Using banana peels to water plants. Banana peel infusion for plants - recommendations from plant growers

May 24, 2016

Gardeners often try new food products for pets. Widely used coffee grounds, sugar, eggshells and much more. Banana peel is a real storehouse of useful substances and elements. It is customary to throw away cleaning materials without a second thought. However, banana peels can be a good food for indoor flowers and garden plants.

Banana is a high-energy food that contains a large number of useful substances. The peel makes up 40% of the total mass of the fruit and contains the same components as the edible part. Contains macro and microelements: nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, copper and iron. The content of the elements is at sufficient high level to use the skin as a natural fertilizer. In addition, the shell contains a large set of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E, PP, which are also useful for flowers.

Banana peel fertilizer can be safely used as a natural substitute for factory-made potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Bananas are good for indoor and garden flowers, garden plants and growing seedlings.

Banana powder

Dried and ground banana peels have a long shelf life and are a well-balanced food. Skins without dark spots or other defects are suitable for drying. Microwave oven is not suitable for drying. You can use a special dryer for vegetables and fruits or an oven and dry the shell in the sun. The peel is thoroughly washed, cut into strips and laid out on a baking sheet or drying tray. The oven should be set for ventilation; if this function is not available, then open the door.

The peel should be dried, not fried; the temperature for drying is set to the minimum.

The dried semi-finished product should be left on the baking sheet until it cools completely. After this, the skins are ground in a coffee grinder or mortar. The finished fertilizer is poured into a clean, dry jar or bag. Fertilizer is used in dry form, applied to the soil. To feed indoor flowers, one teaspoon per plant is enough. Tropical fertilizers are very beneficial for tomatoes. When transplanting seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, add 1 tbsp to each hole. spoon of powder.

Banana compost

Excellent for bulbs and other plants. Composting at home is a rather troublesome process, but in the end you get one of the best fertilizers for flowers. compost heap can be organized in a regular metal or plastic garden bucket. The composting procedure is as follows:

  • Banana skins and fertile soil (1:1) are thoroughly mixed in a bucket.
  • An EM preparation (for example, “Baikal”) is added to the compost.
  • After 4 weeks, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and refilled with the EM preparation.
  • After 6-8 weeks, rich black compost enriched with effective microorganisms will be ready.

Bulbous flowers do not like excess moisture and respond well to proper nutrition. Compost increases the fertility of any type of soil. Tropical compost is suitable for improving soil in flower pots and on open ground. To prepare sandy or heavy soil for planting flowers, composting products are used when digging.

Tropical cocktail

Pour the shell of one banana and 250 ml of filtered water into a blender and grind as finely as possible. The resulting cocktail can not be filtered and can be used for root feeding of plants to stimulate flowering. For one feeding, one tablespoon of fertilizer is enough. Flowers should be fertilized once a month.

This fertilizer causes abundant and long-lasting flowering. But for fruit-bearing plants, for example garden crops, use with caution.

The flowering period may be delayed to the detriment of ovary and fruit ripening.

The cocktail is also used to prepare the soil mixture for plant replanting. 7–10 days before transplant flower pot fill soil mixture and banana fertilizer (2 tablespoons of cocktail per 1 liter of soil). The mixture is stirred and a drug with effective microorganisms (Baikal, Fitosporin, etc.) is added. After transplantation to fertile soil the flower doesn't need additional feeding, except for nitrogen, for several months.

Foliar feeding

  • 4 banana peels, dried and powdered
  • 20 g magnesium sulfate
  • 2 teaspoons eggshells, crushed into powder
  • 1 liter of water

Add all ingredients to a container of water and stir until the magnesium sulfate is completely dissolved. Apply the resulting mixture to the leaves and soil using a sprayer. Suitable for weekly feeding of flowers at home or in the garden.

  • Banana peels are added to the holes before planting tomatoes, ferns and roses on garden plot.
  • Violets can be watered with banana infusion every 2 weeks (2 peels pour 1 liter boiled water room temperature, leave for a week).
  • The white side of the banana shell can be used to wipe the leaves ornamental plants on both sides. They will become smooth and shiny.
  • To enhance the effect, you can add a little brewed green tea to the banana infusion.
  • A good fertilizer would be a mixture of dried banana peel powder and dried grape bunches.
  • Cyclamen and begonia are very fond of banana fertilizers.
  • Dried banana peels can be collected and stored throughout the fall and winter, and used as mulch for the garden in the spring.

Usage natural fertilizers safe and economical way maintain indoor flowers and garden plants. It is very easy to prepare fertilizer at home. Thoroughly washed banana skins do not contain chemicals and are safe for human health and pets.

Banana peels are very useful as fertilizer for indoor flora. Many gardeners liked it precisely because it contains a lot nutrients, which promote growth and strengthening of the root system. Banana peels contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It is these substances that houseplants need in certain quantities.

Make fertilizer from banana peels for indoor plants will not take much of your time and effort. You don’t have to worry that the plant will get a chemical burn, because the banana peel will not immediately share its nutrients, thereby not causing harm to the flower.

In powder form

As a fertilizer for indoor plants, banana peels should be thoroughly dried. In order to get enough powder, you should prepare one and a half kilograms of crust in advance. It needs to be cut and placed on the windowsill, having previously laid blank sheets A4 format.

Be sure to lay out the peel on the windowsill inside upward so that the pulp can dry faster. It wouldn't hurt to dry it in the oven. After it is ready, grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. The prepared fertilizer should be stored in glass jar and be sure to cover with a lid.

Indoor flowers should be fertilized during their flowering period. One medium-sized flower pot requires two teaspoons of powder. Sprinkle the powder evenly over the surface of the ground and water thoroughly.

As a tincture

Feed flower plants and a special tincture of banana peels. For this you need not dried, but fresh peel. Prepare a bottle in advance, preferably one that holds three liters. Rinse it thoroughly and place banana skins (three or four), then pour warm water. Let this tincture sit for two days.

After the required time has passed, you can begin to water the plants in the room. For home flowers, you should stick to a one to one ratio when diluting the infusion with water. It is recommended to water seedlings with this fertilizer.


Fresh peels must be placed during transplantation or when the plant is first planted. Remember that before planting or replanting a flower, you must prepare the soil. All this will take you about two to three weeks. The banana peel must completely decompose during this time in the soil.

This fertilizer helps the plant grow foliage very well.

As compost

To prepare this fertilizer, you need quite a lot of banana skins, as well as a special preparation (you can take “Baikal”). The peels must be thoroughly cut, mixed with soil and sprinkled with the preparation. All the soil should be left for about a month so that the banana peels are completely decomposed. As soon as indicated time will pass, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

Combination recipes

Any gardener will not miss the chance to get natural organic matter for your garden, while creating various fertilizers. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Nourishing tea

To make it you will need:

  • one teaspoon of leaf green tea;
  • banana peel powder - two tablespoons;
  • one liter of boiling water.

You need to mix the powder with one teaspoon of loose green tea and add boiling water. Leave until the tea has cooled completely. If your plant is withering, then fifty milliliters will be enough for it to begin to come to life. This hour is ideal for indoor flowers.

Refreshing shower

In order to prepare the solution, you will need:

  • two tablespoons of crushed eggshells;
  • six tablespoons of peel powder;
  • twenty grams of magnesia;
  • nine hundred milliliters of water.

Fill all dry ingredients with water. Be sure to stir thoroughly to dissolve the magnesium sulfate. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator. You should not spray this solution too often.

This nourishing and soul-refreshing product will make your plants feel much better.

Banana peel is an incredibly useful fertilizer for garden and indoor flowers, as well as for seedlings of vegetables and fruit and berry bushes and trees. By using tinctures made from banana peels, the flowers on the windowsill will delight you with abundant flowering, because they will receive all the necessary minerals for growth and development. In this article we will tell you how banana peels are useful as fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers, and how to use them.

Benefits of banana peels in gardening

Banana skin has been used in gardening for a long time. Its benefits are as follows:

  • improves the structure and heals the soil microflora;
  • accelerates the growth of indoor flowers;
  • strengthens plant immunity and helps fight pests;
  • saturates with useful substances, as a result of which plants tolerate the lack of sun and heat less painfully in the autumn-winter period.

The advantages of banana peels over store-bought fertilizers are that the product contains virtually no chemicals. Banana peels contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen. Microelements are needed for abundant flowering growth and development of indoor plants. Vegetable seedlings grow faster when using banana fertilizer. Banana peels are used to wipe the leaves of indoor plants to remove dust.

Banana peel replenishes the deficiency of potassium and phosphorus, so it is used instead of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Disadvantages of Using Banana Peel

Banana peel as a top dressing has its drawbacks. It is worth remembering that bananas are brought from afar and are picked green. In order for fruits to ripen, they are treated with chemicals and soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate. Hormonal agents are also used for treatment.

In small quantities, these substances stimulate the growth of flowers, but in large doses they are harmful to both humans and plants when fed. The second disadvantage of using banana peels is that they do not completely compensate for the deficiency of nutrients. Be sure to apply ready-made fertilizers.

For which plants is banana fertilizer suitable?

Banana peels, especially fresh ones, are used only for some plants. We provide a list in the table.

House flowers are fed at the budding stage. In this case, flowering is more luxuriant and longer. Banana fertilizer is universal. It is used for garden, greenhouse and indoor plants. Greenhouse plants that lack light and heat respond well to fertilizing. The peel releases enough light and heat for the seedlings to grow.

Tip #1. Use fresh raw materials only when replanting plants, placing the skins at the bottom of the pot. In other cases, add infusion to the plants or use fried peels.

Methods for using banana peel

Raw materials in the form of fertilizing are used in several ways. Let's look at it in detail in the table.

It is healthier to dry the peel naturally

Feeding seedlings with raw peel has its own characteristics. Before planting, half a peel is placed in each hole; it is first cut into strips 1.5 cm thick. Then the skins are sprinkled with earth so that the roots do not touch the fertilizer, otherwise they will burn. Top dressing is used for seedlings of roses and other shrubs during winter planting. When banana peels rot, they release great amount heat, even more than manure.

Banana feeding at home, unlike store supplies spoils quickly. Fertilizer in powder form is stored in an airtight glass container. Fresh skins, like the infusion, are stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 5 days. The dried peel is stored in a paper bag. The application rates for banana fertilizer are in the table.

Characteristic For indoor plants For fruit and berry bushes and trees For greenhouse crops
Dosage 2-3 tsp. per pot if the plant is young, and root system weak, then more than 2 tsp. don't put it 100-200 ml per bush From 50 ml to 100 ml per plant, depending on the type of crop
Feeding frequency 1 time per week No more than 2 times a week, water directly under the root No more than once a week

Preparation of raw materials for feeding

Banana peels are used not only in their raw form. It is roasted in the oven. To do this, place the peel on foil on a baking sheet and fry. This may take up to 40 minutes. The peel is then cooled and crushed. Use 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers The skins are dried for batteries for two days, and they are also dried for fresh air in hot weather. But be sure to cover it from flies. Well-dried peel is uniform in color, without black spots.

When dried, everything is preserved useful material. The peel is cut into strips 1.5 cm wide and strung like mushrooms on a thread. Dried at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C. To use fresh banana peels all year round, they are frozen in the freezer. Be sure to store in an airtight container.

Compost is made from banana peels. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • soil (two parts);
  • banana peels (one part);
  • starter for compost “Baikal”.

Flower food recipes

Lots of supplements. There are even complex fertilizers that contain several components. The recipes are as follows:

  1. Fertilizer for spraying soil and foliage. You will need raw materials from four bananas. The skins are dried in the oven and ground into powder. Add 2 tsp to it. eggshell powder (grind the shells in a coffee grinder) and 20 g of magnesia. The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of water and allowed to brew for 2-3 hours. The infusion is sprayed on the leaves or added to the root no more than once a week.
  2. Complex product with orange peel. The dressing is prepared as follows: banana and orange peels are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Be sure to grind it. Fill a three-liter jar with peel to a third of the volume, pour 1 tbsp on top. l. sugar and fill with warm water to the top. Leave for 3 weeks, shake the contents every 5 days. Use once a month.
  3. Infusion. The product is suitable for watering and foliar spraying. They can also be used to wipe the leaves of indoor plants. To prepare, the skins are thoroughly washed, then crushed and placed in a liter jar to half the volume. The container is filled with water. They insist for a day. The infusion is drained and water is added to a volume of 1 liter.
  4. Infusion for fertilizing greenhouse plants. The infusion is prepared in a three-liter jar. Place 3 peels and fill with water. Leave for 2 days. Water once a week. Store fertilizer in the refrigerator. You should not use fertilizing more often than written, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

It is known that bananas are processed before transportation. If you throw the peel on the garden, all the chemicals will be absorbed into the soil, and then they will get into the vegetables and fruits. Wash the peel under running water hot water. A water tincture for watering flowers is prepared as follows: 4 peels are placed in a jar and filled to the top with water. Leave for 5 days, then filter and store in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Before use, the infusion is heated and diluted in half with water.

The water tincture quickly deteriorates and smells unpleasant.

For subsequent waterings, store the liquid in the refrigerator, but do not mix it with the tincture that was previously used for fertilizer. A rich cocktail is prepared from banana peels. One skin is ground in a blender with 200 ml of water. Add 2 tsp. 1 time per month. Fertilizer is spread on the surface of the soil.

Recipe for feeding against aphids on plants

Banana peels are a source of plant nutrition and help get rid of pests. The skins contain a large dose of potassium, which is not tolerated by aphids. Prepare an infusion against aphids and at the same time feed as follows:

  1. The peels of three large bananas are placed in a 3 liter jar.
  2. Fill with water to the top and leave for 3-4 days.
  3. The finished infusion is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Water the plants at the roots with infusion, no more than once a week. When flowers are infested with aphids, the peel is buried in the soil, and some of the insects leave.

Tip #2. Do not use banana peels against aphids on garden flowers if there is an anthill nearby. The skins contain a lot of sugar and the ants water to feast on them.

The infusion of banana peels attracts insects, especially flies and ants.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Why does banana fertilizer start to mold in the soil?

This occurs due to a lack of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. To correct the situation, it is necessary to apply humic and nitrogen fertilizers.

Question No. 2. How are banana peels useful when growing seedlings on a windowsill?

Banana peels contain hormones that are growth stimulants. They promote the rooting of seedlings and their rapid growth.

Question #3. How long does it take for fertilizer to decompose, and how often do you fertilize?

Fresh peels rot in the soil in 10 days, so they are used no more than once a month. If you use tinctures or powder from banana skins, then use it no more than once a week.

Question #4. How to make banana peel powder to feed potted flowers?

The skin is dried in the oven or at room temperature. The dried peel is then ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. Mix the powder with the soil or pour it into the pot no more than once a month.

Question #5. Is it possible to mulch the soil after applying banana fertilizer?

It is possible and even necessary. The smell and taste of the peel will not attract flies and ants. Mulch will help the peels decompose quickly.

Mistakes gardeners make when using banana peels

Mistakes when using peels as fertilizers are:

  1. To keep indoor plants healthy and disease-free, adequate nutrition in the form of banana peel tincture is not enough. The soil must be suitable in composition and contain sufficient quantity humus. Together with banana peel fertilizers, humates are used, for example, sapropel, peat, vermicompost.
  2. Banana peel contains beneficial nutrients in high dosage, but it contains papain. These are substances that can destroy thin weak roots. Banana peel cheeses should not be placed on top of the soil or buried 2-5 cm deep. The raw materials are placed on the bottom of the pot and planted on top indoor flower. While the roots begin to grow, the peel will rot and will not harm the flower.
  3. In addition to the fact that for indoor flowers, raw banana peels are not placed on top of the soil, they are not mulched.

Bananas are a tasty and healthy source of nutrients not only for humans, but also for house plant. Banana peel flower food is widely used by gardeners because it is a rich source of potassium. There are a lot of options for preparing nutritious banana fertilizer; below you can read about the most popular ones.

Fertilizers for indoor flowers from banana peels can be prepared as solutions and infusions; they can be used in fresh, make complex fertilizers from them using other useful substances, make “cocktails” and syrups from bananas.

Each of these fertilizers has its own pros and cons, which you can evaluate and weigh yourself. To understand how suitable a particular banana peel fertilizer is for your plant, you need to put it into practice.

Monitor the reaction of your green pet - if after applying the feed he began to feel better, actively began to grow, began to bloom well, then everything is in order and you can use this type of feed. If the opposite situation is observed, fertilizing should not be used; it is better to replace it with something else.

Dried banana peel fertilizer

One of the most common recipes is a recipe for making fertilizer from dried banana peels, which are then ground into powder. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the peel, then dry it until it turns brown-black. You can dry it on radiators, or in the oven, or, if harvesting is carried out in the summer, in the sun. In addition to color, the readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by its fragility.

Dried banana peel fertilizer

The dried peel should be ground in a blender or coffee grinder. You can sprinkle the finished powder on the soil in the pot and then water it, or you can mix it with the soil mixture during planting or replanting (proportion 1 to 10). It is recommended to use banana powder once a month.

Dry banana peels do not need to be ground into powder. You can simply break it into small pieces and then pour it into the bottom of the pot as a drainage system when planting or replanting the plant.

Fresh banana peel fertilizer

Flower growers also practice feeding with fresh banana peels. To do this, the peel is cut into small pieces and buried deep in the soil mixture. In this recipe, it is quite difficult to calculate how many skins will be needed so that they quickly decompose in the soil and there is no excess of them. Banana peels decompose very slowly, so to speed up this process it is necessary to use fertilizer containing nitrogen.

Banana peel infusion

Nourishing infusion of banana peel for flowers

Banana skins need to be washed, then chopped and filled with half a liter jar. During the day, the skins are infused, filled with water, then the resulting infusion should be poured into another jar and diluted again with water so that the total volume of the resulting fertilizer is equal to one liter.

Banana cocktail

Take a banana peel, put it in a blender and add a glass (200 g) of water, grind thoroughly. This cocktail should be placed on top of the loosened soil, two teaspoons at a time, repeated once a month.

Complex fertilizer (banana syrup)

In this case, banana food for indoor flowers is combined with other useful ingredients, such as citrus peels and granulated sugar.

To prepare this fertilizer, use crushed banana skins and citrus zest in a 1 to 1 ratio; this mixture must be filled one third of a three-liter jar. Place a tablespoon of granulated sugar on top, pour warm boiled water over everything. The fertilizer will need to be infused for about three weeks in a warm place, shaking occasionally. After three weeks, strain the resulting infusion and then store it in a cool place. This fertilizer should be used once a month; before use, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:20.

Banana is a fertilizer that is perfect for indoor flowers due to its rich potassium content. Flower growers are very fond of this fertilizer, since it is very simple to make banana flower food, and it brings enormous benefits. The Rosaceae family is especially fond of feeding from banana peels, but other flowers will definitely thank you with their active growth and lush blooming appearance.

Banana skin is rich in potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), contains phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N). These substances are important for the development of many cultures. Therefore, it is often used as a natural fertilizer for garden, garden, and indoor plants.

The benefits of banana feeding

  1. The undoubted advantage of banana fertilizer for indoor plants is the ability to saturate the soil with useful microelements necessary for the growth of crops, the development of their root system and strong, lush green mass. In its composition it is not inferior to complex mineral fertilizers, while remaining natural, plant-based raw materials;
  2. Using banana compost saturates the soil with organic matter, improving its fertility;
  3. The magnesium it contains promotes photosynthesis, which is especially important for indoor plants grown on windowsills with little sunlight;
  4. The effectiveness of banana infusion in protecting leaves from aphids;
  5. Availability of this product and ease of preparation various options fertilizers


  1. As bananas grow and ripen, they are treated with pesticides many times. To slow down the ripening of fruits collected during the period of technical ripeness, they are bathed in preparations containing chlorine and ammonium sulfate. After transportation, bananas are treated with ethylene to speed up ripening. All these substances are retained in the thickness of the banana skin, so it is impossible to get rid of them even after thorough washing in a soapy solution. Therefore, for feeding vegetable, berry, garden crops, it must be used with caution. Minimum single doses substances harmful to humans are not dangerous, but as they accumulate in the body they can lead to serious illnesses;
  2. The nutrients present in banana peels in excess can become a good breeding ground for not only beneficial microorganisms, but also pathogenic bacteria, rot and fungi. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay it on the soil surface or use it as mulch;
  3. The sucrose contained in banana peel flower food can attract ants, flies, bees and other sweet-toothed insects.

For which plants is banana fertilizer suitable and for which not?

Among garden crops, this fertilizer is suitable for Compositae (Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower) and Solanaceae (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants). These plants absorb all useful substances, and when harmful microelements enter, they accumulate them in their peel and do not pass into the edible pulp. This eliminates the harmful effects of chemicals contained in banana skins.

For ornamental shrubs, flower beds, flower beds, nutrition based on banana skins can be used without restrictions.

Banana peel fertilizer for indoor flowers comes in the form of:

  • Fresh casings;
  • Frozen;
  • Cured, dried;
  • Powder;
  • Infusion;
  • Decoction;
  • Compost.

Fresh peel

It is used either in whole strips or cut into small pieces. The skin is placed on drainage in a container for seedlings or in holes when transplanting flowers into a flower bed, so that there is always a layer of soil between it and the roots. This fertilizing is useful because as the soil overheats, the temperature of the soil rises, which is good for heat-loving flowers; the necessary substances are gradually released into the soil. For vegetable crops Fresh peels are used only when growing seedlings. It cannot be used to fertilize bulb crops.


Infuse fertilizing only in clean water to avoid fermentation. Water can be used melted, distilled or boiled, cooled to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. The glass jar in which the banana peel fertilizer will be infused is pre-sterilized. The clean peel of one banana with the stem cut off, whole or cut into pieces, is soaked in a liter warm water. After 2 days, the infusion is filtered, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and used immediately by watering the soil under the roots of the plant.

This fertilizer is applied once a week. The dosage depends on the type and needs of the plant. Usually for flower beds and garden crops from 100 to 200 ml., for indoor crops 2 tablespoons per liter pot. It is also successfully used to combat aphids. To do this, the affected plant is sprayed with a spray bottle.

Dried or wilted peel

Drying in the summer is best done in the fresh air. The peel is cut into ribbons 2 cm wide, strung on a thread and hung in the sun. In winter, peel strips are placed on a baking sheet and left on the radiator central heating until completely dry. The dried peel becomes thin, light, homogeneous Brown. Store it in fabric or paper bags, plastic or glass containers.

This fertilizer is applied to the soil in the same way as fresh raw materials. Moreover, during the flowering period, it is recommended to use only dried peel or powder. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it.


The so-called banana tea is made from dried skins or powder. Pour a teaspoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave until it cools. Use the decoction in the same way as the infusion.


Banana powder is obtained by grinding dried banana skins in a blender or coffee grinder. It is easy to dose, which is important when caring for plants and preparing complex fertilizers. It keeps well in a glass jar. Use in its pure form no more than once a month.

When picking, transplanting flowers into a new container or seedlings into a flowerbed, you need to add a teaspoon of banana powder to each hole. As a top dressing, it is poured into the soil and gently mixed. This procedure must be carried out after watering. The powder is also used to make infusions, decoctions, and as a component for the preparation of complex fertilizers.


Some gardeners prefer to store banana peels frozen. Why is it frozen in freezer, placed in plastic containers, plastic bags. Once defrosted, it can be used in the same way as fresh peel.


Due to its ability to decompose quickly, banana compost can be prepared in just a month. To do this, you need to pour the peel (without stalks) of 10 bananas and 10 kg of garden soil with the Baikal preparation, in the proportion indicated on the label, mix thoroughly. Compost is suitable for both seedlings and adult plants. The use of such compost in flower beds and garden plots attracts earthworms, which produce natural humus and contribute to an even greater increase in soil fertility.

Flower food recipes

Banana peel raw materials are also used for the preparation of combined plant fertilizers:

  1. Banana tea decoction. 1 tsp. banana powder and green tea brew in 200 gr. boiling water After cooling, water the flowers at the root every 2-3 weeks;
  2. Grape-banana infusion. Dried bunches of grapes are poured clean water and leave for a day in a warm place, mix with banana infusion. Before use, dilute with the same amount clean water. Banana-nettle infusion is also made;
  3. Fertilizer made from eggshells and banana skins. 1 tsp. crushed shells and powder (or crushed dry peel) mixed with 10 g of magnesium sulfate, pour 2.5 tbsp. water, stir. The leaves of the plants are sprayed with this infusion every week;
  4. Orange banana smoothie. Fill a liter container 1/3 full with orange and banana peels, add 1 tsp. sugar, pour clean water. Leave for a month in a dark place, filter, dilute 1:20.

From the above, to summarize: banana skins can be used as food for home flowers and some other types of plants. Homemade fertilizer will not be inferior in its properties and effectiveness to expensive chemicals purchased in the store. The main thing is not to forget about the measure and follow the cooking instructions.