Description of the olive tree, where it grows, the benefits of the fruit. Olive tree: care at home Olive tree in a pot soil

Doctors say that olives can resist cancer cells, cleanse the body of cholesterol and increase intelligence. In canned, salted and stuffed form, they are present on every festive table. But, unfortunately, many have the opportunity to be content with a healing and nutritious delicacy only for a celebration. Experienced people told us how to grow an olive tree at home and introduce the delicacy into your daily diet. We will talk about this later in the article.

Dating a Southern girl

They also knew about the unique characteristics primitive people. Homeland of culture Olea europaea considered to be the southeastern regions of the Mediterranean. Today, these evergreen trees with a sloping, rounded crown are found in Mexico, Peru, Italy, Greece, Spain, Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Georgia, Crimea and northern India.

Due to the fact that the subtropical tree is not adapted to the severe cold of the temperate climate zone, no one has ever managed to grow it on the street in our country. But under the conditions, many reaped good harvests. As it turned out, olive tree in a pot develops no worse than in.

Did you know? On a global scale, the most major manufacturers European olives are Spain (4,556 thousand tons per year), Italy (3,150 thousand tons) and Greece (2,300 thousand tons). At the same time, 90 percent of the entire harvest is processed into olive oil. Even without preservatives, this product can be stored for a long time.

There is no corner on the globe where you can find wild olive trees. Since ancient times, the plant has been cultivated and is still widely cultivated for oil production.
Botanists classify olives as belonging to the genus Olives and describe them as either trees, 1 to 12 m high, with a gnarled thick and hollow trunk, gray bark, long and gnarled branches, leathery leaves of a narrow lanceolate shape, fragrant inflorescences of cream or milky and elongated oval fruits with a stone.

A characteristic feature of olive trees is their gray-green color. back side foliage, and the inside is silvery. Moreover, the leaves on the branches are gradually renewed over the course of 2–3 years.
Olives bloom from the second ten days of April until the beginning of summer. Each paniculate cluster opens up to 40 buds. Over time, they grow into hard green, black or dark purple knuckles with a pointed nose and fleshy flesh. They ripen in 5 months.

Important! Gardeners note a sharp decrease in yield for those plants that experienced drought a month and a half before flowering and did not receive enough nutrients in the substrate. Cross-pollination will help correct the situation to some extent.

In their natural environment, olives enter the fruiting phase once every 2 years, so when growing indoors, you don’t have to worry if it doesn’t bloom one day. Experts say that mature trees are productive for 20 years. After this period, they need to be replaced with young seedlings.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Thanks to technological progress, today it is very easy, without even leaving home, to get the most exotic and unique plant from any corner of the planet. But in the case of olive trees, just look into any garden center or an online store. Of course, the first option is much better, because when making a purchase, you will immediately be able to visually assess the condition and potential of the plant. And in the second case, you can get a pig in a poke.

Regardless of your preferences for the place of purchase, choose those organizations that value their reputation and enjoy authority among buyers. Therefore, when you get excited about the idea of ​​getting an olive tree, first of all study the market.
Gardeners who have already dealt with this southern crop are advised to buy specimens that are more than 2 years old. Be prepared that their price is much more expensive than annual seedlings. But it is justified by the overgrown crown and powerful root system. Such a tree will more easily tolerate a change in habitat.

Did you know? In Croatia, all the olive plantations, which amounted to about a million trees, were burned by German soldiers during the Second World War.

Depending on the variety and age, in Ukraine you can buy European olive for 440–14000 hryvnia. Large plants at the peak of the growing season and fruiting they cost about 22,000 hryvnia. In Russia, a small and medium-sized southerner can be purchased for 5,700–20,000 rubles. But don’t let these numbers scare you - the costs will quickly pay off with invaluable benefits for your body.

Care and conditions for growing indoors

When the plant has already appeared in your home, it’s time to take care of its placement. Let's figure out how to please the subtropical southerner, what conditions she prefers, and what she needs for full development.

Location and lighting

There is no need to think here - the plant loves a lot of sun and warmth. Therefore, it would be most appropriate to place it in the brightest area of ​​your home. Small seedlings will grow comfortably on southern window sills, but for large ones you will have to find a corner with the most light sun rays. Moreover, it is desirable that they illuminate the plant from morning to evening. As an option, you can consider balconies and loggias. If we are talking about private homes, you can take the olive to the terrace or garden.

Did you know? Olive trees can live for half a millennium. Today, some specimens have been found in the world that are more than 600 years old. Moreover, they still produce a small harvest.

Temperature: summer-winter

Gardeners talk about the plant’s rapid adaptation to indoor growing. It is noted that in terms of productivity, such specimens are not inferior to trees from the natural environment. But to maintain these indicators, it is important for olives to provide the necessary temperature conditions. It is typical that in spring, summer and early autumn they grow comfortably at room temperature , and in winter it needs to be lowered to 10–12°С.
This is done for maximum budding of the exotic. Therefore, already in November it needs to be sent to an insulated balcony or veranda. If suitable premises no, you can leave the flowerpot in the same place, but be prepared that this factor will be reflected in the number of fruits.


Naturally, heat-loving olives require enough moisture. Therefore, they are needed as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Do not let it dry out, and make sure that the water reaches the bottom of the planting container.

Experts advise moisturizing the roots of the plant 2–3 times a week. And in the hot season you will need to irrigate the crown. Pay attention to the condition of the olive. Withered, lifeless foliage indicates insufficient moisture. But do not overdo it, because excess moisture has a bad effect on the development of olives.

Rarely in winter, taking into account the condition of the soil in the pot.

Important! If the olive overwinters in a room near a battery central heating, be sure to spray its crown with water.

Air humidity

When analyzing the climatic conditions of the European olive growing area, the need for regular irrigation becomes obvious. Experts advise doing this in the evening or in the morning so that ultra-violet rays did not burn the foliage. In summer, the procedure can be repeated daily. You can also alternate it with watering the soil in the pot or do it at the same time. In other seasons there is no need to humidify the air.


During the period of peak plant development, two feedings will be needed over the course of a month. In the spring, when biomass is actively developing, it is recommended to add nitrogen-containing substances. These components contribute to the early formation of buds. And after a week you can already deposit it. Some gardeners advise feeding the olive tree throughout the spring and summer.


The plant tolerates it well, so many owners strive to turn their exotic into a beautiful green ball. In this case, you need to work with it when the culture wakes up after winter “hibernation”. During the formation of the crown, pay attention to branches competing with each other and, if possible, remove the weakest one. For good harvest It is important that all sprouts receive light equally.

Important! If there is no shoot growth on the olive, then the tree does not have enough moisture. And bare branches indicate poor lighting.

Height indoor plants limited to 80 cm; during the cutting process, they try to remove old, unproductive branches, since maximum amount fruit appears on the growth of the previous year.

Is a transplant necessary?

If you think about how long an olive tree lives and bears fruit, the question arises about the appropriateness of replanting it. Indeed, as the root system develops, the store container becomes cramped. Therefore, when you notice that the size of the plant and the flowerpot do not match, you will need a new pot. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to replant olives every 2 years. Otherwise, their roots will be constrained, which will affect the crops.

The transplantation process is best carried out by rolling over an earthen clod. Flower pot must be large, several centimeters in diameter, and must be made of clay. This material allows the roots to breathe.

Any soil is suitable for olive trees. The main thing is that he is not. Liming improves productivity. Most often advised traditional soil mixture for many indoor and garden plants:

  • deciduous and turf;
  • river sand;
  • humus or .

Did you know? The fruits of olive trees are 70 percent water and 30 percent- from fat.

All ingredients are mixed in equal parts and add a little mineral fertilizers. Expanded clay or crumbs must be placed at the bottom of the flower container broken bricks. As an alternative, you can use a universal purchase for.
Sick olive trees also need a transplant as a means of resuscitation. This applies to specimens that are oversaturated with moisture and whose roots have begun to rot. It is not difficult to understand the problem by external condition plants - it sheds its leaves and looks lifeless. In this case, in addition to eliminating the damaged root shoots, disinfecting them and replanting, you will also need to cut off the tops of the stems.

Propagation using cuttings

You can get a new olive seedling different ways, but cuttings are the most popular among gardeners. Harvesting planting material in summer, when the plant is in its prime. To do this, it is enough to cut off the upper part of 2–4-year-old sprouts at a level of 20 cm. The thickness of the cutting should be within 3–4 cm.

It is advisable to leave it in a growth stimulator (,) for several hours. Then it can be placed in water until the roots appear, or immediately half-deep into a damp sandy substrate. The main conditions for successful rooting blanks are traditional factors for many plants:

  • good lighting without direct ultraviolet radiation;
  • temperature - not lower than 20°C;
  • high air humidity.

The first half of spring is stingy flowering plants. Yes, primroses are already pleasing, but there is a very special plant that you can’t help but be moved by. This is a perennial evergreen ground cover of aubrieta. I think those who saw the low cushions, or, as they say, curtains of this plant during flowering, probably wanted to have it in their garden. And I hasten to please you, aubrieta is a very unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. Although, there are some peculiarities.

Delicious lamb cabbage soup with sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and, of course, cabbage! It takes quite a lot of time to prepare this dish, but this does not mean that you will have to stomp around in the kitchen all day. Prepare vegetables and meat - wash, chop, place in bowls. Then sauté the vegetables and add the lamb. When the soup boils, you can go about your business for about 1.5 hours, then add potatoes and cabbage and cook for another half hour.

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often, beginning gardeners believe that the more magnificent the tree, the greater the harvest. But that's not true. In order for an apple tree to produce a rich, high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. When the amount of light falling on the branches is reduced to 30 percent, fruit buds do not form on the trees.

Ferns are one of the categories of indoor plants that are actively gaining popularity. Their luxurious leaves with unique patterns and soothing, mysterious shades of green look so elegant that it is difficult to resist the beauty of ferns, even if they are not suitable place. Along with unpretentious ferns are becoming more common and rare, original views. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Bigos in Belarusian - a hot dish from sauerkraut and meat, which is prepared in many countries: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. Each country has its own cooking characteristics, but the base is approximately the same everywhere - a mixture of pickled and fresh white cabbage, pork belly and smoked meats. Bigos takes quite a long time to prepare, but the result is worth it. From not himself pleasant aroma You can easily get rid of stewed sauerkraut by following my recommendations.

Gardeners waking up from " hibernation", missed you gardening work, and hands reach out to the tools. But it is important to approach the issue of pruning ornamental plants competently. It’s not for nothing that they say “measure twice and cut once.” Our article will help you figure out how to give plants the right spring “hairstyles,” which of your green pets will be happy to respond to a new haircut, and for which garden residents it is better to wait a while with pruning.

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow in our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about their cultivation and, first of all, in open ground. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in the zones temperate climate has its own characteristics. We will tell you everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in open ground in this article.

May days delight with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the plots. But the long-awaited month of arrival of stable heat cannot boast of balance lunar calendar. In May there are periods favorable for work only in ornamental garden or only in the garden, are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful distribution of planting and sowing times.

Snack cake - simple and delicious! This chicken liver cake with vegetables and delicious sauce will decorate the modest family celebration or Sunday lunch. Liver pancakes, also known as the layers of our cake, are very easy to prepare; liver dough is easiest to make in a blender. Pancakes are fried for several minutes on each side. The cream (sauce) for the snack cake is made from sour cream, mayonnaise and herbs. If you grind dill with salt, the cream will turn a light green color.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname "bottle palm", the genuine bottle palm It is very difficult to confuse Giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and quite rare plant, Giophorba is one of the most elite palm trees. She became famous not only for her special bottle-shaped trunk, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for hyophorba is no more difficult than ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be selected.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms is a delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. Just pour boiling water over the glass noodles and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together and does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller pieces with scissors so as not to inadvertently snag the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have come across this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “masked” under different names: "jujube", "unabi", "jujube", " Chinese date“, but all this is the same plant. This is the name of a crop that has long been grown in China, and was grown as a medicinal plant. From China it was brought to the Mediterranean countries, and from there jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the decorative garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you shouldn’t forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month, it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move to the countryside and buy dachas? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun; a lot of work awaits us in the garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves that in order for work to be a joy, you must remember to rest. What could it be better than rest on fresh air? Just relax in a furnished corner of your own garden.

Olives are now grown all over the world for both trade and personal consumption. Although the olive tree can live for over 1,000 years, it, like most other plants, requires certain conditions to grow. If you want to grow a small sprout into a mature olive tree and skillfully use the various techniques that farmers use to obtain delicious fruit and oil, read this article.


How to create the right conditions

    Determine if your climate is suitable for growing olives. Olive trees are best suited to climates with mild winter and long dry summers. For example, olives grow well in the Mediterranean region of Europe and in the coastal valleys of California. At the same time, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to grow olives in tropical climates.

    • If not properly taken care of, frost can destroy many olive trees. Temperatures of −5 ºС are harmful for small branches, and at −10 ºС large branches and even entire trees die. Even if the branches and trees survive the cold, the flavor of the olives and the resulting oil may deteriorate. Do not attempt to grow olives if your region is prone to these types of frosts.
    • However, olive trees require a little cold. For proper development of flowers, a cooling of approximately 7 ºС is necessary, although this temperature is slightly different for different varieties olives This is why olives are so difficult to grow in the tropics and other hot climates.
    • The flowering season should be fairly dry and moderate. Olives bloom from April to June, and this period should be fairly dry and not too hot. Olives are wind-pollinated plants, so wet conditions may interfere with fruit set.
  1. Check the soil pH level and adjust it if necessary. The soil should be moderately acidic or moderately alkaline, so that the pH level lies between 5 and 8.5. Many people believe that the ideal pH level is 6.5. Test your soil's acidity using a test kit, available at your local garden supply store. If the pH level is below 5 or above 8.5, change it.

    Look for areas with good drainage soil. Check how water affects the soil in the area where you plan to grow olive trees. Olive trees need soil with good outlet water. Inspect the soil after rain. Do not plant olives in a place where puddles form after rain. You can also dig a hole in the ground about 50 centimeters deep and pour water into it. If the water sits in the hole for a long time and does not absorb into the soil, look for another place.

    Give preference to areas where olive trees used to grow. This is the best evidence that a particular area is suitable for growing olive trees. If you know that a place used to have olives, plant trees there. You can also plant them near already growing olive trees.

    • If you know other gardeners or farmers in your area, ask them - they may know where olive trees used to be grown.
  2. Find a place that gets direct sunlight. An area not shaded by other trees is best. It must be illuminated directly sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Olive trees are not suitable for shady areas.

How to plant olive trees

    Plant olive trees in the spring. The main danger for olive trees is frost. As a general rule, they should be planted in the spring after the weather has warmed up and the danger of overnight frost has passed. Olive trees are most often planted in April or May, although this depends on the specific region.

    • The more time trees have to grow before winter sets in, the better. Try to plant trees as soon as possible after the danger of frost has passed.
  1. Start with potted trees. Potted olive trees can be purchased at your local plant nursery or ordered online. Olives have rather delicate seeds that do not germinate well. You will need trees 1.2-1.5 meters tall with branches about 1 meter high.

    Dig a hole approximately the same size as the pot. Measure the diameter and height of the pot the tree is in. Dig a hole of approximately the same depth and diameter. There is no need to observe the dimensions with great precision - the hole should be approximately the same size as the pot so that the roots of the plant fit well in it.

    Remove the tree from the pot and inspect the roots. Remove the olive tree and roots from the pot. Trim or untangle the tangled roots, but do not disturb them near the root ball or you may damage the plant.

    Fill the hole. Use the soil you removed from the hole to fill it. Cover the ball of roots with a layer of soil 2–3 centimeters thick. There is no need to add fertilizer or compost to the soil at this stage. First, the tree must be properly settled in natural soil.

    Install a drip irrigation device near the tree trunk. Drip irrigation will provide the olive tree with sufficient quantity water. For the first year, it is necessary to install a drip irrigation device in close proximity to the trunk of each olive tree. On next year these devices should be moved away from the trunks at a distance of 60 centimeters. In addition, you will need to add a second device (also at a distance of 60 centimeters from the tree trunk).

    Water the trees and mulch the soil with straw. Water your olive trees using drip irrigation devices.

    • Instead of coarse straw, you can use other material for mulching. For example, nitrogen and other important for trees nutrients rich mulch of alfalfa, soybeans or pea hay.

How to care for trees before they mature

  1. Water and irrigate olive trees sparingly and as needed. With a drip irrigation system, trees should be watered every day in the summer. Water the olive trees for an hour. You can also use small sprinklers (spray guns), which should be installed at a distance of at least 60 centimeters from the tree trunk. Find sprinklers with a flow rate of 2.5 to 5 millimeters per hour and install them between the trunks of olive trees.

    • The frequency of watering depends on whether you intend to consume the fruits or make oil from them. If you are growing fruit, water the trees more often - about once a week or every 2-3 weeks. If you are going to make oil, water the trees less often to make it more concentrated and flavorful.
  2. Trim trees regularly. Don't prune young trees too often. For the first four years, simply remove side branches that grow below 1 meter. As the trees mature, they will take on the proper shape and weak and unwanted branches can be trimmed. However, try to trim trees as little as possible. early stages, as this may slow down their growth.

    Control pests and other diseases. Like most other plants, olive trees are sometimes attacked by pests, especially the oleaginous scale insect ( Saissetia oleae). If you are growing olives, you need to find a balance between natural methods and effective protection plants from pests and diseases. Sometimes you have to treat trees with insecticides. It is best to consult with professionals about this.

  3. Use fertilizers in moderation. Olive trees usually only need suitable soil and normal watering. However, you can stimulate their growth by adding a little fertilizer. Choose a fairly mild fertilizer and sprinkle it lightly on the soil during the growing season. The packaging should indicate the appropriate dosage and when and how the fertilizer should be applied (usually applied on top of the soil). If you are in doubt about the exact dosage, choose a smaller amount.

    Decide when to harvest. Green olives appear first and turn black as they ripen. When picked, green olives will have a sharp and grassy flavor, while ripe olives have a milder, butterier flavor. Often the oil is made from a mixture of green and ripe olives, which are picked just when they change color. Determine which type of oil is right for you and wait for the olives to become desired color before collecting them.

    • Remember that olives are not eaten raw, straight from the tree. As a rule, before consumption they must be treated with brine, that is, kept in salt water.
  • Olive Tree Can be grown indoors in a fairly large pot.
  • Olive trees can grow up to 15 meters high and their canopy can extend up to approximately 9 meters wide.
  • An olive tree can be planted on a slope or terrace, but in this case it will be more difficult to care for and harvest.
  • To prevent fruits from appearing in undesirable places, prune appropriate flowering branches in early summer.


  • Use clean tools when pruning olive trees during the rainy season, otherwise they may develop growths due to bacterial contamination.
  • Olive trees grown in California may be affected by fungal disease"verticillium wilt". Remove diseased trees and branches and do not plant trees in infected areas.
  • In the Mediterranean region, olive trees can be attacked by pests such as the Mediterranean fruit fly and the olive fly.
  • If you are going to make olive oil, try not to spray the trees with chemicals, as they can give the oil an unpleasant odor.
  • Ripe olives become soft, so pick them with care.

European olives (Olea europea) are a type of evergreen tree belonging to the Oleaceae family. Historically, the olive tree is the oldest cultivated by humans and one of the most cold-resistant plant species of this type. In human culture (not only culinary and agricultural), the plant plays an important role.

Historical information about the plant

Some archaeological evidence suggests that olives may have been domesticated in the eastern Mediterranean region 10,000 years ago. Other evidence suggests that Olea europaea was first cultivated in Crete and Syria over 5,000 years ago. Around 600 BC e. There is an active spread of olive oil in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. It has been closely associated with the religion, culture, medicine and culinary traditions of peoples for thousands of years.

Since ancient times, the oil of this plant has occupied a special place in people's lives. In Christianity, the liquid is used in the sacrament of anointing. In fact, there are many cultures in which the dead body was anointed with oil before being buried. Prophet Muhammad also encouraged believers to use olive oil.

Colonizers and settlers brought to New world two important things for them - grapes and olives. However, the purpose of bringing olives was not so that they could serve as food, but for use for ritual purposes. This is one of the reasons that California is another of the major suppliers of olives today, but the olives produced there are not that good.

Olive is one of the oldest and most common plants. It is even mentioned in the Bible (a dove brought an olive branch to Noah to show that the flood was over). For many years, the plant has been a symbol of peace, wisdom, glory, fertility, strength and purity.

Ancient Greek mythology tells how the goddess Athena and the god Poseidon argued over who would give their name to a new city in Attica. Almighty Zeus, seeking a solution to the dispute, decreed that the city would be named after the one who provided the best gift to the inhabitants of Attica.

Poseidon hit the rock with his trident, a spring appeared from there, but the water was sea water. Athena struck the ground near the Acropolis with her spear and an olive tree grew there. It was accepted as a gift with greater value, since its fruits provide food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. To this day, the city bears the name of the goddess Athena, and is still the capital of Greece. According to tradition, the tree that still grows there is the first gift given by the gods to the inhabitants of the Earth.

The tree can be grown directly from the seed. To do this, it is placed in water for a day, and then planted in a small pot with a mixture of sand and soil. A new seedling should appear in about 3 months. Most often, olives are propagated by separating stem cuttings. This is done in the summer. The best soil for this purpose - acid-alkaline. If it is enriched with vitamins and minerals, the tree will have more foliage. The plant is fertilized once a month in spring and summer with nitrogen fertilizer. Each spring, the tree's crown can be trimmed and shaped. Irrigation is important for the proper development of the tree.

In spring and summer it should be watered regularly, after waiting for the soil to dry out a little. In autumn, irrigation is gradually reduced, and in winter the ground should be dry most of the time. Since the tree comes from the Mediterranean region, where the weather is drier and hotter, it needs a lot of light and warmth. It is good to plant where the sun does not shine directly all day. Winter temperature must be at least 0 degrees. These trees are strong and resistant to disease, but among dangerous pests Mites and aphids should be noted.

Olives are used to strengthen health. Symptoms and diseases that are positively affected by the consumption (internal or external) of olives and oils:

  • headache;
  • heartache;
  • high pressure;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • asthma;
  • eye diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • skin damage and rash;
  • spasms and nerve diseases;
  • herpes;
  • hives.

Olive oil is classified according to the method of production and the content of oleic acid in it. Cold-pressed virgin oil contains up to 2% oleic acid. Refined oil is produced using heat or a solvent and requires further processing to produce a product containing up to 3.3% oleic acid.

Olive pollen is one of the most important causes of seasonal respiratory allergies in Mediterranean countries. Contact dermatitis and food allergies to olive tree and olive oil have also been reported.

The tree grows very slowly, so some people consider it immortal. Some trees are believed to be over 1000 years old. There are now trees in the world that, according to official data, are more than 3,000 years old. The olive is often called the “eternal tree.”

For Avicenna, olive was a cure for almost all diseases. The hot temperament of the Mediterranean population, according to their beliefs, depends on the consumption of olives, which are present almost daily on their menu.

These trees are planted for ornamental and practical purposes, such as as a wind barrier and to control soil erosion in the Mediterranean region. The wood is used in furniture making in South Africa. She and olive pits are excellent solid fuel.

Today total There are about 800 million trees in the world. Approximately 150 million of them are in their historical homeland - Greece, where olive trees grow, which are cultivated, harvested and processed using methods known since ancient times. A very interesting fact is that almost all the land allocated for olive cultivation (98%) is located in the Mediterranean Sea.

More than 100 are grown in Greece various types olive production, the country is known for its hot summers and mild winters. The unique combination of this climate with dry and rocky soil contributes to the production of exceptionally high quality olive oil, as well as olives with large fruits and great taste.

The olive tree belongs to the Olive family. In the south of Crimea, in the Mediterranean, in the southern regions of Russia and in other regions with a mild climate, such a plant is usually grown in open ground. But in more severe conditions, you can grow it in a spacious, bright room, for example, in an apartment. With proper care, trees of table varieties will bear fruit regularly. Let's take a closer look at how to grow an olive tree at home.


The olive tree, a photo of which will be presented in the article, is rightfully considered the oldest evergreen tree. What does it look like? Its curved trunk is very thick in the lower part, and the crown is spread quite widely. The bark of the tree is greenish-gray or ash-gray. The leaves are small, leathery, entire, silver-gray on the underside and matte on the top. Olive tree blossoms small yellowish-white flowers, having a very fragrant smell, and the flowering period lasts from April to June.

The fruits of the plant are olives, containing a large number of useful substances . Olives contain oil that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which bring great benefits to the body. The weight of one fruit can reach 10 g. Olive is a long-lived tree, as some varieties live more than 500 years.

IN wildlife Olive grows on rocky mountain slopes, in semi-deserts, and on saline soils. Can it be grown at home? In this case it is recommended to use dwarf varieties, designed specifically for this purpose.

Olive trees


There are three ways to grow a fruit-bearing olive tree:

  • from a seed;
  • vaccination;
  • cuttings.

Growing an olive from a seed at home begins with: seeds are extracted from fresh fruits and soak overnight in a 10% alkali solution. After this they are washed warm water and dry with a paper towel. To facilitate germination, you need to saw down the hard shell of the seed. It should be planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm. Germination should be expected in about 3 months at optimal temperature conditions+18 degrees.

How to propagate an olive tree using grafting? The olive tree sold in the store looks compact, but it has a thick trunk. Receive such copies by vaccination cuttings to sprouts grown from seeds. Cuttings are taken from fruit-bearing trees, so the plants obtained in this way can quickly bear fruit.

Reproduction by cuttings begins with the fact that from the mother tree using an oblique cut split off several summer branches. The ends are sprayed with a growth stimulator and the cutting is lowered into the hole to a depth of 10-12 cm, so a pot is required more than 20 cm deep. It is best to create a greenhouse effect and for this purpose the seedling is covered with a transparent jar. Rooting of the olive occurs at 4-5 weeks, when young leaves begin to appear. The final formation of the root system occurs after 3-4 months, after which the plant is transplanted inside a large container to a permanent place.

In order for an olive tree to grow and develop well, it must be properly cared for. Here you should adhere to certain nuances.

Lighting and temperature

Olive loves sunlight, so it is recommended to grow young plants on south windows. Mature trees feel good in any place that is well lit. In the warm season, the olive should be taken out into the air - onto the balcony or into the garden. The plant especially needs good lighting during growth and bud formation. If there is a lack of it, the tree slows down its growth.

In winter, it needs additional lighting to prevent its leaves from falling off.

At home, the olive tree grows well at temperatures from 18 to 22 degrees. During wintering, a decrease in temperature to 10-12 degrees is acceptable.


When caring for an olive tree, it is necessary to control soil moisture, because an adult tree tolerates dryness well, but from excessive moisture its roots begin to rot. You also need to monitor young seedlings very carefully so as not to dry out the hatching shoots. A sign that an olive tree needs moisture is dull, withering leaves that begin to curl and fall off. In hot weather, the crown should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.


In order for the olive tree to grow and develop well, fertilizers must be applied from March to mid-summer. Best used for feeding:

  • liquid concentrated fertilizer;
  • granular fertilizer for flowers.

They should be applied 2-3 times a month. Implementation possible foliar feeding– by spraying leaves. Thanks to special tonics, the elasticity of the leaves is maintained and their growth is stimulated.


The olive tree almost never gets sick and resistant to pests. If its leaves begin to fall, then you need to pay attention to watering and, if necessary, moisten the crown. You can also apply complex mineral fertilizer to restore strength.

Thus, the olive tree is ornamental plant, which can decorate an apartment or garden plot. It's not too difficult to care for. In order for it to grow well and bloom profusely, it is important to observe certain rules when growing it. Olive fruits are highly valued as they contain a large amount of various vitamins and microelements.

Olive tree care