The main question: is it possible to trim the leaves of an orchid? How to properly trim an orchid after flowering. How to trim old leaves on an orchid.

Phalaenopsis inflorescences look like the wings of a moth, which is why many people call this plant the “butterfly orchid.” Like any orchid, Phalaenopsis needs special care. Proper care will ensure abundant flowering of the plant.

The lifespan of Phalaenopsis is about seven years, during which the plant constantly grows. This orchid does not like direct sunlight. The room temperature should be around 22 degrees. IN autumn period For bud formation, the temperature should be lowered to 16 degrees. The air should be very humid, but during spraying you need to spray water as much as possible, avoiding the formation of drops or smudges on the leaves, and avoid getting it on the inflorescences. This type of orchid is transplanted twice a year into a special orchid substrate. Twice a month, in summer period, you should feed the plant.

How to trim the peduncle?

There are some nuances not only in watering, lighting and nutrition, but also in pruning. “Children” may appear on the stems of the orchid, with which it reproduces. As soon as the roots of the young shoot grow to five centimeters, you can cut it off and plant it in a separate pot. For pruning, you must use a clean tool; it is better to sterilize it in alcohol. The stem itself should not be cut; on it, even in winter time, “babies” may appear.

When the orchid has bloomed, you need to carefully monitor its condition. The first sign that flowering is already coming to an end and the peduncle will soon begin to dry out is the loss of elasticity of the buds. Do not rush to trim the peduncle, even if all the flowers have drooped. After flowering, you can cut off the dried peduncle, but it should be borne in mind that in Phalaenopsis it is growing and there may be dormant buds on it, which subsequently develop into a “baby” or flower. The peduncle should be removed only if it has dried out and turned yellow completely.
If you cut it off above the second or third bud, the orchid will bloom again, and it will for a long time make you happy with flowers. A living peduncle can only be trimmed if you are not happy that it has grown too much. A branched shoot should be corrected before the next flowering by cutting it off by two-thirds, giving the opportunity to form a new shoot.

Do I need to trim the leaves?

Phalaenopsis stores nutrients in its leaves, the more there are, the more resistant the plant is to overload. The peduncles and roots of Phalaenopsis break through the bases of the leaves, emerging from the trunk, so when spraying them, excess moisture must be removed so that rot does not form. During overloads, lower leaves begin to dry out, there is no need to trim them, wait until they fall off on their own.

How to trim roots?

There are cases when the Phalaenopsis root system is damaged as a result improper care, and the plant needs to be replanted immediately. Excessive watering can cause roots to rot, and lack of moisture can cause them to dry out and die. Phalaenopsis is an epiphyte, that is, an aerial orchid, and it is easier for it to tolerate drought than excess water.
It is much easier to determine the state of the root system if you choose a transparent pot for planting. If replanting is necessary, shake off the substrate from the roots and rinse them warm water, and inspect it carefully. Using a clean tool, you must completely cut off all rotten or dried roots. After completing the procedure, you need to treat the cut area with an antiseptic or crushed charcoal.
If you had to delete significant part roots, this will greatly affect the condition of the orchid and it should be especially carefully monitored and cared for at first.

14.09.2017 8 809

The orchid has faded, what to do next - measure seven times or cut once...

The orchid has faded, what to do next? The situation that has arisen has three ways of development - the arrow has withered and begins to dry out, begins to turn yellow, or simply froze. What to do with the arrow, cut it or not, do you need to trim the leaves? How to act in general so as not to harm the plant? You will find answers to these and many other questions further in the article...

What to do if the orchid has faded and dries out - development options

Usually the orchid appears in the house in all its glory - a lushly blooming tropical beauty delights the eye of the new owner long time. But what to do when the orchid fades, what steps to take?

Carefully inspect the arrow of the epiphyte for the presence of dormant buds - when it has faded, it begins to turn yellow and dry out, most likely you should not wait for new buds to appear, in this case you should Trim faded orchid. Trimming is done 1.5-2 cm above the nodules. New arrows may subsequently appear from these formations, forming side shoots, or grow up kids. The resulting leaves with aerial roots can be used to propagate orchids by simply rooting them in fresh soil. After flowering, the plant begins a dormant period - this is the most favorable time for.

Do I need to prune my orchid after flowering? There are cases when there are no knots on the arrow and it dries. The best action in this case would be absolute inaction. Unlike other representatives of the flora, there is no need to cut off the peduncle of an orchid after flowering; let it dry on its own: the epiphyte will suck out all the necessary ingredients from it. useful material.

Sometimes, after the orchid has bloomed, the peduncle dries up, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow– such behavior indicates the weakness of the exotic. Even if there are dormant buds on the arrow, it is better to trim it so as not to completely destroy the tropical beauty. In this case, the peduncle is cut 1.5-2 cm above the rosette. After trimming, the cut area of ​​the orchid must be treated with charcoal.

What to do with the plant when the phalaenopsis has faded and the arrow continues to be green and goes up? In this case, it is better to shorten the peduncle. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to cut the arrow above the third bud to wait for the continued formation of peduncles. There is a rule - the lower the arrow is cut, the longer new flower stalks will be thrown out. Usually new buds are expected in 2-3 months. However, if you cut the peduncle of an orchid at the root, this will delay new flowering.

Another option - the faded arrow is green and has many branches. Such a complex system significantly complicates the flower’s life, since delivering moisture and nutrients to all branches is a rather labor-intensive task. Formative pruning will help give the orchid a neat appearance and make life much easier. Shorten the side arms and treat the cut areas with crushed coal. The procedure will contribute to long and bright flowering.

Orchid peduncle dried out prematurely

The cause of this misfortune should be sought in the roots of the plant. Pay attention to the condition they are in. If the orchid's roots are light silver color- plant on vacation, green color speaks of a period of growth. The presence of mold and rot indicates a disease of the plant; the orchid needs to be replanted. For replanting you will need a pot with smooth walls and wide drainage holes, fresh soil, sharp garden shears. Five Basics correct transplantation orchids:

  1. Carefully remove the exotic from the previous pot (this may require additional soil moisture)
  2. Rinse, dry and inspect root system, all broken and rotten shoots must be cut off with sharp, disinfected scissors
  3. Treat the areas where you cut the orchid roots with charcoal.
  4. Place the plant in fresh soil at the same level as it was in the previous pot
  5. Do not rush to water the orchid right away - it is better to spray the plant with warm water and place the pot in a dark place for a week or two. This way the flower quickly adapts to the new environment.

Or maybe you shouldn’t rush into replanting and pay attention to watering? When the plant lacks moisture, the orchid peduncle begins to dry out, without having time to bloom.

How to care for an orchid when it has bloomed? When the orchid has bloomed, it begins a period of rest. What to do with the arrow is the choice of the beauty’s owner. It all depends on the state of the plant after flowering, whether it is exhausted or not. Pay attention to the leaves and roots. You can give the plant a break, or you can force the epiphyte to bloom again. Remember that only the dry peduncle needs to be completely removed. During the dormant period, the tropical guest also requires careful care. It is necessary to reduce watering, place the flower in a dark, cool place and stop all feeding. Usually, an orchid rests for about six months, but if you leave the flower unattended, you may never see it bloom again.

An orchid is an epiphyte plant; when transplanted, it can be imitated natural conditions and grow the plant not in a pot, but on a wooden lattice or bars. Pine bark is used for this.

Having built a support for them with boiled pine bark, tie the plant to the structure and let the orchid itself take root in the new place. For the success of the event a necessary condition will become high humidity in room. With this planting, the plant requires the same care as when growing in a pot.

Some types of orchids that have main feature– leaves, grow wonderfully in aquariums, vases and other glass containers, such species include Gemaria, Anectochilus, Makodes. The main condition for the existence of an epiphyte in a glass container is high humidity.

When moving a tropical beauty to a new place, remember that the flower will take some time to get used to the new place and re-blooming may be delayed. The orchid has faded, what to do next is your choice. Remember, a flower constantly needs care and attention, and inattention can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.

The orchid is an amazing, fantastic, magical flower that has captivated flower growers with its variety of species and colors, long flowering and easy care. There are several simple rules, during which the tropical beauty will delight you with her amazing outfit for months. However, flower growers face a number of problems when growing flowers. How to properly trim the peduncle, how to transplant the plant into another pot, and what to do with the plant after the time has come for the orchid to bloom?

Stages of orchid flowering

The flowering of an orchid begins with the appearance of flower-bearing arrows - one or several on which buds form. The more flower stalks, the richer and more magnificent the flowering will be. The buds open gradually: over the course of a day, the first petal closest to the base of the arrow opens, then the next one. Appears every day new flower. The blossoming inflorescences are large, graceful, with a delicate aroma, amaze not only amateurs, but also people who are far from floriculture.

Phalaenopsis orchid blooming

Arrangement of the flower in the pot

Under the weight of the buds, the stems sometimes bend or bend. To prevent this from happening, they are tied to special sticks, which are placed in the pot. To do this, use twine or purchase special clips for orchids, which is much more convenient and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Securing the arrows of the orchid using special clamps

The orchid blooms for about three months, in some varieties up to six months, at intervals of 2–3 times a year. The frequency of flowering and duration directly depend on the care and conditions created.

Necessary conditions for flowering

  1. Bright location, without direct sunlight. In case of insufficient lighting, you can supplement the plant with a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.
  2. The orchid is planted in a transparent pot, since the orchid is an epiphyte plant; through its roots it receives not only water, air and nutrients, but also light; its root system participates in photosynthesis.
  3. Watering as the substrate dries out, moderately, without waterlogging.
  4. Temperature range: for abundant flowering It is necessary to provide the plant with a small difference between night and day temperatures. Ideally, maintain 20–23 degrees during the day and 16–18 at night.
  5. The orchid does not like permutations, and any change in location, even a simple rotation, can result in the dropping of buds.
  6. Weekly application of special fertilizers, for example, Agricola for orchids, where the composition of microelements is selected specifically for flowering. In addition, the bottle is equipped with a measuring cup, which makes the use of this fertilizer convenient.

How to care for a plant after flowering

If the conditions of keeping the orchid are not violated, then after a few months the flowering ends. The process occurs smoothly: first, the flower that bloomed first fades, then the next one dries up, and so on. Sometimes it happens that all the flowers wither at the same time - this is a sign of an error in care. If an orchid has several flower stalks extending from the trunk, then flowering can be long. When the last arrow fades, the process is completed. Until this time, there is no need to rearrange or prune the plant.

Video: to cut the arrow or not?

Practice pruning at home

It must be said that manipulations with the peduncle directly depend on the type of orchid. The most common plant in our homes is phalaenopsis, so let’s start with it.

If, after the flowers have withered, the arrow begins to dry out, then it is cut as low as possible, trying to preserve the leaf. It is advisable to seal the cut of the peduncle, which is hollow inside, with beeswax or garden varnish, otherwise, when spraying, water may get into it, which will lead to rotting.

The dried peduncle of the Phalaenopsis orchid is cut off completely

Often the peduncle of phalaenopsis remains green after flowering - it is better not to touch it. After a dormant period, when the plant rests, new shoots or children will appear from dormant buds.

Green arrows Phalaenopsis should not be removed

To stimulate the appearance of new flower stalks, partial pruning is sometimes used. In this case, the arrow is shortened, leaving 3-4 dormant buds, from which new flower stalks will appear over time.

Shortening the faded shoot of phalaenopsis stimulates the appearance of new flower stalks

When trimming an orchid, it is advisable to sprinkle the sections of peduncles with crushed coal - this will protect the arrow from rotting.

Sometimes flower stalks are removed completely for purely aesthetic reasons - protruding sticks spoil the appearance of the plant. There is nothing wrong with this technique, and when proper care, in due time, the orchid will release new arrows. The orchid is a fairly hardy plant, and pruning will not lead to its death if it received the necessary care.

Pruning the peduncle of various plant species

One of the most popular types orchids, Vanda attracts gardeners amazing flowers, which can be plain, variegated or with mosaic patterns. Vanda can bloom quickly at any time of the year for one and a half to two months. For a faded orchid, it is necessary to completely cut off the peduncle and reduce watering and spraying.

Faded arrows of Vanda orchids are pruned after flowering

Aganisia is also a common type of orchid. When kept at home, flowering lasts 10–14 days, mainly in summer. When the aganisia stops blooming, the shoot is cut off, and the plant itself, if necessary, is replanted and watering is reduced.

The arrow of the Aganisia orchid is immediately removed after flowering.

Another interesting view orchids - dendrobium has many varieties. Flowering occurs through pseudobulbs, which should not be removed after flowering, since the plant receives nutrients from them to form new flower stalks. Pseudobulbs can be trimmed after the leaves have completely dried and fallen off.

The Dendrobium orchid has pseudobulbs as flower stalks.

Cattleya attracts attention with large flowers with thin pleasant aroma. Thanks to the many arrows, it blooms for quite a long time. As soon as the first buds form, experts advise removing the new shoots that appear. This technique will allow the flowers to open, otherwise the plant will spend all its energy on growing shoots, but will no longer be able to bloom. Cattleya peduncles should be trimmed after complete drying.

The arrow of the Cattleya orchid is also removed after complete drying.

Features of plant care after pruning

After flowering, orchids enter a period of rest - a very important stage in the life of the plant. It is at this time that preparations for the next flowering take place, and, despite the nuances in caring for certain types, general rules for creating favorable conditions these plants are similar. This:

  • transplantation if necessary;
  • bright and warm location, without drafts and direct sunlight;
  • regular but reduced watering - let the soil dry after each;
  • The application of fertilizing depends on the time of year - in winter or summer it is enough to feed the plant once a month, in spring or autumn - twice.

For feeding during the dormant period, you can use Bona Forte fertilizer for orchids - the ratio of microelements in this preparation is suitable specifically for growing leaves and roots. It is important to remember that you cannot fertilize a plant that is overdried, sick, or immediately after transplantation.

How to replant an orchid

Orchids do not like to be disturbed unnecessarily, so they need to be replanted if necessary, no more than once every 2-3 years.

Reasons for transplantation

The reason for such a procedure may be an overgrown plant trying to crawl out of the pot, as well as a pile of aerial roots. In this case, replanting is necessary, but it is important to remember that flowering will resume after this in a year.

If the roots of the orchid darken or the leaves begin to wither, this is also a signal to replant.

How can a transplant be done?

How to properly replant an orchid? First, prepare a new plastic transparent pot suitable diameter, 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one. We lay out drainage - expanded clay - on the bottom, crushed brick or pieces of polystyrene foam in a layer of 3–4 cm. Very important: the orchid cannot be planted in ordinary nutrient soil. You can buy a special substrate for orchids in the store or prepare it yourself. There are many options, but the main element is bark, preferably coniferous. To make the mixture, pour boiling water over the bark several times to wash off the resin, and cut into small pieces of 1.5–2 cm. Then add 1 part to 3 parts of bark. charcoal, sphagnum moss or coconut fiber and vermiculite. Mix everything well.

How to preserve the root system?

Carefully remove the plant from the pot and inspect it . If the roots are healthy, green in color and there is no rotten, putrid odor from the substrate, we replant the orchid without disturbing the earthen coma. Place the plant in the prepared pot, fill the voids around the edges with soil mixture and press lightly. Such a transplant will not harm the plant and, most likely, will not have any effect. negative impact for subsequent flowering.

An orchid with healthy roots can be transplanted without disturbing the earthen ball

If the soil smells unpleasant, and the orchid has rotten or dried roots, then carefully trim them with pruners, having first freed them from the soil. Then we place the plant in a new pot so that after replanting it is at the same level, without being buried. Fill the pot with the prepared mixture, placing the largest pieces of bark down. Carefully press down the soil.

Carefully remove dried and rotten orchid roots

We water the transplanted orchid with soft, settled water through a tray and put it in a warm, well-lit place.

Video: how to replant an orchid correctly and quickly

How to water a flower during dormancy

An important condition for orchid flowering is proper watering. During the dormant period, watering should not be abundant - the soil needs to have time to dry. To fully saturate it with moisture, place the pot with the orchid in a deep container and water it so that the plant is immersed in water as deeply as possible. We make sure that water does not get into the rosette of leaves - we remove the drops with a soft napkin. Just a few minutes are enough for the substrate to moisten, after which we remove the pot and place it on a tray. After all the water has drained, we send the orchid to its permanent place.

When is the best time to replant a plant?

When watering, it is important to consider the time of year. So, in winter, with short daylight hours, everything physiological processes slow down, so we water less often. In summer, with an abundance of light and heat, the plant grows vigorously and needs more water.

When growing orchids, there is no answer to the question: how many times a week should I water? Everything is individual, and too many factors influence the drying out of the soil: pot material, soil composition, air humidity, room temperature, proximity to heating devices. For some, the soil will dry out in three days, for others in a week. The pot became light, and upper layer dried up - it's time. Transparent pot Moreover, it makes the task easier - you can look directly at the root.

Possible problems when growing orchids

Sometimes when growing orchids, especially for those who first purchased this flower, difficulties arise. What should you pay attention to first of all?

The condition of the orchid is determined by the leaves. A healthy plant has leaf blades that are uniformly green in color, elastic, shiny, and rounded. Changes in turgor, color, appearance of yellowness or spots, changes in leaf shape should alert the grower.

Dried stem of peduncle

After the orchid bloomed, the peduncle withered. Sometimes a plant decides to use nutrients differently, which are spent on the vital activity of an unnecessary peduncle. We trim as described above and continue care.

Why did the orchid bloom quickly?

Most likely, one of the growing conditions was violated. You should pay attention to fertilizing and temperature regime- the difference between day and night temperatures is about 5 degrees.

The orchid does not want to bloom

The possible reason is the same - the lack of difference between day and night temperatures, insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizing.

The leaves have drooped

The orchid's leaves have lost turgor and become lethargic. The plant was probably flooded. You need to remove the flower from the pot and, if the soil has become sour (detected by an unpleasant sour smell), free the roots from the substrate, wash with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and plant in fresh soil. Monitor watering.

The leaves have turned yellow

After flowering, the orchid's leaves turn yellow. If one leaf turns yellow and falls off, there is no reason to worry, since this is a natural process.

Rapid growth of leaves and trunk

The leaves become larger and elongated. The orchid does not have enough light and is forced to increase the leaf plate, increasing the absorption area. Move the plant to a more illuminated place or provide additional illumination with lamps.

An orchid is a grateful plant. Contrary to rumors about capriciousness and fragility, it grows and blooms beautifully in houses, apartments and greenhouses. Both experienced flower growers and inexperienced amateurs can cope with it, if desired. You only need to strictly follow one rule - watch the plant, listen to it, take an interest, then fatal problems will not arise, and the rest can be solved.

Dried peduncle of phalaenopsis

An orchid grower's knowledge of how to prune an orchid will help him enjoy flowering almost all year round. In home breeding, the phalaenopsis orchid is most often found, which significantly outperforms other species that require a period of rest and recovery. Although not everyone agrees that it is necessary to speed up the flowering time of these plants, since the continuous production of offspring exhausts the orchid. But whether or not an orchid blooms a second time is decided only by its owner.

How to prune an orchid correctly so as not to harm it

After flowering, the orchid is left with a long and ugly stem on which there were flowers. My hands are just itching to cut it off. But the arrow cannot always be cut. They decide whether to trim a flower shoot, focusing on its appearance and a variety of orchid. After flowering, some plants go to rest and the peduncle dries out, others may bloom again. In the second, the shoot is not cut off as long as it remains green.

Signs that your orchid will soon need to be trimmed:

  • the green arrow begins to turn yellow or brown, the purple one becomes dark pink;
  • instead of a peduncle, a dry stick sticks out;
  • The shoot has been green for 6 months, but the orchid does not bloom.

When caring for an orchid, there is no need to be in a particular hurry when trimming flower stalks. Depending on the type of plant, the arrow can be “disposable” or can act as a platform for repeated flowering. If the flower stem begins to dry out, it is allowed to dry completely and only then cut off.

Continued growth of the cut arrow of phalaenopsis

Pruning an orchid after flowering

Orchids in general try not to be pruned in the generally accepted sense, therefore, in the rules for caring for these plants, the term “pruning” usually hides the principles of pruning the peduncle. But this is one of the key points when breeding orchids. Knowing how to properly prune an orchid after flowering and what to do afterwards to prevent the plant from getting sick will help the orchid grower preserve the flower and speed up subsequent flowering.

Even if the orchid is one that blooms once a year and the stem dries out after flowering, there is no need to try to pull it out. The peduncle is cut at a distance of about 3 cm from the rosette. At the same time, in the future it will serve as a “handle” for the plant when transplanting. As always, the most popular and its hybrids stand apart from other orchids.

Due to the almost year-round flowering, phalaenopsis has its own rules on how to prune a faded orchid. For this operation, you can use regular scissors or, if your hand is steady, a sharp knife. But it is very easy to damage the leaves of a plant with a knife. Another option is pruning shears. Specially designed for cutting branches, the pruner causes minimal damage to plant tissue. For phalaenopsis, this nuance is especially important, since it is quite difficult to correctly trim a peduncle that has not dried out but is laying new buds. Scissors compress the stem, damaging internal tissues, at a fairly large distance from the cutting site. An infection can easily penetrate into a damaged peduncle. Secateurs cut according to a different principle.

Trimming the peduncle of phalaenopsis

What to do with the peduncle of phalaenopsis

The arrows of phalaenopsis in most cases remain green, and this causes concern among novice orchid growers. They cannot understand whether it is possible to cut the stem or whether they should wait until it begins to die on its own.

As a rule, phalaenopsis orchids are pruned immediately after flowering, but they do this if they want it to bloom again quickly. Having additional dormant buds on the shoot, the orchid begins to grow new shoots from them. In this case, the peduncle is cut 0.5 cm above the dormant bud. If you cut lower, the bud may dry out.

Since usually the peduncles of phalaenopsis continue to remain green, then, theoretically, they do not need to be trimmed. But in this case, the shoots grow and branch, because from the buds on the stem they form not new flowers, but new peduncles. It is difficult for a plant to maintain such structures, so how to prune an orchid after flowering is most often determined by eye and your own taste. Typically, pruning is done by two-thirds, leaving the plant a third of the stem for the next flowering. Cut off the peduncle with a disinfected tool.

Important! If the stem does begin to dry, there is no need to try to “save” it by cutting off the drying part. The plant simply decided to go on vacation. Moreover, even a drying peduncle still supplies nutrients to the flower.

When the arrow dries, you need to wait until it turns into a woody “straw”, and only then remove it. In case of complete removal of the peduncle, you will have to wait several months until the phalaenopsis forms and grows a new arrow, but sometimes this is necessary for the health of the plant itself.

Caring for a trimmed orchid

Before pruning, in addition to tools, you need to stock up on products that will cauterize the cut site and prevent pathogenic bacteria from penetrating inside. Such means are used Activated carbon, iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate or cinnamon. After the orchid is trimmed, the cut is lubricated with a disinfectant solution or drying powder is rubbed in. In some types of orchids, the peduncle is hollow inside. In this case, the cut must be sealed with beeswax to prevent water from getting inside or penetrating. Getting rid of uninvited residents who have settled inside the stem is much more difficult than driving them out of the leaves.

Caring for an orchid involves more than just replanting and cutting the flower stem. When the plant has dried and rotten parts of the rhizomes, leaving only the roots that have a green or gray appearance. But this may not be enough. It happens that an orchid does not bloom for several years, as it is overloaded with green mass. In this case, cut off excess leaves. And here it is especially important to know how to trim the leaves of an orchid. Improper pruning can destroy the plant.

Cut flower stalk of phalaenopsis

How to trim orchid leaves correctly:

  1. Always cut off the lower leaves.
  2. When starting pruning, the leaf is cut along the midline and torn to the stem.
  3. Gently tear off the halves from the stem with your hands.
  4. Do not water the orchid for several days, allowing the wounds to dry out so that the orchid does not rot.

Do the same with dried and yellowed leaves. If the leaf is green but flaccid, you should wait, perhaps it will gain elasticity. And if it does start to turn yellow, you need to wait until it completely dries and cut it off. Under the removed leaves, anything can be found: from young aerial roots to a new shoot that has begun to form.


Pruning an orchid after flowering only seems scary at first glance for a novice orchid grower. In fact, these actions actually follow the same rules as pruning parts of other plants. When pruning any plants, try not to damage the vital parts and disinfect the resulting wound. Orchids are no exception, and you should be afraid to prune them, providing good care, no need. You also need to remember that pruning and replanting are always stressful for the plant, and in this case it can bloom again only after six months.

Today, inexperienced gardeners often wonder whether it is possible to trim the leaves of an orchid if they begin to fade, turn yellow and deteriorate? There are many answers to this question, but not all of them are correct. After all, this type of domestic plant is particularly whimsical, and therefore requires careful care. So, how to properly carry out the procedure for removing foliage, what is it for?

Often it is correct care that ensures decent development, abundant flowering, and painless existence. The lifespan of an orchid is approximately seven years, during which it constantly develops. This type of pet does not like heat or sunlight. direct type. It is also recommended to ensure a certain air temperature, which will not exceed 22 degrees. It is also recommended to trim orchid leaves to renew them.

How to carry out this process?

There are certain nuances that ensure proper removal of foliage.
It happens when a flower produces children, this means that it wants to reproduce. That is why it is recommended to wait until the shoots grow to five centimeters, only then cut them off. If you want to add a new specimen to your collection, you can transplant it into a separate vessel. To carry out this process, you must use a clean instrument, completely treated with alcohol, to avoid various infections.

When the plant is flowering, you must be especially observant. After all, at the end of this process, it is recommended to trim the orchid leaves and trunk. The first signs that flowering is ending appear on the buds; they lose their former elasticity, becoming sluggish. It is not recommended to immediately cut off the peduncle, since it is growing and new gems or children may form on it. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it only when it has completely yellowed and dried out. If you perform all the manipulations correctly, the orchid will again delight you with its beautiful flowers.

Regarding the removal of leaves, one thing can be said, they are the main parts of the entire “mechanism” that contribute to the nutrition of the entire plant as a whole.
m there are more of them, the faster flower restores strength during a period of rest. Therefore, when spraying plants, it is recommended to carefully wipe off any remaining moisture to avoid rotting. Therefore, it is recommended to trim orchid leaves only if they are limp, yellowed or infected with any infection. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the same way as removing babies, the main thing is that after finishing, you treat all the sections with ground cinnamon or charcoal.

If you notice that your indoor pet has begun to fade and become covered with some spots, then be sure to transplant it into another pot. After this, it is recommended to carefully inspect all foliage for stains. When you observe such a nuisance, you do not need to wonder whether it is possible to trim the leaves of an orchid, but feel free to begin this process.

Pruning of different types

According to the type of growth, orchids are divided into monopodial and sympodial. Vegetation of monopodial plants occurs from the top of the shoot, on which leaves grow in turn. Buds develop in the leaf axils, forming flower stalks or aerial roots. This type includes: phalaenopsis, brassavola, angrecum, vanda. Sympodial orchids are similar to creeping vines and grow horizontally. This type of plant has a rhizome and pseudobulbs. These include: dendrobium, cattleya, miltonia, oncidium, cymbidium.

Flower growers have different opinions about whether it is necessary to trim the stem when the orchid has bloomed. Some believe that it is necessary to prune a faded plant, while others believe that it is the opposite. Both points of view are correct, since the need for pruning is due to varietal characteristics. You can find out how to trim an orchid of one type or another from the seller in a specialized store. One rule will be the same for all species - it is necessary to cut off the peduncle if it has completely dried out.

Determining Trim Time

Different species bloom differently at home. Some bloom several times a year. Flowering duration is from 2 to 6 months. A clear sign end of flowering - when flowering plant The peduncle acquires a waxy tint. But sometimes an orchid blooms again after flowering if buds appear on the buds. Often secondary flowering occurs in the phalaenopsis orchid.

To make sure that flowering has ended, you need to leave the flower to stand for a while so that the arrow dries completely. When the orchid peduncle has completely dried out and turned brown, it can be cut off. If a arrow that has not completely dried is removed, the plant will need more time to recover and flowering will occur later.

Many people believe that flower stalk pruning should be done in the fall. As a rule, at the beginning of autumn, plants begin their dormant period. But keep in mind that each species has its own pruning characteristics: for one, you need to wait until the peduncle dries, for the other, you need to trim the shoot immediately after flowering. Therefore, it is better to check with experienced florist or a seller on how to properly prune an orchid after flowering.

Required Tools

You can trim the peduncle of an orchid sharp scissors or pruning shears, which are pre-treated with alcohol or in boiling water. This must be done to avoid infecting the cut site. After the peduncle is cut, treat the cut with crushed charcoal or cinnamon. It is better to carry out the manipulation with rubber gloves.

Sometimes after pruning the plant needs to be replanted. Therefore, prepare containers for transplantation and a ready-made substrate for orchids in advance. You can do it yourself. For this you will need:

  • pebbles or expanded clay for the drainage layer;
  • bark, moss, peat and coarse sand for the “earth” layer.

Orchids are very picky about the soil. If you do not have experience in soil preparation, then it is better to use a ready-made substrate.

When replanting, pay attention to the condition of the roots - brown and brittle roots need to be cut off, and the cut ends should be treated with an antiseptic. Such roots cannot be left in order to avoid disease and death of the flower.

The process and subtleties of pruning

Trimming an orchid after flowering at home is done in one of two ways:

  1. Incomplete circumcision. The peduncle is shortened above the dormant bud (1.5-2 cm higher). This type of pruning is suitable for strong flower stems. In most cases, buds will emerge from dormant buds. This may take from several weeks to several months. In some cases, the peduncle may dry out. Using this method, you need to take into account the ability of the species to form “children”. For example, in phalaenopsis, with high humidity and sufficient temperature, daughter rosettes are formed quite well. But there are species that produce shoots strictly at certain times of the year.
  2. Full circumcision. Trim the peduncle at the roots, leaving a stump of 2.5-3 cm. As a rule, dried arrows are cut off. What to do with the peduncle if the completely green stem has been “preserved” for several months? This peduncle also needs to be cut off. Depending on the variety of hybrid, the arrows are cut in different places.

Further care

Pruning an orchid is stressful for the plant. Therefore, after pruning, the flower must be given time to recover. This period is called “rest time” and, depending on the species, lasts about 2 months. Caring for an orchid after flowering requires several rules. Watering should be moderate on a completely dry substrate. It is also necessary to regularly spray the leaves and substrate. It is better to reduce the amount of fertilizers.

The plant should not be located near heating devices, and the optimal room temperature 25 0C during the day, 16 0C at night. Lighting should be diffused. IN further care for orchids standard. The next blooming of flowers after pruning occurs differently in each species - from several months to a year. As you can see, trimming an orchid after flowering at home is not difficult. You need to follow the described pruning rules, carefully care for it, and the plant will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

Video “Pruning an orchid after flowering”

From this video you will learn how to properly prune an orchid after flowering.

How to rejuvenate a phalaenopsis orchid?

An update for the phalaenopsis orchid involves dividing the plant into two parts., while the upper part continues to grow and develop as mature plant, and on the lower part, children are expected to appear, which can later be planted in separate pots.

In addition, the procedure includes A few more processes that you can’t do without:

  • excess leaves are removed;
  • the root system is cleared;
  • the substrate in which the flower grows changes.

Rejuvenation should be taken seriously, because not every phalaenopsis needs it.

Reasons for carrying out the process may be:

  • a large number of leaves;
  • unaesthetic appearance of the stem;
  • abundance of aerial roots;
  • multiple roots emerging from drainage holes;
  • growing phalaenopsis in a pot of the same diameter for more than 4 years.

All these reasons are visible to the naked eye; such a plant does not look attractive at all, and its flowering will be minimal.

"Old" orchid.

How to rejuvenate at home It is necessary to prepare in advance another pot with substrate, tools and allocate time for the procedure.

Rejuvenation best done after flowering, when the peduncle is without buds and flowers. If the flower does not bloom, then pruning is carried out from the beginning of October to the end of November. This procedure should not be postponed for long; it should occur every 4-5 years after planting.

But you can rejuvenate the plant in other ways.



One of the methods of rejuvenation is pruning leaves, only this should be done carefully.

Leaves are considered an important organ of phalaenopsis, It is through them that the plant receives most of the necessary nutrients and moisture.

Usually trim off limp, yellowed leaves. It is recommended to completely remove wrinkled ones.

Thanks to this, the plant will stop wasting its energy on maintaining unhealthy parts; more nutrients will go to the young and healthy parts of the phalaenopsis.

It is better to do pruning in the first half of the day. Before the dormant period begins, the plant will recover from stress and after rest will begin to grow and develop more actively.

The process of pruning phalaenopsis leaves is carried out as follows:

  1. Instruments are prepared in advance, for this purpose they are disinfected;
  2. Stock up on cut processing products that will prevent rotting;
  3. With quick movements, cut off the affected, yellow, limp leaves;
  4. The sections are lubricated with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon;
  5. Leave the plant in partial shade for a couple of days without watering.

After this, the plant can be lightly watered and continue to observe the cuts. Spraying is strictly prohibited.

Diseased leaves are removed.

Orchid leaves sometimes cut in half, do this in order to to stimulate the forcing of the peduncle.

Plants after flowering

After the phalaenopsis has bloomed, novice gardeners rush to cut off the entire shoot, but this is wrong. The peduncle should not be cut after correct pruning You can achieve repeated flowering or the appearance of children for reproduction.

How to prune phalaenopsis? Algorithm:

  • three dormant buds are counted from below;
  • then approximately measure 6-10 cm;
  • make a cut with a sharp knife or scissors;
  • process the cut.

Pruning after flowering.

Spraying is not recommended for the next few days. And it is advisable for him to choose a location in partial shade.

Sometimes it happens that the peduncle dies, the arrow simply dries up. In this case, you should remove it completely. If drying has not occurred completely, it is worth trying to save the peduncle. To do this, the dry part is cut 2-3 cm lower, down to the living tissue. Don't forget about processing.

Over time, it will be possible to obtain children for reproduction from dormant buds, for this it is necessary to additionally remove the protective crusts from the kidneys and smear this area with a special paste for several days.


The process of rejuvenating phalaenopsis is impossible without pruning the roots.

This is done according to certain criteria, the plant must be rid of:

  • dry roots;
  • rotten roots.

When transplanting or pruning, pay special attention to the root system. She is carefully examined and, if necessary, clear away rotten and dry roots. This is done so that harmful bacteria do not spread to healthy roots and destroy the plant.

Pruning is carried out to living tissue, and the sections are treated with the same means as sheets.

If the roots are severely rotting, it is better to cut off the peduncle, as it will require a lot vitality. A weak rhizome will not be able to provide the plant with the peduncle with everything it needs, and it may simply die.

Phalaenopsis roots.


Phalaenopsis orchid Stem pruning is carried out only in two cases:

  • when rotting;
  • to separate the trunk.

The second method is suitable for rejuvenation, this is done in cases where there are a large number of aerial roots and the leaves are located in the upper part of the stem.

It is necessary to divide phalaenopsis in the autumn, the procedure itself looks like this:

  • the plant is released from the pot;
  • conduct a preliminary inspection;
  • cut off the upper part with pruning shears;
  • the sections are processed.

The upper part of such a stem can be cut off.

When dividing, it is necessary to leave 4-6 leaves and the same number of aerial roots on the upper part.

Both parts are planted in prepared pots with substrate. In this case, plants are not sprayed for 3-4 days and not watered for about 7-10 days.

Pruning with buds is carried out according to the same scheme, only the bud is dormant or active state It is better to leave it on the old part of the plant. There it will begin to develop faster and will either bloom or release babies to reproduce.

Reader Questions

How to trim a rotten neck?

Sometimes, if the rules of care are not followed, the root collar of the phalaenopsis begins to rot. This process develops very quickly and the probability of losing a flower increases several times.

There is no need to despair, the orchid can be saved. For this it is necessary to cut off the part with rot, this must be done with a sharp knife until living tissue is reached.

It is important to ensure that there are no putrefactive inclusions left on the trunk, otherwise the plant will get sick again.

After processing of sections is required. It is prohibited to spray phalaenopsis until the cut is completely healed., otherwise the rot will quickly return and destroy the flower.

What to do with a wilted bud?

Withered buds look unsightly, many people rush to cut them off, but this is not always true. This species can acquire the peduncle of a plant that lack of moisture.

To begin with, you can try to save the flowering, for this you should give the flower a warm shower or water it more often and a little more abundantly. If after a couple of procedures the elasticity has not returned, then it will have to be removed.

Buds may wilt due to lack of moisture.

But here, too, not everything is so simple; pruning should be done 3-5 cm below the dried area. With proper care, very soon the plant will again delight you with abundant flowering.

Useful videos

Watch the video on how to update an orchid:

The following video also talks about plant rejuvenation:

The video below explains how to trim leaves correctly:

Next, watch the video on how to trim the peduncle after flowering:

Stages of orchid flowering

The flowering of an orchid begins with the appearance of flower-bearing arrows - one or several on which buds form. The more flower stalks, the richer and more magnificent the flowering will be. The buds open gradually: over the course of a day, the first petal closest to the base of the arrow opens, then the next one. Every day a new flower appears. The blossoming inflorescences are large, graceful, with a delicate aroma, amaze not only amateurs, but also people who are far from floriculture.

Arrangement of the flower in the pot

Under the weight of the buds, the stems sometimes bend or bend. To prevent this from happening, they are tied to special sticks, which are placed in the pot. To do this, use twine or purchase special clips for orchids, which is much more convenient and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Orchid flowering lasts about three months, in some varieties up to six months, with a frequency of 2-3 times a year. The frequency of flowering and duration directly depend on the care and conditions created.

Necessary conditions for flowering

  1. Bright location, without direct sunlight. In case of insufficient lighting, you can supplement the plant with a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp.
  2. The orchid is planted in a transparent pot, since the orchid is an epiphyte plant; through its roots it receives not only water, air and nutrients, but also light; its root system participates in photosynthesis.
  3. Watering as the substrate dries out, moderately, without waterlogging.
  4. Temperature regime: for abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide the plant with a small difference between night and day temperatures. Ideally, maintain 20–23 degrees during the day and 16–18 at night.
  5. The orchid does not like permutations, and any change in location, even a simple rotation, can result in the dropping of buds.
  6. Weekly application of special fertilizers, for example, Agricola for orchids, where the composition of microelements is selected specifically for flowering. In addition, the bottle is equipped with a measuring cup, which makes the use of this fertilizer convenient.

How to care for a plant after flowering

If the conditions of keeping the orchid are not violated, then after a few months the flowering ends. The process occurs smoothly: first, the flower that bloomed first fades, then the next one dries up, and so on. Sometimes it happens that all the flowers wither at the same time - this is a sign of an error in care. If an orchid has several flower stalks extending from the trunk, then flowering can be long. When the last arrow fades, the process is completed. Until this time, there is no need to rearrange or prune the plant.

Video: to cut the arrow or not?

Practice pruning at home

It must be said that manipulations with the peduncle directly depend on the type of orchid. The most common plant in our homes is phalaenopsis, so let’s start with it.

If, after the flowers have withered, the arrow begins to dry out, then it is cut as low as possible, trying to preserve the leaf. It is advisable to seal the cut of the peduncle, which is hollow inside, with beeswax or garden varnish, otherwise, when spraying, water may get into it, which will lead to rotting.

Often the peduncle of phalaenopsis remains green after flowering - it is better not to touch it. After a dormant period, when the plant rests, new shoots or children will appear from dormant buds.

To stimulate the appearance of new flower stalks, partial pruning is sometimes used. In this case, the arrow is shortened, leaving 3-4 dormant buds, from which new flower stalks will appear over time.

When trimming an orchid, it is advisable to sprinkle the sections of peduncles with crushed coal - this will protect the arrow from rotting.

Sometimes flower stalks are removed completely for purely aesthetic reasons - protruding sticks spoil the appearance of the plant. There is nothing wrong with this technique, and with proper care, in due time, the orchid will produce new arrows. The orchid is a fairly hardy plant, and pruning will not lead to its death if it received the necessary care.

Pruning the peduncle of various plant species

One of the most popular types of orchids, Vanda attracts gardeners with its amazing flowers, which can be plain, variegated or with mosaic patterns. Vanda can bloom quickly at any time of the year for one and a half to two months. For a faded orchid, it is necessary to completely cut off the peduncle and reduce watering and spraying.

Aganisia is also a common type of orchid. When kept at home, flowering lasts 10–14 days, mainly in summer. When the aganisia stops blooming, the shoot is cut off, and the plant itself, if necessary, is replanted and watering is reduced.

Another interesting type of orchid, dendrobium, has many varieties. Flowering occurs through pseudobulbs, which should not be removed after flowering, since the plant receives nutrients from them to form new flower stalks. Pseudobulbs can be trimmed after the leaves have completely dried and fallen off.

Cattleya attracts attention with large flowers with a subtle pleasant aroma. Thanks to the many arrows, it blooms for quite a long time. As soon as the first buds form, experts advise removing the new shoots that appear. This technique will allow the flowers to open, otherwise the plant will spend all its energy on growing shoots, but will no longer be able to bloom. Cattleya peduncles should be trimmed after complete drying.

Features of plant care after pruning

After flowering, orchids enter a period of rest - a very important stage in the life of the plant. It is at this time that preparations for the next flowering occur, and, despite the nuances in caring for individual species, the general rules for creating favorable conditions for these plants are similar. This:

  • transplantation if necessary;
  • bright and warm location, without drafts and direct sunlight;
  • regular but reduced watering - let the soil dry after each;
  • The application of fertilizing depends on the time of year - in winter or summer it is enough to feed the plant once a month, in spring or autumn - twice.

For feeding during the dormant period, you can use Bona Forte fertilizer for orchids - the ratio of microelements in this preparation is suitable specifically for growing leaves and roots. It is important to remember that you cannot fertilize a plant that is overdried, sick, or immediately after transplantation.

How to replant an orchid

Orchids do not like to be disturbed unnecessarily, so they need to be replanted if necessary, no more than once every 2-3 years.

Reasons for transplantation

The reason for such a procedure may be an overgrown plant trying to crawl out of the pot, as well as a pile of aerial roots. In this case, replanting is necessary, but it is important to remember that flowering will resume after this in a year.

If the roots of the orchid darken or the leaves begin to wither, this is also a signal to replant.

How can a transplant be done?

How to properly replant an orchid? To begin, we prepare a new plastic transparent pot of suitable diameter, 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one. We lay drainage on the bottom - expanded clay, crushed brick or pieces of polystyrene foam in a layer of 3–4 cm. Very important: the orchid cannot be planted in ordinary nutrient soil. You can buy a special substrate for orchids in the store or prepare it yourself. There are many options, but the main element is bark, preferably coniferous. To make the mixture, pour boiling water over the bark several times to wash off the resin and cut into small pieces of 1.5–2 cm. Then add 1 part of charcoal, sphagnum moss or coconut fiber and vermiculite to 3 parts of bark. Mix everything well.

How to preserve the root system?

Carefully remove the plant from the pot and inspect it . If the roots are healthy, green in color and there is no rotten, putrid odor from the substrate, we replant the orchid without disturbing the earthen coma. Place the plant in the prepared pot, fill the voids around the edges with soil mixture and press lightly. Such a transplant will not harm the plant and, most likely, will not have a negative impact on subsequent flowering.

If the soil smells unpleasant, and the orchid has rotten or dried roots, then carefully trim them with pruners, having first freed them from the soil. Then we place the plant in a new pot so that after replanting it is at the same level, without being buried. Fill the pot with the prepared mixture, placing the largest pieces of bark down. Carefully press down the soil.

We water the transplanted orchid with soft, settled water through a tray and put it in a warm, well-lit place.

Video: how to replant an orchid correctly and quickly

How to water a flower during dormancy

An important condition for orchid flowering is proper watering. During the dormant period, watering should not be abundant - the soil needs to have time to dry. To fully saturate it with moisture, place the pot with the orchid in a deep container and water it so that the plant is immersed in water as deeply as possible. We make sure that water does not get into the rosette of leaves - we remove the drops with a soft napkin. Just a few minutes are enough for the substrate to moisten, after which we remove the pot and place it on a tray. After all the water has drained, we send the orchid to its permanent place.

When is the best time to replant a plant?

When watering, it is important to consider the time of year. So, in winter, with short daylight hours, all physiological processes are inhibited, so we water less often. In summer, with an abundance of light and heat, the plant grows vigorously and needs more water.

When growing orchids, there is no answer to the question: how many times a week should I water? Everything is individual, and too many factors influence the drying out of the soil: pot material, soil composition, air humidity, room temperature, proximity to heating devices. For some, the soil will dry out in three days, for others in a week. The pot has become light, and the top layer has dried out - it’s time. A transparent pot also makes the task easier - you can look directly into the root.

Possible problems when growing orchids

Sometimes when growing orchids, especially for those who first purchased this flower, difficulties arise. What should you pay attention to first of all?

The condition of the orchid is determined by the leaves. A healthy plant has leaf blades that are uniformly green in color, elastic, shiny, and rounded. Changes in turgor, color, appearance of yellowness or spots, changes in leaf shape should alert the grower.

Dried stem of peduncle

After the orchid bloomed, the peduncle withered. Sometimes a plant decides to use nutrients differently, which are spent on the vital activity of an unnecessary peduncle. We trim as described above and continue care.

Why did the orchid bloom quickly?

Most likely, one of the growing conditions was violated. You should pay attention to fertilizing and temperature conditions - the difference between day and night temperatures is about 5 degrees.

The orchid does not want to bloom

The possible reason is the same - the lack of difference between day and night temperatures, insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizing.

The leaves have drooped

The orchid's leaves have lost turgor and become lethargic. The plant was probably flooded. You need to remove the flower from the pot and, if the soil has become sour (detected by an unpleasant sour smell), free the roots from the substrate, wash with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and plant in fresh soil. Monitor watering.

The leaves have turned yellow

After flowering, the orchid's leaves turn yellow. If one leaf turns yellow and falls off, there is no reason to worry, since this is a natural process.

Reasons for yellowing of the lower and upper leaves of an orchid

The leaf blades age over time and fall off after yellowing. This is called the natural aging process. But if yellowing occurs abruptly and en masse, then it is unnatural and the reason must be found.

Improper watering

One of the reasons why the orchid’s leaves began to fall off may be an unregulated watering regime. Water may be in short supply or it may be in constant abundance.

Lack of water

Therefore, if the plants, in addition to yellowing of the foliage, look normal and the root system shows no signs of rotting, then you should think about the fact that the plant simply lacks moisture. If you water a flower in the usual way, the water quickly flows down the bark and the roots do not have enough moisture to nourish the plant. If there is a lack of nutrients, the plant dries out the lower tier sheet plates.

Excess water

The grower can also immerse the flower in water too often and the flower, receiving an overdose in feeding water, will begin to rot the root system of the flower. In this case, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, but not dry out as if underwatered, but rather become wet, acquiring a yellow-brown color. In this case, the flower is urgently removed from the substrate and treated for root rot so that the leaves do not fall off.

Lack of nutrition

It is best to feed the orchid during active growth with a fertilizer specially created for it. Otherwise, the color of the leaf plates may turn yellow, and then they may fall off for a number of reasons:

  • nitrogen starvation - leaf blades discolor and become yellowish;
  • excess calcium - the tips of the leaf blades turn yellow;
  • excess calcium or chlorine – yellow-brown color of leaf blades;
  • lack of sulfur, copper or iron - the color of the leaves becomes yellow, almost white.

Wrong location

If the location is incorrectly selected, the flower can quickly shed yellowing leaves. Since in complete darkness he will lack light, and Sun rays in summer they will burn the leaf blades of the flower. Therefore, in summer it is better to keep flowers on the north side of the house or, if the apartment has only south windows, then place containers with flowers on the table, shielding them from the sun's rays with tulle. And in winter, you can put flowers on southern windows, where the lighting is best in winter.

Diseases and pests

If the flower is over-wetted, pests and mites may appear, and various types of flowers may also appear on the weakening plant. fungal infections. Therefore, when the foliage is wrinkling and yellowing, it is necessary to inspect the surface of the leaf plates for the presence of pests:

  1. Scale insects.
  2. mealybugs.

If any infectious problem is detected, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • pull the flower out of the ground;
  • wash the roots;
  • treat with a fungicide or chemical preparation from pests;
  • pour boiling water over the pot;
  • plant the flower in new soil.

Too much or too little sun

With a lack of sunlight, the plant noticeably stretches and the leaves seem to discolor, turning yellow on the inside. They can change their color gradually, starting from the base, or they can turn yellow in one day, after which the leaves fall off, exposing the trunk.

Burns and drying out from sun rays

Orchid, standing in summer under direct sunlight, it will burn from excess ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, if the apartment has window sills only with a southern orientation, then the container with the plant should be placed on the table indoors so that sunlight became absent-minded.

Incorrect fertilizer regime

If you violate the fertilizer regime, the flower will have every chance to wither and die. Because both with a shortage and with an excess of fertilizer, the flower begins to disappear, namely turn yellow and may die if the situation with fertilizing is not leveled out.

Excess fertilizer

An excess of fertilizer leads to the death of the plant, since the root system will not be able to process it all and the flower will shed its leaves and peduncle, if any, leaving only the stem.

Fertilizer shortage

A lack of nitrogen fertilizer will result in the orchid not blooming. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, or rather the lack thereof, will lead to the fact that the plant will not be able to grow a new peduncle.

Is it possible to cut off the yellow leaves of an orchid?

If this is a consequence of the natural aging of the flower, then the leaves will fall off on their own and there is no need to trim them.

To blooming orchid I felt good and wasn’t sick; before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for a flower at home. Since the orchid grows only in certain conditions and therefore cannot be cultivated in all rooms. Or if there are not enough aspects for caring for the plant, then provide the flower with them and then it will delight the grower with its beautiful and long flowering.

Caring for a trimmed orchid

What to do next - the orchid has faded: care and how to prune after flowering at home

Orchid, as one of the most beautiful, delicate and sophisticated flowers, requires special attention not only during flowering, but also after it has bloomed.

Temperature conditions, frequency of watering, sufficient lighting, a strictly defined substrate and feeding: all this is equally important for any type of orchid, be it the unpretentious Phalaenopsis or the capricious Miltonia.

In contact with

  • What to do if the stem is affected by yellowness?
  • Has the stem started to dry out?
  • Pruning: how, with what and when?

IN life cycle For a flower, the rest period is extremely important, that is, the time after the end of flowering.

How long does an orchid rest, how to prune it, how to react to yellowing or drying of the leaves and stem? Let's try to deal with all these questions in order.

How long does an orchid “go on vacation”?

Alas, there is no clear answer to this question in principle. As a rule, everything depends on the type of orchid, the conditions of its “living” and its care. For example, Phalaenopsis, if treated properly, can bloom after about three months of rest.

Please note that in many respects the subsequent flowering of an orchid is directly related to the correct care of this capricious beauty in the period after flowering. The orchid has faded, what should I do next?

Particular attention should be paid to flower pruning, as this procedure has a lot of nuances and subtleties.

After an orchid has ceased to please you with its unsurpassed flowers, it has three ways of further existence: either the stem (peduncle) will begin to turn yellow, or dry out, or will continue to grow quietly.

In both the first and second cases, the main thing is not to panic, because, oddly enough, both situations are absolutely normal for any orchid.

So, if, after the orchid has finished flowering, its peduncle remains green, you should not take any special action. The fact is that there is a high probability of new buds appearing on the stem after some time. Just be patient and continue to care for the flower as you did before.

If the peduncle begins to turn yellow from top to bottom, or simply freezes, then it can be safely cut off.

We’ll talk a little later about how exactly this procedure should be carried out.

A separate case will be yellowing of not only the stem, but also the leaves of the orchid, or just the leaves. Here things are more serious and the situation cannot be left to chance.
There may be several reasons for the yellowing of orchid leaves, and therefore the sooner you find out, the easier it will be to make the right decision about further actions.

Option number 1: natural aging. Any orchid from time to time is forced to get rid of dying cells, i.e. old leaves. In this case, the owner of the whimsical beauty can calm down and not interfere with the process.

Knowing the exact name of your type of orchid will help you make sure that the cause is aging, since today the Internet contains all the necessary information about the life cycle of each of its varieties.

Option #2: humidity. If the lower leaves of the orchid begin to turn yellow, the reason most likely lies in a banal excess of moisture. Due to excessive watering, the roots may begin to rot, which will primarily affect the lower leaves.

If the leaves of your orchid turn yellow only at their base, becoming limp and wrinkled, the situation is exactly the opposite, i.e. the flower absolutely does not have enough water.

Option #3: lighting. As in the previous case, an orchid can turn yellow both from a lack of light and from its excess. It even happens that a flower stands in the shade for several years, feels great, and then begins to sharply turn yellow from a lack of light.

In this case, simply move the pot to the light. If you are the owner of an orchid with light green leaves, you should never place it in direct sunlight.

Please note that you should not immediately revive the orchid with water, since a sharp temperature change can aggravate the situation even further.

Option #4: food. If your orchid's leaves are turning yellow, but are not moisturizing or drying out, pay attention to its overall growth. If it is slow, there are problems with feeding.

The tricky part of this situation is that the leaves may also turn yellow due to excessive fertilizing, but the roots will also be burned. Only replanting with preliminary soaking of the roots in ordinary filtered water can help here.

In both cases, depending on the type of orchid, you should select the appropriate drug to get rid of pests. If the cobwebs have just begun to appear on the leaves, there is no need to resort to “chemistry” - just treat the flower with a soap solution.

Yellow leaves are not the only problem with orchids. Spots on orchid leaves - what do they mean and how to get rid of them? Read more in this article.

Has the stem started to dry out?

Strange as it may sound, but the drying out of the stem, or rather the peduncle, of an orchid is the most the best option for its continued existence.
In the traditional sense, any dying flower or branch must be pruned so that the dying part does not drain the strength from the plant. However, in our case, the trick is that with an orchid it’s the other way around.

Until its peduncle dries out and turns black, there is no need to touch it at all, since the orchid will gradually draw out all the useful substances accumulated in it from the drying stem. Of course, from an aesthetic point of view it does not look very beautiful, but be patient and leave the flower alone.

The more “benefits” an orchid extracts from a peduncle, the greater the likelihood of its harmonious development and rapid flowering in the future.

As soon as the peduncle dries completely, you can safely trim it.

What to do if the orchid's roots begin to dry? Find out about the causes of drying out and how to revive it in this article.

Pruning: how, with what and when?

As has been said many times above, an orchid is divine beautiful flower, but very capricious, and therefore the usual techniques of gardeners do not work with it. So how to prune an orchid at home after flowering?

When starting to trim an orchid, it is necessary to take into account many factors, so to make it easier for beginners in this matter, we will consider the basic rules of this procedure.

When should you prune an orchid? Despite the great variety of varieties of this flower, in most cases optimal time Their pruning period is from the beginning of October to November inclusive.

But, of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and they again depend on the type of flower you have, so when buying your beauty at a flower shop, do not forget to ask the seller for its exact name.

What tools should you use when pruning? It is best to use regular garden pruning shears or metal scissors for this procedure.

However, remember that both tools must be disinfected with a solution of ordinary bleach before cutting. It is not recommended to use knives for such purposes, as they can easily damage the orchid leaves.

How exactly to trim the flower stalk? First, carefully examine it for dormant buds, which may subsequently develop into new flowers or children.

To achieve subsequent flowering of the orchid, you should count three dormant buds from below and cut the peduncle approximately 10–15 mm above the last one. It should be noted that such pruning does not fully guarantee the appearance of babies or buds from the buds.

And if the peduncle is cut off in this way (i.e. not completely), the development of a new one is unlikely, since the orchid will spend all its energy supporting the old stem.

How to cut off a peduncle completely? If the stem has turned yellow or completely dried out, it makes sense to cut it all off, leaving only a small stump no more than 20 mm in height. Don’t be afraid to leave your orchid in this “shortened” state, because with proper care after sleep, it will develop into a new, captivating flower.

You can also watch “How to trim a peduncle?” Here:

Is it possible to trim orchid leaves? Experts do not recommend removing leaves yourself, because with natural aging the plant will get rid of them on its own, and in all other cases concerning leaves and described above, you only need to adjust your actions in accordance with the recommendations for caring for the flower.

How to care for an orchid after pruning? In general, care after flowering and pruning will be little different from usual. The only thing worth paying attention to is feeding. During the sleep period, it is better to reduce the dose of fertilizers to give the plant a full rest.

By following the simple tips in this article, you can provide decent care after flowering and proper attention to the queen of flowers - fabulous beautiful orchid. And in response to your efforts and love, the plant will give you all its beauty and charm. orchid care after flowering.

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How to prune an orchid after flowering: rules for pruning and further care

The houseplant is a beautiful and vibrant flower that, with proper care, can bloom for quite a long time. The duration of the process depends on the type of plant. One species blooms for only one week, the other – up to 6 months.

When purchasing this plant, florists give recommendations on care and advise on proper pruning. If it suddenly happens that you couldn’t ask the seller, then you can find useful information Here.

It is advisable to prune the plant during rest, when it has completely faded and there is not a single bud on the peduncle. The best time For this purpose it is autumn, from the beginning of October to the end of November. But you should not allow the plant to bloom again.

How to properly treat an orchid, given its variety? Each flower variety has its own individual characteristics in terms of growth, ripening and flowering. Plants of the Phalaenopsis species should be pruned when the inflorescences begin to fade. Other varieties are pruned when the flower stalks become diseased.

Therefore, you need to ask what kind of variety the hostess has.

Do I even need to prune my orchid after flowering? Yes, then with proper care the plant will bloom several times a year. If you need to propagate it, you can cut off the peduncle immediately after flowering. But then the orchid will take a long time to restore its previous shape. If the peduncle is very long and has many inflorescences, it is better to tie it to prevent fragility.

So, the orchid has bloomed, what to do with it next?

  • To properly prune a plant, you need to carefully examine the peduncle. If it starts to dry out, it needs to be trimmed until it turns completely yellow. And when this happens, you need to get rid of the peduncle, leaving a small stump at the base;
  • If you cut an inflorescence on a green plant, it will take a very long time to get into shape, and the next time it will begin to bloom only after 6 months;
  • If buds grow on the peduncle, it is recommended to remove it 1-2 centimeters above them. The likelihood that they will bloom beautiful flowers, increases in summer. At this time, the flower should be thoroughly watered and the leaves should be sprinkled with water;
  • Women also have a question: is it possible to trim the leaves of an orchid? You should not cut the plant after flowering, when the stem remains green, as the flower may bloom again from new buds. You only need to remove the part that has dried, then the flower will not lose its strength;
  • When the flower stalk has no buds, and has even turned black, it is recommended to remove it right at the base. And for the plant to bloom again, it is better to transplant it into a new pot.

Before starting the process, you need to mark the place where the cut will be made. The best place are the stems where flowers used to grow. Of these, you need to completely leave about 50 mm from the root.

Can the roots of an orchid be cut? Healthy root systems are green roots with a grayish coating. If the roots Brown and break quickly, they need to be pruned very carefully, which promotes the development of new flowers.

The orchid is not a supporter of moisture, so when replanting it is better not to water it for 2-3 days. If new shoots begin to appear on the flower, they should be transplanted to another place after they get stronger. Thus, the orchid reproduces.

After transplantation, the flower requires the same care as before. It is better to reduce fertilizing and watering to avoid root rotting.

It should be remembered that after transplantation, the growth of new flowers may appear only after a year. This is quite normal, because the plant must adapt and gain strength.

There are a number conflicting opinions that it is very difficult to care for an orchid at home. But if you follow simple rules, caring for the plant will not be too stressful.

It is better to purchase soil for orchids in specialized flower shops, and choose only the soil that is recommended specifically for these species. Under no circumstances should you take soil for other purposes, otherwise the flower will not take root or will die altogether.

The plant needs to be watered strictly once a week. Better yet, just give it regular moisture by spraying the leaves of the flower.

Besides, high humidity does not cause flowering, but a strong growth of greenery, which is why all the beauty disappears into the leaves, and the flowers either do not bloom, or it quickly ends flowering.

How and when to prune an orchid after flowering. Is it necessary to remove the phalaenopsis peduncle?

Knowing how to prune an orchid will help an orchid grower enjoy flowering almost all year round. In home breeding, the phalaenopsis orchid is most often found, which significantly outperforms other species that require a period of rest and recovery. Although not everyone agrees that it is necessary to speed up the flowering time of these plants, since the continuous production of offspring exhausts the orchid. But whether or not an orchid blooms a second time is decided only by its owner.

Dried peduncle of phalaenopsis

How to prune an orchid correctly so as not to harm it

After flowering, the orchid is left with a long and ugly stem on which there were flowers. My hands are just itching to cut it off. But the arrow cannot always be cut. They decide whether to trim a flower shoot, focusing on its appearance and the type of orchid. After flowering, some plants go to rest and the peduncle dries out, others may bloom again. In the second, the shoot is not cut off as long as it remains green.

Signs that your orchid will soon need to be trimmed:
  • the green arrow begins to turn yellow or brown, the purple one becomes dark pink;
  • instead of a peduncle, a dry stick sticks out;
  • The shoot has been green for 6 months, but the orchid does not bloom.

When caring for an orchid, there is no need to be in a particular hurry when trimming flower stalks. Depending on the type of plant, the arrow can be “disposable” or can act as a platform for repeated flowering. If the flower stem begins to dry out, it is allowed to dry completely and only then cut off.

Continued growth of the cut arrow of phalaenopsis

Pruning an orchid after flowering

Orchids in general try not to be pruned in the generally accepted sense, therefore, in the rules for caring for these plants, the term “pruning” usually hides the principles of pruning the peduncle. But this is one of the key points when breeding orchids. Knowing how to properly prune an orchid after flowering and what to do afterwards to prevent the plant from getting sick will help the orchid grower preserve the flower and speed up subsequent flowering.

Even if the orchid is a species that blooms once a year and the stem dries out after flowering, there is no need to try to pull it out. The peduncle is cut at a distance of about 3 cm from the rosette. At the same time, in the future it will serve as a “handle” for the plant when transplanting. As always, the most popular phalaenopsis and its hybrids stand apart from other orchids.

Due to the almost year-round flowering, phalaenopsis has its own rules on how to prune a faded orchid. For this operation, you can use regular scissors or, if your hand is steady, a sharp knife. But it is very easy to damage the leaves of a plant with a knife. Another option is pruning shears. Specially designed for cutting branches, the pruner causes minimal damage to plant tissue. For phalaenopsis, this nuance is especially important, since it is quite difficult to correctly trim a peduncle that has not dried out but is laying new buds. Scissors compress the stem, damaging internal tissues, at a fairly large distance from the cutting site. An infection can easily penetrate into a damaged peduncle. Secateurs cut according to a different principle.

Trimming the peduncle of phalaenopsis

What to do with the peduncle of phalaenopsis

The arrows of phalaenopsis in most cases remain green, and this causes concern among novice orchid growers. They cannot understand whether it is possible to cut the stem or whether they should wait until it begins to die on its own.

As a rule, phalaenopsis orchids are pruned immediately after flowering, but they do this if they want it to bloom again quickly. Having additional dormant buds on the shoot, the orchid begins to grow new shoots from them. In this case, the peduncle is cut 0.5 cm above the dormant bud. If you cut lower, the bud may dry out.

Since usually the peduncles of phalaenopsis continue to remain green, then, theoretically, they do not need to be trimmed. But in this case, the shoots grow and branch, because from the buds on the stem they form not new flowers, but new peduncles. It is difficult for a plant to maintain such structures, so how to prune an orchid after flowering is most often determined by eye and your own taste. Typically, pruning is done by two-thirds, leaving the plant a third of the stem for the next flowering. Cut off the peduncle with a disinfected tool.

Important! If the stem does begin to dry, there is no need to try to “save” it by cutting off the drying part. The plant simply decided to go on vacation. Moreover, even a drying peduncle still supplies nutrients to the flower.

When the arrow dries, you need to wait until it turns into a woody “straw”, and only then remove it. In case of complete removal of the peduncle, you will have to wait several months until the phalaenopsis forms and grows a new arrow, but sometimes this is necessary for the health of the plant itself.

Caring for a trimmed orchid

Before pruning, in addition to tools, you need to stock up on products that will cauterize the cut site and prevent pathogenic bacteria from penetrating inside. Activated carbon, iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate or cinnamon are used as such agents. After the orchid is trimmed, the cut is lubricated with a disinfectant solution or drying powder is rubbed in. In some types of orchids, the peduncle is hollow inside. In this case, the cut must be sealed with beeswax to prevent water from getting inside or pests from entering. Getting rid of uninvited residents who have settled inside the stem is much more difficult than driving them out of the leaves.

Caring for an orchid involves more than just replanting and cutting the flower stem. When replanting, the dried and rotten parts of the rhizomes are cut off from the plant, leaving only the roots that have a green or gray appearance. But this may not be enough. It happens that an orchid does not bloom for several years, as it is overloaded with green mass. In this case, cut off excess leaves. And here it is especially important to know how to trim the leaves of an orchid. Improper pruning can destroy the plant.

Cut flower stalk of phalaenopsis

How to trim orchid leaves correctly:
  1. Always cut off the lower leaves.
  2. When starting pruning, the leaf is cut along the midline and torn to the stem.
  3. Gently tear off the halves from the stem with your hands.
  4. Do not water the orchid for several days, allowing the wounds to dry out so that the orchid does not rot.

Do the same with dried and yellowed leaves. If the leaf is green but flaccid, you should wait, perhaps it will gain elasticity. And if it does start to turn yellow, you need to wait until it completely dries and cut it off. Under the removed leaves, anything can be found: from young aerial roots to a new shoot that has begun to form.


Pruning an orchid after flowering only seems scary at first glance for a novice orchid grower. In fact, these actions actually follow the same rules as pruning parts of other plants. When pruning any plants, try not to damage the vital parts and disinfect the resulting wound. Orchids are no exception, and there is no need to be afraid to trim them while providing good care. You also need to remember that pruning and replanting are always stressful for the plant, and in this case it can bloom again only after six months. (2 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading…

The orchid has faded, what to do next - measure seven times or cut once...

The orchid has faded, what to do next? The situation that has arisen has three ways of development - the arrow has withered and begins to dry out, begins to turn yellow, or simply froze. What to do with the arrow, cut it or not, do you need to trim the leaves? How to act in general so as not to harm the plant? You will find answers to these and many other questions further in the article...

trimming an orchid peduncle - in the photo

What to do if the orchid has faded and dries out - development options

Usually the orchid appears in the house in all its glory - a lushly blooming tropical beauty pleases the eye of the new owner for a long time. But what to do when the orchid fades, what steps to take?

Carefully inspect the arrow of the epiphyte for the presence of dormant buds - when it has faded, it begins to turn yellow and dry out, most likely, you should not wait for new buds to appear; in this case, the faded orchid should be trimmed. Trimming is done 1.5-2 cm above the nodules. From these formations, new arrows may subsequently appear, forming side shoots, or children may grow. The resulting leaves with aerial roots can be used to propagate orchids by simply rooting them in fresh soil. After flowering, the plant begins a dormant period - this is the most favorable time to transplant an orchid.

Do I need to prune my orchid after flowering? There are times when there are no knots on the arrow and it dries out. The best action in this case would be absolute inaction. Unlike other representatives of the flora, there is no need to cut off the peduncle of an orchid after flowering; let it dry on its own: the epiphyte will suck out all the necessary nutrients from it.

Sometimes, after the orchid has bloomed, the peduncle has dried up, and the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow - such behavior indicates the weakness of the exotic. Even if there are dormant buds on the arrow, it is better to trim it so as not to completely destroy the tropical beauty. In this case, the peduncle is cut 1.5-2 cm above the rosette. After trimming, the cut area of ​​the orchid must be treated with charcoal.

What to do with the plant when the phalaenopsis has faded, but the arrow continues to be green and stretches upward? In this case, it is better to shorten the peduncle. Experienced gardeners recommend cutting the arrow above the third bud to wait for the continued formation of peduncles. There is a rule - the lower the arrow is cut, the longer new flower stalks will be thrown out. Usually new buds are expected in 2-3 months. However, if you cut the peduncle of an orchid at the root, this will delay new flowering.

Another option is that the faded arrow is green and has many branches. Such a complex system significantly complicates the flower’s life, since delivering moisture and nutrients to all branches is a rather labor-intensive task. Formative pruning will help give the orchid a neat appearance and make life much easier. Shorten the side arms and treat the cut areas with crushed coal. The procedure will contribute to long and bright flowering.

Orchid peduncle dried out prematurely

The cause of this misfortune should be sought in the roots of the plant. Pay attention to the condition they are in. If the roots of the orchid have a light silver color, the plant is on vacation; green color indicates a period of growth. The presence of mold and rot indicates a disease of the plant; the orchid needs to be replanted. To replant, you will need a pot with smooth walls and wide drainage holes, fresh soil, and sharp garden shears. Five basics of correct orchid transplantation:

  1. Carefully remove the exotic from the previous pot (this may require additional soil moisture)
  2. Wash, dry and inspect the root system; all broken and rotten shoots must be cut off with sharp, disinfected scissors
  3. Treat the areas where you cut the orchid roots with charcoal.
  4. Place the plant in fresh soil at the same level as it was in the previous pot
  5. Do not rush to water the orchid right away - it is better to spray the plant with warm water and place the pot in a dark place for a week or two. This way the flower quickly adapts to the new environment.

Or maybe you shouldn’t rush into replanting and pay attention to watering? When the plant lacks moisture, the orchid peduncle begins to dry out, without having time to bloom.

How to care for an orchid when it has bloomed? When the orchid has bloomed, it begins a period of rest. What to do with the arrow is the choice of the beauty’s owner. It all depends on the state of the plant after flowering, whether it is exhausted or not. Pay attention to the leaves and roots. You can give the plant a break, or you can force the epiphyte to bloom again. Remember that only the dry peduncle needs to be completely removed. During the dormant period, the tropical guest also requires careful care. It is necessary to reduce watering, place the flower in a dark, cool place and stop all feeding. Usually, an orchid rests for about six months, but if you leave the flower unattended, you may never see it bloom again.

An orchid is an epiphytic plant; when transplanted, you can imitate natural conditions and grow the plant not in a pot, but on a wooden lattice or bars. Pine bark is used for this.

Having built a support for them with boiled pine bark, tie the plant to the structure and let the orchid itself take root in the new place. For the success of the event, high humidity in the room will be a necessary condition. With this planting, the plant requires the same care as when growing in a pot.

Some types of orchids, whose main feature is leaves, grow wonderfully in aquariums, vases and other glass containers, such species include Gemaria, Anectochilus, Makodes. The main condition for the existence of an epiphyte in a glass container is high humidity.

When moving a tropical beauty to a new place, remember that the flower will take some time to get used to the new place and re-blooming may be delayed. The orchid has faded, what to do next is your choice. Remember, a flower constantly needs care and attention, and inattention can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant.