Why tomatoes cannot be stored in the refrigerator. How to keep tomatoes fresh for a long time. Can tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator?

If there were a ranking of the popularity of vegetables, tomatoes would undoubtedly take first place. Moreover, with a large gap from their rivals. Red-sided and juicy, they are good either in a salad or as a snack. It’s just that we don’t get to enjoy fresh tomatoes for long in our latitudes: as soon as autumn makes a serious statement about itself, they disappear from both market counters and store shelves. And I would like to keep it longer fresh tomatoes! After all, canning is not at all the same as elastic, appetizing freshly picked fruits...
We can’t help with freshly picked ones, but we can help with storage. Because we know how to preserve fresh tomatoes longer. And we will be happy to share this information with you.

First, let's decide what we can count on. Is it possible to save fresh tomatoes until the New Year? Or will they only last a couple of weeks of storage? The answer depends not only on your actions and, moreover, your desire. The shelf life of tomatoes is determined by several parameters that will have to be taken into account if you want to preserve fresh tomatoes for as long as possible:

1. Greenhouse tomatoes are stored worse than those grown in open ground. Perhaps soil-grown tomatoes are simply better suited to the challenge environment and “hardened” by the struggle for survival. But the fact remains: for tomatoes to last longer, they must be from the garden.

2. There are specially bred varieties of tomatoes for long-term storage. The most famous of them are Masterpiece, Longkeeper and Giraffe. Sounding names, isn't it? But the main thing is that they can withstand longer storage and/or transportation than representatives of other varieties. This information will be more useful to gardeners who can grow the vegetables they need on their own. But if you manage to buy fresh tomatoes of just these varieties, don’t miss out.

3. Tomatoes have a feature that not all vegetables have: they can be picked unripe, so that they later ripen during storage. This approach greatly extends the life of fresh tomatoes. Firstly, green tomatoes remain unharmed longer. Secondly, the beginning of their storage in ripe form is delayed.

Ripe tomatoes can be bought about three days in advance, after which uneaten vegetables will begin to wither and spoil. If you immediately put the tomatoes in the refrigerator, you can count on their preservation for a week. Tomatoes with thick skins can stay in the special “vegetable” compartment of the refrigerator for 10 days, but this is already risky. But cool it down fresh tomatoes higher than 2-3°C is not recommended at all: tomatoes do not tolerate freezing well, and after thawing they spoil very quickly.

If you have never stored for a long time before fresh vegetables, then it’s unlikely that you had time to stock up on green tomatoes or choose a specific variety. So you will have to deal with what you have - that is, arrange the storage of already ripened tomatoes. In this case traditional methods, multiplied by discoveries modern science, offer the following methods for storing tomatoes:

1. Storage in dry mustard.
Tomatoes are stored for a long time glass jars and at the same time remain fresh, without a drop of brine or a hint of canning.
To repeat this trick, take several three-liter jars and fresh tomatoes - whole, not overripe, without dents or other damage.
Wash the tomatoes running water, wipe dry and place on outdoors for drying.
Sterilize the jars and dry them properly too.
Using a dry, clean tablespoon, scoop a generous amount of mustard powder and sprinkle into the bottom of each jar.
Place the tomatoes in jars on top of the mustard. First, a few pieces - the first “layer”. Try not to press them together. Of course, the sides of the vegetables will touch, but this should happen without pressure.
Second important point: place the tomatoes up with the side where the tail was.
Sprinkle the first and each subsequent portion of tomatoes with mustard, sparingly.
At the end, when the jars are full, pour another full spoonful of mustard powder on top and close the lid (sterile and dry, of course).
Roll up the jars with a machine or seal them hermetically in another way.
After this, it is advisable to put the cans on their sides and roll them a little and/or carefully turn them upside down. But don't shake the jars - just distribute the mustard powder evenly over all the tomatoes.
Place the jars in a cool place without access to light (in a pantry, cellar, etc.) and be sure that even in January the tomatoes will remain fresh and tasty.
I wonder how the described method “works”? Everything is quite simple. Tomatoes sealed in jars release moisture very slowly. This amount of water is tiny, but it is enough to interact with essential oils mustard. They, in turn, prevent putrefactive processes in vegetables from developing by suppressing bacteria. To ensure that the method does not fail, choose medium-sized tomatoes for such storage and use at least 4 tablespoons of dry mustard for each jar.

2. Vacuum storage.
Fresh tomatoes in jars can be preserved using another method.
To do this, you will need exactly the same three-liter jars (sterile and dry, of course) as in the first case, but instead of mustard powder, alcohol.
Fresh whole tomatoes small size wash and dry completely. Place in jars, trying not to press tightly, just on top of each other.
Pour 2 full tablespoons of alcohol into each jar filled with tomatoes.
Close the jars with clean lids, but do not roll them up.
Place the jars horizontally and roll them so that the tomatoes are thoroughly moistened with alcohol.
Further actions should be very quick and coordinated, so immediately prepare everything you need.
Place a long wick, matches (lighter), lids and a can-roller nearby.
Remove the temporary lids from the jars.
Place the end of the wick into the jar and light it on the other side.
As soon as the alcohol ignites, immediately close the jar with a lid and roll it tightly.
Do this for all jars.
If you manage to do everything correctly, you will get absolutely whole tomatoes: they will not have time to burn, and the alcohol will instantly burn inside the jar along with oxygen.
The tomatoes end up in a vacuum, which will preserve them for a long time.

Truly long-term storage is only possible if the tomatoes are not fully ripe. Fresh tomatoes of the so-called milky ripeness can be preserved not only until late autumn and/or winter holidays, but also until the end of winter. But for this you cannot do without strict adherence to all the rules for preparing and storing tomatoes:

1. Buy or collect green and slightly milky tomatoes from your own garden. It is important to do this before the first frost, so that even the tomatoes do not get damaged from the inside. Remove the tails immediately.
2. Once again, carefully review and sort out the tomatoes intended for storage. Leave only ideal specimens: with intact, undamaged skin and without a hint of damage. Not only the safety of each tomato, but also the reliability of the entire stock depends on this.
3. Heat the water to 60°C and put the tomatoes in it for 3 minutes. Do not take the water hotter, so as not to scald the vegetables. But washing in cooler water will not protect tomatoes from bacteria.
4. Wipe each tomato dry and place them in a ventilated area to dry completely. It is better to choose a dry place in the shade for this.
5. While the tomatoes are drying, prepare several boxes for their storage: plastic or wooden. The main thing is clean, dry and not very deep. At the bottom of each, place a sheet of newspaper or other paper moistened with alcohol or vodka without additives.
6. Soak pieces of cotton wool in the same alcohol or vodka and wipe each tomato with it on all sides.
7. After this stage, two options are possible. In the first case, if you plan to eat the tomatoes within a month or a month and a half, then simply lay them out in an even layer on an alcohol-soaked newspaper, cover with the same sheet, and on it place another layer of tomatoes, also covered with paper.
8. Otherwise, to store tomatoes longer, wrap each one with a piece of newspaper or a napkin soaked in alcohol. Place dry sawdust between the bundles.
9. Place the boxes in a dark room with an air temperature of 7 to 14°C and a humidity of no more than 80%. In principle, paper and sawdust will absorb a small amount of water, but it is better not to test their absorbent abilities for strength.
10. Regularly, at least once a week, inspect your tomatoes and mercilessly remove from storage those that show hints of spoilage.

Step-by-step instructions are very convenient, but also Additional Information never hurts. For example, it is useful to know that folic acid contained in tomatoes accelerates their ripening. Therefore, green tomatoes intended for storage should not be kept near ripe red vegetables. But when it's time to use the blank, remove required quantity stored green tomatoes and place next to a ripe tomato or other fruit (banana, apple). In addition to all that has been said, keep in mind that preserving fresh tomatoes means not only preserving their beauty and “marketable” appearance. It is important not to lose the benefit fresh tomatoes and the vitamins they contain. Decorate New Year's table You can also use pickled vegetables, but the health benefits of fresh tomatoes cannot be replaced by any canned food. Therefore, good luck with your preparations and bon appetit all year round!

Are tasty and juicy tomatoes a seasonal product? I assure you that they can be successfully stored at home for quite a long time. I'll tell you how to keep tomatoes fresh for the winter using simple and affordable methods.

General rules

The right variety

For long-term supplies, it is best to choose certain varieties of tomatoes. Mid-late and late varieties are ideal for these purposes. For example, varieties:

  • "New Year" will be perfectly preserved until the New Year;
  • « Giraffe" and "Long Keeper" In general, you can store it until spring.

When purchasing, ask how the vegetables were grown. Tomatoes grown in open ground can be stored much longer than greenhouse tomatoes.

Storage conditions

The optimal temperature for long-term storage of tomatoes is +8… +10 °C and humidity 80%.

The thing is that these vegetables are very sensitive to temperature. This is due to volatile substances that provide a characteristic rich taste and react very sensitively to decreases or increases in temperature. When the heat balance is disturbed, tomatoes become lethargic and lose their flavor.


Where to store tomatoes is a very important question. Cool, dark places are best for this: the basement, pantry, vegetable rack in the refrigerator, space under the bed.

Preparing vegetables

Before sending vegetables for long-term storage, they must be carefully sorted. Select only whole fruits, preferably of milky ripeness - almost green tomatoes that have already grown to the size characteristic of the variety and are just beginning to turn red.

To destroy all harmful microbes on the surface of the fruit, wipe each vegetable with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or vodka.

How to preserve tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes can be stored in different ways.

Method 1. In boxes

  1. Take wooden or plastic boxes with lattice bottoms. Boxes must be clean and dry.
  2. Cover them with paper.
  3. Place the vegetables with the stems facing up, intersecting each row with paper.
  4. For a better effect, you can wrap each fruit in paper.
  5. Fill the box with sawdust or wood peat.

Method 2. Tomatoes for the New Year's table

  1. Select milk-ripe tomatoes.
  2. Wrap each vegetable in black paper.
  3. Place it in a box.
  4. Cover with straw.
  5. Store tomatoes in a dark, well-ventilated area at a temperature of +8... +10 °C.
  6. To ripen, place the required number of tomatoes in a light and warm room for 5-10 days.

Method 3. Gradual ripening

  1. Place the tomatoes, stems side up, in a cool place with good lighting.
  2. Wait until the vegetables are ripe and ready to eat.

Method 4. In banks

Image Description

Method 1

Pour the vegetables with a solution of water, salt and vinegar in a ratio of 8:1:1.

Method 2

Pour over the tomatoes sunflower oil, which should cover the vegetables by 1 cm.

Method 3

Place clean and dry fruits in a jar, sprinkling each layer with a spoonful of mustard powder.

A three-liter jar should take at least 6 tablespoons of mustard.

Method 5. In a saucepan

  1. Sort the fruits by ripeness and size.
  2. Cut overripe vegetables into large pieces.
  3. Lay out vegetables in layers: a layer of chopped tomatoes, salt, a layer of whole fruits, table salt.
  4. Repeat the operation until the container is completely filled.

Regardless of the method you choose, be sure to periodically inspect your supplies. If a tomato begins to spoil, it must be removed immediately so that it does not infect the others.

Method 6. In the refrigerator

Alas, the refrigerator is not the best the best place for storing tomatoes. Here the shelf life of tomatoes reaches a maximum of 7 days:

  • To prevent vegetables from spoiling, wrap each fruit in paper and keep it at a distance from each other.
  • It is best to place the tomatoes on the bottom shelf or in the vegetable tray in a single layer to prevent the vegetables from choking.
  • The plastic bag retains moisture and can cause premature spoilage of the tomatoes.

Storing heat-treated tomatoes

Tomatoes are wonderful not only fresh. Sun-dried, canned and home-pickled tomatoes can be an excellent addition to any dish. Instructions for storing heat-treated tomatoes will help you understand all the intricacies.

Image Instructions

Sun-dried tomatoes:
  1. Store sun-dried tomatoes in a thick cotton bag.
  2. Place the vegetables in a plastic container and pour olive oil over them. Store the container in the refrigerator.
  3. Place the sun-dried tomatoes in freezer. But be prepared for the vegetables to lose color when defrosting.

Dried tomatoes:
  1. Dried tomatoes can be stored like dried fruits - in a cotton bag.
  2. Place the vegetables in a jar and cover it with wax paper. Fill the paper with wax or resin.
  3. You can store dried tomatoes in a dark and cool place. To do this, take any container, cover its bottom with paper and add tomatoes.
  4. Place dried tomatoes in sterilized jars. Add any spices there (salt, pepper, dill, garlic) and fill with refined oil. Cover with a nylon lid or polyethylene.

Canned and pickled tomatoes:

This will be news to many, but keep canned tomatoes no more than 12 months possible. Pickled tomatoes can stay in a barrel for no more than 8 months.

Preservation is well stored at room temperature(a pantry will do), and pickled tomatoes - at low temperature (in the basement, refrigerator).

Tomatoes can be stored in the freezer. Such option will do for preparing various dishes. Except for salads, of course.


As you understand, you can store tomatoes correctly if you know the best way for certain fruits. There's plenty more waiting for you in the video in this article. useful tips for processing tomatoes.

If you know any other ways to store tomatoes, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

Tomatoes are juicy, fleshy fruits, without which it is impossible to imagine summer salads, rich sauces and casseroles. They are very tasty, rich in vitamins and minerals. Those who grow tomatoes themselves know that the fruits do not ripen all at once, but gradually. Tomatoes that ripen first should be preserved until canning, and the latest varieties are often harvested unripe to protect them from frost. This is why it is important to know how to ensure the right conditions storage of both ripe and not yet ripe tomatoes.

Source: depositphotos.com

Green tomatoes are stored in order to gradually bring them to ripeness, red ones - in order to accumulate sufficient volume for preservation during gradual harvesting or to preserve their freshness for as long as possible. General recommendations for preparing tomatoes for long-term storage are suitable for any occasion:

  • When harvesting, you need to take into account that any, even minor damage to the fruit will not allow it to be stored for a long time. The place where the skin is crushed or torn will quickly rot, and if the tomato is not removed from the total mass in time, it will quickly spoil the neighboring vegetables. Therefore, preparation for long-term storage should begin with careful selection of the highest quality specimens;
  • Select varieties that have thick skin and fleshy flesh. And cherry tomatoes, for example, are best eaten first or canned, since they have a very thin skin and will not last long;
  • Fruits need to be sorted not only by variety, but also by degree of ripeness and size. Ripe tomatoes emit gas, which will speed up the ripening of green vegetables, but during long-term storage this will be completely inappropriate. It is also necessary to take into account that large specimens mature faster than small ones;
  • When harvesting, it is better to leave the stalks, since it has been proven that vegetables are stored longer in this form.

Source: depositphotos.com

After the vegetables are prepared, housewives have a question about whether they can store tomatoes in the refrigerator. It must be remembered that at low temperatures, tomatoes quickly lose their taste, aroma and become loose. The fact is that the special volatile compounds that make the fruit so fragrant disintegrate at temperatures below +15 °C.

It is better to use the refrigerator only for short-term storage of tomatoes: put a small amount in it that you plan to eat in the near future. Place tomatoes in a special compartment for vegetables, which is usually located as far as possible from the freezer. A significant change in taste will not occur within 24 hours.

If you store tomatoes at room temperature not exceeding +25 °C, their quality will only improve, since the substances responsible for the taste of the fruit begin to be produced more actively. Do not place vegetables under straight Sun rays or heat them above +25 °C - under such conditions, decomposition processes are activated.

How to store tomatoes at home if they are already fully ripe, but are not planned to be used soon? Perfect option- place them in wooden or plastic boxes with a bottom and walls in the form of bars in one layer. Tomatoes will rot much less if you treat the box with an alcohol solution and dry it properly. The bottom of the container should be lined with paper without printing ink. It is best to place the prepared container in a dark place with a temperature of +8...+12 °C and ventilation, which will allow the released carbon dioxide. Ideal conditions create a cellar, basement or special cabinet for wine.

Source: depositphotos.com

It is permissible to lay vegetables in a box in several layers, separating the levels with sheets of paper or spilling sawdust. It is best to place tomatoes with the stems facing up. There is a secret that will help prolong the freshness of the fruits: treat them with boric acid or a weak solution of gelatin. If you follow these rules, ripe tomatoes will retain their properties for several weeks.

Other simple techniques will help you store tomatoes correctly. For example, red tomatoes can simply be poured vegetable oil so that its level is 1 cm higher than the layer of vegetables.

An aqueous solution of vinegar and salt prevents spoilage of vegetables; the ingredients are taken in the following ratio: 8 parts water and 1 part each salt and vinegar.

Storing unripe tomatoes

Where to store tomatoes if they were picked unripe? In order for the tomatoes to remain in their original state for as long as possible (not to ripen for a long time), you need to place them in a cool, dark place (basement, cellar, underground, garage).

Source: depositphotos.com

In order for the tomatoes to ripen gradually, the container with them is placed in a dark place at room temperature, for example under a bed (periodically checking the fruits, eliminating ripe or rotten ones).

For long-term storage, tomatoes are placed in the same boxes as ripe fruits. The difference is that each fruit is wrapped in paper. Varieties collected in late autumn can be placed on the balcony if the storage containers are insulated. Inside, the layers of tomatoes are sprinkled with polyurethane foam balls, which serve both for insulation and to soften the load of the fruits on each other. The temperature should be +5…+7 °C. In such conditions, green, unripe tomatoes are stored for several months.

Source: depositphotos.com

If you want the tomatoes to ripen as quickly as possible, take the container with them into a lighted room and leave it at a temperature of +15...+20 °C. You can put several ripe fruits in the box to speed up the ripening process.

Storing Processed Tomatoes

When there are no suitable conditions at home for long-term storage of fresh tomatoes, The best decision- recycle them.

Source: depositphotos.com

Sun-dried and canned vegetables do not spoil much longer and do not require special storage conditions:

    1. Sun-dried tomatoes can be stored like dried fruits - in linen bags in kitchen cabinet. Main secret– protect supplies from excessive humidity, insects and the proximity of aromatic products. Many housewives put sun-dried tomatoes in an airtight plastic container or glass container, pour olive oil and put them in the refrigerator. You can also use the freezer, but remember that after defrosting, the tomatoes will lose their rich red color.
    2. Dried tomatoes can be stored in the same way as sun-dried tomatoes: in bags or containers filled with oil. It is convenient to put large volumes in wooden or plastic boxes and place them on darkened shelves at a temperature of 0...+10 °C. Dried tomatoes tolerate being refrigerated well.
    3. Canned tomatoes, sealed airtight, can be stored at room temperature. The shelf life of canned food is no more than 12 months. If the container in which the vegetables are pickled or fermented is not airtight, the shelf life is reduced to 6-8 months, and such preparations should be stored in a cool room or refrigerator.

Read about how to dry tomatoes

Until recently, tomato lovers did not think about where to store tomatoes. After all, from childhood we were taught: it is better to store food in the refrigerator. It is believed that there they deteriorate more slowly. But in Lately There is an increasingly common assertion that this rule does not work for tomatoes. Let's figure out who is right and who is wrong in this matter.

Gardeners and housewives are in desperate debate over whether to store fresh tomatoes in the refrigerator. Some say yes, others categorically disagree with them and believe that tomatoes have no place in the refrigerator. Both are partly right.

Proponents of the theory that the refrigerator is not the best place for tomatoes say that low temperatures kill the aroma and taste of the fruit. This is why many people don't store tomatoes in the refrigerator. And there is confirmation of this. It was experimentally established that at low temperatures the aroma of the fruit is lost. But does this mean that tomatoes absolutely cannot be stored in the refrigerator?

Necessary storage conditions

Scientists have experimentally found that optimal temperature for storing tomatoes +12-13 degrees. Neither the room temperature nor the air temperature in the refrigerator corresponds to this level. At home, especially in summer, the temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. And in the refrigerator it is always less than 12 degrees (depending on the settings from +2 to +8). Therefore, neither the first nor the second option for this product is optimal.

Where to store

The most the best option consider a dry, cool room with a temperature no higher than 12 degrees. For residents of private houses, the best place is the cellar. There, tomatoes can be stored fresh and aromatic for several months.

Reference. Some gardeners manage to preserve their harvests in the cellar until the end of autumn - beginning of winter.

In an apartment, tomatoes are stored well for up to 10 days when hung on a cool wall. Usually such a wall is on a balcony or loggia.

Experienced housewives, in order to preserve them for as long as possible, advise first of all to pay attention to the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. If the fruits are already fully ripe, then a warm place can be their storage for no more than a few days. Then they will start to deteriorate.

It is still better to place ripe fruits in the cold. This is correct to extend their shelf life. How long do tomatoes last in the refrigerator? They can stay there for up to several weeks.

If we are talking about still unripe (green) tomatoes that are harvested ahead of schedule, then the storage rules have special features for them. A refrigerator won't do any good. They need a warmer place to ripen. A few weeks at room temperature will allow the fruit to ripen. At the same time, both the taste and aroma will be worthy.

Important! It will not be superfluous to review the stored fruits every few days. If some copies begin to deteriorate, you need to detect them in time and remove them from the storage location.

If the tomatoes go bad

Tomatoes that are not suitable for preservation can be:

  1. Recycle. For example, make a batch of homemade tomato sauce or ketchup. Fruits can also be cut into halves or pieces. It will be very useful in winter.
  2. Wither or dry. This is done both in the oven and in an electric dryer. Sun-dried tomatoes are usually stored in jars, filled to the top with vegetable oil.
  3. To freeze. Small tomatoes are frozen whole in bags, large ones - cut (for example, pizza rings). The fruits are also twisted in a meat grinder or pureed in a blender. In winter they are added to sauces and gravies.

Here are some tips from experienced housewives:

  1. When storing in the refrigerator, it is better to place ripe fruits not near the far wall, but closer to the door or in a special drawer for vegetables. It's a little warmer there.
  2. When storing unripe tomatoes, it is good to transfer them with dry hay or sawdust.
  3. It is better to calibrate the fruits. Medium-sized tomatoes with thick skin can be preserved for a long time without damaging its integrity.

The best varieties for long-term storage

Breeders have developed many varieties of tomatoes from for a long time storage:

  • New Year;
  • Lying;
  • Winter Heart;
  • Winter miracle;
  • Christmas;
  • Gift of autumn;
  • Snowfall, etc.

Attention! Medium tomatoes, thick-walled and with thick skin, last a long time. It is important that the fruits are not damaged.

Let's sum it up

If you are the happy owner of a private home, then you probably have a cellar. This is the best place to store tomatoes. Alternative options for apartment residents - a refrigerator or a cool place near the balcony.

If the tomatoes are still green, do not store them in the refrigerator. Feel free to leave the fruits on the windowsill. And if the tomatoes are already fully ripe, opt for a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator. The aroma will weaken a little, but you will extend the shelf life of the fruit. And don’t believe those who say that tomatoes absolutely cannot be kept in the cold. Ripe - yes.

Gathering a bountiful harvest from personal plot, we try to preserve the fruits of our labor for as long as possible. This also applies to the harvest of red berries - tomatoes. And everything would be fine when there is a private house, but, for example, how to store tomatoes in an apartment, and if they do not have time to ripen, then what to do with green tomatoes? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

When choosing a tomato variety, pay attention to its ripening period: there are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties. Late varieties are suitable for storage.

Did you know? IN late varieties contains the Rin gene: it slows down the ripening of the fetus, stretching the metabolism. Therefore, the pulp and crust of these varieties of tomatoes remain juicy and elastic.

The late varieties include a number of varieties and hybrids: Giraffe, New Year's, large tomatoes Long Keeper, F1, Lazybok and Masterpiece, Khutorskoy and hybrid Khrustik.

Varieties such as Red Cherry, Cherry Lisa, Cherry Lycopa can be stored for 2.5 months. Raceme varieties have very good characteristics for long-term storage: Intuition, Instinct, Reflex. Similar characteristics are inherent in the following hybrids: Monica, Master, Diamond, Viscount, Trust, Resento.

How to properly harvest tomatoes for storage

Whether you keep tomatoes fresh for the winter depends on the conditions in which they were collected.

  • Collect tomatoes for storage before frost (night temperature should not drop below +8...+5 °C).
  • Harvest tomatoes for storage during the day, after the dew has cleared.
  • Use only undamaged and firm tomatoes.
  • Sort by size.
  • Sort by maturity.
  • Remove the stems from each berry, but do not pull them out. This way you can damage the fruit itself. If the stem does not come off, leave it on the tomato.

Did you know? Large vegetables ripen faster than small ones.

What conditions are needed for storing tomatoes?

The room where tomatoes will be stored must be clean, ventilated, and dark. Tomatoes for storage are placed in 2-3 layers in boxes after preliminary sorting. To save everything useful material in tomatoes and to prevent them from spoiling, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime. Suitable for tomatoes of different ripeness different temperatures: 1-2 °C – for ripe ones, 4-6 °C – for slightly reddened ones, and for green ones – 8-12 °C. Maximum permissible temperature should not exceed +18 °C.

Humidity should also not be neglected: provide a sufficient level of moisture in the room, but do not over-moisten it. It is necessary to inspect the storage bookmark every day.

How to store ripe tomatoes

Experienced agronomists have always known how to preserve fresh tomatoes longer. It is advised to prepare a non-concentrated gelatin solution or apply a wax layer to the fruit. After such manipulations, the fruits are dried and sent for storage. They say that you can extend storage by using alcohol/vodka, 0.3% solution boric acid or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. All this will completely destroy microbes on tomatoes.

Temperature affects the shelf life of ripe tomatoes. Ripe tomato fruits can be stored for up to one and a half months at a temperature of 1–3 °C without losing their quality.

Ripe tomatoes can be stored in jars by covering the fruits with mustard powder or by “dry sterilization” with alcohol. You can store ripe fruits in paper bags, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, refrigerator or any ventilated area.

Storage conditions for green tomatoes

In folk practice, there are many ways to store green tomatoes until they ripen. In order for everything to work out, it is important to comply temperature conditions. In order for tomatoes to remain green for as long as possible, the temperature should be between 10–12 °C with air humidity of 80–85%.

For storage, choose medium-sized fruits of green or milky pink color. We spread the fruits in 2-3 layers, with the “butts” on top. You can store it in cardboard boxes, plastic ventilated boxes, or on shelves in the basement. If you store tomatoes in boxes, cover the fruits onion skins and keep the temperature -2..+2 ºС - this will prolong storage.

Materials that prolong storage:

  • sphagnum peat;
  • sawdust;
  • onion peel;
  • Vaseline and paraffin (need to be applied to each fruit);
  • paper (you need to wrap each individual tomato).


It turns out there is a proven way to store green tomatoes so that they turn red. No special treatments or paints are needed. Add some red tomatoes and hay to the boxes if you want to speed up the ripening process. A banana is also suitable for these purposes: ripe tomatoes and ripe bananas release ethylene, which speeds up ripening. Bring ripening tomatoes into the light - this will speed up the “coloring” of the fruit.

You can store tomatoes as a whole bush. Before frost, you need to hang a healthy bush with green tomatoes in a room where it is dry, warm and has enough light. This upside down position will provide useful elements to all the fruits.

If the room temperature exceeds 30 °C, completely unripe tomatoes will turn red, their taste will be sour, although it will look like a red tomato. Tomatoes are badly affected by dry air and heat: the fruits will be wrinkled with a changed pulp structure. And if when storing tomatoes there is damp air and low temperature– tomatoes may not turn red at all, diseases will develop, and the fruits will become unfit for consumption.

Doing this easy conditions, rest assured that tomatoes will last up to 2.5 months or longer.

Where is the best place to store tomatoes?

When wondering how to store tomatoes, we must also think about where to store them. Storage location is very important for this berry. If you live in a private house, then store tomatoes in the cellar, garage (if there is enough moisture and no harmful substances). In an apartment, many people cannot imagine how they can keep tomatoes fresh for the winter. For storage a balcony will do or bathroom. In both options it is necessary to support constant moisture, ensure the absence of light (tomatoes ripen faster in the light) and moderate temperature. And, of course, do not forget to periodically inspect the fruits for damage or manifestations of possible diseases.

Why you can't store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Important! Only ripened fruits can be stored in the refrigerator. It is not advisable to store green tomatoes in the refrigerator - they will not ripen. There are certain conditions on how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

  • Store only ripe berries.
  • Place the fruit in the vegetable compartment.
  • You can wrap each tomato in paper.
  • Tomatoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

If you store tomatoes beyond this period, they will lose their taste qualities. Also, the pulp will begin to undergo changes in its structure to the point that you will not be able to eat the tomatoes and will have to throw them away.

What to do if tomatoes start to rot

No matter how you try to keep fresh tomatoes longer, some of them can still spoil. Therefore, it is important to inspect the fruits daily. The most common tomato diseases are late blight and bacterial canker. The first appears in the form of vague subcutaneous spots, and the second affects the stalk. The spots are brown in color with a white halo along the edges and have a black border.

Important! Bacterial canker infects the seeds and spreads with them. These diseases can be overcome by unusual way– “sterilization” of tomatoes.

  1. Heat the water to 60°C.
  2. Lower the tomatoes for strictly 2 minutes.
  3. Dry.
  4. Place in another storage area on newspaper or burlap.

Now the question of how to store tomatoes at home or how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator so that they remain fresh for the winter will not confuse you. Use proven ways to preserve tomatoes longer, and let this berry delight you with its taste and aroma.