Growing peas at home: from choosing a variety to harvesting. Homemade sprouted peas - it's very simple

These days it is difficult to find a plot where it does not grow peas. Everyone probably knows about the taste and beneficial properties of this culture, which is why adults and children love it so much. Just like beef, it contains great amount vegetable protein, which is much easier to digest. Fresh, green peas include vitamins B, PP, C, carotene, phosphorus, iron, and lysine. For people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, eating peas is a must, especially since growing this plant does not require much space (it can also be planted along the fence). This article presents the basic rules for caring for and planting peas in open ground..

Peas: characteristics of the culture

Many people still wonder: are peas legumes or not? It really belongs to the legume family, other information is erroneous. The branching stems of the plant reach 250 cm. The stem is hollow, and the leaves are imparipinnate and compound. The petioles, which have tendrils, cling to the support, and thus hold the crop in an upright position. The pea root has a deep structure. The flowers are usually white, but purple ones are also found. Due to their ability to self-pollinate, they bloom 45-55 days after sowing. In early varieties of peas, at the first flowering you can see 7-8 leaves from the axil, and up to 24 leaves in late varieties.

New flower stalks appear every two days. Characteristics of peas cannot do without a description of the fruit. They are beans, and depending on the plant variety, they have different shapes and color. The beans contain up to 10 wrinkled or smooth seeds, and their color is the same as the skin of the pod. As the plant grows, beneficial bacteria develop on its roots, and nitrogen also appears, which the peas absorb from the atmosphere (this feeds the soil).

Choosing a place to plant peas in the garden

Peas are picky about the planting site, so growing this crop should begin with its selection. When choosing a site, you should pay attention to the soil, plant neighbors, lighting, heat, and climatic conditions.

Climatic conditions for growing peas

In order for peas to develop well, it is important to create suitable conditions for them. The plant loves moisture very much, so in order for the seeds to swell evenly and friendly shoots to appear, peas must be planted early in moist soil. Thanks to a large number precipitation, the plant grows faster and yield increases. During the period of bud ripening and flowering, humidity is especially necessary. If there is not enough water, the plant sheds ovaries and flowers.

However, peas do not like it if the groundwater is too high. It is prepared to withstand short droughts because the pea's strong root system draws on moisture from deep in the soil. Peas are unpretentious to heat and seeds germinate at a temperature of +5°C. The seedlings are able to tolerate frosts down to -6°C, and the optimal temperature for the formation of plant ovaries is +13...+15°C, for the growth of beans - from +17 to +22°C.

What kind of soil does peas like?

Peas love when the soil is well-cultivated and sufficiently moist. If the selected soil for planting is acidic, then it must first be limed. This will require 300 g of slaked lime or 400 g dolomite flour per 1m². The ideal place for planting would be humus-rich loams, as well as well-fertilized, moist soil.

Peas' Best Neighbors

Before planting pea seeds, keep in mind that previous plants that grew in the same place have a significant impact on the yield. It is best to plant the described crop after potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, and pumpkins.

Important! After other legumes, for example, beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, you should not plant peas in this area.

You should not return peas to the place where they grew last year, since there is a high probability of the plant being damaged by diseases and pests, so the possible time for planting peas in the same area is no earlier than 3-4 years.

Features of planting peas in a summer cottage

In order to plant peas correctly, and they bring a large harvest, you first need to carry out preparatory work. They consist of soil preparation, seed preparation and planting itself.

How to prepare the soil for planting peas

When preparing the soil, it should first be leveled and watered thoroughly, and before directly planting the peas, it should be moistened again. Next, you need to make grooves 6 cm deep in the soil, maintaining a distance between the beds of at least 20 cm.

Important! There are no strict restrictions on the time for planting peas, but experienced gardeners recommend planting the crop when warm weather sets in, that is, closer to May.

Preparing peas for planting

Before planting the plant, you also need to know how to choose the right pea seeds. Please note that only high-quality, healthy seeds are required for planting. Weedy, sick and infected with pea weevil specimens should not be planted.

Did you know? To make it easier to select high-quality seeds, they can be placed in a saline solution and only those that have sunk to the bottom can be selected. The saline solution is made quite simply: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water.

Since you need to germinate the pea seeds before planting, you will need to perform a few more simple steps. After selecting the seeds, they should be soaked in warm water and left to swell for 16 hours, changing the water every three hours. After soaking seed material, it is dried to a free-flowing state.

How to sow peas correctly

Peas do not require the use of any special agricultural techniques and the planting scheme is quite simple. Before placing the seed material in the ground, furrows should be made in the beds with a depth of 6-7 cm. The distance between them should be 45-55 cm. A mixture of compost and ash is placed in each furrow, then the whole thing is sprinkled with earth, but so that the depth of the hole remains 2-3 cm. For one meter of furrow, 17-18 seeds will be required, so the distance between pea seeds will be up to 6-7 cm. Next, the pit with the seeds must be tightly covered with earth, which will help retain moisture.

Did you know? You will not see how the pea seeds germinate, but the first sprouts will appear in 7-10 days.

Technology of growing peas, features of plant care

Proper care of peas is no less important than correct landing. Watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, tying up bushes - all this undoubtedly affects the yield of the crop.

First steps after sowing

On what day the first pea stalk will appear depends, first of all, on the regularity of adding liquid to the soil. Proper and abundant watering is the main care of the plant. After sowing, you need to carefully ensure that the peas have enough moisture. If it is not enough, the plant will die before it has time to show its first shoots. While the fruits are ripening in the lower part, the peas are blooming in the middle, and the top is still growing and forming buds, watering is especially important for the normal development of the plant.

Important! Watering too much is also not very good , especially when beans form. This can lead to the spread of diseases.

Soil care

During the period of active growth of peas, it is necessary to pay special attention to loosening the soil between the rows.Only in this way will the roots and nodule bacteria be able to receive the oxygen they need. At the first shoots, having reached a height of 6 cm and having formed 4-5 leaves, the beds will need to be harrowed, but this must be done at a time when the soil is dry. This is necessary in order not to damage root system. Despite the compaction of the soil and the growth of weeds during the growing season, loosening between rows should be carried out up to 3 times (to a depth of 7 cm).

Features of feeding peas

Fertilizer must be applied to peas to increase yield, stimulate plant flowering and to set beans. At the first emergence of seedlings, peas should be fed with an infusion of weeds. This is necessary when the work of nodule bacteria is still too weak and the plant lacks nitrogen. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers during fruit set and before flowering will be very useful. In the first case, it is recommended to water the plants with a solution of complex fertilizer (3 g per 1 liter of water). You need to water between the rows, without getting on the leaves of the plant. Before flowering, it is better to feed peas with dry fertilizer, at the rate of 25 g per 1 m².

Garter bushes

Since the stems of peas are quite weak, and at the first appearance of fruits, the plant falls from the weight, it needs to tie the bushes to a support. Metal rods or wooden pegs are used as support, which need to be stuck along the row, at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. On pegs or rods, you need to pull a rope or wire in a horizontal direction. Shoots with tendrils are supported on the rope. This is necessary so that the peas are ventilated and warmed up.

Main diseases and pests of peas

The most common pests of peas are the leaf roller, the garden and cabbage cutworm, and the pea codling moth. Leaf rollers and cutworms lay eggs on pea leaves. Cutworm caterpillars, even those that have just hatched, eat the above-ground parts of the plant. Leaf roller larvae wrap themselves in leaves to feed on them. But the pea butterfly is a codling moth that lays eggs on leaves and fruits. After a week, they become food for the larvae. The main diseases that peas can suffer from include powdery mildew and mosaic.

Peas are an annual herbaceous crop, the fruits of which have a multifunctional purpose, and housewives use them for various purposes. Pea fruits can be eaten fresh, various dishes can be prepared with it, as well as canned and dried.

It’s worth noting that it’s not just the juicy little peas that can be used as food. The stem and blades of the plant contain a loading dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin), which makes the vegetable effective prophylactic against colds. But is it possible to eat sprouted peas, does it benefit the body and, in general, why are they sprouted?

Why are peas sprouted?

Before getting down to the question of how to germinate peas for planting in open ground and how to plant peas at home, you need to find out why this procedure is being carried out. If you don’t delve into this topic, the answer sounds quite simple - to speed up the appearance of sprouts and ensure rapid growth of the plant, in order to obtain an early and high-quality harvest. You can grow a fragrant vegetable on the windowsill of any apartment.

Note! Many novice agronomists wonder whether it is possible to plant peas as seedlings. There is no such practice; initially it is necessary to select high-quality planting material, then germinate it and replant it in open ground.

Peas are sprouted in two cases:

  • for upcoming planting in open soil;
  • for consumption.

Let's talk a little more about this.

Germinating peas for planting in open ground

Much depends on the conditions in which the peas will grow, but the most important thing is the correct selection and preparation of planting material for the upcoming planting in open soil. Proper selection of seeds will ensure the necessary conditions to obtain a rich and high-quality harvest. In addition, the procedure allows you to speed up and simplify the germination process.

Important! The seed material must be sorted manually, removing all damaged and non-standard specimens.

Before you start germinating legumes, you need to find out how to properly soak the seed material. This is extremely important for successful cultivation plants.

Discussions about whether it is necessary to germinate pea seeds before planting in the ground do not make much sense. Despite the existence of an alternative opinion, the majority experienced gardeners Without hesitation, this procedure is performed in the spring.

Sprouted peas intended for eating

Of all legumes, peas require the most time to germinate: 12-13 hours for soaking + at least 20-24 hours for germination itself.

The popularity of sprouted peas is due to a large number of beneficial properties, as well as a delicate and unusual taste. Sprouted fruits have a nut-like taste.

Why germinate seeds if peas can be eaten fresh? The fact is that it is in this form that peas have a high protein content, which can be obtained at any time of the year, including in the winter months. Sprouted peas contain about 80 nutrients that have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body.

And it doesn’t matter what month on the calendar: December, February or September. With the right approach to this issue, pea sprouts will quickly grow.

Important! Sprouted peas are a valuable source of protein that is comparable to dairy and meat products, without the saturated fat and high calories found in dairy and meat products.

How to quickly germinate peas at home

You need to figure out how to germinate peas at home. Below are the main methods of germinating peas intended for planting in open soil and for consumption.

Instructions for germinating peas for planting

At home you can grow the following types of peas:

  • green lentils;
  • brown lentils;
  • harmonic;
  • soy;
  • beans;
  • aduki;
  • Indian massordal.

The first step is to calibrate the planting material, that is, select high-quality specimens, removing damaged, deformed and small units.

You can easily verify the quality of your work. To do this, the selected planting material must be poured saline solution(per 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of salt). After 15-20 minutes, low-quality and hollow seeds will float to the surface. Accordingly, those that have settled to the bottom can be used for germination.

Next, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for approximately 15 hours. You can remove seeds from the water when you can visually see that they are swollen. If desired, special growth stimulants can be used to strengthen the planting material and speed up its germination.

There is a belief that germinating seeds for planting is absolutely pointless, but this is not so. In fact, one can note more fast maturation harvest, and its quantity will increase if all agrotechnical rules are observed.

First way

Pea germination algorithm:

  1. High-quality pea beans are selected and filled with a small amount warm water. The material of the container used is not important. The seeds should remain in the water for at least 12 hours, and the room should be warm.
  2. When morning comes, the beans must be transferred to any container, except metal, and covered with a piece of gauze, which must be firmly secured. The dishes are again placed in a warm place for several days.
  3. After a few days, the seeds should be thoroughly washed under running water, and then repeat all the above manipulations again. Repeat until the bean grains begin to sprout.

Important! When germinating planting material, it is extremely important to take care of ensuring the optimal temperature level in the room. +15 degrees is the acceptable minimum threshold, below which you simply cannot fall. Otherwise, the germination process will be long and not very active.

Second way

The next method for germinating peas at home. Take 3 tbsp. l. pea seeds and pour overnight warm water. When morning comes, the liquid must be drained and the grains thoroughly washed under running water. Next, you need to transfer the planting material into a glass container, and close the hole with gauze, firmly fixing it with an elastic band. The container should be placed in a warm place.

The next day, rinse the planting material with cool water without removing the gauze. The liquid is drained and the container is placed again in a warm place. The procedure must be repeated daily until the first shoots form. If after two days no changes are observed, we can assume that the planting material is of poor quality and it is not advisable to plant it in open soil.

As soon as the roots appear, they become several times larger longer than size peas, rinse the container and peas thoroughly, drain the liquid and put the container in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Third way

There is an opinion that representatives of legumes germinate well in dark places, so from the second method we take the frequency of washing, but add storage not only in a warm, but also in a dark place. As a rule, the first shoots form after two days. If the size of the roots should be larger, you need to wash the planting material several more times at intervals of 8-10 hours.

Instructions for sprouting peas for food

Growing legumes at home is simple. There are several proven methods that allow you to obtain high-quality sprouted peas that can be safely eaten with minimal time and physical effort.

Sprouting peas

To implement our plan we will need:

  • peas;
  • empty clean container;
  • warm water.

Place the peas in a plate and add water. room temperature. The grains will swell within 13-15 hours. Next, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, placed again on a plate, covered with gauze and filled with water. They must remain in a piece of material for at least 48 hours. After this time, the seeds are washed again and placed in clean water. How long does it take for peas to sprout in such conditions - the first sprouts on the windowsill of the house can be seen in 2-4 days.

Let's consider the second, no less correct, step by step method germination of pea sprouts. It involves the use of already washed peas. They must be placed in a clean container, covered with gauze and filled with warm water. Until the pea sprouts appear, the fragrant seeds should be grown in a warm room for at least 24 hours.

Planting peas

As soon as the sprouts appear, the seeds should be washed well under running water, and then pour boiling water over them. After natural cooling, they can already be eaten. Thanks to this method, it is possible to obtain healthy and tasty shoots in a short period of time.

This can be done using one more alternative method. To do this, legume representatives are placed in a container and covered with a damp cloth. To maintain an optimal level of humidity, a piece of cloth used must be regularly moistened in warm water. The sprouts will be ready after 2-3 days.

Growing sprouted peas at home is not particularly difficult, either in summer or winter. And given its usefulness, everyone should pay attention to such a simple way of getting vitamins.

Sprouted peas: benefits and harm to the body

Any product of natural origin, as a rule, has not only beneficial properties. If used irrationally, even the most harmless plants can cause harm to the human body.

Legumes boast a rich chemical composition, which makes them extremely popular in human nutrition.

Sprouted peas have the following positive properties:

  • pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • reduces the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps cleanse the body by naturally removing toxic substances;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents the development of digestive tract disorders;
  • acts as a preventive measure against the development of anemia;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

Growing peas at home has its advantages. The benefits and harms of the food consumed greatly depend on the amount eaten. If you do not exceed the limits of what is permitted, adverse reactions will not follow. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend eating sprouted or fresh peas as often as possible. Since these products contain a high concentration of macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins and organic acids.

Along with a large number of advantages, the culture has a list of contraindications. Legumes are not recommended for consumption by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grains contribute to the formation and accumulation of gases in the abdominal cavity. Many people experience flatulence after eating.

  • Can children be given sprouted peas? Of course yes. Except that the child may develop an allergic reaction. The high content of nutrients compensates for their deficiency in a growing body.
  • For women, this representative of legumes is valuable because great content vitamins The grains contain vitamins A, B, C, E, K and D. They have a beneficial effect on appearance and keep the body in good shape.
  • The benefits for men are due to the amino acid content. These include threanine, glycine, lysine, cystine and alanine. These chemicals prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system and also regulate the activity of the prostate gland.

Use of peas for a healthy lifestyle

The use of sprouted peas depends on the desired end result. It can be added to main dishes or on its own to maintain health. Despite the development of flatulence, legumes have a beneficial effect on the condition of the organs digestive system. Beans serve as an effective preventive measure against diseases of the digestive tract.

How to germinate peas for planting

Soluble fiber reduces the concentration of “bad” cholesterol and also cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste. Sprouted peas easily cope with defecation problems and also help get rid of itching due to scabies. It helps lower blood pressure because it has a pronounced diuretic effect.

It is worth adding that sprouted peas are recommended for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to the fact that the chemical composition of sprouted peas promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits. Regular use helps overcome depression and anxiety. As metabolism improves, sleep also normalizes.

The nutritional value and calorie content of sprouted peas is quite high, which allows it to be consumed by all age groups, without any special restrictions. Thanks to a large number useful substances its demand and popularity is rapidly gaining momentum. But their use is no longer advisable in old age. Chemical composition The product stimulates the production of uric acid.

Milk-ripe peas are a delicious product loved by children and adults. Knowing how to grow peas at home, you can easily get a healthy, vitamin-rich vegetable without spending a lot of time and effort.

People have long been engaged in the cultivation of peas, a valuable leguminous crop used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Growing peas at home is a simple agricultural operation.

According to taste and technical qualities The most optimal are peeling and sugar varieties. Sugar peas have a pleasant taste; along with peas, the leaves of young beans are also eaten. Becoming wrinkled during the period of full maturity, it does not lose its taste. Sugar snap pea seeds are canned and frozen.

Shelling peas are hard and easy to grow. This subspecies is most often used for drying and then used in side dishes and soups. Mature shelling pea seeds can also be frozen and canned.

Pea seeds are classified according to ripening time:

  1. Early, ripening in no more than 60 days: Avola, Berkut, Vera, Vegetable 76, Early Gribovsky 11, Premium, Yantar
  2. Medium - 70 days after germination, edible fruits can be collected (Adagumsky, Emerald, Dinga, Fragment, Winner T-33)
  3. Late - more than 80 days pass from germination to the formation of peas (Atlant, Sugar 2, Sunrise, Late-ripening brain improved, Perfection 653).

Each vegetable grower has his own goals in growing peas. When choosing, you need to build on this. By planting several varieties of different ripening periods, you can significantly extend the pea season.

Features of growing at home

Pea varieties with limited growth are better suited for balconies and apartments. In this case, you will not have to build complex designs for the location of vertical lashes.

From peeling varieties for home grown will fit:

  1. Adagumsky— ripens early, does not require support, is used for fresh consumption and canning
  2. Early Gribovsky 11— early ripening, productive, rises in height no more than 60 centimeters, has a universal purpose
  3. Vegetable 76- very early productive variety with medium-sized peas with excellent taste and a stem height of 70 centimeters
  4. Havsky pearls— in indoor conditions, the height of the plant reaches 80 centimeters, the peas have an unusual greenish-yellow color, and are mainly consumed fresh.

At home, you can plant low-growing sugar varieties:

  1. Zhegalova 112- plant up to 60 centimeters tall, very tasty peas do not have voids
  2. Sugar- on a low-growing stem less than 60 centimeters high, there are many branches with tasty beans with a delicate structure
  3. Sugar 2- the stem stretches up to 70 centimeters in height, but does not lie down, only requiring a garter as insurance.

To grow peas at home, you will need a planting container (wooden box or plastic container) and seeds. The soil substrate should consist of one third of loosening materials: humus, sawdust, straw. To enrich planting soil, you can use dissolved in water mineral fertilizers.

The seeds are planted in even rows in moist, loosened soil to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. The interval between peas should be 1-2 centimeters, between rows - 2-3 centimeters. After planting, it is recommended to carefully water the legumes using a strainer for better spraying of water.

The container should be kept in a warm place until sprouts appear, but not on a radiator. It is also not recommended to place it on the windowsill: due to the low temperature, the seeds may rot in the ground.

Before the first shoots appear, you need to regularly moisten the soil, preferably using a sprayer. Green seedlings will appear in the boxes in a few weeks. Peas can be further grown on the windowsill or young plants can be transplanted into open ground.

How to plant on a windowsill?

To grow peas on a windowsill you will need plastic or wooden boxes. The sprouts are planted in even rows in grooves at a distance of 20 centimeters. An interval of 10-15 centimeters should be maintained between plants.

After this, the grooves should be carefully sprinkled with earth, lightly compacted and watered from a watering can. The place for placing peas on the windowsill should be chosen on sunny side premises, since it is a light-loving plant.

When the sprouts reach a height of 20 centimeters, you need to hang a coarse mesh over them, along which the green shoots will curl. This makes harvesting easy. To evenly distribute light for each sprout, it is necessary to direct the stems climbing along the grid.

Growing on the balcony

Peas love good lighting, so it is recommended to choose the brightest balcony for growing them. Withstanding low temperatures down to -5°C the plant will bring good results even on an unglazed balcony, although for initial stage For growing, it is better to use a window sill in an apartment.

Not suitable for the role of a planting container for peas flower pot. It is best to use an oblong plastic or wooden box with holes in the bottom to drain excess moisture.

Caring for peas at home

The plant is very unpretentious in care, so growing it at home will not be difficult.

Weeding and loosening

When growing peas in the garden, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil, which provides oxygen to the roots of the plants. Regular weeding of the area will help get rid of weeds that interfere with the normal growth and development of plants.


As the surface layer dries soil mixture Peas should be watered. After each watering it is necessary to loosen it. Maximum air penetration to the root system contributes to obtaining a good bean harvest at home.

Peas also respond well to hilling, which is best done after watering. To reduce moisture evaporation, it is recommended to mulch the soil between the furrows.

Preparation of soil mixture

Peas can be planted in harvested soil from September-October garden soil. It is recommended to take soil from areas where nightshade or pumpkin crops have recently grown. In a ratio of 1:3, the taken soil is mixed with loosening components: small stones, sand, peat, sawdust.

Before planting peas on the balcony, it is better to treat the soil mixture with a special preparation called Fitosporin (15 milliliters diluted in 10 liters of water) to prevent fungal and other diseases.

Soil feeding

The quality of beans depends on timely feeding of the crop. To fertilize the soil mixture, you can also use liquid mineral fertilizing(Juno, Oracle, Uniflor). Before the formation of ovaries, plants must be fertilized with phosphorus (simple and double superphosphate) and potassium (potassium salt, potassium chloride) and mineral preparations.

Growing in open ground

Pea seeds are planted in open ground in April-early May, when the ground is still wet. Pea seedlings are planted in late spring. Peas are an excellent predecessor for all vegetable crops. Nodule bacteria, which are contained on its roots, enrich the soil with nitrogen.

The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters, otherwise birds will happily peck the grains. It is necessary to water the plants regularly: if there is a lack of moisture, the ovaries and flowers fall off. Peas grown for grain are harvested once when the crop is 70% ripe. The culture intended for canning or fresh consumption is harvested many times every 2-3 days.

Before growing peas in the country, it is better to germinate its seeds by first soaking them for 12-18 hours and regularly changing the water every 3-4 hours. You can place the seeds in a damp cloth for several days to ensure that the sprouts hatch as quickly as possible. For garden or summer cottages They use tall varieties, for which supports are adapted.

Peas can be grown by combining them with other crops. With mutually beneficial joint planting of plants, each of them helps to create optimal conditions for the quality growth of the other. Peas, which enrich the soil with nitrogen, go well with carrots and corn and, due to different ripening periods, do not compete with them for nutrients.


Peas bear fruit for 2 months. Ripe pods are collected in the morning. From one shoot per season you can get about half a kilogram of juicy peas. After fruiting is complete, the plants must be cut back.

Peas can be planted for more than just beans. A substitute for lettuce leaves will be juicy greens containing sufficient quantity biologically active substances and beneficial vitamins. For example, only 100 grams of young peas contain a daily dose of vitamin C.

When growing pea greens, it is better to choose low-growing varieties that have juicier leaves than grain ones. To constantly receive fresh greens, you need to sow peas in stages. After cutting off the rough stems and tearing off the leaves, the plant develops new shoots.

Peas are a wonderful plant that can be successfully grown not only in open ground, but also at home. To provide peas with a favorable environment and get a high-quality result, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for growing seedlings of this crop and further agricultural technology.

Growing pea seedlings

To grow peas at home, it is better to choose sugar varieties. These include:

  • Ambrosia,
  • Zhegalova 112,
  • Sugar Oregon,
  • Baby sugar,
  • Oscar.

Preparing beans for sowing

To obtain healthy seedlings, it is necessary to carry out such procedures as:

For all pre-sowing activities and watering, only warm soft water is suitable - melt, rain, boiled or standing for at least a day.


Sort through the beans and remove those that have obvious defects (darkening, holes, etc.). Place the remaining specimens in a salt solution (to prepare it, dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water) and mix. Bad beans will float, good beans will sink to the bottom.

As a result of calibration, all beans with defects must be removed from the seed


The procedure for soaking beans is very simple:

  1. Rinse the beans, dry them slightly and soak in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse. If you want to spend less time, you can use a solution of boric acid (0.2 g of powder diluted in 1 liter of water), soaking in it lasts 5–7 minutes. After this procedure, the beans also need to be rinsed with clean water.
  2. Place the beans in warm water for 4 hours.
  3. After this time, take them out and dry them.

To prepare the beans for sprouting, they need to be soaked first.

Video: Soaking beans

During soaking, it is advisable to change the water at least once after half the time.


To sprout peas, follow these steps:

  1. Take a piece of cloth and dampen it well ( excess liquid should not be) and put the beans on it. Cover the top with another damp piece of cloth.
  2. Place the workpiece in a warm place (for convenience, you can put it on a plate). Make sure the fabric is damp at all times.

Sprouted pea beans sprout 3–5 days earlier than unsprouted ones

Pea beans typically take 3-6 days to germinate.

Sowing pea beans for seedlings

As a rule, beans are sowed in one common box, at the bottom of which it is advisable to make drainage holes. It is not recommended to immediately sow beans in large individual pots. The fact is that when using them there is a risk of excess moisture accumulating in the soil. This will negatively affect the further development of the bean, since it will not be able to receive required amount oxygen. You can sow peas in small (50–100 ml volume) pots, but they will then need to be planted in a larger container, since there will not be enough space for the roots.

It is also worth preparing and disinfecting the soil in advance (usually 2 weeks before sowing) in order to destroy the pests living in it and protect the seedlings from fungal diseases. Many gardeners prefer to use the calcination method: to do this, cover a baking sheet with paper, spread moistened soil on it and place it in an oven preheated to 70–90 °C for 30 minutes. Be sure to thoroughly rinse reused planting containers with a bleach solution, as the remaining soil can harbor dangerous bacteria and fungal spores.

Beans are sowed in holes or furrows

Sowing procedure:

  1. Fill the box with soil, not reaching 3–5 cm to the edge. The soil from your site is quite suitable for peas, especially taken from the beds where pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage grew. To make the soil more loose, you need to take 1 part of humus, straw or sawdust for 2 parts of the soil; peat, sand or vermiculite are also suitable.
  2. Moisten the soil and make holes in it 2 cm deep. The distance between them should be 1–3 cm. If you want to sow several rows, then keep a distance of 5–10 cm between them. You can also make several furrows, placing them on the same distance from each other (beans should be sown at a distance of 1.5–3 cm from each other).
  3. Place 1 pea in each hole, trying to place it with the sprout facing down.
  4. Lightly fill the holes with soil without compacting them and cover the box with film.

As a rule, sprouts appear in 9–15 days, after which the film can be removed. During this time, crops require timely watering and 1-2 airings for 15-20 minutes every day. When the shoots appear, the peas need to be fed with minerals. To this end, water the sprouts with a superphosphate solution (20–30 g per 10 liters of water).


After the sprouts get stronger and form 2 true leaves, it is necessary to pick. You can plant peas in separate containers (containers with a volume of 300–500 ml are suitable for this purpose) or in a common box, but the sprouts will have to be located at a great distance from each other.

Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the containers according to the same rules as the seedling box. Fill them with the same soil.
  2. Moisten the soil and make holes 5 cm deep. If you want to plant peas in separate containers, then make a hole in the center. If planted in a common box, the holes should be located at a distance of 20–25 cm from each other.
  3. Carefully remove the sprout from the box, being careful not to damage the roots, and plant it in the hole.
  4. Gently sprinkle with soil without compacting.

For the first 2–3 days after picking, the sprouts need to be slightly shaded, and then put back in a sunny place.

Plant care

After you complete the preparation of the seedlings, all you have to do is follow the simple rules of plant care in a timely manner. Peas begin to bloom 25–30 days after sowing (some varieties - after 55 days), bear fruit a month after flowering, and if the variety is sugar, then you can harvest in 10–15 days. The culture is self-pollinating and does not require additional pollination measures.

Peas are one of the most cold-resistant plants, so you can place boxes with plantings on open air at a temperature of +16 °C +18 °C. But also keep in mind that temperatures above +25 °C negatively affect the development and productivity of the plant, so it is not recommended to sow peas in June and July.


Peas are a long-day plant, so for normal growth they need lighting at least 12 hours a day. If you cannot provide the required amount of peas sunlight(for example, you want to grow it in winter or your house has windows facing north), then you will have to use a fluorescent lamp. It should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from the boxes with plants.

Watering peas

Until the peas bloom, it is enough to water them as needed (1-2 times a week), making sure that the soil does not dry out. When the peas bloom and begin to form fruits, they will need to be watered 3-4 times a week. Be sure to loosen the soil after each watering to provide the roots with access to oxygen and prevent crust formation.


When the sprouts reach 10–15 cm in height, they must be provided with support. A mesh with large cells is well suited for this. If possible, you can make a small trellis by placing pegs (40–50 cm) along the edges of the dishes and stretching the threads in 3–5 rows.

For proper growth, peas must be provided with support.

Feeding peas

The second and subsequent two feedings of peas should be done when the plant enters the flowering phase. For this purpose, use the following solution:

  • superphosphate (10–15 g),
  • potassium salt (10–15 g),
  • water (10 l).

As a rule, fertilizers are applied once every 2 weeks.


The crop must be harvested every 1–2 days, since unharvested blades can slow down the ripening of the next ones. As a rule, the blades located on the lower part of the bush ripen first. They should be removed carefully, holding the plant itself. With proper care, fruiting of peas at home can last up to 2 months, and 0.4–0.5 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush.

Reviews about growing peas at home

As you can see, growing peas at home is not difficult, and you can completely cope with this task, even if you are starting it for the first time. Follow all instructions regarding growing seedlings and agricultural technology, and you will be able to get a fresh harvest at any time of the year.

So how do peas grow? It seems that this is such a widespread plant, but in fact, many beginning gardeners do not know the answer to this question. How does this vegetable, familiar from childhood, grow? Let's try to figure it out.

Pea Growing Basics

Probably every person loves peas. Of course, not everyone will be happy with pea porridge, but canned green peas are simply delicious, without which a holiday salad cannot be complete. What about the kids? How they love fresh snow peas. For a few small people, eating a small plantation will not be a big or lengthy task. So how can you grow peas in your garden?

Peas belong to the legume family. This is an annual self-pollinating green creature. A climbing plant whose height can exceed 200 cm. There are tendrils along its stem that help the peas cling to support. Thousands of years ago it was used as food.

Growing peas involves sugar and fodder species

Growing peas involves sugar and fodder species. The sugar variety is used for canning, has the best taste and grains bigger size(depending on the variety, of course). Fodder varieties are intended for feeding animals, are grown in large areas and are more unpretentious in care. They have a less pronounced sweet taste (small peas).

Growing legumes is very valuable for its ability to grow as green manure. Its roots can accumulate what is in environment nitrogen and enrich the soil with it. Therefore, after planting peas, almost all crops grow well.

The described species is cold-resistant, because seeds can begin to germinate already at 4-6 degrees Celsius. And even if there are frosts down to -4 degrees, it will not harm the young plants. Thanks to this, seeds can be sown in early spring, starting from April 15-20. Moreover, if you have early ripening varieties, you can plant peas several times, until the beginning of July.

Peas love a lot of light, so when choosing a bed, shaded places are not suitable. It is very undemanding to the soil, but with loose enriched soil you will reap more and larger harvests. The bed should also not be oversaturated with fertilizers, otherwise all the substances will provoke rapid growth of tops, and the pods will be rare and small.

Video about the benefits and secrets of growing

It is good if the soil contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, and the acidity of the soil is low.

In the fall, you can add a portion of rotted manure and compost to the garden bed or soil on the plot, and then by spring all the substances necessary for rich fruiting will be ready in the soil.

Planting peas

Both dry and sprouted seeds can be sown in the ground. The main thing is to provide the small plants with plenty of water during the germination period. If you sow ungerminated grains, it is advisable to do this a few days earlier than soaked seeds.

To soak the seeds, wrap them in a damp cloth, place them on a saucer and pour a little water over them. The water is changed every day. At the first pipping, you can plant the sprouts in the ground.

To soak the seeds, wrap them in a damp cloth, place them on a saucer and pour a little water over them.

Don’t forget to water the grooves generously so that the swollen grains get into the same moist environment. This level of humidity must be maintained throughout the growth period of small peas. Otherwise, the hatched sprouts may simply dry out.

There is a method of preparing seeds in which germination is determined and at the same time diseased grains are removed. To do this, add 30 g of salt to 1 liter of water and immerse the seeds there. The floating grains are removed, those that have settled to the bottom are washed from salt, dried to their original state and planted.

Planting is done in grooves 4-5 cm deep. If the soil is heavy, then you can plant it not so deep - 2-3 cm. The distance between the grooves is 30 cm, in a row 6-8 cm. You can plant the seeds in a two-line pattern. To do this, make two grooves at a distance of 15-20 cm, and then make a gap of 50 cm for easy collection of the pods.

Video about how to plant sprouted peas in open ground

Plant care

The technology for cultivating peas will not cause any particular difficulties. Like all garden crops, it is necessary to water, loosen, fertilize and collect on time.

It is important, when the first shoots appear, to cover the bed from birds. This can be done either with mesh or thin acrylic.

After heavy (9-10 liters per 1 sq. m) watering, the soil must be loosened to ensure sufficient air access. And to reduce moisture evaporation, the soil between the furrows needs to be mulched. Peas will respond well to hilling, which is best done after watering.

For young seedlings, it is imperative to use supports, otherwise the stems may break and become tangled. To do this, immediately after planting or when the first shoots appear, you need to install supporting elements. Which ones you put on depend on the material and imagination you have. There is an option in which a peg is driven in at the edges of the furrow. A net is attached to these stakes, possibly with a sparse lattice (10x10 cm). You can also often place sticks along the furrows of the peas. The main thing is that the plant tendrils have something to cling to.

The technology for cultivating peas will not cause any particular difficulties

Flowering, depending on the variety, occurs 30-50 days after germination. And after about a month you can start picking the fruits. Moreover, collecting ripe pods will stimulate the growth of new peas. In this case, you can collect gifts in 2-3 days. Fees vary for different food preparations:

  • fresh use;
  • conservation;
  • freezing

If you want to get ripened seeds, then you need to wait for the lower pods to ripen. The field of this plant is completely cut off at the root and placed for ripening in a non-sunny, ventilated room. This way you can get seeds for next year, but remember that germination lasts only for 2-3 years.

After harvesting, the tops can be used for composting, and the roots will serve as an excellent fertilizer for subsequent crops. Soil on next year It will turn out with a good structure, saturated with the necessary substances. But remember that legumes can only be planted in the same bed after 5 years, otherwise there is a risk of developing diseases.

Video clip on how to install supports

Legumes can be used as green manure. To do this, dry seeds are sown in the second half of summer in a bed with already harvested crops. There is no need to maintain planting along lines; the main thing is to plant dry seeds in the ground so that birds do not peck them.

After the seedlings emerge, the growth of the pods is not necessary; they can be immediately dug up and embedded in the ground. Young plants will enrich the soil with the necessary microelements and serve as a good fertilizer for subsequent crops.

Plant diseases

Chemicals based on lambda can be used to combat

The most common disease for this species, according to gardeners, is the leaf roller or pea codling moth. This is a small caterpillar that overwinters in the soil.

The butterfly flies out just during the period of abundant flowering and lays eggs on the stems and leaves of plants. Caterpillars appear and eat the peas. Thus, your rich harvest can be reduced to zero.

To combat, you can use chemicals based on lambda - cyhalothrin. Only the use of this product should be carried out before fruit formation. Otherwise, the chemical may get through the crop into food. The difficulty is that at the treatment stage the butterflies have not yet laid eggs, and spraying will not give the desired result.

From folk remedies you can use double spraying with infusions of dandelion leaves or onion peel. Infusions of tomato tops or garlic can also be effective. You need about 3 kg of tops per bucket of water, and 20 g of garlic. The crushed components are poured with water and left for a day. Afterwards the plants are sprayed.

Moreover, both types of infusion (tomato and garlic) help in the fight against such pests as pea aphids.

Peas are also often susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew. It starts from excessive humidity and thickening of crops. For such a disease, you can spray the plantings with thistle infusion - you will need a bucket of water for 300 g of leaves.

After this, the bed is processed twice with a week break.

Video about the tricks of growing and secrets of peas

To combat the main common diseases, it is recommended to maintain a break in planting for at least 5 years in one place. It is also necessary to remove plant residues well after harvesting or bury them carefully. It is better to burn stems damaged by disease.

It is advisable to observe the sowing time so that the fruits can form before the onset of abundant humidification of the air or numerous flights of insects.

Growing peas at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a summer house or spend the whole summer there. How to grow sweet peas at home, in boxes on balconies and loggias?

First you need to decide on the variety of cultivation. Sugar ones have a sweet taste, so they are more common. Peeling varieties are more unpretentious in care.

The technology for cultivating peas at home is not very different from gardening. You need to prepare fertile soil for planting and containers or wooden boxes in which homemade beans will grow.

It’s good if there is something loosening in the ground - straw, sawdust or humus. This will provide better air access to the roots of future seedlings.

As with garden seeds, homemade seedlings can be soaked or sown dry. The soil should be well moistened and watering should be frequent and abundant.

The technology for cultivating peas at home is not very different from gardening.

It is best to first plant the seedlings at home in a warm room. And then, with the onset of warm days, you can plant the seating on the balcony or loggia for more comfortable growth. At home, you need to plant seeds closer to each other due to a lack of space. The distance between seeds is 1-2 cm, between rows - 3-5 cm. Planting is planted to a depth of 2-3 cm.

After germination of the seedlings, we transplant the seedlings to a loggia or balcony, with a distance between rows of 20 cm and in a row of 5-8 cm. Young crops need to be watered abundantly.

When the peas reach a height of about 20 cm, you need to install a net or sticks to which the tendrils will cling and prevent the stems from breaking.

Timely watering, loosening and a sunny location - these are the rules, compliance with which will provide you with a harvest without even leaving your home. The use of fertilizing will increase the likelihood of satisfactory fruiting. These are, first of all, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and fertilizers containing copper, which help protect your green creatures from diseases.

Video about sowing and care

Fruiting occurs approximately 30 days from the beginning of flowering. Ripe pods must be harvested frequently, almost every day. It is better to do this in the morning. And at home you can remove half a kilo of ripe beans from one stem.

So, planting peas, both in summer cottages and on balconies or loggias, is a fairly simple process. As in caring for any crops, the main thing is to know the rules of cultivation and follow them.

Peas, a delicious product most loved by children and adults at the time of their milk maturity, can easily be grown on your own plot without spending a lot of effort and time. Many inexperienced vegetable growers do not know how to plant peas correctly and what subtleties of care should be known in order to get a tasty and high harvest. People have been growing peas for a long time; it has been and remains one of the most popular leguminous crops used for food and medicinal purposes. In cooking, peas are an integral component of first and second courses and the basis of a delicious filling for pies; Pea flour (for boils and abscesses) and pea broth (for urolithiasis) have healing properties.

Green peas: secrets of growing

How to grow peas at home? There is nothing complicated in this agricultural operation: timely watering, periodic weeding and, of course, the correct selection of seed material, of which the most optimal in terms of taste and technical qualities are sugar and peeling varieties, are important. Sugar peas are characterized by a pleasant taste, while shelled peas are characterized by hardness and ease of cultivation.

Every agricultural process has a beginning; the same applies to planting peas: it is only important to decide necessary material, which is peas. How to grow legumes is a secondary question; First they need to be planted. To do this, you will need seeds and a planting container, under which you can use a plastic container or wooden box. Soil composition should consist of one third of loosening materials (sawdust, humus or straw). Planting soil can also be enriched with mineral fertilizers dissolved in water.

Peas: how to grow seeds

Before planting, pea seeds must be treated with preparations containing molybdenum and boron, and the bacterial fertilizer “Nitragin”, which increases germination and more active shoot growth. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm in loosened wet ground in even rows, the distance between which is 2-3 cm; There is an interval of 1-2 cm between the peas. After planting, the legumes should be carefully watered, using a strainer for better spraying of water.
After a month, when the results of your own labor are visible and green seedlings appear in the boxes, you should think about how to grow peas on the windowsill further or transplant young plants into open ground.

Tricks for growing peas on a windowsill

When growing legumes on a windowsill, you will need containers (wooden or plastic boxes) in which the peas will grow. How to grow such a crop correctly? What conditions must be observed in order to get a rich, tasty harvest that will delight your family and surprise your guests all year round?
The sprouts are planted in the grooves in even rows, the distance between which is 20 cm, between plants 10-15 cm. After this, the grooves need to be carefully sprinkled with earth, compacted a little and watered from a watering can. Peas are a light-loving plant, so their location should be selected taking into account this factor - on the sunny side of the room.

When the sprouts reach a height of 20 cm, you need to hang a mesh with large cells over them, along which the green shoots will curl, which will ensure convenience during harvesting. By the way, the stems climbing along the grid must be directed in order to distribute light evenly for each of the sprouts.

Caring for planted peas

When growing peas at home, the soil needs periodic weeding to ensure maximum access of oxygen to the plant roots. In other words, it is necessary to loosen the soil after each watering to compact the surface layer.

The quality of beans is affected timely feeding culture; Before the formation of ovaries, plants need to be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus mineral preparations. As a preventive measure, the soil should be fertilized with copper-containing microelements, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the leaves and stems of plants and destroying harmful bacteria.

Fruiting of peas lasts for 2 months; Harvesting of ripened pods should be done in the morning. One shoot can produce about half a kilogram of juicy peas. At the end of fruiting, the legumes are cut off.

Peas: how to grow them for greens

This crop is grown not only for its beans; juicy greens can replace lettuce leaves, because they contain a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and biologically active substances. For example, 100 grams of young peas contain a daily dose of beneficial for human body vitamin C.

When growing pea greens, it is preferable to choose low-growing varieties having more succulent leaves compared to cereals. To obtain constantly fresh greens, peas need to be sown in several stages. The roughened stems are pruned, the leaves are torn off, and the plant produces new shoots.

How to grow peas in open ground

Growing peas in open ground is similar to caring for them at home, the only difference is in the territorial scale, which is several times larger than the “balcony” option. Seeds are planted in open ground in April-early May (when the ground is still quite moist), seedlings - in late spring. Peas are an excellent precursor to all vegetable crops, since their roots contain nodule bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen.

The seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, otherwise birds will happily feast on the grains. Watering the plants should be regular; With a lack of moisture, ovaries and flowers may fall off. Peas are harvested for grain once, when the crop is 70% ripe. If the culture is consumed fresh or intended for canning, it can be collected repeatedly, every 2-3 days.

Before growing peas in the country, it is better to germinate their seeds by pre-soaking them for 12-18 hours with regular changes of water every 3-4 hours. You can place the legumes in a damp cloth for several days, which will ensure that the sprouts hatch as quickly as possible. For summer cottages or garden plots, you can use tall varieties, adapting supports for them.

There is a little known tricky agrotechnical technique, which tells you how to grow peas using their combination with other crops. Mutually beneficial joint planting of plants, in which each of them creates optimal conditions for high-quality growth of another and obtaining the highest possible yield, it is increasingly used by many vegetable growers. Thus, peas, which enrich the soil with nitrogen, go well with corn and carrots, without competing with them for nutrients from the soil due to different ripening periods.

Growing peas at home

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers!

You can grow peas at home if you have a well-lit window, a planting box or pot with a depth of 20 cm and a little time to care for the plants. If there is insufficient lighting, it may be necessary to use additional lighting.

They begin to grow this crop at home by sowing seeds for seedlings. Sow seeds on permanent place It is not recommended for the reason that to obtain a pea harvest, the volume of the planting container needs to be quite large. A small plant emerging from a pea will take a long time to develop the entire earthen lump. The earth may turn sour. It is better to sow the seeds in small cups, and then, without damaging the roots, transplant them into a larger container. Small cups can be easily rolled up from old newspapers. It is enough to cut newspaper sheets into strips 10 cm wide and wrap them around a glass bottle several times. The edge can be secured with a paper clip, and by bending the bottom edge, we get the bottom. Pour in the planting mixture and the seedling container is ready. The advantage of such cups is that when replanting into a large container, there is no need to destroy the earthen lump and disturb the roots.

If garden soil is used as an earthen mixture, it must be harvested in the fall. They collect soil from the beds where nightshade or pumpkin plants grew in summer. It must be diluted by one third with a loosening substrate: peat, sand, vermiculite. The prepared mixture, laid out in planting cups, is poured with an agent for the prevention of fungal diseases, Fitosporin is suitable. Place the filled pots in a warm place so that the soil is saturated with moisture and warms up.

Choosing seeds

Peas exist in the form of shelling and sugar varieties. Peeling varieties are less demanding on growing conditions; sugar varieties are more difficult to grow, but they are tastier. Read more about pea varieties in the article “Growing Green Peas.”

Peas are soaked in water or a weak solution of fertilizers; you can first disinfect them in potassium permanganate or aloe juice. The swollen seeds are transferred to individual cups. The sowing depth is three pea diameters. If seedlings are grown in a planting box, then the seeds are sown in rows. Rows are spaced 10 cm apart, seeds 2-3 cm apart. The crops are covered and await germination. The emerging seedlings are placed in the sunniest place. Regular ventilation allows you to maintain the ambient temperature within the required limits.

The grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place - in a box or pot, without damaging the roots if possible. The distance between planted sprouts in a box is maintained at 25 cm. It is not recommended to plant more than one plant in a flower pot. The first days after transplanting the seedlings, it is better to create light shading for several days. The soil surface can be mulched to retain moisture.

With the onset of stable warmth, the rooted seedlings are taken out to the balcony. After the sprouts have grown to 10-15 cm, they need to be tied to supports. A mesh with large cells is suitable for this.

Before flowering, plantings are watered moderately. With the beginning of flowering, watering is carried out more often and fed regularly. The fertilizing mixture is made up of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with the addition of microelements. There is no need to add nitrogen - nodules from soil bacteria that form on the roots of legumes help absorb nitrogen from the air.

After spending growing peas at home Harvesting begins when the peas in the pod reach 6-7 mm. The plants will bear fruit for up to two months. From each plant you can get up to 800 g of vegetables.

The correct watering regime, planting seedlings at a sufficient distance, and watering plants with copper-containing preparations will help you avoid fungal diseases of peas. The appearance of pests is eliminated with drugs acceptable for use in residential premises. See you later, friends!

Growing peas is a fun and very rewarding activity. The crop does not require too much attention from the gardener and bears fruit well. With a minimum of effort, you get the opportunity to provide your family with green peas in the summer, as well as collect and dry them for the winter. However, the final result greatly depends on the choice of soil, variety and compliance with the rules of crop care. Today we’ll talk about how to grow peas. There is nothing complicated about this; even a novice gardener can get excellent results.

Land for planting

This is especially true for small plots where the land is never empty. However, legumes are not too demanding and will grow well after almost any garden crops. When choosing a predecessor, you need to take into account that peas are very demanding in terms of soil nutrition and also require protection from weeds. Therefore, if eggplants, cucumbers or flowering, ornamental plants that pull almost all the organic matter out of the ground grew in the beds, then it is better to leave them for something else.

Since it is recommended to grow peas in a new place each time, this question will arise regularly. But relatives are far from the best option. They accumulate a soil infection that will destroy your plantings. An area occupied by perennial grasses is also a bad option, because this is where dangerous pests hide and overwinter. Winter crops will be excellent predecessors.

general description

In fact, you may not know anything about how to grow peas, but simply sow the remaining piece of land on your plot with dry beans. As a result, the plant will delight children with delicious fresh fruits. But to obtain good results, it is very important to know the features of agricultural technology. Peas are classified as annual crops. It has a small thick stem up to 250 cm long. The structure of the stem greatly depends on the chosen variety. The color is most often light green, but sometimes bluish-green is also found. Leaves also extend from the stem, and during flowering white flowers appear.

Preparing for landing

Today we will take a closer look at how to grow peas so that there are no more blank spots left in this matter. It is cold-resistant and completely undemanding plant, which should be planted in April. Why so early? Because the earth at this time still retains its moisture. Of course, it can be maintained artificially, but the microclimate will be different.

Of course, farmers also resort to another method - soaking. But this process is more labor-intensive and is not suitable for those who need to plant a large area. It’s one thing when you have a bag of dry beans in your hands, and quite another when you take a bowl with swollen seeds that stick together. Wet hands + soil - and soon liquid dirt forms in the bowl, into which it is unpleasant to plunge your fingers when catching the next grain.

Growing conditions

Sowing peas love sunny places. The soil should have a neutral pH; in acidic conditions, its growth and development slows down. Choose a bright place. It will be very useful to apply fertilizer before planting. Humus and compost are perfect. This culture is unpretentious and will calmly accept almost any feeding. Except acidified, any soil is suitable. But you need to pay special attention to its composition. If the soil is clayey or heavy, then the seed peas are laid out almost on the surface, without being buried. Light, sandy soil has a different structure. In this case, the seeds should be buried deeper so that the plant has something to hold on to. There are some tricks here that must be taken into account. The plant can scatter lashes on the ground, but in this case the planting will take up a lot of space and produce a meager harvest. Therefore, it is recommended to install supports to which the plant will cling. Only in this case can one expect a good harvest from him.

Choosing peas

Today there are three types of peas:

  • sugar;
  • cerebral;
  • peeling

But that's not all, there are dozens of varieties of each type. Some are good fresh, others should be collected after full ripening, split into two halves and in this form added to soups and pureed. But young shelling peas are not much different from sugar or brain peas, which are eaten fresh. Therefore, gardeners often decide to kill two birds with one stone: enjoy the tender green beans in the first two weeks of ripening, and collect and store the rest. Let's look at the most popular varieties peas so you know exactly what to look for in the store.


It's universal. It can be eaten straight from the garden or canned. If a product is grown for sale and it was not possible to sell it as “green”, do not worry - sell it later as yellow. It could even be next year. We proceed directly to the consideration of varieties.

  • Atlant is one of the favorites of most gardeners, especially if you plan to harvest it for the winter. Not all pea varieties can boast such a fast ripening time - only 55 days. The beans are large and split easily when ripe. Pest resistance is almost 100%.
  • Abador - well suited for small areas, an excellent option if you want to plant a small bed, exclusively for fresh food. The stem is very low and twisting, does not require serious support, but does not produce a large harvest.
  • Adagum peas - the height of the bush is 85-90 cm, the beans are large, which is especially pronounced with balanced fertilizer. Increased resistance to powdery mildew.
  • Batrak is ideally balanced in taste characteristics, suitable for canning and excellent fresh. Resistant to most diseases and pests. Mid-season, produces a harvest every 70 days.
  • Pharaoh - lands quite often in industrial scale. It is tasty when eaten green and can also be successfully dried and stored after ripening. The only one of all that is resistant to fungal diseases.

Brain varieties

They are named so because the pea seeds have folds in the form of convolutions. This species is suitable for those who want to grow the plant exclusively for food in the summer, while the peas are green and sweet.

  • Voronezh green - the first fruit harvest occurs on the 40th day after germination. The plant is large and has few leaves, making it easy to harvest. Has technical maturity green color. The plant is resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • Tropar - if you want to start canning so that you can prepare delicious salads and soups all winter, then choose this variety. Pea seeds of this variety are usually sold in specialized stores; you don’t have to look for them. Ripeness occurs 50 days after planting, the stem is low and erect. Despite the low yield, peas are in great demand.

Sugar snap peas

Pea seeds are distinguished by the absence of parchment in the bean. They can be eaten together with beans, cut into salads and first courses. It is best to choose local varieties. There are relatively few of them, they began to appear recently.

  • Candy is the most popular of the varieties of this species. It's designed to be frozen and canned, so you can enjoy your harvest all year long.
  • Alpha peas. One of the main advantages is drought resistance: it requires virtually no watering. An ideal option for a dacha that is not accessible every day. It was one of the first to be introduced, but does not lose its relevance. Every year it is planted in hundreds of garden plots and delights children and adults with delicious fruits.

It is very easy to grow peas in the garden, but when choosing a variety, you need to immediately decide whether you are taking it to earn money or for your family. Brain varieties are much tastier, but they have low yields and a short shelf life. If you are faced with the task of selling products through retail chains, then it is recommended to pay attention to universal varieties in order to be guaranteed to make a profit.

Seed selection

Planting peas begins with carefully checking the beans. It is important to do this so as not to be disappointed in the seedlings. Sort through all the seeding material and throw away all spoiled, rotten and broken ones. Place the remaining seeds in a solution with boric acid for about 15-30 minutes. After this, the dried beans can be planted in the soil.

There is another option. To do this, put 30 g of salt per liter of water and place peas in the solution. All seeds that float to the surface will need to be thrown away, and the remaining ones will need to be removed from the solution and dried, scattered on paper. Now the seed is completely ready for use. If you're not ready to start today, put everything in a cotton bag.

Planting peas in the ground

As mentioned above, the seeds can be soaked. But this method is good when you have lost time and need to urgently make up for it. Otherwise, it's a complete inconvenience. Firstly, the landing process itself becomes more complicated. Wet peas are much more difficult to distribute into the holes. But these are minor things; the temperature factor is much more important. If planting occurs in June, when frost has passed, then soaking does not threaten the plant in any way. It is much worse if the landing occurs in May, when different scenarios are still possible. Peas are not afraid of cold weather, so you don’t have to worry about frost, but only if you sowed dry peas. Otherwise, the plant embryos receive a signal for active growth and development, because there is a lot of warm water around. And after that they are laid in fairly cold and dry soil, where the program needs to be urgently changed. Many beans simply will not survive such disasters.

So that the shoots are friendly

Peas in the garden grow readily and bear fruit, but let's find out what conditions can be considered optimal. It is best if the peas are sown at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is good if planting occurs in early spring. If the area under peas is small, stretch the film to keep the ground warm. Then you can sow in April and enjoy fresh peas in June. The plant can withstand light frosts, down to -4 o C, so you do not need to use additional covering material. Sowing peas is best done in a sunny place. It can survive moderate shade, but the number of pods may decrease.


Since it is planned to grow peas in open ground in just one and a half to two months, the plant requires a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. In principle, care is not much different from that required by other vegetable crops. It is especially important to water regularly, always at the root. The amount of moisture depends greatly on the air temperature and planting location. The hotter it is outside and the sunnier the place, the more water the peas need. Despite the fact that the rhizome grows one and a half meters deep, the bushes will not grow without watering.

Immediately after landing

Caring for pea crops becomes easier the older they get. In fact, the rules are quite simple:

  • It is very important to cover the soil with seeds planted in it with film for several days. After the first shoots appear, it is removed, but now it is necessary to create protection from feathered destroyers. While there is still nothing to profit from in the garden, delicate plants will be under threat.
  • Soon you will need to loosen the soil, you can even hill up the plants a little. Typically this procedure is performed 10-15 days after germination.
  • Fertilizer for peas is applied when the plant has reached 10 cm in height. Usually mineral fertilizers are used for this. Repeat the procedure after two to three weeks. If organic matter was added to the soil before planting, then this can be limited.
  • Watering seedlings should be done regularly, but in small portions, otherwise the plantings may rot. And when the peas begin to bloom, you can increase to one bucket per square meter.

It is difficult to say for sure how often to water peas. It should be based on the temperature outside and the condition of the bed. If you travel far to the dacha, and the days are very hot, then it is recommended to mulch the soil well.


Even before flowering, it is necessary to tie up the bushes. If they lie on the ground, part of the crop will rot, and there will be much less ovary. The giant varieties, that is, the most productive ones, are especially afraid of being left without a garter. Installing a support ensures ventilation and warming of the plant. Additionally, farmers note that the vertical arrangement helps to avoid a number of diseases.

There are many ways to install a pea support:

  • Save time. In this case, the seeds are sown scattered or in rows on the bed. In the same way, twigs from branches are stuck into the soil. You don't need too many branches. Essentially, you only need to give support to a few plants. Everyone else will hold on to them. The rods can be located at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  • Nesting location. It is very convenient to prepare holes in which 5-8 peas are arranged in a circle. One rod is placed in the center.
  • Plastic mesh. If it is available, then the scheme is even simpler. The seeds are sown in two furrows, between which a mesh is placed.
  • Twine support. While the peas are still small, sticks are placed along the edges and in the middle of the bed at a distance of 1 meter. Then these sticks are entangled with twine at a height of 30 cm, creating a mesh. The twine is pulled along the contour, diagonally, widthwise. As soon as the plants rise to it, they cling and will not fall anywhere else.
  • Huts. These are the simplest designs that are made from flexible branches. You sow two strips of peas and install rods on both sides of them and tie the tops.

Top dressing

The supports are installed while the plants are still very small. As soon as they rise above the ground, the young seedlings need to be tied up. Then they will grow on their own, clinging to the branches. Peas usually grow quickly. If you see that the bush is sitting still, it is most likely lacking nutrients. In this case, you need to make additional feeding. As you remember, the first was carried out when the plant reached a height of 5-8 cm, and the second - two weeks later. The procedure cannot be repeated more often than once every 14 days.

Since even a novice gardener can grow peas in open ground, good harvest necessarily will. The main task of the gardener is to protect against weeds, loosen the soil, and timely installation of supports.

Garden pests

Tilling the soil for peas requires mandatory digging. This is necessary in order to remove all the larvae and pests that hide in the depths. The most common pests of peas are the pea moth, weevil and acacia moth. It is very important to take measures to protect the plants, since it will be very disappointing to collect beans with several worms in each of them. So, the main measure of protection against the codling moth is early sowing of plants. The weevil spreads along with the seed; to prevent its spread in the garden bed, you need to keep the seeds in a salt solution and remove the emerging plants. But deep plowing of the area and treatment with insecticides works great against the moth. Pea leaves are indicative for the diagnosis of fungal and bacterial infections. If they begin to curl and dry out, it means you need to take immediate action.


55 days after the peas were sown, it is time to harvest the beans. The consumer properties of green peas directly depend on how timely this was done. In most areas where this crop is cultivated optimal time occurs 18-20 days after flowering. If we consider brain varieties, then after 22-24 days. The number of fees may also vary. In early ripening varieties - up to 4-5 times per summer, in late varieties - up to 8 times. The collection of young pods should be done daily or every other day.

Gardeners use a simple technique that allows them to extend the harvest period. To do this, crops are sown with for different periods ripening or make several beds of the same variety, but plant the seeds in the ground in stages, with an interval of 2-3 weeks. The last sowing is done 60 days before the first frost. If the space allows, it will be possible to grow so many beans that it will be enough to freeze and make canned food, eat fresh peas. This plant produces surprisingly tasty and healthy fruits that help the housewife diversify the menu of her household.

The best way to store beans is glass containers. The jar is closed and put in a dark place. But it is undesirable to use polyethylene.

Instead of a conclusion

Planting peas on garden plot- This is a simple task that any gardener can do, regardless of skill level. By following the listed care rules, you can get an excellent harvest. The main thing is to plant peas as early as possible, regularly water and feed the bushes, and also install supports that will significantly increase the yield. Peas are an amazing plant, the fruits of which can be eaten fresh, dried, frozen, or canned. Fresh and frozen are used in salads and appetizers, while dried are great for making soups and purees throughout the year.