What is the difference between vanillin and vanilla sugar. Vanillin - what is it? Vanilla sugar and vanillin are the same thing

Vanilla sugar– this is a powdery product white, having a strong spicy aroma. Due to the fact that vanilla is expensive, they began to mix it with granulated sugar, as a result of which this culinary product was called vanilla sugar.

Three varieties of vanilla sugar

Crystalline vanilla sugar. It has a natural vanilla aroma. The advantage of such vanillin is that, with any processing, it for a long time holds his useful material and vitamins. It is used as an additive in ice cream, various confectionery products and other dishes.

Powdered vanillin. It has miniature sizes and a powder consistency. It contains a little more additional additives, and also has more strong smell. This powder is added to chocolate. This type of vanillin is sold in different flavors: for example, fruit or berry. Such vanilla sugar melts easily in warm liquid and has a strong aroma at low temperatures.

Liquid vanillin. It is a kind of mixture of alcohol tincture and vanillin. The product is used to create various drinks, bakery and dairy products. It contains a large number of carbohydrates, some calcium, magnesium and copper.

Uses of vanilla sugar

Vanillin is used in the preparation of various liqueurs, in cooking and perfumery. In the culinary field, vanilla sugar must be added strictly according to the recipe in a certain amount. If the amount of added vanillin exceeds the norm, the dish will acquire bitter notes of taste. When baking, vanillin is added, which is highly temperature resistant. It is poured into the dough or placed in the mass during baking, having previously been diluted in fat. The calculated data is as follows: up to ten grams of vanillin are added per kilogram of dough. When making chocolate, it is usually necessary to add crystalline vanillin or powdered vanilla sugar. Liquid vanillin is mixed into dairy products, and very rarely powdered vanillin. Here, up to two grams of vanilla sugar are used per liter of product.

Effect of vanillin

  • Has good solubility in liquids, such as alcohol, warm water and its other types;
  • Used to improve smell and taste;
  • The aroma lasts on the skin and hair for a long time;
  • Used as a home fragrance.


  • Has a calming effect due to its aroma;
  • Helps well against insomnia, has a relaxing effect;
  • Vanilla is considered an antioxidant and anti-carcinogen.


Excessive consumption damages the walls blood vessels, worsens their condition.

Cooking at home

Making your own vanilla sugar is quite easy. You will need one kilogram of granulated sugar, a bag of powdered sugar and a real vanilla pod. The longer the pod, the healthier and more valuable it is considered. The pod is cut into thin strips, the seeds are extracted, and then these strips are pounded to a pulpy state, eventually adding powdered sugar. Next, all the components are mixed well and poured into a jar along with sand, and a whole pod is placed on top. The product must be infused for at least five days, under a tightly closed lid in a dark place. The seeds do not need to be thrown away; they can be added to face cream. The calorie content of this product is 394 kcal.

Vanilla Pie Recipe

Very tasty pie with vanilla and lemon cream. To prepare it you will need: dough, wheat flour (two cups), baking powder (one teaspoon), eggs (three pieces), sugar (half a cup), butter (to grease the pan), vanillin.

For butter cream: butter (about fifty grams), powdered sugar (one sachet), vanilla extract (a few drops).

For lemon cream: lemon (one piece), egg (one piece), sugar (about fifty grams), butter (one small spoon).

Natural vanilla and vanilla sugar

I recently made it, and have already made the ice cream itself. Vanilla is there - important component, of course you can do it without it, but it tastes better with it. The question arose of how natural vanilla differs from synthetic vanilla, what vanilla is in general, and where to get natural vanilla. And today I found the answer and a place where you can buy natural vanilla pods.

In fact, you can buy it here - i-mne.com, 5 pods cost 150 rubles. The description and photo of vanilla are also from there.

Natural vanilla pods are vines dried in a special way.

Natural vanilla gives a very subtle, but very significant difference taste in the product.

“Sometimes it seems to me that adding vanilla to a raw food recipe is like adding pure delight: almost nothing seems to have changed, but the cake becomes like magic! Well, there’s simply an order of magnitude more joy for those who try it. a quarter of a pod and such an effect! It took me a while to figure out this vanilla." Nadezhda Semyonova

What is good about natural vanilla and how is it different from synthetic vanillin? It is one of the most expensive spices in the whole world due to the complex and long process technological process processing and difficulty of cultivation. This prompted the synthesis of vanillin, its artificial substitute. But vanilla is vanilla, and a substitute is a substitute, and it was never possible to completely replicate the subtlety and durability of real vanilla - due to the presence of minor odor components caused by heliotropin and other components essential oil vanilla.

Vanilla pods contain about 25% sugars, 15% fat, 30% cellulose and 6% minerals. The water content is quite high - 35%.

Among all spices, vanilla, partly because of its price and partly because of its properties, occupies a privileged place. Natural vanilla is used to flavor only the most expensive confectionery and sweet dishes. In particular, chocolate and cocoa-containing products, biscuits and biscuit dough products, creams, fillings, nut cookies. In the recipes of other sweet dishes (compotes, jellies, mousses, soufflés, parfaits, puddings, curd spreads, some types of jams), vanillin is more often used, although some of the aromatic properties of the finished product are lost.

In products subject to heat treatment, vanilla is introduced either immediately before it (in the dough) or immediately after while the dish has not yet cooled (in puddings, soufflés, compotes, jam, etc.). In cold dishes (curd pastes) after cooking. In products requiring impregnation (sponge cakes), vanilla is introduced in the form of vanilla syrup after baking.

Method of using vanilla - raw food and non-raw food:

To introduce vanilla into non-raw food products, it is usually thoroughly ground with powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the resulting vanilla sugar is mixed into the dough or sprinkled on the finished product.

In raw food dishes (cocktails, candies, cakes, creams, etc.) simply add the grains contained inside the pod. To do this, cut the pod (or part of it) lengthwise with a knife - inside there will be something like jelly made from grains - this is the vanilla itself. If desired, the pod can also be crushed and added, but it has much less taste and smell.

Consumption rates are low. When calculating per serving, the consumption is approximately 1/20 of a stick. When calculating per kilogram of products put into the dough - 1/4 stick. When making vanilla sugar, one vanilla stick is enough for 1/2 kilogram of sugar. Oddly enough, to obtain vanilla sugar suitable for sprinkling some confectionery products, you just need to store vanilla sticks along with powdered sugar in one jar. The sugar will be saturated with a fairly strong vanilla scent. At proper storage The durability of the vanilla aroma is amazing; they can retain their aroma for up to 5 years!! There are known cases of preservation of all properties after 36 years from the date of production.

    Vanilla is also sold in this store:
    There are 2 types:
    Vanilla Bourbon
    Vanilla from Reunion Island and Madagascar is characterized by the strongest, balanced and “dark” aroma; Mexican vanilla is softer and fresher in smell.

    Vanilla Tahitian
    (Vanilla Tahitiensis). These vanillas smell very different from real vanilla. Of course, these two vanillas are not entirely bad and can also be used as spices. proper names. Tahitian vanilla, rarely available, comes from a closely related plant and also has a vanilla aroma, but is more floral, setting it apart from other types. The aroma of vanilla from Tahiti is due additional components– piperonal and diacetyl.
    It is often considered low quality, but it deserves kind words as a separate spice.

    There are also glass flasks for storing vanilla on sale. :-) Tahitian vanilla and Bourbon Madagascar pod length 15-17.5 cm, organic, packed in glass flask. The flask costs 20 rubles. :-))

    From this store they also wrote:
    "Apparently we will also have Mexican vanilla and vanilla powder. :)"
    It turns out that there are so many types of vanilla!!

    I didn't like the taste of Bourbon vanilla. I will still use the synthetic one, it is much more interesting in terms of aroma. Another thing is that you need to buy it without flavorings...

It would seem that such a question as vanilla and vanillin: what is the difference between them is not worth it for an experienced cook. But for an amateur, it is often not a problem to simply open a bag of vanilla and use it. Are there any differences? How do these concepts differ?

What is what

Is wonderful tropical plant, a relative of orchids. It is a vine with delicate yellow-green flowers. Natural vanillin can be seen on the surface of the plant's fruits after a special procedure called fermentation. The substance appears as a colorless crystalline powder. Vanillin has a characteristic smell and taste.

Scientists have learned to create a synthetic analogue of vanillin. Paper production is accompanied by the formation by-product. It is a brown liquid containing the product of the interaction of lignin (wood polymer) with sulfurous acid. The mixture is treated with alkalis and oxidizing agents. Synthetic vanillin is isolated from this substance.

Natural vanilla began to be replaced with artificially synthesized vanilla solely because of the high cost of the pods. Synthetic analogues are used in perfumery, pharmacology, food and confectionery production, and in the production of alcoholic beverages.

Since the 2000s. French manufacturer Rhodia has developed a technology for producing biosynthetic vanillin. The French use ferulic acid obtained from rice bran as a raw material, and the synthesis itself finished product provided by special bacteria. The French analogue can be considered a flavoring natural origin. Especially considering that on the surface of vanilla pods they are formed with the direct participation of the same ferulic acid.

Fundamental difference

The fundamental difference between vanilla and vanillin is its natural origin. This fact determines all other differences:

  • The aroma of a natural product is formed from more than 400 components. The vanilla note is, of course, dominant, but the nuances that support it are also important, because these are cinnamon esters, anise alcohol, and aldehyde;
  • the benefits of artificially obtained substitutes are limited to the sphere of aromas. They can be used in aromatherapy. But they will no longer contain vitamins or minerals, that is healing properties has only natural vanilla;
  • The harm of artificially obtained substitutes has not been scientifically proven. But how they will definitely differ from natural vanillin is the admixture, albeit in very small doses, of propylene glycol and coumarin. The latter is known to be a carcinogen;
  • Food allergies can occur to both natural and synthetic products. It happens that a person can easily tolerate vanilla, but has an allergic reaction to its substitute, but it can also be the other way around.

In 2009, the culinary magazine Cook’s Illustrated (USA) conducted an experiment to reliably establish whether vanilla and vanillin are the same thing or not. A group of non-professional tasters were asked to compare desserts in the preparation of which both natural vanilla and synthetic vanillin were used.

The answers to the question whether it is possible to replace a natural product with an artificial one sounded like this:

  • for puddings and dairy desserts, it is preferable to take natural ones;
  • There were no significant differences in baking, although some tasters noted that cookies cooked in a hot oven with artificial flavoring seemed to taste better.

What to ultimately choose: either vanilla; everyone decides for themselves. However, without being a spice specialist, it is easier to determine the quality of the pods, which should normally be slightly oily and elastic, than to distinguish natural vanilla sugar from its lignin counterpart.

Vanilla, vanillin and vanilla sugar

Vanillin and vanilla sugar are powders that consist of many ingredients. The main aroma and taste is given to them by natural vanilla contained in small quantities. Vanilla itself is a very expensive seasoning, but so that you can use it beneficial features, smell and taste, which improve the aroma of rich dishes, from it vanillin and vanilla sugar were made available to our table. You can also make vanilla sugar with your own hands.

Types of vanillin

  1. There are several types of vanillin. One of them is crystalline. It has a real vanilla aroma. Crystalline vanillin long time retains its beneficial properties, even after high temperature processing. Used for baking, confectionery and ice cream.
  2. There is a type of powdered vanillin. It is smaller, contains more various enhancing additives and has a stronger odor. This type of vanillin is suitable for making chocolate. The aroma of such vanillin is already felt when room temperature. It dissolves more easily in water. Such vanillin can have a variety of berry and fruit aromas.
  3. Liquid vanillin is a mixture of vanillin dissolved in alcohol. It is used to make drinks, confectionery and dairy products.

How is vanillin used?

Vanillin is used in perfumery, liqueur production and cooking. In cooking, vanillin should be used in an amount that depends on the cooking time, cooking temperature, and consistency of the dish being prepared. Too much vanillin can add bitterness to the dish. When preparing rich flour dishes, vanillin is usually chosen for its high resistance to temperature. Vanillin is added to these dishes while mixing all the dry ingredients of the dish. Or they can be added at any stage of preparation, having previously dissolved in fat.

Usually 4 to 9 grams of vanillin are added per 1 kilogram of dough. When making chocolate, vanillin is usually used in the form of crystals or powder. If you want to improve the flavor of dairy-based products, use vanillin in liquid or powder form. Here, per 1 liter of products you should use from 0.5 to 2 grams of vanillin and vanilla sugar.

Effect of vanillin

  • Vanillin dissolves well in alcohol, hot water and on air.
  • Vanillin is used to enhance the flavors of dishes and flavor ingredients.
  • It helps hide or soften unwanted flavors in a dish.
  • The aroma of vanilla remains on the hair and skin for a long time, acting soothingly.
  • Vanillin gives drinks a mild taste and pleasant aroma. It can be used to improve the aroma in your home.

What is vanilla sugar?

Vanilla sugar is nothing more than vanilla pods mixed with sugar or powdered sugar. Sugar takes on all the smell of vanilla, and then the vanilla is removed from it. It is more convenient for use in culinary production, as it contains virtually no additives. If vanilla sugar is stored for too long, the vanilla flavor may evaporate. It is used for preparing creams, creams, fruit compotes, and dairy dishes. Vanilla sugar is very suitable for baking, cocktails, and coffee. It must be added at the very end of cooking to prevent its flavor from dissipating too quickly.

How to make vanilla sugar with your own hands?

You can make vanilla sugar yourself. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, powdered sugar and 1 pod of natural vanilla. Try to buy only the longest pods. They are considered the most valuable. Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise. Take out all the seeds, crush them in a mortar and add powdered sugar. After mixing, pour the mixture into granulated sugar, mix again and place the pod there. Vanilla seeds can be added directly to the cream or cream, and only the pod can be used to make vanilla sugar. Store the resulting sugar in a carefully closed jar in a cool, dark place. Leave it to steep for 4 days and you can enjoy real vanilla sugar.

How to make Vanilla Muffins?

Take 400 g of pancake flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs and 0.5 sour cream. Mix flour, soda and sugar. Melt the butter and pour it in. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix all this carefully. The dough needs to be divided into paper forms, you get about 14 pieces. Bake them at 180 C for 15 minutes until they turn golden brown.

What are the benefits of vanilla and vanilla sugar?

Vanilla has a calming effect on the body with its scent. The smell of vanilla will help in the treatment of some serious diseases. It will tame anger, eliminate feelings of anxiety and irritation. The smell of vanilla can relax, help with insomnia, relieve anxiety, have a stimulating effect on the body and lift your spirits. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin and vanilla sugar, is an antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-carcinogen.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla essence (instead of 20 g of vanilla sugar, you will need 12.5 g of vanilla essence) or vanilla extract (10-15 g of vanilla sugar will replace 1 teaspoon of extract). But if you don’t have any of the above on hand, you can completely ignore vanilla sugar as an ingredient: the dish will turn out without it, although it won’t delight you with its subtle vanilla aroma.

What is better to buy: vanilla, vanillin or vanilla sugar?

If you at least sometimes bake something at home or prepare desserts, you probably buy vanillin, vanilla sugar or vanilla. Or are you still just thinking about it. How do these supplements differ from each other? What should you buy and what should you not? Let's look, smell and decide - all in one short article!

Vanilla- This beautiful plant, the pods of which have an amazing aroma and are therefore very highly valued. I think that at least once in your life you have had the opportunity to smell natural vanilla or products containing it. Well, if not, then I highly recommend buying it and trying it. Natural vanilla has only one drawback: it is very expensive. A bag of vanilla pod weighing 2-4 grams costs 70-100 rubles! As a rule, vanilla can be found in supermarkets of the middle class and above.

Vanillin- This is the main component of vanilla, responsible for the characteristic “vanilla” aroma. Roughly speaking, it is a concentrated aroma of the very essence of vanilla. Of course, it can also be obtained from natural vanilla, but then it will cost big money. Therefore, vanillin is usually synthesized in laboratories. And it is called a flavor identical to natural vanillin. However, in the sachets sold, vanillin is not always labeled as “flavor identical to natural.” Sometimes you can read “ethylvanillin”, which is essentially the same thing.

It is worth noting one more feature of vanillin: it is a very “strong” additive. The recommended dose of vanillin per 1 kilogram of dough is only 1 gram. If you add too much of it, the baked goods will develop a specific bitter taste, and the aroma can become downright intrusive. Well, it is generally not recommended to add crystalline vanillin to creams and desserts that are not baked.

Where the best option will vanilla sugar.

Vanilla sugar can be obtained in two ways. First, mix natural crushed vanilla with sugar or powdered sugar. Secondly, mix artificially obtained vanillin with sugar. Vanilla sugar prepared using the second method is more common and costs less. But it’s worth buying the first option: with natural vanilla. A bag of such natural vanilla sugar costs 25-40 rubles per 10-15 grams. The most common brands producing this supplement are Dr. Oetker, Kotanyi. At the same time, Dr. Oetker also has a budget option, with vanillin instead of natural vanilla.

Vanilla sugar has a relatively low concentration of vanilla, so it can be used in noticeably larger quantities than vanillin. On the other hand, it ends quite quickly. And here we come to another option - vanilla sugar, prepared independently.

It’s quite possible to make it yourself from purchased vanilla beans. From one vanilla pod you need to thoroughly clean the contents, add it to a couple of tablespoons (about 40 grams) of sugar or (better) powdered sugar and leave in a closed container for a week. If you want a more intense concentration, you can use more vanilla or less powder. If less intense, add more powder.

Vanilla sugar, being a favorite flavoring additive for many housewives, is a mixture of vanillin and powdered sugar. It is very convenient to use and adds a delicious aroma and taste to dishes. It is ideal for baking because it does not lose its qualities when exposed to high temperatures.

It is also widely used in the preparation of creams, cocktails, cereals, casseroles, sweet sauces and yoghurts. Eating foods containing vanilla sugar is extremely beneficial, as it is a strong antidepressant. If you do this in moderation, your mood will rise and your figure will not suffer. Besides, this scent can relieve anxiety, save from insomnia and normalize digestion.

Vanilla sugar, which is extremely widely used in cooking, can easily be made at home. To do this, you need to take a natural vanilla pod and 1 kg of granulated sugar. The main thing is that the pod is soft and oily. You should remove all the seeds from it and grind them in a mortar. Grind the sugar in a coffee grinder and mix with the seeds. The resulting product should be stored under a closed lid. You might be interested in reading.

With the help of vanilla sugar, you can add an extraordinary aroma and a delicious rich taste to any sweet dish. Below we offer you several recipes delicious dishes with vanilla sugar, which will certainly delight you and your family.

vanilla ice cream


  • milk – 550 ml
  • sugar – 50 g
  • yolks – 3 pcs.

Heat the beaten yolks with granulated sugar in a water bath until thickened. Mix half the milk with vanilla sugar and add to the egg mixture. After 10 minutes, remove the mixture from the heat and add the rest of the milk, mix well. We pour the cooled milk mass into molds, put it in the freezer and after a few hours we get delicious.

Vanilla sauce


  • cream – 200 ml
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • yolk – 1 pc.
  • butter – 1 teaspoon
  • corn starch – 1 teaspoon

Heat the cream with vanilla sugar, add sugar and whipped yolks to the mixture. Then add starch and butter, mix and cool.

Vanilla nut cookies


Mix sifted flour, chopped hazelnuts, sugar, vanilla sugar. After mixing the mixture, add the eggs and knead the soft dough. Roll it out, cut out shapes with molds, place it carefully on a greased baking sheet, and put it in the oven. After 20 minutes, take out the cookies and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Fruit and vanilla dessert

What you will need:

  • apples – 3 pcs.
  • almonds – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • banana – 1 pc.
  • cherry – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vanilla sugar - 1 table. spoon
  • brown sugar – 100 g
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Roast the chopped almonds and remove the pits from the cherries. Boil peeled apples with the core removed in water with lemon juice. Add sugar to the same water and cook until syrup is obtained. Make puree from bananas, mix with nuts and vanilla sugar. Place the resulting mass into the apples, pour syrup over them, and place in the oven for 10-20 minutes. Decorate the finished apples with banana cream and cherries.

Strawberry Vanilla Milkshake


  • strawberries – 200 g
  • milk – 200 ml
  • vanilla ice cream – 100 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • cocoa – 0.5 tsp

Beat milk, ice cream, vanilla sugar and strawberries in a blender. The cocktail is ready when you get a thick, foamy mixture. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with cocoa, serve with straws. You can decorate with a whole strawberry.