Wallpaper for a children's room. Wallpaper for a children's room (58 photos): the best design and decoration ideas

This part of the house looks different for everyone. For some parents, this is a place where magical chaos of toys and markers reigns, while for others, it’s a gentle corner with soft pillows and exquisite interior details. In order to select high-quality wallpaper, you need to consider several factors, because colors and patterns are not the most important thing. Only after the purposes for which the child is given a separate room are well thought out, the choice of wallpaper design in the nursery becomes simple and practical.

What people often pay attention to when choosing a child’s room

Why is the process of choosing an interior considered difficult? When starting a complete renovation of a house, or converting an ordinary room into a children's room, the question most often arises: what to glue? It is not uncommon that the choice of style for a children's room becomes the most intriguing. The future environment, mood and comfort of the child depend on the choice of adults. After all, if the child is already an adult, then you can ask him what room he dreams about. But the choice is not always so simple; it is also important to take into account various construction and organizational details. Let's look at a few factors to consider when choosing coverage:

  • room functionality;
  • safety of materials used in finishing;
  • degree of illumination;
  • gender and age of the child;
  • the interior of the rest of the house or apartment.

In order to please everyone with our choice, we suggest considering all the highlighted aspects in turn.

Functionality of the room

Today, the baby may like cartoons with pirates and he will beg you for repairs in the style of sea robbers, but time will pass and too bright style may get boring. During the game, the space around will lift the mood, but it will be difficult for the child to be in such beauty to do homework. Imagine how many fun games and fantasies you can come up with related to brightly detailed interiors. Of course, there will be a lot of them, and hide all these thoughts about fun, Small child can not. For productive work and relaxation in the nursery, it is necessary to think through the interior so that it is interesting to him and does not distract attention from other activities.

In order to correctly select the child’s surrounding background, it is necessary to analyze what exactly he will do in his room. Will it be just a play room or will it also accommodate a sleeping area? Depending on the child’s activities in the room, the type of functionality in the room is determined:

  • entertainment and gaming;
  • educational and cognitive;
  • room for sleeping and rest.

If you reserve the nursery only for games, and his bed is in another part of the house, then the wallpaper can be selected in any brightness. To enhance gaming activity, you can use warm, glossy colors. In such a room you can put a telescope and install a starry sky on the ceiling (using photo wallpaper or fluorescent paint), make a composition from a fairy-tale landscape or your own photographs.

A room that will accommodate all the functionality is called a combined room. In order to highlight it in the eyes of a child, you can choose a rare wallpaper color or make the walls two or three colors. In this case, the choice of shades of indigo, violet, emerald, dark or light coral, mint will be successful.

A variety of types of wallpaper, their differences and degree of safety

Wallpaper is the most popular of all types of wall decoration. Of these you can always find suitable option, both in cost and attractiveness. We will look at each type of material, what their properties are and what age of child they are most suitable for in a nursery.

  1. Paper wallpaper. The most cost-effective and easy-to-stick option. The quality and price of this type of product depend on the number of layers of paper. Two-layer wallpaper (duplex) is considered better and more stable. They tend to last longer and are less susceptible to damage. sun rays and minor damage. This coating does not contain harmful substances and is suitable for temporary or budget repairs.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper has a lot in common with paper wallpaper. The composition of this material allows you to do wet cleaning walls without harming the coating. They are also often used for painting if foamed vinyl is applied to the surface of the roll.
  3. Vinyl wallpapers. They are considered very practical, but not for use in a children's room. The dense composition can be repeatedly repainted, washed and cleaned, but such wallpaper does not allow air to pass through the walls.
  4. Acrylic wallpaper. The properties and characteristics are similar to vinyl. For safety reasons, it is not recommended to glue them in the nursery.
  5. Wallpaper from natural materials(cork, veneer, plant fibers, bamboo). Very high quality and expensive material. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

When choosing wallpaper for a children's room, parents try to ensure the safest and most comfortable time for their baby. For all characteristics, paper and non-woven wallpaper without vinyl covering, they are made from natural materials and meet all safety measures, allowing air to pass through the walls without retaining moisture. Wall finishing option natural fibers It’s also safe for a child’s room, but it’s more advisable to cover the walls with them when the child gets older.

Wallpaper based on vinyl or acrylic is not recommended for use in a children's room due to poor air permeability. At high humidity and poor ventilation, mold or mildew may grow on the walls. However, with regular cleaning and ventilation, such wallpaper is suitable for adults and active children. The walls will be reliably protected from pencils, pens, paint and minor damage. Such wallpapers are especially good in children's rooms. game rooms, where the child spends a small but active part of his time.

Illumination of the room and the influence of wall color on the child

First of all, before choosing what color to buy wallpaper, you need to pay attention to which side the room is on. If you paste the walls in sunny colors, then there is a high probability of increased excitability of the child. If the room is on the bright side and is well lit, the brightness of the walls may become too great and distract the child from educational activities or have a relaxing holiday. Shades of hot colors are well suited for playrooms, and they can also visually increase the space.

In addition to colorful walls in sunny shades, there are many other interesting options. Stores sell beautiful matte, corrugated wallpaper for a child's room or with ready-made designs. Also, for those who like to experiment, you can arrange several types of rolls, both regular and other types (liquid, photo wallpaper, photo printing).

What style would suit light wallpaper in a children's room?

A light palette of wallpaper shades is most often chosen for a classic interior style. Such a children's room, as a rule, is liked by all family members, however, shades of white and cream wallpaper are more often chosen for girls' rooms. Darling looks good against this background wooden furniture, doll collections and other decorative items.

Another common option for white wallpaper in a nursery is non-woven (washable). In this case, the choice becomes optimal for both parties: for parents who want to maintain the style of the interior in the house and for children who like to draw on them. White wallpaper can be used for regular drawing with children (of course, this process cannot last forever and in a couple of years they will have to be updated) or to create an artistic masterpiece once. Create such a drawing together with your child and every day he will see the fruit of your joint activities, or get creative yourself. The uniqueness of such wallpaper will naturally be undeniable.

Why put dark wallpaper in a nursery?

Cool colors well emphasize the coziness of the bedroom and help you get in the mood for studying at your home table. In case of increased illumination dark wallpaper calm the nervous system and help concentrate.

Of the dark shades for a child's room, the most advantageous are purple, blue, emerald, and also in combination with decorative patterns, black, brown, burgundy wallpaper. This design is used to create cozy and mysterious interiors. It could be a magical forest, wild jungle, underwater caves fraught with a lot of adventures and dangers, castles and other themed pictures.

Children's rooms with large drawings create a particularly expressive impression. Large format printing allows you to make your favorite pictures or photographs cover the entire wall. What could it be? Absolutely everything your soul desires, from stills from your favorite cartoon to your own portraits. In addition, there is big choice an assortment of ready-made photo wallpapers with original and eye-catching designs (beautiful natural, urban, fairy-tale landscapes).

Combining colors and types of wallpaper in one room

Walls with different wallpapers are most often found where it is necessary to create visual zoning of the room. Zoning in a children's room is good way visually show your child how his room is divided according to functionality. The walls in the educational and play areas of the room are covered with bright colors, while sleeping place You can make a stylish wall using darker shades. Using different colors can not only divide the room into parts, but also psychologically help the child adapt to different types activities.

Blue is the ideal color for the sleeping area. Green shades encourage development, orange and yellow are ideal for increased activity.

How to choose wallpaper for a boy's or girl's nursery

The choice of wallpaper directly depends on personal taste and is not limited to strict rules where there are colors for boys and girls. Of course, completely floral walls in a boy’s room will not look familiar, but this pattern can also be changed. Any pink shades can be used as background patterns and designs.

In families where it is necessary to choose wallpaper for children of different sexes, there is actually even more room for imagination. Walls can be covered with different colors, using different rolls or choosing a ready-made original drawing.

If repairs in the nursery are done at for a long time And parents are faced with the task of choosing a color for different age periods of the child, then deep, rich shades will be beneficial:

  • Violet (indigo, plum, lavender, violet, eggplant);
  • Some shades of red (fuchsia, ripe cherry, garnet, brick, coral, terracotta);
  • Green (emerald, lime, mint, olive, pine needles, turquoise);
  • Blue (almost the entire range of colors fits well);
  • And yellow (amber, eggshell, ocher, pumpkin).

These colors, depending on the brightness of their tone and the room itself, are well suited for both boys and girls. With carefully selected details, even crimson wallpaper can fit well into the interior of a boy's room. For example, if this color appears partially, as part of a pattern or design (a petal, the color of a car, an element of clothing for a character from a favorite cartoon).

The age of the child and the choice of wallpaper for his room

When choosing wallpaper, you can rely on basic knowledge about the influence of color on the human psyche. According to psychologists, one of the most undesirable colors for a nursery is red. It is better to use it partially, since the child’s psyche is in the process of formation and such a bright stimulus can distract him from calm development. Red color can be easily replaced with other, preferably matte, shades.

When making renovations in a children's room, it is important to remember the balance between bright and moderate tones, since the child will often spend his leisure time here, and it is worth considering how the situation will influence him.

Wallpaper for a children's bedroom must be selected extremely carefully, because this is a recreation area and it should not irritate. We'll look at how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom below. Instructions on colors and selection rules will be provided. You can also watch videos and photos ready-made solutions and select the one you need.

It’s easy to choose wallpaper for a child’s bedroom at first glance. In fact, this is not true at all.

The main thing is to follow simple rules:

  1. First. When choosing a color, consider your child’s personality and emotionality. Pale and cold tones will calm playful, excitable and energetic children. Soft and dim shades will be ideal for those who are slow and balanced, and colorful and rich colors are perfect for a calm and inert child.
  2. Second. You need to consider who you are choosing wallpaper for, a boy or a girl, as well as their age.

Attention: But still, the main requirement for selecting wallpaper for a nursery is the material from which it is made. It must be harmless and environmentally friendly.

When choosing wallpaper for a child’s bedroom wall from many types, remember that they must be made from natural materials. The seller, upon your request, is obliged to provide a certificate.

It must confirm that the paint, paper and other components are in accordance with the accepted standard. The price will depend on the manufacturer and type of material.

Their base is paper or non-woven. Front side - polymer coating made of vinyl, which has a number of advantages:
  1. Long service life;
  2. The work of pasting is not difficult;
  3. Conceals uneven walls;
  4. Does not lose color when exposed to sunlight.

Thanks to the above, there is no need to change them too often.

They do not contain chemical impurities and are breathable. Their varied colors (heroes from fairy tales, bright flowers, small cars) will become the subject of close study for a child. Even the embodiment of a child’s creative plans on wallpaper will not upset you because of the low cost of the latter. Replacing them will not have too much impact on the family budget.

Greater strength and ductility distinguish them favorably from paper. They do not contain chlorine or other harmful impurities for the health of the child. They are moisture resistant, which makes them easy to care for using water. They allow air to pass through and prevent fire. Easily tolerates ten stains. The disadvantage of such wallpapers is their high cost and small variety of patterns.

Their main application is offices and showrooms. One of the types of environmentally friendly wallpaper. They are made from molten glass with the addition of natural materials (sand, lime). They do not cause allergies, are non-toxic, and fireproof. Moisture resistance makes them easy to care for. The disadvantage of such wallpaper is the labor-intensive preparation of walls before applying them. Having a perfectly flat surface is necessary to prevent cracking. It is also necessary to cover the walls with durable glue. Despite the undeniable advantages of such wallpaper, their use in children's rooms is undesirable.

Their use will be a bright solution in the design of a nursery. You can zoning the child’s room, visually separating play area from the worker. Here it is quite possible to reflect the interests of the child and he will be pleased to be in his room.

They will help to create a fantasy world from where the child will go on fabulous journeys to meet his favorite characters. Instill a sense of beauty and a sense of taste from childhood. Photo wallpaper in the nursery will undoubtedly serve this purpose.

Wallpaper liquid

Maybe, best wallpapers to decorate the nursery for today. Absolutely harmless and clean, practical. Any creative explorations by your child on their surface can be easily removed by re-painting them, and this process can be carried out several times. Their high price is the only drawback of this type.

Wallpaper cork

The bark of the cork tree is used in their production. Natural environmentally pure material, soft to the touch, warm, has good sound insulation. This is very important if you have noisy neighbors.

Attention: Beautiful wallpaper for the bedroom can be different types and species, but their safety must be at its best. Give preference to proven brands and avoid new, unknown manufacturers.

Choosing wallpaper color for children's rooms

When choosing the color and pattern of wallpaper, be sure to take into account the child’s personality traits. For a balanced person, choose warm tones, and for a playful and energetic person, choose cold and calm tones. When you go to choose wallpaper, be sure to take your child with you. He should actively participate in the design of his premises.

Scientists and psychologists have found that the color of the walls in the room has a great influence on the state of mind. For example, yellow and its shades stimulate children's thirst for learning and creative discovery. If a boy and a girl live in a room, then the nursery can be divided into zones by selecting wallpaper of different shades.

When choosing a color scheme, be sure to take into account the age of the child:

  • Until the age of two, decorate the nursery corner with expressive and cheerful wallpaper.
  • Up to four years, it is advisable to use natural shades of yellow and green when decorating.
  • Until the age of six, try dividing the walls into zones. The top will perform an aesthetic function, and the bottom can serve as a tablet for testing the brush of a little artist. The spectrum of rainbow colors will help you decide on the choice of wallpaper tone for this age. A combination of 2-3 colors would be good.
  • From nine to eleven years old, girls prefer pink tones, and boys prefer blue. Take your color selection very seriously at this time. Children at this age are reluctant to allow people to manage their property. Therefore, it is important that the nursery maintains good appearance some years.

Using pink in the nursery

The use of pink tones in children's decoration promotes the development of receptivity and friendliness in children, and reduces their feeling of irritability. Choose shades carefully; too many will completely ruin the impression.

The dominance of pink can promote a carefree and frivolous perception of reality. Therefore, it is better to add patterns in the same tone or the opposite one to the design.

Blue colors in the nursery

We associate this color with the vast expanse of water and a cloudless sky. Most often, the interior of children's rooms for boys is done in this color scheme. It is so wide that it is also suitable for decorating a girl’s room.

  • Try to select thematic drawings, taking into account the child’s preferences. If he sees himself as a pirate and participates in the capture of ships, searches for treasure and fights against the elements of the sea, then wallpaper with images of super-fast ships and billowing waves will be perfect.
  • If he is a medieval knight, then the sight of castles and green spaces will carry him to the battlefields.

Well, if he is still just small, choose wallpaper with patterns of the night sky or cornflower fields.

Practical striped wallpaper

The role of such wallpaper in the design of a nursery is underestimated. But thanks to the stripes you can visually change the space. Vertical ones will increase the height of the room with low ceilings, and wallpaper with horizontal stripes will visually change the length of the walls.

You can also combine canvases with narrow and wide stripes, with different variations colors. Using them in combination with a single-color coating can give an unexpected effect.

Try covering one or two walls completely with them, or use them at the bottom of a two-level covering. Highlight the section border by applying a border. Striped wallpaper will make your child's room fashionable and special.

Different types of wallpaper for decorating a nursery

The wall decoration looks impressive combined wallpaper. This method has been used for a long time, but even today it has not lost its relevance.

You can combine striped and plain wallpaper. Various inclusions also look original. Initially, the walls are decorated with canvases of the same color, and then beautifully selected inserts are glued on.

Korean wallpaper for children's room

Having appeared relatively recently on our market, they immediately became very popular. A huge variety of textures and styles created justifiable excitement.

Very high quality such paintings are confirmed by international certificates. It is also interesting that there are wallpapers for girls and boys, and the colors of such wallpapers are developed with the participation of psychologists.

Competently combining wallpaper

Follow the advice of psychologists and use different colors of canvas for pasting.

It is best if the walls are decorated in soothing colors, and toys and children's furniture are colorful. Using different shades, you will not only beautifully decorate the nursery, but also visually highlight the functional areas.

When choosing wallpaper, take into account how long the child will look at it.

Most often they use a combination of canvases with different sizes pattern. It allows you to focus attention on the large, placing wallpaper with a small pattern on the sides. This combination draws the eye to certain objects or areas.

What you need to take into account

When choosing wallpaper, be sure to take into account the child's wishes. It is very important. After all, he has his own interests and desires, and the comfortable stay of the little person on his territory will depend on their implementation.

The canvases must be original, made of high-quality and harmless materials, have a beautiful appearance and a sufficient service life.

The color and pattern of the paintings should be chosen so that even a long stay in the room does not affect the child’s state of mind and the interior is perceived calmly.

The nursery should have comfortable temperature and good ventilation. Install sockets wisely and purchase equipment that has proven itself. Furniture should also be made of quality materials and be safe for the child.

You can choose wallpaper for a child’s bedroom without any problems, because there are quite a lot of them on the market retail. By doing all the gluing work yourself, you can achieve desired effect. Instructions for all types of finishing are available on the pages of our website. By looking at the proposed material you can find original and right decisions finishing.

Every parent wants their child's room to be colorful, bright and cozy. A properly decorated room allows children to develop and personifies the world in which they grow and live. An important part of the interior will be not only toys, furniture, but also photo wallpaper for the children's room. There are different photo wallpapers. The main task of parents is to select them in accordance with all requirements, standards and not to forget about the desires of the baby himself.

Children's room with bright and beautiful photo wallpapers

Wallpapers for children's rooms are:

  • paper;
  • washable;
  • fabric.

Everyone has their pros and cons.

A properly decorated room allows children to develop and personifies the world in which they grow and live.


For a children's room, the ideal option would be to choose paper wallpaper. They are breathable, waterproof and environmentally friendly. Significant disadvantages of paper wallpaper:

Design of classic photo wallpaper for a children's room

  • fade, lose their original appearance;
  • absorb various odors;
  • cannot be washed.

Wallpaper must be glued carefully so as not to damage its surface. Otherwise you will have to re-glue it.

Children's room decor with beautiful pink photo wallpaper


Wallpaper type is different smooth surface, easy to clean, quite durable and dense. For children's rooms, washable wallpaper is often chosen. The only negative is that before pasting the walls must be carefully leveled to avoid flaws.

For children's rooms, washable wallpaper is often chosen

Fabric wallpaper is suitable for those who want to decorate a nursery in an interesting and modern way. They appeared quite a long time ago and were the first wallpapers. They decorated rich houses. Now fabric wallpaper is considered luxury and prestige. Wallpaper is made from:

It is generally accepted that the more fabric wallpaper natural threads, the more expensive they are. Even though the fabric tends to quickly fade and lose its original color. The only drawback of wallpaper can be careless handling and incorrect pasting.

Psychologists believe that a room for newborns should be decorated in light pastel colors. For children over three years old, it is better to choose bright, colorful photo wallpapers. The pattern on the wallpaper should not frighten the baby. To visually expand the room and make it brighter, it is recommended to paper one wall and paint the rest. Children 6 years and older can choose their own wallpaper. This will be an exciting game for them. At this age, I like different things, plants, nature and funny animals.

Stylish design of a children's room with original photo wallpaper

The main thing is that they don’t scare you. An ideal option would be to choose wallpaper with images of wildlife. This will suit boys and girls. The main task of parents is to choose wallpaper that not only pleases the child, but is also safe for his health. Don’t forget that in a few years the kids will grow up, and animals with fairy-tale characters will become uninteresting. Therefore, before purchasing, you should take care that sooner or later they will have to be replaced. For girls’ rooms, it is advisable to choose soft, light and delicate colors. Wallpaper with bright colors in soft tones is perfect. They should create comfort and coziness in the room. Correct and beautiful design, will have a beneficial effect on the baby and shape her taste.

The pattern on the wallpaper should not frighten the baby.

To decorate the interior of a room for boys, images with cartoon characters, pirates and ships or transformers are suitable. For them, they will create a special atmosphere in which the boys will feel like real heroes and protectors. This will help them become heroes of unforgettable adventures.

Interior of a children's room with original photo wallpaper

An alternative option for interior decoration would be wallpaper with cartoon characters “Madagascar”, “Masha and the Bear” or “Ice Age”. To develop children's creative abilities, wallpaper and coloring books are perfect. They will quickly learn how to draw on them and develop their taste. For older kids, 3D wallpaper is a good choice. Be it different landscapes or themed wallpapers. In any case, the child will be pleased with the new design of his room.

Decorating a children's room with photo wallpapers with cartoon characters

The range of photo wallpapers is so wide that parents sometimes don’t know what exactly to choose. To avoid mistakes, you should follow the recommendations:

Tip: To give the room more lighting, you can use photo wallpaper with spot lighting on the walls or ceiling.

In any case, the child will be pleased with the new design of his room.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account not only preferences, but also the character of the child. If you still couldn’t make a choice, then you should rely on the features of the photo wallpaper:

Interior of a modern children's room with photo wallpaper in bed colors

  • take into account the color palette;
  • materials must be environmentally friendly and safe for health;
  • The child’s subconscious should easily perceive the pictures of the selected wallpaper.

For children with an excited psyche, bright shades are absolutely not suitable. They will experience discomfort and internal panic. Before you make your choice, you should visit a psychologist. Having studied the baby’s temperament, he will help you choose the right color. Photo wallpapers with natural motifs will undoubtedly suit girls and boys. Green lawns, animals, flowers or trees are ideal.

Stylish interior of a children's room with photo wallpaper

For active children, green tones are better. White and black - exclude. But light yellow, orange and soft blue have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm, and are a kind of call to discover creative abilities.

For children with an excited psyche, bright shades are absolutely not suitable. They will experience discomfort and internal panic

Photo wallpaper for the nursery for girls and boys

Every little girl feels like a princess and dreams of a prince with whom she will go on a trip. As long as the child believes in fairy tales, you can create the appropriate atmosphere for the room. For this, drawings with a prince and princess, with all kinds of blooming lawns or flowers, are perfect. This will develop a sense of confidence in the baby. The design should be in harmony and match, and not be flashy and “brightly aggressive”. A palette of yellow, beige, bed or pink shades is ideal.

Design of a children's room with fashionable and stylish photo wallpapers

Boys want to feel like heroes, so they can choose pictures with various sports, ships or expeditions. Well-chosen colors will be light blue, green or dark blue. At the same time, they harmonize perfectly with white and beige. The design of the room should be done in the same style; this is the only way it will delight the children and help them feel like heroes of the fairy tales in which they believe so much.

When preparing to become parents, many people worry about the future comfort and coziness of their child. After all, a correctly chosen interior is the key to the fact that it will delight the baby for a long time. Therefore, you should approach the design of the room responsibly. For newborns, it is worth choosing neutral tones for the room. Of course, they don’t have any taste yet, but dark shades definitely won’t do. The brighter the room, the more comfortable the child will feel in it.

An original idea for decorating a wall in a children's room with photo wallpaper

Besides upholstered furniture and recreation areas, photo wallpapers would be a good design. They will not only help add zest to the interior, but will also contribute in every possible way to the development of facial expressions, gestures, and speech of the baby. If the walls are decorated in a fairy tale theme, then you need to remember that the baby will perceive what he sees, and this will undoubtedly be remembered. You can decorate the walls with fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters in the form of decorations.

You can decorate the walls with fairy-tale heroes or cartoon characters in the form of decorations

Photo wallpapers have advantages and disadvantages. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics. Because during pasting a number of difficulties may arise.

Children's room in green with photo wallpaper on the wall

The advantage of photo wallpaper is its wide range, color palette, richness and strength. Such wallpaper is easy to clean and moisture resistant. It should be noted that they are universal – they are created to order and in the required sizes. They are glued to any surface, hiding the flaws of the wall.

Photo wallpaper in the design of a children's room for a little girl

If photo wallpaper is made to order, then the size of the wall must be accurately measured. Wallpaper should not look like a poster. The walls themselves must be leveled and not leave any flaws. Custom-made wallpaper should be installed by a professional.

The advantage of photo wallpaper is its wide range, color palette, saturation and durability

Where to buy photo wallpaper for the nursery

If construction stores or the market do not have the photo wallpaper you dreamed of, you can order individual production. The prices are reasonable, although it will be more expensive than buying ready-made ones.

Small children's room decorated with bright photo wallpapers

Online stores specialize in individual orders. There is also no need to worry about the quality and availability of certificates. Product certification is required. When making wallpaper, we use safe materials that do not contain toxic substances. And landscapes will be created in the baby’s room sophisticated style, originality and space for comfort, will help him plunge into the world of good fairy tales. Properly selected photo wallpaper will have a positive effect on the child’s psyche and will not cause discomfort.

Decorating the central wall in a children's room with photo wallpaper

When choosing photo wallpaper, you should rely not only on a bright palette, but also not forget about the quality and taste desires of the child. The right to choose your own wallpaper will give confidence, develop taste and motivate the child to new creative inspiration. And let there always be a holiday in the room.

Photo wallpaper for children's room

Photo wallpaper for the nursery 47 photo ideas:

Choosing the style and interior of a children's room is an important task, since they have a direct impact on well-being, mood and vitality. Wall decoration with wallpaper plays a decisive role in the design of the future room; the overall completeness of the stylistic composition of the room depends on their choice. The color and pattern of the wallpaper will help create coziness, add originality and connect various interior elements with a single style.

Doctors say it is necessary to take into account the stage of maturation and psychological attitude child when buying wallpaper, because in this room he will spend a lot of time, do homework, relax and learn new things.

In order for any activity to take place with the greatest efficiency, the interior should be chosen as correctly as possible. Choosing suitable wallpaper, we should not forget about the criteria of environmental friendliness and hygiene.

Looking at the criteria that must be taken into account when choosing wallpaper, parents identify this action with problems. After all, children grow quickly, their views and tastes change, and accordingly the desire to change the wallpaper arises quite often. Understanding the difficulties the older generation faces, wallpaper factories offer a variety of colors, patterns and textures in their assortment.

In this article you will find information about choosing wallpaper colors, learn about interesting solutions and you'll see beautiful photos wallpaper for a children's room.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for a boy's nursery

The main parameter that should be taken into account when choosing wallpaper for boys is the character of the baby. If the child is generally calm and likes to spend time reading books - best choice warm, pastel colors will appear. If your goal is to cheer up a lazy person, choose colorful and bright colors.

Note! How to decorate a children's room for the New Year

For those who are overly restless, wallpaper in cool shades is perfect. Apricot and peach tones will add a sense of security and homely atmosphere in the room; yellow color will help to enhance the student’s concentration.

Blue wallpaper is perfect for a general theme in the style of sailors, and the combination of green and beige will fit perfectly into the style of green thickets.

Choosing a pattern for wallpaper in a boy's room

On the stands in the store there is a huge assortment of paper canvases with images super heroes, cartoon characters, birds and animals. Most parents are inclined to believe that their child will be delighted with the colorful designs on the walls, forgetting to find out the personal preferences of the room’s occupant. The children are very different from each other, what delights one, may make another dizzy.

Even if your child loves colorful and colorful designs, you should remember that such a pattern will quickly tire the psyche of the youngest family member. A canvas with infrequent images or one general plot that will fit into the design of the room will be the golden mean, calming the overly nimble and encouraging the melancholy child.

It’s very easy to add such wallpaper to interior elements. For example, to highlight your Winnie the Pooh wallpaper, you can put a piggy bank in the shape of a honey pot on the table. With the help of such small additions you can beat up any drawings.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for a girl's children's room

You should approach the search for wallpaper for girls a little differently. From an early age they try to raise them as housewives, so the girls’ room should be decorated based on this. The shade of the wallpaper is chosen in warm colors, emphasizing home warmth and comfort.

Selection of children's wallpaper plays important role in development, creating mood, forming attitudes towards others. This conclusion is explained by the following: a monotonous wall does not hold the child’s gaze. A directly proportional situation occurs if the walls are covered with wallpaper with images - after looking at them, the girl will look for different shades, trace the lines, and at the same time her memory and attention to detail will be strengthened.

The same principles as when decorating a boy’s room should be followed when choosing the interior of a future woman’s room. Design professionals advise choosing beige, pink, apricot and peach shades of wallpaper.

An interesting alternative would be to combine several colors of wallpaper in the interior of a nursery, just make sure that the shades are in the same range.

Another condition for this option is the muted colors - this will ensure the correct stylistic understanding of the room. Usage dark colors very undesirable, as it has a detrimental effect on the psyche of younger family members.

Choosing wallpaper for a room with two children of different sexes

Often, wallpaper is chosen for a room where either a girl or a boy will live. We have formed a certain vision of what a child’s bedroom of a particular gender should look like. Many comments and advice describe exactly this situation. But there are times when you have to choose a suitable option for a room in which several children will live at once.

It is not uncommon when we are talking about a girl and a boy living in the same room. Such a situation gives rise to the task of choosing wallpaper for a children's room for children of different sexes.

The main challenge is to create a design that is equally suitable for a child of either gender. And the conversation is not about furniture, toys, table lamps, etc., but about the importance of choice the right style in the interior.

Of course, we know that pink is more often chosen for girls, and blue or light blue for boys. To solve such a problem, a compromise is needed. Bright and cheerful shades that fill the room with sunny warmth are well suited.

Companion wallpaper, if used, should also be positive and uplifting. It is better to use dark shades in small quantities or avoid them altogether.

Another option in choosing wallpaper would be to zoning the room into male and female parts. This will allow you to select similar ones, but still different wallpapers for every child.

When using this method, you must correctly transition from one zone to another. Separating decorative element it can be made of plasterboard or you can simply arrange furniture fittings so that it serves as a dividing line.

Photos of wallpaper for a children's room

Let's talk about what color wallpaper to choose for a children's room in order to bring harmony and home comfort. Any parents dream of their kids being comfortable in their own room. In order to get a similar result, it is important to choose wallpaper of certain shades.

Only when harmony is achieved in the combination of curtains, bed linen, furniture, and walls can you count on a complete image of the children's room. Let's talk about what color wallpaper to choose for a children's room.

Experts are convinced that there is a direct connection between human thinking and the development of visual perception. During the first two years of his life, a baby should not find himself among bright and provocative colors that will have a depressing effect on his fragile psyche.

Advice! For children 1-2 years of age, try to choose gentle and calm tones

For example, you can use a combination of blue and pastel shades, achieving a feeling of security and harmony.

It is advisable to complement lilac wallpaper for a children's room with flesh tones. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the room will be “cold”, uncomfortable, and the baby will feel uncomfortable in such a room.

In order to add a cheerful touch to the room, interior professionals recommend choosing beautiful and bright furniture.

A harmonious environment will allow the child to develop, fully relax, and will have a positive impact on his success in learning.

Is it possible to use pink children's wallpaper in the interior? How to choose the right floral prints? You can find answers to these questions in the proposed video story.

According to child psychologists, from about the fourth year of life, babies develop some taste preferences. They perceive blue, red, and yellow colors with interest. But when selecting finishing materials for the walls of a children's bedroom, experts recommend that parents exercise some caution.

Attention! Pure colors are appropriate in children's rooms.

Only pure paints can create a moving and sunny environment inside a child’s room, which will be conducive to active games, study, rest.

The use of dark colors in children's rooms is inappropriate, because they will have a negative impact on the child's psyche. Light colors will help set children up for positivity and give them confidence in their abilities. Numerous experiments have established the influence of the color scheme of wallpaper chosen for wall decoration on mood.

Advice! Positivity can be obtained by choosing flesh-colored wallpaper with golden inclusions.

Tender linens blue color help normalize blood pressure, improve general condition owner of the room.

Unusual solutions

As original version When decorating walls in a children's bedroom, you can consider decorating the wall with wallpaper in two colors. For example, interior professionals consider a combination of light blue and light yellow colors to be successful.

To “dilute” the monotony of the canvases, you can choose trellises that have small inclusions of a different color. Getting rid of the monotony of paint allows you to get excellent result, which will be positively perceived by the child.

It is important to choose a certain shade, taking into account the gender of the child. For example, for a room girls use warm colors and pink shades. Boys need rooms decorated in "cool" color combinations. In their “domains” blue ones would be appropriate, blue tones, complemented by gray and beige flowers.

Pastel shades chosen for decorating the walls in a room can bring harmony and comfort to the room. They will not make the room too “grown-up”; they will leave the child his own cozy corner.

Newborn baby delicate shades pink wallpaper They will lull and calm you down.

If desired, you can use a variety of bright designs to decorate the walls in the children's room. For example, voluminous stickers with butterflies, funny animals, and flowers will help develop the creative imagination of schoolchildren and develop their interest in research.

As an additional detail, professionals suggest using toys in contrasting colors. They will attract the attention of children and become the object of their first studies and observations.

But when choosing bright colors it is important to observe moderation. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the room will become too “spotty”, and the materials chosen for its decoration will become serious irritants for children.

What else do psychologists recommend that moms and dads who decide to make changes to the appearance of their baby’s room take into account? Experts advise taking into account the type of temperament of the owner of the room. For example, if the baby is a cheerful choleric person, muted shades would be appropriate in his room. For example, for such a fidget, you can choose trellises in cool blue shades, which will “seat” the fidget for lessons.

Attention! Great amount bright toys in the room of a sanguine or choleric person will increase their activity, and coping with such a mischievous person will be very problematic.

A little phlegmatic or melancholic person simply needs bright details in created interior. For example, you can highlight a small accent in the form of a red panel, so that “such a spot” stimulates the child to be active.

Characteristics of flowers

Here are the options for the impact of colors on the child’s psyche in order to make the right choice.

The color red has a negative effect on the baby’s psyche, acts as a stimulant, and increases blood pressure.

Attention! Excessive use of the color red increases the risk of headaches in the child.

Wallpaper of blue color have a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. With their help, you can relieve excessive muscle tension and reduce pain symptoms. But situations are also possible when, in rooms decorated with blue wallpaper, a sensitive child develops a depressive state and becomes excessively tired.

Advice! It is better to choose not blue wallpaper for a children's room, but a combination of it with lighter types of finishing materials for the walls.

Children associate the color yellow with warm, summer days, so it helps improve mood and stimulates the child’s activity. It is the yellow tone, together with its many shades, that interior designers consider the ideal option for decorating the walls of a children's room.

As contraindications to the selection of canvases in golden shades, psychologists note only excessive overexcitation of the child. Green colors help increase visual acuity. In addition, this tone has a beneficial effect on normalizing eye and blood pressure. Wallpaper in green colors helps restore breathing and stabilize the pulse. It is the green color that increases concentration and is responsible for the child’s positive mood and harmonious and restful sleep.

Books in green covers, toys with light green shades, desk lamp in a green lampshade, all this will have a positive effect on the baby’s condition. Orange color has a beneficial effect on digestive system, stimulates appetite.

Attention! An excess of orange shades has a negative effect on the baby’s health. It will cause fatigue and can also lead to severe dizziness.

It's better to limit yourself to a few toys orange color, or choose canvases with small orange rates.


In addition to individual colors, interior professionals recommend using combinations of several shades. For example, in a children's room, pale blue and pale pink trellises would be appropriate. In this way, you can refresh the room, make it more gentle, cozy, and suitable for a child.

Among fashion trends Let’s also note the application of drawings directly on the walls of the children’s room. Such creativity stimulates the independent activity of future “artists.” You can select inexpensive flesh-colored paper materials for such drawing, which, as they are filled, will simply be replaced with new canvases.