The unassuming Zamioculcas is easy to care for - let's discuss the nuances. How to propagate Zamioculcas at home

In the homes of flower lovers you can often see “ dollar tree", whose botanical name is Zamioculcas. Native to East Africa, it is characterized by dense, dark green foliage and cob-shaped inflorescences. Caring for this plant at home is not difficult, so it is perfect for novice gardeners.

The only difficulty in growing zamioculcas is replanting. The procedure must be carried out in accordance with certain rules and knowledge about the characteristics of the culture, otherwise an incorrectly transplanted flower may be injured and die. Before purchasing a new one indoor plant you need to learn in detail how to transplant zamioculcas at home.

The flower needs to be transplanted into a pot correctly so that it subsequently develops lush and intense foliage. The plant is characterized by powerful root system, with which you need to be very careful. In order not to damage the sensitive roots, the plant is replanted using a transshipment method. If the roots were damaged during transplantation, the flower will experience long and painful acclimatization and rotting of the root system.

You should also take into account other requirements of Zamioculcas:

  • Timing of transplantation;
  • Soil composition;
  • Pot material and size.

Flower growers who already have experience with this type of plant are advised to prepare the container and soil for the plant in advance, so as not to have sad consequences later when getting acquainted with the dollar tree.

In order for Zamioculcas transplantation at home to be successful, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Due to the sensitive root system, the plant should only be replanted using the transshipment method.
  • In order for the roots to be separated from the old container painlessly, they should be gently kneaded with your hand and only then the entire flower should be removed from the pot.
  • The root system cannot be cleared of old soil. This can lead to damage, as well as the appearance of diseases in the bush. Therefore, when transplanting, the roots and the soil on them are left unchanged.
  • Since Zamioculcas does not tolerate excess moisture, it should be located in soil with good drainage.
  • Upon completion of the transfer, the void in the new pot should be filled with the soil composition necessary for the plant.
  • You cannot water the plant after transplanting; It is necessary to feed the soil after 1-2 weeks.

Work with zamioculcas should be carried out with gloves, since the plant contains poisonous sap.

Plant growing experts recommend purchasing zamioculcas in spring period, but you can make a purchase in the summer season. Slow-growing samples are replanted only once every 3-4 years. For young bushes, transshipment is carried out annually. You can replant zamioculcas in the fall, but you just need to leave it in a shipping container for at least two weeks so that the plant has time to acclimatize.

Mature flowers should be replanted when they stop growing. The roots that have grown throughout the pot slow down the development of the plant. Usually the procedure is carried out once every 5-6 years.

The transplantation procedure for zamioculcas is mandatory, because flowers are often imported from other regions, and temporary containers are filled with special transport soil, which is not a material for long-term and high-quality development of the bush.

With such a substrate you can over-moisten or over-dry the flower. There is no drainage in this soil, but in the container itself there are drainage holes, through which Zamioculcas passes its roots. This could become big problem not only when transplanting a flower, but also in further care behind him.

Zamioculcas is usually transplanted a few weeks after purchase. During this period, the bush has time to get comfortable and get used to new living conditions. It is advisable to clear the flower from the transport soil so that it can immediately get into a high-quality substrate for it.

Transplantation for Zamioculcas is severe stress, therefore it is not carried out during the flowering period. But for a newly acquired plant, it is quite possible to perform the procedure. But it is worth knowing that dropping flowers during this process is the norm and even a favorable sign for the subsequent adaptation and habituation of the flower to home conditions.

What pot is needed for Zamioculcas

The correct choice of a pot for zamioculcas guarantees its further growth and quality development. When choosing a container, consider size, shape and material.

The pot for zamioculcas should be slightly larger than the root system of the plant. It will be difficult for zamioculcas to develop in a cramped container, because the roots of the flower quickly grow and fill their habitat. But a pot that is too spacious will not the best option. In it, the plant culture will grow very slowly, since the intensive growth of zamioculcas is observed when its roots rest against the walls of the container.

Playing important role in the selection of the pot and its shape. Experts recommend purchasing low and wide containers, then next year the plant will be easy to get for replanting. The root system will not be damaged. If the height of the pot is greater than the required value, then a thick drainage layer of expanded clay should be placed on the bottom.

The powerful roots of Zamioculcas can easily tear plastic pot or cause cracks in glass or fragile ceramic containers. For your pet, you should choose a pot made of unglazed clay. He's different high strength; With the porous surface of the clay, good air circulation and release of excess moisture from the substrate are achieved.

With each re-transplant, the size of the pot increases by several centimeters. In any case, the container must have holes through which excess water can drain.

What kind of land is needed for Zamioculcas

IN natural conditions native to Africa grows on rocky soil that contains a small amount of sand or humus. Such soil makes mining difficult nutrients and moisture, so Zamioculcas develops powerful roots and tubers that save the flower from lack of nutrition.

The soil for the plant should be moderately nutritious and very loose. The substrate is selected with high moisture permeability and good air circulation.

You can make it yourself the necessary soil V equal parts from the following components:

  • sod land,
  • Leaf humus,
  • Peat,
  • Sand.

To improve the nutritional value of the soil, it can be supplemented with a small amount of ordinary humus.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing soil for a flower, you can always buy ready mixture, produced specifically for succulents and cacti. True, such a substrate will have to be regularly diluted with baking powder, because it tends to cake at intervals. Granular expanded clay is suitable for these purposes. Usually it is taken in the volume of one fourth of the total mass of the soil.

Another option would be to purchase a universal soil mixture for ornamental plants. For zamioculcas it will be necessary to add one third of crushed expanded clay, perlite and river sand. Without this additive, moisture retention will occur in heavy soil, which will have Negative influence on the condition of the root system of the flower.

Whatever substrate is selected for the plant, the container must be supplemented with drainage made of pebbles, expanded clay or clay shards. The presence of drainage will prevent stagnation of water in the soil and rotting of the root system.

How to properly transplant Zamioculcas

Transshipment of zamioculcas is carried out in several stages:

  • The bottom of the purchased pot is covered with a shard that covers the drainage holes. A good drainage layer of 5-6 cm and a small amount of moistened soil are poured on top of it.
  • The flower is carefully removed from the pot along with the earthen lump. If you cannot pull out the plant, then you should slightly moisten the soil. The pot is tilted to one side so that the lump with the bush can easily come out of the old pot. Sometimes it happens that the selected container for the last transplant turns out to be small, and the root system of Zamioculcas rests so much against the walls of the container that the bush cannot be pulled out. In this case, the pot will have to be broken with a hammer.
  • The flower is transplanted by transfer method into a new container; The space free from roots is filled with the remaining soil. The top of the tubers and roots should be on top of the soil, which is carefully compacted.
  • To conserve moisture and protect the substrate from excessive compaction, the soil is mulched using a thin layer of expanded clay.
  • Upon completion of the transplant, the plant is taken to a shaded place.

Experienced flower growers It is recommended to purchase several pots for zamioculcas. It often happens that when transplanted, a plant has several tubers with shoots extending from them. The tubers are carefully separated, the cut areas are treated with charcoal and dried. Then each bush needs to be planted in a separate container.

After the transplantation procedure, Zamioculcas slowly gets used to new conditions and soil, so you should not be surprised that it for a long time will not grow. In order for a flower to quickly take root and adapt, it requires proper care.

Watering for this crop after completion of transshipment is prohibited. The soil can be moistened only 2-3 days after replanting. Then zamioculcas is watered regularly, but in moderation. Warm and settled water is used. It is necessary to water the flower only after the top layer of the substrate has dried.

The plant spends about 2-3 days in a semi-shaded place, being in a dormant period. Then the pot with the bush is transferred to a well-lit room. But you need to make sure that the direct rays of the hot sun do not reach the flower, which can get burned. The room temperature is set within +18-25 degrees.

Fertilizing for zamioculcas should be added only after it has completely rooted. Nutrition in the form of universal fertilizers or special fertilizers for succulents is applied during the growing season, that is, from spring to early autumn. Fertilizers are added 2 times a month.

Proper transplantation of zamioculcas guarantees its healthy growth and active development. With proper care, a dollar tree will delight its owner with lush and beautiful greenery.

Zamioculcas - perennial, evergreen, easy to care for at home. In everyday life, it received the name “dollar tree”, since, presumably, with its energy it is capable of “attracting” wealth and prosperity to its owner.

General information

According to rumors, as soon as a new piece of paper appears, a certain amount of money appears completely unexpectedly (for example, you were returned old debt, gave a bonus, received a percentage of the deposit and much more).

But if the leaf falls, then this is a warning about material problems (for example, you should not invest money in some new business - it may burn out, or the car will break down and you need to spend money on repairs, etc.). Maybe for this reason, many people like this plant, and it can be found both in apartments and offices.

There is also an opinion that Money Tree- Crassula, serves to increase wealth in the houses where it grows.

There is one more sign associated with another name of this flower - “ woman's happiness" When zamioculcas blooms, this indicates that the owner has found her betrothed, but flowering occurs very rarely and only if the care rules are followed.

Due to such a protracted period, many blame the plant and call it the “flower of celibacy.” Everyone believes in different variants but what is it beautiful and unpretentious plant– there is no dispute about this.

The flower is not very expressive. An arrow is released from the tuber, and an inflorescence begins to ripen on it, which is a white or cream-colored cob wrapped in a green “veil.”

Those who believe and follow the rules of Feng Shui should know that in order to increase savings, the flower should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room or house. If a flower was given to you, then it should be a kind person with good intentions.

Zamioculcas is a genus of plants of the araceae family, represented by a single species: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, originating from tropical Africa.

Zamioculcas care at home

For healthy growth, Zamioculcas must be planted in a well-drained and “poor” substrate consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:1), you can also add small pebbles, because in natural conditions the plant is found in rocky soils.

If you buy a ready-made mixture, soil for cacti will be suitable. The main thing is that oxygen flows freely to the roots and the soil dries out in time, otherwise, for example, in soils with a high humus content, water lingers at the roots for a long time, which leads to rapid rotting and the plant gradually dies.

Zamioculcas transplant at home

As for transplantation, this procedure is carried out as the rhizome grows, when the zamioculcas plant becomes crowded - it is transplanted into a more spacious pot.

When choosing containers, give preference to clay ones, since the root system is very powerful and there have been cases when the pot cracked.

Zamioculcas watering

Zamioculcas – heat-loving plant, therefore it tolerates heat quite easily, just increase the humidity (frequent spraying). A temperature of 18-26°C is considered comfortable; it is better not to allow it to fall below 15°C.

It is resistant to dry periods, but it is better not to force the plant to starve, otherwise it begins to absorb its own reserves, which can lead to depletion; the leaves and trunk become thinner and turn pale.

Therefore, as long as regular watering is observed with breaks to dry the soil, zamioculcas will be able to stock up sufficient quantity water. In winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum, just slightly moisten the soil so that it does not dry out.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

The plant is adapted to exist even in a dimly lit room or in the back of the room. This does not mean at all that he does not like light, on the contrary, when good lighting and correspondingly good watering, it will grow much faster.

It is not afraid even of direct sunlight, but in this case additional moisture is necessary, since the moisture will evaporate faster.

Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

To do this, any leaf or even part of it is selected and planted in wet sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Treat the cut with a rooting accelerator (for example, Kornevin). The soil must be sterile.

Cover the top with a transparent cut plastic bottle or glass jar, for creating greenhouse conditions, and place it in a warm, well-lit place. Rooting occurs within one month to six months. The process is long. You must be patient and do not forget to ventilate the plant (remove the jar) and moisten the soil, if necessary.

Zamioculcas reproduction by tuber

Only mature plant with large tubers can be propagated this way.

The tuber is cut so that each part has at least one growth point. It is planted in the prepared substrate, without burying the head of the tuber too much. The new plant grows very slowly.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem when caring for zamioculcas is yellowing of leaves .

There are two reasons: if old leaves turn yellow , then this is a natural process of replacement with young leaves, and if new leaves begin to turn yellow , then the cause may be constant waterlogging of the soil, which led to rotting of the roots.

In some cases, if the process is not too advanced, the plant can still be saved; to do this, it must be pulled out of the pot, carefully shake off the soil, inspect the root system and cut off the rotten parts. Treat cut areas charcoal and spray the whole plant, for example, with Fundazol, let it dry a little and plant in new soil and pot.

Growing a flower in your home that attracts currency into your wallet is the desire of many gardeners, especially if it is an easy-to-care Zamioculcas. Transplantation is a crucial moment in plant maintenance; the normal growth of the succulent depends on how correctly it is done.

There are many questions associated with transplantation work - about the timing of their implementation, the choice flower container for growing a flower, the composition of the substrate and possible problems arising during and after the end of the transplant. Having dealt with all these important points, the gardener will find it easy to grow a succulent.

When to replant zamioculcas

Certainly the most suitable period for replanting any plant - spring, the beginning of the growing season, when everything starts to grow. At this time, rooting is better, and adaptation after transplantation is less painful for each flower.

However, there are exceptions to this iron rule. First of all, this is the appearance of a new plant in the house - a dollar tree - in the fall or winter, purchased at a discount or given as a birthday present.

Is it necessary to replant Zamioculcas immediately after purchase? Leaving a flower in a transport substrate until spring is a big risk, unless you constantly feed it with nutrient solutions, but there is no point in this; it is much easier to transplant zamioculcas into fertile soil without waiting for the beginning of the growing season. The plant will have a more difficult time surviving the post-transplantation period; it will stop its development for a certain period, but will recover over time.

An emergency transplant is required for a succulent that has a root problem as a result. There is no time to hesitate here; it is necessary to urgently save the plant - remove it from the pot, remove roots that have rotted as a result of waterlogging, treat it with fungicides and plant it in a new dry substrate.

The dollar tree for which there is a suspicion of the presence is also replanted unscheduled. Only by pulling the root system out of the pot can you see for sure whether there is a nest with oviposition between the roots or larvae in the ground. In such a situation, the roots are washed, the entire plant is treated with an acaricide or insecticide and also planted in a new soil mixture.

What pot is needed for Zamioculcas

When choosing a flower container for a dollar tree, you should be guided by the size of the flower itself and its root system. For small, recently rooted plants, you should not choose a pot with a reserve that is much larger in diameter than the old vessel. And it is undesirable for adult specimens to sharply increase the volume of the holding container.

A transplanted flower will not begin to grow green mass until it fills its entire space with roots. The gardener can only wonder why Zamioculcas does not grow and does not produce new shoots. Optimal size the selected pot is approximately 2–3 cm larger in circumference than the previous one.

Regarding the material of the flower container, a clay pot and a plastic one have their advantages. On the one hand, in a clay vessel, a lump of earth dries out faster - for a dollar tree this is better than stagnation of water, but on the other hand, in a plastic vessel with a sufficient number of holes, you can lay a drainage layer that will ensure good water drainage.

In a clay container, the roots of the plant can stick tightly to the walls and are injured during transplantation. A plastic pot for zamioculcas is easy to cut so that the root system is not damaged when removed from the flower vessel. Cracks from pressing roots are often observed on plastic walls as a result of untimely transplantation, the pot loses its decorative effect and becomes unsuitable for further use.

The shape of the container for a young dollar tree can be any, but adult large specimens with foliage length of about 100 cm are planted in wide and stable floor vase-shaped pots.

In what soil should zamioculcas be planted?

The main requirement for a substrate for a succulent is water and breathability. The dollar tree does not develop well in heavy clay soils. Accustomed in natural conditions to rocky or sandy soils, even when grown indoors, it grows better in loose soil mixtures with a large proportion of sand.

As soil for zamioculcas, you can purchase a soil mixture for cacti and succulents at a flower shop. Experienced flower growers advise pouring boiling water over it before planting or calcining it in a hot oven heated to 120–150 degrees.

It’s easy to prepare the substrate and take it yourself equal quantities garden or sod land, leaf humus and coarse-grained river sand. Expanded clay or pebbles are usually used for drainage.

How to transplant zamioculcas - step by step steps

On the eve of transplantation, the plant must be watered so that the earthen ball softens thoroughly, and the root system can be easily removed from the flower container and freed from the old soil.

When transplanting zamioculcas at home, the following is done in turn:

  1. A large plant is carefully laid on its side, holding the leaves with one hand. Small specimens are turned upside down, fixing the zamioculcas flower with the palm of your hand with outstretched fingers.
  2. With unhurried movements, without fuss, they slowly remove the root system from the old pot.
  3. Gently use your fingers to free the roots from the ground and straighten them.
  4. If necessary, wash them in warm water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Carefully examine the root system.
  6. If damaged roots or sections of the tuber are found, remove them with a sterilized sharp instrument.
  7. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal for disinfection.
  8. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the new pot, then about a third of the soil mixture is poured.
  9. The root system is placed in a new vessel and the roots are straightened.
  10. Pour soil in small portions into the space between the wall of the pot and the plant. The root collar and tubers are fixed at ground level, barely sprinkled.
  11. Lightly moisten and place the transplanted plant in partial shade.
  12. They begin to water only after a few days, and fertilize no earlier than a month later.

Problems associated with replanting succulents

The greatest trouble that befalls a grower when transplanting zamioculcas is a festered root system. Obviously, the plant will have to be saved by determining the degree of damage to the roots. If at least half or a third of them are healthy, there is every chance of helping the succulent. All rot is removed, the dollar tree is completely treated with fungicide, dried and only then planted in a new pot. Unfortunately, upon seeing completely rotten roots, the plant is disposed of; the leaves are used for rooting, if possible, if there are no signs of rotting on them.

Among the problems that arose after transplantation, one of the first is called by flower growers. Zamioculcas is characterized by some growth cessation, which is spent by the succulent adapting to the new soil mixture, but if it drags on, you should look for the cause in improper planting or the wrong pot. A plant that is too deep or planted in a pot that is too spacious develops poorly - it first grows roots, and then the above-ground part.


Before replanting a dollar tree, a florist is advised to thoroughly familiarize himself with the basic rules and tips on how best to do this. And then you will be able to avoid possible mistakes and unpleasant mistakes that lead to deterioration decorative look And general condition plants. Accordingly, you don’t have to be seriously upset, all that remains is to admire, admire and rejoice in the amazing greenery of the zamioculcas and prepare a larger wallet for the dollars attracted.

Self-propagation of zamioculcas at home can be carried out using several methods. The main methods for breeding a tropical ornamental plant are very simple and accessible even to amateur flower growers who are not experienced, but step by step guide allows you to choose the most appropriate option in each specific case.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaves at home

For leaf propagation of adult specimens from a plant, you need to cut off the leaf using a sharp and clean knife, dry it for several hours in room temperature, then treat with crushed charcoal or root growth stimulants, for which the drug “Kornevin” has proven itself well. For propagation by leaves, it is best to use ready-made universal soil.

During the formation of nodules and root system planting material should be watered by spraying the soil and leaf surface with a spray bottle. The first irrigation measures should be carried out no earlier than two to three days after planting the leaves. Subject to the irrigation regime and in comfortable temperature conditions, rooting takes about a couple of months, after which a well-developed nodule with white and fairly juicy roots is formed.

Zamioculcas belong to the category of slow-growing ornamental plants, so new leaves will appear no earlier than six months after the planting material takes root.

How Zamioculcas reproduces by leaf (video)

Reproduction by branch

The “flower of celibacy” or zamioculcas reproduces very well with a standard branch when rooted in the sand. From a botanical point of view, a branch is a pinnate leaf of Zamioculcas, starting, like a frond of a fern, from the base decorative culture. It is recommended to use a twig or frond for planting, the lower part of which is half woody, and the apical part has a juicy green color.

If water is used for rooting, then it is necessary to add a tablet. activated carbon, which will reduce the risk of rotting and death of planting material. It should be noted that branch propagation allows the formation of a more developed tuber, and the resulting indoor flowers look more mature. However, while young, newly formed shoots “catch up” in growth with the maternal aerial part, the decorative value of the crop is reduced.

Propagation by cuttings in water

Even a novice gardener can propagate a decorative crop from cuttings. With this method, it is preferable to root in water. Propagation by cuttings is best done at the stage of active vegetation of an ornamental crop, from spring to autumn. A healthy and well-formed zamioculcas branch should be carefully divided using a sharp and clean knife into several cuttings of sufficient length. Properly harvested cuttings should have paired leaves.

The cuttings being prepared for rooting must be slightly dried indoors at room temperature and placed in a glass filled with settled water with the addition of a small amount of activated charcoal or charcoal. It is also possible to root in a nutritious soil substrate. In this case, the planting container must be provided with drainage holes and a layer of high-quality drainage. In the first days of rooting, the shoot can be provided Greenhouse effect , which increases survival rates and accelerates the process of root system formation.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by cuttings (video)

Propagation by tubers

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by tubers, or rather by dividing them, is practiced in conditions indoor floriculture often enough. This method of obtaining a new plant is used in the process of planned replanting of an ornamental crop. The tuber must be divided carefully, causing minimal trauma to the plant.. The separated parts should be slightly dried in air, and the sections should be treated with crushed charcoal or activated carbon.

Planting, after dividing the underground part of the plant into separate fragments that have a bud, must be done in previously prepared soil. Planting material should be planted in flower pots that have drainage holes and filled with light, sufficiently nutritious soil mixture. You can use universal soils with the addition of a small amount of baking powder-vermiculite. First watering young plant made no earlier than three days later. Irrigation activities should be in the form of spraying the soil with settled water at room temperature.

Caring for young crops

On how competently the care of the young is carried out ornamental plant, further indicators of decorativeness and full development of Zamioculcas will depend. The cultivation technology is not too complicated and involves the following activities:

  • It is best to use special soil mixtures for cultivating succulent plants or universal soils with the addition of perlite and vermiculite;
  • it is very important to provide the grown decorative indoor crops with reliable drainage system in the form of expanded clay;
  • young specimens of Zamioculcas need to be replanted annually by transferring the plant to a new one flower pot;
  • V summer period young zamioculcas need to be watered several times a month, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system;

  • recently planted plants are difficult to tolerate direct Sun rays, therefore, in order to preserve the decorative characteristics of the crop, it is necessary to provide sufficiently bright but diffused lighting;
  • Feeding zamioculcas is required once every two weeks, and to increase external attractiveness, foliar feeding is allowed.

Periodically, you need to carry out water procedures that help make the foliage smooth and beautiful, and also prevent the accumulation of dust.

Experienced flower growers know that Zamioculcas can reproduce in several ways, but if mother plant It has large sizes, then it is best to use tuberous propagation. For those flower growers who are just planning to purchase indoor growing tropical plant, The method of propagation by leaf blades is optimal. Important to remember, that not only water, but also soil or medium-grained sand treated with fungicides can be used as a rooting substrate.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by dividing the rhizome (video)

Medium-sized plants are most easily propagated by cuttings. This method is the most reliable, but will require stable temperature regime or the use of mini-greenhouses. Regardless of which method is chosen, only strict adherence to agricultural technology and high-quality plant care will allow you to obtain a highly decorative and durable tropical indoor plant.

Zamioculcas - reproduction

Zamioculcas or dollar tree in everyday life - extremely flexible to conditions external environment, and therefore the unpretentious plant is extremely popular.

In nature, it grows in poor, sandy, well-drained soils, which should be taken into account when planting it in pots. Humus-rich soil is extremely dense and therefore remains moist much longer. Oxygen does not penetrate well to the roots and they eventually rot and the plant dies.

Caring for Zamioculcas is quite simple -

the main thing is to prevent the temperature from falling below 15⁰C and ensure watering. Despite the fact that the plant adapts to long periods of drought, it needs moisture, otherwise it will starve and will direct all its reserves not to active growth and development, but to basic survival. It should also be taken into account that this plant is slow growing, so you should not “push” it with special fertilizers - they can have a detrimental effect.

One of the stages of caring for zamioculcas is its transplantation and reproduction. Replanting should be done as the roots fill the pot, but we should talk in more detail about how to propagate Zamioculcas.

Reproduction of zamioculcas flower at home

When propagating a houseplant, zamioculcas, you should remember that all its parts are poisonous, so you should be careful to ensure that animals or children do not accidentally eat it.

The dollar tree reproduces only vegetatively, but a variety of its elements can be used for these purposes. We bring to your attention an overview of the following reproduction options:

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaf.

The leaves of the plant reach 60 cm in length and it can be difficult to root them, so either their parts or small young leaves are used for this purpose.

Rooting is carried out as follows:

sections of the leaf, its parts or the entire leaf are powdered with crushed charcoal or an activated carbon tablet, and then placed in a dry, warm place for 6-9 hours to dry out. After preparation, the leaf can be planted in a specially prepared mixture, which should consist of a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents or sand and vermiculite. You should also add drainage to it - pebbles, broken foam, expanded clay. Containers for rooting leaves should be small and shallow.

Propagation of Zamioculcas by branches or cuttings.

This is the fastest and reliable way. To do this, you need to cut the stem above ground level, then cut it into pieces so that a leaf with a bud remains on each piece. Next, the sections need to be dried within an hour and the cuttings are ready for planting. Gently press a piece of stem into vermiculite and water it generously. Rooting will take from several weeks to a month.

Zamioculcas propagation by dividing the rhizome of the bush. When replanting, an adult bush is divided into several separate parts and each of them is planted in pots with the prepared mixture. Further caring for the plant is the same as usual.

Conditions for rooting

If you propagate zamioculcas by dividing the leaf, then no special measures need to be taken - they take root quite well. IN

  • If you decide to propagate it using leaves and cuttings, you should follow following conditions for rooting:
  • room temperature not lower than 25⁰С;
  • bright natural light;
  • watering - vermiculite or soil mixture should not dry out, but should not be excessively wet;
  • The first full-fledged stem with two leaves will appear in about 7 months.