How to plant money tree shoots. How to plant a money tree

The money tree (biological name - Crassula) attracts indoor gardeners not only with its appearance. This plant has long been attributed magical properties - to bring money, improve relationships, cleanse the room of negative energy. Botanists confirm the presence of flavonoids and phytoncides that have antimicrobial properties. To keep the plant strong and healthy, careful care is necessary. It is important to water the fat plant correctly, feed it with fertilizers, and replant it in a timely manner. Money Tree. In the article you will find step by step instructions for Crassula transplantation.

Signs of the need for a Crassula transplant

If you notice that for inexplicable reasons your money tree has stopped developing and growing, replanting can have a beneficial effect. In addition, at this moment you can make sure that there are no pests and the root system is in good condition.

Reasons for transplanting Crassula:

  1. The most significant motive is the depletion of the soil mixture due to the long stay of the plant in this pot. Crassula needs nutrients for normal growth; it extracts them from the soil. The nutritional value of the soil decreases due to irrigation, minerals removed with excess moisture. This leads to slower plant growth, loss of leaves, and depletion of the root system.
  2. Soil salinization leads to the same result. Excessive salt concentration retains moisture in the soil mixture, causing root rot.
  3. Soil contamination by pests.
  4. Small pot volume for a grown plant.
  5. Mechanical damage to the flower pot.

This indoor plant feels best in ceramic dishes, which allow air to pass through and absorb excess moisture.

Timing of the procedure

To get a healthy, strong Crassula with a lush, uniform crown, it is necessary to replant regularly. The timing of the procedure depends on age. Transplant the purchased plant into a larger container 2 weeks after purchase. This is necessary for the timely identification of pests in order to destroy them and transfer the flower to your usual growing method. Most often, the roots are in a peat substrate; it must be removed and the plant replanted in suitable soil.

The young fat plant grows quite intensively - replanting is done annually. Further growth slows down; for an adult plant this procedure is performed once every three years. It is better to do a planned transplant in the spring, during this period the flower enters new cycle, tolerates changes more easily. During the cold season, the Crassula has a dormant period. If she gets sick, the time of year doesn't matter. Many gardeners try to replant the money tree according to the lunar calendar. It is believed that transplanting to a waxing moon enhances the magical properties of Crassula.

How to replant a money tree

The money tree is not very demanding on the conditions of its maintenance, if you choose the right soil mixture and the volume of the pot. Before transplanting the money tree into another pot, prepare everything you need.

Preparation consists of purchasing or mixing a soil mixture and a pot at home.

Setting the stage

If you purchase ready-made soil for succulents in a store, add coarse sand, crushed brick, and small pebbles to it. The soil mixture for Crassula should be light, loose, and easily allow moisture to pass through. She does not like alkaline or acidic soil; the pH should be between 6.5 and 7.

Upper layer the soil must be mulched, for this purpose crushed stone must be used, sawdust, crushed nut shells.

Substrate disinfection can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Place on a baking sheet thin layer soil, cover with foil, keep in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 100-120 degrees. To prevent the soil from clumping, stir it periodically.
  2. Pour the wet soil into a special bowl, put it in the microwave, and wait for several minutes at maximum heat.
  3. Cover the moistened soil in a metal container with a lid and place on low heat for one hour.
  4. Soak the container with soil in a water bath for 1-1.5 hours. You can steam the soil in a colander, covering it with a thick cloth.
  5. Water the soil with a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate.

The higher the processing temperature, the more useful substances are removed from the soil. Therefore, steaming is preferable to calcination.

Cooking the pot

Preparing the pot involves thorough washing, drying, and disinfection. A new clay pot must be given boiling water and the solution poured into it baking soda to neutralize limescale. Used dishes should be washed from any remaining soil and treated with a manganese solution. A drainage layer is poured into the prepared container.

Minimum thickness drainage is 1/6 of the height of the pot, the maximum is 1/3.

Transshipment method

If the plant is healthy and the soil has not lost its nutritional properties, it is recommended to replant the money tree at home using the transshipment method, increasing the dimensions of the Crassula pot.

Sequence of procedure:

  1. Prepare a pot, drainage, and settled warm water for irrigation.
  2. Loosen the soil around the plant.
  3. Pull the soil away from the trunk.
  4. Carefully remove the fat plant, being careful not to damage the lump of earth on the roots.
  5. Inspect visible roots, remove damaged elements if necessary, dust the sections with wood ash.
  6. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, on top of a layer of soil thick enough to fit the plant with a lump of earth.
  7. Transfer the crassula from pot to pot, add fresh substrate.
  8. Water the plant.

If the soil settles after watering, add it to the required level.

Complete substrate replacement method

If it is necessary to completely replace the soil, the replanting rules change slightly:

  1. Place a layer of soil mixture on the drainage layer to a quarter of the height of the new pot.
  2. Remove the plant from the old pot and shake off any soil from the roots.
  3. It is necessary to remove rotten and damaged areas, wash the roots, and dry.
  4. Place the plant in the center of the new container and fill it with fresh soil mixture.

When replanting, hold a large tree by its thick trunk, being careful not to damage the crown.

If you replant the fat plant correctly, it is enough to add soil to the previous level of the trunk without deepening it.

Care after transplant

After replanting, water the plant with soft, settled water and choose a place for it with constant access. fresh air. During the first two weeks the plant does not need watering; it needs this period to adapt to the new soil. After 2 weeks, move the tree to permanent place, return to his usual irrigation regime. Having planted a crassula in the summer, protect it from direct sun rays.

Mist the leaves from time to time to remove dust. For the first few months, the plant does not need fertilizer; the new substrate contains a sufficient amount of it. Avoid overwatering and remove excess water from the pan. Continue to properly care for your crassula, and it will thank you with a lush crown, and even flowering.

This ornamental plant with a lush crown, small fleshy leaves and a thick trunk is one of the most unusual in my collection. It is rightfully considered a decoration of our living room for its originality.

A few years after purchasing it, I had to start planting my money tree.

This plant has several other names - Crassula and Crassula. It has this name because, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it brings financial well-being and prosperity to every home where it grows. Therefore, it is very popular among flower growers.

Once every few years, the fat plant needs a transplant, and this process has its own characteristics and rules. Let's consider step by step what needs to be done and how to correctly transplant this plant into a new pot at home.

The plant is a succulent and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It includes about 300 species. Indoors we usually find Crassula (money tree).

With any transplant or propagation of the fat plant, even if everything was done exactly according to the instructions, the flower may stop growing for a certain period. But still, for the first few years, while the tree is actively growing, it needs to be replanted annually, and an adult plant - once every 2 - 3 years.

Crassula leaves and shoots need constant, simple care, namely: shaping, pinching, pruning. This helps regulate flower growth and maintain a neat appearance. For replanting, the composition of the soil and a new suitable pot for the plant are also important.

If you follow all the rules, your money tree will tolerate transplantation well and will delight and bring good luck to your home for a long time.

Features of plant transplantation at home

The growth of the money tree is not very fast, but, in general, this decorative flower is very unpretentious. When purchased, it is transplanted into a permanent pot after 14 - 20 days, and an adult plant requires replanting every 2 - 3 years, and it is advisable to do this in the spring.

Choosing a pot

  • You don’t need to purchase a very large new pot for replanting a flower. It should be moderately wide, flat and low, since the money tree has a special root system - part of it protrudes above the soil level.
  • The ideal size in diameter is considered to be a pot equal to the width of the crown ornamental plant. Crassula will not grow well in containers that are too large and wide.
  • Experts consider ceramics or clay to be the best material for a pot, and the color of the pot is recommended to be red, considered the color of monetary well-being and good luck.

Preparing the soil for replanting

The soil is chosen universal or special - for succulent plants or cacti. You need to add a little river sand to it, about a quarter of the total amount of soil.

Many people add a little wood ash to the soil, which protects the fat plant from diseases, and a small amount of clay. It is also possible to prepare the soil composition yourself, which must include:

  1. 2 parts turf leaf soil.
  2. 1 part river sand.
  3. 1 part humus.

All parts should be mixed well, after which the plant can be transplanted into this mixture. A drainage layer about two centimeters thick is laid on the very bottom of the pot. It does not allow excess moisture to accumulate in the pot. Excessive moisture can damage the plant's root system and cause rotting.

The money tree does not like excess moisture and dampness. He prefers slightly dry soil.

Transplantation process

  • The tree must be carefully removed from the pot. Experienced gardeners recommend leaving a little soil on the roots. Better yet, hold the entire plant by the trunk and carefully remove it with a lump of old soil. Because despite the apparent external strength of the leaves and stems, the flower is very fragile. If you accidentally damage the roots, the fat plant may die.
  • If you also notice small rotten areas of the tree root, they need to be removed. After that, place the flower on paper or fabric for at least a day, and let the rhizome dry.
  • When replanting, you need to handle the leaves of the tree very carefully, as they fall off the trunk quite easily.
  • After you have transferred the flower with a lump of earth to a new pot, you need to add the soil composition prepared in advance.
  • Compacting and compacting the soil is not recommended. Better later add soil mixture when the previous layer settles.
  • After planting a flower in a new pot, be sure to water it well. Also, we must not forget about regular loosening of the soil. The light composition of the soil is able to transmit oxygen, which is necessary for the root and the entire money tree for active growth.

It is better to place the pot in the southeast of the apartment or house. It is not recommended to place the fat plant in open sunlight to avoid burns. sheet plates. Also, drafts should not be allowed or too low temperatures, since the money tree is a tropical plant.

In winter and autumn, it is best to slightly lower the temperature in the room and water the money tree no more than once every 20 days. During the cold season, it begins a period of rest. In spring and summer, it is worth watering the plant 2 - 3 times a week, as well as irrigating it with a warm shower.

When you plant a plant in a new pot, place eight coins on the bottom with the coat of arms facing up. This ritual helps to attract material wealth into your home.

During the active growth phase (summer), the fat woman stretches up to 20 - 25 cm.

With good growth and a healthy appearance of the flower, you need to pinch the shoots at the top of the crown. Then it grows in breadth. You can create the desired volume according to your taste. It is necessary to do this procedure, then the plant will delight with a blooming lush crown, and not with elongated, fragile and brittle shoots.

If your tree is in a dark place where sunlight does not penetrate at all, then the plant begins to turn pale and lose its foliage. Therefore, partial shade or diffused light are the most comfortable for the fat woman.

If you follow these simple rules, your money tree will continue to delight and bring good luck to your home. And its stylish appearance and proper care will make this plant a real decoration of your home.

Money tree, Crassula or Crassula belongs to succulent plants. When translated from Latin, “crassus” means thick, indicating a massive trunk with rounded leaves. Plant at home grows up to 1.5 meters, blooms with pale flowers collected in inflorescences at the top of the branches.

Even the ancient Chinese fell in love unpretentious plant. This is evidenced by the imperial tomb from the reign of the Han emperors, decorated with bronze images of the Crassula.

In the territory Ancient Rus' There was a belief that Crassula is a shoot of the Solar Tree. If during your earthly life you are known as a generous person, then in afterlife the tree will bestow heavenly life.

History of a flower

The plant's homeland is considered to be the arid regions of Africa, South Arabia and Madagascar.

For more than 1,500 years, the plant has been cultivated, captivating with its unpretentiousness, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Merchants of the Middle East called Crassula the money tree, because its leaves resemble silver dinars.

The common name is jadeite or jade plant. Jewelry symbolizes wealth and power and gives youth to its owners.

Cultivation in Europe dates back to the inclusion of Crassula in horticultural reference books in 1687. Already in the 19th century, the widespread distribution of the flower began; sprouts were transported from South Africa along with other tropical species.

Thanks to the breeding of many hybrid varieties, more than 200 species of Crassula are known. Among them there are tiny plants and flowering bright inflorescences, and striking with the pearlescent hue of the leaf plates.

Attention! The fat woman will satisfy the taste of any esthete and will fit into an apartment with an old or modern interior. The plant will not only become a magnet for wealth, but will also give the owner self-confidence and contribute to the development of leadership qualities.

What signs and superstitions are there?

To attract money, you should grow a fat plant yourself or purchase a small sprout. The smaller the shoot can be rooted, the sooner good luck will visit the owner.

Even if there is no time at all, take a few minutes to communicate with Crassula. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, saying any words about wealth over the tree.

Signs for good luck:

A strong magical effect is tying banknotes to a fat woman. It is advisable to choose red threads or satin ribbons to attach money of different denominations.

Over time, old bills are replaced with new ones to prevent stagnation of monetary energy. It is recommended to decorate the tree for the New Year chocolates in golden foil, tied with scarlet ribbons.

Why was the flower called “Money Tree”?

The money tree symbolizes financial stability and attracts the energy of cash flows.

The name refers to the round shaped leaves that cover the ground as they fall, like silver coins.

If the plant is not watered for a long time, it will not die, because it accumulates moisture in the leaves-coins in case of drought. Likewise, a prudent owner always has a cash reserve for a rainy day.

The ability to reproduce even with a small shoot or leaf, germinating under unfavorable conditions, is also a symbol of enrichment, when profit grows from a small starting capital. The plant is also called the tree of happiness and good luck, the dollar and coin tree.

Can I keep it at home?

Many benefits of keeping at home:

  • attracting good luck and prosperity;
  • cleansing the home of stagnant negative energy;
  • if family members are sick, it takes on the negativity, begins to waste away, and after the person recovers, it returns to its original appearance;
  • does not release allergic compounds into the air, so it is suitable for everyone;
  • The bactericidal properties of the tree are known.

In addition to attracting financial well-being, the leaves are used to treat skin lesions, abscesses and arthritis. Decoctions of the leaves will help get rid of sore throats and herpes rashes.

For sprains and bruises, use the juice, which is soaked in a bandage, and then tied around the affected area.

Important! A fresh leaf will serve as emergency aid for a bee sting. Cut and apply the cut to the wound, secure with a plaster. Soon the pain will subside and the swelling will subside.

How to plant so that money flows?

Owners of fat women cannot always boast of increased well-being. Everything is due to the fact that the conditions for magical landing in order to attract monetary energy are not met.

Ways to fit correctly:

You can't talk about financial collapse so that the plant doesn't wither. Everything should be told in a positive way, future wealth should be described in detail.

What rituals are there to attract money?

Crassula is used in rituals to attract financial energy:

Attention! Crassula should not be kept in a house near cacti, which absorb radiation. It is better to place the flowerpot near an orange tree or indoor chrysanthemums.

Magical properties of the flower

By the appearance of the tree one can judge financial condition owners of the home. If it withers or has small leaves, then the owners will face poverty and illness. Good condition A flower indicates well-established financial flows and a healthy climate in the family.

With proper care, the plant will not only saturate the air with beneficial volatile compounds, but will also attract financial energy into the house.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is considered a powerful money talisman, refers to resuscitators, that is, in short terms returns vitality, relieves fatigue.

According to an old legend, if you shake a tree, it will reward you with gold coins.

It is believed that the leaves accumulate monetary energy; the thicker they are, the more wealth will grow. It is recommended to bury coins in the soil under the plant and decorate it with red ribbons.

You can plant a miniature dragon between the branches to attract wealth, an owl is placed on the tree to monitor savings in the house, and 3 red lanterns are installed at the base to enhance the magic of the plant.

What does it mean if it died?

If the plant dries out, try to improve its care. You need to transplant it into another pot, inspect the root for rot, and cut off the affected areas with a sharp knife and sprinkle with charcoal.

Falling leaves are collected in a wallet to enhance monetary energy. When nothing helped and the tree died, nothing terrible happened. Similar troubles happen with any plants, but a shoot is taken from Crassula for subsequent rooting.

Why does the Crassula bloom?

Crassula very rarely pleases with flowering, but if this happens, then it’s time to make wishes that will certainly come true soon.

Flowering itself indicates the receipt of money from unexpected sources or the receipt of an inheritance.

Desires must be of a material nature; money will flow into the family in an endless stream.

Is it possible to throw away a dead tree?

When the money tree has grown old and withered, they get rid of it, but thank them for the financial assistance provided. Only a living fat plant becomes a magnet for wealth, and a dried one will slow down the energy of money. If there is at least one living twig left on the tree, then it is broken off to grow a new plant.

Is it possible to trim?

To form the crown, trimming is carried out. Take garden pruners and try to give the crown a round shape. The branches are cut a couple of centimeters above the dormant bud to provoke the growth of lateral branches.

If the plant is still young, it is too early to prune. During rapid growth, use your nails to pinch off the growth point located in the apical part of the shoot.

Is it possible to give?

They give a tree for a wedding with pure intentions, wishing prosperity to the young family.

The trunk is tied with a scarlet ribbon, and banknotes rolled into tubes are tied to the plant with threads.

They present a gift with warm wishes so that the tree becomes the key to growing prosperity.

You can also give not a living tree, but one made from ornamental stones or metal. The talisman is placed in the south-eastern part of the apartment, people talk about money, and wipe the leaves.

What to do if you gave it as a gift?

According to legend, if you give an adult money tree into the wrong hands, you can go bankrupt. But if you gave a fat woman for a wedding with pure wishes, then everything will be fine in financially, both for the donor and for the other party.

When giving a tree as a gift, it is better to pay with coins and place the plant for several days separately from other plants to adapt to its new home.

Is it possible to buy and sell?

They sell only young plants that were specially grown for sale. They try not to talk to such trees; they will generate income for future owners.

Buy only young plants to grow at home yourself.

Note! Buying an adult tree will not bring wealth, but will become another acquisition for landscaping your home.

How to properly sprout?

If you give the shoot into the wrong hands, then the wealth will leave the house. When you present the shoot with a pure heart, the wealth will only increase. You can break off a shoot from a tree and root it for a memorable date in order to give a young fat plant to close friends.

Useful video

Find out more about the signs and various superstitions about the “Tree Tree” from the video below:

Let's draw conclusions

A money tree will become a talisman of financial profit in your home if you follow simple care rules, replant, water and feed on time. Crassula will smooth out family conflicts and become a guarantee of growing prosperity if you decorate it with banknotes, coins and scarlet ribbons.

The fat woman will turn into a home healer, becoming the first aid for joint pain and viral diseases.

Still, it’s worth remembering that the fat woman is a talisman. But no talismans will bring you money if you don’t make any effort.

Crassula is a common indoor plant. But few people know it under this name. More often it is called a fat tree or a money (coin) tree. Planting and growing a money tree yourself is considered the best ritual for attracting financial well-being and family happiness. In order for the fat plant to take root in the house, it needs to be transplanted correctly and properly cared for.

Conditions for keeping a money tree at home

Crassula is an unpretentious plant. It easily tolerates lack of moisture and open sunlight. One of its names - Crassula - indicates the ability to accumulate moisture in thick and fleshy leaves. In the absence of watering, Crassula can survive a dry period using its own reserves, consuming water from the foliage.

The extensive Tolstyankov genus includes more than 300 species. Among them are small plants (several centimeters high) and giant ones - up to several meters tall.

Table: necessary conditions for the development of Crassula

Criterion Spring-summer period Autumn winter period
LightingThe money tree prefers a well-lit southern, eastern or southeastern window sillDuring the dormant period, from November to March, the pot with Crassula should be placed in a less lit place, for example, on a northern windowsill
Air temperatureIdeal temperature regime- from 20 to 30 o C. The plant tolerates well more high temperature, but then requires shadingThe ideal temperature range is from 10 to 16 o C. Critical indicator: -5 degrees
Air humidityAfter the midday heat, you can spray the leaves to refresh the plant.Periodically (at least once a week) wipe the leaves from dust
WateringLiberally once or twice a weekOne to three times a month

The flower signals a lack of moisture with soft leaves. The water should be lukewarm or room temperature, best time for watering - evening.

Important to remember:

  • For proper formation of the bush, the money tree should not be placed close to a window or wall. To ensure that the crown has a symmetrical shape, the fat plant is rotated around its axis from time to time, then the lighting will be evenly distributed to all sides of the plant;
  • air humidity is not important for Crassula (the plant is native to the southern regions);
  • Crassula copes with a lack of water better than with its excess.

IN indoor floriculture Crassulas have been cultivated for more than three hundred years, since they were brought to Europe by sailors from the African continent.

A healthy money tree needs fertilization. This is not often required; it is enough to feed the plant once a month. mineral mixtures for succulents.

Video: mistakes when caring for a money tree

Crown modeling

Money tree has interesting structure, which allows the owner to model his crown to his taste. If you do not control the growth of branches, the tree can become lopsided, stretch out, and acquire an ugly appearance. Forming a crown is not a difficult task: it is enough to remove an unnecessary shoot in time or, conversely, stimulate the growth of an additional branch. To create a new branch, the two apical leaves are pinched. Soon additional stems will appear in this place.

There is no need to rush to remove excess leaves from the trunk of the money tree. As the crown grows, they will disappear on their own, leaving the trunk with a natural appearance.

Video: correct formation of the Crassula crown

Boarding and transfer times

The most favorable time for planting or replanting indoor plants is considered to be early spring, when a new life cycle begins, the plant is ready for renewal and tolerates a change of residence well. The money tree is no exception in this sense.

The fat woman does not approve of frequent transplants; this is extremely stressful for her. Young plant(up to two to three years) should be transplanted into a new pot once a year. An adult tree grows more slowly, so it is enough to provide it with a larger pot once every three to four years.

Crassula also copes well with autumn replanting, although it is undesirable. A good reason for replanting in the fall is plant disease or the appearance of pests. To save the plant, replanting is recommended at any time of the year, even in winter.

What kind of soil and pot are needed?

The money tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the size of the pot. But he still has his preferences.

Suitable soil

Compose good soil For a money tree, even a novice gardener can do it. For self-cooking substrate required:

  • fresh humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf land.

The first three components are taken in equal proportions. But three times more turf land will be needed. The soil should be loose, well permeable to water and air. It is better to maintain soil acidity levels at a neutral value, somewhere in the range of pH 6.5–7.0.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing the soil yourself, you can use purchased mixture. Any universal soil is suitable for a money tree. Ideally, a special substrate for succulents. It is advisable to add sand to the universal mixture (in a ratio of one to four).

Required for Crassula good drainage. For young plants, a two-centimeter layer of broken bricks, river pebbles or expanded clay, for more powerful specimens the drainage layer increases to 5–10 cm.
The top layer of soil must be covered with mulch. It will prevent rapid drying out and give a decorative look to the pot. For this purpose, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, bark and tree chips, nut shells, dried autumn leaves, straw, processed glass.

What kind of pot do you need?

The root system of the money tree is located close to the surface of the earth. That is why you need to select wide and shallow pots for it. The diameter of the dishes is determined by the diameter of the crown: the dishes should be slightly wider than the crown. This is necessary for the stability of the plant so that it does not inadvertently turn over.

To highlight the beauty of Crassula, it is better to take a ceramic pot. You can, of course, plant the crassula in an ordinary plastic vessel, but the plant will lose a lot in aesthetic perception. Brown or terracotta-colored dishes go well with the fleshy leaves of the money tree. Feng Shui teachings recommend decorating a pot with coins to attract cash flow. Coins can also be placed in the drainage layer.

Ways to plant a money tree

An unpretentious money tree can be propagated in three ways:

  • propagation by cuttings;
  • leaf rooting;
  • sowing with seeds (very rarely used).

The simplest method is cuttings. 8–10 cm shoot tips are suitable for this purpose. The cut of the branch is dried for two days, after which the cutting can be rooted. There are two ways:

  • rooting in the substrate;
  • obtaining roots in water.

Rooting cuttings in the ground

The cut of the cutting must be treated with crushed coal. You need to take a small pot, but such that the money tree cuttings can live in it at least until spring. For rooting, you will need a light mixture of river sand and garden soil.

Place the shoot in a depression (made, for example, with a pencil), sprinkle it with earth, water it and cover it with film or plastic cup. You can water the plant without removing the cup. Creation greenhouse effect has a beneficial effect on. As soon as a new leaf appears on the cutting, you can remove the cover - the money tree has taken root and started growing.

Growing roots in water

This path is even simpler. On a cut money tree branch, the lower leaves are removed, leaving a couple or two. The cutting is placed vertically in a glass half filled with water with the drug Kornevin added to stimulate root growth. Place the container in a shaded place for two to three weeks. Usually during this time the roots appear - the plant is ready to be planted in the ground.

Growing Crassula from a leaf

Growing a money tree from a single leaf is very similar to rooting a cutting. The cut of the leaf must also be dried and then placed in loose soil. To prevent the leaf from falling, it will need supports made of matches or toothpicks. Creation greenhouse conditions And regular moisturizing promote leaf rooting. The opportunity to grow a money tree from a single leaf is quite real and achievable.

Seeds are sown in low containers filled with a mixture of sand and leaf soil, and covered with film or glass to maintain high humidity. To prevent blackleg, the soil is spilled with a solution of Fitosporin.

For two weeks, while the seeds germinate, be sure to provide short ventilation. When most of the seeds have sprouted, the glass is removed. After two or three pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings should be planted in small containers with an earthen mixture for succulents or universal flower soil.

Crassula species are mainly propagated by seed.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting Crassula

  1. We prepare the soil ourselves (as described above) or buy a suitable mixture.
  2. Let's take the pot the right size(how to determine the size is described above).
  3. Place a layer of drainage at least two centimeters thick at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Add soil so that the soil fills a fourth of the container.
  5. Place the plant in the pot, trying to place it in the middle. If a massive money tree is being transplanted, then the transshipment method should be used: carefully remove the plant from the pot by the trunk with one hand, and lightly shake off the soil from the roots. Rinse or treat root system additionally necessary only in case of disease or root rotting.
  6. Add soil mixture, covering the roots. There is no need to compact it.
  7. Water generously warm water. After the first watering, it will become clear whether more soil needs to be added.
  8. Add the required amount of soil and sprinkle with melba on top.
  9. We place the Crassula in the shade for a week or two so that the still fragile tree does not get sunburn.

Video: replanting a money tree

Possible landing options

Planting a money tree in a separate pot is just one of the possible options. Crassula grows well in a florarium and in a “garden in a bowl.”

Money tree in the florarium

To plant a money tree in a florarium, you will need a special soil mixture for succulents and charcoal. Being in a confined space provokes rotting of the roots, and coal allows you to disinfect decaying organic matter.

Succulents in a florarium should be watered sparingly. Crassula does not like excess moisture, and in a sealed container there will be nowhere for water to evaporate.

Important: do not forget to open the closing florarium for fresh air.

Crassula can be placed in a “garden in a bowl”

Hardy crassulas are the best option when creating a miniature garden from living plants. This species has about three hundred plants. Many have leaves that are original in color and shape, which give unusual combinations. Having prepared everything as before normal landing money tree into a pot, start planting several types of succulents in a flat container. like this miniature composition can be moved from place to place and requires minimal maintenance. A “garden in a bowl” made from several stems of a money tree can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on a coffee table, shelf or computer desk.

Typical mistakes when planting Crassula, ways to correct it

Sometimes a florist, relying on the unpretentiousness of the money tree, does not provide it with proper care. Mistakes made when planting Crassula can lead to disastrous results.

A flower is planted in a disproportionate pot

A money tree planted in a disproportionate pot does not grow well. A container that is too deep leads to stretching of the main root and trunk of the plant. The next time you transplant, you need to pinch the elongated root. Gradually, Crassula will restore its beautiful appearance. Too small pot can lead to the fall of the plant, as it will not be able to support the overgrown crown.


The fat woman lives according to the principle: drought is better than flood. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. Watering the money tree is required as the surface of the earth dries out. Sometimes, instead of watering, you can spray the plant or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. If the “flood” does occur, then the fat woman needs the onset of the “dry season”. If it doesn’t help, we urgently replant the plant.

High air temperature

When there is excessive heat, the money tree loses its leaves and bares its trunk. It especially does not like high temperatures during the dormant period - from November to March. Lowering the temperature or shading helps the fat woman recover.

Lack of drainage

Some gardeners do not attach importance to something as small as drainage. But for Crassula it is a prerequisite for a prosperous existence. Without it, water stagnation can occur, leading to root rot and disease. If for some reason they “forgot” to do the drainage, the situation must be corrected urgently. It doesn't matter what time it is outside - winter or summer.

Video: saving the money tree


Money tree in room conditions rarely blooms. In nature, Crassula flowering begins after the end of the dry season and the arrival of heavy rains. To obtain a similar effect, it is necessary to recreate similar conditions in the room where the fat woman lives. To do this, it is necessary to keep the money tree in a cool place during the winter months on a meager diet, watering extremely rarely. With the onset of spring, increase watering and provide access to sunlight. Perhaps Crassula will bloom with small white flowers. However, it should be borne in mind that flowers appear only in the tenth year of the plant’s life.

Every indoor plant needs careful and caring care. They need to be replanted periodically, which can be difficult for certain types of crops. The plants grow and after some time, they will already feel cramped in the pot. Therefore, it should be restored periodically comfortable conditions for proper growth and full development. In addition to spacious containers, indoor plants need nutritious soil, because the duration of their growth directly depends on it. Having studied the question: How to transplant a money tree, everyone will be able to grow this beautiful home flower.

The plant, known as the money tree, has a botanical name - Crassula or Crassula. This home flower has become popular in many countries, where they call it by different names. For example, in Poland the tree is called the “tree of happiness”, in the Czech Republic it is called the “home tree”, and in Slovakia it is called the “family tree”. It is a popular belief that culture attracts money and fortune to the home. In addition, it is no secret that in order to acquire a living amulet, a money flower must be grown with one’s own hands.

Crassula is considered an undemanding house flower; it has a thick, woody trunk and leaves that look like precious coins. Belongs to the genus of succulents, covering more than 300 varieties. A flower can have two types of trunk: creeping and straight. In the wild growing environment, the height of the crop can reach from 3 cm to 5 meters. Depending on the type, greens can be of various shapes and shades, 4-7 cm in length.

The tree blooms with large snow-white or white-pink inflorescences, gathering into a semi-umbrella. Flowering is observed quite rarely, approximately at 7-10 years of life. During the flowering period, the buds fill the room with a persistent sweet aroma.

Interesting! Any pair of leaves is placed at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the previous one.

The homeland of Crassula is sultry Africa. Thanks to its place of birth, the tree received such qualities as durability and unpretentiousness. The bush is able to grow autonomously, even if the rules of care are not followed. IN natural environment there are a small number varietal species. The most popular among lovers of indoor crops are crassula silver and tree-like. But get flowering bush In indoor conditions it is very difficult. However, if the tree blooms, then this is a sign of success and prosperity.

There are three known methods of propagating Crassula: seed, cuttings, and leaves. The cutting method is considered the simplest and most productive. When using this method, seedlings take root quite quickly and adapt to new growth conditions. A few months after planting, a healthy, strong bush is formed.

The leaf propagation method is the most expensive. This is because there is a high probability of rotting of the cooked food. planting material. In addition, a lot of time is spent on growing roots and creating children.

Reproduction through the seed method is the most complex and time-consuming process, and given the reduced possibility of the tree flowering, it is also practically unrealizable. If you do manage to obtain material for sowing, then germination is very problematic.

Informative! For lovers of the seed propagation method, an automatic seed germinator - sprouter - was invented.

Although Crassula is considered unpretentious flower, when replanting it, it is also necessary to follow certain rules. Its subsequent growth and development depends on this. The container for transplantation is selected with special attention. It is not recommended to choose pots that are too large; this can have a detrimental effect on the overall health of the tree.

The fat plant needs systematic replanting, but replanting should not be too frequent. The frequency of this procedure directly depends on the age of the coin tree. Crassula is susceptible to various diseases, like any other plant. Therefore, it is important not only to purchase a high-quality substrate, but also to carry out additional disinfection.

But it should be remembered that after disinfection the soil will need about a month to restore its natural microflora.
After transplantation, the fat woman needs special attention, which will help her quickly restore her vitality.

Note! Any actions carried out with a tree must be extremely careful, because the crop is very fragile and there is a high probability of harming the plant.

When is the best time to replant?

The optimal time for transplantation is considered to be spring. A more precisely the first ones weeks of March. It is during this period that the phase of active growth and development of flower culture takes place. Consequently, the plant tolerates changing the substrate and container painlessly.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to transplant a tree in the summer. The answer to this question depends on the general condition of the flower. In addition, if the seedling was purchased in the summer and the capacity for its growth is already too small, then, of course, the transplantation is carried out in the summer.

There is no need to replant the tree in autumn and winter. This is a period of rest - the root system slows down in development and there is no need to expand the container. If there are signs of disease or the presence of pests, then replanting can be done at any time of the year.

Soil mixture for Crassula

In its homeland, Crassula grows in soil with a high sand content. Also, the substrate should be loose and crumbly. At indoor growing the tree should be provided with conditions that best correspond to its natural growing environment. To grow crassula, it is recommended to use purchased soil specially prepared for growing crops related to the genus of succulents.

If you need to prepare the substrate yourself, then it is recommended to use three components: sand, peat and sheet soil in a ratio of 3:2:2.

Remember! Each variety of crop painfully tolerates impervious, poorly drained soil. Actually, such soil will be the cause of fluid retention in the root formation zone.

Which pot for a money tree is better to choose?

How to transplant Crassula correctly? It is necessary to carefully select the pot for subsequent growth of the crop. The selected container directly affects the period of growth of the root system and the adaptation of the seedling in the soil. An incorrectly selected pot can slow down and even completely stop the development of a flower.

Particular attention to the planting pot explains the rather rapid growth of the tree, which is capable of growing a dense, heavy crown. And if the root system is not formed correctly, it will be difficult for an overweight bush to stay on the surface.

Most florists have noticed that the crassula stretches up, looks like a completely healthy plant, but falls. This is because the thinned stem is not able to support the weight of the crown. Crassula has a little secret: the stem begins to thicken and grow in width after the root system fills the entire volume of the pot and rests on the bottom. That is why it is recommended to plant the crop in wide but low containers. The depth of the pot should not exceed 10 cm, and the diameter should be at least 20 cm. If you remember Japanese bonsai, then this is the pot you should choose.

Experienced flower growers recommend choosing a heavy, roomy, fairly deep pot. An excellent option would be flower containers made of clay or ceramics with a wide neck. Such recommendations are determined by the peculiarity of the quickly formed and shallow roots of the genus of succulents.

It is important to remember that members of the succulent family are not often replanted, especially if it is an adult, fairly well-formed flower. The larger the pot, the faster the crop grows greenery.

Advice! It is recommended to replant young plantings (up to three years old) once a year, changing pots to slightly larger ones.

Which drainage to choose

The bottom of each container must have drainage. This is the main condition for providing the roots with the necessary amount of air. Otherwise, the root system of the flower will rot. To ensure proper air permeability, vermiculite or perlite should be added. The drainage layer is about two centimeters. This is enough to drain excess fluid. The absence of excess moisture is extremely important for the health of the coin tree. It is better to forget to moisten the fat plant than to water it too much.

When can Crassula be replanted according to the Lunar calendar?

According to the Lunar calendar, it is recommended to transplant the Crassula to the second lunar day. For these purposes it is good to have a special one on hand moon calendar gardener It helps to determine favorable days not only for garden crops, but also for indoor crops.

To maintain a balance between the “magical” properties and the health of the tree, a specific day is chosen, but most importantly at the beginning of spring. In this case, they always focus on the phase of the moon. In parallel with the phase of the moon, it is also important to choose the appropriate day of the week. Wednesday is just such a day.

How to transplant: step-by-step transplant technology

After all preparatory work proceed directly to planting the flower. It is important to clear the work area so that unnecessary items do not distract from the important task. The entire transplant process consists of several stages:

  1. The bottom of the container is filled with drainage material. The drainage layer is approximately 2cm.
  2. Nutrient soil is poured over the drainage layer in a volume of ¼ of the volume of the new pot.
  3. The tree is removed from the old pot. This stage must be performed extremely carefully. It is important not to damage the root system and preserve the earthen ball. And the foliage of the plant is very sensitive and easily breaks off with awkward movement.
  4. If there are signs of rotting and drying on the roots, then the damaged areas are carefully removed with a sharp blade.
  5. The bush is placed strictly in the center in the new container. The resulting voids are filled with fresh nutritious soil. Then the planting is moistened and, as the soil subsides, soil is added to the required level.
  6. The finished planting is moistened abundantly. It is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.
  7. For the first time after transplantation, the fat plant must be protected from direct sunlight. In the first days, the seedling is especially vulnerable and the scorching sun can destroy the flower.

Adult bushes do not really like frequent transplants, so they are disturbed only when there is a clear need for the procedure. There are times when an adult tree begins to fall under the weight of its own crown. Then it is necessary to strengthen the Crassula trunk with supports on both sides. And after 2-3 weeks, the supports can be removed. During this period, the tree will have time to strengthen the trunk and increase its mass.

According to feng shui

Transplanting a tree according to the canons of Feng Shui does not differ from the basic recommendations of gardeners. However, there is a belief that in order to endow a plant magical properties the seedling must be stolen or purchased from wealthy people.

Pots are chosen in red-burgundy, brown and black colors. Gold and silver flowerpots are perfect. At the bottom of the container you can depict special hieroglyphs. For example, you can choose the sign Money, Growth and Wealth - they will help direct the cash flow specifically to the owner of the flower. All landing work must be carried out only on the waxing Moon.

Do not allow strangers to touch your money talisman. If guests ask for a shoot, they must separate it from the mother tree with their own hands. Otherwise, success and prosperity will leave the house and pass to new owners.

Informative! Adherents of Chinese beliefs believe that when replanting a crop, it is necessary to say a magical phrase: “If you grow, I have enough to bloom. This is my will - it will be so!”

How to transplant Crassula correctly so that there is money in the house

Crassula owners are sure that to attract financial energy only proper care little for culture. It is necessary to plant and speak the plant correctly to fulfill ancient beliefs about wealth and well-being. To ensure well-being in the family, certain recommendations should be followed when replanting a flower:

  • When transplanting, pay attention to the current phase of the moon. Planting a tree on the waning moon is considered a bad omen;
  • The plant itself is not a source of energy for prosperity and well-being. Culture derives all its energy from external environment. That's why the best option will get an escape from people with high level prosperity;
  • During the transplant process, you should say the phrase “I attract money. I'll be rich. My income is increasing";
  • It is important at this time not to be distracted by other conversations or actions;
  • coins are certainly placed at the very bottom of the pot, thereby attracting financial energy;
  • water for fatty milk is infused with gold or silver for three days. You cannot use jewelry for this - they already have their own, not always positive, energy. It's better to use coins.

Know! An auxiliary amulet for attracting money are gold coins and red threads. They can be hung on the leaves of a flower, thereby forming an additional flow of material energy.

The location of the pot with crassula is of particular importance. It is important to avoid placing metal objects nearby. Only metal coins are exempt from the rules. Negative influence Geometric shapes in amulets influence plant growth. It is not recommended to place the coin tree near thorny and climbing plants, otherwise the money will elude the owner. It is also recommended to keep the flowerpot away from aquariums, waterfalls and other vessels with liquid.

A couple of months after transplantation, an exact determination will come as to where it is best to place the pot with the talisman. Afterwards you can start decorating the amulet:

  • under the container you can put a couple of large denomination bills or a money napkin (scarlet or gold with the image of the hieroglyph Wealth);
  • the shoots of the tree are decorated with red threads;
  • a dragon figurine can be placed at the top of the crown;
  • You can place scarlet Chinese lanterns or a small Buddha figurine around the flower.

According to feng shui beliefs money talisman may not be real. An artificial tree will become an equally effective talisman if it is designed according to the rules and receives a sufficient amount of attention and care.

Caring for a money tree after transplantation at home

Each plant requires time to adapt to new growth conditions. In most cases, the fat plant takes root well in the new container. However, you should have information on how to properly transplant a flower so that it gives active growth and proper development.

Fresh soil mixture has a certain reserve nutritional components, so the crop does not need feeding for the first two months. Then mineral complexes are applied once a month. Fertilizing is needed most during the period of active crop growth. For fertilizer, you can use any mineral complex for cacti and succulents.

Immediately after replanting, the flower is not watered for 10 days. The pot should also be kept away from direct sunlight. Fleshy greens must be regularly sprayed and freed from dust. Crassula prefers moderate temperatures, so in summer it is better to move the culture to the balcony, and in winter to a cool room away from heating devices.

Crassula is a light-loving plant, so it needs sufficient quantity diffused light. The best option The location of the flowerpot will be on the windows on the southeast side. With this arrangement, the flower will receive enough light, and in the midday heat the sun goes behind the walls of the house and is not able to harm the delicate greenery of the crop.

Know! From a lack of light, the fat woman can often get sick and lag behind in development. Therefore, when placing windows on the north side, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting.

An important criterion is air humidity. Crassula is a succulent and tolerates dry air well. But constant changes in humidity levels have a detrimental effect on the plant. It simply does not have time to adapt to changing conditions.

In winter, when the air is dry heating devices, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the greenery of the bush with a spray bottle. Irrigation can be replaced by daily wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. In addition, this is an excellent option to rid the plant of unwanted dust and other possible contaminants.


The money tree is a popular indoor plant, loved for its appearance and original foliage shape. The name of the culture comes from ancient teachings and beliefs. Easy to grow and minimal care makes the culture accessible even to beginners in indoor gardening. It is important to follow simple rules of care, perform timely feeding and transshipment. And a tree decorated with coins and red threads will become a magnet for positive energy.

If you bring a small Crassula seedling into your home and grow a beautiful adult plant, your home will be filled with prosperity and prosperity. The main thing is to study information on the topic How to transplant a money tree and surround the flower with warmth and care.

Crassula can even smooth out family conflicts and improve the energy situation in the house. But of course, we should not forget that no talisman will bring good luck if you are inactive and do not make any efforts to achieve your goals.

Video: transplanting a money tree into another pot