Construction of fused roofs at sub-zero temperatures. Installation and repair of soft roofs in winter - why is it technically possible, but not economically profitable? Self-adhesive backing materials

Soft roof - modern material, which has good technological characteristics, is in demand on the market, work with which in practice is carried out all year round.

The Russian climate is characterized by a long cold period and there is often a need or desire to cover the roof when more low temperatures.

Won't this have serious consequences?

Soft tiles are a fiberglass canvas with a bitumen-polymer coating applied to both sides. It is this layer that is responsible for all the most important functions - it is both a waterproofing agent and an adhesive at the same time. In its pure form, bitumen easily melts when the temperature rises and quickly hardens when it drops - for roofing this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

Technologists have found a way to neutralize this flaw: modified polymer compounds are added to bitumen, which improve the properties of the material. As a result, it melts less, does not harden as much in the cold, and does not lose its properties under unfavorable conditions.

In practice, this means that it “does not float” in direct sunlight and “does not tan” in the cold, and installation work can be done at any temperature. Flexible bitumen shingles can withstand temperatures from -55° C to + 110° C, and the strength of the adhesive joint can withstand -35° C.

These are temperature limits that are most comfortable for humans and favorable for the manifestation of the best technological properties of the material.

From + 5° C and above, soft roofing and mastics are the most flexible and do not require additional softening with hair dryers - the installation process is carried out at optimal speed without the use of auxiliary means. More information about installation soft tiles.

How do low temperatures affect the coating?

At subzero temperatures, the bitumen layer becomes less plastic, hardens, and the polymerization process slows down. Work can be carried out, but the material must be entered into warm room With optimal temperature, and then bring it to the installation site in batches of several packages.

If the frost is severe, then the packages with roofing material should warm up well in a heated room for 1–2 days. During the installation process, you will need to use a construction hair dryer - heating the tiles and mastics before installation will increase the plasticity of the materials and ensure better adhesion of the shingles to each other.

Working in the cold increases the number of procedures and manipulations, while simultaneously reducing the speed.

What to do if the base gets wet?

You cannot carry out work when it is raining, snowing or starting installation without waiting for the base to dry. The base must be dry - otherwise there will be damp under the sealed underlayment OSB sheets, plywood or boards (depending on what it is made of) will rot in 2-3 years, the roof will become unusable.

To be or not to be?

Carry out styling soft roof in winter or not - everyone decides for themselves.

It makes more sense to plan roof installation in the spring, when there are more sunny days, higher air temperatures, less rain - ideal conditions for roofing work. And in winter, it is quite possible to carry out preparations so as not to waste time during the construction season, and to purchase building materials - during this period the price for them is usually reduced.

In most cases, such materials are fiberglass, which has a bitumen coating on both sides. If the weather is hot, dry outside, you can stick such material without using forced heating, which means it’s quite enough natural conditions(sun rays). But there are other circumstances, therefore, the question at what temperatures a soft roof can be laid varies somewhat, although the main condition is heating.

Temperature characteristics of laying bitumen shingles

First of all, it should be noted that soft roofing materials come in two types:

  1. Rolled.
  2. Tiled.

Installation can only be carried out if the outside temperature is at least 5 °C. Although perfect option provides for dry and also hot weather, but damp or rainy weather is unacceptable - the base must be dry. Such requirements are due physical properties bitumen - if the temperature is below 5 °C, it simply hardens and cannot be glued.

If lower limit determined by a temperature of 5 °C, there is no upper limit at all under natural weather conditions for bitumen shingles. For example, in the southern regions the air temperature in the sun can be very high, and in Libya a heat of 58 °C in the shade was recorded. But such heat is not a hindrance, the main thing is that the roofers can work at the same time.

But not every time it is possible to install a soft roof in dry and sunny weather. If the sun does not help with gluing, bitumen mastic and a gas burner are used to forcefully heat the material. If an urgent need arises, installation using a gas burner is also done in frosty weather - when there are leaks or snow flies into the attic, the weather cannot be taken into account. But roofers usually try to avoid such options, which greatly affects the speed of the production process.

When laying bitumen shingles, the base plays an important role - most often: chipboard, OSB, FSF plywood or edged board. But for high-quality installation Above-zero temperatures or even very hot weather are not enough. The fact is that wood has the ability to absorb moisture, which often accumulates during storage. Therefore, if the base is wet, then no amount of heat and scorching sun will help to glue the soft roofing material.

Temperature characteristics when laying TECHNONICOL roofing

Laying TECHNONICOL type rolled roofing material is somewhat different from identical work with bitumen shingles. Of course, you can use two methods for fixation:

  1. Mechanical fastening (screws, roofing nails, slats).
  2. Fusing onto the roof base.

But in this case we are only interested in one possible variant- fusing, in which it is necessary to resort to forced heating. However, the fixation requirements roll materials very similar to the requirements for bitumen tile coverings and, above all, a dry base. There is one important advantage in this situation - the use of a gas burner allows you to dry out the moisture immediately before installation, if the base, of course, is not wooden.

Fixing TECHNONICOL type rolls using the fusing method can only be done using molten bitumen, but not hot or sunny weather won't help here. Here, to create the proper temperature, gas burners are usually used, as the most handy tool. It should be noted that this method is only applicable to flat roofs, and the reason for this is a completely natural physical dependence. The situation is explained by the banal flow of bitumen from the sloping surface, and there is no way to simultaneously operate the burner and glue the roof.

But, despite the fact that heating here is created artificially, some restrictions on temperature conditions still exist. The most suitable weather is considered to be with air temperature from -5 °C to +25 °C. Starting from -6 °C and below, TECHNONICOL hardens greatly and its installation becomes simply impossible. But if the air warms up above 25 °C, the material becomes too soft, which also makes fixing it extremely difficult. For these reasons, it is not recommended to store rolls in the cold or in the open sun.

The ideal time for roofing work with such material is considered to be spring, late summer and early autumn. The situation is considered when the air is heated from 6 °C to 20 °C, which is most convenient for production activities. But in situations where the roll turns out to be frozen (the conditions for its storage were not met), use construction hair dryer for heating. But TECHNONICOL, softened in the sun, can no longer be cooled and you need to wait for suitable weather.

From this we can conclude that temperature conditions both for roll and tile roofing are very similar, although there are some nuances. By following these instructions (they are usually given by the manufacturer), you can quickly and efficiently re-cover your home.

|| Thermal insulation materials. Purpose and classification || Materials for leveling screeds and protective layers of roofs || Painting compounds and putties. Drying oils || Mineral binders. Purpose and classification || Construction solutions. Types and classification of solutions || General information about roofs, roofing and the organization of roofing work. Roof classification || Preparation of foundations for roofs. Substrate surface preparation || Installation of roofs from roll materials. Preparation of roofing materials || Installation of mastic roofs. Roofs made of bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer mastics || Installation of roofs using prefabricated coating panels. Complex panels || Construction of roofs made of piece materials. Roofs made of small-piece materials || Metal tile roofs. General information || Roofing made of sheet steel. Preparatory work || Roof repair. Roofs made from roll materials || Safety precautions

General requirements. Roofing work is carried out at outdoor temperatures down to -20°C, and in the Far North, as an exception, down to -30°C. For the conditions of the Far North at temperatures below -20°C, it is recommended to use rolled polymer materials in the form of prefabricated carpets or to make roll-free roofs from cold polymer mastics Krovlelit, Venta-V in solvents. Restrictions on roofing work when negative temperatures consist mainly in the fact that it is not allowed to carry out roofing in case of ice, snowfall, fog, strong wind.

When the outside air temperature is negative, roll materials may be glued to the following substrates: asphalt concrete - immediately after laying the asphalt concrete, any prepared at a positive temperature; prefabricated slabs with a factory-made single-layer rolled carpet (the seams between the slabs are sealed with cement-sand mortar with the addition of potash - 10% by weight of cement); cement-sand with expanded clay filler with a fraction of up to 3 mm (cement:sand ratio - 1:2 parts by weight) with the addition of potash to the solution (10...15% by weight of cement). Roof structures for construction in the Far North have features at junctions, on eaves, overhangs (Fig. 87, a) and in places where water intake funnels pass (Fig. 87, b). It is recommended: the first layer of roofing felt on the eaves 3 should be laid dry with the topping facing down; arrange thermal insulation liners 4; cover the cornice with additional layers of roofing carpet 5.

Rice. 87.
1 - cleaver; 2 - aprons; 3 - a layer of roofing felt (dry), laid with the topping down; 4 - liners; 5 - additional layers of roofing carpet; 6 - main roofing carpet; 7 - covering panel; 8 - water intake funnel; 9 - cement-sand mortar; 10 - galvanized steel pallet

The main roofing carpet 6 (Fig. 87, a) is made stepped and is not brought up to the eaves by 350 mm, the main thermal insulation is laid along the vapor barrier on the covering panels 7. The entire eaves section is protected with an apron 2 made of galvanized roofing steel, secured with clamps 1. At junctions layers of additional roofing carpet 5 are laid to the funnels on the covering panel (Fig. 87, b), which are brought close to the water inlet funnel 8, just like the main carpet 6. The thermal insulation layer is laid on a galvanized steel pallet 10. The funnel is secured with bolts embedded in cement-sand mortar 9. Applying a primer and gluing rolled materials is not allowed if the base of the roof is covered with snow, frost or ice. Frost in the form of a crust of frost or ice is sprinkled with technical table salt(at the rate of 150 g/m2), then after 6...7 hours the base treated with salt is sprinkled with sawdust, and after 2...3 hours the sawdust is swept away and the moistened base is dried using portable heaters. The suitability of the base is checked by applying a test sticker to the roll sheet.

Rolled materials are kept in a warm room and delivered to workplaces in insulated containers. The containers are metal boxes with lids (section 350x700 mm, height 1050 mm), insulated from the inside with foam plastic. Mastic for the roof is served in thermoses, asphalt - in insulated containers. To warm workers, as well as for intermediate storage of materials, temporary insulated rooms must be equipped on the roofs. The carpet glued in winter is inspected during the warm season, if necessary, repaired, and then the remaining layers are glued according to the design.

In winter conditions, roll carpets, except for the top layer, are usually glued with cold mastics. The top layer is glued in the warm season after a preliminary examination. When supplying mastics with pump 7 (Fig. 88) through pipeline 1, it must be insulated. The mastics are heated in thermos boilers. Maximum temperature mastic 180°C. When applying, the temperature of hot mastic should be 160°C, and cold mastic 70°C.

Rice. 88. :
1 - pipeline; 2 - clamp; 3 - weather vane; 4 - inner tube; 5 - frame; 6 - pipe for supplying mastic from a thermos; 7 - pump

In winter conditions, it is recommended to stick rolled materials only along the slope, regardless of the roof slope. When gluing rolled panels manually, the mastic must be applied in strips the width of the brush perpendicular to the direction of rolling the roll and immediately roll and lap the panels. Simultaneous installation of multi-layer roll carpets in winter time Regardless of the type of mastic, it is prohibited. In low-temperature conditions, additional layers of carpet are glued to funnels, junctions, valleys and eaves overhangs only with hot mastics, regardless of the material used to construct the roofing carpet. The rolled carpet at the junction of the drainage funnel must have an additional bottom layer of fiberglass impregnated with insulated mastic. The distance from the funnels of internal drains to the walls, ventilation shafts and exits to the roof should be sufficient for the connection of the rolled carpet, but not less than 1 m. For work in winter, it is recommended to use installations SO-212, SO-195A, SO-222A, as well as auxiliary equipment(Fig. 89).

Rice. 89. :
a - insulated bunker for asphalt concrete; b - insulated box for two rolls of roofing felt; c - insulated wheelbarrow for asphalt concrete; g - roof for wheelbarrow and bunker; 1 - frame made of bars 30x40 mm; 2 - slag; 3 - plywood

Thermal insulation device. The thermal insulation layer is best made from prefabricated insulation boards. To avoid the installation of leveling screeds, the slabs are sorted in a warm room by size, turning Special attention to their thickness. The slabs are laid, adding a leveling layer of expanded clay underneath them if necessary. The joints are sealed with mastic from a mixture of liquefied bitumen with fibrous filler (asbestos of the 6th and 7th groups). Sealing joints with mastic allows you to get more solid foundation roofs. If the project provides for gluing thermal insulation boards to the base, then to the surface reinforced concrete slabs(or other load-bearing base) a primer is applied, and after it dries, mastic is applied. Monolithic thermal insulation in winter, as a rule, is not suitable, since when laying concrete mixtures with light aggregates it is necessary to use electric heating, which is quite difficult in roof conditions and takes a lot of time, and anti-frost additives can worsen thermal insulation properties insulation materials. Of the compositions for installing monolithic thermal insulation, the most preferable is bitumen perlite. It is prepared from hot bitumen and filler - perlite, fed and applied in a mechanized way: hot bitumen through heat-resistant hoses using bitumen pumps, perlite - through a pipeline using compressed air.

Screed device. Screeds at sub-zero temperatures are made from prefabricated asbestos-cement and cement slabs and monolithic - cement-sand and asphalt concrete. Since wet processes are very difficult to carry out in winter at low temperatures, the installation of a continuous prefabricated base in winter is preferable both in terms of labor costs and the quality of work. Prefabricated slabs are glued on hot bitumen mastics. Cement-sand screeds are made from cement-sand mortars of composition 1:2 or 1:3 (parts by weight) with antifreeze additives - potash (calcium chloride) or sodium carbonate salts. The amount of additives for the main composition is determined in laboratory conditions. In cement-sand mortars, river or mountain sand is replaced with expanded clay. The cement-sand mortar with anti-frost additives is laid heated to 40...60°C, excluding as much as possible the transfer of the mortar from one container to another. Solutions are delivered to the construction site in closed tanks (mortar trucks). When transported through pipelines, the receiving and distributing hoppers are closed with tight, hermetically sealed lids. Bunkers and pipelines are covered with thermal insulation. When supplied to the roof by cranes, the solution is delivered in insulated containers, which are loaded (from mortar trucks and other Vehicle) in insulated rooms. The solution, supplied to the roof in a container, is placed on a scooter or trolley without overloading into other containers and transported to the installation site. The roofers lay the delivered mortar in strips along beacon slats one at a time, leveling and compacting with vibrating slats, priming the mortar immediately after laying it and covering the finished strip with a continuous insulating layer of mats. After laying the solution through the strip, remove the beacon slats and fill the intermediate strips with the solution, also leveling their surface, priming and covering with an insulating layer.

Asphalt concrete screeds have an advantage over cement-sand screeds is that thanks to them high temperature at the time of laying (170°C) they are easier to level. The asphalt concrete mixture is delivered to the roof and to the roofers’ workplace in insulated containers; at very low temperatures, containers with the mixture are heated before installation using thermal electric heaters (TEHs) to operating temperature. The mixture is laid in areas of 4 x 4 m on verified beacon slats and immediately leveled and compacted with rollers. Screeds from asphalt concrete mixture And cement-sand mortar arranged in winter in cases where the installation of the load-bearing base of the roofs ends in winter and it is impossible to postpone the date of their installation. In this case, instead of monolithic screeds, flat screeds are sometimes used. asbestos cement sheets. When installing prefabricated screeds, their base (the surface of the heat-insulating layer) is carefully leveled. Prefabricated elements are primed on both sides, then glued onto 100 mm wide spacers, which are glued with bitumen mastics. The seams between the prefabricated slabs are filled with a mixture of liquefied bitumen grade BN-70/30 with a filler of group 7 asbestos. Screeds installed before the onset of cold weather, when roofing on them is carried out at sub-zero temperatures, are immediately primed (before the solution begins to set).

Gluing rolled carpet. For gluing roll materials, cold bitumen mastics with thinners (kukersol varnish or solar oil) are mainly used. When constructing roofs from fused rolled materials, installations with burners operating on liquid or liquid are used to heat the covering layer. gas fuel(propane-butane). Before gluing, rolled materials, including weld-on materials, are kept rolled out in a warm room at a temperature of 20...25°C for 24...48 hours, rolled up and placed in 5...7 rolls in a container with thermal insulation. These containers are transported to the roof by light cranes and scooters, delivering directly to the stowage area. All containers with hot mastic are equipped with electric heaters to ensure the required temperature (160...180°C).

Considering the difficulty of gluing roofing roll materials on hot mastics, it is advisable to install the roofing carpet using cold bitumen-polymer mastics. These mastics are prepared with the introduction of polymers and heated to 70...80°C before application. When gluing on cold bitumen mastics, mark the laying line of rolled materials kept in a warm, cleaned room and try them on in the laying area. A roll of cloth is rolled out over the primed base, applying cold mastic to the base and rolled material using spray rods. The roofer, pressing the glued sheet to the base, makes sure that there is no mastic roll in front of the roll, which indicates the need to reduce its consumption. The panels are glued alternately, first with a transverse overlap (in width), the next row with a longitudinal overlap (in length).

The term “soft roof” means a direct or inverse arrangement of layers of bitumen - polymer mastics and materials based on fiberglass, fiberglass and polyester fabric.

In this article we will look at the device in winter period, And Is it possible to make a soft roof in winter??

We will also touch upon the issues of operating a soft roof in winter and removing snow from the covering.

First, let's look at existing species soft roof.

In official documents, another term is used to refer to soft roofing - roll roofing.

The design and repair of soft roofs is established by the Code of Practice SP 17.13330.2011 SNiP II-26-76"Roofs".

The document classifies roll roofing as straight and inverted roofs, with an insulation layer made of bitumen, bituminous - polymer material, various membranes and mastics.

With a carpet made of rolled material with a gravel or coarse-grained topping, it varies from 1.5 to 10%, from bitumen-polymer material with coarse-grained topping - from 1.5 to 25%.

To create a slope along a horizontal base, use a screed cellular concrete monolithic installation. The screed can be laid on the base or on the insulation. It is possible to use special shaped additions made of slab insulation.

Soft roofs with a slope of ≥ 25% are performed subject to the use of hot mastic and rolled material with a heat resistance of 90°C, or cold mastic with a heat resistance of 100°C.

Composition of a soft roof with a direct arrangement of layers looks like this:

  • Base;
  • Slope-forming layer;
  • Vapor barrier;
  • Insulation;
  • insulation from 2 – 4 layers of bitumen roofing material, upper layer has a fine- or coarse-grained topping.

The number of insulating layers is taken taking into account technical characteristics roof material and slope

In an inversion roof, the layers are arranged in the reverse order:

  • Base;
  • Slope-forming screed;
  • Waterproofing carpet;
  • Insulation;
  • Filter material;
  • Load of gravel or concrete slabs.

Inversion roofing is performed with large areas and on exploited roofs.

Materials for soft roofing

Produced in Russia a large number of roofing materials. To carry out repairs or install new
roofs in winter Suitable materials with flexibility on timber with a diameter of 15 cm at a temperature of -25° C brands Technoelast, Uniflex, Linokrom, Bipolykrin, Bikrost, Krovlyelast and others.

The common thing is a bitumen-polymer resin applied to a base made of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester.

Materials intended for fusing have a special film on the bottom that melts when heated - it serves as an adhesive.

Roofing materials without film are glued to bitumen-polymer mastics. Materials for the lower layers of the carpet are produced without mineral sprinkling; materials for the top layer have coarse or fine-grained sprinkling.

Major repairs and minor repairs - what's the difference? Difference between And major repairs minor repairs roofing is significant. To assess the condition roofing pie in several places, pits measuring 1x1 m are chosen, Based on the exposed areas, the number of layers of the carpet is determined

, type and condition of insulation, presence of vapor barrier. Major repairs involve replacement

, assessment of the condition of the insulation: if it is not in working condition, replacement of the insulation is required. If the insulation is in working condition, measures are taken to dry it.

NOTE! For minor repairs on defective areas roofs are replaced with carpet or laid additional layers waterproofing material. When performing repairs or installation by a contractor, each layer of roofing materials requires.

drawing up acts of hidden work The previously used slab insulation materials made of foam concrete and polystyrene are not able to meet the requirements of current standards for the resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures and are being replaced completely. In addition, current standards have tightened the requirements for vapor barrier of insulation: previously, insulation from moisture vapor from residential and office premises was not required. Respectively,

Waterproofing and vapor barrier layers made of roofing felt, roofing felt, glassine, whose service life is no more than 5 years, definitely require replacement.

Common defects

Defects most often arise due to technology violations performance of work, non-compliance with design decisions, carelessness of personnel and lack of care on the part of the owner of the house.

Regular inspection of the roof, timely detection of swelling, vegetation, cracking and delamination of the material can prevent leaks and wetting of the insulation.

Several methods have been developed to detect leak locations.

The most effective method - filling the roof with water and draining the water after identifying the locations of defects - is possible on flat roofs and with the presence of special equipment.

  • Leaks occur after precipitation or within 1-2 days later. There may be flickering leaks that appear periodically.
  • Leaks of the first type indicate mechanical damage to the covering, improper installation or poor-quality carpet material.
  • Leaks of the second type appear due to poor-quality sealing of junctions and in the case of incorrect installation fencing and drainage system.
  • Flickering leaks they talk about microcracks in the roofing material and insufficient size of aprons at the junctions.

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to lay soft tiles in winter?

Installation of soft roof in winter

Is it possible to install a soft roof in winter? Winter is not the best best time for roofing work. However, if necessary and following the rules, you can lay a soft roof in winter:

  • Laying in winter should be done under a special awning;
  • Working with solutions on water based conduct at a temperature not lower than +5° C;
  • Thoroughly dry the base before applying mastics and primers;
  • Soft roofing becomes very hard in winter and becomes brittle, so it should be thoroughly heated;
  • Warm up the carpet material at room temperature before laying it within 1-2 days.


Application gas burners for work on the roof it is allowed with non-combustible insulation(stone and basalt wool, fiberglass). When using insulation of flammability group G4 (expanded polystyrene), fusing should be carried out with a construction hair dryer!

The quality of roofing work in winter depends on compliance with the rules for working with materials. Soft roof installation at negative temperatures:

  1. The base must be smooth and dry;
  2. The screed for the slope must mature;
  3. Contact of porous insulation with wet materials and screeds is not allowed;
  4. Before fusing the waterproofing layer, surfaces (insulation, plastered parapets, ventilation shafts) must be primed with a primer;
  5. The junction areas must be protected with aprons.

Installation of roofing on a flat roof

Laying a soft roof in winter requires more technological operations: warming up the carpet material at room temperature, drying the base, heating the material before laying with a gas burner or hairdryer. As a result - additional waste of resources and money, low labor productivity. Subject to compliance technological maps according to the material manufacturer, laying soft tiles in winter is possible, but not economically feasible.

Temperature conditions and roofing work

In regulatory documents no direct ban holding in winter repair work on the roof.

The main requirement for outdoor air temperature is written in SNiP 3.04.01 - 87 “Insulating and Finishing work»: Roofing work can be carried out in the temperature range from -30 to +60° C.

Work with flammable mastics is allowed down to -20° C.

Work with water-based compounds without anti-frost additives – not lower than +5° C.

The possibility of carrying out work largely depends on the technical characteristics of the material. If the passport indicates flexibility on a beam with a diameter of 15 cm at a temperature of -25 ° C, then at -30 it will break.

So, repairing a soft roof in winter at sub-zero temperatures in detail.

We repair soft roofs in winter

Urgent roof repairs can be done in winter two ways:

  1. Replace the defect patch from roofing material;
  2. Seal the leak with mastic based on polyurethane.

In the first case, the work is carried out as follows:

  1. We clear the leak area from snow and ice;
  2. Dry the leakage area with a gas burner or a hair dryer;
  3. The amount of roofing material required for embedding, preheated to room temperature, evenly heat with a hairdryer or burner from the bottom until the pattern changes;
  4. Apply the patch to the leak site, align it from the center to the edges, eliminating swelling;
  5. Glue by tapping with your hands or with a special roller.

Procedure for using mastic:

  1. Clean the leak area;
  2. Dry;
  3. We prime;
  4. We apply a layer of geotextile to the area to be repaired and secure it to the base with a stapler;
  5. Pour a layer of polyurethane mastic;
  6. After polymerization of the first layer (7-8 hours), we apply the second layer of mastic.

Preparation for repair

The first method is faster and easier, the second method is more reliable.

After renovation flat roof in winter it is advisable to leave there is a 5 cm layer of snow on it for protection from solar radiation and bad weather.

Roof care

A problem noticed in a timely manner minor defect easier, faster and cheaper to fix. In order not to bring the roof of the house to a state of repair, an inspection of the serviceability of the coating is necessary during the calendar year.

Is it necessary to clear snow from a soft roof? Yes, definitely!

In winter, it is necessary to clear the soft roof of snow: with a flat roof, heavy snowfall can exceed permissible load on the coating slabs - and this is a disaster! At pitched roof Excess snow will melt down in an avalanche. Cleaning soft roofs from snow - mandatory procedure roof care.

Is it possible to walk on a soft roof in winter? Urgently we do not recommend do this, since the coating becomes very fragile in winter and there is a high probability of damage to the coating.

This simple inspection will allow you to notice problems in time and make minor repairs.

  1. Upper floor ceilings - to detect stains;
  2. Roofs - to detect swelling;
  3. Roof junctions with parapets and at height differences;
  4. Fastening aprons and sealing seals.

At sub-zero temperatures pay attention to:

  • Icicle formation;
  • Ice plugs in funnels;
  • Icing of sections of walls near drainage systems;
  • The amount of snow on the soft roof.

Walking on a soft roof in winter is strongly not recommended!

In the fall, clean the roof and drainage system from fallen leaves. The topic of roof repair work is as broad as the number of roofing materials and technologies. If it is not possible to carry out repairs yourself, there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals. The roof of your house requires respect - the longevity of the building as a whole depends on its condition.

Useful video

And now we invite you to watch a video on repairing soft tiles in winter:

In contact with

We are glad to welcome you to the site roofing company"Stroy-Alliance"
Main and priority direction Our organization's activities include high-quality installation and repair of roofs flat type. We will reliably carry out the following work:

Laying of laying and built-up vapor barrier.

Each type of these plates has its own advantages and disadvantages. Call and we will offer the brand of insulation that is suitable specifically for your case.

We will carry out work on creating slopes from expanded clay or using wedge-shaped thermal insulation.

Installation of cement-sand and prefabricated screeds.

Reliable brands roofing waterproofing. No fiberglass as a base for rolls. Only fiberglass and polyester. Traditional technology Repair of soft flat roofs includes fusing of roofing roll materials using gas burners. This method of installing and repairing flat roofs is intuitive and has been used for over 30 years. Practical experience similar works The specialists of our organization are 17 years old. As roofing covering apply quality materials TechnoNikol company.

Polymer-bitumen grades with a thickness of more than 6 mm (for two-layer laying) Service life roll covering from 15 years old. Strict adherence to work technology.

Domestic and imported polymer membranes. All components for installation are available. Three automatic welding machines. Teams with 10 years of experience in installing roofs using PVC membranes.

Prompt visit to the site. Reliable defect removal. Roofers of the Stroy-Alliance company are certified by TechnoNikol.

Let's compose according technical specifications or a defective statement, a commercial offer within 1 business day. If necessary, we will calculate the cost according to government rates.

In our activities we use only proven technologies and use materials that have undergone many years of testing under real operating conditions. As a matter of principle, we do not work with materials that have low technical indicators and short service life. We deliver basic materials to the site directly from manufacturing plants, avoiding intermediaries.
We offer to potential customers various methods performance of work. This also applies to optimization of grades of materials and technologies used during installation. roofing structures. We know how you can save without losing quality!

Do you want to repair or install a flat roll roofing were performed with high quality, without violations of technology and in a short time?
Call now or leave a request and our roofers will get to work!

Advantages of cooperation with the Stroy-Alliance company

The Stroy-Alliance company is proud of its team. Due to the fact that we have no “staff turnover”, over the years of our existence, the company’s employees have acquired invaluable experience and trained in Russian and foreign companies. All this guarantees that our specialists will prevent errors, take into account every nuance in the work and ultimately provide a high-quality product. Stroy-Alliance specialists strictly fulfill their obligations under the contract, so our company is considered a reliable partner. Expensive modern equipment that we use for installation, repair of flat, soft, built-up, bitumen roofing, installation of roll roofing, roof waterproofing - an advantage of Stroy-Alliance, as this allows minimizing work time without loss of quality.

  • We have more than ten years of experience working with PVC membranes. We provide our services at a wide variety of facilities: shopping malls, warehouse terminals, private homes;
  • Installation membrane roofing we produce in as soon as possible(from 500 square meters in a day);
  • Quick preparation of estimates, preparation of a full package of documents when putting the facility into use (acts of acceptance of completed work, acts of hidden work, etc.);
  • Installation of roll roofing made of PVC membranes, repairs, installation of weld-on flat roof carried out by us throughout the Central Federal District Russia;
  • The work of the Stroy-Alliance company fully complies with tax legislation (VAT is deducted when concluding a contract);
  • Installation and repair of flat roofs is carried out using a variety of methods (modern and traditional);
  • The visit of a technical specialist is carried out with maximum efficiency and completely free of charge;
  • The brands of materials used are agreed upon with the Customer;
  • When providing services, we use the latest foreign equipment;
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation work in the brigade.

Place your roof repair worries on the shoulders of our specialists!