Succinic acid is a natural fertilizer for flowers and soil. Features of the use of succinic acid for plants

succinic acid- one of the most popular natural fertilizers for indoor plants. The spectrum of its action is wide: stimulation of growth and development, support of normal microflora of the substrate, beneficial effect on the quality of digestibility of valuable substances, support of stress resistance of the crop. It is safe for plants, but still requires a certain application technology. Recommendations from specialists and reviews from plant growers will help you understand the specifics of using acid.

Features of the action and use of the drug

Succinic acid is a product of the synthesis of natural amber. In fact, it is not a fertilizer. The properties of the acid, which according to the biochemical classification is classified as carboxylic, are determined by the beneficial effects on the immunity of indoor and other crops. As a natural additive to fertilizing or fertilizer, it is a strong adaptogen and a good biostimulant. When used correctly, acid can significantly improve the development conditions of plants from the tips of branches to the roots.

Attention! Useful feature substance - it does not accumulate in the soil or in the green mass of plants. Therefore, it is difficult to overdose during the growing process.

In processed form for application to the soil, succinic acid looks like White powder. In addition, the substance is sold in compressed tablets (much more often). It dissolves well in water and alcohols. The dosage and recipe for preparing acid-based aqueous solutions is determined by their purpose.

Medicine recommends using the tablets in food as a dietary supplement. In dry or dissolved form, the acid is safe for environment, humans and pets, but in a concentrated state the substance is harmful to the mucous membrane of the eyes, stomach, etc.

Succinic acid tablets

How to prepare the solution correctly

The standard solution concentration for most operations with it is: 2 g of dry matter per 1-2 liters of water. The dosage is indicated on the packaging of the powder and tablets. It is not difficult to measure out the required proportion for mixing with water. Usually the tablet weight is 0.5 g. But part of the desired succinic acid is only 0.1 g. The rest is auxiliary elements: talc, starch, sucrose, calcium stearate.

Acid dilution procedure:

  1. If you use tablets, they should first be crushed to a fine crystalline state.
  2. First, the powder must be diluted with a small amount of clean water.
  3. Use a container in which the liquid can be heated. Place it on low heat and wait until the acid powder is completely dissolved. You can immediately fill the crystals warm water and dissolve them by vigorous stirring.
  4. Mix the concentrated solution with the rest of the water. It should be a little warm.

Advice. Watering with an aqueous solution is best done immediately after preparation. In any case, it retains its beneficial qualities for no more than 3 days. By the end of this period, living microorganisms will have processed all the valuable substances in its composition.

Use of the substance for indoor crops

It has been scientifically proven that acid strengthens and develops the root system of potted plants. The active mixture for these purposes is prepared according to the recipe with the usual dosage of powder and 1 liter of water. Concentration should not be strong. To improve the health of adult plants, moisten the root zone generously, but not excessively. Repeat the procedure once weekly until the flower begins to improve its appearance.

To help the seedling better adapt, take root and take root in the ground, it should be soaked in the same acid solution for 1 hour. After the procedure, the plant should be left to dry for 30 minutes. After that, plant it immediately. A stimulating bath for young roots can be done for a longer period, but it is not advisable to overdo it.

Advice. Rooting of cuttings is carried out in the following acid solution: 1/4 of a tablet per 1 liter. Soak the branch for 3 hours, deepening it 2 cm into the nutrient liquid.

For the above-ground part of the crop, a less concentrated solution is prepared: 2 liters with the same proportion of dry matter. For the most delicate and small inhabitants of the windowsill, the powder can be diluted even to 3 liters.

Maximum benefit can be obtained by watering with acid 1-2 times a month. The solution can also be sprayed, covering all the greens. A separate case is severe damage to the plant. To save it, you can pour it with a more concentrated mixture of the drug.

Reviews about the use of acid

Many plant growers speak reservedly, but generally positively, about the use of the substance. According to reviews, the additive really helps and often significantly improves the health of plants. It increases the possibility of their recovery during transplantation, cold damage or other stressful situations. The effectiveness of this treatment can be assessed by a photo of the same potted flower before and after the procedure.

However, reviews of acid are not always positive:

  • secondary feeding of succulent crops is not effective and even produces a negative effect;
  • a similar phenomenon is sometimes observed when the drug is used too often for other plants;
  • With repeated application, the soil in pots becomes highly oxidized.

People noticed that beneficial features the solution is stored less than stated by the manufacturer. Therefore, it is recommended to use the mixture completely within 12 hours after its preparation. Succinic acid remains a good additive. Just when using it, do not forget to replenish the stock nutrients any crops using traditional fertilizing and fertilizers.

How to use succinic acid: video

There are indoor plants in almost every house or apartment. They give comfort to the home and have a beneficial effect on the microclimate. But in order for green pets to please the eye every day, they need to create favorable conditions for growth and flowering. Succinic acid can help with this; it is not difficult to use even for a novice gardener.

But in order for its use to be more effective, you first need to understand the properties and features of the use of such a substance.

What is succinic acid?

Succinic acid (scientifically, ethane-1,2 is a dicarboxylic acid), is colorless crystals, perfectly soluble in both alcohol and water. Does not have any odor.

IN natural conditions it can be found everywhere, in small quantities it is included in chemical composition plants and animals, it is produced by the human body, is present in amber and brown coal, and for its industrial production A special treatment of maleic anhydride is used.

This substance can be purchased in powder and tablet form.

The main properties of this substance, which became the reason for its widespread use, include:

First of all, it should be noted that succinic acid cannot be called a fertilizer for plants. It is a stimulant for many processes during growth and an excellent adaptogen.

It promotes:

  • Increasing the plant’s immunity, making it more resistant to aggressive environmental factors and diseases;
  • Activation of metabolism, which, in turn, accelerates growth and prevents the accumulation of nitrates and other harmful compounds in plant tissues;
  • The process of root formation, which is especially important for cuttings or just transplanted seedlings;
  • Assimilation of the entire range of fertilizers;
  • Increasing the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves;
  • Restoring a plant after stress (errors in care, severe damage by diseases or pests, drying out or waterlogging, replanting, etc.).

In addition, succinic acid does not accumulate either in the plants themselves or in the soil.

Methods of application

By correctly using succinic acid you can significantly improve conditions for plant growth. Recommendations for use vary depending on the method of application.

Succinic acid, which is available in tablets, is the most convenient form of industrial production of this drug. Methods of application depend on specific tasks.

The use of succinic acid in tablets to stimulate the root system

A good result can be achieved if you use succinic acid to stimulate the growth of the root system of plants. First, you need to properly prepare a solution from tablets. This will require take 3 tablets and pour them with a liter of water. The result should be a solution that is not too concentrated and will not harm the plants.

A more concentrated solution will not produce a positive result.

In the first case, this substance is applied directly under the roots until the soil in the area of ​​the root system is completely saturated. Repeat application of the drug is required once a week until general state the plants will not begin to improve. Then you can move on to other agrotechnical methods of care.

Plants ready for planting soak for a maximum of 1 hour. In this case, the use of succinic acid in tablets provides significant support to the young plant, as a result, in the future it will develop much better.

I used succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I didn’t expect strong changes from them, but I was very surprised when within a month my haworthia produced 10 children at the same time.

But I would not recommend reintroducing this substance to cacti and succulents: there is a backlash. I use it no more than once every two years.

Using succinic acid tablets for stems

When it is necessary to strengthen the stems or stimulate the plant to produce new shoots, it is necessary to make a less concentrated solution than for the root system. For which method of use, one tablet per liter of water is enough.

Plant stems are treated with the prepared solution by spraying. Therefore, you will need to purchase a sprayer. Apply the solution to all parts of the growing plant that are located above ground level. Leaves, shoots and trunk are processed.

Succinic acid in tablets is also used when the plant has been severely damaged. For example, it was frostbitten or very dry. Thanks to this treatment, it will be possible to speed up the restoration of the flower.

This substance is also used for rooting cuttings. The cuttings are treated with a solution of 0.02%. Sections of cuttings are immersed 2 cm in a liquid solution of the drug and left for 2-3 hours.

I use amber for watering seedlings, in the proportion of 1 tablet per two liters of regular tap water. First, I dissolve the tablet in a small amount of well-warm water, then add cold water to the required volume.

I water it about once a week. Plants, compared to untreated ones, grow faster and become less sensitive to cold.

But there is also negative point, with prolonged use of amber, it begins to oxidize the soil, which not all plants will like. Therefore, it is necessary to return the soil acidity to normal by all means.

Application of succinic acid for orchids

Succinic acid has a strengthening and stimulating effect. Flowers that have stopped growing, after using amber, begin to more actively increase their green mass, form new roots.

Directly for orchids, succinic acid is useful for active root formation - this is the most problematic point for these plants, especially those bought in a store. After using this drug, orchids more actively form new, healthy roots, and the plants take root better.

To stimulate root formation, one tablet of succinic acid is dissolved in 500 ml of distilled water. If succinic acid is available in powder form, then take the volume at the tip of the knife. Using a spray bottle, thoroughly treat with this solution. lower leaves orchids, root collar, and water the soil with the remaining solution. It makes sense for a substance to accurately reach its target. soak the container with the orchid in the solution- the same as with submersible irrigation. The soil will be well saturated, and the succinic acid will act for a longer period.

It is important in what dosages to prepare succinic acid for orchids in order to stimulate the development of the plant. Although it can be noted that cases of damage to plants from an overdose of this substance have not yet been recorded. But in everything a measure is necessary to achieve the necessary results.

I used amber to root orchids. The effect was average. Compared to control cuttings that were not treated, rooting increased by 30-35 percent.

I also noticed that the prepared solution of succinic acid is very quickly loses its properties, not in a day, as they usually write, but in 10-12 hours.

Igor Licholesov


It is necessary to store the drug in undiluted form in a dark, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

The prepared solution retains its properties for no more than 3-5 days.

Precautionary measures

This drug is not toxic to humans and animals and does not cause environmental pollution. But solutions of significant concentrations, if they come into contact with the eyes or stomach, often cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. If the concentrated drug gets into the eyes or stomach, they should be rinsed immediately with a significant amount of water. After this, consult a doctor immediately.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children and animals, and not near food or medicine.


As follows from the above, the use of succinic acid for indoor plants brings good results. In addition, this substance goes well with the entire range of fertilizers and chemicals for indoor flowers.

Succinic acid for flowers is a kind of resuscitator that helps the plant endure unfavorable external conditions.

And as a result, your favorite flower will always delight you with beauty and health.

Succinic (butanedioic) acid - soluble organic compound. Available in powder, tablet and liquid form. Widely used in various fields. Let's figure out how to use succinic acid for indoor plants in tablets. This substance has been used in vegetable growing and floriculture not so long ago. Useful properties and low price make it popular.

Succinic acid is an antioxidant for all living organisms; in addition, it regulates oxygen metabolism. Without affecting individual parts of plant physiology, it stimulates growth and improves immunity.

Beneficial features

Succinic acid has proven to be a strong growth stimulator. When this product is applied, the nutrients in the soil are better absorbed by plant roots and their growth accelerates. In addition, succinic acid has a number of other beneficial properties, it:

  • fights toxins accumulated in the substrate, destroying them;
  • evens out activity beneficial organisms in the soil;
  • improves adaptation, speeding up the recovery process after illness, transplantation and various stressful conditions;
  • increases chlorophyll content, promoting better growth, abundant flowering, improving the appearance of plants;
  • accelerates the process of root formation, which makes succinic acid indispensable for propagation and transplantation in the absence of roots;
  • strengthens immunity to various diseases.

In what cases is it better not to use

Due to the presence of acid in the composition of plants there are no negative side effects when using succinic acid. Practice has shown that even exceeding the concentration of the solution used does not harm green pets when watering and soaking. A plant exposed to direct sunlight should not be sprayed, as its leaves are too sensitive in the light and can get burned. Treatment is carried out in the morning or evening, when there is no sun. Do not spray during the flowering period.

Regular use of the product can lead to acidification of the soil, so lime must be added.

Release form: tablets

Succinic acid is sold in powder form and in tablets. For indoor plants, solutions containing a small amount of the product are needed, which makes it more convenient to use tablets. It is rational to prepare a small amount of working solution, since the effectiveness remains up to three days.

Preparation of the solution

How to dilute succinic acid for indoor plants in tablets? Each specific case requires a certain concentration of the substance. Plants need solutions with a low content of the product. First prepare a base solution, then add water to bring the product to the desired concentration. Sequencing:

  • the water is heated a little;
  • a small amount of water is poured into a liter jar;
  • the tablet should be crushed into powder and poured into water;
  • stir until the acid is completely dissolved;
  • add water until the entire volume of the jar is filled.

The table shows the amount of acid to obtain the required concentration (per 1 liter of water):

/> /> />
Number of tablets, pcs.Amount of acid, gConcentration, %
1 0,1 0,01
5 0,5 0,05
10 1 0,1
20 2 0,2

To obtain a solution 10 times lower in concentration (0.001; 0.005, etc.), the solutions given in the table should be diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Or take 1/10 of the volume of the solution, i.e. 100 ml of a solution of the appropriate concentration and add 900 ml of water, thus obtaining 1 liter of a solution whose concentration is 10 times less than the initial one. When preparing the solution, grains of the substance may remain in it, so it must be filtered before use.

Always ready required amount solution, because after 2-3 days it loses its properties.

Precautions when performing work

It is recommended to use gloves when working with the substance. It is not toxic, but at high levels it may cause inflammation if it comes into contact with the eyes or body. It is necessary to rinse all areas of contact with plenty of water and apply eye drops eye drops. Exceeding the concentration will not harm the plants; they consume required quantity substances, and the excess is processed by living organisms in the soil. Succinic acid does not harm plants, humans and animals.

Purposes of use and dosage

The product is used to improve the growth of all plants. The concentration depends on the method and the desired effect. Spraying is used:

  • in early spring to break dormancy and stimulate growth;
  • to relieve stress after pruning;
  • after treatment with toxic agents against pests and diseases.

Spraying is the most common procedure. The required substance very quickly enters the plant tissue. Spraying is used to treat healthy (once every two weeks), sick and weakened (daily, 3-4 times a day) specimens. Usually a 0.01% solution is used. If the result is weak, then you need to dilute a new one, increasing the concentration. Spraying is used for:

  • prevention of all kinds of diseases;
  • pest protection;
  • accelerating growth.

Soaking is used to treat seeds and cuttings whose roots are damaged. By soaking it is achieved that:

  • the germination of old seeds increases;
  • the seedlings grow strong;
  • cuttings quickly grow roots;
  • bulbous plants are growing;
  • Reduces stress during transplantation.

According to reviews from those who used succinic acid, stronger plants were obtained from pre-soaked seeds and cuttings. Watering solves therapeutic and preventive problems. For irrigation, use a high concentration solution. Excess bioadditive is processed by microorganisms living in the soil. Periodic watering with the solution serves to:

  • restoration of soil microflora (1% solution, once every 15-20 days);
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • restoration of damaged roots.

Depending on the type of plant, the concentration is increased or decreased. The best effect is observed when alternating spraying and watering.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

When indoor plants are propagated by seeds, difficulties arise due to poor germination. Therefore, the use of stimulants is desirable. The seeds are processed by soaking in a solution. For this:

  • the seeds are placed in a glass, filled with solution, kept in it for a day, then dried and immediately sown;
  • Seeds are laid out on a piece of cloth moistened with the solution, covered with a second moistened piece of cloth on top, kept until sprouts appear, and then planted.

For this purpose, a 0.2% solution is used: 2 gm of succinic acid is taken per 1 liter of water. To reject unsuitable seeds, they are placed in a saucer with a solution until they are pecked. Seeds without sprouts are removed, the rest are planted. The solution is 0.05%: per 1 liter of water - 0.5 g of acid.


Soaking the cuttings in the solution stimulates root growth. The cutting is placed in a container with a lid, the solution is poured, and left for up to 24 hours. The solution used is 0.2% (2 g per 1 liter of water).

Stimulation of root formation

The product moderately stimulates root formation. For plantings that do not take cuttings well, strong stimulants are used, for example, “Kornevin”. And for the rehabilitation of the root system during transplantation, division of the bush and for its maintenance, succinic acid is suitable. Processing is carried out in two ways:

  • by soaking, placing the plant in a wide bowl with a solution for 3-4 hours;
  • watering, after transplanting the plant into another container.

The solution requires 0.02% (0.2 g of succinic acid per 1 liter of water) or you can use a 0.2% solution by adding water in a ratio of 1:10.

Top dressing

Succinic acid is not used as a top dressing or fertilizer; it serves to deliver nutrients inside, accelerates the processes occurring in plants and the absorption of applied fertilizers.

The use of succinic acid does not replace fertilizing, so it is fertilized at the same time.


To restore diseased, weak specimens, they are completely immersed in a 0.025% solution (0.25 g of acid per 1 liter of water) and kept for 10-15 minutes. After fifteen days, spraying is required.

Anti-stress treatment

Houseplants often experience stress. Limited soil volume, lack of sun, dry air, replanting, care errors - all these are causes of stress. Succinic acid is an adaptogen that can increase the resistance of a living organism to various harmful influences. Therefore, the use of the product is justified if the flowers have limp leaves or they fall off; there is no flowering and poor appearance. In this case, spray the roots and leaves with a 0.2% solution. Spraying should be in small drops. Treatment should be carried out once every 2-3 weeks until a noticeable result appears.

Application when growing different types of indoor plants

Succinic acid is widely used for growing vegetables, such as cucumbers. When sowing seeds treated with acid, germination rate increases. Spraying seedlings increases resistance to cold and dry weather. Thanks to watering, roots form and grow better, and fruits develop faster. The use of succinic acid for indoor plants by spraying makes the plants lush, healthy, the leaves become juicy, and does not die off flower buds. The presence of pubescent leaves (Saintpaulia) in indoor plants precludes spraying; in this case, they are watered at the root, with early spring until mid-summer. The product is suitable for various green pets:

  • ficus;
  • begonias;
  • petunias;
  • hydrangeas;
  • palm trees;
  • violets.

Tropical beautiful orchids immediately respond to the addition of this substance. The substrate is restored and the formation of flower stalks is accelerated. Succinic acid saves sick and dying specimens. Spray the entire plant with the solution, avoiding contact with the flowers. To avoid stress during transplantation, the roots are soaked in a solution. For frequent treatment of orchids, prepare a solution of 1 g of acid and 5 liters of water, spraying once every three weeks, and water the substrate with the remainder. If this is done regularly, the orchids will get sick less often and bloom constantly.

The above material gives grounds to assert that the use of succinic acid for indoor plants is in many cases very useful and does not give negative consequences.

Houseplants need love and care. To flowers for a long time made the housewife happy, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products and fertilizers. It’s enough just to know some secrets, one of which is succinic acid.

This article will tell you how to apply and use succinic acid for the beauty and health of orchids, as well as the features of such treatment.

What is succinic acid

Succinic acid - simple and accessible remedy, which is widely used to stimulate the growth of many crops (especially indoor plants). This substance has chemical name- dicarboxylic acid. It has the form of translucent crystals that are soluble in water, ether or alcohol.

This substance is produced from amber and is used both in horticulture and medicine. It tastes vaguely like citric acid.

In what forms is it sold?

It is believed that using succinic acid in its pure form (crystalline) is the most useful option for orchids.

You can find it in its pure form in flower and garden stores.

But the simplest and convenient forms aretablets orsachets, containing ready-made powder, sold in pharmacies (without a prescription).

When purchasing a substance at a pharmacy, it is important to know that this form is produced for humans, therefore has a number of impurities, such as ascorbic acid, sugar, glucose, potato starch, talc and many others. Of course, these impurities can harm the plant, but not in such minute quantities.

Note! One tablet weighs 0.5 grams active substance(succinic acid) only 0.1 grams.

Note! However, there is an alternative opinion regarding the use of UC in tablets for orchids, expressed in the following videos. In short, these are tablets for human body. Plants need to be fertilized with special fertilizers. If you use succinic acid, then only in its pure form - crystalline, and not in tablets!

Video: succinic acid tablets - is it worth using it to resuscitate orchids?

What are the benefits of using succinic acid for orchids?

These beautiful flowers from the orchid (orchid) family are ancient plants that have come down to us from the Late Cretaceous era. They have gentle bright inflorescences bizarre shape.

Orchids need a moist environment. In order to take moisture from the air, they release aerial roots. It is worth admitting that this type indoor plants are quite whimsical, but with certain knowledge and skills of the gardener it is capable of blooming luxuriantly and pleasing to the eye.

However, if you notice that something is wrong with your orchids, or you want them to better tolerate the transplant, then using succinic acid will make it much easier for them to survive stress, adapt and grow.

Benefits and possible harm

The benefits of succinic acid for orchids are enormous. The main advantages of this product are its natural origin(environmentally friendly) and accessibility (cheapness).

By the way! Succinic acid is very good helper for all indoor plants (not just orchids).

Succinic acid has the following number of positive effects on plants (including orchids):

  • stimulation of growth and formation of new roots;
  • improves the formation of ovaries - increases the number of flowers and the duration of flowering (in other words, stimulates flowering);
  • helps the plant better absorb nutrients from the soil and prevents the concentration of harmful components in the soil;
  • has a beneficial effect on plant cuttings, i.e. increases the likelihood of their rooting and subsequent development young plant(similar to the use of heteroauxin or root);
  • restores the immunity of the transplanted plant (used as an anti-stress agent);
  • allows you to revive a dying plant or restore it after illness (stress);
  • helps cope with unfavorable environmental conditions and improper care (heat, frost, excessive humidity and drought);
  • often used to improve the germination of plant seeds (for their pre-sowing treatment);
  • stimulates the formation of children in succulents.

Anything, even the most the best remedy conceals within itself potential harm for both plants and humans. However, succinic acid is an environmentally friendly and not at all potent agent, but bio stimulant. Therefore, it actually cannot harm the plant; moreover, the solution does not accumulate in the plant itself and in the soil, because In air and light it disintegrates quite quickly.

Accordingly, when preparing and using the solution special measures no precautions required. Nevertheless

  • despite the fact that the substance is harmless, it is still an acid, so it should not come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes;
  • when working with acid, it is recommended to wear rubber (latex) gloves and goggles;
  • It is necessary to protect children and pets from it; the drug should be stored in places inaccessible to them.

However, as you understand, succinic acid also has its disadvantages (common to all biological products):

  • You should not expect a very quick and downright miraculous result from using the solution. The remedy is sufficient weak but effective.
  • Frequent use of succinic acid solution acidifies the soil.

Video: how to revive orchids and other indoor plants using succinic acid

Treatment of orchids with succinic acid

Succinic acid works no worse than living water for indoor flowers. Since orchids have vulnerable roots, which are involved both in photosynthesis and in feeding the trunk and flowers, succinic acid is used for their active growth.

Note! It should be remembered that succinic acid - this is a biostimulant (dietary supplement), not a supplement Therefore, you should not get carried away with it unless absolutely necessary.

Let us recall that the use of succinic acid has the following beneficial effects on orchids:

  • acceleration of growth processes (especially the root system);
  • transfer of fertilizers into the form necessary for absorption by the plant (normalization of the natural microflora of the soil);
  • stimulation of the release of flower arrows and increased flowering splendor;
  • general improvement of the plant.

Succinic acid is most often used as an anti-stress agent during landing and transfer, and for resuscitation of a dying person (wasting away from improper care) plants.

The use of succinic acid for orchids is varied: you can wipe the leaves of the flower, spray or water (directly the roots or by immersion).

Video: how and why to use succinic acid for orchids

When can it be used

Note! It is recommended to use succinic acid to stimulate growth and flowering only during the growing season (spring, summer). You should not use YAK unnecessarily while the plant is dormant (after flowering, i.e. in autumn, winter), since it is impossible to stimulate or induce the growth of orchids artificially. Otherwise, this may negatively affect their development in the future.

Preparation of the solution

How to dilute succinic acid for orchids?

Important! Application of succinic acid solution in different time year differs in concentration.

To prepare a standard working solution, you need to dissolve 1 tablet (0.1 gram of the active substance, the tablet itself can be 0.25 grams or 0.5 grams) in 1 liter warm water.

Interesting! You can often come across a recommendation that it is still better to make a more concentrated solution ( Dissolve 0.1 grams of active substance in 0.5 liters of water). Since there cannot be an overdose, in principle, this concentration can be used.

Since the acid dissolves poorly (slowly), it is initially better to crush the tablet and dissolve the resulting powder in a small amount of water (200-300 ml). Then add water to the required volume.

Note! Despite the fact that the use of succinic acid is not recommended during the rest period (winter), it is still allowed in emergency cases, and the concentration of the solution should be reduced, i.e. 1 tablet will dissolve in 2-3 liters of water. In this case, it is better to carry out the treatment itself by spraying from a fine sprayer (no more than 1-2 times a month).

It must be remembered that a solution of succinic acid for orchids should be prepare immediately before use, since the active substance disintegrates quite quickly in air and loses its effect. But store the solution in a hermetically sealed glass containers Can be used for up to 3 days, always in a dark and cool place.

Important! When preparing any solutions, the correct proportions must be observed, but it is believed that overdose of succinic acid is impossible, since the plant simply will not absorb the excess concentration!

How to treat orchids

So how to use succinic acid for orchids? Exist different ways processing:

For greater effect and achievement best result you can simultaneously wipe the leaves and water the root system of the plant.

  • Wipe the leaf plates with the solution.
  • Spray the plant with a fine spray (to create fog).

The procedures for spraying and wiping leaves are basically the same. It’s just that when you manually wipe each sheet, you do it more thoroughly, but noticeably slower.

  • Directly water the solution on the roots of the plant.
  • Immerse (dip) the roots of the plant in the solution.


When watering orchids with a solution of succinic acid, the product penetrates the soil, saturates the roots, which means that in this way we can directly stimulate the growth of the root system.

Water the orchid with succinic acid with a standard solution (1 tablet or 0.1 grams of active substance per 1 liter, or better yet, 0.5 liters of water).

If too much solution gets into the pot, you need to wait until it drains into the pan and then pour it out. Under no circumstances should the delicate roots of the orchid be allowed to get wet, as this can lead to their rotting.

We remind you! You can water orchids with succinic acid only in spring or summer, that is, during the period of intensive growth (vegetation). In winter and autumn, all processes slow down, the plant rests (rest period), so it does not need to be artificially stimulated.

Soaking the roots

This procedure is usually performed to avoid consequences severe stress when transplanting a plant or directly when it is under stress due to a change in growing conditions.

If you want to spend immersion watering, then just dip the pot into the solution. In this case, it is very important that after treatment the entire solution flows freely (through drainage holes). Overmoistening is unacceptable.

When replanting, soaking the orchid roots in a solution of succinic acid can be done as follows:

  • clean the roots from the substrate;
  • soak (dip) clean roots in a standard solution for 5-10 minutes;

In the case of transplantation and resuscitation of a withering plant, the concentration of the solution should be increased by 2-4 times.

  • transplant into a new substrate and pot.

Rubbing leaves

By the way! It is believed that foliar (leaf) treatment is much more effective than root treatment, especially for orchids.

Rubbing leaves is used both in combination (together with watering or immersion in a solution) and for the separate purpose of restoration sheet plates, if they drooped (began to wither), for example, after reproduction (by dividing the apical part).

There is a certain technique and order for wiping orchid leaves with a solution of succinic acid:

  • It is better to treat leaves in the morning or evening hours.
  • Used to wipe leaves soft materials, which do not injure the plant, for example, a cotton rag, and are most convenient to use cotton pads.
  • Don't squeeze too hard cotton pad, i.e. He should retain a lot of moisture.
  • Rub leaves absolutely necessary at both sides.

Advice! It is advisable to remove excess moisture (get wet with something) from the axils of the leaves (from the middle - the rosette of the plant). Otherwise, it is believed that the growth point may begin to rot. However, according to numerous reviews from flower growers, the roots rot from excessive watering, and not from rare treatment with YAK solution!

As for how often you can wipe an orchid with succinic acid, it is recommended to do this no more than 1-2 times a week until the desired effect is achieved.

Worth understanding! If the plant has rotten roots, no manipulation of succinic acid with its leaves will help.

Video: how to use succinic acid for orchids

Resuscitation of an orchid without roots using succinic acid

If not properly cared for, namely excessive watering, the orchid roots begin to rot and the plant disappears. In this case, succinic acid will come to the rescue in resuscitating an orchid without roots.

Important! To prepare a resuscitating solution, you should use an increased concentration, in other words, dissolve 2-4 tablets (i.e. 0.2-0.4 grams of active substance) in 1 liter of water.

Alternatively, you can apply a moistened cotton pad to the orchid trunk, where the roots should be, or spray with a spray bottle, being sure to grab the leaves. You need to repeat the treatment every day, in the morning or evening, until the roots appear.

During resuscitation, it is very desirable that the roots (or the place where they should be) be open, and the plant itself hangs over a container of water. For example, it can be hung above a tray with raw sphagnum moss (so that it is 1-2 cm from the plant). Or, as an option, you can place moss next to the plant and periodically moisten it. However, this should not be done on the roots, otherwise due to waterlogging they may rot.

This will be a kind of aerial rooting.

Reanimation of an orchid can occur as follows (by soaking in solution):

Advice! After resuscitation is successful - new roots will appear, it is advisable to immediately transplant the orchid into the most suitable location. suitable substrate, for example, consisting of sphagnum moss or coconut fiber. It is best to use bark for drainage!

Video: resuscitation of an orchid without roots with succinic acid in 2 parts

Answers to frequently asked questions about the use of succinic acid for treating orchids

Very often, beginning flower growers ask similar questions about the use of succinic acid. Here are the answers to the most popular ones.

When or in what cases is treatment necessary?

Succinic acid is used for orchids in the following specific cases:

Worth understanding! Succinic acid is just an assistant. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for growing and properly care for the plant. That is, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the orchid’s poor health, and after that, YAC will help the plant recover.

  • if the plant is well developed and absolutely healthy, but for some reason does not want to bloom (during the growing season);
  • for treating a plant experiencing stress (transplantation or changing growing conditions, such as climate), as well as to improve root formation and survival of cuttings;
  • if you notice obvious signs oppression of the plant, for example, it does not form flower stalks or the flowering is too sluggish, the leaves have drooped (hang limp);
  • for resuscitation of dying plants.

Important! Succinic acid is a biostimulant (dietary supplement) that is used only in cases where it is necessary to restore or urgently help a plant. In other words, you need good reason for its application.

Processing frequency

How often should you treat orchids? If you wipe the leaves, then this can be done 1-2 times a week (for restoration) and 1-2 times a month for prevention. Naturally, it is impossible to water frequently (as a rule, this is done once, for example, during the same transplant).

Of course, it is necessary to carefully monitor the plant’s reaction to the effects of the product. If the effect is achieved, then there is no point in using it further, except perhaps for some more time for preventive purposes.

It should be remembered that an orchid is a living organism that has its own individual characteristics, which a caring owner learns about through constant observations.

What to do in case of an overdose and is it possible?

An overdose of this activator cannot happen, because the plant will absorb as many substances as it needs. But in any case, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosages.

Important! It must be remembered that this drug is not a fertilizer. It is a stimulator of all plant processes, and in order for it to bring it maximum benefit, you need to be aware of the rhythm in which the orchid develops (what stage it is in).

Orchids are beautiful exotic plants that can decorate any home. If your favorite flowers are sick, then using succinic acid will help bring them back to life. However, it should be remembered that the use of YAK can only help the plant recover, because first of all, the orchid needs to create suitable conditions for it and proper care- watering and fertilizing.

Video: succinic acid - a green doctor for your orchids

In contact with

Almost every apartment or house has at least a few indoor plants. Flower growers make every effort to grow, develop and prolong the life of their green pets. Succinic acid, which should become best friend for indoor plants and more.

What is succinic acid

Succinic acid is an odorless substance that looks like white crystals and is highly soluble in both water and alcohol. The taste is very close to citric acid. In nature, it is found not only in amber, but also in animal organisms. Even a small amount of it has a qualitative effect on growth and improved yields. different cultures. The substance is absolutely harmless, it is used not only in agriculture, but also in medicine, as well as in cosmetology. Available for sale in the form of tablets and powder.

Did you know? Succinic acid, due to its properties, can prevent the formation of malignant tumors, reduce allergic reactions of the body, and neutralize some toxins in it, including ethanol and nicotine.

What is succinic acid used for, the beneficial properties of a plant stimulant

Succinic acid is, first of all, a growth stimulant.

Additional pleasant effect There is an increase in the level of plant resistance to drought and cold, green pets will gain the strength to fight various diseases.

Important! You should not perceive succinic acid as a panacea for all ills. Of course, you should take care of the plants, fertilize and feed them with others useful substances and minerals.

Succinic acid for plants is used both in the form of watering and spraying. Interestingly, an overdose of the component is practically impossible; the plant will absorb only the amount of substances it needs. This means that even a novice gardener can easily process his flowerpots. But, of course, it is better to always read the instructions and follow them.

The effect of succinic acid on soil

The soil in which it will live home plant, is perhaps the most important component in the development and life of green pets. It is not always possible to be sure of the purity and quality of the soil chosen for planting. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the soil with succinic acid. It will help to significantly improve the composition of the soil, stabilize its microflora, and destroy foreign toxic components. The acid itself is environmentally friendly, which means it will not pollute the soil structure.

How does succinic acid affect plants?

What succinic acid provides useful microelements for plants, It is already clear whether it is used in tablets or in powder form. Treatment should begin as early as possible. Initially, a solution of this acid is used to improve planting material– seeds or young seedlings. Thus, the effect of the drug will last for a long period.

Regular watering of indoor flowers with succinic acid protects them from heat and frost, high humidity and excessive drought, they will get sick less often or not at all. And most importantly, the plants will noticeably accelerate their growth.

How to prepare a solution of succinic acid, use of the drug in growing plants

Succinic acid is very simple to use for flowers, which means it is ideal even for beginners in this matter. To prepare the solution you need to take approximately 2 g of acid and 1.5-2 liters of liquid. First, the substance is introduced into warm water, and then cold is gradually added until the temperature becomes moderate, room temperature.

Important! The effect of the prepared solution is limited to 2-3 days, after which it is necessary to prepare a new one.

The use of succinic acid for flowers depends on the goals that the grower wants to achieve:

  • In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they need to be kept in an acid solution for about a day, then dried thoroughly and planted in prepared soil.
  • To develop faster root system, it is soaked in a solution of succinic acid for 45-50 minutes. After this, the roots must be dried and then planted in the ground.
  • Succinic acid will help improve the rooting of cuttings. It is enough to immerse the lower part of the cuttings in the solution for a day (1.5-2 cm), and this will already give the desired effect.
  • To activate the growth of new shoots in the plant, you need to spray the stems and foliage with an acid solution once every 2-2.5 weeks, always in the morning or evening.
  • Watering and spraying with a solution of a higher concentration will help to revive a painful, dying plant. For 1 liter of warm water, take 0.25 g of the drug.
Many gardeners have found use for succinic acid in roses; it strengthens the stems and helps get rid of pests. There is no need to be afraid to use this supplement to help you grow your plants. Overdose is impossible and the results of improving the development of green pets will become noticeable within a week or two.

Application for vegetable garden

In the garden, this “miracle powder” is no less popular. Succinic acid is often used for seedlings, for example, tomatoes and cabbage. It is also used to treat cucumbers, carrots, radishes, turnips, lettuce, beets, etc. The seeds are treated with a light solution of succinic acid (1 g per 1 liter) before sowing, which will greatly increase their productivity in the future.

As for potatoes, before planting you need to treat the tubers with a solution, then cover them with film for about 2 hours and then start planting. This will speed up the flowering process and increase yield.

Important! Process vegetable crops it is possible in a later period of their growth, but in this case it is necessary to increase the concentration of the solution by 6-10 times.

Succinic acid is used not as a fertilizer, but as a growth activator, which helps to steadily increase crop yields without an excess of various mineral fertilizers.

How do gardeners use succinic acid?

Succinic acid is also indispensable in gardening. Accelerate the ripening of fruits in the garden, increase productivity, improve taste qualities Spraying with the drug during the flowering period will help. At 125 square meters It takes about 5 liters of solution.

Very good impact Succinic acid has an effect on the following garden plants:

  • Strawberries. The treatment solution is prepared at the rate of 0.4 g per 5 liters of warm water.
  • Cherry, apricot. 0.2 g per 5 liters of water.
  • Grape. 0.4 g per 5 liters of water. Regular use of succinic acid can increase the level of vitamin C in fruits.

Did you know? As practice shows, succinic acid can increase productivity by 20-30%, since it increases the content of biologically valuable substances in plants and fruits.

Succinic acid and indoor floriculture

It happens that plants that have only been purchased or have been living in the house for a long time slow down or even stop their growth. In such cases, feeding domestic plants, for example, orchids, with succinic acid will come to the rescue. The working solution will strengthen and stimulate the development of flowers, help increase the green mass and promote the formation of new roots.

By the way, the latter is very important in growing orchids. After all, it often happens that the roots of orchids become weak, dry out, or, conversely, rot due to excessive humidity. And as a result of exposure to succinic acid, the plant forms new roots, takes root more easily and is easier to transplant into new soil.