Planting pine from seeds in open ground. How to grow mountain pine from seeds? Where to get a seedling

Pitsunda pine (lat. Pinus brutia var. pityusa) is a large tree of the genus Pine (Pinus) of the Pine family (Pinaceae). One of the varieties of Calabrian or Turkish pine that is not a separate species. Pitsunda pine is the most ancient representative of the Tertiary flora; fossil remains were discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Upper Georgia.
The pine is called Pitsunda after Cape Pitsunda, where there is a resort of the same name.
You can collect a lot of seeds in Gelendzhik right on the streets, or from wild specimens. In the Dzhanhot area there is the largest forest of Pitsunda pine, but there are quite enough trees on the streets of the city.
How to grow a Pitsunda pine from a seed or just a pine from a seed, how to plant it, at what time, how to care for it..
Growing a tree from a seed is exciting and interesting. Pine is an unpretentious tree, grows quickly and easily, does not require special care. You can get pine seeds yourself, you just need to choose the right time and place. Cones can be found at open places, autumn or in early spring. It is important to get there before it gets warm, otherwise the cones will fluff up and give up their seeds.
To get the seeds from the cones, they need to be dried well - on a stove or radiator. central heating. The seeds can be collected after a few days, when the cones open.
It is better to sow seeds in boxes - plastic or wooden containers with holes for water drainage are covered with loose soil and a layer of peat (it will protect the seedlings from fungal diseases). You need to sow the seeds carefully - not too often and shallowly. You can sprinkle them on top and then loosen the soil a little.
The high susceptibility of young seedlings to diseases allows the strongest seedlings to survive. Phytophthora fungi often attack young plants, especially in warm conditions. You can water the seedlings with a solution of potassium permanganate - this method will help the plant survive, but will significantly slow down its growth.
Boxes with seedlings should be placed under Sun rays- Pine loves light. Both open space and greenhouse conditions. If the weather is dry, then you need to water the plants daily. Good to use as fertilizer ready-made compositions, and frequent weeding will give the seedlings more light.
After 5 - 6 months, the seedlings will become sufficiently strong, their stem will become woody, and will reach 7 cm in length. For the winter, the pine trees should be left in boxes, but do not create greenhouse conditions for them.
In spring, seedlings can be planted in natural soil. Trying not to damage the long and thin roots, the seedlings should be carefully separated and planted at a distance of 10 - 12 cm from each other. The planting level should be the same as in the boxes - shallow. Fine sawdust should be sprinkled on the soil with seedlings, which will protect the plants from an abundance of weeds. Periodic manipulations with fertilizers, watering and weeding are the main recommendations for the next couple of years. The pine grows quickly and in the third year its height reaches 60 cm. Now the seedlings can be planted on permanent place, it is better to do this in mid-spring, together with the soil, trying to preserve root system. A long-lived tree will delight future generations with its aroma and healing air.
How to grow pine? It is difficult to find a more common, useful and universal tree than pine. In addition to wood, resin is collected from trees, and turpentine and rosin are obtained from it. Carotene and vitamin C are obtained from pine needles, and the famous pine oil is produced from seeds.
So, let's find out how to grow pine so that it pleases the eye and makes the garden healthier. The best time autumn sowing September – October is considered.
Seed propagation
For it, the largest seeds are selected from the best trees which bring abundant harvests.
Before planting, the seeds are prepared.
First, they are soaked in water for several days, and the water is changed every day.
The day before sowing, the seeds are placed in strong solution potassium permanganate.
Now you need to decide how to grow pine from seeds.
Seeds are sown in wide rows, the distance between which is ten to fifteen centimeters. Their planting depth is three centimeters. After sowing, the soil is rolled and covered with a layer of mulch. It is imperative to ensure that there is no shadow on the beds, since even light shading causes a slowdown in growth. In spring, it is advisable to cover the seedlings plastic film so that they are not damaged by birds. But as soon as the green “loops” throw off the shell, the film is removed.

If the seeds are sown in the spring, they undergo stratification within eighty to ninety days.
They are soaked in warm water for six to eight days. Then the pine seeds are mixed with peat or sand and kept at a temperature of eighteen to twenty-two degrees for a month.
Seeds treated in this way are stored at zero temperature.
The optimal time for spring sowing is considered to be April - May. The first picking is carried out at the cotyledon stage.
The seedlings are dug up, sorted, the roots are cut off and planted according to a pattern of twenty by twenty centimeters.
In the third year, the seedlings are transplanted into the first school at a distance of seventy to ninety centimeters from each other, and after five years they can be planted in a permanent place. If you need a large size planting material, then he is raised in the second school for five years.
When picking and transplanting seedlings, you should always add coniferous litter to the soil, as well as pine forest soil, which contains mycorrhiza, since it increases the survival rate of young trees. To decide how to plant a pine tree, you need to clarify some points.
Planting seedlings
For planting pine trees garden plot Requires a sunny, open and dry place. The distance between trees should be at least 7 - 10 meters. The planting hole is dug with a length and width equal to ten diameters of the trunk at the base. The depth of the hole is dug 15 - 20 centimeters more.
If the soil at the planting site is not suitable for pine, then the hole is increased by thirty centimeters in depth, width and height. To the bottom of a hole dug in clay soil, lay drainage twenty centimeters high. Then it is filled one third with a mixture prepared from humus, pine litter, garden soil and a small amount of peat.
It is advisable to replant a tree older than three years with a clod of earth. Before planting, the roots are treated with a root stimulator solution for twenty-four hours. The pine tree is placed in a planting hole and carefully covered with an earthen mixture, and then watered abundantly.
When planting container trees, watering is carried out only after planting. In this case, a root stimulant, for example heteroauxin or indolylbutyric acid, must be added to the irrigation water.
Trees from containers are placed in planting holes at the same level at which they were planted in pots. Pines with an open root system are best planted in autumn time, and container plants - year-round.
Growing pine bonsai
In order to have a miniature pine tree in a pot at home, you can try growing a bonsai. Let us warn you right away that this is a troublesome task and not always successful. One-year-old seedlings are suitable for growing bonsai. To begin the painstaking work, dig up a seedling in the fall and transplant it into a small pot filled with humus, sand and perlite.
In the spring, after the seedling has rooted, you can start pruning, leaving only a 7-centimeter stem. After pruning, you need to apply a wire frame, which will further form the stem of your dwarf tree.
Caring for planted pine trees
Planted plants need careful care, which includes watering, weeding and fertilizing. Now let's figure out how to care for the pine tree so that it quickly takes root and grows well. In the first year of cultivation, watering is carried out regularly and quite abundantly.
Fertilizing is carried out once a month with organic fertilizers. The ground under the trees, within a radius of seventy centimeters, is kept clean.
Twice during the growing season, the roots of the plant must be watered with a solution of a root stimulator so that small absorbent roots are formed. Also, once a month the ground around the trees is mulched with pine litter.

Perennial conifers- one of the best ways decorations local area. Undoubtedly, it is very easy to purchase a ready-made seedling at a nursery, but growing pine from seeds at home with your own hands will give you incredible pleasure. A tree grown independently from the moment of a tiny grain to a mature pine tree will warm the soul every time you look at it. In this article we will share all the intricacies of this process, starting from collecting planting material and ending with the features of caring for grown seedlings. In addition, we will be sure to share a photo of growing pine from seeds at home, which will allow you to clearly see the simplicity of the process. So, we will start with one of the most important stages.

The process of growing a pine tree from cone seeds is a fairly simple, but lengthy process. If you decide to create your own pine grove on your site, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of planting material. The collection of cones is carried out either in early spring or in autumn - during periods when they have not yet opened. Autumn period collection lasts from mid-September to early November. Moreover, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the species of trees in advance and collect cones under several pines at once. The strongest, fully ripened and healthy buds are chosen - two years are enough for them to fully ripen. In the first year they are green in color and average density, and at the end of the second year their color changes to brown. In addition, the cones begin to become woody, and the seeds inside begin to fully ripen. It is important to remember that only female cones, on the scales of which there are seeds with wings, are suitable for growing pine from seeds at home. The cones are collected as carefully as possible to prevent the seeds from scattering. Seeds are transported home in paper bags.

Preparation of planting material

Before you start preparing the seeds for planting, free them from cones. To do this, shake the cones thoroughly over a white sheet of paper or in the same bag where they were stored. If the seeds still do not fall after this procedure, let the cones ripen at room temperature or on a radiator. You should not use an oven for these purposes, since you may not calculate temperature regime and overheat the seeds, which can lead to their death. After the scales have completely opened, you can try shaking the cones again to get the seeds.

After this, the strongest seeds are selected and cups of water are prepared (their number corresponds to the number of cones collected). The seeds of each fruit are immersed in a separate cup of water for some time, after which those specimens that sank to the bottom of the container much faster are selected for planting. Floated seeds are not suitable for further use and must be removed. After this, there are two ways of preparation: germination in room conditions in wet gauze and stratification, which we will talk about a little later.

In terms of soil selection, growing pine from seeds at home is a fairly simple procedure. However, it is worth remembering that heavy soil is not suitable for these purposes. Seeds in such soil may simply not sprout even if other soils are created. comfortable conditions. Preference should be given to sandy or sandy loam soil, which will be well saturated with oxygen.

In addition, light and loose soil will prevent rotting of the hatched root and embryo. Rot can develop not only with a lack of oxygen, but also with excessive soil moisture. If you plan to plant pine in sand, then its humidity can be controlled as follows: moisture should not ooze from the lump of substrate, but its particles should be well adhered to each other. The ideal environment for the development of already hatched sprouts is peat compost from a looser, upper layer. This substrate is rich in various microelements necessary for the growth and development of pine.

The need for stratification

From experienced gardeners You can often hear reviews about growing pine from seeds at home. And they say that pine necessarily requires stratification, or, in other words, significant cooling of the seeds before planting. According to some statistics, this procedure quite well accelerates the growth of the plant not only in the first year after planting, but also at later stages. However, it is not recommended to stratify seeds at home, since it is quite difficult to control the temperature, which ultimately often leads to rotting of the planting material. Fully ripened seeds germinate well even without being kept in a refrigerator or cool room. It is enough to germinate them in warm water or damp gauze.


Scots pine is considered a heat-loving plant, and it cannot tolerate too high air temperatures. The heat dries out the soil and leads to the death of seeds. At the stage of ripening and drying the seeds, it is important not to heat them more than 40°. However, lowering the temperature to -27 °C is completely undesirable for this plant. After planting the seeds, you should ensure that the soil does not overheat, as this threatens the development of fungal diseases. The optimal temperature for growth is considered to be 22-24 °C.


Besides the pleasant and warm air, pine requires presence sunlight. Therefore, it is best to place containers with plantings on the south side. Even slight shading can slow down the development of sprouts. When growing pine from seeds at home, you should understand that the key role in this process is played by ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that home plantings will develop a little slower than those planted in open ground. Replacing natural light with artificial light will not change the situation at all. better side. Therefore, it is much more correct to organize a place for the pine tree in the greenhouse, rather than spend money on expensive fluorescent lamps and other equipment.

Landing rules

Pine from seeds at home grows, although not quickly, but without any particular difficulties. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for the selection and preparation of planting material, as well as to correctly carry out the planting process itself.

After two to three weeks of germination in moistened gauze, the seeds split into two parts, and a root begins to grow from them. Planting material is planted immediately in separate containers with prepared soil and drainage system. For each seed, at least 200 grams of substrate is calculated. The seeds are buried lightly and very carefully so as not to damage the fragile sprouts. Regardless of the location of the seed, the plant will develop correctly and grow evenly. The plants will be ready for transplantation after reaching a height of twenty centimeters.

Watering and fertilizing

The soil should be moistened regularly, namely daily. But at the same time, watering should be moderate and not interfere with the access of oxygen. Water hardness has absolutely no effect on the development of the sprouted seed. To ventilate the substrate, small holes should be made in the side walls of the container. This is done if more than 500 grams of soil is prepared for each plant. It is advisable to water from a sprayer or by immersing the container with plants in a tray of water (provided that it contains prepared drainage holes). Pine is fed exclusively with mineral preparations until mid-summer.

Features of growing pine from seeds in open ground

This method of growing pine is permissible only in warm regions. In this case, preparing seeds for planting is no different from growing them at home. Seeds are sown to a depth of about three centimeters at a distance of at least 15 centimeters from each other. After planting, the soil is mulched, but not shaded, as this will inhibit growth. In spring, seedlings are covered with film to protect them from birds and rodents. This cover is removed after dropping the remaining seeds. In such conditions, pines grow for three years, after which intermediate planting should be done. The distance between seedlings increases to 90-100 centimeters. After another five years, the pines are transplanted to a permanent location. With each transplant, soil from the pine forest must be added to the soil.

Evergreens are a picturesque decoration of any local area, pleasing the eye with their lush green pine needles all seasons. Buying, if necessary, a ready-made pine or spruce seedling is not a problem today, but it is unlikely to warm the soul as much as one or several trees grown with one’s own hands from tiny seeds. Moreover, this It’s not such a difficult task to grow pine trees from seeds yourself at home.

Everyone understands that small pines appear from the very cones that are often found on New Year's tree and delight the children. But not every cone is suitable for extracting seeds from it.

Hand-collected pine seeds

It is better to go to a nearby coniferous planting for planting material. Despite the apparent monotony of pine trees, they are still plants of different varieties, so you need to find an adult tree that is optimally suitable appearance. Most varieties of the pine family have cones that mature within two years, so those that are still green and stiff are not suitable. Large ones should be selected brown fruits, in which the scales have already opened or begun to open.

Note: cones are harvested in the fall, before the snow.

At home, you need to dry the cones near a heat source until the valves are completely open, and then knock them against each other so that the seeds fall out. Then fill them with water: those seeds that remain floating on the surface are not suitable for propagation. The grains immersed in water should be removed, dried and processed for planting.

Preparing for landing

There are two opinions regarding the preplant preparation of seeds. Proponents of stratification argue that germination will be positively affected by exposure to cold temperatures. According to this version, after collecting and selecting, it is better to soak the seeds in water for 2-3 days, then mix them with clean sand and put the box in the cold (from 0 to +5 degrees) for the winter. Other gardeners believe that stratification is not at all necessary for pine, and it is better to germinate the seeds before planting indoors. In this case, the grains still need to be soaked in warm water for about 3 days, and spread between layers wet cloth(gauze) until they germinate. You can soak the planting material in potassium permanganate or a growth stimulant.

Seeds must be soaked before planting!

Seeds are planted both in containers with soil (boxes, pots, containers) and in open land Location on.

Conditions required for good growth seedlings:

  • constant moderate soil moisture
  • excellent drainage
  • optimal soil composition (peat + sand + turf, you can add dry pine needles and pieces of pine bark for looseness)
  • sufficient quantity sunlight (not artificial!) light
  • temperature not lower than 22 °C and not higher than 40 °C

The seeds are deepened into the ground by three centimeters, the distance between them is maintained at 2-3 cm. If planting occurs immediately in open ground, then you need to make a groove in the ground about the size of a bayonet and a half shovel, 25 cm wide, fill it with the same soil mixture and plant the seeds in the same way. Cover the top with a centimeter layer of sand or mulch.

Important: the area for sowing must be well lit.

The first time after planting, you need to strictly monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out. Daily watering from a sprayer or into a tray is carried out during the first two weeks. Shoots usually appear 15-21 days after planting.

Seedling care

For the first two to three years, young pine shoots do not require complex manipulations; you just need to ensure regular watering, fertilizing and protection from curious pets. In the spring, it is better to cover sprouts grown in open ground with a film to protect them from frost, and in the winter, cover them with spruce branches. After three years, the first seedlings can be transplanted, and after five years, they can be planted in a permanent place. It is better to plant in late spring.

The preferred fertilizers are special ones - for conifers, as well as compost. We should also not forget about protection from fungi and diseases by periodically treating with a fungicide (potassium permanganate).

The final location where the pine tree will be located should be well-lit, not too humid, and some shading on the west side is acceptable. Pines usually grow in open areas, with at least one and a half meters of free space on each side. Drainage is poured into the dug hole and fertilizers are added, then a layer of soil mixture is added. When replanting, it is important that the roots are not exposed, but are planted together with a lump of adjacent soil.

Gardener's advice. Transplantation is an important stage in the life of a tree. If you remove the roots from a clod of earth and plant them in new soil, the tree may take root poorly and even dry out. The fact is that in the near-root soil during plant growth, its own microflora is formed, which protects against diseases and pests. Therefore, the clod of earth with roots should be transferred as intact as possible to the planting hole, then the transplanted tree will take root faster and continue to grow.

While the plant is young, it needs to be watered, fertilized, weeded, and protected from severe frost or heat. In its adult state, pine is quite unpretentious and no longer requires effort, but on the contrary, it pleases with its constant beauty and purifies the air.

A pine tree grown with your own hands from a seed can become a true friend, just like your pets, because you can watch how long and persistently this thing grows amazing plant- exceptional pleasure.


To improve a country farm, it is often important to know how to properly grow pine from seeds and get beautiful landscaping on the site.

Preparing seeds - collecting and peeling the cones

If you have decided to improve your plot and plant a pine grove on it, take care first of all of the planting material. To do this, you need to go to the nearest forest, where fairly strong trees of the species you need grow, and notice among them several of the healthiest ones. Then, starting from mid-September, you need to visit the chosen place from time to time and watch when the cones begin to fall, with the help of which the pine tree reproduces.

You may have to monitor until November, so take a photo of the selected trees in advance. It is advisable to collect fruits from under several pines. Before choosing trees, familiarize yourself with their species, since there are certain varieties of pine whose seeds take about two years to ripen. After picking up the cones, make sure that they have not yet shed seeds.

Then, carefully placing them in a paper bag or box, take them indoors, where you try shaking them large sheet white paper, or directly in the bag. If the seeds do not fall out, it means that the cones are not yet fully ripe. You need to dry them on a heating radiator or stone oven, if there is one. It is not advisable to heat the oven in the oven, despite the recommendations of many gardeners; it is possible to miscalculate and overcook the seeds. When the scales of the cones open, carefully shake out the planting material.

To select the strongest seeds that will be used for propagation, prepare several cups according to the number of cones collected. Next, we place the seeds from each fruit of Scots pine (or another variety) in a separate container and select those that sank into the water faster than others. Those remaining floating on the surface are not suitable for reproduction. Many people advise drying the planting material and placing it in soil prepared for germination. However, pre-soaking for at least 24 hours in warm water at room temperature is much more effective. It’s even better to leave the seeds on damp gauze (between two layers of it) until they hatch.

Preparing the soil for sowing seeds for seedlings

First of all, it should be noted that pine trees are quite unpretentious plants, but growing them in heavy soils is extremely difficult. The ideal soil for them is considered to be one that is well saturated with oxygen, that is, they can be sandy soils or sandy loam. By placing a seed in heavy and poorly loosened soil, you have every chance of not waiting for the sprout to appear.

In the absence of air access, rot forms at the end of the hatched root, which quickly covers the entire embryo. The same thing happens when there is excess moisture in the soil. If planted in sand, then optimal ratio its particles with water will be in such a state when moisture does not ooze from the lump raised in the fingers, but the individual fractions remain linked by it. The ideal environment where it is recommended to place Scots pine seeds, both for germination and those that have already hatched, is. And not just any one, but one obtained from the top layer, which is looser.

The fact is that peat is formed from sphagnum bog moss, which turns under the influence of dampness and in the process of decomposition by bacteria into a kind of compost. This planting substrate, in addition to excellent oxygen saturation, is very rich in various microelements, initially replacing fertilizers for seeds. Moreover, top peat retains to some extent the antiseptic properties of sphagnum moss and protects pine embryos from rot and fungus.

Lowland peat is not suitable for sowing pine because it is too dense soil, practically not saturated with oxygen, slowly absorbing and also slowly releasing moisture. To distinguish between the top and bottom layers of peat, you first need to pay attention to their color, comparing photos or finished samples, the first is much lighter than the second, it has some reddishness, while the bottom layer is closer to brown and dark brown. They also have different degrees of looseness, as mentioned earlier, and it’s enough just to knead the lump with your fingers to understand what type of substrate is in front of you.

To some extent, black soil, which it is advisable to dry first, is suitable for planting hatched seeds. Before planting, such soil is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to destroy the fungus.

Stratification - is it really necessary for pine seeds?

Some tree species require sharp cooling when grown from seeds, or, in other words, they need stratification. These include linden, ash, rowan and even pear. Apply this method activation of development processes of planting material and seeds of Scots pine.

According to some statistics, stratification slightly accelerates growth by initial stage, during the first year, which can be noted by taking a photo of seedlings planted with and without pre-cooling for comparison. But at home, such methods of preparing seeds are undesirable, since a violation of the temperature regime can ultimately lead to rotting of the planting material. However, extracted from well-dried room temperature cones, pine seeds are able to sprout without being kept in a cool, humid environment (within 0 degrees).

In addition, you can try to apply to a small batch of seeds the method of soaking in ice-cold melt water, which, like stratification, according to some gardeners, activates accelerated growth and saturates the planting material with energy. In general, it is enough to germinate well-dried seeds in warm water to obtain uniform, friendly shoots. If you consider stratification for Scots pine seeds as necessary stage preparation, you can use the following tips foresters.

When the cones are fully opened, the seeds are soaked in gauze for 3 days. To hatch them, you need to keep the planting material in a humid environment for about 10 days, so a shorter period will simply reduce the dormant period. Next, the seeds are mixed with coarse sand (preferably river sand, with rounded fractions), in a ratio of 1:3, for which you will need small wooden boxes. Stratification requires storing seeds in a cool place, at a temperature of 0 to 6 degrees, for which a dry cellar or a half-meter-deep ditch, subsequently covered with snow, is suitable.

Temperature conditions for seed germination

Pine - heat-loving plant, however, here the emphasis should be on the word “heat”, high temperatures it does not tolerate it, especially since the heat dries out the soil, and the seeds need moisture no less than oxygen. Even at the drying stage, you should ensure that the air around the seeds does not heat above 40 degrees. But also cooling environment Below 27 degrees is undesirable. You should not listen to advice about drying in the oven, since 120 degrees is detrimental in most cases for planting material.

After placing the seeds in peat or sandy substrate, you need to try to ensure that the pots or containers do not get too hot - the warmer the better. more favorable conditions for fungi. Therefore, in sunlight, do not let the plantings overheat, provide constant influx fresh air. At the same time, do not shade the emerging shoots under any circumstances; pine trees need a lot of light. Optimal temperature soil for active growth - 22-24 degrees, no more. That is, you need to regularly moisten the peat or sandy substrate, at least once a day.

What should be the lighting for containers with seedlings?

Having mentioned the temperature regime, it will be quite natural to focus your attention on the lighting. As already mentioned, Scots pine needs a lot of bright sunlight. Therefore, it is best to keep containers on windows facing south. Shading of sprouts leads to inhibition of their development. However, it should be taken into account that in photosynthesis it is not just light that plays a key role, but the ultraviolet spectrum, therefore, on a window where there is not natural light all day, the growth of pine trees will be slower than on open ground.

It should be noted that artificial lighting in no way replaces natural lighting. In particular, from incandescent lamps you can only get bright light and heat, but not ultraviolet radiation. Fluorescent lamps do not even provide warmth. There are special fluorescent lamps with a photosynthetic effect, but they are not powerful enough to fully provide the pine sprouts with the necessary lighting. Therefore, it is easier to make a greenhouse in the garden so that the shoots are exposed to the sun’s rays from morning to evening, than to install an ineffective imitation of them at home that consumes electricity.

Watering and fertilizing the soil in containers with seedlings

Moistening the substrate in which the seeds are placed must be constant, more precisely, daily. The degree of water hardness does not play a special role when growing pine. In this case, it absolutely does not matter how the hatched seed is immersed in the soil or sand, downwards or sideways, it will still develop correctly. Moderate watering is recommended so that the oxygen needed by the roots remains in the substrate.

Also, to allow air to enter, it is advisable to drill small holes in the walls of containers or pots, so that soil does not spill out of them. In general, it all depends on the volume of soil - if there is more than 500 grams of soil prepared for each plant, then you can do without holes in the container. The amount of substrate should not be less than 200 grams per seed. It is best to water not with a stream, which quickly oversaturates the soil, but with water dust from a spray bottle, gradually moistening the peat or sandy substrate. A good solution is watering from below, using wicks made of fibers that quickly absorb moisture through the drainage holes in the pot.

Such a container is placed in a tray with water, which is then absorbed from below into the soil. In the same way, you can feed the plantings with soluble mineral fertilizers. Concerning organic fertilizers, they are strictly contraindicated, since oversaturation with nitrogen can occur, and there is a risk that the roots will begin to suffocate. You need to stop fertilizing in mid-summer so that the season comes on time. winter period peace. Attention - over the course of a year, the shoots rise by 10-12 centimeters, which can be seen when taking photos; the pine tree can only be replanted in the 5th year, when a sufficient number of needles appear and a stem is formed.

The number of people who are New Year's celebration decorate a homemade, living beauty Christmas tree, Lately increased. Most often, ready-made seedlings are used for growing them. But you can do without intermediaries - sellers, and try to grow a Christmas tree or pine yourself, from seeds. Yes, not just one, but as many as your heart desires. It's not difficult at all.

How to grow a Christmas tree (pine) from seeds

Seeds coniferous trees, are known to be in cones. To prepare them, the cones are collected in December, after the first frost, and dried in dryers at a temperature of 55-57 degrees. At the same time, they open and seeds spill out of them. In the absence of a dryer, ordinary ovens are sometimes used at home. Then they still need to be deferred and winnowed. At production, seeds are sent for analysis to a laboratory to determine the similarity class. And at home, its suitability can be tested experimentally by sowing a certain amount in a box of soil indoors. Of course, if you do not plan to grow a large number of fir tree seedlings, then you can safely do without such a test, simply by sowing more seeds than required.

Christmas tree (or pine) seeds should sprout in about two weeks, and germination can be determined by the amount of material sown and seedlings. Depending on it, in the spring, when sowing in a greenhouse, seeding rates are determined. For example, in our country forest crops in the first class of germination are sown in the ground at linear meter 2 grams of pine seeds, second class - 2.6 grams and third - 3 grams per linear meter.

I should immediately note that all work on growing pine seedlings is carried out in a greenhouse until they are one year old. The soil in it should be sandy loam or taken from peat bogs. Sowing time is March or April, as soon as the ground thaws.

The day before sowing, soak the seeds for 24 hours in a cold one percent manganese solution, then dry them in the shade on burlap until they flow. To prevent diseases, seeds are treated with fungicides at the rate of 6 grams of baseazole per kilogram of seeds. The seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm in rows, at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from each other, they are immediately sprinkled with peat or small sawdust, after which the crops are moistened.

Within 10-14 days, the first shoots appear. During their germination, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out or be too wet. When the rows become clearly visible and the plants grow to 10-15 centimeters, the row spacing should be weeded and loosened. Water the plants in the morning or evening and make sure that the air temperature in the greenhouse does not exceed + 30-35 degrees, and the humidity does not exceed 60 percent.

If necessary, coniferous tree crops are fed at the roots once or twice a summer with nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers - one tablespoon of fertilizer per bucket of water. And in case of disease, fungicides are used.

In August, the film is removed from the greenhouse where the seedlings are located, and without it, under open air they stay until next spring, until the time comes for them to “relocate” to a permanent place. When planting in sandy or sandy loam soil, it is important that the root of the seedling is soaked in the nutrient solution and straightened.

It should be poured into the hole 1-2 centimeters below the covered part and so that there are no voids at the root. During the first summer, weeds are carefully pulled out from the tree.

I am sure that if these basic conditions are met, you will be able to grow a large coniferous tree from a small seed yourself.

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