Green onions - the best recipes for preparations for the winter. How to preserve green onions for the winter

Green onions are an excellent addition to fresh salads and a good anti-cold remedy, especially important in the cold season. How to preserve green onions for the winter so as not to lose beneficial vitamins and minerals? Let's consider several ways.

Preparatory stage

First of all, the onion feather must be properly prepared for further storage. The process is carried out in several stages:

  • select for preparation only fresh feathers bright green color without any damage;
  • do not use onions with limp or dried out tips for storage;
  • wash the greens under running water, even if it looks clean. Water will wash away unnoticeable remains of soil and dust;
  • dry the plant by blotting it with a towel. This way you can quickly remove excess moisture;
  • Grind the green leaves for ease of use.
On preparatory stage It is imperative to chop the onion, regardless of the further harvesting method.

What size the chopped onion should be depends on the choice of the housewife. If you need to prepare greens for liquid dishes (soups, borscht), it is better to cut them into medium rings. For preparing sauces, finer cuts would be appropriate.

4 ways to prepare green onions

There are several ways to keep green onions fresh for as long as possible. One of the simplest and quick methods blanks – drying. You can dry the stems either in a special device or without it. If you use a home dehydrator, simply place the chopped herbs on trays and set the setting accordingly.

You can also dry the onions in the apartment on plain white paper, spreading them evenly over the surface. Leave the workpiece in a warm room until completely dry. It is recommended to cover the top of the greens with gauze or a sheet of paper.

To preserve maximum when drying nutrients, make sure that no straight lines come into contact with the greens. Sun rays.

Green onions can be considered dried if they crumble easily in your hands. To bring it to this state, you need to keep the greens in a warm place for 5-7 days. After drying, the onion rings are ground into powder using a coffee grinder, poured into a glass container and stored in kitchen cabinet at room temperature. You should not mix dried onions with other types of herbs (dill, parsley, basil, etc.), otherwise they will lose their original smell and taste.

A common method among housewives for storing green onions is freezing. Frozen greens are convenient to use for preparing various dishes. Compared to dried, it has a more neutral taste. Save green onions freezer possible up to 1 year. There are several ways to freeze a product:

  1. In ice trays. Finely chopped greens should be placed in ice cube trays or other similar containers (for example, small cups or baking dishes). The onion should occupy no more than a third of the volume, the rest should be filled with water. Place the pieces in the freezer until completely frozen, then carefully remove from the molds and place in freezer-safe bags or plastic containers.
  2. On the desk. Chop the onion and spread it evenly in one layer over cutting board, then put it in the freezer for 5-6 hours. When you transfer the frozen product into bags, it will not stick together into a lump, and the desired portion will be easily separated from the total mass.

If you have very little time, you can immediately put the chopped green onions into bags or containers and put them in the freezer. For ease of use, it is better to take small containers for storage.

Save the onion so that it remains long time fresh without freezing, will allow sunflower oil . The method is suitable for those who have extra space in the refrigerator for a container with the workpiece. Place the prepared greens in glass jars, filling them ¾ full. Then pour sunflower or olive oil on the onion and stir. Add a little more oil on top of the mixture to completely cover the contents, and close the jar with a lid. The preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months, while the maximum useful components will be preserved in the greens. The only drawback this method The problem is that not all recipes can use green onions with butter.

A time-tested preparation method will allow you to keep green onions fresh for a long time in the refrigerator - pickling. For 1 kg of prepared greens you will need 200-250 g of rock salt. It is important to dry the onions thoroughly before harvesting. Mix the greens with half the preservative. Then spread the mixture into a container in layers of 2-3 cm, sprinkling with the remaining salt (the onion should be completely covered with salt on top). Cover the greens with a lid and leave to salt for 15-20 days; After some time, the onion will release juice and be preserved. The shelf life of greens in this form is 6-7 months.

Green onions harvested in the summer will be a real boon in winter time. It’s easy to save, you just need to select suitable way. But even if you follow all the rules for storing greens, it is worth remembering that a fresh product contains vitamins and useful substances much more, but you can grow green feathers whole year on the windowsill.


To get more information about preparing onions for the winter for salads and pies, we suggest watching a video on the topic of the article:

Has considerable experience garden work– starting from sowing seeds and seedlings and ending with harvesting and storing the crop. Each sowing season begins with the search for new ways of growing, because cucumbers can be collected not only from the garden, but also, for example, from... a barrel and even grown on a windowsill in winter. Plant care is considered one of the the best ways stress relief.

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If you don’t have green onions growing in boxes on your windowsill at home, then storing them for the winter may be useful for seasoning various dishes.

The simplest solutions are drying and freezing onions

In order to be able to add green onions to hot dishes throughout the year, it is best to harvest young feathers and immediately send them to dry. There are several ways to prepare this kind of preparation, and we will list them all. The first thing you need to do is prepare the greens, that is, wash them thoroughly, especially if you have used any preparations for spraying against diseases and pests in your garden.

After waiting for the moisture to evaporate, we cut the feather, hollow from the inside, into narrow rings. The white dense parts of the stems are of little use for drying, so we cut them off and send them to the salad. You can leave them for freezing. Next, if you plan to dry green onions, you can prepare them for the winter in three ways. First: spread the chopped onion in a thin layer on sheets of paper or gauze, always in the shade; in the sun it will simply fade. All that remains is to regularly stir the feather rings until they are completely dry.

The second method involves using an air fryer; in it, the slices placed in the upper part will reach the desired state in about 30 minutes if you set the temperature to 70 degrees. The main thing is to monitor the process and not overcook the onion. The third method also requires attention, place the chopped onion on a baking sheet, place in the oven and dry for 2 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, but not higher (with the door ajar).

Let's move on to freezing young green onions for the winter. preparatory process it is similar to drying. The easiest way is to divide into portions, put them in small plastic bags or small containers and put them in the freezer. It is better to use bags, from which you should squeeze out the air. The second storage method is to pour the slices into an ice tray and fill them with cold boiled water, followed by freezing them in ice cubes, which are then quickly transferred to a container. You can first blanch green onions in boiling water for 5 minutes or lightly fry chopped feathers, and only then freeze them for the winter.

Attention - frozen or dried onions can no longer be used in salads like fresh ones; they are only suitable for preparing hot dishes. It can be stored for no longer than 1 year.

How to ferment and pickle green onions correctly?

The simplest solution is salting; it will require a minimum of labor and take almost no time from you. The method is offered to you dry, that is, without making brine. We thoroughly wash the onion feathers and dry them so that no moisture remains on the surface. Then we cut the feather into short pieces, about 1 centimeter long, while the white near-root part can also be used, but it is advisable to cut off the flaccid ends.

Place the onions in jars, sprinkling them with salt in layers (every 2 centimeters) and crushing them with a mortar pestle or a special crush. Pour a few tablespoons of oil on top or add a layer of salt (in total it will take about 200 grams per kilo). Close the lid tightly and put the green onions in the refrigerator for the winter. Salting can be stored for up to 8 months.

Fermentation will also not be difficult for you, and the result will be very tasty. Prepare 3 kilos of feathers (wash, cut off the roots and flaccid ends, dry from moisture), cut into small pieces, no more than 2 centimeters. Place them in deep containers in layers of about 1.5 centimeters, sprinkle with salt, and cover with oppression, that is, place a load on top. If the feathers are not juicy enough, add warm boiled water so that the oppression is immersed in it no more than a centimeter. Pickling lasts about 3 weeks; green onions prepared in this way for the winter, like pickling, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Pickled onions - make a delicious preserve

The most interesting and unusual solutions can be found in feather preparation recipes. We suggest considering the most original ones. For the first one you will need 1.5 kilograms of onions (5 bunches of 300 grams each), 2 hot chili peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, as well as 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and allspice in ground form. For the marinade for the specified amount of food, take a glass of water (200 grams), 2 times less sugar and 800 milliliters of apple cider vinegar.

The pepper needs to be washed and cleared of seeds, then chopped into rings, the onion should also be washed and cut into pieces of about 5 centimeters (can be smaller, so that you can immediately use it in cooking). Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, add spices and pepper, add vinegar. After 5 minutes, pour the onion into the marinade and simmer over low heat for no more than 2 minutes. All that remains is to sterilize the jars and transfer the workpiece into them, filling them up to the neck with marinade. Close, cool and store in the refrigerator.

Another green onion preserve requires more components, since the recipe relates to Korean cuisine. For 2 bunches of onions, take a liter of water (you can take 2 hard ones as a basis). For the marinade you will need 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and vegetable oil, 3 - table salt, 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar and 1 – sesame oil, sesame seeds and red pepper. We cut the onion into small pieces, and the leek will have to be cut not only across, but also lengthwise, into narrow strips. We put the harvested green onions in jars for the winter and make hot marinade from water, vinegar and salt and pour in the chopped herbs. Add spices and seasonings, close and put in the refrigerator.

And finally, the last recipe is the most interesting, because for 1.5 kilos of onions you will need 300 grams of dry white wine and the same amount of water, as well as 50 grams of any liquid honey. Also prepare thyme in the amount of 6 sprigs and 0.5 teaspoon of salt. In a large saucepan or other suitable container, mix water with wine and honey, then bring to a boil over low heat, adding salt while heating. Boil for 5 minutes. Place thyme and onion feathers cut in half vertically into jars, fill the container with the prepared marinade almost to the top and screw it on. Pasteurize the twists for 10 minutes in boiling water, where the jars will cool even after turning off the heat.

Housewives have long tried to prepare dill and parsley for winter period. You can also stock up green onions, which is very relevant when preparing food for both a festive feast and a regular lunch.
Pickled green onions will transform any dish. We will tell you in detail how to pickle green onions for the winter and give you a couple of tips. The product must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. Its shelf life is half a year or a little more.
For pickling, you can use not only onion feathers, but also a white onion. This will give the workpiece a very beautiful view not only in the bank, but also in ready dish. For a snack, you can prepare white.
Jars must be sterilized before canning. To do this, most housewives use a kettle or a pan of boiling water. You can also use an oven or slow cooker. If you decide to use a multicooker, all you need to do is place the liquid in the bowl and install a double boiler, which will greatly facilitate the process of sterilizing vessels for preservation.
You can use small jars with a volume of no more than 0.5 liters to prepare green onions for the winter. This will not only simplify the use of the workpiece in the future, but will also allow the onion to be pressed down well. It is also worth noting that the workpiece is stored in the refrigerator, where the container small size will take up significantly less space.
So, how to pickle green onions for the winter, look at the recipe with photos.

To prepare pickled green onions for the winter, we need the following ingredients:

- 1 kg of green onions,
- 200 g table salt.

Initially, thoroughly wash and remove the tips, if they are dry, from the onion feathers. Let's dry it afterwards.

While it's drying, let's take some time to use the jars. Be sure to wash them thoroughly and be sure to sterilize them.
Once the greens are dried and the jars are prepared, we move on to chopping the onions. It can be cut both large and small. The size depends on taste preferences.

It is necessary to place chopped onions in a jar in layers. After adding no more than two centimeters of onion, sprinkle with table salt.

The onion must be crushed, for which it is recommended to use a pestle.

You need to press down until it releases juice.

It is necessary to add onions until the jar is completely filled. The final layer should be salt. There will be several layers. It depends on what size container you are using.

Cover the jars with salted green onions with a nylon lid or cling film and put them in the refrigerator.

The onion must be washed before use. Under the flow cold water from excess salt.

We wait until the water has completely drained and add it to any dish.

Bon appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya
See others

Green onions are often used to prepare various dishes and added to salads. In the summer they buy it in bunches or simply pick it from the beds. But there are many recipes on how you can preserve green onions for the winter. Such preparations do not take much time, but allow you to have a healthy vitamin product on hand all year round.

Green onions are a delicate and perishable product. If they are not used for their intended purpose soon after collection, they will quickly lose their freshness. In a warm, dry room they will soon wither and turn yellow. In a humid environment they will begin to rot. But if you prepare the feathers a little and create certain conditions, you can easily extend the period of their use.

Green onions can remain fresh from 2 weeks to 1.5 months if kept at a temperature of 1 to 8 °C. A refrigerator is ideal for this. Green feathers can be stored in this way at any time.

To make green onions for the winter, they can be preserved. All this time, store in closed jars at a temperature of 5 to 10 ° C. This product remains usable for 6 months. Keep canned vegetables in the refrigerator, on the balcony. Residents of private houses save banks in the basement.

Fresh onions can be stored even longer after heat treatment. Greens can be frozen or dried. In the first case, the freezer compartment of the refrigerator is used for storage. When stored at a temperature of -18...-20 °C, you can cook dishes with green onions for 6-12 months. When stored in a regular freezer, the use time will be shorter - up to 3-4 months.

This product can be preserved for the longest time in its dried form. Ideal for him are room conditions, minimal humidity and good ventilation. Dried onions are usually stored in the kitchen, table or hanging cabinets. To preserve such products, the absence of light is considered mandatory. Drying green onions makes it possible to use the preparation for up to 2 years.

How to keep green onions fresh: storage methods in the refrigerator

A few tricks can help keep green onions fresh for a few weeks longer than usual. If you just put it in the refrigerator, there will be no effect. It is worth taking care of the correct “packaging”. There are different ways to store onion greens in the refrigerator.

In a glass container

This method is well suited for preserving young onions with short green feathers. You will need clean, dry glass jars, tall enough to accommodate all the plants. They cannot be bent or broken. This will lead to rapid spoilage of the product.

Before storing green onions, do not wash them at all or dry them well so that no moisture remains on them. It is carefully placed in a jar and sealed with a lid. The workpiece is sent to the refrigerator, where it is kept until it is needed. You can keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator using this method for 1 month.

In a plastic bag

No less good option storing onion greens is to put fresh plants in an ordinary plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. So that they do not disappear, but remain fresh as long as possible, they must be:

  • healthy;
  • without traces of diseases and damage left by pests;
  • without yellow, dry leaves and dirt.

Before storing the bulbs and feathers, you need to cool them by putting them in the refrigerator, and then put them in a bag and tie them. This way, condensation will not form under the film, which means the greens will last longer. You can store green onions in a bag in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 months.

How to Preserve Onion Greens for the Winter

Harvesting onions for the winter can occur in different ways. It all depends on the amount of raw materials, the need for supplies and the available conditions for saving the product. For long-term preservation, vegetables are dried, canned or frozen.


It's simple and effective method storing onion greens in winter. To prepare the preparations, vegetables are washed, dried well and cut into strips 3-5 cm long. The prepared raw materials are placed in a fairly thick layer on trays covered with parchment paper so that the greens do not darken. Dry in the oven with the door slightly open, stirring regularly. Maintain the temperature around 50 °C. The average drying time takes about 2-3 hours. The dried product is placed in fabric or paper bags and stored in a living room.

Green onions are dried for the winter in electric dryers, as well as in the air, in a place protected from direct sunlight, covered from insects with a net or gauze. If it’s hot outside, the product becomes ready in 2-3 days. In an air fryer, when positioned on the top rack and at a temperature of 60-70 °C, it will take 20-30 minutes for complete drying.


Pickling green onions is very convenient and does not require much time. This preparation can be added to many dishes. Washed, dried and chopped onions into small rings are simply mixed with salt and placed in prepared sterilized jars. For 1 kg of raw materials, use 1 glass of salt. The jars are closed with plastic lids. Often other greens are added to the preparations: basil, dill, parsley. It makes an excellent mixture for first and second courses.


A very popular method among modern housewives is the method of freezing food for the winter. Greens, including onions, are no exception. The simplest option for freezing is to finely chop the product, which has been previously washed and dried from water, put it in a container and store it in the freezer. Regular bags or special ones with a zipper will also work.

Freeze green onions for the winter in ice cubes. The slices are laid out in molds, filled with clean cold water and sent to the freezer. After 1-2 days, take them out of storage for a while, take them out of the molds, put them in bags and place them back in the freezer. Frozen onions are used immediately, without defrosting they are added to hot food; in dishes they are almost in no way inferior to fresh from the garden.

In oil

Such blanks are good for their versatile use. Onion greens can be used for dishes, and the oil can be used for salad dressing. As the product is preserved, it acquires a specific smell and taste, which only adds piquancy to the dishes.

To prepare the onion, wash it after removing the old yellow feathers and cutting off the roots from the bottoms. Green feathers are dried and cut into small rings. Place the workpiece in clean, sterile small jars. Fill the slices tightly, pour any vegetable oil. The jars are closed with lids. Finished product Store before and during use in the refrigerator, basement, or balcony.

Storing onion greens at home is quite easy if you follow these recommendations.

  1. To prepare onions that will remain in the refrigerator, you should choose plants that have just been picked from the garden. They should not have signs of withering, disease, or decay. Any onion is suitable for canning and processing. Problem areas Simply cut with a knife and the remaining parts can be used.
  2. If vegetables are pre-washed to prepare preparations for the winter, they are then thoroughly dried. There should be no moisture remaining on the feathers. Wet raw materials are poorly stored and will quickly disappear.
  3. Fresh onions are stored longer when air does not penetrate to them - phytoncides help preserve the product in its original form.
  4. It's better to freeze vegetables in small portions. Ideally those that are suitable for one use. This product loses its appearance and taste properties if it is frozen and thawed several times in a row. And it’s more convenient to use such a preparation than every time breaking off pieces from a large block of frozen onion.
  5. It is better to prepare a canned product in a small container so that it can be used faster. Jars with a volume of 0.5 liters or even smaller are perfect for this. This way the preparation will preserve the inherent taste of the onion as much as possible.
  6. It is most convenient to choose several options for preparing onion greens at once. This way it will be possible to save a much larger volume of onions than using one method and will last for the whole winter.

The use of green onions in cooking gives dishes an original aroma and taste, and also makes them healthy. This plant must be consumed daily throughout the season to provide the body with vitamins and minerals, which is especially important in winter.

In order for green onions to be preserved for a long time, it is important proper preparation, which includes cutting, peeling, drying and slicing. In addition, for the blanks you need to select high-quality feathers that are undamaged and not dry.

A bow that has already shot arrows is not used for storage; such feathers are hard and tasteless.

Before you start preparing, you need to:

  • cut off long feathers of bright green color;
  • cut off the dried tips of the feathers and discard them;
  • rinse the onion thoroughly under running water;
  • Dry the onion using a clean towel;
  • Cut the feathers as convenient for the housewife - finely or coarsely.

In addition, you need to know a few rules that will help you store onions for a long time:

  • cut onion feathers with a knife or kitchen scissors, but not with food processor, this will cause the plant to release juice;
  • onions with salt or oil are stored in a glass container;
  • dried onions can be stored in fabric bags or plastic bottles.

After preparing the plant, you can begin harvesting onions.

Saving methods

To freeze

Storing in the freezer is very convenient. To do this, you do not need to use oil or salt; you do not need to defrost the plant when preparing dishes.

You can store this onion for up to a year. The plant is frozen as follows:

  • clean dry onion finely chopped;
  • the greens are placed in ice trays or other small cups, but not to the top;
  • containers are filled clean water and put it in the freezer.

If you have limited space in the freezer, you can use more convenient way: Wrap finely chopped onion in cheesecloth and throw into boiling water for a couple of minutes. After it has drained, place it in bags, dividing it into portions.


Another way to prepare green onions at home is to dry them. This onion can be used in absolutely any recipe. Besides, no special conditions for storage: the product is well stored and retains its nutritional properties at room temperature.

Drying is quite simple: the chopped feathers are laid out in a thin layer on white paper and placed in a dry, warm place where direct sunlight does not reach. To do this, you can cover the plant with another sheet of paper.

Another way is to dry it in the oven. The plant is placed in the oven for several hours, adjusted temperature regime 50 degrees. The oven door is not closed.

Dried and frozen onions can be stored in airtight bags, which take up little space in the refrigerator or freezer, are also airtight and extend the shelf life of the product.


You can make a good preparation if you salt the green onions. You need to mix it with salt at the rate of a glass of salt per kilogram of greens. The resulting mixture should be placed in glass jars, tightly closed with a lid and stored in a cool, dry place.

The mixture can be used after two weeks. Alternative way pickling green onions - place the feathers in a jar or bottle with strongly salted boiled water.

Mix with oil

Top the contents of the jar with sunflower or olive oil. You can also add dill, parsley, celery or basil to the onion.

Prepare green sauce

It is not necessary to prepare only one way. For variety, you can freeze some of the onions, and dry or pickle some.

And another very tasty and healthy option is to prepare the famous Italian green sauce called Pesto from it.

Ingredients for Pesto:

  • green onions – 200 grams;
  • parsley, dill, cilantro, basil - 100 grams each;
  • head of garlic;
  • green bell pepper – 200 grams;
  • sugar, salt, hot pepper to taste;
  • vinegar - a teaspoon.

The preparation method is very simple: grind all the ingredients in a blender, or chop finely, add spices, vinegar, pour into small jars and put in the refrigerator or cellar. In winter, the sauce can be used as a seasoning for different dishes, salads, for making sandwiches, marinades.


Of course, the most effective and easiest way to provide yourself with fragrant green onions for the winter is to plant them on the windowsill. Many housewives put the onion in a jar of water and after a while feathers appear on it, but they are watery, pale, and their taste is unexpressed.

To get a high-quality harvest on the windowsill, you need to pour pine sawdust into a box and dig in small bulbs at a short distance from each other. The contents of the box need to be watered, but not too much.

How to save before processing?

It also happens: the green onions have already been cut, but it’s not possible to prepare them in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the plant fresh.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Clear away any debris, gather into a neat bundle and place in a jar of cold water. Place the container in the refrigerator, change the water in it every two to three days.
  2. Another way to keep onions fresh is to place them in plastic bag. The plant is also cleared of debris and then placed in a bag that must be tightly tied without air entering.

An important condition if you are going to store the plant for a short time is that you should not wash it, but simply remove the dried tips of the feathers and damaged parts. Also, it is important not to bend it. The saved onions can then be used as needed.

As you can see, there are several ways to store green onions in winter. Each housewife chooses a suitable method for herself, making her own best dishes tasty and aromatic.