White coating on Kalanchoe leaves. What diseases and pests can destroy Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is considered a fairly unpretentious plant; even inexperienced gardeners grow it successfully. But sometimes it refuses to grow. Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, wither, dry out or darken.

What is the reason for this state of the flower? Usually all troubles arise due to errors in caring for the plant. Gross mistakes during cultivation can lead not only to loss of decorativeness, but also to the death of the plant.

Possible causes of yellowing leaves and their solutions

Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves is the most common reaction of the plant to unsuitable living conditions. Leaves may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • Temperature too high;
  • Incorrect lighting;
  • Non-optimal watering regime;
  • Very low air humidity;
  • Incorrect feeding;
  • Late replanting and lack of pruning.


Kalanchoe grows well at temperatures of 18-22ºС. And if the flower tolerates a slight decrease without harm, then its increase negatively affects the appearance of the plant.

If the air temperature for a long time stays around 30ºС, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off. First, the oldest lower leaves of Kalanchoe dry and fall off, but if coolness does not set in, yellowing of the young ones begins. sheet plates OK.

Kalanchoe grows best in air-conditioned rooms, where even in summer heat The air temperature is easy to regulate. If there is no air conditioning in the room, in summer the flower is kept on the north-eastern windowsills, where it is not hot and the sun only appears in the morning.

Incorrect lighting

Kalanchoe requires bright. It requires direct sunlight for 2-3 hours a day. Without this, the stems will begin to stretch and the leaves will shrink.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves dry out? Do not leave the plant in direct sunlight all day.

In this case, yellow spots on Kalanchoe leaves - sunburn.

The burned leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow and the leaves dry out and then fall off.

To keep the plant green and beautiful, it is kept on eastern windows, where the sun appears only for a few hours. The rest of the time, the flower here is in diffused light, which has a beneficial effect on its growth.

Daylight hours for Kalanchoe should be no more than 10 hours. Therefore, after 2-3 o’clock in the afternoon, it is put away in a closet or covered with a dark cap.

Watering errors

Sometimes yellowness on the leaves occurs due to improper soil moisture. Despite the fact that Kalanchoe is a succulent, it requires regular watering. However, too wet soil is detrimental to the plant. It is harmed by both drying out of the soil and stagnation of water in it.

If the plant regularly does not receive the required amount of moisture and the earthen ball in the pot dries out completely, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

If the plant is watered too often and intensely or the drainage in the pot does not allow excess moisture to drain out, water may stagnate in the soil. This leads to rotting of the root system.

The flower stops growing, then its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off en masse.

Optimal watering regime will ensure plant health, its intensive growth and decorativeness. At proper watering The soil in the Kalanchoe pot should be slightly moist. Between waterings, only the top layer should dry out.

Very low air humidity

Kalanchoe is adapted to exist in low humidity. However, very dry air can greatly harm the plant. This is especially dangerous in combination with high temperature content. Under such conditions, the leaves turn yellow and dry out, and then fall off.

Most often, plants suffer from dry air during the heating season.. With proper maintenance in winter, the air temperature for Kalanchoe should be reduced to 15-17ºС.

But if this is not possible and the plant is kept at room temperature, and even near the heating radiator, it may lose most their leaves, especially from the side of the heating device. To prevent this from happening, in winter you need to keep the flower on the coldest windowsill, away from heating.

Feeding errors

Why do Kalanchoe leaves fall off? Often in Kalanchoe, when there is a lack of nutrition, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall off. It is necessary to feed the plant, because it is planted in soil for succulents, which is usually not rich in humus.

During the growing season, soil depletion soon occurs. And regular but moderate feeding will provide the flower with a decorative appearance and green foliage.

This plant should be fed very carefully. Any excess of nutrients in the soil is just as harmful to the flower as their deficiency.

Fertilizing is carried out only from May to September. In other months, Kalanchoe is not fertilized.

Kalanchoe is fed 1-2 times a month with liquid fertilizers for succulents. They need to be diluted so that their concentration in water for irrigation is 2 times lower than indicated on the package.

Late timing and errors in pruning and replanting

Young bushes need to be replanted annually. Adult Kalanchoe in fresh soil every 2-3 years. If replanting is not done or done very rarely, the soil in the pot is greatly depleted and the plant lacks nutrients. Even regular feeding does not help. Lower leaves the branches turn yellow and crumble, the shoots become bare.

Particular attention should be paid to pruning the plant. Only a properly formed bush will delight you with beautiful, large and green leaves.

If the plant is not pruned, the old leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off. This is a natural process, but if the shoots are not rejuvenated by pruning, they become very elongated and unattractively exposed.

Why do the tips of the leaves turn yellow?

Sometimes only the tips of Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry out. This happens especially often with recently acquired plants. The reason is the changed conditions of existence.

The leaves of the plant are very sensitive to temperature and humidity.

If the temperature in the room is significantly higher than in the garden center where the plant was previously located, then yellowing of the tips of the leaves cannot be avoided.

Decorative Kalanchoes are most often purchased in winter, when they bloom luxuriantly. Getting into a heated city ​​apartment, plants react negatively to dry air. The tips of their leaves turn yellow and then dry out. It is advisable to humidify the air near the plant at first.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves wither?

Quite often, flower growers are faced with the following problem: Kalanchoe leaves become soft, wither and soon fall off. There are several reasons for leaf wilting:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil;
  • Root system rotting;
  • A sharp drop in temperature.

Young plants that have not yet accumulated enough water in the above-ground part may drop their leaves when the soil dries out.

The leaf blades become soft, but after watering they are completely restored. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out.

If you still forgot to water the plant, drying out should not be long, otherwise the flower will shed its leaves.

When water stagnates in a pot, root rot– fungal disease. It manifests itself in the withering and falling of the leaves of the plant. Unfortunately, in this case the plant cannot be saved. To prevent root rot, you must strictly adhere to the watering regime.

When the temperature drops sharply, the plant may drop its leaves. It also reacts to a cold draft.

Causes of blackening of Kalanchoe leaves

Why Kalanchoe leaves turn black - he was amazed fungal infection. Often the flower suffers from leaf or stem rot, which occurs when there is excess moisture. Increased humidity and stagnation of air in the room contribute to this. Therefore, you need to keep Kalanchoe in a regularly ventilated area.

Often fungus occurs due to improper watering. Even if watering is moderate, but water regularly gets on the leaves and shoots of the plant, there is a high risk of infection with rot.

Therefore, it is necessary to water carefully, making sure that the water gets only into the soil and does not wet the ground part of the bush.

It is a very valuable plant, as it combines both decorative and medicinal components. Kalanchoe comes from Madagascar, but despite its exotic nature, it feels great in the home conditions of our climate.

With proper care, Kalanchoe will definitely delight you with beautiful flowering. The buds usually have a pink tint and perfectly decorate the interior of the room. Kalanchoe has been nicknamed the “indoor analogue of ginseng”, since it is difficult to list all the healing properties of this plant. After all, it has a healing effect, is actively used in cosmetology and even improves the energy background of the apartment.

Before buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the Kalanchoe, because it depends on how strong and beautiful plant will be able to grow in the future. In order to choose a healthy plant, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The stem of Kalanchoe should be smooth, without dry leaves or damage.
  • It is best to buy a plant during the flowering period; the number of buds will show how healthy the Kalanchoe is.
  • Considering this point, the best time to buy a plant is winter, because Kalanchoes bloom in winter and are dormant in summer.
  • The foliage should not have spots.

Growing conditions

For the plant to be healthy and beautiful, it needs proper lighting, temperature, humidity and soil composition:

  • Kalanchoe cannot be called a whimsical plant. You can place the plant in almost any convenient place. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, but it is best to choose a place for Kalanchoe where the light will be slightly diffused. From time to time it is useful to take it out into the sun in the afternoon. Too aggressive sunlight leaves burns on the leaves, and the plant begins to lag in growth. With proper lighting, Kalanchoe foliage will be framed with a brown border. If there is not enough light, the plant usually stretches out and the color of the leaves becomes dull.
  • Air temperature and humidity The most suitable temperature is in the range from 23 to 28 degrees. Kalanchoe will withstand hotter temperatures, but this implies common plants, otherwise, the Kalanchoe may dry out. If we talk about low temperatures, then the critical point is a temperature below ten degrees, at which the plant can freeze and die. It is important to protect Kalanchoe from frosty winds, as the foliage of the plant is prone to frostbite. Kalanchoe does not require spraying; on the contrary, excessive moisture can be harmful to it. Therefore, it is enough to wipe the foliage with a damp cloth.
  • Priming. Kalanchoe belongs to the succulent family, so you can safely take already ready mixture soil in the store. However, if we look at the composition of the soil in more detail, it consists of peat with the addition of coconut fiber. The structure of the soil is loose; it should not retain water and interfere with the flow of oxygen to the plant. If you make the substrate yourself, you can take different proportions of humus, turf and coarse sand. It is important to disinfect the soil before planting the plant in order to avoid various infections of Kalanchoe.

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, overwatering can cause great harm to the plant. Watering should be done as follows: completely spill the soil and drain the remainder through the holes in the pot to prevent stagnation of water. In winter, a couple of waterings per week are enough for the plant; in extreme heat, the frequency should be increased.

Excessive watering of a plant can be identified by the following signs:

  • Droopy foliage of dull color.
  • The appearance of dark spots with a yellow border.
  • The soil remains moist and does not dry out.

How to save a plant:

  1. It is necessary to remove the plant from the planting container and check the root system. If it is not damaged by rotting, then the Kalanchoe does not need to be replanted.
  2. Blot the roots of the plant with a napkin.
  3. Place the Kalanchoe in a warm and dry place (but not near heaters).
  4. After the plant has dried, it can be returned to the planting container, updating the drainage if it is not good enough.

In case of damage to the root system, all rotten areas must be cut off and the cut areas treated with an antiseptic solution or ash. Next, the plant needs to be dried and you can begin replanting. Kalanchoe does not require frequent feeding; it is enough to choose a fertilizer composition in the store that is intended for succulents and use it according to the instructions. You should not feed Kalanchoe in winter, as this can harm the plant.

Basic rules for transplanting Kalanchoe:

  • Kalanchoe grows quite intensively, so it may require annual replanting.
  • Each time the landing capacity is increased by at least three centimeters in volume.
  • You should not replant the plant during the flowering period, as there is a risk that the buds will fall off and adaptation will be extremely difficult.
  • Having previously moistened the soil well, the plant is taken out of the planting container along with clods of old soil, and then thoroughly shaken off.
  • Before transplanting, always inspect the root system for rotting and remove the affected areas.
  • The new pot is thoroughly washed with hot water and rinsed with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Next, a layer of drainage (from 2 cm thick) is laid on the bottom of the planting container and sprinkled with prepared and disinfected soil up to half the pot.
  • The plant is placed vertically and sprinkled with the remaining soil, subsequently compacted.
  • You can add fertilizer to the soil for better adaptation of the plant.
  • Kalanchoe is spilled with water, waiting until the excess moisture drains out of the holes in the planting container.

Pruning is a very useful procedure for Kalanchoe. Thanks to timely pruning, the crown becomes richer and a lot of new shoots appear. Kalanchoe pruning is carried out after flowering. Dried inflorescences are cut off to the very base, after which the Kalanchoe produces new shoots.

In addition, you can pinch the Kalanchoe; this manipulation will allow you to form a crown and give it a neat appearance.

How to properly prune so that the Kalanchoe blooms again:

  • First, the plant must be placed in partial shade; light should reach the plant no more than six hours a day.
  • After this, it is necessary to prune the dried inflorescences; new buds should no longer form.
  • Watering is reduced to once every two weeks.
  • The plant is kept in a cool place, the temperature should not be more than 20 degrees.
  • Before the winter period, care is returned to the usual regimen.

After these simple procedures, the Kalanchoe begins to bloom soon.

The consequences of improper care can negatively affect Kalanchoe, so it is very important to maintain a comfortable living environment and monitor the condition of the plant.

There are several main points that owners of this plant may encounter:

  • If the Kalanchoe becomes elongated and the lower leaves wither, then it does not have enough sunlight.
  • If Kalanchoe sheds its leaves, this may be the reason for rare ventilation of the room.
  • Spots on Kalanchoe foliage can appear due to sunburn or excessive crowding of plants.
  • If Kalanchoe stops growing and drops its leaves, this may indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Curled leaves of a plant may indicate too much peat in the soil.
  • If Kalanchoe foliage becomes soft and falls off, this is due to too frequent watering or rotting of the root system.
  • If the foliage of the plant dries out, then most likely the frequency of watering should be increased.

The most common diseases that you may encounter when growing Kalanchoe are:

  • Gray mold damage occurs due to excess moisture and improper lighting conditions. The foliage becomes covered with spots and a gray coating. The disease spreads very actively to nearby plants. Treatment occurs by treating the plant.
  • manifested by the formation of a whitish coating and leaf fall. The disease occurs due to excessively dry air or heat. Treatment is carried out by treating the plant with a fungicide.
  • Rot appears as black and wet spots on the plant. It usually occurs due to high humidity and is treated with an insecticide. But if treatment does not help Kalanchoe, then the plant should be disposed of.
  • Ring spotting, which appears as characteristic circles on the foliage of the plant. The leaves become rough and lose their shape. This disease cannot be cured, so it is necessary to dispose of the plant as soon as possible.

Basic Kalanchoe pests that you may encounter:

  1. Multi-clawed mite. Its presence is manifested by brown crusts on the foliage of Kalanchoe, which stops growing and begins to curl inward. A mite is a white or transparent insect that lives directly on the plant. To combat the pest, wash with a soap solution and subsequent treatment with an insecticide.
  2. Aphid. When infested by aphids, the foliage becomes yellow and deformed with a sticky coating. Fight aphids with a soap solution and a suitable insecticide. Aphids very actively spread to neighboring plants, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the Kalanchoe.
  3. Mealybug. The veins of Kalanchoe leaves are covered with a whitish coating. To combat the mealybug, it is necessary to remove all affected leaves, and then treat the plant with an insecticide.
  4. Shield. Kalanchoe foliage dries and falls off, the stem becomes covered with a sticky coating, and the plant stops growing. Pest control is carried out by manually collecting pests and washing the plant. The dense shell of the scale insect protects it from most chemicals, so wiping the foliage with a swab moistened with alcohol works well. However, you should be careful not to burn the plant.

Kalanchoe is a rather unpretentious plant. If you know the main points of proper care and maintain a comfortable living environment, then the Kalanchoe will become a real decoration of the house and will delight the owner with beautiful flowering.

More information can be found in the video:

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow? What to do? This query is often entered into search engines by people who are too actively caring for their indoor flowers. Let's look at why this happens.

Improper watering

Most gardeners do not realize that Kalanchoe is a succulent. Water is poured with a generous hand, from the heart and often. They don’t even allow the soil in the pot to dry thoroughly. But the plant is quite capable of doing without watering for quite a long time. And overwatering leads to severe rotting of the roots. And while it is very easy to save a Kalanchoe that has withered due to drought, one that has turned yellow from overwatering is almost never restored.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, soft, watery. The Kalanchoe itself looks depressed; often the shoots bend under the weight of water inside the leaf blades.

What to do. Urgent rescue! Simply stopping watering, as some sources recommend, will do nothing. The root system has already begun to rot. This process must be stopped immediately, otherwise the plant will die.

To do this, the Kalanchoe is pulled out of the pot, then the roots are thoroughly washed under running water. warm water. Now you need to carefully cut off everything rotten, bad-smelling and dark in color. The sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon and left to dry in the open air for at least an hour.

After this, the Kalanchoe is transplanted into another soil and a new pot. The old one may contain many pathogenic bacteria.

In the future, the moderation of watering is strictly monitored. Recommended scheme: the top layer of soil in the pot has dried, plus another 5 days. By the way, they are not particularly zealous. The soil is only slightly moistened. There is no need to wait for water to flow out of the drainage holes. Kalanchoe doesn't like this. Otherwise, the root system, like a pump, will absorb absolutely all the moisture. And the unknowing owners will start watering the plant again when they see dry soil in the pot. The circle will close and the leaves will begin to turn yellow again.

Incorrect lighting

Signs of lack of light. The leaves turn yellow and become smaller. The shoots become thin and long, like matches.

What to do. Kalanchoe loves bright light. But no more than 10 hours a day. Therefore, there are only 2 outputs:

  1. Artificially create short daylight hours by covering the Kalanchoe with light-proof material.
  2. Choose a place of detention where the duration of lighting will be normal. For example, the eastern window sill.

By the way, if the Kalanchoe has already stretched out and turned yellow, then it will not be possible to save the shoots. They will no longer become a lush compact bush. They will have to be cut off. Just don't throw it away. Such shoots take root well, so why not get a few new plants? These can then be easily formed into a beautiful crown with proper care.

Dry air

The second most common cause of yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves, especially during the heating season. Rarely does anyone think about how hot heating radiators affect a plant.

Signs. The tips of the leaves throughout the plant turn yellow and then begin to dry out entirely.

What to do. Humidify the air around the Kalanchoe as often as possible. You can do this in several ways:

  • Spray warm clean water from a spray bottle.
  • Place several additional containers with plain water around.
  • Cover radiators with wet towels or blankets.
  • Place a tray with expanded clay, peat or sphagnum next to it. Water them constantly.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to provide the Kalanchoe with normal moist air, then it is better to artificially put it into a state of rest. Place in a cool place (+14-16°C), reduce watering. The plant can remain in this position for no more than 2 months, but then you will have to come up with something to increase the humidity. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves will turn yellow.


    Signs. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, look cooked, wrinkled, but not dry. The plant overall looks healthy.

    What to do. Stop frying Kalanchoe. It loves bright light, so many gardeners place it on a south or west window. This is quite acceptable, but in recent years it has been summer middle zone brings incredible surprises. In the sun, the thermometer creeps much higher than +40°C. As a result, the plant is simply fried.

    It is imperative to shade the Kalanchoe in the hottest sun. This can be done with white paper or thick light cloth. As a result, the plant will receive enough lighting, but will do without sunburn. Or better yet, move the pot behind the curtain. For example, on a table or bedside table near the window. Then you won’t have to fence the shading every day.

    Natural wilting

    Signs. The leaves sometimes turn yellow at the bottom of the stem, gradually dry out and fall off. The plant looks vigorous, grows and blooms well.

    What to do. Don't change anything! Your pet is happy with absolutely everything. And the loss of a certain number of lower leaves is a normal natural aging process. You should not interfere with the usual microclimate. Kalanchoe feels great.

    Wrong fertilizer

    An excess of nutrients is just as destructive as a deficiency. Immediately after transplantation, some comrades begin to zealously pour handfuls of fertilizer into the pot. What about Kalanchoe? The root system absorbs everything without complaint. But the leaves refuse to accept such gluttony.

    Signs. The leaf blades first turn yellow, then turn brown. A red border and brown weeping spots may appear. The plant looks unhealthy and does not bloom. Appears a large number of loose shoots, the tops may begin to rot.

    What to do. Stop eating yourself and stop stuffing the innocent flower. This is a succulent, it is used to living in very harsh conditions. And you give him fertilizer!

    Normally, you need to reduce the dose of microelements recommended by the manufacturer by 2 times. Then all this goodness will be useful. Too much is always harmful. Have you ever seen fat people full of health? There are no such things. So why should it be any different with Kalanchoe? Always think before you pour mineral water into your irrigation water.

    Advice. To avoid mistakes, use long-lasting fertilizers. Simply place the tablet or granule in the pot. Kalanchoe itself will take as much food as it needs during the next watering.

    Signs. Leaf blades change pigmentation throughout the plant, sticky spots appear, small dots. Then they grow.

    What to do. Open eyes. After all, it is very difficult not to notice uninvited guests on the leaves of Kalanchoe. Insects are very clearly visible to the naked eye, especially on the underside of the leaves.

    Immediately treat the victim with any insecticide systemic action. Just be sure to look for the phrase “approved for indoor plants” on the packaging. And strictly follow the dosage.

    It is advisable to quarantine the Kalanchoe for a while so that other flowers do not become infected. If necessary, the treatment is repeated again after about 7-10 days.

    Excessive watering or too cold air often lead to various diseases. As a rule, owners realize this too late.

    Signs. The leaves turn yellow very quickly, then become covered with a bluish coating. Or whitish fluff. The plant withers and then dies.

    What to do. Of course, you can try to save the Kalanchoe by spraying it with a fungicide. But even if it recovers, it will look very unpresentable. What beauty is there in a long, bald stem with a bunch of crooked, misshapen leaves at the top? Still not a palm tree.

    There is only one way out of this situation. You will have to cut as many healthy cuttings as possible to try to root them and grow a new Kalanchoe. As a rule, there are no problems with this; the shoots very quickly gain strength, build up the root system and begin to grow.

    And there is no need to grieve over the loss. In any situation you need to be able to see your advantages. But you will have many young healthy plants instead of one sick and shabby poor fellow.

    Now you know why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do? - also aware. Therefore, you can provide your pet with decent living conditions at home and without yellowing. And he will thank you lush green foliage and fabulous blooms.

    Video: secrets of caring and growing Kalanchoe

    Why did the Schefflera leaves become sticky? How to care for her?

    This is a scale insect or a false scale insect. If affected by scale insects, treat with Actellik. It is necessary to dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water and treat it during the period when the pest appears. Solution consumption up to 2 liters per 10 sq.m. No more than 4 treatments. Waiting period 3 days..

    It's either a scale insect or an aphid...mine had a false scale insect. I just washed it off slowly with soapy water and that was it. I already have it as a tree. It was not possible to wash everything right away. Gradually. good luck to you)

    I read that such a disease needs to be fought by washing off the aphids (scale insects). Once a week - shower under pressure, but at the same time cover the ground with cellophane. Periodically, the plant must be washed with a soapy solution of laundry soap, and after an hour and a half, be sure to wash it off, but do this in the absence of sun. Good luck! Also, do not pour water into the plant, and use warm and softened water; between treatments, spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle. And remember that water quality plays a very important role important role in the life of plants and other living organisms!

    The first sign is a shiny sticky discharge that looks like a splash of syrup.


    Kalanchoe - flower of life

    Kalanchoe is not only an ornamental plant, but also a medicinal plant. The birthplace of this beautiful flower is Madagascar. This plant itself is unpretentious, but you just need to follow some rules for its maintenance. Kalanchoe, like cacti, belongs to the genus of succulents; only a few species grow in indoor floriculture, although in wildlife there are almost 200 species. For more than a century, this plant has been helping people restore lost health.

    Varieties and types of Kalanchoe

    Since there are many varieties found in the wild, we will describe only those that are found in our garden centers, and, therefore, they grow in our houses and apartments.

  • The most common Kalanchoe Kalandiva belongs to the Crassulaceae family, has a thick stem and has a long flowering period from December to April, the flowers are small, double and formed into elegant panicles. It grows as a small shrub that requires pruning after flowering. The shades of its flowers are pink, yellow and white, it all depends on the plant variety.
  • Rosalina – comes from the vast expanses of South Africa and has colorful, bright pink flowers.
  • Blossfeld - it is also called Kalanchoe mix, it is very miniature plant, having a variety of shades of colors - lilac, red, white.
  • Mangini - has thin stems about 30 cm long and blooms with drooping bell-like flowers. It looks very nice in the interior, planted in a hanging pot.
  • Laciniata - also called Staghorn, has thick leaves with jagged edges. It is also native to Africa and in nature it grows up to one and a half meters high.
  • All varieties have beautiful flowering and healing properties.

    Kalanchoe Blossfeld

    Planting, care and propagation

    Like any plant, it has its own secrets. It has taken root well at home. Simply by growing it, you must comply certain rules, here are some of them.

    How to properly create a watering regime

    This tropical plant does not respond well to waterlogging of the soil. When the ground is constantly wet, the roots will begin to rot. Even when the plant blooms, watering is not increased, but watered occasionally and little by little.

    IN summer period The plant is watered with cool water that has been standing for a day to get rid of chlorine. If the water is very hard, then the water must be softened by boiling. To do this, boil half of the water and let it settle. After which it is mixed with settled water, as a result the hardness decreases.

    When watering, you should also avoid getting water on the leaves and trunk. If they come into contact with them, rotting may begin. If the plant overwaters, it must be carefully removed from the pot and wrapped in a lump of soil with disposable paper towels, which will absorb excess water. In hot weather, the approximate frequency of moisturizing is once every four days. Since the plant has a large supply of water in its leaf blades, it does not face a lack of water. Overwatering is more dangerous for him.

    In winter, especially if the room is cool, the plant is watered much less often. Need to water warm water about once a week. If overwatering occurs in winter, the plant is likely to die. After watering cold water the plant may become sick and die.


    Since the birthplace of this plant is South Africa, it loves sunlight very much. You can safely leave it on a sunny windowsill in the summer until lunchtime. In the afternoon, if there is no natural shadow, then it must be created. Otherwise, the succulent leaves may burn in the afternoon sun. Burns that appear on the leaves do not heal and remain until the end of the leaf's life. In winter, the sun is safe for the plant and there is no need to move it into the shade.


    This plant prefers moderate temperatures from 16 degrees 20 degrees Celsius. But even if the temperature drops to 5 degrees Celsius, it will not cause damage to the flower. The most interesting thing is that this flower cannot tolerate temperatures above 30 degrees, and begins to suffer from various diseases.

    Air humidity

    No flower required high humidity air and therefore does not need daily spraying. If you constantly expose it to high humidity, the leaves will accumulate an excess of water and begin to crack. And already the fungus can get into the damaged leaves, and the leaf begins to rot. So the dry air is in heating season he is absolutely not afraid.

    Top dressing

    There is almost no need to feed, since the plant does not like feeding and reacts poorly to it. But if a shortage of minerals nevertheless begins, then you need to start fertilizing with fertilizer for cacti, since there is a low nitrogen content. In winter, fertilizing is strictly prohibited; the flower will not survive this. Best time for feeding, this is the beginning of May and when watering with fertilizer for cacti, the dose should still be halved.

    Transplanting a plant

    It is good to replant a plant using transfer; this is a method in which the old soil is not shaken off the roots, but is simply carefully transferred from one pot to a slightly larger one. You should not water immediately after transplanting.

    The first watering is carried out the next day after possible wounds on the roots of the plant have healed. Under good conditions, the flower is accepted within a week. If for some reason the transplant is carried out in winter, then the room must be warm.

    Reproduction of Kalanchoe

    The plant reproduces, just like Money Tree, very easily - by cuttings, children or seed propagation. It is very interesting when fallen leaves in the same pot take root in the ground and a small young bush forms at the feet of an adult plant.

    To propagate using seeds, they are planted without burying them in the ground and covered with dark glass. As soon as the first leaves appear, they are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. During the period of growth of the children, they are sometimes fed with fertilizer for cacti.

    Kalanchoe flowering

    Flowering occurs once a year, at the end of winter and lasts depending on the plant variety, sometimes until the end of May.

    The secret to flowering at home is that certain conditions must be met. The plant needs to be provided with two months of rest (a cool place and scanty watering) and 8 hours of daylight. To do this, it is either covered with a cap or taken out into a room deprived of light. After these manipulations, it is placed in a brighter place, and after a while it throws out bouquets of flowers at the ends of its branches.

    Pests and diseases of Kalanchoe

    Diseases arise for various reasons.

    Useful properties of the plant

    Using Kalanchoe juice, decoctions are prepared that are used for inflammation or irritation of the skin. In addition, the juice is rich in vitamins, so it is taken for vitamin deficiencies, as well as for physical or mental fatigue.

    But pure juice cannot be used; it is highly concentrated and causes a burning sensation when used. Various ointments and decoctions are prepared from the squeezed juice.

    Ointment for skin lesions

    Juice is obtained from juicy young leaf blades, 30 ml. You need to add 50 grams of this juice. lanolin and petroleum jelly. The extracted mass is thoroughly kneaded and stored in the refrigerator. The prepared ointment can be used to treat any skin damage from irritation to frostbite.

    Alcohol tincture for the treatment of varicose veins

    This alcohol tincture increases blood flow through the veins. To get rid of the blue network of veins, you need to rub your legs with the tincture, starting from the feet and rising to a third of the thigh. After 15 minutes the pain goes away, but in order to completely cure your legs you need to undergo a course of treatment for 4 months. Rub those places where the blue network of veins is clearly visible.

    Grind the juicy leaves and add 2 tbsp. add 500 gr. vodka or alcohol. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, stirring the contents daily. After cooking, store in the refrigerator.

    For any diseases of the oral cavity (sore throat, stomatitis)

    You can squeeze the juice yourself, or you can buy it at the pharmacy. But we must remember that pure juice causes a strong burning sensation, so it should be diluted before use. boiled water 1:2. Rinse your mouth four times a day.

    Treatment of helminthiasis

    Cracked nipples

    Often, while feeding a child, painful cracks appear on the nipples; in order for them to go away, you need to put 3-4 drops on the crack every day and the cracks will heal. Kalanchoe is also used in folk recipes in the treatment of gynecology.


    It is believed that this plant has no contraindications for the treatment of various diseases. And official medicine emphasizes that this plant is not toxic. But since the plant juice itself is rarely used, it usually comes with some other components, this must be taken into account. Therefore, this green doctor also has contraindications. And doctors believe that there are a number of diseases for which this drug cannot be used.

    Firstly, the use of this plant must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Since there is an allergic reaction to drugs made from this plant. It should also not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Low blood pressure is also not conducive to the use of extracts from the plant. Patients with tumors and liver disease, diabetes and rheumatism should also not take medications with this plant.

    Children should also not be given undiluted Kalanchoe juice, as it severely irritates the mucous membranes even in adults.

    To check whether there is an allergic reaction, you need to drop five or six drops of juice on the inner bend of your arm. Wait 10 minutes and if the allergic reaction does not make itself felt, then treatment can begin.

    Collection and storage of Kalanchoe

    Before picking the leaves, you need to dig up the flower useful substances. Therefore, you need to not water the plant for a week, and then carefully cut it off. required quantity leaves from which the juice will be made. Then the leaves need to be washed and chopped. Infuse in a dark place for 5 days. After using gauze, squeeze out the juice and add medical alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 5, then keep the resulting tincture in the refrigerator. At proper storage The shelf life of raw materials lasts for a year.

    Kalanchoe is considered not a picky flower, and with proper care it will not only delight you with its blooms, but also heal the whole family. So this is a wonderful reason to start growing this beautiful flower on your windowsill.

    Flower of Life - video

    Read about Echinacea and its beneficial properties here.

    Why do houseplants have sticky leaves?

    While admiring and caring for house flowers, we sometimes notice that our indoor plants have no visible reasons suddenly they became sticky leaves. The alarm bell of concern forces us to look for a solution to this riddle.

    Sources of the problem

    A healthy flower always looks natural and luxurious. Any deterioration appearance should always be a concern. Why do the leaves of indoor plants sometimes become sticky? Why have our gentle beauties lost their attractiveness? Is this just an external drawback or is this phenomenon really dangerous for our green friends?
    Unfortunately, this symptom indicates that our pets have become the refuge of small, sometimes invisible insects. Sticky plaque on the leaves of indoor plants is nothing more than an accumulation of waste products of pests. Who could have left him?

    We will not be able to cope with other pests without special chemical means of protection. Most of the products used to protect garden plants are suitable to combat them. But, taking into account the specifics, you should choose only those that are approved for use indoors or in a greenhouse. It is advisable to give preference to drugs that have a systemic effect.

    Advantages of systemic drugs:

  • they are quickly absorbed into the plant tissue;
  • do not wash off when spraying or wiping the leaves of a flower;
  • spreading through the veins of the plant (through its “system”), the substances reach even those areas that were not sprayed;
  • some of these preparations can be used not by spraying, but by watering at the root, which makes their use simpler and safer;
  • most of these substances have a long period of exposure (up to a month), therefore reducing the need for repeated treatments;
  • only such products can act on pests covered with a dense cuticle, for example, scale insects.
  • Very often, a single treatment of a plant may not be enough. The fact is that while acting on adult pests or their larvae, the drugs do not have a noticeable effect on already laid eggs. After a couple of weeks, new larvae may emerge from them, so it is advisable to repeat the treatment after about 2-4 weeks.

    Prevention is the best answer!

    When purchasing a new pet, carefully inspect it so that there is not the slightest sign of pests. After new flower appears in the house, you should not immediately place it next to other plants. Just in case, let him undergo “quarantine” while being away from them. If everything went well, you can place it closer to the “old-timers”, creating new interesting compositions.
    After the diseased plant recovers, it must be replanted. When replanting plants, use new flowerpots for them. If you want to transplant a flower into an old favorite pot, you must first boil it with a soap solution.

    From time to time, carefully inspect your home flowers, wipe their leaves, and do not allow pests to settle on them. For some plants, it is allowed to have a warm shower from time to time.

    The more attentive you are to flowers, the more magnificent the living decoration of your home will grow!

    Why does Kalanchoe not bloom, but only produce foliage and the leaves turn yellow?

    Aphid, mealybug, scale insects are the main pests of Kalanchoe. The insects feed on succulent leaves by piercing their tentacles and drawing out cell sap like a hypodermic needle. Let's consider why a plant may not bloom or produce foliage, but turn yellow and darken.

    Kalanchoe diseases: treatment at home

    Late blight rot

    Poor soil breathability, associated with waterlogging, leads to rotting of the roots. Soil pathogens such as late blight exacerbate the problem.

    Late blight is dangerous for many plants, appearing the same everywhere

    Symptoms of late blight fungal infection:

  • growth slowdown;
  • soft stem near base;
  • brown spots in the branching area;
    • As the disease progresses, a moldy smell appears.

    What to do: prevents the development of late blight rot by replanting Kalanchoe in a permeable, sterile environment. This is a soil containing peat moss and perlite. ( 60:40 or 50:50).

    If using an old pot, disinfect it in a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach - 9 parts water). Phytophthora does not survive in dry tissue, but forms dormant spores that survive for long periods without a host plant.

    When soil moisture and temperature conditions favored, its development intensifies and can reach an invasive level.

    Should not be left in the tray standing water which flows out through the drainage holes. The roots are able to reabsorb it. Treating the soil with a fungicide (thiophanate methyl) helps control the fungus.

    Methyl thiophanate can help with soil contamination with fungus

    However, chemicals are effective only if the damage to the root system is not too extensive.

    Thanks to this method, the flower less susceptible to infection late blight. Significant suppression of symptoms is observed when treated with salicylic acid and silicon or chitosan.

    We have already described negative impact diseases on specific varieties of Kalanchoe. For example, how late blight manifests itself and is treated in Kalanchoe kalandiva.

    Gray rot

    Causative agent of gray mold– pathogenic (necrotrophic) fungus Botrytis gray. The main factors for its occurrence are high levels of humidity and cold temperature environment.

  • wet whitish spots form on the leaves;
  • over time, the spots change in color: grayish growth, which contains spores (reproductive cells) of the fungus;
  • the fabric becomes soft.
  • Once the disease is detected, it is urgently necessary change conditions of detention Kalanchoe. Remove infected areas. Clean the plant systemic fungicides. Take care of good lighting. You may need to change the soil.

    Powdery mildew

    A fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants, including Kalanchoe. It is easily recognizable because the symptoms are very peculiar:

    • small chlorotic spots on leaves;
    • as it grows, the fungal mycelium covers increasingly larger parts of the plant, appearing as a dusty white or grayish-silver web;
    • black or brown spots(fungus fruiting body) on the mycelial surface;
    • growth slows down due to impaired photosynthesis, buds do not ripen;
    • curling and falling off of the integument (an atypical brownish symptom resembling scab may occur).
    • Powdery mildew is a fungus that attacks any plants: indoors and outdoors.

      Conditions favorable to the development of the disease:

      moderate temperatures with high humidity

      Treat with fungicides (benomyl, fenarimol), sulfur-based, neem oil, potassium bicarbonate. The selected product is applied both to the stem and to the axils of the leaves.

      A product that has proven its effectiveness and is even comparable to some fungicides - milk diluted in water(1 part milk to 10 parts water). It is good to use at the first sign of infection or as a preventative measure.

      The mechanism of action is ferroglobulin. This whey protein, when exposed to sunlight, produces oxygen radicals, upon contact with which the fungus dies.

      Pests: what to do

      Aphids: how to stop blooming and dropping flowers

      On initial stage infection, any signs of aphids are difficult to detect. The insects are so tiny and located on the back of the leaf that go unnoticed.

      The danger of aphids is that they quickly move to neighboring plants.

      The colony is discovered during reproduction. It has been noticed that aphids quickly reproduce on full-fledged Kalanchoe flowers.

      The pest drinks the cell sap and constantly contaminates it with poisonous injections.


      • the plant is polluted and deformed;
      • leaves turn yellow;
      • the buds don't bloom, drops real flowers;
      • the affected parts and the stem are covered with sticky matter.
      • The scary thing is that aphids are carriers of more than 100 types of viruses. The insect needs to consume great amount juice because the sugar concentration is too high relative to the amino acid concentration.

        The pest deposits sugar in the form of a sticky secretion on the leaves and stems of plants, which attracts ants and serves as a nutrient solution for fungi. This “nectar” clogs the respiratory pores (stomata), interfering with the plant's ability produce its own nutrients.

        To get rid of aphids, Kalanchoe is treated with an appropriate insecticide. Treatment is repeated once a week for a month.

        Recommended green soap solution(20 g of soap per 1 liter), which is used to wash the plant, having previously covered the soil with polyethylene. An alternative is to use a solution with laundry soap: it also harms aphids, but to a lesser extent.

        But the first thing to do is:

        Aphids are attracted to Vaseline, which can be rubbed at the base and thus control the population.

        Tiny bugs that resemble brown or orange discs or blobs can be found on the underside of the leaves near the veins, on the stem, at the junction of the leaf and the stem.

        This "nectar" attracts sooty mold growing on leaves. In general, the process is not that fast, often taking many weeks before you notice that the plant has become a target for the pest.

        How to save: Products containing the following chemical ingredients are effective for control:

      • pyrethrum;
      • natural fatty acids;
      • rapeseed oil.
      • For prevention Check regularly for signs of scale infestation. The soil should be free of weeds, which often contain harmful organisms. Ants running up and down and “milking” the sticky secretion is an important signal.


        Tiny, oval shaped, with a powdery waxy coating mealybugs look like cotton specks, which are often mistaken for mold. They move slowly, but when they find it for themselves appropriate place, then become motionless and form clusters.

        When attached to a plant, they secrete a sticky substance that they use for protection, while absorb plant juice.

        Mealybugs are as easily identified as scale insects

        The damage caused by mealybugs is not immediately apparent, but it is destructive over time. As with any pests of indoor plants, treatment must begin immediately as soon as the problem is discovered.

        Not recommended use synthetic pesticides, since mealybugs are resistant to most chemicals. In addition, it develops resistance to pesticides that are used on a regular basis.

        It is best to use safe methods:

      • Using a cotton swab well soaked in alcohol, remove insects from the flower.
      • Spray on the leaves of an infected flower organic insecticidal soap or a solution of soapy water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of baby liquid soap per 1 liter of water).
      • If the plant is young, it is easier to wash it under running water or under the shower with soapy water.
      • In this case, you will also need a product to get rid of ants. This is very important because ants protect these pests and move their waste from one plant to another.

        Diagnosis of symptoms: questions and answers

        Doesn't bloom, only produces foliage

        The reason is that Kalanchoe does not bloom, despite the fact that the leaves are succulent and healthy, maybe in excess of fertilizers. Kalanchoe is a short-day plant and blooms depending on how long it is in the dark.

        If it is exposed to sunlight every day for more than 12 hours, it may not bloom.

        Why do the leaves curl?

        Kalanchoe is sensitive to thrips, cyclamen mites and leaf rollers, which cause curling. If this is the problem, then treatment with an insecticide or miticide will be needed.

        The fact is that Kalanchoe is rich in flavonoids, which are considered protective against UV.

        Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the health of the flower, causing painful symptoms.

        Appearance of black spots

        Most likely, it is caused by a fungal disease. This means that Kalanchoe is suffering from low temperature and excess humidity.

        In addition to being unsightly, black spots can cause damage at the cellular level, resulting in leaf drop (defoliation).

        The appearance of black spots may be a sign of a secondary complication, for example, after a mealybug infestation.

        Brown spots on leaves

        Formed as a result of dropsy (edema) or fungal infection. The best way keep the leaves healthy, avoid wetting them. Although succulent leaves are thick, fleshy, and filled with sap, it is does not mean that Kalanchoe needs to be watered more often than other plants.

        On the contrary, the soil should dry out between waterings. Kalanchoe is sensitive to excess fertilizer and usually needs rare and diluted supplements (light fertilizer once a year).

        If there is an excess of salts contained in the fertilizer, they accumulate in the soil and can burn the roots. And as the salt solution moves upward, it affects the leaves, causing formation of brown spots.

        White coating on leaves

        Powdery mildew prefers the same type of habitat as Kalanchoe: warm, relatively dry areas. It may seem harmless at first and the plant may even thrive for some time.

        Leaves fall: causes and care

        The reason is most likely in the weakness of the plant. In the cold season this happens due to the proximity to central heating. Most likely, the plant is on the windowsill near the radiator, and the air around it is too dry.

        It is better to move your pet to a room with a lower temperature according to the following recommendations.

    On Kalanchoe white coating: what is it and how to fight it

    If a white coating appears on the Kalanchoe, it means that the plant has been affected by the fungal disease “powdery mildew”. It is recommended to treat the flower immediately. The disease can destroy Kalanchoe.

    White plaque on Kalanchoe: what to do

    Source: Depositphotos

    White plaque indicates the disease "powdery mildew"

    Spores of pathogenic fungi are found in the soil and appear only if the rules of plant care are not followed. Fungal disease occurs:

      • in case of temperature violation. Cool air and humidity are favorable for the development of spores;
      • excess nitrogen in the soil;
      • irregular watering. The top layer of soil should dry out slightly before irrigation is carried out. If it dries out or, conversely, does not have time to dry before the next moistening, the fungus becomes active.

    The soil in the pot becomes infected by air and through watering if the water is contaminated. The fungus is also transmitted through human hands. Once you touch one plant, do not touch another unless you wash your hands thoroughly.

    Fighting powdery mildew

    To combat white plaque, complex treatment is used. First of all, it is organized proper care for Kalanchoe. It includes watering, no spraying, removing old foliage and sunbathing for Kalanchoe. No fertilizers are applied to the soil, nitrogen fertilizing is excluded.

    To cure Kalanchoe and get rid of spores, you need:

      • remove the affected parts of the flower;
      • change the top layer of soil in the pot;
      • spray the flower chemical preparation- a fungicide or a prepared folk remedy, for example, mustard solution. Or dip the plant in a bowl of solution. The medicinal liquid should generously moisten the surface of the above-ground part of the plant.

    After treating the Kalanchoe, proceed to treat the soil, walls of the pot, and tray with the same product.

    It is worth noting that folk remedies should be used for preventive purposes and early stages infection. If affected big square flowers, use purchased chemicals.

    Plaque on a flower is a sign of a serious disease. Start treatment as soon as possible to save the flower.

    Kalanchoe has healing properties. Despite the fact that growing this flower is not particularly difficult, Kalanchoe diseases can easily destroy the plant. In this article we will tell you what diseases and pests most often affect this plant, and how to get rid of them.

    If you grow Kalanchoe, you should be fully aware of what leaf and stem diseases exist and how to properly treat the flower. Now we will describe the main diseases of Kalanchoe and tell you how to cure your home flower.

    Late blight

    If you notice brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe, this is almost certainly late blight. This disease occurs due to improper ventilation or excess water in the soil (so do not flood the plant when watering). When a plant begins to hurt, brown spots first appear on almost every leaf, and gradually the leaves may bend upward and wither.
    What to do and how to save the flower? An appropriate fungicide, which can be purchased at a specialty store, will help you here. You should also pay attention to the conditions in which the flower is kept and provide the plant with the proper watering (correct watering regime and the required amount of fertilizer).

    Powdery mildew

    White coating on Kalanchoe leaves may be a sign of a disease called powdery mildew. Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is a common fungal disease that can occur due to excessive dryness of indoor air. The white coating itself, which can be found on Kalanchoe, at first resembles a layer of dust, but over time it thickens and becomes like flour (therefore, the white coating is called mealy).

    Because of powdery mildew the plant sheds its leaves and dies, so the disease must be treated immediately. The main danger of the disease is that it spreads quite quickly to other plants, so it is better to immediately isolate the diseased flower. Treatment is carried out using fungicides.

    Gray rot

    A dangerous disease due to which Kalanchoe becomes soft, its leaves begin to rot and turn into mush. Gray mold appears on the leaves, and the plant itself quickly begins to die.

    The best remedy for this disease is fungicides. It is also worth thinking about how to revive Kalanchoe after the main danger has been eliminated: it is necessary to replace the soil and ensure the correct temperature conditions for your flower.

    Stem rot

    If you notice that the trunk of the plant has begun to darken and dry out, most likely you are faced with stem rot. First, a small black dot appears on the stem, which then grows into a huge black spot. Why does the trunk begin to turn black and the plant itself wither? A blackened stem can be detected when the temperature drops sharply - for example, in the winter, a flower can freeze and get sick.

    How to revive a flower? Folk way, which you can use - wipe off the plaque on the stem, and then disinfect this place with potassium permanganate or ash.

    Also try to normalize the temperature so that the plant receives enough heat.

    Ring leaf spot

    A disease from which it is impossible to save a flower. In this case, the stem also turns black, but this is accompanied by numerous round spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe. It is best to get rid of the infected plant immediately and not try to do anything.

    Video “Saving indoor flowers from pests”

    From this video you will learn how to properly treat indoor plants and save them from pests.


    In addition to diseases, Kalanchoe is also affected by a variety of pests. Now we will talk about the most common types of insects that can encroach on your flower garden. In addition, we will also briefly describe the main ways to deal with annoying bugs.


    A dangerous pest that can destroy a flower in very short term. These are small, gray insects that can be difficult to spot. They usually hide on the leaves and in the bud flowering plant, but in the case of Kalanchoe you can see small insects much easier. The main signs of the appearance of an insect are:

    • falling leaves;
    • waxy discharge on the stem and leaves;
    • the appearance of black mold.


    The scale insect most often sits on inside leaf or stalk. These are fairly large brownish bugs that are easy to spot. The first sign of an attack by these pests is the rapidly drying leaves of the flower.


    Mites settle on the underside of the leaf, and their appearance is caused by dry air in the room. The leaves of the flower quickly turn yellow, in addition, the insects themselves weave a thin web, which can be seen on the leaves. The leaves also fall off. Therefore, if no measures are taken, the plant will simply die.

    Get rid of nasty bugs using insecticides. You can also treat the flower with mineral oil or soap solution, and remove the pests themselves manually using napkins.


    Aphids on Kalanchoe are a common problem that can be difficult to deal with. The cause is soil oversaturated with fertilizers, which these insects love. They settle on stems and the inside of leaves, so sometimes aphids are quite difficult to notice. Insects suck juices from Kalanchoe, secreting sticky coating, which prevents the flower from breathing.

    If you see that the plant is beginning to smolder, you need to take immediate action. First of all, trim off the affected leaves. Then you can treat the flower with a soap solution. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, use insecticides.

    Video “How to replant Kalanchoe”

    From this video you will learn how to properly transplant Kalanchoe.