Maidenhair flower or Venus hair. Proper care

A plant from the genus Ferns, the Pteris family, Adiantum Fragrance, whose homeland is the tropics, today decorates the apartments and houses of amateur flower growers. Its peculiarity is beautiful flowing shoots with small leaves. unusual shape. Despite its complex nature, this delicate plant is quite possible to grow at home if you learn more about it and its preferences. So, what does the Adiantum Fragrance plant love, how to properly organize its care? What does a fern not tolerate?

Adiantum at home

As already mentioned, adiantum fragrans comes from the tropics, which means that to grow it at home or in an apartment you need to create conditions that are as similar as possible to the climate in tropical countries. How are they characterized? There, high humidity is probably the main thing. In the tropics it is warm during the day, but at night the air temperature, compared to daytime, drops significantly. Taking into account the characteristics of the tropical climate, we can judge the usual conditions for of this plant.

The first thing I would like to note is that adiantum fragrans prefers semi-shaded places. If you place the pot on a south-facing window, the plant will resist this position in every possible way, the leaves will darken and curl. Fern does not tolerate various harmful impurities in the air; for example, kitchen fumes will also be harmful to it. Adiantum also does not tolerate dust. So if you want to get this tropical plant, be prepared to keep the room clean and regularly ventilate.

Fern loves water treatments - in the hot season it needs to be sprayed as often as possible, but if the room is cool, this should not be done. The plant is also capricious when the pot is moved from place to place, therefore, immediately determine a suitable window sill for it and try not to move the flower. In summer, adiantum responds well to feeding. It is best to fertilize the soil with liquid products for decorative foliage plants. By the way, adiantum fragrans prefers loose and nutritious soils. How to water a fern correctly?


When watering adiantum fragrans, you need to observe moderation and build on the air temperature in the room. If it’s hot, water the soil more often; if it’s cool, water the plant less often. It is important to monitor the soil - it should not dry out, nor should it be constantly excessively wet. Excess moisture is harmful to the fern root system and can lead to rotting. It would be advisable to place the pot in a damp expanded clay tray to maintain an ideal microclimate around the plant. Adiantum fragrans should be watered only with settled water, or even better – filtered water, which does not contain chlorine and harmful additives. Since the flower does not tolerate, in the summer try to spray its foliage and the area around with a sprayer, using warm water.


Since in the homeland of adiantum the average annual temperature usually exceeds 20 degrees, it will be comfortable with exactly these values ​​of the mercury column in your home. However, if the summer turns out to be hot, which often happens in the coolest regions, do not worry - the plant will not die if you water more frequently and irrigate the foliage daily. To slightly lower the air temperature around the plant, place ice cubes directly on the soil surface daily.

The fern tolerates a slight decrease in temperature to 12-15 degrees Celsius. When the heating is turned on, you need to be especially careful with the plant - the fern does not tolerate dry hot air. If your window sills are wide enough, you can leave the maidenhair there, moving it as close to the window as possible. If the window sills are narrow, the shoots of the plant will fall towards the heating radiators, as a result the leaves will curl and darken, and then fall off. It is important to remember that this fern does not like drafts; they are destructive for it.

Soil and fertilizing, replanting

The looseness of the soil layer is one of the main conditions for the normal growth of adiantum. To please your tropical friend, it is better to buy soil in a store; soil for decorative foliage plants is suitable. In the summer, the fern is regularly fed with a frequency of once every 20 days. Used in this case mineral fertilizers in a small dosage. In winter, when the adiantum is at rest, it is not fed.

When the previous pot becomes too small for the plant, the flower is replanted (Popular about health). This is usually done in the spring, trying not to damage the roots. If you find rotten or dried roots, trim them. After transplantation, the soil is not compacted or watered, but only sprayed with a spray bottle. The next day the fern can be watered. In the spring, be sure to prune old shoots and do this annually.

How gentle and fastidious he is, this South Asian handsome Adiantum! Caring for it at home is not so easy! But if you love flowers, you will be able to adapt to his whims. His exactingness is completely justified - he comes from the tropics, therefore, Adiantum Fragrance at home wants to really feel at home.

Planting and caring for adiantum (in brief)

  • Bloom: does not bloom.
  • Lighting: partial shade (northern and eastern windows).
  • Temperature: in summer – no higher than 22 ˚C, in winter – about 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular: in summer – 2 times a week, in winter – once. It is recommended to use the bottom watering method: immersing the pot with the plant in a container of water.
  • Air humidity: increased. In hot weather, daily spraying is recommended.
  • Feeding: from April to September, use a fertilizer solution for decorative foliage plants at half the dosage specified in the instructions. In winter, the plant is not fed.
  • Rest period: from October to February.
  • Transfer: on average once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: rhizome division and spores.
  • Pests: scale insects, mealybugs, aphids, spider mites.
  • Diseases: loss of decorativeness due to improper care.
  • Properties: the plant has medicinal properties, widely used in Western Europe and Chinese traditional medicine.

Read more about growing adiantum below.

Adiantum fern - description

Maidenhair fern – herbaceous perennial with a thin creeping rhizome covered with black or brown matte scales. Adiantum leaves are opposite or alternate, on shiny dark petioles up to 25 cm long, covered with scales at the base. The leaf blade is green, sometimes gray, wide and smooth, strongly dissected, its wedge-shaped, obovate or trapezoidal segments are fan-shaped. Along the veins on the lower side of the segments there are round, oblong or linear sori with sporangia. In gardening open ground Usually, maidenhair maidenhair is grown, and indoor maidenhair is most often a plant called “Venus hair”, as well as maidenhair Ruddy, transparent, tender and others.

Caring for adiantum at home

How to care for adiantum.

The houseplant adiantum does not tolerate direct sun rays, preferring partial shade, so it should be placed near eastern or northern window sills, since the light green lacy leaves of the fern die off from too much light. Adiantum loves home fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts or dust, therefore wet cleaning in the room where this home fern is located, you will have to do it often, as well as ventilate the room. You cannot smoke near it, and kitchen fumes can destroy the plant. Hot air also harms the adiantum: in summer the temperature in the room with the fern should not rise above 22 ºC, and in winter it is comfortable for it to be in a room with a temperature of 15 ºC away from heaters. Try to move the pot with the plant as little as possible - it doesn’t like it. But what he loves indoor fern adiantum, so these are daily sprayings warm water during the hot period, but when the room temperature is cool (this happens in the off-season, when autumn has already arrived, but central heating have not yet been turned on), spraying can harm the plant. Fertilize the adiantum from April to September with liquid fertilizer for indoor decorative foliage plants in half the dose recommended by the manufacturers once every three weeks. IN winter time Adiantum does not need feeding.

To preserve the decorative appearance of the fern in the spring, it is advisable to trim off all yellowing, limp and aged leaves so that the plant spends energy on the formation of new fronds. After pruning, the plant is sprayed and watered.

Watering adiantum.

Caring for the maidenhair fern involves regular watering of the plant, and it is very important not to let the earthen ball dry out, because this can lead to the leaves drying out and dying. Overwatering can cause plant roots to rot. In order to avoid uneven watering, the adiantum along with the pot is immersed in a vessel with settled water. room temperature and keep it there until upper layer The soil in a pot of maidenhair will not shine with water. After this, the fern is moved into the sink, the excess water is allowed to drain and returned to permanent place. In winter, the plant needs much less water, so it will have to be watered less often, but the principle of watering remains the same. The approximate frequency of watering is twice a week in summer, once a week in winter.

Maidenhair transplant.

Adiantum loves a tight pot, it develops slowly, so it needs to be replanted once every two to three years in the spring, when the roots of the plant begin to peek out of the drainage holes, and the old plant only requires annual replacement of the top layer of substrate 5-7 cm thick. Adiantum powerful root system, therefore the best container for it is a spacious, wide wooden or ceramic pot, unglazed from the inside, with large drainage holes. Before transplanting the adiantum, place it on the bottom of the pot. thick layer drainage material. The soil for adiantum should be loose, acidic and rich in humus, for example, peat with leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1. Sprinkle some substrate onto the drainage layer, then transfer the adiantum from the old pot to the new one and gradually add enough soil to it so that there are no voids left in the new pot. The soil should not be pressed down too hard, as adiantum prefers to grow in loose soil.

Pests and diseases of adiantum.

IN chemical composition Adiantum leaves contain substances that repel insects, but modern pests have learned to adapt even to strong poisons, so the adiantum is sometimes affected by mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites and aphids. Scale insects are removed from the leaves with an ear stick or brush soaked in alcohol. The plant is treated against aphids soap solution followed by washing it off the leaves, and if this measure does not produce results, you can spray the adiantum with a solution of Actellik, Inta-vir, Decis, Derris, Biotlin, Antitlin or Fitoverm. The last three drugs are also used to combat mealybug along with insecticides such as Confidor and Confidant, Mospilan or Aktara. Spider mites can be eliminated by treating the fern with Actellik or Fitoverm.

The adiantum is not affected by diseases, but sometimes the adiantum dries out, or rather, from improper care, sometimes the leaves of the adiantum dry out and turn brown at the edges - usually this happens due to insufficient watering or as a result of burning gas in the immediate vicinity of the plant. If the leaves of a fern fall off, this indicates low air humidity, so spray the plant more often and do not forget that watering should be regular. When the leaves of the adiantum turn pale, this is a sign that it is not in the right place - move the pot with the plant to where it will not be so light. Curled but not drying fern leaves are a sign of too low a temperature in a high humidity room.

Properties of adiantum.

Adiantum leaves contain triterpenoids, flavonoids, lipids, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, as well as essential oil. Medicinal powders, infusions, and syrups are prepared from adiantum leaves, which are widely used in Western Europe. Aqueous extracts from adiantum have antibacterial properties, infusions and syrups are used as an expectorant and antipyretic. Adiantum preparations are used to treat diseases respiratory tract, as well as for diseases of the liver, spleen and Bladder. Compresses and lotions against rabid animal bites are made from the juice of fern leaves for detoxification purposes and for the treatment of malignant ulcers. In Chinese medicine, decoctions from the leaves of the plant are successfully used to treat alcoholism. By adding maidenhair juice or a decoction of its leaves to water for rinsing hair, you can reduce the formation of dandruff, and the alcohol infusion helps in the treatment of psoriasis.

Adiantum plant - reproduction

Reproduction of adiantum by dividing the bush.

Adiantum at home reproduces by spores and division of the rhizome. In the spring, during transplantation, an adult adiantum removed from an old pot is cut into pieces with a sharp knife, the sections are treated with crushed coal and the sections are planted in separate pots. If the fern has few growing points, then it cannot be divided, as the plant may die. The planted cuttings do not immediately begin to grow; they take a long time to take root. Before dividing the rhizome, let the earthen lump dry, and when planting the divisions, make sure that the root collar is not too deep in the soil, as this can cause rotting of the shoots.

Seed propagation of adiantum.

To grow adiantum from spores, use shallow containers filled with a soil mixture consisting of one part peat, half sand and half leaf soil. The soil mixture is compacted and scalded with boiling water. After it has cooled, spread the adiantum spores over the surface, cover them with glass and place the container in a dark, warm place. For disinfection seed material it is sprayed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to arrange lower heating for the adiantum to 21 ºC. The germination time of seeds is from one week to three months. After the seedlings hatch, remove the glass and move the container to a well-lit, non-sunny place. When the seedlings get stronger, you need to pick them out at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other, or even better, plant them 2-3 copies in pots with peat soil.

Types of adiantum

Adiantum "Venus hair" (Adiantum capillus-veneris)

grows in wildlife in the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, in Central Asia, preferring wet limestone stones near water sources. It has thin black rhizomes. The plant is so named because of its light, delicate fan-shaped light green leaves on petioles up to 25 cm long. It is grown mainly as a houseplant.

Adiantum pedatum

– one of the most spectacular ferns, an elegant, openwork plant deciduous forests East Asia And North America. This type of adiantum reaches 60 cm in height, its leaves are flat, shiny, one-sided, light green, pinnately dissected, notched along the edges, located horizontally on thin shiny petioles. The species is extremely winter-hardy - able to survive frosts down to -35 ºC. The best varieties types are:

  • – Compactum – fern reaching a height of 35 cm;
  • – Imbricatum – dwarf variety, plant up to 15 cm tall;
  • – Aleuthicum – the height of this adiantum is only 10-12 cm with a bush width of 15-20 cm. Most often it is grown in a pot, since it tolerates the sun better than other ferns;
  • – Japonicum – the height of this variety is about 45 cm, the diameter of the bush is about 30 cm. It is distinguished by copper-pink shoots at a young age, which gradually become green.

Tender maidenhair (Adiantum tenerum),

or maidenhair pink , lives naturally in the Lesser and Greater Antilles and in tropical areas of America. This is a plant with a creeping short rhizome and three-pinnate leaves, wedge-shaped at the base and broadly lobulated along the upper edge, about 70 cm long and up to 50 cm wide, located on petioles up to 30 cm long. Varieties:

  • – Farleyens – adiantum with beautifully curled leaves;
  • – Scutum Roseum – young leaves of this variety, up to 30 cm high, have a variable color from soft pink to green.

Small-haired maidenhair (Adiantum hispidulum),

or adiantum finely pubescent , grows in the African mountains along the snow line, as well as in India, Australia, New Zealand and Madagascar. The rhizome of plants of this species is creeping, the leaves are palmately dissected, from 15 to 25 cm long, on petioles up to 35 cm long, covered with small bristles. Second-order leaflets up to 2 cm long and up to 0.5 cm wide, also pubescent on both sides with small bristles, are diamond-shaped. A wonderful indoor plant.

Adiantum raddianum,

or wedge-shaped (Adiantum cuneatum) - an epiphyte native to the subtropical forests of Brazil. The leaves are up to 45 cm long and up to 25 cm wide, gracefully curved and dissected into many bright green leaflets on shiny black petioles. The most common varieties in cultivation:

  • – Grasillium and Micropinnulum – these adiantums have finely dissected leaves and require high air humidity, so it is best to grow these varieties in a florarium;
  • – Fritz Lut and Festum are much more resistant varieties that can be grown as indoor plants.

Adiantum caudatum

grown as hanging plant, since it forms leaves up to 60 cm long. The petioles of the leaves are brown, with suckers on the tops of the leaves. Plants of this species react very painfully to overdrying of the earthen clod.

Beautiful adiantum (Adiantum formosum),

or beautiful maidenhair - a large plant up to a meter high with a very fragile rhizome and multipinnate sheet plates on purple-black petioles. The leaf segments are dark green, triangular-obovate.

Charming adiantum (Adiantum venustum)

- a fern growing in Nepal and Kashmir produces narrow, up to 20 cm long, light green leaves on black-purple petioles with slightly pointed segments. After frost, the leaves turn brownish.

Adiantum cuneatum

very similar to the beautiful adiantum, differs only in the shape of the sori, which resembles a horseshoe. In nature, this species grows in the south of Brazil.

Adiantum diaphanum

herbaceous plant 25-40 cm high with pinnate leaves, double-pinnate at the base. Fronds up to 3 cm wide and up to 20 cm long on thin twenty-centimeter petioles with bare, wide-oval leaves of dull green color.

Adiantum fragrans.

Adiantum fragrans, which lives in the South American Andes and South Asia and forms dense bushes, is often grown in cultivation. This is a delicate, rapidly growing plant up to 50 cm high with soft green oval leaves up to 3 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide on petioles 10-15 cm long.

Adiantum - signs

It is known about adiantum that a person who is in the same room with this fern feels its freshness; in addition, adiantum reduces the level of nervousness in the atmosphere and instills complacency.

Maidenhair (Adiantum) is the most sophisticated of all ferns, grown at home. Among indoor plants it is best known as "Venus hair".

Its small leaves (fronds), closely located to each other, attract with their beauty and grace. For the original and very decorative leaves adiantum, they are often used by florists in making compositions. But do not forget that any fern fades very quickly after cutting.

In nature, these plants grow in tropical climates and temperate latitudes. Belongs to the centipede family, the number of species of which is more than 200.

An interesting fact is that the adiantum got its name from the tree of the same name, which is an exact enlarged copy of this fern. Even the shape of the leaves and their arrangement on the stems are the same.

There are two most famous types:

  • (Adiantum capillus-veneris L.) - with feathery, finely dissected fronds on thin dark brown petioles, reminiscent of hair, which is why the plant has this name.
  • (Adiantum pedatum L.) - widely cultivated as a garden ornamental plant...

Main factors for caring for adiantum.

The adiantum plant, which is quite undemanding to care, feels great at home, although it does not like moving from room to room. When changing location, it begins to lose leaves. To obtain active growth, you need to provide all the conditions for acclimatization and not disturb it from the place where it liked.

The maidenhair fern grows no more than 60 cm in width and no higher than 40 cm. When choosing a place for it, it is taken into account that it may begin to grow actively and may become cramped. The growth is active. Doubling in size per season is quite normal due to proper care.

How to care for adiantum, compliance with all conditions of maintenance and home care...

- Lighting and temperature.

Does not like bright lighting and sunlight. Most suitable flower for north windows and shaded corners of rooms. It is not picky about temperature, however, it should not be kept at temperatures below 10° C. In summer it grows well in outdoor conditions under the canopy of trees.

- Watering and humidity.

The pot should not be allowed to stand in water, although at the same time the plant should not be allowed to dry out. Constant moderate humidity, regular spraying, especially in dry rooms (central heating). Occasionally wash in the shower, covering the surface of the soil with polyethylene - let it dry, then put it back in place.

Watering should be done with well-settled soft water, preferably melt or rain, if possible. In summer, it is enough to water 2-3 times a week; in winter, once is enough, provided it is kept cool.

- Feeding with fertilizers.

Feeding of adiantum is carried out only in summer (once every 2-3 weeks), using liquid mineral fertilizers for ferns. It is useful to alternate fertilizers with organic ones.

- Soil and replanting.

Like all ferns, it prefers cramped pots. In the spring, when the pot becomes cramped, it is transplanted into a looser one, without compacting the soil around the roots. You can prepare the soil for adiantum yourself or buy a special one.

If you make your own mixture, you need to use fibrous peat, turf soil and fine sand in equal parts. Don’t forget to add complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants.

If the substrate is purchased, intended for ferns, then mineral fertilizers are taken into account. After transplantation, they begin to feed the plant after a month.

It is known that ferns never bloom - they reproduce by spores.

Damaged, old and dried leaves are carefully trimmed during the care process.

Very demanding about air purity. Categorically does not tolerate cigar smoke, different kinds combustion and so on.

How to propagate adiantum correctly?

Adiantums reproduce by dividing the bush or rhizome during transplantation. Old specimens that are beginning to lose their appearance should be divided into several parts and placed in separate pots, choosing the appropriate size. When planting individual parts of the adiantum, try not to bury the root collar to avoid rotting.

Divided parts of plants sometimes die or do not begin to grow for too long, so divide carefully, trying to injure the roots as little as possible.

The method of propagation by spores is the most effective, although time-consuming and labor-intensive...

In addition, spores are formed on the reverse sides of adult leaves, which are able to germinate and form new plants. They are carefully collected in a paper bag, slightly dried. distribute thin layer strictly on the surface of the peat.

It is better to sow maidenhair spores in early spring in a container greenhouse, providing heating from below (can be placed on a radiator). Make sure your crops do not dry out and gently moisten them as needed. Keep in a shaded and warm place, maintain constant temperature+21 +25 degrees.

In about a month, barely noticeable green moss will appear on top of the peat and grow. This is an intermediate stage of fern development - small shoots. It is on them that female and male cells are formed. Their fusion is possible only in a humid and warm environment, so the peat is constantly kept moist. Then young plants are formed, which, after reaching 3-4 cm, are planted, discarding the weak ones, into separate containers, preserving the lump of peat in which they grow.

Young plants grown in this way are particularly resistant to environment. At first, they should be grown under glass or polyethylene.

Problems and diseases caused by errors in plant care.

To enjoy the splendor of adiantums, you need to carefully care for them.

  • If the leaves of the adiantum have wrinkled and turned brown at the edges, then you should increase watering of the plant.
  • Dry leaves can be caused by the presence of various odors of burning and smoke.
  • If the leaves have fallen, this indicates critical dryness of the soil.
  • Trim wilted stems, water and spray, new young shoots will appear.
  • If the fern has become pale, the leaves are thin and weak, fertilizing and reducing the amount of sunlight received are necessary.
  • If the leaves are curled but not dry, it is too cold and humid. Do not water for a while and move to a warmer place.

With proper care, adiantum can grow in one place for decades. Only negligence can destroy a delicate but unpretentious indoor flower.

Adiantum is a herbaceous plant, better known as a perennial indoor fern. The leaves are pinnately compound, fan-shaped, various shapes and sizes depending on the type. But overall characteristic feature is water repellency. Droplets of water flowing down the leaves are not absorbed. WITH reverse side there are sori (spore-bearing zones).

Types and varieties

- the most common type. Previously, it was used in medicine: a decoction of the roots helped with hair loss in women, stimulating their abundant growth and making them strong; as an antidote for snake bites, and also for the treatment of liver diseases. The leaves are double pinnate, oblong oval shape. The length of each stem is 25-40 cm and the width is about 10 cm. The petiole is thin, dark and shiny, up to 15 cm long.

The most popular varieties:

  • – fern 35 cm high;

  • Adiantum variety Imbricatum – mini, no more than 15 cm in height;

  • – up to 12 cm high and 15-20 cm wide, it tolerates the sun better than other ferns;

  • Adiantum variety Japonicum – the height of this variety is about 45 cm, the diameter of the bush is about 30 cm. When it is still young, the shoots have a copper-pink hue, which gradually turns green.

decorative look. The leaves are three- and four-pinnate, long (up to 60 cm) and wide (up to 45 cm), oval in shape. Petiole length 30-50 cm, with a rough surface.

– has an external resemblance to the beautiful adiantum, differs C-shape sori located in recesses along the edge of the segments.

Or fine-haired the leaves of this fern have a dissected shape, jagged edges, rough surface on both sides. The leaf sizes are 15-20 cm in length. The petiole is brown, 20-35 cm. Sporangia are densely arranged.

Or pink has long (about 70 cm) and wide (40-50 cm) leaves that are triple pinnate.

The foliage is pinnate (some are double pinnate) up to 40 cm. This fern has a thin petiole 10-20 cm high. Kidney-shaped sporangia are located along the upper edge.

The foliage is triangular in shape, triple pinnate, 30-45 cm long and 20-25 cm wide. Sporangia are semicircular in shape and located in the recesses of the segments.

Adiantum care at home

Like other ferns, maidenhair loves shade. Direct sunlight kills this plant, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. This does not mean at all that it should be placed in a dark place, where it may lose its decorative beauty.

Everything is much simpler; a north or east window will do. You can also place it at some distance from the window, for example, on a stand. It should be noted that moving the fern from place to place will also do harm.

Comfortable temperature ranges from 15-20°C. Considering that at night the plant prefers coolness (about 15°C), and during the day it can be increased (up to 20°C). A sharp increase or decrease in temperature can lead to disease and death of the plant.

Watering adiantum

In winter, the adiantum has a dormant period. At this time, watering is reduced to once a week, and during periods of active growth and in summer, during hot weather, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, using only settled, soft water.

Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the root system. In addition, it should be ensured regular moisturizing air, the same water, but from a spray bottle. In the cold season, it is better to minimize spraying to avoid the formation of mold.

Feeding the adiantum

Fertilizers are applied as top dressing during the period of active growth to ensure shine and bright, rich color of the leaves, as well as strengthen the plant itself. Organic fertilizers are best.

Adiantum transplant

Replanting is carried out only as necessary, choosing a pot slightly wider (not higher) than the previous one. The substrate is selected in proportion: peat, humus, leaf soil and sand (1:1:1:1). After all this is thoroughly mixed, add a little more bark and charcoal(sometimes moss). The soil should be loose.

Adiantum propagation by seeds

Seed propagation is carried out in early March or August, just at this time the spores ripen. To do this, cut the fern leaf and scrape out the seeds (you can store it for years). They are sown in prepared boxes with soil.

This method is considered labor-intensive because ideal conditions are considered greenhouse. Boxes with sowing must be heated (up to 20°C), moistened and covered with glass. Every day it is necessary to remove the glass for ventilation.

In about a month, young animals will begin to appear, this is a sign that the glass can be removed and the boxes can be moved to a well-lit place. When the cobs grow a little, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest ones, which are then transplanted into a separate pot. This method produces the strongest and hardiest specimens.

Adiantum propagation by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush must be done carefully, without damaging the plant, as it is very tender and fragile. For transplantation you will need a shoot with a rhizome and at least two buds. The propagation period is the same as for the seed method.

Medicinal properties of adiantum

Adiantum leaves are a real treasure useful substances, among them: triterpenoids, flavonoids, lipids, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, as well as essential oil. Medicinal powders, infusions, and syrups are prepared from the leaves, which have long been widely used in Western Europe.

Aqueous extracts have antibacterial properties, infusions and syrups are used as expectorants and antipyretics. Preparations made from adiantum are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the liver, spleen and bladder.

The juice from the leaves is used as a means to detoxify from the bite of a rabid animal, and it is also used to treat malignant ulcers. The most famous, perhaps, is a decoction for rinsing hair, which can reduce the occurrence of dandruff. If you prepare an alcohol infusion, you can treat psoriasis.

Signs and superstitions

Many believe that the appearance of any plant in the house can either improve the atmosphere or worsen it. As for the fern, there are several theories.

  • It is believed that with the appearance of a fern, the overall atmosphere in the room changes, softens and balances. For example, if there are periodic quarrels in the house due to the hot-tempered, aggressive nature of one of the inhabitants (or even all), then with the appearance of the fern the person becomes softer and begins to calm down. So if you want peace and prosperity, buy a fern.
  • Fern is also called the flower of the “golden mean”, it seems to balance internal and external components, helps to open up and find your inner potential.
  • One of the signs is fortune. They say that this plant helps to “catch luck by the tail.” In addition, it protects the owner from unnecessary and impulsive spending.
  • Another superstition is that adiantum drives away evil spirits, protecting the house from evil spirits.
  • There are also negative reviews. According to some signs, the appearance of a fern promises illness. This can be explained for two reasons. Firstly, any fern can cause allergies due to the presence of spores on the underside of the leaf. Secondly, periodic headaches may occur, for example in the morning. The fact is that at night the plant actively absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, and my head hurts from lack of oxygen.
  • Some believe that the fern is a kind of " energy vampire", absorbing your energy. In this case, you can place it close to a working TV. This is a kind of unfavorable place, where he will be able to absorb a lot of waves and energy.

In any case, it is just a plant, and whether to believe in one superstition or another is up to each person. After all, in the end, whatever the plant believes, that’s what the plant will be.

Luxurious, lush adiantum is popularly called Venus hair. This fern will decorate any home collection or greenhouse. The plant is very decorative due to its elegant, delicate leaves, so it is often used as part of a floral arrangement. In order to properly grow a Venus hair flower, home care and the features of its maintenance must meet its needs. You can now find out exactly what it is on this page “Popular about health”.

Venus hair can grow quite quickly at home. In one season it can double. But the plant has one peculiarity - it does not tolerate pruning. Like any other representative of ferns, adiantum quickly fades after such a procedure. Venus hair can reach 60-70 cm in length. In the wild, it can be seen near streams and ponds, near waterfalls, and in rock crevices.

Venus hair flower - care and maintenance requirements

Lighting for the flower: adiantum prefers window sills or corners of the room shaded from the sun. It is advisable to place the pot on the north side of the apartment, where there is no direct sunlight. If all the windows in the house face south, the glass can be covered with reflective film.

The temperature regime for Venus hair should range between +10-+23 degrees. Such conditions allow you to take the plant to the balcony or gazebo in the summer. To ensure that flower growth does not stop throughout the year, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below +10 degrees. High humidity- one of the most important conditions keeping adiantum at home. He loves spraying, moist soil, and does not tolerate nearby radiators.

Despite such preferences for moisture, water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pot. A layer is needed at the bottom good drainage, since the roots are afraid of excessive amounts of water and can rot. In summer, on hot days, watering twice a week is sufficient, subject to daily light spraying. In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil in the pot once every 5-6 days, but it all depends on the heating conditions and humidity in the room.

By the way, pay attention to some subspecies of Venus hair, which are capable of shedding some of their leaves for the winter. This is normal, but such plants are rarely sold as home decorative flowers. If this happens to your plant, first make sure that the conditions, watering and feeding regime are suitable for it. Inspect the leaves for pests and diseases. If nothing is found, it means that you have come across just such a species that can renew its branches (fronds).

Venus hair is a very demanding plant for air purity. It can die due to excessive release of a burning smell from cigarette smoke. It has no place in the kitchen, since very often the flower dies there from such exposure.

Landing Features

Adiantum needs a tight, narrow pot. Then it will grow more actively in the above-ground part. The plant prefers soil mixture, made up of equal parts turf land and fibrous peat. You can add white fine sand to the soil.

You need to change the flower pot no more than once every 2 years. Pay attention to growing above-ground parts. When it becomes crowded, you can change the container, choosing a diameter 1-2 cm larger. It needs to be replanted in early spring. Do not compact the soil tightly; it should allow air to pass well to the roots.

Please note that the flower does not like changing place. If it is often moved from one room to another, growth slows down, it becomes not too lush and dull. The acclimatization period can take up to 7-8 days for new fronds to begin to grow. Therefore, for Venus hair you need to immediately choose a permanent appropriate place.

Proper pruning

Despite the fact that the adiantum does not tolerate any cutting, it may be necessary to remove some branches. For example, when the soil dries out, yellow dry twigs may appear that cannot be left. They are carefully cut off with sharp pruners or scissors, and the remaining fresh parts of the plant are immediately sprayed.

Dangerous pests for Venus hair

Dry air in the room or, conversely, excessive watering can lead to plant disease. Blackening appears on the leaves when there is excess moisture, and when there is drought, the branches turn yellow. In addition, the flower can be attacked by pests. Most often, spider mites are found on leaves. It prefers the stems, but over time the leaves also suffer. You can notice how a cobweb has appeared in the internodes, and the leaves themselves curl up and dry. The mite quickly goes away after treating and moistening the plant. Carefully wash all the branches under a warm shower, remove the cobwebs, and also wash the surface where the pot stands.

Another danger is aphids. It usually collects on the lower surface of the leaves or on the tops. The plant curls, quickly weakens and falls off. To destroy aphids, it is enough to treat Venus hair with phytoverm, actellik or other insecticide. When the plant dries after spraying, it needs to be rinsed clean water, carefully washing each leaf and inspecting for any remaining pests.