Some creative ideas on how to update an old closet. Updating the kitchen set: secrets of the decoupage technique

Man is designed in such a way that he needs to periodically update his environment. If finances allow, this can be done by purchasing new furniture. But if it doesn’t allow you to make such expenses family budget, then simply update the façade of the old set using self-adhesive film.

With its help, you can give furniture a new look and eliminate defects that appear during its operation.

IN Lately self-adhesive film designed for various furniture is becoming increasingly popular.

To give your furniture an unforgettable look, you need to choose the right self-adhesive decorative film. Modern industry offers various options this material. From cheap polypropylene and polyethylene models, to practical polyvinyl chloride cladding.

Every potential buyer can count on a variety of textures and colors.

Strength and durability, maximum safety in use, and a variety of design options can be noted.

In addition to the material that forms the basis of the furniture film, you need to pay attention to the presence of a protective layer. In the kitchen, such a layer is important for protection from high temperatures and high humidity. If you use self-adhesive film to cover children's cabinets and tables, then here too protective layer plays an important role.

It will help protect furniture from careless handling by a child.

If direct hits fall on the headset Sun rays, then cover it with a cladding that has a layer that protects from ultraviolet radiation. Today you can buy transparent models with such a layer.

Without hiding the facades, it will protect them from fading.

The presence of a protective layer adds additional cost to this material. But it’s impossible without him. If you are going to use cladding in the bathroom, be sure to make sure it has high degree moisture resistance.

The coating can be matte or glossy, imitating various materials.

Pasting of objects located near heaters, kitchen stove and other similar devices are produced using self-adhesive film based on a thermally stable polymer.

The modern assortment is amazingly diverse, so you are sure to find suitable option for myself.

The decorative layer can be made to resemble stone, ceramics, fabric and wood. For furniture, “wooden” cladding or marbled material are suitable. Photo wallpapers have become popular lately.

Especially if they are used for pasting wardrobes.

In addition to furniture, old doors, glass and even walls are suitable for processing with this material. Surfaces covered in this way can be easily washed.

Even a material that is not protected from moisture easily tolerates short-term contact with a wet sponge.

How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film

One of the advantages of this material is the ability to work with it yourself. There is no need to look for specialists and pay for the service. You can easily cope with this task yourself.

You can successfully use self-adhesive film to protect tables, window sills in any room, countertops and furniture in the kitchen.

The most important stage of facade processing is preliminary preparation surfaces.

After cleaning the surface from contaminants, it must be degreased. Thanks to this procedure, you can avoid the appearance of wrinkles during pasting.

Any detergent or alkaline solution is used as a means to degrease the surface.

After preparing the surface, we proceed to cutting the material. Sheets need to be cut with a margin. This makes them easier to stick to the surface. If you need to take into account the pattern, then a margin of 2-3 cm is required. Without it, it will not be possible to accurately adjust the drawing. Excess pieces are carefully cut off after pasting the furniture.

To make cutting the material easier, manufacturers print a centimeter scale (grid) on its back side.

Sticking the self-adhesive film is not difficult.

If it is not possible to eliminate bubbles, they can be easily removed by piercing the lining with a thin needle. After gluing, the puncture site will not be visible.

Nuances that may appear when using self-adhesive film

Pasting smooth surfaces will not cause problems for those who are faced with such work for the first time. Difficulty may arise when gluing corners. And here you can use a trick.

To make it easier to bend the corners of the sheets, you need to take a regular hand-held hair dryer and heat the material with it.

It also causes difficulty for a person who first encounters self-adhesive film, compiling sheets of material. To prevent a gap from forming, the sheets must be glued so that the next sheet overlaps the previous one by 1.5 cm. Then apply a ruler to central part allowance along the entire length. And along it, using a sharp knife, we make an incision.

Remove the unnecessary strip. The joint will be perfect.

Lighting is important when working with this material. If it is not enough, then it is easy to overlook minor flaws. They will become visible against the general background or in bright light.

Using film you can create unique interior and decorative solutions.

If you purchased a self-adhesive film that sticks to the surface too quickly and is difficult to work with, use powder or talcum powder.

Sprinkle the surface with powder over the entire area and you will not experience any difficulties when adjusting the sheets.

How to remove self-adhesive film from furniture

Sometimes the problem becomes removing old cladding from furniture. If the material is of high quality, then removing it will not be difficult. But, if you are unlucky and it is very difficult to remove, then heat the surface. Use the same hairdryer.

Warm up the material with it, and it will come off without much difficulty.

Adhesive tape- it's inexpensive modern material which will help update appearance furniture and protect it from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. It's not difficult to stick on. The main thing is to do everything carefully and follow the tips described in this article.

Now you know how to decorate and protect furniture and various surfaces with self-adhesive film.

VIDEO: How to stick film on a table with your own hands.

Very often you need to add freshness to the interior, you need to refresh furniture, or extend the life of new furniture. But, lack of finance sometimes becomes an obstacle to realizing your ideas. Do you have a question about how to cover old furniture?

Advantages of the material and a huge selection

Self-adhesive film for furniture will come to the rescue. Updating furniture with self-adhesive film is simply a great idea. It allows you to quickly and inexpensively repair things dear to your heart. And this material simply amazes with its wide range of applications. Self-adhesive decorative film for furniture stands out especially. To find out where to buy self-adhesive film for furniture, just look at specialized sites on the Internet. It can be purchased in stores building materials, and you can buy self-adhesive film in the online store. There you can also find out how to glue the self-adhesive film.


  • Not affected by high temperature;
  • Huge spectrum color solutions and textures;
  • Various coating options and patterns;
  • In addition to self-adhesive, borders and edgings are created;
  • This material is used for functional and aesthetic purposes;
  • Speed ​​of working with this material;
  • It does not collect dirt and dust;
  • The material does not require frequent maintenance;
  • Perfectly complements the decor;
  • Long service time.

About types of film

Looks impressive self-adhesive reflective film for glass and printing on self-adhesive film. It is sold in rolls of different widths.

Self-adhesive film for the kitchen and other models consist of three layers:

  • Facial;
  • Adhesive for self-adhesive film;
  • Protective.

To make the surface layer the following is used:

  • Polymer film;
  • Metallized foil;
  • Paper.

To make the fixing layer use:

  • Rubber;
  • Acrylic.

To protect the surface of the glue, siliconized paper is used, which is removed during operation.

In production furniture film self-adhesive different technologies. Depending on the equipment used by manufacturers, it is divided into the following types:

  • Molding;
  • Calendered.

The first type is more convenient for work, it retains its original color longer, and provides more possibilities for use. This is a heat-resistant, self-adhesive film. And you only need to stick it on a flat and smooth base. It fits perfectly on chipboard. And, the fact that the casting material stretches without heat treatment allows it to cover rough surfaces with protrusions. It is convenient to repair not only furniture, but also doors. Before covering the door with self-adhesive film, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages: it is resistant to shrinkage, the calendered material can “shrink” over time.

Varieties of flowers

Self-adhesive film for children's furniture is very convenient. Due to the fact that it is so popular, manufacturers produce it in many color options. There are more than seventy different designs in just one wood-look option. This ranges from the most standard, classic designs (for example, “Alcantara”), and including the most unusual (for example, “Chinese bamboo”).

Unusual drawings look very interesting. These are a variety of relief patterns, marble-like, brick-like, leather-like patterns, self-adhesive velvet film, and various motifs on children's themes. Using this material you can imitate wood, plastic, fabric, foil. A special effect is achieved when black self-adhesive film is used. Dubna self-adhesive film is also popular.

What materials are they used for?


  1. for the bathroom;
  2. for finishing furniture;
  3. for finishing the work surface in the kitchen or office.
  4. Children's rooms;
  5. when finishing doors;
  6. when finishing windows;
  7. for glass surfaces.

What kind of furniture can this material be used on?

This is a very popular way to decorate and decorate furniture, old doors, refresh the look of glass, and boring walls. The main advantage is that it is a moisture-resistant self-adhesive film that is easy to clean.

Before sticking self-adhesive film on furniture, carefully prepare the base for work. And before you update your kitchen with self-adhesive film, choose one that is not afraid of moisture.

Just so that all the work goes smoothly, you must know some tricks and secrets of this work. Then you won't make mistakes. And you can cover the cabinet with self-adhesive film; self-adhesive film is suitable for kitchen units and other furniture.

If you are using film to decorate a kitchen or bathroom, then give preference to moisture-resistant models.

Criterias of choice

It should be immediately noted high quality, which has self-adhesive film oracal, and German self-adhesive film. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the selection criteria for this material:

  • Quality. This is worth paying attention to first. On the market, self-adhesive furniture for furniture is made from polyethylene. Its service life is not very long, so opt for a PVC product.
  • What is the condition of the surface you plan to cover? If you haven’t asked yourself in advance: “Is it possible to glue on old film? and pasted over old and unstable furniture, various tears and peeling may appear. For such purposes, you should take material that is produced by the injection molding method.
  • Possible damage. For areas that do not have rough edges or protrusions, metallized foil can be used. Metallized foil is not suitable for children's furniture. Otherwise, expect scratches and damage.
  • Take into account the future aesthetic appearance. Color, shades, design – this is everyone’s individual decision. But, there are rules that cannot be ignored.

To cover furniture with a dark color, take a film with a pattern. If gaps appear over time, they will not be so noticeable.

Film application stages

The gluing process itself is not particularly difficult. Carefully read the recommendations on the protective layer and find out how to glue the self-adhesive film.

The work consists of the following stages:

  • Preparation of the base;
  • Fixing the material.

How to properly stick self-adhesive film on furniture? Preparation. Tighten the fasteners that connect the pieces of furniture. Make sure there are no cracks or delaminations. We fill in all defects with putty and sand after drying. sandpaper. After this it is necessary to degrease.

Furniture covered with self-adhesive film looks very good.

When you are gluing decorative material, and you made some mistake, before the canvas has set, you can correct everything. If several hours pass and everything is attached, then nothing can be changed.

Dry pasting

How to cover furniture with self-adhesive film correctly? Gluing to the prepared base is carried out in several steps:

  • Carrying out the necessary measurements;
  • Cutting pieces of film required sizes(in this case, plotter cutting of self-adhesive film is often used).

The same method is used to cover doors with self-adhesive.

If you do not know how to stick self-adhesive film without bubbles, then during the work, make sure that there are no creases or air bubbles. The air must be removed using a thin needle.

Wet pasting

At the same time, the film on the chipboard can move, and this is very convenient when you need to correct it so that there are no unevenness. It takes twelve hours to set. Then the furniture covered with self-adhesive film can be used.

Some tips for working with film:

  • If it sticks to the base too quickly, then sprinkle it with a little powder. You will have more time to qualitatively connect the drawing;
  • In order for the sheets to adhere well to glass and metal, the base must be slightly wetted. To do this, add a little detergent to the water. Then remove the protective layer and place the sheet on a damp base.

When washing, do not use products that may leave scratches. Do not use them with aggressive substances.

It is very easy to clean, and it does not matter where it is: on the door, on the wall, on glass, or on furniture. To care for it, you should wash it with water. If the dirt cannot be removed, try removing it with an alcohol solution.

If something went wrong (how to unstick it correctly)

If you are bored with the film, then it is not recommended to paint it. Gluing a new layer onto the old one is also not the best convenient way. It will have to be removed. How to remove self-adhesive film from furniture:

  • Before peeling off the self-adhesive film from the furniture, wet the surface hot water, and use a flat and sharp object.
  • You can try using a hairdryer. An industrial hair dryer or fan heater is better suited.
  • Residues of glue are removed with solvent, alcohol, or gasoline.

This material is almost universal. With it, you can completely change your home at any time without spending a lot of money. And life will sparkle with new colors. Furniture covered with self-adhesive film will become beautiful in a matter of seconds.

Often the owners old furniture there is a desire to give it a new attractiveness. This desire can be realized with the help of self-adhesive film. This is the most popular way to decorate a variety of interior items with an already boring appearance. But most people do not know how to glue self-adhesive film to furniture. Therefore, they cannot make their wonderful desires come true.

Using self-adhesive, you can change the appearance of not only any piece of furniture, but the entrance or interior doors, window sill, various glass surfaces.

In this article we will introduce some of the subtleties of choosing a self-adhesive film. With a number of its advantages. And also how to correctly stick it on any surface. This information will enable you to give new life various interior elements without special financial investments and physical costs.

Some advantages of its use

Self-adhesive decorative films have a number of obvious advantages over other types of adhesive finishing materials:

  • fairly good versatility;
  • ease of fixation on various surfaces;
  • do not require the involvement of a team of specialists for gluing it;
  • provide the opportunity to replace an accidentally damaged area without problems in a minimum period of time;
  • have fairly good resistance to high humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • provide a wide range of textured designs from imitation natural wood and marble to a variety of geometric and abstract patterns;
  • have an easy to clean surface;
  • have a fairly low cost.

You can learn more about the benefits from the video:

Several subtleties of choosing self-adhesive

Before sticking a self-adhesive film on any element of a furniture set or other piece of furniture, you should take into account a number of criteria for its selection. These include:

  • quality of self-adhesive;
  • current condition of surfaces planned for pasting;
  • aesthetic appeal of self-adhesive film;
  • possibility of accidental damage to the glued surface.

Advice: This film is ideal material for the restoration of both various elements of a furniture set and other interior items. It can be easily pasted onto a variety of surfaces made of wood, ceramics, plastic, glass, and plywood.

Options for its use

Before purchasing self-adhesive, it is advisable to decide functional purpose the surface on which you plan to stick it. So the choice of design and color is like this decorative film largely depends on this.

If you want to give old furniture a more attractive look, then, as a rule, multi-colored pieces of self-adhesive tape or colorful pictures are glued onto it.

And if it is necessary to renew the protective layer on it, then it is more rational to use a film with a texture visually reminiscent of the structure of natural wood.

When planning the restoration of a furniture set in the living room or bedroom, it is advisable to select a self-adhesive with a pattern that most harmoniously suits the general style interior of the room.

Tip: Due to the easy removal of various types of dirt from the surface of the self-adhesive film and its fairly good resistance to fluctuations in moisture and temperature, it is in great demand for decorating a kitchen apron.

Standard technology for decorating furniture using self-adhesive

Having become familiar with its advantages and subtleties of selection, for many it remains topical issue– how to properly stick self-adhesive film on various surfaces.

Before gluing the film to furniture, you need to have the following on hand:

  • an ordinary wooden ruler;
  • pencil;
  • standard scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece soft fabric or a felt spatula.

Let's get started with self-adhesive tape

To get acquainted with technological process Let's consider, for example, how to cover a closet.

This is one of the main stages of the entire process. So the resulting appearance largely depends on the quality of its preparation. Therefore, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. Any contamination must be thoroughly removed from it. If there are any irregularities of any kind, they need to be cleaned with fine sandpaper. As a result, the prepared surface should be perfectly smooth and clean.

More details can be found in the video:

On next stage The side wooden planes of the cabinet must be primed. To do this, you can use regular stationery or wallpaper glue. Before application, it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount of water. The working mixture must have a milk concession. This will make it possible to provide sufficient good penetration prepared solution in wooden structure closet And it will improve the adhesion of the applied decorative film to the base surface.

Preparing self-adhesive

The process of cutting self-adhesive film will be facilitated by a convenient scale printed on the protective paper on the back of the self-adhesive film. Its grid is made with a gradation of 1 cm. Using a regular ruler or meter, determine dimensions surface to be glued.

Tip: If you are doing this work for the first time, it is advisable to add at least 1 cm to the length and width to the obtained measurement result. Since you are unlikely to be able to ensure a fairly accurate match between the edges of the film and the cabinet wall being decorated. It will be easy to cut on an already pasted surface. stationery knife protruding part of the film.

Applying self-adhesive to the surface

If you have to carry out such a procedure for the first time, then before starting work it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for performing this process. As a rule, manufacturers explain its main stages in an accessible form in the form of several pictures depicted on a protective paper layer.

To directly decorate the cabinet, carefully separate the film in one of the corners. small area self-adhesive from protective paper. Carefully glue the freed section of the film onto the corner of the cabinet wall. Now, across the entire width of the self-adhesive, separate the paper layer by 1-2 cm. Lightly press the second edge decorative material adhesive surface to another corner of the cabinet wall.

Tip: If your surface is of significant size, for example, more than 50 cm, then it is advisable to carefully “fix” the film in several places, evenly distributing them along the entire width of the furniture wall.

It is advisable to start “attaching” the self-adhesive from the place where it was first glued. Using a soft cloth or felt spatula, carefully press the self-adhesive film onto the main surface. At the same time, make light circular movements with your hand. If folds or small air “bubbles” appear on the glued surface, then carefully “peel off” the film and reapply it.

Important: The adhesive layer retains its properties for 2 hours.

Having ensured high-quality fixation of the self-adhesive along the entire width of the wall, we begin to glue it lengthwise. To do this, carefully separate the protective paper from the main decorating material in sections 2-3 cm wide. And using light circular movements with your hand, gradually press the film to the base surface. At the same time, we periodically check that the pasted furniture wall has a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

After reading this information, we hope it becomes clear to you how to glue self-adhesive film to various surfaces.

In conclusion, we offer some tips on how to properly care for self-adhesive tape.

To remove various types of stains on it, just wipe it with water. Well, if the dirt could not be removed the first time, then you can use an alcohol solution or various detergent without “abrasive” inclusions. This way they can damage the pasted surface.

When your kitchen furniture has become dilapidated or you just don’t like it anymore, don’t rush to buy new ones, because, most likely, you can update it yourself. All you need for this is a couple of free hours or days, a well-thought-out idea for a remodel, some money and one of our instructions.

Method 1: Painting the kitchen with chalk paint

Do you want to update it yourself? kitchen set beyond recognition? The best way To do this, repaint the facades with chalk (mineral) paint. Why chalk?

  • The fact is that this type of paint has a thicker consistency and increased adhesive properties, due to which it fits perfectly on any surface - even on laminated chipboard/MDF. Moreover, chalk paints eliminate the need for tedious sanding and sometimes even without primer.

Chalk paints are also good because they give the painted surface a texture similar to that obtained when painting wooden surface. Therefore, even the most ordinary kitchen with film facades will look much more noble after such an “update”.

  • In Russia and the CIS countries, you can buy chalk paints from designer Daria Geiler, foreign manufacturer Annie Sloan, Kazakh Vernenskaya Manufactory, etc. You can also make chalk paints yourself using recipes that are easy to find on the Internet.

Here are some photo examples of kitchens before and after restoration.

Photo of a kitchen with film facades before and after painting with Daria Geiler paint. Here the author of the alteration restored the peeling film on the facade near the stove, and then painted the furniture without removing or sanding the film

Old kitchen with veneer cabinets before and after painting with Annie Sloan paint. By the way, in this kitchen even the tiled floor was painted with chalk paint, and the patterns on it were painted using a homemade stencil

Inspired? Then it's time for a master class.

To paint the kitchen you will need:

  • Primer (special for chalk paints or alkyd if the furniture was painted with oil stain);
  • Chalk paints (preferably with a 10% margin);
  • Matte moisture-resistant varnish (acrylic or polyurethane).

Useful tips

  • Material consumption is calculated following the manufacturers' recommendations. It is especially important to correctly calculate paint consumption. If there is not enough of it, you will have to repaint the remaining areas with paint from another batch, which, due to the nature of production, will be slightly different in tone.
  • Which varnish is better - polyurethane or acrylic? To ensure that the kitchen coating can withstand extreme loads, it is safer to use polyurethane varnish. However, if you rarely cook and you don’t have pets, acrylic lacquer is perfect, especially since it dries faster and has no strong odor and costs less.
  • Brushes: two synthetic brushes for primer and varnish, as well as one natural or synthetic brush about 4 cm wide (a natural brush gives a more pronounced texture);
  • Degreaser, such as white spirit;
  • Sandpaper with a grain of 100–180 microns;
  • Ladder;
  • Film and masking tape (to protect non-paintable parts);
  • Screwdriver;
  • Gloves.

How to paint a kitchen set:

Step 1. Preparation

First you need to remove the handles from the facades. Floor, walls, apron, countertop, glass inserts, fittings and other surfaces that you do not want to paint should be covered with film and masking tape. Next, clean all parts from grease (preferably with a degreaser), stains and dust.

  • Do the facades need to be removed? It is not necessary to do this, but it is more convenient to paint this way.

Step 2: Primer and/or sanding

Sanding old paintwork, film or lamination is not necessary, but it is necessary to treat it with a primer in 2 layers. In this case, each layer of primer must be allowed to dry, and then the primed surfaces must be sanded to even out the coating and enhance paint adhesion.

  • However, if the lamination has a strong gloss, then it is advisable to remove its top shiny layer with fine-grained sandpaper - this will make the coating even stronger.
  • If you are not too picky about the result (for example, if the kitchen is temporary, very old or got for free), then you can do without a primer. All you need to do is: wash the facades from grease, then paint them in 2-3 layers and finally cover them with 1 layer of varnish.
  • Do you want to achieve the most even and durable coating? Then it’s worth sanding the surfaces after each layer of primer, paint and varnish (except for the finishing layers).
  • Before starting work, test the paint on any object.
  • If you want to save money, paint only the fronts and visible parts of the frame, and the interior walls and shelves of the cabinets can be painted cheaper or left unchanged.

Step 3. Coloring

Once the primer is dry, begin applying paint in 2-3 layers, allowing each layer to dry completely (one coat chalk paint It only takes about 30 minutes to dry.)

Step 4. Varnishing

When finishing layer Once the paint has dried, you can begin applying the varnish in 2-3 thin (!) layers with a synthetic brush (not used). It is advisable to allow each layer to dry completely for about 24 hours.

Step 5. Finally, we return the fittings and facades to their places.

Voila, old kitchen like new!

Method 2. Pasting facades with self-adhesive film

The fastest, most affordable and easy way restoration of kitchen furniture - decoration of its surfaces with self-adhesive film (self-adhesive wallpaper). Unlike painting, gluing film is also good because it allows you to return the look of the kitchen to its original state after some time. For those who live in a rented apartment or simply love change, this method of updating the kitchen will be a huge help.

  • The service life of furniture covered with film will be 2-3 years in good condition.
  • This remodeling method is most suitable for kitchens with solid facades without panels or relief details.

Below are photos of kitchens before and after film restoration.

It is possible to cover the kitchen with film only partially. For example, one of the tiers, the back of the set, the base or panels. Examples of such kitchen remodeling are presented in the following selection of photos.

If the facades of your set have glass inserts, then you can decorate only the back walls of the cabinets with film.

You can cut out patterns and designs from vinyl “self-adhesive” tape.

By the way, you can use film to update your apron, table top or table top, and appliances.

If the refrigerator is not built into the set and does not fit into the interior of the kitchen, simply cover it and the furniture facades with film of the same tone

To remodel your kitchen you will need:

  • Vinyl self-adhesive paper (with reserve);
  • Sharp scissors and a breadboard knife;
  • Ruler and centimeter;
  • Squeegee for smoothing with hard and soft sides;
  • Lint-free rags.
  • Screwdriver.

How to cover a kitchen with self-adhesive film with your own hands:

Step 1. Using a screwdriver, remove the handles from the facades; if you wish, you can also remove the facades themselves - this will make it more convenient to paste them over.

Step 2. Wipe all surfaces, including the ends (!), clean and dry, especially paying attention to grease deposits - it is better to remove it with a degreaser.

Step 3. We begin to glue the film. Remove part of the backing from the film and attach the canvas to the facade, leaving a free 3-5 cm on the top and sides - we will later wrap this excess onto the edges. Take a squeegee and start smoothing the film, pushing out the bubbles, gradually going down and peeling off the backing. Movements should be smooth and slow. Having reached the lower edge of the facade, step back 3-5 centimeters from it and cut the canvas.

  • If you wish, you can pre-cut the canvas to the size of the facade with an allowance of 2.5-3 cm (for facades of standard thickness).
  • The film sets completely only after a few hours, so don’t be afraid to make mistakes - all mistakes can be corrected.
  • If there are small bubbles left on the film, they can be carefully pierced with a thin needle and smoothed out again.
  • You can purchase the film in 2 colors to create a stylish contrast: light top - dark bottom.

Step 4. Now that the facade is almost completely covered with film, let's work on the edges and corners:

  1. First, cut the corner portion of the loose film at 45 degrees as shown in the photo below. This way you will have two “wings” along the two edges of the façade.

  1. Now carefully wrap the free edge of the film over one of the edges and smooth it out. Next, wrap the remaining corner onto the adjacent edge of the facade as shown in next photo, and cut off the excess.

  1. Cover the second edge with film in the same way, but this time cut the corner at a right angle.

  1. Finally, press the seams tightly and repeat the process on the remaining corners.

Step 6. Using the described method, cover with film all the front parts of the headset, visible areas of the frame and the base. If desired, you can decorate the shelves and interior walls of cabinets with vinyl. However, this is not at all necessary.

Step 7. On last stage put the facades back in place if you removed them, as well as the handles, making holes in the right places using a knife or awl.

You can also watch a visual master class on how to cover a kitchen with self-adhesive film in this video.

Method 3. Kitchen decoupage

Hand painting is very beautiful, but difficult or expensive. But even a beginner can decorate boring facades of a set or hide local damage (scratches, chips, stains, etc.) with drawings created using the decoupage technique. The result is guaranteed to be excellent! We offer ideas for kitchen decoupage in the following selection of photos.

Decoupage kitchen in shabby chic style

Decoupage buffet

Decoupage will help decorate not only the facades of the set, but also other kitchen furniture and even technology.

To work you will need:

  • Three-layer napkins with a pattern or decoupage cards;
  • 2-3 flat squirrel brushes (for applying glue and drawings on the glue, as well as varnish);
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Pencil;
  • Acrylic varnish (matte, glossy or with craquelure effect).
  • For do-it-yourself kitchen decoupage, decoupage cards are more suitable than napkins - the designs on them fit perfectly together and can be large in size.
  • The main thing in remaking furniture using the decoupage technique is right choice drawings. They should fit into the kitchen interior in color and style.

How to transform a kitchen using decoupage technique:

Step 1. First you need to degrease the selected area with alcohol or degreaser.

Step 2. Carefully separate the layer with the pattern from the napkin, then cut out the desired print from it. At this stage, you can “try on” the drawing on the facade and at the same time make a note where it should be located.

Step 3. Now apply PVA glue reverse side cut out design and apply it to the façade in the right place. Next, carefully smooth the napkin with a brush, moving it from the center to the edges, and blot the excess glue and remove it with a slightly damp rag.

Step 4. Glue all the remaining napkins in the same way.

Step 5. If desired, the kitchen decoupage can be finished with hand painting. When the glue and paints have dried, the design can be sealed using acrylic or polyurethane varnish in 2-3 layers (allow the design to dry completely between layers).

Some more useful information

  1. Do you want to turn minimalist kitchen with continuous facades in classical? This is possible by gluing moldings or carved parts onto them and then painting them following our instructions.

Also, before painting, the headset and wall cabinets can be supplemented with shaped brackets (they can be purchased ready-made or cut out yourself), and the base can be supplemented with baluster legs.

  1. For the best result, it is worth approaching the “update” of the kitchen in a comprehensive manner and, if necessary, change not only the color of the facades, but also table top With an apron , curtains , dinner table and chairs.
  2. Sometimes the thirst for change can only be satisfied by replacing/painting furniture handles.

  1. Of course, before painting the kitchen or covering it with vinyl, it needs to be repaired: tighten/change the fittings, glue and iron the peeling film a little, polish the scratches, and fill the chips, cracks and holes from furniture handles with furniture putty.

Currently, in stores you can find an endless number of all kinds of cabinets, chests of drawers, racks, hanging shelves, multifunctional drawers for clothes and personal items. But if you decide not to plunge into a long search, but to follow the thread of your imagination, then with the help of the following master classes you will learn how to update old wardrobe with your own hands beyond recognition.

After reading the article, you should not have any questions about how to paint varnished, chipboard or wooden cabinet , what paint to paint and make it suit your own style, and you will also learn some of the intricacies of this work.

  1. Painting- This is the most reliable and capital method.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive film and decoupage- when choosing this method, remember that it is not durable!
  3. Covering with fabric and decorating with carnations - also

Most best method To update any chipboard or wooden cabinet, of course, painting is not as expensive as it seems at first glance and is quite simple to do.

Painting a wooden cabinet made of chipboard

Paint selection

  • For processing wood and chipboard you can use alkyd or acrylic,
  • spray or regular wood paint,
  • for deeper coloring - varnishes, but most often preference is given acrylic paint m.

They are non-toxic and dry when room temperature, which in our case and when painting home furniture very convenient, stores offer a wide variety of them, you can colorful b, i.e. dilute with white paint, achieving desired color. In addition, there is a choice of acrylic paints with a mother-of-pearl effect or, for example, metallic.

Aerosol acrylic paint It adheres to the surface better than regular paint, creating a smooth and evenly colored texture. It is easy to work with both a professional and a beginner.

  • Varnishes are used mainly to give furniture an antique look., but well-groomed, noble and rich. In this case, the surface is painted several times after each layer has completely dried.
  • Varnishes are also necessary to fix the color and protect the surface from scratches and minor damage.
  • You will need varnish even if you decide to paint the chest of drawers in an antique or Provence style.

Selecting Brushes and Rollers

After choosing the paint you should Special attention pay attention to brushes and rollers. Why shouldn't you save on painting supplies if you decide to update your chest of drawers yourself?

  • At the right technology processing old surface and good painting of the cabinet will be maintain its appearance for several years.
  • If you use bad brushes, you will not protect freshly painted furniture from sticking hairs or lint, which is almost impossible to fix unnoticed.

If you have a task to paint a large smooth surface, then for work Both a roller and aerosols will do.

ATTENTION: During work, do not leave the brushes dry, it is better to put them in a jar of water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable

Technologies and painting techniques

Don't forget about the other important ones painting tools and materials such as sandpaper or sander, primer, putty, solvent and varnish. All this is necessary to comply with the correct dyeing technology.


  1. Sandpaper of different types grain size is needed for preliminary rubbing of the old paint layer and sanding the surface.
  2. Primer will be needed for sealing small cracks on the surface of wood or chipboard.
  3. Putty (you can take car putty) and a spatula will come in handy if available. deep scratches, chipped
  4. Solvent or white spirit is needed to degrease the surface before painting for better impregnation.
  5. Varnish performs protective function and gives the furniture shine.

In general, preparing a cabinet for painting consists of: 5 short but very important stages.

  1. To begin with, carefully remove old paint and use medium-grain sandpaper(or machines) level the working surface.
  2. All dust must be brushed off, but without using wet rags or sponges etc. Otherwise old paint It will only be absorbed better, but the new one will not fit well.
  3. After processing with the finest grain degrease with white spirit(acetone) and apply ground layer for better adhesion to paint.
  4. If there are large chips, then first fill them with putty and rub them until smooth. Afterwards we apply one or two layers of primer.

When you know all the stages of preparation, it's time to move on to the main stage and figure out how to paint wooden chest of drawers and chipboard.

Master class No. 1. Stencil painting

Everything is mixed in this closet - romanticism, Chinese motifs, and even something from Gzhel. Everyone sees something different in him. Let's learn painting techniques.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • solvent;
  • blue spray paint;
  • gold paint;
  • stencil;
  • brushes

Step by step guide

Step 1.

  • We remove all fittings, locks, handles, etc. from the cabinet. Using familiar technology, we will prepare a wooden cabinet for painting.
  • On the work surface (floor) we spread newspapers or big piece polyethylene so as not to damage other furniture.

Step 2.

  1. Take white enamel and solvent. In a small plastic jar, dilute paint and solvent according to the instructions on the paint can.
  2. The paint consumption is also written on the can, it is better to use this information and dilute it immediately required amount. If you mix too little paint, you may end up with a different color the second time.
  3. Making the background of the picture - apply the first coat of paint. Leave until completely dry.

Step 3.

  1. If the color is saturated and you like it, then take the stencil and place it on the cabinet. Carefully glue on the front side and side walls so that there are no bubbles.
  2. Shake the spray paint well and spray it over the stencil. For an even color, one layer of blue paint will be enough, so we do everything the first time.

Step 4.

While the blue paint dries, painting the fittings, taken from the cabinet, in gold leaf. After the parts have dried, screw them into place.

We remove the stencil from the cabinet and place it in the most visible place in the room - after all, it now deserves special attention!

You can decorate the closet with a stencil, for example, with flowers.

Master class No. 2. Updating a chipboard cabinet

This cabinet looked very cheap since it was made from chipboard. But we updated it with a beautiful ornament for a children’s room, now it can fit into even a high-tech or modern interior.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • sponge brush;
  • masking tape;
  • additionally: protective paint (enamel).

Decoration process

Step 1.

  1. Let's prepare the furniture by cleaning surfaces from roughness, chips, cracks using putty and primer.
  2. After use special means need to give allow surfaces to dry completely.
  3. Take masking tape and stick it on the front side of the chest of drawers according to your individual idea.
  4. We make combinations of triangles along the top and bottom edges, diamonds in the middle, and rectangles at the top and bottom. We cut off the strips and make shapes from them, as shown in the photo.

  • We make a rhombus by cutting strips of equal length and placing them perpendicular to each other.
  • To make rectangles, first stick the tape evenly, parallel to the cut of the chest of drawers, and using building level and pencil, mark equal intervals. Cut through one.

TIP: Watch the placement relative to the fittings (handles, locks) and the gaps between the drawers - it’s better to be symmetrical than even.

Step 2.

Step 5.

The final stage is the application of protective enamel. It will extend the life of the chipboard cabinet and protect it from minor mechanical impacts such as moisture and dust.

And so stylish wardrobe ready for active use!

Color options can also be the same as in the photo below.

Master class No. 3. Painting a polished cabinet

Some people can’t believe that you can make such a piece of candy from an old polished cabinet. vintage style, and without loss of functionality. And then we'll tell you how to do it.

Materials and tools.

  • Old polished cabinet;
  • vintage paint (regular acrylic matte);
  • white spirit or acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • gold handles for drawers.

Painting process

Step 1.

Despite the fact that we are creating a vintage effect, there is no real need for the dresser to look shabby. Therefore, we carefully prepare it for painting.

  1. To do this, we remove all the old fittings and grinder We treat the entire surface of the chest of drawers. First we use coarse sandpaper, then fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. It is not necessary to putty and prime, except for serious chips on the surface. Degrease the surface with white spirit or acetone and let it dry.

TIP: Since the paint will be applied in several layers, it is very important that it is well absorbed into the wood.

Step 2.

  1. Cover with the first layer of paint. Very thin, you don’t have to try too hard and leave unpainted areas.
  2. Sand the first layer with fine-grained sandpaper. We clean off dust, but do not use wet rags, sponges, etc. in the process. Wash only with a dry cotton lint-free cloth.
  3. Next, apply a second layer of paint, also rubbing it in. Let it dry and rub it in a little again.
  4. We repeat this until the color becomes even, but a little rough. For this we used matte paint with a vintage effect. After a few days, it will be completely absorbed and dry and begin to turn yellow (pay attention to the instructions on the can so that you don’t have to repaint everything again later). To avoid this, you can try this coloring method on a small and inconspicuous area. Proceed with full coloring when you are satisfied with the result.

If you bought new handles, check if they match your color and screw them into place. Golden brass matches the white aged chest of drawers carved handles with patterns.

Check the chest of drawers to see if it meets your requirements - it is still comfortable, beautiful, and, paradoxically, modern. Vintage is in fashion now!

Wallpaper or film

Using film or any other material to update the cabinet paper covering, it should be remembered that we use the closet every day. And usually such a coating does not last long, but it is very simple to implement.

Fabric covering

This is the most painstaking way to update a cabinet, when fabric is stretched over the entire plane. The method is quite outdated. But maybe someone will like it.

Spot painting for polished cafe

Spot painting is perfect for a polished cabinet. In this case, there is no need to remove the varnish and sand the surface. The technique is simple:

  • Drawing using a marker
  • The marker is painted with paint using dots. Details - here.

Closet Update Ideas