Encyclopedia - walnut. How a walnut grows: photo, fruiting Tree name on which walnuts grow

Plant Walnut- a tree that came to us from Central Asia more than a thousand years ago. Traders brought it from Greece, which is why it got its name. Now it is grown in many regions of our country, in Ukraine, in the south of Belarus, in Moldova, as well as in the Caucasus. At different times, the nut was called differently: the tree of life, the food of heroes, the acorn of the gods.

Description and characteristics

The walnut tree is distinguished by a wide spreading crown, its height reaches 30 m. The length of the main root of a tree that has reached 80 years is about 5−7 m, and the lateral roots are 12 m. Branching is due to a developed root system, the radius of which is about 20 m. If the above-ground part of the nut dies, the root collar begins to sprout shoots. The trunk diameter is about 2 m. The color of the bark is light gray.

The shape of the leaves is complex, since they are entire, imparipinnate, and have serrations. The leaf structure includes 5-9 separate leaves with an elongated shape. The leaf plate has strong odor. Their total length is about 4−7 cm.

Features of reproduction

Reproduction occurs vegetative way and seeds. Seed propagation allows you to preserve the characteristics of a particular variety. Last year's seed collection is characterized by maximum germination. It is slightly lower for two- and three-year fees.

The male and female flowers, which have a green tint, bloom towards the beginning of May. The male ones are thick multi-flowered catkins hanging from the axils of the leaves. Female flowers are single flowers or inflorescences consisting of 2-3 pieces. They grow on annual tree branches along the very edge. The flowering period is 15 days. Pollination occurs with the help of wind or pollen from neighboring trees.

During the flowering period, walnuts look very beautiful. The skin of false drupes is hard and smooth at the same time. The nut shell has a thickness of 0.5−1.5 mm. Fruit ripening occurs before the beginning of September. The region where the tree grows has a certain influence on the weight and size of the fruit. Small ones weigh up to 8 g, medium ones - 9−10 g, and large ones - 12 g or more.

Wild walnuts often occupy northern, western and eastern mountain slopes, gorges, and river valleys. The tree occupies a height of 1.5−2 km above sea level on the slopes. Small groups of nuts are found, isolated individuals, groves - in rare cases.

The cultivated plant grows in India, China, Greece, Japan, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Ukraine and Western Europe. In Russia, the nut grows in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, in the Kuban, and in the Rostov region. Plants are difficult to tolerate the harsh climate of the northern regions of Russia, but the cultivation of cold-resistant varieties is widespread.

IN middle lane Russia is mastering walnut varieties imported from eastern Ukraine, the Caucasus or the Central Asian mountain region. The European part of Russia is more convenient for growing the plant, therefore culture occurs over a large area, starting from the foothills of the Caucasus, ending with St. Petersburg.

Imported seedlings have difficulty adapting to the conditions of new regions. A hybrid Manchurian variety with high frost resistance, grows in the middle zone and in the north of Russia. Varieties brought from the southern regions do not take root well in the harsh Russian climate. They do not freeze completely, but they also do not grow to their full potential.

Growing nuts of southern varieties is carried out taking into account the average daily temperature (above 10 C), and not sub-zero in the cold season. If the average temperature level for 130-140 days is not lower than 0 degrees, and in winter - not lower than 36, then walnut fruiting is observed. During the growth period, it is very important to properly care for the plant.

How to grow a bonsai tree at home

The fruits are valuable for their qualities, which are determined by the content of the following substances in them:

  • glucose;
  • sucrose;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • pectins;
  • fiber;
  • starch;
  • tannins.

The latter give the fruit a light astringent taste. The taste characteristics of the fruit depend on its composition: fats - 60−70%; proteins - 9−15%; carbohydrates - 5−15%.

The main nut producers are the following countries: USA, Turkey, China, Moldova.

The nut kernels are not processed, but are used in their original form. The main area of ​​application is the confectionery industry. The nut is added to cakes, pastries, halva and other desserts. Suitable for the production of oil used in Food Industry. The cake is consumed by livestock.

Botanical name: Walnut (Juglans regia). Representative of the genus Walnut, the Nut family.

Homeland of the walnut: Central Asia, Caucasus.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant.

The soil: fertile, well drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m.

average life expectancy: 1000 years.

Landing: seeds, vegetatively.

What a walnut looks like: photo of the tree and its fruits

Walnut is a tall tree, reaching up to 30 m in height. It has a wide, spreading crown with numerous branches extending at right angles. The root system is powerful, spreading over a radius of about 20 m. At the age of 80 years, the main root reaches a depth of 5-7 m, lateral roots - 12 m. The root system does not form shoots, but after the death of its above-ground part, offspring appear from the root collar. The tree trunk is straight, up to 2 m in diameter. The bark is light gray, fissured.

The leaves are compound, alternate, imparipinnate, entire, sometimes serrated in the upper part, consisting of 5-9 elongated ovate leaves. The length of the leaf blade can reach 4-7 cm. The leaves have a strong specific smell.

The flowers are small and green in color. Male ones in thick multi-flowered earrings, collected in the axils of the leaves. Females are single or collected in 2-3 pieces, formed on the tops of annual branches. Flowering occurs in late April - early May, simultaneously with or before the leaves bloom. Lasts 15 days. Flowers are pollinated by the wind or pollen from neighboring trees.

You can see how a walnut blooms in the photo, which proves that the tree looks very impressive during this period. The fruits are false drupes containing one four-lobed seed covered with a thin film. The peel is thick, hard, finely wrinkled, smooth, sometimes lumpy. Shell thickness – 0.5 – 1.5 mm. Thick-shelled nuts have a shell thickness of 2.2 mm. When fully ripe, the shell bursts and divides into two parts. The fruits ripen in late August - early September. Their weight and size depend on the variety and place of growth. They can be small, weighing up to 8 g, medium, weighing 9-10 g, or large, weighing more than 12 g. The shape of the nuts is round, oval, ovoid or obovate.

The plant begins to bear fruit 8-12 years after planting. The richest harvests are produced by 50-60 year old trees. From one individual you can get from 10 to 300 kg of fruits per year (depending on age and growing conditions). So, from a 9-year-old plant, on average, 5 kg of fruits are obtained per year, from 20 - 100 kg, from 30 - 150 kg, from 40 - 200 kg, 50 - 250 kg. Especially large harvests are taken from trees standing alone.

Walnut is long-lived. Grown on garden plot, can live up to 200-500 years. IN wildlife– up to 1000 years and longer.

When describing the walnut, one cannot fail to mention that this plant has a high shoot-restorative ability and quickly recovers after pruning the crown or freezing in severe frosts.

The photo presented in our gallery shows all the characteristic features of the walnut.

Where is the walnut grown and how does it bloom (with photo)

The tree’s homeland is Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Iran, where, according to the historical version, this culture was known 8,000 years ago. It grows wild on the northern, western and eastern mountain slopes, in gorges, and along river valleys. It settles at an altitude of 1500-2000 m above sea level. It grows singly or in small groups, occasionally forming groves.

Today, walnuts are grown in China, India, Japan, Greece, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Western Europe, Ukraine and other countries with warm climates. In Russia, it is cultivated in the south of the European part, for example, in the Kuban, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region. Cold-resistant varieties have been bred for northern regions, but the plant cannot withstand severe frosts. Walnut is cultivated in the form of single trees and large plantations. Its main producers: USA, China, Türkiye, Moldova.

The tree is propagated by seeds and vegetative methods. At seed propagation All qualitative features of the variety are preserved. Seeds from last year's harvest have the highest germination potential. Two- and three-year harvests are characterized by reduced germination.

You can learn more about walnuts by watching the following video:

The fruits of this tree are a valuable food product with high taste. Their nutritional value is superior to meat. The kernel contains fats (60-70%), proteins (9-15%), carbohydrates (5-15%). In addition, they contain glucose, sucrose, starch, tannins, vitamins, minerals, pectins, and fiber. The tannin content gives the walnut a tart, slightly astringent taste.

The kernels are eaten mainly raw. No processing required. Widely used in the confectionery industry in the manufacture of cakes, halva, pastries and other products.

Oil is obtained from walnut kernels and is used for food and technical purposes.

The cake is used to feed livestock.

The wood is easy to process, polishes well, has a beautiful pattern, and therefore is a valuable raw material for the production of furniture and finishing plywood.

Black dye is obtained from the shell of the fruit, which is used for dyeing fabrics.

Many gardeners know firsthand how walnuts bloom, since they grow this crop for decorative purposes. During the flowering and fruiting period, the tree looks very unusual and attractive. In addition, the plant is planted along roads, in parks and squares for landscaping cities. Thanks to its powerful root system, it is also used to strengthen ravines.

When purchasing this product, you should know what a high-quality edible walnut looks like. It is better to choose large fruits with thin shells, or give preference to elongated oval-shaped fruits, since the shells of round ones are thicker, therefore, their core is smaller. The shell should not have cracks, damage or scratches. Good kernels are dense and elastic, with a golden hue, covered with a thin film. As a rule, light-weight fruits turn out to be empty.

Walnut has long been a favorite delicacy and ingredient in many national cuisines. The benefits and harms of walnuts to the body have been studied since the time of Hippocrates; many still argue about its value, so it will be useful to learn a little more about this type of nut.

Composition and nutritional value of walnuts

It is difficult to find a second product like this, so rich in minerals and vitamins. Walnut contains vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, cobalt, sodium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, vegetable protein and over 20 fatty unsaturated amino acids (caffeine, ellagic, halus, ascorbic and others) . Such a rich and unique composition makes walnuts a very useful and even irreplaceable product. Humanity has already appreciated the benefits of walnuts and uses them to maintain the health of the body.

Moreover, the composition walnuts may vary depending on maturity and region of growth. For example, fruits collected in the eastern and southern regions contain more fat.

As for the calorie content of walnuts, it is a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product.

100 grams of walnut contain 654 kcal, the proportion of fat is 65%, protein – 15%, carbohydrates – 7%. Its use should be balanced and combined with other products.

Walnut and its beneficial properties

In alternative medicine, the beneficial properties of walnuts are actively used to treat a number of diseases:

  • Strengthening the immune system, thanks to the presence of a huge amount useful substances. Doctors recommend that you include walnuts in your diet in spring and autumn, when there is an outbreak of vitamin deficiency.
  • Treatment of anemia. The high content of iron, cobalt and zinc helps to increase hemoglobin levels, thus improving the overall health and well-being of a person.
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Vitamins E and A improve the functioning of internal organs, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse the blood, dissolving sclerotic and cholesterol plaques.
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The protein contained in the fruits will help get rid of dysbiosis and constipation, as well as generally improve the microflora.
  • Can be used as a sedative. To do this, you will need to make a tincture from nut partitions.
  • Stimulating mental activity and brain function.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes occurring in the body.
  • Reducing blood sugar levels: partitions and infusions are also used for this. But if we talk about walnuts, their benefits and harms for the body, then in this case endocrinologists do not recommend consuming walnuts for people who have diabetes first and second types.
  • In addition, walnuts are an ingredient in protein shakes, to which they are added to quickly restore energy balance after intense sports training with strength loads. This cocktail will help reduce the feeling of muscle fatigue.

    Due to the presence of a fairly high amount of iodine in the nut, the product is recommended to be consumed regularly if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

    Walnuts will be extremely useful for those people who live in unfavorable environmental conditions, especially if there is an increase in background radiation or its approach to a critical level.

    The benefits of walnuts for men

    Even the ancient Greeks noticed the amazing effect that fruits have on men's health, especially on the reproductive system. The benefit of walnuts for men lies in the fact that the microelements and vitamins contained in the fruit contribute to the production of a hormone very important for men - testosterone.

    You can enhance the processes of testosterone production if you consume walnuts together with honey in the following proportion: per 100 grams of chopped nuts, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. To enhance the effect, you can pre-soak and dry the nuts. This remedy helps increase libido, improves sperm quality, and can be used as a medicinal or prophylactic for prostatitis.

    Walnut oil is a powerful aphrodisiac.

    The benefits of walnuts for women

    If we talk about the impact of this product on women’s health, then here we can also note a number of positive aspects, in particular, the benefits of walnuts for women are as follows:

  • Helps restore the body during blood loss that occurs during childbirth, menstruation, and surgery
  • Prevents the appearance of varicose veins (this quality is especially useful for women who like to wear high-heeled shoes)
  • Stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, has a calming effect, increases stress resistance, relieves nervous tension
  • A tincture of shell septa is very useful for the treatment of uterine fibroids.
  • Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every woman. Accordingly, nutrition should be balanced, as healthy as possible, filled with substances necessary for the health of a woman and child. Many women wonder whether it is possible to eat walnuts when breastfeeding and during pregnancy. Walnut is a vital product at these stages of life, and it must be present in a woman’s diet.

    When consuming walnuts during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you must agree on the daily intake with your supervising doctor and do not exceed the permitted amount of the product.

    In general, walnuts have a very positive effect on the processes of intrauterine development, providing the fetus with all the necessary micro- and macroelements. When breastfeeding, all these beneficial substances enter the baby's body with mother's milk, which helps to form the baby's future immunity. When the mother eats walnuts, the milk becomes richer and gets a special, pleasant nutty taste that the baby will definitely like.

    How many walnuts should you eat per day?

    Answering the question of how many walnuts should be eaten per day, we can say that on average, an adult who has no contraindications or individual intolerance to this product can eat about 10 walnuts per day. Pregnant women are recommended 10-12 nuts, and children about 5-7.

    If you decide to introduce this healthy product into your diet, then you should find out in advance what diseases you should not eat walnuts for. This list includes allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, severe intestinal disorders, irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, inflammation of the tonsils and other diseases and pathologies.

    To summarize, we can say that walnuts will only bring benefits and will not cause any harm to the body if this product is consumed in moderation.

    Walnut, this is the food of the gods - video


    Varieties of walnuts: photos, description. Walnut: “ideal” variety

    The taste and beneficial properties of these wonderful fruits are probably known to all our readers. Do you know which varieties of walnuts are characterized by winter hardiness, high yield, resistance to pests and diseases, and excellent fruit quality? We will tell you about this in this article.

    Walnut: description

    Many have seen this powerful deciduous tree. It has a developed root system. The fruits of this tree are dry drupes with fleshy, inedible fruits. They dry out and crack when ripe. The size of the fruits is small, large or medium. Their shape depends on the type of tree - round, oval, oval-oblong, oblong-compressed from the sides, ovoid, etc.

    The shell has an almost smooth, finely and coarsely wrinkled, sometimes bumpy surface with numerous cells. All varieties of walnuts are both moisture- and heat-loving crops, capable of developing and yielding only in warm, southern regions; they prefer moist lands. The nut grows and develops well where the average annual air temperature is at least +10 °C, and in the warmest month the air warms up to +25 °C. This is why in the middle zone most walnut fruits do not have time to ripen.

    Today, there are many varieties and varieties of this tree, characterized by resistance to minor frosts and diseases and pleasant taste. Many of them produce excellent harvests.

    How to plant a tree?

    Descriptions of walnut varieties today can be found in all publications on gardening, so every summer resident can try to grow this tree on his plot. Any soil is suitable for it. It is important to dig a hole, the depth of which will be at least a meter and the diameter - approximately fifty centimeters. Before transferring the seedlings to the hole, place them in water for two days. If you do everything correctly, in three to four years the tree will delight you with its first harvest.

    Popular varieties

    Gardeners in our country note several varieties that are in high demand and considered the best. They are selected according to several criteria. Thin-shelled, large round nuts are of particular value.

    Today, 21 varieties of walnuts are cultivated in our country. However, some of them are grown more often than others. These primarily include varieties such as “ideal” and “giant”. We will tell you more about them below. In regions of Russia where the winter is not too severe, early-fruiting forms are planted, which were obtained by breeders from the Tashkent region.

    Walnut: “ideal” variety

    In the fifties of the last century, breeder from Fergana S.S. Kalmykov developed a new variety of early-fruiting nut. It begins to bear fruit in the fifth year. Walnuts (the “ideal” variety) have inflorescences that form a cluster on which several nuts appear at once. The main feature of this variety is the possibility of a second flowering with many nut ovaries.

    By the time this variety was received, a series of articles about early-fruiting nuts bred in Fergana appeared in magazines. Many varieties of S.S. Kalmykov began to bear fruit at the age of two. They were short (no more than 2 m), and 10-18 fruits were set in the cluster. These articles caused a furor among gardeners. Letters from all over the Soviet Union began to arrive to the famous breeder.

    The rather large walnut of the “ideal” variety has won recognition among Russian gardeners for its high frost resistance. It can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees. Seeds are planted in the fall in the ground to a depth of 10 centimeters. At the end of June (next year) the first shoots appear, and by autumn the seedling grows up to fifty centimeters. It is important that there is no need to cover young trees for the winter.

    “Ideal” needs an abundance of sunlight; it does not tolerate shading well. The tree develops and grows well on loamy carbonate soils, moderately moist. The tree has a powerful, wide root system, so the nut should be planted away from various buildings. Flowering begins in May, fruits can be collected at the end of September. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, from which clusters of nuts are formed.

    After three years, the nut begins to bear fruit. As the tree grows, its yield increases. It grows on average up to five meters. It has a good yield (120 kg). These figures refer to an adult plant (12 years old). The mass of kernels is on average 10-12 grams.

    The varieties of walnuts that are in demand in our country today are also worthily represented by early-ripening “dessert” walnuts. This is a medium-sized tree (3 meters in height), with a spreading crown.

    The variety is resistant to drought, the tree bears sweet-tasting fruits in a strong shell. This variety is intended for cultivation in the south of our country, since during severe frosts the flower buds and wood of the tree are affected. In the fourth year after planting, the tree begins to bear fruit. This variety is characterized by stable and abundant yields. The fruits ripen in mid-September. On average, up to 25 kg of nuts are removed from one tree. The weight of the kernels is up to 15 grams. This variety can be classified as large-fruited.

    Black Walnut

    This is a wind-pollinated monoecious plant. The height of the tree reaches fifty meters. The length of the feathery leaves reaches forty centimeters with a width of twenty centimeters. They have a pronounced balsamic scent. Such a tree bears fruit in its tenth year.

    The fruits of black walnuts are covered with a thick, durable peel. They are larger than traditional ones, and their core is much darker and has numerous grooves. Black walnut husks are rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C).

    The black walnut kernel contains proteins, carbohydrates and oils. The leaves of this tree and pericarp are used in the manufacture of certain medications (in particular for dietary supplements).

    Black walnut is a light-loving plant. Not particularly picky about heat. This is a winter-hardy variety, however, in the first years after planting the plant is sensitive to frost. Therefore, it is recommended to cover it at this time. Black walnut tolerates excess moisture well and can withstand flooding of the soil for 1.5 months.

    The soil for this variety is preferably neutral or slightly alkaline. It should be mulched and loose. The tree needs protection from the wind.

    Walnut varieties, photos of which you can see in this article, ripen at different times. “Graceful” is a mid-early variety because it bears fruit at the end of September. The tree reaches a height of five meters, has a powerful structure and a dense, well-leafed crown.

    Characteristic features of this species are drought resistance and natural immunity to many diseases and pests. The plant tolerates frost moderately: wood and flower buds are affected only during severe frosts.

    The first harvest appears in the fifth year. One tree produces more than twenty kilograms of fruit, with good taste. Core weight - 11 grams.

    It's pretty tall tree(up to 6 meters in height), has a wide oval crown. Fruiting usually begins in the fourth year. The variety is classified as mid-season, since the nuts ripen at the end of September.

    The variety is winter-hardy and slightly sensitive to brown spot and other diseases. It has good regular yield. About thirty kilograms of fruit are collected from one tree. Kernel with great taste, weighing 9-11 grams.


    Some walnut varieties begin to bear fruit as early as the fourth year. An example of this is “abundant.” The tree has a maximum height of five meters. This variety does not tolerate negative temperatures well, so it should not be planted in northern regions countries. It should be noted that it is resistant to a very common disease - brown spot.

    Nuts are formed in clusters - 3 fruits on each. Sometimes a bunch consists of eight or more nuts. The tree has a high yield - up to 30 kilograms of nuts with a kernel weight of 12 grams. This variety is very loved by gardeners because of its excellent taste.

    The “giant” variety of walnut is slightly similar to the “ideal” one, but this tree bears fruit in its sixth year. The tree grows surprisingly quickly and reaches a height of five meters. It has a lush crown, rounded large fruits (10 grams). The harvest is produced regularly, mainly on the apical branches. About one hundred kilograms of thin-shelled fruits are collected from the tree. The plant is resistant to many diseases that are typical for walnuts (for example, brown spot).

    Walnut: large-fruited varieties

    There are much fewer such varieties, which is probably why they are of particular interest to breeders. We have already told you about the “ideal” and “dessert” varieties, which can fully be classified as large-fruited.

    Giant varieties

    According to experts, one of the most large varieties is the “bomba” variety (Moldova). Its fruits weigh thirty grams. Thanks to the thick peel, this fruit looks much larger than its actual weight - two nuts can hardly fit into a standard 250-gram glass.

    Now scientists are working on its selection. Other interesting varieties have also been developed - “Rudakovsky”, “Prykarpatsky”, “Bukovinsky 2”. There was even a variety called “Bukovinian bomb”. There is clearly a hint of the size of the Moldavian nut.

    The fruits of new varieties bred in Ukraine are smaller - their weight does not exceed twenty grams. It should be noted that there are good frost-resistant varieties “Stanislavsky” and “Tula thin-bark”. They produce nuts weighing more than fifteen grams.


    Walnut varieties are becoming popular not only due to the size of the fruit. Equally important are taste qualities product.
    This is a vigorous tree with a dense rounded crown. It blooms quite early. It has a proterandric flowering type. This means that staminate flowers bloom about seven days earlier than pistillate flowers. The best pollinator for this tree is the “Skinossky” variety.

    The nuts are very large. The average fruit weight reaches nineteen grams. The shape is round, slightly ribbed, with a rounded top and a flat base. The shell is not very thin, dense. The kernel is large and when the nut is broken it separates completely. The core film is yellow. The kernel is oily, with a pleasant taste.

    "Memory of Minov"

    Not all large-fruited varieties of walnuts are widespread in our country. For example, this beautiful medium-ripening variety. It is classified as a large-fruited variety of nut.

    The tree grows quickly, it is powerful, with a crown of medium density. Flowering is homogamous. The fruits mainly ripen on the apical branches. Fruiting is regular and occurs in the sixth year after planting. The large-fruited walnut of the “Pamyat Minova” variety is very large, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. The average kernel weight is 15.2 grams, the maximum is 18.5 grams. The nut has a thin shell, its thickness is 1.0 mm. This variety belongs to the table variety.

    We have presented you with the best varieties of walnuts. Of course, this is not a complete list. We recommend that everyone who is interested in these plants and their fruits look through gardening publications, where descriptions of new products from Russian and foreign breeders are regularly published.

    Nuts from Manchuria. FORUMHOUSE growing experience

    We grow a huge tree with healthy and tasty fruits.

    Many gardeners would dream of growing walnuts, but in most of our regions this is impossible. But there are other nuts, for example, Manchurian walnut - a tree that is wonderful in all respects. It grows at an alarming rate, looks good, doesn’t get sick, repels mosquitoes, is not afraid of frost, and produces tasty nuts, although they are thick-walled and hard to break. If the plot is small, the tree can be planted somewhere in the corner, closer to the road, then it will shade part of the street, and the neighbors will say “thank you”.

    User of our portal DrBoomer, a fan of the Manchurian nut, has already grown three trees on his plot, one is already as tall as a three-story building and is successfully bearing fruit. In the Primorsky Territory, these nuts seem to grow behind every fence, which is not surprising. But in Mari El, as he says Dan!la, there are also many such trees, and they are huge and actively bearing fruit. And the winters there are frosty and snowy. The trees that grow on his site have a crown diameter of at least 14 meters.

    Most often, FORUMHOUSE gardeners grow this plant from seeds: firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, this method is considered the most reliable. In the fall, fresh seeds are simply buried in the ground (pre-treated with something against rodents, for example, kerosene), and the seeds are stratified before spring planting. There are several ways to stratify:

  • Seeds are stored in the refrigerator in the fall. 10 days before planting, remove from the refrigerator and place in warm water. The water is changed daily for all 10 days.
  • The seeds are soaked for 2-3 days in cold water, changing the water once a day, then they are stratified for 2 months at a temperature of about 7 degrees, not higher.
  • The seeds are kept for a month in a room with a temperature of 20-23 degrees, then placed in the snow.
  • In March, the seeds are placed in hot water, then buried in a pot with calcined river sand and stored at room temperature. This is an accelerated method of stratification; in a month the seeds should germinate.
  • Sprouted seeds are planted to a depth of 5-6 centimeters in a prepared bed - it should be loose, moist and sprinkled with a layer of ash. It is best to place the nut on its edge when planting. You can plant 10 sprouted nuts in a 1 square meter bed.

    Manchurian walnut is a tree of the first magnitude. Due to its record growth rate, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location within a year. But until the age of three, the root rod of the nut is much longer than its above-ground part. This is clearly shown in the video made by user FORUMHOUSE AlexeyGorbunov, which is engaged in the cultivation of nut trees, including Manchurian walnuts, in the northern regions. You can see the ratio of the root tap and the above-ground part in the video about black walnut and hazelnut; it’s about the same story with the Manchurian walnut. Such roots are easily damaged during transplantation, so it is recommended to trim the root by 30-40 centimeters before this procedure. As a result, the growth of lateral roots, which are located closer to the soil surface, is activated. There is another way: pinch the tip of the root when you plant sprouted nuts, and then in the future you will not have to trim the root.

    The Manchurian walnut tree is demanding on the soil. You will get the best harvest in areas with fertile and well-drained soil, but in heavy, clayey and cold areas this tree grows poorly and does not live long. You can even say this: if the Manchurian nut grows well and regularly produces crops, then the soil on the site is fertile.

    In nature, this plant can be found along the rivers of China and the Far East, so it hates drought. The more you water it, the better. Just like moisture, this nut loves light, so it grows in shaded areas, but poorly, but in the sun it’s just great.

    Before planting the Manchurian walnut, immediately and forever give up the idea of ​​forming a small, neat tree. It will not happen.


    Useful properties, use of walnut shells, kernels and leaves, and contraindications!

    Hi everybody!

    This article is about your favorite walnut. You will learn its health benefits, as well as how the shell and leaves are used. It is also useful for men, children and pregnant women. Read about its healing properties in this article.

    People have been eating walnuts for a long time. The beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of this plant have been the cause of heated discussions among doctors, nutritionists and traditional healers for decades.

    Some say that the fruits of this tree are invaluable for health, while others, on the contrary, strongly recommend that you approach its use with caution.

    One thing is certain: walnuts, like pine nuts is a storehouse of valuable vitamins and microelements, unsaturated fatty amino acids and protein. We will try to figure out whether such a product is useful for adults and children, what are the methods of its use and what should its lovers be wary of.

    What does the plant look like?

    The walnut tree grows, as a rule, in the southern and middle latitudes of our country. The plant sometimes reaches a height of over 30 meters.

    Spreading crown, powerful trunk, huge leaves pointed towards the top distinguishing it from other trees is not difficult even for those who do not garden.

    The plant blooms in May, and the fruits ripen in September. The walnut is a false drupe surrounded by a green pericarp. The peel separates during the ripening process, leaving only a drupe with a seed in the skin, under which an oily kernel is hidden.

    However, if we talk about nutritional and medicinal value, then not only their core deserves attention.

    What is used besides the nut itself.

    Traditional therapy recipes often use:


    Medicines obtained from them help stabilize hormonal levels and strengthen the body's immune forces.

    These plant elements are used for malfunctions nervous system, gastrointestinal disorders, in order to normalize weight.

    For diabetics, decoctions and tinctures of membranes are effective and safe means aimed at reducing blood glucose levels.

    The juice of this part of the plant is rich in ascorbic acid, flavonoids and carotene.

    Walnut leaves are used in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases and urinary tract infections in the form of decoctions, which are allowed even during pregnancy.

    How are walnuts beneficial for the body?

    The beneficial properties of the walnut have allowed it to become indispensable not only in folk medicine, but also a frequently used component in pharmacological production.

    Preparations made from kernels, membranes and shells have:

  • the strongest antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory
  • and bactericidal effect.
  • In addition, walnut oil is often included in:

  • antihelminthic drugs,
  • external ointments and creams, the action of which is aimed at starting the regeneration of the skin.
  • For women.

    Fruit kernels are necessary for children and pregnant women.

    Fatty amino acids and vegetable protein are mandatory elements of the daily requirement for the child’s body. Despite the high calorie content of nuts, they are recommended for children with increased weight.

    Meanwhile, it is not advisable to give this product to a child before the age of two.

    As for expectant mothers, their nutrition should also be comprehensive and balanced. For pregnant women, walnuts will become a source of a complete supply of valuable microelements.

    If there are no contraindications in the form of an allergic reaction, you can consume 2-3 kernels daily.

    For men.

    About 30 g of peeled fruits per day will have a positive effect on libido, increasing it, restoring erectile function, and eliminating other types of sexual disorders.

    In addition, the action of the valuable microelements contained in it helps:

  • improve the functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • improve memory and activate mental activity;
  • restore intestinal peristalsis during constipation;
  • lower fat content and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • strengthen blood vessels in case of hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • Regular consumption of walnuts is the key to health for men.

    Normalizes metabolism.

    Not long ago, researchers were able to prove that young walnuts serve as an activator of metabolism in the body of every person.

    Metabolic disorders entail a number of negative consequences in the form of obesity, the development of arterial hypertension, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

    For oncology.

    Prevention of cancer is another advantage that is rightfully attributed to nut fruits.

    Thanks to the antioxidants that are present in their composition, it was possible to minimize the risk of oxidative processes and block any foci of inflammation of the mammary gland in women and the prostate in men.

    Traditional medicines based on nuts.

    You can benefit from walnuts not only by eating them. Traditional recipes are popular among people who care about their health.

    Supporters alternative ways treatments are confident: this product can relieve many diseases if used correctly.

    User reviews note several options for preparing effective homemade medicines based on nuts:

    Tincture of membranes and partitions.

    1. To make your own tincture, you will need 3-4 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials and 1 glass of vodka.
    2. The resulting mixture is left out of reach of sun rays place for a week
    3. after which take 10-15 drops at least three times during the day.
    4. Before use, it is advisable to dilute the drug in water.

      Helps with colitis and intestinal disorders, the course of therapy is 2 months.

      Tincture of kernels.

      In this case, green walnuts are ideal.

    5. For 30 pieces of peeled fruit you will need 500 ml of vodka or cognac.
    6. To infuse, the product is left for a couple of weeks.
    7. After the cooking time has expired, take 1 tsp. after eating food.
    8. The nut tincture is universal: it is used for gastrointestinal diseases, pathologies of the genitourinary system, tuberculosis, and colds.


      Despite the seemingly impeccable list of benefits and advantages, walnuts have some contraindications.

      1. Firstly, they are a strong allergen; with excessive consumption, the risk of a pathological reaction of the body is especially high.
      2. Secondly, if there are blood clots and increased blood clotting, nuts should be excluded from the diet.
      3. Here is such a useful nut, with the help of which you can easily correct the state of your health and make a feasible contribution to its strengthening.

        You can buy pure and selected nuts here.

        That's all for today, guys. I will continue the topic. See you!

        How to grow a walnut - from a nut or by grafting

        How to grow walnuts from nuts? I have never asked myself this question, since my experience tells me that this is not the most The best way get a seedling of the variety that you want to have on your plot. I have three walnut trees growing. Two are varietal, and the third just grew from a nut. And the nuts that I collect from the last one are not at all similar to the one that was planted. But let's take things in order. To sort everything out, let's start from afar.

        Walnut seedling - how to grow

        For successful cultivation To grow walnuts in order to obtain fruits, it is necessary to have a deeper knowledge of the economic and biological characteristics of this crop, and the peculiarities of cultivating planting material.

        Walnut tree - biological characteristics, description

        Walnut is a powerful tree up to 8-15 m high with a large spreading crown, trunk diameter 0.5-1.5 m. When growing in free space, these figures can be higher. The growth and development of walnut trees is determined by their place of growth, the properties of the soil, subsoil, biological characteristics of the variety, rootstock, and the state of agricultural technology.

        Now varieties have been created with moderate growth (tree height 6-8 m), which develop a small crown. They can easily be cultivated in small summer cottages and garden plots.

        If the plantings are dense, then the walnut forms a sparse, highly elevated, and if sparse, a dense, spreading spherical crown, consisting of a large number of skeletal, semi-skeletal branches of various orders. Its young shoots are dark green.

        Most of the zoned, promising varieties of walnut, when propagated vegetatively, begin to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting in the garden, and trees of seed origin - from 8-12 years of age. Early-fruiting varieties of the Ideal type are able to begin bearing fruit in 2-3 years, and some of its varieties can bear fruit twice during the growing season. With age and expansion of the crown, fruiting increases. Full fruiting occurs in the 10-12th year. Its value depends on the variety, growing conditions, and also on moisture availability. By using higher agricultural technology, the walnut yield can be easily increased. It bears fruit until old age.

        Still from Khusein Daurov's film about old Circassian gardens

        In the Krasnodar Territory, in old Circassian orchards, nut trees of seed origin grow, which at the age of 80-100 years or more have a fairly high productivity - 80-120 kg per tree. Low labor costs, means of cultivation, and their value make this crop highly profitable.

        Male walnut flowers

        Walnut is a monoecious, dioecious, wind-pollinated plant. Male and female flowers are produced on the same plant, but separately. Male (staminate) flowers have the form of inflorescences in the form of earrings, which are formed from the lateral buds of the previous year's growth, and female (pistillate) flowers are formed in the apical and lateral buds (in the leaf axils) of the current year's shoots. They are green in color. Sticky two-lobed stigmas are well developed.

        In the south of Russia, the walnut growing season begins in the first or second half of April, the most active growth of shoots in length occurs in the first or second decade of May, and it subsides by the end of June. The walnut blooms in late April-early May, flowering ends in the second or third decade of May. According to the timing of flowering, they distinguish between early, medium and late flowering varieties. It is characterized by the phenomenon of dichogamy, that is, the non-simultaneous maturation of male and female flowers on the same plant, which prevents self-pollination, but promotes cross-pollination. Plants in which the anthers open before the stigma matures are called protandric, but if the stigma matures earlier, they are called protogynous. Sometimes there are homogamous trees in which the flowering dates of staminate and pistillate flowers coincide. In the latter case, they begin the fruiting period faster, their pistillate and staminate flowers bloom longer, which ensures partial self-pollination and, accordingly, an increase in yield.

        The phenomenon of dichogamy must be taken into account when selecting walnut varieties for joint landing on the plantation, combining them in such a way that the flowering of the female flowers of some coincides in time with the flowering of the male inflorescences of others.

        The fruit is a false drupe (nut), varying greatly in shape and size. The period of fruit ripening is extended - ripening begins in late August-early September and continues almost until the end of the month. According to the timing of ripening, three groups of trees are distinguished: the first - early ripening, the second - ripening, the third - late ripening.

        The walnut growing season in the North Caucasus very often stops with the onset of frost, which occurs at the end of October - beginning of November. The duration of the growing season is 190-240 days.

        The root system is powerful, tap-type, penetrating to a depth of more than 8-10 m. It has well-developed lateral branches that extend far beyond the projection of the crown. The bulk of these roots are located in the upper half-meter layer of soil. Walnut reacts sensitively to close proximity groundwater(less than 1.5 m), underlying dense clay horizon or rock (less than 0.6-0.8 m), in these cases its taproot dies off and a superficial root system develops. In addition, the lack of drainage in wet year conditions creates the danger of waterlogging of the root horizon, which leads to severe suppression of the root system, and in case of prolonged flooding - to its complete death.

        Important biological feature walnut varieties is the type of fruiting. Most have apical fruiting type. The formation of their generative organs occurs only in the apical bud of the annual growth. However, there are varieties in which, along with the apical bud, some of the lateral buds also bear fruit (apical-lateral type of fruiting). It has been established that varieties with the latter type of fruiting are 1.5 times more productive than those with the apical type of fruiting, which should also be taken into account when planting, giving preference to the former.

        Walnut is a heat-loving, but quite frost- and winter-hardy nut-bearing species. It grows successfully, bears fruit where the average annual air temperature is plus 8-10 degrees, the duration of the growing season is 150 days, and minimum temperature air rarely drops below minus 22-25 degrees. However, walnuts can withstand, without significant damage, lower temperatures during the winter when the trees are in a state of deep dormancy. For example, in Moldova there were cases when he suffered a drop in temperature to minus 25-27 degrees, in Bulgaria - to minus 30 degrees, and in Ukraine - to minus 40 degrees.

        Observations of the winter hardiness of walnuts in the North Caucasus have shown that short frosts down to minus 27-28 degrees do not cause serious damage to trees of local varieties - they bear fruit normally. Much more dangerous for it are sharp drops in air temperature after a long thaw, as well as at the end of winter. In such years, there is no fruiting, but the damaged crown is being restored, which lasts at least two years, after which the tree is able to bear fruit normally again. The degree of damage depends on the characteristics of the variety, rootstock, age of plants, plant density, place of growth, and the state of agricultural technology. With a good agricultural background, trees suffer less from severe frosts. Their winter hardiness increases with sufficient soil moisture, dry, cold autumn, and an earlier end of the growing season.

        Walnut reacts very sensitively to cold weather during the flowering phase (massive shedding of pistillate flowers occurs already when the air temperature drops to 0-1 degrees Celsius. To avoid this, it is necessary to grow late-flowering varieties that avoid the return of cold weather during the flowering period, or to cultivate it where There are no late spring frosts.

        Walnut does not tolerate heat and prolonged soil atmospheric drought, which inhibits tree growth and reduces the size and quality of the crop. There are cases when a temperature increase of more than 37 degrees caused premature shedding of fruits from the lower part of the crown. The negative effects of drought are aggravated when it is grown on poor, dry soils. To increase resistance walnut In drought conditions, it should be planted in rich, deep soils where 550-600 mm of precipitation falls during the growing season.

        It should be noted that most areas North Caucasus has a favorable combination of climatic factors that ensure normal growth and annual fruiting of walnut trees.

        Walnut has a high shoot-forming ability, so it tolerates crown rejuvenation well. It quickly restores it in case of severe frosting of branches in harsh winters, when the air temperature drops to a critical level for its overwintering, below minus 28-30 degrees. In this case, restoration of the crown occurs due to the abundant growth that forms on the lower parts of old-growth branches not damaged by frost, and if the entire crown is frozen, then due to the growth formed at the base of the tree from the root collar.

        Walnut is a light-loving crop, therefore it grows well and bears fruit regularly when placed sparsely on a plantation, where there are conditions for free growth and the development of a powerful spreading crown. In dense plantings, where access to sunlight is limited due to lateral shading, the trees become very tall and form a crop only in the upper part of the crown.

        How to grow a walnut - methods of propagation

        Walnuts are propagated by seeds and vegetative methods (grafting).

        During seed propagation, economically useful traits are split mother plant in the offspring, often for the worse, so it cannot serve as a basis for creating varietal plantings. It is used primarily for growing rootstock seedlings, as well as hybrid material for breeding. This method of propagation is especially promising for the northern regions of our country, where walnut seedlings are gradually adapting to new environmental conditions of existence. Some of them can produce viable offspring.

        To increase winter hardiness, it is recommended to expose sprouted seeds to low temperatures (methodology by I.V. Borzanovskaya). According to this method, sprouted seeds (root length no more than 0.5 cm) are kept in a refrigerator for 12 hours at a temperature of minus 3 degrees, and for the next 12 hours in a warm room at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The seed hardening period is 3-5 days. With this effect of variable temperatures on sprouted seeds, walnut seedlings were distinguished by better growth, increased winter hardiness, early fruitfulness, and productivity compared to control plants (without seed hardening).

        The vegetative method of propagation ensures the preservation and transmission of varietal characteristics and properties of the mother plant to the offspring.

        Grafted walnut planting material is in great demand, both from production and from amateur gardeners. It is not always possible to buy varietal planting material. Therefore, we invite the most enterprising gardeners to master the method of vegetative propagation of walnuts based on summer budding, which will allow them to special costs grow walnut seedlings of the required number of desired varieties on your plot - both to meet your needs and for sale.

        For propagation, it is necessary to use regionalized promising varieties that are distinguished by economically valuable properties. Most of them are early-fruiting, quite winter-hardy, relatively resistant to disease, productive, with fairly good commercial quality of the fruit.

        Nowadays, two methods of vegetative propagation are most developed and used in practice: summer budding and winter grafting (the latter method is more energy-intensive). If all types of work are carried out in a timely, high-quality manner, they give approximately the same yield of standard seedlings (65-70% of the number of grafted plants).

        To grow rootstocks, nuts are sown in a permanent place in autumn or early spring (March), subject to their stratification. Sowing method - single-row in furrows with a distance between rows of 70-8 cm, between seeds - 10-15 cm. Seed placement depth - 6-8 cm. Plant care consists of mulching, loosening the soil, killing weeds, and in case of drought - watering.

        Double knife for budding walnuts

        The most common method of budding is a rectangular shield with an eye (half ring). To do this, you need a special double knife with parallel blades located at a distance of 3-3.5 cm. Best timing budding - during sap flow of the rootstock (June - first half of July) with a dormant eye.

        The success of budding largely depends on the quality of the cuttings. They are harvested from healthy, pure-quality, high-yielding young trees. The cuttings must be sufficiently mature, round, straight, at least 30 cm long, with large, well-developed vegetative axillary buds.

        Budding with a rectangular shield

        The technique of budding with a rectangular shield is simple. On the rootstock, using a double knife at a height of 8-10 cm from the soil surface, make two transverse cuts in the bark without touching the wood, then make two longitudinal cuts, as if connecting them with transverse ones, and separate a strip of bark.

        After this, with the same knife, in the same sequence, carry out surgical operations on a scion cutting so that the eye is in the middle of the shield. Instead of the removed strip of bark, a rectangular scion shield is inserted onto the rootstock.

        The scion site is tightly wrapped with film

        Immediately after placing the scion shield, the budding area is tightly tied plastic film, and the eye and petiole are left open. 20-25 days after budding, the binding material is removed; the shield with the eye by this time, as a rule, grows well with the rootstock. In the spring of next year, after the buds have swollen, the rootstock is cut at an angle of 65-70 degrees above the shield without leaving a thorn. The shoots that appear on the rootstock during the growing season are removed. In a good agricultural background, oculants grow quickly, reaching a height of more than 2 meters by the time they are dug up.

        This simple technique will allow you to first grow a walnut from a walnut as a rootstock, and then graft onto it a cutting obtained from a tree with the properties you need.


        Appearance and description

        Pecans grow on deciduous trees with thick, dark brown trunks that can be up to three hundred years old. The leaves on this tree resemble willow ones - medium-sized and slightly elongated. Pecans begin to bloom quite late - in late May - early June; under such conditions, future fruits will not be damaged by late frosts.

        The fruit itself is a nut, the color of the shell changes from green to light brown as it ripens. A fully ripened fruit is oblong in shape, up to 4 centimeters long. It cracks easily, since the thickness of the dry shell is only 1 millimeter. The kernel is very reminiscent of a walnut - the same two cotyledons, only slightly more oblong. Pecans differ in taste from walnuts - they are richer and have no bitterness.

        Where does it grow?

        The pecan is an American plant that has long been eaten by North American Indians.

        It grows along the eastern coast of the United States, starting from Indiana in the north and down to Texas in the south. Pecans are also found on the South American continent, in particular in Mexico. As you approach southern latitudes, the thickness of the trunk increases noticeably - from 60 cm in diameter in the north to 2 meters near the equator.

        The main climatic condition for the comfortable growth of this plant is the presence of humid subtropical forests. The hot climate and moisture-saturated air create ideal conditions for fruit development. These requirements are fully met by the air that the wind brings from the warm Gulf of Mexico.

        Useful and healing properties

        In terms of the amount of useful substances in its composition, the pecan nut can compete with many medicinal crops. Thanks to a large amount of “healthy” fats, this nut helps control cholesterol levels in the blood, and lutein and beta-carotene, as substances with antioxidant effects, purify the blood at the cellular level.

        The mineral composition of pecan nuts includes zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as folic acid, which is required for consumption by pregnant women in the first trimester to prevent fetal neural tube defects.

        Vitamin E also present in pecans. It helps cleanse the body of harmful toxic effects environment and ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin also promotes skin rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process and increasing its blood supply. The main condition for the proper absorption of this vitamin is to combine it with polyunsaturated fats, which are abundant in pecans.

        B vitamins The nuts contained in pecans promote proper metabolism, influence metabolism, and also play a significant role in the process of converting carbohydrates into fats, thereby helping to control weight. Also, vitamins of this group have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase muscle tone and support the immune system.

        Carotene, contained in pecans, has a beneficial effect on human vision, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and other ophthalmological diseases. In combination with the fats that are present in the nut, carotene is perfectly absorbed in the body, converted into vitamin A, which is the vitamin of youth.

        Native American women consumed pecans to maintain their beauty. After all selenium, contained in large quantities, promotes the production of the hormone estrogen. With its deficiency, the skin becomes dull and pale, hair becomes dull, and nails become brittle. When the amount of selenium in the body is replenished, these problems disappear, a sparkle appears in the eyes and a healthy girlish glow, and female libido increases.

        The main rule when consuming any product is don't overeat. This also applies to pecans. Since it is oversaturated with vegetable fats, with constant and excessive consumption you can become obese.

        If you have an intolerance or allergy to substances in pecans, you should avoid consuming this nut to avoid a reaction or more serious health consequences.

        If some time has passed after peeling the nut, it can cause harm to the body, since in its peeled form it is a perishable product due to its high fat content. Therefore, it must be consumed immediately after the shell is removed.

        You can store unshelled nuts in the refrigerator for about a month, but we would recommend doing so in freezer- this way the nuts will retain all their beneficial properties and will not spoil.

        Nutritional value and calorie content

        Pecans are high in calories - 100 grams contain as much as 691 kcal! The nutritional value of other substances per 100 grams is:

    • Squirrels– 9 g;
    • Fats– 72 g;
    • Carbohydrates– 14 years

    In addition, it contains pecan nuts a lot of dietary fiber and fiber - about 10 g, as well as glucose, fructose and lactose - 0.4 g each.

    Price for 1 kg

    Pecan nuts are grown on the American continent and exported from there to our country, so their cost is somewhat high compared to other nuts. Average For 1 kilogram of product, distributors ask for $30. Including all wholesale markups, pecans reach retail consumers in Russia at a cost of approximately 200-250 rubles per 100 grams.

    Pecan oil

    Pecan butter is a real storehouse of nutrients. To preserve all the healing properties, it is made by cold pressing. This oil is very similar in color to olive oil and smells like hazel.

    All useful microelements, minerals and vitamins contained in pecan nuts are concentrated in the oil, which, accordingly, increases its medicinal properties.

    The use of pecan oil internally is shown as homeopathic remedy in complex therapy for ARVI and influenza, heart failure, as well as to maintain immunity and cleanse the body.

    In addition to being used internally, pecan oil is also used externally. It is used as unique massage product, which perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, significantly increases its turgor and makes it radiant and fresh.

    The oil is also used externally in the treatment of skin problems - burns, hematomas, rashes and urticaria on the skin, as well as to relieve inflammation from bites of blood-sucking and stinging insects.

    It is best to buy pecans in shell, as Their shelf life in purified form is very short. Make sure that the fruits are intact and free of cracks and unevenness. Spots on the shell may indicate nut disease during growth, insect damage, or improper storage. In any case, it is better to put such instances aside.

    If you prefer nuts without shells, you should purchase them only from trusted sellers who offer customers freshly shelled fruits. The best option would be to buy nuts in packaging that allows you to preserve the freshness of the food for a long time, for example, in a vacuum.


    The Indians, who were the discoverers of the pecan nut, know more than one way to use it. If the mother does not have enough breast milk, the nuts are finely ground to form a liquid paste, squeezed out and the resulting liquid is fed to the babies. For old people, this healing remedy restores strength and health, and for mature people it helps restore the body’s strength after serious illnesses and injuries.

    In modern cooking, the pecan nut is in great demand, especially in the cuisine of North America and Mexico. The famous pecan pie is made from it, baked with chicken and trout, and soups are made from it. It is also often included in various salads, as it goes well with cheese and vegetables.

    For some ways to prepare pecans, watch the following video.

    Wonderful coffee is brewed from medium-roasted beans with the addition of this nut, as well as Mexican liqueur infused with pecan fruits and vanilla.

    In cosmetology Pecan oil is used to combat signs of skin aging. It is perfectly absorbed and promotes cell rejuvenation, stimulating the functioning of capillaries and saturating cells with oxygen. Very often, pecan nut extract is included in creams and masks for skin 40+.

    It is also used to fight cancer. It is most effective when affecting the prostate. A special type of vitamin E, contained in large quantities in this nut, with proper complex therapy destroys the affected cells and promotes tissue restoration of the diseased organ.

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    Country of origin walnut They consider Persia and its adjacent territories (the territory of modern Iran). Although archaeological finds walnut have also been found in various areas as far as the Himalayas and as far west and northwest of Persia as Turkey, Italy and even Switzerland.

    The most ancient archaeological site where it was discovered Walnut- These are the Shanidar caves in northern Iraq (8000 BC).

    IN Ancient Persia members only royal families could eat walnuts, therefore they were classified as Royal nuts.

    Mesopotamia (now the territory of modern Iraq) was proud of its groves walnut, which were part of the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2000 BC. The first written evidence of walnut- These are clay tablets with inscriptions of that time. In 1795 BC, Hammurabi, the 6th king of the first dynasty of Babylon, created a set of laws called the Code of Hammurabi. These laws were engraved on a basalt pillar and grouped by topic. Mention of walnut was discovered in one of the sections of the code.

    In the book of Songs of Solomon 6:11 of the Old Testament there is also a mention of walnut groves “I went down into the walnut orchard to look at the greenery of the valley..” Some believe that these are groves walnut, although others argue that it most likely means almond And almond trees.

    Greek mythology also remembers walnut, namely in the story of Caria, the daughter of the Laconian king, with whom the god Dionysus fell in love. When Caria died, Dionysus turned her into a tree walnut. The goddess Artemis brought this news to Caria's father and ordered that a temple be built in memory of her. The columns of the temple were made in the shape of young women; such columns began to be called caryatids.

    First cultivated trees walnut attributed to the ancient Greeks. Walnuts, which grew in Greece, were small and their oil content was negligible. When the Greeks saw big nuts Persians, they began to improve the varieties growing among them.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, founder of botany (370 - 288 BC) mentions Walnut in his book on plants, where he calls it the Persian nut. In Greece Walnut called Persian or royal.

    The ancient Greeks used Walnut not only for food, but also as medicine and dye for hair, wool and fabrics.

    The Romans discovered Walnut later than the Greeks by a century and fell in love with him. In the ruins of Pompeii, in the temple of the goddess Isis, whole, unbroken nuts. They were on the table along with other food on the day when Mount Vesuvius began its eruption.


    You can trace the history through the names walnut. In Ancient Greece walnut nut called Persian or Royal and it most likely came to Greece from Persia.

    The Roman scientist Varro (1st century BC) called nut Greek, so we can conclude that, most likely, to the Romans Walnut came from Greece.

    Latin name walnut- Juglans regia. The Latin name can be translated as Royal acorn of Jupiter(Jupiter is the most important god in Roman mythology).

    I wonder what it's called Walnut in different countries. Among the peoples who were part of the Roman Empire Walnut began to be called simply nut, from Latin nux: Italian - noce, Romanian - nuc, French - noix , Spanish - nogal, Portuguese - nogueira. On the periphery of the empire and among neighbors Walnut got the name nut foreigners or "Voloshsky" nut": Czech - vlašskýořech, Polish - orzech wloski, Ukrainian - gorikh volosky, German - walnuss, Danish - valnød, Swedish - valnöt, Norwegian - valnøtt, Dutch - walnoot , English - walnut. In ancient times, the peoples of the Eastern Romance languages ​​or Romans were called Volokhi. For many peoples Walnut was foreign nut, which is reflected in the names. I wonder what Walnut also called English nut, since, for example, in the USA nut brought from England.

    In Russia Walnut came from Greece, where the name came from. It's interesting that the word itself walnut is no longer used in speech in our time and is obsolete. This signals to us that the word has ancient roots in the Russian language. Our ancestors considered the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire to be Greeks and had close cultural and trade ties with them. The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453, so we can believe that walnuts appeared in Russia before this event.

    Walnut resembles the appearance of the human brain in Afghanistan Walnut called charmarghz , which means "four brains" in their language.

    Curious names of walnuts

    Walnut called in Ancient Greece - the acorn of the gods. Walnut attributed aphrodisiac properties and were called seeds of love. Because Walnut resembled a brain, it was believed that walnuts strengthen the mind. And Ivan Michurin, the Russian biologist called Walnut- the bread of the future.


    The Romans associated Walnut with Juno, wife of Jupiter, Roman goddess of marriage, women and motherhood. There was a tradition of throwing walnuts on the bride and groom as a symbol of fertility.

    In French villages there was a tradition of hanging a bag of walnuts To ceiling beam in the kitchen as a symbol of abundance. Walnut also symbolized longevity. And some young people believed that Walnut has the power of seduction, and they tried to plant a leaf from a tree walnut into the shoe of a girl they liked.

    Along with funny beliefs, there were also dark superstitions about the tree. walnut. In the 17th century in Italy, a large tree grew in the city of Benevento. walnut, which was considered a place where witches gather. According to legend, the bishop ordered the tree and its roots to be dug up, which was done, but another witch tree grew in the same place.

    Another legend warns that it is bad luck to plant a tree walnut too close to the stable, this may cause illness and death of domestic animals. Even travelers were warned not to pick a tree walnut for the night, as it can cause illness. Superstitions surrounded and the shadow of the tree walnut. Pliny wrote that the shadow of a tree walnut dulls the mind.

    Another superstition says that you should not plant anything next to a tree. walnut, as it causes harm to other plantings.

    In the Middle Ages it was believed that, since the shape walnut Reminiscent of the shape of the brain, the nut will help in the treatment of any ailments associated with the head and brain, including headaches. And later, at the end of the 14th century, it was believed that Walnut On the contrary, it causes headaches.


    Walnut belongs to the nut family, genus nut.

    The trees grow quickly and reach 18-30 meters in height. The trees have a large spreading crown and a massive trunk with a typical trunk circumference of up to 3 meters, but there is information about the trees walnut, the circumference of the trunks reached 5 and 7 meters. Trees walnut long-livers, there are specimens that live up to 2000 years.

    Trees in April and May walnut bloom, male and female flowers appear on each tree. The trees are self-pollinating. Several trees are planted for optimal cross-pollination. walnut.

    Superstitions about what's next to trees walnuts there is no need to plant anything - they are not groundless. Tree roots walnut prone to releasing a toxic substance into the soil, which may affect some plants located close to the tree walnut. Gardeners do not recommend planting tomatoes, rhododendrons and azaleas in an area 25 meters from the tree walnut.

    Trees walnut often ran wild and now you can find wild ones walnut forests and groves. Despite the cultivated varieties, nuts They also collect in the forests.

    Walnut consists of three clearly distinguishable parts. What we eat is the kernel of a nut, it is also a seed walnut. The nucleolus has two lobes.

    The shell, which is called the endocarp (intracarp), is very strong and consists of two halves tightly fastened together. An inedible thin membrane separates the two lobes of the nut kernel inside the shell.

    The outer shell of the nut, called the pericarp (pericarp), covers the shell with a soft, fleshy green skin that protects Walnut. The unripe green shell is edible; moreover, during this period the shell and nut not hard and also edible, although they have a sour taste.

    Before the era of mechanization, the harvest walnut collected by hand. The trees were shaken and a long pole was used to knock the nuts to the ground where they could be easily collected. Nowadays, trees are shaken by special machines while other machines collect nuts from the ground using vacuum pumps.


    Since ancient times Walnut used as a medicine. The great physician Avicenna recommended Walnut for restorative nutrition and treatment.

    Walnuts have a rich composition of vitamins and minerals: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc. Walnut contains vitamin E - alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocopherol, making Walnut exceptionally rich in antioxidants. It contains 50 times more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits.

    The troops of the eastern states were usually sufficiently supplied with this nut, thanks to its light weight and excellent nutritional properties. Burns and wounds were treated with its oil.

    Source of Omega-3 fatty acids

    Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in a limited number of plants, but they are very important for our health.

    Walnut- an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of acid that our body does not produce. Omega-3 fatty acid content makes Walnut a very valuable product that helps strengthen and protect the cardiovascular system, improve brain activity, and control blood pressure. Walnuts contain antioxidants that support the immune system and have some anti-cancer properties.

    Use walnuts can be important step to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Walnut- an important source of monounsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The omega-3 fatty acid content also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 acids help regulate heart rhythm, prevent blood vessel blockages, and improve the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.

    Numerous studies have shown that the use walnuts helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce vascular adhesions, therefore, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cardiologists recommend consuming a handful walnuts 4 times a week.

    Food for brain

    Walnut has long been considered good food for the brain, and not only because Walnut resembles the brain, as was previously thought, but because walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells.

    Studies in different countries have found a link between increasing depression and decreased consumption of omega-3 fatty acid foods. The link between low omega-3 fatty acids in children and hyperactivity disorder is currently being studied. The study found that children with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are more susceptible to hyperactivity, they are more likely to have problems with learning and behavior, mood swings, and sleep problems.

    Source of melatonin

    Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland of the brain that is involved in and regulates sleep and is also a powerful antioxidant. Melatonin has been found in walnuts in a bioavailable form, therefore walnuts will be the ideal evening food for a good restful sleep. Melatonin helps improve sleep for people who work night shifts, and helps people adjust their biorhythms when flying and changing time zones. To maintain melatonin levels, it is recommended that everyone over 40 years old consume walnuts- a source of melatonin, since with age the amount produced human body the hormone is reduced.

    Ellagic acid

    Walnuts contain the compound ellagic acid, which blocks metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. Not only does ellagic acid protect healthy cells from free radical damage, but it also helps detoxify potentially unhealthy cells and help prevent cancer cells from multiplying.


    Walnut in the cuisines of the world

    Chefs in many countries willingly consume Walnut in a variety of dishes, salads, soups, sauces and of course desserts.

    Baklava or Baklava is the most well-known oriental dessert. Greens walnuts You can eat them, but they are a little sour, but they are an excellent ingredient for jams and marmalades. Italians created Nocino liqueur from green walnuts. The recipe originates in Modena, where unripe walnuts gather on the local holiday in honor of the saint, June 24. Walnuts break and leave for two months.

    Wood walnut exceptionally hard, therefore ideal for making furniture, wall panels, musical instruments.

    It is used to make dishes, spoons, and water containers. Even the shoes were carved from wood walnut. During the First World War, solid black wood walnut used for aircraft propellers.

    shells walnut were also widely used. King Louis XI's barber used heated shells walnut for shaving, because he believed that this method would get rid of cuts. To prevent the bread from sticking, bakers crushed the shells walnut into powder and sprinkled it on the base of the ovens.

    Shell powder walnuts used as polishing aviation industry, and also as an ingredient in face powder. NASA uses powder walnuts as a thermal insulating material in a rocket's nose cone.

    Since ancient times, people have noticed that all parts walnut can be used in creating flowers. Furniture manufacturers use outer shell walnuts(pericarp) to give rich and deep color to furniture. Women figured out how to add color to their appearance and began making hair dye from walnut. Since ancient times, weavers have obtained a rich brown dye from the sap walnut, and yellow dye from green outer shells nut.

    Walnut oil

    Oil walnut highly valued for its lightness and delicate taste. Oil walnut rich in gamma-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E). Since it is rich in antioxidants, gamma tocopherol protects the oil so that it does not quickly go rancid.

    Oil walnut served completely different purposes. The ancient Egyptians used oil to embalm mummies. Where there were many trees walnuts, used oil to light homes in oil lamps. In 19th century France, oil walnut used in the church as sacred oil.

    European artists loved to use oil walnut as a basis for mixing different pigments. Many French Impressionists preferred oil walnut other oils, since it was superior to them in quality. As chemical analysis has shown, paintings by Monet, Picasso and Cezanne were painted using oil walnut. And the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci “Lady with an Ermine” was painted on a wooden tablet walnut.

    Storing walnuts

    Fresh walnuts appear in September. Walnuts in a shell keep well for 8 months.

    Peeled walnuts must be stored in the refrigerator to prevent them from going rancid. For long-term storage, peeled walnuts You need to put it in a bag and store it in the freezer.

    At the time of buying walnuts in a shell Notice if there is a rancid smell. Shake the nut. If something rattles, it means the nut is old and dried out.