Little-known professions. Help for shopaholics

There are more than 70 thousand in the world different types activities, but most of us know much less. Naturally, it will not be possible to list all existing positions now, but we will try to name the most interesting and unusual professions.

The era of ordinary workers, teachers, doctors and soldiers has long ended. The world is developing, and every day the most unusual professions are being invented, one might even say “exotic”.

And those specialties that are considered rare abroad do not always exist here, and if they do exist, then in a completely different form - they are more common or vice versa. For example, in the USA, a very rare but highly paid job (salary is about 3 thousand dollars!) is a hunter of empty beer bottles. In our country, you can’t call it a profession, but quite often in crowded places you can meet a person who collects the same containers, and the money he earns is only enough for bread, and in some cases, for another filled bottle. In Russia such a person is called a homeless person, and in America - a battle hunter.

Another example would be the profession of “queuing waiter.” In the post-Soviet space, this work has already died, although in the 60-80s it was quite common: unemployed city residents stood in line for a small fee for sausage or something else, thus helping busy and then tired workers buy food, yes and they didn’t offend themselves. And now this profession has been revived again, albeit in Britain, after researchers announced that the average Briton spends one year of his life in line. An enterprising resident of London immediately opened a company where you can order a “professional queue waiter.” Payment for such work at times reaches the mark of $40 per hour, but this is not easy, because your duties include quarreling, pushing, and stepping on someone’s foot (it doesn’t matter if the buyer standing in front of you takes away the last thing you need - what then should you tell the employer? )

The most unusual professions that you can master and receive the appropriate diploma

Torsedoros. This profession can only be mastered in Cuba, and the course of study lasts ten years (to be honest, we can’t imagine that it is possible to study for that long). Upon completion of your studies, you will receive a diploma... as a professional cigar roller. Not bad, right?

Personal nanny. In the American state of Kentucky, the university offers training in this specialty. It’s a rather strange specialty, it should be noted: students are taught to care for newborn children, prepare baby formula, and one of the main subjects at the department is “Correct relationships with parents and their children.” Specialists with such diplomas are highly valued, work in wealthy families and have high salaries.

Pop culture specialist. In Ohio, Bowling Green University teaches students who are addicted to television, one might even say obsessed with it. The most interesting thing is that they study what interests them: TV shows, music, cinema, biographies of artists and actors, museums, etc., i.e. everything related to modern culture.

Top 10 most unusual professions

There are quite a lot of unusual and specific works, most of which are relevant only in a certain territory, in a specific city. The most unusual professions in the world, as a rule, are found either in highly developed countries, or, conversely, in lagging ones. Well, let's start discussing them.

1. Our list of the most unusual professions opens dream merchant. A company that makes dreams come true has been successfully operating in Chicago for several years. True, it’s not free: the minimum order amount is... 150 thousand dollars. But for this money you can get anything you want (within reasonable limits, of course), right up to becoming a “star”... True, for one day.

2. Professional sleepyhead. There are several areas of this work. Initially, Sony began to be hired by American companies that make sofas and beds. After all, it is important for them to know how high-quality and convenient their products are. Now hotel owners also use the services of professional sleepyheads to check the level of comfort in the room (sound insulation, quality of furniture, etc.) and the quality of service.

3. Mystery shopper. Not so much rare profession, since the owners use the services of these persons retail chains, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels (although Sony does a good job there).

4. Iceberg cleaner. Sounds strange, doesn't it? Yes, such workers exist, and they perform quite well. important work. Remember the story of the Titanic? The liner was unable to miss a block of ice... oil platform there is also no chance of avoiding a collision, so they are rescued by iceberg cleaners.

5. Hitchhikers. Exactly! You hitchhike, and you also get paid for it. Not bad, right? Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) has about 30 million people and 20 million cars. Naturally, the roads are overloaded, and for this reason the city authorities have introduced restrictions and created checkpoints where only cars with at least 3 people can pass through. Thus, the unemployed get into a car in front of the checkpoint, drive through and get out, receiving a modest fee for this. After this, they cross the road and - again, for money - return back. This way you can earn up to $8 per day, despite the fact that the average daily expenses per person do not exceed a dollar.

6. Toilet guide. In Japan and China, for a modest fee, a specially trained person will not only tell you, but also show you where the nearest toilet is. Just imagine, in their work book it’s written like this: “toilet guide”!

7. Brain remover. Did you immediately think of your boss? But no, this profession is not associated with moral brainwashing. These people work in slaughterhouses that supply animal brains to restaurants as a delicacy.

8. Hired relative. Yes, there are some, by the way, they provide a fairly wide range of services. At your wedding they can pretend that they are your loved ones, and at the funeral they can cry no worse than the relatives of the deceased.

And finally, two of the most unusual professions from the “18+” category:

9. Condom tester. Many contraceptive manufacturers test their products using special equipment, but some elite companies test their elite condoms directly in action, so to speak, “in a combat situation.”

10. Tester of prostitutes. In countries where prostitution is legalized, there is such a profession. Brothel owners want to be sure that their prostitutes are doing their job well.

The rarest professions in Russia

Sign language interpreter. Helps the deaf and mute find mutual language with healthy people. Mostly such specialists work in social services, and sometimes appear on television.

Greenkeeper. We are sure that you have not heard of this profession. This man takes care of the golf course.

Oenologist. Most likely, you have hardly heard of the existence of such a specialist, but you obviously guessed it. Oenologists are involved in winemaking, namely: they determine which grape variety is best to grow on a particular piece of land, what fertilizers are best to use, and are directly responsible for the technical part of wine production.

Speechwriter. As you know, politicians often “push speeches”, but, strangely enough, they are not their authors. And even such scandalous politicians as Vladimir Zhirinovsky most often voice pre-prepared and memorized phrases rather than speaking “on their own.”

Funny, ridiculous and simply meaningless works

The rarest and most unusual professions are different. For example, in America, one bakery opened a vacancy for a “jam spreader on buns.” There, in America, closer to Christmas, a vacancy opens for a “Christmas tree decoration specialist.” Although this is a family affair, the Christmas tree in the office needs to be brought into a “businesslike” appearance before important conferences.

In developed countries, where people live at a frantic pace (they are constantly in a hurry, in a hurry, nervous), there are special interlocutors with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk, and sometimes even have a drink. Such people must have a diploma in psychology.

Worst job in the world

Ant catcher. You can’t imagine anything worse: crawling on the ground all day long with tweezers in your hand and catching the right goosebumps. But this work is really important, since the venom of ants is used in medicine, and sometimes the insects themselves are served in restaurants.

The most disgusting job

Have you committed murder? Need to hide evidence? Call a professional crime scene cleaner. But such cleaners work only for the elite... and only for big money...

The hardest job

In the Chinese subway during rush hour, passengers are “packed” into the car so that the doors do not close. And then special “stuffers” come to the rescue. They carefully, so as not to harm anyone, push people in and close the doors... Just imagine what happens at the next stop, when the door is opened...

The most enviable job

Cleaner on Hamilton Island Paradise. A person is accommodated in a luxury cottage on the island for six months. And for this they also pay 20 thousand dollars a month. The employee is only required to keep the house in order, feed the turtles and look after the corals. A poet's dream...

The most pointless job

The most unusual professions in the world are often meaningless. At one poultry farm there is a position called “Chick Sex Determination Manager”. What such a specialist does is look under the tail of one-day-old chicks all day long. After all, on a poultry farm they firmly believe that depending on the sex of the chicken, it is necessary to build a diet for it.

The most profitable job

We have already written above about the merchant of dreams. So, this is exactly what is the highest paid and at the same time unusual work in the world.

Now you know the 10 most unusual professions that exist in the world... Do you still think your job is the worst?

Every person, of course, needs a profession. From childhood, he begins to think about what he wants to become. Some people want to be like their dad or mom, others rely on their own interests. But now the time comes to make your choice. Professions from all over the world are open to you. The main thing is not to make a mistake.

Professions around the world. Where to stop?

So, more details. Professions all over the world give everyone the opportunity to choose their life path. Often, this is not so easy to do. After all, you want your profession to be in demand and highly paid. True, we should not forget that nothing is eternal in this world. The labor market is constantly changing. Once prestigious professions become irrelevant. They are being replaced by more ambitious specialties - such as marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, etc. So what professions are the most in demand today? Let's try to figure it out.

Genetic engineers

Describing professions around the world, of course, it is impossible not to remember them. These people now earn about $98,000 a year. Constant population growth can lead to a serious problem - hunger on the planet. Even now, many underdeveloped countries face food shortages. And the Earth's ability to grow required quantity products is not that great.

Advertising managers

The ranking of professions includes these guys in the top ten. The number of different services and products on the market is also growing very quickly. The most original and brightest ways to promote them are necessary. To date, simple production quality product not enough. He needs a unique image positive image. The buyer should not want to purchase it, but definitely do so. This is how this specialty appeared.

IT specialists

The salary of some IT specialists is 100 thousand dollars a year. It's no secret that computer technology controls everything today. IT specialists protect systems from hacking, develop software. In a word, this specialty is our technological future.


Professions all over the world include this specialty in the first places in the ranking in terms of demand. It is lawyers who resolve all kinds of legal conflicts. IN modern world Without their intervention, not a single agreement is drawn up, not a single document is signed and not a single major transaction is completed.

Market analysts

Let's look further at the ranking of professions. Market analysts currently earn about $112,000 a year. They help answer questions about whether it is worth putting your product into circulation and when is the best time to do it. Specialists collect the necessary information, conduct analysis, predict potential future sales, customer availability and business success.


In the coming years, this will apparently be in the medical field. For example, demand for dental services is four times greater than supply. New dental offices are opening regularly, but they still cannot completely fill this niche.

Anesthesiologists also earn a lot. This position is especially popular abroad. This is not just a doctor choosing the dose of anesthesia during an operation. This is a professional who ensures the patient’s safety both during the operation and after its completion.

Surgeons receive about 350 thousand dollars a year. In addition to performing operations, their responsibilities include a lot of “paperwork” and constant examinations of patients. Accordingly, such high level salary is well deserved.


Remember nursery rhyme that “all professions are needed.” Pilots are in demand today no less than doctors. Air transport is the fastest and most popular in the world. Therefore, the profession of a pilot is one of the most prestigious and highly paid. But there are a lot of requirements for it: precise skills, training, psychological stress, responsibility for people’s lives. Today, of course, unmanned aircraft are also appearing. However, they will not be able to completely displace living people any time soon.

Senior managers

The directory of blue-collar professions, as a rule, does not include such specialties. In fact, these positions are very much in demand. These include the president of the company and CEO. Essentially, it's the same thing. Supervisor senior management- This is the main figure in the functioning of the enterprise. He needs to make important decisions, choose the direction of the company, and be responsible for the final result of the work. This position requires a lot of responsibility, and therefore often leads a person to stressful conditions.

Social professions

Next point. Social professions have many advantages. They provide the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities interesting activities, broaden horizons, ensure self-realization of the individual.

Social and humanitarian professions include: coach, psychologist, sociologist, Social worker, social educator, ethnographer, archaeologist, blogger, copywriter, media worker, political scientist, educator, teacher, recruiter, tour guide, graphic designer, PR specialist, linguist, translator, speech therapist, cultural scientist, museum worker, librarian. Socio-economic specialties include: accountant, marketer, manager, economist.

Rare professions

So, the in-demand positions have been reviewed. Now it’s worth turning your attention to the rarest professions in the world. This group includes the position of sign language interpreter. Also considered less common are the professions of postiger (a person who makes wigs, beards, eyelashes, sideburns, mustaches and braids to order), a machine operator at a match factory (osinizer), cavist (a specialist in alcoholic beverages, offering a specific wine for a specific dish), tester (tea taster), greenkeeper (specialist responsible for the condition of green lawns for football, baseball, rugby, golf, etc.), oenologist (specialist selecting grape varieties for making wine) and speechwriter (compiler of texts for politicians and large entrepreneurs ).

Rare male professions

And now more specifically. The rarest professions in the world among men sometimes simply amaze with their originality. Among them: a dergal (a specialist who collects seaweed three months a year), an organ builder, a mountaineering equipment tester, an airplane cleaner, a monstrologist (a specialist in the study of monsters), a cow shearer, and an observer of the work of strippers. The latter watch the girls dance for two months, make notes and receive wages in the amount of 10 thousand dollars per month.

Rare female professions

IN Lately The line between men began to blur more and more. Nevertheless, there are professions where meeting a woman is very rare. For example, there is only one female gondolier working in the whole world. To master this profession, the Venetian had to undergo six months of training and pass exams.

It’s also rare to see female truck drivers. However, such cases do occur. Women drive huge trucks. At the same time they are building family life, raising children.

There are also ladies who cope with the work of glass blowers no worse than men. Moreover, they can create masterpieces thanks to their subtle feminine taste.

The rarest profession in the world

The position of caretaker of a paradise island is considered to be the rarest profession in the world. It arose when a person was needed who could promote holidays on one of the Australian islands. One of the travel companies was looking for such a person. For six months, the man had to live in a villa on the island, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take photographs, play golf and write his blog. During the six months spent on Hamilton Island, the lucky owner of this profession was able to earn 110 thousand dollars.

To sum up, it’s worth saying: “To each his own!” Don't forget about the above quote - "All professions are needed!"

This article presents the strangest professions in the world that appear thanks to rapid development our life. Whether they can be considered work, judge for yourself. However, people do it by getting money. Among them there are prestigious, dangerous, promising, pleasant and even funny. There are those that at first glance seem wild or cause bewilderment. The strangest professions in the world bring good income to their owners and encourage them to love their work. If your search or change of activity has been delayed, take a closer look at the unusual list of positions, perhaps this is what you are looking for?

10.Smell researcher. The list of the strangest professions in the world opens with an odor specialist. The art of smell recognition originated in the 9th century in Ancient Arabia. The search for the perfect scent of Paris is vividly described by Patrick Suskind. Testing perfumes is one thing! In the light of modernity, means of masking and elimination - deodorants - are successfully replacing expensive perfumes. Few people will like the strange work associated with studying the smell of armpits. But it is in demand by antiperspirant companies. Strict selection is carried out. The manufacturer hires people to sniff their armpits after applying the sanitizer throughout the workday. Elderly, non-smoking female candidates are preferred as such people have a hypersensitive nose. And there are also odor experts who evaluate the freshness of breath!

9.Milker of poisonous reptiles. A livestock farm worker is a responsible, honorable job, as it is based on love for animals and attention to their health. Milkmaid's work poisonous snakes requires attentiveness to the health of one’s own and others. The poison is widely used in the medical, pharmacological, and cosmetology industries for the production of antidotes and medicines. The collection of toxic saliva is carried out by a specially trained worker. This profession cannot be called the strangest, but the applicant must have nerves of steel. A dangerous occupation is one of the highly paid ones. Specific products are in great demand among companies developing anticancer drugs.

8.Dog and cat food taster. Some pet food manufacturers employ a staff of specialists to test taste and control product quality. Since pets should enjoy eating food, and owners should appreciate the aroma of their pet’s food, the employer puts forward the only requirement for the employee - to have subtle taste and olfactory qualities. A well-known owner of sensitive receptors is US citizen Simon Ellison. His verdict puts an end to the issue of quality. Sometimes he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating a favorite dish for cats - a vegetable mixture with chicken. One of the strangest activities is paid in the amount of $40,000.

7.Golf staff. The most prestigious sport is rich in unusual professions. Elite golf clubs are hiring staff whose duties include rubbing clubs with a special lubricant that ensures best contact stick and ball. Golf is usually played by wealthy people. It is unlikely that they will climb into the pond after a runaway ball. For this purpose there are specially trained employees - ball divers. They help wealthy players and also earn money by selling disused sports equipment. So, the income is enough not to look for additional income. A ball raised from the bottom is valued at 6 cents, and annual income from sales of accessories reaches $6,000.

6.Sleeping professionally. Although Sonya’s profession is strange, many would agree to such a dust-free job. Who else gets paid for sleeping on the job? The duties of a professional sleeper are to test beds and sofas and then record their sensations. Today, the Sony profession is very relevant: now their services are used by numerous furniture showrooms, as well as hotel owners, in order to check the level of room comfort and quality of service. Weekends are not provided here, and the amount of wages is unknown.

5.Toilet guide. The outlandish profession originated in densely populated China and belongs to the level of civil service. On the streets of China you can meet an employee who, for a fee, will agree to take anyone to the nearest public toilet. A red bandage will help you recognize a civil servant. A one-time guide service costs 3.8 cents.

4.Compactor in public transport. In Japan, due to the rapidly growing population, there is a need for a profession that seems strange to the world - a people compactor. Rush hours in this country are marked by teeming public transport, and not all passengers have the chance to use the metro or bus. Special people come to the rescue - carriage drivers, who literally push and compact passengers into public transport so that they do not get injured, and the doors can fully close.

3.Beach tester. One of the strangest professions in the world can be considered a beach tester. One day, a Swedish magazine for women announced a competition for a strange vacancy. The requirements concerned a beach holiday, that is, you had to swim, sunbathe, read books, visit beach entertainment establishments for a whole month, and even flirt (the editors agreed to bear the costs of holiday romances). The promised fee for the tester was 4,000 €. The result of pleasant work should be a report that the editors placed on the pages of the magazine.

2.Children's bag stacker. American parents are willing to pay professionals $1,000 to pack their children's bags before traveling to summer camps. Mothers are sure that the child will not forget anything and will be neat and clean. In any case, he will remain so during the first day of his stay. The next day, the clothes will be wrinkled and dirty under the camp bunk bed.

1.Penguin lifter. One of the strangest professions in the world appeared thanks to defenders environment. The duty of an unusual specialist is to rescue birds that, having stared at the planes, lean back and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to fly or rise on their own, which threatens them with death. Therefore, after each appearance of iron birds over the snowy deserts, a special person (there are only 2 specialists on the planet) hurries to the penguins in the territory under his control. Harsh arctic conditions add exoticism to the profession.

Whatever people can come up with to make money! After reading this list, I think you will agree with me that you should not listen to those who complain about unemployment. 🙂

So, I’ll start listing the most unusual and rare professions:

    Penguin flipper.

Penguin flipper

A very useful profession. With the advent of airplanes, these birds had an unexpected and unpleasant problem. They watch the flight of the plane with curiosity and sometimes fall on their backs, but cannot get up on their own. That’s when people of such a noble profession come to the aid of these curious people. By the way, this profession is the rarest on Earth; only two people practice this craft.

    Caller dress.

The duties of such a person include giving a very beautiful and unusual name to the fashion designer’s new creation. “Purple Rhapsody”, “Tear of the Weary Traveler” and something like that.


    Rattlesnake milker.

Very dangerous job! The responsibility is to extract as much poison as possible from the snake, which is then used to produce medicine. Everything is done by hand with a live snake!

    Armpit sniffer.

Armpit sniffers

What a strange job! But for the production and quality control of deodorants it is very necessary! By the way, applicants are carefully selected. Non-smokers are required to be hired.

    Dog and cat food taster.

Should someone try them before putting them on sale? There are specially trained people for this.

    Fortune teller for lucky cookies.

Here you need to have a good imagination in order to come up with interesting predictions day after day.

    Writer of curses.

And in Ancient Rome There was an opposite profession, the essence of which was that special people wrote curses to order on tablets. They believed that the gods would read this and punish the offenders.

    Quality controller for dice.

A very popular profession in the gaming accessories industry. You must be sure that the dice are free from defects.

    Cheese sculptor.

Cheese sculptor

Sarah Kaufman, a professional sculptor, found a new material for herself - cheese. From it she creates real masterpieces, which, by the way, are popular. Sarah already has followers.

    Sniffer (or nose)

A profession in demand in the perfume production industry. A very rare, but in demand and highly paid profession. There are very few people who have such a strong sense of smell and the ability to separate odors into their components.

    Skyscraper window cleaner.

A very dangerous but highly paid job.

    Golf sword diver.

If a body of water appears on the path of a golfer, then with a very high probability the ball will land there. This is where a professional diver comes to the rescue, who receives money for every ball he catches. They say that you can catch two to three thousand balls in a day. So this profession is quite profitable.

    Bed warmers.

Such people are required in some hotels; their duty is to lie in the guest’s bed in a special suit so that he goes to bed in a warm one. 🙂

    Pedicure master for cows.

Monitors the condition of animals' hooves.

    Wrinkle remover.

These people straighten out creases in shoes that have been damaged by improper fitting.

    Egg separator.

This person must separate the whites from the yolks. It is not clear why this process cannot be automated.

    Merchant of dreams.

Merchants of Dreams

There are entire companies working in this area that, for a certain amount of money, will fulfill almost any of your cherished dreams.

    Coin launderers.

In one old hotel it is - ancient tradition. All the coins are washed there by special people. Previously, this was done so that guests would not get their white gloves dirty, but now it is a tradition.


This is not a criminal, but a completely legal profession. Who knows what could happen? Lost the key, forgot the code. Specialists will always help!

    Professional cuddler.

In the modern world, many people miss simple human relationships and friendly hugs. Jackie Samuel from New York began offering her services as a cuddler. Now she is very popular and uses her services a large number of of people. It is believed that a person must hug at least 7 times every day, otherwise his health is in danger. Jackie helps people with this and is supported by many psychologists.


In Tokyo there are people sitting on the streets who, for a certain amount of money, will listen to you, laugh or empathize with you.

    Egg sniffer.

This person must separate the bad eggs.

    Toilet guide.

In China, there are people on the streets showing the way to the toilets.

    Ear cleaner.

In the same mysterious China, in the baths, there are such professionals!

    Horror film tester.

    Condom tester.

After the test, you must write suggestions and wishes for the product.

    Honey hunter.

Quite a dangerous craft. Developed in Nepal.

    Seller of tears.

This profession is in great demand in Asian countries. To conduct a funeral, special people are hired, mourners who will cry, tear their clothes or burst into loud sobs, as the client wishes.

    Breath taster.

Such specialists are required for the production and quality control of chewing gum.

    Distributor of cigars by color.

Professionals in this field must have good eyesight, or more precisely, be able to distinguish the slightest shades of brown.

Similar to "sommelier". But a representative of this profession matches the cigar to the alcoholic drink and your mood.

    Water slide tester.

Water slide tester

Well, here are a few extra swimming trunks - and off you go!

    Milkmaid of the Karakurts.

Not everyone can milk 30 meters of web! This material is used in optics.

    Tasters in Amsterdam.

What can they taste there? Of course marijuana! It is divided according to many criteria.

    Parmesan listeners.

In factories in Italy, such an exotic profession is held in high esteem. It turns out that when Parmesan ripens, it sounds different. Specially trained people knock on the heads of cheese with silver hammers and listen to the sound tone. The older the cheese, the higher the tone. It matures in about three years.

    Barking dog detective.

Now they've come up with a job! It turns out that in Sweden you have to pay a tax for keeping dogs, and those who evade payment are sent a special worker who can “speak” dog language. She barks in different ways, and the dogs always respond. So you won’t be able to hide the animal at home!

    Doll restorer.

Doll restorer

Very painstaking and responsible work.

    Ant breeder.

This is a person who catches ants for breeding and later using their poison for medical purposes.

    Brain remover.

It's a scary profession. At slaughterhouses there are specialists who can very carefully remove the brain from the skull of a dead animal. Then the brain is sent to restaurants.


This is a person who clearly and accurately pushes passengers who do not fit into the subway car during rush hours.

    Highway corpse cleaner.

Not the best nice job for cleaning up the carcasses of animals that have fallen under the wheels.

    Operator that determines the sex of chickens.

Who is the hen and who is the rooster? Only the operator for determining the sex of chickens will understand :)

A very necessary worker who will determine the cockerel or hen in front of him in order to select the correct diet for the chicken.

    Stripper researcher.

One American institute conducted research in which it was necessary to visit strip bars every day and record certain parameters of dancers. By the way, they paid very well for such work!

    Prostitute tester.

I don’t even know how to comment on this work.

    Amusement for cigar rollers.

This business believes that only a cheerful person can roll the right cigar, so they hire specially trained people to entertain the rollers.

    Constructor builder

Constructor builder

Professionals in this area are required by toy stores, where it is necessary to periodically update the construction set on the display.


In the UK they offer a service to stand in any queue.

    Coconut caretaker.

On Virgin Islands The Ritz-Carlton has a person who makes sure that coconuts do not fall on guests' heads.

If you consider walking other people's dogs or laying ski tracks unusual professions, know that you are as naive as children. To confirm the common thesis that everything in the world is relative, ELLE chose several professions that truly amaze the imagination.

China - big country, and in Chinese megacities it is easy to get lost and confused. It’s especially unpleasant if you urgently need something, but no one knows where it is. And here they come to the rescue - toilet guides. For a modest fee, these people, standing in busy (and other) places, will tell you where to go. The work, as it should be in the country of victorious socialism, is official. IN work books toilet guides mean in black and white: “Civil servant.”

Yes, there is such a thing. At least in New York for sure. Surprisingly (or maybe not so much), but mostly specialists from the Resourceful Consultants office, which offers such a service, are hired to pack children's bags before sending them to summer camps. Wealthy parents are willing to pay $250 an hour if only their offspring's luggage can accommodate everything they need to take with them. Sometimes it can take up to four hours to complete one order. And it’s not that the packers are deliberately taking their time - no, just squeezing in and neatly arranging things turns out to be quite an adventure. Especially if, in addition to clothes and toys, you need to give your child with you for the summer aroma candles or porcelain figurines - so that he remembers home.

If phrases like “A kiss is something you can’t give without taking, and take without giving” or “For everyone there is a piece of heaven on the planet” seem to you like banal nonsense, which is easier to compose than a steamed turnip, know that there are people who are paid for it. In the States, for example, there is a whole bureau whose specialization is to produce tons of such predictions. It’s not easy, of course, to imagine that somewhere there lives a person who, from Monday to Friday from nine to six, gives out such aphorisms for a salary. But, on the other hand, if these predictions make someone feel better, then why not.

The Liverpool company First Choice creates attractions, mainly slides of various genres and forms for water parks. The company's products are sold all over the world, and to maintain a good reputation, the operation of the slides must be monitored. This is done by a certain Tommy Lynch. Tommy spends almost all his time on the road - traveling from city to city and testing slides. That is, he simply rides them. The difference between Lynch and other visitors is that he does not pay for the rides, but he gets paid. Tommy Lynch's annual salary in dollar terms is $31,000, expenses - flights, accommodation, per diem - at the expense of the office. As they say, let me live like this.

If you think that one is incompatible with the other, you are mistaken. There is no point in saying what Parmesan means to Italians - and not only to them. Therefore, the production of this wonderful cheese is approached with the utmost care. In the factories where Parmesan is made, people with perfect, absolute pitch work. Their job is to hit the finished cheese with silver hammers. Knock and listen. Parmesan matures for three years, and the longer it matures, the louder the notes it produces. The height of professional skill is to tap out the melody of the song O sole mia on the heads of cheese, so that not a single false note.