Succinic acid: application for plants. Use of succinic acid for indoor flowers General rules for working with the drug

Flower growers relatively recently began to use succinic acid for flowers. Tablets of this water-soluble organic compound quickly gained popularity due to their effectiveness and low price. Thanks to its ease of use, anyone can feed flowers with succinic acid.

Useful properties of the substance

The acid is formed as a result of the processing of amber and has the appearance of transparent or white crystals. The product can be used to feed almost all types of plants that grow indoors.

The substance is part of many cultures and is even produced by the human body. It helps the body cope with stress and excessive physical activity. Plants also need support during illness and stressful situations.

It has been proven that acid is extremely necessary for crops. During the growth period and under unfavorable conditions, it is quickly consumed. Therefore, to maintain tone and resist pathogenic factors, it is recommended to administer additional doses of the drug. It is believed that early treatment of a young plant during the period is most effective. active development.

The substance is not a fertilizer, but belongs to the list of useful additives. Thus, it is almost impossible for them to harm indoor plants. . Useful properties include:

All plants need help in the form of fertilizing for active development and flowering. Many gardeners know that succinic acid is vital for flowers. Thanks to her, problems with vegetables and flower crops appear less frequently, and diseases and attacks that arise will be much easier to get rid of.

Before purchasing succinic acid, you need to know what benefits and what harm it can cause to the plant. Its use is practiced in floriculture and horticulture for:

  • Stimulation and intensive growth of flowers and rich harvest;
  • Strengthening the process of chlorophyll synthesis in the leafy part of the plant;
  • Normalization of microflora by activating the vital activity of microorganisms;
  • Improving the composition of the soil, especially in areas contaminated with toxic agents, as acid prevents the accumulation of nitrates;
  • Accelerating the rehabilitation of plants after stressful situations, heat, cold, waterlogging and drought;
  • Increasing immunity and helping flowers attacked by pests, diseases and root rot;
  • Strengthening young shoots and roots;
  • Better absorption of other fertilizers.

If you treat plants with succinic acid following the instructions and observing all the nuances of application, it will not cause harm. Even with an overdose, the flower will absorb only the amount of the drug that it needs.

Despite its wide range of applications, succinic acid cannot be used as a regular fertilizer, so additional application of mineral and complex mixtures is mandatory. The drug only helps the root system absorb nutrients from fertilizers. Due to the increased activity of microflora, the speed of their processing increases.

Production and release form

The acid consists of white crystals that are odorless and easily dissolve in aquatic environment and quickly disintegrate in the soil. It is a product of amber processing, but is also found in nature. It can be found in small quantities in brown coal and living organisms.

succinic acid for flowers sold not only where you can buy garden tools, but also at the pharmacy. It can also be ordered online. It is produced in the form of a fine-crystalline powder or in the form of tablets of 0.25 g and 0.1 g. Everyone can choose what is more convenient for them: tablets for preparing the solution need to be crushed, and the powder must be weighed and measured required quantity. The average price of a stimulant is 40 rubles per 100 g.

Rules for preparing succinic acid solution

For a standard 0.1% solution, dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water. If you use succinic acid for plants in the form of tablets, you need to take 4 pcs. 0.25 g per liter of liquid. Depending on the desired concentration and strength of action, add more acid or water.

The product has a significant effect on the life of plants even in small concentrations. First, pour the substance into a small amount of liquid and heat until the grains are completely dissolved or pour in the powder warm water and mix thoroughly. Dilute the resulting concentrate with the remaining water to the required volume. The prepared solution must be used within 3 days and stored at a temperature not lower than +25 °C. After the expiration date, the active ingredients will be decomposed by microorganisms. Repeated use of the solution will not have any effect.

Methods for treating plants with succinic acid

There are several methods for using succinic acid in gardening and floriculture to achieve the desired goal:

  • Soaking the root system and planting material in a solution;
  • Spraying the top of the plant;
  • Wiping the green part of the plant with a solution;
  • Watering.


For better growth the root system and shoots are soaked in a solution of succinic acid planting material: seeds, seedlings, cuttings, tubers and roots. It is usually made in low concentration.

To quickly germinate seeds, they are soaked in a 0.04% (0.4 g per 1 l) solution for 2 days. Dry thoroughly on gauze at room temperature and planted in the ground. Also, seeds can be left in an acidic liquid until germination and immediately planted in the ground, since you cannot hesitate.

To strengthen the seedlings and speed up the formation of roots in the cuttings, prepare a stronger composition. The roots of the seedlings are immersed in a 0.02% (0.2 g per 1 l) solution for 30 minutes and planted in the soil. Cuttings for rooting are selected with at least three leaves. Their sections are immersed in acid of 0.02% (0.2 per 1 l) concentration per 2 cm, but they should not touch the bottom. Leave for several hours and root using the usual method.
Keeping tubers, parts of rhizomes and bulbs in a 0.01-0.02% solution for about 6 hours will improve resistance to diseases and ensure rapid growth.

During the transplantation process, the roots of diseased flowers are soaked for 30 minutes in the same solution. If you use succinic acid for flowers, you can achieve their recovery, as it has a therapeutic effect, helps cope with stress, especially during transplantation, fungal diseases and pest attacks.

The plant is treated using a spray bottle filled with ready-made composition. Spraying should be done in the early morning or late evening to eliminate the possibility of sunburn on the leaves. Without sparing the solution, you must spray thoroughly top part plants - stems, shoots and leaves.

To build immunity to various diseases and pest attacks in gardening, they treat berry bushes and fruit trees with 0.03% (0.3 g per 1 l) solution of succinic acid. For spraying grape tree you can use 0.08% (0.8 g per 1 l) concentration.

Thanks to these simple steps, you can get a rich harvest and high-quality fruits.

For indoor flowers, spraying with succinic acid is necessary, as the procedure stimulates the appearance of new leaves and sprouts. It is recommended to carry it out before flowering or after a 1% solution every 15-20 days.

To speed up the rehabilitation of plants after illnesses and unfavorable situations, anti-stress treatment is carried out. It is mainly used for orchids and is performed depending on the time of year. different ways. In the summer they experience severe stress, if the room is hot and dry. The leaves begin to wither and new flower stalks are in no hurry to appear. Then prepare a 0.2% solution and spray the plant for 2 weeks. IN winter period orchids are treated with a 0.05% composition once every 2-3 weeks. You can water the flower with the remaining mixture. As a result of such simple actions, the plant will quickly grow and cope with the disease.

When pests attack a plant, it must be sprayed with a weak solution. Or take a cotton wool soaked in it and wipe the leaves and stems. Usually after several treatments the pests disappear.

Watering with succinic acid

To restore soil microflora, plants need to be irrigated with a 1% solution once every 15-20 days. Depending on the plant variety, the concentration can be adjusted by adding more acid or water. Frequent watering flowers with succinic acid will lead to acidification of the substrate. The best results are obtained by alternating spraying with watering.

For indoor plants, irrigation with a solution of succinic acid is carried out once a year. The exception is the need for resuscitation. And for succulent plants, one watering is enough for the entire life cycle. It will provide good immunity to various diseases and free the soil from toxins.

Precautions when working with succinic acid

The drug is non-toxic and harmless to humans. When preparing and using the solution, you must wear gloves to prevent it from coming into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. The site of contact with the concentrate may become inflamed or an allergic rash may appear on the body. But this happens extremely rarely. The affected area should be immediately washed under running water. clean water. You should not eat, drink or smoke while processing. Keep out of the reach of children and animals.

Succinic acid as a biostimulant has many advantages: it gives good result, combined with fertilizers, suitable for all varieties of garden and indoor plants, low cost and safe.

If you treat plants with succinic acid, according to the instructions for use, they will thank the owner with a rich harvest and lush flowering.

Useful video:

What we will talk about today will indirectly relate to the future harvest. Even in winter, gardeners have no time to relax, because in January they already have to think about preparing and purchasing seeds. It is important to worry about fertilizers in advance, which will help grow strong and healthy seedlings. One of the growth stimulants is succinic acid, which is usually preferred by Epin, Zircon and other similar agents.

Perhaps someone is hearing about it for the first time, while others have already used it in gardening. Meanwhile, it is a natural growth stimulant and has a wide range of applications in medicine, cosmetology and agronomy. It is completely harmless and has a mass beneficial properties. Even exceeding the concentration above the recommended norm will not cause any harm to either humans or plants.

Externally it is a crystalline powder white tastes like citric acid. It is found in small quantities in many plants and amber. In its pure form, it can be found in oysters, kefir, curdled milk, cheese, and wines with a long aging period, that is, in products that have undergone a fermentation process. It is also found in products containing yeast, such as bread. Found in turnips, aloe, hawthorn, sugar cane, and unripe berries.

It should be noted right away that this is not a fertilizer. Succinic acid is an important component metabolism in any living organism: humans, animals, plants. This is a universal source of energy. In this regard, it performs a very important function - replenishing energy deficiency.

Succinic acid is produced by all organisms that breathe air. It acts simultaneously on all parts of the plant, awakening appetite. The drug is completely of natural origin.

What is its effect?

  • Activation and acceleration of metabolic processes, replenishes energy deficiency, improves survival rate;
  • It is a stress adaptogen, making it easier for plants to adapt under unfavorable conditions. external environment(drought, heat, recurrent spring frosts, high humidity);
  • Promotes rapid recovery and the regrowth of the root system after transplantation, the plant takes root faster in a new place;
  • Thanks to a healthy root system, the absorption of essential nutrients from the soil improves. nutrients;
  • New young shoots grow faster;
  • Normalizes and restores beneficial microflora in the soil;
  • Flowering, fruit ripening, their quality and quantity are accelerated;
  • Immunity to diseases and pests increases, those sick and damaged by pests recover faster;
  • The accumulation of nitrates and other toxic substances in tissues is reduced.

There are quite a lot of scientific justifications for its effectiveness. Because of this, there are standard preparations for the use of succinic acid in gardening, the main thing is that it is present in the composition.

Indications for the use of succinic acid for plants

Since the product is non-toxic and harmless, it can be used for all types of plants: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, etc., as well as for fruit trees, shrubs, indoor flowers and seedlings.

When can you use succinic acid in the garden for plants?

  • To speed up seed germination;
  • When at the stage of growing seedlings it is frail, unhealthy with pale leaves;
  • Reanimates the oppressed;
  • After transplanting the seedlings to permanent place in the greenhouse and open ground, its survival rate improves;
  • Increases resistance to return frosts, in hot and dry weather, during prolonged rains, when it does not see the sun for a long time;
  • To increase immunity, because a healthy and strong plant will cope with diseases more easily and will not be attacked by pests;
  • Accelerates flowering and fruiting.

The use of succinic acid on certain parts of the plant accordingly stimulates their growth. If we water at the root, it means that the growth of the root system is stimulated; if we spray the plant itself, it means that the growth of young shoots is stimulated and flowering increases. Soaking seeds before sowing improves their germination. And if you soak cuttings in a solution, they better later take root in a permanent place. Therefore, now, when the seedling season begins, it makes sense to pay attention to this drug.

How to dilute succinic acid for watering plants in the garden

It doesn’t matter whether you bought succinic acid in powder or in tablets, before use you must first prepare an aqueous solution. The tablet must be ground to a powder by kneading it between two spoons.

How to properly prepare an aqueous solution? First you need to prepare a 1% stock solution. To do this, 1 g of powder must first be dissolved in a small amount warm water, so it will dissolve better. And then bring this solution to a volume of 1 liter. This is done if they use pure powder that does not contain foreign impurities.

When dissolving tablets, pay attention to the weight of the tablets and the content of succinic acid in it. So, a 0.5 g tablet contains 0.1 or 0.05 g of the desired product, and the rest is excipients. This means that to obtain 1 liter of a 1% aqueous solution you need to take 10 or 20 tablets, respectively.

Having prepared the mother solution, it is easy to prepare a working solution from it. Typically, 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.001% and 0.004% solution are used for spraying and watering.

  • To obtain a 0.01% working solution, you need to dissolve 100 ml of a 1% stock solution in 10 liters of water;
  • For a 0.02% solution in 10 liters of water, add 200 ml of a 1% solution;
  • Accordingly, for 0.0001%, add 100 ml of a 1% solution to 10 liters of water;
  • A 0.004% solution is prepared as follows: 40 ml of a 1% original solution is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

The prepared solution must be used within 3-5 days, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. Special measures There is no need for safety when working with it, since the substance is not toxic. The product quickly decomposes and does not accumulate in the soil and does not pollute the environment.

It is important to note that succinic acid acidifies the soil. This should be taken into account, since many vegetable and fruit crops do not like acidic soil.

To eliminate this problem, you need to neutralize the prepared solution with alkali, namely add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of solution. l. ammonia ( ammonia). In this case, an ammonium salt of succinic acid is formed, otherwise ammonium succinate, since translated from Latin word"succinum" means amber. It will also be an additional source of nitrogen.

Instructions for using succinic acid in the garden

The use of succinic acid is very extensive in gardening and vegetable gardening. First of all, its use should always be justified. Solutions of the product should be used only when no other measures allow seedlings or the plant as a whole to develop well. Fertile soil has a good stimulating effect, organic matter To one degree or another, they also contain stimulating substances.

A 0.004% solution is used to soak the seeds. To do this, 40 ml of a 1% solution is poured into a jar and the volume is adjusted to 1 liter. The seeds are soaked directly in the solution, or in a cloth soaked in the same solution, kept for no more than a day, then the seeds are dried and they are ready for sowing.

Aged seeds germinate quickly and amicably, the seedlings are strong, develop well, and practically do not get sick.

Spraying plants

For spraying leaves in early spring in order to increase resistance to return spring frosts use a 0.01% solution. And with a stronger 0.02% solution, spray it 2 more times, but only before flowering and after the plants have flowered. These sprays are aimed at increasing immunity and increasing resistance to endure adverse conditions and possible diseases.

You can spray any vegetable crops, fruit trees, shrubs, grapevines and garden flowers.

For cuttings and better rooting, the cuttings are soaked in a 0.01-0.02% solution for 10-15 hours, then planted in the ground in a permanent place. Such cuttings quickly form new roots and take root well.

To speed up germination

In order for potatoes to germinate faster after planting, a 0.04% solution of succinic acid is used. To do this, spray the potato tubers and keep under the film until the solution dries completely on the surface of the tubers.

When replanting plants

When replanting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as flowers, place their roots in 0.02% succinic acid for several hours, and then plant them in a hole in a permanent place. This will speed up the healing period of wounds on the roots, and the plant will better take root in its new location.

The use of succinic acid for watering cucumbers

One of the most favorite crops on the site are cucumbers. Gardeners treat their cultivation with special care, since this is a heat-loving crop, is quickly affected by diseases and does not tolerate any stress well. Succinic acid will help smooth out all these unpleasant factors.

Before planting cucumber seeds in the ground, soak the seeds in a 0.01% solution for a day, then dry and the seeds will be ready for sowing in the ground. If you are planting cucumbers as seedlings, then after planting, water the soil with the same solution. This will stimulate root growth and new roots will form faster. Thanks to a well-developed root system, the plant will fully receive all the nutrients from the soil, grow stronger faster and bear fruit.

Spraying mature plant for leaves 0.01-0.02%, you stimulate the formation of new shoots and ovaries, and also increase resistance to diseases and pests. By re-treating after 2-3 weeks, you will notice more fast maturation fruits and long-term fruiting. For spraying, prepare a solution in warm water with a temperature of at least 18ºC.

Tomatoes respond very well to the use of this product.

  • Succinic acid helps combat changes in ambient temperature and moisture deficiency.
  • Treated seeds and plants independently resist pests, as well as viruses and fungi.
  • Promotes the formation of new ovaries, more uniform flowering and fruit setting, and the fruits themselves become sweeter and tastier, they produce more useful substances.
  • Beneficial microflora is formed under tomato bushes, which also has a positive effect.

To soak the seeds before, 2 g (less than a teaspoon) of succinic acid powder is diluted in a small amount of warm water, stirred, and then the volume of water is adjusted to 1 liter. The seed material is kept in solution for a day, then dried and sown in the ground for seedlings.

Seedlings and adult plants are watered or sprayed with a solution prepared at the rate of 2 g of powder per 20 liters of water (2 buckets), water the tomatoes at the root from a watering can without a diffuser in a thin stream. Use 0.5-1 liter of solution per root. This solution can be used to water adult tomatoes growing in a greenhouse and in open ground.

It is better to water adult plants during the period of active appearance of buds 3 times per season with an interval of 2 weeks. Thus, you will significantly increase the yield of tomatoes from each bush.

How to use succinic acid for indoor flowers

The product can be successfully used for indoor flowers. This will allow them to come to life literally within a week.

Make an aqueous solution of succinic acid at the rate of 1 g of powder in 5 liters of warm water, stir and pour the flowers under the root. You will already notice the results within a week and you will be more than surprised. In indoor flowers. The leaves will turn green and new buds will appear on flowering plants.

However, do not forget that this is not a supplement, but just a stimulant and therefore should not be used often. Once every six months is enough.

Succinic acid is a product obtained from the processing of natural amber. It is mined at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, but in small quantities this substance is an integral component of many plant and animal organisms. Its greatest concentrations are found in amber and brown coal. Special processing of maleic anhydride makes it possible to obtain it in artificial conditions. This acid is produced in the form of tablets or powder crystals, which easily dissolve in alcohol, water or ether.

Succinic acid has a number of useful properties that help stimulate plant growth and provide nutrition for indoor flowers, which is why it is widely used in home plant growing.

Features and properties of succinic acid

Succinic acid is a natural component that ensures the healthy functioning of plants and organisms. Its unique composition can significantly improve the processes of their growth and development.

The use of this substance at home is associated with a number of its valuable properties:

  • succinic acid perfectly stimulates the growth of indoor flowers. Its action improves the quality of absorption of nutrients from the soil, helps to survive in stressful conditions and aggressive environments;
  • has normalization properties quality composition and the interaction of microorganisms in the microflora of the soil in which orchids grow;
  • has no harmful effect on environment, no special disposal required;
  • You can feed plants with succinic acid for different purposes. Watering flowers with succinic acid activates root growth and accelerates the formation of the green part of the shoots;
  • knowing how to fertilize flowers with succinic acid can significantly help restore the damaged life processes of plants;
  • treatment of seeds and cuttings increases their germination;
  • effective even in low concentrations;
  • acid is completely harmless to people, animals and flora; completely absorbed by the soil microflora.

Attention: Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, succinic acid does not replace conventional fertilizers.

The presence of beneficial properties allows the widespread use of succinic acid which can participate in:

  • regulation and stimulation of plant growth;
  • increasing chlorophyll synthesis in leaves;
  • absorption of added fertilizers;
  • creating a protective layer that prevents the harmful effects of excessive accumulations of nitrogenous substances and toxins;
  • improving soil microflora;
  • increasing the viability of plants when exposed to unfavorable factors;
  • reducing the risk of plant diseases.

Preparation of various succinic acid concentrates

Succinic acid can significantly improve plant growth.

Typically, succinic acid is applied once every two or three weeks. The correct proportions for preparing a working solution are 2 g of the substance dissolved in one or two liters of water. In this case, the substance is first diluted in a small amount of slightly warm water, and only then brought to the required volume, diluted with water heated to room temperature.

The prepared solution can retain its beneficial properties for three days. After this period, it decomposes by microorganisms.

In addition to the basic instructions for use, there are a number of special rules, how to dilute succinic acid and use it for various purposes:

  • To spray orchids, prepare a 1% solution; for this, add 1 g of acid to a small amount of warm water, mix thoroughly, waiting for the powder to completely dissolve. After this they pour in cold water up to a volume of 1 l;
  • It is possible to ensure rapid germination of seeds by first keeping them in a solution with diluted acid for one day; then dry thoroughly and plant in the soil. Seed germination can also be done directly in the solution;
  • It is best to treat flowers with a 0.02% solution. This proportion can be obtained by adding 0.2 liters of a 1% concentration solution, which was prepared in advance, to 0.8 liters of cold water;
  • Feeding flowers with succinic acid can help a dying plant. This can be done by treating it with a more saturated solution prepared in a ratio of 0.25 g of the substance per liter of warm water. Spraying and watering the soil in this case will help revive the flower.

Attention: When using succinic acid, there is no need to fear an overdose, because this substance is non-toxic.

Methods of use

There are several methods for using this substance in plant growing and floriculture.:

  • Spraying flowers with a solution of succinic acid even once every few weeks will significantly enhance their growth and development. To do this, spraying can be carried out before flowering begins, and the treatment can be carried out several times. As a rule, over time of plant growth, the number of treatments is noticeably increased, while increasing the concentration of the solution by 5-10 times;
  • rapid growth of new roots will be facilitated by soaking the root system for 40 minutes in the solution. After this, the roots are dried for 30 minutes and planted in the ground;
  • Rooting of cuttings will be more successful if the previously cut cuttings are soaked by immersion no more than 2 cm in an acid solution for 24 hours.

Attention: Succinic acid should be stored in undiluted form in a dark and dry place, at an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The proximity of food and medicine, as well as accessibility to children and animals, is strictly prohibited.

Rules for working with succinic acid solution

Prepared succinic acid can be stored for no more than 3 days.

Knowing how to use succinic acid for flowers, you can significantly improve them appearance. At the same time, it is necessary to observe a number of necessary measures:

  • the prepared working solution is best used immediately, storage should not exceed 2 or 3 days;
  • Too frequent feeding is not recommended, especially for orchids;
  • while preparing the solution and processing plants, you should not drink or smoke, and do not do this in the presence of children;
  • Every precaution should be taken to avoid contact of liquid with the eyes, as this is dangerous due to inflammation of the mucous membrane. In this case, you will need to thoroughly rinse your eyes with clean water.

How does succinic acid affect the plant?

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect on plants, improving their growth, absorption of nutrients from the soil, and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

It can be used for preventive purposes when there is a risk of various occurrences, incl. fungal diseases. In this case, protection is carried out by stimulating cell growth, which helps to resist bacterial permeability. Acid significantly increases the amount of chlorophyll contained in greenery, which ensures lush and lush flowering.

How does it affect the soil?

Succinic acid is most useful for improving the quality of soil, normalizing its microflora. Helps protect crops from extinction in particularly poor soils, while reducing harmful nitrogen accumulations contained in them. Acid destroys toxic soil substances, man-made pollution, and accumulations of harmful microorganisms.

Use of acid in home floriculture strengthens the immunity of flowers, increases resistance to bacteria and diseases, has an excellent effect on maintaining their health, and accelerates the natural processes of vegetation and flowering.

Succinic acid strengthens the immune system of indoor plants and flowers.

It is useful to carry out processing under such unfavorable environmental factors as excessive humidity and overheating. Despite the fact that succinic acid is not a fertilizer, it significantly helps indoor plants.

To preserve the beautiful lush blooming garden or a fruitful vegetable garden, gardeners use many types of organic and chemical fertilizers. You can buy the product at any agricultural produce store. But there are plants that require no less love and care. In the same way, owners of indoor flower beds want to have beautiful, green plants in pots.

Succinic acid is suitable for this. The product is gaining popularity and winning the hearts of gardeners with its magical art of quickly restoring decorative plantings. Reviews from people who use fertilizer with such interesting name, positive character. Because the substance is safe and effective.

Characteristics and composition

Succinic acid is not sold in stores selling agricultural products. It is purchased at a pharmacy. The release form is different, but chemical name the same - butadienoic acid.

The substance is used in practice as a dosage form to restore immune and nervous system, filling them with energy. It has various areas applications. Doctors recommend using it for:

  • improving brain function;
  • to increase attention and concentration;
  • strengthening reflexes;
  • relieving stress from the body and nervous system.

The formula of succinic acid is designed in such a way as to relieve inflammatory processes and prevent the appearance of tumors, restore blood circulation and veins.

In a similar way, amber helps plants recover. The immune system is imbued, which means photosynthesis improves. It will help improve the condition of not only indoor plants, but also in the country.

Succinic acid is not a chemical substance, but an organic one. You can find it in cheeses, gooseberries and grapes. Sauerkraut became a storehouse of this substance. Naturally, amber itself is the main source material for acid.

Modern science manages to obtain the composition of succinic acid using the formula of n-butane and benzene. By combining the two components, crystals are obtained and then ground into powder (white color). Taste qualities: sourish taste. At the same time, the crystals dissolve well in water.

Auxiliary components are:

  • potato starch and talc;
  • aerosil and sugar;
  • ascorbic acid and calcium stearate.

Fertilizer properties

The chemical properties of amber are clearly beneficial for the treatment of human ailments. In practice, the medicine began to bring positive feedback in gardening and when propagating indoor plants.

Succinic acid becomes a growth stimulator for plants. Purchased in the form of tablets or injection liquid, diluted in water and used for spraying or watering. The positive aspects of processing are:

SustainabilityA plant treated with acid, even in small quantities, is not afraid of frost, humidity or drought. Gains increased stability and protection
Root formationIf necessary, replanting the plant and stopping the roots becomes an indispensable tool. Helps to revive, propagate and replant without problems
ChlorophyllThis substance is produced twice. Due to this, flowers and horticultural crops acquire improved color and are filled with vital energy.
StimulantWhen plants are treated with amber, the root system improves and absorbs added bioadditives from the soil faster. Growth accelerates and appearance improves
Destruction of toxinsToxins and other negative substances always accumulate in the soil. But when treated with succinic acid, toxic elements dissolve
Increased adaptabilityIf the flower is sick, then using amber is simply necessary. It will help the plant’s immunity to protect itself from negative bacteria, microbes, and fungi. In addition, it will recover faster after an illness.
MicrofloraAfter treatment, the activity of positively charged particles is balanced, which clearly improves the quality of soil microflora

Succinic acid is also useful for animals. Therefore, if your cat likes to eat greens or walk in the flower garden, there is no need to worry. There will be no harm to the pet.

Pros and cons of using

The effect of acid on a plant is more like a growth stimulator. At the same time, using the medicine as a fertilizer has additional advantages:

  1. Stabilizes soil microflora and helps plants resist diseases.
  2. The stimulating effect of succinic acid does not end there. The growth stimulator improves the plant's immunity and prevents fungal and bacterial infections from damaging green spaces.
  3. Reduces stress factors: pressure surges, problems with temperature conditions, drought or high humidity, lack of lighting.

Indoor flowers suffer the most from stressful situations. The soil in pots changes and is associated with human actions that are unpleasant for the plant. The roots are always damaged and exposed when transplanted.

It's difficult to experience so much at once. The plant experiences particular challenges during periods of drought or rainy weeks. Humidity and dryness of the air also greatly hinder the “green inhabitants” from growing and looking healthy.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid during analysis are enormous. negative aspects: increasing the dose leads to unpleasant consequences. The plant should not be over-fertilized. But if it is necessary to combat chlorophyll, succinic acid becomes an emergency aid.

Release form and production features

Butadienic acid is sold in pharmacy kiosks as a medicine. Amber water is prepared independently at home using a purchased pharmaceutical preparation.

Sold as an injection liquid in ampoules, tablets or powder form. All forms that are commercially available are suitable as fertilizer.

The tablets are amber or in powder, but the succinic acid is compacted and dry. It dissolves well in water, which allows you to quickly prepare liquid for feeding. The ampoule product is popular. Since it is enough to add it to water and stir for less than a minute. All. The product is ready without much effort.

Regardless of the type (tablets, ampoules, powder), the composition is the same, only the dosage of the main components is slightly changed. Therefore, before starting watering, you need to clarify the recipe and method of diluting the drug.

The effect of fertilizer on soil and plants

Amber fertilizer serves an excellent remedy to destroy bacteria and restore the plant with the necessary microelements. Acid is suitable in various situations that arise in a country house or garden, or in an apartment.

If the effect of succinic acid on houseplants is quite clear - stress relief, restoration of immunity.

This begs the question of whether it can be used as a top dressing for cucumbers, tomatoes or other vegetable crops? To understand this, it is worth studying in detail why and how you can use the drug.

It is suggested to use amber water from the stage of plant development: seeds. Treatment is carried out before direct sowing. To do this, prepare a 0.2% solution (dissolve 2 mg or one tablet in 1 liter of water), soak the seeds.

After the procedure, dry it away from sunlight(no more than 25-30 minutes). For cucumbers, the dosage is the same as for other seeds. If it is necessary to carry out a rejection procedure, then a 0.05% solution is made. Carry out the gluing process. Those seeds that do not grow can be removed.

For strawberries, succinic acid will serve as a survival liquid. Strawberries are not sown, but rather planted with cuttings or tendrils in the ground. For the process to be fruitful, the seedlings should be kept for about an hour in the prepared 0.25% solution. To do this, add 2.5 g per liter.

If the tomatoes were purchased as seedlings, you can spray them. For tomatoes, succinic acid is useful, but the dosage differs from all methods: half a tablet dissolves in three-liter butyl. Spraying will help seedlings adapt and increase resistance negative phenomena. Such as diseases, pests or diseases.

Need to know! Amber liquid is beneficial for plants. The fact has been proven and confirmed in practice. But acid does not replace fertilizers, but only stimulates growth and activates protective functions plants.

Features of use for indoor plants

Home floriculture is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. In an apartment where fresh air fewer, much more stressful situations for plants.

The destruction of bacteria, fungus and other diseases is more difficult. To strengthen the immunity of the indoor “dweller” and speed up the growing season, it is amber liquid that is recommended.

For indoor flowers, succinic acid is especially necessary when there is overheating or excessive humidity. It is always difficult to choose feeding and fertilizer for the “delicate creatures of the window sill”. But amber compensates for the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the soil.

If a person is a happy owner tropical plants(for example, orchids), it is worth remembering the need for special treatment and care for flowers. succinic acid will help improve health and activate photosynthesis. It will also stimulate the formation of flower stalks.

This plant often suffers from rotting roots. Productive treatment and stress relief can be carried out with a weak solution. To do this, you will need to dilute the orchid tablet in 5 liters of warm water.

This solution is recommended for frequent use. Spray once every 21 days. As soon as the product runs out, the remains are poured into the soil. Systematic application allows you to protect orchids from diseases, rot and other negative aspects.

If a florist is interested in roses, the use of acid is similar to street pink beauties. The only thing worth remembering is that rose flower beds at home are more delicate. Spraying is allowed once a month, and application to the soil once every 2 months.

Operating instructions

There are no instructions for using succinic acid for plants. And it is impossible to see it in a box of pills or powder. Standard dilution is to add 0.1 g of powder (tablet) to warm water.

In tablet form it can be 0.25 g. In this case, you need to add 4 tablets at once. The moment of direct use is taken into account: to improve flowering, as flower food or as medicine.


The dosage of succinic acid depends on the direction of application. But the drug has an effect even at low doses. Weak solutions are prepared at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter. Suitable for wiping the green part to improve photosynthesis, for treating sensitive plants.

Proportions 1:1 are used to destroy bacteria and infections. Application strictly into the ground. Standard remedy used for soaking roots before planting and watering. Obtained by stirring 1 g in 2-3 liters of water.

Preparation for use

Treatment of seeds, roots, and soil with succinic acid is carried out exclusively with an aqueous solution. The granules dissolve quickly and do not require long soaking.

You can make a concentrate. If necessary, dilute with plenty of water. Any activity aimed at processing the plant can be done immediately.

Plant treatment methods

  • wiping the green part;
  • soaking the roots before planting or between the process of replanting into another pot.


Succinic acid for seeds, seedlings, cuttings, tubers, root systems should be prepared in low concentration. If it is necessary to quickly obtain results, the solution is mixed for 2 days at the rate of 0.4 g per 1 liter.

No matter how the soaking occurs, after it the planting material is dried and then planted in the soil. If germination began during soaking, planting occurs immediately.

In the garden, succinic acid has the same application as in floriculture.


The use of succinic acid for seedlings makes it possible to fill young plant energy, strengthen the immune system. The spray liquid works as a growth stimulator for plants.

The method involves processing the biomaterial in the morning or after sunset. Hitting is not allowed sun rays during spraying, as you can burn leaves, stems and shoots.

The procedure is done either with a weak solution (the flower is healthy, but requires a little life-giving moisture), or the solution is mixed with 0.03%. The exception was grapes. The vine is treated with a 0.08% solution of succinic acid.


Watering flowers with succinic acid in gardening and floriculture is a restorative procedure. A standard mixture is used: 1:1 powder and water. Carry out the procedure, both at the dacha and in the apartment, no more than once every three weeks. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine watering and spraying, but with different solutions.

Precautionary measures

In practice, it has been proven that an overdose does not cause harm. Succinic acid is present in 65% of plants. But the biomaterial should be diluted according to the instructions. Especially when it comes to irrigation. A strong solution can cause a burn to the green part.

For humans and animals, amber is not toxic or harmful. Therefore, you can carry out any manipulations without gloves or a respirator. It is worth remembering that you must avoid getting acid on the mucous membrane. An acidic environment promotes inflammation and vision problems.