Wardrobes in the hallway under the round spiral staircase. Wardrobe under the stairs

When planning the construction of a second floor or attic in a house, the question always arises of how to optimally use the space under the stairs. We offer you the best modern options, which will help you practically design the space under the stairs. Which one should I use? It all depends on your technical (and financial) capabilities and the needs of your household. It also matters at what stage you start thinking about what to put under the stairs: as always, the earlier you plan, the more options you have.

Storing things: we use the space under the stairs.

The most common option for practical organization of space under the stairs is to use it for storing things. These can be cabinets, pantries, dressing rooms or just open shelves.

  1. Under-stairs storage systems.

    The main problem with organizing storage under the stairs is the significant cost of furniture that must fit under the slope of the flight of stairs. Therefore, this option using standard rectangular cabinets and chests of drawers will allow you to arrange the space under the stairs relatively painlessly. This technique works very well for a studio apartment, where maximum efficient use every centimeter of space at minimal cost.

    Another option for placing a cabinet under the stairs on a budget is to use standard cabinets and add beveled fronts for doors. In this case, the additional fee will only be for the production of individually shaped facades.

    An open storage system is the least expensive. Using standard shelf profiles and inexpensive storage containers, you can organize the space under the stairs quickly and inexpensively.

  2. Hallway under the stairs.

    It is very convenient to use the space under the stairs as part of the hallway. Storage space can be at the top high part of the stairs - in a closet with a mirrored door.
    Or you can use the entire stairwell - high cabinets for outerwear, low cabinets for shoes.

    You don't have to hide all your outerwear in closets. Under the stairs you can easily arrange an open clothes hanger and place shelves for shoes.

  3. Wardrobe under the stairs.

    If the staircase in the house is located in a room, then you can arrange a wardrobe in the space under it. It could be simple open systems storage - with rails for clothes and sectional drawers.

    Or you can arrange a real one dressing room from the back of the stairwell. This storage option is every housewife’s dream.

    If the location of the stairs does not allow for an entrance, then the traditional option with built-in wardrobes under the stairs is also quite practical.

  4. How to place a closet under the stairs.

    The staircase opening is not always located in a secluded corner of the house; if the staircase goes along one of the main rooms, then the organization convenient storage Many things needed for a bedroom or dining room can be decorated using a beautiful mirrored wardrobe in combination with mirrored chests of drawers. This use of space under the stairs not only does not spoil the room, but also decorates it.

    It is not necessary to use special furniture to stylishly decorate the space under the stairs. You can always achieve a harmonious effect by complementing standard furniture with shelves. Such shelves visually more fully fill the space under the stairs without cluttering it.
    If the goal is not beauty, but the ability to place as many things as possible under the stairs, then using corner wardrobe will help solve this problem effectively.

  5. How to make shelves under the stairs.

    As we saw above, shelves in combination with standard rectangular furniture will help you neatly and practically organize the space under the stairs. Properly selected finishing materials, fashionable accent wall- and you excellent result at low cost.
    To store things under the stairs, you can get by with just shelves. It is important to understand here that the depth of the shelf can rarely occupy all the available space, because... It will be inconvenient for you to look for things in the depths of the shelf in a half-bent state. But using some part of the stairs as shelves is a completely practical option.

    If the style of decorating the space under the stairs is important to you, then such spectacular contrasting shelves, in harmony with the design of the stairs, are an effective and fashionable solution.

  6. How to make a storage room under the stairs.

    The main approach to arranging a storage room under the stairs is convenient access to the entire space. Therefore, it is convenient to do here double doors, so that it is convenient to work with the lower part of the pantry.

    Alternatively, you can make front drawers under the stairs. But such option will do for rarely used items, because It has limited opportunities for storing things in size and such access to things can hardly be called comfortable.

How to place a kitchen under the stairs in a house.

In an ordinary apartment there is no problem organizing a kitchen in a separate room, but what about studio apartments or small private houses? There, this task goes from being exotic to becoming a pressing problem. First of all, the kitchen needs communications, so such placement is planned at the construction stage.

For arranging furniture in the kitchen general rule this: no matter how small the kitchen is, they try not to place work surfaces and dining tables under the stairs. It is very convenient to arrange kitchen cabinets and built-in appliances under the stairs.

The kitchen under the stairs is not always the prerogative of small houses, even in big house The space under the stairs can be used as a pantry for food storage or as a wine bar.

How to make a toilet under the stairs.

Despite the exotic nature of the idea, the task of placing a small toilet or bathroom under the stairs has a very practical solution.

After all, in an attic room with a sloping roof, a bathroom is not a rarity, but a rule. And here we play with a similar configuration of the space under the stairs.

Of course, the presence of the necessary communications plays a key role here. But the very placement of a shower stall or toilet under the slope of a flight of stairs is quite acceptable.
If the idea of ​​a bathroom under the stairs still seems fantastic to most of us, then placing a washing machine under the stairs is an excellent solution. Equip under washing machine a small pantry and put a regular fan heater in it - you will have an excellent dryer for clothes. Wet clothes are hung on hangers, the fan heater is turned on and the door is closed: after half an hour the clothes are almost dry. They turn on the hood and leave them to dry on hangers - you don’t even need to iron the clothes after drying this way. This approach to washing is a common method in Scandinavian countries and Japan.

How to organize the space under the stairs as an office.

It is logical to use a secluded place under the stairs as a small office. These can be ordinary open shelves with a work surface and storage space.

Or you can use the space under the stairs as a large built-in wardrobe, with an office in the highest part. So, you will have the opportunity to close your workplace without worrying about its safety.

What to do with the space under the stairs?

In addition to the above-mentioned traditional approaches to arranging space under the stairs, other options are no less interesting and everyone can figure them out to suit their needs. So under the stairs you can make an enclosure for a dog.

If your four-legged friend is small, then you can put a cozy sofa nearby.

Or take space under the stairs for your library.

If reading books doesn’t interest you much, then maybe you’ll like the idea of ​​a home theater under the stairs more.

What can be done under the stairs in a wooden house?

Private country wooden house often has two floors or plus a cellar. A staircase in such a house is not only functional, but also often luxurious. decorative element the entire interior. How to decorate the space under the stairs so as not to spoil, but only enhance this beauty?

The simplest solution is to make an entrance to the cellar under the stairs.

Or set up a stylish bar.

You can place a boiler room under the stairs. This decision is made at the project stage and is tied to the wiring of all communications in the house and the location of the stairs.

A stylish and fashionable solution is to place a small wine cellar under the stairs.

Because This approach should guarantee the necessary microclimate for storing wines; such a cellar is made closed with its own microclimate system. Usually a small part of the wine collection is placed this way, but the main stocks, after all, are stored in.

What to place under the stairs in the country house.

A house is not always a luxurious country residence; a small one is no less cozy and loved by its owners. If country house made according to the loft principle - with a sleeping place in attic floor, then even a small staircase can eat up a lot of space. Therefore, you need to use the stairs to the fullest extent. You can make storage boxes on the side of the stairs.

Or right from the steps.

In addition, the option with a kitchen built under the stairs works great for a country house.

What else can you think of under the stairs?

The options are endless: this is the entrance to secret room can be done under the stairs. It may just be a cellar entrance, but it looks intriguing.

Do you love to make things, but don't have room in the house? A workshop under the stairs is one option.

Light enters the workshop from the steps. As we all understand, you can’t have too much of a workshop, and you can’t fit too much under the stairs, so at the back of the stairs you can connect this part of the workshop with the main workshop or garage in the yard.

If adults need their own toys, then children need them doubly - give the space under the stairs to a children's playhouse.

How to decorate the space under the stairs.

And although all the ideas before this also tried to carry a certain aesthetic load, they still cannot compete with placing such a wonderful one under the stairs.

And if, admiring the stove, we understand that such a solution is not for everyone, then arrange it cozy place under the stairs you can also use an electric decorative: so to speak, a budget option for a winter fairy tale.

The garden under the stairs is a favorite part of using this space. Add lighting, place appropriate indoor flowers - and you no longer have a dark, dull corner under the stairs, but, practically, a living oasis in your own home.

Option for busy people: buy a piece artificial turf, lay simple gravel on it geometric figures, add potted flowers or artificial flowers. Cute attributes in such a mini-kindergarten will create a cozy magical atmosphere.

If you are a fan indoor plants- there is a chance to realize your dreams: by glazing the space under the stairs, you can create the desired microclimate in it and use it as an amazing winter Garden. The same approach can be applied to arranging a terrarium or a large aquarium under the stairs. Either way it will be fantastic nice solution.

In order to surprise everyone with its beauty, you can do without glazing by placing a small murmuring one under the stairs. home fountain. They say that according to Feng Shui, with such an amazing arrangement of the darkest corners of your home, you are simply bound to become happy!

We hope you liked the practical and modern ideas for arranging the space under the stairs, and we managed to surprise you!
Even more great ideas on how to use a ladder in our video:

Write in the comments what you liked and what you didn’t - we are always happy to hear your opinion.

In expensive country house, in a country house or in a two-story apartment, a built-in wardrobe under the stairs will always fit perfectly into the interior. It will not only save space, but can also become a highlight in the overall furniture design of the room. A wardrobe under the stairs is a practical, original and stylish solution!

Types of built-in wardrobes

Based general design can be distinguished following types cabinets:

  • Simple models with hinged doors– a traditional version of a cabinet with a wide variety of internal contents.
  • Coupe. More complex in relation to storage under stairs, but also quite relevant.
  • Drawers under the stairs. Convenient for storing not only small items, but also bulky items and seasonal clothing.
  • Shelves under the stairsgreat option for arranging various interior parts, as well as storing things that need quick access.
  • Showcases with glass. They will look very elegant and original, and will also protect the things behind them from dust settling, this is their undoubted advantage over open shelves.

A cupboard under the stairs in a private home is often a combination of the above types. Each design is unique and must meet the individual requirements of the owners.

How to choose a cabinet for the stairs

So, you have decided to place a staircase with a built-in wardrobe in your home. When choosing optimal option We recommend paying attention to the following criteria.


In the most classic version, the staircase and wardrobe are a single unit and are made of similar materials. However, depending on the design idea, it is possible various variations. And the variety of offered modern market materials gives wide scope for the implementation of the most interesting ideas. What can the cabinet be made of?

  • Natural wood of various species- undisputed leader. Solid wood furniture looks expensive, has status and can elevate any room. The main disadvantage is the high price. However, over time you will realize that the costs were not in vain, wooden cabinet will serve you for decades, perfectly maintaining its beautiful appearance. Economical option furniture veneer will be used. It is made from natural wood, but is much cheaper.
  • Chipboard – more cheap option. Lightweight, durable, moisture-resistant material. Walls, shelves, bases for mirrors, etc. are made from it.
  • MDF . Durable, environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, superior in strength to wood. It can be easily milled, which will allow you to create parts with an original pattern. It can be painted in any shade.
  • Bamboo . It is gaining increasing popularity within the framework of creating eco-interiors. It is beautiful, lightweight, resistant to external factors, and environmentally friendly. Furniture using bamboo has an amazing combination of classic and exotic, looks incredibly stylish and has a special energy.
  • Rattan another eco-friendly, durable, lightweight, practical and incredibly beautiful material. Will fit into any interior style. However, it should not be used in areas with high humidity or near heating devices, open fire.
  • Glass is a timeless classic. It is environmentally friendly, beautiful, and will add sophistication and lightness to the design. It is advisable that the glass used in under-stairs storage systems be protected with a special film glued on the inside. Then, if the glass breaks, the fragments will not fly around. Triplex - glass that is highly resistant to mechanical stress - is somewhat more expensive, but also much more reliable. Stained glass windows will look very elegant and impressive.
  • Acrylic is cheaper and more durable than glass. Quite easy to process.
  • A mirror is a great way to visually enlarge a room. Mirror doors They have additional functionality and are simply beautiful. They can be decorated, tinted or decorated with a sandblasted pattern. Graphite mirrors look very stylish.


The configuration and contents of the cabinet are selected individually, depending on the design of the staircase, the room where it is located, the required functionality and the overall design.


An excellent solution in terms of space saving. Outerwear, seasonal items, boxes of shoes, umbrellas, bags, hats do not always fit into closets located in bedrooms and hallways, and a dressing room under the stairs will help make their storage as comfortable as possible.

This option assumes closed structures with various combinations of elements. Very a good decision There will be a wardrobe under the stairs. The internal configuration of the wardrobe can include sections of different sizes and shapes. These can be shelves, drawers, roll-out sections, rods in one or two rows, baskets. Instead of sliding doors, you can also use regular swing doors. Low drawers can be built directly into the steps. They fit perfectly into several pairs of shoes.


It can combine drawers under the stairs, open shelves, pull-out elements. This storage system will conveniently accommodate various household items, household items, and canned food. Here, on special fasteners, you can place a vacuum cleaner, ironing board, mop, children's ice sled and even a small bicycle or scooter.

Wall in the living room. This option is possible provided the stairs are well located. It will combine small hinged or roll-out drawers, open shelves and racks on which decorative items will be placed. You can provide a niche equipped with a special TV mount.

Library. A bookcase under the stairs will look chic. If the owners are connoisseurs of books and have a substantial library, this design will allow you to conveniently place the collection, saving space and decorating, for example, a living room or hallway if the staircase is located there. Of course, books will look most advantageous on shelves made of noble wood, but simpler materials are also suitable, the main thing is that the cabinet fits harmoniously into general style rooms.

Bar under the stairs can become a real highlight of a private home. It will elegantly fit into the interior of the living room, bring coziness and be a spectacular location at various receptions and buffets. Quite often, bottle holders or display cases are placed under the stairs to store a collection of wines.

Wine Vault. This is more of a storage system option not under, but above the stairs. But we can't help but mention it here because the spiral staircase, surrounded by wine racks, looks, without a doubt, magnificent.

Kitchen set sometimes it can also be quite successfully located under the stairs going down to the dining room.

Working space under the stairs may not be the most comfortable option. Here it is unlikely that you will be able to retire and isolate yourself from environment for quiet work. However, in certain conditions it can be a good solution to the problem of lack of free space.

How to make a closet under the stairs

In this matter, you can trust experienced specialists who will design and manufacture the structure according to your individual parameters, or make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands.

Let's divide this process into stages.

Niche preparation

Here it is important to decide whether the storage system will occupy the entire space under the stairs or only part of it. In most cases, the niche is a triangle, and the section in the area of ​​the lower acute corner will not be complete. Can be placed there roll-out box for small things, a niche for interior details, or abandon it altogether, sewing up this space tightly.

The same goes for the top corner. It can complicate the situation if, for example, you choose the option with sliding doors. It can also be eliminated by creating a rectangular area underneath this space for a standard cabinet, or used as a custom-shaped shelf or drawer.

The standard depth of an ordinary closet is 65 cm, the width of the flight of stairs is much larger. If you arrange all the free space under the stairs for a closet, the sections will turn out to be very deep. In the case of storing large and rarely used items, this will be very useful. But for a wardrobe, for example, this option is not very convenient - you will have to reach for things located at the back wall. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the depth of the sections to standard by sewing up the back wall or leaving free part of the under-staircase space in front of the cabinet.

The load-bearing elements must be the stairs and the walls of the room themselves. Gypsum board and other sheathing may not support the weight of structural elements.

Internal filling

Taking into account the selected model and the requirements for the functionality of the cabinet under the stairs, a detailed plan drawing is created. On it, mark the dimensions of the length, width and depth of all sections. Do not forget to also take into account the thickness of the partitions. The internal configuration of the cabinet should include optimal quantity sections of the required sizes.

If part of the space is intended to be used for outerwear, we recommend making two niches: in one you will hang the clothes you wear at a given time, in the other you will store things for other seasons. The rods can be arranged in one or two rows if the height allows.

Leave the distance between the shelves about 30 cm; if it is a bookcase, then 25 cm is enough. The length of the mezzanine should not exceed 1 m; if you want to make it longer, ensure that it has a support every meter.

If you are going to store bed linens in the closet, it is better to use baskets. In them, the laundry will be perfectly ventilated, maintaining freshness.

All internal structure The cabinet can be assembled from chipboard (thickness 16 mm) using confirmats and self-tapping screws for ties. Cut the components exactly to size in accordance with the drawing.

Lighting can be provided in the storage system. Illuminated display cases look great, but a light bulb in a wardrobe wouldn’t be out of place either. Care should be taken to ensure that electricity is supplied to the cabinet in advance, preferably at the stage of finishing the common room with a staircase.


In the process of making a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands, you can use swing doors, compartments, cargo systems, choosing one option or successfully combining them.

Don't forget that swing doors need enough space to open freely. For a cabinet under the stairs, this is the easiest option to install. However, in conditions of shortage of space, as well as in order to increase the comfort of use, they resort to coupe designs. The difficulty is that if the door leaf exactly replicates the space under the stairs, some of them will not be able to walk freely on the rails. Therefore, most often the niche under the cabinet is reduced to a rectangular one or one corner is left beveled. An excellent solution would be to combine such doors with one or more hinged or drawers or shelves.

Louvered facades look very impressive in a country house or dacha. They will also contribute to better ventilation of the under-stairs storage system.

In order for the cabinet to serve you for many years, you must use reliable sliding system. The sliding mechanism consists of rails, rollers and a metal profile. Aluminum components have many more advantages compared to steel ones (lighter, unlimited color palette, the ability to use a soft closing closer), however they also have a higher price. The length of the doors should not be more than 1 m, this will avoid creating too much load on the fittings and will increase its service life.

A ladder with cargo system drawers is an incredibly comfortable option for a storage system. You can build drawers or baskets on telescopic ball or roller guides of any configuration.

You can purchase all components in stores that specialize in selling furniture fittings. Installation is carried out according to the instructions.

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Do-it-yourself wardrobe under the stairs in a private house: types and options

Rational use of space under the stairs is one of the common problems among owners of private houses with 2 or more floors. Arranging a closet in this niche is considered the best solution. Let's sort it all out existing species staircase cabinets and find out how convenient they are in a given situation, and home craftsmen will receive valuable advice on assembling such a cabinet with their own hands.

Placement nuances

As soon as people don't try to make use of the empty space under the stairs. They put aquariums here, try to “shove in” a single bed, install computer desk and even equip a working minibar.

But in most houses, stairs are located in the corridor and, as practice has shown, the most worthy option is to install a cabinet. After all, according to the standards, the width of a narrow staircase is 800 mm. While the volumetric cabinet (from serial models) has a depth of 650 mm.

So it turns out that you not only close an ownerless niche, but also acquire a luxurious and very spacious closet. We'll talk about the types of designs a little later, but now a few words about the filling options.

Illustrations Recommendations

Classic ladder wardrobe.

In the hallway it is considered one of the most common options. Depending on the size and configuration of the span, swing or sliding doors, as well as drawers, are installed here. You can do without doors, but that's not for everyone.

With such a depth, all actively used outerwear and shoes fit into this wardrobe.


In such a pantry, storage shelves, an ironing board, a vacuum cleaner, a baby stroller, a bicycle and other necessary but not very convenient things to store are perfectly placed.

By the way, this is one of the available options For self-made. Enough to hang required quantity simple shelves and install a facade with hinged doors.


A useful and at the same time beautiful solution. Not now designer styles, into which shelves with books would not fit. Moreover, books are suitable for both the hallway and the living room.

This bookcase has interesting feature. In order to place books, there are enough shelves 30 cm deep, and the rest of the space can easily be adapted, for example, into the above-mentioned pantry.

Kitchen Cabinet.

Not every two-story dacha has impressive dimensions. Installing a cascade of drawer shelves and other details under the stairs instantly solves the problem of placing a traditional kitchen corner.

From experience, all kitchenware In a small country house it fits perfectly with a staircase closet.

Wine cabinet.

This option is suitable for wine connoisseurs and collectors. Under the stairs, wine cages with compartments for bottles are installed and lighting is equipped.

There is one flaw in the wine version - it looks beautiful, but collection wines require constant temperature(that’s why they are stored in basements), and the living room or hallway is not suitable for elite wines.


Set up exclusively in the living room. This option does not carry a functional load; its task is to emphasize the style and decorate the room.

Types and features

Proper filling is important, but it directly depends on the angle of inclination, size, height and location of the flight of stairs. Accordingly, each of the above mentioned options has its own Constructive decisions, we will talk about them further.

Wardrobe under stairs with hinged doors

Hinged doors are deservedly considered classics. If you want to hide the contents of your niche from prying eyes and not spend much money, then this is your option. Such facades are good for arranging a hallway.

If there is not a lot of space, then you should not make swing doors that are too wide, maximum 50 cm. The cheapest option for hanging is considered to be piano hinges, but I recommend using regular furniture hinges. Firstly, they are easier and faster to install, and secondly, they have a fine-tuning function.

In sections with higher doors, rods or hooks for outerwear are mounted. The lower sector is traditionally given over to shoes, and small cells under the first steps are either equipped with drawers for small items, or an empty niche is left there, for example, for a vacuum cleaner.

It is inconvenient to install a sliding wardrobe under the stairs. Asymmetrical truncated doors move only in one direction, and the outer sector generally remains a dead zone. It is possible to solve the issue, but only professionals can do this, and such a design is expensive.

Open shelving under the stairs

Open shelving is considered simple and in an accessible way arrangement of the under-staircase space. The manufacture of such structures does not cause difficulties even for an amateur, because in essence, all you need to do is knock down the simplest shelves and “tie” them to the span.

Those who decide to install this option at home should take into account a couple of nuances:

  1. Both horizontal and vertical segments of the structure must be a continuation of the line of steps. Otherwise, the cell will not fit into the overall ensemble and will become an alien inclusion;
  2. Maximum depth is small open shelf 30 – 40 cm, and it is advisable to cover such shelves with some kind of shield on the back side. Small cells of the rack should not go into a dark void. If you don’t want to mount the back panel, then the cells need to be made voluminous.

Modular vertical types

Modular furniture is simple, but in this case, not The best decision. The concept itself modular cabinets implies structures assembled from ready-made modules.

There is no problem with cabinets and shelves, just buy and install, but you will have to try hard to adapt serial products to an individual staircase.

Although this solution is suitable as filling for a cabinet with a solid facade. Buy a modular shelving unit and hide it behind hinged or sliding doors, so you don’t have to bother with building shelves inside.

Retractable types

The use of retractable or roll-out sections is considered perhaps the most rational and effective use of under-staircase space. After all, the niche is divided into separate cells, often of different sizes. A good housewife will definitely have some things for each such drawer.

  • Everything is simple with boxes; people have long been accustomed to them. You need to decide how many boxes you need and what the dimensions of those boxes are. But the problem is that a lot of drawers do not always coincide with the design concept of the room;

  • Withdrawable modules are considered more progressive and convenient solution. Here the space is divided into sections and each of these sections rolls out from under the stairs. That is, you have full access to the entire segment. The design is convenient, but difficult to arrange, plus you need good fittings.

Combined wardrobe under the stairs

If you need everything at once, that is, beauty, originality and high functionality, then you should pay attention to combined cabinets. One such cabinet may partially include all those structures that were described before. For example, this layout works well:

  • The highest and most comfortable furniture segments are used as a wardrobe. It is covered with hinged or sliding compartment doors; by the way, you can also install a mirror here;
  • The central sector, from eye level to waist level, is made open. It is decorated with books, figurines, dishes, in general, any decorative items, even a TV;
  • Shelves closed with doors or roll-out systems are mounted on the lower tier.

Materials, equipment, arrangement

The creation of exclusive furniture, which includes cabinets under staircases, begins with the choice of material. First you need to choose what the main ones will be made of bearing structures, here we have 4 options:

  1. Wood - the easiest way for a novice craftsman to assemble is wooden frame. In such structures, a block of 50x50 or 40x40 mm is sufficient for the load-bearing posts; you should not take less. Intermediate sectors are assembled from a 30x30 mm bar. Suitable for shelves and partitions planed board 20 mm thick;

  1. Chipboard - laminated particle boards are considered the most common option. They are easy to cut, but I don’t recommend doing it yourself. It’s easier to order cutting and lamination of the ends to your size in a furniture workshop, and it’s better to take the material from them, it will be cheaper;
  2. MDF - these boards are more expensive than laminated chipboards, but they are considered environmentally friendly, and chipboards contain formaldehyde. The thickness of both MDF and chipboard boards is in the range of 16 – 21 mm;

  1. Drywall - plasterboard is suitable for self-assembly, but you will have to tinker with such a cabinet quite a bit. First from wooden beam or metal profiles you will need to assemble the frame. Then sheathe it with gypsum board. And at the finish, all this will have to be puttied, sanded and painted, so think about it.

How to make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands

For self-production, wood and chipboard are suitable for us, but making a beautiful and durable wooden cabinet is not realistic for a beginner, so I recommend using board material.

Preparatory work

To assemble any structure, a drawing is required, but only a professional can draw it correctly, so in this case a sketch is sufficient. When compiling it, you should not rely on memory or intelligence; measure, draw and indicate on paper absolutely all sizes, even the smallest.

As for the connecting fittings, it is easier for a beginner to work with metal corners; they are fixed with self-tapping screws. To assemble a cabinet from laminated chipboard or MDF, confirmats are used.

Cabinet installation

If we assume that we have already cut the laminated chipboards, then all that remains for us is assembly. We will build the cabinet rigidly, that is, attach it to the floor, walls and the stairs itself.

  • All are installed first vertical racks. First, according to the sketch, make markings on the inclined surface of the flight of stairs, after which you take a plumb line and use it to mark the points where the sheets are attached to the floor;

  • The internal frame is not visible, so it is easier to attach the sheets to metal corners. You won’t have any problems at the bottom, but at the top you will have to bend the corners to the desired angle, because our staircase is inclined;
  • Now markings for horizontal shelves are applied to the vertical sheets. If you want everything to be perfect, then according to the markings, drill a series of holes for each shelf with a confirmation drill and screw the shelves onto the confirmations. Although, under a closed façade, it makes more sense to mount the shelves on the corners;

  • To install doors on furniture hinges, you will need a Forstsner drill. For every model furniture hinges There are paper templates. Using this template, mark the insertion point for the hinge on the doors, then use a fortsner drill to make a recess and screw the hinges;
  • Then all that remains is to screw the doors with self-tapping screws to the vertical posts.

Decorative finishing

  • The decorative finish of the cabinet depends on the material chosen for the facade. This is how wooden facades are varnished or painted. The second option is simpler, but it is only suitable if the paint color matches the overall surroundings;

When finishing wooden facade Impregnation with natural oil or wax is considered the latest fashion, but when choosing this method, keep in mind that the coating will have to be renewed every couple of years.

  • Laminated doors do not require any additional decor; laminate is considered a strong, reliable and durable coating;

  • But glass facades are leading in the popularity rating. Transparent glass is rarely used; the palm is shared by mirror and matte sandblasted patterns;
  • There is also painted glass and polymer film with patterns. They are perfect for DIY decor, because such beauty can be created within an hour and lasts for years.

Reasonably and practically arranged free space under the stairs in your own private home helps to save some space with small useful areas and adds elegant style to the room. Building a cabinet there is the most practical and rational decision to fill free space. This article will tell you how to properly equip a closet under the stairs with your own hands so that it provides not only practical help, but also fits perfectly into the overall style of the room.

What can be arranged in the under-staircase space

Most often in private two-story house or a cottage arrange staircase. It is most convenient for ascent and descent. This object is often the central element of decor in a room. However, it has one drawback that can be mitigated. This is the formation of a large area under the stairs, which can also be turned into a useful one by arranging a functional place there.

Under the stairs, most often there are storage rooms, dressing rooms, cabinets or drawers for storing various things. Which of these various designs is more in demand and rational can be found out in each specific case. And it depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the owner. However, any cabinet under the stairs can be assembled with your own hands. So that such a built-in wooden furniture brought maximum benefit, was aesthetic and very durable, you should carefully choose the material and calculate it correctly necessary design closet

Under-stairs cabinet options

For the rational arrangement of a closet in a useless niche under the flight of stairs, there are many interesting options decisions. A wide selection of shapes, designs, colors and structures gives a real opportunity to owners of private houses to fully realize the rapid flight of their craziest design ideas. The entire set of built-in wardrobes of this type can be divided into several different types:

  • WITH swing type doors. This is a regular classic design, which is equipped with hinged doors. These cabinets are easy to install, convenient and practical. This species is more common than all others.

  • The sliding wardrobe is more convenient and compact thanks to the presence of sliding doors. At the same time, installation of such furniture requires certain knowledge and some skill. It is preferable if you entrust such a design to professionals.

  • The student's corner under the stairs is a set of a table and several cabinets for various small things. You can put a computer on the table. This solution is very convenient for houses where space for placing everything you need is limited.

  • A retractable cabinet is the most rational design when equipping a deep under-staircase niche. This design consists of several spacious cabinets that simply slide out on special slides.

  • The combined design of the cabinet is quite practical and beautiful. It combines several different styles and their combinations in built-in furniture.

How to choose a cabinet for the stairs

The choice of the basic design of a cabinet built under the stairs mainly depends on the depth of the under-staircase niche. If it is narrow and not deep, then it is most advisable to install a regular cabinet with hanging doors. It should be equipped with many compartments and space for a dressing room. If the recess is wider, then it is best to install a wardrobe in it, or equip convenient drawers - this will make it easier to get things out. A wardrobe built under the stairs, equipped with mirrored or glass doors, looks great.

Installed in a deep niche, such furniture creates an original and unique flavor in the room. The easiest way is to make this furniture to order, taking into account the geometric parameters of the staircase. However, this opportunity is not always available to everyone. In this case, you can try to make built-in furniture yourself. To do this, you just need to know, have the necessary knowledge and show considerable imagination. Mainly wood or other materials, such as chipboard, are selected for such furniture. For finishing you can use metal, mirror, glass or plastic. It should be noted that mirrored cabinet doors create the illusion of expanding space. The building materials market offers a large number of finishing options, fittings and components for creating and decorating any furniture. The tips written below will help you cope with this quite easily and without unnecessary financial costs.

How to make your own cabinet under the stairs at home

When starting to build a cabinet yourself, you need to make the right drawing, choose suitable materials and calculate the required quantity. Need to calculate required amount all kinds of shelves, doors and sections, the texture of the external and interior decoration. The role of the side/top and rear walls in this cabinet is performed by the walls themselves. That is, high-quality Finishing work Only a single side wall and the main façade will be required. The simplest option is to equip the closet with hinged doors. Installing doors with a sliding mechanism can only be justified if there is a sufficiently large free area under the stairs itself. After preliminary purchasing of the necessary materials, they begin to independently install the cabinet under the stairs. To equip a simple cabinet with hinged doors, you will need an absolute minimum of tools and building materials:

  1. Pencil and tape measure.
  2. Drill, jigsaw, screwdriver.
  3. Furniture brackets and screws.
  4. Material for interior decoration and frame.
  5. Material for exterior finishing and the front side.
  6. Various furniture fittings.

First of all, free up all the available space under the stairs. It is important not to damage the floor covering during production of all installation work. To do this, place it on the floor thick fabric, film or paper. Marking the internal space will allow you to correctly and accurately install all the elements of the future cabinet. All partitions and shelves are marked to identify them with the installation location. Most often, the closet is divided into two large sections. The larger compartment is used to place outerwear, and the small one, the one located below, is intended for shoes. The partition between the zones is made of chipboard or a sheet of plasterboard. With a combined device, the design can include various drawers located at the top or bottom.

Instructions for self-assembly of the cabinet

Self-installation of a cabinet under the stairs is carried out in several successive steps:

  1. All used cabinet parts are pre-cut to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. Electric jigsaw or a hacksaw will work best for this. One should not ignore the fact that any work related to the installation of furniture requires accuracy and accurate measurements.
  2. Inside, the entire cabinet space is decorated with decorative finishing panels, or other similar materials. The easiest way, of course, is to simply paint the wall or glue wallpaper. Interior finishing work is carried out completely individually in each individual case.
  3. Vertical internal partitions are installed that zone the cabinet space. If the partitions are made of plasterboard, then a frame of beams is first installed, to which plasterboard sheets are attached with self-tapping screws on both sides.
  4. The necessary places for shelves and various additional partitions are marked. In order to support one shelf, you need to use two bars. Their length must exactly match the depth of the niche. It is best to fasten the bars to the wall with euroscrews (confirmats), and they can be attached to wood with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.
  5. Next, pre-cut to size pieces of wood are installed in the prepared niches. the required material shelves. They can be attached for a more secure fixation to the bars.
  6. The next stage involves installing the door frame. This is quite complicated and requires certain skills and complex calculations, so if you are not confident in your abilities, then entrust this work to a specialist.
  7. The door block is fixed using ordinary furniture screws. The platbands are secured using construction adhesive.
  8. The hinges are fixed to the cabinet doors and frame. In this case, each part is installed separately.
  9. Doors need to be selected and decorated in advance. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in size. After all, there is no standard for such doors due to the individuality of each staircase in a private house.
  10. Finally, the doors are hung on the hinges.
  11. The required hooks or rod for hanging hangers are fixed inside the manufactured cabinet. It is very convenient to make a design with a retractable hanger.

Making an exclusive cabinet under the stairs with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to approach this process responsibly and with all required care. To decorate the doors, there is a wide selection of fittings. It can play the role of an additional decoration, harmoniously combined with the entire interior of the room. Those who cannot equip a full-fledged closet can make ordinary shelves under the stairs for storing various things or books. Here you can arrange a mini-office or a playroom for children. Sometimes things that are used seasonally are stored in the closet under the stairs. It is very good when the staircase itself is located in close proximity to the entrance door to the house. In this case, the space under it can be fully used for hallway equipment.

When there is not enough free space in the house, when every meter counts, you have to rationally approach the issue of its use. The space under the stairs is no exception. However, many owners of country houses do not attach importance to this area, fill up the space and do not use it in any way.

But it’s in vain: you can show your imagination, devote a little free time and use Construction Materials, and ultimately get a rational use of the precious meter. The space under the stairs can be designed in accordance with the design of the house.

Photo design decorations can be found on the Internet.

Features of the arrangement of niches under the stairs

Preparatory work to fill the space under the stairs should begin with drawing up a competent project. It is necessary to take into account the main nuances:

  • The size of the staircase structure.
  • Design features.
  • Position and purpose of space.
  • Availability of technical communications.
  • Compliance with safety regulations.
  • The design of the niche should match the decor of the house.

Functional room under the stairs: kitchen arrangement

It is rare to find a kitchen located under a flight of stairs, however, this option also occurs if the house is decorated in the “loft” style. A kitchen under the stairs involves placing its individual components in a niche: a sink, wall drawers and shelves. Sometimes gas equipment is placed in a niche. Buy kitchen furniture under the stairs - an impossible task, so in this case it will be necessary to order individual project or make it yourself.

The kitchen under the stairs has some features that are associated with the slope of the structure. Will this be an obstacle to comfortable use of the kitchen? You should think in advance about how communications will be laid into the space under the stairs.

It is also necessary to take into account that steam will come from the sink, and this will adversely affect the condition wooden structure. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure good insulation and also consider a ventilation system.

You can install other household appliances in the niche: a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a shelf with a microwave, and a washing machine.

Equipment for restroom (toilet)

In practice, in the niche under the flight of stairs, which has approximately 10 steps, there is enough space to place a toilet and washbasin. Such a room would be appropriate if you often have guests.

Before you build a toilet, you need to fence off the area with walls. The toilet should be located in an area with the following parameters:

  • The minimum height is not less than 1 m.
  • The greatest height is at least 2.6 m.
  • The length of the walls is 2.3 m.
  • Width at least 1.2 m.

Bathroom equipment

If the space under the stairs allows, then you can arrange a bathroom there. It is unlikely that a full-fledged bathroom could be placed there; it can be replaced with a shower. It is necessary to take into account the features of this room:

  • High humidity.
  • Temperature changes.

Therefore, moisture-proof and heat-insulating materials and good ventilation should be used for finishing. For decoration, it is better to use light tiles to visually expand the area. The design of a bathroom can be studied from photos in catalogues, but it should be taken into account that many accessories will need to be made with your own hands.

Arrangement of the hallway

When a flight of stairs is located in the hallway, the area in the niche can be adapted for the functions of this room. In the niche you can put a small sofa, ottomans, shoeboxes, cabinets for things, and a table. If space allows, you can also place larger furniture. You can hang a mirror closer to the exit. The hallway in this area will allow you to rationally use the space in the house.

Arrangement of the pantry

Storage room under the stairs - perfect solution For rational use this space. In a closed niche you can store household items, including small household appliances. For small items, you can make your own shelves under the stairs. The pantry should be set to the required temperature and air humidity levels.

Wardrobe equipment

Using a niche as a wardrobe will relieve the hallway of bulky closets for outerwear and shoes. When arranging a wardrobe under the stairs, you can familiarize yourself with interesting solutions design from photos in catalogues. To visually enlarge the area, you can hang a large mirror.

Arrangement of the cellar

A niche under a flight of stairs is an excellent option for a cellar if the house does not have one, and there is nowhere to store pickles and household utensils. However, creating a real cellar is not entirely possible, since the preservation of food requires lower temperatures and the necessary lighting.

Bar equipment

You can equip a stylish rack with compartments in which you can place your entire collection of elite alcohol. In addition, you can build a bar counter with your own hands, which will be located in a higher part of the span. Complementing it with a pair of bar stools or a sofa will create a great place for relaxation.

Arrangement of the closet

All unnecessary rubbish can be stored under the stairs by equipping a closet there. Such a closet is perfect for storing household items that will not clutter up space in the house. Since this space is cramped, you can make your own drawers. They will be able to make it easier to find the necessary items in a limited space.

Home office or office

If the design and size of the staircase structure allows, you can equip a small office in a niche with a small desk, hanging shelves and office equipment. In such a tight space there will not be enough natural light, so you should take care of the installation of lamps.

If work requires privacy and confidentiality, then the office can be isolated with a sliding door or partition. Can be placed in a niche folding sofa, if after work you want to relax.

home library

If your home is designed in a minimalist style and you don't have anywhere to put your book collection, under the stairs is the place to be. In a niche you can equip shelves or make a rack with drawers. The area under the flight of stairs and the library do not conflict with each other in terms of functionality.

If you arrange books on shelves in interesting combination color range covers, they will be able to complete the interior, and the book collection will look harmonious and majestic.

Setting up a zone in the form of a “garage”

Families with children have children's transport: strollers, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, which take up a lot of space. In this case, all this can be stored under the flight of stairs.

By making some kind of loops with your own hands, you can hang a bicycle or sled for rational use of every corner in the house. This solution is suitable if flight of stairs located near the front door.

Furniture items

The under-staircase area is equipped with special pieces of furniture, which are either made to order or made by hand. This is due to the peculiarity of this zone.

Understairs cabinet

For the area under the stairs you can make the most various options cabinets, allowing you to use this area to the maximum. This can be built-in furniture, wardrobes, sliding wardrobes. Doors can also be different: solid doors, sliding structures.