Fastening baguette for suspended ceilings. Attaching baguettes to the ceiling What kind of glue to glue the corners of a baguette frame

When installing suspension system You can’t do without a baguette, as it helps secure the canvas in a taut position. A lot depends on the correct selection and installation of this part.

Types and functions

Product classification involves two main categories:

  1. Mounting baguette. This is a mandatory part of the structure, serving as a frame for tensioning the canvas.
  2. External decorative elements. With their help, they mask the joints between the wall and the ceiling, as well as other defects that appeared during the repair process. Such products give the room a finished look.

Baguettes are produced from the following materials:

  • Plastic. Universal mounting option and decorative design. It is easy to work with even for beginners.
  • Aluminum. Suitable only for fastening large surfaces.
  • Polystyrene. This includes only decorative baguettes that perform camouflage and aesthetic functions. They are installed at the finish line exterior decoration surfaces.

The following baguettes are also distinguished by size and shape:

  • Harpoon. A special edge is welded along the perimeter of the film in order to improve the fastening of the ceiling.
  • Beading. The slats create a stop against the wall, allowing for quick and easy installation.
  • Cam. These are plastic springs that fix the edge of the canvas and do not let it back through.
  • Wedge. Allows cutting without preliminary measurements.
  • Perforated. The most convenient profile to use, which has an additional partition that serves as a stiffener and improves the strength of the fastening.

Basic installation rules

  • pre-level the walls as much as possible, especially in the corners;
  • attach the baguette at a distance of an average of 10 cm below the ceiling;
  • the level will be clearly adjusted, errors of no more than 2-3 mm are allowed;
  • start installation work from the corner, they usually take the most difficult section to perform;
  • straight elements are made end-to-end, without displacements or distortions; in addition, it is recommended to seal the seam with adhesive tape;
  • the dimensions of the cut parts are determined locally or using a tape measure;
  • leave the front wall intact so that the canvas does not tear during stretching and operation;
  • the distance between the screws should not exceed 15-20 cm, otherwise over time the baguette will begin to sag;
  • retreat from the edge by 1.5 cm;
  • if the walls are loose, use additional spacers or strengthen the product with 2-3 auxiliary screws on dowels.

There are nuances of installing baguettes that are worth discussing in detail.

Aluminum structures

They have a lot of weight and are considered the most durable and reliable. The differences also lie in the design of the profile, which has U-shape the main part and an additional protrusion.

In the latter, you need to drill holes in increments of about 20 cm, and then attach the worked fragment to the surface and make marks on a pre-drawn line. Holes are made along them with a puncher, into which self-tapping screws are then screwed in to secure the frame.

Take into account the peculiarity of this option - they are used for direct installation and are installed in one piece, so that there are no problems with joining the fragments.

Plastic structures

Cutting such baguettes is done with a jigsaw or hacksaw. You can create almost any shape for .

If a perforated profile is taken, then drill into the area of ​​the selected square.

The parts fit together without any problems. The joints are secured with screw heads so that they do not protrude. As for the corners, the outer wall remains intact; trimming is performed on only one side. The plastic will bend better and will not break during the fitting process if it is heated. The elements of the suspension system at the internal corners are reinforced with self-tapping screws, and at the external corners they are filed along the marks at approximately a distance of 2 cm, which ensures a neat bend during installation.

The plastic baguette is subsequently masked with a special T-shaped tape, which is inserted around the perimeter of the structure and hides the gap between the wall and the canvas. Its color and texture are selected individually for the type of ceiling.

Attaching decorative baguettes

To give the room a complete look, special baguettes are used, which are made of plastic or polyurethane:

  • Built-in. Attaches to the suspended ceiling. It is inserted into the gap, and the second part is glued to the wall. It is necessary to select products of such dimensions as to ensure maximum joining.
  • Outer. Use any you like decorative baguette. Attach it to a solution, sealant or special adhesive composition, which is applied only to the lower part and extremely carefully so as not to stain the canvas.

It is important to select baguettes at the same time as ordering a stretch ceiling system.

Work on installing a stretch ceiling begins with the creation of its frame, which consists of profile elements located along the upper perimeter of the room. Today we will tell you how to install a profile for stretch fabrics on one's own.

The content of the article:

The frame of a stretch ceiling has an important function: it holds the canvas in a tense position, preventing it from deforming and sagging. In this case, the frame profiles experience significant loads, which are evenly distributed along the entire length of the elements. The technology for installing profiles depends on the type and quality of the surface of the walls or ceiling, as well as on the material used to make the baguettes themselves.

General principles of fastening profiles for suspended ceilings

Profiles suspended ceilings are made of durable plastic or aluminum and are divided into several main types:
  1. Wall profiles. They are used to fix the ceiling sheet to the walls of the room along its entire perimeter.
  2. Universal profiles. They are used to work with curved and volumetric structures of suspended ceilings.
  3. Ceiling profiles. Suitable for attaching the edges of the canvas to the ceiling base surface if it is not possible to mount the profiles on the walls.
In addition to the above main types of profiles, their modifications are used, intended for specific installation locations, connection conditions and depending on the complexity of the ceiling structure.

The existing sizes of profiles for suspended ceilings allow them to be easily joined together and it is convenient to place mounting holes on them. When installing the ceiling frame, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • Aluminum baguettes are good when used on straight sections of walls; in other cases, they have to be cut when fastening them to install them in problem areas.
  • Plastic profiles are less durable, but lightweight and cope well with the curvature of walls, ensuring a tight fit to them.
It is important to know that joining individual baguettes in the corners of the room is unacceptable. They bear a fairly large load when the canvas is tensioned, which can easily tear at the junction of the corner profiles. Therefore, when installing baguettes in the inner corners of the room, only their back wall is cut, then at the place of the cut the profile is bent at the desired angle, ensuring its tight fit to the installation site.

Preparing the room for installation of a profile for suspended ceilings

In order to qualitatively assemble a suspended ceiling frame from profile elements, it is necessary to prepare the room for comfortable and safe work, staff workplace materials, equipment and tools.

It is recommended to complete the finishing work in the room before installing profiles for suspended ceilings: install windows and doors, level and plaster the walls. You can leave wallpapering for “later”, since when the ceiling is stretched using a heat gun, they can become deformed when the air in the room is heated.

To prepare the room for installation of the ceiling frame, it is necessary to arrange a free space at a distance of 1 m from the walls around the perimeter of the room for ease of movement around it during work; it is advisable to cover furniture and equipment to prevent debris and dust from getting on them.

To ensure safe work when drilling walls to secure profiles, you should pay attention to the location hidden electrical wiring. You can navigate by the placement of sockets, distribution boxes and switches.

Most often, the wiring runs horizontally at the level of the boxes, and then drops vertically to each device distributing electricity. In dangerous directions you need to make marks, which will later be useful when planning the location of the frame.

Materials and tools for fastening the profile for the tension fabric

When installing a profile for attaching a stretch ceiling, you will need a stepladder, a hammer, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a hammer drill, paint cord, dowels and screws, a drill and a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.

In addition to tools, you will need plastic or aluminum profiles with a standard length of 2.5 m. Their number is selected depending on the perimeter of the room, taking into account the small margin that is necessary when cutting and joining frame elements. Preparation of profiles for installation is carried out by preliminary drilling mounting holes in them.

There are rules for this process:

  1. Holes in plastic baguettes are drilled in their stiffeners, and in aluminum profiles - in special shelves along their entire length.
  2. The hole spacing should be no more than 150 mm. It is not recommended to make a larger distance, since under load the profile may bend in the places between the fasteners.
  3. The distance between the first hole and the edge of the profile is taken to be 40-60 mm.

Marking the surface for fastening profiles for suspended ceilings

Before attaching a profile for a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to mark its future location. This can be done using a laser level or a hydraulic level.

Professional marking of fastening lines profile frame stretch ceiling is performed using an optical device - a laser level:

  • Using its beam, identical marks are made in each corner of the room, lying in a strictly horizontal plane.
  • The beam marks are fixed on the wall with a pencil, and then connected into an even line of the planned location of the profiles.
  • When all corners of the room are visible, the marks laser level can be applied from one point of its installation. In other cases, the device is moved to a convenient place, and marking continues with the level beam tied to existing points.
If such a device is not available, you can use a hydraulic level - a hose filled with water and equipped with two glass tubes. In this case, the marking process will take longer time, but the accuracy of its result will be quite high.

To work with a hydraulic level, you need to fill the hose with water. room temperature without allowing any air bubbles to get into it. To avoid errors when marking, the hose must not be kinked. The principle of operation of the hydraulic level is based on the property of water: maintaining the horizon of its surface in a calm state. Therefore, the same levels of liquid in the glass tubes of the hose will correspond to marking points located in the same horizontal plane.

In practice this work looks like this:

  1. The process involves two people. At a distance of 5-15 cm from the ceiling, the corner mark of the first marking point is made. A water level flask (tube) is attached to it.
  2. After this, one of the installers goes to an unmarked corner, places a hose tube against it and, by raising or lowering it, ensures that the water level matches the first mark.
  3. When the fluid in the hose stops oscillating, a second mark is applied. In this case, the water levels in the tubes attached to both marks must be the same. This procedure must be repeated in all corners of the room.
  4. After applying the corner marks, their distances to the ceiling are measured. From the value of the smaller of them you need to measure 50 mm. This will mark the height of the stretch ceiling. It should be moved to all corners of the room, guided by the hydraulic level marks.
  5. After this, the marks are connected by lines. This is done using a paint cord. It is pulled between the marked points and sharply released, leaving a mark in the form of a straight line.
  6. The procedure is repeated for all walls of the room.
The final markings for installation of the suspended ceiling frame profiles are completed.

Profile installation technology for fixing tension fabric

The work of fixing profiles on the walls is carried out in the following order:
  • Correct installation of profiles for a suspended ceiling begins from the most inaccessible corner of the room. The prepared baguette is applied to the wall exactly along the marking line. Drilling locations for plastic dowels are marked through the holes in the profile.
  • After preparing the holes and driving dowels into them, the profile is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws. Their length should be 30 mm, with a diameter of 6 mm. Screws of this size will ensure strong fastening of the baguettes and will not allow them to bend or come off the walls when the ceiling sheet is tensioned.
  • After securing the first corner profile, you can attach the next element. It is mounted exactly end-to-end with the previous baguette with careful horizontal adjustment. Successful joining of profiles for suspended ceilings should not have protrusions or deviations from the marking line.
  • Having reached the inner corner, it is necessary to determine the location of the profile cut. To do this, you need to turn it outward with the back wall so that the groove for fastening the blade is at the bottom. Then one end of the profile needs to be rested against a corner, and the other end must be directed along the marking line when overlapping onto the fixed baguette.
  • At a distance of 10 mm from the planned joint, a mark is placed with its shift towards the corner. The back wall of the profile is cut along it. Then he bends along the cut, repeating internal corner wall, and is attached to it using dowels and screws.
  • Having reached the outer corner of the room with the line of baguettes, one end of the profile needs to be rested against the end of the fixed baguette and a line should be drawn on its back wall along the corner of the room. This will be the first cut.
  • Then in the direction of fastening you need to make the next mark, 20 mm from the first line. There will be a second profile cut here.
  • Next, along both marks, cuts should be made on its back wall, and the baguette material between them should be removed. For plastic profile this operation can be performed construction knife, and for an aluminum profile - with pliers. Then the baguette needs to be folded at the corner in the center of the recess and secured.
After attaching the profiles, their joints should be sealed with tape. Instead, gray household tape purchased at a hardware store is often used.

Attaching a suspended ceiling profile to different surfaces

In addition to brick and concrete walls, the premises may have loose or porous enclosing structures made of foam concrete, limestone, wood or cladding made of plasterboard sheets. The structure of the material of such walls makes it difficult to securely fix dowels and screws. Therefore, fastening suspended ceiling profiles on these surfaces has its own nuances.

If self-tapping screws screwed into loose walls do not hold the profiles well, there are two ways out of this situation: you can screw additional screws into one fastening hole or use spacers. Often one or two additional self-tapping screws are quite capable of solving the problem of securely fixing the profile. Otherwise, you need to install a jib.

The work is done like this:

  1. A baguette cut 150 mm long is used. A hole needs to be drilled in one of its ends. Then the jib needs to be rested against the profile and the ceiling.
  2. Make a mark on the ceiling through the hole in the baguette and drill to install the dowel.
  3. After driving it in, you need to take the spacer and, tightening it with a self-tapping screw, rest it against the baguette. The spacer and profile must have rigid mount, excluding any movement of them along the wall.
In case of installation of a suspended ceiling profile according to wooden partitions or walls need to use long screws measuring 51-110 mm. Such fasteners can be very helpful when placing wall blocks under a thick layer of plaster. Otherwise, the technology for fastening profiles remains unchanged.

Often walls are leveled using plasterboard sheets. If a suspended ceiling was installed, then attaching its frame to the gypsum plasterboard walls will not be difficult. The self-tapping screws that secure the baguettes are screwed into an additional 60x28 profile pre-installed under the drywall. In this case, they have a standard fastening pitch of 120-150 mm. When there is no profile, the baguette is fastened in a herringbone pattern to the gypsum board sheets with a screw pitch of 80-150 mm.

How to install a profile for a suspended ceiling - watch the video:

Using the recommendations described above, you will be able to qualitatively install suspended ceiling frame profiles that will certainly cope with the task assigned to them. Good luck with your work!

A suspended ceiling in a house or apartment is no longer a transcendental thing, but quite real. Stretch ceilings, for many reasons, have ceased to be the prerogative of only rich people. Relatively inexpensive material and fairly simple installation have made this type of finishing accessible to most homeowners.

IN Lately Ceilings such as perforated and 3D ceilings have become especially popular. They can be seen both in Karaganda and Saratov, both in Minsk and in Zhitomir. The popularity of fabric ceilings has grown, and more and more floating ceilings are appearing. It is better to look at the latter in photo and video clips to clearly appreciate their magnificence. The cornerstone for installation is a baguette for suspended ceilings, the choice of which, as well as the ability to work with it, largely depends high-quality installation stretch ceiling. In order for your ceiling to please you for many years, and not become an eyesore until next repair, or even not at all, did not become the reason for the “construction of the century” and endless alterations, you need to choose the right materials, the list of which includes a baguette.

Many people ask how to attach a baguette to a suspended ceiling when there is a need to glue a foam baguette in order to improve the wall-ceiling joint.

In this situation, there cannot be two opinions: the baguette should absolutely not be glued to the suspended ceiling!

A stretch ceiling is a rather thin film that can be accidentally damaged, say, with a knife. But these are not all the nuances that can ruin a suspended ceiling, and irrevocably. The integrity of the film can be damaged, and therefore, during installation, finishers work very carefully and accurately, so that, for example, the joint does not come apart. However, if you try to glue the baguette directly to the ceiling, you may also ruin the surface.

Causes of damage to the ceiling when gluing:

  • A thin film of a stretch ceiling can be dissolved with glue. Without knowing thoroughly chemical composition film and glue, this can be easily done, but it can hardly be fixed.
  • A stretch ceiling is not a rigid structure, and the film is movable even with the slightest pressure. Therefore, the gluing is unlikely to turn out neat.
  • After drying, the glue may cause some tension in the ceiling, which will have a detrimental effect on appearance films.

Thus, in order to successfully avoid the listed nuances, the glue must be applied to the surface of the baguette that will be in direct contact with the wall. You can find out what glue to use in this case from a sales consultant at a hardware store. For example, liquid nails are quite suitable. There are a lot of adhesives, and it is simply impossible to answer the question of what exactly needs to be used for gluing! And the gluing itself is simple, and the main thing is accuracy.

And there are situations when suddenly a certain technological gap has formed at the junction between the wall and the ceiling. It seems like a baguette sticker suggests itself, but in this case, a flexible camouflage insert is provided. It is easy to install and equally easy to dismantle if necessary. Baguette is not always appropriate due to the increased curvature of the walls.

Stretch ceiling: do-it-yourself baguette installation

You can install the baguette yourself, without the help of specialists. The simplest task is to fasten PVC baguettes. Any baguette for a stretch ceiling is installed on the wall.

Let's look at how to install a PVC baguette.


  1. After measurements, cut the baguette to the desired size;
  2. Drill holes in the baguette using an electric drill;
  3. We mark the counter holes on the wall;
  4. If the wall is made of wood, then such fastening is noticeably simplified - we simply fasten the baguettes using self-tapping screws, and if the wall is made of concrete or brick, then the holes are pre-drilled for the dowels with a hammer drill.

As can be seen from all that has been said, this work It’s not particularly difficult – you just need patience and accuracy. PVC baguettes are installed even by non-professionals, since, as can be seen from the above, the fasteners are simply simple. If in installing aluminum baguettes there are difficulties associated with drilling aluminum, then when drilling PVC baguettes such problems do not arise.

Recently, there are three types of installation of suspended ceilings: glazing bead (special tape), harpoon and wedge.

Quite often a plasterboard box is used to strengthen the structure and install heavy gypsum stucco and backlighting.

Baguette sizes for suspended ceilings: without much variation

Baguette for suspended ceilings is not only the most important component, but also the key to correct and reliable installation of the suspended ceiling.

The length of any profile, regardless of the material, is usually 2.5 meters.

The sizes of baguettes, depending on their profile, have different widths and height.

Sizes by type:

  • PVC wall molding. Width – 27mm, height – 10mm.
  • Wall molding without gaps. Width – 28mm, height – 13mm.
  • Ceiling baguette for seamless ceilings. Width – 27mm, height – 12mm.

All of the baguettes listed have the same length - 2.5 m. Thus, standard length varies from 2-3 running meters, and the average width is 26-28 cm.

How to attach an aluminum molding for suspended ceilings: the right recommendations

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to attach an aluminum baguette. This baguette is made on automatic lines, on high-quality equipment, and therefore all components are manufactured with high precision. This design is very durable; the connections need to be drilled with a drill, which creates additional labor intensity.

Step by step:

  1. The baguette is cut to the required size;
  2. The holes in the baguettes are pre-drilled with a drill. It will be more convenient to do this on the floor or on a table. The distance between the holes is approximately 20cm. The distance from the end of the baguette to the first hole is approximately 5-6 cm.
  3. The elements are applied to the wall. In this case, a level, or a pre-drawn line, is used. We mark the walls for the holes.
  4. Having removed the baguette, we drill holes in the wall using a hammer drill according to the markings.
  5. Fastening is done with impact dowels or self-tapping screws.

Cutting baguettes is done either with a hacksaw or with a grinder.

The installation level of a stretch ceiling is usually 3-4 cm lower than the base ceiling. The length of the screws is 3 cm, the diameter is 6 mm. It is with such fasteners that you can be one hundred percent confident in the reliability of the entire structure!

Types of baguettes for suspended ceilings: the design takes everything into account

The entire structure of a stretch ceiling is based on a baguette.

If the canvas is correctly tensioned, then it will keep its original shape for a very long time without sagging, and will please the eye of the apartment owner.

Baguettes for the ceiling come in several types.

Types of baguettes (profiles):

  • Wall;
  • Ceiling;
  • Dividing;
  • Universal;
  • Fixing.

In addition, baguettes are divided into invisible and visible. This means that if one of the edges of the profile is visible and is located slightly below the stretch ceiling, then such a baguette is called visible.

In addition, these profiles are further divided by type of material:

  1. Aluminum;
  2. Plastic.

Aluminum molding is the most popular, despite its higher price.

Its advantages:

  • It is, of course, more durable and reliable.
  • Aluminum baguette appeared on the construction market somewhat earlier than PVC baguette. Both designers and finishers are accustomed to using it.

The disadvantages of this profile include its heavier weight, as well as the fact that aluminum profile difficult to use for two-level (or more!) curved ceiling systems. Drilling a profile for self-tapping screws is more labor-intensive and inconvenient.

PVC baguette for suspended ceilings: cheap and cheerful

A PVC baguette (aka plastic), of course, is much lighter in weight than an aluminum baguette, and is also more mobile.

This baguette has a number of advantages over aluminum baguette.


  1. Baguette is ideal for curved ceiling systems, and is also widely applicable for the installation of multi-level ceilings;
  2. Inexpensive compared to aluminum;
  3. The cost of work associated with the installation of suspended ceilings, with using PVC baguette, much lower;
  4. Most finishers prefer to work with this profile.

However, PVC profile There are also significant disadvantages.


  • If the ceiling is under significant tension, the plastic rail may bend, even to the point of breaking it;
  • The profile material is not always of high quality.

Based on the information presented, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the described profiles, you need to make your rational choice.

The price of materials is perhaps the decisive factor in the age of budget renovations.

And only after weighing all the pros and cons, you need to finally make your choice.

How to glue a baguette to a stretch ceiling (video)

And in conclusion, I would like to note the following. Stretch ceiling is one of the most common and aesthetic types of ceiling finishing. It is an excellent alternative to drywall. Of course, everyone wants to do high-quality repairs, and, with minimum costs. As you already understand, a significant role in this event is played by what material the baguettes will be used from. It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better, since this would not be entirely correct, because every material has its own advantages and some disadvantages. So, after consulting with craftsmen, sales consultants, and also soberly weighing your budget, you need to make your right choice. Good luck in arranging your home!

Baguette for suspended ceilings (photo)


It is no secret that when choosing a working assortment, almost all companies involved in the framing business, among other products, choose . After all, plastic baguette is an inexpensive alternative to wooden, optimal in terms of price and quality ratio, and resistant to high humidity And low temperatures. That is why, over the years of its existence, plastic baguette has taken its rightful place in the baguette market. The possibilities of its application are extremely wide. In most cases, plastic baguettes are economical analogues or copies of popular wooden baguette models.

In the assortment of the NeoArt company, plastic baguette occupies a worthy place, and its collection is constantly updated with new products. When choosing suppliers of plastic baguette, the Company pays Special attention not only design, but also its quality characteristics. Concern for the quality of work of clients using NeoArt products is also an integral part of the quality system operating in the Company. Therefore, NeoArt specialists have prepared a number of recommendations for fastening for framing workshops plastic frames. Advice from professionals is easily applicable in the work of any framing workshop and helps to avoid problems when fastening frames made of plastic framing.

  1. The surface of the cut of the frame shoulder, sawn on circular saw, before fastening it is necessary to clean off the influx of plastic.
  2. Before fastening the frame, it is advisable to coat the cut surface with glue for fastening the plastic.
  3. When fastening the frame, you must use staples for soft wood.
  4. When fastening the frame, it is recommended to use a clamp for soft wood.
  5. The pressure on the fastening machine should be set to 2 to 4 atmospheres.
  6. To avoid splitting of the baguette, it is necessary to install the fixation point for driving the staples no closer than 6-7 mm. from the outer edge of the baguette and 3-4 mm. from the inner edge of the frame (quarter).
  7. The selection of staples for fastening plastic depends on the profile of the baguette, its width and height. For proper fastening, it is necessary to select the height of the staple so that at the fastening point the staple (or set of staples) is at least 5 mm lower than the height of the baguette.
  8. Depending on the size of the frame and the width of the baguette, it is necessary to install required quantity staple driving points:
    • for baguette widths up to 1 cm – 1 fastening point;
    • for baguette widths up to 2 cm – 2 fastening points;
    • for baguette widths up to 3 cm – 3 fastening points;
    • with a baguette width up to 7 cm - from 3 to 5 fastening points;
    • with a baguette width over 7 cm, the number of fastening points can vary from 5 to required quantity for secure fastening.
  9. One of the fastening points must be the point of maximum height of the baguette.
  10. For more strong connection glued and fastened corners, the finished frame must stand for at least a day before inserting the design item into it.

Just as a chef's sauce can hide all the shortcomings when preparing a dish, so a baguette helps to hide all the shortcomings when finishing the ceiling and hanging wallpaper. In my opinion, the corners between the walls and the ceiling are a rather difficult place when doing putty and grout. A baguette allows you not to spend a lot of time and effort on this meticulous work.

Baguette gives a feeling of completion when finishing works. In addition, modern foam moldings are very light and durable when compared with moldings of the past made from plaster.

Actually, what they sell in stores called Baguette... professional builders is divided into ceiling plinth and the actual baguette.

What is the difference between a baguette and a ceiling plinth?

A baguette is usually called a foam mold containing decorative elements and having a stripe width of 5 cm or more. Narrower forms that do not have decorations are considered to be ceiling plinths.

However, for you and me, non-professionals, this special significance does not have. It’s just that this information may be useful to you if you suddenly come across such a division into ceiling plinth and baguette in a store.

Here in the article I will call both a baguette.

Baguette can be angular, that is, glued in the corners between the walls and the ceiling, and straight, glued on the wall.

A straight baguette can be attached directly to the ceiling level, or you can stick it slightly below the ceiling line - with an indentation of 5-10 cm or more. This indentation may be useful in cases where the ceiling line at the junction with the wall is not very smooth. This occurs in private houses and apartments where the floor slabs are not in the same plane.

How to attach a baguette or ceiling plinth to the ceiling and walls?

I’ll say right away: it’s very easy to attach a baguette, since due to its low mass it easily stays in place after gluing, especially if the wall and ceiling are perfectly coordinated, that is, even.

How to attach a baguette to the ceiling and walls?

The amount of glue applied should be such that when the baguette is pressed tightly against the wall and ceiling during gluing, a small part of the glue protrudes out. Exposed glue should be wiped off immediately with a damp cloth.

In general, when working with foam baguette you need to be careful. In the sense that the hands of the person who attaches the baguette to the ceiling and walls must be clean so as not to leave any stains on the baguette while working with it. The glue is easily removed with a damp cloth.

If the glue has managed to dry out a little, then you can wash it off with the same damp cloth, but soaked in warm water with added soap.

Personally, when gluing the baguette, I use a damp cloth - I run it over the baguette not with my fingers, but with the cloth. A damp cloth glides well over the baguette and leaves no marks.

An important point is the corners of the walls.

The baguette strip, which is attached from the corner, should have a cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

If the cut is made correctly on both strips joining in the corner, the joint should be almost invisible. If there is an error and the joint is very noticeable, you can subsequently putty it, for example, with acrylic putty or satengypsum.

The joints between the strips of baguette are also coated liquid nails to level the gap.

However, attaching a baguette with liquid nails is not the only and not the most cheap way gluing the baguette. It is much cheaper and personally more convenient for me to attach the molding to the walls and ceiling using satengypsum.

Satengypsum is applied in exactly the same way along the entire length of the baguette as liquid nails. The satin that has come out from under the baguette is removed with a dry or damp cloth. Fastening a baguette with satengypsum, in my opinion, works even better than with liquid nails.

After gluing, the baguette can be painted in any color, giving it the tone of the ceiling, if the ceiling is not painted white.