Laying of rolled turf and grass care. Laying technology and rules for growing rolled turf How to lay rolled turf with your own hands

Laying rolls is one of the ways to quickly improve the territory of a plot or cottage with your own hands.

Knowing how to choose and lay a lawn covering, you can quickly create turf areas, decorate or yard.

What is this?

Today, rolled lawn is an alternative to the painstaking work of creating a dense and high-quality turf covering. The structure of the rolls does not differ significantly from live grass. The only difference is that lawn cultivation is carried out by highly specialized farms. It takes about three years to obtain a green carpet from seeds, which can be used for home improvement. The grown grass layers are rolled up, stored and sold to customers, since such a product is characterized short terms storage

Each turf layer has a mesh base, which is highly durable.

Important! The green grass cover around the house protects its owners from exacerbations of dust allergies. On average, 1 hectare of lawn holds up to 60 tons of dust particles.

How not to make a mistake when choosing

Laying grass on the site involves choosing a high-quality rolled lawn and calculating it correctly.

Correct calculation

You cannot buy rolled turf offhand, so that there is no surplus left or you do not have to buy more. It is necessary to carry out the calculation by measuring the parameters of the future green lawn and calculating total area.

For example, the length of the plot is 5 m, the width is 4 m, then the area is 20 sq. m. m. This is the area of ​​the future lawn.

If the site has a flat terrain, without any bends or flower beds, another 5% of the area is added to accurately calculate the rolls. Laying rolled turf on an area with curved geometry uses a different counting technology. 10% is added to the total lawn area, since the amount of waste will be large.
Correct calculation of quadrature will help to calculate correct amount bay. If the conditional width of one roll of grass is 0.5 m and the length is 2 m, then its area is: 0.5x2 = 1 sq. m. This means that for a meter square of the site you will need one roll, for 20 squares you will need 20 rolls, etc.

Did you know? Exercising on a mat laid on green grass reduces the load on the joints, and the body is saturated with oxygen more than when exercising in the gym.

Choosing a rolled lawn

The main criterion for choosing a turf covering is its quality. And all the rolls offered in stores have the same appearance. The average width of the turf varies around 40-60 cm, and the length is 190-215 cm. The height of the grass is approximately 5-7 cm with a layer of the root system from 2 cm or more.

Depending on the manufacturer, the weight of one rug can be 15-30 kg. The quality of the lawn is checked by looking at the side cut.

In-Depth Study turf quality involves assessing:

  • the presence of weeds among the grass blades of the lawn;
  • uniformity of grass cover (no bald spots);
  • density of the root system.
Experts recommend choosing rolls of turf with a neat side cut, which has the same thickness of the root system and grass along the entire length of the layer, tightly woven roots without gaps.

Did you know? In addition to the function of air purification, in the summer the lawn can reduce the temperature environment by a few degrees.

Soil preparation

Lack of high-quality preparation of the area for the lawn leads to the fact that the lawn with rolled turf loses its attractive appearance. Initially, you should take care of clearing the area of ​​stumps and various debris (especially construction debris, which is often buried in).
All vegetation along with rhizomes is also removed. Since they tend to reappear, it is important to treat them with special means in places where they accumulate.

At the next stage, you need to dig with a shovel or cultivator so that there are no earthen clods larger than 2 cm in diameter left. If necessary, you can enter additional components, which enhance fertility, improve soil structure and reduce acidity.

Important! If the soil of the site is clayey and does not drain water well, be sure to lay a drainage cushion of gravel and sand 5 to 10 cm high. It will help protect the turf roots from rotting and improve the water-air permeability of the top layer of soil.

A week before laying the turf, approximately 50 g per 1 square meter is added to the soil. m and thoroughly mixed with soil. Preparation is completed by tamping in dry weather. A special roller levels and compacts the surface of the area.
The height of the fertile layer after rolling should be at least 10 cm, and the level of the rolled soil should be several centimeters lower than the height of the path.

Laying features

How to lay it?

It is recommended to begin work immediately after purchasing the turf. Lawn rolls are unrolled with the utmost care, laying them in a straight line. The first layer is key in the whole work, since all the others will be aligned with it. Each mat is laid while standing on a board, which will prevent the turf from being pressed down by feet, and then compacted to ensure contact between the roots and the soil. Light compaction with a roller is rarely allowed, which will remove excess air and create a seal.

Laying out adjacent rows of turf occurs according to the principle brickwork: the joints of the second row should fall in the middle of the plates of the first row, etc. This principle will allow the turf to take root much better. The construction of the lawn also provides for the absence of overlaps.

The rows should be tightly adjacent to each other, without allowing discrepancies of more than 1 cm.

Important! Special attention given to the edges of the plates. They are the most weak point lawn survival rate. In these areas it is unacceptable to use cuttings less than one meter in length.

The installation of the lawn is carried out in cool and dry weather according to technology. In the heat it intensifies several times. Areas with corners are also not avoided. The grass layers are rolled over them, and then the excess is carefully trimmed with a knife.

How to save a roll

The purchase of grass surfaces should occur immediately before installation. It is often recommended to lay the plates within one, maximum two days from the time of cutting and delivery to the customer.

Did you know? Saturated green color lawns restores mood after stress, relieves tension from the eyes.

The turf should be stored in a cool, dark place before installation, as straight Sun rays heat the grass, causing it to turn yellow and quickly die. To prevent this, the rolls are watered.

When laying the turf is delayed for a few more days, they resort to rolling out plates and irrigation work. This is a rather labor-intensive process that will extend the life of the vegetation for another couple of days.

What to do after installation?

Having formed a common area, the seams are processed. Each resulting seam and end is sprinkled with a fertile mixture of soil and sand. Then provide abundant watering along the entire perimeter of the site.

Rolled lawn- it's relative new technology, with the help of which grass grows on the prepared turf. As a result, the buyer receives a ready-made grass covering; all that remains is to spread it. The technology for laying such rolls with your own hands is quite simple, and today we will talk about installation methods. Read our instructions with photos and video lessons.

How to calculate the required number of lawn rolls?

Important! If a flat lawn is planned, then 5% is added to the resulting square footage, but if the lawn is planned with paths and platforms, then it is worth adding 10% to the total area.

The area of ​​a standard roll is 0.8 square meters. m, and per 1 sq. m. area of ​​the site requires 1.25 rolls. It turns out that at 96 sq. m. area requires 132 rolls, and the average cost of one starts from 160-200 rubles.

The pleasure is not cheap, but you can save a lot by laying the rolled lawn yourself.

Preparing the site and materials before installation

Before laying the lawn you need to prepare the area:

  1. Clearing weeds and debris. During cleaning, a complete excavation of the site is often used, during which weeds, old roots and insects are removed from the soil.
  2. Sprinkling sand on swampy areas where fungus can grow.

Important! If you need to create an ideal site, like a golf course, then you should order automatic system glaze.

After cleaning, turf is laid out around the perimeter of the future lawn. Turf is layers that are laid out in the order of squares on a chessboard. Each layer is pressed against the adjacent one, but they are not overlapped. The end of the lawn should be covered with long layers of turf.

Lawn preparation and trimming

Very often, the rolled lawn is slightly longer than the plot, so it is cut off. Trimming is done with a sharp knife or bayonet shovel. It is recommended to cut on wooden flooring, strictly adhering to the edge. Otherwise, you will end up with a crooked cut on the lawn strip.

Important! The site is prepared in advance, and the lawn is trimmed and laid immediately after unpacking. Laying after unpacking ensures maximum root contact lawn grass and soil.

In what cases is a drainage system necessary?

In muddy areas with acidic soil, you cannot do without a drainage system, and you can do it like this:

  • Cut at 30-40 cm upper layer soil, but do not throw it away, but put it nearby.
  • After this, drainage is done by pouring 10 cm of gravel and sand into the level of the site.
  • The previously removed soil is carefully distributed onto the drainage; for a perfectly flat area, you can use twine stretched over pegs.

Advice! After construction drainage system With ground cushion the site needs to be compacted. A homemade roller is used for compaction, and then you still need to walk on the ground. If it fails, then the tamping was performed poorly and should be repeated.

Direct laying of lawn in rolls

  • The first strip of lawn neatly unwinds exactly from the corner of the site. He's like the first row tiles, will set the direction for the next layers of the lawn.
  • The remaining rows of lawn are laid according to the same principle as brick: the joints of the seams should not coincide.

Advice! The seams of each row should be in the middle of the previous row. This way the lawn will be laid evenly.

  • Experts recommend that after laying individual lawn fragments, sprinkle the joints with either sand or fertile soil. After sprinkling, the fresh lawn is watered abundantly, which will help it quickly take root and adhere to the base.

Important! While laying each strip, the lawn can be gently pressed down with a board, leveling the canvas with your hands. If there are voids under the strip, then they are covered with sand, and all the mounds are dug out and the flower beds are removed.

How to care after installation

In dry weather, the laid lawn should be watered every 5 days. If it rains, this grass does not need artificial watering. After just 14 days, the lawn can be mowed for the first time, working with the mower across the direction of the laid turf. You can walk on the rolled lawn 2-3 weeks after installation. Closer to winter, the grass is mowed again, but so that growth up to 5 cm high remains, which goes under the snow.

To summarize, it is worth saying that rolled lawn is an excellent alternative to conventional seeded lawn. Turf rolls are relatively inexpensive, require less maintenance, and are easy to install with your own hands.

How to choose a rolled lawn: video

Rolled lawn for a summer residence: photo

You can get a flat, amazing area in literally a matter of days using a rolled lawn. The finished lawn is grown in the fields for two years. For sowing, the composition of grasses that is optimal for our climatic conditions is selected - narrow-leaved varieties of meadow bluegrass (approximately 30%) and red fescue (70%). We use high-quality seeds of the latest selection, winter-hardy, disease- and drought-resistant. The resulting turf looks like a dense “cushion” - thick emerald green on top and dense thickness of the root layer (at least 1.5 cm below). The cut, rolled lawn is completely ready for installation - all that remains is to correctly lay the lawn on the site.

How to lay lawn rolls correctly

Preparing the soil for a lawn - what soil to lay the rolled lawn on. First you need to prepare for the upcoming installation, clear of weeds, old grass, stones and construction waste. Then fill all the depressions and depressions with a fertile layer of soil. To prevent water from stagnating on the surface of the lawn, the area is given a slight slope from the center to the edges for surface water flow and drainage. The soil needs to be dug up to a depth of 5 - 10 cm. If necessary, add a fertile layer of soil. Level the soil under the lawn using a roller or compact it with your feet.

Rules for laying rolled lawn. Rolls of finished lawn are stored and stored in the shade, spraying them with water in dry, hot weather. They begin laying the lawn immediately after it is delivered - laying it out in straight rows along pedestrian or driveway paths. If it is not possible to use the entire lawn in one day, then the remaining unused rolls are rolled out and moistened. Immediately after laying the rolled lawn with your own hands, water it. Be sure to check the level of moisture in the lawn by lifting a corner of the laid lawn (in 10 - 12 places throughout the area). Water should saturate the lawn right up to the surface of the soil.

  1. Prepare the ground for laying the lawn by removing weeds and debris. To prevent weed growth, treat the soil with Tornado or Roundup. Level the soil, roll it up and water it. The technology for laying rolled lawn requires watering the area a day before laying.
  2. Roll out the rolls. This should be done as soon as possible so that the fertile soil does not have time to become colonized with weed seeds and the rolls do not dry out. You only need to lay the turf in a straight line and “joint to joint” as tightly as possible. If necessary, the layers are trimmed with a knife.
  3. It is better to lay the rolls in a checkerboard pattern so that the seams of one row do not coincide with the seams of the next row. Gently tap the laid plates with a mallet to achieve a tight fit to the ground. Small gaps You can mulch between the joints.
  4. Carefully roll the laid lawn. This should be done carefully, using a hand-held garden roller. It is better not to use heavy construction rollers for this purpose; it is better to walk with your feet. If the laid turf turns out to be dry, in order to properly lay the turf, moisten it before rolling.
  5. The end of laying the rolled lawn with your own hands is abundant. Water the lawn with a root-forming preparation to a depth of at least 10 cm. By lifting the turf in several places, make sure that the water has soaked the lawn to the very surface of the soil. Freshly laid rolls are watered every day for the first week, then every other day or two, depending on the weather.

It is useful to know not only how to properly lay a rolled lawn, but also how to care for it. The right way is to water regularly. The first 7 days every day, then every 1 - 2 days. Make sure that irrigation covers the entire area with the new lawn. Best time for watering - early morning and late evening, when the sun is least active.

The first mowing of a new lawn is carried out 1 - 2 weeks after installation. The recommended mowing height is 4 - 6 cm. When mowing the lawn, it is not advisable to shorten the overgrown grass by more than 30% of its length. A month after creating a new lawn, it is necessary to add azofoska in the amount of 20 g per 1 sq.m. or urea in the amount of 10 g per 1 sq. m.


Today an indispensable attribute of design local area is a thick, lush and soft lawn. But so that the sown grass pleases the owners beautiful view, must pass at least a year. Laying lawn in rolls is a completely different matter. Although the cost of purchasing a green carpet will be significantly higher, you will see the result immediately after installing it.

Since the cost of laying a rolled lawn is quite high, you can easily carry out the process yourself. It is worth noting that after the lawn is delivered, it must be laid on the same day, since in a rolled position the shelf life of the lawn is very short. The material cannot be left in rolled rolls for a long time - it must be rolled out on a flat surface and watered generously with water.

Calculating the required number of rolls is quite simple. All you need to do is multiply the area of ​​the area you want to cover with lawn (in m²) by a factor of 1.67. As a result, we get the number of rolls that need to be purchased. It is recommended to purchase 5-10% more than the received figure. A few weeks before installation, spend preparatory work: clear the areas of everything garden waste, weed and treat with weed killers. If the post is clayey, you need to carry out additional soil drainage by creating a sand and crushed stone cushion.

If you have fertile soil on your site that you have fertilized abundantly, the soil will only need to be loosened to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters. But if the soil is poor, you need to remove a layer of at least 10 cm and fill it with a more fertile composition. The area should be carefully leveled and, if necessary, a slight slope should be created so that excess water can drain from the area. It is worth noting that the lawn grass should be at the same level as the paths. Therefore, make sure that the prepared area is below the path by the thickness of the rolled turf (approximately 20 to 25 millimeters). The difference is calculated after the soil has been compacted with a hand roller.

Now that the soil is ready, you can confidently order required quantity rolls Perfect timing The best time to plant a lawn is in autumn or spring, when the ground is sufficiently moist and there is no particular heat. It is necessary to start laying the lawn from the part of the territory where it was laid.

Due to this, you will avoid frequent transfers, due to which the soil crumbles from the rolls and the roots are destroyed.

Laying out adjacent rows is done according to the principle of brickwork - the joints of the rolls should not match. It is necessary to try to ensure that the joints of the second row end in the middle of the rolls from the first row. There should be no differences between the rows of more than 1.5 centimeters. After laying the first row, when laying the second, stand on wooden board so as not to push through the fresh grass surface with your feet. This will also help compact the grass further.

After installation, we strengthen our positions!

When wondering how to lay a rolled lawn, do not forget that the process will not be completed with one installation. You will receive the lawn alive, which means it will need

Landscaping your property is not an easy task; getting a good lawn will require at least three years of painstaking work. The process can be significantly simplified and accelerated if the Gorgazon company.

The advantages of such an acquisition are not limited only to the speed of obtaining uniform landscape coverage. The Gorgazon company takes care of all the worries about growing lawn grass: selecting seeds, sowing, fertilizing and cutting. Thus, you will receive a professional product of guaranteed quality and get rid of a number of problems in growing lawn grass yourself.

We sell ready-made lawn in standard rolls measuring 0.4 x 2.0 m and provide services for laying rolled lawn by company specialists, but for small, relatively flat areas, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Preparatory work

Before doing this, you should first clear and prepare the surface of the area. To do this, you need to remove all debris, stones, and weed out. It is advisable to level (level) the surface and make a slight slope to drain excess water.

The top layer is dug to a depth of 10 cm, then loosened with a rake. If the site is new, only after construction, it is recommended to use ready-made soil mixtures with an optimal acidity of 5.6 - 6.5 pH. In this case, the soil layer should be at least 8–10 cm.

Garden paths and areas for vehicle entry should rise slightly above the surface to a height of approximately 2–2.5 cm, so that after laying the lawn the entire area is at the same level.

After all the work, it is rolled with a special garden roller; you can use a plastic barrel of water for these purposes. The day before, the area is thoroughly watered, and fertilizer can be added if necessary.

Do-it-yourself laying of rolled lawn

The main rule: the sooner the lawn roll is laid after cutting, the greater the chances of successful adaptation to the new location. If more than 24 hours have passed since delivery, our manufacturer's warranty is void.

Layers of turf are rolled out across the area in a checkerboard pattern. Direction - along the paths, laying in a curved contour is not allowed, all figured areas are filled in afterwards.

The joints of the rolls are pressed against each other as much as possible, but not overlapping; on sloping surfaces, fastening is carried out with special pegs, which are subsequently removed.

If necessary, the edges of the lawn are trimmed with a bayonet shovel or knife, the gaps between the strips are filled soil mixture. You should move on the grass with caution; it is better to place a wide thin board to reduce the load.

After finishing the work, the entire surface is also rolled with a garden roller - this will ensure maximum adherence of the plant roots to the soil and contribute to better adaptation.

Roll lawn care

1 . Watering for the first week is every day, after that every two days, depending on precipitation.

2 . The first mowing is performed a week after laying the lawn. Cut a little, leaving at least 6-8 cm of stem height.

3 . The lawn is fed twice a year nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 50 g per square. Recommended feeding times: early spring and midsummer. You should not fertilize the lawn from August - this can stimulate growth and the plants will not be well prepared for winter.

4 . Additional feeding includes three-time deposit:

  • phosphorus fertilizers (superphosphate) in a proportion of 20 g/m²;
  • Potassium is also needed by plants for good development, dosage 10 g/m².

Use of lawn for the surrounding area - great idea both practically and aesthetically. By purchasing a ready-made roll lawn grown on the Gorgazon company's premises, you save a lot of time, but you should not neglect the rules for laying and caring for already installed roll grass.

Well-groomed from "Gorgazon" - best decoration your site!