What is liquid wallpaper made of? DIY paper wallpaper: preparation of tools and materials, preparation process and application

Currently, there are a lot of different wall coverings on the market - both decorative and decorative coverings, known as liquid wallpaper. But what if you need to cover small area, and it is not practical to purchase a roll of material or a bag, or is it not possible to purchase finishing materials? Making liquid wallpaper from paper with your own hands is not so difficult task, and anyone can handle it.

In the photo, paper soaked in water forms a cellulose mass, which serves as an excellent basis for a future product.

Advantages of this option

Homemade decorative covering there are a whole lot of undoubted advantages:

  • The most important advantage is the extremely low price of the composition. The components included are easily accessible, and the most important ingredient is waste paper, which is not a problem to find in sufficient quantities.
  • Wallpaper paper can be very different - from standard office sheets that have already been used, to newspapers and magazines. The main thing to remember is that the material must be of high quality - packaging materials and cardboard are not recommended.
  • The instructions for preparing the finished solution are quite simple; you do not need special equipment and devices; a widely used tool is used, which will not be a problem to find.
  • You can make any required quantity, from a small batch to a serious volume.

How to make liquid wallpaper

To make it easier for you to understand, we will break down all the necessary operations into several simple steps.

Preparation of tools and materials

So that the work goes quickly and without unnecessary problems, you need to collect everything you need in advance.

The materials you will need are the following:

  • Paper, and it can be very different: from ordinary office drafts to newspapers, magazines and wrapping paper. Wallpaper or scrap paper will also work. Cellulose serves as a filler, causing good warmth And soundproofing properties, so it is better to use high-quality paper.

  • Warm pure water – it is on this basis that our decorative composition will be prepared.
  • Special tinting pigment for water-based paints . Its color is selected in accordance with your preferences and design features of a particular room.

  • Construction plaster or, as it is also called, alabaster. It's better to choose high-quality composition, especially since it costs little, but it significantly affects the strength of the coating and the speed of its drying.
  • PVA glue, it makes the solution stronger and increases its plasticity, which in turn affects the ease of application. That is, it will be much easier for you to work, and the resulting result will be much better.

The following tools and equipment are needed:

  • A drill or powerful screwdriver with a special mixer attachment for stirring and grinding paper into a homogeneous mass.

  • Any container for preparing and stirring the solution, the main criterion is ease of use.
  • For application or a metal grater, it all depends on how comfortable it is for you to work with this or that tool.

Cooking process

To make the calculations easy, we will give basic values, and you will have to multiply depending on the required volume given value two, three or ten times.

The technology itself is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Take any wallpaper paper in the amount of 200 grams; it is best to cut it into narrow strips, tear it into small pieces or shred it in any other way. This entire mass is placed in a bucket, and 1.25 liters of warm water is poured.
  • The composition is left for about an hour so that the paper is well soaked and completely saturated with moisture.

Advice! It is better to check the paper for soaking, different types material absorbs moisture from at different speeds, so you should start stirring only after making sure that everything is ready.

  • After this, using a drill and a mixer, the solution is stirred and crushed until a homogeneous cellulose mass is obtained.

  • Next, the composition is tinted in the color of your choice; to obtain a calm tone, you will need 2 caps of the product, and if you need more intense color, the amount of pigment increases as needed.
  • The next component to add is PVA glue. You will need 20 grams of it, the solution is thoroughly stirred until completely homogeneous.
  • The final part of the preparation is adding gypsum. It is poured last, since after this the mass must be immediately applied to the walls, otherwise the composition will harden in quite a while. a short time. Again, 200 grams of alabaster will be required, although the volume can be changed experimentally to achieve optimal hardening characteristics of the finished solution.

Advice! If desired, you can add sparkles, colored fibers and other decorative inclusions to the product, it all depends only on your imagination.


The process is quite simple and differs little from working with other compounds:

  • The surface must be pre-prepared - cleaned, leveled and treated with a primer.
  • The mass is distributed in an even layer over the surface using a spatula or trowel.

Primary hardening occurs in half an hour to an hour, complete hardening occurs within 24 hours.

Agree, this is a very rational way to make wallpaper - the paper is not thrown away, and the room is transformed.


Manufacturing liquid wallpaper– the process is very simple and interesting, and as a result you will get an original coating with high operational properties ().

The video in this article will tell you some of the features regarding this type of coating.

A fairly common type of repair of walls and ceilings is finishing with liquid wallpaper. Few people know about the existence easy method preparing such wallpaper at home. DIY liquid wallpaper, production, proportions, master class- everything that can be easily learned.

DIY wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper coating not only allows you to realize your wildest room design dreams, but also realizes its undeniable advantages.

These advantages encourage you to choose liquid wallpaper.
The trading network offers a large assortment liquid wallpaper in the form of dry mixtures that are diluted with water. However, they are not available to all categories of citizens. But there is a way out: make wallpaper yourself.

The retail chain offers a large assortment of liquid wallpaper in the form of dry mixtures that are diluted with water

So, it was decided to renovate the premises, and for this you need to make the material for pasting with your own hands. The first thing you need to do is stock up on paper. Old newspapers, magazines, printed sheets, and any remnants of not very thick paper will also work.

IMPORTANT! Using sheets of glossy magazines will give the liquid wallpaper a grayish tint. It is better to use such sheets if the final shade of the walls is supposed to be dark.

The preparation of the mixture begins by cutting or tearing the prepared paper into small pieces.

TIP: The finer the paper is torn, the less grainy the applied wallpaper layer will look. If you need more large relief(river pebble effect) the paper is cut larger.

A stylish solution for wall decoration with unusual liquid wallpaper

  • Water.
  • PVA glue.
  • Dye on water based, which will give the prepared solution desired color. Ink can be used as a dye, but special paint will provide the brightest tone for the wallpaper.
  • Plaster or alabaster.

IMPORTANT! Using alabaster instead of gypsum is possible, but since the solution will dry out quickly, it is recommended that people with skills work with it.

A water-based dye that will give the prepared solution the desired color

The indicated proportions of components are calculated for coverage area 4-5 square meters(depending on the applied layer thickness).


TIP: If it is necessary to make a more relief image on the surface, the amount of gypsum must be reduced.

The number of decorative additives is chosen taking into account design objectives.

The number of decorative additives is selected taking into account design objectives

Wall preparation and finishing

Wall preparation work can be various reasons take a long time, so you can start preparing the solution only after the walls are ready for pasting.
Stages of preparation for work:

Room interior with smooth walls liquid wallpaper

Clean the walls from old wallpaper. Wet the walls with warm water. Clean the walls from peeling putty and plaster. Fill cracks and depressions with putty in order to subsequently save liquid wallpaper. Cover the surface with a primer. It will provide better adhesion of the material to the wall.

IMPORTANT! Choose a white primer tone. It will eliminate the appearance of dark spots on the wallpaper.To ensure the risk of moisture ingress, cover the sockets with plugs.

Combination of liquid wallpaper and tiles on the wall

Working with this material does not require professional training. Covering walls with liquid wallpaper does not cause discomfort and anyone can handle it. Wallpapering is quite fun. You can even involve children in the decorating process. The material is hypoallergenic, non-toxic. It is easy to work with, as it is very plastic (When finished, it resembles softened plasticine). If there is a desire to make any adjustments during the work, the applied layer can be easily removed if you spray it with water from a spray bottle. The layer gets wet and is carefully removed with a spatula.

Decorating walls in an apartment with your own hands using liquid wallpaper

Manufacturing stages:

Pour in warm water. Leave the mixture to swell for about 3-5 hours.

Cooking technique
Many people consider sawdust to be just trash. But they are applicable in different areas industry. They can also be used to make liquid wallpaper.
Advantages of the material:

Self-made liquid wallpaper for wall decoration

  • Thermal protection.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Availability.
  • Guaranteed absence of mold.Decorative effect.

Components required for making liquid wallpaper:

An original idea for liquid wallpaper for stylish design

  • Sawdust – 1 kilogram.
  • Water – 5 liters. Dilute to a concentration of thick sour cream.
  • Glue – 0.5 kilograms.
  • Gypsum – 0.5 kilograms.
  • Pigment. Antiseptic.

The cooking method is the same as described above:

Liquid wallpaper for finishing industrial premises

  • Pour warm water over the sawdust and let it sit for at least 4 hours.
  • Add glue and decorative additives and mix thoroughly.
  • Cover with a lid for 12 hours.
  • Just before application, add gypsum and stir well.

Now the mixture can be applied.

Pour warm water over the sawdust and let it sit for at least 4 hours.

Applying wallpaper to the ceiling

DIY liquid wallpaper will be an excellent decorative element for decorating the ceiling.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to take into account that if the composition is prepared in several steps, no matter how hard you try, it is unlikely to achieve the same shade. This will be especially noticeable on the ceiling.

Various designs of liquid wallpaper for making yourself

Preparation for application:

The use of different dyes to add to the mixture will allow you to create an individual piece of art. This design technique ceiling will do absolutely for any room: children's room, hallway, living room, kitchen, bedroom.

Decorating walls with liquid wallpaper significantly refreshes the appearance of the room individual look. It is not necessary to have an art education in order to make a drawing on the wall; it is enough to have aesthetic taste.
Choose a drawing project and put it on paper.

Decorating walls with liquid wallpaper significantly refreshes the appearance of the room and gives it an individual look.

You will need (preferably stiff) sheets of stencil paper. Apply the design to a sheet of paper and cut out the stencil. Using a simple pencil or felt-tip pen, transfer the design from the stencil to the wall and you can create!
You can apply the design with a trowel or spatula. The stenciled design can be made three-dimensional to create a 3D effect.

DIY liquid wallpaper for bedroom wall decor

Before finishing any decorative materials preparation of wall/ceiling surfaces is required. Such preparation consists of removing the old coating (if there was one), filling large grooves and cracks. Putty is necessary to reduce the consumption of liquid wallpaper. Apply a layer of primer to the prepared walls. A purchased primer or one made by yourself will do.
It is easy to prepare the primer yourself as follows: 10 liters hot water dilute 200 grams of laundry or baby soap. Stir the solution periodically. After the soap has dissolved, the primer is ready. After applying the primer, after 4 to 5 hours of drying, begin applying liquid wallpaper.

Advice: If after applying the coating you find any remaining wallpaper, do not rush to throw it away. Having spread out thin layer on plastic film, dry and put in a bag.

Use them later.

Before finishing with any decorative materials, preparation of the wall/ceiling surfaces is required.

Investments in making liquid wallpaper with your own hands

Let's say for comparison that the average price of economy-class wallpaper produced in industrial conditions on the market ranges from 800 to 1,500 rubles for one roll 10 meters long. Depending on the width of the wallpaper, it is possible to cover 8 square meters for this amount. Let's add to the costs the cost of primer and wallpaper glue. As a result, minimum expenses for pasting the walls of a room of 12 square meters and a height of 2.5 meters will amount to 12 - 15 thousand rubles.
If you use paper waste or sawdust, repairing such an area will cost between 1 and 2 thousand rubles (wallpaper glue, plaster, dye, decorative element, trowel).
Now it’s easy to compare costs and be surprised at the calculation of savings for repairs using new technology. The economic crisis in the country, as well as new trends in the art of decoration, dictate new, modern tendencies. Don’t be afraid to bring fresh ideas to life and you will learn how to create an individual look for any room!

How to properly mix liquid wallpaper

On modern market there is quite a wide range of various coatings for walls. This is a classic, liquid wallpaper, as well as decorative finishing. If you don’t have enough money for the material or you need to glue a small area, you can make wallpaper from newspapers with your own hands - simple task, which everyone can handle.

Among the advantages of using this option The following points are worth noting:

  • Low cost. Almost everyone collects waste paper at home, and additional components included in the composition will be extremely cheap;
  • Making batches of both small and large volumes;
  • The work does not require special knowledge and skills, and the instructions for preparing the solution are quite simple and understandable.

Preparation of materials and tools

Making liquid wallpaper with your own hands is quite simple. To work you will need the following components:

  • newspapers;
  • clean warm water, which will serve as the basis for the future composition;
  • tinting pigment for water-based paints (color selected according to individual preferences);
  • PVA glue for strength and elasticity of the solution;
  • alabaster is predominantly of high quality.

The following tools should be prepared:

  • a drill or screwdriver with a special mixer attachment for grinding paper to the desired consistency;
  • bucket or other container for solution;
  • putty knife.

Cooking technique

Making liquid wallpaper is a fairly simple task and consists of several stages:

1. You need to take 200 g of paper (the quantity can be calculated depending on the required volume), cut into strips or torn into small pieces, then placed in a bucket and filled with 1.25 liters of warm water.

Sparkles or colored fibers can also be added to the liquid, which will add even more originality to the finish.

On video: liquid wallpaper from newspapers.

How to apply the mixture

The application itself is quite easy and effortless. The pre-cleaned surface must be treated with a primer. Afterwards, the resulting mass is evenly distributed over the surface with a spatula. Complete hardening of the solution occurs after 24 hours.

The process of applying wallpaper from newspapers

Liquid wallpaper for walls is odorless and quite easy to use. In addition, the composition is made from practically harmless and safe for health components.

Wallpaper from newspapers in the interior

Newspaper wallpaper in the interior looks quite original and eccentric. In some cases they look really unusual and beautiful. It should be taken into account that overall design the premises must be in harmony with the chosen solution. Nowadays there are several stylistic directions, which will help make newspapers in the form of wallpaper an excellent addition to the overall scheme, while highlighting them noticeably.

Modern style

Newspaper and wallpaper do not have to be on all the walls in the room. To achieve the desired effect, it will be enough to decorate one wall with liquid wallpaper, which immediately catches your eye upon entering. In addition, you can add other interior details related to the “newspaper” theme. This could be a table covered with newspapers or other pieces of furniture. You can also make a lampshade for a lamp with your own hands from old waste paper.

Designers advise relying on the play of black and white shades, as a result of which the room will look modern and harmonious. If desired, you can add a few bright accents.

Retro style

Wallpaper in the form of newspapers is most often used in retro style. For the best resemblance, it is recommended to use press from previous times. If there is none, you can find it on the Internet and print it, mainly on newsprint. Quite often in the interior, newspaper wallpaper is used to decorate arches, columns and bay windows.

To get closer to retro style You can add a few things from those times to the interior. This could be a vinyl player, a black and white TV and other parts.

Using newspapers under wallpaper

Newspaper wallpaper is a good and justifiable solution. The main advantage is that the paper base does not require putty or primer of the wall. Newsprint swells greatly when wet, and after drying completely it stretches and hides many defects in the wall covering. This will save not only time, but also the cost of purchasing material.

Related article: Wallpaper with photos for large and small bedrooms

For this case, you can use any whole newspapers with an old or new binder. Pasting occurs in several stages:

1. Removing the old coating and eliminating defects. To achieve an ideal base condition, the surface must be puttied.

2. Applying primer. The composition will improve the adhesion between materials, as well as strengthen the layer of old plaster and act as a barrier against the development of fungus and mold on the walls.

3. The next step is to apply wallpaper glue.

4. Apply newspaper to the area of ​​the wall with glue and gently smooth it out.

5. The next sheet is pasted overlapping in the same way.

6. To consolidate the result finished wall with newspapers you need to cover with a protective varnish. It is preferable to apply water-based varnish, as it dries quickly and is odorless.

Wallpapering walls with newspaper is quite original and unusual, but it requires a special approach and imagination. The absolute advantage is minimum costs on the material used, so that if the result is not satisfactory, you won’t mind ripping off the finish. For getting high-quality coating It is important to follow all recommendations for preparing and pasting liquid wallpaper from newspapers. Then, in the end, you can get your own quite attractive and sophisticated interior.

Newspapers instead of wallpaper (2 videos)

Options for decorating walls with newspapers (36 photos)

Fashion is always cyclical: it comes, goes, returns. And if earlier it was unhurried and could last for centuries, today the cycle has shrunk to several years. This fully applies to finishing materials— liquid wallpaper literally instantly skyrocketed to the peak of popularity. They have an original texture, Beautiful design, excellent performance characteristics, and most importantly, you can easily make liquid wallpaper with your own hands at home from waste paper, sawdust and old clothes. Applying such trellises to the surface of walls is also not very difficult.

Liquid wallpaper is a finishing material for gluing walls, combining paper trellises and decorative plaster. The first ones inherited a variety of colors, interesting textures and a very beautiful design.

The similarity with decorative plaster is in their consistency and application technology - a spatula or trowel is used. Like plaster mortar, liquid trellises hide some flaws in the walls: microcracks, sinkholes, traces of fasteners. They are convenient for pasting over external and internal corners, places where heating pipes pass, switches, etc.

At the same time, they are fundamentally different from decorative plaster by its composition - liquid trellises do not have quartz sand and cement with lime. Their basis:

  • Cellulose - having a low cost, is perfect for the production of liquid wallpaper. The small size of the fibers and their white color give bright and rich colors when dyeing;
  • Cotton - natural fiber cotton creates a voluminous texture on the wall surface, under which microcracks, chips, and shells are well hidden. White color allows you to achieve pleasant shades when coloring the liquid mass of wallpaper with various pigments;
  • Silk - uses low-quality fibers that are unnecessary for the textile industry, the so-called barret. Can be applied in any living space. They have a beautiful texture that allows unexpected decisions change a room or hallway beyond recognition.

Adhesion to the wall surface is ensured by an adhesive mass made of PVA or Bustilat. In addition, the composition includes coloring pigments, binders (gypsum) and additives with decorative elements. You can buy it in the form of a dry mixture, packaged in plastic bags.

Production of liquid wallpaper yourself

The desire to have such popular liquid trellises in your apartment often comes up against financial factor: high cost of material. A way out of the impasse in the production of popular trellises at home. The process is labor-intensive, but not complicated. Below we will take a closer look at how to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands.

Advantages and weaknesses

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper made from paper, as well as from other available materials, is naturally inferior in quality characteristics materials from construction hypermarkets. But self-made trellises have many advantages:

  • create warmth and comfort in the apartment;
  • insulate walls;
  • absorb all types of noise;
  • mask minor damage to walls - fill in a liquid state small cracks, chips, holes from removed fasteners, etc.;
  • do not have connecting seams;
  • safe for the health of family members;
  • are restored when damaged, regardless of the size of the problem area;
  • give the owners the opportunity to realize their own design ideas: create a unique texture of the wall surface by introducing various main components and additives into the solution, get any color, create an original pattern, etc.;
  • do not require special skills during the cooking process;
  • just glue.

And the main advantage is that it saves Substantial part finance from family budget- 4-7 times cheaper than factory ones.

Liquid trellises also have weak points:

  • long period of preparation and application;
  • it is impossible to accurately determine the required volume of wallpaper for the entire room, which leads to a violation of the proportions of the ingredients and, consequently, color range when stirring the second batch;
  • difficult to apply to drywall;
  • long drying time - more than 2 days;
  • only practical method you can determine the amount of gypsum or alabaster: too much - the mixture sets quickly and cannot be diluted again, little - there is no required density;
  • the end result does not always meet expectations;
  • They are afraid of moisture, so use in the bathroom is excluded (to protect against moisture, the trellises can be covered with a layer of waterproof varnish, but then they will cease to be “alive” - soft, pleasant to the touch).

Tools and materials

To make liquid trellises you will need materials and a set of devices with tools. However, not all components and tools need to be purchased at building materials stores or hypermarkets. There is a lot to be found at home.

Materials. The list of required materials should include:

  • base - forms the surface texture;
  • coloring pigments;
  • adhesive mass;
  • additives with decorative elements;
  • binders (plasticizers);
  • antifungal drugs.

For the base you can always find it at home necessary materials. It can be:

  • Waste paper: newspapers, egg trays, packaging cardboard, used office paper, taken from the wall paper wallpaper etc. (it is not advisable to use glossy magazines- paper breaks down into fibers with difficulty);
  • Sawdust - should not contain foreign impurities in the form of fallen knots and bark;
  • Fibers of silk, cotton (medical and ecowool), padding polyester, flax, wool and polyester.

Important: in connection with the vague concept of “sawdust”, it is necessary to clarify the most important moment. We are all accustomed to identifying this word with parts of wood crushed almost into powder when cutting it with a saw (see photo).

However, such material is absolutely not suitable for liquid trellises. Chips are needed here, but dictionaries classify them as sawdust if they are obtained during the processing of wood with machines, and crushed wood chips are called mechanically wood. Therefore, in order not to get confused, we provide photos of those sawdust (chips) that are necessary for the work.

Dyes can be on different basis(mineral, synthetic) and in different shapes release (powder, paste, concentrated solution). The main thing is that the package contains the inscription: for paint and varnish compositions water based. Achieve the desired shade can be done by mixing several coloring pigments.

The glue can be different: Bustilat, PVA. If there is a need to increase the wall’s resistance to mechanical damage, you can use acrylic putty, which is naturally more expensive.

The purpose of decorative additives is to change the aesthetic characteristics of the wallpaper surface. But there is a condition here: their number should not exceed 20% of the volume of the base - otherwise they themselves become the base. Depending on the design idea, This:

  • silk fibers;
  • quartz chips;
  • crushed bark;
  • marble chips;
  • mica particles;
  • crystals;
  • rhinestones, etc.

In addition to the materials listed, you will need water.

Plasticizers (binders) make it easier to apply trellises to the wall surface. They can be plaster or alabaster. At the same time, we note that for beginners it is better to use gypsum - alabaster hardens very quickly.

Antifungal agents help prevent mold in corners and at the junction of external and internal walls. Instead of chemicals You can use sodium silicate ( liquid glass). Naturally, if it only sticks interior wall, such additives are not needed.

Finding the right set of tools and accessories is easy. This:

  • stepladder (portable platform or sturdy table);
  • a hammer drill or electric drill with an attachment for stirring liquid trellises;
  • a large bucket or basin for stirring the mixture - the larger the container, the easier it is to stir;
  • a jug with a scale indicating the volume of liquid;
  • scales;
  • scissors;
  • putty knife;
  • transparent ironing board.

Liquid wallpaper ingredients

To figure out how to make liquid wallpaper yourself, you need to know the recipe for making it: the composition of the components and their proportions. In popular scientific literature, mainly two recipes are considered: based on paper and sawdust. However, in practice there are much more of them. Let's look at how to make liquid wallpaper at home. We will carry out the calculation for a surface with an area of ​​10 m2.

Based on putty mixtures. Full-fledged liquid trellises can be replaced with their imitation - dry construction gypsum putty. You will need:

  • putty - one bag (25) kg;
  • water according to the instructions printed on the package;
  • dyes - add until the desired color intensity is obtained;
  • decorative additives - 100-200 g per 1 m2.

From paper. For the wall you will need:

  • waste paper (paper) - 3 kg;
  • water - 15 l;
  • diluted glue - 1.5 kg (dry - 360-450 g);
  • dye - added until the desired color is obtained;
  • gypsum - 1.5 kg;
  • decorative additives - no more than 20% of the mixture base (silk fibers no more than 1 g/m2).

From sawdust (chips). Produce liquid wallpaper from sawdust(chips) can be done according to the same recipe as given above (for paper) - all components are taken in the same proportion. Naturally, wood waste is used instead of waste paper.

Made from textile fibers. The recipe and material consumption for creating liquid trellises with the effect of “tapestry walls” cannot be found on the Internet. Everything needs to be learned empirically (experimentally) - make test batches and apply it to the wall.

The problem here is that the fibers have different volumes and weights, in addition you can use different kinds glue. Hence the huge number of recipe combinations. The only requirement: the ratio of fiber and glue must be 1:1. All additives are also determined by trial and error. The only recommendation is that if the trellises turn out to be thick, they can be thinned with water.

How to set liquid wallpaper to the desired color

When choosing a dye, you need to pay attention to:

  • the type of solvent should be water;
  • brightness and richness of color;
  • lifetime;
  • the ability not to fade when exposed to sunlight;
  • manufacturability in use;
  • price.

In hypermarkets, customers have the opportunity to calculate color consumption on a computer. To do this, get the initial color on a sheet of paper, and then enter data on the basis of the wallpaper - the type of material that will be painted. Computer program will calculate everything on its own.

  1. the purchased powder is dissolved in water and poured into mixed liquid trellises;
  2. the mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  3. aged for several hours;
  4. applied to the wall surface.

Instructions for the production of liquid wallpaper

Preparing liquid trellises at home is not difficult, but it is labor-intensive. The whole process can take several days. Let's give step-by-step instructions for each type of wallpaper base.


Making liquid wallpaper based on waste paper begins by cutting each paper sheet with scissors (you can tear it with your hands) into the smallest pieces. The smaller they are, the sooner the fibering will take place. After this, the paper is weighed and filled with water in a ratio of 1:5.

It takes about 5 hours to soak the paper scraps. After waiting the allotted time, the resulting mass is stirred with a hammer drill with a special nozzle (the edges of the nozzle must be well sharpened) until smooth.

On next stage A coloring pigment and 0.5 parts of glue (relative to the base) are added to the mixture and mixed again. Ready-made wallpapers must mature. To do this, they are transferred to a plastic bag, tied tightly and left for 11-13 hours.

At the end of the specified time, stir the mass with your hands - thoroughly, avoiding lumps. Before applying to the wall, add gypsum, no more than 0.5 parts from the base, and decorative additives, 200 g per 1 kg of base and knead again.

Important: if you need to get bright, saturated colors, waste paper needs to be bleached (printing ink actively mutes colors of any saturation). To do this, use chlorine or oxygen bleach. The bleaching procedure is repeated several times, but still, the printing ink cannot be completely removed - the final color will still have a gray tint.


The technology for producing liquid wallpaper consists of several sequential operations:

  • sawdust (wood chips) is dried to have a net weight;
  • weigh;
  • pour into a container;
  • pour water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • leave for 4-6 hours for swelling;
  • add some glue, dyes, decorative additives and knead;
  • cover with a lid and leave for 11-13 hours to ripen;
  • after the specified time, add gypsum and mix (pour out not all at once, but in parts - if there is an overdose, the mixture will quickly set and will have to be thrown away).

Textile fibers

The process of making cotton (silk) liquid trellises should begin with chopping the threads. The shorter they are, the more homogeneous the mixture will be. Then the resulting fiber scraps are mixed with the adhesive mass in a 1:1 ratio. Mix well.

Add coloring pigments and decorative additives and mix thoroughly again. Leave for 8-10 hours to impregnate the fibers with glue and dye. If the wallpaper mass is thick before starting work, add water.

How to apply liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall in several ways: with a brush, roller, construction gun, spatula, or, in extreme cases, by hand. After applying the mixture to the wall, it is leveled with a spatula to a layer about 2 mm thick. Using side lighting with a lamp, areas with a thicker layer of wallpaper are located. The thickness is adjusted with a spatula.

Important: metal, wood and plastic surfaces are treated with a primer to create good adhesion, and drywall is puttied.

If there is a drawing, then one color is applied, and then, after complete drying, the second. It should not be forgotten that such wallpaper takes at least 2 days to dry.

DIY liquid wallpaper: making it from paper, sawdust and textile fibers is not very difficult. The main thing is to maintain the proportions between the components:

  • waste paper or wood chips - 1 part;
  • water - 5 parts;
  • PVA (“Bustilat”) and gypsum - 0.5 parts each;
  • decorative additives - no more than 20% in relation to the base;
  • dyes - until the desired color is obtained.

Apply to the wall with a spatula with a layer thickness of about 2 mm.

Carrying out all the work on the production and application of liquid wallpaper on the walls yourself is justified:

  • subject to availability of raw materials and free time;
  • desire to create;
  • the need to save family money.

Video on the topic

The advantages of liquid wallpaper lie not only in its exceptional decorativeness, but also in its ease of use: the coating can be applied to carelessly prepared surfaces, improves sound and heat insulation, does not absorb odors, and provides wide scope for creativity when working on the interior design of a home.

How to make liquid wallpaper from paper waste

The most simple technology making liquid wallpaper involves the use large quantity waste paper, freed from metal staples and cut into small strips. The paper is placed in a spacious container, filled with warm water and left to soak for 3-4 hours. As a rule, 1 kg of waste paper requires about 5 liters of water.

After the required time has passed, the paper pulp is thoroughly mixed with a drill with a mixer attachment until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add 200 ml of PVA glue and liquid color of the desired shade to the composition, after which the mixture is mixed well again.

If necessary, you can add to the composition decorative elements– sparkles, mica, fine marble chips etc. Immediately before applying wallpaper to the walls, 150-200 g of alabaster or building plaster are added to the composition.

It is necessary to take into account that when drying, the color of the wallpaper will look paler than in the wet mixture, so it is initially recommended to prepare a composition that is more saturated in shade.

If, when applying wallpaper to a wall, the mixture drags behind the tool and lies unevenly on the surface, it is recommended to first use a primer that gives the wall a certain roughness.

How to make liquid wallpaper from artificial and natural fibers

The main material for making wallpaper is fibrous materials artificial or natural origin: medical cotton wool, cellulose insulation, flax or wool fiber, leftover yarn for needlework, padding polyester. Using scissors, the material is finely chopped and, if necessary, painted in the desired color.

The prepared base is placed in a construction container, mixed in a 1:1 ratio with a binder, which can be used as putty on acrylic base, Bustilat glue, PVA or any casein composition for wallpapering. In addition, the mixture may contain antiseptic additives, one or more liquid dyes, and decorative elements.

The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, diluted with water if necessary and left for 3-5 hours to thoroughly saturate the fibers with the adhesive. Liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall in a thin layer, smoothed using a plaster trowel, and as the material dries, the excess protruding beyond the contours of the treated surfaces is removed with a sharp knife.

Correction of errors in the composition of liquid wallpaper

  • If, while following all the rules for applying liquid wallpaper, the mass is poorly fixed on the surface, it is recommended to reduce the volume of fibers and other additives in the original composition;

  • when cracks and chips appear in the drying composition, the problem is corrected by increasing the amount of reinforcing substances: adding mineral fillers, wool or silk threads, flax fibers;

  • if liquid wallpaper peels off, then it is necessary to increase the volume of the binder - glue or acrylic putty.