Hydrangea withers after transplantation. Fighting garden hydrangea rust

Hydrangea grandiflora is native to China and Japan, where it is successfully grown in open ground. Here, this beauty can be grown as a container plant or grown in open ground, and insulated for the winter in the most careful way. This plant has long attracted the attention of not only gardeners, but also lovers indoor floriculture. It has long been offered for cultivation in our apartments. After all, you really want to admire the long flowering and enjoy the beauty of hydrangea inflorescences and your home. The florist's difficulties do not frighten him. So we have to adapt the growing conditions to be close to natural ones, create artificial temperature differences and conditions for repeated flowering when kept indoors.

Flower Factor / Flickr.com

Very often, many problems arise after purchase. Having brought the plant home, you begin to notice wilting and shedding of leaves, and bare branches. The plant begins to turn black and dry out, starting from the tips, and eventually often dies.

What care does hydrangea need at home?

All the difficulties in caring for hydrangea are connected precisely with the fact that outdoor plant trying to adapt to indoor growing. Many gardeners give up and plant hydrangeas in the garden. But what can you try to do for hydrangea in an apartment?

The plant has a pronounced winter period peace, onto which the hydrangea completely sheds its foliage. At this time, large-leaved hydrangea should be kept in a cool, semi-dark room, with an air temperature no higher than 9ºC-10ºC. With all your great desire, even if you leave it at the usual room temperatures, it will still drop all its leaves, and besides, it won’t bloom next time. During the period of active growth and flowering, the temperature should not be higher than 20ºC.

Tasha Metamorfosis / Flickr.com

Hydrangea or hydrangea is very moisture-loving plant. During the period of active growth and flowering, the earth clod should not be allowed to dry out. Even after one such omission, the plant may suffer. Hydrangea perfectly “drinks” water from a tray, and if the plant is overdried, then the best watering will be lowered into a bucket of water. When the air bubbles completely disappear, the plant will be well watered. In winter, during the dormant period, check that the earthen ball does not dry out completely, and water the hydrangea little by little (usually 2-3 times a month).

During the period of active growth, hydrangea needs feed mineral fertilizers for flowering indoor plants once every two weeks. To maintain the color of blue hydrangea, it is necessary to add solutions of potassium aluminum or sodium aluminum alum. By the way, you can make them yourself.

After flowering indoor hydrangea necessary transplant. Priming you can prepare it yourself using leaf soil, turf, peat and sand in equal parts. Pots can be quite voluminous. When transplanting from a store pot to a new one, purchase a container 2-3 cm wider and higher than the original one. You can safely use plastic pots for hydrangeas.

Another very common problem is yellowing of leaves hydrangeas due to a lack of iron in the soil. It will be useful to water the hydrangea with a solution of salts containing iron once every 10 days. You can use iron chelate (you need to dissolve 5 grams of the substance in 5 liters of water).

Alby Headrick / Flickr.com

Compulsory agrotechnical methods in growing hydrangeas is pruning. In large-leaved hydrangea flower buds are laid at the ends of last year's shoots. In spring, only last year's inflorescences, as well as small and dried shoots, are cut off. If you cut yours incorrectly large leaf hydrangea, then you won’t see flowering this year.

When purchasing such a plant for keeping in an apartment, wisely assess your capabilities. Can you create and maintain suitable conditions for the growth and flowering of hydrangeas?

Hydrangea belongs to a large genus (with about 90 varieties) and all types of this plant are incredibly beautiful and attractive. You can’t just take hydrangea and not plant it in your garden, put it on the windowsill in a pot, or plant it in a flowerpot, decorating a balcony or terrace. It is very difficult to care for such wondrous beauty, but it is quite possible. The fact is that hydrangea has its own preferences, which must be followed in order for it to feel good and bloom with each new season. These include soil acidity, abundant watering, proper planting (meaning the place of choice for planting) and others. If you don’t adhere to correct scheme care, then the hydrangea will begin to hurt, and a detailed examination of the methods of caring for hydrangea will help to understand the reason.

Problems include when the edges of hydrangea leaves dry out. If you also observe yellowing of the leaf itself, then the problem, in this case, lies at the heart of a decrease in the acidity of the soil in which the hydrangea grows. On average, the soil pH should be at the level of 5.5-6.0, which ensures normal health for the flower. To restore the plant at least a little, you need, first of all, to water with water lemon juice hydrangea - a few drops per liter of water - and then acidify the soil with fertilizers or a special solution.

If the tips of the leaves simply dry out, which is what we actually wanted to know, then the reason is insufficient watering of the hydrangea or dry air. For hydrangea, both air and soil humidity must be balanced and optimal to support its powerful root system. To save a hydrangea if the edges of its leaves dry out, you simply need to increase watering of the plant and also humidify the air. This can be easily done using sphagnum moss, for example.

When you notice brown spots on dried out hydrangea leaves, rest assured it's a matter of watering again. This is, so to speak, the next stage of desiccation after the previous one. You need to improve the intensity of watering if you have decided on the amount of water applied. But if you notice light spots on the leaves, then the reason is not due to watering or its lack, but to an excess of light. In simple words, the hydrangea got burned. If you are growing hydrangea in a pot, you need to move it to a slightly shaded place, and if in open ground, protect it from intense sun artificially.

And finally, let's say one more important problem like a slow growing hydrangea. The reason may be either too little watering or insufficient feeding. The category of reasons also includes the active sun, which dries out the soil, and possible drafts, movements of air masses, if the hydrangea was planted incorrectly (in this case, you will also notice rotting processes on the roots and stems). To improve the condition of your plant, you need to alternately add complex mineral and organic fertilizers, which, so to speak, will pull the hydrangea to the surface and give it strength for further growth and flowering.

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Many gardeners love hydrangea and it is not surprising, because the large caps of its inflorescences, flaunted with rare pastel shades, look very impressive during flowering, which lasts quite a long time. This indoor plant relatively resistant to diseases and pests.

However, flower growers still have problems with it due to violation of growing conditions. For example, it happens that the tips of the leaves of a hydrangea begin to dry out. And more and more. But leaves are an important organ of the plant; without them it dies.

Why does indoor hydrangea dry out?

Hydrangea macrophylla in view active development and garden origin, after flowering, it is recommended to replant annually in new soil, with the obligatory loosening of the root ball. Very often, as a result of replanting, the tips of the leaves of a perennial begin to dry out. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but in most cases it is:

1. Injury to root hairs during transplantation, which is why the bush simply “sicks.”

2. Wrong choice of soil mixture.

3. The wrong size pot.

In addition, there are several other reasons not related to plant transplantation, as a result of which the leaves begin to dry out. These include:

1. Insufficient watering and spraying.

2. Dry indoor air.

3. Lack of microelements in the soil.

4. Incorrect lighting.

It is worth considering each of the reasons separately to find out why the leaves of indoor hydrangea dry out.

Transplantation is a serious matter

If dry leaves are the result of careless flower transplantation (unfortunately, no one is immune from this), then it is worth considering that this condition can last one or even two months until the bush regains full strength and health.

Even in the process of transshipment of the earthen coma, it is not possible to avoid disruption of the formed root system. Meanwhile, small roots and hairs, entangling the soil in a thick network, play important role in moisture absorption. Their damage leads to a temporary disruption of the plant's nutrition. It can be revived by effective and efficient watering with the addition of Zircon once a week.

Incorrectly selected soil can also cause a similar phenomenon. As you know, this crop requires acidic soil. Therefore, hydrangea cannot be planted in humus. In its pure form, it does not provide the soil acidity necessary for this plant. When planted in neutral or alkaline soil, flower development slows down.

When replanting, choosing a new pot is no less important. It should be wide but shallow because root system does not grow in depth, but grows mainly in width. The new pot should have a diameter 1.5 times larger than the previous container. But when planting a bush in light soil, you don’t need to get carried away with increasing the volume of the pot, otherwise in the summer the plant will need more frequent watering.

Providing watering and air humidity

Dry leaf tips may be a reaction to insufficient soil moisture. Hydrangea loves moisture, and therefore timely watering is very important for it. Even a short-term lack of moisture can cause its leaves to dry out.

The situation will get even worse if the flower pot is on the windowsill under the scorching sun. You can revive the plant by placing it in a shaded place, without depriving it of sunlight, and by providing abundant watering and additional spraying.

This beautiful moisture-loving flower reacts in the same way to too dry air in the room where it is located. It is worth measuring the level of humidity in the room.

To prevent this problem, you will need to carry out constant spraying or install a simple air humidifier in the form of a tray or saucer with wet stones and moss.

How important it is to feed and choose a good place

Another reason for drying leaves is a lack of nutrients in the soil. The fact is that during the flowering period the plant needs feeding, which should be carried out weekly with any complex fertilizer intended for flower crops. But it is worth considering that hydrangea reacts negatively to high doses of mineral fertilizers, which cause its leaves to turn yellow. Upon completion of flowering, fertilizing is gradually reduced.

Indoor hydrangea must be properly placed indoors. Despite the fact that it is a light-loving flower, from an excess of sunlight its dark green foliage is usually covered with light spots. The best option location flower pot are the window sills of the eastern and western windows. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that foliage does not touch window glass, otherwise, due to the resulting burns, the tips of the leaves will begin to dry out.

It is very important to recognize the problem in time so that the assistance provided is timely and correct. Only in this case will it be possible to save the indoor hydrangea and admire its luxurious blooms for a long time.

We invite you to watch a video about what diseases there are and why hydrangea leaves dry out:

Hydrangea is a beautifully flowering indoor plant that is almost never affected by fungi and diseases. It reacts to the pH value of the soil in which it grows. So, in neutral soils, hydrangea flowers will be white and cream, in acidic soils - red, in alkaline soils - blue and lilac. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving and light-loving indoor flower. Develops successfully at high air temperatures. Any inconsistency in the growing conditions of the plant leads to the hydrangea's leaves drying out and falling off. Why is this happening? How to fix the problem? Experts provide the answers.

Why do hydrangea leaves dry out and fall off? Other hydrangea diseases

Beginners in floriculture can observe how hydrangea leaves fall, hydrangea leaves turn yellow and a number of other hydrangea diseases. Signs, description of hydrangea diseases with photos, effective treatment from specialists.

Hydrangea leaves are drying up. This is often a reaction to dry roots. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower, and therefore timely watering is very important for it. Lack of moisture causes hydrangea leaves to dry out. The situation is aggravated if the plant is in direct sunlight. Measures to prevent the problem: shade the hydrangea, but do not deprive it of bright sunlight, carry out timely watering, spraying helps. Even if the leaves dry out on the hydrangea, it will regain its decorative properties in the next growing season.

The leaves of indoor hydrangea dry out due to careless transplantation, as a result of which the root system was damaged. During transplantation, it is important not to damage the small roots, which are the main ones in the process of nutrition and water absorption. Young cuttings need to be replanted in the spring. Young cuttings are dug up without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball around the roots. The soil for planting is chosen to be slightly acidic. When replanting, you can deepen the neck of the flower by 2-3 cm, but not deeper. Water abundantly and fertilize only after the cuttings begin to grow. If the leaves of the hydrangea dry out after transplantation, use the drug Zykron when watering. This will help the flower cope with the problem.

Hydrangea leaves may dry out due to waterlogging of the soil. As an additional sign, hydrangea leaves become covered with dark spots with a yellow halo. Overmoistening of the soil does not immediately affect appearance hydrangea leaves. The roots are the first to suffer. They are starting to rot. As a result, the plant stops feeding and absorbing water. To determine whether the roots of a hydrangea have rotted, it is carefully removed from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball. Healthy roots will be white in appearance and firm. Rotten ones are brown. If the roots of the hydrangea are damaged, they are cut back to living tissue. I sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon. The plant is transplanted into a special soil suitable for this type of indoor flowers. In this case, choose a pot that is smaller than the volume of the previous one. To reduce the percentage of evaporated moisture from hydrangea leaves, it is placed in a polyethylene greenhouse, but the plant is not tightly wrapped in polyethylene, leaving a small gap for ventilation. Watering is carried out moderately. To quickly root a flower, use the drug Zykron.

Hydrangea leaves are turning yellow. At the same time, the veins on the hydrangea leaves remain green.. Cause of the disease: chlorosis. Hydrangea chlorosis can occur if the flower is watered with hard, tap water with a high percentage of lime. The latter accumulates in the soil and leads to its alkalization. As a result, the hydrangea leaves turn yellow, the plant stops feeding and dies. Control measures: replant the hydrangea in fresh soil, water with soft water. As an option: add potassium nitrate to the water for irrigation every 3 days at the rate of 40 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to a lack of microelements in the soil. A similar phenomenon is often observed during the period of intensive flower growth (spring). Hydrangea leaves become discolored and turn yellow if there is not enough nitrogen and iron in the soil. The color of the leaves can be affected by the pH of the soil. For hydrangea it should be in the range of 4.0-6.5. To save the plant, foliar feeding with microelements or iron chelate is carried out. If hydrangea leaves turn yellow for another reason, then foliar feeding will have a short-term effect.

Hydrangea leaves are turning black. First, brown spots appear along the edges of the hydrangea leaves, which then turn black.. This state of affairs may cause heat in the room where hydrangea grows, and low air humidity. In this case, frequently spray the flower. Hydrangea leaves can turn black due to direct sun rays. We are talking about sunburn. Hydrangea needs bright, sunlight, but direct rays are destructive for its leaves. The plant needs to be shaded.

Hydrangea, or hydrangia, is a tree-like flowering shrub that belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. It is difficult to remain indifferent at the sight of these beautiful large inflorescences. This family includes about a dozen species of shrubs, vines or small trees.

Description of culture

Hydrangia appeared in England and France at the beginning of the 14th century and was represented by only 2 species: white and scarlet.

The hydrangea bush can grow up to 3 meters in height, but there is a vine-like species that can reach a length of 30 m.

In Europe, only deciduous hydrangias are grown.


Types of hydrangeas

Meet the following types plants:

  • large-leaved;
  • paniculata;
  • tree-like;
  • creeping.

The flowering period lasts from late spring to late autumn.

There are two types of flowers in inflorescences:

  • fertile, or small-bearing;
  • sterile or sterile.

Fertile ones are in the center of the inflorescence, and infertile ones are at the edges. Selected species have inflorescences containing only fertile flowers. There are two types of inflorescences on a hydrangea bush: paniculate and corymbose.

Hydrangeas are grown with inflorescences of the following colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • red.

The color of the inflorescences depends not only on the variety, but also on the composition of the soil on which the bush grows. On acidic soils, the inflorescences will be blue, on neutral soils (pH 5.5) - beige, on alkaline soils - pink or lilac. Blue color Hydangia flowers growing in acidic soil are given the benefit of aluminum compounds found in acidic soils.

Garden hydrangea

The hydrangea fruit has the form of a box containing from 2 to 5 separate chambers, each of which contains small seeds.

One of the most popular types hydrangia is a large-leaved species whose inflorescences are sterile large flowers. About 600 varieties of this shrub have been bred.

Attention! Hydrangea – poisonous plant, therefore it is prohibited to use it for food.

Features of cultivation

Hydrangea grows best in acidic soils. For better penetration air into the soil, the ground around the bush needs to be loosened periodically.

Hydrangea does not grow well in sunny areas, so it is better to choose a planting location in shade or partial shade. In a sunny area, the plant develops more slowly and the flowers become smaller.

Hydrangea does not grow well in sunny areas

Watering hydrangia should be done with settled or rainwater, since the shrub does not tolerate lime well. Watering time is morning or evening. This will allow the plant to avoid sunburn. Once a week, at least 2 buckets of water are poured under an adult bush.

Planting is usually carried out in the spring when there is no night frost.

2-3 weeks before planting, dig a hole up to 0.5 m deep and with sides up to 0.7 m. Sod, leaf soil, sand and peat are poured into it in equal proportions. It is not recommended to prepare alkaline soil, since its alkalinity is a possible cause of hydrangea chlorosis. Next, add to the planting hole mineral fertilizers and organics. The root collar of the seedling should be at ground level.

Hydrangea propagates by green cuttings.

Starting from 3-4 years, the bush is molded annually.

Why does hydrangea wither?

If the shrub care is correct, then it has luxurious look throughout the entire growing season. If the technology for growing the plant is not followed, hydrangia may become ill.

What to do if hydrangea dries out

First you need to determine the cause of the disease. If the leaf dries, then the reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect soil pH;
  • direct sunlight;
  • watering the plant with hard tap water;
  • lack of moisture in the soil;
  • insufficient or excessive amounts of microelements in the soil.

Incorrect soil composition

In order for the shrub to develop well, it must be fulfilled important condition– the soil can be acidic or moderately acidic. For hydrangea, the pH should be between 4.0-6.0. In the case of alkaline soil, the leaf will begin to dry out over the entire area.

Attention! The color of the plant's leaves depends on the acidity of the soil. The more sour it is, the more dark leaves has hydrangea.

If the soil is alkaline, then the acidity of the soil can be restored by watering with acidified water (for example, with the addition of lemon juice).

Insufficient plant nutrition

If the leaves turn black or yellow, then perhaps there is not enough iron or nitrogen in the soil.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the hydrangea with a complex fertilizer intended for flower plants.

Feeding shrubs with iron chelate

Also, a lack of microelements can occur in the spring, when hydrangea begins to actively develop. How to revive hydrangea in this case? To do this you need to carry out foliar feeding bush iron chelate.

However, hydrangia responds poorly not only to a lack of fertilizers, but also to an excess of fertilizers. Therefore, after flowering is completed, it is necessary to reduce the dose of applied mineral fertilizers.

Excessive sunlight

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry out is that the plant is not in the shade, but in the sun.

Hydrangea does not develop well in direct sunlight. Therefore, resuscitation consists of transplanting the plant into partial shade or creating artificial shade using a special shading mesh.

Excessive sunlight

If the bush is domestic and grows indoors, then it is best to place the pot on a western or eastern window. You also need to make sure that the leaf does not touch the window glass. If the sheet touches the glass, the sun can burn it.

Insufficiently moist soil

Due to lack of moisture, the leaves of the bush will dry out over time.

Hydrangia is a moisture-loving plant, so regular watering will ensure beautiful flowers.

Increasing watering and mulching the soil will allow the street bush to be revived. If the bush is indoors, then you can use a humidifier. Instead, you can install a container near the flower into which water is periodically poured.

However, the plant also does not like excess moisture, as this contributes to the development of root rot.

Using hard water for irrigation

Tap water contains many impurities, including lime. And hydrangea is quite sensitive to them. Therefore, it is best to use settled water for irrigation. To do this, you can use special open containers, which are best placed in the sun. In this case, you can get warm and soft water for irrigation.

Errors during landing

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry around the edges is mistakes that were made when planting the plant.

Damage to the root system

Hydrangea has a very delicate root system, so replanting the plant must be done very carefully, without damaging the small roots. Damage to them can lead to the fact that the bush will be difficult to take root and will hurt for a long time.

Attention! Buying a seedling is a very responsible matter. It is important to check the condition of the root system.

Also, do not cut the roots when planting. Roots should only be pruned if they are rotten, diseased, or damaged by insects. Rotten roots have dark brown color, and healthy ones are white. The cut areas are treated with crushed activated carbon.

Better survival of the plant can be helped by watering with the addition of Zircon, which is performed once a week.

Mistakes when choosing a landing site

If the soil is not acidic, but alkaline or neutral, then the plant will have difficulty taking root. Therefore, in this case it is necessary to acidify the soil, otherwise the bush may dry out.

If the soil is not acidic, it will be difficult for the plant to take root.

If a garden is chosen for planting, it is important not to place the seedling in a draft; it is also necessary to protect it from sudden temperature changes and hypothermia.

Hydrangea diseases

What to do if hydrangea leaves wither? Perhaps the plant is sick. To choose the right treatment method, it is important to accurately determine the disease.

Dry blackening

If the edges of the leaf are covered brown spots and became dry, this indicates that:

  • the plant is watered with hard water;
  • The leaf got sunburn.

Once spots appear, the foliage will wither and wither.

Wet blackening

The leaves darken and lose their elasticity. The reason for this may be:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • exposure to drafts of the place where the bush grows;
  • excessive watering;
  • heavy soil.

Why is garden hydrangea still withering? Possible reason– fungal infection of the plant.

White rot

Fungal disease of roots. With this disease, the bush gradually dies, since the affected root system cannot support the plant the right amount nutrients.

White rot


  • white, cotton-like coating on shoots;
  • blackening of shoots.


To treat the affected plant, fungicides Fitosporin, Copper Oxide, etc. are used.

Gray rot


  • The flower tissues become soft and watery;
  • The affected parts of the plant die in a dry environment. They leave holes on the stems;
  • In a humid environment, the affected areas become covered with a gray coating.


Diseased areas are removed mechanically. Then domestic plants are treated with Chistotsvet, Fundazol or Skor. Garden views treated with Rovral Flo 255 SC every three weeks.



The appearance of dark brown spots, up to 6 mm in size, on the leaves. The affected leaves gradually begin to dry out and die.


Treatment with copper-containing preparations, e.g. copper sulfate.

Powdery mildew


Formation of yellow-green spots on leaves. Gradually the spots darken and acquire a brown color. Backside the leaf is covered with a purple or gray coating. Winter usually brings death to a sick plant.

Powdery mildew


At the first symptoms of damage, the fungicide Fitosporin is used, and in advanced forms - Skor, Topaz or Chistotsvet.

Thus, when purchasing a seedling through a store or on the market, you need to make sure that young plant not susceptible to fungal disease.

Disease Prevention

Checking seedlings and proper care for the plant are the main prevention of diseases. Be sure to loosen the soil around the plant throughout the growing season.

In the spring, you can treat the plant with copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate (100 grams per 10 liters of water). You can also use drugs Topaz, Fitosporin, etc.

Copper sulfate

At the end of spring it is necessary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers, in the summer – phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and in the fall – phosphorus fertilizers.

How to save a wilted hydrangea

If the bush is dry, you can try to revive it. If the plant is a garden plant, then in the spring all frozen parts are removed. If the plant is affected by rot, then cutting is performed 1 cm below the affected part. The cut areas must be sprinkled with ash, activated carbon, etc. After trimming each affected area, the pruning shears are disinfected. The bush is treated with drugs, depending on the disease.

Wood ash for fertilizer

How to revive cut hydrangea? If a wilted flower is in a vase, then you need to take it out, cut off the lower part obliquely and place the plant in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After the air bubbles stop coming out of the stem, you need to take out the plant, cut off the part that was in boiling water, and put the flower in cold water. After this, your vase will look elegant again.

Hydrangea dries in a pot at home

If a houseplant begins to disappear, you need to bring it into the house (if the pot was standing outside), cut off the entire affected part and treat it with HOM for fungal infections.

In the case when even the entire green part has died, there is still no need to throw away the hydrangea. You need to continue to water the soil in the pot moderately. Perhaps after this the sleeping buds will wake up and the plant will begin to grow again.