Corn harvest time by region of Russia. Useful life hacks: How to distinguish feed corn from table corn

Ripening time depends on the region and time of planting. In Crimea, it ripens in late July-early August.

We simple corn eaters differentiate two types of its ripeness.

The tastiest - milky ripeness.

Its grains are soft yellowish, or even baked milk, closer to white, the color is soft and very juicy, the juice inside is like milk. It’s very tasty to cook it like this and eat it right on the cob. Many children (and me too) eat it even raw during this period. The leaves that hug the cob at this time sit tightly and are difficult to remove; the hairs coming out of the cob are white, and closer to the ends they are beige and brownish.
/if you pierce a grain with your fingernail, white milk will splash out/

The second ripeness is biological,

When the cob is completely ripe.
The grains are intense yellow or even orange, not hard, but hard. There is no juice in them anymore, but you can feel a lot of starch. The leaves are dry, rough to the touch, similar to parchment. The hairs are also dry and intensely brown. The longer the ear stands on the vine, the drier and browner the hairs become. It’s no longer tasty to eat boiled corn like this.

How to Harvest Corn

The main difficulty in harvesting corn is right choice time. If you pick it too late, it will lose some of its sweetness. Although, in general, the collection process itself is quite simple. Corn can also be harvested for popcorn or for planting.

Method 1 of 3: Harvesting Corn for Regular Consumption

1 Check the top ears of corn.

The upper ears on any stem ripen faster than the lower ones. Instead of harvesting all the corn from the plant at once, you may want to harvest the top ears early.
The top ears should deviate noticeably more to the side than all other ears of the plant. In fact, they should begin to deviate so much that they are almost perpendicular to the stem.

2 Check the corn without disturbing it.

Feel the corn to determine if the kernels are plump enough along the entire length of the cob and check to see if the silky strands coming out of the cob are dry.
The silky threads should turn brown and dry noticeably. When you pull them, the threads should come apart almost effortlessly.

Note that if the corn is not yet ripe, the silky strands will be reddish in color and damp to the touch.
Feel the top end of the cob to determine if it is completely filled with kernels. A mature cob will have a rounded and blunt end, while an unripe one will have a pointed end.
It is best to harvest corn immediately after it ripens. Corn on the cob contains the most sugar when it is at its peak of ripeness, so corn will be sweetest at its peak of ripeness. If you leave ripe corn on the stalk, it will gradually lose its sweetness as the sugar begins to be converted into starch.

3 Remove the husks only if necessary.

If you're not entirely sure whether your corn is ready to harvest, you can pull back a few leaves and inspect the kernels underneath. The top end of the cob should be filled with creamy yellow or white.
Next, test the beans by poking them with your thumbnail. The liquid inside the beans should be white or milky. If the liquid resembles water or is completely clear, the corn is not yet ripe. If the liquid seems too thick, the corn may be overripe.
You should only tear off the husks if you cannot check the readiness of the corn in any other way. An unripe open ear is susceptible to attack by birds or insects.

4 Unscrew the cob from the stem.

Separating corn from the stalk is a simple process. You need to grab the cob, pull it down and turn it with your hand.
If possible, remove the corn from the stalk in the morning. At this point, the cob will still be cold, and the conversion of sugar to starch at low temperatures happens more slowly.

Support the stem of the plant with one hand, and unscrew the cob with the other. It should remain in your hands. You should not need scissors when you pick the corn from the stalk.

5 Use or store immediately.

The conversion of sugar to starch will speed up as soon as you harvest the corn, so for maximum flavor and sweetness, consume the corn within 24 hours of harvesting.
Note that very sweet corn varieties can maintain sweetness for longer than 24 hours, but traditional corn varieties lose half their sweetness after the first 24 hours.

You can slow down the rate at which sugar converts to starch by keeping it cold. Place the cobs in a single layer in the refrigerator and cover with a damp cloth to keep them as cold as possible.

When refrigerated, the corn should stay sweet for a week.

6 Save the remaining cobs for later.

Once the top ears have ripened, the rest may take up to 10 days or so.
Most corn plants will give you at least 2 ears of corn per plant. Hybrids usually produce greater yields than their pure varieties.

Method 2 of 3: Harvesting Corn for Popcorn

Method 3 of 3: Harvesting corn for planting

My husband and I always boiled corn all the way, for about 4 hours, and it still came out. Then I read that, on the contrary, you need to cook it less, well, I persuaded my husband to try it, they cooked it for an hour and it lay in the water for another hour, it turned out to be very soft, although unusual. I wonder why the longer you cook, the denser it becomes? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


There are fodder varieties - this is hard corn that needs to be cooked for a very long time, and there are food grades - this one cooks quickly, literally in about 20 minutes and it’s ready.

Other varieties were sown this year. mainly imported sugar. it cooks for about 35-40 minutes maximum. To make sure that this is the right variety, you can try a grain from a raw cob - it should be juicy, sweet and not hard.


And I add it everywhere: even to borscht, for thickness :). And it tastes best in stewed eggplants. But now, alas, is not the season.

11/30/2000 00:50:37, Vera

And we love this porridge not in the sweet, but in the salty version. Those. add just a little bit of sugar (I’m writing this because my husband mostly cooks porridge :)). And when the porridge is ready, add grated or finely chopped cheese to the plates. Yummy!!! Yes, I forgot to say, we make porridge with a 1:1 mixture of milk and water, like all other porridges, not very liquid, about like semolina. The main thing is to stir all the time so that there are no lumps.

It's usually served with chicken.. it's like that... how is it prepared? What can be added to the water?


What's good about table rice? Overcooked in my opinion rice porrige in short... I buy rice in bags that are cooked, there is a mixture with wild rice, it will never be overcooked.. You can make a sauce for it, for example, left over from frying meat or chicken and it will be delicious.. Table food is still not a fountain. ..And even more so, I wouldn’t recommend doing anything like they did....
Sometimes I also take regular rice, wash it and fry it in a frying pan with butter, you can add all sorts of spices, fried onions, fried carrots, then add water and cook until tender.. This is a Latin American recipe.

I don’t know what kind of rice is in the canteens :) I started eating just boiled rice only when I started adding turmeric (for color) and a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vinegar to the water. Well, then a little bit of butter.

03/27/2003 13:09:15, Sumi Nano

While in Thailand I “figured out” a recipe for soft and tender corn on the cob - like in Rostiks :) You need to cook it by STEAMING. We have NEVER eaten hard corn since then. Of course, a lot depends on the variety - I haven’t seen any sweets here except in supermarkets, but even the steamed “from grannies” turns out to be exceptionally tender. Due to the lack of a double boiler, I simply place a small saucepan upside down in a large one with water and put corn on the small one. On top - a lid. Or I put corn...


Haven’t you tried baking it in the oven over medium heat directly in the green peel (just so that the peel was all there, not completely removed). The best corn for this is almost, but not quite ripe (the main thing is not overripe).
A steam bath is formed inside the peel.

Can you tell me how to properly corn?


Place the corn leaves along with the hair on the bottom of the pan, put the cobs and pour cold water. If the corn is young, then cook for half an hour, and if not, for an hour and a half, as soon as it is ready. Salt already warm on a plate, and it’s also delicious with butter and sugar - this is how they eat it in Europe

If you're talking about cobs, put them in cold water. Salt it. Cook for 1.5-2 hours. Readiness to try. I also add “hair” to the top of the cobs for scent.

Let's talk about saving and eating?)).

Today, in the footsteps of yesterday and the day before yesterday, the topics of Good and Jaws, I decided to try to “live” on 1250 cash in my wallet and ancient leftovers in the refrigerator, among which: 200 grams of carpacci (or gazpaci, cured meat karoch), two small pieces of cheese - imperial Ichalka and leftovers sanctioned, purchased BEFORE the law on the destruction of Gruyere came into force, 6 eggs, 1 cod fillet, 3 bell peppers, Crimean onion, country garlic, manaez, potatoes, a couple of beets and 1 lemon. I paid for food with a card...


It turned out well that way. Class!

Moreover, if you don’t buy dairy and turkey from farmers, it will be even more economical. But! There is a big but. cheap (up to 50 rubles) vegetables will soon, very soon run out. Milk and eggs will fly up, sausages have already flown away. Budget cereals and pasta will remain.

Has anyone cooked corn in a multi-pressure cooker (from Tillotama). Water to the top? and how much did you bet? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


Cook the corn WITHOUT a pressure cooker for 10 minutes. after boiling! I put it in boiling water, press it down with a lid or a microwave saucepan so that everything is in the water, when the water boils again - 10 minutes! Then immediately under cold water. It takes a long time to cool down, the pumpkin is hot and thick. You can hold it even longer if it’s very good. You still don’t eat hot food. It's like with squid - the main thing is not to overcook it.

I cook it all the time.
I break the corn in half if it is large. I add water so that the corn is covered, immediately add salt... let it sit for half an hour. FSE.

Yesterday I made chicken in orange sauce. Delicious! Thanks for the recipe!!! I have a question about the side dish for this chicken. I just cooked rice. If I had it for myself, then vegetables would be enough for me, but the men demand a side dish. Potatoes are somehow out of place in this particular case. So, it’s still rice. What to add to it so that, on the one hand, it really is a side dish against the backdrop of beautiful and tasty chicken, and on the other hand, not as boring as JUST RICE :)


I make rice with vegetables: corn and peas *-) these are the only vegetables my husband eats, you can’t force others *-)

And I can advise you on how to serve rice in an original way. You need to take a small coffee cup, spread butter on the inside and fill it tightly with cooked rice. Then carefully shake it out, as if you were making a cake in the sand. Place these Easter cakes on a plate along the edge, with meat in the middle - and beauty!

I change both the title and content. I have been advised to do this for several years, but I always lose the file at the right time. And today. First I asked “how to cook”, and then I found it missing. The result was simply wonderful! Cooked it like this: Put corn in cold water, bring it to a boil and after 15-20 minutes. turned it off. Leave it covered for 30 minutes. It turned out just great. We ate it with such appetite... Thanks again to the one who taught me then.

How to cook rice for a side dish? Thank you.


Thai rice is delicious in itself - both the jasmine smell and the taste... a glass of rice with 2 glasses of water, pour into boiling water, bring to a boil, and then on low heat under the lid.

Sorry, but any steamed rice is a typical uncle bens, i.e. a complete loss of the taste inherent in a given food and a general culinary ugliness.

Wash the rice thoroughly, boil in large quantities water, discard, rinse with boiling water. The main thing is not to overcook it. It’s better to dry it a little in a frying pan with oil and season with spices.

I cook steamed rice very often and add maggi cube to it. It turns out yellowish in color and has a pleasant taste. But all these cubes are very harmful, but I don’t know what to replace it with. I tried adding curry, but the taste didn't seem to be particularly good. Who uses what spices when cooking rice? Thank you


Soy sauce seems traditional...

And I sauté diced carrots in olive oil and onion until golden brown. And then I mix it with the cooked rice. A little red pepper, sweet, coarsely ground. And you can even do it without salt.))) Delicious...))) And fast. Dinner is ready in 15 minutes.

People, are there any ways to check whether mushrooms are poisonous or normal? An acquaintance brought a whole bag of honey mushrooms. I look at them and I don’t understand at all, are they real or false? Last time at least there were boletus mushrooms, even I with my botanical cretinism was able to determine it :) but this time I don’t know... and I’m scared to eat, and I can’t bring myself to throw it away :)

people, it appeared on the market.. at a reasonable price.. 20 rubles per cob.... ahhh.. it doesn’t smell like the whole apartment...:-) I won’t give it to anyone, I’ll eat it all myself (c)


wow your prices are reasonable)
We have a reasonable price for corn - 10 rubles. for 1 piece boiled or the same amount per kilogram raw.
Poor Muscovites)

We still have 40, alas, but with my love for corn, I’ll go broke buying it for 40(
Besides me, my husband and child love her passionately...

How long to cook it??? Yesterday I bought it, cooked it for about 3 hours, my daughter couldn’t wait, she fell asleep, and it was raw.... today I cooked it again so that it... it’s still crunchy, it’s the first time I’ve come across something like this, all my conscious life I buy it myself and cook it for about 20-60 minutes, but then... maybe it’s genetic??? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


I also came across such a “wrong” one... I had to finish cooking it. Now I usually cook it overnight like jellied meat over low heat... I check in the middle of the night... if it’s not “right” yet, I leave it until the morning... And you also have to cook the corn in “clothes”, just remove the “hair” from it .

07/17/2011 15:54:36, Mar and I

Corn is not good
2-3 hours is enough for a regular one from your own garden.
I bought it too, but I couldn’t eat it...

I really like porridge made from crushed corn (corn semolina, crushed maize). Nelostako - in order for the corn to boil and not crunch, it takes time - about 30 minutes. The question is - who cooks? What solutions do you use? Like, soak it in the evening?..


I cook it in a multicooker on the “Porridge” mode (1 cartoon glass of cereal per liter of milk). I used to make it in a double boiler. It always burned in my pan.

Corn porridge is difficult to digest.
It's often not allowed.
It is better to use corn flour and cook hominy.
It cooks very quickly.

07/02/2014 09:10:13, Lyga’s mother

1 - I have corn on the cob, I want to cook it, I haven’t done it for a hundred years and I don’t remember how. throw it into already boiling salt water? Or put it cold? How long to cook? When to salt? 2 - I want to make meatballs. in sauce. for example, in red or in sauce with mushrooms. The bad thing is that I can’t make sauces at all. Tell us HOW to make meatballs in sauce? So that there is a lot of it, so that it envelops them all? I just can't do it. PS - and one more thing, how are meatballs different from cutlets? there might be minced meat...

In iron cans. Can I give? The ingredients on the can are peas, sugar, salt, water. No preservatives. Can we already? Masha loves it, but I gave him 5-7 peas a couple of times, but what about more?

I asked: “How do you cook it? It’s clear that you can boil it until it turns blue (obviously) for a couple of hours. Last year, a friend recommended another method. I don’t remember if I posted it here, but maybe someone knows a similar one ? In short. Put the corn in cold (?) water, bring to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes. Then leave it under a tightly closed lid for another ??? minutes (30 -?). And now it’s ready. Where "My questions - I can’t vouch for their correctness. I would be grateful for your advice." AND...

Girls, share your recipes. On September 1, my daughter was told in class that you need to eat porridge in the morning in order to be smart) She decided to be smart and for the third week in a row I have been cooking corn porridge. Please give me ideas for quick porridges (but not from bags, but healthy ones) so that the child is full)))) My NO - semolina porridge, for the rest quick recipes preparing porridge (and preferably not labor-intensive, because I’m getting ready for work and collecting it) I will be SOOOOO grateful. P.S. I'll give her more...


Eat oatmeal (3 min)
Eat millet for 5 minutes
Eat buckwheat for about 5 minutes
And others.

1. Buckwheat. Bring 2 parts of water to a boil, add 1 part of buckwheat, bring to a boil again, cover with a lid, turn off the stove (electric) and leave. It's ready in 15-20 minutes. You can make it in the evening and serve it in the morning, pouring hot milk directly into the plate.
2. Rice milk. Start cooking in the evening. Bring 2 parts of water to a boil, add 1 part of long grain rice (basmati or jasmine), bring to a boil, cover with a lid, turn off the stove, leave the rice to simmer. In the morning, pour milk over the porridge in the same pan so that the rice is slightly covered with it, and heat it up, stirring continuously (takes less than 5 minutes).
I cook everything without salt and sugar, then season the rice well with jam.
By the way, semolina a couple of times a month is also ok - just for variety.

does it make you very fat? otherwise I have to cook a saucepan every day for the next month and eat

The time when corn is harvested can vary greatly from farm to farm, as it depends on a number of factors and by region of Russia. The main one is the vegetative period of the plant, according to which hybrids and varieties of corn are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. To a lesser extent, the timing of corn ripening can be influenced by external climatic conditions and the nature of planting care.

From this article you will learn:

When is corn harvested?

Corn early varieties reaches ripeness 2-2.5 months after sowing. Provided that the seedling method of planting them is often used, this allows ripe cobs to be removed from the plants as early as August. When sowing corn seeds directly and when transplanting seedlings into the ground, you have to wait until the soil warms up to at least +10˚C. Thus, in cold springs, the beginning of the corn harvest may shift in accordance with the temperature regime.

Photo: when corn is harvested

With the seedling method, the seeds actually begin to grow much earlier than the appropriate ground temperature has been established. Due to this, more or less accurate forecasts can be done starting from the sowing date. Other factors have little effect on harvest time. The size of the cobs and grains depends on them, total weight useful product.

In what month is corn harvested at the dacha?

Small farms and summer residents, as a rule, use a little trick when growing corn, which allows them to constantly receive a harvest from August until the end of September (and even longer in warm regions). The trick is to use varieties with for different periods growth, such as three hybrid varieties that produce crops in 60, 70 and 90 days, respectively. With this type of planting, after harvesting fruits from plants of one variety, the cobs of another will be ready for harvesting.

If you have a preference for a specific one, you can organize a similar campaign. To do this, you need to sow seedlings in the spring with a break of a couple of weeks, and then transfer them to the ground accordingly. Plants located in the same bed will sequentially reach ripeness, which will create a kind of conveyor belt cultivation.

To determine the appropriate time for harvesting corn cobs, many Russian gardeners rely on the following criteria during the period of milky ripeness:

  1. On outer layers a drying edge appears on the leafy sheath of the cobs.
  2. The pistillate filaments at the edge of the grain darken, but do not dry out yet.
  3. There are no wrinkles or dents at the top of the grains.
  4. If you press on the grain with your fingernail, the shell bursts and a milky-white liquid flows out.

Photo: what month to harvest corn

The following indicators help determine the time of collection during the period of biological ripeness:

  • The outer leaves of the cob wrapper dry out and resemble parchment in appearance.
  • The tassel crowning the cob dries out and turns brown.
  • The shell of the grains hardens and takes on an orange or honey-yellow color.
  • Due to the increase in starch content, when pressing on the grain shell, juice is not released.

Corn harvest time by region of Russia

In Russian rural farms The start time of the harvesting campaign varies due to strong geographical and climatic diversity. In addition, the purpose is important harvested. For example, corn is harvested for silage when the stage of milky-waxy ripeness comes to an end. At this time, the grains have the maximum concentration of sugar. According to chemical and physical indicators, this is the best corn silage.

Photo: harvesting corn in autumn

IN middle lane In Russia, the optimal soil temperature for corn growth and environment is established in the second half of May. Thus, the collection of ripe cobs, as a rule, begins in mid-August and can continue, depending on the variety, until September-October.

In the Krasnodar Territory and neighboring warm regions, the “queen of fields” is planted earlier, and the harvesting campaign lasts longer - from July to mid-autumn.

Video: how corn is harvested

The latter part of the hottest time of the year is simply paradise for corn fans. This cereal is prepared different ways: browned on the grill, dried in the oven, or simply boiled.

Cooking takes the least time and effort, so even a beginner can cope with this simple culinary solution. It would seem that cooking this cereal should not raise any questions, but in fact, how much time should be devoted to this stage in order to get the most delicious product?

It is important to achieve a “golden mean” so that the product does not turn out too raw or overcooked.

Read further in the article about how to properly cook corn.

How to choose corn?

To create a successful dish, it is important to purchase the right product. Buy sweet corn, so it will still have a pleasant taste, while varieties bred specifically for animal feeding do not have a pleasant taste.

So, how to distinguish one variety from the other? The fact is that the shape and size of the cobs of both varieties can be completely different, which is their common feature. The main difference in the choice of these two varieties may be the shade of the hairy part of the heads of cabbage.

Forage varieties have brownish hairs, while young sweet cobs have light, sometimes even transparent hairs. More mature sweet varieties have a light hairy part, but the tips of the hairs may have a brownish color.

After purchasing corn, it is important to talk a little about it proper storage. It is better not to store the product outside the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and richness of taste.

If you buy too much corn, boil most of it and place the rest in freezer. This way the cereal will retain its structure, rich taste and juiciness under freezing conditions.

In order to defrost it, simply place it on a plate in conditions room temperature. This way the cob will retain its structure without changes in taste and other characteristics.

By the way, you can often find this product frozen in stores. Next, let's talk about how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan so that the final product leaves pleasant impression from everyone who will taste your dish.

The choice of this cereal is, perhaps, the key point that determines its further taste. In a store or supermarket, look for cobs that have a light yellow tint. They have reached the ideal state of ripeness, while darkish varieties will have an unpleasant dryish taste.

Prepare the required capacity for cooking. Pour water into it and fill it with the required amount of corn cobs. Add a little salt to the water and turn on the stove. Once the water reaches a boil, simmer the contents of the pan for about fifteen minutes. After this time, the young corn will be able to reach the correct level of cooking.

Some cooking techniques may add a pinch of sugar to the water to enrich the overall flavor of the cereal.

Mexicans add syrups and even milk to the water for cooking this product. You need to add sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per ten heads of cabbage.. We will tell you more about how long to cook young corn below.

Check the final product for readiness. To do this, prepare a fork and lightly pierce the cooked cobs. If the corn has reached a suitable level of readiness, the fork will go in easily; it will take a little force to work on the damp grain.

For proper cooking, you must ensure that the water level in the saucepan is high enough to completely cover the entire contents. If the water is two to three centimeters above the fruits, they are guaranteed to cook evenly and correctly.

After the product is cooked, you can bring it to an even more “tasty” state. To do this, rub it with salt, oil or a mixture of various spices.

If you add salt to the water while cooking the cabbage, it will become coarser. Therefore, they need to be salted five minutes before they are ready or already while serving the finished product.

Do not cook the product over constant high heat. Reduce the intensity of the flame after the water boils.
It's best to eat freshly prepared warm product. The fact is that when cooling, the fruit begins to noticeably harden, which significantly reduces its taste qualities.

It is best to immerse the cobs not in cold water, but in water that has already been brought to a boil.
In addition to sugar, you can add a little butter to the water: this will make the product more tender and soft.

How long to cook young corn

Let's talk a little about cooking young cobs. It is worth considering that the younger the product, the less time it requires to prepare. The same rule applies in reverse: the older the corn, the longer it will take to reach a state of complete readiness.

So, by placing young products in a cauldron, they will reach a state of readiness in 20-25 minutes. After you remove the water from the pan, cover the container with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel.. This method will help the product to steam thoroughly, become soft and juicy.

How to cook corn correctly

After the water in the pan reaches a boil, you need to slightly reduce the gas and cook it for twenty minutes.

After this time, the water in the cauldron will become more cloudy and begin to foam: in this case, it is urgent to remove the product from the pan. Cloudiness of the water indicates that the cereal has begun to secrete sugar, and if this is not stopped, the fruit will lose its rich, slightly sweet taste.

There is an idea among people that this product needs to be cooked for at least forty minutes. This opinion passed from housewife to housewife from generation to generation until someone decided to reduce the cooking time.

This decision prompted culinary experts to think that this fruit reaches readiness much earlier than this time and its taste is even more rich.

How long to cook bonduelle corn

This variety of corn is a real find for vegetarians and the elderly. The fact is that in the first case the product is able to give required quantity protein that can be easily digested, and in the second case helps prevent atherosclerosis - a disease of cholesterol plaques.

If you decide to purchase this variety, you will probably be faced with the question of how long it will take to cook bonduelle corn.

To prepare this variety of cereal, you need to start processing it. Clean the corn from unnecessary darkened particles, wash thoroughly and place in a container. Hairs and leaves can be placed at the bottom to enrich the overall flavor.

Break cobs that are too large into several pieces so that they can be conveniently placed in a container. If desired, add a pinch of sugar to the cauldron and turn on the stove. After the water boils, cook the contents for ten to fifteen minutes.

After this time, leave the cobs in the water for about five minutes to soften them. Serve the product on a plate along with butter or salt.

To prepare cereal in a multicooker, you will have to go through all the cooking steps described above, but you need to specify the “legumes” cooking mode. If this item is not available, you can turn on the classic “cooking” or “soup” mode.

During cooking, you can periodically check the readiness of the product using a fork. Don't forget to fill the kitchen "machine" to the top and cover the top of the cobs with leaves.

Cooking corn in different ways: cooking time

There are many options for preparing this cereal in a way that brings out the multi-faceted flavor of corn. To successfully create a dish, the cook must be well aware of how long to cook corn on the cob, and what tricks there are to make it as tasty as possible.

To cook cobs in the oven, you need to prepare a deep baking sheet and grease its surface with butter. Next, sort, peel and wash the cobs thoroughly.

Place them in a baking tray and fill it halfway with water. Next, cover the container with foil and bake it for one or two hours. The exact baking time depends on the ripeness of the cobs, so in this case you need to pay attention to the degree of cooking. More details about this will be written below.

Double boiler

The steamer must be filled with water. Grease the grate with butter, place the cleaned cobs in it and close the lid tightly. In this case, the cooking time most often reaches forty minutes.


The microwave is that item kitchen appliances, which is found in almost every home. In order to start cooking corn using microwave oven, place the cobs in water for about an hour, then in a plastic bag, pour a little water into it and tie it tightly.

Don't forget to make several holes in the bag so that steam can escape from it periodically. Turn your microwave on the highest power setting and cook the corn for fifteen minutes.

Air fryer

To prepare the product using an air fryer, wrap them in cling film and lay them out. Next, adjust the temperature to approximately 205 degrees and cook the cobs for forty minutes.

How to check the doneness of corn

We've figured out how long to cook corn on the cob, but how do you know if it's ready? In order to understand this, there are several ways. Remove the head of cabbage from the pan with a fork, place it on a board or plate and cut off a few grains. Taste them and then determine the degree of readiness of the product. Stick a fork into the grains and determine their softness, and therefore readiness.

The final product can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, the heads of cabbage will lose their juiciness and become dry. This will make them practically unfit for consumption, which is why you need to calculate the amount of food you prepare.

“Extra” heads of cabbage can be placed in a bag and frozen. Defrosting can take place at room temperature or using a microwave oven.

Overripe corn: can it be fixed?

In order to get rid of the unpleasant qualities of overripe cereals, there is one way. To do this, peel the heads of cabbage, cut them in half and fill them with a mixture of cow's milk and water in equal proportions.

After four hours, the heads of cabbage will become soft, juicy and sweet again. Therefore, they are suitable for further use. By the way, old cobs can be cooked for two or even three hours to achieve readiness.

How long should you cook beans?

We figured out how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, but how long does it take to cook? various types legumes? Very often, a novice cook finds himself at a loss when thinking about this question, since most packages of legumes do not indicate the exact cooking time. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you read the following recommendations.

Cooking whole peas will take a long time. Before cooking, you need to place the beans in a container of water and leave it for an hour or an hour and a half. Then drain this water and fill with new cold fluid.

Cooking whole peas will take about an hour and a half, while halved peas do not require pre-soaking and cook for about half an hour.

Large beans require pre-soaking before cooking, just as with peas. Soak her in cold water for about six to ten hours.

Drain the water and boil it for an hour. The green beans will be ready within seven minutes after the water starts boiling. Frozen beans will take about the same time to cook.

To cook lentils, place them in boiling water. The variety affects the cooking time: red lentils are ready 10 minutes after boiling, green lentils after 30, brown lentils after 40.

Ripening times vary from variety to variety, so it is important to know how to determine the maturity of this crop without a calendar. Check the top ears first, as they are the earliest to ripen. Therefore, if you want to try it, feel free to break off the top one and cook. Usually it is the top ears that deviate to the side, indicating the degree of ripening, until they descend perpendicular to the stem.

The next step is to check the cob. The grains should become swollen over the entire area of ​​the cob, and the threads with which it is dotted should dry out. It is by the color of these threads that ripeness can be determined. When they turn brown, dry and come off easily, the crop is ready for harvest. Inspect the top of the cob. It should be round and blunt, which means the grains are ripe.

If the previous steps did not give you an idea of ​​the maturity of the corn, carefully move the leaves and inspect the kernels - the cob should be completely covered with them. Press a few grains with your fingernail; if the liquid that comes out is white, you can pick the corn. If the liquid is clear, the corn is not yet ripe, and if it is very thick, then it is overripe.

And the color of the grains can tell a lot. When corn enters the stage of milky ripeness, they are light yellow; the closer the corn is to full ripeness, the darker and richer their color becomes.

If you are growing popping corn, the kernels of which are used to make popcorn, wait until the stalk turns brown first. For the popping variety, the harvest period is shifted as the ears are harvested at peak ripeness. That is, the later, the better. Therefore, you should wait until Brown color will acquire a stem, an ear, and leaves.

The ripening time of the crop varies depending on the variety and the region of Russia in which it is grown. For example, in the Moscow region, early-ripening varieties are most often grown, the harvest of which can be harvested in late July and early August. Among the varieties with which fields are sown in the Moscow region, the best are considered to be: “Dobrynya”, “Lakomka 121”, “Rannyaya Zolotaya 401”, “Spirit F1”. They are distinguished by high yields, resistance to many diseases and are among the first to ripen among all varieties.

On average, from the emergence of seedlings to full ripening, it takes from 65 to 150 days. The flowering period begins at approximately 60-65 days, but this depends on the variety, just as the milky ripeness stage occurs at 75-85 days. The period varies not only depending on the variety, but also on the region of Russia in which the corn grows, as well as on the quality of care for it.

So, when you realize that the corn is ripe (in the Moscow region this period occurs at the end of August and lasts almost until the end of September), it is time to collect it. No special preparation is needed for this procedure, so harvesting will be easy and without problems.

Collection is best done early in the morning. First of all, put on gloves to avoid damaging your hands. Squeeze the cob in your palm, hold the stem with the other palm, pull the cob down and turn it.

It should be noted that most sweet varieties lose their taste within 24 hours after harvest. This means that the crop must be immediately sent for processing or eaten. However, there are tricks to maintaining the sweetness of the beans.

Place the cobs in a cool place, such as a vegetable storage compartment in the refrigerator. This will slow down the conversion of sugar to starch and preserve the flavor of the corn for a week.

Considering that most varieties, especially hybrid ones, produce 2-4 ears per plant, pick them off gradually, maintaining a harvest interval of at least 10 days.

When collecting popping corn (in the Moscow region this period begins in mid-September), try to do it before frost sets in. Again, arm yourself with gloves and start breaking off the cobs. When the stems and leaves dry out, this procedure will not take much time and effort.

The popped corn is then dried for at least 4 weeks, preferably 6-7 weeks, to retain only a small amount of moisture in the kernels. They dry it by placing it in mesh bags, which are then hung in a warm room with good ventilation. At the end of the drying stage, the grains are separated from the cobs by rolling them between the palms. This procedure is also recommended to be carried out with gloves so as not to damage the skin with the sharp edges of the grains.

Properly dried popcorn kernels can be stored in airtight jars in a dark, dry place. High humidity will cause them to become damp and unfit for consumption.