Spell for wheat grains.

Everyone knows that the Moon has a significant influence with its phases on the Earth and everything on it. That's why there are money rituals performed specifically for the new moon, when the new month gains its strength and spreads its magical energy.

Money Growing Ritual

Let's carry out
analogy: we grow fruits and vegetables in order to have a supply of them and eat them. So why not divorce the so-called money garden and not harvest there?

Shows us that anything is possible (don't worry, this magic is white:). A prerequisite is the new moon or a couple of hours immediately after it. We take a certain amount of banknotes and we plant them, that is, we lay them out somewhere on the cabinet or on top of the hanging shelves.

The main thing is that the money was not visible your household, because they cannot be touched or disturbed during the germination period. It is advisable that they be in a place where it falls Moonlight, although just open space will also work. When we lay out money, we think positively, we think about wealth which will now always accompany. We cast a magic spell:

“So that it exists and grows. My word is strong, molding and true. Let it be so!"

We leave it to germinate charmed banknotes for 3 days. After the expiration date, germinated and soaked magical power month, money must be collected (the main thing is not to forget about it, they really don’t like it) and channel it into the monetary channel, i.e. spend completely Having bought something at your discretion, for greater importance you can add a little to them. This the ritual works it can be repeated monthly, which will guarantee the germination of the money garden all year round.

New Moon Money Growing Ritual

Another ritual of germination of money, also held on the new moon. You'll need a saucer white without a picture, copper coins (7 pieces), a handful of wheat and a handkerchief, preferably green (cash) color.

We put coins on a saucer, sprinkle wheat on top, and cover everything with a handkerchief. Now we water it through a handkerchief once every 3 days. money-wheat mixture, and the water should be a little warmer room temperature. While watering, we say:

“Mother wheat, you feed the young and the old, the beggars and the bar. Give it to me too God's servant(name), money originates like this wheat. It grows night and day, it doesn’t let you die of hunger. Let my money grow like that, they feed me. God bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

We transplant the sprouted grains into a clay pot so that they grow and increase your monetary energy. Coins, now they are specially charged unique ones, you can put them in your wallet, in your pockets, in your purse, so that they work on attracting other money.

Money plot on water

CONSPIRACY - spell for the new moon and water. We perform the ritual on the night after the birth of the new month. Pour water into a glass and say protective words:

“Jesus Christ, help, ever-Virgin Mary, bury.”
We leave a glass of water on the windowsill behind the curtain and leave it until the full moon. In, pronouncing the words:
“As the month was bad, but became full, so would I, the servant of God (name), be full of all good things. Said - cut off. Forever and ever. Amen."
Let's wash ourselves with this one, charged with lunar energy, water, moisten the comb, comb your hair, and imagine how the lunar energy fills and envelops. During the process of combing and washing, we pronounce the spell words 7 times. This ritual not only increases well-being, but also .

Check writing ritual

Very interesting and effective ritual. Having done it at least once, and seeing the result, you will do it every new moon.

This ritual - writing checks. Having done it, you will be pleasantly surprised by cash receipts, as if from nowhere, be it a bonus at work or a sudden gift. By the way, this also includes good news.

For example, you were at an interview, and they wouldn’t give you an answer as to whether they would hire you for a new prestigious job or not. So, the information about your enrollment is exactly that good news, which was mentioned. And now about the ritual.

On the new moon or the next few hours immediately after it, we write ourselves a check. The Universe, which hears and heeds all our good requests, will find the opportunity to give what you ask for. First you need to find the one you like best. At all, in all rituals listen to your inner voice, he will tell you what and how to do. We fill out a check from the Bank of Abundance of the Universe.

  • Date - date - set the real current date
  • Pay - to pay, in this column we write our last name and initials. In the white field is a monetary amount, and no matter what currency you use, the Universe knows what money you need. Now the most important thing decide on the requested amount. Here again it’s worth listening to your inner voice. Say the sums to yourself and pay attention to your feelings. The amount from which you feel uncomfortable, you begin to doubt, is the monetary limit in this ritual.
  • To the order of - here you can write Why are you asking this amount? and what you are going to spend it on. Maybe you really want new boots or a smartphone. In this field you enter what you are going to buy for the requested amount of money. In the process of writing a check, it is very good to imagine what you want, to dream, to mentally consider, to feel as if it is already in your hands, in a word, to believe with all your heart in your dream.
  • drawer - infinitely abundant Universe
  • signed - sign, put the signature of the person writing the check, but remember that you are acting on behalf of the Universe.

Everything is ready, put the check in a place inaccessible to prying eyes, and live your life ordinary life. The Universe can fulfill your order immediately, or maybe during the time the moon is growing. Can give you the entire amount at once, or maybe in parts, or maybe, as already mentioned, good news. In any case, don't forget to thank the Universe.


All rituals must be performed with a pure heart, good intentions, respect and gratitude as monetary energy, money, and the Abundant and Generous Universe.

Ritual with grain

A symbol of strength, fertility, life, immortality, renewal, health, wealth. Dishes made from grain were traditional and ritual at festive and ritual meals. At Christmas they sprinkled grain on all the people in the house and the house itself. At the wedding, grain was sprinkled on the newlyweds, which gave them fertile strength and promised good harvest, happy family life. A handful of grains was also placed in the baby’s cradle. They brought grains as gifts, sacrifices, and asked for a good harvest. U Slavic peoples At Christmas, grains were sprouted in a pot to help winter grain in the field. Grain was sprinkled in the yard to protect pets and birds. Grain was sewn into clothes. It was a talisman. In fairy tales, great power is hidden in one small grain. And one grain can sow an entire field. And one grain contains a whole house and estate. You just need to be able to get this grain, which only the worthy can do.

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Since on the Equinox Festival it is customary to plant seeds for future prosperity, I propose to also carry out such a well-known ritual with wheat to attract a one-time amount of money. It is good to do it on Thursday or Sunday. In our case, it’s good to use Thursday while the energies of the equinox are still in force. By this time you will have time to buy wheat grains; they are usually sold in health food stores. The bags are called “Wheat for Germination”.

Take a pot of soil. Some people use larger containers. Some people manage to use the floor part of the apartment as a field.

So, let's take the pot. Mix the soil with wheat grains and small coins. It is better to take coins from the family piggy bank (if there is one in the house), from your wallet and the wallets of family members (or clients). Coins are like a sacrifice, a percentage of future income. After the ritual, they should not be used, but rather thrown away.

Mix. We water and whisper: “ Mother wheat, you feed young and old, the poor and the bar. From the grain you give 10, and 15, and 20. Give me, named (NAME), money to be born, like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let me die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. Let it be so.

It is better to do the ritual on someone from whom it is easier to obtain this amount. This is either you yourself, if you work or have the opportunity to earn extra money. Or your husband, wife, parents, etc.
We mix the earth with wheat and coins in a clay (best) bowl, used exclusively for magical purposes (a kind of bowl), while trying to saturate the earth, wheat, and coins as much as possible with intention, while colorfully visualizing the result.
If we do it not only for ourselves, but, for example, for one of the family members, then we indicated both him and ourselves as the NAME, that is, we say " us names...." (in the case of a client, of course, only the client’s name).

After the ritual, water your creation every Thursday and Sunday and whisper " Wheat will grow, money will come"When we water, we “feed” the wheat with energy with our hands, plus visualization, of course. When the contents of the pot wither, throw it away. Leave the pot.

If you are in a great hurry and it is impossible to tinker with the soil, you can simply pour the wheat onto a white saucer without a pattern, add a few coins there, add water, the plot is the same, cover the saucer with a piece of natural fabric (a piece of a towel or a handkerchief will do in a pinch). Well, water as described above.

The result should be throughout the lunar cycle. Although, in theory, this is a ritual to attract a one-time amount of money, it can also be a fortunately turned up additional income, an increase in salary, or the same notorious suitcase lying on the ground. It all depends on your personal strength and desire invested in the ritual.

Cereals have always been associated with prosperity. The owner who had full bins was rich. It is enough to remember the respectful attitude towards bread. To this day, in many cultures, a person will never pass by a piece of bread lying on the ground. He will carefully lift it and place it on a raised platform.

There are magical rituals that are performed using grains. For example, buckwheat can protect against poverty. If a person fears ruin and need, he is recommended to perform the following ritual.

Protection against poverty with buckwheat

Such magical work is carried out one day a year - in February, on the night before the new moon. You need to sprinkle a little buckwheat on the bed in which the head of the family sleeps. In the morning, the cereal is collected in a cup and they read a conspiracy over her:

“My God, turn the luck around and give her a way to my doorstep.
And let need find its way.
Direct road into the womb of the snake.
That's where she belongs!
Well, I’ll put on the amulet.
I'll dress myself in brocade.
I will decorate myself with gold and silver.
I will count my money and will not be able to count it.
So be it, Lord.

Other Grains to Attract Wealth


The main symbol of wealth in Slavic magic. For every holiday it is recommended to bake something from this cereal. The owner of the house must bake the stove herself, thanking wheat for the fact that it is in the house and there is plenty to bake from.

On the staying Moon, take a box and pour as much wheat into it as will fit in a handful. Then take a handful of coins and sprinkle them there. Stir. Seven times repeat the following words:

“Just as it is impossible to count the stars in the sky, so even if I don’t know how to count my wealth.
May the Angels of God help me with this.
May my bins always be full.
And let the coin always jingle in your pockets.
Let it be so!"

Periodically, during the remaining Moon, repeat this ritual, changing the wheat. The old one should be given to the birds.

Another rite

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of sprouted wheat grains. About how they are good for health. Such grains are good not only for health, but also for attracting wealth to the home. There is a simple magical ritual.

Sprout the wheat grains. When the sprouts hatch, place paper money on them. It is believed that wealth will increase along with the sprouts. They begin to sprout wheat on the new moon, and on the full moon the grains are eaten with words of gratitude. The money that was lying on the sprouts should be carefully folded and carried in your wallet as a money talisman.

Magic ritual with rice

In the East, rice has the same meaning as wheat among the Slavs. You can use an ancient ritual that is still performed in China.

In a Chinese kitchen there is a large jug covered with a green cloth. Rice is stored in it. Once a month, on the new moon, the housewife pours rice from one jug to another. It is believed that when the grains are poured, the energy of well-being is activated. According to the Chinese worldview, energy should not stagnate, so rice is not only poured over, but also periodically cooked from it, adding a new portion to the jug. They also pour rice on holidays, when the whole family gathers for this ritual. Each family member makes a wish.

Stones symbolizing prosperity, such as lapis lazuli or malachite, are often placed in the vessel along with the rice. You need to be careful to ensure that there are no bugs in the grain. If this happens, then the rice should be immediately given to the birds, the vessel should be thoroughly washed and a fresh portion of grain should be added there.

All magical traditions treat grain with respect. And this came from the past, when people were heavily dependent on nature and the harvest. Now we can go to the supermarket and buy vegetables and fruits from different countries, and people of the past were deprived of such an opportunity. The use of grains in magic was due to survival, and not just someone's amusement.

Despite the fact that the world has changed, the relevance of using grain in magical practice has not faded away, but has passed through the centuries and even transformed. Yes, magic evolves, but its foundation remains unchanged.

Symbolism of grain

Plant grains contain enormous power, which allows for a long time persist, up to several years, and at the moment of suitable conditions - revive, grow, develop and give new life. Grain is a symbol of life itself.

Grain is a kind of matrix of life. It must “die”, falling into the ground, and be reborn, giving new life in a new quality. The symbol of dying and further rebirth permeates the myths of all peoples of the world and religious teachings.

Grain is a symbol of fertility, wealth and prosperity. There is still such a ritual for newlyweds when they are sprinkled with grains so that their family has prosperity. IN different cultures For this they use wheat, rye, rice, etc. Although not all grains are suitable for this, for example, millet in Russia in the old days was used only for a ritual in a cemetery: the grain was scattered on the grave so that birds would peck it, thereby making the path of the deceased easier in the afterlife.

The list of conspiracies and rituals using grain is very rich. Rituals with grain can help both attract wealth, health, success, harmony in the family, and deprive all of this using the same grain. One of the most common sources of spoilage is grain. Ultimately it is up to you how you use this power.

The Celts have a festival of the first harvest - Lammas (Lughnasadh), which is celebrated in the first days of August. On these days, ritual bread was baked and offerings were made to the gods in order to collect and preserve the harvest.

The Central American Indians (Aztecs) have a god, Quetzalcoatl, who gave the people corn so they could live off it. There is even a separate deity Chicomecoatl or the Goddess of Corn (Mais), who was depicted with a head made of corn; later she began to be called the goddess of fertility.

Often, it was not the grain itself that was brought as a gift to the gods, but bread baked from it (if you want to learn how to make such bread, read the article “Nut Bread”). The Sumerians baked 30 flat cakes every day for gods such as Ishtar, Marduk and Shamash. And in Egypt they baked bread for Amun, Ra, Nekhber and Ptah. IN Ancient Greece for Dementra, the goddess of grain, bread and agriculture, bread was also baked as a gift. The Phoenicians baked bread with horns, a symbol of the god Astarte, to give it divine qualities.

Exists a large number of rituals as the simplest ones available ordinary people, and those that only experienced magicians can perform. Let's look at a few rituals using grains.

We grow our income

Materials: For this ritual you will need fresh ripe grains of wheat, a ceramic saucer without drawings and 3 coins of different denominations. It is advisable that these coins be modern and not antique, because you do not want to attract money that has not been in circulation for a long time.

Time: The right time for this is dawn on the waxing moon on Wednesday or Thursday.

Progress of the ritual:

Put 3 coins, place a saucer on top of them, and pour a grain of wheat on the saucer. Place several layers of gauze or other natural fabric on top of the grains. Then water them warm water and say the spell:

Mother Earth, you feed both the young and the old, the poor and the rich. You fill us all with your strength, and Father Sun warms us with his warmth. From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty. Let me, (state your name), give birth to money, like this wheat.

As she grows day and night, gaining strength, so let my money grow and feed me in the most favorable way. Let it be so and so it is! True!

Then, every day at dawn, water these grains a little at the same time. Then, by the nature of the seedlings, you can judge the presence of negativity. If all grains germinate at the same time, then this good sign, well, if very few grains have sprouted and not evenly, then it is worth going through a cleansing ritual to remove the negativity that interferes with the implementation of your plans.

After the seeds germinate, carefully transplant them into a separate pot or outside if it is spring or summer. Coins should be put in your wallet. They will be a talisman for you (so you shouldn’t pay with them). If necessary, you can perform a similar ritual using the same coins.

Getting rid of diseases

The seed contains life, just like the egg of birds. This is why eggs are often used in cleansing rituals. There is no less effective method getting rid of diseases with the help of grain.

Materials and time: For this ritual it is necessary to sew a bag of black cloth and fill it with wheat grains. It is better to carry out this ritual on the waning moon on Saturday.

Progress of the ritual:

Light a black magic candle or an ordinary church candle. Conduct your own meditation on connecting with the Earth, imagining how roots grow from your feet, which reach the center of the Earth and energy rises through them. When you are ready, take the bag in your hands, lean it against the sore spot and say the following words:

The progenitor, Mother Earth, is the one who gives life to everyone on this earth. Help me heal from my illness... (name the illness). Take this disease, let it go back where it came from. Fill me with your power. Let it be so and so it is! True!

At the same time, imagine how your illness goes into a bag of grain, and the sore spot is filled healing power land. Once you are ready, thank the Goddess for her help. Ask her how you can thank her in the real world.

As the birds peck these grains, so my illness goes away... (name of the illness). Let it be so and so it is! True!

Depending on the severity of the disease, this ritual must be repeated until you recover.

Amulet for home made of wheat

This is a powerful amulet that will attract prosperity and create peace in the home.

Materials and time: the time of year is the harvest from July to September, so don't miss out. On the waxing moon, collect a bouquet of 12 ears of wheat; ears of other plants will also do. Tie them with a green or gold silk ribbon.

Progress of the ritual:

Conduct a meditation right on the field and turn to the Ancestress with a request to endow this bouquet with your power, and also bring gifts to the Goddess (for this you can use milk or honey).

When you arrive home, walk clockwise around the entire house inside, starting and ending front door. Then place this bouquet in a visible place, watch the bouquet carefully so that it does not gather dust or break. After a year, you should burn the old bouquet and make a new one.