on the nature of the relative arrangement of cells, foam plastics can have an open cellular structure (when adjacent cells are connected to each other) and a closed structure (when the cavity of each cell is limited and is not connected to anything).

Insulation with foam plastic.

Foams with an open-cell structure have some air conductivity and are able to absorb moisture and get wet. This type of foam is called ordinary foam; it absorbs 4% moisture. It can be used to insulate walls and cannot be used to insulate foundations and those building elements that often get wet.

On a note

Foams with a closed-cell structure are considered waterproof. An example of such a material is penoplex, the so-called extruded type of polystyrene (made by extrusion, extrusion). It is used to insulate foundations, floors, and lower sections of vertical walls.

Which insulation for a frame house is better - simple or extruded, moisture-resistant? Both types of expanded polystyrene can be installed in the walls of a frame house. Moreover, for regular polystyrene foam will need . And for extruded penoplex - constant operation of exhaust and supply ventilation.

The walls are insulated with penoplex.

In addition to the main advantage - affordable price and low weight (polystyrene slabs are easy to lift and mount on walls), polystyrene foam insulation has a number of disadvantages that prevent their widespread use in frame construction:

  • They contain unhealthy and downright harmful chemicals, so it is recommended that foam insulation be done on the outside of load-bearing walls. For internal and frame insulation, it is necessary to properly insulate polystyrene foam boards from the space inside the room. And when outdoors - protect from heat sun rays. Styrene heated to +30°C begins to actively evaporate the reagents contained in it.
  • Even with an open cellular structure, the material does not conduct air well enough, does not “breathe” and does not provide. Therefore, in buildings insulated with foam plastic, ventilation must function frequently.
  • Polystyrene foam melts quite easily. Already at +50°C it begins to lose its structure. This limits its use in the construction of premises with high internal temperatures (in the walls of steam rooms, saunas, baths).

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is one of the expensive insulation materials, which is a type of foam rubber. It differs in application method and hardness. Polyurethane foam is sprayed onto insulated surfaces from a special spray bottle. The application process is so toxic that the worker wears special means protection - clothing, gloves, glasses, respirator. What is the know-how of this method?

Application of polyurethane foam to walls.

Traditional polystyrene foam (foam) is a rigid board. When they are installed between frame posts or when applied to brickwork, they form small gaps. They are bridges of cold. In order to prevent heat leakage through the slotted “bridges”, they are blown in with special polyurethane foam, without any expansion effect.

Polyurethane foam is applied to the insulated surface in liquid form. It is sprayed, forming a smooth surface of the inner wall for subsequent finishing. So, he:

  1. Qualitatively insulates all joints and crevices.
  2. Levels uneven inner wall surfaces.

We insulate the attic with polyurethane foam.

In addition, polyurethanes have the following advantages over polystyrenes:

  • They have lower thermal conductivity 0.023 - 0.043 W/(m*K) and better thermal insulation, which is 1.5 times better than the insulating properties of polystyrene foam.
  • Higher operating temperatures, up to +110°C.
  • There is a smaller amount of harmful fumes, which makes it possible to apply the insulator on the inside of the walls and use it in frame construction.

On a note

The only important disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its high price, which is due to the need for special expensive equipment and the work of a professional.

Insulation with mineral wool

Cotton insulation is one of the old proven materials that are used for various thermal insulation. Mineral construction wool can be made from fibers of various raw materials (glass, stone, slag), thereby producing glass wool, basalt wool, and slag wool. Thin thread-like fibers are arranged in a chaotic manner in the insulation structure. They are glued together with synthetic glue, leaving gaps with air between the fibers. In this way, the structure of the wool is formed into slabs or rolls that can be compressed and reduced in size.

Insulation basalt wool Izover

The compressibility of the material is required when installing insulation between frame posts. Therefore, construction wool is most suitable for frame installation and is often used in frame construction.

The most popular in modern insulation is the basalt version of construction wool. This is what is often called the general designation “mineral wool”. It is made from basalt by melting the stone at high temperatures (from 1300°C) and dispersing the melt in a centrifuge. As a result of processing, thin stone threads are formed, which are pressed into slabs, rolls, and mats.

We lay mineral wool in the frame of the house.

The thermal conductivity of basalt wool is 0.048 – 0.056 W/(m*K). This means that to replace 70 cm of brick you will need 12-15 cm of mineral wool. In addition to high thermal insulation properties, stone wool has a number of other advantages:

  • Vapor permeability and the ability to conduct air, “breathe”, provide natural ventilation through the wall.
  • More than 80% - natural composition and a small amount of synthetic fumes.
  • High operating temperatures (up to +300°C).

On a note

Stone wool is the “weakest” among other building wools in terms of withstanding high temperatures. It retains its properties up to +300°C. While glass wool can withstand up to +500°C, and slag wool can withstand up to +600°C.

Stone wool insulation is considered good thermal insulation for the walls of a house. However, it is necessary to take into account the following fact. To insulate vertical walls, it is necessary to use cotton wool with a density of at least 50 kgm 3. Wool less dense will quickly settle, which will negate the insulation. A density above 50 guarantees long-term operation of cotton insulation for several decades.

Insulation of internal walls with stone wool.

In order to prevent subsidence of the insulation and a decrease in the heat capacity of the walls, it is better to use cotton wool in the form of mats for a frame house. It has a certain degree of compressibility, does not form cracks or joints, does not settle and does not lose its thermal insulation properties. Basalt wool slabs are considered the best insulation for a frame house, with an optimal price/quality ratio.

Ecowool insulation

Ecowool is made from paper and cardboard fibers, which are obtained from pulp production waste or waste paper. This insulation is also called natural, although 20% of its composition consists of synthetic glue and anti-flammable substances - fire retardants.

Application of ecowool on external walls.

Ecowool is one of the most inexpensive construction wools. It is used to insulate those surfaces that are not in contact with the interior. In addition, ecowool is a bulk insulation material. It is produced not in the form of slabs, but in the form of a bulk substance. Therefore, it is convenient to insulate floors under a rough screed, and it is expensive to insulate vertical walls(it is necessary to construct wall formwork).

A limitation to the internal and frame insulation of residential buildings is the content of harmful borate substances in the material. Each kilogram of ecowool contains 200 g of borax and boric acid, which are odorless but can cause severe poisoning if vapors are inhaled.

Expanded clay for frame

This is another option bulk insulation. It is rounded clay particles of small size, fired at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees.

Expanded clay is made in different fractions.

Expanded clay is often used for floor insulation.

Advantages of expanded clay

  • 100% natural material, without synthetic glue, fire retardants, toxic components.
  • Relatively low price.
  • The highest durability among other insulation materials.

Disadvantages of expanded clay

  • Average thermal insulation characteristics, 0.12-0.15 W/(m*K), make it necessary to use a sufficiently large thickness of insulation (at least 50 cm for floor insulation).
  • Expanded clay absorbs moisture, so it is not used for floor insulation inside damp and damp rooms.

Insulation for walls

To determine which insulation, it is necessary to compare their performance characteristics and installation features.

Sectional diagram of insulation.

Choosing insulation for the walls of a frame house

  • Thermal conductivity of the insulating material - the lower this indicator, the better thermal insulation walls. The smaller the thickness of the insulation. When deciding what thickness of insulation is needed in a frame house, you need to start from its thermal conductivity. For example, 10 cm of foam plastic has the same thermal insulation properties, 12 cm stone wool and 70 cm of brick.
  • The density of insulation for a frame house - the lower this characteristic, the more ventilated the material. The higher the density, the more rigid the shapes of the insulating boards. For wall wool insulation, the density also determines the durability of the wall insulation.
  • The price of insulation for a frame house.
  • Availability of do-it-yourself installation.

By comparing the performance of heat-insulating materials, the customer or construction owner selects one or another insulation material. When funds are limited, foam plastic is often chosen, although this is not the best insulation. If the quality criterion is put at the forefront of the choice, then the most optimal filler material is chosen for frame wall– mineral basalt wool.

Frame houses are being built very, very actively. But even such reliable and high-quality structures in the Russian climate cannot do without insulation. And this means that from the choice correct option A quiet life in the house depends on him and his ability to work competently.

Why is it necessary?

Panel buildings are very popular among summer residents: they are attracted by the opportunity, having started work in late autumn, to have a full-fledged house by the beginning of the season. In this case, such buildings:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • are inexpensive;
  • serve for many decades.

But all these advantages are realized only if the insulation of the frame house is done properly.

Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to call it comfortable. It is worth immediately distinguishing between two types of buildings.

  • Buildings for permanent use by default must have solid thermal protection.
  • If you plan to be there only from late spring to late autumn, thermal insulation should be minimal - strictly to maintain the stability of the structure itself.

The “frame”, intended for the summer period, has a wall thickness of no more than 70 mm. During the cold season, the required figure is at least twice as high. If we limit ourselves to more thin layer material, the heat leakage will be disproportionately large, and you will either have to freeze or lose a lot of money on heating.

Important: for winter living you will have to insulate not the entire volume of the frame, but only its individual parts, first of all:

  • stingrays;
  • basements;
  • attic planes;
  • basement structures.

It will not be possible to get by with a heated floor alone, even if its power is excessive. Through basements, external walls and other parts of the panel house structure, heat will flow away just as vigorously. Considering the variety of conditions where insulation will be installed, it is impossible to give a universal answer about the best option. Basement walls are equipped with some types of thermal protection, load-bearing walls with others, and cold attic ceilings with others. But in any case, the choice of suitable insulation formats always comes first.

Types of thermal insulation

Cross (additional) insulation of frame structures is carried out, as its name suggests, by adding an auxiliary volume of insulation to one layer. This solution allows you to reliably close existing cold bridges. Most builders prefer the external location of insulation- because it does not take up precious internal space, which is always in short supply in dachas and rural dwellings. In addition to thermal protection of the façade plane, Special attention It is worth paying attention to preventing heat from escaping through the corners.

They are the most problematic points in any home; Now you can find out which solutions to all these problems should be preferred.

What should you use to insulate?

Insulation for a frame house cannot be bulk; standard technology involves the use of only tiles or rolls. The difference is not only that “one is put down, the other is unwound.” Technologists are aware of the differences in nominal thickness. Typically, increasing the layer thickness increases the energy efficiency of the material.

But it is worth remembering that even a material that is impeccable in itself can be used incorrectly, and this immediately devalues ​​all the advantages. Therefore, it is better to either turn to professionals, or study the slightest subtleties and nuances of each coating.

The vast majority of amateur builders and official firms use the “brilliant four”:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral slabs;
  • isolon.

There are many other options, the main division of which is based on chemical nature(organic or inorganic substances in the base) or by structure - solid blocks and bulk substances. You can even choose expanded clay, metallurgical slag and other bulk reagents. But the problem with this solution is the gradual shrinkage of the thermal protection layer. You will have to thoroughly compact the layer being laid, and not just fill the entire volume of the wall, floor, and so on with the selected composition. Slab materials do not cause such problems - but they also have their pitfalls.

So, using mineral wool in its pure form for external insulation of walls is pointless: it will not hold up well and will retain its thermal properties only until the first rain or snow. A prerequisite for success is attachment to a special structure of bars packed vertically. Each beam is placed only where the border between the mineral wool slabs passes. You should also take care of external protection from getting wet.

When working, it is important to wear respiratory protection, wear special glasses and not take off gloves.

Polystyrene foam is an organic substance. Its undoubted advantages are:

  • low specific gravity;
  • protecting walls from strong winds;
  • exclusion of rotting.

But these advantages also have a downside: high fire risks. Therefore, it is impossible to decorate walls with foam plastic that has not undergone special treatment.

Mineral wool is absolutely not prone to ignition. A similar advantage can be obtained by using basalt wool, but it also has a significant advantage - ease of processing and perfect safety for builders.

Many people call the use of penoizol the ideal solution.

But it also has weak points - after a few years, areas will form where the material will not fit tightly. Therefore, heat loss will increase sharply. The liquid version of the coating has more powerful adhesion and lasts 50–60 years (a guarantee is provided for this period). The disadvantage, however, is also obvious - without special equipment it will not be possible to achieve success. But penoizol is in any case acceptable for retaining heat in the floor, roof and walls.

Internal wall insulation frame buildings It is impossible with rolled materials. More precisely, it will be possible to attach them to the walls, but then the walls themselves will shrink, and the thermal insulation will inevitably be damaged. Regardless of the option chosen, and whether the work is done inside or outside the house, it must be carried out very carefully. It is useful to remember this whenever the thought arises of saving money by working on your own. If among all the materials the choice fell on penoizol, its installation is preceded by the installation of profiles.

Expanded clay frame structures they are insulated extremely rarely, and even its low cost does not justify such a choice. Yes, the material is very dense and does not absorb water well. But if it has already absorbed liquid, its return will be very slow. Expanded clay is very heavy, and even with a minimum density in dry form, it puts pressure on the walls and foundation very strongly. This circumstance will have to be taken into account during external finishing, choosing the most durable solutions for it.

But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that expanded clay is three times worse in thermal qualities than mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Therefore, you will definitely have to use layers of waterproofing and vapor barrier. Insulation with stone wool also competes strongly with this material. Working with its slabs is a pleasure; there is no need for complex tools. Cutting into the required fragments is done with a knife or saw with fine teeth.

Please note: stone wool blocks should not be compressed, tamped or squeezed. This will definitely lead to negative consequences. You also need to use ecowool wisely. So, in its pure form, ecological wool is very flammable, but if you mix it with borax and boric acid, the level of fire danger will decrease sharply. In addition, such processing will avoid interest from microscopic organisms and certain animal species.

Near the surface, ecowool can contain up to 20% water (by weight) and retain its basic insulating properties.

When the material dries, it fully restores functionality. People will also find such advantages as an optimal microclimate, suppression of extraneous sounds, absence of seams and sanitary safety to be attractive. As for possible problems, they are:

  • you will have to limit yourself to vertical backfilling in order to guarantee thermal protection;
  • You will definitely need specialized equipment;
  • if the fastening control was poor, the material may settle;
  • Ecowool is not very appropriate where high humidity may be present.

Insulating frame houses with sawdust is another traditional, even centuries-old technology. But there is no reason to consider it exclusively primitive, as modern people often do. Careful consideration of the characteristics of the material allows it to be realized profitably positive features and weaken the negative ones. The undoubted advantage of sawdust is natural origin, affordable price and decent heat retention. You just need to deal with the risk of fire and the establishment of rodents in the material.

Antiseptic components, lime, clay, gypsum or cement help solve such problems.

Important: when choosing an additive for sawdust, you should pay attention to how hygroscopic it is.

In many places high humidity can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Sawdust of a large fraction is usually used for the rough insulating layer, and heat retention is mainly ensured by a finer substance. When purchasing or preparing yourself, you should pay attention to the dryness of the material; the quality of thermal protection depends on it.

Followers modern materials and the latest technologies can insulate frame houses with extruded polystyrene foam. It is quite widely used when working on floors, including:

  • over unheated basements and technical undergrounds;
  • under attic floors;
  • to enhance the acoustic protection of structures separating the floors of the house.

Typically, on the floors of frame houses, polystyrene foam is placed between the joists; at the request of the owners or craftsmen, it can be mounted under a reinforced screed made of cement and sand. The disadvantage of the material (easily eliminated, however, with a careful approach) is the need to strictly observe the specified gaps between the plates. Expanding when heated, polystyrene foam can be damaged - to prevent such a development of events, gaps are needed. It is important to remember that this synthetic substance is flammable and should be used with caution.

It is unacceptable to glue it to mixtures containing any flammable or simply caustic component.

In addition to insulation, it is worth remembering that reliable, well-designed ventilation must be provided in a frame house.

Fresh air is always brought in from utility rooms, and the flow is carried out under the doors separating the rooms. If you do not take care of the presence of a gap under them, then not only freshness, but also uniform distribution of heat in the home will not be achieved. When it is not possible to form such a gap, the following come to the rescue:

  • special channels for flow;
  • bars across the wall;
  • separate channels for the passage of air into a specific room.


The more monolithic the insulation layer, the more stable it usually retains heat. Because It is worth paying primary attention to the density of the structure, it is much more important than a big name or a whole series of certificates. The only one especially lightweight material, worthy of attention is polystyrene foam (including its modification such as polystyrene foam). Even mineral wool belongs to the simply light category, although its specific gravity can vary widely. It is this circumstance that allows us to select optimal solution for a wide variety of conditions and situations.

If you need the strongest possible cold blocking (in living rooms and on the floor), it is necessary to use the densest versions. For non-residential attic the bar of requirements is lower. With a density of 75 kg per 1 cubic meter. m. cotton insulation Suitable only for surfaces that carry relatively light loads, as well as for thermal protection of pipes.

Brand P-125 is already more worthy; it can be used in different procedures:

  • covering ceilings and floors;
  • thermal insulation of walls;
  • thermal protection of partitions;
  • suppression of external noise.

Cotton wool of category PZh-175 has increased rigidity and is not used in frame houses, to a greater extent it is used in stone and concrete buildings. If you plan to cover the walls with siding, you can use basalt wool with a density of 40 to 90 kg per 1 cubic meter. m. Moreover, the densest material is recommended to be used in the upper parts of the walls. For plaster, experts advise using cotton wool with a specific gravity of 140–160 kg per 1 cubic meter. m. The requirements for insulation used in the interior of a frame house are less stringent.

When the home is covered pitched roof, optimal parameters are 30–45 kg per 1 cubic meter. m, and if you plan to insulate the attic, the lower bar is already 35 kg.

Five times higher than the minimum value for mineral wool under flat roof, and for polystyrene foam it is much more gentle, only 40 kg per 1 cubic meter. m maximum. In floors, loose insulation can only be used when laying between joists. Otherwise, the thermal protection will be a mechanically loaded element, which will negatively affect its characteristics.

Residents of frame houses naturally strive to ensure that their habitats are not only warm, but also environmentally friendly; errors in the selection of insulation can prevent the achievement of this goal. Until recently, to meet environmentally safe way thermal protection was possible only in elite areas, but now such schemes have become much more accessible. Quite predictably, natural fibers take first place:

  • woody;
  • linen;
  • hemp and some others.

The advantage of such substances is the zero degree of allergic and toxicological risk. The softness of the structure makes it difficult for individual components to penetrate into the external space. There is absolutely no place for mineral and glass wool in an environmentally friendly home. Insignificant shards of glass and stone fibers cannot be seen without a magnifying glass. But they can cause significant harm to health.

Important: no matter how great the desire for cleanliness and health protection, this is not a reason to refuse antiseptic treatment of a number of materials – where it is really needed.

Fire retardants are most often made from borax, a natural mineral that is completely safe. The vast majority of thermal protection components, however, do not pose a danger only under strictly specified conditions. One of them is always maintaining the integrity of the insulating “pie”, from which one or another substance cannot normally escape. Linen insulation is relatively cheap and at the same time quite normal, based on data obtained from medical studies in different countries.

Peat blocks are now becoming increasingly in demand in frame construction. 1 cu. m of such material costs approximately 3 thousand rubles, and it will last for 75 years, all this time being a sharply unfavorable place for microbes. What is important in our troubled era, such insulation can reduce the entry of penetrating radiation into the house by 80%. The only problem is that there is still little operating experience, and it is unclear how peat blocks will behave in different conditions after many years.

Cork structures are easily placed under wallpaper, on interior walls and under the floor; but due to the very high price, it is unlikely that many people will be able to appreciate their quality in the foreseeable future.

Review of manufacturers

Reviews allow you to appreciate not only the different types insulation materials, but also the professionalism and integrity of individual companies.

Attention: you need to take into account that we will only talk about the truly best of best companies, which over the years of competition have shown all their capabilities.

Firm "Rockwall" supplies the market with fireproof thermal insulation made from stone wool. It places emphasis on ensuring the highest environmental and sanitary performance of its products. You can use this mineral wool as part of thermal protection:

  • pipes;
  • facade walls;
  • room partitions;
  • roofing structures;
  • areas experiencing intense loads.

100 mm of such a slab is enough to replace almost 2 m of brickwork.

French corporation "Isover" sells glass wool to its consumers in roll, slab or matte configurations. Of course, environmental safety is somewhat less, but the cost of the products is noticeably lower and optimal fire-fighting properties are guaranteed. The level of thermal conductivity also corresponds necessary requirements. The company's line includes pressed materials that are easy to install even without the use of fasteners.

Glass wool is also supplied under the brand name URSA, which uses significantly less phenol in production, and in some cases got rid of it altogether. The product range includes:

  • slabs of moderate rigidity;
  • products adapted for medical and children's organizations;
  • hydrophobic structures of increased density;
  • products resistant to deforming loads.


Regardless of what specific substance is used, the thickness of the insulation must be carefully calculated. If you miscalculate this indicator, you will end up with either an insufficient effect or excessively high costs for purchasing thermal protection and working with it. When the work is entrusted to a professional team, you still need to control the measurements and calculations made by it. As practice shows, installers left without supervision, making sure that no one is checking them, will sooner or later “make a mistake” in their favor.

The main role in the calculations is played by indicators such as thermal conductivity and thermal resistance.

Glass wool has a very high resistance to heat loss - but its disadvantages prevent the widespread use of this material. When making calculations, it is worth focusing on the climatic properties of a certain area. So, in Moscow and its environs the recommended layer of most good insulation materials does not exceed 0.2 m. If you use such a number of them in the Far North, the result will be disastrous for residents.

A standard formula of the form δut = (R – 0.16 – δ1/λ1 – δ2/λ2 – δi/λi) × λut has the following components (sequentially):

  • thermal resistance of structures in a specific area;
  • total thickness of all layers;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • the ability of insulation to transmit heat.

Raw materials and tools

When the type of insulation has been chosen, the calculations have been made, it’s time to get ready for work properly. You definitely need to choose necessary tools as carefully as possible, taking into account the slightest nuances.

  • With a dry insulation option, the “raw material” can be considered, along with the selected thermal protection, timber or metal constructions the created frame. It is also useful to select materials that are consistent with the material. decorative materials, waterproofing films, membranes, vapor barriers.
  • The “wet” scheme is implemented using water-based adhesives.

Typical tools for insulating walls and roofs include:

  • screwdriver;
  • guns for applying polyurethane foam;
  • hammers;
  • jigsaws for precise cutting of wood and metal;
  • perforator;

  • spatulas;
  • hydraulic levels;
  • roulette;
  • metal scissors;
  • containers for preparing solutions, and so on.

The exact set cannot be predicted in advance, because it greatly depends on the chosen technology, on the nuances of the frame house and the amount of work. In any case, it is worth trying to purchase high-quality tools and Consumables. All devices purchased specifically or already on hand should be carefully checked before starting work. Otherwise, it will not be possible to guarantee the quality and safety of manipulations during insulation. In almost all cases, craftsmen benefit from a square: it is able to both mark precise right angles and measure the actual angles formed by the sides of the part.

Among all the hammers the best way suitable fitter type.

It is suitable for processing any surfaces. On the one hand, such a tool is smooth and allows you to strike, and on the other, it is pointed, like a chisel. If you have to dismantle building elements and structures, you need a nail puller. Separate polystyrene foam and other insulating materials into parts, decorative elements can be done using fine toothed saws. The teeth should be specially set and sharpened in a special way.

For the preparation of building mixtures, only mixers with a spiral-shaped working part made of strong steel grades are quite suitable. Using rollers, it is easy to apply primers and a variety of paints, even if the surface is very rough or rough. To apply the adhesive solution for subsequent implementation of the reinforcing mesh, it is recommended to use Swiss ironing tools with teeth. The optimal tooth size is 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 mm, it is determined by the manufacturer of the façade systems.


Step-by-step instruction in any case, it requires installing a layer that protects against moisture. The only exception is made for those situations where such protection is already in place outside (or inside). The reason is simple - two-way blocking of water deprives it of outlet. The liquid will accumulate inside the walls and gradually destroy them.

The first step is usually to measure the external surfaces and cut the waterproofing material according to their size.

Next comes work with the vapor barrier. This point cannot be avoided even when hydrophobic or neutral substances that tolerate contact with water are used for insulation. After all, besides them, the “pie” also includes other parts that are much more sensitive to getting wet. When insulating inside and outside, it would be correct to use a special film or foamed polyethylene to contain water vapor. Such materials are attached to the frame racks, ensuring maximum tight pressure against the insulation.

Important: wrapping thermal protection blocks in film is a violation of the standard scheme - until all components of the frame, without exception, are covered from water, the work cannot be considered completed.

Only when all this is finished do they begin to work with the filler itself.

At the same time, safety requirements are strictly observed, especially relevant when choosing mineral or glass wool.

The final step is to cover the walls from the inside. Without competition in terms of the sum of their qualities, there will be drywall and oriented particle boards. It is recommended to install gypsum boards if the frame is perfectly flat, then the outer surface will be smooth. But OSB, thanks to its rigidity, will cope with flaws as efficiently as possible. But in any case, this is only preparation for the real finishing touches.

Master classes from professionals

Master classes organized by professionals allow you to obtain the latest and adequate information on all problems of insulation and related topics. As a result of the consultation, it will become clear what the width of the frame board should be in certain case, and how to calculate the thickness of a fundamentally new material.

Experienced craftsmen understand safety measures and the storage and transportation of each insulating coating better than ordinary amateur builders. Many mistakes are made when attaching structures, drawing up diagrams and determining the sequence of layers in the “pie”. But communication with knowledgeable people helps correct this situation.

When mineral wool is used, try to prevent condensation coming from warm rooms from getting on it. But waterproofing and vapor barrier are also fraught with many pitfalls. The choice of material for cladding is often dictated by tradition, personal tastes or stereotypes - but meanwhile, a thoughtful design is much more pleasant. Professionals will tell you when you can use natural insulation, and when it is better to use artificial ones. It is very important to understand the compatibility of materials with each other: master classes again help here.

To find out which insulation retains heat better, see the following video.

Frame houses are prefabricated structures and are the main type of residential buildings in the USA, Canada, Finland, Germany and Sweden. With the advent of the new millennium, technology frame construction is finding more and more supporters among our compatriots. However, the climate of the above countries is still milder, therefore, in most of Russia, the construction of a frame house requires the use of additional insulation. This short article will tell you about some of its types.

There are a number of requirements for insulation, as indeed for any other material that is used. The most important among them are:

  • Lightness, since most residential frame buildings are built on light types of foundations (pile, columnar, etc.) However, if it is used, then this requirement can be neglected;
  • Resistance to flame and high temperatures is one of the main requirements in a wooden house;
  • Resistance to a humid environment, especially if natural “breathable” materials are used for interior decoration;
  • The ability to ensure tightness, i.e. minimal number of seams, or better yet, their complete absence;
  • Elasticity, since frame houses tend to “move” throughout their entire service life, this occurs due to alternating drying out and moisture gain by the wood;
  • Long service life without loss of thermal insulation qualities. Is it true, this requirement not so critical, since it is quite easy to open the wall of a frame house and replace the old insulation, but it is still better to do without it;
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for human and domestic animal health. This requirement probably does not need additional comments.

Main types of insulation

Progress in all spheres of human life does not stand still, including in the construction industry, so every year new types of insulation for walls, floors and ceilings, foundations, etc. appear on the building materials market. If just a couple of decades ago, only mineral wool, sawdust (shavings), and expanded clay with slag were available to the average person, today it is much richer. In addition to the above, these include:

  • Ecowool;
  • Sprayed polyurethane foam.

Mineral or basalt wool is one of the most popular insulation materials for. This material is resistant to combustion and high temperatures, environmentally friendly, and has good sound insulation. The last property is very important in frame buildings. To understand the thermal insulation characteristics of mineral wool, it will be enough to say that a layer of this material 50 mm thick is equal in properties to the thickness of brickwork of 580 mm.

Regarding the insulation technology itself, the construction of the frame is carried out initially with the expectation that slabs of mineral (basalt) wool will be used. Between the racks of the wooden frame a distance of 60 cm is left, which is equal to standard width thermal insulation material.

Basalt slabs should be laid tightly so that there is not too much free space between them and the outer and inner walls, but they should not be pressed too hard, as over time this can lead to damage to the material and the formation of “cold bridges”.

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) in boards is a foamed thermoplastic, which consists of fused granules. This may seem surprising, but the insulation boards themselves consist of 98% air, which fills both the granules themselves and the space between them, and only 2% polystyrene. Of all types of insulation for frame structures, polystyrene foam boards are the lightest.

With prolonged exposure, polystyrene foam is affected by vegetable, animal and paraffin oils, fats, diesel fuel and petroleum jelly. EPS is unstable to various types of organic solvents, but it does not dissolve or swell in water, practically does not absorb moisture, is durable and resistant to rotting. This material is not digestible by animals and microorganisms, therefore it is not used by them as food and does not provide a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Ecowool, which consists of 80% cellulose and 20% various components (binders and fire retardants), in our country relatively recently began to be used as insulation for frame houses, although, for example, in the States this material was widely used back in the 70s. -s of the last century. For comparison, it must be said that a layer of ecowool 130 mm thick is equivalent in its thermal insulation characteristics to a 600 mm thick aerated concrete wall.

Essentially, ecowool is paper production waste that has been treated with brown acid or ammonium sulfates (prevents burning) and boric acid (prevents rotting). It is resistant to combustion, harmless to the health of people and animals, does not rot and rodents are not very fond of it.

However, when choosing this material, you need to take into account this feature: ammonium sulfates and phosphates, when interacting with boric acid, lose their flame retardant properties over time. In addition, these compounds can cause an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you should purchase ecowool that uses only brown acid (borax) as a fire retardant, which does not lose its properties and is odorless.

Another bulk insulation- This is waste from wood processing enterprises - sawdust. Perhaps this is the cheapest way to insulate a house. Some furniture production shops give away sawdust free of charge if a person independently removes the waste from the territory.

However, it should be remembered that for insulation you can only use sawdust of a fairly coarse fraction, and that remaining after cutting the primary wood.

Thus, sawdust from chipboard, fibreboard, MDF panels and other materials, in the production of which various binding components are used, are not suitable not only for reasons of environmental safety, but also because they are too small and are, in fact, fine dust .

In addition to being cheap, sawdust also has a number of other advantages:

  • Absolute harmlessness to others;
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Excellent sound-absorbing properties.

However, there are also a number of disadvantages. So, for example, the low cost can be offset by the need to use manual labor when forming a heat-insulating layer. Sawdust tends to caking over time, which after some time will force work to open the walls and replace them.

If you do not add lime when filling, the sawdust will begin to rot quite quickly. Also quite strange love This material is susceptible to mice and rats, so the outer parts of the walls must be well protected from their penetration. The figure below shows a possible scheme for insulating the walls of a frame house using sawdust.

Expanded clay has been used as insulation for almost a century. A huge advantage of expanded clay is its almost one hundred percent resistance to fire, as well as its environmental friendliness, because it is made from light-alloy clay or shale rock by swelling and firing. The method of producing expanded clay determines the porosity of its structure, which, in turn, makes it light and soundproof. Also, expanded clay granules are not subject to rotting and small rodents are not very fond of them. Over time, it does not lose its properties.

True, this material also has a full set of disadvantages.

Firstly, the relative fragility of the granules does not allow applying great effort when compacting while backfilling into walls, which can cause significant voids and “cold bridges” to form.

Secondly, expanded clay is hygroscopic, and the absorbed moisture is not released, but dries out gradually, that is, when used in rooms or climates with high humidity, the walls will constantly absorb water.

According to the shape and size of the fractions, expanded clay is divided into three varieties:

  1. Crushed stone. The granules of this fraction are large, acute-angled, the size ranges from 20 to 40 mm.
  2. Gravel. Granules oval shape, the value is about 10–20 mm.
  3. Sand. The smallest fraction, the size of the granules does not exceed 10 mm in diameter.

To insulate frame houses, you need to use a mixture of all three fractions, where 60–70% should be gravel, 20% sand and 10% crushed stone. Instead of expanded clay, slag is sometimes used, but this material is quite harmful to health and does not provide proper thermal insulation.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) itself is part of the group of gas-filled plastics, which are based on polyurethane. Just like expanded polystyrene, this insulation consists of 90% air. Sprayed polyurethane foam is used to insulate frame houses.

The use of this material allows not only to get rid of the need to install vapor barriers and wind and moisture protection from membrane materials, but also significantly reduce the money and time costs for construction load-bearing frame structures. But the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer should be at least 120–200 mm (200–300 mm when using extruded polystyrene). Only a house with such a layer of polyurethane foam insulation can be considered truly energy-saving. A layer of polyurethane foam with a thickness of 70–80 mm corresponds to SNiP for enclosing wall structures, while a layer of 100–120 mm corresponds to SNiP for enclosing roof structures.

Spraying polyurethane foam perfectly solves the problem of “cold bridges”, and also copes with the rather difficult task of attaching such building structures, like doors and windows, which can only be installed using this material. Polyurethane foam excludes possible problems with distortions and shrinkage, which is very important in a frame house. Another quite significant advantage of this type of insulation: it performs a protective function for frame elements.

All wooden posts, beams, joists are completely protected from rotting (however, they must be completely dry before installation), since polyurethane foam has extremely low vapor permeability and is practically impenetrable to oxygen.

However, the last of these properties forces frame houses to be equipped with high-quality ventilation.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer depends on several factors. The first and main thing is the type of insulation. The second is the climate of the area where frame housing is being built. For example, if in the Krasnodar region 100 mm (2 layers) will be enough standard slabs) basalt wool, then in the Arkhangelsk region you will need 200 mm, and 150 mm (3 layers) should be located between the frame posts, and 50 mm (1 layer) must be fixed outside in order to cover all frame beams and prevent the formation of “cold bridges”.

Of course, when calculating the required amount of thermal insulation material, you can be guided by life observations, asking neighbors, friends and acquaintances of self-taught builders who have already dealt with frame houses, but it is better to take a scientific approach and apply simple formula: δut = R x λut, where λut is the thermal conductivity of the insulation, and R is the thermal resistance of the walls. You can consider the application of the formula using a specific example: during the construction of a frame house, where the internal walls are made of plywood 6 mm thick, and the external walls are made of OSB boards 9 mm thick, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of the basalt wool layer.

The thermal resistance of the walls of any residential building located in the Moscow region should average R=3.20 m2*0C/W. This value varies depending on the region. Information about the thermal conductivity of a particular material can be found in the product certificate; its presence in it is mandatory; the absence of it should alert the buyer, as this may be evidence of poor quality and even harmful to health material.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer for a frame structure is determined by the same formula: δth = R x λth. Basalt wool has a thermal conductivity value of 0.045 W/m*0C, so in this case the thickness of the insulation layer should be δth = R x λth = 3.20 x 0.045 = 0.14 m. That is, 2 layers of slabs are needed, as already mentioned higher when comparing the construction of a frame house in the Arkhangelsk region and the Krasnodar region.


Watch a video about choosing the best insulation for a frame house.

One of the most wonderful options for own housing is a frame house. It's great and comfortable home and also quite economical to construct. However, the matter is not limited to construction. It is necessary to finish the house thoroughly and insulate it, because comfort will depend on this. Among the main features of a frame house is that the insulation of the walls occurs directly during construction - this is caused, first of all, by its design.

How to insulate a frame house: choice of materials

Initially, you should decide what material needs to be used as insulation in the wall pie. There are a wide variety of materials for this. The best ones for this activity are:

You can do the insulation of a frame house yourself

Basic requirements for insulation for the walls of a frame house

  1. It is best to choose insulation from environmentally friendly material so that it does not harm human health.
  2. It must be resistant to moisture accumulation, as well as fire.
  3. Ease of installation of insulation on the building frame.
  4. The ratio of quality and price insulation.
  5. Fire safety.
  6. Low thermal conductivity.
  7. Strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Wall insulation technologies

They may be different, but among them the main technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Thermal insulation using slab materials (foam, mineral wool, etc.).
  2. Sprayed thermal insulation. This type insulation is still quite rarely used due to its novelty. However, it is quite effective. In this case, polyurethane foam is used as insulation. The application process is similar to working with polyurethane foam.
  3. Backfill technology. In this case, insulation is carried out using cellulose fiber, as well as other backfill materials.
  4. Can also be used combined options. The following scheme can often be used: mineral wool is laid inside, polystyrene foam is placed on the outside, and then plaster.

The procedure for external insulation work

When carrying out work, precise insulation technology plays a primary role. Any factors that can provide a positive final result of insulation should be taken into account, including reasons that can lead to a negative result.

  1. Hanging method of insulation. In this case, the frame is attached to the wall, and waterproofing is attached directly to the surface. It can be pasted and painted. When painting waterproofing, the walls are coated with bitumen after priming. For the pasting option, using bitumen mastic, waterproofing roll material, insulation, waterproofing, glass felt are attached. Then tapes or slabs of roll insulation are attached to the cells of the frame using special glue or mounting dowels.

    At the end of the work outside the frame is finished using decorative slabs or panels. As a result, it can be made of fiber cement, composite, plastic, metal, porcelain stoneware and so on.

    Foam plastic is the cheapest insulation for walls

    The main advantage of suspended insulation is the ventilation system, which eliminates the appearance and accumulation of condensation in the insulating layer.

  2. Wet insulation method. This method refers to cheap, but at the same time quite labor-intensive methods. Using polymer glue, insulation boards are attached to the wall, after which the reinforcing mesh is fastened with dowels, and then decorative plaster is laid on it. This coating is also called “light” plaster.
  3. There is also “heavy” plaster. It will be more complex, but in its reliability and durability it will surpass the “light” one. It is done like this: insulation boards are attached to the wall using dowels, after which the reinforcing mesh is fixed using blocking plates.

    Insulating a house with fiberboard slabs

    Then comes the first layer of plaster. It dries within 24 hours and expansion joints are made. Next comes the second, as well as a leveling layer, in which temperature-shrinkage seams should be present. The last decorative one, where dyes are added, is applied after five days.

  4. Spraying liquid insulation. This method is the most progressive and modern. Spraying of polyurethane foam is carried out using a special installation. The peculiarity is that the performance qualities of such insulation are an order of magnitude higher, and the cost is equal to average insulation. After polyurethane foam, almost any coating can be used as decoration, including hanging panels.
  5. The insulation is applied by spraying

  6. Cladding method . This option It is one of the most expensive, but also the most decorative. Cladding with materials can be done on the wall of the building, as well as on top of the insulation. With the second method, the quality of insulation will be much better, but it is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation.
  • When performing work, it is important to strictly follow the insulation scheme.
  • in multi-layer systems, you need to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation so that the internal insulating layer does not become damp and therefore does not collapse.

Internal insulation of frame house walls

Sometimes situations arise where it is unacceptable. In this case, it is necessary to use internal thermal insulation. For this work, the same materials can be used as outside, however, mineral wool and glass wool are rarely used due to the complexity of installation. In most cases, extruded polystyrene foam is used, as well as sprayed materials: ecowool, polyurethane, penoizol.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer

The cladding of the inner surface of the walls is carried out different ways. You can perform insulation using reinforced plaster, then putty and finally wallpaper or paint.

Insulation of a frame house from the inside

Can also be used finishing panels made of lining, MDF and plastic. The most common option is upholstery with sheets of plasterboard, after which a decorative coating is applied.

Materials such as penoizol and polyurethane foam are also used. Penoizol can be applied to surfaces of various configurations; it is able to fill all irregularities and defects. It is environmentally friendly and resistant to fire, but the main difficulty in its application is that a special foam filling machine is required.

Read about the features in the next article.