Tomato seedlings fertilizer for growth. Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings: folk remedies and mineral fertilizers

The secret to growing high-quality tomato seedlings is determined by the physiology of young tomatoes. It is important to satisfy all their needs in a timely manner, then the bushes will grow healthy and strong. First of all, you need to prepare fertile, non-acidic soil in the fall. It is also important for seedlings to maintain temperature conditions and create additional lighting.

Good growth of plants will be ensured by foliar and root feeding. Fertilizers can be either industrial or homemade.

At all stages of development, tomatoes require a large number of nutrients. High-quality seedlings can only be obtained by growing them in fertile soil. But usually other land requirements come to the fore. It is very important that the soil is loose, allows air to pass to the roots and absorbs moisture well.

Gardeners pay more attention to the absence of pathogenic microorganisms in the soil than to its fertility. At first, the seedlings use up the supply of nutrients they received from the seed, but this does not last long. Rapidly growing seedlings require more and more nutrition every day. And here you can’t do without fertilizing.

In poor substrate, the first fertilizing is carried out at the stage of appearance of two true leaves. If fertilizers were added to the ground before planting, then you can postpone the procedure until 10-14 days have passed after picking.

In the case when plants are planted in special soil for growing tomato seedlings, a single application of fertilizer 10 days before planting the seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground will be sufficient.

How to determine what feeding is needed and what substances are missing

Most often, a deficiency of certain substances in seedlings appears when grown in ordinary garden soil. You can notice which element the plants are lacking by the following signs:

  1. For iron deficiency seedlings begin to suffer from chlorosis. This condition manifests itself by lightening the leaf plate, on which brighter veins begin to stand out.
  2. If the stem and underside of the leaves have acquired a rich purple hue, this indicates phosphorus deficiency.
  3. A lack of nitrogen makes itself known by yellowing and possible falling of leaves. However, the same symptom will be observed with excessive watering. Therefore, first analyze how proper the care of the seedlings was.

If such changes occur, it will be necessary to apply the appropriate fertilizer to eliminate the deficiency of these elements. For this purpose, both chemical fertilizers and improvised means are used, which are found in every home.

It should be taken into account that an excess of nutrients is just as harmful as their deficiency, so you cannot overfeed the “seedlings”.

This is the main thing you need to remember when starting to apply fertilizer. If the seedlings grow well and look healthy, then they do not need feeding. But if the bushes look stunted, they need urgent help.

When choosing fertilizer for tomatoes, you should give preference to liquid fertilizers. Dry mineral mixtures Use after diluting with water. It is recommended to apply fertilizing in the morning, so they are better absorbed. In addition, by moistening the soil in the evening, you risk causing the appearance of fungus.

  • From industrial drugs the best fertilizers For tomatoes, experts consider “Rastvorin” and “Kemira Universal-2”.
  • If you do not find such fertilizers on sale, they can be replaced universal fertilizers- “Strong”, “Agricola”, “Ideal”. They will also be able to complete the task.
  • Tomatoes also respond well to fertilizing with Nitrophoska, which contains all the basic nutrients and many additional ones (1 tablespoon of fertilizer is diluted per liter of water.)
  • For foliar feeding, superphosphate is used (1 tbsp per liter hot water). The solution is allowed to brew for a day and the top layer is drained without sediment, which is then diluted with 10 liters of water and used for spraying on the leaf.

If industrial fertilizers are intended for feeding adult bushes, then for seedlings their concentration should be reduced by 2 times. Loosening the top layer of soil will help the fertilizer to be better absorbed. You need to loosen the soil regularly, doing this 2-3 hours after watering.

Besides chemicals can be used traditional methods, which are also very popular among gardeners. Let's talk about the most common of them.

Yeast . Fertilizing tomato seedlings with yeast not only enriches the soil, but also improves the soil structure. Fungal microorganisms, when multiplying, have a positive effect on the growth of tomato bushes and future productivity. First, a concentrate is prepared from the yeast, which is then diluted with water before use.

To prepare a yeast solution, take 10 g of yeast, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 10 liters of water. The mixture should ferment well. Before application, 1 part of the solution is diluted with 10 parts of water.

Iodine. This element is necessary not only for humans, but also for plants. A weakly concentrated iodine solution will help strengthen the immunity of tomatoes and promote better fruiting. Also, this excellent remedy from fungal diseases.

Spraying leaves at the first signs of late blight and powdery mildew will help quickly cure plants. To prepare the fertilizer, add 10 drops of pharmaceutical iodine to 1 bucket of water. Used for root and foliar feeding.

Ash. This substance contains about 3 dozen minerals, vital necessary for plants. Moreover, all of them are contained there in an accessible form. Environmentally friendly ash, which is used as fertilizer, can be obtained from logs and boards, without the admixture of various chemicals or artificial materials. Wood ash contains predominantly calcium.

In the ash obtained after combustion herbaceous plants and straw, potassium predominates. A solution of this substance perfectly reduces soil acidity. To prepare the fertilizer, dissolve 1 tablespoon of ash in 2 liters of water and leave for 24 hours.

Hydrogen peroxide. The drug is used for plants as a fertilizer, growth stimulator and protective agent against pests and diseases. Watering with hydrogen peroxide helps seedlings absorb nutrients, supplies the root system with oxygen, improves soil structure, and neutralizes mineral salts and chlorine.

As a result, metabolic processes in plant tissues improve, and young tomatoes literally “come to life.”

To prepare a solution of the required concentration, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide are diluted in one liter of water and replaced with this composition for regular watering.

Soil specially designed for growing tomato seedlings contains all the nutrients necessary for plant development. In soil of this quality, seedlings do not need to be fertilized. Inexperienced gardeners often confuse problems in maintaining seedlings with a lack of nutrients.

It must be remembered that young plants require a lot of light, a reduced temperature (6°C during the day and 10°C at night) until picking, and proper watering.

After germination

After emergence, the seedlings are not fed until the first true leaves form. Each seed contains a certain supply of nutrients that the plant needs to survive. initial stage growth. It is important to create for the seedlings the conditions required by the agricultural technology of the crop. If they are followed, seedlings usually do not require fertilizing.

After the pick

Picking is carried out when the seedlings become stronger and grow. Regardless of whether you applied fertilizer on the eve of picking, 10 days after the seedlings are planted in separate pots, the next stage of fertilizing begins. If you left the plants in one common container, focus on the appearance of the third leaf and apply fertilizing at this moment. After 10 days, the plants are fertilized again.

The seedlings are fed for the last time 2 days before planting in open ground. The timing of fertilizer application by specialists is indicated quite clearly, but each summer resident determines the amount of fertilizing at his own discretion based on the condition of the plants. By feeding your plants in a timely manner, you can also increase their resistance to disease.

As a fertilizer, you can take a mixture of superphosphate, urea and potassium chloride (20g/10g/15g per 10l of water). You can also use an infusion of ash (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water, let stand for a day) and eggshells (a three-liter jar is filled 2/3 with egg shells, and then with water and infused for 3 days).

Seedling problems, what to feed

The future harvest directly depends on the quality of seedlings. Therefore, it is important that the plants are initially healthy and strong. Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be assessed so that their condition can be corrected if various problems arise.

When seedlings look frail and weak, some gardeners are afraid to plant them, believing that they will not make good bushes. But that's not true. The situation can be corrected by reducing watering, increasing lighting and lowering the temperature. Also, the pale color of the leaves can be caused by either an excess of nitrogen or a lack of it. The Atlet preparation will help make seedlings stronger and prevent stretching. Excess nitrogen is neutralized by adding superphosphate.

If, according to your assumptions, the seedlings do not have enough nitrogen, apply nitrogen fertilizer, for example, a solution consisting of 1 tbsp. l. urea and 10 liters of water. 100 ml of this fertilizer is poured under each bush and the seedlings are kept at a temperature no higher than 10°C for the next two days without watering.

As soon as growth stops and the leaves acquire a rich color, the seedlings are transferred to their usual conditions, providing them with warmth and regular watering.

It happens that seedlings begin to grow poorly after picking. The reason may be improper planting, during which the roots were damaged or bent. If the picking was done according to all the rules, but the leaves still turn yellow and there is no growth, it means that the soil was not selected well.

  1. Poor seedlings may be due to a lack of potassium - in this case, the leaves turn yellow and curl.
  2. Uneven leaf color indicates magnesium deficiency.
  3. Signs of a lack of iron, nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil were written above.

Use complex mineral fertilizer with a large range of microelements to feed tomatoes. This will help solve the problem of insufficient seedling growth.

Tomatoes are considered a finicky crop; excessive feeding can only harm them. When can you be sure that fertilizers are not needed? If planting was carried out in high-quality purchased soil from a reliable manufacturer or a fertile mixture that you have compiled yourself, most likely, the question of fertilizing will not arise before you. Plants should have enough of the set of substances that are already in the soil. Especially if you used fresh nutrient soil when picking.

On a note! If even under such conditions the appearance of the seedlings cannot be called healthy, most likely the conditions were unsuitable. Therefore, lighting, watering and temperature conditions are given Special attention from the moment of sowing the seeds.

How to feed seedlings: video

Feeding and caring for seedlings: video

To summarize, we can say that tomatoes themselves signal whether feeding is needed and what kind of feeding. Even if you do not yet have experience in growing tomato seedlings, appearance plants, you can easily determine what exactly they don’t like and what is missing. If you grow seedlings according to all the rules, they will definitely please the eye and will provide you with a high-quality harvest in the future.

Not all gardeners believe that fertilizing is important for tomato seedlings at all stages of bush development. But experts say that to get good harvest it is necessary to provide plants good nutrition and at the initial stage of growth and development. This procedure will help the seedlings develop immunity and become stronger until they are transplanted into open ground.

Why fertilize tomato seedlings?

Many gardeners are of the opinion that if weeds can grow well without fertilizing, then tomato seedlings also do not need fertilizers. But we should not forget that the crops grown in our garden are already the fruits of selection, which are distinguished by high quality fruits. But in return they need additional care and nutrition, since they are not adapted to be content with the little that is in the soil.

The use of fertilizers allows you to initially strengthen the biological forces of the plant itself, and subsequently help it fully develop, bloom and bear fruit. Nitrogen and potassium are the main nutrients, and phosphorus is responsible for metabolic processes, that is, it helps to deliver essential microelements to those parts where they are required. Therefore, these 3 main components are the most important, but you need to understand when and in what quantity they should be used.

How to determine when it is needed

There are a number of signs by which you can determine which microelement is lacking in tomato seedlings.

Important! It is worth understanding that lack of nutrition, as well as excessive application of fertilizers at the initial stage of development, can significantly weaken the immunity of plants, so everything should be in moderation.

Nitrogen. The deficiency of this element is expressed by yellowing of the lower leaves, since the plant takes the necessary microelements from them for the development of more promising upper ones. In addition, the lack of nitrogen is reflected in the slow growth of tomato seedlings. However, these signs should not be confused with overflow and cool conditions, since yellowing of the foliage in these cases is observed not only at the bottom, but in all parts.

Phosphorus. Phosphorus deficiency is expressed in a purple tint on the reverse side sheet plates. If this does not affect the full growth of tomato seedlings, then you should not take decisive steps until they are planted in a permanent place in open ground.

Potassium. The lack of this microelement has a depressing effect on the development of the root system of tomato seedlings, so by the time they are transplanted to a permanent place, the seedlings do not have time to grow it in full. This negatively affects the further growth of tomatoes.

Iron. This element plays an important role at the initial stage of development, since its deficiency affects the formation of immunity of seedlings in the future. Iron deficiency manifests itself in a light shade of leaf blades, on which dark green veins become clearly visible. This often happens with 24-hour lighting, since it is at night that the plant is able to fully absorb nutrition.

Note! Daylight hours when growing tomato seedlings should not exceed 10-12 hours; round-the-clock lighting is allowed only 3-4 days after emergence.

Calcium. This element contributes to the formation of a strong plant skeleton. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the stem becomes thin and gradually stretches upward.

When certain signs appear, you should not focus solely on the element that is missing. It is enough to carry out complex fertilizing of tomato seedlings, but ensure that this component is included in the fertilizer in sufficient volume.

Video: how to feed tomato seedlings

Timing of fertilizing

When applying fertilizers correctly, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the timing of their application. Initially, the main requirement is to plant the seeds in good and nutritious soil, which will give the young shoots the opportunity to develop fully.

  • first- after the appearance of the first leaves;
  • second— 14 days after picking seedlings;
  • third- 10-14 weeks after the previous one;
  • fourth- 3-4 days before transplanting into open ground.

Features of feeding before and after picking

Picking tomato seedlings is severe stress for plants, but at the same time it is very important for the full growth of seedlings. Therefore, fertilizing during this period should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the crop and observing the timing of their application.

Applying fertilizers 10 days before picking will significantly enhance their development and help prepare for the upcoming stress. The higher the immunity of the seedlings, the less it will hurt after transplantation.

Feeding 2 weeks after picking will allow the seedlings to regain strength and begin to grow both the above-ground part and the root system.

Note! Ignoring the timing of fertilizing before and after picking leads to oppression of still immature seedlings.

Scheme for feeding seedlings

Feeding tomato seedlings should be done on a moist substrate, which will prevent the appearance of burns on the roots of the plants.

  • At the first stage During growth, seedlings especially need nitrogen and phosphorus, so it is necessary to select fertilizer taking this into account. It is best to fertilize the roots with mineral preparations during this period, avoiding contact with the leaves.
  • On second stage, if the seedlings develop normally, then use the same fertilizer as the first time. In the case of sprouts, nitrogen must be temporarily excluded and the length of daylight should be increased, as well as the temperature adjusted to about 18 degrees.
  • At the third stage apply foliar feeding of seedlings with organic preparations. This will help the seedlings recover and get stronger after picking, as well as increase their green mass.
  • Fourth stage fertilizing can be done using both root and foliar methods. In the case of the latter, the procedure should be applied in the morning or evening to prevent sunburn on the foliage. During this period, the use of mineral and organic preparations is allowed. But potassium plays an important role during this period, which contributes to the formation of flower ovaries.

Specifics of root and foliar feeding

There are two ways to feed tomato seedlings: root and foliar. In the first case, the fertilizer is dissolved in water and applied to the soil by watering the seedlings directly under the root. This is especially important to do on first two stages, since plants during this period are especially susceptible to fungal diseases, and moisture should not be allowed to get on the foliage, even with fertilizer. Fertilizing in this way should be applied to moist soil so as not to cause burns to the roots.

At the third and fourth stage better use foliar feeding by spraying the preparations on the foliage using a spray bottle. This will help to better absorb nutrients, since the foliage during this period is already quite developed and is able to absorb all the necessary microelements. It is better to carry out this procedure in the morning, since exposure to sunlight may cause burns on the leaves.

What and how to feed tomato seedlings

To feed tomato seedlings, you can choose any fertilizer based on the gardener’s preferences. Some use mineral fertilizers, while others use organic or folk remedies.

Mineral fertilizers

This type of fertilizer contains required amount nutrients for the full growth and development of seedlings. The most common preparations for feeding tomato seedlings so that they grow better and faster are:

Important! To feed tomato seedlings, experts recommend complex feeding using several types of mineral fertilizers at the same time.

  • dissolve urea (1 g), potassium sulfate (3 g) and superphosphate (8 g) in 2 liters of water, stir the resulting solution until completely dissolved and use for root feeding;
  • dilute ammonium nitrate (0.6 g), superphosphate (4 g) and potassium sulfate (1.5 g) in 1 liter of water, use for root and foliar feeding after complete dissolution of the components.

Organic fertilizers

Many gardeners use organic fertilizers to feed tomato seedlings. But it is worth understanding that organic matter contains for the most part nitrogen, so this type of fertilizer should be used at an early stage of seedling development.

The most common of them are:

Folk remedies

In addition to the listed fertilizers, it is allowed to fertilize tomato seedlings using common folk remedies. This fertilizer option is especially suitable for gardeners who are not ready to use chemicals.

The most popular of them are:

Video: feeding tomato seedlings with iodine

Common problems

Often, gardeners have the same problems, which are caused by improper conditions for keeping seedlings or a lack of certain microelements. To avoid them and know how to fix them, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

  1. If tomato seedlings thin stems. This is a sign of excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers. In order for the seedlings to become plump, it is necessary to initially spray the plants with the Atlet preparation, and then fertilize them with superphosphate and potassium sulfide.
  2. If the tomato seedlings have too much pale foliage and stems. This is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. It is necessary to fertilize organic means or urea.
  3. To tomato seedlings did not stretch out to feed Wood ash should be used, but not too zealously, as it can significantly slow down growth.

Video: what to do to prevent tomato seedlings from stretching

By feeding tomato seedlings according to all the rules and taking into account all recommendations, you can achieve the desired result. And strong and strong plants will be able to withstand negative conditions in the future. external environment and give a rich harvest of fruits.

In contact with

Most summer residents in our country plant various varieties of tomatoes on their plots. After all, these vegetables are tasty and healthy. Before planting them directly in the garden, seedlings are first grown from seeds at home. The quality and volume of the future tomato harvest depends on how successful this process is. That is why it is very important to feed the seedlings correctly.

Every year, specialized stores offer an increasing selection of fertilizers that are suitable for tomatoes. And the question of what is the best way to feed seedlings worries many gardeners.

Experts recommend feeding tomato seedlings for the first time at the moment when the very first leaf appears on the surface of the earth. Especially if the summer resident fails to create ideal growing conditions for it. But this feeding is not mandatory.

When the tomato seedlings grow a little, you will need to dive. It involves transplanting each plant into a separate hole. The second feeding is carried out approximately 10–12 days after the dive. If the plants are not seated in individual holes, then the next feeding is carried out in the phase of the third true leaf. It is recommended to move on to the third after another 10 days. And by the fourth - two days before planting tomato seedlings in open ground.

Generally the amount of fertilizing depends on the conditions, in which future tomatoes are located. Mandatory procedures only two - during the formation of 3 leaves (or two weeks after the dive) and 10 days after the first. Next, you can water the seedlings with the mixture useful substances every 10–12 days, depending on the needs of the plant. Personal observations of seedlings are very important.

What substances do seedlings lack?

The summer resident must monitor the growth rate and appearance of the seedlings. Plants themselves are able to signal what substances they lack for normal development.

  1. Lack of iron. In this case, the leaves of the tomato seedlings noticeably turn pale, and bright green veins become clearly visible on them;
  2. Lack of nitrogen. If the plant lacks this substance, the leaves wither, turn yellow and quickly begin to fall off. In addition, seedlings can grow extremely slowly. But it is important to remember that similar symptoms are also observed when certain growing conditions are not met - lack of light, too low or high temperature;
  3. Lack of phosphorus. In this case, the seedlings acquire a purple tint.

Such observations will help you choose the appropriate means for feeding at any stage.

If you decide to start feeding after the first leaf has appeared, then at this moment you need to prepare copper solution and generously water the seedlings with it. You can purchase this substance in a specialized store. A remedy is prepared from 1 teaspoon of copper and 10 liters of clean water. This solution can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. If there is a lot of fertilizer left after watering, you can pour it into a plastic bottle and leave it even until next year. Thanks to this procedure, young shoots will reliably protected from late blight.

For the second feeding after diving, you can use urea. After all, for good growth of green mass, seedlings need a large amount of nitrogen. For 10 liters of clean water you will need 1 tablespoon of urea. The resulting solution is watered abundantly on the seedlings.

For the third feeding of tomatoes, the mineral fertilizer nitrophoska is ideal. A solution is prepared from 1 liter of clean water and 1 tablespoon of the specified substance. The resulting fertilizer is enough for a large number of seedlings.

The following feedings are repeated as needed. You can prepare the solution according to the second recipe or use it for this organic fertilizers. Compost, which is poured into boxes with seedlings, is excellent. Or you can continue to feed tomatoes using the foliar method, spraying leaves with a spray bottle. The solution for this method of feeding is prepared from 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 liter of hot water. The liquid must be heated to approximately 80 degrees. After infusing the solution for 24 hours, its light part is poured into a separate container and diluted with water to 10 liters. The fertilizer for spraying is ready.

How to properly feed tomatoes?

There are several basic rules that are important to follow during the fertilization process:

  • Plants can be fertilized exclusively in the morning or evening hours;
  • After each procedure for applying root fertilizers, seedlings must be thoroughly watered clean water, this will allow you to wash off the residue from the leaves and prevent them from getting burned;
  • it is very important to purchase soil in advance, which will already be enriched with everything necessary for seedlings nutrients, it will act as the main main feeding during the entire period before planting the seedlings in the ground.

Thanks to careful care and competent regular fertilizing, the summer resident will be able to get an excellent harvest of ripe and tasty tomatoes in the future.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, industrial engineer

Plants that have a long growing season are usually grown from seedlings. This helps to get a good harvest from heat-loving vegetable crops even in unfavorable climatic conditions. Many popular annual flowers are also propagated from home seedlings, which with this method of cultivation can be planted in flower beds already in bloom.

Growing seedlings is a responsible process that requires knowledge and experience. To get a good result, many factors should be taken into account. Planting time, soil composition, fertilizing, watering - all this affects the quality of seedlings and has its own characteristics for each plant. Young plants at the initial stage of growth are still weak, and even a small mistake can destroy them, so you should follow the rules that will help you achieve good results when growing seedlings at home.


It can be called one of the most popular crops, which is cultivated everywhere. By planting nightshade seedlings yourself, you can be guaranteed to grow your favorite varieties adapted to the climate of a certain area, rather than playing the lottery by buying young plants in the store.

Soil preparation

In order to grow the right tomato seedlings, the soil must be prepared in advance, in the fall. It is kept in a ready-made state all winter, on a veranda or glassed-in balcony, and before use it is brought into a warm room for a day. There are many recipes for soil mixtures for tomatoes, but the most optimal is classic recipe, which always allows you to get a good result:

All components are thoroughly mixed and sifted through a sieve. IN ready-made mixtures for seedlings sold in stores, the size of the lump does not exceed 8 mm. It is difficult to make such soil at home, and there is no point in trying to do so - even if there are lumps in it bigger size, they can be placed at the bottom of the seedling container while it is being filled.

Seed preparation

The procedure for preparing seeds for planting tomato seedlings is mandatory, it helps to select the best seed material and disinfect it. To prevent sprouts from dying from blackleg or other fungal diseases, tomato seeds are disinfected using potassium permanganate, for this:

a teaspoon of granules is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, and the seeds are placed in it. The water must be stirred, then the full-bodied, most best seeds will sink to the bottom, and the empty ones will remain floating on the surface. All tomato seeds with good buoyancy must be collected from the surface of the water and discarded. They won't grow into seedlings. The remaining seeds are “pickled” in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then placed in a strainer and washed with running water.

Whether it is worth germinating seed material for tomato seedlings - opinions differ. Many gardeners claim that plants obtained by direct sowing of unsprouted seeds in the soil grow stronger and have greater resistance to various diseases. At the same time, when germinating seeds for tomato seedlings, you can get quick and reliable seedlings by selecting the very first of the hatched seeds for planting seedlings, since they have greater vitality. Germination is also used for seed material, whose expiration date has come to an end.

Usually the seeds are soaked in plain water, but for better results the following solutions can be used:

  1. Aloe juice. It acts as a natural biostimulant and has good disinfecting properties, so pre-soaking tomato seeds in potassium permanganate is not required.
  2. Epin. This stimulant is diluted with water at room temperature in a proportion of 8 drops per 1 liter. Under its influence, tomato seedlings acquire powerful immunity and high resistance to negative environmental factors.
  3. . Recommended dosage – 4 drops per 1 liter. This drug helps plants form a strong root system, which is very important when growing tomato seedlings.

In all these solutions, the seeds are soaked for a day, after which they are placed in a damp cloth and wait for shoots to appear. Typically, tomato seed germination at home lasts from 36 to 48 hours.(appearance of a root shoot), but if the seeds are old, it may take 3-4 days. The most important thing in the germination process is not to miss the moment of biting. As soon as the seed bursts and a white tail appears from it, plant it, placing it down the hole, with the seed facing up. The depth of the hole into which the sprouted tomato seed is placed should not exceed 2 cm.

Growing tomato seedlings

The calendar for planting tomato seedlings depends on the region and variety. All information on growing times is usually placed on the seed packaging. It also indicates the time interval from the appearance of full shoots to the ripening of the first fruits. If a period of more than 110 days is specified, such varieties must be planted in mid-March. In colder regions - 10 -12 days earlier. Also, in the middle of the first spring month, seedlings of those tomatoes are planted, which are transplanted into a warm greenhouse at the end of April. Mid-ripening and early-ripening varieties with a growing season of 55-65 days should be sown in early April. This allows you to grow the right seedlings, which will not stretch out or turn yellow due to lack of space and light.

After the first shoots appear, homemade tomato seedlings begin to receive additional light. To do this, use fluorescent lamps, which are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from upper leaves plants. Hanging higher is not recommended, as this may cause young tomatoes to stretch out. It must be remembered that tomatoes grow quite quickly, so the height of the lamp should be adjusted almost every day so as not to burn the young leaves.

Feeding tomatoes

To grow healthy seedlings, it must be fed properly. In principle, if you have high-quality nutritious soil, you can get good results without fertilizing. But, extra food Getting small tomatoes at an early stage will help you get a more abundant and high-quality harvest from them in the future. Therefore, there is a reason to spend time on this and feed the young plants several times.

  • The first fertilizing is done after the fully developed third leaf appears on the plant. Complex fertilizers with a predominant nitrogen content are used for it. At this stage, young tomatoes can be fed with preparations such as “Forward” or “Agricola No. 3”.
  • The second feeding of tomatoes is carried out on the 12th day after picking. For it, use it by dissolving half a tablespoon of fertilizer in five liters of water. Consumption – 100 ml of solution per plant.
  • The third feeding of seedlings - after two weeks, it completely repeats the second feeding.

The fourth feeding of tomato seedlings is carried out when the plants reach two months of age. At this stage, they have already gained sufficient green mass, the need for it decreases, the need for it increases. To feed grown tomatoes at this stage, prepare the following cocktail: For 5 liters of water take 0.5 tbsp. simple spoons and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wood ash. Plants are watered with this composition at the rate of 0.5 cups per plant.

Picking tomatoes

To increase the feeding area of ​​tomato seedlings, they need picking, during which young plants from a common container are transplanted into separate pots. This procedure is carried out after the plant reaches the age of 14 days, but no later than a month after the appearance of full shoots. To prevent home seedlings from getting sick after transplanting, pots with soil are prepared in advance and the soil must settle. Two hours before picking, the soil in individual pots and in a common container is well watered. Then the young plants are carefully separated, and holding clods of soil in the root zone with their fingers, they are transferred to individual pots.

Picking sequence

When replanting, the tomato root must be shortened by a third. In the future, this will help to form a stronger and more branched root system. Another feature of picking tomatoes is that the plant is planted in a new place deeper than it grew before. There should not be more than 1 cm from the level of growth of cotyledon leaves to the ground. This action is aimed at strengthening the root system, since additional roots are formed on the stem buried in the soil over time, providing additional nutrition to the plant.

Landing in the ground

Tomato seedlings begin to be transplanted into the greenhouse in April (depending on the region), into open ground, with a favorable weather forecast - from May 10. For soil, seedlings must first be hardened off by taking them outside with the onset of warm days.

At the end of the hardening period, young tomatoes should be left quietly outside all day. During the hardening period, you should take a close look at home seedlings. Changes in environmental conditions are a strong stress for plants, and if they lack nutrients during this period, this will immediately become noticeable in the changed appearance of young tomatoes.

For example, if the seedlings turn yellow, then most likely they were underfed with potassium. To eliminate the deficiency of this element, it is necessary to feed the seedlings with an ash solution - 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water. One liter of solution is spent on two tomato bushes.

If during the hardening stage the tomato leaves turn violet-purple, and begin to take on a lumpy shape, then most likely the plant lacks phosphorus. But there is no need to rush to feed tomato seedlings with this element. Most likely, hardening occurred too quickly, and young tomatoes did not have time to adapt to the uncomfortable temperature regime and stopped absorbing phosphorus from the soil.

In this case, they need to be allowed to rest for several days in their usual home conditions. If the leaves begin to turn green again, then everything is in order, and after a few days you can begin to progressively harden the plants. If the tomatoes do not “depart” and remain purple, then we can state a lack of phosphorus, which was revealed by lowering the ambient temperature. In this case, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with superphosphate, and only then resume hardening.

By the time of planting in open ground, tomato seedlings should reach the age of 2-2.5 months. Younger tomatoes cannot be planted. Even if favorable weather conditions have established and night temperatures do not fall below 15 ° C, the plants have not yet acquired the necessary vital fluid to quickly adapt to replanting. Yes, most likely they will take root, but the acclimatization period will drag on for a long time, and the seedlings will not grow and develop during this time. As a result, the resistance of tomatoes to various negative factors will decrease. external factors, and as a result, you can’t expect a good harvest from this bush.

Video: tomato seedlings - sowing seeds

Video: tomato seedlings - from germination to picking

Video: tomato seedlings - from picking to planting

Video: tomato seedlings - planting in a greenhouse


Soil for seedlings

Growing seedlings is in many ways similar to growing tomato seedlings. Despite the fact that these plants belong to different classes(nightshade and pepper), their habits and needs are similar. Pepper also loves loose, nutritious soil, warmth and moderate humidity. In order to plant seeds for seedlings, you can use either purchased soil (Living Earth Terravita, Krepysh, Malyshok) or prepare soil for peppers with your own hands:

All components of the soil mixture must be thoroughly mixed, sifted through a sieve with large mesh (1-2 cm), distributed into containers for growing seedlings, and frozen for several days. Then the prepared soil can be brought indoors, after 2-3 days it is ready for replanting.

Seed preparation

It is advisable to germinate seeds for pepper seedlings before planting. Due to the dense outer layer, they are difficult to burst, which affects the timing of the appearance of the first seedlings. Sometimes the outer edge of a pepper seed is cut for faster germination, but inexperienced gardeners are better off not performing such manipulations, as there is a high risk of making a cut in the wrong place and damaging the young plant. The best way To start the germination process is to gently heat the seeds. To do this, they are placed in a cloth moistened with warm water, covered with a small container on top, and placed in a warm place for a couple of hours. After this, the germination process is continued at room temperature.

Before planting, pepper seeds must be disinfected. This can be done using manganese, which is familiar to everyone, but if you can’t get it, you can use folk remedies, such as:

  • Grated horseradish. The rhizome of the plant must be crushed on a coarse grater, and the resulting pulp should be wrapped in gauze. Place the bundle at the bottom of a jar of water into which the pepper seeds are placed. Essential substances, which are contained in excess in horseradish, will qualitatively disinfect planting material. After completing the procedure, the seeds must be washed and dried.
  • A mixture of mineral fertilizers. To prepare the solution, take manganese sulfate (0.2 g), (10 g) and superphosphate (10 g), and mix with a liter of water. Seeds for pepper seedlings are soaked in this solution for 15-20 minutes.

Timing for planting seedlings

In different regions, the calendar for planting peppers differs, depending on the climatic conditions of each specific region. But the basic rule that most gardeners adhere to is that Peppers should be planted two weeks before tomatoes. They are slower to germinate than tomatoes, and if you sow them without germination, you can wait 2-3 weeks for germination. And sometimes lingering seeds can appear from the ground even after a month, when they have already been forgotten about, and new seeds of another crop have been replanted into the pot.

Peppers grow slowly and occupy a small area, so they are planted early. Already in early February, pepper varieties with a long growing season begin to germinate in Siberia and the Urals. In the middle zone, peppers begin to be planted from February 15-20. Sowing varieties with a shorter growing season can be done in early and mid-March.


There is an opinion that pepper seedlings are one of the most unpredictable to grow. Young plants, which just yesterday felt great and looked like a plus, suddenly become weaker, dry out and may even wither completely. This usually happens because the peppers don't have enough nutrition. If you urgently feed the seedlings, then in most cases they can be saved. But it is best to start fertilizing in advance and continue to apply them throughout the growing season.

  1. Nitrogen-potassium fertilizing. Young plants are fed for the first time after the first full leaf appears on them. To prepare a nutrient solution, take a tablespoon and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Before watering, the soil in the pots is sprinkled with ash.
  2. In order not to overfeed the peppers, the second feeding is done no earlier than three weeks later. Its composition is identical to that of the first.
  3. The third feeding should be done a week before transplanting plants into a greenhouse or open ground. It contains double superphosphate, which will help the root system better tolerate replanting. The nitrogen requirement of pepper seedlings is also still high, so urea is also included in the mixture (can be replaced with any other nitrogen-containing fertilizer).

Pepper picking is done 10 days after the first feeding. The root is pinched off by a third, and the plant is placed in a new container, but the pepper seedling cannot be planted deeper than it grew before. It is worth considering that peppers do not need the same large feeding area as tomato seedlings, so it is not at all necessary to take a large pot for replanting; a 0.5 liter container will be enough.

Pepper seedlings can be grown without picking. To do this, the seeds of the plant must be immediately sown in separate containers, for example, in cut-off liter milk cartons with a capacity of 1 liter.

Landing in the ground

Pepper seedlings, like any other, must be prepared in advance for transplanting into open ground. To do this, it is hardened. At home, this should be done gradually. First, the pots with grown peppers are taken into the room after airing, then for short periods they are exposed to glazed loggia. The next step may become snow hardened. To do this, on the surface of the earth in a pot thin layer melted snow is applied. On this day, the seedlings are no longer watered.

Before planting young peppers in open ground, they begin to take them outside, accustoming them not only to less comfortable temperature, but also to sun rays. Monitor the plants carefully, because under unusual exposure to the sun, home seedlings can wilt in a matter of minutes. If this happens, the stems droop, and the leaves hang like lifeless rags, you must urgently bring the young peppers indoors and water them with warm (but not hot) water - perhaps they will come to life. For the next few days, the hardening procedure should be canceled.

Peppers begin to be planted in a greenhouse, depending on the region, from the beginning of May. IN open ground After transplantation, these plants feel comfortable if night temperatures remain consistently above 15°C. At temperatures below 10°C, peppers stop growing, so it is advisable to plant them in open ground after May 15th.

Video: pepper seedlings - sowing seeds

Video: pepper seedlings - from germination to picking

Video: pepper seedlings - from picking to planting


Soil for eggplant seedlings

Eggplants love loose soil, slightly acidified, well fertilized. Classic recipe The soil mixture for this crop looks like this:

  • Humus - 2 l;
  • Peat – 1 l;
  • rotted - 0.5 l.

To sow eggplant seeds, you can also use soil filled with mineral fertilizers. It includes:

  1. Garden soil – 10 l;
  2. Simple superphosphate – 1 teaspoon;
  3. Urea – 0.5 tablespoon;
  4. – 0.5 tablespoon.

One of the main rules when preparing soil for planting eggplants is to disinfect it, since they are more susceptible than other plants to various types of rot, and they are difficult to grow at home. There are several ways to destroy harmful microorganisms that may be contained in any of the substrate components:

Dates for planting eggplant seedlings

Traditionally, in the middle zone, eggplants for seedlings must be sown at the end of February, and in the northern regions, for example, in Siberia, these heat-loving vegetables are often planted already in the middle of the last month of winter. Seeds must be calibrated before planting, choosing the largest and heaviest ones, and pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is better not to soak eggplant seeds in biostimulants, as they tend to stretch from excess macroelements at the initial stage of growth.

Eggplants are slow-growing plants, so the appearance of the first loops will have to wait. Some gardeners, in order to speed up the process of germination of eggplants from seeds, cover them with film and place them near the radiator. It is undesirable to do this, since this is how they are created excellent conditions for the development of root rot. Better conditions For germination, eggplants can be created by covering them with a glass mini-greenhouse and regularly watering the earthen clod, then in 10-14 days the first sprouts will appear.

Caring for eggplant seedlings

Traditionally, caring for eggplant seedlings involves feeding, picking, loosening and timely watering. For eggplants, the optimal nutritional base is multicomponent mineral fertilizers, which are applied at least five times during the growing of seedlings. In this case, it is advisable not to use natural fertilizers for young plants, as they can cause rotting of the stem of the young plant.

Landing in the ground

Many sources recommend growing eggplants only in peat pots, they say, these fastidious plants have too delicate a root system, and they do not tolerate transplantation well. In fact, this is far from the case. healthy, correct seedlings Eggplant easily tolerates transplantation, so it can be grown in any container. Most a budget option– circumcised plastic bottles from milk or carbonated water, in the bottom of which holes are made using a hot knitting needle. When transplanting tomatoes into open ground, plastic bottles are simply cut on both sides along the side walls and opened like a flower bud, pushing out a lump of earth without damaging the roots at all.

Trimmed kefir bags have also worked well as containers for growing seedlings - they are laminated on top, so they can retain their shape throughout the entire period of growing eggplants - from the moment the seedlings are planted until they are planted in open ground. Grown and hardened eggplant seedlings are planted in open ground on the twentieth of May. To ensure that young plants take root well, in the first week you can build a mini-greenhouse over them using agrotextiles stretched over arcs.

Video: eggplant seedlings, agricultural technology, features


Seedlings begin to be grown 3-4 weeks before they are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. To speed up the process, you can soak the seeds, but if you are not pressed for time, it is better to plant the seeds for seedlings in a container dry.

Dressing cucumber seeds is desirable, but not necessary. They are less susceptible to various types of rot than seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. To speed up germination, pots with seeds planted in them are watered with warm water and covered with plastic bags, which are opened slightly during the day for a few minutes for ventilation. As soon as the first green loops of cucumbers appear above the surface of the ground, the bags are immediately removed so that white mold does not form inside.

Cucumbers should be watered sparingly otherwise they will stretch out, and this is unacceptable. Homemade seedlings are already much weaker and thinner than those grown in the ground, and with abundant watering, cucumber sprouts turn into thin strings, dry out and turn yellow.

Soil for seedlings

Cucumbers are a melon crop; they love warmth and thrive in soil rich in organic matter. To grow cucumber seedlings, it is best to use a soil mixture with natural ingredients, rich in well-rotted soil. For the middle zone and northern regions, it is recommended to use the following soil mixture:

  • Turf soil – 5 l;
  • Dry humus (mullein) – 5 l;
  • Wood ash – 1 cup.

This substrate does not have high acidity, which allows cucumbers to feel comfortable. But, before planting seeds, it is advisable to disinfect the soil, destroying harmful microorganisms. For cucumbers, it is best to disinfect them using gentle agents, such as Fitosporin, or, which are of natural origin and act on the soil at a structural level without contaminating it with pesticides.


Cucumber seedlings are quite unpretentious and patiently tolerate slight shading. The most dangerous thing for it is a lack of moisture, so seedlings of this melon crop are watered more often than seedlings of tomatoes or peppers. Due to frequent watering, the frequency of loosening also needs to be increased. Insufficient air supply to the roots is one of the reasons for stunted growth in young cucumbers.

It is necessary to fertilize cucumbers twice during the period of growing seedlings.. The first feeding is done after the first true leaf appears on the vine. To carry it out, you can take any complex fertilizer with a predominant nitrogen content. The second feeding, which is carried out two weeks after the first, should include the following components:

  1. Double superphosphate – 5 g;
  2. Potassium nitrate – 10 g;
  3. Wood ash – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  4. Complex – 5 g;
  5. Water – 1.5 l.

10 days after applying this fertilizer, cucumber seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. In the same soil you can grow zucchini seedlings.

Landing in the ground

Peat pots are considered the best containers for cucumbers. since the plant can be planted in the soil without removing it from the container and without damaging the root system. When using peat pots, you should always maintain constant soil moisture in them, otherwise the dried lump will move away from the walls, and all the water when watering will go into this gap, practically not reaching the roots.

If time permits, then you don’t have to resort to this rather expensive method of growing cucumber seedlings. Ordinary plastic cups are also suitable, however, after transplantation, the cucumbers will take longer to take root.

At early stages When transplanting young cucumbers into open ground, they must be protected from the threat of return frost. This can be done using mini-greenhouses made of arcs with polyethylene or agrotextile stretched on top. But there is also a less labor-intensive method - at night, each young cucumber can be covered with a plastic or tin can. This method guarantees plant protection even with a slight minus, and is very economical, since cans can be used for many years, and agrotextiles and plastic film tear after a couple of seasons.

Video: growing cucumber seedlings at home

Video: sowing seeds and planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse


In many regions of our country, cultivation is possible only through seedlings, otherwise it does not have time to form heads of cabbage before the onset of frost. Garden soil fertilized with wood ash can be used as soil for this crop. Under no circumstances should cabbage be planted in wooden containers - the soil in such containers begins to turn sour, and cabbage cannot tolerate high acidity. Plastic trays and pots are best suited for these seedlings.

You can grow cabbage with or without picking. In villages, cabbage seedlings are very often planted in April-May in cucumber greenhouses, in a row, without being planted until they are transplanted to a permanent place in open ground.

Cabbage has a taproot system, which allows young plants to be content with a small feeding area during the first stage of their life. But, in order to get high-quality seedlings at home, they need to be fed and the rows loosened. It is not necessary to add additional light to cabbage seedlings, and with the row growing method it is undesirable, as they will begin to stretch out.

First feeding of cabbage seedlings– , diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. The second is ash (2 tsp) with superphosphate (1 tsp) per 1 liter of water. Two days after the first feeding, cabbage seedlings begin to be hardened off by taking them outside. Healthy and hardened seedlings should withstand temperatures of 3-5 °C. 3-4 days after the second feeding, cabbage seedlings, which should already have 3-4 true leaves, are transplanted into open ground.

Video: growing cabbage - seeds

Video: growing cabbage - sowing seedlings

Video: growing cabbage - caring for seedlings

Video: growing cabbage - planting seedlings in the ground


Separately, I would like to talk about growing seedlings of popular annual flowers . More often seedling method they grow marigolds (tagetes), asters, ageratum, carnations, tobacco, since they have a long growing season, and when seeds are sown directly in the ground, they do not have time to bloom before the onset of autumn cold weather. Flower seedlings are undemanding in terms of growing conditions and are tolerant of poor lighting, growing only in frankly dark places, so the window sill can be given over to tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, and the flower seedlings can be placed on a table moved towards the window.


The very first of all the popular annuals to be sown as seedlings are aster seeds. They must be fresh, so take seeds that indicate at least a two-year germination reserve.

Since the aster's seeds are small, it needs loose, sandy loam soil. The following composition is best suited:

  • Dry peat – 2 l;
  • Garden soil – 1 l;
  • Calcined river sand – 0.5 l.
  • 2 tbsp.

The resulting mixture must be sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of no more than 1 cm. It is advisable to add perlite to the prepared soil (1 liter per 10 liters of soil) and disinfect it with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

You can start sowing aster for seedlings at the end of March. The seeds are distributed over the top layer of soil, leaving a distance of 1-1.5 cm between them, and sprinkled with a centimeter layer of sand. There is no need to water, as moisture from the previously spilled soil will fall on the sand and moisten it.

Aster shoots appear a week after planting. At this time, young shoots need to be grown very sparingly to avoid the appearance of a black leg. At the age of two to three weeks, when young asters have several true leaves, the plants are planted in separate pots. 5-7 days after picking, they are fed with any complex fertilizer for flowers, for example, “Flora” or “Tsveten”. After 14 days, fertilizing is repeated. When the aster seedlings reach a height of 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into the ground, having previously been hardened off. Planting time is early or mid-May, since well-rooted aster seedlings can survive even slight subzero temperatures.


Tagetes, or marigolds, as these flowers are popularly called, are one of the best annuals for landscaping garden plots. They bloom at home, on the windowsill, and retain their flower stalks until autumn.

It is easy to grow marigold seedlings; they are unpretentious. Seeds begin to be sown 40-50 days before planting in the ground. It is advisable to do this immediately in separate pots. The best containers for them would be cups of yoghurt and curds; such a lump of earth would be enough to feed a young flower for almost two months before transplanting into open ground.

You can take any garden soil as soil, having previously disinfected it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are placed on its surface and covered with a 1 cm thick layer of soil. Shoots will appear in a week; during germination, it is better to keep the container with soil on a cool windowsill.

Feed Tagetes twice. The first time is watered with a solution (1 tsp per 2 liters of water), ten days after the appearance of full shoots. The second time - ten days before planting in open ground, sprinkling the soil in pots with seedlings with a thin layer of ash before watering. The second feeding is necessary in order for the first bud on the plant to form and bloom as quickly as possible.


Ageratum is rightfully considered one of the best border plants. These small lush bushes retain their beauty throughout the summer, which is why the second name for ageratum is “long-flowered.” Growing seedlings of flowers belonging to this species is not difficult; the most important thing is not to lose the smallest seeds during sowing. Due to their small size, ageratum seeds are planted superficially, lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. You can also use peat tablets to grow seedlings from small seeds (herbs, flowers, strawberries). They are best suited for ageratum, begonia, sweet tobacco, lobelia, snapdragon, petunias, mimulus and purslane.

Using peat tablets, ageratum seeds are placed in them to a depth of 1-2 mm, generously sprayed with water from a spray bottle, and covered with film until full shoots appear. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the flower seedlings continue to be watered with a spray bottle as needed.

Ageratum in the seedling phase is a very delicate plant, which reacts poorly to the influence of various negative factors, such as changes in temperature or humidity. Therefore, during the first weeks, it is better to cover flower seedlings with glass mini-greenhouses, then they will not wither or turn yellow.

Ageratum seedlings must be planted in open ground after they reach 60 days of age. Since the plants are still very small, they are planted without separating them, several in each hole. Ten days before planting in the ground, home seedlings must be fed with complex fertilizer for flowers.

Video: flowers in the garden - seeds or seedlings?

How to feed tomato seedlings to produce plump fruits? You can get a good and early harvest if you fertilize the plants in a timely and correct manner. Top dressing can be root and foliar. It is carried out using special fertilizers according to special schemes.

Thick and juicy tomatoes

Tomato feeding is carried out to grow strong and high-quality seedlings. It should have short thick stems, and the first brush should be located as low as possible from the ground. Tomato care requires careful care if the soil is not too fertile. It is constantly filled with micronutrients, substances that the plant cannot do without.

Tomato seedlings need to be fed at certain intervals and in prescribed amounts. There should be no excess or lack of fertilizers. Excessive amounts of nitrogen are dangerous for any variety of tomato. Nitrogen can provoke an excessive increase in green mass, after which the bushes will grow tall, and there may be practically no harvest.

Following the advice of experienced gardeners, tomatoes should be fed with nitrogen once if they have a strong enough stem and the leaves are dark green with a purple tint. Such fertilizing for tomato seedlings is necessary approximately 8-10 days before planting in the ground at a permanent place of growth.

A number of symptoms indicate a lack of fertilizer. Due to the lack of nitrogen or its minimal presence, the leaves on the seedlings acquire a yellow color and become lethargic, but if the gardener does not take any measures, they will fall off. Deviations from the norm occur at low air temperatures or excessive watering.

Tomato seedlings turn purple if there is a lack of phosphorus. When the growth rate of leaves does not deviate from the norm, no measures should be taken. But at the slightest inhibition of growth, the gardener must feed the plants with phosphorus.

With a lack of iron, the plant suffers from chlorosis. The leaves take on a pale green color and clearly defined veins appear on them.

Fertilizing technology

The first feeding of tomato seedlings is carried out approximately 2 weeks after picking the seedlings (they are planted in separate containers from a common container).

How to feed a plant to achieve maximum effect? For manipulation, you need to prepare a special solution: for 1 liter of water you will need 1 tbsp. l. Nitrofoska fertilizers. The components of the mixture are mixed well. The prepared solution is enough to feed about 35-40 bushes. In addition, you can use fertilizers that have a similar effect, for example, it could be Agricola No. 3.

The second feeding is carried out approximately 14 days later. When revealing secret tips for growing tomatoes, experienced gardeners recommend taking into account the thickness of the main stem. In some cases, the stems may become excessively elongated. To eliminate this deviation, you need to use superphosphate. To prepare the solution, take 3 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

Among the many products that are sold in specialized stores, many choose Atlet. It is used for one-time feeding of tomatoes.

If the plant looks healthy outwardly and grows without deviations, it still needs to be fertilized in order for the harvest to be plentiful. For this purpose, the drug Effecton O is used. Each subsequent feeding of the bushes is done after 10 days. Actions are stopped approximately 7 days before planting the plant in open beds.

Feeding for tomatoes is not needed if the seedlings are too small. The gardener must wait until at least one normal leaf is formed. Excessive amounts of certain substances in seedlings negatively affect the process of their further growth.

Taking into account all the advice provided, the gardener should apply foliar fertilizers. To make solutions, you can use preparations that are suitable for root feeding. After carrying out the manipulations, the plant is sprayed with water after about 6 hours.

Algorithm of actions

In order for all the efforts and labor invested to be justified, the feeding scheme must be correct. First you should wait until the seedlings are well established. Approximately 2 weeks should pass from the moment shoots appear. At this time, you need to pick. Plants can be planted directly in the garden, in open beds or in a greenhouse (greenhouse).

Top dressing for tomato seedlings is carried out in 3 stages every 14 days. There are slight differences between feeding plants that are planted in a greenhouse and in open beds.

To prevent seedlings from being thin, they should be fed with useful elements. When seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse, they are allowed to be fed for the first time 20 days after transplantation.

What fertilizers should I feed tomatoes for the first time? For this they use . The solution consists of 10 liters of liquid and 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers Addition of nitrogen substances is contraindicated at this time.

Next time the manipulation is performed in greenhouse conditions no earlier than 10-12 days. How to feed tomatoes? Use a solution of grade A or A1. For a bucket of water (10 l) you will need 45 g of the drug. The use of such products is recommended when bushes bloom profusely, when the ovary begins to form.

At this stage of plant growth, tomato plants are fed with potassium sulfate. Gardeners fertilize with bird droppings or liquid mullein (you need to take 0.5 liters per bucket of water). For 10 liters of sulfate water you will need 1 tbsp. l. natural fertilizer.

Tomato fertilizing is also carried out for preventive purposes. With their help, you can prevent the appearance of blossom end rot, which can cause significant harm to the plant, and this will affect the reduction in yield. A solution is prepared for spraying the plant. The manipulation is performed during the flowering period of the bushes. To do this, you should dilute saltpeter (1 tbsp) in 10 liters of water.

In the process of growing vegetables, it is important to take into account that feeding tomatoes is carried out after watering the plant. This way, the taste of the variety will significantly improve, and fruiting will be guaranteed.

Options for foliar manipulations

Foliar feeding of tomatoes is essential for an early harvest. Such an event allows you to additionally feed tomato seedlings with irreplaceable elements that will strengthen them. Thanks to this, the vegetable is able to resist various diseases and pests.

If you feed tomatoes correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. performed every 7 days. It is important to alternate it with fertilizers that are dissolved in water.

What fertilizers should I feed the plant with? It is permissible to use:

  1. Urea.
  2. Nitrate (calcium or potassium).
  3. Potassium monophosphate.
  4. Aquarin.

For a bucket of water (10 l), 1 tsp is enough. drug Aquarina. It is better to feed the plant in the evening, since the dew that appears on the plant in the morning promotes rapid and good absorption of the active components of the products.

Afterwards, in open ground, fertilize at least 4 times. After 3 weeks from the moment of picking, for good growth of tomatoes in open ground, you need to carry out root feeding.

At this stage, tomato seedlings can be fertilized with liquid solutions.

The mixture includes:

  • liquid mullein - 0.5 l;
  • Nitrophoska - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 l.

Approximately 500 g of the prepared mixture should be used for each bush. Repeated manipulation is performed after the flower brushes bloom.

The first feeding and the second are different. The second time you should use the following ingredients to prepare the mixture:

  • chicken droppings - 0.5 l;
  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tsp;
  • water -10 l.

To treat each bush you will need 1 liter of solution. The last manipulation is carried out after 14-15 days. It is necessary to dilute superphosphate (1 tablespoon) in a volume of 10 liters of water. This amount will be enough to feed vegetables planted on 1 square meter. m area.

Important information

Reviews from gardeners who grow vegetables indicate that without the correct and timely feeding It is difficult to obtain positive results from plants.

How to feed seedlings? You should use proven recipes that allow you not only to achieve maximum quantity, speed up the harvest time, but also get tasty fruits. It is for this purpose that you need to make an infusion based on banana peel. The fruit peel is dried, then 1 kg is filled with water (3 l). The infusion will be ready for use in a few days.

Another infusion can be used if root feeding is performed. It is prepared from egg shells. A 3-liter container is filled 1/3 with shells, then filled with water.

The container with the mixture should stand in a room with an air temperature of 20-25°C. Next, the mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

A vegetable garden can be made more fertile with ash. For 1 tbsp. l. component you need to take 2 liters of heated water. The infusion will be ready in a day. It is filtered before use.

Feeding, if the tomato seedlings do not grow, can be done by herbal infusion. In a convenient container you need to place about half of the nettles, waste from cooking, and weeds. Fill everything with heated water. To infuse, the vessel with the liquid is placed in the sun, where it should remain for 5 days. The nutritional value of the mixture will increase if a small amount of mullein or dung is present in the composition.

It is best to place the container in a greenhouse. You can not only feed the bushes with mash, it is beneficial during the cooking process, as it releases carbon dioxide. Thanks to this, a beneficial effect is exerted not only on tomatoes, but also on other vegetable crops that have a growing season, for example, bell pepper and cucumbers.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, humates are often used. Ready-made solutions or dry mixtures are sold; they only need to be diluted with water according to the instructions for the drug.

Feeding tomato seedlings (video)

Natural preparations

Is it possible to feed seedlings? chemicals? Yes, but it should be taken into account that they can cause harm to human health. Therefore it is better to use natural ingredients. When a bush grows poorly, it needs a growth stimulator. This may be the drug Immunocytophyte.

The product is highly effective. It helps prevent the development of diseases, protects the plant from negative influence environment. Because the drug is made domestic producers, it has an affordable price. The seeds are soaked in the preparation before sowing. This way it will be possible to protect the plant from many ailments that threaten it in the first stage of life, for example, from blackleg disease.

Due to Immunocytophyte, growth rate increases vegetable crop, flower buds are laid as quickly as possible. Growing tomatoes is carried out with the obligatory spraying of the vegetable during the last frost, on hot May and June days, if the air temperature differences between day and night are significant. The product creates a protective barrier for the plant against late blight, rot and other diseases.

Any varieties of tomatoes can be fed with an equally high-quality product of natural origin Epin. The drug is used for spraying bushes. With its help, the plant quickly adapts to stress conditions associated with planting and picking. Thanks to the active components, the seedlings take root as quickly as possible and it is possible to cope with sudden temperature changes. You cannot do without the drug Epin if there is an unfavorable environmental situation in the areas where the vegetable grows.

Folk remedies

Feeding tomato seedlings can be done using yeast. This is a safe and cheap remedy. You can use yeast no more than 3 times per season. First proper feeding can be produced when buds are formed. The next manipulation is performed 20 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in open beds. Due to yeast, growth is stimulated, thin seedlings thicken, become stronger, and the root system develops well.

Feeding tomatoes has a positive effect, provided proper preparation solution. The package with yeast is poured into warm water. The pack is enough for 10 liters of water. The mixture should brew well. All the bushes are watered with the resulting mash.

Tomato fertilizers are sometimes prepared with ammonia. A high concentration of ammonia tincture is obtained. The compound contains a lot of nitrogen, the plant absorbs it quickly, so additional processing is not required. Ammonia is used for preventive purposes in order to prevent a deficiency of the substance and make up for its deficiency.
Ammonia helps eliminate such deviations in plant development:

  • pale, yellow leaves;
  • leaf size does not correspond to growth stage;
  • slow growth process or stoppage;
  • thin stems that break easily;
  • no flowering.

If you go out into the garden and see at least some deviations from the listed symptoms, you should be wary. Nitrogen deficiency causes a significant reduction in yield. The deficiency must be corrected without delay.

Tomatoes are fertilized with ammonia every week. For this, 3 tbsp. l. the compounds are dissolved in a bucket of water. Initially, prepare a solution with a low concentration. Next, it is necessary to observe the development of culture. According to this parameter, the dosage and frequency of use of the composition are varied.

With the help of nitrogen, the production of chlorophyll by the plant is improved. If the seedlings are very small, then the dosage is reduced by half. After picking, feeding is carried out after 2 weeks. To do this, the stems must have 4 formed leaves. When transplanting seedlings into beds, pour 0.5 liters of diluted ammonia into the holes. For approximately 1 liter of water you will need 1 ml ammonia. This will allow you to overcome the mole cricket.

Tomato seedlings: adjusting growth (video)

additional information

Feeding tomato seedlings is carried out using the drug Vermikofe. The preparation contains a complex of the most useful components:

  • vitamins;
  • fulvic acids;
  • natural phytohormones, etc.

The composition contains phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. In the manufacturing process, the products use exclusively natural ingredients that stimulate the growth of vegetable crops. The drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes and photosynthesis, which provokes an increase in the number of fruits.

Treatment of the plant with the drug is carried out according to the instructions given on the packaging. Vermikofe product allows you to reliably combat dry spotting, late blight, and other ailments.

What fertilizer should I use to grow great tomatoes? Mineral fertilizers are needed. There are a lot of them. Azofoska is considered one of the best. It contains the ideal combination of the necessary active substances in equal quantities. Azofoska can be used in any type of soil. It will be needed during the process of sowing seeds, when planting and germinating tomatoes.

With the help of the product, the stems become thick and are nourished with minerals. For tomato seedlings, the drug can be used in combination with other fertilizers or individually.

Thanks to the tool, the following indicators are improved:

  1. Root system.
  2. Vegetable resistance to negative environmental factors.
  3. Duration and abundance of flowering.
  4. Protective forces of culture against diseases and pests.
  5. Yield volume.

Azofoska persists for a long time in the plant. It is difficult to wash it away with sediment. How to properly feed tomatoes with this drug? Usually for every sq. m area apply 40 g of fertilizer.

What to do if you overfed the plant? You can water the beds to flush out the nitrogen. This will help if bird droppings or manure were used. However, it is important to note that tomatoes do not like too high level humidity.

In order for tomato seedlings to grow faster, you can go the other way and remove several large lower leaves or one upper one. This will affect the process of fruit laying.

Feeding schedule for tomato seedlings (video)